South Dakota Technical Assistance Activities

Coop Unit staff provide technical assistance to natural resource agencies on a variety of issues. The Unit works with the SDSU Agriculture Extension Office by helping produce technical materials on fish and wildlife issues in South Dakota. Unit staff also provide continuing education workshops to cooperators.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
meeting with SD Game, Fish & Parks staff (PPP-LCC project) - provided assistance with developing their landowner survey S. D. Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | May 2015 |
meeting with SD Game, Fish & Parks staff (PPP-LCC project) S.D. Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | December 2014 |
meeting with S.D. Game, Fish & Parks staff (PPP-LCC project - assistance with developing their landowner survey S. D. Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | July 2015 |
meeting with S.D. Game, Fish & Parks fisheries staff (Summer Fisheries Meeting in Yankton) to talk about the up-coming economic study S. D. Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | July 2015 |
meeting with S.D. Game, Fish & Parks Western Regional Advisory Panel to talk about the up-coming landowner survey being conducted by SDGFP S. D. Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | July 2015 |
meeting with N.D Game & Fish staff (PPP-LCC project) - assistance with reviewing the first draft of their landowner survey N. D. Game & Fish |
Gigliotti | July 2015 |
Worked with SDGFP staff to help design and launch their 2013 statewide angler survey. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | November 2013 |
Worked to develop proposal ideas for watershed management in Lake Alvin, South Dakota; assisted with the EPA 319 proposal for a demonstration project that aims to reduce sediment loading into the reservoir by constructing settling ponds and an outflow control structure. EPA |
Chipps | December 2006 |
Worked on a survey instrument for GFP related to Law Enforcement South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2014 |
Water quality assessment and bacterial bloom identification for Pickerel Lake, South Dakota Pickerel Lake Association |
Chipps | July 2012 |
Was interviewed about watershed connectivity; the taped interview will be part of a public information video and education package. Brookings Radio |
Berry | October 2006 |
Visited a road culvert site for Federal Emergency Management Agency to determine the presence of Topeka shiners; none were found. FEMA |
Berry | October 2008 |
Visited Mina Lake in northeastern South Dakota to document water quality characteristics. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | July 2009 |
Using Unit's Aquatic Gap analysis data showing rivers and predicted fish distribution on BLM lands in Montana. BLM |
Chipps, Berry | November 2006 |
To U.S. Department of Justice: reviewed and commented on a federal litigation case involving a wetlands restoration plan; served as an expert witness in United States v. Cundiff. Department of Justice |
Chipps | May 2004 |
The Unit?��s Master Station Bird Banding Permit (No. 09262) was renewed until September 30, 2007; wildlife bird banding studies are done at SDSU under this permit. USGS SDCFWRU |
Berry | August 2005 |
The Nature Conservancy's (TNC) portfolio of streams that are of priority conservation importance is published ( Several South Dakota streams are included. Research Associate Steve Wall attended several meetings with TNC and provided advice on streams with Topeka shiners. TNC |
Berry, Wall | January 2005 |
The National Office of the Izaak Walton League asked about restoration of the James River and the Topeka shiner. Izaak Walton League |
Berry | October 2002 |
Tested GFP's 2016 internet angler survey to make sure it was ready for implementation. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | December 2016 |
Supplied stream fisheries information to HGR Engineering. HGR Engineering |
Berry | September 2009 |
Supplied lists of fishes in streams that border BLM lands in western South Dakota. SD BLM |
Berry | October 2006 |
Supplied information to USGS Aquatic Gap Office on Canadian programs and scientists that might benefit from sharing information about Aquatic Gap Analysis. USGS Aquatic Gap Office |
Berry | June 2005 |
Supplied fish data. EPA |
Berry | August 2007 |
Supplied data on fish species. USDA |
Berry | August 2007 |
Supplied a synopsis of the James River fish studies since 1989, and all relevant reprints and theses to Eric Laux (402-221-7186), who is overseeing the EIS on the James River Restoration Program proposed by the James River WDD. EIS |
Berry | November 2003 |
Summarized data analyzed from the SD Game, Fish and Parks statewide angler survey South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | May 2014 |
Students helped seine the kids fishing pond in preparation for the Trout Extravaganza put on by the Brookings Wildlife Federation . BWF |
Berry | May 2004 |
Sixty yellow perch fin clips were collected for a perch genetic study being done by a Wisconsin student with the Wisconsin Co-op Unit. WI Coop Unit |
Berry | June 2006 |
Served on CRU Awards committee USGS Coop Units |
Chipps | January 2010 |
Served as team member for the upper basin Pallid Sturgeon workshop to develop and refine conceptual ecological models (CEMs) for larval pallid sturgeon. US Army Corps of Engineers |
Chipps | July 2013 |
Served as Chair of special committee for AFS to evaluate student mentoring and leadship program American Fisheries Society |
Chipps | March 2011 |
Seined the kids’ fishing pond in preparation for stocking 1,200 rainbow trout for Trout Extravaganza Weekend. Brookings Wildlife Federation |
Berry | May 2009 |
Searched for and identified some human dimensions data on deer management needed by GFP for a presentation. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | July 2017 |
Sampled the EROS pond to document fish species composition and abundance. Earth Resources Observation and Science (EROS) Science Center |
Chipps, Greiner | July 2009 |
S.D> Game, Fish & Parks staff (fisheries projects) S.D. Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2015 |
S.D. Game, Fish & Parks staff (fisheries projects) S. D. Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | April 2015 |
S.D. Game, Fish & Parks staff (Fisheries projects) S.D. Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2015 |
Reviewed/commented on South Dakotas Pallid Sturgeon Management Plan; also reviewed Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)/Game, Fish and Parks water quality data and provided input regarding elevated pH levels in regional lakes. GFP |
Chipps | January 2006 |
Reviewed completion report and consultant findings for solar aeration pilot study on Lake Madison, South Dakota South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks |
Chipps | June 2013 |
Reviewed and agency report and provided advice for developing a manuscript and future research about young anglers. South Daktoa Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | November 2019 |
Reviewed a survey and provided advice for the Gregory County Prescribed Burn Association. The survey, about cedar control, was sent to landowners in Gregory County, SD Gregory County Prescribed Burn Association |
Gigliotti | January 2012 |
Reviewed a request to extend the road culvert study being conducted by the University of Montana on Topeka shiner streams in the James River basin. DOT Science Advisory Panel. |
Berry | September 2009 |
Reviewed a questionnaire, coordinated the implementation of a survey of South Dakota Non-Operator Landowners, analyzed the data and provided a data report. South Dakota Association of Conservation Districts |
Gigliotti | March 2018 |
Reviewed a draft Spearing/Bow-fishing survey for GFP. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2012 |
Reviewed a deer hunter questionnaire for Jay Boulanger (University of North Dakota) University of North Dakota |
Gigliotti | November 2015 |
Reviewed South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Statewide Strategic Plan Components document. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | June 2013 |
Reviewed South Dakota Game, Fish and Park's draft river otter plan. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2012 |
Reviewed Ph.D. dissertation by Mr. Muhammad Asif Riaz, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan, entitled ?ǣStudies on the feasibility of raising Channa marulius with tilapia Oreochromis mossambicus by using different predator-prey stocking ratios in fertilized ponds.?ǥ University of Faisalabad |
Chipps | December 2005 |
Reviewed DENR sampling guidelines for lake water quality parameters as part of their effort to develop a state-wide TMDL for mercury; added selenium, dissolved organic carbon, and dissolved inorganic carbon to the list of variables to be analyzed. DENR |
Chipps | January 2008 |
Reviewed 11 grant proposals submitted to the NWFW America the Beautiful Challenge RFP. NWFW |
Aikens | August 2022 |
Research Associate Steve Wall helped with formulating the Biological Opinion for best management practices for construction at road crossings over streams inhabited by Topeka shiners. SD Fish and Wildlife |
Berry | February 2004 |
Research Associate Steve Wall attended the aquatic conservation planning meeting for the Northern Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregion; Wall advised on distribution of fishes, especially the endangered Topeka shiner. Northern Tallgrass Prairie Ecoregion |
Berry | March 2004 |
Refined a draft questionnaire and study plan for the survey of public attitudes towards non-game fish management in the Black Hills for GFP. South Daktoa Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2017 |
Pulled together some spawning temperature data for West River warm and coolwater fishes. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Berry | June 2009 |
Provided the Powder River Basin Resource Council with an update on a recently funded DENR/EPA project to evaluate atmospheric mercury deposition in South Dakota. DENR and EPA |
Chipps | January 2008 |
Provided technical assistance to South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks' biologists after an ethanol spill near Huron, South Dakota, resulted in a moderate fish kill. GFP |
Chipps | May 2005 |
Provided technical assistance to Game, Fish and Parks' biologists after an ethanol spill near Huron, South Dakota, resulted in a moderate fish kill. Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | May 2008 |
Provided technical assistance to Deputy Chief Kevin Whalen and Unit Leader Donna Parrish (Vermont Unit) on bioenergetics modeling related to a study on Atlantic salmon smolts. USGS |
Chipps | May 2008 |
Provided technical assistance regarding factors affecting Hg accumulation in South Dakota fishes. DENR |
Chipps | November 2006 |
Provided technical assistance on mercury contamination and fish mercury advisories to Civil Design INC. as part of a technical plan to divert water from Twin Lakes into Sinai Lake to reduce flooding along highway 81. Civil Design INC. |
Chipps | June 2012 |
Provided technical and analytical assistance to Game, Fish and Parks in a study to evaluate productivity of small impoundments. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | April 2012 |
Provided some help analyzing data from GFP's Decoy-Only Hunting Unit South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (Contact: Cindy Longmire) |
Gigliotti | April 2012 |
Provided some data and results from the 2015 Statewide Angler Survey needed for a presentation South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department |
Gigliotti | October 2017 |
Provided project up-dates at Game, Fish and Parks Summer Fisheries Meeting. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | July 2013 |
Provided invertebrate data from the Rapid Creek study (Didymoshpenia) to University of Durham, UK, for use in a review paper in Hydrobiologia. University of Durham |
Chipps | November 2008 |
Provided instructions and 500 test strips to detect whether jars of fish specimens contain formalin or alcohol to faculty and students to ?save their sense of smell.? Brookings High School |
Berry | August 2008 |
Provided input on avian species considered under the South Dakota Wildlife Action Plan Revision. Suggested and justified new species to include, advised on retention of currently-listed species. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Stafford | December 2011 |
Provided information to the Iowa Department of Natural Resources about the possibility of skipjack herring (Alosa chrysochloris). Iowa DNR |
Berry | June 2008 |
Provided information to Carol Aron (Game, Fish and Parks) on the effects of dams on tributaries to the Missouri River. GFP |
Berry | January 2006 |
Provided information to Blue Dog State fish hatchery on algae control approaches for managing fish rearing ponds SD Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | January 2012 |
Provided information on water level changes in northeastern South Dakota lakes from work being conducted by Ph.D. student Trevor Selch. Nature Conservancy |
Chipps | October 2006 |
Provided information on walleye feeding rates in Missouri River impoundments S. D Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Chipps | July 2011 |
Provided information on the Topeka shiner for an impact assessment related to extending the Brookings, South Dakota, airport runway over Six-Mile Creek. Graham Environmental Services |
Berry | May 2009 |
Provided information on national professional organizations and advocacy groups for natural history museums and collections. South Dakota State University Natural History Collections Coalition |
Berry | January 2010 |
Provided information on American eels in the Missouri River to Biologist Scott Larson (ES-Pierre). ES |
Berry | June 2005 |
Provided fresh mercury data to SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources from studies conducted in 2007 and 2008. SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources |
Chipps | March 2012 |
Provided fish mercury information to Department of Environment and Natural Resources staff. SD DENR |
Chipps | November 2008 |
Provided data to Boyd Schultz, Brookings Private Lands Office, because new locations for Topeka shiners were needed to update the Private Lands Activities Plan. Brookings Private Lands Office |
Berry | June 2005 |
Provided data and site information to G. Braughton, who was sampling NAQUA sites in South Dakota. USGS Wyoming Water Office |
Berry | July 2009 |
Provided assistance/advice on surveying deer hunters South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | December 2011 |
Provided assistance with developing a sampling scheme for using email and a web-based survey platform to conduct statewide angler surveys for SDGFP South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2018 |
Provided assistance to South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks related to conducting a survey of prairie dog shooters in South Dakota. Developed the survey and explained how to implement the survey. South Dakota Game Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2012 |
Provided assistance to South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks on how to set-up the data from their 2011 goose hunting unit to be entered into the computer. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2012 |
Provided assistance to Mark Fencel & Chris Longhenry (SDGFP) in Chamberlain to help design their economic study (field data collection) South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | October 2015 |
Provided assistance to Jake Davis & Greg Simpson (SDGFP) in Rapid City to help design their economic study (field data collection). South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department |
Gigliotti | October 2015 |
Provided assistance to Dave Lucchesi & Todd St. Sauver (SDGFP) in Sioux Falls to help design their economic study (field data collection) South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department |
Gigliotti | October 2015 |
Provided assistance to Arizona Game and Fish (Loren Chase) in reviewing a human dimensions project (survey design and review of questionnaire) Arizona Game and Fish |
Gigliotti | August 2015 |
Provided assistance for Peter Fritzell (IA DNR) in reviewing their survey questions for a landowner survey (survey design and review of questionnaire) Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Gigliotti, Sweikert | January 2016 |
Provided assistance for Kevin Kading (ND Game & Fish) in reviewing their survey questions for a landowner survey (survey design and review of questionnaire). North Daktoa Game & Fish Department |
Gigliotti, Sweikert | October 2015 |
Provided assistance for Idaho Game and Fish (Michele Beucler) related to survey procedures and possible future research projects Idahoa Game and Fish |
Gigliotti | August 2015 |
Provided an overview and orientation to Cindy Longmire related to the human dimensions position at Game, Fish, and Parks (my old position with the agency). GFP requested that I provide this assistance. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (Contact: Cindy Longmire) |
Gigliotti | April 2012 |
Provided advice related to planning, and reviewed a planning document for Dave Lucchesi South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | August 2012 |
Provided advice related to doing surveys in South Dakota. John Loomis, CSU |
Gigliotti | July 2012 |
Provided advice related to developing surveys. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | June 2012 |
Provided advice on developing a survey using SurveyMonkey to Eileen Dowd-Stukel. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | August 2012 |
Provided a review of an angler survey (developed by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources) for Jerry Wilhite (Western Area Power Administration, Lakewood, CO). Western Area Power Administration |
Gigliotti | January 2012 |
Provided a presentation on human dimensions for the Plains and Prairie Potholes LCC. Plains and Prairie Pothole LCC |
Gigliotti | August 2013 |
Provided U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Garrison Hatchery, with a list of fishes by river basin to help fill out a stocking report relating to native and exotic and introduced fishes. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Berry | November 2008 |
Provided SDGFP with survey templates (Internet and paper) and advice for conducting the annual mountain lion hunter surveys. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2012 |
Provided GFP (Geno Adams) with additional data analyses of their 2015 statewide angler survey (5 hours). South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Department |
Gigliotti | September 2016 |
Provided GFP (Cindy Longmire) with assistance in providing information requested from the public about waterfowl hunting in South Dakota (3 hours). South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | September 2016 |
Provided DENR with fish lists for river basins and attended briefing on proposed changes in stream and lake designated uses. DENR |
Berry | September 2008 |
Provided 1st-year Progress Reports on GFP's Angler Survey Project South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | August 2012 |
Processed and analyzed water quality data for Angostura Reservoir S. D. Department of Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | June 2011 |
Presented to City Council of Mitchell SD on Lake Mitchell alum treatment at annual Winter Fisheries Meeting, Pierre, South Dakota. City of Michell SD |
Chipps | February 2003 |
Peer-Reviewer American Fisheries Society, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Chipps | December 2011 |
Participation in Summer Fisheries Staff Meeting, South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks. GFP |
Chipps, Selch, Fincel | July 2007 |
Participated in ecosytem review meeting sponsored by GFP. Developed management strategies for managment and research in glacial lakes GFP |
Chipps | February 2011 |
Participated in Missouri River research meeting to explore effects of water level fluctuations on the walleye fishery in Lake Oahe. Provided technical advice/overview on long-term trends in the walleye fishery and prey resources in Lake Oahe. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | February 2013 |
Participated in 33 calls or in-person meetings with agency cooperators, mentees participated in an additional 10 calls with cooperators (USFWS Ecological Service; USFWS Fisheries; MS Dept Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks; US Forest Service; US Corps of Engineers, Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources) Alabama DCNR |
Dunn, Stafford | October 2022 |
Pallid Sturgeon expert for the Missouri River Recovery Program U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service |
Chipps | June 2020 |
Organized invertebrate identification workshop for regional fisheries biologists in North and South Dakota. Dakota Chapter American Fisheries Society |
Chipps | February 2011 |
ND Game & Fish staff (discuss possible ideas for future projects) N. D. Game and Fish |
Gigliotti | April 2015 |
Met with staff to discuss small impoundment research and toxicology testing for developing urban fisheries in eastern South Dakota. GFP |
Chipps | August 2008 |
Met with staff to discuss data needs/availability for the Missouri River Ecosystem Restoration Program. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Chipps, Berry | August 2009 |
Met with researchers to discuss didymo sampling in the Black Hills. University of Wisconsin |
Chipps, James | January 2009 |
Met with personnel from South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and parks to discuss a possible evaluation of the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program under the State Wildlife Grants program South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Stafford | December 2011 |
Met with former Unit student Jeremy Duehr, who is now employed by Westwood Professional Services. The firm is working for the James River Water Development District; provided background literature, suggested several people for nomination to a Technical Committee; conferred with COE Project Leader E. Laux. Westwood Professional Services |
Berry | December 2005 |
Met with fisheries staff in Pierre to discuss needs to economic angler date. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2013 |
Met with cooperators to discuss lake sturgeon research in Voyageurs National Park. Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources |
Chipps, Shaw | August 2009 |
Met with Water Division staff from Rapid City and Huron to discuss chemical and biological monitoring of Big Sioux River water for endocrine disrupting chemicals. Rapid City & Huron Water Division Staff |
Berry | August 2005 |
Met with South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks to discuss water quality analyses in Rapid Creek, South Dakota, as part of the effort to document effects of nutrient enhancement on Didymo biomass. SD GFP |
Chipps, James | October 2008 |
Met with South Dakota Department of Transportation in Pierre to evaluate three proposals for Topeka shiner research ($120,000 for two years). SD DOT |
Berry | October 2006 |
Met with SDSU Department Chair (Dave Willis) and Dick Emrick (SD Wildlife Heritage Initiative) to talk about some of my past human dimensions research and to provide advice about some projects that Dick was interested in doing. Dick Emrick (SD Wildlife Heritage Initiative) |
Gigliotti | January 2012 |
Met with SDGFP (Eileen Dowd-Stukel and others) to discuss how to get feedback on GFP's Wildlife Action Plan and discuss progress on results from their survey. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | August 2012 |
Met with S.D. Game, Fish and Parks staff to help design their 2014 statewide angler survey (John Lott, Geno Adams, Cynthia Longmire, and Will Sayler). South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | October 2013 |
Met with John Cooper to discuss doing a needs assessment for South Dakota in relation to considerations of creating a dedicated source of conservation funding. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks Commission |
Gigliotti | February 2013 |
Met with GFP to talk about progress and further steps needed for the revision of the GFP's Wildlife Action Plan South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2012 |
Met with GFP staff to discuss possible human dimensions projects. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | August 2013 |
Met with GFP concerning evaluation of uban fishing projects South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2012 |
Met with Dr. Robert Pillsbury, University of Wisconsin aquatic plant ecologist, to coordinate research in Rapid Creek. GFP |
Chipps | November 2007 |
Met with Dr. Delvin DeBoer, South Dakota State University Environmental Engineering Department, as part of a collaborative effort to develop a strategy for screening potential toxicants (water quality and fish flesh) from developing urban fisheries in eastern South Dakota. SDSU |
Chipps | September 2008 |
Met with Biologists Mike Barnes and Craig Soupir to discuss thiamine isotope studies on Lake Oahe. GFP |
Chipps | June 2004 |
Meeting with various agency staff at the Pathways to Success Conference in Estes Park (PPP-LCC project) MN DNR: MT Game & Fish: SD Game, Fish & ParksFP |
Gigliotti | October 2014 |
Meeting with SDGFP to discuss possible research. Resulted in delivery of a pre-proposal:"Evaluation of hunter use and landowner opinions of the James River Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program in SD. South Dakota Game Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | November 2012 |
Meeting with Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to provide assistance with developing their survey (PPP-LCC project) Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
Gigliotti | August 2015 |
Meeting with Iowa Department of Natural Resources to provide assistance with developing their survey (PPP-LCC project) Ioaw Deaprtment of Natural Resources |
Gigliotti | August 2015 |
Meeting with GFP concerning a possible human dimensions project to catalog all the work that I had done for GFP (Cindy Longmire) South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | May 2012 |
Meeting with GFP concerning a possible human dimensions project regarding law enforcement (Emmett Keyser) South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | May 2012 |
Meet with the Iowa DNR staff to discuss possible involvement in the Plains & Prairie Pothole LCC Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Gigliotti | June 2014 |
Meet with SD GFP wildlife staff to review research needs South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | May 2014 |
Meet with SD GFP staff to discuss progress on a survey research project South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | August 2014 |
Meet with SD GFP staff to discuss possible involvement in the Plains & Prairie Pothole LCC project South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | August 2014 |
Meet with SD GFP fisheries staff to review research needs South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | June 2014 |
Meet with SD GFP fisheries staff to review and discuss possible research opportunities South Daktoa Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | July 2014 |
Meet with SD GFP fisheries staff to discuss possible research to measure economic impact and value of small impoundment fisheries in South Dakota South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | September 2014 |
Meet with North Daktoa GAme and Fish staff to discuss possible involvement in the Plains & Prairie Pothole LCC project North Dakota Game & Fish |
Gigliotti | August 2014 |
Meet with Minnesota DNR to discuss possible involvement in the Plains & Prairie Pothole -LCC project Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
Gigliotti | September 2014 |
Meet with MT Fish, Wildlife & Parks staff to discuss possible involvement in the Plains & Prairie Pothole LCC project Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks |
Gigliotti | September 2014 |
Manuscript Review (Management-relevant angler characterization: species and water body preferences among New York's anglers). North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Gigliotti | January 2012 |
Ken Sullivan, Missouri Department of Conservation, requested information on catfish populations; sent unpublished age and growth data on the flatheads and channel cats in the James and Big Sioux Rivers. MIssouri Dept. of Conservation |
Berry | July 2004 |
Implemented GFP's 2016 internet angler survey on the SurveyMonkey platform. South Daktoa Game,Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | December 2016 |
Identified snails (Physidae) that are clogging water inflow structures at Watertown City water treatment plant City of Watertown SD |
Chipps | January 2003 |
Identified rusty crayfish collected from the Big Sioux river for Game, Fish and Parks. This was the first reported occurrence of rusty crayfish in South Dakota GFP |
Chipps | September 2011 |
I serve as the curator of South Dakota's Aquatic Invertebrate collection that is housed at South Dakota State University and supported by South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Chipps | January 2020 |
I serve as an Advisor to the Pallid Sturgeon Fish Technical Team. I attend meetings of the Fish Tech Team and provide input/advice on Pallid Sturgeon recovery efforts. U.S Army Corp of Engineers |
Chipps | May 2024 |
I helped implement and analyze an internet survey measuring stress levels of South Dakota agricultural producers. South Dakota Soil Health Coalition |
Gigliotti | November 2019 |
Hosted staff from the COE Omaha district, who met to discuss research progress and needs for juvenile pallid sturgeon. GRAs presented overviews of research projects. Corps of Engineers |
Chipps | October 2009 |
Helped the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) (Connie Vicuna, Huron) estimate the screen mesh size needed to protect Topeka shiners from being entrained in irrigation pumps and other water withdraw sites and presented a project status report. NRCS |
Berry | November 2004 |
Helped synthesize and prioritize research needs for pallid sturgeon. USCOE |
Chipps | August 2007 |
Helped South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks with anaylsis of a Private Lands Survey South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | January 2014 |
Helped South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks staff recruit college students for a workshop on hunting. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | September 2019 |
Helped Sayre Associates with listing rare species near Garretson, South Dakota, where the sewer system is being expanded. Sayre Associates |
Berry | November 2007 |
Helped SD Game, Fish and Parks conduct a workshop for college students interested in learning about hunting. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | October 2019 |
Helped National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Biologist Jim Finnigan plan a floodplain dugout with respect to lessening chances for the dugout to become a sink for Topeka shiners. NRCS |
Berry | May 2004 |
Helped GFP launch their Internet statewide angler survey South Daktoa State Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | January 2014 |
Helped E. Laux (Omaha) find literature on the benefits to riparian zones to stream water quality to calculate benefits in the upper Big Sioux River watershed. E. Laux (Omaha) |
Berry | July 2004 |
Fisheries research planning session. USGS SDCFWRU |
Chipps, Berry | June 2008 |
Evaluation and restoration of brown trout habitat in Gary Creek, SD. Conducted in-stream habitat and fish surveys, identified limiting habitat conditions, developed a habitat improvement plan. Trout Unlimited - Dakota Chapter |
Chipps | September 2016 |
Evaluated results from a pilot study to reduce algal blooms on Lake Madison using solar-powered wind turbines. Lake Madison Lake Association |
Chipps | November 2012 |
Drafted a questionnaire for studying public attitudes towards non-game fish management in the Black Hills. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | November 2016 |
Drafted a questionnaire for identifying/measuring factors important for having a "quality" waterfowl hunting experience. South Daktoa Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | November 2016 |
Did a literature search for information about state wildlife commissions. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks / Tom Kirschenmann |
Gigliotti | May 2019 |
Developed sampling protocols and coordination plans for collecting lake trout and northern pike from Pactola Reservoir with staff from South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | June 2012 |
Developed a white-paper summary of human dimensions work on mountain lion management in SD from 2002-2012 South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | November 2013 |
Developed a survey instrument for collecting information about prairie dog shooting activity in South Dakota South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | December 2011 |
Developed GFP's 2016 internet angler survey (produced 10 internet surveys one for each of GFP's 10 fishing licenses) South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | December 2016 |
Data on Missouri River fishes was requested as being critical to a National Science Foundation grant proposal to study fish diseases in the National Recreational River segments. Missouri River |
Berry | January 2003 |
Coordination of the South Dakota presentation at the upcoming Topeka Shiner Workshop. Five-Year Review. Topeka Shiner Workshop |
Berry | May 2007 |
Coordinated the state management plan for Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) with Game, Fish and Parks. GFP |
Chipps | June 2007 |
Coordinated isotope samples/analysis for a Black Hills trout project being led by Jack Erickson - Game, Fish and Parks. GFP |
Chipps | October 2003 |
Consulted with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Personnel, Kulm District, regarding research project design. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Stafford | September 2012 |
Conducted a SWOT Analysis for the NRLE (Natural Resource Law Enforcement) Advisory Board (multi-state/agency and Federal agency personnel that provides guidance for developing the Law Enforcement curriculum for the NRLE program at SD State University, NRLE (Natural Resource Law Enforcement) Advisory Board |
Gigliotti | May 2019 |
Compiled comments from the 2016 internet angler survey in a document for GFP. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2017 |
Commented on proposed alternatives for improving water quality in Lake Mitchell; provided technical advice on external versus internal nutrient loading. City of Mitchell, SD |
Chipps | February 2006 |
Collected fish for the Flandreau Tribe to submit for contaminant analysis; showed how to sex fish to investigate the possible effects of gender bending chemicals. Flandreau Indian Tribe |
Berry | June 2007 |
Checked the World Conservation Union (IUCN?s Red List Index for accurate information on the Topeka shiner. World Conservation Union |
Berry | January 2008 |
Attending a meeting to develop/refine a questionnaire and plan for the survey to measure SD resident opinions about native fish management in the Black Hills South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2017 |
Attended a meeting in Huron, SD with GFP staff to make plans for a study of factors important for a "quality" waterfowl hunting experience. South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | January 2017 |
Attended South Dakota Game Fish & Parks Fall Wildlife Staff Meeting. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Stafford | September 2012 |
Attended South Dakota Game Fish & Parks Fall Wildlife Staff Meeting. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Stafford | September 2011 |
Attended GFP's Summer Fisheries Meeting and provided talks on conducting angler surveys and an up-date (progress report) on the current human dimensions project (Evaluation of Using the Internet to Collect Annual Angler Information. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | August 2012 |
Assisted with experimental design, data collection, analysis, and report writing for a study entitled "Effects of seasonal hypoxia on macroinvertebrate communities in a small reservoir" South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | May 2009 |
Assisted fisheries staff with annual sampling on Lake Alvin, South Dakota. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | June 2009 |
Assisted US Fish and Wildlife Service with wetland tiling study and new research work order to SDCFWRU USFWS |
Chipps | October 2011 |
Assisted South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks with their Eastern region fisheries strategic plan. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks |
Chipps | June 2013 |
Assisted South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks with technical information and methods concerning limnology; value of alum to control water quality; links between invertebrates and fish. GFP |
Chipps | May 2005 |
Assisted South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks with sampling and water quality analysis for Lake Alvin, SD South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Chipps | October 2011 |
Assisted South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks with project management and sampling design for lake trout assessment in Pactola reservoir. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | July 2012 |
Assisted South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks with creel survey study to evaluate factors affecting angler satisfaction in urban fishing ponds South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks |
Chipps | May 2013 |
Assisted South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks with 5 year ecosystem planning efforts. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | January 2012 |
Assisted South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks (Blue Dog State Fish Hatchery) determine water quality standards for walleye rearing ponds. Developed a monthly sampling protocol for quantifying nutrient concentration and invertebrate densities for extensive pond rearing. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks |
Chipps | February 2013 |
Assisted South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks with research planning for Pactola Reservoir and recent establishment of non-native, northern pike populations. Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | November 2011 |
Assisted SDGFP personnel with analytical questions. South Dakota Department of Game, Fish & Parks |
Stafford | September 2012 |
Assisted SD Game, Fish and Parks and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service with East River Ecosystem watershed planning for South Dakota. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | February 2012 |
Assisted Pickerel Lake Association with identification and description of bacterial blooms in Pickerel Lake, South Dakota. Pickerel Lake Association and South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Chipps | June 2012 |
Assisted National Park Service with lake sturgeon telemetry study and data acquisition for Namakan reservoir National Park Service |
Chipps | October 2011 |
Assisted Game, Fish and Parks' staff with analysis of total phosphorus from water samples collected at Blue Dog State Fish Hatchery. Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | May 2008 |
Assisted GFP staff with sampling efforts on Lake Alvin. A long-term data set on water quality and secondary productivity is being developed for Lake Alvin to evaluate the effects of future settling ponds and water level fluctuations. South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Chipps | September 2010 |
Assisted Dr. James Stone (South Dakota School of Mines and Technology) and DENR in developing a proposal to quantify patterns of atmospheric mercury deposition in South Dakota. DENR |
Chipps | November 2007 |
Assistance with public involvement project for the South Dakota Game, Fish, & Parks (Eileen Dowd-Stukel) South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks |
Gigliotti | November 2012 |
Analyzed some date from GFP's Decoy-Only Hunting Unit and provided date for their Executive Summary Report. South Dakota Game, Fish, & Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2012 |
Analyzed data from the South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks statewide angler survey South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | March 2014 |
Analyzed data from the South Dakota Game, Fish & Parks statewide angler survey South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | April 2014 |
Analyzed angler data from the GFP's statewide angler survey South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks |
Gigliotti | February 2014 |
Advised the Corps of Engineers and other attendees at the multi-agency meeting on the upper Big Sioux River flood control projects about fishery values of the upper basin, including the status of the Topeka shiner. Army Corps of Engineers |
Berry | June 2004 |
Advised Dr. Jim Wilson (Ag Extension Specialist) about fathead minnows as biological control agent for mosquito populations in South Dakota. South Dakota State University |
Chipps | April 2004 |
Advised Brookings Children's Museum staff concerning themes for aquatic exhibits that might be included in the new museum. Brookings Children's Museum |
Berry | November 2008 |
A major road in Sioux Falls, crossing the Big Sioux River, will be rebuilt and the Corps of Engineers needed information on fish in the river, especially the Topeka shiner. Army Corps of Engineers |
Berry | February 2003 |
A WAFWA Lion Working Group has been formed to revisit and update the 2011 Managing Cougars in North America. I was lead author for the chapter titled Human Dimensions of Cougar Management: Public Attitudes and Values and will be taking the lead role to up-date this chapter in the book. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (WAFWA) |
Gigliotti | May 2018 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Year of Science Discussion Leader | Berry | February 2009 | February 2009 |
Search Committee Member - Wildlife Ecologist - We conducted a search for 2 new Assistant Professors in the Department of Natural Resource Management at SDSU. These individuals would be Wildlife Ecologists and teach Mammalogy, other undergraduate courses, and conduct various applied vertebrate studies. | Stafford | October 2020 | April 2021 |
Search Committee Member - Applied Avian Ecologist - We conducted a search for a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Resource Management at SDSU. This individual would be an Applied Avian Ecologist and teach Ornithology, Game Birds, and conduct various applied avian studies. | Stafford | September 2023 | February 2024 |
Search Committee Chair, Assistant Professor-Fisheries Science - Led the search committee in a search for a new Faculty member (Fisheries Science) at SDSU | Chipps | January 2020 | July 2020 |
Search Committee Chair for the new fisheries faculty position. | Chipps | December 2007 | April 2008 |
Search Committee - Applied Avian Ecologist - We conducted a search for a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Resource Management at SDSU. This individual would be an Applied Avian Ecologist and teach Ornithology, Game Birds, and conduct various applied avian studies. | Stafford | August 2024 | October 2024 |
Search Chair - Wetland Ecologist - We conducted a search for a new Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Resource Management at SDSU. This individual would be a Wetland Ecologist, teach Wetland Ecology and other courses, and conduct various applied wetland studies. | Stafford | September 2022 | February 2023 |
Member, Water Resources Institute Steering Committee | Berry | September 2008 | October 2008 |
Member, Space and Use Committee | Chipps | July 2009 | Present |
Member, Space Utilization Committee | Berry | October 2008 | October 2008 |
Member, Search Committee for new Department Head, Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences. | Chipps | June 2007 | November 2007 |
Member, Pallid sturgeon workgroup. | Chipps | November 2005 | November 2005 |
Member, Graduate Curricula Committee, Department of Natural Resource Management, South Dakota State University - Provide guidance on curricula needs and learning objectives for graduate education in the NRM department. | Aikens | May 2022 | Present |
Member, Department Curriculum Overview Committee | Chipps | June 2009 | June 2009 |
Member, Committee on Undergraduate Research and Writing | Berry | September 2008 | Present |
Graduate Curriculum committee | Chipps | January 2016 | May 2016 |
Executive Committee - The Executive Committee consists of 5 senior faculty in the Department of Natural Resource Management. The committee serves as an advisory panel to the Department Head and the Chairs of Department Committees. | Chipps | January 2023 | Present |
Environmental Science and Biology Seminar committee | Chipps | January 2009 | July 2011 |
Director, Year of Science Activitiy | Berry | June 2007 | Present |
Department Representative, Library Committee | Chipps | June 2000 | January 2011 |
Committee Member, University Committee | Berry | February 2009 | February 2009 |
Committee Member, Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES) | Berry | April 2009 | April 2009 |
Chair, Fiscus speaker award | Chipps | September 2004 | September 2005 |
Advisor, SDSU Student Subsection, American Fisheries Society - I formed and advise the SDSU Student subunit of the American Fisheries Society. I have served as the faculty advisor of the subunit since 2008. | Chipps | June 2008 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Special Committee, American Fisheries Society | Chipps | February 2011 | April 2011 |
Mentor, Mentor, 2+2+2 Native American Internship Program | Berry | September 1990 | September 2000 |
Member, Western Pilot EMAP Steering Committee | Berry | September 2001 | January 2002 |
Member, Technical Advisory Committee | Berry | March 2006 | Present |
Member, Steering Committee | Berry | February 2008 | Present |
Member, South Dakota Academy of Science Steering Committee | Chipps | April 2007 | April 2007 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Berry | June 2006 | June 2006 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Chipps | February 2008 | February 2008 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Berry | August 2007 | August 2007 |
Member, Program Committee, 2004 National EMAP Symposium, U. S. Environmental Protection Agency | Chipps | November 2003 | May 2004 |
Member, Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership | Chipps | July 2024 | Present |
Member, James River Watershed Development | Berry | October 2001 | September 2002 |
Member, Game, Fish and Parks | Berry | June 2004 | June 2005 |
Member, Freezer Crew, Management of Freezer Material | Berry | June 2002 | July 2002 |
Member, Advisory Board | Berry | September 2007 | Present |
Leader, Coalition for the Public Understanding of Science | Berry | October 2007 | Present |
Independent Science Advisory Panel, Missouri River Recovery Program | Chipps | August 2020 | August 2023 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
With students, removed 125 trout from the kids' fishing pond; fish were leftovers after kids' fishing weekend, handicapped fishing events, and other fishing activities at the pond in June. | Berry | June 2006 |
Web article on fish mercury concentrations in South Dakota | Chipps | June 2011 |
Web article on Landsat Science about research examines elevated mercury levels in Prairie lakes with LandSat | Chipps | October 2012 |
Wall Street Journal interview about trophy catfishing. | Berry | May 2002 |
W. Franzin (Department of Fisheries and Oceans) requested information on the Frenchman River, which is part of the Unit's Aquatic Gap Analysis Project. Alberta Biologist M. Sullivan requested information on the effects of landscape change on prairie stream fishes. | Berry | September 2003 |
Upper Missouri River Aquatic Gap Analysis Project Newsletter. An eight page newsletter to biologists in the Upper Missouri Basin. | Berry | May 2003 |
Topeka shiner distribution in the area of a proposed hog confinement industry was provided to a future neighbor to the hog shed. | Berry | September 2007 |
Took the Boy Scouts sampling to explain how biologists get information needed to make regulations. | Berry | September 2007 |
The Unit staff announced the availability of a webinar on adaptive management. USGS and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission are offering a free short course designed to expose scientists and managers to the basic components and process of adaptive management. | Berry, Chipps | April 2010 |
The Nature Conservancy helped us a lot with models and methods for Gap analysis and now they are using our data to determine the best locations for future land purchases. | Berry | December 2002 |
Tested the efficace of using underwater lights and sound to stop rainbow smelt from being entrained through the Oahe dam. | Chipps | January 2005 |
Supplied a list to Game, Fish and Parks (C. Soupir) of fishes that are in streams that will be crossed by a gas pipeline from Canada. | Berry | February 2006 |
Summer 2009 edition of STATE [98(2):10-11] featured an article on studies of didymo, the diatom covering the rocks of some Black Hills streams. | Chipps | June 2009 |
South Dakota?s Water Estate. Quality on Tap, Magazine of the Kingbrook Rural Water System, 3(4):8-9. | Berry | March 2008 |
South Dakota Fish Book full of History. American Fisheries Society Fish History Section Newsletter, Spring Issue ? May 2008:5-6. | Berry | April 2008 |
South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources(SDDENR) wanted Cheyenne River fish list for contaminant issue. | Berry | April 2002 |
Served on the organizing committee for the South Dakota Water Conference, co-presented a luncheon talk with Dr. Katie Bertrand, and hosted a display table for Year of Science. | Berry | November 2009 |
SDSU researchers examine how land use changes affect lakes, streams; Tri-State Neighbor | Chipps | January 2016 |
Reviewed the Unit?s stream fish databases with Department of Environment and Natural Resources staff. | Berry | November 2008 |
Raw data on fish habitat associations of five species of the Missouri River fishes was requested (R Courtney, Fisheries and Oceans Canada) for use in a workshop on suitability curves; a Canadian hydropeaking site has zero flows at times, government is asking for 75 m3/s. Missouri River data was collected during the Benthic Fishes Study that Fisheries and Oceans thinks may be helpful in their situation. | Berry | October 2005 |
Provided water quality data from Angostura Reservoir to South Dakota State University's Water Resource Institute and South Dakota Department of Environment and Natural Resources. | Chipps | May 2003 |
Provided information to Andy Mitzel (COE Regulatory Office) concerning a dam to be built on a Vermillion River tributary; owner plans to stock largemouth bass; Berry's records show bass present since 1950s, but always rare. | Berry | August 2005 |
Provided information on Louella Cable for a project on the role of women in conservation. | Berry | August 2008 |
Provided fish survey data for the Cheyenne River to South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks. | Berry | October 2008 |
Provided fish inventory data for the lower Big Sioux River to Iowa Department of Natural Resources. | Berry | October 2008 |
Provided data on fish mercury concentrations sampled from South Dakota lakes from 2000-present to Ethel Austin Martin Program on the National Children Study. | Chipps | January 2008 |
Provided an overview of fish mercury sampling and factors influencing mercury contamination in walleyes | Chipps | January 2008 |
Provided University of South Dakota with information on catching brook sticklebacks and predicted their presence in a Vermillion lake tributary using fish distribution maps. | Berry | April 2007 |
Provided REMAP plant data to U. S. Environmental Protection Agency's upper Missouri River EMAP team. | Chipps | August 2003 |
Provided Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe data on mercury in Big Sioux River fishes. | Chipps | March 2007 |
Presented luncheon talk to the Kiwanis; subject was Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). | Berry | June 2004 |
Presented luncheon talk to the Brookings Wildlife Federation; subject was Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). | Berry | June 2004 |
Presented data on Topeka biology and distribution to Watertown leaders and tribes (Sisseton, Flandreau) in a meeting about the proposed dry dam on the Big Sioux River . | Berry | May 2003 |
Presented an overview of the Unit program to the Board of Directors, East Dakota Water Development District; emphasized Big Sioux River Basin research. | Berry | December 2005 |
Presented an invited seminar on Didmosphenia research at the winter meeting of the Black Hills Fly Anglers (BHFA) in Rapid City, South Dakota. | Chipps | December 2009 |
Presented a talk on a new book titled History of Fisheries and Fishing in South Dakota. | Berry | March 2008 |
Presented a half-hour overview of rivers studies to Game, Fish and Parks staff at the Summer Fisheries Staff Meeting, Fort Pierre. | Berry | August 2003 |
Presented a half-day field experience for youth and their parents that emphasized the process of applied fisheries science and monitoring. | Berry | August 2008 |
Presented a Webinar entitled “Modeling mercury accumulation in fishes using bioenergetics models.” | Chipps | August 2009 |
Overview of the book titled History of Fisheries and Fishing in South Dakota presented at the weekly meeting of the Golden Kiwanis Club, Brookings. | Berry | July 2008 |
Organized a one day symposium on “Fisheries Science in the Year of Science, 2009.” | Berry | September 2009 |
Organized a one day symposium at the annual AFS meeting entitled “Fisheries Education in the 21st Century: Accommodating Change.” | Chipps | September 2009 |
On an East Dakota Water Development District watershed education video describing the meaning of a watershed. | Berry | February 2007 |
North Dakota Department of Health requested IBI information on South Dakota streams. | Berry | December 2001 |
Newspaper article on Coop Unit Research and Dr. Higgins' 40-year Service pin with photo. | Berry | July 2005 |
Newspaper article in Sioux Falls Argus Leader about rare fish and streams. | Berry | July 2001 |
Newspaper article about rising water levels and mercury concentration in South Dakota fishes Gillete News Record | Chipps | June 2011 |
New project will aim to help trout in Spearfish Creek; Rapid City Journal | Chipps | June 2016 |
Nature Serve asked for information on Minnesota river fishes. | Berry | February 2002 |
Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) used Topeka shiner location data and habitat associations. | Berry | May 2002 |
Multi-agency planning Topeka shiner conservation plan requested data and opinions about conservation and management. | Berry | June 2002 |
Led a field trip for parents and students attending summer classes sponsored by this unique science learning center in Brookings, South Dakota. | Berry | July 2009 |
Lead a group of eight scouts in fish anatomy, dissection, and filleting. | Berry | October 2007 |
Lake restoration at Lake Alvin included pre-drawdown sampling to determine biological baseline conditions. | Chipps | October 2005 |
It is well-documented that predators kill ducks and destroy millions of nests annually. What is less understood is how landscape features may interact to influence rates of predation and whether we can thwart predator success by more targeted and strategic habitat conservation efforts. Today, we visit with Samantha Fino, PhD Candidate and recipient of DU’s Bonnycastle Fellowship for Prairie Ecosystem Studies, to learn how her research is helping answer these questions | Fino, Stafford | October 2020 |
Invited keynote address, Eastern South Dakota Water Conference, Brookings, South Dakota. | Berry | October 2008 |
Inventoried fish in the Kids Fishing Pond and helped with a two-day Trout Extravaganza in Brookings, South Dakota. | Berry | May 2005 |
Interviewed three times by Ben Shouse (reporter, Argus Leader). | Berry | November 2003 |
Interviewed on Topeka shiners for a front page article in the Argus Leader. | Berry | December 2002 |
Interviewed by reporter Paul Guggenheimer on South Dakota Public Broadcasting Service radio (Dakota Mid Day) about the fish mercury study. | Chipps | June 2009 |
Interviewed by Mark Watson, Black Hills Pioneer about Study lowers fish numbers to improve growth rate in Spearfish Creek; 'Is trout removal from creek helping population?' | Chipps | August 2017 |
Interviewed by J. Skene, Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, concerning South Dakota’s Year of Science program. The interview will be released on the Year of Science web site. | Berry | January 2010 |
Interviewed by AZO CleanTech about existing data could help track changes in characteristics of quality of surface waters | Chipps | November 2016 |
Interviewed as a content expert for a story on Wyoming Public Radio, aired May 6, 2022. | Aikens | May 2022 |
Interviewed about fishing for trophy catfish in the Big Sioux River; Berry and students recently assessed the catfish population in the Jim and Big Sioux rivers. | Berry | January 2005 |
Interview with the Argus Leader on cat fishing. Pictured in the Brookings Register with students removing trout from the kids fishing pond in Brookings. | Berry | June 2003 |
Interview about fish management. | Berry | April 2002 |
Interview about Missouri River issues. | Berry | April 2002 |
How land use change affects water quality, aquatic live; Science Daily | Chipps | November 2016 |
Hosted a mini-workshop on fish identification for DOT Biologists Ruth Powell and Ryan Hubert. | Berry, Borgstrom | November 2009 |
Hosted Dr. Daniel Soluk from the University of South Dakota, who presented a seminar for the Ecology and Environmental Biology seminar series titled, “Predators that help their prey and acquiring dry uplands to conserve wetlands: the broader benefits of endangered species research for conserving wetland ecosystems.” | Berry, Chipps | September 2009 |
Hibernating Muskies: do muskies really sleep all winter? Muskies Magazine, April (2007):32-33. | Chipps | April 2007 |
Helped the local Cub Scout Pack (Pack 4) earn their Wildlife Conservation Award by hosting a workshop on endangered species at South Dakota State University. | Chipps | April 2008 |
Helped teach Cub Scouts about fishing and water safety. | Chipps, James, Borgstrom, Meyer, Hayer | September 2009 |
Helped organize Natural Resources Day to promote/catalogue species diversity on South Dakota public lands. | Chipps | June 2003 |
Guidelines for creating and restoring wetlands. | Berry | February 2001 |
Gave a tour of the Department and discussed career options in fisheries/wildlife for high school seniors. | Chipps | January 2005 |
GIS coverages of Topeka shiner distribution were requested by Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)-Huron to help with their conservation planning. The Coop Unit had placed the 56 maps on a CD to meet such requests. | Berry | January 2003 |
Five minute segments on Agriculture Today about river education at South Dakota State University. | Berry | September 2001 |
Fisheries research on mercury issues was featured on the South Dakota State University website | Chipps | June 2009 |
Fish pond preparation and stocking for kids fishing. | Berry | May 2002 |
Fish and Wildlife Service used Topeka shiner locations for critical habitat designations. | Berry | January 2002 |
First Impressions - article for Winter 2011, Vol. 70, No. 1 issue of Natural Resource Management Newsletter, Department of Natural Resource Management, South Dakota State University | Stafford | January 2012 |
Featured in a newspaper article about the Year of Science in the Brookings Register. | Berry | March 2009 |
Fall-migrating mallards: research documents movements and stopover in the LaGrange Pool of the Illinois River. Outdoor Illinois. | Stafford | November 2011 |
Do-Wah-Didymo; South Dakota Conservation Digest | Chipps | March 2015 |
Didymo; Invasive Species Action Network (ISAN) | Chipps | January 2014 |
Developed a series of brochures outlining research projects and services of the USGS South Dakota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (SDCFWRU). Brochures include: wildlife and fisheries research in South Dakota, estimating trophic position of Lake Oahe walleyes, development of wetland biomonitoring criteria, the role of iron availability on trophic status of Black Hills reservoirs. | Chipps | June 2002 |
Coordinated with Game, Fish and Parks staff to provide stocking/angling data for South Dakota muskies/tiger muskies for an upcoming publication of Muskies magazine. | Chipps | November 2008 |
Cindy Anchor, a Master’s student at South Dakota State University, joins the show to discuss preliminary results from her telemetry-based study of the post-fledging and migration movements of mallards from North and South Dakota. Listen to our extended discussion about Cindy’s research, sponsored through DU’s Waterfowl Research Foundation Fellowship, and what it revealed regarding mallard movements out of the Dakotas and into winter. | Anchor, Stafford | December 2020 |
By reporter Larry O'Hanlon on the BBC about the brown snot taking over the world’s rivers | Chipps | September 2014 |
Briefed the Commissioners on the working relationship between Game, Fish and Parks and U. S. Geological Survey in support of the Coop Unit at the monthly Commission Meeting held in Brookings, South Dakota. | Berry | August 2003 |
Briefed faculty on copyright issues. | Berry | August 2008 |
Briefed biologists from the two agencies on the results of the Topeka shiner studies and discussed relevance to current agency programs and policies in Huron, South Dakota. | Berry | January 2006 |
Berry, C. R. 2009. Year of Science in Review. South Dakota Wildlife Federation Out of Doors 49(12):1,3. | Berry | December 2009 |
Berry, C. R. 2009. Fish and Wildlife Science on the Hot Seat. Out of Doors 49(2):4,6. | Berry | February 2009 |
Berry, C. 2009. Welcome to the Year of Science. Water Resources Institute Water News 5(1):1-3. | Berry | January 2009 |
Berry, C. 2009. Making Sense of Science Stories. South Dakota Wildlife Federation, Out of Doors 49(6):1, 7. | Berry | July 2009 |
Berry, C. 2009. From Science to Fishing Technology. South Dakota Out of Doors 49(6):4,6. | Berry | June 2009 |
Berry, C. 2009. Four misconceptions about science. Out of Doors, the newsletter of the South Dakota Wildlife Federation 49(9):3,6. | Berry | September 2009 |
Berry, C. 2009. Five Steps for Citizen Scientists. South Dakota Wildlife Federation Out-of-Doors 49(11):1,3. | Berry | November 2009 |
Berry, C. 2009. Energy development meets fish and wildlife science. Out of Doors 49(4):4/6. | Berry | April 2009 |
Attended the Game, Fish and Parks (GFP) fisheries staff meeting in Rapid City. Visited field sites with GFP staff to select sampling locations for a new project investigating Didymoshpenia geminata in the Black Hills. | Chipps | March 2008 |
Assisted with 2009 Water Festival activities; discussed the fish and wildlife resources of South Dakota to area 4th graders. | Chipps | May 2009 |
Assisted with Big Sioux Water Development District's 2009 Water Festival activities. | Berry, Borgstrom, Chipps | May 2009 |
Assisted Brookings middle school with Aquatics Field day. Set up water quality station and demonstrated fish and invertebrate samplling techniques to 6 through 8th graders | Chipps | September 2012 |
Asked to comment on the presence of the Topeka shiner in a stream near the proposed oil refinery near Elk Point, South Dakota; provided maps from Iowa, Minnesota, and South Dakota showing that presence of Topeka shiner was possible but unlikely. | Berry | July 2007 |
Article in the periodical, Illinois Outdoor News, on research involving spatial patterns of duck migration in Illinois. | Stafford | September 2014 |
Arranged for the showing of “Battleship Antarctica” as part of the Year of Science. The documentary follows the GreanPeace ship on a voyage to thwart Japanese whaling. The Year of Science “lesson” was how cultural reactions differ to the same scientific population data. | Berry | September 2009 |
An article about the lake sturgeon blood study was published in The Daily Journal of International Falls, Minnesota, titled "Lake sturgeon project helps evaluate population." | Chipps | May 2009 |
A new project investigating early life-history of pallid sturgeon was recently highlighted in the Brookings Register, Brookings, South Dakota. | Chipps | May 2009 |