Georgia Technical Assistance Activities

The Unit provides technical assistance to its Cooperators and other natural resource agencies, as requested. Assistance includes but is not limited to workshops, technical consultations on project design and implementation, field assistance with sampling, and expert opinion on pressing natural resource issues.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
supported student presentation to GA DNR<br>Hsiung, A. 2021 (virtual). Estimating parameters of the Sicklefin Redhorse (Moxostoma sp.) population in Georgia. GA DNR Research Meeting. Georgia DNR |
Hsiung, Irwin | December 2021 |
supported student presentation to GA DNR<br>Daley, J. 2021 (virtual; Speed Talk). Analysis of size structure of Largemouth Bass (<i>Micropterus salmoides</i>) in selected Georgia reservoirs. GA DNR Research Meeting. Georgia DNR |
Daley, Irwin | December 2021 |
presented about my SDM work as a part of the FWS USGS Coop Unit Liaisons meeting Southeastern FWS |
Robinson | June 2024 |
USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel
28 September 2007 |
Conroy | September 2007 |
Subaward audit preparation for GA DNR (Trout Project) Georgia DNR (Fisheries) |
Irwin | July 2021 |
Statistical consulting for analysis of water quality data (Morgan Bettcher) Georgia Department of Natural Resources |
Moore | November 2020 |
Served on expert panel - Ecosystem Modeling, at the Second USGS Modeling Conference, Perdido Beach Resort, Orange Beach, Alabama. |
Peterson | February 2008 |
Served on a RGE panel USGS |
Irwin | January 2022 |
Served as reviewer for two book chapters (2024) Understanding Recreational Fishers: Disciplinary and Interdisciplinary Approaches for Fisheries Management |
Irwin, Robinson | February 2024 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2022) Scientific Data ( |
Irwin | July 2022 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2022) Scientific Data ( |
Irwin | April 2022 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2022) Freshwater Science |
Irwin | March 2022 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2021) North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Irwin | November 2021 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2021) Freshwater Science |
Irwin | November 2021 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2020) North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Irwin | August 2020 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2020) Journal of Great Lakes Research |
Irwin | September 2020 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2019) Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Irwin | March 2019 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2019) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
Irwin | September 2019 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2019) Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution |
Irwin | December 2019 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2019) Fisheries |
Irwin | March 2019 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2019) Fisheries |
Irwin | January 2019 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2019) Ecological Modelling |
Irwin | September 2019 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2019) Ecological Modelling |
Irwin | March 2019 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2018) Fisheries |
Irwin | August 2018 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2018) Conservation Biology |
Irwin | April 2018 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2018) Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Irwin | May 2018 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2017) Lake and Reservoir Management |
Irwin | October 2017 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2017) Lake and Reservoir Management |
Irwin | June 2017 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2016) North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Irwin | June 2016 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2016) North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Irwin | August 2016 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2016) Lake and Reservoir Management |
Irwin | September 2016 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2016) Ecosphere |
Irwin | August 2016 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2015) Oecologia |
Irwin, Vidal | July 2015 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2015) North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Irwin | May 2015 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal (2015) Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences |
Irwin, Vidal | May 2015 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Irwin | September 2014 |
Served as reviewer for peer-reviewed journal Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management |
Irwin | July 2014 |
Served as reviewer for journal Transactions of the American Fisheries Society |
Irwin | December 2012 |
Served as reviewer for journal PLOS One |
Irwin | July 2013 |
Served as reviewer for journal North American Journal of Fisheries Management |
Irwin | May 2012 |
Served as reviewer for journal Environmental Conservation |
Irwin | November 2012 |
Served as reviewer for grant proposal (2016) Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Irwin | July 2016 |
Served as reviewer for a book chapter (2021) Biology and Ecology of Fishes |
Irwin, Eyitayo, Daley, Fonda | December 2020 |
Served as reviewer for Warnell outreach publication (2025) about using chemicals in pond management. Warnell, University of Georgia |
Irwin | February 2025 |
Served as reviewer - Book chapter, Reintroduction of Fish and Wildlife Population, University of California Press (2015) University of Missouri, Univ. Cal. Press |
Irwin | April 2015 |
Served as proposal reviewer for funding agency Oregon Sea Grant |
Irwin | March 2014 |
Served as proposal reviewer for funding agency Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Irwin | July 2013 |
Served as grant reviewer (3) USGS |
Irwin | July 2019 |
Served as grant reviewer NWFSC |
Irwin | September 2021 |
Served as FSP reviewer for two USGS colleagues' reports USGS |
Robinson | January 2024 |
Serve on the External Advisory Board of Virgin islands EPSCoR - for Mare Nostrum Caribbean. Evaluated progress in hiring faculty, infrastructure improvements, and progress on research projects University of the Virgin Islands |
Jennings | September 2019 |
Serve on the External Advisory Board of Virgin islands EPSCoR - for Mare Nostrum Caribbean. Evaluated progress in hiring faculty, infrastructure improvements, and progress on research projects University of the Virgin Islands |
Jennings | October 2015 |
Review panel for USGS climate change proposals. |
Peterson | March 2008 |
Reappointment evaluator Dept. of Natural Resources, Cornell University |
Irwin | May 2018 |
Reader - UGA Senior Thesis<br>Alaina Davis, B.S., University of Georgia: Effect of environmental factors on spatial distribution of Longnose Gar (<i>Lepisosteus osseus</i>) in the Altamaha River (<i>2022</i>). University of Georgia |
Irwin | October 2021 |
Providing assistance to project: Understanding changing patterns of size-specific marking of lake trout by sea lamprey Michigan State University |
Irwin | August 2012 |
Providing assistance to project: Investigating the Performance of Pheromone-baited Trapping Techniques using a Management Strategy Evaluation Model Michigan State University |
Irwin | June 2012 |
Providing assistance to project: Evaluating Integrated Pest Management in the St. Marys River Michigan State University |
Irwin | December 2012 |
Providing assistance to project: Assistance with development of cormorant adaptive management plan for Michigan Michigan State University |
Irwin | June 2013 |
Provided peer-review assistance for NE CSC SWAP Climate Synthesis NE Climate Science Center |
Irwin | May 2015 |
Provided overview of Unit Activities to GA DNR at the 2023 Fisheries Section meeting at the Go Fish Education Center in Perry, GA. GA DNR |
Irwin, Robinson, Simon | September 2023 |
Provided input on study design to GA DNR (Conservation Section). GA DNR |
Irwin, Simon | March 2023 |
Provided friendly review of: Mollenhauer et al. Fall and early winter movement and habitat use of wild brook trout USGS, PA CRU |
Irwin | September 2012 |
Provided assistance with developing position and recruiting candidate for a new Research Professional IV position within the GA CFWRU GA CFWRU |
Irwin | June 2022 |
Provided assistance and attended multiple interviews for candidates for an AUL hire for the GA CFWRU GA CFWRU |
Irwin | March 2022 |
Provided FSP review of Tsehaye et al. Assessing the balance between predatory consumption and prey dynamics in the Lake Michigan pelagic fish community. U. S. Geological Survey Great Lakes Science Center |
Irwin | May 2013 |
Provided FSP review of Miranda and Killgore. Longitudinal distribution of uncommon fishes in a species-rich basin MS CRU |
Irwin | April 2019 |
Provided FSP review for: Moore et al. Spatial Education: Exploiting Space-structured Decision Making to Improve Conservation Delivery USGS, GA CRU |
Irwin | May 2012 |
Provided FSP review for Wagner et al. Spatial and temporal brook trout density dynamics: implications for conservation, management, and monitoring. PA CRU |
Irwin | April 2013 |
Provided FSP review for DePasquale et al. Learning rate and temperament in a high predation risk environment. PA CRU |
Irwin | May 2014 |
Presented the results of our SDM process for Lake Michigan salmonine stocking to the LMTC. GLFC, Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
Robinson | January 2024 |
Presentation on gopher tortoise reserve design project to Steering Committee of the Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability, Atlanta GA SERPPAS |
Moore | March 2015 |
Presentation on gopher tortoise research to USFWS, Southeast Climate Science Center, and state agency partners, Athens GA State agencies (FL, GA) |
Moore, Nuse | February 2016 |
Presentation (web) on considerations of applying adaptive management to selection of restoration projects under the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative, Athens GA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
Moore | October 2016 |
Presentation (web) and discussion lead on Native Prairie Adaptive Management program to program directors within Refuge System and Science Applications of USFWS, Athens GA U.S. Geological Survey |
Moore | November 2022 |
Participation in SECSC Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting, presenting funded work and participating in discussion (web conference) DOI Southeast Climate Science Center |
Nuse, Crawford, Moore | May 2017 |
Organization and hosting of an informational meeting on USFS Forest Inventory and Analysis program U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Moore | August 2014 |
Met with USFWS ES Office (Cookville TN) to discuss monitoring and potential responses of fishes to mining activities US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Irwin, Jansch | July 2013 |
Met with Patrick O'Rouke to discuss GA DNR striped-bass gillnet data GA DNR |
Irwin | August 2013 |
Member of Scientific Review Team for independent review of scientific lliterature used to support Florida Panther recovery. |
Conroy | January 2004 |
Member of External Advisory Committee for the First Upper Klamath Basin Science Workshop. |
Jennings | February 2004 |
Member USFWS Bull Trout Recovery Monitoring and Evaluation Group |
Peterson | April 2004 |
Invited presenter; SECSC Stakeholder Advisory Committee meeting, presenting funded work DOI Southeast Climate Science Center |
Nuse, Crawford, Moore | March 2018 |
Invited expert; Provision of data, summary of relevant research, and advisement on modeling approaches for gopher tortoise population viability U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Gopher Tortoise SSA Core Team |
Moore, Nuse, Crawford, Prebyl, Gaya, McKee | February 2019 |
Invited expert, Technical Team for In-Water Monitoring of Loggerhead Sea Turtles, NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA / National Marine Fisheries Service |
Moore, Kendall | November 2016 |
Invited expert, Definition of range-wide conservation targets for gopher tortoise; Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center, Newton, GA Gopher Tortoise Council |
Moore, Nuse, Crawford | November 2017 |
Invited expert, Definition of population benchmarks for gopher tortoise conservation and recovery efforts (round 2); Andalusia, AL Gopher Tortoise Council |
Moore, Nuse | March 2014 |
Invited expert, Definition of population benchmarks for gopher tortoise conservation and recovery efforts (round 1); Mansfield, GA Gopher Tortoise Council |
Moore | March 2013 |
Initial meeting for alligator harvest management project - SC partners South Carolina Dept of Natural Resources |
Moore, Crawford | September 2013 |
Initial meeting for alligator harvest management project - GA partners Georgia Department of Natural Resources |
Moore, Crawford | September 2013 |
Initial meeting for alligator harvest management project - FL partners Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission |
Moore, Crawford | October 2013 |
Initial meeting for alligator harvest management project - AL partners Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources |
Moore, Crawford | November 2013 |
I was part of a team of presenters to discuss the new DOI Statistics and Evidence CoP with the Chief Statistician of the US. I focused on the Communication with Decision Makers subgroup. USGS, Statistics and Evidence Community of Practice |
Robinson | February 2024 |
Florida Panther Technical Advisory Council . Appointed 9/22/06 to 8/1/09. [Governor-appointed technical advisory group] |
Conroy | January 2007 |
Evaluator - P&T meeting Warnell School, University of Georgia |
Irwin | September 2021 |
Evaluator - P&T meeting Warnell School, University of Georgia |
Irwin | August 2020 |
Evaluate progress of implementation of Univ. of Virgin Islands' EPSCoR grant from the National Science Foundation. |
Jennings | October 2004 |
Discussed CRU scientist duties with Tomas Höök (Purdue University) and provided input to Dean Dale Greene, who sent my responses to the NAUFWP. Purdue & NAUFWP |
Irwin | February 2023 |
Coordinated workshop to coordinate SDM projects at NE coastal FWS refuges; Chincoteague Island, VA U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Moore | February 2013 |
Contributing to discussions and documents for <i>Sturgeon and Paddlefish Research in the US Geological Survey – Past Activities and Future Directions</i> publication. USGS |
Irwin | August 2023 |
Consultation: Designing gopher tortoise conservation planning units in Georgia U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Nuse, Moore, Crawford | March 2017 |
Consultation to GA DNR: Vegetation monitoring design considerations (Lisa Kruse) Georgia DNR |
Moore, Irwin | August 2014 |
Consultation to GA DNR: Potential bird monitoring and research activities (Todd Schneider) Georgia DNR |
Moore, Nuse | September 2016 |
Consultation to GA DNR: Monitoting Team for the State Wildlife Action Plan Revision Georgia DNR |
Irwin, Moore | April 2014 |
Consultation to GA DNR: Monitoring and adaptive management design considerations (Lisa Kruse & Jacob Thompson) Georgia DNR |
Moore, Irwin | June 2015 |
Consultation to Alabama DCNR: Considerations for assessing Alabama statewide gopher tortoise population status (Amy Silvano and Ericha Shelton-Nix), Box Springs, GA Alabama DCNR |
Moore, Nuse, Crawford, Prebyl | October 2017 |
Consultation on effort to apply decision theory for the control of crown-of-thorns starfish in Great Barrier Reef Australian Institute of Marine Science |
Moore, Irwin | September 2013 |
Consultation for design of plant survey (Carlee Steppe) Georgia Department of Natural Resources |
Moore | January 2021 |
Conducted reviews for J Applied Ecology, Environmental Biology of Fishes, FACETS, Wildlife Society Bulletin, Conservation Biology, Environmental Science and Policy, Journal of Great Lakes Research. Various journals |
Robinson | October 2023 |
Assisted with data management protocols; wrote an R script to automatically merge and existing data base that receives manual updates with incoming data streams. Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Conservation Section |
Teitelbaum | January 2025 |
Assisted USFWS with facilitating breakout groups during a rapid prototyping workshop for rocky shiner USFWS |
Robinson, Irwin | August 2024 |
Assisted GA DNR (Conservation section) with monitoring of Sicklefin Redhorse in Brasstown Creek. GA DNR |
Irwin, Simon | April 2023 |
Analysis of photocapture data from feeder stations Georgia Dept of Natural Resources |
Moore | May 2012 |
Aided USGS Hammond Bay, the GLFC, and MSU colleagues in planning for a structured decision-making process for inland lake sea lamprey control in Michigan. Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Robinson | November 2023 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Summer Internship Supervisor (4 students) - I supervised, and partially funded, 4 undergraduate internships for the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resource. Internships had 8 week durations and were conducted remotely due to the COVID-19 pandemic. | Irwin | June 2020 | July 2020 |
Representative, MATLAB licensing meeting, University of Georgia - Meeting with University VPs to explore purchase of a university-wide site license for MATLAB software | Moore | July 2014 | July 2014 |
Member, Warnell School Research Review & Management - This Committee evaluates the dossiers of various faculty in the school who are put forward for University research-related awards. | Jennings | January 2007 | August 2020 |
Member, Warnell Fisheries Faculty Search Committee | Irwin | September 2018 | February 2019 |
Member, Warnell Data Literacy Faculty Search Committee | Irwin | December 2018 | April 2019 |
Member, WSFNR Administrative Committee - Committee of faculty, staff, and administrators who govern the administrative functions of the School. | Jennings | July 2015 | December 2015 |
Member, Staff Awards Committee, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia | Moore | September 2014 | October 2015 |
Member, Seminar Committee, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia - Plan a program of school seminars; recruit speakers | Moore | August 2017 | Present |
Member, Seminar Committee | Conroy | September 2007 | December 2010 |
Member, Research Coordination and Review - Member of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Research Coordination and Review Committee | Irwin | July 2020 | Present |
Member, Research Coordination and Review - Member of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Research Coordination and Review Committee | Irwin | January 2017 | December 2017 |
Member, Graduate Affairs Committee, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources | Peterson | May 2006 | February 2011 |
Member, Graduate Affairs Committee - Member of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Graduate Affairs Committee | Irwin | September 2014 | December 2016 |
Member, Graduate Affairs Committee - Member of the Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Graduate Affairs Committee | Irwin | January 2018 | July 2020 |
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Wildlife Outreach, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia - Search for candidate to fill Wildlife Outreach faculty vacancy | Moore | May 2015 | November 2015 |
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia - Search for candidate to fill faculty position in Human Dimensions | Moore | December 2019 | April 2020 |
Member, Faculty Search Committee, Forest Biometrics, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia - Search for candidate to fill Forest Biometrics faculty vacancy | Moore | February 2013 | June 2014 |
Member, Computers and Information Systems Committee, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia - Assess needs for digital services and technologies and make recommendations for action as required | Moore | August 2014 | Present |
Member, Computer and technology committee | Conroy | September 2001 | September 2007 |
Honors and Awards Committee, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia | Robinson | August 2024 | Present |
Computers and Information Systems Committee, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia | Robinson | August 2024 | Present |
Committee member, Warnell School Diversity Committee - This committee strives to ensure an inclusive workplace and hosts meetings aimed an improving diversity in the School | Jennings | July 2016 | August 2020 |
Chair, Warnell Aquatic Ecosystem Health Faculty Search Committee | Irwin | October 2019 | March 2020 |
Chair, Research Ecologist / Wildlife Biologist (GA CRU AUL) Faculty Search Committee, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia (2023) | Irwin | July 2023 | Present |
Affiliate Faculty, Computational Ecology and Epidemiology Study Group - Computational Ecology and Epidemiology Study Group | Irwin | March 2014 | December 2016 |
Affiliate Faculty, Center for Integrative Conservation Research - Center for Integrative Conservation Research | Irwin | March 2013 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Took over as lead PI RWO 123 (after Dr. Jennings' retirement); University of Georgia, GA CFWRU | Irwin | January 2021 | October 2022 |
Symposium Organizer - Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies | Jennings | October 2019 | October 2019 |
Submitted invited full-proposal, SECASC, (requested $200,598; NOT FUNDED) | Irwin | July 2021 | May 2022 |
Spotlighted Member - Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society | Irwin | November 2023 | December 2024 |
South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Scientific and Statistical Committee | Irwin | June 2015 | June 2016 |
Session Chairman & Moderator - International Symposium (Fish Sampling with Active Methods; Large Rivers and Estuaries Session) Czech Republic | Jennings | September 2010 | September 2010 |
Session Chair, GA Chapter - American Fishery Society Annual Meeting, Jekyll Island, GA | Jennings | January 2013 | January 2013 |
Session Chair - Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies | Jennings | October 2019 | October 2019 |
Session Chair - GA/AL Chapter - American Fisheries Society Joint Annaul Meeting | Jennings | February 2016 | February 2016 |
Reviewer, Canadian Science Advisory Secretariat | Robinson | October 2022 | October 2022 |
Presentation Judge, Warnell Graduate Student Association, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources | Moore | February 2018 | February 2018 |
Presentation Judge, Warnell Graduate Student Association, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources | Moore | February 2017 | February 2017 |
Presentation Judge, Warnell Graduate Student Association, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources | Moore | February 2015 | February 2015 |
Panelist, Proposal review, Lake Champlain Fish Population Assessment, Hudson River Foundation | Robinson | January 2025 | February 2025 |
Organized Adaptive Management Symposium at S. Division of American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting | Peterson | January 2009 | January 2009 |
Motivational Speaker - Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildife Agencies (Professional/Student Luncheon)) | Jennings | October 2019 | October 2019 |
Motivational Speaker - Morehouse College (Biology Department/Men's Health Course) | Jennings | November 2019 | November 2019 |
Member, USGS RGE Review Panel | Robinson | October 2023 | October 2023 |
Member, Technical Team for In-Water Monitoring of Loggerhead Sea Turtles, NOAA/National Marine Fisheries Service | Moore | November 2016 | November 2016 |
Member, Technical Team for Evaluating Programmatic Adaptive Management in Gulf of Mexico Restoration, U.S. Geological Survey | Moore | March 2016 | December 2019 |
Member, Summer-Fall Habitat Action Monitoring and Science Plans Peer Review Panel, California Department of Fish and Game | Robinson | January 2024 | May 2024 |
Member, Search Committee for USGS CRU Data Specialist | Moore | March 2021 | April 2021 |
Member, Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee | Jennings | July 1995 | Present |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Moore | November 2015 | November 2015 |
Member, Peer Review Panel for bull trout temperature requirements, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Peterson | July 2002 | October 2003 |
Member, Modeling Working Group, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Horseshoe Crab Adaptive Resource Management Subcommittee | Moore | February 2020 | Present |
Member, Modeling Task Group, Grass Carp Advisory Committee | Robinson | December 2022 | December 2023 |
Member, Graduate Program in Marine and Environmental Science, University of the Virgin Islands | Jennings | June 2007 | April 2015 |
Member, External Advisory Group to Upper Klamath Basin Science Working Group | Jennings | February 2004 | February 2005 |
Member, External Advisory Board, GA SeaGrant Collge/GA Marine Extension | Jennings | May 2015 | December 2017 |
Member, External Advisory Board for University of Virgin Islands' EPSCoR Grant from NSF | Jennings | April 2004 | Present |
Co-editor: Analysis and interpretation of freshwater fisheries data, 2nd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. (Book) | Irwin | August 2022 | Present |
Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Unit Leader, Georgia Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit | Moore | September 2021 | April 2022 |
Chair, Sea Lamprey Research Board, Great Lakes Fishery Commission | Robinson | May 2023 | Present |
Chair, RGE Panel, US Geological Survey | Jennings | November 2017 | December 2017 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
[IP-105513] Co-author of a script for the animated video "<i>Phragmites</i> Adaptive Management Framework: Model Overview" that describes the model that drives decision guidance for PAMF, and how the model is updated based on post-management information collected by PAMF participants. | Dumoulin, Moore | February 2019 |
Unattributed contribution. 2017. Turning uncertainty into useful information for conservation decisions. Feature article in "Cooperative Research Unit Corner", Outdoor News Bulletin, April 2017. | Moore, Irwin, Crawford, Crawford | April 2017 |
Unattributed contribution. 2013. Alligator research efforts assisting states in harvest management. Feature article in "Cooperative Research Unit Corner", Outdoor News Bulletin, September 2013. | Moore, Crawford | September 2013 |
Shaffer, T., J. Gannon, and C. Moore. Winter 2013. Managing native prairies adaptively in the northern Great Plains. Pages 28-29 in R. Bogart, editor. The All-Bird Bulletin (newsletter). North American Bird Conservation Initiative. | Moore | January 2013 |
Provided advice to Jillian Cohen- who works for Congressmen Ed Markey, Ranking Member on the House Committee on Natural Resources- regarding potential expectations for fish population responses to climate change and management strategies that allow for stakeholder participation | Irwin | August 2012 |
Profile of research conducted on modeling threat and conservation scenarios for the gopher frog rangewide population | Moore, Crawford | July 2022 |
Presentation about local fauna to students at Oglethorpe County (GA) Elementary School. | Peterson | May 2009 |
Moore, C. T., and M. J. Conroy. Winter 2013. Creating old-growth forest conditions for Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in the Georgia Piedmont: using adaptive management to plan long-term cutting strategies. Pages 8-9 in R. Bogart, editor. The All-Bird Bulletin (newsletter). North American Bird Conservation Initiative. | Moore, Conroy | January 2013 |
I was featured in a Black History Month web-series put out by Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources. | Jennings | February 2017 |
I appeared in a Documentary entitled "Robust Redhorse: The Mystery Fish". Produced by GA Department of Natural Resources | Jennings | January 2000 |
I am featured in a Science Textbook aimed at Third Grade students in the State of GA. The feature deals with my work as a Fisheries Scientist and how my work contributes to fish conservation within the state. | Jennings | August 2008 |
CapPost-software for estimating stream-dwelling salmonid capture,detection, and posterior presence probabilities, available online at: <> | Peterson | January 2004 |
CATDAT-categorical data analysis software that includes multinomial logistic regression, nearest neighbor analysis, classification trees, and neural networks, available online at: <> | Peterson | January 2000 |
Bottom Feeders.Aired for the first time January 18, 2003. I was featured on the Georgia Public Television Georgia Outdoors documentary about stream-dwelling organisms.My research on the aquatic communities in the Flint River Basin was used to highlight the streamflow needs. | Peterson | January 2003 |