Zebro, L., S.R. Chipps, G. Sass. 2021. Compensatory relationships between age-0 and age-1 walleye in ceded territory of Wisconsin. 58th Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society. Virtual meeting, February 25-28, 2021.
February 2021
Fall lake surveys for larval Walleye (<i>Sander </i><i>vitreus</i>) show a decline in natural recruitment for populations in the northern third (Ceded Territory) of Wisconsin dating back to the early 1980s. Relationships between age-1 mortality and age-0 CPE show that mortality of age-1 Walleye was highly variable at low age-0 abundance. At high age-0 abundance, mortality of age-1 fish was consistently high, implying a compensatory relationship between age-0 abundance and age-1 Walleye mortalit
Young, K.L., T.R. Rehm, S.R. Chipps, and J.L. Kientz. 2018. Nonlethal determination of gender in Brown Trout using morphometric measurements. 78th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
This study introduces new methodology to determine Brown Trout gender via morphometric measurements. Brown Trout (N=142) ranging from 175 to 394 millimeters total length were collected from Spearfish Creek, South Dakota. Images of Brown Trout were taken streamside and later analyzed using "ImageJ" software to apply a truss network formed by distances between anatomical features. With high classification accuracy, we are optimistic that this methodology can be a useful and accurate management t
Young, K., R. Rehm, S. Chipps, and J. Kientz. 2017. A non-lethal method of sex determination in brown trout. 53rd Annual meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Jamestown, ND.
February 2017
This study compared morphological characteristics between male and female brown trout. Four morphological traits were identified that effectively differentiated male/female trout > 200 mm with 90% accuracy.
Young, B. A. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2002. Interspecific variation among emerald shiners of the Missouri River. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, DC.
March 2002
Young, B. A. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. Intraspecific variation among emerald shiners of the Missouri River. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, San Jose de Cabo, Mexico.
June 2000
Yetter, A. P., M. M. Horath, R. V. Smith, J. D. Stafford, H. M. Hagy, and T. J. Benson. Ecology of Fall-Migrating Mallards in the Illinois River Valley. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013.
January 2013
Ecology of fall migrating mallards in Illinois.
Wuestewald, A., M. J. Fincel, J. A. Van De Hey, and S. R. Chipps. 2009. Comparing isotope signatures of prey fish: does gut removal affect 13C or 15N signatures? Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Wuestewald, A., M. Fincel, J. Van De Hey, and S. Chipps. 2009. Comparing isotope signatures of prey fish: does gut removal affect 13C or 15N signatures? Poster Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
August 2009
Wuellner, M. R., D. W. Willis, S. R. Chipps, and W. E. Adams. February 25, 2009. Relative influence of two prey species on growth of two predatory fishes in Lake Sharpe, South Dakota. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Wuellner, M. R., B. J. Galster, B. D. S. Graeb, T. M. Selch, S. R. Chipps, and D. W. Willis. September 5, 2007. Integrating basic and applied research in determining whether competition exists between two top-level predators in South Dakota Missouri River reservoirs. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, California.
September 2007
Wuellner, M. R., B. J. Galster, B. D. S. Graeb, T. M. Selch, S. R. Chipps, and D. W. Willis. February 22-24, 2010. Competition between walleye and smallmouth bass in a controlled setting. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2010
Wright, E. B., S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. 2006. Development and evaluation of a juvenile pallid sturgeon bioenergetics model. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Wright, E. B., S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. 2006. Development and evaluation of a juvenile pallid sturgeon bioenergetics model. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2007
Wright E. L, S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. 2006. Development and evaluation of a juvenile pallid sturgeon bioenergetics model. Annual meeting of the Western Division American Fisheries Society, Bozeman, MT.
May 2006
Wildlife Values Orientation: Information from South Dakota Citizens. Presented at the Plains & Prairie Potholes - Landscape Conservation Cooperative (PPP-LCC) "Connections" workshop in Bismarck, ND.
April 2012
White, K.M., J. Stafford, A. Cheeseman, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2022. Predicted distribution of plains spotted skunk in eastern South Dakota. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA
November 2022
The plains spotted skunk (<i>Spilogale interrupta</i>) is being reviewed for protection under the Endangered Species Act. We used plains spotted skunk presence data from eastern South Dakota and cross-validated machine learning algorithms to evaluate habitat associations and identify areas where models predicted a high probability of spotted skunk presence.
White, K.M., A.E. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Plains spotted skunks occur independently of a predator and competitor. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
October 2024
We evaluated the influence of contracted coyote control, as well as the influence of cats (a potential predator) and striped skunks (a potential competitor) on plains spotted skunk occurrence. Our results indicated associations between systematic annual coyote removal, but no influence of cats or striped skunks on the occupancy of plains spotted skunks .Our findings emphasize the importance of understanding predator-prey dynamics for effective conservation.
White, K.M., A. Cheeseman, J. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Habitat associations and distribution modeling of the plains spotted skunk (Spilogale interrupta) in South Dakota. Joint meeting of the South Dakota Chapter and Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Rapid City, SD.
March 2024
The plains spotted skunk (<i>Spilogale interrupta</i>) is a data-deficient small carnivore native to the central plains of North America that has experienced significant population declines. We investigated the distribution and habitat associations of plains spotted skunks in South Dakota to informed conservation.
White, K.M., A. Cheeseman, J. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Plains spotted skunk home range and third-order resource selection in eastern South Dakota. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY
November 2023
The plain spotted skunk (<i>Spilogale interrupta</i>) is a small, elusive carnivore that inhabits the plains of central North America, where populations have experienced >90% declines. We used radiotelemetry to evaluate the movements of plain spotted skunks in east-central South Dakota from March–August of 2021 and 2022; seasonal 95% home range sizes inidcated spring home ranges were substantially larger than summer home ranges.
White, K.M, A.E. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2024. Plains spotted skunks occur independently of a predator and competitor. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists. Boulder, CO. June 2024.
June 2024
This abstract summarizes work on plains spotted skunks in central South Dakota, and reports conditional occupancy probabilities between this species, feral cats, and striped skunks. The work also investigated the relative occupancy probabilities of these species between those in a county with long-term lethal coyote control and an adjacent county with no history of systematic coyote removal.
Werlin, K. B., D. E. Hubbard, and S. R. Chipps. 2002. Development and application of vegetation-based indicators of wetland condition. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Lake Placid, New York.
June 2002
Werlin, K. B., D. E. Hubbard, and S. R. Chipps. 2001. Plant communities of temporary and seasonal floodplain wetlands in the Upper Missouri River Basin. 5th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Great Falls, Montana.
June 2001
Werlin, K. B., D. E. Hubbard, and S. R. Chipps. 2001. Macrophyte communities across a disturbance gradient: implications for a vegetation-based IBI for floodplain wetlands. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Ward, M. J., G. F. Galinat, B. H. Miller, S. R. Chipps, and D. W. Willis. 2006. Walleye diets and fish community trends following gizzard shad introduction in a South Dakota irrigation reservoir. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Wall, S. S., J. J. Jenks, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2005. Status of the upper Missouri River Aquatic Gap Analysis Project. Annual Gap Analysis Project Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana.
January 2005
Wall, S. S., C. R. Berry Jr., and J. A. Jenks. 2003. Applying Gap Analysis to conserve an endangered fish species. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2003
Wall, S. S., C. J. Kopplin, J. A. Jenks, C. R. Berry Jr., and B. L. Kopplin. 2003. Aquatic Gap Analysis to conserve fish species in the upper Missouri River basin. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2003
Wall, S. S. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Road culverts across streams with the endangered Topeka shiner, Notropis topeka, in the James, Vermillion and Big Sioux River basins. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Academy of Science, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
April 2004
Wall, S. S. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Importance of understanding watershed-scale and reach-scale habitat conditions for conservation of the endangered Topeka shiner. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Wall, S. S. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2001. Applying GIS to conserve the Topeka shiner. GIS Day Conference for South Dakota Agencies, Pierre.
December 2001
Wall, S. S. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. Use of angler opinion surveys to form watershed management plans: a Canadian example with applications in South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
March 2000
Wall, S. S, V. J. Smith, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2005. Distribution of native fish assemblages across the upper Missouri River basin and areas for conservation. 135th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska.
September 2005
Voorhees,J.M., M.L. Brown, S.R. Chipps, and M.E. Barnes. 2018. Inclusion of bioprocessed soybean product in diet and the effects exercise has on rearing performance of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta). 54th Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Brookings, South Dakota.
February 2018
We evaluated the rearing performance of juvenile brown trout (Salmo trutta) fed one of four isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets (46% protein, 16% lipid). Fishmeal was the primary protein source for the reference diet and was compared to diets where bioprocessed soybean meal (BSM) that directly replaced approximately 60, 80, or 100% of the dietary fishmeal. We found no significant differences in gain, percent gain, food fed, feed conversion ratio, nor specific growth rate among any of the dietar
Voorhees,J.M., M.L. Brown, S.R. Chipps, and M.E. Barnes. 2018. Impacts on Rainbow Trout (Onchorhynchus mykiss) rearing performance of dietary bioprocessed plant-based protein and water velocity. 54th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Brookings, South Dakota.
February 2018
We evaluated the rearing performance of adult rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fed one of two isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets (46% protein, 16% lipid) and reared at one of two levels of exercise ( water velocities of either 3.6 or 33.2 cm/s). Fishmeal was the primary protein source for the reference diet, whereas bioprocessed soybean meal (BSM) directly replaced 60% of the dietary fishmeal in the experimental diet. At the end of the experiment, there were no significant differences in ga
Vanderbush, B.L., M. Brown, M.R. Wuellner, G.F. Galinat, B. Miller, G. Simpson, D. Lucchesi, and T. St. Sauver. 2019. Food Habit Assessment of Several Predators after Recent Introductions of Gizzard Shad into Small Impoundments. 55th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter-Minnesota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Fargo, ND.
February 2019
This study evaluated the influence of gizzard shad introductions into small impoundments. In general, gizzard shad had a positive influence on walleye abundance in South Dakota waters, representing up to 35% of their diet. Natural recruitment of introduced shad varied among reservoirs, likely owing to winter severity.
Van De Hey, J., M. Fincel, and S. Chipps. 2009. Nonlethal sampling of walleye and yellow perch for stable isotope analysis: a comparison of three tissues. Poster Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
August 2009
Van De Hey, J. A., M. J. Fincel, and S. R. Chipps. February 24, 2009. Non-lethal sampling of walleye and yellow perch for stable isotope analysis: a comparison of three tissues. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Trembath, C.A., B. McLaren, R. W. Mackereth, S.R. Chipps, D. McLeod. 2011. Movements and Habitat Use of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon in the Namakan River of Northwestern Ontario. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
Thul, M.T., S.R. Chipps, and B.G. Blackwell. 2011. Food Habits of Walleye and Freshwater Drum in Northeast South Dakota. Iowa Chapter AFS Annual Meeting, Rathbun, Iowa.
March 2011
Thul, M.D., S.R. Chipps, and B.G. Blackwell. 2011. Spatial variation in growth and survival of stocked walleye fingerlings. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
Thul, M.D., S.R. Chipps, and B.G. Blackwell. 2011. Diet of walleye and freshwater drum in South Dakota impoundments. Annual Meeting of the Iowa Chapter American Fisheries Society, Debuke, IA
March 2011
Thul, M.A., S.R. Chipps, and B.A. Blackwell. 2012. Experimental assessment of age-0 walleye survival and growth in South Dakota. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2012
Thul, M., S. Chipps, and B. Blackwell. 2010. Prey use and diet overlap of walleyes and freshwater drum in South Dakota impoundments. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN
November 2010
Thul, M. D., S. R. Chipps, B. G. Blackwell. 2011. Experimental assessment of age-0 walleye growth and survival in South Dakota. 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2011
Thomson, S. and C. Berry. April 4, 2009. The influence of livestock rearing ponds in river floodplains on riverine fishes, particularly the Topeka shiner (Notropis topeka). Presented at the Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Academy of Science, Aberdeen, South Dakota.
April 2009
Thomson, S. K., C. R. Berry Jr., C. Niehus, and S. S. Wall. 2005. Constructed floodplain impoundments: source or sink for native prairie fishes. Watershed Management Conference: Managing Watersheds for Human and Natural Impacts: Engineering, Ecological and Economic Challenges. American Society of Civil Engineers, Williamsburg, Virginia.
July 2005
Thomson, S. K. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2005. Floodplain livestock watering ponds and stream fishes with emphasis on the endangered Topeka shiner. 135th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska.
September 2005
The Role of Nonresident Hunters and Anglers in South Dakota. Presented at the SDGFP winter fisheries meeting.
March 2012
Sylvester, R. M. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Precision among aging structures of the white sucker. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Sweikert, L.A., and L.M. Gigliotti. Conserving the Great Plains: A land use value scale. 22nd International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, 25 June 2016.
June 2016
This research presented early results from a scale developed to better understand land-use decisions regarding wildlife habitat. This scale identifies four types of landowner decisions in regard to the importance of economic vs. environmental consideration.
Sweikert, L.A., and L.M. Gigliotti. 2017. Saving the grasslands: Using social science to inform Farm Bill Conservation Programs. U.S. - International Association for Landscape Ecology 2017 Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. (April 10, 2017)
April 2017
Over 80% of the land in the grassland ecosystem is privately owned and primarily used for farming and ranching, therefore, policy and decision making can by aided by having a better understanding of the relationships landowners have with the land they use and operate, in order to address the issue of habitat loss. This study identified trends in landowners’ values, attitudes, and motivations, behaviors including land use practices and participation in Farm Bill Conservation Programs.
Sweikert, L.A., and L.M. Gigliotti. 2017. Conserving the Plains and Prairie Pothole Eco-region: Using an easy way to understand landowners' decisions. Paper presented at THE Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM. September 25, 2017.
September 2017
Recent studies show conversion of remaining grassland in the plains and prairie pothole eco-region to row crops is accelerating and expanding, threatening the stability of the ecosystem. This paper provides an easy tool to understand landowners'' values related to making land use decisions.
Sweikert, L.A., and L.M. Gigliotti. 2017. Comparing tools for understanding land use decisions. Paper presented at the Pathways Conference 2017. Estes Park, CO. September 18, 2017.
September 2017
We developed a 15-item Land Use Value (LUV) scale to provide a tool for land managers to improve understanding of farmers/ranchers' land use decisions. We compared our LUV scale with the Wildlife Values Orientation (WVO) scale for predicting attitudes and behaviors related to land use decisions.
Sweikert, L.A., and Gigliotti, L.M. 2016. Conserving the Plains and Prairie Pothole Ecoregions: A land relations scale. 76th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
January 2016
This presentation informs the audience of how the land relations scale was developed and will be used. The land relations scale was designed to measure core values related to land use decisions. This scale will be used to identify different types of landowners in relation to land use decisions in the Plains and Prairie Pothole LCC.
Sweikert, L.A. and Gigliotti, L.M. 2016. Conserving the Plains and Prairie Pothole Ecoregions: A land relations scale. The Wildlife Society South Dakota Chapter Annual meeting, Oacoma, SD.
March 2016
The land relations scale was designed to measure core values related to land use decisions. This scale will be used to identify different types of landowners in relation to land use decisions in the Plains and Prairie Pothole LCC.
Sundmark, A., and L.M. Gigliotti. Social and economic importance of selected South Dakota fishing impoundments: Progress update. Game, Fish and Parks Summer Fisheries Meeting, Mobridge, SD, 19 July 2016.
July 2016
This presentation was a progress up-date on South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks project, Social and economic importance of selected fishing impoundments. This information will be valuable for making financial decisions regarding management of these type of fisheries.
Sundmark, A., and L.M. Gigliotti. Framing social values: How small fisheries can improve quality of life in South Dakota. Presented at the 79th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Cleveland, OH. 28 January 2019,
January 2019
This study measured the values associated with a local lake that affect residents' quality of life (dependent variable), familiarity with the lake, activities participated in at the lake, evaluations of conditions and amenities at the lakes and demographic variables. These 4 predictors were positively related to the contribution of lakes to residents' quality of life; our findings suggest that local fisheries generate many social benefits to local communities beyond the economic contribution fr
Sundmark, A., and L.M. Gigliotti. 2019. Evaluating fishing at small lakes in South Dakota. Presented at the 2019 Summer Fisheries Meeting. Webster, SD. July 19.
July 2019
This was a summary report for the fisheries staff at the South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks Department providing economic activity data for various types of fishing (shore, boat & ice) at 7 selected small lakes in South Dakota. The report also included a summary of the social value of these lakes to local communities.
Sundmark, A., and L. M. Gigliotti. 2018. Economic contribution of angling at small South Dakota lakes. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks’ Summer Fisheries Meeting, Oacoma, SD. July 31.
July 2018
This study measured the economic contribution of fishing at seven small lakes in South Dakota. The study compared ice versus open water fishing differences at the seven lakes and identified the "zone of influence" for each lake, which shows where anglers are coming from to fish at each lake.
Sundmark, A., and Gigliotti, L. M. 2018. Factors shaping the social value of small lakes to local communities in South Dakota. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries society. August 20, Atlantic City, NJ.
August 2019
This study evaluated the use and importance of seven small lakes in South Dakota to local communities. Our findings suggest that the inclusion of social values in efforts to evaluate an agency's management performance could help managers understand and predict the various user groups and the amount of overall use a lake resource will receive.
Sundmark, A. and L.M. Gigliotti. 2017. Economic impacts of angling: A survey of small South Dakota lakes. Presented at the 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL. (August 23rd).
August 2017
Knowledge regarding the economic value associated with a waterbody is essential for making insightful management decisions: however, many agencies overlook the values affiliated with relatively small fisheries throughout their jurisdictions. This presentation provides economic impact information for some small lakes with different surrounding population characteristics that can provide a general understanding of the economic importance of these often over-looked small water bodies.
Sundmark, A. P., and L. M. Gigliotti. Understanding stakeholder desires for small South Dakota lakes. 2019 Joint Meeting of the Dakota chapter and Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fargo, ND. 26 February 2019.
February 2019
This analysis of comments provided evidence of the importance of small, local lakes not only for fishing, but several other forms of non-fishing recreation across South Dakota. It also continues to highlight the great value of these lakes for family and community recreational uses.
Sundmark, A. P., and Gigliotti, L. M. 2018. Factors explaining angler satisfaction in South Dakota: Is angler satisfaction related to angler evaluation of the South Dakota Game, Fish and Park's customer service. 54th Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. February 28. Brookings, SD.
February 2018
The primary goal for many fisheries management agencies is to provide sustainable angling opportunities for people through the responsible management of fisheries. However, achieving this goal is more than simply providing fish for anglers to catch. It also involves many aspects of providing good customer service.
Sundmark, A. P., and Gigliotti, L. M. 2018. Economic and spatial assessments of angling at small South Dakota lakes. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. January 31. Milwaukee, WI.
January 2018
The overall economic impacts of spending associated with angling visits to seven small fisheries in South Dakota were estimated using the MIG, Inc. input-output system (IMPLAN). This information can be used by local management agencies to direct their efforts towards specific angler types during specific times of the year.
Sundmark, A. P., and Gigliotti, L. M. 2017. Economic impacts of angling: A survey of small South Dakota lakes. Progress update presented at the USGS South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Meeting. October 24. Brookings, SD.
October 2017
Knowledge regarding the economic value associated with a waterbody is essential for making insightful management decisions. However, many agencies overlook the values affiliated with relatively small fisheries throughout their jurisdictions.
Sturtz, J., B.J. Schall, M.J. Ward, C.E. Treft, S.R. Chipps, and C. Cheek. 2024. Using eye lenses to identify rearing origin of large, fingerling Walleye. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
Determining the natal origins of fish can provide critical information for fisheries management and conservation efforts. This study investigates the feasibility of using isotopic composition of fish eye lenses to discern the known rearing environment (hatchery vs. pond vs. wild) of fall, advanced fingerling age-0 Walleye. The results of this study could be used by managers who are focusing on identifying the stock contribution of hatchery and pond-reared fishes.
Strand, K. A., S. R. Chipps, K. F. Higgins, and S. J. Vaa. 2004. Diet overlap of lesser scaup and fishes in an eastern South Dakota wetland. 65th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
December 2004
Stone, J., L. Stetler, P. Sundareshwar, S. Chipps, and M. Penn. 2008. Development of a mercury TMDL for South Dakota lakes and reservoirs. 2008 Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference, Rapid City, South Dakota.
April 2008
Stafford, J.D., A.K. Janke, and M.J. Anteau. A Physiological Assessment of Wetland Habitats for Spring-migrating Ducks in the Southern Prairie Pothole Region. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks Research Review Meeting. Pierre, SD. 18 May 2016.
May 2016
Presented results of a research project on spring migration ecology and physiology of 2 important waterfowl species to the funding sponsor.
Stafford, J.D., A.K. Janke, and B.J. O’Neal. Two views of waterfowl migration. Banquet Presentation, Detroit Lakes Bird Festival, Detroit Lakes, MN. 20 May 2016.
May 2016
Presented results of two contrasting research projects on the migration ecology of waterfowl during spring and fall. Audience was ~100 people attending a large birding festival, and this was their banquet talk.
Stafford, J.D., A.K. Janke, and B.J. O’Neal. Recent research on migrating waterfowl in the Midcontinent. Invited departmental seminar to faculty and staff, Department of Biology, North Dakota State University, Grand Forks, ND. April 8 2016.
April 2016
Invited seminar to the Department of Biology faculty, staff, and graduate students, University of North Dakota. Presented on 2 views of waterfowl migration based on recent work.
Stafford, J.D. Conservation planning for waterfowl in the midcontinent: improving the scientific foundation. U.S. Geological Survey, EROS Data Center, Invited Presentation, Baltic, South Dakota. 20 June 2011.
June 2011
Stafford, J.D. Current waterfowl research at South Dakota State University. Prairie Pothole Joint Venture Technical Section Meeting. 13 August 2019.
August 2019
Update to the PPJV on the waterfowl research program at SDSU.
Stafford, J., A. Janke, A. Pearse, M. Anteau, M. Eichholz, A. Fox, J. Straub, J. Elmberg, and C. Arzel. Waterfowl Habitat Use and Selection – Spring Migration and Pre-breeding. Plenary Presentation. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 28 January 2013.
January 2013
Plenary on habitat use and selection by waterfowl during Spring.
Stafford, J. D., B. J. O’Neal, and R. P. Larkin. Waterfowl on weather radar: a new view of dabbling duck migration. Brookings Wildlife Federation. Monthly Speaker. 1 June 2012.
June 2012
Stafford, J. D., B. J. O'Neal, and R. P. Larkin. Waterfowl on weather radar: a new view of dabbling duck migration. South Dakota Ornithologists' Union Fall 2011 Meeting. Banquet Speaker.
October 2011
Stafford, J. D., A. Janke, R. Murano, and M. Anteau. Functional responses of waterfowl to wetland and upland conversion and degradation in East River South Dakota (Pilot Year – Spring 2012). Presentation to the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks Fall Wildlife Staff Meeting, Custer, South Dakota. 20 September 2012.
September 2012
Stafford, J. D. Closing remarks to the 6th North American Duck Symposium: The Future of Waterfowl Ecology and Management. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013.
January 2013
Closing remarks to the 6th North American Duck Symposium.
Squillace, M., J. Stone, and S.R. Chipps. 2012. Historical trends associated with sediment-bound mercury for select South Dakota lakes. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2012
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. September 5, 2007. Distribution and habitat use of juvenile pallid sturgeon in the Missouri River. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, California.
September 2007
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. February 19, 2008. Distribution and habitat use by juvenile pallid sturgeon in the Fort Randall reach of the Missouri River. 44th annual meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
February 2008
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. December 9-12, 2007. Distribution and habitat use by juvenile pallid sturgeon in the Fort Randall Reach of the Missouri River. Poster presented at the 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. August 17-21, 2008. Development and application of a spatially explicit habitat model for juvenile pallid sturgeon. 138th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada.
August 2008
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. 2008. Distribution and habitat use by juvenile pallid sturgeon in the Fort Randall reach of the Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference. Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri.
March 2008
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, R. A. Klumb, and M. Wimberly. February 27, 2007. Distribution and habitat use by juvenile pallid sturgeon in the Fort Randall Reach of the Missouri River. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Spindler, B. D., S. R. Chipps, R. A. Klumb, and M. Wimberly. 2006. Identification of habitat areas for juvenile pallid sturgeon in the Fort Randall reach of the Missouri River. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Spindler, B. A., S. R. Chipps, R. A. Klumb, and M. Wimberely. March 28, 2007. Spatial distribution and habitat use by juvenile pallid sturgeon in the Missouri River. 2007 Geography Convention, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota.
March 2007
Some Insights for Undergraduates Seeking an Advanced Degree in Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
August 2012
Smith, R.V., J.D. Stafford, A.P. Yetter, C.S. Hine, and M.M. Horath. Foraging Ecology of Fall Migrating Shorebirds in the Illinois River Valley. Lower Great Lakes Partners Forum. Turkey Point, Ontario, Canada. 23 May 2012.
May 2012
Smith, R.V., J. D. Stafford, A. P. Yetter, C. J. Whelan, C. S. Hine, M. M. Horath, and H. M. Hagy. Foraging Threshold of Spring-migrating Dabbling Ducks in Central Illinois. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013.
January 2013
Foraging thresholds in spring migrating ducks.
Siller, M., D. Coulter, S.R. Chipps, M. Kaemingk, T. Mahmood, M. Maldonado, M. Neal, A. Saha and A. Coulter. 2024. Addressing Data Needs to Manage Future Change in Fisheries. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
We classified fish communities in glacial lakes of the Northern Great Plains using a multivariate regression tree (MRT). Results of this study will guide managers in determining a) which lakes are most at risk for experiencing changing fish communities with warming climate, b) which RAD strategy is best suited for each lake, and c) which lakes should be prioritized for ecosystem management.
Siller, M, DP Coulter, S Chipps, AA Coulter. 2023. Development of fish classifications based on lake characteristics to inform fisheries management. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Overland Park, KS.
January 2023
This study uses the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework to develop a lake classification system to assess fish community changes owing to climate-related variation in regional lake and wetland hydroperiods.
Siller, M, DP Coulter, S Chipps, AA Coulter. 2023. Development of fish classifications based on lake characteristics to inform fisheries management. Graduate Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activity Day. South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
March 2023
This project evaluates the influence of climate variability on water levels and fish communities in the Northern Glaciated Plains Ecoregion. Long-term data from 240+ lakes in the PPR of the Dakotas are being used as input to develop a classification system for grouping lakes with similar fish assemblages and environmental conditions. A multivariate regression tree is used to then predict changes in fish communities based on changes in climate-induced environmental data.
Shearer, J. S., S. S. Wall, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2002. Evaluation of highway culvert impacts on Topeka shiner streams. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2002
Shearer, J. S. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Fish diversity and persistence in eastern South Dakota rivers and streams. Rushmore Regional Conference on Biocomplexity, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
August 2004
Shaw, S., S. R. Chipps, D. W. Willis, S. Windels, D. McLeod. 2009. Seasonal distribution of adult lake sturgeon in Namakan Reservoir, Voyageurs National Park, MN. Annual Meeting, Minnesota-Wisconsin-Ontario Chapters, American Fisheries Society, Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2009
Shaw, S., S. Chipps, D. Willis, S. Windels, and D. Mcleod. 2009. Seasonal distribution of adult lake sturgeon in Namakan Reservoir, Voyageurs National Park. Poster Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
August 2009
Shaw, S. L., S. R. Chipps, S. Windels, D. McLeod, M. A. H. Webb, and D. W. Willis. March 3, 2010. Lake sturgeon population attributes and reproductive structure in Namakan Reservoir, Voyageurs National Park, MN-ON. Presented at the annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Duluth, Minnesota.
March 2010
Shaw, S. L., S. R. Chipps, M. A. Webb, S. Windels, D. McLeod, and D. W. Willis. 2010. Movement and reproductive structure of lake sturgeon in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota.
September 2010
Shaw, S. L., S. R. Chipps, D. W. Willis. S. Windels, and D. McCleod. December 3, 2009. Lake sturgeon population attributes in Voyageurs National Park. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
Semrow, M., H. Meyer, S. Chipps, and B. Graeb. 2010. Effects of ultraviolet radiation on growth and condition of age-0 pallid sturgeon. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Selch, T. M., and S. R. Chipps. 2006. Effects of methylmercury on walleye reproduction. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Selch, T. M., S. R. Chipps, C. W. Hoagstrom, J. P. Duehr, and E. J. Weimer. 2005. Predictive models relating mercury concentrations in piscivores to water level fluctuations and physiochemical properties. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Selch, T. M., S. R. Chipps, B. D. Spindler, B. D. S. Graeb, and R. A. Klumb. February 27, 2007. Vulnerability of age-0 pallid sturgeon to predation. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Selch, T. M. and S. R. Chipps. February 27, 2007. Mercury dynamics in South Dakota walleye: water level fluctuations, seasonal variation, and reproductive condition. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Selch, T. M. and S. R. Chipps. 2006. Mercury dynamics in South Dakota walleye: water level fluctuations, seasonal variation and reproductive condition. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Selch, T. M. and S. R. Chipps. 2004. The cost of capturing prey: measuring largemouth bass foraging activity using glycolytic enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase). Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Pierre, South Dakota.
March 2004
Selch, T. M. and S. R. Chipps. 2004. The cost of capturing prey: measuring largemouth bass foraging activity using glycolytic enzymes (lactate dehydrogenase). 134th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Seibert, J. R., S. R. Chipps, and D. H. Wahl. February 22-24, 2010. Effects of prey energy density on feeding and growth of age-0 walleye. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2010
Schoenebeck, C. W., S. R. Chipps, and M. L. Brown. December 10, 2007. Improvement of an esocid bioenergetics model for juvenile fish. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Schoenebeck, C. W., S. M. Smith, S. R. Chipps, and M. L. Brown. February 27, 2007. Correction of consumption error from an esocid bioenergetics model for age-0 tiger muskellunge. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Schoenebeck, C. W., M. L. Brown, and S. R. Chipps. October 22, 2008. Affects of nutrient release on nutrient limitation and phytoplankton abundance as influenced by winterkill conditions in glacial lakes. Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings, South Dakota. Honorable Mention, Best Student Poster Award.
October 2008
Schoenebeck, C. W., M. L. Brown, and S. R. Chipps. 2006. Nutrient limitation and phytoplankton abundance as influenced by winterkill conditions in glacial lakes. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Scheibel, N.C., and S.R. Chipps. 2014. Foraging Patterns of Lake Trout and Northern Pike in Pactola Reservoir, SD. 50th Annual Meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2014
Comparison of lake trout and northern pike diets showed little overlap between these two species in Pactola reservoir. Diets of large pike (>600 mm) contained a high proportion (>30%) of stocked rainbow trout.
Scheibel, N.C., S.R. Chipps, and J.L. Davis. 2012. Seasonal prey consumption by lake trout and northern pike in Pactola Reservoir, South Dakota. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, KS
December 2012
this study evaluated the relative importance of stocked salmonids to diets of lake trout and northern pike in Pactola Reservoir. This information is being used to evaluate future stocking strategies for salmonids in the reservoir.
Scheibel, N.C., S.R. Chipps, A. Galinat. 2013. Quantifying prey consumption and growth of northern pike in Pactola Reservoir. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2013
This study documented growth rate and diet of introduced northern pike in Pactola reservoir. since their introduction, growth rates and food consumption of pike in Pactola are among the highest reported values in the South Dakota.
Scheibel, N.C., D.J. Dembkowski, J.L. Davis, and S.R. Chipps. 2016. Impacts of northern pike predation on a stocked rainbow trout fishery.147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
August 2016
Illegal introductions of Northern pike into Black Hills reservoirs has caused concern among anglers and biologist. This study showed that pike predation on stocked rainbow trout was significant in Pactoal Reservoir with annual consumption equating to an economic loss of up to $25,000/y.
Scheibel, N.C. and S.R. Chipps. 2014. Pactola Reservoir: Current Status and Future Outlook. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks Summer Fish. Dakota Nature Center, Brookings, South Dakota.
May 2014
Overview of lake trout research in South Dakota presented at GFP staff meeting
Scheibel, N.C. and S.R. Chipps. 2014. Lake Trout and Northern Pike in Pactola Reservoir. Public Seminar. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks Outdoor Campus, Rapid City, South Dakota.
March 2014
A public seminar presented at GFPs outdoor campus, summarizing on-going work with lake trout and northern pike in Pactola reservoir.
Scheibel, N.C. and S.R. Chipps. 2014. Bioenergetics Modeling of Trophic Interactions and Predatory Demands in Pactola Reservoir, South Dakota. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec.
August 2014
Documented the importance of rainbow smelt to seasonal growth patterns of lake trout in Pactola reservoir, SD. Demonstrated the economic loss of stocked rainbow trout to northern pike predation in Pacctola reservoir.
Scheibel, N., and S.R. Chipps. Quantifying effects of lake trout and northern pike on stocked salmonids in a coldwater reservoir. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society
September 2013
This study evaluates the influence of lake trout and non-native northern pike on salmonids in a coldwater reservoir. Information from the study will be used to assess predation by pike on stocked salmonids.
Schall, B.J., D.O. Lucchesi, A.A. Coulter, and S.R. Chipps. 2024. Flows and temperature impacts on catfish populations in two Missouri River tributaries. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
This study evaluated the impacts of flooding on Channel Catfish and Flathead Catfish growth and condition in the James River from 2017-2024. Overall increases in annual growth increment and length-weight regression slopes were observed for Channel Catfish as river discharge increased. By modeling environmental conditions under varying climate scenarios, it may be possible to evaluate the size and condition of Channel Catfish that could impact their management.
Schall, B.J., A. Lindsey, P. LaBrie, T.L. Carlson, J.S. Wesner, C.A. Pasbrig, and S.R. Chipps. 2024. Reproductive Characteristics of a Vulnerable Riverine Specialist in the Lower Unchannelized Missouri River, USA. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
Reproductive characteristics for populations of imperiled, non-game species are not regularly studied but may be important for identifying factors associated with population sustainability. This study demonstrated that reproductive data and spawning potential ratio modeling can be used to provide length-based regulation recommendations for vulnerable, non-game species that receive less management focus.
Schaeffer, T. W., D. E. Spengler, C. W. Schoenebeck, S. R. Chipps, and M. L. Brown. 2009. Testing bioenergetics models under symmetric feed-starve regimes that produce compensatory growth in female yellow perch. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Schaeffer, T. W., D. E. Spengler, C. W. Schoenebeck, M. L. Brown, and S. R. Chipps. February 25, 2009. Compensatory growth and metabolic responses of female yellow perch subjected to symmetric feed:fast cycles. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Sass, G.G., A.L. Rypel, and J.D. Stafford. Inland fisheries habitat management: lessons learned from Wildlife Ecology and a proposal for change. 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. 7 February 2017.
February 2017
Presented work comparing the history of habitat management in wildlife and fisheries sciences. Results suggest fisheries should increase and improve efforts to manage fish habitats in lieu of stocking.
Saha, A., M. Neal, M.A. Kaemingk, D.P. Coulter, A.A. Coulter, S.R. Chipps, M. Maldonado, M. Siller, and T.H. Mahmood. 2024. Impacts of Climate Variability on Cold Region Hydrologic Change in the Prairie Pothole Region. Annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, December 9-13, 2024, Washington, D.C.
December 2024
The Prairie Pothole Region (PPR), characterized by numerous shallow lakes and wetlands, plays a critical role in the region’s hydrology. This study documented three distinct hydroclimatic periods corresponding to influences of evapotranspiration, open water evaporation or later fluxes of fill-and-spill hydrology. Understanding this patterns is important for managing water resources in the PPR.
Sacco, L., S.R. Chipps, and M.J. Fincel. 2022. Effects of hydroclimate variability on fishing pressure in the Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE.
March 2022
Climate-related trends in the frequency (and magnitude) of droughts and floods in the upper Missouri River basin impose important challenges to fisheries management. Using long-term data, we found that angler pressure ranged from 376,184 to 1,409,961 h/y and generated revenues between $344,152 to $11,394,719/y, implying that the upper Missouri River basin's long-term trend of decreasing flows, changes in precipitation (from snow to rain), and warmer spring temperatures could exacerbate conditio
S. R. Chipps, B. D. S. Graeb, D. W. Willis, J. P. Lott, R. Hanten, and W. Nelson-Stastny. February 27, 2007. ?Super-sized smelt with fry(s), please??: the rise and fall of fast food in Lake Oahe and implications for walleye energetics. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Rosburg, A.J., B.G. Blackwell, S.R. Chipps, J.A. VanDeHey, and W.A. Larson. 2017. Growth and genetic diversity of yellow perch populations in the Prairie Pothole Region. 77th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE.
February 2017
This study evaluated the influence of environmental versus genetic factors affecting growth variability in yellow perch populations. Common garden experiments combined with genomic testing indicated that growth variation is largely controlled by environmental variability among lakes.
Rosburg, A., B. Blackwell, S. Chipps, J. VanDehey and W. Larson. 2017. In-situ growth and genetic diversity of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in South Dakota. 53rd Annual meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Jamestown, ND.
February 2017
we evaluated the influence of genetics and environment on growth rate of yellow perch in South Daktoa. Using common garden experiment we found little evidence that genetics contributes to growth variation in yellow perch populations.
Rohrer, T.E., F. Rohwer, AND J.D. Stafford. 2021. Effects of predator management and parasitism on over-water nesting diving duck production in southern Manitoba. Pine Island Canvasback Summit, Pine Island, Louisiana. 20 January 2021.
January 2021
Presented preliminary results of predator management to increase nest survival of overwater nesting ducks and the influence of nest parasitism by redheads on canvasback productivity.
Richards, N. S., S. R. Chipps, and M. L. Brown. 2006. Comparative analysis of effects of strobe lights on stress and avoidance behavior of fishes. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Rezac, C., C. Kirkeeng, S.R. Chipps, J. Breeggemann, and B.D.S. Graeb. 2017. Habitat hypotheses and the implications on largemouth bass production. 147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.
August 2017
we evaluated effects of habitat manipulation on growth and energetics of largemouth bass. Increased habitat diversity led to increased fish growth, and we postulated that this was due to reduced activity by bass
Rehm, T.R., S.R. Chipps, K.L. Young, J.L. Davis, and G. Simpson. 2018. Brown Trout movement in response to large scale population reduction. 78th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
We compared movements and home range size of stream dwelling Brown Trout between sites with natural densities and sites that received a 50% reduction in Brown Trout density.Brown Trout movements and home range size did not differ between experimentally reduced sites or sites containing natural densities. No relationship between site density and fish movement or home range size was detected. While many factors effect variability of movement of stream-dwelling Brown Trout, including season, it do
Rehm, T.R., S.R. Chipps, K.L. Young, G. Simpson, and J. Davis. 2017. The effect of large scale density reductions on movement patterns of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta). 147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.
August 2017
We found that removal of up to 50% of stream-dwelling brown trout (>200 mm) had little influence on fish movement patterns, owing to small home-range size of resident trout.
Rehm, T.R., S.R. Chipps, K.L. Young, G. Simpson, and J. Davis. 2017. Effect of fish removal on movement patterns of Brown Trout (Salmo trutta). Wild Trout Symposium XII, West Yellowstone, MT.
September 2017
We found that removal of up to 50% of stream-dwelling brown trout (>200 mm) had little influence on fish movement patterns, owing to small home-range size of resident trout.
Rehm, T.R., S.R. Chipps, J.L. Davis, and G. Simpson. 2018. Influence of Density Reduction on the Growth Rate of Individual Brown Trout. 54th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Brookings, South Dakota.
February 2018
We compared age-specific growth of wild Brown Trout in stream sections receiving 50% reductions in fish abundance. Annual growth in length and weight of older Brown Trout (> age 2) generally increased following fish removals; we observed significantly greater growth for age-3 and 4 fish (162 to 258 %, g/y) in stream sections receiving density reductions.Improved growth rate and reductions in intraspecific competition during our study (~1 year) are promising for large-scale density reductions as
Rehm, T., S. Chipps, and J. Davis. 2017. Influence of fish density on growth rate of brown trout in Spearfish Creek, SD. 53rd Annual meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Jamestown, ND.
February 2017
this study evaluated the relationship between population density and growth rate of brown trout in Spearfish Creek, SD. Growth rate declined significantly as fish density increased.
Rapp, T., W. French, B.D.S. Graeb, S.R. Chipps, and R.A. Klumb. 2011. Ontogenetic Prey Preferences of Pallid Sturgeon. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
Rapp, T., S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2014. Growth and survival of pallid sturgeon larvae in response to different prey types. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE.
March 2014
This study determined feeding preference and growth rate of larval pallid sturgeon fed natural prey items. It is the first work to document prey selectivity by larval pallid sturgeon
Rapp, T., S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2014. Growth and survival of age-0 pallid sturgeon in the Lewis and Clark Delta. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE.
March 2014
This study used a mescosom approach to explore growth and survival of age-0 pallid sturgeon reared in different habitats of the Missouri River. Growth was similar among habitats, although energy reserves was higher among fish reared in backwater habitats compared to main channel environments.
Rapp, T., D.A. Shuman, B.D.S. Graeb, S.R. Chipps, and E.J. Peters. 2012. Diet composition and feeding patterns of shovelnose sturgeon with inferences about foraging habitats in the lower Platte River, Nebraska, USA. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Pierre, SD.
March 2012
Rapp, T., B.D.S. Graeb, S.R. Chipps, and R.A. Klumb. 2012. Ontogenetic prey preferences of pallid sturgeon. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Pierre, SD.
March 2012
Rapp, T., B.D.S. Graeb, S.R. Chipps, and R.A. Klumb. 2012. Ontogenetic prey preferences of pallid sturgeon. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2012
Rapp, T., B. D. S. Graeb, S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. 2010. Laboratory examination of juvenile pallid sturgeon habitat selection with focus on predation.
September 2010
Rapp, T., B. D. S. Graeb, S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. 2010. Influence of predation on habitat selection by juvenile pallid sturgeon.
September 2010
Rapp, T., B. D. S. Graeb, S. R. Chipps, R. A. Klumb. February 24, 2010. Laboratory examination of habitat preferences by juvenile pallid sturgeon with focus on predation. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2010
Ranney, S. H., S. R. Chipps, and D. Wahl. August 19, 2008. The influence of feeding level on the metabolic rate of largemouth bass: evidence of a compensatory response. 138th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada.
August 2008
Ranney, S. H., S. R. Chipps, and D. H. Wahl. December 12, 2007. The influence of feeding level on the metabolic rate of largemouth bass: evidence of a compensatory response. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Ranney, S. H., B. D. Spindler, and S. R. Chipps. December 11, 2007. Macroinvertebrate communities in Rapid Creek, South Dakota: comparisons between areas with and without the invasive Didymosphenia geminata. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Ranney, S. H., B. D. Spindler, S. R. Chipps, and J. S. Shearer. September 5, 2007. Macroinvertebrate composition in areas with and without the invasive diatom Didymosphenia geminata. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, California.
September 2007
Ranney, S. H., B. D. Spindler, S. R. Chipps, and J. S. Shearer. February 27, 2007. Macroinvertebrate communities in Rapid Creek, South Dakota: comparisons between areas with and without the invasive Didymosphenia geminate. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Ranney, S. H., B. D. S. Graeb, and S. R. Chipps. August 20, 2008. Evaluating the use of Akaikes Information Criterion (AIC) in American Fisheries Society Publications. 138th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada.
August 2008
Ranney, S. H. and S. R. Chipps. February 19, 2008. The influence of feeding history on the metabolic rate of largemouth bass: evidence of a compensatory response. 44th annual meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
February 2008
Quist, M. C., M. E. Mather, D. L. Parrish, S. R. Chipps, T. J. Kwak, and C. P. Paukert. 2013. The voices of reality: why effective fisheries education is challenging and practical ways to move forward. 143 rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 11. Platform
September 2013
This work review how academic programs are integrating with thew needs to state and federal agencies
Prfimmer, J., L. Gigliotti, J. Stafford, D. Schumann, K, Bertrand. 2015. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed of South Dakota. Presented at: The Wildlife Society South Dakota Chapter Annual Meeting, Oacoma, SD.
February 2015
This project evaluated farmers' motivations for enrolling in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed of South Dakota. This information can help inform decisions regarding development of future land conservation programs.
Powell, K. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2003. Longitudinal patterns in fish community composition of Upper Missouri River backwaters. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 81:211-218.
April 2003
Powell, K. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2003. Longitudinal patterns in fish community composition in small backwater areas of Upper Missouri River Basin. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2003
Powell, K. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2003. Fish-habitat associations in small backwater areas of upper Missouri River basin. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2003
Powell, K. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2002. Comparison of fish community structure in backwater and main river habitats of the upper Missouri River. 87th Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Academy of Sciences, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
April 2002
Powell, K. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2001. Patterns of larval fish abundance in small backwaters of the Upper Missouri River Basin. 5th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Great Falls, Montana.
June 2001
Powell, K. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2001. Assessment of light trap modifications for sampling juvenile fishes in small backwaters. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Pillatzki, A. E., R. Neiger, S. R. Chipps, K. F. Higgins, and N. Thiex. December 10, 2007. Hepatic element concentrations in spring migrating lesser scaup in the upper Midwest. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Pfrimmer, J.D., L. Gigiliotti, J.D. Stafford, D. Schumann, and K. Bertrand. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Conference, Oacoma, SD. 24 February 2015
February 2015
Presented results of human dimensions survey to understand landowner motivations to enroll in a conservation program in South Dakota.
Pfrimmer, J.D., L. Gigiliotti, J.D. Stafford, D. Schumann, and K. Bertrand. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed. Human Dimensions Seminar, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. 22 April 2015.
April 2015
Presentation of recent research results on the Human Dimensions of conservation easement enrollment, as part of a seminar to a graduate level course on Human Dimensions of Wildlife and Fisheries.
Pfrimmer, J.D., L. Gigiliotti, J.D. Stafford, D. Schumann, and K. Bertrand. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed. Human Dimensions Seminar, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. 22 April 2015
April 2015
Presented results of survey of landowners enrolled in a conservation program to identify their motivations and improve conservation program implementation.
Pfrimmer, J.D., D. Schumann, L. Gigliotti, J.D. Stafford, and K. Bertrand. Motivations for enrollment into the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in the James River Watershed of South Dakota, USA. The Wildlife Society Conference, Winnipeg, MB, Canada. 21 October 2015
October 2015
Attitudes of landowners regarding conservation programs in the Midwest are highly complex and variable, which complicates voluntary participation in such programs. In this presentation we evaluated the motives of South Dakota landowners for enrolling in the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and characterized their perceptions to game and non-game wildlife resources.
Pfrimmer, J.D., D. Schumann, J.D. Stafford, and K. Bertrand. Learning from Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program research in South Dakota: Where do we go from here? Izaak Walton League of America Mike Williams Lecture Series, Watertown, SD. 3 March 2015
March 2015
Presented on preliminary results from a study of benefits to wildlife and fish from the South Dakota Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Audience was lay members of the Izaak Walton League who were interested in conservation.
Pfrimmer, J. D. and J. D. Stafford. Avian use of Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program lands in the James River Watershed – Project Update. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks Fall Wildlife Staff Meeting, Madison, South Dakota. 19 September 2013.
September 2013
Project update.
Pfaff, P.J., D.P. Coulter, B.J. Schall, T. Davis, S.R. Chipps, and A.A. Coulter. 2024. Modeling watershed boundary connectivity to mitigate the spread of invasive carp. Annual meeting of the Missouri River Research Consortium, LaCross, WI.
April 2024
Invasive carp have spread throughout much of the Missouri River Basin since their introduction. The goal of this project was to develop a broad-scale risk metric using readily available geospatial data that can be used to identify areas of hydrologic connectivity along watershed boundaries that would facilitate the spread of invasive carp during flooding events in the eastern Dakotas.
Pfaff, P.J., D.P. Coulter, B.J. Schall, T. Davis, S.R. Chipps, and A.A. Coulter. 2023. Modeling watershed boundary connectivity to mitigate the spread of invasive carp. 153rd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI.
August 2023
<i>Invasive carp have spread throughout much of the Missouri River Basin since their introduction. The goal of this project was to develop a broad-scale risk metric using readily available geospatial data that can be used to identify areas of hydrologic connectivity along watershed boundaries that would facilitate the spread of invasive carp during flooding events in the eastern Dakotas</i>
O’Shaughnessy, R, A. Behney, M. Eichholz, and J. Stafford. Testing the Ideal Free Distribution of Spring Migratory Waterfowl Along the Wabash River, Illinois. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 28 January 2013.
January 2013
Testing the IFD in ducks.
O’Neal, Benjamin J, J.D. Stafford, R.P. Larkin, and A.K. Janke. Effects of weather on the timing of migratory departure in fall-migrating ducks. 41st Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, Reykjavik, Iceland. 9 August 2017.
August 2017
Presented results of modeling of fall waterfowl migration via nexrad radar. Predictive model of departure was a significant improvement over any previous model to predict egress events of migrating ducks.
O'Shaughnessy, R., M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Testing the ideal free distribution of spring migratory waterfowl along the Wabash River, Illinois. 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, IA. 6 December 2011.
December 2011
O'Shaughnessy, R., A.C. Behney, M. W. Eichholz, & J. D. Stafford. 2012. Testing the ideal free distribution of spring migratory waterfowl along the Wabash River, Illinois. North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
August 2012
Neal, M.L., T.H. Mahmood, M.A. Kaemingk, A.A. Coulter, D.P. Coulter, S.R. Chipps, M. Maldonado, and M. Siller. 2023. Mechanism of Cold Region Lake Responses to Climatic Wetting: Insights from a Physically-Based Hydrologic Model. Annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.
December 2023
This study investigates hydroclimatic changes in surface waters of glacial lakes in the Northern Glaciated Plains region of North and South Dakota. We employ a field-verified Cold Region Hydrological Model (CRHM) to unravel the mechanism(s) affecting lake volume changes in glacial lakes as it relates to elevated precipitation in the region.
Muruganandam M., and S.R. Chipps. 2017. Revisting natural lakes for water quality assessment and management. Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings, South Dakota.
November 2017
South Dakota natural lakes and small impoundments number over 46,000 and represent important, multi-use resources that include irrigation, flood control, and recreation-related activities such as fishing, boating and wildlife watching. Recent changes in land use/land cover patterns have been well documented in northeast South Dakota, although corresponding effects of grassland loss on water resources are poorly understood in the region.Using long term data sets, we explore temporal patterns in
Muruganandam M., S.R. Chipps, and P.K. Mishra. 2017. Constraint analysis on fish farming and extension needs in Northwestern Himalayas, India. National Aquaculture Extension Conference, Boise, ID
June 2017
This study describes current contraints, such as lack of technology, on fish farming and resultant aquaculture production in the Himalayas. Case studies that integrate extension information improve aquaculture production significantly.
Muruganandam M. and S.R. Chipps. 2017. Management of Streams and Rivers by Watersheds vis-à-vis Fisheries Management. Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference, Rapid City, SD.
April 2017
This study evaluated the relationhship between fish community composition and water quality in Himalaya streams. Diverse, abundant fish communities were typical in areas where stream condition and water quality were good -- and can be used as a metric to assess watershed rehabilitation efforts.
Muruganandam M. and S.R. Chipps. 2017. Impacts of Droughts, Floods and Cold Waves on Fish and Fisheries Resources in Uttarakhand Himalayas, India. Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference, Rapid City, SD
April 2017
This study documented the importance of environmental variation on fisheries resources in the Himalayas, and showed that large, long-lived fishes --important for aquaculture, were particularly vulnerable to climatic conditions.
Muruganandam M. and S.R. Chipps. 2017. Does Traditional Knowledge Affects Ecosystems and Should It Be Revisited? 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society,Tampa, FL.
August 2017
This work documented the importance of traditional activities such as fishing festivals and cultural ceremonies on fish abudance in a Himilayan stream. Working with local residents, we were able to reduce impacts on fishery resources by providing alternative harvest practices and setting harvest limits.
Mrnak, J.T., S.R. Chipps, and D.A. James. 2019. Effect of Water Temperature on Growth and Settling Time of Endogenous Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus larvae. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Pierre, SD.
March 2019
Natural reproduction in Pallid Sturgeon has been limited for decades and a recruitment bottleneck is hypothesized to occur during the larval stage of development. This study found that water velocity and water temperature significantly affect survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae. Thus, manipulation of these habitat features can have important implications for habitat restoration and management of sturgeon.
Mrnak, J.T., S.R. Chipps, and D.A. James. 2019. Effect of Temperature on Growth, Energy Reserves, Survival, and Settling Time of Endogenous Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus larvae. 79th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH
January 2019
Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus are a federally endangered species endemic to the Missouri River basin and the lower Mississippi River. Natural reproduction of Pallid Sturgeon is negligible in the Missouri River with a recruitment bottleneck believed to occur during the drift phase of endogenous larvae. Understanding factors that affect survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae is key given their critical status and ongoing recovery efforts. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water temp
Mrnak, J.T., S.R. Chipps, and D.A. James. 2019. Effect of Temperature on Growth and Settling Time of Endogenous Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus larvae. 55th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter-Minnesota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Fargo, ND.
February 2019
Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus are a federally endangered species endemic to the Missouri River basin and the lower Mississippi River. Natural reproduction of Pallid Sturgeon is negligible in the Missouri River with a recruitment bottleneck believed to occur during the drift phase of endogenous larvae. Understanding factors that affect survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae is key given their critical status and ongoing recovery efforts. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water temp
Mrnak, J.T., S.R. Chipps, and D.A. James. 2018. Influence of water velocity on rheotactic behavior and energy reserves of endogenous Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus larvae. Missouri River Institute, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD.
November 2018
Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus are a federally endangered species endemic to the Missouri River basin and the lower Mississippi River. Natural reproduction of Pallid Sturgeon is negligible in the Missouri River with a recruitment bottleneck believed to occur during the drift phase of endogenous larvae. Energy reserves of Pallid Sturgeon larvae maintained in the high temperature treatment declined significantly compared to larvae in the medium and low temperature treatments. Moreover, la
Mrnak, J.T., S.R. Chipps, and D.A. James. 2018. Influence of water velocity on rheotactic behavior and energy reserves of endogenous Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus larvae. 149th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
August 2018
Natural reproduction of Pallid Sturgeon is negligible in the Missouri River with a recruitment bottleneck believed to occur during the drift phase of endogenous larvae. Understanding factors that affect survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae is key given their critical status and ongoing recovery efforts. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water temperature on growth, energy reserves, survival, and settling time of endogenous Pallid Sturgeon larvae (<25 mm TL)
Mrnak, J.T., S.R. Chipps, and D.A. James. 2018. Effect of water velocity on growth, survival, and energy reserves of endogenous Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus larvae. 54th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Brookings, South Dakota.
February 2018
Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus are a federally endangered species endemic to the Missouri River basin and the lower Mississippi River. Successful natural reproduction has been limited for decades and a recruitment bottleneck is hypothesized to occur during the drift phase of endogenous larvae.Understanding factors that affect survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae is key given their critical status and ongoing recovery efforts. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water velocity on gr
Mrnak, J.T., S.R. Chipps, and D.A. James. 2018. Effect of water velocity on energy reserves and survival of endogenous Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus larvae. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, Nebraska.
March 2018
: Pallid Sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus are a federally endangered species endemic to the Missouri River basin and the lower Mississippi River. Successful natural reproduction has been limited for decades and a recruitment bottleneck is hypothesized to occur during the drift phase of endogenous larvae. Understanding factors that affect survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae is key given their critical status and ongoing recovery efforts. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water velocity
Mounsdon, R.L., P.J. Pfaff, M.A. Kaemingk, C. Goble, M.L. Fincel, S.R. Chipps, and A. A. Coulter. 2024. Are managers able to control fishing license sales using stocking? Joint Technical Committee Meeting, North Central Division American Fisheries Society, Warsaw, Illinois, July 23-25th, 2024
July 2024
Declines in angler and hunter license sales are a concerning trend for natural resource management agencies. Increased fish stocking along with availability and access to public waters could impact angler participation. We found that type and biomass of fish stocked and presence of a population centerl positively influenced license sale types. Based on our findings, we hope to assist fisheries managers in understanding how fish stocking affects local and state-wide license sales.
Morey, N. M. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Correlates of growth in the sand shiner, Notropis stramineus. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Pierre, South Dakota.
March 2004
Morey, N. M. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Correlates of growth in the sand shiner, Notropis stramineus. Abstract No. 506. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 21(1):358.
June 2004
Morey, N. M. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2002. EMAP: what is happening in Dakota streams. Spring Meeting of the Rivers and Streams Technical Committee, North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Rock Island, Illinois.
March 2002
Moreno, M., R. Erickson, S.R. Chipps, and A.A. Coulter. 2023. Bigheaded carp removal and it ecological impacts. 153rd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI.
August 2023
This study will evaluate several removal strategies for assessing impacts of bigheaded carp removal. Modeling efforts will employ Ecopath with Ecosim to evaluate food web impacts of carp removal for both positive and negative impacts to native fishes.
Mordhorst C.A., S.R. Chipps, and J.A. Davis. 2021. Factors affecting survival and harvest of stocked Rainbow Trout in Black Hills reservoirs. 57th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, virtual conference.
February 2021
This study documented factors affecting survival of stocked rainbow trout in Black Hills reservoirs. Angler harvest accounted for approximately 60% of stocked fish whereas catch and release angling and natural mortality accounted for approximately 19 and 21% of fish mortality, respectively.
Mockler, R. M., K. F. Higgins, and S. R. Chipps. 2004. Lesser scaup use of wetlands in eastern South Dakota. 65th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
December 2004
Mockler, R. M., K. F. Higgins, S. R. Chipps, and S. J. Vaa. 2003. Lesser scaup body condition and use of wetlands in eastern South Dakota. Abstract No. P42. 64th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Millman, K., M. Batalla, S.R. Chipps, and J.D. Stafford. An assessment of avian and vegetation communities on agricultural conservation easement wetlands in eastern South Dakota. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, MO. 20 January 2025.
January 2025
This presentation will report preliminary results from an evaluation of vegetation characteristics and bird use of wetlands enrolled in the USDA's Agricultural Conservation Easement Program.
Millman, K., M. Batalla, S.R. Chipps, and J. Stafford. 2024. Vegetation and avifauna interactions in eastern South Dakota wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCX Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). Annual meeting of the South Dakota Chapter Wildlife Society, Chamberlain, SD.
March 2024
We evaluated plant and avian communities in wetlands enrolled in the USDS-NRCS ACEP program and compared them to communities observed in regional wetlands on public and(or) private lands. Findings from this study will be used to evaluate the conservation benefits of wetlands enrolled in ACEP.
Millman, K., J.D. Stafford, M. Batalla, and S.R. Chipps. Vegetation and Avifauna Interactions in eastern South Dakota wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). The Wildlife Society SD and CMPS Combined Annual Meeting Rapid City, SD. 22 March 2024.
March 2024
This presentation describes proposed work evaluating bird and vegetation communities of wetlands enrolled in the NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program.
Millman, K., J.D. Stafford, M. Batalla, and S.R. Chipps. Avian use and habitat structure of wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) in eastern South Dakota. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. 12 March 2024.
March 2024
This presentation presents proposed research evaluating bird use and vegetation communities in agricultural easement wetlands in South Dakota.
Millman, K., J.D. Stafford, M. Batalla, and S.R. Chipps. 2024. Vegetation and Avifauna Interactions in eastern South Dakota wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.
January 2024
These results will highlight an evaluation of wetlands enrolled in a federal easement program, ACEP, and detail how the project intends to evaluate vegetation as wildlife habitat and avian abundance and diversity on these wetlands and control sites. Early results will be presented as available.
Milewski, C. L. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2002. Application of river concepts to a semi-arid and a sub-humid river in South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Tuscon, Arizona.
August 2002
Milewski, C. L. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. An experimental test of the effects of biotic interactions, woody debris and turbidity on habitat use by prairie stream fishes under low flows. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
March 2000
Meyer, H.A., S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2012. Evidence for countergradient variation in pallid sturgeon physiology. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Pierre, SD.
March 2012
Meyer, H.A., S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2012. Evidence for countergradient variation in pallid sturgeon physiology. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2012
Meyer, H.A., S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2011. Growth, food consumption, and energy status of juvenile pallid sturgeon fed commercial and natural diets. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
Meyer, H.A., S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2011. Growth, Metabolism and Energy Density of Juvenile Pallid Sturgeon Fed Commercial and Natural Diets. 48th Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2011
Meyer, H.A., S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2011. Growth, Metabolism and Energy Density of Juvenile Pallid Sturgeon Fed Commercial and Natural Diets. 15th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE.
April 2011
Meyer, H.A. S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2011. Latitudinal variation in metabolic rate of juvenile pallid sturgeon. 4th annual meeting of the World Sturgeon Conservation Society, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
July 2011
Meyer, H.A. S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2011. Latitudinal variation in feeding, growth and metabolism of juvenile pallid sturgeon. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
Meyer, H., S. Chipps, B. Graeb, and R. Klumb. 2010. Growth, metabolism and energy density of juvenile pallid sturgeon fed commercial and natural diets. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Meyer, H. A., S. R. Chipps, R. A. Klumb, and B. D. S. Graeb. 2010. Growth, metabolism, and energy density of juvenile pallid sturgeon fed commercial and natural diets.
September 2010
McCutcheon, C., L. Stetler, J. Stone, and S. Chipps. November 2, 2009. Relations between water quality and mercury fish tissue concentrations for natural lakes and impoundments in South Dakota. Presented at the 2009 Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings.
November 2009
McCutcheon, C., J. Stone, L. Stetler, S. Chipps, and M. Penn. October 22, 2008. Relationships between water quality and mercury fish tissue concentrations for natural lakes and impoundments in South Dakota. Presented at the Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings, South Dakota.
October 2008
Martorelli, N. and J.D. Stafford. Evaluation of Gamebird Production in Roundup© Ready Alfalfa used for Seedbed Preparation during Perennial Grassland Conversion on State Game Production Areas in Eastern South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota. 1 March 2017.
March 2017
Presented results of a research project evaluation the potential of roundup ready alfalfa to serve as upland nesting habitat for waterfowl during conversion of tame grasses to more desireable native grass and forb communties.
Martorelli, N. P. and J. D. Stafford. Evaluation of Waterfowl Use and Thermal Characteristics of Alfalfa and Perennial Grasses in Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Oacoma, South Dakota. 2 March 2016.
March 2016
Presented preliminary results of a study investigating the value of roundup ready alfalfa to nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota.
Martorelli, N. P. and J. D. Stafford. Evaluation of Gamebird Use and Thermal Characteristics of Alfalfa and Perennial Grasses in Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Region 2 Annual Meeting, Project Update, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 11 July 2016.
July 2016
Presentation to SDGFP staff, updating them on the progress of our research project and second field season.
Martorelli, N. P. and J. D. Stafford. Evaluation of Waterfowl Use and Thermal Characteristics of Alfalfa and Perennial Grasses in Eastern South Dakota. Seventh North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland. 5 February 2016.
February 2016
Presented research results of a study investigating the value of roundup ready alfalfa to nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. This was an International Symposium on waterfowl attended by ~500 professionals.
Martorelli, N. P. and J. D. Stafford. Evaluation of Waterfowl Production in Roundup© Ready Alfalfa Utilized for Perennial Grassland Conversion on Game Production Areas in Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Game Fish and Parks Region 2 Annual Meeting, Project Update, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 22 July 2015
July 2015
Project update for partners evaluating roundup ready Alfalfa as avian nesting cover.
Maldonado, M.L., R.T. Mestrom, T.H. Mahmood, and 9 coauthors. 2024. Quantifying the effects of climate and management policies on the economic value of the Devils Lake Basin, ND.
March 2024
We evaluated how climate-related changes in hydrology (i.e., waterbody size), fish community (presence or absence of walleye [<i>Sander vitreus</i>]), and infrastructure (i.e., boat ramps) could alter resident angler willingness-to-pay (WTP). Our results provide managers with a clearer understanding of the economic value of the Devils Lake Basin recreational fishery and how economic value could be included in a management portfolio.
Maldonado, M.L., D.P. Coulter, A.A. Coulter, S.R. Chipps, M. Siller, T.H. Mahmood, M. Neal, and M.A. Kaemingk. 2023. Predicting how climate change could alter angler effort. 153rd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI.
August 2023
Inland recreational fisheries can be sensitive to climate change, as climate alterations can impact the size and distribution of waterbodies on the landscape.<br>In this study, we found significant shifts in angler effort in regions that have a greater density of smaller waterbodies, that are more sensitive to precipitation regime changes than larger waterbodies.
Maldonado, M., R.T. Melstrom, T.H. Mahmood, D.P. Coulter, A.A. Coulter, S.R. Chipps, M. Siller, M. Neal, A. Saha, and M.A. Kaemingk. 2024. Quantifying climate effects on the economic value of inland recreational fisheries. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
We evaluated the effects of climate variability (i.e., drought and deluge periods) on the economic value of a prominent regional recreational fishery in North Dakota, USA over a 30-year period (1992 – 2021).We found that changes in waterbody size (i.e., low vs high water) resulted in the greatest change in economic value, followed by changes in the fish community and infrastructure.
M. Siller, D. Coulter, S. Chipps, M. Kaemingk, T. Mahmood, M. Maldonado, M. Neal, and A. Coulter. 2023. Predicting impacts of climate change on fish communities in the northern glaciated plains. 153rd meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI.
August 2023
This study uses the Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) framework to develop a lake classification system to assess fish community changes owing to climate-related variation in regional lake and wetland hydroperiods.
Lyon, C.A., J.L. Davis, S.R. Chipps. 2021. Effects of Depth and Temperature on Walleye Hooking Mortality. 57th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual meeting. February 25, 2021.
February 2021
Length-based regulations are a common tool that fisheries managers use to manipulate fish stocks by limiting harvest mortality and regulating the size of fish harvested. However, due to catch-and-release angling associated with length-based regulations, hooking mortality can negatively impact a fishery. Results from this study indicate that hooking mortality needs to be considered when implementing length-based regulations, especially in lakes where Walleye angling occurs at depths greater th
Lucchesi, D., S.R. Chipps, M. Greiner, and L. Gigliotti. 2013. Angler use, demographics and factors influencing trip satisfaction with people fishing the Brookings area lakes. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2013
The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department is interested in expanding opportunities for fishing in urban areas. This research evaluates factors that may be important in enhancing urban fishing opportunities, especially for young anglers.
Lucchesi, D. S.R. Chipps, and D. Schumann. 2022. Effects of seasonal hypoxia on macroinvertebrate communities in a small reservoir. 58th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, SD.
February 2022
Localized hypoxia in lakes and reservoirs can reduce available habitat, restrict movement and limit the abundance of aquatic invertebrates and fishes. In Lake Alvin, South Dakota, oxygen concentrations were important predictors of aquatic invertebrate abundance and size structure and that benthic and littoral invertebrates could benefit from measures taken to reduce summer hypoxia.
Liberati, N.C., A.A. Coulter, B.J. Schall, T. Davis, S.R. Chipps, and D.P. Coulter. 2024. Evaluating Habitat Connections Created by Flooding within the Northern Great Plains. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
Using invasive carp as a case study, we used Landsat observations of surface water (Dynamic Surface Water Extent) to identify where habitat connections are formed during flooding events between invaded rivers and uninvaded waterbodies. Recognizing where high-risk connections are located will help inform managers where to focus efforts for monitoring and deterring movements of invasive carps into uninvaded waters.
Liberati, N.C., A.A. Coulter, B.J. Schall, T. Davis, S.R. Chipps, D.P. Coulter. 2025. Evaluating Flood-induced habitat connections using remotely sensed data. 85th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, St Louis, MO.
January 2025
The goal of this study is to evaluate hydrologic connections that during high-water events, may enable invasive carps to move within or among watersheds in the upper Missouri River basin.
Larson, W.L., K. Turnquist, J. VanDeHey, B. Blackwell, S. Chipps, B. Sloss, and A. Rosburg. 2016. Genomic signatures of selection in yellow perch populations with variable growth trajectories and mortality rates. 147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
August 2016
This study compared genetic structure of two, distinct yellow perch morphotypes in glacial lakes of the northern great plains. Findings from the genetic analysis revealed that growth and life-history differencts between yellow perch populations are driven primarily by environmental conditions.
Kucia, S.R., O.P. McKenna, and J.D. Stafford. 2024. Targeted Wetland Restoration to Maximize Breeding Waterfowl Habitat in Eastern South Dakota. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.
January 2024
This presentation will discuss methodologies to map drained wetland basins and model scenarios of potential restorations with respect to predicted response of breeding waterfowl densities.
Kucia, S.R., O.P. McKenna, and J.D. Stafford. 2024. Targeted Wetland Restoration to Maximize Breeding Waterfowl Habitat in Eastern South Dakota. 9th North American Duck Symposium, Portland, OR.
February 2024
This presentation will discuss methodologies to map drained wetland basins and model scenarios of potential restorations with respect to predicted response of breeding waterfowl densities.
Kucia, S.R., O. McKenna, and J.D. Stafford. 2023. Development of a restorable wetlands database for South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Spokane, WA.
June 2023
Presented overview of new project quantifying drained wetlands in South Dakota.
Kolstrom, R., Wilson, T. L., and Gigliotti, L.M. 2018. Developing a standardized bald eagle monitoring program for Southwest Alaska National Parks. Alaska Chapter of the Wildlife Society Meeting. March 28. Anchorage, AK.
March 2018
Though bald eagles are plentiful in Alaska, it is still imperative to have a monitoring plan that detects significant changes in populations. Our research uses a formal structured decision making process to ensure that monitoring conducted by the parks is standardized and meets programmatic goals and objectives.
Kolstrom, R., Gigliotti, L. M., and Wilson, T. 2018. Developing a standardized bald eagle monitoring program for Southwest Alaska National Parks. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. January 31. Milwaukee, WI.
January 2018
Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) populations are classified by the Southwest Alaska Network (SWAN) of the National Park Service as a vital sign of biological integrity, largely because of their importance as an indicator species for environmental contaminants and human disturbance. Our research is using a formal structured decision making process to ensure that the bald eagle monitoring conducted by the parks is standardized and meets programmatic goals and objectives.
Kolstrom, R. L., L. M. Gigliotti, and T. L. Wilson. 2018. Developing an optimal bald eagle monitoring program for Southwest Alaska National Parks. 25th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Cleveland, OH. October 11.
October 2018
Though bald eagles are plentiful in Alaska, it is still imperative to have a monitoring plan that detects significant changes in populations. Using a formal structured decision making process, we aim to ensure that monitoring conducted by the parks is standardized among parks and meets programmatic goals and objectives.
Kirby, D. J. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2002. Biologist opinions and angler attitudes regarding trophy catfish management in the Mississippi River basin. Joint Meeting of the Iowa and Illinois Chapters of American Fisheries Society, Moline, Illinois.
February 2002
Kientz, J.L., S.R.Chipps, and J.L. Davis. 2016. Evaluation of Stable Isotope Analysis and Otolith Microchemistry for the Classification of Wild and Hatchery Origins and Natal Stream Origins of Rainbow Trout in the Deerfield Reservoir System, South Dakota. Annual meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, SD.
February 2016
This study demonstrated that stable isotopes provide a reliable tool for differentiating wild from hatchery rainbow trout in Deerfield reservoir. Non-lethal samples from pelvic fins provided a high degree of accuracy for classifying trout as either hatchery or wild fish.
Kientz, J.L., S.R. Chipps, and J.L. Davis. 2015. Movement and survival of wild Rainbow Trout within the Deerfield Reservoir system, South Dakota. 51st Annual meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
March 2015
This paper documented natural reproduction and movement of rainbow trout into Deerfield reservoir from surrounding tributaries
Kientz, J.L., S.R. Chipps, and J.L. Davis. 2015. Abundance, survival, and relative predation of wild Rainbow Trout within the Deerfield Reservoir system, SD. Black Hills Fly Anglers, Rapid City, SD.
May 2015
This study estimated survival and abundance of wild rainbow trout in the Deerfield Reservoir system -- a system that historically only contained stocked, rainbow trout.
Kientz, J., J. Davis, J.W. Wilhite, S.R. Chipps, and G. Simpson. 2014. The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Movement of Rainbow Trout in the Deerfield Reservoir System. 50th Annual meeting Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2014
This study showed that stream discharge was an important factor influencing the upstream spawning movements of rainbow trout from Deerfield reservoir into Castle Creek.
Kientz J, and S.R. Chipps. 2022. Assessment of isotope shifts in Northern Pike in response to increase Rainbow Trout stocking length. 58th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, SD
February 2022
This study stemmed from previous research that showed significant predation by Northern Pike on stock-size Rainbow Trout (9-11"). To reduce pike predation, larger trout were stocked beginning in in 2016. Using stable isotope analysis we showed that stocking larger trout significantly reduced pike predation, as only large and relatively few pike (>700 mm) were able to consume larger trout.
Kahara, S. N., and S. R. Chipps. 2006. Landscape effects on migratory lesser scaup (Athya affinis) wetland selection in eastern South Dakota. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Kahara, S. N., S. R. Chipps, and K. F. Higgins. 2004. Modeling relationships between lesser scaup and environmental variables in eastern South Dakota wetlands. 65th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
December 2004
Kahara, S. N., S. R. Chipps, K. A. Strand, R. M. Mockler, K. F. Higgins, S. J. Vaa. 2006. Lesser scaup ecology and wetland use in eastern South Dakota. International Scaup Workshop, January 17-19, Bismarck, North Dakota.
January 2006
Kahara, S. N. and S. R. Chipps. April 14, 2007. Predicting habitat suitability for lesser scaup (Athya affinis) spring migrants in eastern South Dakota. Poster presented at the 92nd Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Academy of Science, Brookings, South Dakota.
April 2007
Kahara, S. N. and S. R. Chipps. 2005. Relevance of ectozoochory and long distance dispersal of macroinvertebrates to lesser scaup spring migrants. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Kahara, S. N. and S. R. Chipps. 2005. Modeling relationships between lesser scaup occupancy and environmental variation in wetlands of eastern South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society (NABS), New Orleans, Louisiana.
May 2005
Kaemingk, M.A., J.C. Jolley, D.W. Willis, and S.R. Chipps. 2012. Priority effects among young of the year fish: reduced growth of bluegill sunfish caused by yellow perch. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2012
Kaemingk, M.A., J. Jolley, D.W. Willis, and S.R. Chipps. 2011. Larval Yellow Perch Capitalize on a Finite Resource: Potential Negative Effects for Early-Hatched Bluegill Larvae. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
Kaemingk, M, AA Coulter, DP Coulter, S Chipps, T Mahmood, M Siller, M Moldonado, M Neal. 2023. What will the future hold for recreational fisheries in the Dakotas? Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Bismarck, ND. .
February 2023
Inland recreational fisheries can be sensitive to climate change, as climate alterations can impact the size and distribution of waterbodies on the landscape.<br> In this study, we found significant shifts in angler effort in regions that have a greater density of smaller waterbodies, that are more sensitive to precipitation regime changes than larger waterbodies.
Juni, S. C. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. Biota of palustrine wetlands associated with highway construction. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, South Dakota Chapter, Oacoma, South Dakota.
March 2000
Jorgensen, W, C.A. Mordhorst, S.R. Chipps, and J. Davis. 2021. Stocked Rainbow Trout adaptation to natural prey in Black Hills reservoirs. 57th Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Virtual meeting, February 25-28, 2021.
February 2021
We evaluated diets among stocked Rainbow Trout from three small Black Hills reservoirs to examine seasonal diet composition. Temporal changes in stocked Rainbow Trout diets differed by lake, suggesting that adaptation to natural prey items is likely influenced by environmental conditions such as prey availability. Our findings reveal that the ability of hatchery-reared Rainbow Trout to switch to natural prey may be a function of trout size and available prey composition and abundance.
Johnson, M. S., B. D. S. Graeb, C-A. Hayer, C. R. Berry Jr., and S. Gangl. February 23, 2010. Seasonal use of tributaries by Missouri River fishes in the Garrison Reach, North Dakota. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2010
Jessee, Z., N. Scheibel, and S.R. Chipps. 2014. Seasonal largemouth bass diets in Pactola Reservoir. 50th Annual Meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2014
Diets of largemouth bass in Pactola reservoir had little overlap with intensively managed salmonids (lake trout). Moreover, slow growth rate and longevity were important attributes of this population, with some individuals living to at least 15 years old.
Jenks, J. A., C. J. Kopplin, S. S. Wall, C. R. Berry Jr., and V. J. Smith. 2002. Organizing the Upper Missouri Aquatic Gap Project. 12th Annual Meeting of the National Gap Analysis Program, Sheperdstown, West Virginia.
August 2002
Janke, A.K., M. Anteau, and J.D. Stafford. On bait buckets and Boreal ducks: Associations between migrant duck physiology and a wetland-ecosystem engineer. 41st Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, Reykjavik, Iceland. 9 August 2017.
August 2017
Presented results of a large scale evaluation of lesser scaup body condition during spring migration. Results suggest important negative influence of small fishes in prairie wetlands on body condition.
Janke, A. K., M. J. Anteau, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. Nutrient dynamics of pre-breeding blue-winged teal in eastern South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota.
February 2014
Summary of blue-winged teal research in South Dakota.
Janke, A. K., M. J. Anteau, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. Nutrient accumulation during early-onset of rapid follicle growth in an income-breeding duck. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
January 2014
Summary of blue-winged teal research in South Dakota.
Janke, A. K., M. J. Anteau, and J. D. Stafford. 2013. Nutrient accumulation during early-onset of rapid follicle growth in an income-breeding duck. South Dakota Ornithological Union Annual Meeting, Pierre, South Dakota
September 2013
Report on research of blue-winged teal in South Dakota
Janke, A. K., J. D. Stafford, and M. J. Anteau. 2016. Novel contributions of wetlands in agricultural landscapes to duck migration in the Southern Prairie Pothole Region. North American Duck Symposium, Annapolis, Maryland. 4 February 2016.
February 2016
Presentation at the North American Duck Symposium on results of a study investigating the functional response of 2 waterfowl species to variation in wetland quality in the southern Prairie Pothole Region.
Janke, A. K., J. D. Stafford, and M. J. Anteau. South Dakota spring migration research update. Scaup Action Team Meeting, Annapolis, Maryland. 3 February 2016.
February 2016
Presented results of recent research on spring migration ecology and physiology of Lesser Scaup to the Scaup Action Team Meeting in Maryland.
Janke, A. K., J. D. Stafford, and M. J. Anteau. Novel contributions of wetlands in South Dakota’s intensively farmed landscapes for spring-migrating ducks. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota. 2 March 2016.
March 2016
Presentation to the State Chapter of The Wildlife Society on results of research on the functional response of 2 species of waterfowl to variation in wetland quality in eastern South Dakota.
Janke, A. K., J. D. Stafford, M. J. Anteau, and R. Murano. Evaluating Wetland-ecosystem health in the Prairie Pothole Region using real-time nutrient dynamics of waterfowl – Project Update. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks Fall Wildlife Staff Meeting, Madison, South Dakota. 19 September 2013.
September 2013
Update on results of project.
Janke, A. K., B. Werner, J. D. Stafford, and W. C. Johnson. Influence of simulated wetland dynamics on breeding waterfowl abundance in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. 11 December 2012.
December 2012
Work on simulated wetland dynamics and ducks.
Janke, A. K., B. Werner, J. D. Stafford, and W. C. Johnson. Influence of simulated wetland dynamics on breeding waterfowl abundance in the U.S. Prairie Pothole Region. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 28 January 2013.
January 2013
Evaluation of simulated wetland model and breeding duck abundance.
James, D.A., and S.R. Chipps. 2012. An evaluation of the efficacy of whole-stream phosphorus enrichment to reduce coverage of Didymosphenia geminata in an oligotrophic stream. 142nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN.
August 2012
James, D.A., and S.R. Chipps. 2011. The Impact of Didymosphenia geminata on brown trout: Biological villain or ecological scapegoat? 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
James, D.A., I.J. Csargo, A. VonEschen, M.D. Thul, J.M. Baker, C.A. Hayer, and S.R. Chipps. A Generalized Model for Estimating the Energy Density of Invertebrates. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
James, D., and S. R. Chipps. 2010. The influence of Didymosphenia geminata on fisheries resources in Rapid Creek, South Dakota –an eight year history.
September 2010
James, D., M. Fincel, J. Erickson, and S. Chipps. 2010. Influence of urbanization on trophic interactions in a cold water stream. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
November 2010
James, D., K. Mosel, and S. Chipps. December 2, 2009. Influence of light availability on Didymosphenia geminata in a montane stream. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
James, D. and S. Chipps. 2009. Factors associated with the distribution and abundance of Didymosphenia geminata in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Oral Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
September 2009
James, D. A., J. W. Wilhite, and S. R. Chipps. February 24, 2009. Influence of drought conditions on brown trout Salmo trutta biomass in the Black Hills, South Dakota. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
James, D. A. and S. R. Chipps. February 23, 2010. Comparison of brown trout diets from Didymosphenia geminate impacted and non-impacted streams. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2010
James, D. A. and S. R. Chipps. February 20, 2008. Influence of drought, temperature and Didymosphenia geminata on brown trout size structure in the Black Hills, South Dakota. 44th annual meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
February 2008
James, D. A. and S. R. Chipps. August 17-21, 2008. Influence of drought, temperature and Didymosphenia geminata on brown trout size structures in the Black Hills, South Dakota. 138th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada.
August 2008
James, C.A., I.J. Csargo, A. Von Eschen, C.A. Hayer, J. Howell, J. Krause, A. Letvin, M.D. Thul, and S.R. Chipps. 2011. Use of dry- to wet-weight ratios to estimate energy density of invertebrates. 48th Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2011
Isermann, D. A., S. R. Chipps, and M. L. Brown. 2004. Seasonal Daphnia biomass in winterkill and nonwinterkill glacial lakes of South Dakota. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Holcomb, B. M. and S. R. Chipps. 2003. Zooplankton communities of Black Hills reservoirs. South Dakota Academy of Science.
April 2003
Holcomb, B. M. and S. R. Chipps. 2001. Effects of artificial substrates on paddlefish production in hatchery ponds. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Holcomb, B. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2002. Limnological characteristics of Black Hills reservoirs. 87th Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Academy of Sciences, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
April 2002
Hoagstrom, C. W., S. S. Wall, J. G. Kral, B. G. Blackwell, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2006. Distribution trends of South Dakota fishes among river drainages and over time. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Hoagstrom, C. W., J. P. Duehr, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Great plains river continua and fish assemblage change. 65th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana.
December 2004
Hoagstrom, C. W., C. R. Berry Jr., S. S. Wall, J. Kral, and C-A. Hayer. 2006. Rare and declining fishes of South Dakota: a river drainage scale perspective.
April 2006
Hoagstrom, C. W., A. C. DeWitte, N. J. C. Gosch, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2006. Warmwater fish communities of the Cheyenne River drainage.
April 2006
Hoagstrom, C. W. and C. R. Berry. 2005. Fish faunal change below Angostura Dam. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Hoagstrom, C. W. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2006. South Dakota's river fish inventory and habitat analysis: 15 year summary of fish ecology discoveries. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Hoagstrom, C. W. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2006. Is the walleye Sander vitreus native to South Dakota? Poster presented. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Hoagstrom, C. W. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Zoogeography of native fishes in western Missouri River tributary watersheds from the Yellowstone to the Platte. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Hoagstrom, C. W. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Downstream reduction of fish species richness in the Cheyenne River, South Dakota, U.S.A. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 21(1):142.
June 2004
Hoagstrom, C. W. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2003. Channel catfish distribution in Western South Dakota. Abstract No. 149. 64th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Hine, C.S., R. V. Smith, A. P. Yetter, M. M. Horath, J. D. Stafford, and H. M. Hagy. Waterbird Response to a Restored Illinois River Floodplain Wetland. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013.
January 2013
Waterfowl use of a large restored wetland.
Higgins, K. F. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2003. History of the Coop Unit and South Dakota State University Wildlife Department, 1963-2003. Annual Convention of the South Dakota Wildlife Federation, Brookings, South Dakota.
August 2003
Hennig, J.D., T.J. Benson, J.D. Stafford, A.P. Yetter. Estimating Non-breeding Waterfowl Abundance in the Lower Wabash River Region Using a Grid-based Aerial-Sampling Approach, Oral Presentation, The Wildlife Society’s 20th Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI Oct. 2013.
October 2013
Presentation of work on aerial surveys for waterfowl.
Hennig, J. D., T. J. Benson, K. W. Stodola, A. P. Yetter, and J. D. Stafford. Implementing a new aerial survey method to estimate abundance of spring-migrating waterfowl. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013.
January 2013
Aerial survey evaluation.
Hennig, J. D., T. J. Benson, K. W. Stodola, A. P. Yetter, and J. D. Stafford. A new survey approach for estimating abundance and distribution of non-breeding waterfowl. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. 11 December 2012.
December 2012
Aerial survey evaluation in a riverine system.
Henderson, K., and Gigliotti, L. M. (2014). Statewide angler surveys: Is an Internet sample more representative than we thought?
February 2014
This presentations summarizes some coverage and nonresposne biases of Internet angler surveys. Generally, coverage and non-response bias from Internet surveys of anglers was small, i.e., did not significantly affect estimates of relevent parameters measured.
Henderson, K. and L.M. Gigliotti. 2013. Evaluating coverage bias on Internet-based angler surveys. 143rd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR, 12 September 2013.
September 2013
Although Internet-based surveys can inexpensively and efficiently collect information from anglers the information may be biased due to incomplete coverage. This presentation will summarize the extent and nature incomplete coverage bias associated with conducting statewide angler surveys via the Internet.
Henderson, K. and L. M. Gigliotti. 2013. Evaluating the value of the Internet for collection of scientific data (use, harvest and attitudes). Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Bismarck, ND
February 2013
The presentation provides a summary of the research procedures implemented and a preview of the data being collected. The potential for biases associated with Internet surveys is substantial.
Henderson, K. R., and L. M. Gigliotti. 2015. Angler satisfaction in South Dakota. South Dakota Academy of Science, 100th Meeting. Oacoma, SD.
April 2015
This study evaluates South Dakota's angler monitoring survey from the perspective of evaluating satisfaction. The monitoring surrey is a valuable tool for measuring satisfaction, but the variables measured do not provide a good understanding of what contributes to angler satisfaction.
Henderson, K. R., and Gigliotti, L.M. (2014). Angler Surveys: Internet samples can be representative. Presented at: Pathways 2014: Common Futures; Integrating Human Dimensions in to Fisheries and Wildlife Management. Estes Park, CO. October 9th
October 2014
This research evaluates potential coverage and nonresponse biases associated with Internet surveys. Internet angler surveys were found to collect data similar to mail surveys of anglers.
Heironimus, L.B., D. Deslauriers, D.L. Galat, T. Rapp, B.D. Graeb, R.A. Klumb, S.R. Chipps. 2014. Development of a larval pallid sturgeon bioenergetics model. 144th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec.
August 2014
summarized bioenergetics model for larval pallid sturgeon and simulated effects of river water temperature on growth dynamics using pre- and post- impoundment data from the Missouri River.
Heironimus, L., J. Breeggemann, D. Deslauriers, A. Janke, and S.R. Chipps. 2013. Fish influence on invertebrate captures in activity traps. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2013
This study documented the influence of fish presence on invertebreate abundance esimates from activity traps. The presence of fish in activity traps significantly reduced apparent invertebrate abundance and could bias estimates made from activity traps.
Heironimus, L., D. Deslauriers, and S.R. Chipps. 2014. The development of a larval Pallid Sturgeon bioenergetics model. 50th Annual meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2014
this work developed and evaluated a bioenergetics model for larval pallid sturgeon
Heironimus, L., D. Deslauriers, B. Graeb, R. Klumb, and S. Chipps. 2014. Development of a larval pallid sturgeon bioenergetics model. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE.
March 2014
This study developed and evaluated a bioenergetics model for larval pallids. The model was then used to simulate effects of water temperature and prey availability on growth rate of larval pallid sturgeon in the Missouri River.
Hegna, N. L., D. O. Lucchesi, and S. R. Chipps. February 22-24, 2010. Angler age demographics of community-based lakes in South Dakota. Poster presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2010
Hayer, Cari-Ann and C. R. Berry Jr. April 5, 2008. Biology of flathead chub, Platygobio gracilis, in three Great Plains rivers. South Dakota Academy of Science, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
April 2008
Hayer, C., S. S. Wall, J. G. Kral, and C. R. Berry. 2005. Evaluation of fish distribution models developed for the South Dakota Aquatic Gap analysis Program. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Hayer, C., S. S. Wall, J. G. Kral, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2006. Evaluation of fish distribution models developed for the South Dakota Aquatic Gap Analysis Program. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Hayer, C., S. Chipps, and J. Stone. 2009. Relationship of water quality, land use, and watershed characteristics to mercury concentrations in top-level fish tissues. Poster Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
August 2009
Hayer, C-A., B. C. Harland, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2006. New distributional records of some South Dakota fishes.
April 2006
Hayer, C-A. and C. R. Berry Jr. December 6, 2006. The use of a decision support tool (Aquatic Gap analysis) to direct conservation efforts for fishes in South Dakota. Presented at the 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Hayer, C-A, C. Berry, and N. Troelstrop. 2009. Fish and invertebrate assemblages and habitat conditions in headwater streams of the Dakotas. Oral Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
September 2009
Hayer, C-A and C. R. Berry Jr. February 20, 2008. Large-scale aquatic GAP analysis for the upper Missouri River basin. Poster presented at the 44th annual meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
February 2008
Hawk, L., M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Accuracy of ligh-level geolocation in a diverse landscape. 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, IA. 6 December 2011.
December 2011
Hawk, L. C., M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Application of Light-level Geolocation to Waterfowl Management. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 29 January 2013.
January 2013
Potential to use geolocators on ducks.
Haugerud, N. J. and S. R. Chipps. 2002. Development and application of macroinvertebrate indicators of wetland condition. Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Lake Placid, New York.
June 2002
Haugerud, N. J. and S. R. Chipps. 2001. Macroinvertebrate composition in seasonal floodplain wetlands of the Upper Missouri River Basin. Presented at the 5th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Great Falls, Montana.
June 2001
Haugerud, N. J. and S. R. Chipps. 2001. Macroinvertebrate communities in forested and non-forested floodplain wetlands of the Upper Missouri River Basin. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Harland, B. C. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2002. Survey of NCD-AFS state guidelines for stream obstruction removal. Spring Meeting of the Rivers and Streams Technical Committee, NCD-AFS, Rock Island, Illinois.
March 2002
Hamel, M. J., M. L. Brown, and S. R. Chipps. December 12, 2007. Use of hydroacoustics to assess free-ranging rainbow smelt responses to sensory deterrents. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Hamel, M. J., M. L. Brown, and S. R. Chipps. 2006. Rainbow smelt responses to sensory deterrence systems. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Hamel, M. J., M. L. Brown, and S. R. Chipps. 2006. Behavioral responses of rainbow smelt to sensory deterrence systems. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Hagy, H.M., Smith, R.V., J.D. Stafford, A.P. Yetter, C. Whelan, C.S. Hine, M.M. Horath, R. Kaminski, and K. Reinecke. Foraging thresholds for accurately estimating carrying capacity for non-breeding waterfowl. Turkey Point, Ontario, Canada. 23 May 2012.
May 2012
Hagy, H. M., J. D. Stafford, and R. M. Kaminski. Experimentally estimating foraging thresholds for dabbling ducks during migration and winter. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. 11 December 2012.
December 2012
Work on foraging thresholds in ducks.
H. M. Hagy, J. D. Stafford, M. L. Schummer, A. T. Pearse, and R. M. Kaminski. Practical Application of and Potential Bias Associated with Foraging Thresholds in Estimates of Carrying Capacity for Waterfowl. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 29 January 2013.
January 2013
Work on foraging thresholds in waterfowl.
Grote, J., J. Mecham, T. Rapp, T. Stevens, B. Smith, and S.R. Chipps. 2013. Do boat ramps influence aquatic invertebrate composition in near-shore areas? Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2013
this study found no difference in aquatic invertebrate community composition or abundance in areas near boat docks compared to unaltered shorelines.
Grohs, K. L., R. A. Klumb, and S. R. Chipps. February 24, 2010. Spatial patterns of macroinvertebrate abundance and composition in the Missouri River downstream of Fort Randall and Gavins Point dams, South Dakota and Nebraska. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2010
Greiner, M.L., D.O. Lucchesi, S.R. Chipps, and L.M. Gigliotti. Community fisheries in eastern South Dakota: Angler demographics, use, and factors influencing satisfaction. 147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO, August 2016.
August 2016
Providing fishing opportunities close to urban areas is an important fisheries management goal. This research identified factors related to fishing satisfaction in urban fisheries.
Greiner, M.L., D.O. Lucchesi, S.R. Chipps, and L.M. Gigliotti. 2015. Take me fishing: the influence of kids on angler satisfaction. 145th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.
August 2015
This study showed that adults fishing with kids were 1.5 times more likely to respond as "satisfied" anglers compared to adults not fishing with children.
Greiner, M.J., S.R. Chipps and D.O. Lucchesi. 2011. Reeling in anglers: factors influencing satisfaction of urban anglers in South Dakota. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
Greiner, M. and S. Chipps. December 3, 2009. Urban bass management in South Dakota. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
Greiner, M. J., and S. R. Chipps. 2010. Assessment of angler use and satisfaction of urban-based fisheries in South Dakota.
September 2010
Greiner, M. J., Lucchesi, D. O., Chipps, S. R., & Gigliotti, L.M. 2015. Take me fishing: The influence of kids on angler satisfaction. Poster at the 145th Annual AFS Conference, August 17, 2015, Portland, OR.
August 2015
The poster presentation evaluates factors relevant to satisfaction from fishing in urban fisheries. Fishing with kids increase participants satisfaction.
Graeb, B. S., S. R. Chipps, J. P. Lott, D. W. Willis, and W. Stastny. 2006. Evaluation of liberalized regulations to reduce abundance of walleye in a large Missouri River reservoir. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Graeb, B. D., S. R. Chipps, J. P. Lott, D. W. Willis and W. Nelson-Stastny. 2005. Evaluation of liberalized regulations to reduce abundance of walleye in a large Missouri River reservoir. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Graeb, B. D. S., S. R. Chipps, D. W. Willis, J. P. Lott, R. P. Hanten, W. Nelson-Stastny, and J. W. Erickson. June 9, 2007. The rise and fall of a dominant prey resource: walleye response to rainbow smelt population declines and subsequent liberalized angling regulations in a Missouri River mainstem reservoir. 4th International Reservoir Symposium, Atlanta, Georgia.
June 2007
Gigliotti, L.M., and L.A. Sweikert. Wildlife Value Orientations of Farmers/Ranchers in the Plains and Prairie Pothole Landscape Conservation Cooperative. 22nd International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, 25 June 2016. (PRESENTED)
June 2016
The Wildlife Value Orientations scale has been shown to be a useful tool for understanding how people relate to wildlife issues. The use of the WVO scale here was to identify the value of this scale for understanding landowner decisions related to wildlife habitat issues.
Gigliotti, L.M., and L.A. Sweikert. 2017. Values and behaviors of landowners in the upper Midwest. Paper presented at the Pathways Conference 2017. Estes Park, CO. September 18, 2017.
September 2017
While many factors contribute to loss of wildlife habitat, ultimately it comes down to decisions made by private landowners. This study measures characteristics, attitudes, values and behaviors towards participating in a variety of conservation programs and practices, and identifies meaningful segments of landowners for understanding conservation behaviors.
Gigliotti, L.M., and L.A. Sweikert. 2017. Understanding Iowa landowners' values, attitudes, and behaviors towards wildlife and wildlife habitat. Paper presented at The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference. Albuquerque, NM, September 25, 2017.
September 2017
Wildlife habitat loss in the prairie pothole region was identified as a key research need; many factors contribute to loss of wildlife habitat, but ultimately it comes down to decisions made by private landowners. This paper provides an understanding of landowners values, attitudes and behaviors towards wildlife and wildlife habitat.
Gigliotti, L.M., and L. A. Sweikert. Age, succession planning, and wildlife values of landowners from three upper Midwest states. Pathways - 2019: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference, Estes Park, CO.
September 2019
Based on the age demographics of farmers and ranchers, projections call for a massive transfer of land in the next decade, which can have significant consequences and opportunities for wildlife management. Most landowners have a strong desire to pass their farm/ranch operations on to family members and most are interested in conservation programs that would allow family members to continue with current farming/ranching operations.
Gigliotti, L.M., and L. A. Sweikert. Age, succession planning, and wildlife values of landowners from three upper Midwest states. Presented at the 2020 Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Oacoma, SD. 27 February 2020.
February 2020
This presentation discusses the concern of aging farmers/ranchers and implications for wildlife management. Most landowners have a strong desire to pass their farm/ranch operations on to family members and most were interested in conservation programs that would allow family members to continue with current farming/ranching operations.
Gigliotti, L.M., and A. P. Sundmark. South Dakota small lakes and quality of life: More than fishing. Presented at the 56th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society. Spearfish, SD. 26 February 2020.
February 2020
Fisheries management has traditionally focused on the stakeholders (anglers) used the fish resources. This study broadens the scope by evaluating the contribution of small lakes in South Dakota to nearby community residents’ quality of life. This study offers a wider array of strategies to improve peoples’ quality of life living in their communities.
Gigliotti, L.M., & Sweikert, L.A. 2016. Human dimensions of habitat loss in the Plains & Prairie Pothole Ecoregions: A project update. 76th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
January 2016
This presentation informed audience of the nature of the human dimensions project and the type of information that would be generated from the project. The purpose of the project is to describe landowners behaviors, attitudes and values related to land use decisions and wildlife habitat.
Gigliotti, L.M. and K. Henderson. 2013. Non-response bias associated with statewide angler surveys conducted by Internet. 143rd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR, 10 September 2013.
September 2013
The potential for Internet non-response bias is large due to the relatively low Internet response rate compared to mail surveys (e.g. 26% vs. 61%: 2010 resident angler surveys). This presentation will summarize the extent and nature of Internet non-response bias associated with conducting statewide angler surveys.
Gigliotti, L.M. The hunting culture of South Dakota State University undergraduate students. Department of Natural Resource Management Seminar Series (NRM790 – Spring 2020). Brookings, SD. 6 March 2020.
March 2020
Persistent declines in hunter numbers across the United States has generated an array of ecological, economic, and social consequences. State wildlife agencies have implemented various <u>R</u>ecruitment, <u>R</u>etention, <u>R</u>eactivation programs (referred to as R3 programs) to address declining hunter numbers. This study measures the hunting culture at South Dakota State University (SDSU) to assess the potential success of implementing R3 programs to increase hunting participation among c
Gigliotti, L.M. Hunting and fishing in South Dakota. 22nd International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, 23 June 2016.
June 2016
Hunting and fishing license revenue is an important issue to wildlife agencies. This presentation identified ways to maintain and increase hunting and fishing participation.
Gigliotti, L.M. 2019. Understanding MN landowners’ values, attitudes & behaviors towards wildlife & wildlife habitat. 2019 Red River Watershed Management Board & Flood Damage Reeducation Workgroup: 21st Annual Joint Conference. Moorhead, MN. March 21.
March 2019
This research presented results from a survey of Minnesota landowners to better understand land-use decisions regarding wildlife habitat. This information can help guide conservation professionals' efforts to develop programs that better fit landowners needs while also providing wildlife habitat.
Gigliotti, L.M. 2018. Developing a mixed-mode harvest survey for collecting furbearer harvest data. 2018 Midwest Furbearer Workshop. Medora, ND. May 15.
May 2018
The main value of adding a web-based survey to an existing mail survey would be cost savings. The disadvantages would be increased complexity and additional work. Factors that affect this benefit/cost ratio are email coverage and internet return rate.
Gigliotti, L.M. 2012. South Dakota hunters and anglers: Under the microscope. Presented at the Brookings Wildlife Federation, Brooking, SD. November 2, 2012
November 2012
This presentation explains the purpose of hunter/angler surveys, how the information is used and some of the interesting findings. The presentation provides an opportunity for the audience to ask questions about the surveys conducted by Game, Fish and Parks.
Gigliotti, L.M. (2014). A human dimensions study of law enforcement. Presented at: Pathways 2014: Common Futures; Integrating Human Dimensions into Fisheries and Wildlife. Estes Park, CO. October 8th
October 2014
This research identifies a method for evaluating Conservation Officer behavior based on their interactions with anglers and hunters and the relationship between citations and evaluations fo CO behavior. The research also evaluates the use of hypothetical scenarios in studying attitudes and behavioral intentions to violate regulations.
Gigliotti, L.M. & Sweikert, L.A. 2017. Human dimensions of habitat loss in the Plains and Prairie Pothole region: North Dakota landowner survey results. North Dakota Action Group Meeting, Bismarck, ND
April 2017
Many factors contribute to loss of wildlife habitat, but ultimately it comes down to decisions made by the private landowner. This research identifies attitudes values and of North Dakota landowners related to wildlife habitat.
Gigliotti, L.M. 2013. Wildlife Value Orientations of South Dakota citizens. Presented at the ISSRM, Estes Park, CO. June 5th.
June 2013
The Wildlife Value Orientations (WVO) scale is a relatively new scale designed to measure general values that people use to evaluate wildlife related issues. This work is designed to evaluate the relationship between general values measured by the WVO scale and specific wildlife and environmental attitudes.
Gigliotti, L. M., and K. R. Henderson. 2015. Reasons anglers did not respond to an internet survey and evaluation of data quality. South Dakota Academy of Science, 100th Meeting. Oacoma, SD.
April 2015
The main benefit of internet survey are cost savings, however, internet surreys typically have much lower response rates compared to more expensive mail surveys. This research demonstrates that, for the variables in this study, an internet collects data similar to the more expensive mail survey.
Gigliotti, L. M., and K. R. Henderson. 2012. Evaluating Biases Associated with Conducting an Internet Statewide Angler Survey. Pathways to Success Conference. Breckenridge, CO.
September 2012
Internet surveys are very inexpensive compared to mail surveys; however, biases associated with internet surveys are not well understood. This research evaluates potential coverage and nonresponse biases associated with internet surveys of anglers.
Gigliotti, L. M. and L. A. Sweikert. 2018. Understanding Montana landowners’ values, attitudes and behaviors towards wildlife and wildlife habitat. 56th Annual Conference of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Butte, MT. February 23.
February 2018
Because the majority of the land in this region is privately owned and used for agricultural production, most impacts to wildlife habitat are the result of decisions by individual landowners. The objective of this project was to survey Montana agricultural landowner regarding their knowledge of and attitudes regarding natural resource conservation practices and programs.
Gigliotti, L. M. and L. A. Sweikert. 2018. Human dimensions of habitat loss in the Plains and Prairie Pothole Region. Iowa Wildlife Bureau Statewide Meeting. Honey Creek State Park Lodge, Moravia, IA. March 6.
March 2018
Due to extensive land conversion over the last century, much of the native prairie pothole ecosystem has been converted to agricultural or other human uses. Because the majority of the land in this region is privately owned and used for agricultural production, most impacts to wildlife habitat are the result of decisions by individual landowners. The objective of this project was to survey Iowa landowners regarding their knowledge of and attitudes regarding natural resource conservation practic
Gigliotti, L. M. and Chase, L. 2017. Importance of fishing as a segmentation variable in the application of a social worlds model. South Dakota Academy of Science 102nd Annual Meeting, Mitchell, SD
April 2017
Market segmentation is useful to understanding and classifying the diverse range of outdoor recreation experiences sought by different recreationists. The importance of fishing item is a measure of the value anglers place on the activity or a coarse quantification of how central the activity is to the respondent’s lifestyle, which we suggest may be a proxy measurement for segmenting anglers using the social worlds model as a theoretical framework.
Gigliotti, L. M. 2020. Landowner age, succession planning and wildlife values. North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Mandan, ND. February 13, 2020.
February 2020
This presentation discusses the concern of aging farmers/ranchers and implications for wildlife management. Most landowners have a strong desire to pass their farm/ranch operations on to family members and most were interested in conservation programs that would allow family members to continue with current farming/ranching operations.
Gigliotti, L. M. 2020. Age, Succession Planning and Wildlife Values of Upper Mid-West Landowners. 2020 Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Willmar, MN. February 18.
February 2020
This presentation discusses the concern of aging farmers/ranchers and implications for wildlife management. Most landowners have a strong desire to pass their farm/ranch operations on to family members and most were interested in conservation programs that would allow family members to continue with current farming/ranching operations.
Gigliotti, L. M. (2014). Human dimensions of habitat loss in the Plains and Prairie Pothole Region: Proposed research. Presented at the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 25-27. Chamberlain, SD.
February 2014
This presentation provided information about some proposed research that may be of interest to local fisheries managers. This also presented an opportunity for early discussion of strategies for conducting the proposed research.
Gigliotti, L. M. (2014). Public perceptions of mountain lions and their management in South Dakota (2002 - 2012). Presented at the The Wildlife Society, South Dakota Chapter Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, S.D. February 24-26.
February 2014
This work summarizes the results of 17 separate surveys of South Daktoa residents attitudes related to mountain lions and their management conducted from 2002 - 2012. Attitudes towards a mountian lion hunter season has remained stable at about 70% approval rate.
Gigliotti, L. M. & Don Carlos, A. W. 2017. Wildlife value orientation stability among South Dakota residents: Setting the stage for a longitudinal Analysis. South Dakota Academy of Science 102nd Annual Meeting, Mitchell, SD
April 2017
The concept of wildlife value orientations (WVOs) has been useful for understanding the diversity of public interests in wildlife management and has been shown to be strong predictors of public attitudes towards a wide range of wildlife management actions and policies. This paper presents results from measuring WVOs of SD residents in 2004 and again in 2012 and provides data for future analyses of dynamic changes in WVOs within SD.
Gigliotti, L. M. 2014. Wildlife Value Orientations: South Dakota Farmers/Ranchers 2012. Presented at the PPP-LCC "Connections II" Workshop. July 10. Billings, MT.
July 2014
The presentation explored the potential for using the Wildlife Values Orientation scale for identifying types of farmers/ranchers. About 71% of the South Dakota farmers/ranchers were "utilitarian", 19% "pluralist", and 9% "mututualist".
Gigliotti, L. M. 2014. Human dimensions of habitat loss in the Plains and Prairie Pothole LCC. Presented at: The Prairie Pothole Joint Venture 2014 Summer Management Board Meeting. August 26, Ft. Pierre, SD.
August 2014
This work summarized the proposed human dimensions project for the PPP-LCC. The research can provide information usef to the Prairie Pothole Joint Venture.
Gigliotti, L. M. 2014. 2013 Fishing Season: Selected Summary Results. Presented at the 2014 Summer Fisheries Meeting. July 31. Brookings, SD.
July 2014
This presentation sumamrized some of the main findings from the agency's 2013 Internet survey of anglers. The presentation also demonstrated how Internet survye data can be corrected for potential biases (incomplete coverage & low response rates).
Gigliotti, L. M. 2013. Wildlife Value Orientations of South Dakota Citizens. Presented at Walleyes Unlimited monthly meeting. November 19. Sioux Falls, SD
November 2013
This presentation presented findings of the 2012 survey of South Dakota citizens and additional surveys of South Dakota anglers. The information provided anglers with summary data showing how such information is used by GFP and why it is important to conduct periodic angler surveys.
Gigliotti, L. M. 2011. The role of nonresident hunters and anglers in South Dakota. Presented at the 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference., Des Moines, IA. 7 December 2011.
December 2011
Galster, B., J. Van De Hey, M. Wuellner, M. Fincel, B. Graeb, D. Willis, and S. Chipps. 2009. A trip back in time: re-constructing historic food webs with stable isotope analysis. Poster Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
August 2009
Galster, B. J., M. R. Wuellner, T. M. Selch, B. D. S. Graeb, S. R. Chipps, and D. W. Willis. February 20, 2008. Assessing food competition between walleye and smallmouth bass using a basic approach. 44th annual meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
February 2008
Galster, B. J., M. R. Wuellner, T. M. Selch, B. D. S. Graeb, S. R. Chipps, and D. W. Willis. December 12, 2007. Food competition between walleye and smallmouth bass. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Galster, B. J., B. D. S. Graeb, T. M. Selch, M. R. Wuellner, S. R. Chipps, and D. W. Willis. February 27, 2007. Food competition between walleye and smallmouth bass: a preliminary investigation. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Gallman, C.W., and J.D. Stafford. Evaluating fall-seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl in Eastern South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota, February 26, 2020.
February 2020
Fall-seeded cover crops are a re-emerging technique to improve soil health in row-crop systems; however, the influence of this practice on wildlife is not known. Herein we reported on the results of a nest survival study in fall-seeded cover crops and compared these results to those in perennial nesting cover.
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford. 2019. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. 2019 South Dakota Soil Health Coalition Annual Meeting, Brookings, SD.
April 2019
Poster on results of an evaluation of fall-seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl.
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford. 2019. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. 2019 South Dakota Ducks Unlimited State Convention, Pierre, SD.
March 2019
Poster on results of an evaluation of fall seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl.
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford, and E.S. Michel. Evaluating fall-seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 27 August 2019.
August 2019
Presentation on research results from evaluation of fall seeded cover crops for nesting waterfowl.
Gallman, C.W., J.D. Stafford, K.M. Carrlson. The evaluation of cover crops for grassland nesting waterfowl in eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 26 February 2018.
February 2018
Presented on proposed work evaluating use of fall-seeded cover crops by waterfowl compared to perennial cover.
Gallman, C.W. and J.D. Stafford. Breeding waterfowl use and nest survival of fall-seeded cover crops in eastern South Dakota. 2018 South Dakota Ducks Unlimited State Convention, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 27 January 2018.
January 2018
Presented on proposed work to evaluate the use of fall-seeded cover crops by nesting waterfowl in comparison to perennial cover.
Galinat, A.G., S.R. Chipps, J.A. Jenks, J.L. Davis, and G. Simpson. 2019. Use of Radio Telemetry to Determine Movements and Mortality Sources of Brown Trout in Rapid Creek, SD. 55th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter-Minnesota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Fargo, ND.
February 2019
Adult brown trout (Salmo trutta; >200 mm) in upper Rapid Creek, South Dakota have declined by approximately 70% and currently, the factors influencing survival are poorly understood. In this study, we examined trout survival and movement in three stream reaches that inlcuded (1) in-stream habitat improvement, (2) mink removal, or (3) a control site. Eight brown trout from each section were surgically implanted with radio transmitters and tracked for six months. Preliminary observations reveal
Galinat, A.G., S.R. Chipps, J.A. Jenks, J.L. Davis, and G. Simpson. 2019. Mink Movement and Predation on Brown Trout in Rapid Creek, South Dakota. 79th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH.
January 2019
Recent work by Davis et al. (2016) has shown that predation by mink (Mustela vison) accounts for up to 32% of brown trout mortality in Rapid Creek, with over 83% of mink-related predation events occurring during the spring. Limited refuge habitat (e.g., deep pools) combined with high water clarity in Rapid Creek may enhance capture and foraging success by mink on adult trout. In this study, we use radio-telemetry to quantify mink predation on Brown Trout from three study areas: 1) a habitat im
Galinat, A.G., S.R. Chipps, J.A. Jenks, J.L. Davis, and G. Simpson. 2018. Influence of Mink Predation on Brown Trout Survival and Size-Structure in Rapid Creek, South Dakota. 54th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Brookings, South Dakota.
February 2018
The purpose of this project is to assess impacts of mink predation on Brown Trout populations in Rapid Creek. Data gathered in this study will provide insight into the effectiveness of management techniques such as instream habitat improvements and predator block management on trout populations.
Galinat, A., J. Kientz, S.R. Chipps, and J. Davis. 2013. Growth Potential and Population Dynamics of Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) in Deerfield Reservoir. 50th Annual meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2014
Growth of perch in Deerfield reservoir was less than the statewide average, but greater than that reported for other Black Hills reservoirs. Diets consisted primarily of small crayfish and chironomids, with few other prey categories.
Galinat, A., J. Davis, G. Galinat, and S.R. Chipps. 2012. Seasonal and size-specific diet composition of northern pike in Pactola reservoir. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2012
Fryda, D. D. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. Fishes of the White River. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
March 2000
French, W., B. Graeb, S. Chipps, and R. Klumb. 2009. Prey selection and vulnerability to predation in juvenile pallid sturgeon. Poster Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
August 2009
French, W., B. Graeb, K. Bertrand, S. Chipps, and R. Klumb. December 2, 2009. Isotope analysis of sturgeon diets. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
French, W., B. D. S. Graeb, S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. February 3, 2009. Vulnerability of age-0 pallid sturgeon to predation. Annual Meeting, Minnesota-Wisconsin-Ontario Chapters, American Fisheries Society, Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2009
French, W., B. D. S. Graeb, S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. 2009. Prey selection by juvenile pallid sturgeon Scaphirhyncus albus. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Freeling, S. E., C. R. Berry Jr., S. S. Wall, C. J. Kopplin, J. A. Jenks, and R. M. Sylvester. 2004. Accuracy assessment of the aquatic GAP fish distribution models for the upper Missouri River basin using fish and macroinvertebrates. Annual Meeting of the Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Gretna, Nebraska.
February 2004
Fopma, S. J., and Gigliotti, L. M. 2018. Assessing opinions towards native fish management in the Black Hills region of South Dakota. 54th Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. February 28, Brookings, SD
February 2019
The South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department is evaluating managing some specific stream to maintain an assemblage of native fishes in the Black Hills. This survey was designed to evaluate the human dimensions component of native fish management in the Black Hills.
Fino, S.R., J.D. Stafford, A.T. Pearse, and J.A. Jenks. 2017. Predator community and duck nest success in eastern South Dakota. CRU Annual Meeting. Brookings, SD, 24 October 2017.
October 2017
Presented on proposed work on mesomammal carnivore movements and foraging ecology simultaneous with duck nest site selection and survival in Eastern South Dakota.
Fino, S.R., J.D. Stafford, A.T. Pearse, J.A. Jenks, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2019. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, 26-30 August 2019.
August 2019
Preliminary results of project on predator and nesting waterfowl dynamics.
Fino, S.R., A.T. Pearse, and J.D. Stafford. Relating predator communities and duck nest survival in Eastern SD. Annual Meeting of the Central Flyway Technical Section, Padre Island, TX. 11 September 2022.
September 2022
We simultaneously studied mesocarnivore ecology and movements and duck nest survival in Eastern South Dakota.
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, and R. C. Lonsinger. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, South Dakota. 26 February 2018.
February 2018
Presented on proposed work evaluating movements, habitat use, and foraging ecology of 3 mesomammal carnivores, simultaneous with duck nest site selection and survival, in Eastern South Dakota.
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, and R. C. Lonsinger. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 30 January 2018.
January 2018
Presented on proposed work evaluating movements and habitat use of 3 mesomammal predators simultaneous with duck nest site selection and survival in Eastern South Dakota.
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, AND R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. Ducks Unlimited, Canada IWWR Research Roundup Webinar Series. 8 April 2021.
April 2021
Presented preliminary results of simultaneous monitoring of mesocarnivore habitat use and movements and duck nest survival.
Fino, S. R., J. D. Stafford, A. T. Pearse, J. A. Jenks, AND R. C. Lonsinger. 2021. Relating predator community dynamics and duck nest survival in eastern South Dakota. Brookings Wildlife Federation. 4 June 2021.
June 2021
Preliminary results of simultaneous monitoring of mesocarnivore habitat use and movements and duck nest survival.
Fincel, M.J., and S.R. Chipps. 2011. Foraging Patterns of Walleye and Sauger as Revealed by Stable Isotope Analysis. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA.
September 2011
Fincel, M.J. and S.R. Chipps. 2011. The influence of variable prey abundance on walleye growth in a large, Missouri River reservoir. 48th Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2011
Fincel, M.A., D. J. Dembkowski, and S.R. Chipps. Influence of Variable Prey Abundance On Walleye Diets and Growth in a Large Missouri River Reservoir. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 11.
September 2013
This study showed that gizzard shad, when abundanct, provide an important prey subsidy to walleye in Lake Oahe. Results are being used to develop management strategies for gizzard shad in Lake Oahe.
Fincel, M., and S. Chipps. 2010. Increases in gizzard shad abundance influences walleye isotope signatures in Lake Oahe, South Dakota. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Fincel, M., S. Chipps, and B. Graeb. 2010. Dietary niche partitioning and variability of sauger and walleye in South Dakota Missouri River impoundments. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
December 2010
Fincel, M., S. Chipps, and B. Graeb. 2011. Diet overlap and variability between sauger and walleye in Missouri River Impoundments. South Dakota Walleyes Unlimited, Chamberlain, SD.
June 2011
Fincel, M. J., J. A. Van De Hey, and S. R. Chipps. February 3, 2009. Non-lethal sampling of walleye and yellow perch for stable isotope analysis: a comparison of three tissues. Annual Meeting, Minnesota-Wisconsin-Ontario Chapters, American Fisheries Society, Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2009
Fincel, M. J., B. A. Davis, and S. R. Chipps. December 9-12, 2007. Inter-reservoir variation in walleye isotope signatures: implications for food web analysis. Poster presented at the 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Fincel, M. J., B. A. Davis, and S. R. Chipps. August 17-21, 2008. Inter-reservoir variation in walleye isotope signatures: implications for food web analysis. 138th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada.
August 2008
Fincel, M. J., B. A. Davis and S. R. Chipps. February 19, 2008. Inter-reservoir variation in walleye isotope signatures: implications for food web analysis. 44th annual meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
February 2008
Fincel, M. J. and S. R. Chipps. February 23, 2010. The influence of variable prey abundance on walleye growth in a large Missouri River reservoir. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2010
Fincel, M. J. and S. R. Chipps. December 2, 2009. Prey effects on walleye growth in the Missouri River. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
Fincel, M. J. and S. R. Chipps. 2010. Prey effects on walleye growth in the Missouri River. Annual meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited, Rapid City, South Dakota.
January 2010
Figura, M.K., J.D. Stafford, D. Roeder, and K.K. Bakker. 2023. Evaluating avian use of cover crops in the Corn Belt. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, SD.
February 2023
Presented results of avian use of fall-seeded cover cropped fields compared with perennial cover and row crop fields.
Figura, M., K. Bakker, K.C. Jensen, and J.D. Stafford. 2021. Evaluating avian use of cover crops in the Corn Belt. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 24 February 2021.
February 2021
Presented preliminary results of evaluation of avifaunal use of fall-seeded cover crops in Southeastern Iowa.
Figura, M., K. Bakker, K.C. Jensen, AND J.D. Stafford. 2021. Evaluating avian use of cover crops in the Corn Belt. 81st Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. 2 February 2021.
February 2021
Presented preliminary results of avifaunal use of fall-seeded cover crops in Southeast Iowa.
Figura, M. K., Stafford, J. D., and Bakker, K. K. Evaluating avian use of cover crops in the Corn Belt Region. SDSU Wildlife & Fisheries Conservation Club. South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota. October 2021.
October 2021
Present research results from an evaluation of the value of fall-seeded cover crops in Iowa to migrating and breeding avifauna.
Figura, M. E., Stafford J. D., Bakker, K. K., & Jensen, K. C. Evaluating Avian Use of Cover Crops in the Western Corn Belt Region. Poster Presentation. The Wildlife Society SD Chapter. Champlain, South Dakota. 26-27 February 2020.
February 2020
Presented preliminary results from a study in Iowa on avifaunal use of fall-seeded cover crops.
Figura, M. E., Stafford J. D., Bakker, K. K., & Jensen, K. C. Evaluating Avian Use of Cover Crops in the Western Corn Belt Region. Oral Presentation. Brookings Birding Club. Brookings, SD, 11 December 2019.
December 2019
Presented preliminary results from a study of avifaunal use of cover crops in Iowa.
Evaluating the Internet for Collection of Scientific Data (Use, Harvest, and Attitudes)
August 2012
Evaluating biases associated with conducting an internet statewide angler survey. Pathways to Success Conference. Breckenridge, CO
September 2012
Internet surveys are much cheaper than mailed surveys. This presentation explores the potential biases associated with an internet survey of anglers.
Erceg, ME, P Braaten, DA James, SR Chipps. 2023. Living In A Gradient: The Influence Of Water Temperature Variation On Development, Settling Time And Survival Of Pallid Sturgeon Larvae In The Upper Missouri River. 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI.
August 2023
<i>This study examined effects of water temperature increase on downstream drift dynamics of larval Pallid Sturgeon. Because drift duration and settling time of larvae were inversely related to heating rate, accounting for this factor improved our ability to model larval drift distance of the federally endangered Pallid Sturgeon. </i>
Erceg, M, S.R. Chipps, D.A. James, and P.J. Braaten. 2022. Living in a gradient: The influence of water temperature variation on development, settling time and survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae in the Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE.
March 2022
Recruitment failure in the federally endangered Pallid Sturgeon is hypothesized to be caused by habitat modifications made to the Missouri River that disrupt connectivity and alter temperature profiles downstream of constructed dams. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water temperature increases on settling behavior and growth of endogenously feeding Pallid Sturgeon larvae and used these data to develop a predictive model for simulating settling time and drift distance of sturgeon larva
Erceg, M, S.R. Chipps, D.A. James, and P.J. Braaten. 2022. Living in a gradient: The influence of water temperature variation on development, settling time and survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae in the Missouri River. Missouri River Institute, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD.
November 2022
Recruitment failure in the federally endangered Pallid Sturgeon is hypothesized to be caused by habitat modifications made to the Missouri River that disrupt connectivity and alter temperature profiles downstream of constructed dams. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water temperature increases on settling behavior and growth of endogenously feeding Pallid Sturgeon larvae and used these data to develop a predictive model for simulating settling time and drift distance of sturgeon larva
Erceg, M, S.R. Chipps, D.A. James, and P.J. Braaten. 2022. Living in a gradient: The influence of water temperature variation on development, settling time and survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae in the Missouri River. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Overland Park, KS
January 2023
Recruitment failure in the federally endangered Pallid Sturgeon is hypothesized to be caused by habitat modifications made to the Missouri River that disrupt connectivity and alter temperature profiles downstream of constructed dams. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water temperature increases on settling behavior and growth of endogenously feeding Pallid Sturgeon larvae and used these data to develop a predictive model for simulating settling time and drift distance of sturgeon larva
Erceg, M, S.R. Chipps, D.A. James, and P.J. Braaten. 2022. Living in a gradient: The influence of water temperature variation on development, settling time and survival of Pallid Sturgeon larvae in the Missouri River. 82nd Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA.
February 2022
Recruitment failure in the federally endangered Pallid Sturgeon is hypothesized to be caused by habitat modifications made to the Missouri River that disrupt connectivity and alter temperature profiles downstream of constructed dams. In this study, we evaluated the effects of water temperature increases on settling behavior and growth of endogenously feeding Pallid Sturgeon larvae and used these data to develop a predictive model for simulating settling time and drift distance of sturgeon larv
Ensrud, M.N., D.P. Walsh, E.F. Cassirer, C.P. Lehman, J.D. Stafford, AND J.A. Jenks. 2023. Further evidence that the removal of mycoplasma ovipneumoniae carrier bighorn sheep increases lamb survival. Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, SD.
February 2023
Presented results of research showing that removing sheep infected with M. ovi increased survival of lambs.
Elwer, B.M., A.A. Coulter, B.J. Schall, T. Davis, S.R. Chipps, and D.P. Coulter. 2024. Using Habitat Suitability Models to Inform Preventative Management of Invasive Carp. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
Bighead and Silver Carp<i> </i>have important ecological and economic impacts in areas where they have become established. We used a bioenergetics-based modeling approach to quantify relative invasion risk as low, medium or high and used these risk assessment classifications to aid in identifying which response actions are most appropriate for a given waterbody.
Elwer, B.M., A.A. Coulter, B.J. Schall, T. Davis, S.R. Chipps, and D.P. Coulter. 2023. Development of a habitat suitability risk assessment for invasive carp. 153 Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids, MI.
August 2023
Relative invasion risk (i.e., habitat suitability) of invasive carp will be quantified using a bioenergetics-based approach to classify sites as low, moderate or high suitability. Results from this work will aid managers in developing response plans for invasive carp, including whether a response is necessary depending on site risk, site-specific timing and location; selecting gear for monitoring; and identifying locations for signage and outreach programs
Duehr, J. P., C. W. Hoagstrom, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2005. Segment and research scale geomorphology and associated fish assemblages in the Cheyenne River basin. Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society (NABS), New Orleans, Louisiana.
May 2005
Duehr, J. P., C. W. Hoagstrom, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2004. Comparison of fish species diversity in two small western South Dakota watersheds. Abstract No. 504. Bulletin of the North American Benthological Society 21(1):357.
June 2004
Duehr, J. P., C. R. Berry Jr., and J. Big Eagle. 2004. Instream habitat and fish species diversity in two small western South Dakota watersheds. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Pierre, South Dakota.
March 2004
Dollen, C.L., M.J. Fincel, and S.R. Chipps. 2024. Using Acoustic Telemetry to Determine Seasonal Movement and Residency of Walleye in Lake Sharpe, South Dakota. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
Lake Sharpe is a large reservoir on the Missouri River that is a popular destination for Walleye anglers. However, gillnet catches of Walleyes frequently exhibit high, annual variation prompting concern that catch rate may be poorly related to population abundance. To address this question, we use acoustic telemetry monitor seasonal movement and site fidelity of tagged walleye. Results of this study highlight patterns of fish residency that will be helpful for walleye management and sampling.
Dieterman, D. J. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. Physical habitat variables related to rare fish abundance in eastern slope streams of the Coteau des Prairie, South Dakota. Tri-State Meeting of the South Dakota, North Dakota and Minnesota Academy of Sciences, Moorhead, Minnesota.
April 2000
Dieterman, D. J. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. Data analysis techniques for assessing changes in Midwestern warm water stream fish communities. Workshop on the Minnows and Suckers and Other Ignored Fishes of the North American Midwest Streams, 130th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Deslauriers, D., S.R. Chipps, L.B. Heironimus and R.A. Klumb. Development and application of a spatially explicit growth model for age-0 pallid sturgeon. 147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
August 2016
We developed a spatially explict foraging-bioenergetics model for age-0 Pallid Sturgeon. The model was then used to evaluate and rank site-specific habitat quality for young Pallid sturgeon in the Missouri River.
Deslauriers, D., S.R. Chipps, J.A. Breck, and C.P. Madenjian. 2015. Fish Bioenergetics 4.0: the inauguration of a new era. 145th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.
August 2015
This purpose of this project was to develop a new bioenergetics software platform for modeling feeding and growth rates in fishes. The new software -- Fish Bioenergetics 4.0 -- is a significant upgrade over the previous version (Fish Bioenergetics 3.0) released in 1997.
Deslauriers, D., L.A. Heironimus, T. Rapp, S.R. Chipps, B.D.S. Graeb, and R.A. Klumb. 2015. Development and application of a spatially explicit growth model for age-0 pallid sturgeon. 145th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.
August 2015
This study developed and applied a foraging model to predict larval growth dynamics of the federally endangered Pallid Sturgeon in the Missouri River
Deslauriers, D., L. Heironimus, T. Rapp, BDS Graeb, R.A. Klumb, and S.R. Chipps. 2014. Development and application of a spatially explicit growth model for Scaphirhynchus spp. larvae. 50th Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2014
The study developed functional feeding responses and temperature-dependence of feeding that were used to develop a larval pallid foraging model.
Deslauriers, D., L. Heironimus, T. Rapp, B.D. Graeb, R.A. Klumb, and S.R. Chipps. 2014. Development and application of a spatially-explicit growth model for age-0 pallid sturgeon. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec.
August 2014
developed and applied a growth model for larval pallid sturgeon to assess growth potential in the Missouri River. showed spatial variation in growth as a function of prey density, water temperature, and prey composition.
Deslauriers, D., L. Heironimus, B. Graeb, R. Klumb, and S. Chipps. 2014. Development and application of a spatially explicit growth model for age-0 Scaphirhynchus species. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE.
March 2014
This study quantified functional feeding response of larval scaphirhynchus species across a range of water temperatures and prey sizes. Empirical information on water temperature and prey density were then used to model growth dynamics for larval sturgeons in the Missouri River.
Deslauriers, D., L. A. Heironimus, and S.R. Chipps. 2020. Use of an eco-physiological approach to assess food resource competition between pallid and shovelnose sturgeon during their first year of life. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. October 28, 2020.
October 2020
Differences in early life characteristics are critical for understanding reproductive success in shovelnose and pallid sturgeon. Shovelnose sturgeon larvae generally settle out of the drift earlier than pallid sturgeon larvae and begin feeding on benthic invertebrates. Quicker settling times, shorter drift distances, and earlier feeding may explain what natural reproduction by shovelnose sturgeon is more successful than that observed for pallid sturgeon in the Missouri River.
Deslauriers, D., J.M. Howell, J.C. Sholley, and S.R. Chipps. 2013. The influence of prey energy density on fish consumption rate. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND
February 2013
This work showed how variability in food consumption estimates affect bioenergetic estimates of food consumption
Deslauriers, D., D. McLeod, S. Windels, S.R. Chipps, C.A. Trembath, S.L. Shaw, and B. McLaren. 2012. Do sturgeon require passports? A collaborative research effort to describe lake sturgeon seasonal distribution between the Namakan River (Canada) and Reservoir (United States). 142nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN.
August 2012
Deslauriers, D., B.D.S. Graeb, R.A. Klumb, and S.R. Chipps. 2013. Discerning between actual and available energy sources for juvenile shovelnose sturgeon. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Jefferson City, Missouri, March 11-13th.
March 2013
This work documented functional feeding response and gut evacuation rate of shovelnose sturgeon at three different water temperatures. this information is being used to develop a spatically explicit foraging model for Schaphirhynchus species.
Deslaurier, D.D., L. Heironimus, T. Rapp, B.D.S. Graeb, R.A. Klumb, and S.R. Chipps. 2015. Development and application of a spatially-explicit growth model for age-0 Pallid Sturgeon. 19th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE.
March 2015
This was the first study to develop and apply a foraging model for young of year pallid sturgeon. The model provides a mechanistic approach for evaluating habitat conditions for larval pallids in the Missouri River.
Dembkowski, D.J., S.R. Chipps, and B.G. Blackwell. 2013. Sport Fish Population Attributes As Influenced By Water Level Fluctuations in Glacial Lakes. 143rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 11.
September 2013
this work showed the water level fluctuations in glacial lakes influence the abundance and size structure of yellow perch and walleye populations.
Dembkowski, D.J., M.R. Wuellner, A. Rosburg, and S.R. Chipps. 2016. Dynamics and demographics of Yellow Perch in South Dakota glacial lakes with dissimilar population types. 147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
August 2016
this study linked environmental conditions in Glacial lake to morphological and growth variation in corresponding yellow perch populations.
Dembkowski, D., D.W. Willis, B. Blackwell, and S.R. Chipps, M. Wuellner. 2015. Estimating the influence of smallmouth bass predation on recruitment of age-0 yellow perch in South Dakota glacial lakes. 145th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.
August 2015
This study documented smallmouth bass predation on young yellow perch -- and found that smallmouth predation on perch had little influence of perch population mortality.
Dembkoski, D.J., S.R. Chipps, and B.G. Blackwell. 2013. Sport fish population attributes as influenced by water level fluctuations in glacial lakes. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2013
This study showed that cyclical patterns of flooding influence producitivy and size-structure of yellow perch and walleye populations. During high water periods, abundance and condition of yellow perch were greater in Glacial lakes than during drought periods.
Davis, J., J.W. Wilhite, and S.R. Chipps. 2014. Mink predation of brown trout in a Black Hills stream during a radio telemetry study. 50th Annual Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, SD.
February 2014
This study showed that predation by mink on stocked brown trout can be a significant source of mortality in Rapid Creek.
Davis, B. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2003. Estimating trophic position of Lake Oahe walleyes. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2003
Davis, B. A. and S. R. Chipps. 2002. Estimating walleye trophic position using stable isotope ratios: implications of variable prey populations. Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Rock Island, Illinois.
December 2002
Davis J.L., S. A. Carleton and S.R. Chipps. 2016. Sources of unauthorized introductions within the Black Hills of South Dakota. Oral Presentation, 2016 Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2016
This study used stable isotope analysis to identify the source of illegally introduced Pike and Walleye in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Darnell, T., B. Darby, L.M. Gigliotti, W. Jensen, and J. Boulanger. A public opinion survey of mountain lions in North Dakota. North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Mandan, ND. 14 February 2020.
February 2020
Mountain lions are a controversial animal in North Dakota. This study provides a descriptive survey of various attitudes and beliefs held by North Dakota residents.
Darnell, T., B. Darby, L. Gigliotti, W. Jensen, and J. Boulanger. A public opinion survey of mountain lions in North Dakota. North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Mandan, ND. 14 February 2019.
February 2019
This project will evaluate North Dakota resident attitudes towards mountain lions by assessing respondent satisfaction levels with current lion management strategies. It will also explore associations between respondent attitudes and various demographics.
Cutler, L., B.B. Blackwell, A. Coulter, and S.R. Chipps. 2022. Influence of a lake-wetland complex on Walleye diet and movement. 152nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, WA.
August 2022
Wetlands are productive habitats that often provide abundant food sources and rearing habitat for fish. In this study, we evaluated wetland use by Walleye and found that fish collected in the wetland (n=27) had fewer empty stomachs (22% empty) and greater mean diet weight (11.4 g) compared to Walleye collected in the lake (n=46) at 33 % empty and 3.9 g, respectively.
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Annual Meeting of South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oacoma, South Dakota. 23 February 2015
February 2015
Presentation on wetland plant community changes in North Dakota wetlands.
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Annual Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, Providence, Rhode Island. 2 June 2015
June 2015
Presentation on changes in North Dakota wetlands over 50 years, with a focus on the plant community.
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. Changes in species abundance in wetland zones in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Annual Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, Corpus Christi, Texas. 3 June 2016.
June 2016
Presentation on changes in wetland vegetation in the Prairie Pothole Region over 50 years at the International meeting of The Society of Wetland Scientists.
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. 2014. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri
January 2014
Report on wetland research in North Dakota.
Cressey, R.L., J.E. Austin, and J.D. Stafford. 2014. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Portland, Oregon
May 2014
Results of our current study will provide valuable information about PPR wetlands as climate change and environmental stressors continue to influence in this landscape.
Cressey, R., J. Austin, and J. D. Stafford. Changes in Prairie Pothole Region wetland plant communities and wetland conditions after 50 years. Annual meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Duluth, MN. 5 June 2013.
June 2013
Results of our current study will provide valuable information about PPR wetlands as climate change and environmental stressors continue to influence in this landscape.
Cressey, R. L., J. E. Austin, and J. D. Stafford. Changes in wetland plant communities and wetland conditions in the Prairie Pothole Region after 50 years. North Dakota Chapter The Wildlife Conference, Mandan, North Dakota. 11 February 2015
February 2015
Presentation on changes in wetland plant communities in North Dakota over 50 years.
Citizen's Beliefs and Attitudes towards Climate Change in South Dakota. Pathways to Success Conference, Breckenridge, CO.
September 2012
Chipps,S.R., M.J. Greiner, and D.O. Lucchesi. 2011. Reeling in anglers: factors influencing satisfaction of urban anglers in South Dakota. 48th Annual meeting of the Dakota Chaper American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
February 2011
Chipps, SR. 2015. Factors affecting mercury concentration in South Dakota fishes. East Dakota Water Development District, Board of Trustees, Brookings, SD
September 2015
This invited seminar discussed factors such as elevated water levels and lake productivity that affect Hg methylation and resulting mercury concentration in freshwater fish.
Chipps, S.R., and M.J. Fincel. 2018. Modeling effects of climate variability on angler use in the Missouri River. Missouri River Institute, University of South Dakota, Vermillion, SD.
November 2018
This work evaluated the impact of water levels on angler hours in Lake Oahe. Long-term trends show increased variability in water levels that are linked to climate-related percipitation patterns. Low or stable water levels were associated with reduced angler effort on Lake Oahe that have important economic implications for future management of the walleye fishery.
Chipps, S.R., and M.J. Fincel. 2015. Climate change and fisheries production: Modeling the long-term effects of water surface elevation on fishing effort in Lake Oahe, South Dakota. 51st Annual Meeting Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, ND.
March 2015
This study modeled effects of reservoir fluctuations on annual angler use and walleye harvest in Lake Oahe, and predicted that variability in water levels will increase in the future, owing to climate change and regional water demands.
Chipps, S.R., and M. Fincel. 2017. Climate change and fisheries production: modeling the long-term effects of water availability on angler use in Lake Oahe, South Dakota. Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference, Rapid City, SD.
April 2017
This work evaluated the impact of water levels on angler hours in Lake Oahe. Long-term trends show increased variability in water levels that are linked to climate-related percipitation patterns. Low or stable water levels were associated with reduced angler effort on Lake Oahe that have important economic implications for future management of the walleye fishery.
Chipps, S.R., Heironimus, L.B., D. Deslauriers, and D. Galat. 2016. Growth of larval Pallid Sturgeon as influenced by changes in Missouri River water temperatures. 76th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI.
January 2016
This study documented effects of reduced water temperatures associated with tailrace areas, on growth dynamics of age-0 pallid sturgeon. Water temperature effects were more pronounced in the upper Missouri River basin, and decreased downstream below Gavin's Point dam.
Chipps, S.R. 2019. Long-term effects of climate variation on water level fluctuations and angler harvest in Lake Oahe, South Dakota. Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Freshwater Institute, Arctic and Aquatic Research Division, Winnipeg, CA.
April 2019
Variable climate conditions, such as droughts and flooding, impose challenges to managing fisheries resources. Using information from long-term creel data and the biophysical environment from Lake Oahe, South Dakota we developed a model for predicting angler use. Model parameters included a harvest regulation index, mean condition of harvested Walleye, mean prey abundance in the reservoir, and summer water surface elevation in the lake. Time-series data showed greater variability in annual w
Chipps, S.R. 2018. Stream habitat restoration and reintroduction of Brown Trout in Gary Creek, SD. Trout Unlimited, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
October 2018
Provided an overview of recent fish and habitat sampling in Gary Creek, South Dakota. Discussed habitat restoration techniques that are needed to restore naturally-reproducing Brown Trout.
Chipps, S. R., T. M. Selch, and B. G. Blackwell. 2008. Mercury in South Dakota Walleyes. Annual meeting of the South Dakota Chapter of Walleyes Unlimited. Thunderstik Lodge, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
January 2008
Chipps, S. R., J. A. Porter, and D. H. Wahl. 2002. Effect of phenotypic plasticity on vulnerability to predation: a multi-adaptive polymorphism in juvenile bluegill sunfish. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2002
Chipps, S. R., J. A. Porter, and D. H. Wahl. 2000. Effect of morphological variation on susceptibility to predation: an experimental test with bluegill sunfish. 62nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Chipps, S. R., H. Bollig, and D. Symens. 2006. Factors affecting growth and survival of paddlefish fry in rearing ponds. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Chipps, S. R., H. A. Meyer, T. Rapp, B. D. S. Graeb, R. A. Klumb. 2011. Ecological energetics and prey selectivity of age-0 pallid sturgeon. USCOE Missouri River Research Workgroup, Omaha, NE.
December 2011
Chipps, S. R., D. E. Hubbard, K. B. Werlin, and N. J. Haugerud. 2003. Biological indicators of wetland condition. Missouri River Natural Resource Conference, Atchison, Kansas.
June 2003
Chipps, S. R. and N. J. Haugerud. 2002. Development and application of a macroinvertebrate index of biotic integrity for floodplain wetlands of the upper Missouri River. National EMAP Symposium, Kansas City, Missouri.
May 2002
Chipps, S. R. and D. H. Wahl. February 19, 2008. Bioenergetics modeling in the 21st century; reviewing new insights and revisiting old constraints. 44th annual meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
February 2008
Chipps, S. R. and D. H. Wahl. 2004. Development and evaluation of a mosquitofish bioenergetics model. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Chipps, S. R. and D. H. Wahl. 2003. Development and evaluation of a mosquito fish bioenergetics model. Abstract No. 116. 64th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Chipps, S. R. and D. H. Wahl. 2000. Effects of littoral habitat complexity on growth rate of sunfishes. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2000
Chipps, S. R. and B. J. Holcomb. 2002. Limnology of Black Hills reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the North Dakota Wildlife Society, Fargo, North Dakota.
February 2002
Chipps, S. R. 2004. Biological indicators of wetland disturbance. Annual Bioassessment Workshop, U. S. EPA, Region 8, Rapid City, South Dakota.
February 2004
Chipps, S. R. 2002. Role of introduced Mysis relicta in aquatic ecosystems: what can we learn from hindsight? 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, Maryland.
August 2002
Chipps, S. R. 2002. Biological indicators of wetland condition. 2002 West Nile Virus Conference, South Dakota Department of Health, Pierre, South Dakota.
December 2002
Chipps, S. R. 2001. Habitat linked polymorphism in bluegill sunfish: why all fish aren't created equal. Shallow Lakes Workshop, Delta Marsh Field Station, Manitoba, Canada.
August 2001
C. W. Hoagstrom, C. R. Berry, N. J. C. Gosch, and A. C. DeWitte. 2006. Fish assemblage structure in the North American Great Plains: a case history. Presented at the 54th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society Meeting, Anchorage, Alaska.
June 2006
Brown, M. L., S. R. Chipps, and S. K. Stukel. 2004. An overview of limnological conditions and ecosystem states of glacial lakes in eastern South Dakota. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Brown, M. L. and S. R. Chipps. October 23, 2008. Current limnological characteristics and ecosystem states of eastern glacial lakes: a snapshot. Presented at the Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings, South Dakota.
October 2008
Brezden, T. J., S. L. Shaw, S. R. Chipps, D. W. Willis, S. Windels, and D. McLeod. 2009. Growth and abundance of Lake Sturgeon in Voyageurs National Park. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Boyer, K., C. R. Berry Jr., E. Buckner, G. Giannico, S. Gregory, and S. King. 2004. Reconciling agricultural production with conservation of aquatic community dynamics in temperate riverine landscapes. 2nd International Symposium on Riverine Landscapes, the Scientific Basis of Restoring Watercourses in Landscapes. Bredsel, Alvsbyn, Sweden.
August 2004
Bouchard, M. A. and C. R. Berry. 2005. From the Great Plains to the Great Lakes: The U. S. Bureau of Fisheries' First Professional Female Aquatic Biologist, Louella E. Cable (1900-1986). Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Bouchard, M. A. and C. R. Berry Jr. 2006. From the Great Plains to the Great Lakes: the U.S. Bureau of Fisheries' first professional female aquatic biologist, Louella E. Cable (1900-1986). Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Borgstrom, L., C. Berry, and C-A. Hayer. February 24, 2009. Longitudinal fish community assemblage in the Forest River, North Dakota. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Borgstrom, L. J., C. R. Berry Jr., and C. A. Hayer. February 27, 2007. Inventory of rare and nongame fishes in North Dakota. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Borgstrom, L. J. and C. R. Berry Jr. October 22, 2008. Unique aquatic system of the Coteau Escarpment. Presented at the Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings, South Dakota.
October 2008
Blausey, C. M., S. S. Wall, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. The status and distribution of the Topeka shiner with the application of GIS in eastern South Dakota. Joint Meeting of the Nebraska and Iowa Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
January 2000
Blausey, C. B, S. S. Wall, and C. R. Berry Jr. 2000. South Dakota distribution and habitat of the Topeka shiner, an endangered species. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
March 2000
Bertrand, K. N., S. R. Chipps and C. R. Berry Jr. February 12, 2008. The South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Poster presented at SDSU Research Days Symposium, Brookings, South Dakota.
February 2008
Berry, Charles R. Jr. April 5, 2008. Fishes of the Cheyenne River: synthesis of recent research. Invited presentation in session on the Cheyenne River, South Dakota Academy of Science, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
April 2008
Berry, C. R., S. S. Wall, and C. A. Hayer. 2006. Management and recovery of fish species at risk in the Upper Missouri River Basin: A basin-wide approach.
June 2006
Berry, C. R. Jr., S. S. Wall, and J. A. Jenks. 2002. Application of Aquatic Gap Analysis to conserve the endangered Topeka shiner. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2002
Berry, C. R. Jr., N. M. Morey, and C. W. Hoagstrom. 2003. Recreational catfishing, status of channel and flathead catfish populations and proposed flood control measures in eastern South Dakota. Abstract No. 152. 64th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Berry, C. R. Jr., K. F. Higgins, D. W. Willis, and S. R. Chipps. February 20, 2008. Highlights from History of Fisheries and Fishing in South Dakota. 44th annual meeting, Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
February 2008
Berry, C. R. Jr., C. J. Kopplin, S. S. Wall, and J. A. Jenks. 2002. Aquatic GAP Analysis for the Missouri River. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2002
Berry, C. R. Jr., B. A. Young, and D. L. Galat. 2000. Status of the benthic fish community in the Missouri River. 4th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota.
May 2000
Berry, C. R. Jr. and S. S. Wall. 2002. Using GIS to conserve the Topeka shiner. 53rd Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, DC.
March 2002
Berry, C. R. Jr. and S. S. Wall. 2001. An application of aquatic gap analysis to conserve the endangered Topeka shiner in South Dakota. 11th Annual National GAP Analysis Program Meeting, Brookings, South Dakota.
June 2001
Berry, C. R. Jr. and S. R. Chipps. 2000. Aquatic research of the South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit: five year summary. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2000
Berry, C. R. Jr. and K. F. Higgins. 2004. Aquatic vertebrate biodiversity: new information on fish, turtles, and amphibians. Rushmore Regional Conference on Biocomplexity, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
August 2004
Berry, C. R. Jr. and C. W. Hoagstrom. November 2, 2006. Status of fishes in South Dakota with emphasis on declining species in eastern rivers. Presented at the South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings, South Dakota.
November 2006
Berry, C. R. Jr. and C. W. Hoagstrom. 2006. South Dakota's river fish inventory and habitat analysis: 15 year summary of fish management applications. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2006
Berry, C. R. Jr. and C. W. Hoagstrom. 2004. Gathering natural resource information: comparison between the Corps of Discovery (1804-1806) and the National Ecological Observatory Network (20??). Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Pierre, South Dakota.
March 2004
Berry, C. R. Jr. and C. W. Hoagstrom. 2003. Ethics: recreational fishing, fisheries profession and fisheries education. 54th Annual Meeting, American Institute of Biological Sciences, Arlington, Virginia.
March 2003
Berry, C. R. Jr. and B. A. Young. 2002. Fishes and habitat of the national recreational river segments of the Missouri River in South Dakota. 6th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, South Sioux City, Nebraska.
April 2002
Berry, C. R. Jr. and B. A. Young. 1999. Status of riverine fish communities in South Dakota and uses of new information. 61st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2006. The South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Poster presented at the annual campus research symposium 'Celebrating Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities.' SDSU, Brookings.
August 2004
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2006. Fish and wildlife connections to forests along prairie rivers. 10th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, South Sioux City, NE.
May 2006
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2004. Rapid transit of aquatic nuisance species across the northern Great Plains: Missouri River as a highway. 55th Annual Meeting of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, DC.
March 2004
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2004. Gathering natural resource information: comparison between the corps of discovery (1804-1806) and the national ecological observatory network (20??). South Dakota Academy of Science Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
April 2004
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2004. Fishes of the Missouri River National Recreational River in South Dakota. Rushmore Regional Conference on Biocomplexity, Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
August 2004
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2004. Angler attitudes and opinions regarding catfish and their management in Mississippi River basin states. Ecology and Management of Catfish Symposium, Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
February 2004
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2002. Missouri River research on fish and wildlife at the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, South Dakota State University. 6th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, South Sioux City, Nebraska.
April 2002
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2002. Application of river concepts to a semi-arid and a sub-humid river in South Dakota. Annual meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chamberlain, South Dakota.
February 2002
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2001. Preliminary results of the benthic fishes study on the Missouri and Lower Yellowstone rivers. Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Committee (MRNRC) Meeting, DeSoto National Wildlife Refuge (NWR), Blair, Nebraska.
August 2001
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2000. Wildlife and fisheries resources of the Missouri River. Special Lecture Series, the Missouri River Institute, Vermillion, South Dakota.
March 2000
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2000. Warmwater riverine fish surveys in South Dakota: 1989-1999. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Spearfish, South Dakota.
February 2000
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2000. Understanding watersheds: a primer. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, South Dakota Chapter, Oacoma, South Dakota.
March 2000
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2000. Temporal trends in stream fish communities of northern grasslands. Workshop on the Minnows and Suckers and Other Ignored Fishes of the North American Midwest Streams, 130th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2000. Missouri River resources and issues in South Dakota. National Research Council Commission, Pierre, South Dakota.
October 2000
Berry, C. R. Jr. 2000. Missouri River - highway for invasion of the northern Great Plains. National Review of the U. S. Geological Survey Invasive Species Program, Annapolis, Maryland.
October 2000
Berry, C. November 2, 2009. 2009: The Year of Science and public understanding of science. Presented at the 2009 Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings.
November 2009
Berry, C. April 3, 2009. The Year of Science in South Dakota. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the South Dakota Academy of Science, Aberdeen, South Dakota.
April 2009
Berry, C. 2009. Factors influencing public understanding of science. Oral Presentation at the 139th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee.
September 2009
Berg, K. L., S. R. Chipps, and R. A. Klumb. 2006. Relative prey use by juvenile pallid sturgeon, compared to the macroinvertebrate assemblage below Fort Randall Dam. 67th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Berg, K. L., R. A. Klumb, and S. R. Chipps. February 27, 2007. Relative prey use by juvenile pallid sturgeon, compared to the Missouri River macroinvertebrate assemblage below Fort Randall Dam. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2007
Berg, K. L, R. A. Klumb, and S. R. Chipps. 2006. Species composition and abundance of macroinvertebrates in the Missouri River below Fort Randall and Gavins Point dams, South Dakota and Nebraska. 10th Annual Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, South Sioux City, NE.
May 2006
Berg, K. A., R. A. Klumb, and S. R. Chipps. September 5, 2007. Diets of juvenile pallid sturgeon and macroinvertebrate availability in the Fort Randall reach, Missouri River. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, California.
September 2007
Behney, A. C., R. O’Shaughnessy, M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Patterns of duck foraging behavior during Spring Migration in Illinois. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, KS. 11 December 2012.
December 2012
Duck behavior in spring.
Behney, A. C., R. O’Shaughnessy, M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. 2014. An assessment of factors influencing bias, precision, and detection probability of food abundance estimates from core sampling. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. Oral Presentation.
January 2014
Presentation of research results evaluating core sampling efficiency for waterfowl food estimation.
Behney, A. C., R. O’Shaughnessy M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Ecological Factors Influencing Foraging Behavior of Ducks during Spring Migration. 6th North American Duck Symposium and Ecology and Management of North American Waterfowl Conference, Memphis, TN. 30 January 2013.
January 2013
Influence of various factors on foraging ducks.
Behney, A. C., R. O'Shaughnessy, M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. 2012. Ecological factors influencing foraging behavior of birds during spring migration. North American Ornithological Conference, Vancouver, Canada.
August 2012
Behney, A. C., R. O'Shaughnessy, M. W. Eichholz, and J. D. Stafford. Ecological factors influencing foraging behavior of ducks during spring migration in the Wabash River floodplain, USA. 3rd Pan-European Duck Symposium, Jindřichův Hradec, Czechia.
April 2012
Foraging duck work.
Batalla, M., S.R. Chipps, K.M. Millman and J. Stafford. 2024. Influence of wetland condition on aquatic invertebrates, amphibians, and fishes in semi-permanent wetlands. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
The USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP) assists landowners with protecting, restoring, and enhancing wetlands. The objective of this study is to evaluate the usefulness of physical and/or biological metrics for monitoring conservation efforts for wetlands enrolled in NRCS-ACEP.
Batalla, M., S.R. Chipps, K. Millman, and J. Stafford. 2024. Fishes, macroinvertebrates, amphibians, and water quality attributes in eastern South Dakota wetlands: An evaluation of wetlands enrolled in the USDA-NRCS Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP). Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD.
January 2024
To better understand the conservation outcomes associated with USDAs agricultural conservation easement program (ACEP), this study is evaluating plant, animal and water quality attributes associated with wetlands enrolled in ACEP and comparing these characteristics to non-enrolled wetlands in the Prairie Pothole Region of eastern South Dakota.
Bacula, T. D., B. G. Blackwell, D. W. Willis, and S. R. Chipps. 2009. Smallmouth bass bioenergetics in Pickerel Lake, South Dakota. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Andvik, R. T., B. J. Galster, J. A. Van De Hey, M. J. Fincel, S. R. Chipps, and B. D. S. Graeb. 2009. Non-lethal stable isotope analysis of the endangered pallid sturgeon. Annual Meeting, Dakota Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Bismarck, North Dakota.
February 2009
Anchor, C.E., M.L. Szymanski, R.J. Murano, A.T. Pearse, and J.D. Stafford. Migration Patterns and Landscape Use by Hatch-Year Mallards during Autumn and Winter. Oral Presentation. Central Flyway Waterfowl Technical Committee Meeting, North Platte, NE, 5 February 2020.
February 2020
The ecology of waterfowl during the post-fledge period is the least understood aspect of the annual cycle. This study used cutting-edge technology to track hatch-year birds from fledge through their first migration.
Anchor, C.E., M.L. Szymanski, R.J. Murano, A.T. Pearse, and J.D. Stafford. Evaluating Post-fledging Movements of Hatch Year Mallards in the Dakotas. Poster. North American Duck Symposium 8, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 27 August 2019.
August 2019
Preliminary results of project on post-fledge mallard ecology.
Anchor, C.E., A.T. Pearse, R.J. Murano, M.L. Szymanski, and J.D. Stafford. Habitat Use by Hatch-Year Mallards in North and South Dakota. Oral Presentation. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Chamberlain, SD, 28 February 2020
February 2020
The ecology of waterfowl during the post-fledge period is the least understood aspect of the annual cycle. This study used cutting-edge technology to track hatch-year birds from fledge through their first migration.
Anchor, C.E., A.T. Pearse, M.L. Szymanski, R.J. Murano, and J.D. Stafford. Habitat Use by Post-fledging Mallards in the Southern Prairie Pothole Region. Oral Presentation. North Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Mandan, ND, 13 February 2020.
February 2020
The ecology of waterfowl during the post-fledge period is the least understood aspect of the annual cycle. This study used cutting-edge technology to track hatch-year birds from fledge through their first migration.
Ahrens, N. L. and C. R. Berry Jr. December 9-12, 2007. Population structure and characteristics of sturgeon chub in two western South Dakota prairie streams. Poster presented at the 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Ahrens, N. L. and C. R. Berry Jr. December 3, 2006. South Dakota River and Stream Monitoring. Presented at the Winter Technical Meeting of the Rivers and Streams Technical Committee, Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006