Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Arizona
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Bauder, J.M. and C.L. Prewitt. 2023. Control of introduced American bullfrogs and support of Chiricahua leopard frog conservation in southeast Arizona. Final report for Task Order 23-5 to Arizona Game and Fish Department, Phoenix, Arizona.


1. This report summaries field surveys conducted during July 2023 through April 2024 to control introduced American bullfrogs (Lithobates [Rana] catesbeianus; hereafter bullfrog) and support Chiricahua leopard frog (Lithobates [Rana] chiricahuensis) conservation in southeast Arizona. We conducted 394 field surveys across 141 sites in Chiricahua leopard frog Recovery Units 1 and 2 during this survey period.2. During these surveys, we detected bullfrogs at 36 sites and removed a total of 452 bullfrogs. Bullfrog reproduction was only observed during this survey period at sites on private property where we did not have landowner permission to remove bullfrogs. We found bullfrogs and Chiricahua leopard frogs co-occurring at only a single site (Chulo Tank). Only a single bullfrog was present at this site, and it was removed.3. Within the Cobre Ridge/Recovery Unit 1 region, we detected Chiricahua leopard frogs at 15 sites, with reproductive activity confirmed at two sites. We performed or assisted with Chiricahua leopard frog translocations at five sites. We detected Chiricahua leopard frog overwinter survival at two sites in this region although moribund and dead frogs were observed at one of these two sites.4. We did not detect Chiricahua leopard frog within our Canelo Hills Buffer Zone or stock tanks along the foothills of the San Rafael Valley. We detected Chiricahua leopard frogs at four sites on the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch with reproduction documented at two sites. We also removed two adult bullfrogs from a single site on the Appleton-Whittell Research Ranch.5. We detected Chiricahua leopard frogs at 17 sites on the Las Cienegas National Conservation Area (LCNCA). While Chiricahua leopard frog reproduction was not confirmed during July–November of 2023, as of 24 April 2024 we detected Chiricahua leopard frog reproduction at three sites. We did detect a moribund Chiricahua leopard frog at Lower Empire Gulch in March 2024. No bullfrogs were detected on the LCNCA and a single adult bullfrog was removed from one site in the Elgin Buffer Zone.6. We began bullfrog removal efforts at a new eradication site along the Babocomari River on the Babacomari Ranch. This planned four-year eradication project will remove a significant non-urban bullfrog source population that threatens existing Chiricahua leopard frog metapopulations.