Massachusetts Research Activities

Research Publications | Publication Date |
Zipkin, E.F. and DiRenzo, G.V. (2022). Biodiversity is decimated by the cascading effects of the amphibian-killing chytrid fungus. PLOS Pathogens, 18(7), p.e1010624. doi: |
July 2022 |
Zeller, K.A., Wattles, D.W., Conlee, L., DeStefano, S.2019. American black bears (Ursus americanus) alter movements in response to anthropogenic features with time of day and season. Movement Ecology. | July 2019 |
Zeller, K. A., D. W. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Incorporating road crossing data into vehicle collision risk models for moose (Alces americanus) in Massachusetts, USA. Environmental Management. | June 2018 |
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.M. Houle, B. Lambert, B.H. Letcher, K.H. Nislow, and C. Smith. 2020. Impacts of small dams on stream temperature. Ecological Indicators. | Publisher Website | September 2020 |
Yako, L. A., M. E. Mather, and F. Juanes. 2002. Mechanisms for migration of anadromous herring; providing an ecological basis for an effective conservation plan. Ecological Applications 12:521-534 | January 2002 |
Yako, L. A., M. E. Mather, and F. Juanes. 2000. Assessing the contribution of anadromous herring to largemouth bass growth. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society: 150: 2-17 | January 2000 |
Wilzbach, M. A., M. E. Mather, C. L. Folt, A. Moore, R. J Naiman, A. F. Youngson, and J. McMenemy. 1998. Proactive responses to human impacts that balance development and Atlantic salmon conservation (Salmo salar): an integrative model. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:288-302. | January 1999 |
Whalen, K. G., D. L. Parrish, and M. E. Mather. 1999. Effect of ice formation on selection of habitats and winter distribution of post young-of-year Atlantic salmon parr. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56:87-96. | November 1999 |
Whalen, K. G., D. L. Parrish, M. E. Mather, and J. McMenemy. 2000. Cross-tributary analysis of parr to smolt recruitment of Atlantic salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 57:1607-1616 | January 2000 |
Weinstein, S.Y., J.A. Coombs, K.H. Nislow, C. Riley, A.H. Roy, and A.R. Whiteley. 2019. Evaluating the effects of barriers on Slimy Sculpin (Cottus cognatus) movement and population connectivity using novel sibship-based and traditional genetic metrics. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148: 1117-1131. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10202 | Download | Publisher Website | October 2019 |
Webster, C. M., and S. DeStefano. 2004. Using public surveys to determine the distribution of greater roadrunners in urban and suburban Tucson, Arizona. Pages 69-77 in W. W. Shaw, L. K. Harris, and L. VanDruff, eds. Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Urban wildlife Conservation, Tucson, AZ. | September 2004 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2013. Space use and movements of moose in Massachusetts: implications for conservation of large mammals in a fragmented environment. Alces 49:65–81. | October 2013 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2013. Moose habitat in Massachusetts: assessing use at the southern edge of the range. Alces 49:133–147. | October 2013 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Status and management of moose in the northeastern United States. Alces 47:53-68. | Abstract | July 2011 |
Wattles, D. W., K. A. Zeller, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Response of moose to a high-density road network. Journal of Wildlife Management. | April 2018 |
Wattles, D. W., K. A. Zeller, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Range expansion in unfavorable environments through behavioral responses to microclimatic conditions: moose (Alces americanus) as the model. Mammalian Biology. | July 2018 |
Walter, J. F., A. S. Overton, K. H. Ferry, M. E. Mather. 2002. Atlantic coast feeding habitats of striped bass: a synthesis of data supporting a comprehensive coastwide understanding of trophic biology. Fisheries Management and Ecology 10:-1-13 | August 2003 |
Walsh, C.J., D.B. Booth, M.J. Burns, T.D. Fletcher, R.L. Hale, L.N. Hoang, G. Livingston, M.A. Rippy, A.H. Roy, M. Scoggins, and A. Wallace. 2016. Principles for urban stormwater management to protect stream ecosystems. Freshwater Science 35:398-411. | January 2016 |
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2014. Best practices for continuous monitoring of temperature and flow in wadeable streams. Global Change Research Program, National Center for Environmental Assessment, Washington, DC. EPA/600/R-13/170F | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | September 2014 |
Tucker, M. et al. 2018. Moving in the Anthropocene: Global reductions in terrestrial mammalian movements. Science 359:466-469. DOI: 10.1126/science.aam9712 | Download | January 2018 |
Suryan, R. M., Sato, F., Balogh, G., Hyrenbach, K. D., Sievert, P. R., and Ozaki, K. 2006. Foraging destinations and marine habitat use of short-tailed albatrosses: A multi-scale approach using first-passage time analysis. Deep Sea Research II 53(3-4):370-386. | June 2006 |
Suryan, R. M., D. J. Anderson, S. A. Shaffer, D. D. Roby, Y. Tremblay, D. P. Costa, P. R. Sievert, F. Sato, and K. Ozaki. 2007. Wind, waves, and wing loading: their relative importance to the at-sea distribution and movements of North and Central Pacific albatrosses. PLoS ONE 3(12):e401 | January 2008 |
Strules, J., and S. DeStefano. 2016. Seasonal foraging responses of beavers to sodium-enhanced foods: an experimental assessment with field feeding trials. Journal of Mammalogy 97:89–101. | January 2016 |
Sterrett, S., A. Roy, P. Hazelton, B. Watson, B. Swartz, T.R. Russ, L. Holst, M. Marchand, J. Wisniewski, M. Ashton, and B. Wicklow. 2018. Brook Floater Rapid Assessment Monitoring Protocol. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-132-2018, Washington, D.C. | Publisher Website | September 2018 |
Sterrett, S., A. Roy, P. Hazelton, B. Swartz, E. Nedeau, J. Carmignani, and A. Skorupa. 2022. Standard Operating Protocol for Mark and Recapture Monitoring of Brook Floater in Streams. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-142-2022, Washington, D. C. | Publisher Website | July 2022 |
Stein A. B., T. K. Fuller, S. DeStefano, and L. L. Marker. 2011. Leopard population and home range estimates in north-central Namibia. African Journal of Ecology 49:383-387. | August 2011 |
Steidl, R. J., S. DeStefano, and W. J. Matter. 2000. On increasing the quality, reliability, and rigor of wildlife science. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28:518-521. | January 2000 |
Stacy, J., R.L. Ryan, A.H. Roy, and A. Milman. 2021. Homeowners' willingness to adopt environmentally beneficial landscape practices in an urbanizing watershed. Cities and the Environment 14(1). DOI: 10.15365/cate.2021.140102 | Publisher Website | July 2021 |
Smith, J. S., M. E. Mather, H. J. Frank, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn, S. D. McCormick. 2009. Evaluation of a gastric radio tag insertion technique for anadromous alewives. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:367–377. | April 2009 |
Skorupa, A.J., Roy, A.H., Hazelton, P.D., Perkins, D. and Warren, T. (2022). Evaluation of Host Fishes for the Brook Floater (Alasmidonta varicosa) from Populations in Massachusetts and Maine, USA. Freshwater Mollusk Biology and Conservation, 25(2). doi: | Download | Publisher Website | November 2022 |
Skorupa, A.J., D. Perkins, A.H. Roy, and J.E. Ryan. 2023. Watershed selection to support freshwater mussel restoration: An open-loop decision guide. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/149-2023, Washington, DC. | Publisher Website | May 2023 |
Skorupa, A.J., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D. Perkins, T. Warren, and B.S. Cheng. 2024. Food and water quality impact in situ growth of a freshwater mussel: implications for population restoration. Freshwater Science 43(2):107-123. | Download | April 2024 |
Skorupa, A.J., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D. Perkins, T. Warren, and A. Fisk. 2024. Abundance of five sympatric stream dwelling mussels varies with physical habitat. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 2024:e4069. | Download | Publisher Website | January 2024 |
Sirén, A.P.K., J. Berube, L.A. Clarfeld, C.F.Sullivan, B. Simpson, T.L. Wilson. 2024. Accounting for missing ticks: Use (or lack thereof) of hierarchical models in tick ecology studies. Ticks and Tickborne Diseases 15:102342. DOI: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2024.102342. | Abstract | Publisher Website | April 2024 |
Shuster, W.D., A.S. Garmestani, O.O. Green, L.K. Rhea, A.H. Roy, and H.W. Thurston. 2013. Catchment-scale stormwater management via economic incentives-- an overview and lessons-learned. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference of Novatech. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | June 2013 |
Scoggins, M., Booth, D.B., Fletcher, T., Fork, M., Gonzalez, A., Hale, R.L., Hawley, R.J., Roy, A.H., Bilger, E.E., Bond, N., Burns, M.J., Hopkins, K.G., Macneale, K.H., Martí, E., McKay, S.K., Neale, M.W., Paul, M.J., Rios-Touma, B., Russell, K.L. and Smith, R.F. (2022). Community-powered urban stream restoration: A vision for sustainable and resilient urban ecosystems. Freshwater Science, 41(3), pp.404–419. doi: | Publisher Website | September 2022 |
Schmidt, J.H., Wilson, T.L., Thompson, W.L. and Mangipane, B.A. (2022). Integrating distance sampling survey data with population indices to separate trends in abundance and temporary immigration. The Journal of Wildlife Management, 86(3). doi: | Abstract | Publisher Website |
November 2021 |
Schmidt, J.H., W.L. Thompson, T.L. Wilson, J.H. Reynolds. 2022. Understanding the impacts of the detection process on distance sampling surveys: selecting among approaches and minimizing total error. Wildlife Monographs 210: e1070. | Abstract | July 2022 |
Schmidt, J.H., Coletti, H.A., Cutting, K.A., Wilson, T.L., Mangipane, B.A., Schultz, C.N. and Schertz, D.T. (2024). The effects of spatiotemporal variation in marine resources on the occupancy dynamics of a terrestrial avian predator. Ecosphere, 15(11). doi: | Abstract | November 2024 |
Schlossberg, S., D. I. King, S. DeStefano, and M. J. Hartley. 2018. Effects of early-successional shrubland management on breeding wood thrush populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 82. | August 2018 |
Ryan, J.E., Roy, A.H., Hazelton, P.D., Perkins, D.L., Warren, T., Walsh, C. and Wick, R. (2022). Assessing methods for mitigating fungal contamination in freshwater mussel in vitro propagation. Hydrobiologia, 849(11), pp.2487–2501. doi: | Download |
March 2022 |
Roy, A.H., L.K. Rhea, A.L. Mayer, W.D. Shuster, J.J. Beaulieu, M.E. Hopton, M.A. Morrison, and A. St. Amand. 2014. How much is enough? Minimal responses of water quality and stream biota to partial retrofit stormwater management in a suburban neighborhood. PLoS ONE 9: e85011 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | January 2014 |
Roy, A.H., K.A. Capps, R.W. El-Sabaawi, K.L. Jones, T.B. Parr, A. Ramirez, R.F. Smith, C.J. Walsh, and S.J. Wenger. 2016. Urbanization and stream ecology: Diverse mechanisms of change. Freshwater Science 35:272-277. | January 2016 |
Roy, A.H., E. Bjerre, J. Cummings, K. Kalasz, J. Carmignani, P. Hazelton, M. Kern, D. Perkins, L. Saucier, A. Skorupa, R. Katz, and C.C. Coghlan. 2022. Brook floater restoration: Identifying locations to reintroduce or augment populations with propagated mussels. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series.FWS/CSS-141-2022. | Publisher Website | March 2022 |
Rosset, J., A.H. Roy, B. Gahagan, A. Whiteley, M. Armstrong, J. Sheppard, and A. Jordaan. 2017. Temporal patterns of river herring migration and spawning in coastal Massachusetts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:1101-1114. DOI: 10.1080/00028487.2017.1341851 | Publisher Website | September 2017 |
Rosenblatt, E, Cook, J. D., DiRenzo, G.V., Grant, E.H.C., Arce, F., Pepin, K. M., Rudolph, J.F., Runge, M.C., Shriner, S., Walsh, D., and Mosher, B.A. 2023. Epidemiological modeling of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) reveals conditions for introduction and widespread transmission. biorxiv. | September 2023 |
Rogers, A. S., S. DeStefano, and M. Ingraldi. 2005. Quantifying raptor diets: a comparative study between remote cameras and observation from blinds. Journal of Raptor Research 39:303-309. | August 2005 |
Rogers, A. S., S. DeStefano, and M. F. Ingraldi. 2006. Diet, prey delivery rates, and prey biomass of northern goshawks in east-central Arizona. Studies in Avian Biology 31:219-227. | September 2006 |
Pautzke, S. M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, L. A. Deegan, R. M. Muth. 2010. Seasonal use of a New England estuary by foraging contingents of migratory striped bass. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139: 257–269 | January 2010 |
Parrish, D. L., M. E. Mather, and R. A. Stein. 1995. Problem-solving research for management: a perspective. Fisheries 20:6-13. | January 1996 |
Odell, J., M. E. Mather, and R. M. Muth. 2005. Biosocial Approach for Analyzing Environmental Conflicts: A Case Study of Horseshoe Crab Allocation. Bioscience 55 (9): 735-748(14) | September 2005 |
Nitschke, P., M. E. Mather, and F. Juanes. 2002. The role of anthropogenic disturbance, density, habitat, and abiotic factors on recruitment of a temperate reef fish, cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus), in Cape Cod Bay. Marine Ecology Progress Series 226:165-178 | January 2002 |
Nitschke, P., M. E. Mather, and F. Juanes. 2001. Length-, weight-, and age-fecundity relationships for cunner (Tautogolabrus adspersus). North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:86-95 | August 2001 |
Nishida, C., C.W. Boal, S. DeStefano, and R. G. Hobbs. 2013. Nesting habitat and productivity of Swainson's hawks in Southeastern Arizona. Journal of Raptor Research 47:377-384. | December 2013 |
Muth, R. M., R. R. Zwick, M. E. Mather, J. F. Organ. 2002. Passing the torch of fisheries and wildlife management: comparing the attitudes and values of younger and older conservation professionals. Transactions of the 67th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, p 178-193. Wildlife Management Institute, Washington. DC | December 2002 |
Muth, R. M., D. A. Hamilton, J. F. Organ, D. J. Witter, M. E. Mather, and J. J. Daigle. 1998. The future of wildlife and fisheries policy: assessing the attitudes and values of wildlife and fisheries professionals. Transactions of the 63rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. | January 1999 |
Muth, R. M, R. R. Zwick, M. E. Mather, J. F. Organ, J. J. Daigle, S. A. Jonker. 2006. Unnecessary source of pain and suffering or necessary management tool: examining the attitudes of conservation professionals toward outlawing the leghold trap. Wildlife Society Bulletin 34:706-715 | September 2006 |
Mueller, T., K. A. Olson, G. Dressler, P. Leimgruber, T. K. Fuller, C. Nicolson, A. J. Novaro, M. J. Bolgeri, D. Wattles, S. DeStefano, J. M. Calabrese, and W. Fagan. 2011. How landscape dynamics link individual- to population-level movement patterns: a multispecies comparison of ungulate relocation data. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20:683–694. | January 2011 |
Moloney, D., K. Wormington, and S. DeStefano. 2002. Stag retention and use by arboreal marsupials in eucalypt forests of southeast Queensland, Australia: implications for management. Pages 347-355 in W. F. Laudenslayer, Jr. et al., editors. Proceedings of the symposium on the ecology and management of dead wood in western forests. U. S. Forest Service, Albany, CA. | December 2002 |
McPherson, G. M., and S. DeStefano. 2002. Applied ecology and natural resource management. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. | December 2002 |
McGrath, M. T., S. DeStefano, R. A. Riggs, L. L. Irwin, and G. J. Roloff. 2003. Spatially explicit influences on northern goshawk nesting habitat in the interior Pacific Northwest. Wildlife Monographs 154. | October 2003 |
McEachran, M. C., Harvey, J. A., Mummah, R. O., Bletz, M. C., Teitelbaum, C. S., Rosenblatt, E., ... & Cook, J. D. (2024). Reframing wildlife disease management problems with decision analysis. Conservation Biology, e14284. | May 2024 |
McDonald, J. E., S. DeStefano, C. Gaughan, M. Meyer, W. A. Woytek, S. Christensen, and T. K. Fuller. 2011. Survival and harvest-related mortality of white-tailed deer in Massachusetts. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:209–219. | July 2011 |
McCarthy, K. P., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Effects of spatial disturbance on common loon nest site selection and territory success. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:289-296. | April 2011 |
McCarthy, K. P., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Common loon nest defense against an American mink. Northeastern Naturalist 18:247-249. | April 2011 |
McCarthy, K. P., S. DeStefano, and T. Laskowski. 2010. Bald eagle predation on a common loon egg. Journal of Raptor Research 44:249-251. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2010 |
Mayer, A.L., W.D. Shuster, J.J. Beaulieu, M.E. Hopton, L.K. Rhea, A.H. Roy, and H.W. Thurston. 2012. Building green infrastructure via citizen participation: a six-year study in the Shepherd Creek (Ohio). Environmental Practice 14:57-67. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2012 |
Mattocks, S., Bittner, S., Luzanau, V., Mohammadi, H., Roy, A.H., Staudinger, M.D. and Jordaan, A. (2024). River herring influence perch morphology, physiology, and life history. Environmental Biology of Fishes, 107(11), pp.1179–1201. doi: | Download | Publisher Website |
November 2024 |
Mather, M. E., and R. A. Stein. 1993. Using growth-mortality tradeoffs to explore a crayfish species replacement in stream riffles and pools. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50: 88-96. | January 1994 |
Mather, M. E., and R. A. Stein. 1993. Direct and indirect effects of fish predation on the replacement of a native crayfish by an invading congenor. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 50: 1279-1288. | January 1994 |
Mather, M. E., M. J. Vanni, T. E. Wissing, S. A. Davis, and M. H. Schaus. 1995. Regeneration of nitrogen and phosphorus by bluegill and gizzard shad: effect of feeding history. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 52: 2327-2338. | January 1996 |
Mather, M. E., D. L. Parrish. C. A. Campbell, J. R. McMenemy, and J. M. Smith. 2008. Summer temperature variation and implications for juvenile Atlantic salmon. Hydrobiologia 603:183-196 | March 2008 |
Mather, M. E., D. L. Parrish, and J. M. Dettmers. 2009. The extensive and complex landscape of fish-related journals authors’ response. Fisheries 34:144-145. | March 2009 |
Mather, M. E., D. L. Parrish, R. A. Stein, and R. M. Muth. 1995. Management issues and their relative priorities within state fisheries agencies. Fisheries 20:14-21. | January 1996 |
Mather, M. E., D. L. Parrish, J. M. Dettmers. 2008. Mapping the changing landscape of fish-related journals: setting a course for successful communication of scientific information. Fisheries 33(9): 444-453. | September 2008 |
Mather, M. E., D. L. Parrish, C. L. Folt, and D. M. DeGraaf. 1998. Integrating across scales: effectively applying science for the successful conservation of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55:1-8. | January 1999 |
Mather, M. E. 1998. The role of context specific predation in understanding patterns exhibited by anadromous salmon. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 55: 232-246. | January 1999 |
Mather, M. E, J. T. Finn, K. H. Ferry, L. A. Deegan, G. A. Nelson.. 2009. Use of non-natal estuaries by migratory striped bass (Morone saxatilis) in summer. Fishery Bulletin 107(3): 329-337 | July 2009 |
Marjadi, M.N., Roy, A.H., Devine, M.T., Gahagan, B.I., Jordaan, A., Rosset, J. and Whiteley, A.R. (2023). Effects of freshwater residence time on reproductive success in anadromous alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus): climate change implications. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 80(3), pp.563–576. doi: | Publisher Website |
March 2023 |
Marjadi, M.N., A.H. Roy, M.G. Slocombe, J.J. Sheppard, S. Batchelder, R. Govostes, and J.K. Llopiz. 2024. A video monitoring and computational system for estimating juvenile fish abundance. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 22:295-310. | Download | March 2024 |
Marjadi, M.N., A.H. Roy, A. Jordaan, B.I. Gahagan, M.P. Armstrong, and A.R. Whiteley. 2019. Larger body size and earlier run timing increase alewife reproductive success in a whole lake experiment. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:1134-1146. DOI: 10.1139/cjfas-2017-0451 | Publisher Website | July 2019 |
Lerman, S. B., K. H. Nislow, D. J. Nowak, S. DeStefano, D. I. King, and D. T. Jones-Farrand. 2014. Using urban forest assessment tools to model bird habitat potential. Landscape and Urban Planning 122:29–40. | April 2014 |
Legett, H.D., A. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, J.J. Sheppard, M. Somos-Valenzuela, and M.D. Staudinger. 2021. Daily patterns of river herring (Alosa spp.) spawning migrations: environmental drivers and variation among coastal streams in Massachusetts. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. | Publisher Website | May 2021 |
LeFlore, E.G., T.K. Fuller, J.T. Finn, S. DeStefano, and J.F. Organ. 2019. Wild canid distribution and co-existence during Fall in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts. Northeastern Naturalist 26:325-342. | June 2019 |
Kuvlesky, W. P., Jr., S. A. Gall, S. J. Dobrott, S. Tolley, F. S. Guthery, S. DeStefano, N. King, K. R. Nolte, N. J. Silvy, J. C. Lewis, G. Gee, G. Camou-Lourdes, and R. Engel-Wilson. 2000. The status of masked bobwhite recovery in the United States and Mexico. Pages 42-57 in L. A. Brennan, W. E. Palmer, L. W. Burger, Jr., and T. L. Pruden, eds. Quail IV: Proceedings of the Fourth National Quail Symposium 4, Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL. | January 2000 |
Kumar, A., A.H. Roy, K. Andreadis, X. He, and C. Butler. 2024. LakeLevel Tracker: A Google Earth Engine-based web application for characterizing lake water levels. LakeLine 43(4): 21-25. | Download | Publisher Website | January 2024 |
Kumar, A. A.H. Roy, K.M. Andreadis, X. He, and C. Butler. 2024. A multi-sensor approach to characterize winter water level drawdown patterns in lakes. Remote Sensing 16:947. | Publisher Website | March 2024 |
Kosa, J. T., and M. E. Mather. 2001 Processes contributing to variability in regional patterns of juvenile river herring abundance across small coastal systems. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130: 600-619 | August 2001 |
Koenen, K., S. DeStefano, C. Henner, and T. Beroldi. 2005. From the field: capturing beavers in box traps. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:1153-1159. | August 2005 |
Koenen, K. G., S. DeStefano, and P. R. Krausman. 2002. Using distance sampling to estimate seasonal densities of desert mule deer. Wildlife Society Bulletin 30:53-63. | January 2002 |
Kaushal, S.S., Fork, M.L., Hawley, R.J., Hopkins, K.G., Ríos-Touma, B. and Roy, A.H. (2023). Stream restoration milestones: monitoring scales determine successes and failures. Urban Ecosystems, [online] 26(4), pp.1131–1142. doi: | Publisher Website |
May 2023 |
Katz, R., E. Grant, M. Runge, B. Connery, M. Crockett, E. Herland, S. Johnson, D. Kirk, J. Wofford, R. Bennett, K. Nislow, M. Norris, D. Hocking, B. Letcher, A. Roy. 2014. Making decisions in complex landscapes: Headwater stream management across multiple federal agencies. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Conservation Training Center, Structured Decision Making Workshop Report. | Download | Publisher Website | November 2014 |
Kanda, L. L., T. K. Fuller, P. R. Sievert, and R. L. Kellogg. 2009. Seasonal source-sink dynamics at the edge of a species range. Ecology 90(6):1574-1585. | July 2009 |
Kanda, L. L., Fuller, T. K., and Sievert, P. R. 2006. Local distribution and landscape associations of road-killed Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) in central Massachusetts. American Midland Naturalist 156:128-134. | August 2006 |
Kanda, L. L., Fuller, T. K., and Sievert, P. R. 2006. Landscape associations of road-killed Virginia opossums (Didelphis virginiana) in central Massachusetts. American Midland Naturalist 156:128-134. | July 2006 |
Kanda, L. L., Fuller, T. K., Sievert, P. R., and Friedland, K. D. 2005. Variation in winter microclimate and its potential influence on Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana) survival in Amherst, Massachusetts. Urban Ecosystems 8: 213-223. | September 2005 |
Jordan, C. N., T. Kaur, K. Koenen, S. DeStefano, A. M. Zajac, and D. S. Lindsay. 2005. Prevalence of agglutinating antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii and Sarcocystis neurona in beavers (Castor canadensis) from Massachusetts. Journal of Parasitology 91:210-211. | August 2005 |
Jane, S. F., A. H. Roy, P. D. Hazelton, T. A. Richards, J. T. Finn, and T. O. Randhir. 2016. Establishing links between streamflow and ecological integrity in the Sudbury River. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-122-2016, Washington, D.C. | Publisher Website | December 2016 |
Jackson, J.K., S.A. Entrekin, H.S. Greig, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Atlantic Rivers-- Northeast United States. Chapter 2 in Delong, M., T. Jardine, A. Benke, and C. Cushing (editors). Rivers of North America. Second Edition. Elsevier. ISBN: 9780128188477 | Publisher Website | April 2023 |
Hobbs, R. J., S. DeStefano, and W. L. Halvorson. 2006. Breeding biology of red-tailed hawks in an altered desert grassland. Journal of Raptor Research 40:38-45. | September 2006 |
Hinojosa-Huerta, O., S. DeStefano, and W. W. Shaw. 2001. Abundance and distribution of the Yuma clapper rail (Rallus longirostris yumanensis) in the Colorado River delta, Mexico. Journal of Arid Environments 49:171-182. | September 2001 |
Hinojosa-Huerta, O., S. DeStefano, Y. Carrillo-Guerrero, W. W. Shaw, and C. Valdes-Casillas. 2004. Waterbird communities and associated wetlands of the Colorado River Delta, Mexico. Studies in Avian Biology 27:52-60. | March 2004 |
Hewitt, D, A., J. S. Link, D. H. Wahl, S. J. Cooke, and M. E. Mather 2009. Maintaining the Competitiveness of the American Fisheries Society Journals: An Assessment Based on Influence and Cost-Effectiveness. Fisheries 34:598-606 | December 2009 |
He, Xinchen, K. Andreadis, A.H. Roy, A. Kumar, and C. Butler. 2023. Developing a hydrological modeling framework for lake water level drawdown management. Journal of Environmental Management 345: 118744. | Download | Publisher Website | September 2023 |
Harper, R.W., E.S. Huff, D.V. Bloniarz, S. DeStefano, and C.R. Nicolson. 2018. Exploring the characteristics of successful volunteer-led urban forest tree committees in Massachusetts. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 34: 311-317. | August 2018 |
Harper, R. W., D. V. Bloniarz, S. DeStefano, and C. R. Nicolson. 2017. Urban forest management in New England: towards a contemporary understanding of tree wardens in Massachusetts communities. Arboricultural Journal 39:162-178. | October 2017 |
Halstead, B. J., P. M. Kleeman, G. V. DiRenzo, & J. P. Rose. 2022. Occurrence of Shasta salamanders (Hydromantes spp.) in little-studied portions of their range, with implications for optimizing survey design. Journal of Herpetology 56, 218-228. DOI: 10.1670/20-119. | August 2022 |
Haggerty, S. A., and Sievert, P. R. 2005. Managing firebreak fuels to promote habitat of an imperiled moth. Ecological Restoration 23(1): 67-68. | March 2005 |
Guthery, F. S., N. M. King, K. R. Nolte, W. P. Kuvlesky, Jr., S. DeStefano, S. A. Gall, and N. J. Silvy. 2001. Multivariate perspectives on patch use by masked bobwhites. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:118-124. | July 2000 |
Guthery, F. S., N. M. King, K. R. Nolte, W. P. Kuvlesky, Jr., S. DeStefano, S. A. Gall, and N. J. Silvy. 2000. Comparative habitat ecology of Texas and masked bobwhites. Journal of Wildlife Management 64:407-420. | January 2000 |
Grgurovic, M., and Sievert, P. R. 2005. Movement patterns of Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in the suburban landscape of eastern Massachusetts. Urban Ecosystems 8: 201-211. | September 2005 |
Grant, E. H. C., Mummah, R., Mosher, B. A., Evans, J., & G. V. DiRenzo. 2023. Inferring pathogen presence and prevalence under sample misclassification and partial observation. Methods in Ecology & Evolution. | Abstract | April 2023 |
Grant, E. H. C., A. Brand, & G. V. DiRenzo. 2023. Abtioic and biotic factors reduce the viability of a high-elevation salamander in its native range. Journal of Applied Ecology 60:1684–1697. | December 2022 |
Gordon, A.B., Drummey, D., Tur, A., Curtis, A.E., McCumber, J.C., Akresh, M.E. and DiRenzo, G.V. (2024). Long-Term Monitoring Reveals Management Effects on Prairie Warbler Colonization, Local Extinction, and Detection in a Massachusetts Pine Barren. Northeastern Naturalist, 31(3). doi: |
October 2024 |
Gordon Jr, A. B., Drummey, D., Tur, A., Curtis, A. E., McCumber, J. C., Jones, M. T., ... & DiRenzo, G. V. (2024). The Effect of Myiasis on Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) Body Condition, Movement, and Habitat Use at Camp Edwards in Massachusetts. Northeastern Naturalist, 31(sp12), T55-T76. | July 2024 |
Gaughan, C. R., and S. DeStefano. 2005. Quantifying edge and assessing effects of suburban development on white-tailed deer movement patterns. Urban Ecosystems 8:189-200. | August 2005 |
Fuller, T. K., and S. DeStefano. 2003. Relative importance of early-successional forests and shrubland habitats to mammals in the northeastern United States. Forest Ecology and Management 185:75-79. | October 2003 |
Fuller, T. K., and P. R. Sievert. 2001. Carnivore demography and the consequences of changes in prey availability. Pages 163-178 in J. L. Gittleman, S. M. Funk, D. W. Macdonald, and R. K. Wayne, editors. Carnivore conservation. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, United Kingdom. | February 2001 |
Freeman, MC, KR Bestgen, D Carlisle, EA Frimpong, NR Franssen, KB Gido, ER Irwin, Y Kanno, C Luce, SK McKay, MC Mims, JD Olden, NL Poff, DL Propst, L Rack, AH Roy, E Stowe, A Walters, and SJ Wenger. 2022. Towards improved understanding of streamflow effects on freshwater fishes. Fisheries 47:290-298. | Download | Publisher Website | March 2022 |
Franson, J. C., S. P. Hansen, T. E. Creekmore, C. J. Brand, D. C. Evers, A. E. Duerr, and S. DeStefano. 2003. Lead fishing weights and other fishing tackle in selected waterbirds. Waterbirds 26:345-352. | October 2003 |
Franson, J. C., S. P. Hansen, A. E. Duerr, and S. DeStefano. 2001. Size and mass of grit in gizzards of sandhill cranes, tundra swans, and mute swans. Waterbirds 24:242-244. | June 2001 |
Frank, H. F, M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn, S. D. McCormick. 2009. What is ‘fallback"?: metrics needed to assess telemetry tag effects on anadromous fish behavior. Hydrobiologia 35:237-249. | August 2009 |
Frank, H. F, M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, S. M. Pautzke, J. M. Smith, J. T. Finn, 2009. The Adopt-a-Herring Program as a Fisheries Conservation Tool. Fisheries 34(10):496-507 | October 2009 |
Fork, M.L., K.G. Hopkins, J. Chappell, R. Hawley, S. Kaushal, B. Murphy, B. Rios-Touma, and A.H. Roy. 2022. Urbanization and stream ecology: Moving the bar on multidisciplinary solutions to wicked urban stream problems. Freshwater Science 41:398-403. | Download | Publisher Website | September 2022 |
Fletcher, T., M.J. Burns, K. Russell, P. Hamel, S. Duchesne, F. Cherqui, and A. Roy. In Press. The changing drivers and expectations of urban hydrology. Nature Reviews. | Publisher Website | October 2024 |
Finkelstein, M., V. J. Bakker, D. F. Doak, B. Sullivan, W. H. Satterthwaite, R. L. Lewison, P. B. McIntyre, S. Wolf, D. Priddel, J. M. Arnold, R. W. Henry, P. R. Sievert, and J. P. Croxall. 2008. Evaluating the potential effectiveness of compensatory mitigation strategies for marine bycatch. PLoS ONE 3(6): e2480. | June 2008 |
Finkelstein, M., Keitt, B. S., Tershy, B., Jarman, W. M., Rodriguez-Pastor, S., Anderson, D. J., Sievert, P. R., Croll, D. A., and Smith, D. R. 2005. Albatross species demonstrate regional differences in North Pacific marine contamination. Ecological Applications 16(2):678-686. | April 2006 |
Field, R., R. J. Warren, H. Okarma, and P. R. Sievert, editors. 2001. Wildlife, land, and people: priorities for the 21st century. Proceedings of the Second International Wildlife Management Congress. The Wildlife Society, Betheseda, Maryland, USA. | December 2001 |
Fernandez, P., D. J. Anderson, P. R. Sievert, and K. P. Huyvaert. 2001. Foraging destinations of three low-latitude albatross (Phoebastria) species. Journal of Zoology, London 254:391-404. | June 2001 |
Fayer, R., M. Santin, J. M. Trout, S. DeStefano, K. Koenen, and T. Kaur. 2006. Prevalence of Microsporidia, Cryptosporidium spp., and Giardia spp. in beavers (Castor canadensis) in Massachusetts. Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 37:492-497. | September 2006 |
Farrington, S.J., C. Murphy, D. Perkins, and A.H. Roy. In revision. Range-wide ecology, conservation, and research needs for the yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa). Hydrobiologia. | February 2025 |
Faison, E. K., S. DeStefano, D. R. Foster, and A. Barker-Plotkin. 2016. Functional response of ungulate browsers in disturbed eastern hemlock forests. Forest Ecology and Management 362:177-183. | April 2016 |
Faison, E. K., S. DeStefano, D. R. Foster, G. Motzkin, and J. M. Rapp. 2016. Ungulate browsers promote herbaceous layer diversity in logged temperate forests. Ecology and Evolution 6:4591–4602. | July 2016 |
Faison, E. K., S. DeStefano, D. R. Foster, J. M. Rapp, and J. Compton. 2016. Multiple browsers structure tree recruitment in logged temperature forests. PLoS One | November 2016 |
Faison, E. K., D. R. Foster, and S. DeStefano. 2016. Long-term deer exclusion has complex effects on a suburban forest understory. Rhodora 118:382-402. | July 2016 |
Engman, A.C. and A.H. Roy. 2023. Fishes and Aquatic Invertebrates. Chapter IIIF in Nilon, C. and M. Aronson (eds). Routledge Handbook of Urban Diversity. London, UK: Routledge. | Publisher Website | October 2023 |
Duerr, A. D., and S. DeStefano. 1999. Use of a metal detector for determining abundance of lead fishing sinkers in waterbird habitat. Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:952-958. | November 1999 |
DiRenzo, G.V., Longo, A.V., Muletz-Wolz, C.R. et al. 2021. Plethodontid salamanders show variable disease dynamics in response to Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans chytridiomycosis. Biological Invasions 23: 2797-2815.. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | December 2021 |
DiRenzo, G. V., Miller, D. A. W., Hossack, B. R., Sigafus, B. H., Howell, P. E., Muths, E., & E. H. C. Grant. 2021. Accommodating the role of site memory in dynamic species distribution models. Ecology 102: e03315. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | March 2021 |
DiRenzo, G. V., Hanks, E., & D. A. W. Miller. 2022. A practical guide to understanding and validating complex statistical models using simulations. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 00: 1–15. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14030. | November 2022 |
DiRenzo, G. V., D. M. W. Miller, & E. H. C. Grant. 2022. Ignoring species availability biases occupancy estimates in single-scale occupancy models. Methods in Ecology & Evolution 13: 1790-1804. | Abstract | Publisher Website | May 2022 |
Devine, M.T., S. Bittner, A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, M.P. Armstrong, and A. Jordaan. 2024. Population density and zooplankton biomass influence juvenile river herring growth in freshwater lakes. Environmental Biology of Fishes 107:755-770. | Publisher Website | July 2024 |
Devine, M.T., J. Rosset, A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, M.P. Armstrong, A.R. Whiteley, A. Jordaan. 2020. Feeling the squeeze: Adult run size and habitat availability limit juvenile river herring densities in lakes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 150:207-221. DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10282 | Download | Publisher Website | November 2020 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, A.R. Whiteley, B.I. Gahagan, M.P. Armstrong, and A. Jordaan. 2018. Precision and effectiveness of a purse seine for sampling age-0 river herring in lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10065 | Publisher Website | March 2018 |
Desimone, S. M., and S. DeStefano. 2005. Temporal patterns of northern goshawk nest area occupancy and habitat: a retrospective analysis. J. Raptor Research 39(3):299-312. | September 2005 |
DeStefano, S., and R. M. DeGraaf. 2003. Exploring the ecology of suburban wildlife. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 1:95-101. | February 2003 |
DeStefano, S., and R. J. Steidl. 2001. The professional biologist and advocacy: what role do we play? Human Dimensions in Wildlife 6:11-19. | June 2001 |
DeStefano, S., and R. G. Haight, editors. 2002. Forest wildlife-habitat relationships: population and community responses to forest management. Society of American Foresters, Bethesda, MD. 276pp. | May 2002 |
DeStefano, S., and R. D. Deblinger. 2005. Wildlife as valuable natural resources versus intolerable pests: a suburban wildlife management model. Urban Ecosystems 8:177-188. | August 2005 |
DeStefano, S., and E. A. Johnson. 2005. Species that benefit from sprawl. Pages 206-235 in E. A. Johnson and M. W. Klemens, eds. Nature in fragments, the legacy of urban sprawl. Columbia University Press, New York, NY. | August 2005 |
DeStefano, S., and C. M. Webster. 2012. Distribution and habitat of greater roadrunners in urban and suburban Arizona. Studies in Avian Biology 45:155– 166. | Abstract | July 2012 |
DeStefano, S., and C. Boal. 2018. Perspectives and future directions. Pages 273-286 in C. Boal and C. Dykstra, Eds. Urban raptors: ecology and conservation of birds of prey in an urbanizing world. Island Press, Washington, D.C. | June 2018 |
DeStefano, S., S. L. Schmidt, and J. deVos. 2000. Predator activity at wildlife water developments in southern Arizona. Journal of Range Management 53:257-260. | January 2000 |
DeStefano, S., R. D. Deblinger, and C. Miller. 2005. Suburban wildlife: lessons, challenges, and opportunities. Urban Ecosystems 8:131-136. | August 2005 |
DeStefano, S., M. T. McGrath, S. M. Desimone, and S. K. Daw. 2006. Ecology and habitat of breeding northern goshawks in the inland Pacific Northwest: a summary of research in the 1990s. Studies in Avian Biology 31:76-85. | September 2006 |
DeStefano, S., K. K. G. Koenen, and J. Pereira. 2013. Common loon incubates rocks as surrogates for eggs. Northeastern Naturalist 20:143-147. | January 2013 |
DeStefano, S. 2013. Status and potential impacts of exotic grasses and grass-like vegetation on New England wildlife. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:486–496. | August 2013 |
DeStefano, S. 2009. Wildlife corridors and developed landscapes. Pages 85-102 in A. X. Esparza and G. R. McPherson, eds. The Planner's Guide to Natural Resource Conservation: The Science of Land Conversion Beyond the Metropolitan Fringe. Springer Book Publishers, New York, NY. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2009 |
DeStefano, S. 2005. A review of the status and distribution of northern goshawks in New England. Journal of Raptor Research 39:342-350. | August 2005 |
DeStefano, S. 2002. Regional and national issues for forest wildlife research and management. Forest Science 48:181-189. | May 2002 |
Daw, S. K., and S. DeStefano. 2001. Forest characteristics of northern goshawk nest stands and post-fledging areas in Oregon. Journal of Wildlife Management 65:59-65. | September 2001 |
Craig, L.S., J.D. Olden, A.H. Arthington, S. Entrekin, C.P. Hawkins, J.J. Kelly, T.A. Kennedy, B.M., Maitland, E.J. Rosi, A.H. Roy, D.L. Strayer, J.L. Tank, A.O. West, and M.S. Wooten. 2017. Meeting the challenge of interacting threats in freshwater ecosystems: A call to scientists and managers. Elementa 5:72. DOI: 10.1525/elementa.256 | Publisher Website | December 2017 |
Coletti, H.A., L. Bowen, B. Ballachey, T.L. Wilson, S. Waters, M. Booz, K. Counihan, T. Hollmen, and B. Pister. 2022. The mysterious case of the missing razor clams: using gene transcription to uncover clues to razor clam population differences. Frontiers for Young Minds 10: 715425. doi: 10.3389/frym.2022.715425 | Publisher Website | October 2022 |
Coletti, H., L. Bowen, B. Ballachey, T.L. Wilson, S. Waters, M. Booz, K. Counihan, T. Hollmen, B. Pister. 2021. Gene expression profiles in two razor clam populations: discerning drivers of population status. Life 11:1288. DOI: 10.3390/life11121288 | Abstract | Publisher Website | November 2021 |
Clinton, S.M., Hartman, J., Macneale, K.H. and Roy, A.H. (2022). Stream macroinvertebrate reintroductions: A cautionary approach for restored urban streams. Freshwater Science, 41(3), pp.507–520. doi: | Download | Publisher Website | July 2022 |
Clark, D. E., S. DeStefano, K. G. MacKenzie, K. K. G. Koenen, and J. W. Whitney. 2016. Roost site selection by ring-billed and herring gulls. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:708–719. | April 2016 |
Clark, D. E., K. K. G. Koenen, K. G. MacKenzie, J. W. Pereira, and S. DeStefano. 2013. Stainless-steel wires exclude ring-billed gulls from a waste water treatment plant. Journal of the American Water Works Association 105:75-76. | September 2013 |
Clark, D. E., K. K. G. Koenen, J. W. Pereira, K. G. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2016. Fidelity and persistence of ring-billed gulls (Larus delawarensis) and herring gulls (Larus argentatus) to wintering sites in Massachusetts. Waterbirds 39:220-234. | April 2016 |
Clark, D. E., K. G. Koenen, J. Pereira, K. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2014. Evaluation of a net launcher for capturing urban gulls. Wildlife Society Bulletin 38:605–610. | September 2014 |
Clark, D. E., J. W. Whitney, K. G. MacKenzie, K. K. G. Koenen, and S. DeStefano. 2015. Assessing gull abundance and food availability in urban parking lots. Human-Wildlife Interactions 9:180–190. | December 2015 |
Clarfeld, L., A. Sirén, B. Mulhall, T. Wilson, E. Bernier, J. Farrell, G. Lunde, N. Hardy, K. Gieder, R. Abrams, S. Staats, S. McLellan, and T. Donovan. 2023. Evaluating a tandem human-machine approach to labelling of wildlife in remote camera monitoring. Ecological Informatics 77:e102257 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | August 2023 |
Cheney, K.N., A.H. Roy, R.F. Smith, and R.E. DeWalt. 2019. Effects of stream temperature and substrate type on emergence patterns of Plecoptera and Trichoptera from Northeastern United States headwater streams. Environmental Entomology 48:1349-1359. DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvz106 | Publisher Website | September 2019 |
Chandler, R. B., D. I. King, and S. DeStefano. 2009. Scrub-shrub bird habitat associations at multiple spatial scales in beaver meadows in Massachusetts. Auk 126:187-197. | Abstract | January 2009 |
Carmignani, J.R., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, and H. Giard. 2019. Annual winter water level drawdowns limit shallow-water mussel densities in small lakes. Freshwater Biology 64:1519-1533. DOI: 10.1111/fwb.13324 | Publisher Website | June 2019 |
Carmignani, J.R., A.H. Roy, J. Stolarski, and T. Richards. 2021. Hydrology of annual winter water level drawdown regimes in recreational lakes of Massachusetts, U.S.A. Lake and Reservoir Management. | Publisher Website | June 2021 |
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2021. Annual winter water level drawdowns influence littoral zone physical habitat structure and macrophytes in Massachusetts lakes. Ecosphere: eo3442. | Publisher Website | April 2021 |
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2017. Ecological impacts of winter lake drawdowns on lake littoral zones: A review. Aquatic Sciences 79:803-824. DOI 10.1007/s00027-017-0549-9 | Download | July 2017 |
Carey, M. P., and M. E. Mather. 2008. Tracking Change In A Human Dominated Landscape: Developing Conservation Guidelines Using Freshwater Fish Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18: 877-890 | August 2008 |
Carey, M. P. and M. E. Mather. 2009. Identifying across-system sources of variation in a generalist freshwater fish: correlates of total and size-specific abundance of yellow perch. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2009: 18: 145–155 | March 2009 |
Booth, D.B., A.H. Roy, B. Smith, and K.A. Capps. 2016. Global perspectives on the urban stream syndrome. Freshwater Science 35:412-420. | January 2016 |
Bocsi, T.J., P.S. Warren, R.W. Harper and S. DeStefano. 2018. Wildlife Habitat Management on College and University Campuses. Cities and the Environment (CATE) 11:1-14. | May 2018 |
Bletz, M. C., Grant, E. H. C., & DiRenzo, G. (2024). Quantitative support for the benefits of proactive management for wildlife disease control. Conservation Biology, e14363. | May 2024 |
Bies, L., M. Hutchins, J. Organ, and S. DeStefano. 2012. Chapter 7. The role of professional societies in connecting science and management: The Wildlife Society as an example. Pages 85-98 in J. P. Sands, S. J. DeMaso, M. J. Schnupp, and L. A. Brennan, editors. Wildlife science: connecting research with management. CRC Press: Taylor Francis Group, Boca Raton, Florida, USA. | April 2012 |
Bhaskar, A.S., L. Beesley, M.J. Burns, T.D. Fletcher, P. Hamel, C.E. Oldham, and A.H. Roy. 2016. Will it rise or will it fall? Managing the complex effects of urbanization on baseflow. Freshwater Science 35:293-310. | January 2016 |
Berube, J., A.P.K. Sirén, B. Simpson, K.B. Klingler, T.L. Wilson. 2024. Monitoring off-host winter tick abundance on traditional moose hunting lands. Journal of Wildlife Management 88:e22630. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22630. | Abstract | Publisher Website | July 2024 |
Becker, S., S. Jackson, A. Jordaan, and A. Roy. 2018. Impacts of Tidal Road-Stream Crossings on Aquatic Organism Passage. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-131-2018, Washington, D.C. | Publisher Website | August 2018 |
Bartz, K.K., M.P. Hannam, T.L. Wilson, R.F. Lepak, J.M. Ogorek, D.B., Young, C.A. Eagles-Smith, D.P. Krabbenhoft. 2023. Understanding drivers of mercury in lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush), top-predator lake fish from southwest Alaska parklands. Environmental Pollution 330: 121678. | Abstract | May 2023 |
Arata, J.A., P.R. Sievert, and M.B. Naughton. 2009. Status assessment of Laysan and black-footed albatrosses, North Pacific Ocean, 1923-2005: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations report 2009 - 5131, 80 p. | June 2009 |
Andersen, D. E., S. DeStefano, M. I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J. J. Keane, R. G. Anthony, and R. N. Rosenfield. 2005. Technical review of the status of northern goshawks in the western United States. Journal of Raptor Research 39:192-209. | September 2005 |
Andersen, D. E., S. DeStefano, M. I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J. J. Keane, R. G. Anthony, and R. N. Rosenfield. 2004. The status of Northern Goshawks in the western United States. The Wildlife Society, Technical Review 04-1, Bethesda MD, 24 p. | September 2004 |
Alexej P. K. Sirén, Hallworth, M.T., Kilborn, J.R., Bernier, C.A., Fortin, N.L., Geider, K.D., Patry, R.K., Cliché, R.M., Prout, L.S., Gifford, S.J., Wixsom, S., Morelli, T.L. and Wilson, T.L. (2024). Monitoring animal populations with cameras using open, multistate, N mixture models. Ecology and Evolution, 14(12):e70583. doi: | Abstract | December 2024 |
Albanese, G., P. D. Vickery, and P. R. Sievert. 2007. Habitat characteristics of adult frosted elfins (Callophrys irus) in sandplain communities of southeastern Massachusetts, USA. Biological Conservation. 136(1):53-64. | January 2007 |
Albanese, G., M. W. Nelson, P. D. Vickery, and P. R. Sievert. 2007. Larval feeding behavior and ant association in frosted elfin, Callophrys irus, (Lycaenidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists? Society 61(2):61-66. | June 2007 |
Albanese, G. , P. D. Vickery, and P. R. Sievert. 2008. Microhabitat use by larvae and females of a rare barrens butterfly, frosted elfin (Callophrys irus). Journal of Insect Conservation 12(6): 603-615. (Publication date: Dec 2008) | December 2008 |
Abbott, K.M., Zaidel, P.A., Roy, A.H., Houle, K.M. and Nislow, K.H. (2022). Investigating impacts of small dams and dam removal on dissolved oxygen in streams. PLOS ONE, 17(11), p.e0277647. doi: | Publisher Website | November 2022 |
Abbott, K., Roy, A., Magilligan, F., Nislow, K. and Quiñones, R. (2024). Incorporating climate change into restoration decisions: perspectives from dam removal practitioners. Ecology and Society, 29(3). doi: | Download | Publisher Website | September 2024 |
Abbott, K., A. Roy, and K. Nislow. 2022. Restoring aquatic habitats through dam removal. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/148-2022, Washington, DC. | Publisher Website | November 2022 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Zeller, K.A., D.W. Wattles, L. Conlee, and S. DeStefano. 2019. Movement and density of black bears in Massachusetts. East Quabbin Land Trust Monthly Meeting. September 22, 2019. | September 2019 |
Zeller, K.A., D.W. Wattles, L. Conlee, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Modeling moose and black bear movement in Massachusetts. The Nature Conservancy workshop for the Berkshire Wildlife Linkages Partnership. Westfield State University. October 22, 2018. | October 2018 |
Zeller, K., D. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2019. Forecasting seasonal connectivity in a developing landscape. Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada. | September 2019 |
Zeller, K., D. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Black bear movements and habitat use. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
Zeller, K. A., D. W. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Modeling road crossings for moose (Alces americanus) and black bear (Ursus americanus) in Massachusetts, USA. 8th Northeastern Transportation & Wildlife Conference, Amherst, MA. | September 2018 |
Zarrella-Smith, K. A., T. Miller, G. V. DiRenzo, T. Dolan, L. Kerr, A. Jordaan. 2024. Integrating Data Across Spatiotemporal Scales Using Species Distribution Models. International Flatfish Conference. Westbrook, CT. | November 2024 |
Zarrella-Smith, K. A., T. Miller, G. V. DiRenzo, T. Dolan, L. Kerr, A. Jordaan. 2024. Building a Climate-Ready Stock Assessment Informed by Spatially-Explicit Population Processes. American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, C.R. Smith, and B.H. Letcher. 2016. Impacts of small, surface-release dams on stream temperature. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockland, ME. | March 2016 |
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, C.R. Smith, and B.H. Letcher. 2016. Impacts of small, surface-release dams on stream temperature. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 21-25 May 2016, Sacramento, CA. | May 2016 |
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, B.H. Letcher, and C.R. Smith. 2016. Small dam impacts to stream temperature and potential consequences for aquatic biota. Northeast Natural History Conference, 22-24 April 2016, Springfield, MA. | April 2016 |
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, B.H. Letcher, K. Houle, B. Lambert, and C.R. Smith. 2018. Small dams can have large thermal effects with negative implications for coldwater species. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 20-24 May 2018, Detroit, MI. | May 2018 |
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, B.H. Letcher, K. Houle, B. Lambert, and C.R. Smith. 2017. Tackling the worst first: Variable impacts of dams on stream temperature and dissolved oxygen. 4th Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 31 May-3 June 2017, Browns Summit, NC. | June 2017 |
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, B.H. Letcher, B. Lambert, K. Houle, and C.R. Smith. 2017. Understanding variation in stream temperature and dissolved oxygen responses to small dams. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 4-9 June 2017, Raleigh, NC. | June 2017 |
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, B.H. Letcher, B. Lambert, K. Houle, and C.R. Smith. 2017. Factors explaining observed variation in dam-induced temperature and dissolved oxygen changes in Massachusetts streams. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 14-16 March 2017, Hartford, CT. | March 2017 |
Zaidel, P., A. Roy, K. Nislow, B. Letcher, B. Lambert, K. Houle, and C. Smith. 2016. Assessing the potential for dam removal to restore natural thermal and dissolved oxygen regimes. Society for Ecological Restoration New England Chapter Annual Conference, 14-15 October 2016, Durham, NH. | October 2016 |
Zaidel, P., A. Roy, K. Nislow, B. Letcher, B. Lambert, K. Houle, and C. Smith. 2016. Assessing the potential for dam removal to restore natural thermal and dissolved oxygen regimes. Life Sciences Graduate Research Symposium, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. | December 2016 |
Yorks, D.T., P.R. Sievert, and D. J. Paulson. 2011. Designing road passage structures that maximize use by freshwater turtles. International Conference on Ecology and Transportation, Seattle, WA, 21-25 Aug. | August 2011 |
Yorks, D., P. R. Sievert, and P. deMaynadier. 2014. Assessing and mitigating the effects of turtle road mortality in Maine, and experimental tests of tunnel and barrier options for reducing road mortality. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Annual Conference, 19-21 Apr 2014. | April 2014 |
Yorks, D. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2012. Experimental tests of tunnel and barrier options for reducing road mortalities of freshwater turtles. 2012. 10th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, Tucson, AZ, 16-19 Aug. | August 2012 |
Yorks, D. T., T. Dexter, and P. R. Sievert. 2012. Experimental tests of tunnel and barrier options for reducing road mortalities of freshwater turtles. Northeastern Transportation and Wildlife Conference, South Portland, ME, 16-19 Sep. | September 2012 |
Yorks, D. T., D. J. Paulson, and P. R. Sievert. 2010. The importance of lighting levels in design of under-road passages for freshwater turtles. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Providence, RI, 7-12 Jul. | July 2010 |
Yorks, D. T., D. J. Paulson, and P. R. Sievert. 2010. Experimental tests of tunnel options for reducing road mortalities of freshwater turtles in Massachusetts. Northeast Transportation and Wildlife Conference, Amherst, MA, 13-15 Sep | September 2010 |
Yarra, A.N., T.A. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2015. Impacts of thermal and flow alteration on benthic stream macroinvertebrates downstream of water supply reservoirs. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 17-21 May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. | May 2015 |
Yarra, A.N., T.A. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2015. Impacts of thermal and flow alteration on benthic stream macroinvertebrates downstream of surface water reservoirs in Massachusetts. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Yarra, A.N., T.A. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2014. Assessing effects of surface water supply reservoirs on stream hydrologic and thermal regimes in Massachusetts. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. | March 2014 |
Wittig, T.W., T.L. Wilson, K. Zolfonoon, Z.S. Ladin. 2022. Using nest cameras and machine learning to explore nesting and provisioning of Bald Eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus). Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation and the Florida Ornithological Society. 4 - 9 October. Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA | October 2022 |
Wilson, TL, B. Simpson, APK Sirén. 2025. Multi-scale evaluation of winter tick distribution in Massachusetts. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies annual conference. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire 21-24 April. | April 2025 |
Wilson, TL, APK Sirén, J Berube, L Clarfeld TM Donovan. 2023. Designing camera trap arrays for multi-species monitoring of mammals at large spatial extents. Annual Meeting, International Association for Landscape Ecology- North America, Riverside, California, 19-23 March2023. | March 2023 |
Wilson, TL, APK Sirén, J Berube, B Simpson. 2023. Effects of imperfect detection on inference from tick-borne disease surveillance data. Joint Workshop on Transboundary Wildlife Diseases. Jeju, Republic of Korea, October 10-11 2023. | October 2023 |
Wilson, T.L., K.K. Bartz, D.B. Young R.F. Lepak, J.M. Ogorek, D.P. Krabbenhoft, C. Eagles-Smith. Landscape factors affecting lake trout mercury concentration in Lake Clark and Katmai National Parks. Annual Meeting, North American Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. Reno, NV, 12-15 April 2021. | April 2021 |
Wilson, T.L., J.A. Berube, A.P.K. Sirén. Perfecting the Imperfect Detection of Ticks: Winter Tick Epizootics and Moose Populations in the Northeastern U.S. Moose research in the Northeast U.S. and eastern provinces of Canada: 6 July 2022. On-line meeting. | July 2022 |
Wilson, T.L., A.P.K. Sirén, J. Berube, B. Simpson. A novel method for monitoring off-host winter ticks in habitat where detection and abundance are expected to be low. Workshop of moose research needs in the Northeast. Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. 13 December 2023. | December 2023 |
Wilson, T. L., J. Berube, A.P.K Sirén, B. Simpson, K. Klingler. Understanding drivers of winter tick (Dermacentor albipictus) abundance and distribution in New England. Asia-Pacific Wildlife Health Workshop, 6-8 August 2024. Hilo, HI. | August 2024 |
Willey, L.L., P.R. Sievert, and M.T. Jones. 2011. Box turtles at the edge of their range: Population densities and movement patterns of Terrapene carolina in fragmented landscapes in Massachusetts and the Florida Everglades. 9th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, 14-17 Aug. | August 2011 |
Willey, L.L., M.T. Jones, and P.R. Sievert. 2013. An update on regional conservation planning efforts for two rare turtle species in the Northeastern U.S. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. | April 2013 |
Willey, L., and P. R. Sievert. 2008. Use of anthropogenic nesting areas by eastern box turtles in central Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference X, Albany, NY, 17-18 Apr. | April 2008 |
Willey, L., and P. R. Sievert. 2010. Multi-scale habitat analysis of eastern box turtles (Terrapene c. carolina) in central Massachusetts. Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Acadia National Park, ME, 10-11 Aug. | August 2010 |
Willey, L., and P. R. Sievert. 2010. Multi-scale habitat analysis of eastern box turtles (Terrapene c. carolina) in central Massachusetts. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Providence, RI, 7-12 Jul. | July 2010 |
Willey, L., and P. R. Sievert. 2007. Habitat use and movement patterns of eastern box turtles in the Connecticut River Valley. Massachusetts Turtle Symposium: Information for Action, Amherst, MA, 23-24 Feb. | February 2007 |
Willey, L., and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Eastern box turtle (Terrapene c. carolina) ecology in central Massachusetts. Massachusetts Turtle ? Transportation Meeting, Westborough, MA, 17 Oct. | October 2006 |
Willey, L. L., and P. R. Sievert. 2009. Habitat Use by Eastern box turtles in a pitch pine - scrub oak community in central Massachusetts. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lancaster, PA, 27 Apr. | April 2009 |
Willey, L. L., and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Ecology of box turtles in central Massachusetts. The Northeast Natural History Conference IX, Albany, NY, 21 Apr. | April 2006 |
Willey, L. L., M. T. Jones, and P. R. Sievert. 2014. The effects of anthropogenic landscape change on characteristics of Blanding’s turtle populations, with implications for regional conservation. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Annual Conference, Newport, RI, 19-21 Apr 2014. | April 2014 |
Willey, L. L., M. T. Jones, and P. R. Sievert. 2009. Effects of anthropogenic disturbance on home range size of eastern box turtles (Terrapene c. carolina) and wood turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in central and western Massachusetts. Urban Wildlife Ecology and Management Conference, Amherst, MA, 21-24 Jun. | June 2009 |
Wibisono, H. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Population ecology of Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) and their prey in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Indonesia. Wildlife Conservation Society, New York City, NY, 9 Jan. | January 2006 |
Whiteley, A.R., J. Rosset, B.I. Gahagan, A. Jordaan, and A.H. Roy. 2014. Reproductive success and juvenile growth following and experimental alewife translocation to a Massachusetts pond. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 17-21 August 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. | August 2014 |
Wells, S. P., J. M. Smith, M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, and J. T. Finn. An approach to evaluating the combination of gear that representatively samples fish assemblages in small coastal streams. Abstract submitted, Northeastern Division American Fisheries Society, Newton, MA, April 2010. | April 2010 |
Weinstein, S., A.R. Whiteley, and A. Roy. 2016. Slimy sculpin movement before and after dam removal. Northeast Natural History Conference, 22-24 April 2016, Springfield, MA. | April 2016 |
Webster, C. M., and S. DeStefano, Sept./2000, Distribution, habitat, and nests of greater roadrunners in metropolitan Tucson, Arizona. | September 2000 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2013. The thermal environment and thermoregulatory behavior of moose in Massachusetts. North American Moose Conference, Whitefield, NH. | May 2013 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2013. GPS data, GIS layers, and mixed effects models to assess habitat use by forest wildlife. Massachusetts Cooperative Fish & Wildlife Research Unit, Unit Meeting, Hadley, MA, 27 Apr. (Invited) | April 2013 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Home range and habitat use of moose in and around the Quabbin Watershed, Massachusetts. Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Belchertown, Mass. 16 Dec. | December 2011 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2010. Thermoregulatory behavior by moose in Massachusetts during spring and summer. 45th North American Moose Conference. International Falls, MN. 24 June 2010. | June 2010 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2010. Status and management of moose in the Northeastern United States. 45th North American Moose Conference. International Falls, MN. 24 June 2010. | June 2010 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2009. Relocation of moose as a means of resolving human-wildlife conflicts in urban areas. International Conference on Urban Wildlife and the Environment, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 21 June 2009. | June 2009 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2014. Thermal stress and population declines in moose: is the range shifting north? Graduate Program in Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 7 Apr. (INVITED) | April 2014 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2014. Movements, habitat use, thermoregulatory behavior, and road interactions of moose in Massachusetts. Hitchcock Environmental Center, Amherst, MA, 26 Feb. (INVITED) | February 2014 |
Wattles, D., S. DeStefano, and S. Christensen. 2010. Reporting, predicting, and preventing moose-vehicle-collisions in Massachusetts. Northeastern Transportation and Wildlife Conference. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 12-15 September 2010. | September 2010 |
Wattles, D. W., and S. DeStefano. 2012. Moose habitat use and forest operations. Massachusetts Association of Professional Foresters, Annual Meeting, Northampton, MA. 15 March. | March 2012 |
Wattles, D. W., and S. DeStefano. 2012. Distribution and habitat of moose in Massachusetts. Quabbin Watershed Advisory Committee, Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, Belchertown, MA. 2 April. | April 2012 |
Vineyard, J.A., M.T. Jones, A.H. Roy, and A. Sirois-Pitel. 2023. Bog Turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) population dynamics and response to habitat management in Massachusetts. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference, 30 April - 2 May 2023, Hershey, PA. | April 2023 |
Tiernan, R., T. K. Fuller, D. Wattles, and S. DeStefano. 2016. Use of camera traps to assess relative abundance, activity, and distribution of mega-mammals (and other wildlife) in the forests of Massachusetts. USGS MCFWRU Annual Review, Westboro, Mass. | May 2016 |
Suryan, R., Hyrenbach, D., Sato, F., Ozaki, K., Balogh, G., Sievert, P., Roby, D., and Anderson D. 2004. Marine habitat use by short-tailed albatrosses (Phoebastria albatrus) during the non-breeding season. Third International Albatross and Petrel Conference, 23-27 August 2004, Montevideo, Uruguay. | August 2004 |
Suryan, R., Hyrenbach, D., Sato, F., Ozaki, K., Balogh, G., Sievert, P., Roby, D., and Anderson D. 2004. Foraging destinations of short-tailed albatrosses (Phoebastria albatrus) in the Northwest Pacific Ocean, Gulf of Alaska, and Bering Sea. 13th Annual Meeting of the North Pacific Marine Science Organization, 19-24 October 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii. | October 2004 |
Suryan, R., Hyrenbach, D., Sato, F., Ozaki, K., Balogh, G., Roby, D., Anderson, D., and Sievert, P.R. 2003. Short-tailed albatross and seabird-fisheries interactions. Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, 26 May 2003, Moss Landing, California. | May 2003 |
Suryan, R., Hyrenbach, D., Sato, F., Ozaki, K., Balogh, G., Roby, D., Anderson, D., and Sievert, P.R. 2003. Post-breeding dispersal of short-tailed albatrosses and potential interactions with commercial fisheries. 30th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Parksville, British Columbia, Canada, 19-23 February. | February 2003 |
Suryan, R., Hyrenbach, D., Sato, F., Ozaki, K., Balogh, G., Roby, D., Anderson, D., and Sievert, P.R. 2003. A satellite telemetry study of the endangered short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus): marine habitat use and potential conflicts with longline fishing fleets in the North Pacific. Cooperative Institute for Marine Resource Studies, Program Review, 10 October 2003, Newport, Oregon. | October 2003 |
Suryan, R., Hyrenbach, D., Sato, F., Ozaki, K. Balogh, G., Roby, D., Anderson, D., and Sievert, P.R. 2003. Short-tailed albatrosses in Japan and North Pacific Ocean: A history of this once abundant species, its near extinction and current recovery and research efforts. 15 September 2003, Willamette University, Oregon. | September 2003 |
Suryan, R. M., F. Sato, G. R. Balogh, P. R. Sievert, N. Nakamura, and K. Ozaki. 2006. At-sea distribution and movements of short-tailed albatrosses during the breeding and nonbreeding seasons. 4th North American Ornithological Conference, Veracruz, Mexico, 3-7 Oct. | October 2006 |
Suryan, R. M., F. Sato, G. R. Balogh, N. Nakamura, P. R. Sievert, and K. Ozaki. 2006. Kuroshio and Oyashio boundary currents: Critical foraging habitat for the short-tailed albatross (Phoebastria albatrus), one of Japan?s natural monuments. PICES 15th Annual Meeting, Yokohama, Japan, 13-22 Oct. | October 2006 |
Suryan, R. M., D. J. Anderson, S. A. Shaffer, D. D. Roby, Y. Tremblay, D. P. Costa, P. R. Sievert, F. Sato, K. Ozaki, G. R. Balogh, N. Nakamura. 2008Wind, waves, and wing loading: Specialization in two Pacific albatross species. Fourth International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 11-15 Aug. | August 2008 |
Stratton, M.D., S.J. Farrington, J. Stephens, and A.H. Roy. 2025. Developing a protocol for identifying glochidia using genetics. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 18-22 May 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | May 2025 |
Sterrett, S.S., L. Stevenson, M. Endries, P. Hazelton, and A.H. Roy. 2018. Freshwater mussel species distribution models to inform proactive conservation decision making. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 15-17 April 2018, Burlington, VT. | April 2018 |
Sterrett, S.C., L. Stevenson, M. Endries, T.L. Morelli, P.D. Hazelton, and A.H. Roy. 2020. Development of a species distribution model to inform proactive conservation decision making: A case study with a freshwater mussel. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 19-21 April 2020, Long Beach, NJ. | April 2020 |
Sterrett, S.C. and A.H. Roy. 2017. The Brook Floater Working Group: A collaborative initiative aimed at regional population restoration and conservation. Ellipsaria 19(3):20-21. | September 2017 |
Sterrett, S., P.D. Hazelton, A. Doubleday, D. Perkins, A.H. Roy, and M.D. Staudinger. 2017. Brook Floater rangewide conservation and restoration initiative. Meeting of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society, 26-30 March 2017, Cleveland, OH. | March 2017 |
Stephens, J., A.H. Roy, A. Jordaan, D. Perkins, and K. Sprankle. 2023. Investigating the role of river herring as hosts for freshwater mussels in the Connecticut River watershed. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 10-14 April 2023, Portland, OR. | April 2023 |
Stephens, J., A. Roy, A. Jordaan, D. Perkins, and K. Sprankle. 2025. Investigating the host role of returning river herring for freshwater mussels in the Connecticut River watershed. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 15 January 2025, New Bedford, MA. | January 2025 |
Stephens, J., A. Roy, A. Jordaan, D. Perkins, and K. Sprankle. 2024. Investigating the size and spawning history of river herring within the Connecticut River over the past decade. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 9 January 2024, Storrs, CT. | January 2024 |
Stephens, J., A. Roy, A. Jordaan, D. Perkins, and K. Sprankle. 2024. Investigating the host role of returning river herring as hosts for freshwater mussels in the Connecticut River watershed. Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2024, Hyannis, MA. | April 2024 |
Stengle, A.G., M. Murray, T. Tyning, A. Richmond, and P.R. Sievert. 2011. Observations of secondary disease agents in Northeastern timber rattlesnake populations. 7 Jul. | July 2011 |
Stengle, A.G., A. Whiteley, P.R. Sievert, and A.R. Richmond. 2013. Conservation of the Timber Rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus) in New England. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA. | April 2013 |
Stengle, A. G., T. F. Tyning, and P. R. Sievert. 2012. What is normal? Observations of a possible secondary disease process in northeastern timber rattlesnake (Crotalus horridus). World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, Canada, 8-14 Aug. | August 2012 |
Stankiewicz, K., J. Carmignani, and A.H. Roy. 2016. Hydrologic characteristics of annual winter water-level drawdowns in Massachusetts lakes. New England Association of Environmental Biologists. 23-25 March 2016, Rockland, ME. | March 2016 |
Stamp, J., M. Craddock, D.J. Isaak, L. Parker, A.H. Roy, Z. Holden, and B.G. Bierwagen. 2013. Guidelines for continuous monitoring of temperature and flow in wadeable streams. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Jacksonville, FL, 19-23 May 2013. | May 2013 |
Stainbrook, D. S., S. DeStefano, and D. Wattles. 2013. Status Report on Moose in Massachusetts. North American Moose Conference, Whitefield, NH. | May 2013 |
Spencer, S. M., and P. R. Sievert, and L. J. Welch. 2010. Foraging behavior of Atlantic puffins breeding on Petit Manan Island. World Seabird Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 7-11 Sep. | September 2010 |
Spencer, S. M., and P. R. Sievert, and L. J. Welch. 2010. Foraging and nest site attendance of puffins in Maine. Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group, Bremen, ME, 12 Aug. | August 2010 |
Spencer S. M., and P. R. Sievert, and L. J. Welch. 2009. Foraging of Atlantic puffins on Petit Manan Island, Maine. Gulf of Maine Seabird Working Group, Bremen, ME, 18 Mar. | March 2009 |
Spelman, S.B., K.M. Abbott, J.B. Richardson, and A.H. Roy. 2021. Toxic metal bioaccumulation in dammed streams: Implications for food webs. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 3-11 March 2020, virtual. (poster) | March 2021 |
Sowers, V., A.H. Roy, D. Perkins, P. Hazelton, and T. Warren. 2017. The effect of calcium supplementation on the growth and survival of a freshwater mussel. Joint Meeting of the Southern New England Chapter and Northeast Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-27 February 2017, Mystic, CT. | February 2017 |
Sowers, V., A.H. Roy, D. Perkins, P. Hazelton, and T. Warren. 2017. The effect of calcium supplementation on the growth and survival of a freshwater mussel. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 14-16 March 2017, Hartford, CT. | March 2017 |
Someshwar, M., J. Burgoff, A. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2024. Comparing zooplankton communities and juvenile river herring diets and littoral and pelagic habitats. Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2024, Hyannis, MA. | April 2024 |
Someshwar, M., D. Bishop, A.H. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2022. Interannual differences in the demographics of anadromous juvenile river herring in freshwater and estuarine habitats of a small Massachusetts watershed. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting, 14-19 August 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. | August 2022 |
Smith, R.F., J. Blaszczak, B. Bledsoe, T. Parr, A.H. Roy, M. Scoggins, R. Utz, and S. Wenger. 2017. A summary of SUSE4: making urban stream rehabilitation a co-evolutionary process. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 4-9 June 2017, Raleigh, NC. | June 2017 |
Smith, R.F., G.C. Gunderson, and A.H. Roy. 2015. Catchment land use and dispersal barriers affect fish and insect assemblage composition in urban streams. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, 9-14, August 2015, Baltimore, MD | August 2015 |
Smith, R.F., A.H. Roy, and R.L. Ryan. 2015. Are conservation lands good for streams? Assessing the spatial relationships of conservation lands to stream ecosystems in Massachusetts. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Smith, R.F. and A.H. Roy. 2017. Exploring the importance of catchment land use and dispersal barriers for fish and insect assemblage composition in human-dominated landscapes. Meeting of the US Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology (US-IALE), 9-13 April 2017, Baltimore, MD. | April 2017 |
Smith, R.F. and A.H. Roy. 2015. The effect of dispersal barriers on stream fish and insect assemblages in urban landscapes. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 17-21 May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. | May 2015 |
Smith, R.F. and A.H. Roy. 2014. Thinking outside the shed: Examining landscape characteristics as part of management strategies for sustaining stream ecosystems. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 18-22 May 2014, Portland, OR. | May 2014 |
Smith, R.F. and A.H. Roy. 2014. Landscape and watershed predictors of insect and fish assemblage in Massachusetts streams. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. | March 2014 |
Smith, R.F. and A.H. Roy. 2014. How watershed and landscape land use are related should guide investigations of dispersal by stream biota in urbanizing landscapes. Third Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 15-17 May 2014, Portland, Oregon. | May 2014 |
Smith, R.F. and A.H. Roy. 2013. Comparing insect and fish assemblage responses to urbanization for sustainable management of stream ecosystems. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. 10-13 November 2013. | November 2013 |
Smith, J., M. E. Mather, and J. Finn. 2007. A roadmap for statistically evaluating fish-flow relationships using real world data. Northeast Division, American Fisheries Society Meeting, Mystic, CT, April 07. | April 2007 |
Smith, J. S., and M. E. Mather, 2009. Integrating hydrology, anthropogenic impacts, and biotic measures of ecosystem function to protect ecosystems from flow stress. Invited Poster 1st ESA Millennium Conference, “Water-Ecosystem Services, Drought, and Environmental Justice, Athens, GA, October 2009 | October 2009 |
Smith, J. M., M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth and J. T. Finn. 2010. Beaver-dam alterations of fish assemblages in coastal watersheds: Implications of fragmentation on ecosystem function. National meeting, Ecological Society of America, Pittsburgh, August 2010. | August 2010 |
Smith, C.R., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, and T.A. Richards. 2015. Investigating the longitudinal extent of thermal alteration downstream of impoundments. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Small, D., and S. DeStefano. 2015. Bats of New England. Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, Petersham, MA. 18 Oct. | October 2015 |
Slocombe, M.G.P., M.N. Marjadi, M. Devine, L.W. Guo, A. Jordaan, and A.H. Roy. 2020. Temporal shifts in migratory river herring diets and zooplankton assemblages within a Connecticut River cove. Southern New England American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting, 13-14 January 2020, Cambridge, MA. | January 2020 |
Slocombe, M.G., M. Marjadi, J.K. Llopiz, J.J. Sheppard, and A.H. Roy. 2019. Collaborating with citizen scientists to count migrating juvenile river herring from videos. Southern New England American Fisheries Society Summer Meeting, 27 June 2019, Hadley, MA. | June 2019 |
Skorupa, A.J., S. Doran, C.E. Dumoulin, A.H. Roy, and D.R. Smith. 2023. Towards a decision support tool for freshwater mussel conservation. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Meeting, 15-17 February 2023, Plymouth, MA. | February 2023 |
Skorupa, A.J., S. Doran, C.E. Dumoulin, A.H. Roy, and D.R. Smith. 2023. Predicting the effect of restoration actions on mussel assemblage habitat: A decision tool to aid practitioners. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 10-14 April 2023, Portland, OR. | April 2023 |
Skorupa, A.J., S. Doran, C.E. Dumoulin, A.H. Roy, and D.R. Smith. 2023. Evaluating habitat and conservation actions for mussel assemblages in the Delaware River basin, U.S. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference, 30 April - 2 May 2023, Hershey, PA. | April 2023 |
Skorupa, A.J., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D. Perkins, T. Warren, A. Fisk, and S.C. Sterrett. 2019. Developing a strategy to restore a freshwater mussel (Alasmidonta varicosa) to Massachusetts watersheds. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 27 February - 1 March, Saratoga Springs, NY. | February 2019 |
Skorupa, A.J., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D. Perkins, A. Fisk, and S. Sterrett. 2018. Brook floater (Alasmidonta varicosa) mesohabitat preferences in four Massachusetts watersheds. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 15-17 April 2018, Burlington, VT. | April 2018 |
Skorupa, A., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D. Perkins, and T. Warren. 2023. Growth and survival of propagated brook floater in four rivers: implications for population restoration. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference, 30 April - 2 May 2023, Hershey, PA. | April 2023 |
Skorupa, A., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D. Perkins, and T. Warren. 2022. Assessing propagated brook floater growth and survival across four rivers. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 2-4 March 2022, Portland, ME. | March 2022 |
Skorupa, A., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D. Perkins, and T. Warren. 2020. Assessing propagated brook floater growth and survival across four rivers with extant populations. ASLO-SFS 2020 Joint Summer Meeting, 7-11 June 2020, Madison, WI. | June 2020 |
Skorupa, A., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, A. Fisk, D. Perkins, and T. Warren. 2020. Propagation as a tool for restoration of a state endangered freshwater mussel. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 4-6 March 2020, Newport, RI. | March 2020 |
Skorupa, A., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, A. Fisk, D. Perkins, S.C. Sterrett, and T. Warren. 2021. Habitat predicts abundance of five freshwater mussel species in Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, 12-14 April 2021 [virtual]. | April 2021 |
Skorupa, A., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, A. Fisk, D. Perkins, S.C. Sterrett, and T. Warren. 2021. Habitat predicts abundance of five freshwater mussel species in Massachusetts. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 12-14 April 2021 [virtual]. | April 2021 |
Skorupa, A., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, A. Fisk, D. Perkins, S.C. Sterrett, and T. Warren. 2019. Mesohabitat relationships to abundance for three mussels found in northeastern US streams. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 14-18 April 2019, San Antonio, TX. | April 2019 |
Skora, L.C. and T.L. Wilson. Flying low and slow: estimating brown bear (Ursus arctos) density using aerial distance sampling in Katmai National Preserve, Alaska. Contributed oral presentation. International Statistical Ecology Conference. Swansea, United Kingdom. 2024. | July 2024 |
Skora, L, TL Wilson. 2023. Estimating brown bear abundance along salmon spawning streams in Katmai National Park, Alaska. EURING Analytical Meeting & Workshop, Montpellier, France, 17 – 21 April. | April 2023 |
Sirén, A.P.K., T.L. Wilson, K.Dunfey-Ball, K.D. Gieder, C.A. Bernier, N.L. Fortin, T. Smith, J.R. Kilborn, C.B. Callahan, R.M. Cliché, L.S. Prout, S, Wixsom, S. Staats, R. Abrams, S. Gifford, R. K. Patry, L.E. Kantar, T.L. Morelli. Broad-scale climate and habitat influences winter tick-moose dynamics along trailing range edges. North American Moose Conference, Midway, UT, USA. 13-16 May 2024. | May 2024 |
Sirén, A.P.K., J. Clark, R.M. Cliché, C.B. Callahan, J.R. Kilborn, C.S. Bernier, K.D. Gieder, P.G. Jensen, R. Patry, L.S. Prout, S. Wixsom, S. Gifford, T.L. Morelli, T.L. Wilson. 2024. Form fits function: Matching camera trap protocols with research objectives. NEAFWA, Hyannis, MA. Invited Oral Presentation. 21-24 April 2024. | April 2024 |
Sirén, A.P.K, M. Zimova, R.M. Cliché, J.R. Kilborn, C.S. Bernier, K.D. Gieder, R. Patry, L.S. Prout, S. Wixsom, S. Gifford, L.E. Kantar, T.L. Wilson, T.L. Morelli. 2025. Matrix habitat offsets the impacts of climate change on southern prey populations. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies annual conference. Bretton Woods, New Hampshire 21-24 April. | April 2025 |
Sirén A.P.K., T.L. Wilson, K. Dunfey-Ball, K.D. Gieder, C.A. Bernier, N.L. Fortin, T. Smith, J.R. Kilborn, C.B. Callahan, R.M. Cliché, L. S. Prout, S. Wixsom, S. Staats, R. Abrams, S. Gifford, R.K. Patry, L.E. Kantar, and T.L. Morelli. Broad scale climate and habitat drivers mediate occupancy-dependent parasitism along trailing range edges. Workshop on moose research needs in the Northeast. Sherbrooke, QC, Canada. 13 December 2023. | December 2023 |
Siren, A., L. Clarfeld, C. Balantic, K. Gieder, P. Jensen, T. Wilson, and T. Donovan. Northeast Wildlife Monitoring Network (NEWMN): A Unifying Framework for Regional Collaboration Using Autonomous Monitoring Units. Northeast Natural History Conference, Burlington VT, 21-23 April 2023. | April 2023 |
Sillen, S.J., P.A. Zaidel, A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, K. Houle, and B. Lambert. 2018. Dissolved oxygen response to dam removal in Massachusetts streams. Society for Ecological Restoration New England Conference, 11-13 October 2018, New Haven, CT. | October 2018 |
Sievert, P.R., and Hasegawa, H. 2004. Modeling volcanic risks and the value of safe colonies for short-tailed albatrosses. Third International Albatross and Petrel Conference, 23-27 August 2004, Montevideo, Uruguay. | August 2004 |
Sievert, P.R., and Hasegawa, H. 2004. Growth of the black-footed albatross population on Torishima Island, Japan. Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, 21-24 January 2004, La Paz, Mexico. | January 2004 |
Sievert, P.R., and Hasegawa, H. 2004. Black-footed albatrosses on Torishima, 1989-2004: growth of Japan's largest colony. Third International Albatross and Petrel Conference, 23-27 August 2004, Montevideo, Uruguay. | August 2004 |
Sievert, P.R., and Hasegawa, H. 2003. Modeling the risk of volcanic eruptions on the short-tailed albatross population of Torishima. 30th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Parksville, British Columbia, Canada, 19-23 February. | February 2003 |
Sievert, P.R., Grgurovic, M., and Compton, B.W. 2002. Ecology of Blanding's turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in the developing landscape of eastern Massachusetts. 58th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2002, Portland, ME. | April 2002 |
Sievert, P.R., Grgurovic, M., and Compton B.W. 2004. Conserving Blanding's turtles, Emydoidea blandingii, amid suburban sprawl in eastern Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, 20-21 May 2004, Albany, NY. | May 2004 |
Sievert, P.R. and Hasegawa, H. 2004. Reestablishment of a short-tailed albatross colony: logistical and population considerations. Thirty-first Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, 21-24 January 2004, La Paz, Mexico. | January 2004 |
Sievert, P.R. 2004. Population modeling, reclassification and recovery thresholds for short-tailed albatrosses. 2nd Short-tailed Albatross Recovery Team Meeting, 25-28 May 2004, Chiba, Japan. | May 2004 |
Sievert, P.R. 2004. Conserving Blanding's turtles in Massachusetts: A research overview. Northeast Regional Blanding's Turtle Meeting, 13 February 2004, Concord, NH. | February 2004 |
Sievert, P.R. 2004. Albatross, turtles, and tigers: combining field and modeling approaches for rare species recovery. Invited seminar, Tufts University, 30 April 2004, Grafton, MA. | April 2004 |
Sievert, P. R., J. Arata, H. Hasegawa, M. B. Naughton, and E. N. Flint. 2005. Population trends of North Pacific albatrosses during the past 30 years. The Wildlife Society 12th Annual Conference, Madison, WI, 25-29 Sep. | September 2005 |
Sievert, P. R., H. Hasegawa. M. B. Naughton, and E. N. Flint. 2005. Population trends of North Pacific albatrosses from 1976 to the present. Joint Meeting of the Waterbird Society and the Pacific Seabird Group, Portland, OR, 19-23 Jan. | January 2005 |
Sievert, P. R., D. J. Paulson, and D. T. Yorks. 2011. An experimental test of the effectiveness of road passage structures for freshwater turtles. Symposium on the Influence of Roads on Wildlife in Urban Areas, 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Waikoloa, HI, 1-15 Nov. | November 2011 |
Sievert, P. R. 2007. Growth of New England snake populations: A comparative approach. Snakes of the Northeast Conference, Amherst, MA, 30 Nov - 1 Dec. | November 2007 |
Sheppard, J.J., M.N. Marjadi, S. Batchelder, R. Govostes, A.H. Roy, M.G. Slocombe, and J.K. Llopiz. 2024. A video monitoring and computational system for estimating juvenile river herring abundance. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 15-19 September 2024, Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Scoggins, M., A. Gonzales, R. Hawley, R.F. Smith, E. Bilger, R. Hale, M. Fork, K. Hopkins, Martin Neale, and A.H. Roy. 2020. Moving the bar on multidisciplinary solutions to wicked urban stream problems: A summary of SUSE5. ALSO-SFS 2020 Joint Summer Meeting, 7-12 June 2020, Madison, WI. | June 2020 |
Schlossberg, S., D. King, S. DeStefano, and M. Hartley. 2012. Effects of forest management at the landscape scale on wood thrush demography. New England Society of American Foresters, Amherst, MA. 15 March. | March 2012 |
Ryan, J.E., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, and D. Perkins. 2020. Fish assessments to inform recovery of dwarf wedgemussel. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 4-6 March 2020, Newport, RI. | March 2020 |
Ryan, J.E., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D.L Perkins, and T.M. Warren. 2021. Mitigating contamination for in-vitro propagation of dwarf wedgemussel. Northeast Natural History Conference, 12-14 April 2021 [virtual]. | April 2021 |
Ryan, J.E., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D.L Perkins, and T.M. Warren. 2021. Mitigating contamination for in-vitro propagation of dwarf wedgemussel. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Meeting, 12-14 April 2021 [virtual]. | April 2021 |
Ryan, J.E., A.H. Roy, D.L Perkins, and T.M. Warren. 2019. In-vitro propagation of the federally endangered dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon). Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 14-18 April 2019, San Antonio, TX. | April 2019 |
Ryan, J.E., A.H. Roy, D.L Perkins, and T.M. Warren. 2019. In-vitro propagation of dwarf wedgemussel. ASLO-SFS 2020 Joint Summer Meeting, 7-11 June 2020, Madison, WI. | June 2020 |
Ryan, J.E., A.H. Roy, D.L Perkins, and T.M. Warren. 2019. In-vitro propagation of Alasmidonta heterodon (dwarf wedgemussel). Northeast Natural History Conference, 17-19 April 2020, Stamford, CT. | April 2020 |
Roy, A.H., T.A. Richards, C.R. Smith, and A.N. Yarra. 2015. Investigating impacts of impoundments on the hydrology, temperature, and fish assemblages in Massachusetts streams. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Roy, A.H., S.M. Clinton, J. Hartman, and K.H. Macneale. 2022. Stream macroinvertebrate reintroductions: A cautionary approach for restored urban streams. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 2-4 March 2022, Portland, ME. | March 2022 |
Roy, A.H., S.F. Jane, J.T. Finn, P.D. Hazelton, T.O. Randhir, and T.A. Richards. 2015. Linkages between stream flow, habitat, and biotic assemblages in and urbanized large river. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 17-21 May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. | May 2015 |
Roy, A.H., R. Bouldin, P.A. Zaidel, and S. Mattocks. 2018. Increasing resilience of coldwater fish habitat with dam removal. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2018, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Roy, A.H., P.D. Hazelton, and S.C. Sterrett. 2020. Modeling and monitoring for rangewide conservation of a rare mussel. Northeast Aquatic Biologist Conference, 4-6 March 2012, Newport, RI. | March 2020 |
Roy, A.H., P.D. Hazelton, and S.C. Sterrett. 2019. Using standardized protocols toward improving rangewide conservation of rare mussel species. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 14-18 April 2019, San Antonio, TX. | April 2019 |
Roy, A.H., P.D. Hazelton, S. Sterrett, A. Doubleday, A. Fisk, L. Holst, M. Marchand, D. Perkins, M.D. Staudinger, B. Swartz, and B. Watson. 2017. What's next? Brook Floater rangewide conservation and restoration initiative. Northeast Freshwater Mussel Meeting, 7 March 2017, Hadley, MA. | March 2017 |
Roy, A.H., P.A. Zaidel, K. Houle, B. Lambert, and K.H. Nislow. 2018. Potential responses of stream water quality and macroinvertebrates to small dam removal. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 13-15 March 2018, Devens, MA. | March 2018 |
Roy, A.H., M.E. Grandinetti, and N.A. Wilgruber. 2014. Exploring sublethal effects of urbanization: fish and macroinvertebrate movement. Third Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 15-17 May 2014, Portland, OR. | May 2014 |
Roy, A.H., M.E. Grandinetti, and H.R. Geib. 2013. Macroinvertebrate drift: a mechanism of biodiversity loss in urban streams? Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Jacksonville, FL, 19-23 May 2013. | May 2013 |
Roy, A.H., L.K. Rhea, W.D. Shuster, and A. St. Amand. 2012. Managing stormwater for freshwater ecosystems: go big or go home. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 20-24 May 2012. | May 2012 |
Roy, A.H., L.K. Rhea, W.D. Shuster, A. St. Amand, and H.W. Thurston. 2012. Stream responses to a watershed-scale stormwater retrofit. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 21-23 March 2012. | March 2012 |
Roy, A.H., K.M. Abbott, and P.A. Zaidel. 2021. Ecological Considerations for Dam Removal: Charles River Dam in South Natick. Charles River Dam Advisory Committee. 14 October 2021. | October 2021 |
Roy, A.H., K.M. Abbott, M.B. Cole, K.M. Houle, and K.H. Nislow. 2019. Impacts of small, low-head dams on stream macroinvertebrate assemblages. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 19-23 May 2019, Salt Lake City, UT. | May 2019 |
Roy, A.H., K.A. Capps, R. El-Sabaawi, K.L. Jones, T.B. Parr, A. Ramirez, R.F. Smith, C.J. Walsh, and S.J. Wenger. 2014. Global differences in urbanization and stream ecology: a synthesis. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 18-22 May 2014, Portland, OR. | May 2014 |
Roy, A.H., J.R. Carmignani, P.D. Hazelton, A.J. Skorupa, S.C. Sterrett, N. Whelan, and the Brook Floater Working Group. 2023. Using regional working groups for mussel species conservation. Freshwater Sciences 2023, 3-7 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | June 2023 |
Roy, A.H., J.R. Carmignani, P.D. Hazelton, A.J. Skorupa, S.C. Sterrett, N. Whelan, and the Brook Floater Working Group. 2023. Using regional working groups for mussel species conservation. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 10-14 April 2023, Portland, OR. | April 2023 |
Roy, A.H., J.R. Carmignani, J.T. Stolarski, and T. Richards. 2021. Hydrology of annual winter water level drawdowns in recreational lakes of Massachusetts, USA. National Monitoring Conference, 19-23 April 2021, virtual. | April 2021 |
Roy, A.H., J.R. Carmignani, J.T. Stolarski, and T. Richards. 2020. Hydrology of annual winter water level drawdowns in recreational lakes of Massachusetts, USA. North American Lake Management Society Meeting, 16-20 November 2020, virtual. | November 2020 |
Roy, A.H., J. Soucie, A. Quick, and R. Hale. 2023. Salted urban streams: understanding spatial and temporal variability in conductivity to guide management. 6th Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 29 May - 1 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | May 2023 |
Roy, A.H., J. Rosset, M. Marjadi, A. Whiteley, B. Gahagan, A. Jordaan. 2016. Insights in reproduction, growth, and survival of anadromous alewife in freshwater lakes. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockland, ME. | March 2016 |
Roy, A.H., H.R. Lubbers, and M.C. Miller. 2018. Biotic responses to multiple threats of urbanization and drying in headwater streams. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 20-24 May 2018, Detroit, MI. | May 2018 |
Roy, A.H., D.S. Armstrong, M.E. Baker, C.N. Bentsen, R.F. Smith, and J.T. Stolarksi. 2020. Unpacking fish responses to impervious cover in Massachusetts. Southern New England American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting, 13-14 January 2020, Cambridge, MA. | January 2020 |
Roy, A.H., C.N. Bentsen, D.S. Armstrong, and M.E. Baker. 2017. Prioritizing stream restoration and protection to maximize ecological benefits: stream habitat, temperature, and watershed considerations. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 4-9 June 2017, Raleigh, NC. | June 2017 |
Roy, A.H., C.N. Bentsen, D.S. Armstrong, and M.E. Baker. 2017. Context matters: Variable responses of fish and macroinvertebrate assemblages to urbanization based on stream habitat, water quality, and watershed characteristics. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 14-16 March 2017, Hartford, CT. | March 2017 |
Roy, A.H., A.J. Skorupa, S. Doran, C.E. Dumoulin, and D.R. Smith. 2025. Identifying locations for restoration actions for freshwater mussels. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 18-22 May 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | May 2025 |
Roy, A.H., A.J. Skorupa, S. Doran, C.E. Dumoulin, and D.R. Smith. 2025. Identifying locations for restoration actions for freshwater mussels in the Delaware River Basin. Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2025, Bretton Woods, NH. | April 2025 |
Roy, A.H., A. Quick, R. Hale, K.G. Hopkins, and J. Soucie. 2024. Spatial and temporal variability in stream conductivity in the Boston metropolitan area. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 14-16 February 2024, Fairlee, Vermont. | February 2024 |
Roy, A.H., A. Quick, R. Hale, K.G. Hopkins, and J. Soucie. 2024. Drivers of spatial and temporal variability in conductivity in temperate, urban streams. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Roy, A.H. and R.F. Smith. 2014. Investigating impacts of landscape development on stream fish and insect dispersal. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 17-21 August 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. | August 2014 |
Roy, A.H. and K. Andreadis. 2023. Lake water level management under changing climates. Northeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Webinar Series, 8 March 2023, Amherst, MA. | March 2023 |
Roy, A.H. and J. R. Carmignani. 2020. Ecological responses of shallow littoral zones to annual wintertime water level drawdowns in reservoirs. ALSO-SFS 2020 Joint Summer Meeting, 7-11 June 2020, Madison, WI. | June 2020 |
Roy, A.H. and A.C. Engman. 2021. Biotic diversity in urban ecosystems: Current knowledge and research needs. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 23-27 May 2021 (virtual). | May 2021 |
Roy, A.H. X. He, A. Kumar, K. Andreadis, and C. Butler. 2023. Winter lake drawdowns: prevalence, hydrologic characteristics, and ability to meet management guidelines. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Meeting, 15-17 February 2023, Plymouth, MA. | February 2023 |
Roy, A.H. Urban streams: To avoid or to embrace? Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2024, Hyannis, MA. | April 2024 |
Roy, A.H. 2016. Urbanization: Using resistance to this homogenizing force to inform management. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 21-25 May 2016, Sacramento, CA. | May 2016 |
Roy, A., S. Sterrett, P. Hazelton, A. Skorupa, J. Carmignani, and A. Hershberger. 2023. Rapid assessment in wadeable streams. Freshwater Mussel Recovery and Implementation Workshop, Nov 8–9, 2023, Moncton, New Brunswick. | November 2023 |
Roy, A., M. Devine, L. Guo, M. Marjadi, M.G. Slocombe, J. Benway, J. Davis, K. Job, A. Jordaan, S. McCormick, K. Sprankle, and M. Staudinger. 2023. Juvenile river herring habitat use in the Connecticut River. Joint meeting of the Northeast Division and Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-10 January 2023, Boston, MA. | January 2023 |
Roy, A., A Jordaan, A. Whiteley, M. Devine, M. Marjadi, J. Rosset, M. Armstrong, B. Gahagan. 2017. The lake story: insights in reproduction, growth, and survival of anadromous alewife in freshwater. Gaspereau/Alewife Symposium, 16-20 June 2017, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. | June 2017 |
Roy, A. and M. Devine. 2022. Limits to juvenile river herring densities and restoration potential. Massachusetts River Herring Network, 25 October 2023, Pembroke, MA. | October 2022 |
Roy, A. and J. Carmignani. 2016. Impacts of winter drawdowns on lake ecosystems. The Lakes and Ponds Association of Western Massachusetts Conference, 22 October 2016, Pittsfield, MA. | October 2016 |
Roy, A. 2023. Working groups for range-wide mussel conservation and restoration. Freshwater Mussel Recovery and Implementation Workshop, Nov 8–9, 2023, Moncton, New Brunswick. | November 2023 |
Rosset, J., B.I. Gahagan, P.A. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, and A.R. Whiteley. 2014. Life history characteristics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in freshwater environments. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. | March 2014 |
Rosset, J., A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, A.R. Whiteley, and A.P. Jordaan. 2015. Life history characteristics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in freshwater environments. American Fisheries Society Southern New England Chapter 2015 Winter Meeting, Narragansett, RI, 27 January 2015. | January 2015 |
Rosset, J., A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, A.R. Whiteley, and A. Jordaan. 2015. Shedding light on past assumptions: a look at life history characteristics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus). Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 16-20 August 2015, Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
Rosset, J., A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, A.R. Whiteley, and A. Jordaan. 2015. Shedding light on past assumptions: a look at life history characteristics of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in coastal Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, 19-20 April 2015, Springfield, MA. | April 2015 |
Rosset, J. B.I. Gahagan, A.P. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, and A.R. Whiteley. 2014. Life history characteristics of juvenile alewife in freshwater ponds. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 17-21 August 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. | August 2014 |
Rogers, J.B., G.V. DiRenzo, R. O'Brien, R.M. Quinones, T. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2024. Can management alleviate impacts of climate change to support freshwater fish and mussel biodiversity? Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2024, Hyannis, MA. | April 2024 |
Rogers, J.B., G. DiRenzo, R.M. Quinones, T. Richards, and A. Roy. 2023. Modeling freshwater mussel biodiversity in New England streams to support management decisions that consider climate change. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference, 30 April - 2 May 2023, Hershey, PA. | April 2023 |
Rogers, J.B., G. DiRenzo, R.M. Quinones, T. Richards, and A. Roy. 2023. Modeling aquatic biodiversity in New England streams to support management decisions that consider climate change. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Meeting, 15-17 February 2023, Plymouth, MA. | February 2023 |
Rogers, J.B., G. DiRenzo, R.M. Quinones, T. Richards, A. Roy, C. Bellucci, C. Buckley, M. Carpenter, A. Chapman, J. Deshler, M. Gallagher, A. Libby, and J. Stolarski. 2023. Modeling aquatic biodiversity in New England streams to support management decisions that consider climate change. Joint meeting of the Northeast Division and Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-10 January 2023, Boston, MA. | January 2023 |
Richards, T.A., C.R. Smith, and A.H. Roy. 2014. Hydrological impacts of water supply reservoirs in Massachusetts streams. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. | March 2014 |
Richards, T.A., C.R. Smith, and A.H. Roy. 2014. Hydrological impacts of water supply reservoirs in Massachusetts streams. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 17-21 August 2014, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. | August 2014 |
Remiszewski, T.T., J. Carmignani, and A.H. Roy. 2018. Impacts of winter water-level lake drawdowns on fish growth. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2018, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Remiszewski, T.T., A.H. Roy, and J. Carmignani. 2018. Impacts of winter water-level lake drawdowns on fish growth. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 10 January 2018, New Bedford, MA. | January 2018 |
Quick, A., R. Hale, J. Morse, A. Roy, K. Capps, J. Kominoski, K. Hopkins, J. Rudolph, S. Chen, L. Ortiz Muñoz, and A. Blinn. 2025. Variability and interactions among carbon and nutrients in urban streams: implications for management. 7th Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 13-16 May 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | May 2025 |
Quick, A., A. Roy, R. Hale, K. Hopkins, S. Chen, and L. Ortiz Muñoz. 2024. Urbanization effects on stream dissolved organic carbon and water quality across seasons and storm events. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 9-13 December 2024, Washington, DC. | December 2024 |
Quick, A., A. Roy, R. Hale, K. Hopkins, S. Chen, and L. Ortiz Muñoz. 2024. Temporal variation in water quality and dissolved organic carbon in three urbanized streams. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Quick, A., A. Roy, R. Hale, K. Capps, K. Hopkins, J. Kominoski, and J. Morse. 2022. Variability in dissolved organic carbon across urban streams in Boston, Massachusetts. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 2-4 March 2022, Portland, ME. | March 2022 |
Quick, A., A. Roy, R. Hale, K. Capps, K. Hopkins, J. Kominoski, J.L. Morse, S. Chen, C. Rizzie, and L. Ortiz Muñoz. 2023. Spatial and temporal variation in quantity and bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon within a metropolitan area. Freshwater Sciences 2023, 3-7 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | June 2023 |
Quick, A., A. Roy, R. Hale, K. Capps, K. Hopkins, J. Kominoski, J.L. Morse, S. Chen, C. Rizzie, and L. Ortiz Muñoz. 2023. Spatial and temporal variation in quantity and bioavailability of dissolved organic carbon within a metropolitan area. 6th Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 29 May - 1 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | May 2023 |
Quick, A., A. Roy, R. Hale, K. Capps, K. Hopkins, J. Kominoski, J. Morse, S. Chen, and C. Rizzie. 2022. Seasonal trends in dissolved and particulate organic carbon across urban streams in Boston, USA. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 16-20 May 2022, Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Quick, A., A. Roy, R. Hale, K. Capps, K. Hopkins, J. Kominoski, J. Morse, S. Chen, C. Rizzie, and L. Ortiz. 2023. Characterizing seasonal trends in dissolved organic carbon among urban streams in Boston, USA. 13th National Monitoring Conference, 24-28 April 2023, Virginia Beach, VA. | April 2023 |
Pusparini, W., T. Wahyudi, A. H. Ritonga, E. E. Rumapea, E. Ramadiyanta, H. T. Wibisono, G.V. Reddy, P. R. Sievert, and T. K. Fuller. 2013. A Spatially Explicit Model of Sumatran Rhinoceros (Dicerorhinus sumatrensis) Occurrence in Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Life Sciences Graduate Research Symposium, Amherst, MA, 22 Nov 2013. | November 2013 |
Perkins, D., P. Hazelton, and A. Roy. 2017. A new freshwater mussel collaboration in the northeast. Northeast Freshwater Mussel Meeting, 7 March 2017, Hadley, MA. | March 2017 |
Perkins, D. S. Hanlon, P. Hazelton, and A. Roy. 2018. A new freshwater mussel collaborative in the northeast. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 15-17 April 2018, Burlington, VT. | April 2018 |
Pautzke, S., M. E. Mather, J, Finn, L. Deegan, R. M. Muth. 2006 Spatially defining predator impacts on estuarine food webs: assessing striped bass movements via acoustic tracking. American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, New York, September, 2006 | September 2007 |
Pautzke, S. M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, and L. A. Deegan. 2007. Habitat use, behaviors, and movements of migratory striped bass during summer residence in Massachusetts. Symposium Presentation, Annual Meeting, Estuarine Research Foundation, Providence, Rhode Island, November 2007 | November 2007 |
Paulson, D., and P. R. Sievert. 2007. Evaluating the effectiveness of road passage structures for freshwater turtles in Massachusetts. Massachusetts Turtle Symposium: Information for Action, Amherst, MA, 23-24 Feb. | February 2007 |
Paulson, D. J., and P. R. Sievert. 2008. Evaluating the effectiveness of road passage structures for freshwater turtles in Massachusetts. Northeast Transportation and Wildlife Conference, Meredith, NH, 21-24 Sep. | September 2008 |
Paulson, D. J., and P. R. Sievert. 2008. Evaluating the effectiveness of road passage structures for freshwater turtles in Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference X, Albany, NY, 17-18 Apr. | April 2008 |
Paulson, D. J., and P. R. Sievert. 2010. History and analysis of wildlife road passage structures in Massachusetts. Northeast Transportation and Wildlife Conference, Amherst, MA, 13-15 Sep. | September 2010 |
Paulson, D. J., and P. R. Sievert. 2010. An experimental test of culvert size and position on passage of painted turtles (Chrysemys picta). Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Providence, RI, 7-12 Jul. | July 2010 |
Paulson, D. J., and P. R. Sievert. 2009. History and analysis of wildlife road passage structures in Massachusetts. Urban Wildlife Ecology and Management Conference, Amherst, MA, 21-24 Jun | June 2009 |
Parker, L., M. Craddock, T. Richards, A. Roy, and M. Cole. 2015. Poor little Pecks Brook: Balancing lake goals and downstream needs in an urban watershed. Flow 2015: 28-30 April 2015. | April 2015 |
Pacheco, K.P., S.J. Farrington, J. Stephens, and A.H. Roy. 2025. Using morphometrics to identify freshwater mussel glochidia on host fishes. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 18-22 May 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | May 2025 |
Pacheco, K.P., S.J. Farrington, J. Stephens, and A.H. Roy. 2025. Using morphometrics to identify freshwater mussel glochidia on host fishes. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 5-7 February 2025, Bartlett, NH. (poster) | February 2025 |
Ortiz Munoz, L.D., J.S. Kominoski, K. Capps, S. Chen, R. Hale, K. Hopkins, A. Quick, J.L. Morse, C. Rizzie, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Stormwater infrastructure and seasonal hydrology transform dissolved organic carbon and nutrients in urban coastal waters. Freshwater Sciences 2023, 3-7 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | June 2023 |
Organ, John F., and S. DeStefano. 2011. Human dimensions of wildlife zoonoses: North American examples. Second Annual Symposium on Conservation Medicine, Andros Bello University, Santiago, Chile. 23 Nov. | November 2011 |
Organ, J. F., and S. DeStefano. 2013. The evolution of human dimensions in wildlife management. 3rd Symposium on Conservation Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 10 Oct. (Invited) | October 2013 |
Organ, J. F., G. Medina, F. Astorga, D. Poo, C. Perez, and S. DeStefano. 2011. Carnivores, free ranging dogs, and people: managing a cultural and biological phenomenon in Chile. 18th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Kona, HI. 5-10 Nov. | November 2011 |
O'Brien, R., J. Carmignani, G.V. DiRenzo, R.M. Quiñones, T. Richards, J.B. Rogers, A.H. Roy. 2024. Drivers of freshwater mussel distributions in the northeastern United States. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Norwood, P., M.T. Devine, E. Molden, A.H. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2020. Investigating juvenile river herring productivity in Nantucket Ponds: Insights for pond management. Southern New England American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting, 13-14 January 2020, Cambridge, MA. | January 2020 |
Muth, R. M., and M. E. Mather. Causes underlying human-animal conflicts in urbanized society. Invited presentation, Problem Animal Control Officers Annual Meeting, December 2004 | December 2003 |
Muth, R. M., and M. E. Mather. 2003. Causes underlying human-animal conflicts in urbanized society. Invited presentation, Nashua Watershed Association, September 2003 | September 2003 |
Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather., J. T. Finn, and R.R. Zwick. 2007. Integrating Socioeconomic and Institutional Considerations into Coastal Restoration Decisions. Invited presentation in Symposium. Annual Meeting, Estuarine Research Foundation, Providence, Rhode Island, November 2007 | November 2007 |
Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, R. Zwick, and J. Organ. 2002. Fisheries management for the future: assessing the attitudes and values of conservation professionals. Contributed Paper, Human Dimensions I, Monday, August 19, 2002, American Fisheries Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD, August 2002 | August 2002 |
Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, R. Zwick, S. P. Andrews, 2001. Fishing for peace of mind: subsistence and recreational motivations of urban anglers in coastal Massachusetts. Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY | April 2001 |
Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, J. Organ. R. Zwick. 2001. Conservation policy and management for the future: Assessing gender differences among conservation professionals Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY | April 2001 |
Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, J. Organ. R. Zwick. 2001. Conservation policy and management for the future: Assessing gender differences among conservation professionals Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY | April 2000 |
Muth, R. M., J. Organ, R. Zwick, and M. E. Mather. 2002. Wildlife management for the future: assessing the attitudes and values of wildlife biologists. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society | September 2002 |
Muth, R. M., J. Organ, R. Zwick, and M. E. Mather. 2002. Conservation policy and management for the future: assessing the attitudes and values of conservation biologists. Annual Meeting, Society of Conservation Biologists, Canterbury, England. | June 2002 |
Muth, R. M., J. Organ, M. E. Mather, R. Zwick. 2002. The changing guard: upcoming changes in the age structure of conservation professionals. Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference | March 2002 |
Muth , R. M., and M. E. Mather. An Approach To Understanding Estuarine And Coastal Watershed Conflicts. Invited Presentation, Water To Water Symposium, New England Estuarine Research Society, May, 2005 | May 2005 |
Mohammadi, H., M. Devine, S. Bittner, A.H. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2016. Study of feeding habits of alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in northeastern United States. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 14 January 2016, Groton, Connecticut. | January 2016 |
Mercado-Silva, N., J. Lyons, S.J. Magnelia, J.T. Petersen, A.H. Roy, and S. Wenger. 2024. Standard methods for sampling fishes in wadeable streams. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 15-19 September 2024, Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Mercado-Silva, N., J. Lyons, S.J. Magnelia, J.T. Petersen, A.H. Roy, and S. Wenger. 2023. Standard methods for sampling fishes in wadeable streams. World Fisheries Congress, 3-9 March 2024, Seattle, WA. | March 2024 |
Mena, K.E., and P.R. Sievert. 2002. Factors affecting nest success of piping plovers (Charadrius melodus) on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The 8th Annual Honors Research Conference, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts, 3 May 2002. | May 2002 |
McEachran, M., J. D. Cook, R. E.W. Berl, G. DiRenzo, E. H. Campbell Grant, M. C. Runge. People and prions: human dimensions of CWD decision making. The Wildlife Society, Louiseville, KY 2023. | November 2023 |
McEachran, M., J. D. Cook, R. E.W. Berl, G. DiRenzo, E. H. Campbell Grant, M. C. Runge. Integrating social science to make better decisions for cervid carcass management. | May 2022 |
McCarthy, S., and S. DeStefano. 2017. The human dimensions of suburban deer management in eastern Massachusetts. Massachusetts Fisheries and Wildlife Board, Pepperall, MA. | September 2017 |
Mather., M.E., M. Briggs, C. A. Campbell, L. E. Knight. 2001. Hotspots and pits: assessing basin-wide mechanisms for success and failure of juvenile Atlantic salmon sites throughout the Connecticut River basin. Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission Research Forum | January 2001 |
Mather, M.E., and K.H. Ferry. 2001. Trophic interactions of striped bass in Plum Island Sound. | May 2001 |
Mather, M.E., and K.H. Ferry. 2000. Across estuary heterogeneity in striped bass distribution and diet: relative status of the Plum Island Sound estuaries compared to other Massachusetts estuaries. Invited presentation to All Scientists Meeting: Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Project, Woods Hole, Ma. | January 2000 |
Mather, M.E., and K. H. Ferry. 2003. Nowhere to swim to, nowhere to hide: consequences of striped bass predation for estuarine prey. New England Estuarine Research Society, May 2003 | May 2003 |
Mather, M.E., K. H. Ferry, and J. Stritzel. 2000. Diet of striped bass in northeastern estuaries: Invited presentation to Trout Unlimited | January 2000 |
Mather, M.E., E.A. Marschall*, and D.L. Parrish. Predicting interactive effects of climate change and dams on success of downstream-migrating salmon. Fish and Climate Change, The Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Symposium, Belfast, UK, 26-30 July 2010. *Presenter | July 2010 |
Mather, M.E., C. A. Campbell, and J. McMenemy. 2000. Across year variability in patterns of density, survival, size, and growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon in the Connecticut River: insights for restoration. Invited poster. International Fish Biology Congress. Edinburgh, Scotland. | January 2000 |
Mather, M.E. and K.H. Ferry. 2000. Migratory striped bass inhabiting Massachusetts estuaries: evaluating heterogeneity in diet, growth potential, and feeding opportunities. Invited presentation, Striped Bass Working Group, Baltimore, MD,August 2000. | August 2000 |
Mather, M.E. and K.H. Ferry. 1999. Across estuary heterogeneity in striped bass distribution and diet: relative status of the Plum Island Sound estuaries compared to other Massachusetts estuaries. Invited presentation to All Scientists Meeting; Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Project, Woods Hole, MA. | November 1999 |
Mather, M.E, C. A. Campbell. 2003. Scope of Temperature Variation in the Connecticut River and Implications for Juvenile Atlantic Salmon Survival and Growth. Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Restoration Research Forum, January 2003 | January 2003 |
Mather, M. E., T. Richards, D. Armstrong, A, Bowden, M. Kearns, J. Smith. 2005 Fish communities as bio-indicators of river system alteration in Massachusetts, American Society of Wetlands, Amherst, MA, November 2006 | November 2006 |
Mather, M. E., M. K. Burak, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, J. B. Kim, K. H. Ferry. Counting anadromous fish at remote fishways in small coastal streams: a review of past uses of video monitoring with an evaluation of a new system. Abstract submitted, Northeastern Division American Fisheries Society, Newton, MA, April 2010. | April 2010 |
Mather, M. E., J. Finn, R. M. Muth, K. Ferry, H. Frank, J. Smith. 2006. Stopping the bleeding: a case study for managing estuarine fish in the face of multiple adverse human impacts. Invited Symposium: Death by a Thousand Cuts: Cumulative Impacts of Human Activities in Estuarine Environments. American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, New York, September, 2006 | September 2006 |
Mather, M. E., J. Finn, L. Deegan, R. Muth, S. Pautzke, K. Ferry. 2005. Defining the spatial and temporal scale of predator impact on estuary food webs: assessing striped bass movements with acoustic tracking. Invited Presentation, All Scientists meeting, Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research, Woods Hold, May, 2005. | May 2005 |
Mather, M. E., J. Dettmers, D. L. Parrish. 2005. Navigating the changing landscape of fisheries publications: setting a course, avoiding some rocks, and facilitating the rescue. Invited Presentation, American Fisheries Society national meeting, Anchorage, AK | September 2005 |
Mather, M. E., H. J. Frank, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn. 2010. Understanding the role of origin and release location in behavior and habitat use of pre-spawning alewives to improve the efficiency of restoration. Invited Presentation Restoration of American Shad and River Herring in Atlantic Coastal Waters, Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2010 | September 2010 |
Mather, M. E., Finn, J., R. Muth, L. Deegan, K. Ferry, S. Pautzke. 2005. Can Top Fish Predators Influence Estuary Food Webs. Invited Presentation, Water To Water Symposium, New England Estuarine Research Society, May, 2005 | May 2005 |
Mather, M. E., E. A. Marschall, D. L. Parrish, G. Allison, J. McMenemy. 2009 River discharge, temperature, dams, and the timing of downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts: a modeling approach. Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Research Forum, Hadley, MA, February, 2009. | February 2009 |
Mather, M. E., C. A. Campbell, and J. McMenemy. 2003. Scope of Temperature Variation in the Connecticut River and Implications for Juvenile Atlantic Salmon Survival and Growth. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Quebec City, August 2003 | August 2003 |
Mather, M. E., R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn, and R. R. Zwick. 2007. Integrating objective scientific information on biophysical conditions into river-herring restoration decisions in the Ipswich River. Invited presentation in Symposium. Annual Meeting, Estuarine Research Foundation, Providence, Rhode Island, November 2007 | November 2007 |
Mather, M. E., J. T. Finn, R.M. Muth. 2008. Overview of fish research in PIE. Invited presentation to All Scientists Meeting; Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Project, Woods Hole, MA. | March 2008 |
Mather, M. E. Striped Bass Potential for Prey Control In Coastal Ecosystems (SPICE). 2004. Invited Presentation. Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Site All Scientists Meeting, Woods hole, March 2004 | March 2004 |
Mather, M. E. 2005. River herring restoration: thoughts on how alewife and blueback herring use freshwater. Working Group- Coonamessett River Restoration, Falmouth, MA. Invited. Presenter | February 2005 |
Mather, M. E. 2004. Flowing water ecosystems:A larger view of watershed management. Invited Presentation to Massachusetts Stream Flow Task Force, February 2004, Northboro, MA | February 2004 |
Mather, M. E. 2003 What is the role of striped bass predators in structuring the higher trophic levels of estuary ecosystems. Invited Presentation. Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Site All Scientists Meeting, Woods Hole, March 2003 | May 2003 |
Mather, M. E. 2002. Where are the fish?: some thoughts on the distribution of anadromous fish. Public Lecture, Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries, Gloucester. MA. July 2002 | July 2002 |
Mather, M. E. 2002. Pattern and process of foraging striped bass in a north temperature estuary. All Scientists Meeting, Plum Island Estuary - Long Term Ecological Research Meeting, Woods Hole, MA, March 2002 | March 2002 |
Mather, M. E. 2002. Complex spatial and temporal ecological relationships among aquatic organisms in the kettle ponds at the Cape Cod National Seashore: towards a more sensitive approach to monitoring ecosystem health. Monitoring Symposium, Cape Cod National Seashore, Fall 2002. | November 2002 |
Mather, M. E. 2008 Striped bass in the Great Marsh: where are they and what are they doing there? The Great Marsh Symposium, Newburyport, MA, April 12, 2008) | April 2008 |
Mather, M. E and R. M. Muth.. 2009. Tracking interactions between anadromous fish and humans in plum island estuary. Invited Presentation to Trustees of Reservations, Crane Castle, Ipswich, MA, Winter, February 2009 | February 2009 |
Martell, V.M., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D.L. Perkins, and T.M. Warren. 2019. Developing propagation methods toward restoration of the Yellow Lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa) populations in New England. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 14-16 April 2018, Groton, CT. | April 2019 |
Martell, V.M., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, D.L. Perkins, and T.M. Warren. 2018. The effect of probiotics on the growth and survival of a freshwater mussel. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 15-17 April 2018, Burlington, VT. | April 2018 |
Marschall , E. A, M. E. Mather, D. L. Parrish, G. W. Allison. 2007 River discharge, river temperature, dams, and the timing of downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts: a modeling approach, Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA | September 2007 |
Marjadi, M.N., J.K. Llopiz, M.G. Slocombe, J.J. Sheppard, S. Batchelder, R. Govostes, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Using video monitoring to assess emigration patterns for juvenile alewife. Joint meeting of the Northeast Division and Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-10 January 2023, Boston, MA. | January 2023 |
Marjadi, M.N., A.H. Roy, M.T. Devine, B.I Gahagan, A. Jordaan, J. Rosset, and A.R. Whiteley. 2022. Longer adult freshwaer residence time related to higher reproductive output in an anadromous clupeid. Ecological Society of America Meeting, 14-19 August 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. | August 2022 |
Marjadi, M.N., A.H. Roy, M.T. Devine, B.I Gahagan, A. Jordaan, J. Rosset, and A.R. Whiteley. 2022. Alewife that stay longer mate longer: An investigation of adult freshwater residence time. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting, 21 January 2022, Amherst, MA. | January 2022 |
Marjadi, M., J. Rosset, A. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, and A.R. Whiteley. 2016. Earlier arrival and larger body size increase reproductive success in alewife. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 21-25 May 2016, Sacramento, CA. | May 2016 |
Marjadi, M., A.H. Roy, A. Jordaan, A.R. Whiteley, and E.M. Markowitz. 2017. "Counting fish is my yoga": Evaluating the social and educational value of a river herring citizen monitoring program. Gaspereau/Alewife Symposium, 16-20 June 2017, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. | June 2017 |
Marjadi, M., A. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, and A.R. Whiteley. 2017. Reproductive success in coastal pond breeding river herring: effects of migration timing and body size. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 20-24 August 2017, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Marjadi, M. A.H. Roy, A. Jordaan, A.R. Whiteley, and E.M. Markowitz. 2017. "Counting fish is my yoga": Evaluating the social and educational impacts of a river herring citizen monitoring program. Citizen Science Association 2017, St. Paul, Minnesota. | May 2017 |
Marjadi, M. A. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, and A.R. Whiteley. 2016. Evaluating reproductive strategies in alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) using pedigree reconstruction. Winter Science Meeting, Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 14 Jan 2016, Groton, Connecticut. | January 2016 |
Macpherson, C.B., K.M. Abbott, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Examining fish assemblage response to dam removal. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Meeting, 15-17 February 2023, Plymouth, MA. | February 2023 |
Macpherson, C.B., K.M. Abbott, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Examining fish assemblage response to dam removal. Joint meeting of the Northeast Division and Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-10 January 2023, Boston, MA. | January 2023 |
M. C. Bletz, G. V. DiRenzo, E. H. C. Grant. 2023. Proactive disease management outperforms reactive action, regardless of action chosen. Ecology & Evolution of Infectious Diseases; State College, PA. | June 2023 |
M. C. Bletz, G. V. DiRenzo, E. H. C. Grant. 2023. Proactive disease management outperforms reactive action, regardless of action chosen. Ecological Society of America Conference; Portland, OR. | August 2023 |
Loring, P., C.R. Griffin, and P.R. Sievert. 2013. Tracking Common Terns and American Oystercatchers in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts: A Pilot Study Using NanoTags. IGERT Symposium, Amherst, MA | April 2013 |
Loring, P., C. Griffin, and P. R. Sievert. 2014. Tracking Common Terns and American Oystercatchers in Nantucket Sound, Massachusetts: A pilot study using NanoTags. Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Symposium, Amherst, MA, 2 Apr 2014. | April 2014 |
Loring, P., C. Griffin, and P. R. Sievert. 2013. NanoTag research relevant to Roseate Terns. Roseate Tern Annual Meeting, Hadley, MA, 20 Nov. 2013, | November 2013 |
LeFlore, E., T. K. Fuller, J. T. Finn, S. DeStefano, J. Organ, and Charles M. Schweik. 2014. Coyotes in the Pioneer Valley, Massachusetts. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA, 15 Apr. (POSTER) | April 2014 |
Lama, T., J. Organ, S. DeStefano, and W. Johnson. 2018. Conservation genomics of Canada lynx. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
Kuvlesky, W. P., Jr., F. S. Guthery, N. M. King, S. DeStefano, K. R. Nolte, S. A. Gall, and N. J. Silvy, Sept./2000, Managing endangered masked bobwhite habitat in Arizona and Sonora, Mexico. | September 2000 |
Kumar, A., A.H. Roy, K. Andreadis, and X. He. 2022. An integrated multi-sensor cloud-based framework to characterized winter water level drawdown of lakes and reservoirs. North American Lake Management Society Conference, 14-17 November 2022, Minneapolis, MN. | November 2022 |
Kumar, A., A.H. Roy, K. Andreadis, and X. He. 2022. An integrated multi-sensor cloud-based framework to characterized winter water level drawdown of lakes and reservoirs. American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference, 12-16 September 2022, Golden, CO. | September 2022 |
Kumar, A., A.H. Roy, K. Andreadis, X. He, and C. Butler. 2023. A multi-sensor cloud-based tool for monitoring cyanobacterical harmful algal blooms in small waterbodies. 13th National Monitoring Conference, 24-28 April 2023, Virginia Beach, VA. | April 2023 |
Kumar, A., A.H. Roy, K. Andreadis, C. Butler, and X. He. 2022. A cloud-based framework to characterize winter water level drawdown of lakes in the northeast United States using satellite remote sensing. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 2-4 March 2022, Portland, ME. | March 2022 |
Kumar, A., A.H. Roy, K. Andreadis, C. Butler, C.J. Gleason, and X. He. 2021. A multi-sensor cloud-based framework to characterize winter water level drawdown of lakes and reservoirs in northeast United States. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA. | December 2021 |
Koenen, K., S. DeStefano, and C. Henner. 2003. Ecology of beaver in an urbanizing environment. The Wildlife Society 10th Annual Conference, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
King, D. I., S. Schlossberg, S. DeStefano, P. S. Warren, and M. Hartley. 2013. Wood thrush nesting success and postfledging survival in suburban and forested landscapes. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA, 14 Apr. | April 2013 |
King, D. I., S. Schlossberg, S. DeStefano, P. S. Warren, and M. Hartley. 2013. Wood thrush nesting success and postfledging survival in suburban and forested landscapes. 69th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saratoga, N.Y. 8 Apr. | April 2013 |
Kennedy, C. G. M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, L. A. Deegan, and S. M. Pautzke. Determining acoustic receiver range in a shallow northeastern estuary with complex bathymetry: the role of habitat, depth and tide. Southern New England Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Groton, CT, January 2010. | January 2010 |
Kauffman, K. E., C. S. Hall, and P. R. Sievert. 2010. Diet of razorbill chicks at Matinicus Rock National Wildlilfe Refuge, Maine. World Seabird Conference, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, 7-11 Sep. | September 2010 |
Katz, R.A., E.H. Campbell Grant, M.C. Runge, D. Hocking, B.H. Letcher, and A.H. Roy. 2015. Not all scientific uncertainties are created equal for landscape scale headwater stream management. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 17-21 May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. | May 2015 |
Katz, R.A., E.H. Campbell Grant, A.H. Roy, B.H. Letcher, and M.C Runge. 2015. Evaluating collaborative landscape conservation for headwater stream ecosystems in two northeastern US watersheds. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, 19-21 April 2015. | April 2015 |
Kanda, L.L., Fuller, T.K., and Sievert, P.R. 2003. Virginia opossum population persistence in New England: theoretical and actual life history parameters. The Wildlife Society, 10th Annual Conference, 6-10 September 2003, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Kanda, L. L., T. K. Fuller, and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Source-sink dynamics at the Virginia opossum?s distributional edge. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Amherst, MA, 17-21 Jun. | June 2006 |
Jordaan, A., A. Roy, S. Jackson, and S. Becker. 2018. Impacts of tidal road-stream crossings on aquatic organism passage. 9th National Summit on Coastal and Estuarine Restoration and Management, 8-13 December 2018, Long Beach, California. | December 2018 |
Jones, M.T., P.R. Sievert, and L.L. Willey. 2011. Wood Turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in New England: Long-term Research and Conservation Planning. 9th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, 14-17 Aug. | August 2011 |
Jones, M.T., L.L. Willey, and P.R. Sievert, et al. 2013. Conservation planning for Blanding's and wood turtles in the eastern United States. 33rd Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Baltimore, MD. | February 2013 |
Jones, M. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2008. Displacement and mortality of wood turtles by seasonal floods. Northeast Natural History Conference X, Albany, NY, 17-18 Apr. | April 2008 |
Jones, M. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2007. Land management recommendations for the conservation of wood turtles. Massachusetts Turtle Symposium: Information for Action, Amherst, MA, 23-24 Feb. | February 2007 |
Jones, M. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Wood turtle research in the Connecticut River Valley of Massachusetts: 2004-2006. Massachusetts Turtle ? Transportation Meeting, Westborough, MA, 17 Oct. | October 2006 |
Jones, M. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Adult mortality in rural wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta) populations. The Northeast Natural History Conference IX, Albany, NY, 21 Apr. | April 2006 |
Jones, M. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2004. Wood turtle movements and habitat use in western Massachusetts. Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Workshop, Boylston, MA, 22 Oct. | October 2004 |
Jones, M. T., L. L. Willey, P. R. Sievert, et al. 2012. Regional planning and monitoring programs for two rare turtle species in the northeastern USA. World Congress of Herpetology, Vancouver, Canada, 8-14 Aug. | August 2012 |
Jones, M. T., L. L. Willey, P. R. Sievert, and T. S. B. Akre. 2014. A new perspective on the regional status of wood turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in the Northeastern States. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Annual Conference, 19-21 Apr 2014. | April 2014 |
Johnson, L., and S. DeStefano. 2010. Sun, surf, and subsidies: examining human-wildlife interactions on North American beaches 17th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Snowbird, UT. 2-6 Oct. 2010. | October 2010 |
Johnson, L., S. DeStefano, S. Melvin, and D. Wattles. 2016. Movements and resource use of striped skunks inhabiting piping plover nesting beaches on Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. USGS MCFWRU Annual Review, Westboro, Mass. | May 2016 |
Johnson, L., B. A. Kaplin, and S. DeStefano. 2008. Translating wildlife research into effective community outreach and education. Ecological Society of America, Milwaukee, WI, 4 August. | August 2008 |
Jane, S.F., J.T. Finn, T.O. Randhir, and A.H. Roy. 2015. Linkages between stream flow, habitat, and biotic integrity in the urbanized Sudbury River. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Huguenin, M., and S. DeStefano. 2015. Trends in human-wildlife interactions as related to land use in Massachusetts. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newport, RI, 21 Apr. | April 2015 |
Hoven, B., M. C. Mceachran, M. J. R. Feehan, & G. V. DiRenzo. Knowledge, behavior, and risk perception with regards to Chronic wasting disease (CWD) among hunters in Massachusetts, a state where CWD has not been detected. Brandeis University. | January 2023 |
Hoven, B. M., M. J. R. Feehan, G. V. DiRenzo. Development of proactive CWD communication and education strategies through measuring knowledge, behavior, and risk perception of cervid stakeholders in Massachusetts. | April 2023 |
Hoven, B. M., M. C. Mceachran, M. J. R. Feehan, G. V. DiRenzo. Knowledge and risk perception of Chronic wasting disease (CWD) among hunters in Massachusetts, a state where CWD has not been detected. NEAFWA. | April 2022 |
Higbie, J., S. DeStefano, T. Green, and J. McDonald. 2014. Home ranges of eastern box turtles at a large scale solar facility. 21st Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Pittsburgh, PA, 25-30 Oct. | October 2014 |
Hershberger, A.M., A.H. Roy, and J. Carmignani. 2024. Assessing effects of a phased dam removal on freshwater mussels and habitat. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 14-16 February 2024, Fairlee, Vermont. | February 2024 |
Hershberger, A.M., A.H. Roy, J.R. Carmignani, and P.D. Hazelton. 2023. Drivers of brook floater (Alasmidonta varicosa) occupancy and abundance: A watershed analysis across their historic range. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 10-14 April 2023, Portland, OR. | April 2023 |
Hershberger, A.M. and A.H. Roy. 2023. Assessing the conservation of freshwater mussels in the eastern United States. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Meeting, 15-17 February 2023, Plymouth, MA. | February 2023 |
Hershberger, A., A. Roy, J. Carmignani, and P. Hazelton. 2024. The effects of habitat on freshwater mussel occurrence in eastern United States watersheds. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Hershberger, A., A. Roy, J. Carmignani, P. Hazelton, A. Skorupa, and S. Sterrett. 2025. Freshwater mussel and habitat rapid assessment monitoring protocol for wadeable streams. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 5-7 February 2025, Bartlett, NH. | February 2025 |
Hershberger, A., A. Roy, J. Carmignani, G. DiRenzo, and P. Hazelton. 2025. Influence of habitat and co-occurring species on a rare freshwater mussel. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 18-22 May 18 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | May 2025 |
Hershberger, A., A. Roy, A. Skorupa, and J. Carmignani. 2025. Mussel response to dam removal: a synthesis of survey approaches and findings. Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 13-16 May 2026, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | May 2025 |
Henner, C. M., and S. DeStefano. 2004. Density of active and inactive beaver colonies in Massachusetts. Joint Committee of Management Agencies, Amherst, MA. | August 2004 |
Henner, C. M., S. DeStefano, S. Langlois, and R. D. Deblinger, Mar./2001, Beaver management by state referendum: the first 5 years of Question 1. | March 2001 |
Henner, C. M., S. DeStefano, R. Deblinger, J. F. Organ, S. Langlois, and K. Koenen. 2005. Beaver colony densities under varying management in Massachusetts. TWS Annual Meeting, Madison, WI. | September 2005 |
He, X., K. Andreadis, T. Langhorst, A.H. Roy, and A. Kumar. 2024. DeepIce: A deep-learning reconstructed lake ice cover reanalysis dataset for lakes in the Northern Hemisphere. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 9-13 December 2024, Washington, DC. | December 2024 |
He, X., K. Andreadis, C. Butler, A. Kumar, and A.H. Roy. 2024. Estimating 40-year daily lake ice cover under the climate change for northern temperate lakes. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 14-16 February 2024, Fairlee, Vermont. | February 2024 |
He, X., K. Andreadis, C. Butler, A. Kumar, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Estimating 40-year daily lake ice cover for 980,000 lakes in the Northern temperate zone. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 11-15 December 2023, San Francisco, CA. | December 2023 |
He, X., K. Andreadis, A.H. Roy, and A. Kumar. 2022. A hydrological modeling framework for assessing winter drawdown lakes management. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 12-16 December 2022, Chicago, IL. | December 2022 |
He, X., K. Andreadis, A. Kumar, C. Butler, C.J. Gleason, A.H. Roy. 2021. Assimilation of satellite data in a hydrological model to improve the water level estimation in winter drawdown lakes, Massachusetts. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 13-17 December 2021, New Orleans, LA. | December 2021 |
Hazelton, P., S.S. Sterrett, and A. Roy. 2018. A standardized rapid survey protocol for rare freshwater mussels using an occupancy framework. Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 15-17 April 2018, Burlington, VT. | April 2018 |
Hazelton, P., A.J. Skorupa, H.A. Robinson, J. Wares, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Determination of mussel host fish relationships: In-situ vs laboratory approaches. Freshwater Mussel Recovery and Implementation Workshop, Nov 8–9, 2023, Moncton, New Brunswick. | November 2023 |
Hazelton, P., A. Roy, A. Skorupa, and J. Carmignani. 2021. Trends in mussel abundance and habitat change 5-years post dam removal. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Meeting, 12-14 April 2021 (virtual). | April 2021 |
Hazelton, P., A. Roy, A. Skorupa, and J. Carmignani. 2021 Changes in freshwater mussel abundance and habitat availability following dam removal. Georgia Chapter American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 19-21 January 2021 (virtual). | January 2021 |
Hatzis, J., A. Hershberger, and A. Roy. 2024. Run-of-river dam impacts on water quality and freshwater mussels in Massachusetts. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Hastings, D. M., B. W. Compton, and P. R. Sievert. 2005. Hibernacula fidelity of Blanding's turtles in eastern Massachusetts. Second International Blanding's Turtle Conference, White Point, Nova Scotia, 16-20 May. | May 2005 |
Harper, R., and S. DeStefano. 2018. Working with volunteers. Tree City USA. Look Park, Northampton, MA. | May 2018 |
Halstead, B. J., Kleeman, P. M., DiRenzo, G. V., & J. P. Rose. 2021. Occurrence of Shasta salamanders (Hydromantes spp.) in little-studied portions of their range, with implications for optimizing survey design. Presented at the Joint Meetings of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. | July 2021 |
Hale, R., K. Capps, K. Hopkins, J. Kominoski, J. Morse, A. Roy, S. Chen, A. Quick, J. Rudolph, L. Ortiz-Munoz, A. Blinn, C. Pelk, J. Ribera, C. Rizzie. 2025. Continental gradients and cross-scale interactions shape urban stream dissolved organic matter. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 10-15 August 2025, Baltimore, MD. | August 2025 |
Hale, R., K. Capps, K. Hopkins, J. Kominoski, J. Morse, A. Roy, S. Chen, A. Quick, A. Blinn, D. Cross, B. Folk, L. Ortiz, C. Pendergast, and C. Rizzie. 2022. Scales and drivers of variability in dissolved organic carbon across diverse urban watersheds. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 16-20 May 2022, Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Haggerty, S.A. and Sievert, P.R. 2004. Implications of firelane expansion for Hemileuca maia on Manuel F. Correllus State Forest, Martha's Vineyard, Massachustts. Northeast Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Connecticut, 26-28 March, Storrs, CT. | March 2004 |
Haggerty, S.A. and Sievert, P.R. 2004. Implications of fire lane expansion for Hemileuca maia on Manuel F. Correllus State Forest, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. Expanding the Ark: The Emerging Science and Practice of Invertebrate Conservation, American Museum of Natural History Spring Symposium, 25-26 March 2004, New York, NY. | March 2004 |
Haggerty, S.A. and Sievert, P.R. 2004. Effects of fuels management on buckmoths at Manuel F. Correllus State Forest, Massachusetts. Northeast Barrens Fuels Management, 14-18 June 2004, Martha's Vineyard, MA. | June 2004 |
Haggerty, S.A. and Sievert, P.R. 2003. Disturbance impacts on two species of rare moths on Martha's Vineyard. Managing Powerline Corridors for Invertebrate Populations, University of Massachusetts, December 2003, Amherst, MA. | December 2003 |
Grimes, E. S, Michael T. Jones, Tammy L. Wilson, Annie E. Curtis, Jacob C. McCumber, Alex Entrup, Caren Caljouw, Joel R. Carlson, Graziella V. DiRenzo. Using field and lab studies to comprehensively examine the impacts of wildland fire on Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina) populations. Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Conference. Wesleyn U, Middleton, CT. 30 July 2023. | July 2023 |
Grgurovic, M., P. R. Sievert, B. W. Compton, and M. T. Jones. 2005. Movement patterns and wetland habitat selection of Blanding's turtles in a developing landscape. Second International Blanding's Turtle Conference, White Point, Nova Scotia, 16-20 May. | May 2005 |
Grgurovic, M., Compton, B.W., and Sievert, P.R. 2003. Blanding's turtle home range and seasonal movement patterns in the suburban environment of eastern Massachusetts. The Wildlife Society, 10th Annual Conference, 6-10 September 2003, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Green, O.O., W.D. Shuster, A.S. Garmestani, A.H. Roy, and H.W. Thurston. 2012. Incorporating social and cultural capital into an experimental approach to urban water resources management. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 20-24 May 2012. | May 2012 |
Grear, D. A. , ... DiRenzo, G.V., .... 2024 Complex ecology of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis in U.S. amphibians. The Wildlife Society. Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Grasso, K., M.T. Devine, A.H. Roy, A.R. Whiteley, J. Rosset, M. Marjadi, and A. Jordaan. 2017. Testing for differences in juvenile growth rates of anadromous alewife and blueback herring. Joint Meeting of the Southern New England Chapter and Northeast Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-27 February 2017, Mystic, CT. | February 2017 |
Grant, E.H.C., M. Runge, R. Katz, B.H. Letcher, and A.H. Roy. 2014. A structured decision framework to identify shared opportunities for decision making among multiple resource management agencies. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, 10-14 August 2014, Sacramento, CA | August 2014 |
Grant, A., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, and B.H. Letcher. 2017. Investigating the effects of interannual differences in streamflow and temperature on macroinvertebrate assemblages. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 14-16 March 2017, Hartford, CT. | March 2017 |
Grandinetti, M.E., A.H. Roy, G.P. Setliff, and H.R. Geib. 2013. The effects of urbanization on macroinvertebrate assemblages in eastern Pennsylvania. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, Jacksonville, FL, 19-23 May 2013. | May 2013 |
Gordon, A. B., D. Drummey, A. Tur, A. E. Curtis, J. C. McCumber, M. T. Jones, & G. V. DiRenzo. 2023. Comparison of shell temperature and habitat characteristics of myiasis infected and uninfected Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene carolina carolina) at Camp Edwards. Ecological Society of America Conference, Portland, OR. | August 2023 |
Gilbert, N. A., G. V. DiRenzo, E. F. Zipkin. A multispecies capture–recapture model to estimate biodiversity metrics from coordinated monitoring programs. The Wildlife Society, 2024 Sept 30 - Oct , Baltimore, MD. | October 2024 |
Gilbert, N. A., G. V. DiRenzo, E. F. Zipkin. A multispecies capture–recapture model to estimate biodiversity metrics from coordinated monitoring programs. International Statistical Ecology Conference, 14 - 19 July, Swansea, UK. | July 2024 |
Giard, H., J. Carmigani, and A.H. Roy. 2018. Investigating the effects of winter lake drawdowns on freshwater mussels and consequences for water quality. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 13-15 March 2018, Devens, MA. | March 2018 |
Gaughan, C. R., and S. DeStefano. 2003. Movement patterns of white-tailed deer in suburban and rural Massachusetts. The Wildlife Society 10th Annual Conference, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Garcia, E. S.J. Farrington, D. Perkins, and A.H. Roy. 2024. Yellow Lampmussel distribution in the Connecticut River: connecting habitat use to species presence for future conservation. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Fuller, T. K., S. DeStefano, and P. R. Sievert. 2005. Endangered pests: a management conundrum. TWS Annual Meeting, Madison, WI. | September 2005 |
Fuller, T. K., S. DeStefano, and P. R. Sievert. 2005. Endangered pests: the ultimate management conundrum. The Wildlife Society 12th Annual Conference, Madison, WI, 25-29 Sep. | September 2005 |
Frank, H. J. M. E. Mather, S. M. Pautzke, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn. 2010 Encouraging stakeholder participation in restoration research: The adopt-a-herring program. Invited Presentation Restoration of American Shad and River Herring in Atlantic Coastal Waters, Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2010 | September 2010 |
Frank, H., M. E. Mather, J. Smith, J. H. Finn, R. Muth, K. Ferry, M. Armstrong. 2007. Examining spawning behavior and habitat use of stocked river herring: a preliminary analysis of restoration efforts in the Ipswich River using radiotelemetry. Southern New England Chapter Meeting, American Fisheries Society, January 2007 | January 2007 |
Fisher, C., M.T. Devine, A. Jordaan, and A.H. Roy. 2022. Freshwater pond recolonization by an anadromous fish species following dam removal. Ecological Society of American Annual Meeting, 14-19 August 2022, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. | August 2022 |
Finn J. T, M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, J. M. Smith, R. R. Zwick. 2007. Putting it all Together: Interdisciplinary Integration through Agent-based Modeling. . Invited presentation in Symposium. Annual Meeting, Estuarine Research Foundation, Providence, Rhode Island, November 2007 | November 2007 |
Finkelstein, M., M. Nakagawa, P. R. Sievert, and D. F. Doak. 2007. Juvenile age classes contribute measurably to population growth and survival of long-lived species: case study of chick mortality on Laysan albatross population stability. Society for Conservation Biology, Port Elizabeth, South Africa, 1-5 Jul. | July 2007 |
Finkelstein, M., M. Nakagawa, P. R. Sievert, and D. F. Doak. 2007. Juvenile age classes contribute measurably to population growth and survival of long-lived species: case study of chick mortality on Laysan albatross population stability. Ecological Society of America / Society for Ecological Restoration Joint Meeting, San Jose, CA, 5-10 Aug. | August 2007 |
Finkelstein, M. E., P. R. Sievert, S. Wolf, M. Goldman, G. Balogh, H. Hasegawa, D. F. Doak 2008. Volcanoes, behavior and life history of the short-tailed albatross. Short-tailed Albatross Recovery Team Meeting, Cape Town, South Africa, 8-10 Aug. | August 2008 |
Finkelstein, M. E., P. R. Sievert, S. Wolf, M. Goldman, G. Balogh, H. Hasegawa, D. F. Doak 2008. The anatomy of a (potential) disaster: Volcanoes, behavior and life history of the short-tailed albatross. Society for Conservation Biology, 13-17 Jul. | July 2008 |
Finkelstein, M. E., P. R. Sievert, S. Wolf, M. Goldman, G. Balogh, H. Hasegawa, D. F. Doak 2008. The anatomy of a (potential) disaster: Volcanoes, behavior and life history of the short-tailed albatross. Fourth International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 11-15 Aug. | August 2008 |
Finkelstein, M. E., M. Nakagawa, P. R. Sievert, J. Klavitter, D. F. Doak. 2009. Assessment of demographic risk factors and management priorities: Impacts on juveniles substantially affect population viability of a long-lived seabird. Pacific Seabird Group Meeting, Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan, 21-28 Feb. | February 2009 |
Ferry, K.H., and M. E. Mather. 2003. Factors driving distribution of migratory striped bass across Massachusetts estuaries: predator prey interactions and implications for multispecies management. Contributed paper, Southern New England Chapter American Fisheries Society and New England Estuarine Research Society Joint Summer Meeting, May, 2003 | May 2003 |
Ferry, K.H and M.E. Mather. 2000. A travel guide for migratory striped bass vacationing in Massachusetts estuaries: evaluating heterogeneity in diet, growth potential, and feeding opportunities. Contributed paper, annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. | January 2000 |
Ferry, K. H and M. E. Mather. 2001. Mechanisms for habitat selection and consequences of growth variation for striped bass. Contributed paper, annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, AZ. | August 2001 |
Ferry, K. F., J. Smith, M. E. Mather, J. Smith, J. Finn, R. Muth. 2006. In search of ?the right side of the tracks: identifying desirable habitat for river herring restoration. American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, New York, September, 2006 | September 2006 |
Ferry, K. F, and M. E. Mather. 2002. Nowhere to swim to, nowhere to hide: consequences of striped bass predation for estuarine prey. Contributed Paper, Communities and Ecosystems II, Tuesday, August 20, 2002, American Fisheries Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD, August 2000 | August 2002 |
Fernando Arce, Jonathan D. Cook, Graziella V. DiRenzo, Kimberly M. Pepin, Susan A. Shriner, Evan H. Campbell Grant, Michael C. Runge. One Health risk assessment of SARS-CoV-2 transmission at the white-tailed deer and human interface. The Wildlife Society. | November 2022 |
Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., Roy, A., Smith, S. 2025. Mussel Memories: Public art as a form of scientific communication. Presentation to the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Annual Meeting, May 12-16, Ann Arbor, Michigan. | May 2025 |
Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., Roy, A., Perkins, D. One Shell of a Home: Habitat Suitability for Yellow Lampmussel. Presentation to Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies. April 21-24 2024, Cape Cod, MA. | April 2024 |
Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., Roy, A., Perkins, D. 2024. Using museum collections to improve range wide modeling and conservation planning for at-risk mussel species. Presentation to the Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Farrington, S.J., J.C. Andersen, J. Gibbons, D. Perkins, A.H. Roy, and T. Warren. 2025. Evaluating Striped Bass as a host for Yellow Lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa). Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Biennial Symposium, 12-16 May 2025, Ann Arbor-Ypsilanti, Michigan. | May 2025 |
Farrington, S.J., G. DiRenzo, D. Perkins, A.H. Roy, and T. Warren. 2025. Characterizing habitat use and predicting occurence for Yellow Lampmussel. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 18-22 May 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | May 2025 |
Farrington, S.J., G. DiRenzo, D. Perkins, A.H. Roy, and T. Warren. 2025. Characterizing habitat use and predicting occurence for Yellow Lampmussel in the Connecticut River. Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2025, Bretton Woods, NH. | April 2025 |
Farrington, S.J., D. Perkins, T. Warren, and A.H. Roy. 2024. Characterizing habitat and predicting population hotspots for Yellow Lampmussel in the Connecticut River. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 14-16 February 2024, Fairlee, Vermont. | February 2024 |
Farrington, S.J., D. Perkins, T. Warren, J. Gibbons, and A.H. Roy. 2024. Connecting potential host fishes to wild Yellow Lampmussel populations. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Farrington, S.J., D. Perkins, A.H. Roy, and T. Warren. 2023. Using hydroacoustic imaging to predict yellow lampmussel distribution and habitat use in the Connecticut River watershed. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 10-14 April 2023, Portland, OR. | April 2023 |
Farrington, S.J., D. Perkins, A.H. Roy, and T. Warren. 2022. Characterizing Yellow Lampmussel habitat in the Connecticut River watershed. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 2-4 March 2022, Portland, ME. | March 2022 |
Farrington, S.J., C. Murphy, D. Perkins, and A.H. Roy. 2023. Range-wide ecology, conservation, and research needs for Yellow Lampmussel. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Meeting, 15-17 February 2023, Plymouth, MA. | February 2023 |
Farrell, A., M. Marjadi, A. Roy, M. Devine, F. Perez, D. Sandanayaka, and J. Sheppard. 2023. Assessing food availability and growth rate as emigration triggers for juvenile river herring. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference, 30 April- 2 May 2023, Hershey, PA. | April 2023 |
Farrell, A., M. Marjadi, A. Roy, M. Devine, F. Perez, D. Sandanayaka, and J. Sheppard. 2023. Assessing food availability and growth rate as emigration triggers for juvenile river herring. Joint meeting of the Northeast Division and Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-10 January 2023, Boston, MA. | January 2023 |
Fallon Olmsted, C., T. Betras, S. DeStefano, S. C. Pasquini, E. Faison, and W. P. Carson. 2019. Evidence for moose as ecosystem engineers via non-trophic indirect effects. Ecological Society of America, Louisville, Kentucky, 11-16 August 2019. | August 2019 |
Falconi, N., J. Organ, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Value of data sharing for conservation of the spectacled bear in Peru. Ecological Society of America, New Orleans, LA. | August 2018 |
Falconi, N., J. Organ, and S. DeStefano. 2017. Value of data sharing for conservation: A study case of a large scale project of Spectacled bear (Tremarctos ornatus) in Peru. 25th International Conference on Bear Research & Management, Quito, Ecuador. | November 2017 |
Faison, E., and S. DeStefano. 2016. Ungulates, tree recruitment, and herbaceous layers: results from the DCR and Harvard Forest deer and moose exclosures. USGS MCFWRU Annual Review, Westboro, Mass. | May 2016 |
Faison, E., S. DeStefano, D. Foster, and J. Compton. 2013. Recolonization of moose at their southern range limit alters temperate forest development. 47th North American Moose Conference, Whitefield, NH. | May 2013 |
Faison, E. K., and S. DeStefano. 2015. Large wildlife dynamics and herbivory. Harvard Forest LTER V Review, Petersham, MA, 4 June. | June 2015 |
Faison, E. K., S. DeStefano, A. Barker Plotkin, and D. R. Foster. 2014. Functional response of ungulates in hemlock forests disturbed by logging and simulated insect attack. Harvard Forest, Petersham, MA, 11 Mar. | March 2014 |
Endyke, S.C., A.H. Roy, D. Perkins, T. Warren, and S. Hanlon. 2020. Quantifying the effects of algae availability on freshwater mussel growth. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 4-6 March 2020, Newport, RI. | March 2020 |
EHC Grant, GV DiRenzo, J Werba, AB Brand. 2021. Incorporating competition and climate in management of a high-elevation endemic salamander: modeling. The Wildlife Society Meeting. | September 2021 |
EHC Grant, AB Brand, GV DiRenzo, RF Bernard. 2021. Using Decision Analysis to Facilitate Proactive Decision Making for Disease Response: Challenges and Opportunities for Bsal Management. The Wildlife Society Meeting. | September 2021 |
Dumoulin, C.E., A.J. Skorupa, A.H. Roy, S. Doran, and D.R. Smith. 2024. Supporting decision makers in identifying suitable release sites for hatchery-reared freshwater mussels in the Delaware River Basin. Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2024, Hyannis, MA. | April 2024 |
Dowling, Z., E. Dumont, and P. R. Sievert. 2014. Mitigating effects of wind development on bat species in the Northeast. Integrated Graduate Education and Research Traineeship Symposium, Amherst, MA, 2 Apr 2014. | April 2014 |
Doubleday, A.J., P.D. Hazelton, A.H. Roy, A. Fisk, and D. Perkins. 2017. Local habitat effects on the abundance and distribution of Brook Floater (Alasmidonta varicosa) in Massachusetts. Meeting of the Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society, 26-30 March 2017, Cleveland, OH. | March 2017 |
DiRenzo, G. V., D. A. W. Miller, & E. H. C. Grant. 2024. Evaluating the performance of multi-state Dail-Madsen models against multi-state Jolly-Seber models when model assumptions are not met. International Statistical Ecological Conference. Swansea, UK. | July 2024 |
DiRenzo, G. V. 2023. Developing advanced quantitative tools to improve ecological inference and forecasting for wildlife diseases. Ecological Society of America; Portland, OR. | August 2023 |
Dexter, T., D. J. Paulson, M. T. Jones, P. R. Sievert, and D. T. Yorks. 2012. Freshwater turtles and transportation in the Northeast: Mitigating the effects of fragmentation through passage strategies, statewide conservation planning, and interagency coordination. Northeastern Transportation and Wildlife Conference, South Portland, ME, 16-19 Sep. | September 2012 |
Devine, M.T., P.A. Jordaan, A.H. Roy, and A.R. Whiteley. 2016. Optimal sampling effort for estimating juvenile alewife densities in freshwater lakes using a pelagic purse seine. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockport, ME. | March 2016 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, M.M. Bailey, A.R. Whiteley, B Gahagan, and A. Jordaan. 2017. Comparing sampling methods for quantifying juvenile alewife in freshwater lakes toward estimating productivity. Gaspereau/Alewife Symposium, 16-20 June 2017, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia, Canada. | June 2017 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, B.I. Gahagan, M.M. Bailey, S.M. Turner, A.A. Bowden, and A. Jordaan. 2019. Evaluating juvenile river herring productivity in newly restored freshwater habitats. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 27 February - 1 March, Saratoga Springs, NY. | February 2019 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, A.R. Whiteley, and A. Jordaan. 2016. Quantifying optimal sampling effort for estimating recruit abundance for juvenile anadromous alewife. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Conference, 19-23 September 2016, Riga, Latvia. | September 2016 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, A.J. Whiteley, B.I. Gahagan, M.P. Armstrong, and A. Jordaan. 2017. What goes in must come out? Investigating stock-recruitment relationships and factors influencing juvenile densities of anadromous river herring. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2018, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, A.J. Whiteley, B.I. Gahagan, M.P. Armstrong, M.M. Bailey, and A. Jordaan. 2017. The lake effect: identifying optimal growth conditions for juvenile anadromous alewife. Joint Meeting of the Southern New England Chapter and Northeast Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-27 February 2017, Mystic, CT. | February 2017 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, A.J. Whiteley, B.I. Gahagan, M.P. Armstrong, M.M. Bailey, and A. Jordaan. 2017. The lake effect: identifying optimal growth conditions for juvenile anadromous alewife. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 14-16 March 2017, Hartford, CT. | March 2017 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, A.A. Bowden, and A. Jordaan. 2022. Juvenile river herring response to low-head dam removals in Massachusetts. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting, 21 January 2022, Amherst, MA. | January 2022 |
Devine, M.T., A.H. Roy, A.A. Bowden, and A. Jordaan. 2022. Juvenile river herring response to low-head dam removals in Massachusetts. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 21-25 August 2022, Spokane, WA. | August 2022 |
Devine, M.T, A.P. Jordaan, A.P., A.H. Roy, and A.R. Whiteley. 2016. Optimal sampling effort for estimating juvenile alewife densities in freshwater lakes using a pelagic purse seine. Winter Science Meeting, Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 14 Jan 2015, Groton, Connecticut. | January 2016 |
Deblinger, R. D., and S. DeStefano. 2003. Wildlife as valuable resource vs. intolerable pest: a suburban wildlife management model. The Wildlife Society 10th Annual Conference, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
DeStefano, S., and T. K. Fuller. 2018. State of the art: self-evaluation of wildlife and fisheries research and management. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
DeStefano, S., and John F. Organ. 2011. Food, nutrition, and health of urban wildlife. Second Annual Symposium on Conservation Medicine, Andros Bello University, Santiago, Chile. 23 Nov. | November 2011 |
DeStefano, S., and J. Organ. 2010. The influence of demographic urbanization on human-wildlife interactions. 17th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Snowbird, UT. 2-6 Oct. 2010. | October 2010 |
DeStefano, S., and J. F. Organ. 2013. Moose population dynamics: interactions of landscape, climate, and disease. 3rd Symposium on Conservation Medicine, Santiago, Chile, 10 Oct. (Invited) | October 2013 |
DeStefano, S., and E. Faison. 2015. Ungulate interactions with forested landscapes. 26th Annual Harvard Forest Ecology Symposium, Petersham, MA, 17 Mar. | March 2015 |
DeStefano, S., and D. Wattles. 2015. Update on the status of moose in southern New England. Northfield Environmental Center, Northfield, MA. 18 Nov. | November 2015 |
DeStefano, S., and D. Wattles. 2014. Moose-vehicle collisions in Massachusetts: the need for speed ... reduction. Northeastern Transportation and Wildlife Conference 6, Burlington, Vermont, 21-24 Sep. 2014. | September 2014 |
DeStefano, S., and D. Wattles. 2012. Ecology, conservation, and management of moose in Massachusetts. Worcester County League of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc., West Boylston, MA. 28 April. | April 2012 |
DeStefano, S., and C. M. Henner, Feb./2001, Ecological and sociological aspects of beaver populations along an urban-rural gradient in Massachusetts. | February 2001 |
DeStefano, S., R. D. Deblinger, and C. A. Miller. 2003. Urban and suburban environments as wildlife habitats. The Wildlife Society 10th Annual Conference, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
DeStefano, S., R. D. Deblinger, and C. A. Miller. 2003. The lessons, challenges, and opportunities of wildlife in suburbia. The Wildlife Society 10th Annual Conference, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
DeStefano, S., May 2000, Spatial requirements of animals, Mass. Dept. of Environmental Management, Habitat Management Short Course, Amherst, MA. | May 2000 |
DeStefano, S., May 2000, History and status of landscape management for recovery of masked bobwhites in Arizona and Mexico, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. | May 2000 |
DeStefano, S., March 2000, Habitat Analysis, Wildlife Habitat Ecology And Management, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. | March 2000 |
DeStefano, S., K. Koenen, and C. Henner. 2004. Ecology of beaver in an urbanizing environment: research update. Joint Committee of Management Agencies, Amherst, MA. | August 2004 |
DeStefano, S., D. Wattles, E. Faison, D. Stainbrook, T. O’Shea, K. Koenen, J. Pereira, H. Kilpatrick, and A. LaBonte. 2013. Moose in Southern New England: a stable population in the face of widespread declines? North American Moose Conference, Whitefield, NH. | May 2013 |
DeStefano, S., April 2000, The Business of Cooperative Research and Education in Fisheries and Wildlife Science, The Business of Natural Resources, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. | April 2000 |
DeStefano, S. 2018. Then and now … Massachusetts in 1948 versus today. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
DeStefano, S. 2018. The Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit: 70 years of graduate research. 70th Anniversary of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
DeStefano, S. 2018. The Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit – 1948-2018: 70 years of cooperative conservation in the Commonwealth. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
DeStefano, S. 2015. Moose in Massachusetts: What does it mean for our woods? 3rd Annual Meeting of the Massachusetts Forest Alliance, Southbridge, MA, 25 Apr. | April 2015 |
DeStefano, S. 2013. Meet your new neighbors — black bears (Ursus americanus). The Forest Lyceum, Norfolk, CT, 1 June. (Invited) | June 2013 |
DeStefano, S. 2010. The return of moose to southern New England: natural history, current issues, update on research. Great Mountain Forest, Norfolk, CT. | September 2010 |
DeStefano, S. 2004. Review of collaborative research on beaver in Massachusetts. Joint Committee of Management Agencies, Amherst, MA. | August 2004 |
Davis, G., J. Burgoff, A. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2024. Comparing juvenile river herring growth in two Massachusetts lakes. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Dangora, A., M.T. Devine, A.H. Roy, J. Zydlewski, and A. Jordaan. 2017. Evaluating DIDSON as a tool to monitor juvenile river herring in coastal freshwater lakes. Joint Meeting of the Southern New England Chapter and Northeast Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-27 February 2017, Mystic, CT. | February 2017 |
Cox, J.S. and A.H. Roy. 2019. The phenological relationship between mussel glochidia and spawning river herring. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 14-18 April 2019, San Antonio, TX. | April 2019 |
Cox, J.S. and A.H. Roy. 2019. Parasitic freshwater mussel larvae attachment on river herring in Connecticut River tributaries. Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Commission (CRASC) Research and Management Forum, 13 March 2019, Hadley, MA. | March 2019 |
Cormier, R., H. J, Frank, M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, J. M. Smith, J. T. Finn. Relationship between movements of anadromous alewives and large- and small-scale habitat features. Abstract submitted, Northeastern Division American Fisheries Society, Newton, MA, April 2010 | April 2010 |
Connors, E., J. Burgoff, A. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2025. Juvenile river herring diets and prey availability in pelagic and littoral lake habitat. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 15 January 2025, New Bedford, MA. | January 2025 |
Conlee, L., D. Wattles, M. Duda, and S. DeStefano. 2018. Massachusetts residents' attitudes toward black bears and black bear management. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
Compton, J., S. DeStefano, E. Faison, and D. Foster. 2015. An experimental design to manipulate three levels of large herbivore browsing. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newport, RI, 21 Apr. | April 2015 |
Compton, B.W., and Sievert, P.R. 2003. A landscape model of Blanding's turtle habitat in eastern Massachusetts. Society for Conservation Biology, 17th Annual Meeting, 28 June - 2 July, Duluth, MN. | June 2003 |
Compton, B.W. and Sievert, P.R. 2004 A landscape model of Blanding's turtle habitat in eastern Massachusetts. Northeast Regional Blanding's Turtle Meeting, 13 February 2004, Concord, NH. | February 2004 |
Compton, B. W., and P. R. Sievert. 2007. Applying habitat and population modeling to the conservation of Massachusetts turtles. Massachusetts Turtle Symposium: Information for Action, Amherst, MA, 23-24 Feb. | February 2007 |
Compton, B. W., and P. R. Sievert. 2007. An update on the status assessment of Blanding's turtles in the Northeast. Northeast Blanding's Turtle Working Group, Sudbury, MA, 30 Jan. | January 2007 |
Compton, B. W., and P. R. Sievert. 2006. A regional action plan for Blanding's turtles. Northeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Annual Meeting, Burlington, CT, 15-17 Aug. | August 2006 |
Compton, B. W., and P. R. Sievert. 2005. A spatially-explicit population viability model of Blanding's turtles in eastern Massachusetts. Second International Blanding's Turtle Conference, White Point, Nova Scotia, 16-20 May. | May 2005 |
Compton, B. W., and P. R. Sievert. 2004. Blanding's turtles and road mortality: a search for solutions. Maine Roads and Wildlife Conference. | November 2004 |
Compton, B. W., and P. R. Sievert. 2004. Blanding's turtle conservation in Massachusetts. Association of Massachusetts Wetland Scientists, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Workshop, Boylston, MA, 22 Oct. | October 2004 |
Compton, B. W., K. McGarigal, and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Turtles in Sprawlville: landscape models for strategic conservation in Massachusetts. The Northeast Natural History Conference IX, 21 April, Albany, NY, 21 Apr. | April 2006 |
Compton, B. W., K. McGarigal, and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Models of priority sites for spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata), wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta), and Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii). Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Westborough, MA, 12 May. | May 2006 |
Clark, L. J., P. R. Sievert, S. DeStefano, and D. Simser. 2005. Effectiveness of bait boxes in reducing deer tick (Ixodes scapularis) numbers on white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). The Wildlife Society 12th Annual Conference, Madison, WI, 25-29 Sep. | September 2005 |
Clark, D., K. K. G. Koenen, J. W. Pereira, K. G. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2014. Fidelity and persistence of ring-billed and herring gulls to wintering sites. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA, Apr. | April 2015 |
Clark, D., K. K. G. Koenen, J. W. Pereira, K. G. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2013. Roosting, site fidelity, and the use of anthropogenic food by urban gulls in Massachusetts: implications for public water supply reservoirs. Graduate Research Symposium, Life Sciences Graduate Research Council, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA, 12 Nov. | November 2013 |
Clark, D., K. K. G. Koenen, J. W. Pereira, K. G. MacKenzie, and S. DeStefano. 2014. Fidelity and persistence of ring-billed and herring gulls to wintering sites. Northeast Natural History Conference, Springfield, MA, 15 Apr. | April 2014 |
Clark, D. E., K. Koenen, K. MacKenzie, J. Pereira, and S. DeStefano. 2013. The use of wastewater treatment plants by gulls: problems and solutions. Massachusetts Water Pollution Control Association Annual Meeting, Fort Devens, MA, 21 Mar. | March 2013 |
Clark, D. E., K. Koenen, K. MacKenzie, J. Pereira, S. DeStefano, D. Wattles, and J. Compton. 2010. Using deer hunters to estimate moose populations on a water supply watershed. 66th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newton, MA, 27 April. | April 2010 |
Cheney, K.N., A.H. Roy, and R.F. Smith. 2014. Spatial and temporal variation in aquatic insect emergence from headwater streams in New England. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. | March 2014 |
Cheney, K.N., A.H. Roy, and R.F. Smith. 2014. Spatial and temporal variation in Plecoptera and Trichoptera emergence from headwater streams. Jount Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 18-22 May 2014, Portland, OR | May 2014 |
Chen, S., K. Capps, K. Hopkins, R.L. Hale, J. Kominiski, A.H. Roy, J.L Morse, A.M. Quick, L. Ortiz Munoz, and C. Rizzie. 2023. Urbanization alters the quantity and quality of dissolved organic matter in subtropical river networks in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Freshwater Sciences 2023, 3-7 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | June 2023 |
Chen, S., K. Capps, K. Hopkins, R.L. Hale, J. Kominiski, A.H. Roy, J.L Morse, A.M. Quick, L. Ortiz Munoz, and C. Rizzie. 2023. Urbanization alters the quantity and quality of dissolved organic matter in subtropical river networks in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 6th Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 29 May - 1 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | May 2023 |
Chen, S., K. Capps, K. Hopkins, D. Cross, C. Pendergast, C. Rizzie, L. Ortiz, R.L. Hale, J. Kominiski, A.H. Roy, J. Morse, and A. Quick. 2023. Urbanization alters the quantity and quality of riverine dissolved organic matter. Georgia Water Resources Conference, 30-31 March 2023, Athens, Georgia. | March 2023 |
Chen, S. R. Hale, K. Capps, J. Kominoski, K. Hopkins, A. Roy, J. Morse, A. Quick, D. Cross, C. Pendergast, C. Rizzie, and L. Ortiz. 2022. Spatial and temporal variation in DOM in urban streams of the eastern United States. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 16-20 May 2022, Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Chalfin, E.D., A.H. Roy, and J. Stamp. 2022. Freshwater macroinvertebrate taxa temperature tolerances. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 2-4 March 2022, Portland, ME. | March 2022 |
Ceresia, I.D.X., A. Hershberger, A.H. Roy, and J. Whitney. 2024. Evaluating factors contributing to loon egg hatching success in the Quabbin Reservoir (Massachusetts).Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2024, Hyannis, MA. | April 2024 |
Carmignani, J.R., A.H. Roy, P.D. Hazelton, and H. Giard. 2019. Annual winter water level drawdowns limit mussel densities in small lakes. Freshwater Mollusk Conservation Society Symposium, 14-18 April 2019, San Antonio, TX. | April 2019 |
Carmignani, J.R., A.H. Roy, J.T. Stolarski, and T. Richards. 2020. Synthesis of empirical research investigating the effects of annual wintertime water level drawdowns on littoral zones in Massachusetts lakes. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 4-6 March 2020, Newport, RI. | March 2020 |
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2020. Ecological patterns of shallow littoral zones in reservoirs undergoing annual wintertime water level drawdowns. North American Lake Management Society, 16-20 November 2020, virtual. | November 2020 |
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2014. Examining effects of winter water level drawdowns on fish populations in New England lakes. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 26-28 March 2014, Burlington, VT. | March 2014 |
Carmignani, J.R. and A.H. Roy. 2014. Ecological impacts of winter water level drawdowns on lake littoral zone communities: a review. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 18-22 May 2014, Portland, OR. | May 2014 |
Carmignani, J., P. Hazelton, S. Sterrett, and A. Roy. 2020. Assessing detection, occupancy, and habitat correlates for a rare mussel based on standardized rapid survey protocol. Northeast Natural History Conference, 17-19 April 2020, Stamford, CT. | April 2020 |
Carmignani, J., A.H. Roy, and K. Stankiewicz. 2016. Freshwater mussel distribution in shallow depths of winter drawdown lakes. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockland, ME. | March 2016 |
Carmignani, J., A.H. Roy, and J. Stolarski. 2018. Do annual winter water level drawdowns alter trophic pathways for common lake fish species? Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, 15-17 April 2018, Burlington, VT. | April 2018 |
Carmignani, J., A.H. Roy, and J. Stolarski. 2018. Do annual winter water level drawdowns alter trophic pathways for common lake fish species? New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 13-15 March 2018, Devens, MA. | March 2018 |
Carmignani, J., A.H. Roy, and J. Stolarski. 2018. Do annual winter water level drawdowns alter trophic pathways for common lake fish species? Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2018, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Carmignani, J. and A.H. Roy. 2019. Littoral macroinvertebrate assemblage responses to annual winter lake drawdowns. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 27 February - 1 March, Saratoga Springs, NY. | February 2019 |
Carmignani, J. and A.H. Roy. 2016. Impact of winter drawdowns on mussel distributions in Massachusetts (USA) lakes. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 21-25 May 2016, Sacramento, CA. | May 2016 |
Carmignani, J. and A.H. Roy. 2015. Do annual winter lake drawdowns alter the physical habitat structure and complexity of shallow littoral zones? Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 17-21 May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. | May 2015 |
Carmignani, J. and A.H. Roy. 2015. Do annual winter drawdowns alter the physical habitat structure and complexity of the littoral zone? New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Carmignani, J. P. Hazelton, A. Roy, and A. Hershberger. 2024. Assessing freshwater mussel density and responses to dam removal on a small Massachusetts stream. Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2024, Hyannis, MA. | April 2024 |
Carey, M.P. and M.E. Mather. 2000. Relationships between fish assemblage patterns and environmental and biological variables: predicting fish assemblage structure. Contributed paper, annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. | January 2000 |
Carey, M.P and M. E. Mather. 2001. Evaluating patterns and processes of community structure across gradients: the roles of yellow perch. Contributed paper, annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, AZ | August 2001 |
Campbell, C. A., and M. E. Mather. 2001. Across year variability in size of juvenile Atlantic salmon in the Connecticut River: Insights for restoration. Contributed paper, annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, AZ. | August 2001 |
Campbell, C. A. and M. E. Mather. 2002. Patterns of Atlantic salmon size and growth in the Connecticut River related to temperature and density. Contributed Paper, Communities and Ecosystems II, Tuesday, August 20, 2002, American Fisheries Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD, August 2002 | August 2002 |
Cahill, C., S. DeStefano, J. Organ, and G. Batcheller. 2018. Transitioning to alternative ammunition on National Wildlife Refuges. 70th Anniversary Meeting of the Massachusetts Unit, Westborough, MA. | May 2018 |
Burgoff, J., D. Bishop, A. Roy, M. Staudinger, and A. Jordaan. 2023. Comparing age and growth of juvenile river herring in freshwater and estuarine environments. Joint meeting of the Northeast Division and Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-10 January 2023, Boston, MA. | January 2023 |
Burgoff, J., A. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2025. Comparing juvenile river herring diets and growth in littoral and pelagic lake habitats. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 15 January 2025, New Bedford, MA. | January 2025 |
Burgoff, J., A. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2024. Comparing juvenile river herring growth and density in freshwater lakes and associated estuaries. Southern New England Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 9 January 2024, Storrs, CT. | January 2024 |
Burgoff, J., A. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2024. Comparing juvenile river herring growth and density in freshwater lakes and associated estuaries. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, 21-24 April 2024, Hyannis, MA. | April 2024 |
Burak, M. K., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, J. B. Kim, and R. M. Muth. Identification of the timing and magnitude of anadromous alewife spawning migrations in three coastal Massachusetts rivers. Abstract submitted, Northeastern Division American Fisheries Society, Newton, MA, April 2010 | April 2010 |
Burak, M. B., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, and J. B. Kim. 2009. Linking anadromous river herring migrations to ecosystem function. Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation, Portland, OR, November 2009. | November 2009 |
Bouldin, R., A. Roy, S. Mattocks, R. Quinones, and T. Richards. 2018. Responses of stream fishes to dam removal in Massachusetts. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, 15-17 April 2018, Burlington, VT. | April 2018 |
Blewett, L.J., Sievert, P.R., DeStefano, S., and Simser, D. 2004. Effectiveness of bait boxes in reducing deer ticks, Ixodes scapularis, numbers on white-footed mice, Peromyscus leucopus. Northeast Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Connecticut, 26-28 March 2004, Storrs, CT. | March 2004 |
Blewett, L. J., P. R. Sievert, D. Simser, and S. DeStefano. 2004. Effectiveness of bait boxes in reducing deer tick (Ixodes scapularis) numbers on white-footed mice (Peromyscus leucopus). Northeast Ecology and Evolution Conference, University of Connecticut, Hartford, CT. | January 2004 |
Blacker, O., Shukla, A., A. B. Gordon Jr., D. Drummey, A. Tur, A. E. Curtis, J. C. McCumber, M. T. Jones, & G. V. DiRenzo. 2023. The Effects of Macroparasite Infection on Eastern Box Turtle Movement and Temperature Use. Ecological Society of America. Portland, OR. | August 2023 |
Bittner, S.M., A.H. Roy, M.T. Devine, S. Mattocks, H. Mohammadi, and A. Jordaan. 2016. Alewife alter zooplankton biomass and morphology in freshwater lakes. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockport, ME. | March 2016 |
Bittner, S. A.H. Roy, M.T. Devine, H. Mohammadi, and A. Jordaan. 2017. Dietary preferences among juvenile and adult river herring in freshwater lakes. Joint Meeting of the Southern New England Chapter and Northeast Division of the American Fisheries Society, 26-27 February 2017, Mystic, CT. | February 2017 |
Bittner, S. A.H. Roy, M.T. Devine, H. Mohammadi, and A. Jordaan. 2017. Dietary preferences among juvenile and adult river herring in freshwater lakes. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 14-16 March 2017, Hartford, CT. | March 2017 |
Berube, J., A.P.K Sirén, B. Simpson, K. Klingler, T.L. Wilson. Moose’n around with ticks in New England. NEAFWA, Hyannis, MA. Contributed Oral Presentation. 21-24 April 2024. | April 2024 |
Berube, J., A. P. K. Sirén, C. Frank, L. Clarfeld, B. Simpson, T.M. Donovan, T. L. Wilson. 2022. Perfecting the Imperfect Detection of Ticks: Winter Tick Epizootics and Moose Populations in the Northeastern U.S. Presentation. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Spokane, WA. 6-10 November. | November 2022 |
Berube, J. APK Sirén, CF Sullivan, L Clarfeld, B Simpson, TM Donovan, TL Wilson. 2023. A Big Little Problem: Assessing Winter Tick Epizootics and Moose Populations in the Northeastern U.S. 78th Annual Fish and Wildlife conference, Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Hershey Pennsylvania, April 30 – May 2. | May 2023 |
Berube, J. APK Sirén, CF Sullivan, L Clarfeld, B Simpson, TL Wilson. 2023. A big little problem. Assessing winter tick epizootics and moose populations in the Northeastern US. Northeast Regional Native American Fish and Wildlife Society. 6-9 November. | November 2023 |
Bentsen, C.N., A.H. Roy, and D.S. Armstrong. 2016. Accounting for biotic variability in urbanizing streams: the role of reach- and watershed-scale factors. Ecological Society of America Mid-Atlantic Chapter Meeting, 8-10 April 2016, Kutztown, PA. | April 2016 |
Bentsen, C.N., A.H. Roy, and D.S. Armstrong. 2016. Accounting for biotic variability in urbanizing streams: the role of local and landscape factors. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 21-25 May 2016, Sacramento, CA. | May 2016 |
Bentsen, C.N., A.H. Roy, and D.S. Armstrong. 2015. Accounting for biotic variability in urban streams: the role of local and landscape. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 17-21 May 2015, Milwaukee, WI. | May 2015 |
Bentsen, C.N., A.H. Roy, and D.S. Armstrong. 2015. Accounting for biotic variability in urban streams: the role of local and landscape factors. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH. | March 2015 |
Bentsen, C.N., A.H. Roy, and D.A. Armstrong. 2016. Investigating the role of channel geomorphology on biotic responses to urbanization. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockland, ME. | March 2016 |
Baynes, A.Y., T.A. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2024. Alteration of flow and fish assemblages downstream of surface water reservoirs. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Baynes, A.Y., T.A. Richards, and A.H. Roy. 2024. Alteration of flow and fish assemblages downstream of surface water reservoirs. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 14-16 February 2024, Fairlee, Vermont. | February 2024 |
Baynes, A.Y., J.H. Fair, B.H. Letcher, J.H. Pilchik, and A.H. Roy. 2025. Characterizing spatial and temporal variability in coldwater patches to improve understanding of coldwater refugia. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 18-22 May 2025, San Juan, Puerto Rico. | May 2025 |
Baynes, A.Y., J.H. Fair, B.H. Letcher, J.H. Pilchik, and A.H. Roy. 2025. Characterizing spatial and temporal variability in coldwater patches to improve understanding of coldwater refugia. Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, 21-24 Aprl 2025, Bretton Woods, NH. | April 2025 |
Baker, M., J. Carmignani, B. Irwin, A. Roy, C. Rushing, S. Sterrett, B. Swartz, and P. Hazelton. 2024. Contrasting results at newly established long term monitoring sites suggest the potential for differing future sampling strategies. 78th Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Augusta, GA. | October 2024 |
Baker, M., J. Carmignani, B. Irwin, A. Roy, C. Rushing, S. Sterrett, B. Swartz, and P. Hazelton. 2024. An application of capture-recapture methods for long term monitoring if freshwater mussel populations. Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 13-15 February 2024, LaGrange, GA. | February 2024 |
Baker, M., A. Roy, and P. Hazelton. 2025. Quantifying the bias associated with spatial vs temporal replication in single season occupancy models: an application for rare freshwater mussels. Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society 2025 Annual Meeting, 28-30 January 2025, Augusta, GA. | January 2025 |
Baker, A.M., A.H. Roy, and T.A. Richards. 2021. Flipping the flow regime: Examining how winter lake drawdowns impact downstream flows and temperature. 76th Annual Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Conference, 26-28 April 2021 (virtual). | April 2021 |
Baker, A.M., A.H. Roy, T.A. Richards, and K. Bentsen. 2022. Flipping the flow regime: Examining how winter lake drawdowns impact downstream flows and temperature. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 2-4 March 2022, Portland, ME. | March 2022 |
Baker, A.M., A.H. Roy, T.A. Richards, and K. Bentsen. 2021. Flipping the flow regime: Examining how winter lake drawdowns impact downstream flows and temperature. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 23-27 May 2021 (virtual). | May 2021 |
Baker, A.M., A.H. Roy, T.A. Richards, M. Craddock, and C.N. Bentsen. 2020. April showers in November: Examining how altered hydrology from winter drawdowns can impact habitat and biota. Southern New England American Fisheries Society Winter Meeting, 13-14 January 2020, Cambridge, MA. | January 2020 |
Baker, A.M. and A.H. Roy. 2020. April showers in November: Flipping the flow regime: Examining how altered hydrology from winter drawdowns can impact downstream ecology. ASLO-SFS 2020 Joint Summer Meeting, 7-11 June 2020, Madison, WI. | June 2020 |
Ayodelé C. O’Uhuru, Jeremy T.H. Coleman, Jonathan D. Reichard, Christina J. Kocer, Graziella V. DiRenzo, Laura M. Eaton. 2023. LET’S TALK ABOUT IT: EXPANDING NORTH AMERICAN BAT MONITORING (NABAT) DATA CONTRIBUTIONS ON AND AROUND FEDERAL LANDS IN THE NORTHEAST REGION. The Northeast Bat Working Group Conference. Burlington, VT. | January 2022 |
Armstrong, D.S., A.H. Roy, M.E. Baker, C.N. Bentsen, and J.T. Stolarski. 2017. Moving beyond impervious cover: Unpacking characteristics of impervious cover influencing stream biota in Massachusetts. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 14-16 March 2017, Hartford, CT. | March 2017 |
Argo, E.E., A.H. Roy, and R.L. Ryan. 2015. Quantifying outdoor residential water use in the Ipswich River watershed: what influences residents’ behavior. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 18-20 March 2015, Bartlett, NH, . | March 2015 |
Argo, E.E., A.H. Roy, R.L. Ryan, and A. Milman. 2016. Factors influencing outdoor residential use in the Ipswich River Watershed. New England Association of Environmental Biologists, 23-25 March 2016, Rockport, ME. | March 2016 |
Argo, E.E., A.H. Roy, R.L. Ryan, and A. Milman. 2016. Factors influencing individuals' outdoor residential water use decisions in suburban Boston (USA) . Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 21-25 May 2016, Sacramento, CA. | May 2016 |
Argo, E.E., A.H. Roy, R.L. Ryan, and A. Milman. 2015. Quantifying outdoor residential water use in the Ipswich River watershed: what influences residents' behavior. New England Graduate Student Water Symposium, 11-13 Sep 2015, Amherst, MA. | September 2015 |
Arata, J., and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Modeling the population history of a top predator: ecological restrictions and human-induced impacts. Society for Conservation Biology, 20th Annual Meeting, San Jose, CA, 25 Jun. | June 2006 |
Arata, J., P. R. Sievert, and M. B. Naughton. 2006. Status assessment of Laysan and black-footed albatross populations. Albatross Conservation Action Plan Meeting, Honolulu, HI, 24 Oct. | October 2006 |
Arata, J. A., P. R. Sievert, and M. B. Naughton. 2008. Status assessment of Laysan and black-footed albatross. Fourth International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, 11-15 Aug. | August 2008 |
Arata, J. A., P. R. Sievert, and M. B. Naughton. 2007. Assessing the status and trends of Laysan and black-footed albatross populations. Albatross Modeling Workshop, 7-9 Nov. | November 2007 |
Allison, N. L., S. DeStefano, and G. F. Gee. 2003. A comparison of nocturnal roosting behavior of whooping cranes and Florida sandhill cranes. The Wildlife Society 10th Annual Conference, Burlington, VT. | September 2003 |
Agosto, A., J. Burgoff, A. Roy, and A. Jordaan. 2024. Interannual comparison of juvenile alewife age and growth in eastern Massachusetts (USA). Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, 2-6 June 2024, Philadelphia, PA. | June 2024 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, and K.H. Nislow. 2020. Resilient river restoration through dam removal. Massachusetts Association of Conservation Commissions Annual Environmental Conference, 29 February 2020, Worcester, MA. | February 2020 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, and K.H. Nislow. 2020. Resilient river restoration through dam removal. 5th International Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 12-15 February 2020, Austin, TX. | February 2020 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, P.A. Zaidel, K.M. Houle, and K.H. Nislow. 2020. Thermal and dissolved oxygen recovery following small dam removals in Massachusetts. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 4-6 March 2020, Newport, RI. | March 2020 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, P.A. Zaidel, K.M. Houle, and K.H. Nislow. 2020. Dam removal as a tool to increase ecological resilience through water quality improvements. Quebec RE3 Conference , 7-11 June 2020, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada. | June 2020 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, M.B. Cole, and K.H. Nislow. 2023. Recovery of benthic macroinvertebrates following small dam removals. Freshwater Sciences 2023, 3-7 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | June 2023 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, M.B. Cole, and K.H. Nislow. 2023. Recovery of benthic macroinvertebrates following small dam removal. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Meeting, 15-17 February 2023, Plymouth, MA. | February 2023 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, M.B. Cole, K.M. Houle, and K.H. Nislow. 2021. Linking water quality to benthic macroinvertebrates in dammed streams: Implications for restoration. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 23-27 May 2021 (virtual). | May 2021 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, M.B. Cole, K.M. Houle, and K.H. Nislow. 2019. Variable responses of aquatic macroinvertebrate assemblages to dam removal. Society of Wetland Scientists – New England Chapter Fall Meeting: Dammed If You Do and Dammed If You Don’t: Barrier Removal and Stream Integration, 4-5 October 2019, New Britain, CT. | October 2019 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, K.M. Houle, S. Mattocks, and K.H. Nislow. 2022. Enhancing resilience of riverine fishes through dam removal. Northeast Aquatic Biologists Conference, 2-4 March 2022, Portland, ME. | March 2022 |
Abbott, K.M., A.H. Roy, K.H. Nislow, R. Quiñones, and F.J. Magilligan. 2023. Incorporating climate change into restoration decisions: Perspectives from practitioners. 6th Symposium on Urbanization and Stream Ecology, 29 May - 1 June 2023, Brisbane, Australia. | May 2023 |
A. B. Gordon Jr., D. Drummey, A. Tur, A. E. Curtis, J. C. McCumber, G. V. DiRenzo. The Effects of Macroparasite Infection on Eastern Box Turtle Movement and Habitat Use. NEAFWA. | May 2023 |
. Frank, H. J., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn. 2009.Understanding prespawning behavior of individual anadromous alewives in order to interpret distributional patterns: using tagging to improve the efficiency of coastal watershed restoration. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Berlin Germany, September 2009. | September 2009 |
Frank, H. J., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn. 2009.Understanding prespawning behavior of individual anadromous alewives in order to interpret distributional patterns: using tagging to improve the efficiency of coastal watershed restoration. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Berlin Germany, September 2009. | September 2009 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2010. Thermoregulatory behavior of moose to cope with high temperatures in southern New England. 66th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newton, MA, 27 April. | April 2010 |
Wattles, D., and S. DeStefano. 2010. The role of sustainable timber harvest and moose populations in Massachusetts. 66th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newton, MA, 27 April. | April 2010 |
McCarthy, K. P., and S. DeStefano. 2010. Common loon behavioral responses to disturbance during breeding. 66th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newton, MA, 27 April. | April 2010 |
Johnson, L., S. DeStefano, and S. Melvin. 2010. Population characteristics of coastal striped skunks on Martha’s Vineyard, Massachsuetts. 66th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Newton, MA, 26 April. | April 2010 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Zaidel, P. 2018. Impacts of small, surface-release dams on stream temperature and dissolved oxygen in Massachusetts. Master's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2018 |
Yarra, A.N. 2015. Impacts of thermal and flow alteration on benthic stream macroinvertebrates downstream of water supply reservoirs in Massachusetts. B.S. Honor's Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2015 |
Willey, Lisabeth L. 2010. Spatial Ecology of Eastern Box Turtles (Terrapene C. Carolina) in Central Massachusetts. PhD Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2010 |
Wibisono, Hariyo T. 2005. Conservation of Sumatran tigers (Panthera tigris sumatrae) in Bukit Barisan Selatan National Park, Indonesia. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | January 2005 |
Weinstein, S.Y. 2016. Genetic analysis of slimy sculpin (Cottus cognatus) movement before and after dam removal. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2016 |
Wattles, David W. 2015. The effect of thermoregulation and roads on the movements and habitat selection of moose in Massachusetts. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA. | February 2015 |
Wattles, D. W. 2011. Status, movements, and habitat use of moose in Massachusetts. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. | August 2011 |
Vitale, Kimberly O. 2013. Habitat use and seasonal movement patterns of four-toed salamanders (Hemidactylium scutatum) in Massachusetts. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | August 2013 |
Vineyard, J.A. 2023. Bog turtle (Glyptemys muhlenbergii) population dynamics and response to habitat management in Massachusetts. MS Thesis, Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | September 2023 |
Strules, J. 2012. Salt drive in the beaver (Castor canadensis): an experimental assessment with field feeding trials. M.S. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. | August 2012 |
Spencer, Sarah M. 2012. Diving behavior and identification of sex of breeding Atlantic Puffins (Fratercula arctica), and nest-site characteristics of Alcids on Petit Manan Island, Maine. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2012 |
Sowers, V. 2017. The effect of calcium supplementation on the growth and survival of a freshwater mussel. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | April 2017 |
Soucie, J. 2022. Spatial and temporal variability in urban stream conductivity in Boston, MA. BS Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | December 2022 |
Smith, D. 2023. A review and analysis of the linked decisions in the confiscation of illegally traded turtles. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. MS-thesis. | August 2023 |
Smith, C. 2015. Thermal alteration downstream of impoundments. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2015 |
Slocombe, M.G. 2020. Temporal shifts in migratory river herring diets and zooplankton assemblages within Connecticut River coves. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2020 |
Skorupa, A. 2022. Developing a restoration strategy for Brook Floater (Alasmidonta varicosa) in Massachusetts. Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | February 2022 |
Ryan, J.E. 2020. In vitro propagation and fish assessments to inform restoration of dwarf wedgemussel (Alasmidonta heterodon). MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA | September 2020 |
Rosset, J. 2016 The life history characteristics, growth, and mortality of juvenile alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus, in coastal Massachusetts. MS Thesis. Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | April 2016 |
Pusparini, Wulan. 2014. Ecology and Conservation of Endangered Species in Sumatra: Smaller Cats and the Sumatran Rhinoceros as Case Studies. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | April 2014 |
Paulson, David J. 2010. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Road Passage Structures for Freshwater Turtles in Massachusetts. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | February 2010 |
Naing, Hla. 2014. Assessing Habitat Occupancy of Tiger Prey in the Hukaung Valley of Northern Myanmar. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2014 |
McCarthy, K. P. 2009. Evaluation of disturbance factors and their effect on breeding common loons at Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, New Hampshire and Maine. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. | February 2010 |
Martell, V. 2020. Improving growth and survival of cultured yellow lampmussel (Lampsilis cariosa) for restoring populations. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA | February 2020 |
Marjadi, M.N. 2023. Timing is everything: Climate change implications for phenological events and reproductive success in river herring. PhD dissertation, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2023 |
Marjadi, M. 2016. River herring conservation in freshwater: investigating fish reproductive success and the educational value of citizen monitoring programs. MS Thesis. Organismic & Evolutionary Biology Program, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | August 2016 |
Macpherson, C.B.M. 2023. Fish assemblage responses to dam removals. BS Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2023 |
LeFlore, E. 2014. Assessing wild canid distribution using camera traps in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. | September 2014 |
Kauffman, Katherine E. 2012. Population dynamics, chick diet, and foraging behavior of the Razorbill (Alca torda) at Matinicus Rock, Maine. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | September 2012 |
Kanda, L. Leann. 2005. Limitations to the northernmost distribution of Virginia opossums. PhD Disseration, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2005 |
Jones, Michael T. 2009. Modeling the spatial distribution of wood turtles (Glyptemys insculpta) in New England. PhD Dissertation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2009 |
Jones, M.T. 2009. Spatial ecology, Population Structure, and Conservation of the Wood Turtle, Glyptemys insculpta, in Central New England. Unpubl. Ph.D. dissertation, Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, University of Massachusetts; Amherst, MA. | May 2009 |
Johnson, Luanne. 2016. Population characteristics, movements, and resource use of striped skunks inhabiting piping plover nesting beaches on the island of Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts. Dissertation, Antioch University of New England, Keene, NH. | May 2016 |
Huguenin, M. A. 2014. Trends in human-wildlife interactions as related to land use and human density in Massachusetts. Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. | September 2014 |
Harper, Richard W. 2019. Socio-political and natural-ecological factors influencing urban forest management in Massachusetts. Dissertation. University of Massachusetts-Amherst. | August 2019 |
Haggerty, Sarah A. 2005. Effect of firebreak maintenance on rare insects of Manuel F. Correllus State Forest, Massachusetts. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2005 |
Grgurovic, Mark. 2006. Habitat selection and movement patterns of Blanding’s turtles (Emydoidea blandingii) in Massachusetts. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2006 |
Grant, A.M. 2017. Investigating effects of interannual variation in streamflow and temperature on benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages over a 13 year period (2013-2016) in West Brook. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2017 |
Gordon, A. B. 2023. Pine Barrens wildlife management: Exploring the impact of a stressor and active management on two taxa at Camp Edwards. University of Massachusetts, Amherst. MS-thesis. | August 2023 |
Frank , H. 2009. Evaluation of pre-spawning movements of anadromous alewives in the Ipswich Rver using radiotelemetry. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA | July 2009 |
Farrell, A. 2023. Assessing food availability and growth rates as emigration cues for juvenile river herring. BS Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2023 |
Faison, E. F. 2015. Complex effects of ungulate browsers on tree recruitment and herbaceous layers in northeastern temperature forests. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst. | May 2015 |
Endyke, S.C. 2020. Quantifying the effects of algae availability on freshwater mussel growth. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2020 |
Devine, M.T. 2017. Juvenile river herring in freshwater lakes: Sampling approaches for evaluating growth and survival. MS Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | September 2017 |
Cox, J.S. 2019. The spatiotemporal relationship between parasitic mussel larvae and river herring of the Connecticut River watershed. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2019 |
Clark, Laura J. 2005. Small mammal ecology and the prevalence of Lyme disease on Martha’s Vineyard. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2005 |
Clark, D. E. 2014. Roosting, site fidelity, and food sources of urban gulls in Massachusetts: implications for protecting public water supplies. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts. | February 2014 |
Cheney, K.N. 2014. Spatial and temporal variation in stream insect emergence from headwater streams in New England. B.S. Honor's Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | April 2014 |
Chalfin, E.D. 2022. Evaluating freshwater macroinvertebrate taxa temperature tolerances in the Northeastern U.S. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2022 |
Ceresia, I. 2024. Evaluating factors contributing to common loon egg hatching success in the Quabbin Reservoir. BS Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2024 |
Carmignani, J.R. 2020. Investigating the effects of winter drawdowns on the ecological character of littoral zones in Massachusetts lakes. PhD Dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA | February 2020 |
Burgoff, J.D. 2019. In the weeds: A comparison of juvenile river herring diets in pelagic and littoral habitat. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2021 |
Bouldin, R. 2018. Responses of stream fishes to dam removal in Massachusetts. B.S. Honor's Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2018 |
Berube, J. 2024. Effects of habitat, density, and climate on moose and winter tick ecology in the northeastern U.S. Thesis. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA. DOI: 10.7275/36515486 | February 2024 |
Bentsen, C. 2017. Accounting for biotic variability in streams with low levels of impervious cover: the role of reach- and watershed-scale factors. MS Thesis. Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | April 2017 |
Barber, Grace. 2014. Ant Assemblages in Three New York Pine Barrens and the Impacts of Hiking Trails. MS Thesis. University of Massachusetts Amherst. | September 2014 |
Argo, E. E. 2016. Factors influencing household outdoor residential water use decisions in suburban Boston (USA). MS Thesis. Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | August 2016 |
Albanese, E. 2006. Local and landscape requirements of frosted elfins (Callophrys irus) in sandplain communities of Massachusetts. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | May 2006 |
Abbott, K.M. 2023. River restoration through dam removal: Examining ecological responses to small dam removals across Massachusetts. PhD dissertation, Department of Environmental Conservation, University of Massachusetts Amherst. | September 2023 |
Pautzke, S. M. 2008. Distribution patterns of migratory striped bass in Plum Island Estuary, Massachusetts. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA | August 2008 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Willey, L., and P. R. Sievert. 2009. Ecology of eastern box turtles in the Connecticut River Valley, Massachusetts, 2005-2008. Final Report to the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Westborough, MA, 71 pp. | January 2009 |
Willey, L. L., M. T. Jones, and P. R. Sievert. 2014. Conservation Plan for Blanding's Turtle and Associated Species of Greatest Conservation Need in the Northeastern United States. Final Report to the Competitive State Wildlife Grants Program, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 400 pp. | June 2014 |
Webster, C. M., and S. DeStefano. 2001. Distribution and habitat of greater roadrunners in the metropolitan area of Tucson, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Dept., Final Report, Project U97004. 41pp. | September 2001 |
Wattles, D., K. Berger, S. DeStefano, W. Woytek, and J. McDonald. 2006. Moose movements and habitat use: progress report on the GPS moose study in Massachusetts. USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Amherst, MA and Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, MA. 15pp. | June 2006 |
Sievert, P.R., DeStefano, S., and Blewett, L.J. 2003. Lyme disease ecological studies on Martha's Vineyard. Progress Report for 2003. | October 2003 |
Sievert, P.R., DeStefano, S., and Blewett, L.J. 2002. Lyme disease ecological studies on Martha's Vineyard. Annual Progress Report for 2002. | October 2002 |
Sievert, P.R., Compton, B.W., and M. Grgurovic. 2002. Ecology and conservation of Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in Massachusetts. Progress Report for 2001 submitted to the Massachusetts Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. | July 2002 |
Sievert, P.R. 2008. Population viability analyses for the short-tailed albatross. In: Short-tailed Albatross Recovery Plan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Technical Publication. | September 2008 |
Sievert, P.R. 2006. Population viability analyses for the short-tailed albatross. In: Short-tailed Albatross Recovery Plan, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Technical Publication (In Review). | January 2006 |
Sievert, P. R. 2008. Surveying for rare amphibians, rare reptiles, and vernal pools, in Robinson State Park, Massachusetts. Final Report to the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Westborough, MA, 12 pp. | January 2008 |
Rusch, D. H., S. DeStefano, M. C. Reynolds, and D. J. Lauten. 2000. Ruffed grouse (Bonasa umbellus). The Birds of North America, No. 515. 28pp. | January 2000 |
Patterson, W. A. III, G. L. Clarke, S. A. Haggerty, P. R. Sievert, and M. J. Kelty. 2005. Wildland fuel management options for the central plains of Martha’s Vineyard: impacts on fuel loads, fire behavior and rare plant and insect species. Final Report to the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation, RFR# DEM705, 140 pp. | June 2005 |
Parrish, D. L., M. E. Mather, and E. A. Marschall. 2010. Population modeling of Atlantic salmon in Vermont tributaries of the Connecticut River. Progress report to NMFS. | September 2010 |
Parrish, D. L., M. E. Mather, and E. A. Marschall. 2009. Population modeling of Atlantic salmon in Vermont tributaries of the Connecticut River. Progress report to NMFS | August 2009 |
Parrish, D. L., M. E. Mather, and E. A. Marschall. 2008. Population modeling of Atlantic salmon in Vermont tributaries of the Connecticut River. Progress report to NMFS | August 2008 |
Nishida, C., S. DeStefano, and C. Boal. 2001. Status of Swainson's hawks in southeastern Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Dept., Final Report, Project I98013. 38pp. | September 2001 |
Muth, R. M., S. Perry, and M. E. Mather. Public Involvement in the Watershed Restoration of the Neponset River. Funded by Riverways. September 2005 | September 2005 |
Mather,M. E., and J. Smith, 2008 Developing Flow Sensitive Indices of Biotic Integrity (FS-IBI) To Assess the Health of Riverine Ecosystems and Maintain Benefits for Adjacent Human Communities. Final Report, RWO 55, The Nature Conservancy | June 2008 |
Mather, M.E., and K. H. Ferry. 2001. Diet analysis and bioenergetics modeling of striped bass, Morone saxatilis, along the Massachusetts coast. Annual Report to the Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries | January 2001 |
Mather, M.E. 2001. Hotspots and pits: assessing basin-wide mechanisms for success and failure of juvenile Atlantic salmon sites throughout the Connecticut River basin. Final Report to the U.S. Forest Service. | July 2001 |
Mather, M.E , M. P. Carey, A. Norris. 2001. Patterns and processes for freshwater fish distribution in northeastern National Parks: inventory, monitoring, and a model of governing processes Annual Report to the National Park Service | January 2001 |
Mather, M. E., and K. H. Ferry. 2002. Distribution, abundance, diet, and bioenergetics of striped Bass along the Atlantic Coast. Annual Report to Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries | June 2002 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003. St. Gaudens National Historic Site: freshwater fish inventory and monitoring final report. Final Report to the National Park Service | June 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003. ROVA National Historic Site: freshwater fish inventory and monitoring final report. Final Report to the National Park Service. | April 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003. Morristown National Historic Park: freshwater fish inventory and monitoring final report. Final Report to the National Park Service | April 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003. Minuteman National Historic Site: freshwater fish inventory and monitoring final report. Final Report to the National Park Service | June 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003. Cape Cod National Seashore: freshwater fish inventory and monitoring final report. Final Report to the National Park Service | April 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003. Cape Cod National Seashore Kettle Ponds research summary . Final Report to the National Park Service | April 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003 Weir Farm National Historic Site: freshwater fish inventory and monitoring final report. Final Report to the National Park Service | April 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003 Saratoga National Historic Park: freshwater fish inventory and monitoring final report. Final Report to the National Park Service | April 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, and A. N. Norris. 2003 Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historic Site: freshwater fish inventory and monitoring final report. Final Report to the National Park Service. | April 2003 |
Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, A. Norris. 2002. Patterns and processes for freshwater fish distribution in northeastern National Parks: inventory, monitoring, and a model of governing processes. Final Report to National Park Service | August 2002 |
Lowe, S., and S. DeStefano. 2006. Analysis of survival and cause-specific mortality for white-tailed deer in southeastern Massachusetts. USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Amherst, MA and Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, MA. 15pp. | June 2006 |
Jones, M. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2008. Distribution, status, and behavioral ecology of wood turtles in western Massachusetts: A four-year study. Final Report to the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Westborough, MA, 47 pp. | December 2008 |
Jones, M. T., and P. R. Sievert. 2007. A GIS-based, spatially-explicit model of the distribution of wood turtles in Massachusetts. State-wide GIS model prepared for the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Westborough, MA. | December 2007 |
Jones, M. T., L. L. Willey, P. R. Sievert, and T. S. B. Akre. 2014. Status and Conservation of the Wood Turtle in the Northeastern United States. Final Report to the Regional Conservation Needs (RCN) Program. 289 pp. | January 2014 |
Hobbs, R. J., W. L. Halvorson, and S. DeStefano. 2003. Habitat relationships and productivity of birds of prey in the Altar Valley, Arizona. Arizona Game and Fish Department, Heritage Grant No. I20004, Phoenix, AZ. | September 2003 |
Grgurovic, M., Sievert, P.R., and Compton, B.W. 2002. Blanding's turtle conservation plan for the towns of Boxford, Groveland, and Georgetown, Massachusetts, 44 pp. | December 2002 |
Fuller, T. K., and P. R. Sievert, editors. 2001. Carnivore ecology, behavior, and conservation. Departmental Report Series Number 3, Department of Natural Resources Conservation, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Massachusetts, USA. | April 2001 |
Frank, H. 2009. Evaluation of pre-spawning movements of anadromous alewives in the Ipswich River using radiotelemetry. MS Thesis, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. | June 2009 |
Ferry, Kristen. 2003. Factors driving distribution of migratory striped bass across Massachusetts estuaries: predator prey interactions and implications for multispecies management, M.S. Thesis, University of Massachusetts Department of Natural Resource Conservation. May 2003 | May 2003 |
DeStefano, S., and D. Wattles. 2009. Tracking the Commonwealth's moose. Massachusetts Wildlife 59:12-25. | October 2009 |
DeStefano, S., E. Faison, J. Compton, and D. Wattles. 2010. Forest exclosures: an experimental approach to understanding browsing by moose and deer. Massachusetts Wildlife 60:14-23. | April 2010 |
DeStefano, S., D. Wattles, and R. Packard. 2006. Coyotes in the northeastern U. S.: interactions with white-tailed deer and humans along an urban-rural gradient. USGS Massachusetts Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Amherst, MA and Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Westborough, MA. 82pp | June 2006 |
DeStefano, S. 2003. Birds in the human landscape. Review of J. M. Marzluff, R. Bowman, and R. Donnelly, eds. Avian ecology and conservation in an urbanizing world. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Conservation Biology 17:1467-1468. | October 2003 |
Compton, B.W., Sievert, P.R., and Grgurovic, M. 2003. Blanding's turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) conservation plan for Massachusetts. Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program. 61 pp. | August 2003 |
Compton, B. W., P. R. Sievert, and M. L. Hunter. 2006. Status assessment for the Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in the Northeast. Sponsored by the USGS/FWS Science Support Partnership Program, 79 pp. | June 2006 |
Compton, B. W., K. McGarigal, and P. R. Sievert. 2006. Models of priority sites for spotted turtle (Clemmys guttata), wood turtle (Glyptemys insculpta), and Blanding’s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii). Final Report to the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Westborough, MA, 26 pp. | December 2006 |
Compton, B. W., F. Beaudry, K. McGarigal, and P. R. Sievert. 2007. Habitat modeling for Blanding?s turtle (Emydoidea blandingii) in the Northeast. Final Report to the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, Westborough, MA. | April 2007 |
Carey, M. P. 2002. Evaluating patterns and processes of community structure along a gradient of variables: context-specific mechanisms that impact yellow perch. M.S. Thesis. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. | August 2002 |
Burak, M. K., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, J. B. Kim, R. M. Muth2University of Massachusetts, Amherst, River Herring Video Monitoring Final Report (2008-2009) March 2010 | March 2010 |
Arata, J.A., P.R. Sievert, and M.B. Naughton. 2008. Status Assessment of Laysan and Black-footed Albatross Populations. U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Geological Survey Technical Publication (In Press). | September 2008 |
Andersen, D. E., S. DeStefano, M. I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J. J. Keane, R. G. Anthony, and R. N. Rosenfield. 2004. The status of northern goshawks in the western United States. Wildlife Society Technical Review 04-1. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, MD. | December 2003 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Data Release | Wilson, T. L., Siren, A. P. K., Berube, J. A., Morrow, C. M., Wattles, D. W., Huguenin, M., Clarfeld, L. A., Huber, K. E., Donovan, T. M., 2024, Massachusetts Wildlife Monitoring Project (2022 - 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | June 2024 |
Data Release | Siren, A., and Wilson, T. 2024. Monitoring animal populations with cameras using open, multistate, N-mixture models. U.S. Geological Survey data release | September 2024 |
Data Release | Siren, A., and Wilson, T. 2024. Monitoring animal populations with cameras using open, multistate, N-mixture models. U.S. Geological Survey data release | April 2024 |
Data Release | Ryan, J.E., and Roy, A.H., 2020, In-vitro Propagation and Fish Assessments to Inform Restoration of Dwarf Wedgemussel (Alasmidonta Heterodon): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | October 2024 |
Data Release | Ryan, J.E., and Roy, A.H., 2020, In-vitro Propagation and Fish Assessments to Inform Restoration of Dwarf Wedgemussel (Alasmidonta Heterodon): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | March 2022 |
Software Release | Rosenblatt, E., Cook, J.D., DiRenzo, G.V., Grant, E.H.C., Runge, M.C., Mosher, B.A. Code for fomites could determine severity of SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in low-density white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) populations. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | July 2024 |
Software Release | Rosenblatt, E, Rudolph, J.F., Arce, F., Cook, J. D., DiRenzo, G.V.,Grant, E.H.C., Runge, M.C., and Mosher, B.A.. whitetailedSIRS: A packageto project SARS-CoV-2 outbreak dynamics in white-tailed deer. Version1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | May 2023 |
Data Release | Rosenblatt, E, Rudolph, J.F., Arce, F., Cook, J. D., DiRenzo, G.V.,Grant, E.H.C., Runge, M.C., and Mosher, B.A.. whitetailedSIRS: A packageto project SARS-CoV-2 outbreak dynamics in white-tailed deer. Version1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | April 2024 |
Data Release | Rogers, J.B., G.V. DiRenzo, R.M. Quiñones, T.Richards, A. H. Roy. Freshwater fish biodiversity and distribution in the Northeastern United States. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | August 2024 |
Software Release | Rogers, J.B., G.V. DiRenzo, R.M. Quiñones, T.Richards, A. H. Roy. Freshwater fish biodiversity and distribution in the Northeastern United States. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | 2024 |
Data Release | Rogers, J.B., G.V. DiRenzo, R.M. Quiñones, T.Richards, A. H. Roy. Freshwater fish biodiversity and distribution in the Northeastern United States. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | |
Software Release | Rogers, J.B., G.V. DiRenzo, R. O'Brien, R.M. Quiñones, T. Richards, A. H. Roy. HUC12 fish species occurrence and proportional abundance data in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. ScienceBase. | 2024 |
Software Release | Rogers, J.B., G.V. DiRenzo, R. O'Brien, R.M. Quiñones, T. Richards, A. H. Roy. HUC12 fish species occurrence and proportional abundance data in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. ScienceBase. | |
Data Release | Prout, L. S., Siren, A. P. K., Callahan, C. B., Wilson, T. L., Clarfeld, L. A., Huber, K. E., and Donovan, T. M., 2024, USDA White Mountain National Forest Volume 1 (2014 - 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release, doi:10.5066/P1PUEYQK. | June 2024 |
Software Release | Pfadenhauer, W.G., DiRenzo, G.V., and Bradley, B.A. Code for "Human activity drives establishment, but not invasion, of non-native plants on islands". Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | 2023 |
Data Release | Pfadenhauer, W. G., G. V. DiRenzo, & B. A. Bradley. 2024. Code for human activity drives establishment but not invasion of non-native plants on islands. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | May 2024 |
Software Release | Marjadi, M.N., Roy, A.H., Llopiz, J.K., and Sheppard, J. 2023. Data used to test a video monitoring and computational system for estimating juvenile fish abundance: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | June 2023 |
Data Release | Marjadi, M.N., Roy, A.H., Llopiz, J.K., and Sheppard, J. 2023. Data used to test a video monitoring and computational system for estimating juvenile fish abundance: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | 2023 |
Data Release | Lee, M. J., DiRenzo, G. V., Y. Diao, K. C. Seltmann. Code for: Leveraging local efforts to solve regional-scale ecological questions: using multiple sources of data and a multi-species occupancy model to explore bee-plant interactions. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | April 2023 |
Data Release | Kantar, L. E., Sirén, A. P. K., Wilson, T. L., Clarfeld, L. A., Huber, K. E., and Donovan, T. M., 2024, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Moose Project - Volume 2 (2021 - 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | April 2024 |
Data Release | Jones, H., Sirén, A. P. K., Callahan, C. B., Holman, H., Marchand, M. N., Kilborn, J. R., Wilson, T. L., Morelli, T. L., Clarfeld, L. A., Huber, K. E., and Donovan, T. M., 2024, New Hampshire Fish and Game Department Volume 1 (2014 - 2024): U.S. Geological Survey data release, | June 2024 |
Software Release | Hopkins, K., R. Hale, K. Capps, J. Kominoski, J. Morse, A. Roy, A. Blinn, S. Chen, J. Rudolph, A. Quick. 2024, Landscape characteristics for urban gradients in United States cities across multiple scales: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | July 2024 |
Software Release | He, X., Carmignani, J., Andreadis, K., Roy, A., Kumar, A., and Butler, K., 2023, Developing a stochastic hydrological model for informing lake water level drawdown management: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | June 2023 |
Data Release | He, X., Carmignani, J., Andreadis, K., Roy, A., Kumar, A., and Butler, K., 2023, Developing a stochastic hydrological model for informing lake water level drawdown management: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | June 2023 |
Data Release | He, X., Andreadis, K., Roy, A., Langhorst, T., Kumar, A., and Butler, C. A Long Short Term Memory model for predicting daily lake ice cover changes in the Northern Hemisphere. 2024. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. | July 2023 |
Data Release | He, X., Andreadis, K., Roy, A., Kumar, A., and Butler, C. 2023. A repository of hydrological modeling framework for lake drawdown management (HMF-Lake). Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | September 2022 |
Data Release | He, X., Andreadis, K., Roy, A., Kumar, A., and Butler, C. 2023. A repository of hydrological modeling framework for lake drawdown management (HMF-Lake). Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | June 2023 |
Software Release | Grant, E.H.C., R.O. Mummah, B.A. Mosher, G.V. DiRenzo. 2023. Inferring pathogen presence when sample misclassification and partial observation occur. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | October 2022 |
Software Release | Grant, E.H.C., DiRenzo, G.V., and Brand, A.B., 2023, Abiotic and biotic factors reduce viability of a high-elevation salamander in its native range: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | January 2023 |
Software Release | Gordon, A.B., D. Drummey, A. Tur, A. E. Curtis, J. C. McCumber, M. T. Jones, J. C. Andersen, & G. V. DiRenzo. 2024. Code for the effect of myiasis on Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) body condition movement and habitat use at Camp Edwards. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | June 2024 |
Data Release | Gordon, A.B., D. Drummey, A. Tur, A. E. Curtis, J. C. McCumber, M. T. Jones, J. C. Andersen, & G. V. DiRenzo. 2024. Code for the effect of myiasis on Eastern Box Turtle (Terrapene carolina carolina) body condition movement and habitat use at Camp Edwards. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release, | 2023 |
Software Release | Gordon, A., D. Drummey, A. Tur, A. Curtis, J. McCumber, M. Akresh, & G. V. DiRenzo. Code for long-term monitoring reveals management effects on Prairie Warbler colonization local extinction and detection in a Massachusetts Pine Barren. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | August 2024 |
Data Release | Gilbert, N.A., G. V. DiRenzo, & E. F. Zipkin. Code for idiosyncratic spatial scaling of biodiversity–disease relationships. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | 2024 |
Software Release | Fedarick, J., Murphy, C.A., Record, S., and Roy, A.H., 2025, Watershed Level Occurrences of Yellow Lampmussel from Museum and Survey Data: United States Geological Survey data release, | 2024 |
Data Release | DiRenzo, Graziella; Miller, David; Grant, Evan (2022), Ignoring species availability biases occupancy estimates in single-scale occupancy models, Dryad, Dataset, | |
Software Release | DiRenzo, G. V., R. McCaffery, A. V. Longo, K. R. Zamudio, and K. R. Lips. Code for similar population dynamics before and after a chytridiomycosis outbreak in a tropical riparian amphibian species. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | October 2024 |
Software Release | DiRenzo, G. V., R. McCaffery, A. V. Longo, K. R. Zamudio, and K. R. Lips. (2025). Ten years of capture-mark-recapture data for Espadarana prosoblepon in El Copé Panama before and after a chytridiomycosis outbreak (2000 – 2014). ScienceBase. | 2024 |
Data Release | DiRenzo, G. V., Hanks, E., & D. A. W. Miller. 2022. Software for: A practical guide to understanding and validating complex statistical models using simulations. Published in Methods in Ecology & Evolution. | March 2022 |
Data Release | DiRenzo, G. V., B. Hoven, M. McEachran, & M. Feehan. 2023. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) survey by hunters in Massachusetts in early 2023. ScienceBase. | July 2023 |
Software Release | DiRenzo, G. V., B. Hoven, M. McEachran, & M. Feehan. 2023. Chronic wasting disease (CWD) survey by hunters in Massachusetts in early 2023. ScienceBase. | 2023 |
Software Release | DiRenzo, G. V., B. Glorioso, J. M. Lorch, B. A. Mosher, D. A. W. Miller, E. H. Campbell Grant, and J. H. Waddle. Code for: Small enzootic survival costs mask the potential for long-term population size suppression. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | May 2023 |
Data Release | DiRenzo, G. V., & M. C. Mceachran. Code for Chronic wasting disease knowledge risk perception and management acceptance are influenced by media engagement and trust among deer hunters in Massachusetts. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA.<br><br> | |
Software Release | DiRenzo, G. V., & M. C. Mceachran. Code for Chronic wasting disease knowledge risk perception and management acceptance are influenced by media engagement and trust among deer hunters in Massachusetts. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | September 2023 |
Software Release | DiRenzo, G. V. Code for chronic wasting disease (CWD) knowledge among hunters in Massachusetts a state where CWD has not been detected. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | 2023 |
Software Release | Bletz, Molly; DiRenzo, Graziella; Grant, Evan (2024). Quantitative support for the benefits of proactive management for wildlife disease control [Dataset]. Dryad. | April 2024 |
Data Release | Bletz, M., Grant, E. H. C., & G. V. DiRenzo. 2023. Start early and stay the course: Proactive management outperforms reactive actions for wildlife disease control. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | 2023 |
Data Release | Bletz, M., Grant, E. H. C., & G. V. DiRenzo. 2023. Start early and stay the course: Proactive management outperforms reactive actions for wildlife disease control. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. | |
Data Release | Berube, J., Sirén, A. P. K., Simpson, B., Klingler, K. B., and Wilson, T. L., 2024, Winter tick counts and covariates in Massachusetts and New Hampshire from fall 2022: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, | May 2024 |
Data Release | Berube, J., Sirén, A. P. K., Simpson, B., Klingler, K. B., and Wilson, T. L., 2024, Winter tick counts and covariates in Massachusetts and New Hampshire from fall 2022: U.S. Geological Survey Data Release, | |
Software Release | Abbott, K.A. and Roy, A.H., 2022, Stream Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Responses to Small Dams and Dam Removal in Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | September 2023 |
Data Release | Abbott, K.A. and Roy, A.H., 2022, Stream Temperature and Dissolved Oxygen Responses to Small Dams and Dam Removal in Massachusetts: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | March 2022 |