Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Maine
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Maine Project

Yellow Lampmussel Range-Wide Assessment and Conservation

July 2023 - April 2026


Participating Agencies

  • US Geological Survey Science Support Partnership

As with many freshwater mussels species, Yellow Lampmussel (YLM) monitoring, assessment, and conservation planning occurs primarily within states and provinces, with little interaction outside geographic boundaries. Informal comparisons across boundaries have revealed that YLM populations occur in a variety of habitats throughout its range. In some portions of their range they are found only in medium and large rivers; in others, they more commonly occur in lakes and ponds. YLM has been described as inhabiting a variety of substrates and flow conditions, with some studies suggesting a preference for riffles and strong currents and others locating YLM in slow currents around sandbars. The presence of YLM in varied habitat types across its range suggests that populations may be impacted by different stressors and different approaches may be needed for conservation. Although recent YLM surveys are limited and not standardized, making it difficult to assess range-wide status, a comprehensive assessment is critical for understanding species’ habitat and vulnerabilities and facilitating coordinated and resource-efficient conservation and restoration efforts. One of the primary goals of this project is to assess landscape-scale threats and identify potential restoration sites for YLM across its range using multi-species distribution modelling.

Presentations Presentation Date
Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., Roy, A., Perkins, D. One Shell of a Home: Habitat Suitability for Yellow Lampmussel. Presentation to Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. April 21-24 2024, Cape Cod, MA. April 2024
Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., Roy, A., Perkins, D. 2024. Using museum collections to improve range wide modeling and conservation planning for at-risk mussel species. Presentation to the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. June 2024