Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Maine
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Maine Staff Member

Dr. Christina Murphy

Reservoir fieldwork after rain.

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (541) 505 - 1393
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website


  • Ph D Oregon State University 2019
  • MS Universitat de Girona 2011
  • BS Oregon State University 2008
  • BS Oregon State University 2008
  • BA Oregon State University 2008


Christina Murphy - Assistant Unit Leader, Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Originally hailing from Oregon, Dr. Murphy received her MSc from the University of Girona, Spain and her PhD from Oregon State University. She was a post-doctoral fellow at Oregon State University before joining the Maine Unit in late 2020. She holds a graduate faculty appointment as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology in the College of Natural Sciences, Forestry, and Agriculture at the University of Maine. Dr. Murphy prioritizes research with the potential to contribute to the information needs of natural resource managers. Her research interests are centered on top down and bottom up responses to disturbance, especially hydrological alteration. This includes evaluations of nutrient, light and habitat availability, phytoplankton, zooplankton, benthic insects, fish pathogens, food webs, and diverse fish assemblages. Current projects include, but are not limited to, understanding aquatic ecology in wetted forest lands, the role of introduced species in structuring aquatic food webs, and the influence of environmental flow regimes on ecological integrity. Dr. Murphy has taught Fish Ecology and Conservation and Bioenergetics and is currently teaching Base R.

Areas of Expertise

AI/Machine Learning, Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity, Disease/Parasites, Ecological Flows, Fisheries Management, Invasive Species, Managed Flows/Hydrology, Population and Community Ecology, Species Distribution Modeling, T&E Species Management, Water Quality, Wetland Ecology

Taxon Groups Studied

Anadromous Fishes, Freshwater Fishes, Invertebrates/Insects, Mussels, Salmonids, Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Research Publications Publication Date
Zatkos L., Murphy C.A., Pollock A., Penaluna B.E., Olivos J.A., Mowlds E., Moffitt C., Manning M., Linkem C., Holst L., Cárdenas B., and Arismendi I. 2020. AFS Roots: Dr. Emmeline Moore, All Things to All Fishes. Fisheries 45(8). DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10501 August 2020
Whitmore M., Murphy C.A., Johnson B. Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. 2017. Littoral benthic macroinvertebrate response to water-level fluctuations in three reservoirs of the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. River Research and Applications. DOI: 10.1002/rra.3150 September 2017
Pope, A.C., Kock, T.J., Perry, R.W., Cogliati, K.M., O'Malley, K.G., Murphy, C.A., Hance, D.J., Fielding, S.D. Using parentage based tagging to estimate survival of Chinook salmon fry in a large storage reservoir. Environmental Biology of Fishes. July 2024
Patrick. C.J., McGarvey D.J., Larson J.H, Cross W.F., Allen D.C., Benke A.C., Brey T., Huryn A.D., Jones J., Murphy C.A., Ruffing C., Saffarinia P., Whiles M.R., Wallace J.B. and Woodward G. 2019. Precipitation and temperature drive continental patterns in stream invertebrate production. Science Advances 5(4): eaav2348 DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.aav2348 April 2019
Murphy, C.A., Pollock, A.M.M., Strecker, A. and Johnson, S.L. (2022). Minimal diel vertical migration and consistent zooplankton capturability in low productivity reservoirs, Oregon. Journal of Plankton Research, [online] 45(1), pp.129–143. doi:
‌ | Abstract
November 2022
Murphy, C.A., Pollock, A.M.M., Arismendi, I. and Johnson, S.L. (2023). HABs and HAB nots: Dynamics of phytoplankton blooms across similar oligotrophic reservoirs. Limnologica, [online] p.126110. doi:
‌ | Publisher Website
November 2023
Murphy, C.A., Pollock, A.M., Johnson, S.L., and Arismendi, I. Linked foraging and bioenergetics modeling may inform fish parasite infection dynamics. Environmental Biology of Fishes | Abstract May 2023
Murphy, C.A., Gerth, W.G., Neal, T., Antonelli, K., Sanders, J.L., Williams T., Roennfeldt, R-L., Crowhurst, R., Arismendi, I. Evidence for infection influencing survival of the freshwater copepod Salmincola californiensis, a parasite of Pacific salmon and trout. | Publisher Website November 2023
Murphy C.A., Zatkos L., Antonelli K., Cárdenas B., Linkem C., Manning M., Olivos J.A., Pollock A., Penaluna B.E., and Arismendi I. 2020. AFS Roots: Mothers of Fishes. Fisheries 45(7): 369-376. DOI:10.1002/fsh.10485 July 2020
Murphy C.A., Taylor G., Piece T., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. 2019. Short-term reservoir draining for juvenile salmon passage and non-native fish removal. Ecohydrology. DOI: 10.1002/eco.2096 April 2019
Murphy C.A., Romer J.D., Arismendi I., Emig R., Monzyk F., Stertz K. and Johnson S.L. 2021. Damming Chinook Salmon fry: Evidence for predation by non-native warmwater fishes in in reservoirs. Ecosphere 12(9):03757. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.3757 September 2021
Murphy C.A., Lee C.S, Johnson B., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. 2019. GrowChinook: A Linked Foraging and Bioenergetics Model for Juvenile Chinook Salmon Rearing in Lakes and Reservoirs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77(3): 564-575. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2018-0420 September 2019
Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L., Gerth W., Pierce, T. and Taylor G. 2021. Unintended consequences of selective water withdrawal: Thermal restoration may restructure downstream macroinvertebrate communities. DOI: 10.1029/2020WR029169 | Abstract | Publisher Website June 2021
Murphy C.A., Grenouillet G. and García-Berthou E. 2015. Natural abiotic factors more than anthropogenic perturbation shape the invasion of Eastern Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). Freshwater Science 34(4): 965-974. DOI: 10.1086/681948 September 2015
Murphy C.A., Gerth W., Pauk K., Konstantinidis P. and Arismendi I. 2020. Hiding in plain sight: Historical fish collections aid contemporary parasite research. Fisheries 45(5): 263-270. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10411 May 2020
Murphy C.A., Gerth W., Neal T. and Arismendi I. 2022. A low-cost rigid plankton light trap design with specific wavelength LEDs and modifications for shallow and deep deployment. Neobiota. April 2022
Murphy C.A., Gerth W., Arismendi I. 2020. Hatching and survival of the salmon gill maggot Salmincola californiensis (Copepoda: Lernaeopodidae) reveals extreme thermal dependence and undocumented naupliar stage. Parasitology. DOI: 10.1017/S0031182020001109 October 2020
Murphy C.A., Evans A., Coffin B., Arismendi I. and Johnson S.L. 2019. Resilience of zooplankton communities in temperate reservoirs with extreme water level fluctuations. Inland Waters 10(2). DOI: 10.1080/20442041.2019.1657349 December 2019
Murphy C.A., Casals F., Solà C., Caiola N., de Sostoa A. and García-Berthou E. 2013. Efficacy of population size structure as a bioassessment tool in freshwaters. Ecological Indicators 34: 571-579. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2013.06.007 November 2013
Murphy C.A., Arismendi I., Taylor G.A., and Johnson S.L. 2019. Evidence for lasting alterations to aquatic food webs with short-duration reservoir draining. PLOS ONE 14(2): e0211870. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0211870 February 2019
Larson, M.S., A. Choudhury, E.N. Gardner, P. Konstantinidis, C.A. Murphy, M.L. Kent, J.T. Peterson, and C.E. Couch. 2024. Diet and Philonema oncorhynchi infections in reservoir-rearing juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society153(3): 312-325. | Abstract | Publisher Website May 2024
Hamilton S.L., Murphy C.A., Johnson S.L. and Pollock A. 2022. Water quality ramifications of temporary drawdown of Oregon reservoirs to facilitate juvenile Chinook salmon passage. | Publisher Website January 2022
Gerth, W.J., Murphy, C.A. and Arismendi, I. (2023). Caddisfly dives for oviposition: Record-shattering depths and poor life choices in a dammed river system. Freshwater Science, 42(1), pp.104–117. doi: January 2023
Gerth W., Li J., Van Driesche, R., Murphy C., Ganio L. and Skaugset A. 2022. Local and sub-basin effects of timber harvests on stream macroinvertebrates in Hinkle Creek watershed. | Publisher Website February 2022
Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Torres, P., Rodriguez, J.M., Murphy, C.A. 2025. Infection by the marine cestode Hepatoxylon trichiuri in returning Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) spawners in Patagonia: implications for a novel fishery. Fisheries Management and Ecology. January 2025
Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Olivos, J.A., Arismendi, I., Fabiano, G., Laporta, M., Silveira, S., González-Bergonzoni, I., Guido Pavez, Ernst, B., Ciancio, J.E., Harrod, C., Di, C.Y., Tomás Chalde, Murphy, C.A. and Gomez-Uchida, D. (2023). Contemporary distribution of non-native Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in South America. Biological Invasions, 25(9), pp.2727–2735. doi:
May 2023
Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Murphy, C.A., Whittum, K. and Zydlewski, J. (2024). Cleaner cuts: Farmed fish and skin-off fillets are lower in per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The Science of The Total Environment, 959, pp.178266–178266. doi: December 2024
Farrington, S.J., C. Murphy, D. Perkins, and A.H. Roy. In revision. Range-wide ecology, conservation, and research needs for the yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa). Hydrobiologia. February 2025
Eberhardt, E., Murphy, C.A., Gerth, W., Konstantinidis, P., and Arismendi, I. Documenting historical anchorworm parasitism of introduced warmwater fishes in the Willamette River Basin, Oregon. Northwest Science 97:2. June 2024
Dunham J., Arismendi I., Murphy C.A, Koeberle A., Olivos J.A., Pearson J., Pickens F., Roon D.A. and Stevenson J. 2020. What to do when invaders are out of control? WIRES Water 7(5). DOI:10.1002/wat2.1476 October 2020
Bae M-J., Murphy C.A. and García-Berthou E. 2018. Temperature and hydrologic alteration predict the spread of invasive Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides). Science of the Total Environment. 639:58-66 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.001 October 2018
Allen, D.C., Larson, J., Murphy, C.A., Garcia, E.A., Anderson, K.E., Busch, M.H. et al. (2024) Global patterns of allochthony in stream–riparian meta-ecosystems. Ecology Letters, 27, e14401. March 2024
Fedarick, Jillian

Figueroa, Guillermo

Hubbard, Kyle

Njuguna, Edwin

Schumacher, Glenn

Shafquat, Aurooba

Presentations Presentation Date
Weedop, D., Romer, J., Ziller, J. and Murphy, C.A. 2022. Are Mountain Whitefish sentinels of change? Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (virtual). March 2022
Weedop, D., Murphy, C.A. 2022. Community Interactions Within Acadia National Park’s Freshwater Food Webs. Poster presentation to the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Trophic ontogeny of an elusive fish through eye lens stable isotope analysis. Schumacher, G.T., Murphy, C.A., Furey, N.B., Kinnison, M.T., Kronisch, G.R., Erdman, B., Peebles, E.B. Presentation for the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawai'i. September 15-19, 2024. September 2024
Schumacher, G.T., Peebles, E.B., Kinnison, M.T., Furey, N.B., Kronisch, G.R., Murphy, C.A. 2025. Navigating a food web from planktivory to piscivory: variable trophic ontogeny in congeneric fish predators. Presentation at the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, May 18-22, San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 2025
Schumacher, G.T., Murphy, C.A., Furey, N.B., Kinnison, M.T., Can trophic flexibility mitigate shifting habitat and community structure for a climate-sensitive fish? Presentation to Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. June 2024
Pham, K., Murphy, C.A., Romer, J.D., Stertz, K.A. 2024. Freshwater CSI: Chinook Salmon life-history influences how diagnostic structures relate to fish length. Presentation to the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. June 2024
Njuguna, E., C. Murphy, C. Loftin, M. Hunter, D. Courtemanch, S. Horn, and P. Njoroge. 2022. Developing a Biotic Index for the Upper Tana Watershed, Kenya, using Community Science. Annual Meeting of the Association of Field Ornithologists, Plymouth, MA, 17-21 October. October 2022
Njuguna, E. Murphy, C.A., Loftin, C., Hunter, M., McGill, B., Courtemanch, D., Njoroge, P. 2024. Bridging community science and standardized bird-based biotic indices to advance watershed monitoring. Presentation to Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. June 2024
Njuguna, E, Murphy, CA, Loftin, C, Hunter, M, McGill, B, Courtemanch, D, Njoroge P. 2025. Navigating the Muddy Middle - Developing a Bird-Based Biotic Index for Watershed Assessment in Central Kenya. Presentation to the WATWS, SNVB and NW PARC 2025 Joint Annual Meeting, March 24-28. Tulalip, WA. March 2025
Murphy, C.A., Zydlewski, J. Gill maggots: helpful or headache? Presentation to the Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum. January 2023. Orono, Maine. January 2023
Murphy, C.A., Weedop, D., Schumacher, G., Zydlewski, J., Jackson. A. 2025. Breaking the glass ceiling: Evidence for American Eel elvers as an abundant seasonal resource pulse. Presentation at the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, May 18-22, San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 2025
Murphy, C.A., Olivos, J.A., Johnson, S.L., and Whiles, M.R. <b>Modelling aquatic ecosystems and food webs under global change, </b>Symposium Proposal for the 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, May 14-20 Grand Rapids Michigan May 2022
Murphy, C.A., Olivos, J.A., Arismendi, I., Bellmore, J.R., Johnson, S.L., Dunham, J., Garcia-Berthou, E. 2022. In the GRAND scheme of things: Contributions of barriers and flow alterations to global freshwater fish imperilment. Presentation at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Spokane, WA. August 2022
Murphy, C.A., Gerth, W., Wallick, J.R., White, J. 2024. Invertebrate Indicators of Environmental Flows in the Willamette Basin, Oregon. Presentation to the Society for Freshwater Sciences Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. June 2024
Murphy, C.A. and Arismendi I. Cruising faster than Usain Bolt. For submission as an EcoPic to Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. March 2022
Murphy, C.A. Understanding PFAS variability in fishes. Maine Sustainability & Water Conference. Augusta, ME. March 2024
Murphy, C.A. Phytoplankton to fish: An ecological exploration of reservoirs. Presentation to the Oregon Lakes Association Meeting. November 15, 2023. Corvallis, OR. November 2023
Murphy, C.A. 2021. Mothers of Fishes: Inspiration from the Past to the Future. <i>American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, </i>Baltimore, Maryland. November 2021
Murphy C.A., Antonelli K., Pollock A., Gerth W. and Arismendi I. (2021). Parasitic Copepodids in Upper Willamette River Reservoirs. Willamette Fisheries Science Review. <i>Virtual stakeholder meeting.</i> April 2021
Larson, M., Couch, C., Murphy, C.A., Diet and <i>Philonema</i> infections in reservoir-rearing juvenile Chinook Salmon (<i>Oncorhynchus tshawytscha</i>). To be presented at the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eugene, OR. March 2023
Kronisch, G.R., Furey, N.B., Kinnison, M.T., Murphy, C.A., Schumacher, G.T., Banister, T. (2024) Fine-scale Habitat Use by Landlocked Arctic Charr (Salvelinus alpinus) in a Maine, USA Lake. Presentation for OTN Symposium. Halifax, Nova Scotia. September 2024
Graygor, R, Murphy, CA, Jackson, A. Natural Logjams as Pathways for Terrestrial and Semi-Aquatic Wildlife Biodiversity on Purchase College Campus. Presentation to the Northeast Natural History Conference Annual Meeting. April 4-6, 2025. Springfield, MA. April 2025
Gerth, W., Murphy, C.A., and Arismendi, I. 2022. Caddisflies make mistakes in a dammed river system. Poster presentation to the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 2022
Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Murphy, C.A., Zydlewski, J. 2025. Effects of composite sample size on perfluorooctanesulfonate (PFOS) quantification in fish fillets. Presentation at the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, May 18-22, San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 2025
Figueroa-Muñoz, G., Murphy, C., and <b>Zydlewski, J.</b> (2024) Contrasting anadromous and landlocked Alewife interactions with lake food webs. The Atlantic Salmon Ecosystems Forum, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. January 9. January 2023
Figueroa, G., Murphy, C.A., Zydlewski, J. 2024. Understanding PFAS variability in fishes. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA. June 2024
Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., Roy, A., Smith, S. 2025. Mussel Memories: Public art as a form of scientific communication. Presentation to the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting, May 12-16, Ann Arbor, Michigan. May 2025
Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., Roy, A., Perkins, D. One Shell of a Home: Habitat Suitability for Yellow Lampmussel. Presentation to Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. April 21-24 2024, Cape Cod, MA. April 2024
Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., Roy, A., Perkins, D. 2024. Using museum collections to improve range wide modeling and conservation planning for at-risk mussel species. Presentation to the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. June 2024
Farrington, S.J., C. Murphy, D. Perkins, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Range-wide ecology, conservation, and research needs for Yellow Lampmussel. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Meeting, 15-17 February 2023, Plymouth, MA. February 2023
Eberhardt, E., Gerth, W.J., Murphy, C.A., Konstantinidis, P., Arismendi, I. 2022. Anchors Away! Understanding historical Anchorworm parasitism of introduced warmwater fishes in the Willamette Basin, Oregon. Presentation at Research Advances in Fisheries and Wildlife. Corvallis, OR. April 2022
Bredeweg, E., Arismendi, I., Murphy, C.A., Henkel, S. The dark underside of floating solar panels: Iterative runs of CE-QUAL-W2 models as an assessment tool for understanding the effects of floating photovoltaic arrays on reservoir limnology. Presentation to the Oregon Lakes Association Meeting. November 15, 2023. Corvallis, OR. November 2023
Benson, S., Murphy, C.A., Charney, N., Eggert, S., Fraver, S., Kenefic, L. 2024. Maine’s Secret Clam Flats: The Aquatic Diversity of Northern White-Cedar Forests. Presentation to the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. June 2024
Antonelli, K., Murphy, C.A., Pollock, A., Gerth, W., and Arismendi, I. 2022. Hunting tiny vampires: modeling the distribution of a salmonid ectoparasite in Willamette Valley Reservoirs. 2022 Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting (virtual). March 2022
Antonelli, K., Murphy, C.A., Pollock, A., Gerth, W., Arismendi, I. 2022. The (tiny) vampire diaries: exploring distribution, abundance, and in vitro development of the ectoparasite <i>Salmincola californiensis</i> in Willamette Valley Reservoirs. Presentation at the 61st Western Fish Disease Workshop. Hood River, Oregon. May 2022
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Society for Freshwater Science - Member Murphy April 2014 Present
Society for Freshwater Science - 2024 Coordinating Committee Murphy August 2022 Present
International Society of Limnology - Member Murphy June 2017 December 2023
Gilbert Ichthyological Society, Oregon State University - Member, former President, former Oregon Council Representative, former Secretary, former Vice-President Murphy September 2007 Present
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography - Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography member Murphy June 2017 Present
American Fisheries Society - Northeastern Division, Mid-Atlantic Chapter member, former vice-president Oregon Chapter Murphy September 2012 Present
American Association for the Advancement of Science - Member Murphy May 2017 December 2023