Arizona News and Information Activities

Meeting Item | Date |
Arizona Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting - Annual Meeting of Coordinators for Arizona Unit | January 2017 |
Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting - Cooperators from the Arizona Game and Fish Department, University of Arizona, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Wildlife Management Institute gather to review progress on the Arizona Unit on research activities critical to managing Southwestern fish and wildlife resources. | April 2012 |
Other Documents |
2016 Annual Report - This past year has been a time of great activity at the Arizona Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Many projects were conducted during 2016 and many new graduate students and research associates were added to the staff. Our work currently encompasses a variety of terrestrial, genetics and aquatics research projects in both Arizona and across the United States. We are excited to work closely with our cooperators: the University of Arizona, the Arizona Game and Fish Department, the U.S. Geological Survey, the Wildlife Management Institute, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to accomplish our mission: To provide excellence in graduate education; to conduct research and provide technical communication and cooperation among natural resource agencies and the University of Arizona; and to effectively communicate the results of research to further the cause of effective fisheries and wildlife management. Scott Bonar |
2018 Annual Report |