Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Arizona
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Arizona Staff Member

Dr. Javan M Bauder

Javan Bauder

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (208) 220 - 6638
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website



  • Ph D University of Massachusetts Amherst 2019
  • MS Idaho State University 2010
  • BS University of Idaho 2007


Dr. Bauder was born and raised in the Pacific Northwest (Washington and Idaho) and received his M.S. from Idaho State University where he studied the movement and habitat ecology of prairie rattlesnakes. He then worked for non-profit reptile conservation organization, The Orianne Society, conducting and directing research projects to guide reptile conservation efforts. Dr. Bauder received his Ph.D. from the University of Massachusetts Amherst where he studied the effects of landscape features on the spatial and habitat ecology, population viability, and genetic connectivity of the federally threatened eastern indigo snake in central Florida. Dr. Bauder then joined the Illinois Natural History Survey as a post-doc studying population dynamics of furbearing mammals and the effects of translocation on nuisance black bear. Dr. Bauder joined the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit as an Assistant Unit Leader in 2021 where his research blends population ecology and landscape ecology with diverse statistical modeling tools to guide wildlife management and conservation. His current research includes evaluating population viability of bald eagles in Arizona, developing tracking methods for and estimating demographic parameters of narrow-headed gartersnakes, and modeling habitat connectivity and survival for eastern indigo snakes. Dr. Bauder has assisted in teaching multiple graduate-level statistics courses and teaches a course on wildlife habitat modeling.

Areas of Expertise

Landscape Ecology, Movement Ecology, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Distribution Modeling, Statistics and Modelling, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Amphibians, Carnivores, Furbearers, Gamebirds, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Reptiles, Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Research Publications Publication Date
Zeller, K.A., D.W. Wattles, J.M. Bauder, and S. DeStefano. 2020. Forecasting seasonal connectivity in a developing landscape. Land 9:233. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website April 2020
Teal, C.N., Schill, D.J., Bauder, J.M., Fogelson, S.B., Fitzsimmons, K., Stewart, W.T., Culver, M. and Bonar, S.A., 2024. The effects of estradiol‐17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of Red Shiner and its use in the development of YY individuals. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 86(1), pp.110-129. January 2024
Teal, C. N., D. Katharine Coykendall, Matthew R. Campbell, Thomas A. Delomas, Daniel L. Eardley, John A. Erwin, Daniel J. Schill, Javan M. Bauder, Scott A. Bonar and Melanie Culver. 2023. The development of genetic sex identification markers and evidence of a male heterogametic sex determination system in Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis. North American Journal of Aquaculture 85:(1)74-86.
October 2022
Teal, C. N., D. J. Schill, S. B. Fogelson, C. M. Roberts, K. Fitzsimmons, J. M. Bauder, W. T. Stewart and S. A. Bonar. 2023. The effects of estradiol-17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus. Aquaculture. 562, 738853
January 2023
Jenney, C. J., J. M. Bauder, and S. A. Bonar. (2023). Native fish abundance and habitat selection changes in the presence of nonnative piscivores. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, e12742. August 2023
Jenkins, C.L., J.M. Bauder, and C.R. Peterson. 2017. Population level consequences of microgeographic variation in Great Basin rattlesnake reproduction and survival. Pages 143-153 in M.J. Dreslik, W.K. Hayes, S.J. Beaupre, and S.P. Mackessy, editors. Biology of the Rattlesnakes Vol. II. ECO Herpetological Publishing and Distribution, Rodeo, New Mexico, USA. | Abstract | Download July 2017
Hayes Hursh, S., J.M. Bauder, M. Fidino, and D. Drake. 2023. An urban cast of characters: landscape use and cover influencing mammal occupancy in an American midwestern city. Landscape and Urban Planning 229:104582."> | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2022
Folt, B., J. Bauder, S. Spear, D. Stevenson, M. Hoffman, J. Oaks, D. Steen, C. Jenkins, and C. Guyer. 2019. Taxonomic and conservation implications of population genetic admixture, mito-nuclear discordance, and male-biased dispersal of a large endangered snake, Drymarchon couperi. PLoS One 14:e0214439. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2019
Enge, K.M., D.J. Stevenson, M.J. Elliott, and J.M. Bauder. 2013. The Historical and current distribution of the eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 8:288-307.​​​​​​​​ | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2013
Clifford, B.J., J.M. Bauder, and M.N. Marchand. 2020. Tree removal at basking sites improves thermal habitat quality for an imperiled timber rattlesnake population at the northern edge of its range. Northeastern Naturalist 27:746-762. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2020
Chandler, H.C., D. Steen, J. Blue, J.E. Bogan, M.R. Bolt, T. Brady, D.R. Breininger, J. Buening, M. Elliott, J. Godwin, C. Guyer, R.L. Hill, M. Hoffman, N.L. Hyslop, C.L. Jenkins, C. Lechowicz, M. Moore, R.A. Moulis, S. Piccolomini, R. Redmond, F.H. Snow, B.S. Stegenga, D.J. Stevenson, J. Stiles, S. Stiles, M. Wallace, J. Waters, M. Wines, and J.M. Bauder. 2023. Evaluating Growth Rates of Captive, Wild, and Reintroduced Populations of the Imperiled Eastern Indigo Snake (Drymarchon couperi) Herpetologica 79(4):220-230. | Abstract | Publisher Website December 2023
Chandler, H.C., C.L. Jenkins, and J.M. Bauder. 2022. Accounting for geographic variation in habitat associations during habitat suitability and connectivity modeling: A case study with the imperiled eastern indigo snake. Ecological Applications 2022:e2504. | Abstract | Publisher Website January 2022
Castellón, T.D., B.B. Rothermel, and J.M. Bauder. 2018. Seasonal movement patterns of gopher tortoises occupying scrub and mesic flatwoods habitats in south-central Florida. Herpetologica 74:8-21. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website January 2018
Castellon, T.D., A.C. Deyle, A.L. Farmer, J.M. Bauder, E.A. Roznik, and S.A. Johnson. 2022. Effects of translocation on gopher frog survival and movement. Herpetologica 78:161-168. | Abstract | Publisher Website September 2022
Cappello, C.D., K.V. Jacobson, J.T. Driscoll, K.M. McCarty, and J.M. Bauder. 2024. Evaluating the effects of nest management on a recovering raptor using integrated population modeling. Ecosphere 15:e4943. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website October 2024
Bolt, M.R., J.M. Bauder, M.L. Legare, C.L. Jenkins, B.B. Rothermel, and D.R. Breininger. 2023. Eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) shelter site selection in peninsular Florida and implications for habitat conservation. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 18:362-373. | Abstract | Publisher Website August 2023
Bauder, J.M., and P. Barnhart. 2014. Factors affecting the accuracy and precision of triangulated radio telemetry locations of eastern indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi). Herpetological Review 45:590-597. | Download | Publisher Website October 2014
Bauder, J.M., and C.L. Prewitt. 2024. Control of Introduced American Bullfrogs and Support of Chiricahua Leopard Frog Conservation in Southeast Arizona. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-156-2024, Washington, D.C. | Abstract | Download June 2024
Bauder, J.M., Ruid, D., Roberts, N.M., Kohn, B. and Allen, M.L. 2021. Effects of translocation on survival of nuisance bears. Animal Conservation 24:820-831. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2021
Bauder, J.M., N.M. Roberts, D. Ruid, B. Kohn, and M.L. Allen. 2020. Nuisance black bear translocation indicates increased effectiveness by translocation distance and landscape context. Wildlife Research 47:426-435. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2020
Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and K.W. Stodola. 2021. An approach for using multiple indices for monitoring long-term trends of mesopredators at broad spatial scales. Biodiversity and Conservation 30:3529-3547. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2021
Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, A.A. Ahlers, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and K.W. Stodola. 2022. Long-term data reveal equivocal evidence for intraguild suppression among sympatric canids. Biodiversity and Conservation 31:2965-2979."> | Abstract | Publisher Website September 2022
Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, A.A. Ahlers, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and K.W. Stodola. 2020. Identifying and controlling for variation in canid harvest data. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1234-1245. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2020
Bauder, J.M., K.W. Stodola, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and M.L. Allen. 2023. Modeling 18 years of community science data reveals extensive bobcat recolonization in Illinois, USA. Landscape Ecology 38:597-611. | Abstract | Publisher Website December 2022
Bauder, J.M., K.W. Stodola, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and M.L. Allen. 2020. Raccoon pelt price and trapper harvest relationships are temporally inconsistent. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:1601-1610. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2020
Bauder, J.M., J.N. Macey, K.M. Stohlgren, A. Day, F. Snow, A. Safer, R. Redmond, J.M. Waters, M. Wallace, Sr., and D.J. Stevenson. 2015. Factors influencing the display of multiple defensive behaviors in eastern indigo snakes (Drymarchon couperi). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 10:559-571. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2015
Bauder, J.M., H.C. Chandler, M. Elmore, and C.L. Jenkins. 2022. Incorporating habitat suitability, landscape distance, and resistance kernels to estimate conservation units for an imperiled terrestrial snake. Landscape Ecology 37:
2519–2533. | Abstract | Publisher Website
August 2022
Bauder, J.M., H. Akenson, and C.R. Peterson. 2017. Factors influencing the movement patterns of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) across a mountainous landscape in a designated wilderness area. Pages 154-167 in M.J. Dreslik, W.K. Hayes, S.J. Beaupre, and S.P. Mackessy, editors. Biology of the Rattlesnakes Vol. II. ECO Herpetological Publishing and Distribution, Rodeo, New Mexico, USA. | Abstract | Download July 2017
Bauder, J.M., H. Akenson, and C.R. Peterson. 2015. Movement patterns of prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus v. viridis) across a mountainous landscape in a designated wilderness area. Journal of Herpetology 49:377-387.​​​​ | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2015
Bauder, J.M., D.R. Breininger, M.R. Bolt, M.L. Legare, C.L. Jenkins, and K. McGarigal. 2015. The role of the bandwidth matrix in influencing kernel home range estimates for snakes using VHF telemetry data. Wildlife Research 42:437-453. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2015
Bauder, J.M., D.R. Breininger, M.R. Bolt, M.L. Legare, C.L. Jenkins, B.B. Rothermel, and K. McGarigal. 2020. Movement barriers, habitat heterogeneity or both? Testing hypothesized effects of landscape features on home range sizes in eastern indigo snakes. Journal of Zoology 311:204-216. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2020
Bauder, J.M., D.R. Breininger, M.R. Bolt, M.L. Legare, C.L. Jenkins, B.B. Rothermel, and K. McGarigal. 2018. Multi-level, multi-scale habitat selection by a wide-ranging federally threatened snake. Landscape Ecology 33:743-763. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2018
Bauder, J.M., D.R. Breininger, M.R. Bolt, M.L. Legare, C.L. Jenkins, B.B. Rothermel, and K. McGarigal. 2016. Seasonal variation in eastern indigo snake (Drymarchon couperi) movement patterns and space use in peninsular Florida at multiple temporal scales. Herpetologica 72:214-226. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2016
Bauder, J.M., D.J. Stevenson, C. Sutherland, and C.L. Jenkins. 2017. Occupancy of potential overwintering habitat on protected lands by two imperiled snake species in the Coastal Plain of the southeastern United States. Journal of Herpetology 51:73-88. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website January 2017
Bauder, J.M., C.S. Anderson, H.L. Gibbs, M.J. Tonkovich, and W.D. Walter. 2021. Landscape features fail to explain spatial genetic structure in white-tailed deer across Ohio, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management 85(8):1669-1684. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22120 | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2021
Bauder, J.M., C. Castellano, J.B. Jensen, and C.L. Jenkins. 2014. Comparison of movements, body weight, and habitat selection between translocated and resident gopher tortoises. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:1444-1455. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website October 2014
Bauder, J.M., A. Pawlicki, and M. Goode. 2024. Northern Mexican Gartersnake Demographics and Movement Ecology. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-158-2024, Washington, D.C. | Abstract | Download October 2024
Bauder, J.M., A. Cervantes, A. Avrin, L. Whipple, M.J. Farmer, C.A. Miller, T.J. Benson, K.W. Stodola, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Mismatching spatial scales limits the utility of citizen science data for estimating wildlife-habitat relationships. Ecological Research 36:97-96. | Abstract | Publisher Website January 2021
Bauder, J. M., Peterman, W. E., Spear, S. F., Jenkins, C. L., Whiteley, A. R., & McGarigal, K. 2021. Multiscale assessment of functional connectivity: Landscape genetics of eastern indigo snakes in an anthropogenically fragmented landscape in central Florida. Molecular Ecology, 30, 3422-3438. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2021
Bauder, J. M., D.R. Breininger, M.R. Bolt, M.L. Legare, C.L. Jenkins, B.B. Rothermel, and K. McGarigal. 2016. The influence of sex and season on conspecific spatial overlap in a large, actively-foraging colubrid snake. PLoS One 11:e0160033. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2016
Allen, M.L., N.M. Roberts, and J.M. Bauder. 2020. Catch-per-unit-effort metrics and their value as indices for wildlife abundance. PLoS One 15:e0233444. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website January 2020
Allen, M.L., L.M. Elbroch, J.M. Bauder, and H.U. Wittmer. 2023. Food caching by a solitary large carnivore reveals the importance of intermediate-sized prey. Journal of Mammalogy. 104:457-465. | Abstract | Publisher Website March 2023
Allen, M. L., A. C. Avrin, M. J. Farmer, L. S. Whipple, E. P. Alexander, A. M. Cervantes, and J. M. Bauder. 2021. Limitations of current knowledge about the ecology of Grey Foxes hamper conservation efforts. Journal of Threatened Taxa 13:19079-19092. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website July 2021
Gracia, Eduardo

Hasl, Beth

Jones, Deandra

Rickert, Alexis

Sudbeck, Emma

Presentations Presentation Date
Varland, D.E., J.B. Buchanan, G.S. Zimmerman, B.A. Milsap, J.M. Bauder, and T.L. Fleming. 2024. Estimated Annual Abundance of Migrant Peale’s Peregrine Falcons in Coastal Washington, USA. 2024 Annual Conference of the Raptor Research Foundation, Charlotte, North Carolina. October 2024
Sudbeck, E., A. Owens, and J.M. Bauder. 2025. Dispersal of Invasive American Bullfrogs in Southeast Arizona. 58th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2025. February 2025
Sudbeck, E., A. Owens, and J.M. Bauder. 2024. Dispersal of invasive American bullfrogs in southeast Arizona. Annual meeting of the Southwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Tucson, Arizona. August 2024
Schafer, J.N., W.L. Heuring, T.R. Harris, R.A. Allard, M.J. Ryan, T. Roderick, J. Bauder, and D. Wood. 2023. Developing a breeding and reintroduction program for the threatened narrow-headed gartersnake. 56th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, February 2-4, 2023. February 2023
Rickert, A.C., J.M. Bauder, L. Harding, J. Heffelfinger, and J.M. Alston. 2025. Gambel's quail trapping methods, survival, and nest success in southeast Arizona. 58th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2025. February 2025
Rickert, A., J. Heffelfinger, L. Harding, and J. Bauder, 2024. Gambel's quail nest site selection and habitat use in southeast Arizona. 2024 Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Baltimore, Maryland. October 2024
Prewitt, C.L., D.H. Hall, and J.M. Bauder. 2025. Eradicating Invasive American Bullfrogs on the Babocomari River in Southeast Arizona. 58th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2025. February 2025
Prewitt, C.L., D.H. Hall, and J.M. Bauder. 2024. Eradicating invasive American bullfrogs on the Babocomari River in southeast Arizona. Annual meeting of the Southwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Tucson, Arizona. August 2024
Pawlicki, A.J., M. Goode, and J.M. Bauder. 2024. Trapping and tracking northern Mexican gartersnakes (<i>Thamnophis eques</i>) in the San Rafael Valley, Arizona. Annual meeting of the Southwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Tucson, Arizona. August 2024
Mohebbi, R., T. Roderick, M. Bogan, and J. Bauder. 2024. How do trap contents impact the capture rates of narrow-headed and western terrestrial gartersnakes at Canyon Creek, AZ? Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona. February 2024
Mohebbi, R., J. Bauder, M. Bogan, and T. Roderick. 2024. How do trap contents impact the capture rates of narrow-headed and western terrestrial gartersnakes at Canyon Creek, Arizona? 2024 Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Baltimore, Maryland. October 2024
Mercer, M., J. Bauder, E. Bledsoe, R. Owino, and J. Alston. 2024. Avoidance of Humans Leads to Temporal Mismatch Between Predators and Prey. Society for Ecological Restoration Southwest Conference, Tucson, Arizona, September 12-14, 2024. September 2024
Jones, D., J. Bauder, and M. Bogan. 2025. Black Bear Research on the Navajo Nation. 58th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2025. February 2025
Jenney, C, J. Bauder, and S. A. Bonar. 2024. Native fish abundance and habitat selection changes in the presence of nonnative piscivores. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September 15-19, 2024, Honolulu, Hawaii.<br><br><br><br><br> September 2024
Heuring, W.L., T.R. Harris, R.A. Allard, C.A. Aikens, J.M. Bauder, C. Crawford, S. Hedwall, A.K. Owens, T. Roderick, M.J. Ryan, and D. Wood. 2024. Breeding and release programs for threatened herpetofauna in Arizona. Annual meeting of the Southwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Tucson, Arizona. August 2024
Hasl, B., J.M. Bauder, and J. Rick. 2025. Genetic structure and connectivity of the lowland leopard frogs, <i>Lithobates yavapaiensis</i>, in southeastern Arizona. 58th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2025. February 2025
Gutierrez, C., K. Vargas, J. Winter, M. Allender, E. Tanner, A. Rickert, J. Bauder, L. Combrink. 2025. What can microbiomes tell us about the health of wild birds? 73rd Annual International Conference of the Wildlife Disease Association, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, July 27-August 1, 2025. July 2025
Goode, M., A. Pawlicki, J. Bauder, and R. Hanscom. 2023. Long-term research on species-, population-, and community-level effects of urbanization on snakes and lizards. 2023 Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Norfolk, Virginia, July 12-16, 2023. July 2023
Garcia, M.A.G., M. Bogan, and J. Bauder. 2023. Predicting habitat suitability and connectivity for Sonoran pronghorn in the Pinacate Biosphere Reserve, Sonora, Mexico. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, a Joint Meeting of the International Federation of Mammalogists and the American Society of Mammalogists, Anchorage, Alaska, July 14-20, 2023. July 2023
Gahl, K., J. Bauder, and S. A. Bonar. 2024, A Year in the wilderness: Understanding fish habitat with radio telemetry in Arizona. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September 15-19, 2024, Honolulu, ​Hawaii.<br><br> September 2024
Escalante, E.G, J. Alston, and J.M. Bauder. 2025. Evaluating wildlife use of small wildlife crossing structures on the US/Mexico Border Wall in Organ Pipe National Monument. 58th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2025. February 2025
Chandler, H.C., J.M. Bauder, M. Elmore, C.L. Jenkins. 2022. Delineating conservation units for the imperiled eastern indigo snake (<i>Drymarchon couperi</i>). 2022 Southeast Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Annual Meeting. February 2022
Castellon, T.D., A.C. Deyle, A.L. Farmer, J.M. Bauder, E.A. Roznik, and S.A. Johnson. 2022. Effects of experimental translocation on gopher frog (<i>Lithobates capito</i>) survival and movement. Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society Meeting, Wildlife Translocation in Florida Symposium. March 24, 2022. March 2022
Cappello, C.D., K.V. Jacobson, J.T. Driscoll, K.M. McCarty, and J.M. Bauder. 2023. Nest parasites reduce reproductive success in a recovering raptor population. 2023 Raptor Research Foundation Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 17-21, 2023. October 2023
Cappello, C.D., K.V. Jacobson, J.T. Driscoll, K.M. McCarty, and J.M. Bauder. 2023. Evaluating the effects of nest management on a recovering raptor population using an integrated population model. 2023 Raptor Research Foundation Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico, October 17-21, 2023. October 2023
Cappello, C.D., K.V. Jacobson, J.T. Driscoll, K.M. McCarty, and J.M. Bauder. 2023. Evaluating the effects of nest management on a recovering raptor population using an integrated population model. 2023 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky, November 4-8, 2023. November 2023
Cappello, C., K. Jacobson, J. Driscoll, K. McCarty, and J.M. Bauder. 2024. Northward migrations by nonbreeding bald eagles hatched in Arizona. 2024 Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Baltimore, Maryland. October 2024
C. Jenney, J. Bauder, William Stewart, and S. A. Bonar. 2024. Reintroduction of Razorback Sucker into a river-reservoir complex in Arizona. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September 15-19th, Honolulu, Hawaii.<br><br>(Oral Presentation)<br><br><br> September 2024
Brawn, J., T.J. Benson, and J.M. Bauder. 2023. Does density dependence regulate populations of tropical birds? Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists–Société des ornithologistes du Canada (SCO–SOC), London, Ontario, Canada, August 8-12, 2023. August 2023
Bauder, J.M., and Z. Forsburg. 2012. The Impacts of Human-Modified Landscapes on Eastern Indigo Snakes: Preliminary Results and Future Goals. Lake Wales Ridge Working Group Meeting, January 2012, Winter Haven, Florida. January 2012
Bauder, J.M., and C.R. Peterson. 2023. Does the presence of conspecifics influence the seasonal migrations of communally denning prairie rattlesnakes (Crotalus viridis)? Snake Ecology Symposium, Joint Meeting of the Washington Wildlife Society, Northwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation, and the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology. Olympia, Washington, April 27-28, 2023. April 2023
Bauder, J.M., Stodola, K.W., T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and M.L. Allen. 2022. Modeling eighteen years of community science data reveals extensive recolonization of bobcats in Illinois, USA. American Society of Mammalogists Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona, USA. June 2022
Bauder, J.M., N.M. Roberts, D. Ruid, B. Kohn, and M.L. Allen. 2019. Effectiveness of Translocation for Nuisance American Black Bears Varies by Sex and Age and Is Dependent on Distance and Habitat. 2019 Joint Conference of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada. September 2019
Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and K.W. Stodola. 2020. Comparing Harvest- and Count-Based Indices Across Mesopredator Species Reveals Contrasting Trends and Different Values for Monitoring Abundance. 2020 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and K.W. Stodola. 2019. Comparing Harvest- and Count-Based Indices Across Furbearer Species Reveals Contrasting Trends and Different Values for Monitoring Abundance. TWS Symposium: Innovative Approaches for Furbearer Research. 2019 Joint Conference of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society, Reno, Nevada. September 2019
Bauder, J.M., M.L. Allen, A.A. Ahlers, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and K.W. Stodola. 2023. Evaluating potential consequences of observation error when inferring interspecific interactions from long-term monitoring data. 2023 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, Kentucky, U.S.A. November 2023
Bauder, J.M., M.J. Ryan, A. Pawlicki, and M. Goode. 2024. Population ecology and survival of northern Mexican gartersnakes in the San Rafael Valley of southeast Arizona. Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Flagstaff, Arizona. February 2024
Bauder, J.M., M.J. Ryan, A. Pawlicki, M. Goode. 2024. Population ecology and survival of northern Mexican gartersnakes in the San Rafael Valley of southeast Arizona. Annual meeting of the Southwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation. Tucson, Arizona. August 2024
Bauder, J.M., M.J. Goode, and M.J. Ryan. 2023. A novel application of external GPS transmitters on the federally threatened northern Mexican gartersnake. 56th Joint Annual Meeting of the Arizona-New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society and the Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of The Wildlife Society, Farmington, New Mexico, February 2-4, 2023. February 2023
Bauder, J.M., M.A. Allen, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and K.W. Stodola. 2019. Trapper Harvest Trends for Three Canid Species in Illinois. 2019 Southeast/Midwest Joint Furbearer Meeting, Enid, Oklahoma. May 2019
Bauder, J.M., K.W. Stodola, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and M.L. Allen. 2021. Modeling Bobcat Recolonization of Illinois Using 18 Years of Archery Hunter Observations. 2021 Annual Conference of Illinois Chapter of The Wildlife Society. April 2021
Bauder, J.M., K.W. Stodola, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and M.L. Allen. 2020. Multi-Scale Occupancy Models of Archery Hunter Observations Demonstrates Forest-Associated Colonization of Bobcats in Illinois. 2020 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. October 2020
Bauder, J.M., K.W. Stodola, T.J. Benson, C.A. Miller, and M.A. Allen. 2019. Understanding Trends in Furbearer Populations Using Multiple Data Sources. 55<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting, Illinois Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Springfield, Illinois. April 2019
Bauder, J.M., H.C. Chandler, M.R. Bolt, J.E. Hines, N.L. Hyslop, M.L. Legare, M. Mazerolle, B.B. Rothermel, B.S. Stegenga, D.J. Stevenson, and C.L. Jenkins. 2022. Effects of anthropogenic development, body size, and sex on range-wide eastern indigo snake survival. 2022 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA, U.S.A. November 2022
Bauder, J.M., H. Akenson, and C.R. Peterson. 2011. Does the Presence of Conspecifics Influence the Seasonal Migrations of Communally Denning Rattlesnakes? Biology of the Rattlesnakes 2011, Tucson, Arizona. July 2011
Bauder, J.M., H. Akenson, and C.R. Peterson. 2009. Over the Hills and Far Away: Prairie Rattlesnake Movements Across a Mountainous Landscape in a Wilderness Area. Joint Meetings of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Portland, Oregon. July 2009
Bauder, J.M., H. Akenson, and C.R. Peterson. 2009. Over the Hills and Far Away: Characterizing Prairie Rattlesnake Movements Across a Mountainous Landscape in a Wilderness Area. Fifth Snake Ecology Group Meeting, Donnelly, Idaho. July 2009
Bauder, J.M., H. Akenson, C.R. Peterson, and C.L. Jenkins. 2010. Using Time Series Segmentation to Identify Patterns in Snake Movements and Space Use. Southwest Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Annual Meeting, Ft. Collins, Colorado. August 2010
Bauder, J.M., D.R. Breininger, M.R. Bolt, M.L. Legare, C.L. Jenkins, B.B. Rothermel, and K. McGarigal. 2016. Using the Utilization Distribution to Create a Multi-Scale Home Range Selection Function. Annual Meeting of the U.S. International Association for Landscape Ecology, Asheville, North Carolina. April 2016
Bauder, J.M., D.R. Breininger, M.R. Bolt, M.L. Legare, C.L. Jenkins, B.B. Rothermel, and K. McGarigal. 2016. Multi-level, Multi-scale Habitat Selection by the Federally Threatened Eastern Indigo Snake (<i>Drymarchon couperi</i>) in Peninsular Florida. Annual Meeting of the U.S. International Association for Landscape Ecology, Asheville, North Carolina. April 2016
Bauder, J.M., D.J. Stevenson, and C.L. Jenkins. 2013. Using Occupancy Rates of Potential Overwintering Habitat to Monitor Eastern Indigo Snakes (<i>Drymarchon couperi</i>) in Southern Georgia. Joint Meetings of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Albuquerque, New Mexico. July 2013
Bauder, J.M., C.L. Prewitt, C.R. Perez, and D.H. Hall. 2025. Recovery of a Chiricahua Leopard Frog Metapopulation in Southeast Arizona Following the Removal of Invasive American Bullfrogs. 58th Joint Annual Meeting of the New Mexico and Arizona Wildlife Society and American Fisheries Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, February 6-8, 2025. February 2025
Bauder, J.M. 2020. Modeling Species-Landscape Relationships to Inform Collaborative Conservation. Research Seminar for the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Arizona, Tucson. December 2020
Bauder, J.M. 2019. Over The Hills and Far Away: A Tour of Snake Ecology Across Diverse Landscapes. University of Illinois Student Chapter of the Wildlife Society Monthly Meeting, University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign. October 2019
Bauder, J.M. 2019. Individual-Based Approaches for Landscape-Scale Conservation: Examples from the Federally Threatened Eastern Indigo Snake. Departmental Seminar, Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana/Champaign. February 2019
Bauder, J., D. Ruid, N. Roberts, B. Kohn, and M. Allen. 2021. Effects of translocation on survival of nuisance American black bear. 2021 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Virtual. October 2021
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The Wildlife Society - Member Bauder 2018 Present