Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Oregon
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Oregon Project

The development and evaluation of monitoring protocols to inform water resource decision making

October 2017 - December 2022


Participating Agencies


Natural resource managers invest a considerable amount of resources on surveillance monitoring programs to track the distribution and abundance of species. Although these data can be useful when evaluating spatial and temporal trends for populations, using these data directly assumes the population dynamics signal is greater than the noise in the data that stems from the sampling process. This assumption is frequently unmet. An equally important consideration is the integration of monitoring and natural resource decision-making. Here we are evaluating the adequacy of long term monitoring data from San Francisco Bay-Delta to depict the status of fish populations and developing alternative estimators that can be integrated with water resource decision-making.

Research Publications Publication Date
Peterson, J.T. and M.F. Barajas. 2018. An evaluation of three fish surveys in the Bay-Delta, 1995-2015. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 16:4 December 2018
Nervino, S., T. Polley, J.T. Peterson, C.B. Schreck, M.L. Kent, and J.D. Alexander. 2024. Intestinal Lesions and Parasites Associated with Senescence and Prespawn Mortality in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of Fish Disease 47(2) | Abstract January 2024
Kirsch, J.E., J.L.Day, J.T.Peterson, and D.K. Fullerton. 2018. Fish Misidentification and Potential Implications to Monitoring Within the San Francisco Estuary, California. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9: 467-485. December 2018
Duarte, A. M.J. Adams, and J.T. Peterson. Fitting N-mixture models to count data with unexplained heterogeneity: bias, diagnostics, and alternative approaches. Ecological Modelling January 2018
Technical Publications Publication Date
Peterson, J.T., S. Whitlock, and A. Duarte. 2018. Evaluation of California Central Valley Project and State Water Project Fish Salvage Estimators. Draft task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, August 2018, 23 pp. August 2018
Peterson, J.T. and J.T. Deweber. 2018. Associations and quasi-extinction estimates for abundance indices and occupancy estimates for San Francisco bay delta fish species. Draft task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, July 2018, 64 pp. July 2018
Duarte, A. and J.T. Peterson. 2017 Fitting N-mixture models to count data with unexplained heterogeneity: bias, diagnostics, and alternative approaches. Task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 24 July 2017, 80 pp. July 2017