Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Utah
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Utah Staff Member

Dr. Thomas C. Edwards

Thomas Edwards after a pleasant day telemarking in the Utah back country.

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (435) 797 - 2529
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website



  • Ph D University of Florida 1987
  • MS University of New Mexico 1983
  • BS Humboldt State University 1980


He currently is a Research Scientist with the USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Professor in the Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University. . Dr. Edwards' current research interests include bioregional conservation planning, and the development of methods for assessing and monitoring biological diversity at large landscape scales. These efforts include (i) a European-based effort of the joint effects of climate and land change on biodieveristy in western Europe, (ii) climate change effects on conifers of western North America, and (iii) impacts of urban disturbance fronts in regions of high urban growth and development. . Dr. Edwards teaches graduate level classes in The Design and Analysis of Ecological Research, and Topics in Spatial Ecology. He also teaches two NCTC courses, Species Distribution Models Using R (#CSP4220), and Ensemble Modelling Approaches: Extending Species Distribution Models to Forecast Environments (#CSP4240).

Research Publications Publication Date
Zimmermann, N.E., T.C. Edwards, Jr., C.H. Graham, P.B. Pearman and J-C Svenning. 2010. New trends in species distribution modelling. Ecography 33:985-989. December 2010
Zimmermann, N. E., R. A. Washington-Allen, R. D. Ramsey, M. E. Schaepman, L. Mathys, B. K�tz, M. Kneubuehler, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2007. Modern remote sensing for environmental monitoring of landscape states and trajectories. Pages 65-91 in F. Kienast, O. Wildi, and S. Ghosh, editors. A changing world: challenges for landscape research. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. September 2007
Zimmermann, N. E., Moisen, G. G., Edwards, T. C., Jr., Frescino, T. S., and J. A. Blackard. 2007. Testing the partial contributions of remotely-sensed and topo-climatic predictors for tree species modelling in Utah. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:1057-1067. September 2007
Zimmerman, N. E., N. G. Yoccoz, T. C. Edwards, Jr., E. S. Meier, W. Thuiller, A. Guisan, D. R. Schmatz, and P. B. Pearman. 2009. Do climatic extremes explain tree species spatial patterns at a regional scale? Proceedings of tha National Academy of Sciences 106:19723-19728. November 2009
Zarnetske, P. L., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. Modeling forest bird species likelihood of occurrence in utah with FIA and LANDFIRE map prodcuts and ecologically-based pseudo-absence points. Pages 291-306 in Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, Portland, Maine, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, and P. C. Van Deusen, Editors. General Technical Report WO-77, USDA Forest Service, Washington, D. C., USA. October 2007
Zarnetske, P. L., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. 2007. Habitat classification modelling with incomplete data: pushing the habitat envelope. Ecological Applications 17:1714-1726. September 2007
Zarnetske, P. L., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. 2007. Modeling forest bird species’ likelihood of occurrence in utah with forest inventory and analysis and landfire map products and ecologically based pseudo-absence points. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report WO-77:291-305. July 2007
Wilson,T. L., J. B. Odei, M. B. Hooten, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2010. Hierarchical spatial models for predicting pygmy rabbit distribution and abundance. Journal of Applied Ecology 47:401-409. April 2010
Wilson, T.L., A.P. Rayburn, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2012. Spatial ecology of refuge selection by an herbivore under risk of predation. Ecosphere 3:art6. January 2012
Wilson, T. L., F. P. Howe, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2011. Effects of sagebrush treatments on multi-scale resource selection by pygmy rabbits. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:393-398. February 2011
Thuiller, W, T. Münkemüller, K. H. Schiffers1, S. Dullinger, V.E. Eckhart, T. C. Edwards, Jr., D Gravel, G. Kunstler, C. Merrow, K.M. O’Leary, N. E. Zimmermann, D. Zurell, and F. Schurr. 2015. Does probability of occurrence relate to population dynamics? Ecography 37:1155-1166. January 2015
Stoner, D.C., J.O. Sexton, H.H. Bernales, J.R. Nagol, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2016. Productivity of a mountain ungulate tracks phenological variability over a latitudinal gradient. PLoS One 11(2): e0148780. May 2016
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, D. M. Choatec, J. Nagolb, H. H. Bernalesd, S. A. Simsa, K. E. Ironsidee, K. M. Longshoref, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2018. Climatically driven changes in primary production propagate through trophic levels. Global Change Biology. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.14364 July 2018
Sofaer, Helen R., C. S. Jarnevich, I. S. Pearse, R. Lyons Smyth, S. Auer, G. L. Cook, T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. F. Guala, T. G. Howard, J. T. Morisette, and H. Hamilton. 2019. The development and delivery of species distribution models to inform decision-making. BioScience 69:544–557. September 2019
Schultz, R. J., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, and T. S. Frescino. 2005. Development and validation of spatially explicit habitat models for cavity-nesting birds in Fishlake National Forest, Utah. Pages 241-249 in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, New Orlean, Louisiana, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski, Editor. General Technical Report NC-252, North Central Research Station, USDAForest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. December 2005
Schultz, R. J., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, and T. S. Frescino. 2005. Development and validation of spatially explicit habitat models for cavity-nesting birds in Fishlake National Forest, Utah. Pages 241-249 in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, New Orlean, Louisiana, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski, Editor. General Technical Report NC-252, North Central Research Station, USDAForest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. October 2005
Ripplinger, J., J. Franklin, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2015. Legacies of managed disturbance leave semi-arid plant communities with reduced resilience and altered composition. Journal of Vegetation Science 26:923-933. July 2016
Neupane, R.C., J.A. Powell, and T.C. Edwards. 2021. Connecting regional-scale tree distribution models with seed dispersal kernels. Applied Mathematics and Computation. August 2021
Nagol, J. R., J. O. Sexton1, A. Anand, R. Sahajpal, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2017. Extraction of end-member phenology by spectral unmixing. International Journal of Digital Earth. DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2017.1319975 May 2017
Moisen, G. G., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 1999. Use of generalized linear models and digital data in a forest inventory of northern Utah. Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmetal Statistics 4:164-182. November 1999
Moisen, G. G., D. R. Cutler, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 1999. Genralized linearmixed models for analysizing error in a satellite-based vegation map of Utah. Pages 37-44 in H. T. Mowrer and R. G. Congalton, Editors. Quantifying spatial unceratinty in natural resorces. Theory and applications for GIS and remote sensing, Ann Arbor Press, Chelsea, Michigan, USA. November 1999
Moisen G. G., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and P. E. Osborne. 2006. Further advances in predicting species distributions. Ecological Modelling 199:129-131 September 2007
Moisen G. G., E. A. Freeman, J. A. Blackard, T. S. Frescino, N. E. Zimmermann, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Moisen G. G., E. A. Freeman, J. A. Blackard, T. S. Frescino, N. E. Zimmermann, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2006. Predicting tree species presence and basal area in Utah: a comparison of stochastic gradient boosting, generalized additive models, and tree-based methods. Ecological Modelling 199:176-187. September 2007
Merow, C., M J. Smith, W. Thuiller, N. E. Zimmermann, T. C. Edwards, Jr., A. Guisan, S. Normand, R. Wüest, and J. Elith. 2015. What do we gain from simplicity versus complexity in species distribution models? Ecography 37:1267-1281. January 2016
Meier, E. S., T C. Edwards Jr, F. Kienast, M. Dobbertin, and N. E. Zimmermann. 2011. Co-occurrence patterns of trees along macro-climatic gradients and their potential influence on the present and future distribution of Fagus sylvatica L. Journal of Biogeography 38:371-382. February 2011
Lawler, J. J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2006. A variance-decomposition approach to investigating multi-scale habitat associations. Condor 108:47-58. June 2006
Lawler, J. J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2002. Landscape patterns as predictors of nesting habitat: a test using four species of cavity-nesting birds. Landscape Ecology 17:233-245. September 2002
Lawler, J. J., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2002. Composition of cavity-nesting bird communities in montane aspen woodland fragments: the roles of landscape context and forest structure. Condor 104:890-896. January 2003
Kienast Felix, Gosteli Selina, Edwards, Thomas C., Jr., Martius Gregor. Lessons learned from the first worldwide accessible e-learning in Landscape Ecology. Published, Landscape Online 83 October 2020
Ironside, K.E, D. Mattson, D. Choate, D. Stoner, T. Arundel, J. Hansen, T. Theimer, B. Holton, B. Jansen, J.O. Sexton, K. Longshore, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2017. Variable Terrestrial GPS Telemetry Detection Rates: Addressing the Probability of Successful Acquisitions. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:329-341. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.758 May 2017
Ironside, K. E., D. J. Mattson, T. Theimer, B. Jansen, B. Holton, T. Arundel, M. Peters, J. O. Sexton, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2017. Quantifying animal movement for caching foragers: The path identification index (PII) and cougars, Puma concolor. Movement Ecology 5:24. DOI 10.1186/s40462-017-0115-z November 2017
Ironside, K. E,. D. J. Mattson, T. Arundel1, Tad Theimer, B. Holton, M. Peters, T. C. Edwards, Jr., and J. Hansen. 2018. Geomorphometry in Landscape Ecology: Issues of Scale, Physiography, and Application. Environment and Ecology Research 6(5): 397-412. DOI: 10.13189/eer.2018.060501 May 2018
Hunter, L. M., M. de J. Gonzalez, R. E. Toth, T. C. Edwards, Jr., and R. J, Lilieholm. 2003. Population and development in the California Mojave Desert: natural habitat implications of alternative futures. Population Research and Policy Review 22:373-397. December 2003
Guisan, A., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and T. Hastie. 2002. Generalized regression modeling in ecological research: setting the scene. Ecological Modelling 157:89-100. January 2003
Guisan, A., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and T. Hastie, Guest Editors. 2002. Advances in GLM/GAM modelling: from species' distribution to environmental management. Ecological Modelling (Special Issue) 157:89-341. January 2003
Goeking, S. A, Izlar, D. K., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. A landscape-level assessment of whitebark pine regeneration in the Rocky Mountains, USA. In revision, Forest Science. August 2018
Frescino, T. S., T. C. Edwards, Jr., and G. G. Moisen. 2001. Modelling spatially explicit forest structural variables using generalized additive models. Journal of Vegetation Science 12:15-26. June 2001
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and R. J. Schultz. 2005. The application of FIA-based data to wildlife habitat modelling: a comparative study. Pages 7-11 in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski, Editor. General Technical Report NC-252, North Central Research Station, USDAForest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. December 2005
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and R. J. Schultz. 2005. The application of FIA-based data to wildlife habitat modelling: a comparative study. Pages 7-11 in Proceedings of the Fourth Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, R. E. McRoberts, G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Deusen, W. H. McWilliams, and C. J. Cieszewski, Editor. General Technical Report NC-252, North Central Research Station, USDAForest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. October 2005
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and R. J. Schultz. 2004. The application of FIA-based data to wildlife habitat modelling: a comparative study. Proceedings of the 2002 FIA Science Symposium, New Orlean, Louisiana, USA. August 2003
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and J. J. Lawler. 2004. Use of Forest Inventory and Analysis information in wildlife habitat modelling: a process for linking multiple scales. Pages 188-194 in McRoberts, R. E., G. A. Reams, P. C. Van Duesen, and J. W. Moser, Editors. Proceedings of the Third Annual Forest Inventory and Analysis Symposium, General Technical Report NC-230, North Central Research Station, USDA Forest Service, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. December 2004
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and J. J. Lawler. 2002. Use of Forest Inventory and Analysis information in wildlife habitat modelling: a process for linking multiple scales. Proceedings of the 2001 FIA Science Symposium, Traverse City, Michigan, USA. September 2002
Edwards, T. C., Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. S. Frescino, and J. J. Lawler. 2002. Linking multiple ecological scales for wildlife conservation modelling: the key to a successful transition from landscape theory to practice. In press, Pages 153-172 in J. A. Bissonette and I. Storch, editors. Landscape ecology and resource management: making the linkages. Island Press, Covelo, Californai, USA. September 2002
Edwards, T. C., Jr., D. R. Cutler, N. E. Zimmermann, L. Geiser, and G. G. Moisen. 2006. Effects of underlying sample survey designs on the utility of classification tree models in ecology. Ecological Modelling 199:132-141. September 2007
Edwards, T. C., Jr., Cutler, R., N. E. Zimmermann, L. Geiser, and J. Alegria. 2005. Model-based stratifications for enhancing the detection of rare ecological events. Ecology 86:1081-1090 (Invited paper in special topics issue: The Statistics of Rare Species) September 2004
Edwards, T. C., Jr., Cutler, R., L. Geiser, J. Alegria, and D. McKenzie. 2004. Assessing rarity and seral stage association of species with low detectability: lichens in western Oregon and Washington forests. Ecological Applications 14:414-424. April 2004
Edwards, T. C., Jr. 2004. A monumental leap forward in species-occurrence modelling. Book review of: Scott, J. M., P. J. Heglund, M. L. Morrison, J. B. Haufler, M. G. Raphael, W. A. Wall, and F. B. Samson, editors. 2002. Predicting species occurrence: issues of accuracy and scale. Island Press, Covello, California, USA. Conservation Biology 18:855-857. July 2004
Cutler, R., T. C. Edwards, Jr., J. Alegria, and D. McKenzie. 2002. A sample design framework for Survey and Manage species under the Northwest Forest Plan. Proceedings of the Section on Statistics and Environment, 2001 Joint Statistical Meeting, American Statistical Association, Alexandria, Virginia, USA. January 2003
Cutler, D. R., Edwards, T. C., Jr., Beard, K. H., Cutler, A., Hess, K. T., Gibson, J., and J. J. Lawler. Random Forests for classification in ecology. Ecology 88:2783-2792. October 2007
Busch, G., R. J. Lilieholm, R. E. Toth, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2005. Alternative future growth scenarios for Utah's Wasatch Front: assessing the impacts of development on the loss of prime agricultural lands. Transactions on Ecology & the Environment 80:247-256. September 2005
Brungard, C.W., J.L. Boettinger, M.C. Duniway, S.A. Wills, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. 2015. Machine learning for predicting soil classes in three semi-arid landscapes. Geoderma 239:68-83. DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2014.09.019 April 2016
Bolliger, J., T. C. Edwards, Jr., S. Eggenberg, S. Ismail, I. Seidl, and F. Kienast. 2011. Dry grassland meadows of high conservation priority: balancing forest regeneration probabilities and maintenance costs. Conservation Biology 25:567-576. October 2011
Bassett, S. D., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2003. Effect of different sampling schemes on the spatial placement of conservation reserves in Utah, USA. Biological Conservation 113:141-151. August 2003
Albert, C. H., N. G. Yoccoz, T. C. Edwards, Jr., C. H. Graham, N. E. Zimmermann, and W. Thuiller. 2010. Sampling in ecology and evolution – bridging the gap between theory and practice. Ecography 33:1028-1037. December 2010
Project Completion Date
Survey for Sensitive Species in Utah August 2017
Habitat Modeling of Rare Plants Species on the Colorado Plateau February 2014
Utah Natural Heritage Program June 2016
Extension Education and Decision Support for Southern Rockies Landscape Conservation Cooperative and Colorado Plateau Rapid Ecoregional Assessment December 2014
Spatial Responses of Gunnison Sage-Grouse to Climate and Land-Use Change in the Colorado Plateau December 2014
Integrated resource assessment, inventory and monitoring of wildlife responses to manipulation of the shrubsteppe enviroment June 2011
Effects of projected climate change on distribution patterns of Western North America conifers September 2012
Sustainable communities and landscape designs. June 2013
Identification of landscape-level stressors in the upper Colorado River ecosystem December 2009
NSF: Unifying mathematical and statistical approaches for modeling animal movement and resource selection July 2020
RWO 70 - Research, Education, and Training in the Proper Application of Species Distribution and Habitat Models to the Management and Conservation of Plant and Animal Species September 2022
DWR: Developing Distribution Models for Select Wildlife Species in Utah June 2021
DWR: Weather & primary productivity Mediated Effects on Mule-Deer.. December 2016
DWR: Flower's Beardtongue Species Distribution Model June 2016
DWR: Utah Threatened and Endangered Plant Inventory June 2017
RWO 67 - Habitat Modeling of Rare Plant Species in the Inter... June 2021
BLM: Utah Geospatial Data Layers and Web Interface for Satellite Monitoring of Wildlife Habitat in Utah September 2021
FS: Uinta-Wasatch Cache Rare Plants April 2020
Presentations Presentation Date
Wilson, T. L., and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Evaluating habitat use and connectivity using occupancy and density indices. Poster presented at the 2007 US International Association of Landscape Ecology, Tucson, Arizona, USA. April 2007
Stoner, D.C., J.O. Sexton, A. Sims, H. Bernales, J. Nagol, D.J. Mattson, K.E. Ironside, K. Longshore, D.M. Choate, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Weather, plants, and large mammals: satellite observations of vegetation phenology inform wildlife management in the Intermountain West. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah, 3/19/15. March 2015
Stoner, D., and T.C. Edwards. Predation-forage trade-offs in anthropogenic landscapes: behavioral response of an obligate carnivore to human activities. Invited paper, 4th North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Toronto, ON, Canada, 7/25/2018. July 2018
Stoner, D., and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Using remotely sensed indices of primary productivity to evaluate large mammal abundance and movement in the arid Southwestern United States. Invited paper, Forty-sixth Annual Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, 12/10/13. December 2013
Stoner, D. T. C. Edwards, Jr., J. O. Sexton, J. Nagol, and H. Bernales. Ungulate reproduction and plant phenology on the Colorado Plateau. Offered paper, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, St. George, UT, 3/20/14. March 2014
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, J. Nagol, K. E. Ironside, D. M. Choate, K. M. Longshore, D. J. Mattson, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Ecosystem Responses to Plant Phenology across Scales and Trophic Levels. Invited paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, 12/15/15. December 2015
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, J. Nagol, K. E. Ironside, D. M. Choate, K. M. Longshore, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Coupling mammalian demography to climate through satellite time series of plant phenology. Invited paper, AGU Fall Meeting 2016, San Francisco, CA, 12/12/2016. December 2016
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, J. Nagol, H. H. Bernales, S. A. Sims, K. E. Ironside, K. Longshore, D. M. Choate, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Ecosystem responses to plant phenology across scales and trophic levels. Offered poster, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/2016. March 2016
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, D. M. Choate, J. Nagol, S. A. Sims, H. H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Shannon, D. J. Mattson, K. E. Ironside, K. Longshore, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Mule deer abundance, cougar home range size, and predator-prey density across a productivity gradient. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/2016. March 2016
Stoner, D. C., J. O. Sexton, D. M. Choate, J. Nagol, S. A. Sims, H. H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Shannon, D. J. Mattson, K. E. Ironside, K. Longshore, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Mule deer abundance, cougar home range size, and predator-prey density across a productivity gradient. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/2016. March 2016
Stoner, D, J. O. Sexton, H. H. Bernales, J. Nagol, D. M. Choate, K. E. Ironside, K. M. Longshore, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. A statewide evaluation of mule deer abundance, cougar home range size, and predator-prey density. Presented paper, 2017 Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Bryce Canyon, Utah, 4/22/2017. April 2017
Sims, S.A., D. Stoner, T.C. Edwards, Jr., J. Nagol, J.O. Sexton, K.E. Ironside, D.J. Mattson, D.M. Choate, and K. Longshore. Mountain lion (Puma concolor) home-range size and the normalized difference vegetation index: using a landscape productivity index as a surrogate for prey density. Offered paper, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/20/14. March 2014
Sims, S.A., D. Stoner, H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Nagol, J.O. Sexton, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Modeling the relationship between mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus) population dynamics and primary productivity. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah, 3/19/15. March 2015
Sims, S.A, D. Stoner, D. Koons, H. Bernales, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Short-term forecasting of mule deer survival: an adaptive modelling process. Presented paper, 2017 Utah Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Bryce Canyon, Utah, 4/22/2017. April 2017
Sims, S.A, D. Stoner, D. Koons, H. Bernales, and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Adaptive modelling: a process for short-term forecasting of mule deer survival. Presented paper, Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 12th Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop, Sun Valley, Idaho, 5/2/2017. May 2017
Sims, S. A., D. Koons, D. Stoner, H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Nagol, J. O. Sexton, T. C. Edwards, Jr. Estimating mule deer demographic dynamics within Utah using an integrated modeling framework. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/16. March 2016
Sims, S. A., D. Koons, D. Stoner, H. Bernales, K. Hersey, J. Nagol, J. O. Sexton, T. C. Edwards, Jr. Estimating mule deer demographic dynamics within Utah using an integrated modeling framework. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. George, Utah, 3/23/16. March 2016
Machado, N.J., T.C Edwards, Jr., J. Gibson, and M.S. Biudes. Assessing the efficiency of a protected area system in a Neotropical region using species distribution modeling. Invited paper, 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, OR, 7/7/15. July 2015
Kleinhesselink, A., A. Compagnoni, J.B. Koch, L. Long, T.C. Edwards, Jr., and P.B. Adler. Who will manage sagebrush habitats in a future of rapid climate change? Invited paper, 68th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, Sacramento, CA 31/01/2015. January 2015
Kienast, F., and T. C. Edwards. An e-learning (MOOC) that will survive Covid-19. Offered paper, International Association for Landscape Ecology, North American Chapter, Virtual Online Annual Meeting, 4/13/2021. April 2021
Ironside, K.E., D. Mattson, D. Choate, D. Stoner, T. Arundel, J. Hansen, T. Theimer, B. Holton, B. Jansen, J. Sexton, K. Longshore, T. Edwards, Jr, and M. Peters. Offered poster, GPS telemetry: probability of fix acquisition. 2015 ESRI User Conference (UC), San Diego, California, 7/22/2015. July 2015
Hersey, K, R. T. Larsen, B. R. McMillan, C.D. Jones, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Cause-specific mortality in mule deer: Influence of nutritional condition and age. Offered presentation, 2020 ESA Annual Meeting (Virtual). August 2020
Guttery, M.R., and T.C. Edwards, Jr. Landscape conservation planning: identification of watersheds with high conservation potential across Utah and the Colorado Plateau Ecoregion. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah, 3/19/15. March 2015
Gibson, J. R., T. C. Edwards, Jr., G. G. Moisen, T. Frescino, A. Psomos, and N. E. Zimmermann. Contraction and expansion zones in western North America piñon-juniper woodlands under projected 21st century climate change. Offered paper, 8th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society, Tucson, AZ, 1/10/2017. January 2017
Gibson, J. R., G. G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. Distribution shifts of coniferous forests in the Colorado plateau under projected 21st century climate change. Offered paper, 2014 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Anchorage, Alaska, 5/19/2014. May 2014
Edwards, T.C., Jr., and R.D. Fitts. Rare plant community composition and distribution modelling: assessing landscape-scale risk from non-renewable energy development. Presented paper, US-IALE 2018 Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, 4/11/2018. April 2018
Edwards, T.C., Jr., D.C. Stoner, J.O. Sexton, H.H. Bernales, and J.R. Nagol. Productivity of mule deer tracks phenological variability over a latitudinal gradient. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Moab, Utah, 3/19/15. March 2015
Edwards, T.C., Jr., D.C. Stoner, J.O. Sexton, H.H. Bernales, and J.R. Nagol. Productivity of mule deer tracks phenological variability over a latitudinal gradient. Offered paper, 2015 Annual Meeting of the The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 10/19/15. October 2015
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Education and training in the proper development and application of species and habitat distribution models in management and conservation: overview of prpsoed courses. 84th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources,, AFWA Science and Policy Working Group, Denver, CO, 3/6/2019 (INVITED) March 2019
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Education and training in the proper development and application of species and habitat distribution models in management and conservation: accomplishments CY2019. Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 2019 Annual Metting, Threatened and Endangered Species, St. Paul, MN, 9/24/2019 (INVITED) September 2019
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Constructing realistic species distribution and habitat modelling map products: an education and training program for biologists. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 2, San Antonio, TX 10/8/2019 (INVITED) October 2019
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Bridging the gap between researchers, planners and decision-makers for improving species conservation decision-making. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology 2019 Annual Meeting, Ft. Collin, CO, 4/8/2019 (SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZER: 15 speakers) April 2019
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Bridging the gap between researchers, planners and decision-makers for improving species conservation decision-making across landscapes: lessons from a region biologically rich and heavy in resource extraction. International Association for Landscape Ecology 2019 World Congress, Milan, Italy, 7/2/2019 (INVITED) July 2019
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Assessing decision-risk in range maps and distribution models for use in conservation and management. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 6, Denver, CO, 3/5/2019 (INVITED) March 2019
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Assessing decision-risk in range maps and distribution models for use in conservation and management. 84th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources, AFWA Threatened and Endangered Species, Denver, CO, 3/8/2019 (INVITED) March 2019
Edwards, T.C., Jr. All for Data Access, Data Access for All!: a discourse on how restricted access to data negatively affects fisheries and wildlife management, 2019 Joint AFS/TWS Meeting, Reno, NV, 9/24/2019 (SYMPOSIUM ORGANIZER: 16 speakers) October 2019
Edwards, T.C., Jr. <b>Constructing Realistic Species Distribution and Habitat Modelling (SDHM) Map Products: Challenges and Opportunities</b>. Invited USGS (seminar), EMA Friday USGS Findings Webinar Series, June 5, 2020. June 2020
Edwards, T.C., Jr. Using plant community composition as a means of assessing biodiversity risk to climate change. Presented paper, International Biogeographical Society Meeting, Climate Change Biogeography, Evora, Portugal, 3/22/2018. March 2018
Edwards, T.C., Jr, J. Gibson, G.G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and N.E. Zimmermann. Expansion and contraction tension zones in western US piñon-juniper woodlands under projected climate change. Offered paper, 6th Biennial Meeting of the International Biogeography Society, Miami, Florida, 1/10/2013. January 2013
Edwards, T.C., Jr, J. Gibson, G.G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and N.E. Zimmermann. Expansion and contraction tension zones in western US piñon-juniper woodlands under projected climate change. April 2013
Edwards, T.C., Jr, J. Gibson, G.G. Moisen, T.S. Frescino, and N.E. Zimmermann. Differential life stage niche modelling: can we construct species fitness landscapes from species distribution models? Offered paper, 2014 Meeting of the U.S. Chapter of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Anchorage, Alaska, 5/19/2014. May 2014
Edwards, T.C. Jr., R.W. Hergert, R. D. Fitts, and F. Kienast. An optimization approach to assessing landscape-scale energy development effects on rare plant species in the Colorado Plateau of western North America. Invited paper, 9th International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, Portland, OR, 7/7/15. July 2015
Edwards, T.C. Jr., J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. Selecting optimal watersheds for restoration efforts in the Colorado Plateau of western North America given economies of energy development. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting U.S. Chapter of the Association of Landscape Ecology, Asheville, NC, 4/5/16. April 2016
Edwards, T.C. Jr., J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. Selecting optimal watersheds for restoration efforts in the Colorado Plateau of western North America given economies of energy development. Offered paper, 2016 Annual Meeting U.S. Chapter of the Association of Landscape Ecology, Asheville, NC, 3/5/16. April 2016
Edwards, T. C. Jr., R. D. Fitts, C. Keleher, C. Bailey, J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. Rare plants conservation and non-renewable energy development in the Colorado Plateau of western North America: can landscape–scale models actually help? Presented paper, 2017 Annual Meeting U.S. Chapter of the Association of Landscape Ecology, Baltimore, MD, 4/10/2017. April 2017
Edwards, T. C. Jr., R. D. Fitts, C. Keleher, C. Bailey, J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. Can landscape-scale models be applied to resolving rare plants conservation and energy conflicts in the Colorado Plateau region of western North America? Invited paper, 2017 Meeting of the Association of Landscape Ecology - Europe, Gent, Belgium, 9/15/2017. September 2017
Edwards, T. C. Jr., R. D. Fitts, C. Keleher, C. Bailey, J. R. Gibson, and E. Hammill. An optimization approach to assessing landscape-scale energy development effects on rare plant species in the Colorado Plateau of western North America. Invited paper, 82nd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Spokane, WA, 3/6/2017. March 2017
Edwards, Jr., T. C., Jr., J. R. Gibson, G. G. Moisen, T. Frescino, A. Psomos, and N. E. Zimmermann. Contraction and expansion zones in western North America piñon-juniper woodlands under projected 21st century climate change. Offered paper, 8th Biennial Conference of the International Biogeography Society, Tucson, AZ, 1/10/2017. January 2017
D. Stoner, D., D. Dahlgren, J. Sexton, M. Kohl, R. Larson, N. Frey, T. Edwards, and T. Messmer. Using satellite-derived estimates of plant phenology to map sage grouse nesting dates across a climatological gradient. Utah Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Vernal, UT, 3/22/2018. March 2018
Technical Publications Publication Date
Toth, R.E., T. C. Edwards, Jr., A. L. Perschon, and D. C. White. 2010. Bear River Watershed: its role in maintaining the Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge. Final Project Report No. 2010-1, U.S. Geological Survey, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah 84322-5290. January 2010
Toth, R. E., T. C. Edwards, Jr., R. J. Lilieholm, and L. M. Hunter. 2002. The development of alternative future growth scenarios for the California Mojave Desert. Final Project Report No. 2002-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. June 2002
Toth, R. E., T. C. Edwards, Jr., R. J. Lilieholm, D. A. Bell, and E. R. Buteau. 2002. Alternative Futures for Utah's Wasatch Front: bioregional planning for the maintenance and conservation of open space. Final Project Report No. 2002-2, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. August 2002
Toth, R. E., Edwards, T. C., Jr., B. Crabb, J. Gibson, L. Hurst, N. Kenczka, L. Vander Wal, A. Kjar, and E. L. McGinty. 2008. Upper Colorado River Ecosystem: Alternative Futures Study Phase I. Project Report No. 2008-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. June 2008
MacMahon, J. A., R. E. Toth, J. L. Boettinger, G. Busch, T. C. Edwards, Jr., R. S. Krannich, A. Croft, B. Jennings, and E. Leydsman. Upper Las Vegas Wash Conservation Transfer Area: A system to develop alternatve scenarios. Final Project Report No. 2009-2, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. June 2009
Hurst, L. A., R. E. Toth, T. C. Edwards, Jr.. 2009. Alternative Futures 2030: Ogden Vallye, Utah. Final Project Report No. 2009-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. June 2009
Frescino, T. S., G. G. Moisen, and T. C. Edwards, Jr. 2000. Development and use of Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) map products. In Remote Sensing and Geospatial Technologies for the New Millennium: Proceedings of the 8th Biennial Remote Sensing Applications Conference, CD-ROM, Mira CD-ROM Publishing, August 2000
Edwards, T. C., Jr., and P. L. Zarnetske. 2006. Habitat modelling of management indicator species on forest lands in the Intermountain West: a role for the Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis data. Final Project Report No. 2006-5, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. October 2006
Edwards, T. C., Jr., and D. R. Cutler. 2003. Abundance and association analyses of survey and manage bryophyte data from the pilot random grid surveys. Final Project Report No. 2003-2, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. August 2003
Edwards, T. C., Jr., R. E. Toth, R. J. Lilieholm, D. A. Bell, and E. R. Buteau. 2004. Alternative future growth scenarios for conserving open space along Utah's Wasatch Front: a case study for the Mountainland Association of Governments. Final Project Report No. 2004-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. October 2004
Edwards, T. C., Jr., F. P. Howe, R. E. Norvell, T. L. Wilson, J. Ripplinger, and J. Gibson. Disturbance as a management tool: effects on selected wildlife species in Rich County, Utah. Final Project Report No. 2009-3, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. June 2009
Edwards, T. C., Jr., D. R. Cutler, K. H. Beard, and J. Gibson. 2007. Predicting invasive plant species occurrences in national parks: a process for prioritizing prevention. Final Project Report No. 2007-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 84322-5290 USA. October 2007
Edwards, T. C., Jr., Cutler, D. R., J. Alegria, L. Geiser, and D. McKenzie. 2001. Analysis techniques for survey and manage data: an illustrative example using the lichen air quality surveys. Technical Report No. 4, Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, Utah. September 2001
Cutler, D. R., T. C. Edwards, Jr., J. Alegria, D. McKenzie, and A. Cangelosi. 2003. Abundance and association analyses for the GOBIG2K mollusk and amphibian survey. Final Project Report No. 2003-1, USGS Utah Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Utah State University, Logan, UT 843232-5290 USA. August 2003
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
The Wildlife Society - Member Edwards January 1987 Present
Society for Conservation Biology - Member Edwards January 1987 Present
Other - Board member Edwards March 2018 March 2020
International Association for Landscape Ecology - Member Edwards January 2006 Present
International Association for Landscape Ecology - General-Secretary Edwards July 2009 March 2020
Ecological Society of America - Member Edwards January 1987 Present
Cooper Ornithological Society - Treasurer Edwards May 2003 June 2008
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member, Finance Committee Edwards December 2002 June 2003
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member Edwards January 1983 Present
American Statistical Association - Member Edwards January 2005 Present