Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Georgia
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Georgia Staff Member

Dr. Clinton T. Moore

Clint Moore

Unit Leader
Phone: (706) 542 - 1166
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website


  • Ph D University of Georgia 2002
  • Other North Carolina State University 1986
  • BS University of Georgia 1982


Dr. Moore received graduate degrees from North Carolina State University (Statistics) and University of Georgia (Wildlife Ecology). He is Leader of the Georgia Coop Unit, arriving in 2011 following career stops at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. Clint's training and focus is broadly in quantitative ecology, where he applies tools of estimation, prediction, and optimization to questions about wildlife populations and habitats. For nearly 3 decades, he has worked to bring the tools and ideas of structured decision making and adaptive management into the wildlife conservation arena. He was on the development teams of two large-scale adaptive management programs – Adaptive Waterfowl Harvest Management (1995) and Native Prairie Adaptive Management (2009) – that deliver conservation outcomes to this day. More recently, he has directed his attention to the conservation of imperiled species, with work focusing on the development of quantitative tools to forecast viability outcomes under scenarios of possible threats and conservation activities. Clint offers a graduate course in Bayesian Modeling for Conservation Science. He is a sometimes guitar player, in that sometimes recognizable tunes come out.

Areas of Expertise

Adaptive Management, Decision Support/Analysis, Population Dynamics, Species Management, Species Status Assessments, Statistics and Modelling, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Amphibians, Gamebirds, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Reptiles, Songbirds, Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Research Publications Publication Date
Woodward, A. R., and C. T. Moore. 1995. American alligators in Florida. Pages 127-129 in E. T. LaRoe, G. S. Farris, C. E. Puckett, P. D. Doran, and M. J. Mac, eds. Our living resources: a report to the nation on the distribution, abundance, and health of U.S. plants, animals, and ecosystems. U.S. Dept. Inter., Natl. Biol. Serv., Washington, D.C. | Download | Publisher Website June 1995
Woodward, A. R., and C. T. Moore. 1993. Use of crocodilian night count data for population trend estimation. Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission, IUCN. | Download | Publisher Website July 1993
Woodward, A. R. H. F. Percival, M. L. Jennings, and C. T. Moore. 1993. Low clutch viability of American alligators on Lake Apopka. Florida Scientist 56:52-63. | Abstract | Download January 1993
White, C. G., S. H. Schweitzer, C. T. Moore, I. B. Parnell, III, and L. A. Lewis Weis. 2005. Evaluation of the landscape surrounding northern bobwhite nest sites: a multiscale analysis. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1528-1537. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website October 2005
Tucker, A.M., McGowan, C.P., Nuse, B.L., Lyons, J.E., Moore, C.T., Smith, D.R., Sweka, J.A., Anstead, K.A., DeRose‐Wilson, A. and Clark, N.A. (2023). Estimating recruitment rate and population dynamics at a migratory stopover site using an integrated population model. Ecosphere, 14(2). doi: | Abstract December 2022
Sabine, J. B., III, J. M. Meyers, C. T. Moore, and S. H. Schweitzer. 2008. Effects of human activity on behavior of breeding American Oystercatchers, Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia, USA. Waterbirds 31:70-82. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website March 2008
Pollock, K. H., C. T. Moore, W. R. Davidson, F. E. Kellogg, and G. L. Doster. 1989. Survival rates of bobwhite quail based on band recovery analyses. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:1-6. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website January 1989
Peterson, J., C. Moore, S. Wenger, K. Kennedy, E. Irwin, and M. Freeman. 2007. Adaptive management applied to aquatic natural resources. Chapter 6.4 in Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 27-29, Athens. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website March 2007
Nesbitt, S. A., C. T. Moore, and K. S. Williams. 1992. Gender prediction from body measurements of two subspecies of sandhill cranes. Proceedings of the North American Crane Workshop 6:38-42. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 1992
Moore, C. T., and W. L. Kendall. 2004. Costs of detection bias in index-based population monitoring. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation 27(1):287-296. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2004
Moore, C. T., and M. J. Conroy. 2006. Optimal regeneration planning for old-growth forest: addressing scientific uncertainty in endangered species recovery through adaptive management. Forest Science 52:155-172. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website April 2006
Moore, C. T., and M. J. Conroy. 2006. A decision model for perpetuating maximal old growth forest conditions under stochastic and structural uncertainty. Pages 185-197 in Cieszewski, C. J., and M. Strub, eds. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Forest Measurements and Quantitative Methods and Management & The 2004 Southern Mensurationists Meeting (15-18 June 2004, Hot Springs, AR, USA). Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens. | Abstract | Download December 2006
Moore, C. T., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2018. An adaptive landscape planning and decision framework for gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) conservation. Final project memorandum to Southeast Climate and Adaptation Science Center. | Download February 2019
Moore, C. T., and J. C. Maerz. 2020. Accelerating conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. Final project memorandum to Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center. | Download August 2020
Moore, C. T., and E. A. Hunter. 2021. Gopher tortoise demographic variables estimated from long-term mark-recapture data. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:615-616. | Download May 2021
Moore, C. T., W. T. Plummer, and M. J. Conroy. 2005. Forest management under uncertainty for multiple bird population objectives. Pages 373-380 in Ralph, C. J., and T. D. Rich, eds. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference. 2002 March 20-24; Asilomar, California, Volume 1. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-GTR-191. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website February 2006
Moore, C. T., T. L. Shaffer, and J. J. Gannon. 2013. Spatial education: improving conservation delivery through space-structured decision making. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 4:199-210. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website June 2013
Moore, C. T., S. J. Converse, M. J. Folk, M. C. Runge, and S. A. Nesbitt. 2012. Evaluating release alternatives for a long-lived bird species under uncertainty about long-term demographic rates. Journal of Ornithology 152:S339-S353. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website February 2012
Moore, C. T., M. J. Conroy and K. Boston. 2000. Forest management decisions for wildlife objectives: system resolution and optimality. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 27:25-39. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website June 2000
Moore, C. T., J. J. Gannon, and T. L. Shaffer. 2018. NPAM predictive model improvements and piloting NPAM on partner lands. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-130-2018, Washington, D.C. April 2022
Moore, C. T., J. J. Gannon, T. L. Shaffer, and C. S. Dixon. 2020. An adaptive approach to vegetation management in native prairies of the northern Great Plains. Pages 246-257 in M. C. Runge, S. J. Converse, J. E. Lyons, and D. R. Smith, eds., Structured Decision Making: Case Studies in Decision Analysis for Natural Resources Management. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. May 2020
Moore, C. T., E. V. Lonsdorf, M. G. Knutson, H. P. Laskowski, and S. K. Lor. 2011. Adaptive management in the U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System: Science-management partnerships for conservation delivery. Journal of Environmental Management 92:1395-1402. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website May 2011
Moore, C. T., C. J. Fonnesbeck, K. Shea, K. J. Lah, P. M. McKenzie, L. C. Ball, M. C. Runge, and H. M. Alexander. 2011. An adaptive decision framework for the conservation of a threatened plant. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management: 2:247-261. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2011
McKee, R. K., K. A. Buhlmann, C. T. Moore, M. C. Allender, N. I. Stacy, and T. D. Tuberville. 2022. Island of misfit tortoises: Waif gopher tortoise health assessment following translocation. Conservation Physiology. | Download July 2022
McKee, R. K., K. A. Buhlmann, C. T. Moore, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and T. D. Tuberville. 2021. Waif gopher tortoise survival and site fidelity following translocation. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:640-653. | Download May 2021
McGovern, P. A., K. A. Buhlmann, B. D. Todd, C. T. Moore, J. M. Peaden, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, J. A. Daly, and T. D. Tuberville. 2020. The effect of size on post-release survival of head-started Mojave desert tortoises. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11:494-506. | Download December 2020
McGovern, P. A., K. A. Buhlmann, B. D. Todd, C. T. Moore, J. M. Peaden, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, J. A. Daly, and T. D. Tuberville. 2020. Comparing husbandry techniques for optimal head-starting of the Mojave Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 15:626-641. | Download December 2020
McCown, J. W., M. E. Roelke, D. J. Forrester, C. T. Moore, and J. C. Roboski. 1991. Physiological evaluation of 2 white-tailed deer herds in southern Florida. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 45:81-90. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 1991
Maehr, D. S., and C. T. Moore. 1992. Models of mass growth for 3 North American cougar populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 56:700-707. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website October 1992
Lawson, A.J., P.G.R. Jodice, T.R. Rainwater, K.D. Dunham, M. Hart, J.W. Butfiloski, P.M. Wilkinson, K.W. McFadden, C.T. Moore. 2022. Hidden in plain sight: integrated population models to resolve partially observable latent population structure. Ecosphere 13(12):e4321 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2022
Lawson, A.J., Clinton T. Moore, Thomas R. Rainwater, Frances M. Nilsen, Philip M. Wilkinson, Russell H. Lowers, Louis J. Guillette Jr., K.W. McFadden, and Patrick G.R. Jodice. 2020. Nonlinear patterns in mercury bioaccumulation in American alligators are a function of predicted age. Science of the Total Environment 707:135103. | Download March 2020
Knutson, M., H. Laskowski, C. Moore, E. Lonsdorf, S. Lor, and L. Stevenson. 2010. Defensible decision making: Harnessing the power of adaptive resource management. The Wildlife Professional 4(4):58-62. | Download December 2010
Kendall, W. L. and C. T. Moore. 2012. Maximizing the utility of monitoring to the adaptive management of natural resources. Pages 74-98 in R. A. Gitzen, J. J. Millspaugh, A. B. Cooper, and D. S. Licht, editors. Design and analysis of long-term ecological monitoring studies. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. July 2012
Johnson, F.A., C.T. Moore, W.L. Kendall, J.A. Dubovsky, D.F. Caithamer, J.R. Kelley, Jr., and B.K. Williams. 1997. Uncertainty and the management of mallard harvests. Journal of Wildlife Management 61:202-216. | Abstract | Download January 1997
Johnson, F. A., and C. T. Moore. 1996. Harvesting multiple stocks of ducks. Journal of Wildlife Management 60:551-559. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 1996
Jafari, N., B. L. Nuse, C. T. Moore, B. Dilkina, and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2017. Achieving full connectivity of sites in the Multiperiod Reserve Network Design Problem. Computers and Operations Research 81:119-127. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website May 2017
Irwin, B. J., B. A. Crawford, T. Gancos Crawford, and C. T. Moore. 2016. Turning Uncertainty into Useful Information for Conservation Decisions. Southeast Climate Science Center Fact Sheet 2016-02. Available online: June 2016
Hunter, E.A., N P. Nibbelink, C.R. Alexander, K. Barrett, L.F. Mengak, R.K. Guy, C.T. Moore, and R.J. Cooper. 2015. Coastal vertebrate exposure to predicted habitat changes due to sea level rise. Environmental Management 56:1528-1537. December 2015
Hunter, E. A., N. P. Nibbelink, C. R. Alexander, K. Barrett, L. F. Mengak, R. K. Guy, C. T. Moore, and R. J. Cooper. 2015. Coastal vertebrate exposure to predicted habitat changes due to sea level rise. Environmental Management 56:1528-1537. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2015
Hunt, V. M., S. K. Jacobi, J. J. Gannon, J. Zorn, C. T. Moore, and E. V. Lonsdorf. 2016. A decision support tool for adaptive management of native prairie ecosystems. Interfaces 46:334-344. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2016
Howell, J. E., C. T. Moore, M. J. Conroy, R. G. Hamrick, R. J. Cooper, R. E. Thackston, and J. P. Carroll. 2009. Conservation of northern bobwhite on private lands in Georgia, USA under uncertainty about landscape level habitat effects. Landscape Ecology 24:405-418. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website March 2009
Gaya, H. E., L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2022. Accounting for spatial heterogeneity in visual obstruction in line-transect distance sampling of gopher tortoises. Journal of Wildlife Management e22338. November 2022
Gannon, J. J., C. T. Moore, T. L. Shaffer, and B. Flanders-Wanner. 2012. An adaptive approach to invasive plant management on U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service-owned native prairies in the Prairie Pothole Region: decision support under uncertainty. Proceedings of the 22nd North American Prairie Conference, 1-5 August 2010, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, IA. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website April 2012
Gaasch, C. M., J. Pickering, and C. T. Moore. 1998. Flight phenology of parasitic wasps (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in Georgia's Piedmont. Environmental Entomology 27:606-614. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website June 1998
Fouts, K. L., C. T. Moore, K. D. Johnson, and J. C. Maerz. 2017. Lizard activity and abundance greater in burned habitat of a xeric montane forest. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 8:181-192. | Download June 2017
Diemer, J. E., and C. T. Moore. 1994. Reproduction of gopher tortoises in north-central Florida. Pages 129-137 in R. B. Bury and D. J. Germano, eds. Biology of north American tortoises. National Biological Survey Fish and Wildlife Research 13. | Abstract | Download December 1994
Delany, M. F., S. B. Linda, and C. T. Moore. 1999. Diet and condition of American alligators in 4 Florida lakes. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 53:375-389. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 1999
Delany, M. F., C. T. Moore, and D. R. Progulske, Jr. 1995. Territory size and movements of Florida grasshopper sparrows. Journal of Field Ornithology 66:305-309. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website April 1995
Delany, M. F., C. T. Moore, and D. R. Progulske, Jr. 1994. Distinguishing gender of Florida grasshopper sparrows using body measurements. Florida Field Naturalist 22:48-51. | Download | Publisher Website April 1994
Delany, M. F., C. T. Moore, and D. R. Progulske, Jr. 1993. Survival and longevity of adult male Florida grasshopper sparrows. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 47:366-369. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 1993
Delany, M. F., A. R. Woodward, R. A. Kiltie, and C. T. Moore. 2011. Mortality of American alligators attributed to cannibalism. Herpetologica 67:174-185. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website June 2011
Davidson, W. R., F. E. Kellogg, G. L. Doster, and C. T. Moore. 1991. Ecology of helminth parasitism in bobwhites from northern Florida. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 27:185-205. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website April 1991
Daly, J. A., K. A. Buhlmann, B. D. Todd, C. T. Moore, J. M. Peaden, and T. D. Tuberville. 2019. Survival and movements of head-started Mojave desert tortoises. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:1700-1710. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21758 | Download September 2019
Daly, J. A., K. A. Buhlmann, B. D. Todd, C. T. Moore, J. M. Peaden, and T. D. Tuberville. 2018. Comparing growth and body condition of indoor-reared, outdoor-reared, and free-ranging juvenile Mojave Desert Tortoises. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 13:622-633. | Download December 2018
Cummings JW, SJ Converse, CT Moore, DR Smith, CT Nichols, NL Allan, and CM O'Meilia. 2017. A projection of lesser prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus pallidicinctus) populations range-wide. USGS Open File Report 2017-1071. | Download August 2017
Crawford, B. A., M. Olds, J. C. Maerz, and C. T. Moore. 2020. Estimating population persistence for at-risk species using citizen science data. Biological Conservation 243:108489. | Download March 2020
Crawford, B. A., J. C. Maerz, and C. T. Moore. 2020. Expert-informed habitat suitability analysis for at-risk species assessment and conservation planning. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11:130-150. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website June 2020
Crawford, B. A., J. C. Maerz, V. C. K. Terrell, and C. T. Moore. 2022. Population viability analysis for a pond-breeding amphibian under future drought scenarios in the southeastern United States. Global Ecology and Conservation 36:e02119. | Download August 2022
Crawford, B. A., C. T. Moore, T. M. Norton, and J. C. Maerz. 2018. Integrated analysis for population estimation, management impact evaluation, and decision-making for a declining species. Biological Conservation 222:33-43. | Abstract | Download June 2018
Crawford, B. A., C. T. Moore, T. M. Norton, and J. C. Maerz. 2017. Mitigating road mortality of Diamond-backed Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin) with hybrid barriers at crossing hot spots. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 12:202-211. | Download April 2017
Crawford, B. A., A. L. Farmer, K. M. Enge, A. H. Greene, L. Diaz, J. C. Maerz, and C. T. Moore. 2022. Breeding dynamics of gopher frog metapopulations over 10 years. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management XX:XXX-XXX. | Download July 2022
Converse, S. J., S. Servanty, C. T. Moore, and M. C. Runge. 2019. Population dynamics of reintroduced Whooping Cranes. Pages 139-160 in French, Jr, J. B., S. J. Converse, and J. E. Austin, editors. Whooping Cranes: Biology and Conservation. Academic Press, London, UK. January 2019
Converse, S. J., C. T. Moore, and D. P. Armstrong. 2013. Demographics of reintroduced populations: estimation, modeling, and decision analysis. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1081-1093. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2013
Converse, S. J., C. T. Moore, M. J. Folk, and M. C. Runge. 2013. A matter of tradeoffs: reintroduction as a multiple objective decision. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1145-1156. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website August 2013
Conroy, M. J., and C. T. Moore. 2002. Wildlife habitat modeling in an adaptive framework: the role of alternative models. Pages 205-218 in Scott, J. M., P. J. Heglund, M. L. Morrison, J. B. Haufler, M. G. Raphael, W. A. Wall, and F. B. Samson, eds. Predicting species occurrences: issues of accuracy and scale. Island Press, Washington, DC. | Download February 2002
Conroy, M. J., and C. T. Moore. 2001. Simulation models and optimal decision making in natural resource management. Pages 91-104 in Shenk, T. M., and A. B. Franklin, eds. Modeling in natural resource management: development, interpretation, and application. Island Press, Washington, DC. | Download May 2001
Conroy, M. J., C. R. Allen, J. T. Peterson, L. Pritchard, Jr., and C. T. Moore. 2003. Landscape change in the southern Piedmont: challenges, solutions, and uncertainty across scales. Conservation Ecology 8(2): 3. [online] URL: | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2003
Conroy, M. J. J. T. Peterson, O. L. Bass, C. J. Fonnesbeck, J. E. Howell, C. T. Moore, and J. P. Runge. 2008. Sources of variation in detection of wading birds from aerial surveys in the Florida Everglades. Auk 125:731-743. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2008
Berish, J. E. D., and C. T. Moore. 1993. Gopher tortoise response to large-scale clearcutting in northern Florida. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 47:419-427. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 1993
Project Completion Date
Using Qualitative Knowledge of Life History Traits to Predict Taxon Group Response to Levels of Coarse Woody Debris December 2017
Decision Support for Public Alligator Harvesting in Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina June 2017
A Spatially Explicit Population Modeling Framework to Support Conservation Decision Making for Gopher Tortoises in Georgia June 2017
Responses of Targeted Herpetological Communities to Fire Management Practices in Pine-Oak Forests of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park July 2014
Communicating and Using Uncertain Scientific Information in the Production of ‘Actionable Science’ August 2014
Characterization of spatial and temporal variability in fishes in response to climate change August 2017
Review of Georgia reservoir fish monitoring data and sampling procedures June 2024
[GADNR] DMAP Camera Trap Image Classification August 2022
[GADNR] Entry of Point-Count Data for Sandhill Restoration Project October 2022
Updating population parameters of Sicklefin Redhorse with new data form the Hiawassee River Basin August 2021
Identifying Pollinator Habitat Along Power Line Right of Ways in the Georgia Piedmont September 2022
Modeling and Optimization to Advance Decision-making for Trust and At-risk Species March 2022
Incorporating Structured Decision Making and Alternative Sources of Data into Management of White-tailed Deer in Georgia June 2022
Improving and Field Testing Novel Methods to Estimate White-tailed Deer Density Using Camera Traps September 2021
Restoration of a Relict Population of Gopher Tortoises Through Translocation of Waif Animals April 2019
Head-Starting as a Recovery Strategy for the Desert Tortoise December 2021
Impacts of Extreme High Tide Events on Sea Turtle Nesting on Georgia Barrier Islands April 2018
Hardwood Management in Open Pine Ecosystems on Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge July 2018
Completing a Double-Loop Learning Cycle in the Native Prairie Adaptive Management System December 2019
Technical Assistance to Georgia DNR for Nongame Bird Monitoring and Research September 2021
Estimating population size of Sicklefin Redhorse in the Hiwassee River system June 2019
Black Rail ecology to inform effective survey design and support population modeling August 2021
Impacts of Rabbit Hunting on Northern Bobwhite Demographics and Behavior August 2021
Environmental Stressors and Priority Plant Communities on Jekyll Island, Georgia May 2020
Adaptive Management of Federal Investments to Great Lakes Restoration Activities September 2021
Accelerating Conservation of At-Risk Species in the Longleaf System June 2022
Assess Field- and Landscape-Level Effects of NRCS Conservation Practices on Gopher Tortoise Habitat August 2020
Demographic Estimation and Conservation Modeling for the Loggerhead Sea Turtle June 2020
Develop an Adaptive Management Framework to Reduce the Impact of Invasive Phragmites in the Great Lakes Basin September 2021
Uncertainty and the Entanglement of Habitat Loss and Fragmentation Effects in the Management of Northern Bobwhites and Eastern Meadowlarks February 2016
An Adaptive Landscape Planning and Decision Framework for Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) Conservation June 2018
Validating Gopher Tortoise Habitat and Population Predictions for Georgia December 2016
Landscape Level Population Modeling as a Decision Support Tool for the Lesser Prairie-Chicken September 2017
Van Buskirk, Amanda

Presentations Presentation Date
Wright, A.D., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, L. Smith, and C.T. Moore. 2015. (Poster) Data are scarce but action is necessary: Using agent-based models for conservation. Annual Student Conference on Conservation Science, 7-9 October 2015, New York, NY. October 2015
Wright, A. D., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2016. Long-term population ecology and large-scale movement patterns of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in southwestern Georgia. US-IALE 2016 Annual Meeting, 3-7 April 2016, Asheville, NC. April 2016
Wright, A. D., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2016. (Poster) Long-term population ecology and large-scale movement patterns of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in southwestern Georgia. Annual Scientific Advisory Committee Meeting of the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, 4 February 2016, Newton, GA. February 2016
Wright, A. D., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2015. Long-term population ecology and large-scale movement patterns of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in southwestern Georgia. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 1-4 Nov 2015, Asheville, NC. November 2015
Wright, A. D., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2015. Long-term population ecology and large-scale movement patterns of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in southwestern Georgia. 37th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 16-18 October 2015, Covington, LA. October 2015
Wright, A. D., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2014. (Poster) Long-term population ecology and large-scale movement patterns of gopher tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) in southwest Georgia. 36th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 17-19 October 2014, Albany, GA. October 2014
Wright, A. D., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, L. L. Smith, C. T. Moore, and R. B. Chandler. 2016. Long-term population ecology and large-scale movement patterns of gopher tortoises in southwestern Georgia: A spatial capture-recapture approach. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
Wright, A. D., C. T. Moore, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and L. Smith. 2015. [Poster] Estimating dispersal rates and landscape resistance to understand functional connectivity for a long-lived endangered species. International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, 5-10 July 2015, Portland, OR. July 2015
Wilson, A. W., M. Dodd, C. T. Moore. 2017. The impacts of extreme high tide events on sea turtle nesting along the Georgia barrier islands. Graduate Climate Conference, 10-12 November 2017, Woods Hole, MA. ** NOT ACCEPTED ** November 2017
Wilson, A. M., M. Dodd, and C. T. Moore. 2018. Sea turtle nest elevation and hatch success in response to extreme high tide events. Presentation at 2018 Annual Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 22-25 February 2018, Helen, GA. February 2018
Wilson, A. M., M. Dodd, and C. T. Moore. 2017. [Poster] The impacts of extreme high tide events on sea turtle nesting along the Georgia barrier islands. Georgia Environmental Conference, 23-25 August 2017, Jekyll Island, GA. August 2017
Wilson, A. M., M. Dodd, and C. T. Moore. 2018. Sea turtle nest elevation and hatch success in response to extreme high tide events. Southeast Regional Sea Turtle Meeting, 12-16 February 2018, Myrtle Beach, SC. February 2018
Wilson, A. M., M. Dodd, and C. T. Moore. 2017. The impacts of extreme high tide events on sea turtle nesting along the Georgia barrier islands. Poster; 37th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, 15-20 April 2017, Las Vegas, NV. April 2017
Wilson, A. M., M. Dodd, and C. Moore. 2017. [Poster] The impacts of extreme high tide events on sea turtle nesting along the Georgia barrier islands. 2017 Wildlife Research Meeting, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division, 8 August 2017, Mansfield, GA. August 2017
Wilson, A. M., M. Dodd, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, J. Maerz, and C. T. Moore. 2017. A Bayesian hierarchical model of loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nest success response to extreme high tide events. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, 23-27 September 2017, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Van Buskirk, A. N., C. T. Moore, B. B. Boley, C. H. Killmaster, K. L. Johannsen, and G. J. D'Angelo. 2021. [Poster] Incorporating structured decision making and alternative sources of data into management of white-tailed deer in Georgia. The Wildlife Society 28th Annual Conference, 1-5 November 2021. (Virtual) November 2021
Tucker, T. R., S. Tank, P. Canniff, C. Dumoulin, C. T. Bargeron, E. Jensen, C. T. Moore, and K. P. Kowalski. 2021. The <i>Phragmites</i> Adaptive Management Framework: Programmatic quality control of participatory data. Presentation at the 64th annual Conference on Great Lakes Research (International Association for Great Lakes Research), 17-21 May 2021 [virtual]. May 2021
Tucker, T. R., S. Tank, E. Jensen, C. Dumoulin, P. Canniff, C. T. Moore, and K. P. Kowalski. 2021. The Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework: Invasive species management through collective learning. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, 1-4 February 2021 (Virtual). February 2021
Tucker, T. R., S. N. Tank, P. M. Caniff, T. M. Gruninger, C. E. Dumoulin, C. T. Bargeron, E. S. Jensen, C. T. Moore, and K. P. Kowalski. 2022. The Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative: Supporting science and management of an invasive grass in the SCDRS. State of Lake Erie Conference, 16-18 March 2022, Cleveland, OH. March 2022
Tucker, T. R., S. N. Tank, P. M. Caniff, T. M. Gruninger, C. E. Dumoulin, C. T. Bargeron, E. S. Jensen, C. T. Moore, and K. P. Kowalski. 2022. Collaborative-driven development of a successful Phragmites adaptive management program. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, 14-20 May 2022, Grand Rapids, MI. May 2022
Tank, S., T. R. Tucker, C. Dumoulin, P. Canniff, N. Willig, E. Jensen, C. T. Moore, C. Bargeron, and K. P. Kowalski. 2021. The <i>Phragmites</i> Adaptive Management Framework: Utilizing communication and strategic design to promote high quality data collection in a participatory science program. Presentation at the Annual Conference of the North American Invasive Species Management Association, 27-30 September 2021, Missoula, MT. September 2021
Tank, S., P. Canniff, C. Dumoulin, C. Moore, E. Jensen, and K. P. Kowalski. 2021. Implementing the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework during a global pandemic. The Stewardship Network Conference, 27-29 January 2021, East Lansing, MI. (Virtual) January 2021
Tank, S., E. Jensen, P. Canniff, C. Dumoulin, C. T. Moore, and K. P. Kowalski. 2020. The <i>Phragmites</i> Adaptive Management Framework: Managing <i>Phragmites</i> with science on your side. Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference, 2-6 November 2020 (Virtual). November 2020
Tank, S., D. D. Engel, E. Jensen, C. Dumoulin, C. T. Moore, E. Ferrier, and K. P. Kowalski. 2019. Utilizing an adaptive management approach for invasive species management: Implementing the <i>Phragmites</i> Adaptive Management Framework. Innovations in Invasive Species Management Conference, 10-12 December 2019, Coeur d'Alene, ID. December 2019
Tank, S., C. T. Moore, C. Dumoulin, D. D. Engel, E. Ferrier, E. Jensen, and K. P. Kowalski. 2020. Incorporating participatory science into an adaptive management approach to invasive species management. The Stewardship Network Conference, 17-18 January 2020, East Lansing, MI. January 2020
Stanley, A. E., J. Martin, E. Bellier, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, J. M. Yeiser, and C. T. Moore. 2023. Making informed decisions for private lands conservation under uncertainty and spatial complexity: A case study on the Northern Bobwhite. Oral Presentation. EURING 2023 Analytical Meeting and Workshop, Montpellier, FR, 17-21 April 2023. April 2023
Romanach, S., M. Eaton, F. Johnson, J. Lyons, C. Moore, M. Runge, A. Hijuelos, M. Meyers, and G. Steyer. 2017. Applying adaptive management at a programmatic scale. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill and Ecosystem Science Conference, 6-9 Feb 2017, New Orleans, LA. February 2017
Prebyl, T.J., L. Smith, J. Martin, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and C. Moore. 2017. Working gophers: Evaluating conservation efforts for gopher tortoise on private lands. 39th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 13-15 October 2017, Edgefield, SC. October 2017
Prebyl, T. J., L. Smith, J. Martin, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and C. T. Moore. 2018. Identifying site characteristics that influence conservation efforts for gopher tortoise on private lands. 40th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 12-14 October 2018, Lake Placid, FL. October 2018
Prebyl, T. J., L. Smith, J. Martin, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and C. T. Moore. 2019. Variations among working landscapes affect conservation outcomes for gopher tortoise in the southeastern U.S. Oral presentation at Joint Annual Conference of American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 29 September - 3 October 2019, Reno, NV. September 2019
Prebyl, T. J., L. Smith, J. Martin, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and C. Moore. 2017. Evaluating private lands conservation practices for gopher tortoise and savanna-like ecosystems in the southeastern coastal plain. Poster; The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, 23-27 September 2017, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Prebyl, T. J., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, J. Martin, L. Smith, and C. Moore. 2017. [Poster] Assessing outcomes of conservation practices for gopher tortoise on private lands. 2017 Wildlife Research Meeting, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division, 8 August 2017, Mansfield, GA. August 2017
Prebyl, T. J., B. L. Nuse, and C. T. Moore. 2019. A method for estimating gopher tortoise densities at spatial scales relevant for habitat studies. Oral presentation at 41st Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 15-17 November 2019, Gulf Shores, AL. November 2019
Prebyl, T. J. and C. T. Moore. 2020. Working Lands for Wildlife outcomes: Longleaf pine forests / gopher tortoise. Presentation within NRCS webinar "Conservation outcomes of NRCS's Working Lands for Wildlife in eastern forests", NRCS Conservation Outcomes Webinar Series, 27 August 2020. Archived: August 2020
Nuse, B. L., and C. T. Moore. 2014. (Poster) A Bayesian population model to inform gopher tortoise conservation planning in Georgia. 36th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 17-19 October 2014, Albany, GA. October 2014
Nuse, B. L., N. Jafari, R. L. Bormann, A. D. Wright, C. T. Moore, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and M. Elliott. 2016. Accommodating space and demographic uncertainty, in pursuit of gopher tortoise conservation in Georgia. Invited seminar. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia. 27 October 2016 October 2016
Nuse, B. L., N. Jafari, C. T. Moore, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and M. Elliott. 2017. Informing reserve design with demography, for gopher tortoise conservation planning in Georgia. 2017 Wildlife Research Meeting, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division, 8 August 2017, Mansfield, GA. August 2017
Nuse, B. L., M. Elliott, and C. T. Moore. 2017. Estimating bird species' responses to sandhill habitat restoration in the southeastern US: single-visit survey, an unbalanced design, and varying methodologies. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, 23-27 September 2017, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Nuse, B. L., L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2018. An introduction to the Gopher Tortoise Demography Working Group. 40th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 12-14 October 2018, Lake Placid, FL. October 2018
Nuse, B. L., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, C. T. Moore, and M. Elliott. 2015. Linking gopher tortoise processes and landscape resistance to assess functional connectivity of gopher tortoise populations in Georgia. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 1-4 Nov 2015, Asheville, NC. November 2015
Nuse, B. L., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, C. T. Moore, and M. Elliott. 2015. Assessing functional connectivity in the face of uncertainty about population processes: a Bayesian modeling approach applied to conservation of the gopher tortoise in Georgia, USA. International Association of Landscape Ecology World Congress, 5-10 July 2015, Portland, OR. July 2015
Nuse, B. L., C. T. Moore, and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2016. Predicting spatial structure in gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) populations in Georgia, USA. US-IALE 2016 Annual Meeting, 3-7 April 2016, Asheville, NC. April 2016
Nuse, B. L., C. T. Moore, N. Jafari, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and M. Elliott. 2016. Informing reserve design with demography for gopher tortoise conservation planning in Georgia, USA. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
Nuse, B. L., C. T. Moore, N. Jafari, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and M. Elliott. 2017. Optimal reserves for spatially structured gopher tortoise populations, under forecast landscape conditions in Georgia, USA. US-IALE 2017 Annual Meeting, 9-13 April 2017, Baltimore, MD. April 2017
Nuse, B. L., C. T. Moore, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and M. Elliott. 2015. (Poster) Comparing hypotheses about missed burrows in gopher tortoise line transect surveys: Bayesian distance analysis with data augmentation. 2015 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 9-14 August 2015, Baltimore, MD. August 2015
Moore, C., and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2013. (Poster) A landscape planning and decision framework for gopher tortoise conservation in Georgia. 35th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 11-13 October 2013, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. October 2013
Moore, C., B. Nuse, and B. Crawford. 2018. Conservation research on southeastern at-risk herpetofauna. Southeast Climate Science Center Advisory Committee Meeting, 12-15 March 2018, Raleigh, NC. March 2018
Moore, C. T., S. J. Converse, and M. J. Folk. 2013. Survival and recruitment in a released population of whooping cranes in Florida. The Wildlife Society 20th Annual Conference. 5-10 October 2013, Milwaukee, WI. (not presented due to government shutdown) October 2013
Moore, C. T., J. J. Gannon, T. L. Shaffer, and C. S. Dixon. 2016. Learning-focused decision support for countering introduced grasses in native prairies. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
Moore, C. T., J. J. Gannon, T. L. Shaffer, and C. S. Dixon. 2015. Site-specific abiotic factors in the response of native prairies to habitat restoration actions. 2015 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 9-14 August 2015, Baltimore, MD. August 2015
Moore, C. T., J. J. Gannon, C. S. Dixon, and T. L. Shaffer. 2022. Do, or do not – there is no try: How a plan for learning paid off in the uncertain initial response to an aggressive invasion. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 6-10 November 2022, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Moore, C. T., D. Demarest, R. S. Mordecai, and B. Peterjohn. 2018. Estimated density and abundance from a stratified rangewide survey of the eastern breeding population of Painted Bunting. The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference, 7-11 October 2018, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
Moore, C. T., C. S. Dixon, J. J. Gannon, and T. L. Shaffer. 2019. Adaptive management of prairies increases cover by native grasses and forbs. Poster presentation at Joint Annual Conference of American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 29 September - 3 October 2019, Reno, NV. September 2019
Moore, C. T. 2020. <i>Journal of Wildlife Management</i> special section: Demographic results from long-term mark-recapture studies. Meeting of the Gopher Tortoise Candidate Conservation Agreement Team, 16 December 2020 (Virtual). December 2020
Moore, C. T. 2019. Comments on conservation science (Invited). Panel on Land Conservation and Species Rehabilitation, Annual Red Clay Conference, University of Georgia School of Law, 1 March 2019, Athens, GA. March 2019
Moore, C. T. 2015. ‘Sustainability’ in the eyes of a decision analyst: three case studies in conservation. 2015 Sustainability Science Symposium at UGA, 23 January 2015, Athens, GA January 2015
Moore, C. T. 2015. (Webinar) Learning-focused decision support for management of Phragmites in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wildlife Refuge System. Great Lakes Phragmites Collaborative, 28 Apr 2015. April 2015
Moore, C. T. 2007. (Webinar) Adaptive resource management. Adaptive Management Consultancy meeting of USFWS Refuge System program managers, 14 February 2007. February 2007
Moore, C. T. 2003. Adaptive decision making in natural resources management. Workshop on Adaptive Management for the Bobwhite Quail Initiative (USGS, UGA, Georgia DNR), 17 June 2003, Forsyth, GA. June 2003
Moore, C. 2015. Adaptive landscape planning and decision framework for gopher tortoise conservation: Project update. Meeting of the Gopher Tortoise Candidate Conservation Agreement Team, 10 June 2015, Spanish Fort, AL. June 2015
Moore, C. 2014. An adaptive landscape planning and decision framework for gopher tortoise conservation: Overview, progress, and reserve design needs. Meeting to consider research needs in dynamic reserve design, 24 April 2014, Gainesville, FL. April 2014
Moore, C. 2014. Adaptive landscape planning and decision framework for gopher tortoise conservation. Meeting of the Gopher Tortoise Candidate Conservation Agreement Team, 9 July 2014, Savannah, GA. July 2014
Moore, C. 2007. Control models. Workshop: "Estimation, modeling, and decision-making," USFWS Migratory Bird Management Division, Population and Habitat Assessment Branch, 10-12 April 2007, Laurel, MD. April 2007
McKee, R., K. Buhlmann, W. Dillman, B. Kesler, N. Stacy, M. Allender, C. Moore, and T. Tuberville. 2019. An island of misfit tortoises: Assessing the survival and health of translocated waif gopher tortoises. Oral presentation at Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, 4-8 August 2019, Tucson, AZ. August 2019
McKee, R., K. Buhlmann, W. Dillman, B. Kesler, C. T. Moore, and T. Tuberville. 2018. An island of misfit tortoises: Estimating the survival of translocated waif tortoises. 40th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 12-14 October 2018, Lake Placid, FL. October 2018
McKee, R., K. Buhlmann, W. Dillman, B. Kesler, C. T. Moore, and T. D. Tuberville. 2018. Waif tortoise health following translocation. Presentation at 2018 Annual Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 22-25 February 2018, Helen, GA. February 2018
McKee, R., K. Buhlmann, W. Dillman, B. Kesler, C. T. Moore, N. Stacy, and T. Tuberville. 2018. An island of misfit tortoises: health and survival of waif gopher tortoises following translocation. Poster; The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference, 7-11 October 2018, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
McKee, R., K. Buhlmann, W. Dillman, B. Kesler, C. Moore, and T. Tuberville. 2017. An island of misfit tortoises: Using waif animals to recover populations on the brink. 39th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 13-15 October 2017, Edgefield, SC. October 2017
McKee, R., K. Buhlmann, J. Dillman, J. Kesler, C. Moore, N. Stacy, and T. Tuberville. 2018. An island of misfit tortoises: health and survival of waif gopher tortoises following translocation. Integrative Conservation Conference, 20-22 September 2018, Athens, GA. September 2018
McKee, R. K., K. Buhlmann, T. Tuberville, W. Dillman, B. Kessler, and C. T. Moore. 2019. Staying alive: Waif tortoise survival and population dynamics following translocation. 2019 Annual Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Meeting, 14-17 February 2019, Black Mountain, NC. February 2019
McGovern, P., K. Buhlmann, B. Todd, C. T. Moore, J. M. Peaden, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and T. Tuberville. 2019. Post-release movement and survival until dormancy of hybrid head-started Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii). Annual Desert Tortoise Council Symposium, 21-23 February 2019, Tucson, AZ. February 2019
McGovern, P., K. Buhlmann, B. Todd, C. Moore, J. M. Peaden, and T. Tuberville. 2019. Post-release movement and survival of differentially head-started Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii): Preliminary results. Oral presentation at Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles, 4-8 August 2019, Tucson, AZ. August 2019
McGovern, P., K. Buhlmann, B. Todd, C. Moore, J. M. Peaden, and T. Tuberville. 2019. Post-release movement and survival of differentially head-started Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii): Preliminary results. Oral presentation at Annual Meeting of the Southwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 27-29 July 2019, Rodeo, NM. July 2019
McGovern, P., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, C. Moore, B. Todd, T. Tuberville, and K. Buhlmann. 2018. [Poster] Changing the survival formula through head-starting the Mojave Desert Tortoise (Gopherus agassizii). Presentation at 2018 Annual Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 22-25 February 2018, Helen, GA. February 2018
Lonsdorf, E., and C. Moore. 2010. (Webinar) Adaptive decision support for habitat management: two case studies. FWS Region 5 Phragmites Working Group. 10 November 2010. November 2010
Lawson, A.J., P.G.R. Jodice, and C.T. Moore. 2019. Synthesizing monitoring data to estimate abundance and detection probability in American alligators in South Carolina. Southeastern Assoc Fish & Wildlife Agencies. October 2019
Lawson, A.J., C.T. Moore, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2018. Synthesizing multiple data streams to estimate abundance and detection probability in a highly wary, long-lived apex predator: an integrated modeling approach. International Statistical Ecology Conference, 2-6 July 2018, St. Andrews, Scotland. July 2018
Lawson, A.J., C.T. Moore, T.R. Rainwater, F.M. Nilsen, P.M. Wilkinson, R.H. Lowers, L.J. Guillette Jr., K.W. McFadden, and P.G.R. Jodice. 2019. Non-linear mercury bioaccumulation patterns in American alligators are a function of predicted age. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA. October 2019
Lawson, A.J, P.G.R. Jodice, C.T. Moore. 2015. Using Seasonal Abundance Patterns to Improve Monitoring Programs and Conservation Decision-Making: An American Alligator Example. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 1-4 November 2015, Asheville, NC. November 2015
Lawson, A. J., T. G. Crawford, and C. T. Moore. 2019. Development of an American alligator adaptive harvest management framework: what can be learned from waterfowl management? Oral presentation at Joint Annual Conference of American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 29 September - 3 October 2019, Reno, NV. September 2019
Lawson, A. J., C. T. Moore, P. G. R. Jodice, and K. W. McFadden. 2016. Optimizing American alligator population survey design to improve management decision-making. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
Lawson, A. J., C. T. Moore, B. E. Ross, and P. G. R. Jodice. 2018. Synthesizing multiple data streams to estimate abundance and detection probability in a highly wary, long-lived apex predator: an integrated modeling approach. The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference, 7-11 October 2018, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
King, E. G., C. T. Moore, D. L. Dunn, N. P. Nibbelink, and H. R. Morris. 2019. Positioning scientists as relevant and respectful partners in forest restoration. Oral presentation at World Congress on Ecological Restoration, 24-28 September 2019, Cape Town, South Africa. September 2019
Jameson, E., S. Tank, C. Dumoulin, D. D. Engel, E. Ferrier, E. Jensen, C. T. Moore, and K. P. Kowalski. 2019. Implementing an adaptive management strategy for <i>Phragmites</i> management in the Great Lakes basin. North American Invasive Species Management Association Conference, 30 September-3 October 2019, Saratoga Springs, NY. October 2019
Jafari, N., and C. T. Moore. 2015. Achieving the spatial connectivity of parcels in the dynamic reserve network design problem. International Symposium on Mathematical Programming, 12-17 July 2015, Pittsburgh, PA. July 2015
Jafari, N., and C. T. Moore. 2014. Designing a dynamic reserve problem under stochastic uncertainties. INFORMS Annual Meeting, 9-12 November 2014, San Francisco, CA. November 2014
Jafari, N., and C. Moore. 2015. Land development uncertainties in the dynamic reserve network design problem. INFORMS Annual Meeting, 1-4 Nov 2015, Philadelphia, PA. November 2015
Jafari, N., C. T. Moore, and J. Hepinstall-Cymerman. 2015. Solution alternatives to achieve parcel connectivity in the dynamic reserve design problem. Twenty-Ninth Conference of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-15), Workshop on Computational Sustainability. 25 January 2015, Austin TX. January 2015
Jacobi, S. K., C. R. Adams, K. Carlyle, S. Galatowitsch, P. Heglund, V. Hunt, M. Knutson, E. Lonsdorf, S. Lor, and C. Moore. 2016. The importance of communication in decision support tool development: methodological lessons learned from Reed Canary Grass Adaptive Management. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, 17-20 July 2016, Madison, WI. July 2016
Irwin, B., T. Vidal, B. Crawford, T. Gancos Crawford, and C. Moore. 2016. Quantitative Consideration of Uncertainty and Variability in Decision Analysis for Conservation and Management of Ecological Systems. Annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America, 7-12 August, 2016, Fort Lauderdale, FL. August 2016
Irwin, B. , C. Moore, M. Gore., and A. Qureshi. 2014. Communicating and using uncertain scientific information in the production of 'actionable science'. Grand Opening of the Southeast Climate Science Center, 22 January 2014, Raleigh, NC [poster]. January 2014
Hunter, E. A., N. Nibbelink, R. J. Cooper, and C. T. Moore. 2014. Using current salt marsh bird distributions to project vulnerability to sea level rise. 2014 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 10-15 August 2014, Sacramento, CA. August 2014
Hunt, V., E. Lonsdorf, S. Jacobi, and C. Moore. 2013. (Poster) Development of a web-based decision support tool for adaptive management of natural resources. 2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting, 6-9 October 2013, Minneapolis, MN. October 2013
Hsiung, A., B. Albanese, R. Chandler, C. Moore, and B. Irwin. 2019. Estimating parameters of the Sicklefin Redhorse (<i>Moxostoma</i> sp.) population in Georgia. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno, NV. October 2019
Hsiung, A., B. Albanese, R. Chandler, C. Moore, and B. Irwin. 2019. Estimation of population parameters of Sicklefin Redhorse (Moxostoma sp.) in Brasstown Creek, Georgia. Annual Meeting of the Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Cordele, GA. February 2019
Howell, J. E., C. T. Moore, R. Hamrick, M. J. Conroy, J. P. Carroll, and R. Cooper. 2004. Adaptive landscape management of wintering birds in early successional habitats: Hierarchical models for predicting occurrence of northern bobwhite. 58th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 31 Oct-3 Nov 2004, Hilton Head Island, SC. October 2004
Howell, J. E., C. T. Moore, R. Hamrick, M. J. Conroy, J. P. Carroll, R. J. Cooper. 2005. Hierarchical models for adaptive landscape management of wintering birds in early successional habitats in the upper coastal plain of Georgia. 12th Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society, 25-29 September 2005, Madison, WI. September 2005
Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., T. Prebyl, B. Nuse, and C. Moore. 2018. Predicting changes in gopher tortoise habitat connectivity in Georgia, USA. Presentation at US-IALE 2018 Annual Meeting, 8-12 April 2018, Chicago, IL. April 2018
Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., T. Prebyl, B. Nuse, and C. Moore. 2017. Predicting gopher tortoise habitat connectivity in Georgia from forest structure, soils, and land cover. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, 23-27 September 2017, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., T. Prebyl, B. Nuse, C. Moore, and R. Bormann. 2017. Modeling gopher tortoise habitat and habitat connectivity in Georgia using multi-season Landsat imagery and Circuitscape. US-IALE 2017 Annual Meeting, 9-13 April 2017, Baltimore, MD. April 2017
Hepinstall-Cymerman, J., R. Bormann, B. Nuse, C. Moore, and M. Elliott. 2016. Mapping gopher tortoise habitat in Georgia using multi-season Landsat imagery and multiple statistical modeling techniques. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
Haak, D. M., K. P. Kowalski, C. T. Moore, and A. DaSilva. 2017. Developing the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework (PAMF). 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 5-8 February 2017, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Haak, D. M., K. P. Kowalski, C. T. Moore, and A. DaSilva. 2016. Introducing the Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework (PAMF). 59th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research (International Association for Great Lakes Research), 6-10 June 2016, Guelph, ON, CANADA. June 2016
Griggs, L., C. Peterson, C. Moore, and W. Zomlefer. 2006. Community typing and prediction of forest succession in rare vegetative communities of the southern Appalachians. 2006 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, 6-11 August 2006, Memphis, TN. August 2006
Gaya, H., L. Smith, and C. Moore. 2017. Improvements to line transect distance sampling for surveying gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) populations. 2017 Wildlife Research Meeting, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division, 8 August 2017, Mansfield, GA. August 2017
Gaya, H., L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2019. Baby tortoise is hiding, can you find him? Enhancing line-transect distance sampling (LTDS) for gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) populations. 2019 Annual Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Meeting, 14-17 February 2019, Black Mountain, NC. February 2019
Gaya, H., L. L. Smith, and C. T. Moore. 2017. Improving line-transect distance sampling (LTDS) for gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) populations. 39th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 13-15 October 2017, Edgefield, SC. October 2017
Gaya, H., L. L. Smith, and C. Moore. 2018. Where are all the baby tortoises? Enhancing line-transect distance sampling (LTDS) for gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) populations. Presentation at 2018 Annual Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 22-25 February 2018, Helen, GA. February 2018
Gaya, H., L. L. Smith, and C. Moore. 2017. Improving line-transect distance sampling (LTDS) for gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) populations. Poster; The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, 23-27 September 2017, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Gaya, H., B. L. Nuse, and C. T. Moore. 2018. A Bayesian hierarchical model to account for bias in gopher tortoise distance sampling. 40th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 12-14 October 2018, Lake Placid, FL. October 2018
Gaya, H., B. L. Nuse, and C. T. Moore. 2018. An interesting nuisance: a Bayesian hierarchical model for distance sampling when a detection covariate is also a demographic property of interest. The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference, 7-11 October 2018, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
Gaya, H., B. L. Nuse, T. J. Prebyl, and C. T. Moore. 2019. Assessing stability of gopher tortoise populations through line-transect distance sampling. Oral presentation at 41st Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 15-17 November 2019, Gulf Shores, AL. November 2019
Gaya, H., B. L. Nuse, T. J. Prebyl, and C. T. Moore. 2019. Assessing stability of gopher tortoise populations on working lands through line-transect distance sampling. Oral presentation at Joint Annual Conference of American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, 29 September - 3 October 2019, Reno, NV. September 2019
Gannon, J., C. Moore, and T. Shaffer. 2014. Promoting long-term sustainability of an AM program: Lessons learned. Adaptive Management Conference Series, 28-30 May 2014, Fort Collins, CO. May 2014
Gannon, J., C. Moore, T. Shaffer, and C. Dixon. 2017. Collaborating across boundaries to improve management of native prairies: adaptive management within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service across refuge system lands of the prairie pothole region. Presentation at Natural Areas Conference, 10-12 October 2017, Fort Collins, CO. October 2017
Gannon, J. J., C. T. Moore, and T. L. Shaffer. 2012. Building an adaptive management framework when data are lacking: eliciting information from decision stakeholders. The Wildlife Society 19th Annual Conference. 13-18 October 2012, Portland, OR. October 2012
Fouts, K. L., C. T. Moore, K. D. Johnson, J. C. Maerz, and V. C. Kinney. 2014. Effects of fire management practices on the amphibians and reptiles of Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Great Smoky Mountains National Park Science Colloquium, 20 March 2014, Gatlinburg, TN. March 2014
Dunn, D. L., C. T. Moore, E. G. King, N. P. Nibbelink, and H. R. Morris. 2022. Engaging stakeholders in structured decision making for maritime live oak forest restoration. Oral presentation at Integrative Conservation Conference, 3-5 February 2022, Athens, GA. February 2022
Dunn, D. L., C. T. Moore, E. G. King, N. P. Nibbelink, and H. R. Morris. 2021. Structured decision making for Maritime Live Oak forest restoration. Oral presentation at Society for Ecological Restoration Conference, 21-24 June 2021, [Online] June 2021
Dunn, D. L., C. T. Moore, E. G. King, N. P. Nibbelink, and H. R. Morris. 2020. Developing a decision-support tool for management alternatives to restore and conserve maritime live oak forests. Oral presentation at the Ecological Society of America Conference, 2-7 August 2020, Salt Lake City, UT, USA. August 2020
Dunn, D. L., C. T. Moore, E. G. King, N. P. Nibbelink, and H. R. Morris. 2019. Developing a decision-support tool for management alternatives to restore and conserve maritime live oak forests. Oral presentation at Coastal & Estuarine Research Foundation Conference, 3-7 November 2019, Mobile, AL, USA. November 2019
Dumoulin, C., K. Alexander, M. Sanchez Garces, D. Engel, K. Kowalski, and C. Moore. 2018. Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework (PAMF): Citizen science and decision support for the Great Lakes basin. Presentation at the North American Congress for Conservation Biology, 21-26 July 2018, Toronto, ON, CANADA. July 2018
Dumoulin, C., K. Alexander, M. S. Garces, D. Engel, K. Kowalski, and C. T. Moore. 2018. The Phragmites Adaptive Management Framework (PAMF): Decision support meets citizen science. The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference, 7-11 October 2018, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
Dumoulin, C. E., S. Tank, T. R. Tucker, T. Gruninger, K. Ferran, C. T. Moore, and K. P. Kowalski. 2021. Reproducible quality control of multi-input, participant-reported <i>Phragmites</i> management data. Oral presentation at 64th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research (IAGLR21, Virtual), 17-21 May 2021. May 2021
Dumoulin, C. E., L. Hunt, C. T. Moore, N. Pavlovic, R. Grundel, and P. Esselman. 2022. Supporting decisions to protect forest connectivity into an uncertain future in the Northern Lakes and Forests Ecoregion (USA). Oral presentation at North American Congress for Conservation Biology, 16-21 July 2022, Reno, NV, USA. July 2022
Dixon, C., V. Fields, C. Moore, J. Gannon, T. Shaffer, T. Grant, S. Vacek, P. Drobney, J. Zorn, and B. Flanders-Wanner. 2015. An adaptive management framework for managing U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service prairies in the Northern Great Plains. America's Grasslands: Partnerships for Grassland Conservation, 29 Sep-1 Oct 2015, Ft. Collins, CO. September 2015
Dixon, C., K. Askerooth, J. Gannon, C. Moore, T. Shaffer, P. Drobney, V. Fields, T. Frerichs, T. Grant, S. Vacek, and J. Zorn. 2017. An adaptive approach to managing introduced cool-season grasses in the northern Great Plains: Local and landscape scale perspectives. Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management, 29 Jan-2 Feb 2017, St. George, UT. January 2017
Dixon, C., J. Gannon, C. Moore, and T. Shaffer. 2019. Applying native prairie lessons to prairie reconstructions. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, 10-14 February 2019, Minneapolis, MN. February 2019
Daly, J. A., K. A. Buhlmann, B. D. Todd, C. T. Moore, J. M. Peaden, and T. D. Tuberville. 2017. Survival estimates and mortality risk factors for indoor head-started, outdoor head-started, and directly released juvenile desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) in the eastern Mojave Desert. Desert Tortoise Council Symposium, 24-26 February 2017, Las Vegas, NV. February 2017
Daly, J. A., K. A. Buhlmann, B. D. Todd, C. T. Moore, J. M. Peaden, M. M. Kerr, and T. D. Tuberville. 2016. Evaluating indoor-rearing as a component of head-starting the Mojave Desert tortoise: methods and preliminary results. 41st Annual Meeting and Symposium of the Desert Tortoise Council, 19-21 Feb 2016, Las Vegas, NV. February 2016
Daly, J. A., K. A. Buhlmann, B. D. Todd, C. T. Moore, J. M. Peaden, M. M. Kern, and T. D. Tuberville. 2016. Comparing neonate survivorship and growth of Mojave desert tortoises (Gopherus agassizii) under 3 head-start treatments. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
DaSilva, A., K. P. Kowalski, D. M. Haak, C. T. Moore, and W. Bickford. 2016. Developing the <i>Phragmites</i> Adaptive Management Framework (PAMF). Upper Midwest Invasive Species Conference, 16-19 October 2016, La Crosse, WI. October 2016
Crawford, T. G., and C. T. Moore. 2014. Toward an integrated population model for support of American alligator harvest decision making. 68th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 19-22 October 2014, Destin, FL. October 2014
Crawford, T. G., and C. T. Moore. 2014. Statewide adaptive management of public alligator harvests using structured decision making and integrated population modeling. 23rd Working Meeting of the IUCN-SSC Crocodile Specialist Group, 26-30 May 2014, Lake Charles, LA. May 2014
Crawford, T. G., and C. T. Moore. 2013. Population modeling and development of decision support tools for public alligator harvest. Georgia Chapter of The Wildlife Society. 5-6 September 2013, Athens, GA. September 2013
Crawford, T. G., C. T. Moore, G. Balkcom, A. M. Brunell, T. Brunjes, J. Butfiloski, C. Carter, H. Dutton, N. Heynen, C. Nix, R. Tharp, G. Waters, and A. Woodward. 2015. Agency approaches to management of public alligator harvest programs in the species' eastern range. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 1-4 November 2015, Asheville, NC. November 2015
Crawford, T. G., B. Crawford, C. T. Moore, and N. Heynen. 2016. Structured decision making as a process catalyst for integrative thinking and collaboration. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. October 2016
Crawford, B.A., J.C. Maerz, C.T. Moore, N. Heynen & T. Norton. 2017. Road management for a declining species: Integrating multiple objectives through structured decision making. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists. Austin, TX. 13-16 July 2017. July 2017
Crawford, B.A., J.C. Maerz, C.T. Moore, D.T. Jones-Farrand & M. Harris. 2017. [Poster] The Longleaf ARC Project: Accelerating conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. Southeastern Partners of Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Little Rock, AR, 16-19 February 2017. February 2017
Crawford, B.A., J.C. Maerz, C.T. Moore, D.T. Jones-Farrand & M. Harris. 2017. [Poster] The Longleaf ARC Project: Accelerating conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, Palatka, FL, 13-15 January 2017. January 2017
Crawford, B.A., J.C. Maerz, C.T. Moore, D.T. Jones-Farrand & M. Harris. 2017. Workshop 1: The Longleaf ARC Project: At-risk amphibian and reptile conservation in the longleaf system. Southeastern Partners of Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, Little Rock, AR, 16-19 February 2017. February 2017
Crawford, B.A., J.C. Maerz, C.T. Moore, D.T. Jones-Farrand & M. Harris. 2017. The Longleaf ARC Project: Accelerating conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. 14th Annual Stewardship Partners Meeting, Longleaf Partnership Council, Montgomery, AL, 4-5 April 2017. April 2017
Crawford, B.A., J.C. Maerz, C.T. Moore, D.T. Jones-Farrand & M. Harris. 2016. The Longleaf ARC Project introductory webinar: At-Risk species Conservation in the longleaf system. Introductory webinar for partners, 4 October 2016. October 2016
Crawford, B., J. C. Maerz, and C. T. Moore. 2021. Structured decision making: A strategy for collaboration and conservation of imperiled herpetofauna. Invited presentation, U.S. Geological Survey, Ecosystems Mission Area Webinar Series, 7 May 2021, webinar, May 2021
Crawford, B., J. C. Maerz, and C. T. Moore. 2021. Structured decision making: A strategy for collaboration and conservation of imperiled herpetofauna. Invited presentation, Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center, Science Seminars series, 16 February 2021, webinar. February 2021
Crawford, B., J. C. Maerz, C. T. Moore, D. T. Jones-Farrand, and M. Harris. 2018. The Longleaf ARC project: accelerating conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. Presentation at 2018 Annual Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, 22-25 February 2018, Helen, GA. February 2018
Crawford, B., J. C. Maerz, C. T. Moore, D. T. Jones-Farrand, and M. Harris. 2018. Range-wide status modeling to accelerate conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 21-24 October 2018, Mobile, AL. October 2018
Crawford, B., C. Moore, J. Maerz, M. Harris, and T. Jones-Farrand. 2017. The Longleaf ARC Project: Accelerating conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. 2017 Wildlife Research Meeting, Georgia Department of Natural Resources Wildlife Resources Division, 8 August 2017, Mansfield, GA. August 2017
Crawford, B., C. Moore, J. Maerz, M. Harris, T. Jones-Farrand. 2018. The Longleaf ARC Project: Accelerating conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. Webinar presented to the South Atlantic Landscape Conservation Cooperative, 21 June 2018. June 2018
Crawford, B. A., J. C. Maerz, N. Heynen, T. M. Norton, and C. T. Moore. 2018. Structured decision-making for road management: allowing disciplines and turtles to cross. Integrative Conservation Conference, 20-22 September 2018, Athens, GA. September 2018
Crawford, B. A., J. C. Maerz, N. Heynen, T. M. Norton, and C. T. Moore. 2017. Road management for a declining species: integrating multiple objectives through structured decision making. The Wildlife Society 24th Annual Conference, 23-27 September 2017, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Crawford, B. A., J. C. Maerz, C. T. Moore, D. T. Jones-Farrand, and M. Harris. 2019. Estimating extinction risk for the southern hognose snake to inform listing decisions under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. 2019 Annual Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Meeting, 14-17 February 2019, Black Mountain, NC. February 2019
Crawford, B. A., C. T. Moore, J. C. Maerz, D. T. Jones-Farrand, and M. Harris. 2020. Using experts and models to accelerate conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf pine system. Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability Steering Committee Meeting, 4 March 2020, Atlanta, GA. March 2020
Crawford, B. A., C. T. Moore, J. C. Maerz, D. T. Jones-Farrand, and M. Harris. 2019. Using experts and models to accelerate conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf pine system. Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Regional Science Symposium, 13-15 November 2019, New Orleans, LA. November 2019
Crawford, B. A., C. T. Moore, J. C. Maerz, D. T. Jones-Farrand, and M. Harris. 2019. Range-wide status modeling to accelerate conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. Striped Newt Working Group Meeting, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 6 February 2019, Orlando, FL. February 2019
Crawford, B. A., C. T. Moore, J. C. Maerz, D. T. Jones-Farrand, and M. Harris. 2018. The Longleaf ARC project: accelerating conservation of at-risk species in the longleaf system. Presentation at Alabama Gopher Frog Working Group annual meeting, 28 November 2018, Kinston, AL. November 2018
Crawford, B. A., C. T. Moore, J. C. Maerz, D. T. Jones-Farrand, and M. Harris. 2017. Preliminary range-wide status modeling to accelerate conservation of the gopher tortoise. Poster; 39th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 13-15 October 2017, Edgefield, SC. October 2017
Cooper, R. J., R. S. Mordecai, B. G. Mattsson, M. J. Conroy, K. Pacifici, J. T. Peterson, and C. T. Moore. 2008. Design for a region-wide adaptive search for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker with the objective of estimating occupancy and related parameters. Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference, 13-16 February 2008, McAllen, TX. February 2008
Cline, M. H., R. Chandler, C. T. Moore, J. Giocomo, and J. A. Martin. 2016. Uncertainty and the entanglement of habitat loss and fragmentation effects in the management of northern bobwhite. Eighth National Quail Symposium, 24-29 July 2017, Knoxville, TN. July 2017
Candal, C. M., K. A. Buhlmann, B. D. Todd, K. J. Navara, C. T. Moore, P. A. McGovern, N. I. Stacy, and T. D. Tuberville. 2021. The role of physiological stress in head-starting success for Mojave Desert Tortoises (Gopherus agassizii). Presentation at Desert Tortoise Council Symposium, 9-25 February 2021 (virtual). February 2021
Bryan Nuse, Anna Tucker, John Sweka, Kristen Anstead, Clinton Moore, James Lyons, David Smith, and Conor McGowan, 2022, Updating the adaptive management plan for horseshoe crab harvest and red knot conservation in Delaware Bay. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Birds Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27 June - 2 July 2022. June 2022
Bormann, R., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, L. German, J. Rice, C. Moore, and M. Elliott. 2014. (Poster) Modeling gopher tortoise habitat and habitat connectivity in Georgia, and analyzing the role of private landowners in their conservation. 36th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 17-19 October 2014, Albany, GA. October 2014
Bormann, R., J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, B. Nuse, C. Moore, and M. Elliott. 2015. (Poster) Modeling gopher tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) distribution in Georgia. 37th Annual Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, 16-18 October 2015, Covington, LA. October 2015
Andries, C. T., C. T. Moore, and M. Kohl. 2021. Modeling Piedmont prairie plant species habitat along powerline right of ways in the eastern Piedmont of Georgia. Presentation at Association of Southeastern Biologists [virtual], 24-27 March 2021. March 2021
Technical Publications Publication Date
Woodward, A. R., and C. T. Moore. 1993. Use of night count data for estimation of crocodilian population trends. Proceedings of the Second Regional Conference of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Species Survival Commission, IUCN (12-19 March 1993, Darwin, NT, Australia). March 1993
Woodward, A. R., and C. T. Moore. 1990. Statewide alligator surveys. Bureau of Wildlife Research, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee. Final Report. 24pp. September 1990
Woodward, A. R., C. T. Moore, and M. F. Delany. 1992. Experimental alligator harvest. Bureau of Wildlife Research, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee. Final Report. 118pp. June 1992
Nuse, B. L., R. L. Bormann, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and C. T. Moore. 2017. Habitat models and predictions for gopher tortoises in Georgia. Final Report to USGS Cooperative Research Units Program. December 2017
Moore, C. T., S. J. Converse, M. J. Folk, R. Boughton, B. Brooks, J. B. French, T. E. O'Meara, M. Putnam, J. Rodgers, and M. Spalding. 2008. Releases of whooping cranes to the Florida nonmigratory flock: A structured decision making approach. Final Report to the International Whooping Crane Recovery Team. September 2008
Moore, C. T., C. J. Peterson, and L. G. Nedlo. 2007. Inventory and Monitoring in Support of Management for Rare Communities. Final Report to USFS Cherokee National Forest. USGS and University of Georgia. 241pp. December 2007
Moore, C. T. 1995. Installing and using the Adaptive Resource Management simulator. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Office of Migratory Bird Management. Internal report. 6 pp. January 1995
Moore, C. T. 1995. Imputation for missing values in the May breeding waterfowl and habitat survey. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Migratory Bird Management. Internal report. 10 pp. May 1995
Moore, C. T. 1994. Single-site and regional surveys of crocodilians or crocodile sign: design and inference considerations for estimation of population trend. Pages 218-235 in Proceedings of the Twelfth Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group (2-6 May 1994, Pattaya, Thailand). Vol. 2. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland. May 1994
Moore, C. T. 1993. Power calculations for multiple linear regression. National Biological Survey. Internal report. 9 pp. December 1993
Gannon, J.J., T. L. Shaffer, and C. T. Moore. 2013. Native Prairie Adaptive Management: A multi region adaptive approach to invasive plant management on Fish and Wildlife Service owned native prairies: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2013–1279, 184 p. with appendixes, December 2013
Delany, M. F., C. T. Moore, and J. M. Hamblen. 1992. Florida grasshopper sparrow management needs. Bureau of Wildlife Research, Florida Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission, Tallahassee. Final Report. September 1992
Conroy, M. J., J. T. Peterson, R. J. Cooper, C. T. Moore, B. J. Mattsson, R. S. Mordecai, and K. Pacifici. 2008. An adaptive sample survey design for the ivory billed woodpecker. Final Report to USGS/CRU. March 2008
Conroy, M. J., J. T. Peterson, C. T. Moore, J. Runge, J. Howell, and Z. Zhong. 2007. The effects of hydrologic stressors on wading bird foraging distributions in the Everglades from 1985 2000. Final Report to South Florida Water Management District. May 2007
Conroy, M. J., J. P. Carroll, R. J. Cooper, C. T. Moore, R. Thackston, R. Hamrick, and J. E. Howell. 2007. Adaptive decision support for landscape level conservation of birds in early successional habitats on private lands in Georgia. Final Report to USGS/BRD. August 2007
Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release Nuse, B.L., P.L. Fackler, K.A. Anstead, J.E. Lyons, C.P. McGowan, C.T. Moore, D.R. Smith, J.A. Sweka, A.M. Tucker. HSC-ADP: optimal horseshoe crab harvest policies via approximate dynamic programming. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. September 2022
Software Release Lawson, A.J., Jodice, P.G., Rainwater, T.R., Hart, M., Butfiloski, J.W., Wilkinson, P.M., and Moore, C.T., 2022, American alligator demographic and harvest data from Georgetown County, South Carolina, 1979–2017: U.S. Geological Survey data release,<br> September 2022
Data Release Gaya, H., and Moore, C. Accounting for Spatial Heterogeneity in Visual Obstruction in Line-Transect Distance Sampling of Gopher Tortoises. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. January 2020
Data Release Crawford, B. A., M. J. Olds, J. C. Maerz, and C. T. Moore. 2020. Southern hognose snake Species Status Assessment data products: U.S. Geological Survey data release, January 2020
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
The Wildlife Society - general member Moore January 1982 Present
The Wildlife Society - Treasurer, Biometrics Working Group Moore October 2005 September 2008
The Wildlife Society - Member, Steering Committee to establish the Biometrics Working Group of The Wildlife Society Moore January 1995 December 1996
The Wildlife Society - Member, Publication Awards Committee, Southeastern Section of The Wildlife Society Moore January 1994 December 1994
The Wildlife Society - Interim Treasurer and Newsletter Editor, Biometrics Working Group Moore January 1995 December 1996
The Wildlife Society - Board Member, Biometrics Working Group Moore October 2010 September 2011
International Biometric Society - general member Moore January 1985 December 2014
Ecological Society of America - general member Moore Present
American Statistical Association - general member Moore January 1985 Present