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Jefferson T Deweber
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Like most in the field of fisheries science, I spent most of my free hours as a child fishing and enjoying the outdoors. I realized at a young age that I would like to find a career related to these interests, and have never been seriously interested in anything else. I graduated from Liberty University with a B.S. in Biology in 2007, and then a M.S. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences from Virginia Tech in 2010. I am now enjoying my research and ongoing education as a PhD candidate in the PA Fish and Wildlife Coop Unit. . I am interested in understanding the impacts of human activities on freshwater ecosystems and fish. Throughout my career I hope not only to elucidate some of the complex pathways by which these impacts occur, but also to provide useful guidance for mitigation activities to help conserve and protect these precious natural resources. I hope to spend most of my career involved in the many facets of water resources management and conservation in rapidly developing nations. I am currently investigating the potential impacts that climate and land use change may have on stream habitat and brook trout populations in the Eastern U.S. throughout the next century. This project aims to offer predictions of stream habitat suitability for brook trout under different scenarios which will be useful for guiding conservation and management of this important species in a changing climate and landscape.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Wagner, T., J.T. Deweber, J. Detar, and J.A. Sweka. 2013. Landscape-scale evaluation of asymmetric interactions between brown trout and brook trout using two-species occupancy models. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142:353-361. | Download | January 2013 |
Wagner, T., J.T. Deweber, J. Detar, D. Kristine, and J.A. Sweka. 2014. Spatial and Temporal Dynamics in Brook Trout Density: Implications for Population Monitoring. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34:258-269. | Download | March 2014 |
Wagner, T. J.B. Whittier, J.T. DeWeber, S.R. Midway, and C.P. Paukert. 2017. Annual changes in seasonal river water temperatures in the eastern and western United States. Water 9(2), 90; doi:10.3390/w9020090 | February 2017 |
Deweber, J.T., Y., Tsang, D.M. Krueger, J.B. Whittier, T. Wagner, D.M. Infante, and G. Whelan. 2014. Importance of understanding landscape biases in USGS gage locations: Implications and solutions for managers. Fisheries 39:155-163. | Download | April 2014 |
Deweber, J.T. and T. Wagner. 2014. A regional neural network model for predicting mean daily river water temperature. Journal of Hydrology 517:187-200. | Download | June 2014 |
DeWeber, J.T., J.T.Peterson, C. Sharpe, M.L. Kent, M.E. Colvin, C.B. Schreck. A hidden-process model for estimating prespawn mortality using carcass survey data. North American Journal of Fisheries Management | January 2017 |
DeWeber, J.T. and T. Wagner. 2018. Probabilistic measures of climate change vulnerability, adaptation action benefits, and related uncertainty from maximum temperature metric selection. Global Change Biology. | February 2018 |
DeWeber, J.T. and J.T. Peterson. 2020. Identifying and implementing environmental flows through structured decision-making: case study from the Willamette River, Oregon, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1– 16. | April 2020 |
DeWeber, J.T and T. Wagner. 2015. Predicting Brook Trout occurrence in stream reaches throughout their native range in the eastern United States. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:11-24. | Download | December 2014 |
Project | Completion Date |
Nations Fish Habitat at Multiple Spatial Scales in a Rapidly Changing Climate | September 2014 |
Chinook salmon passage and recovery on the Willamette River | September 2024 |
The development and evaluation of monitoring protocols to inform water resource decision making | December 2022 |
Adaptively Manageing Instream Flows for Ecological Needs | August 2020 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Wagner, T., J.T. Deweber, J. Detar, D. Kristine, and J.A. Sweka. 2013. Spatial and Temporal Dynamics in Brook Trout Density: Implications for Population Monitoring. American Fisheries Society Pennsylvania Chapter Fall Technical Meeting. | October 2013 |
Peterson, J.T., M. Barajas, J.T. DeWeber. 2018. Multistate occupancy modeling for Longfin Smelt. Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. | September 2018 |
Deweber, J.T. and T. Wagner. 2014. The future of brook trout in changing climate and landscape. 70th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Portland, Maine, April 13 –15. | April 2014 |
Deweber, J.T. and T. Wagner. 2014. A model for predicting daily river water temperature in the Northeast and its utility for management. 70th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Portland, Maine, April 13 –15. | April 2014 |
Deweber, J. T. and T. Wagner. 2013. Climate and land use change implications for native brook trout management. American Fisheries Society Pennsylvania Chapter Fall Technical Meeting. | October 2013 |
DeWeber, T.J. and J.T. Peterson. 2017. A decision support process to identify instream flows for the Willamette River ecosystem. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 7-8. | February 2017 |
DeWeber, T. and T. Wagner. 2015. Predicting Mean Daily River Water Temperature to Identify Brook Trout Habitat. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
DeWeber, T. and T. Wagner. 2015. Is That the Best Metric for Predicting Climate Change Effects on Brook Trout? American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, Oregon. | August 2015 |
DeWeber, J.T. and J.T Peterson. 2018. Water in the Willamette: Identifying environmental flows for the ecosystem and listed salmonids. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eugene OR | March 2018 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Peterson, J.T., C. Sharpe, M.L. Kent, C.B. Schreck, J. Sanders, and J.T. DeWeber. 2018. Fall Creek Prespawn Mortality pilot 2017. Draft Annual Report for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District, Portland OR. | December 2018 |
Peterson, J.T. and J.T. Deweber. 2018. Associations and quasi-extinction estimates for abundance indices and occupancy estimates for San Francisco bay delta fish species. Draft task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, July 2018, 64 pp. | July 2018 |
DeWeber, J.T. and J.T. Peterson. 2017. Science Synthesis and Decision Support for Mainstem Willamette River Instream Flows. Report Prepared for U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District – Willamette Valley Project | September 2017 |