Oregon Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Worked on a glossy publication for the Nisqually River Foundation describing habitat change in the Nisqually River Delta. Nisqually River Foundation |
Davis | June 2021 |
Western Washington University, NOAA, Tulalip Tribe, & Skagit River System Cooperative, Puget Sound-wide integration of surface elevation table data to evaluate elevation change in relation to sea-level rise NOAA |
Davis | September 2021 |
We developed statistical models for estimating juvenile salmonid abundance with rotary screw trap and are working with ODFW biologists on an evaluation of alternative sample designs and modeling strategies intended to optimize sampling effort (i.e., find sample designs that maximize accuracy and minimize effort) Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Peterson, Wohner | September 2023 |
Testified as part of a panel before the Oregon House Agriculture, Land Use, Natural Resources and Water Committee during Legislative Days on the OCRF funded study I am leading in collaboration with ODFW partners. Panel testimony was intended to inform future policy-making related to funding non-lethal human-beaver conflict management and beaver habitat restoration. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Jones | September 2023 |
Technical assistance regarding Ecology and Conservation of Columbian White-tailed Deer. 1995 - present. |
Anthony | September 2004 |
Technical Advisor, Seabird Monitoring Work Group for Region 1 and Region 8 of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Roby | October 2003 |
Review panel for National Park Service Bull Trout Monitoring Protocols National Park Service |
Peterson | July 2014 |
Review panel Environmental Impact Statement for the Long-Term Plan for Protecting Adult Salmon in the Lower Klamath River US Bureau of Reclaimation |
Peterson | July 2016 |
Reprofish ? Member since 2007 of a project sponsored by the European Economic Union consisting of scientists from each of the EU countries. The purpose is to provide technical advice on issues related to reproduction for fishes for aquaculture or environmentally relevant issues. Of the approximately 25 members, only three of us are not from EU countries. www.reprofish.edu. |
Schreck | October 2006 |
Ran population viability analyses for 21 independent Oregon coastal coho populations as part of a 12-year assessment of population persistence. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Davis | April 2021 |
Publication on Ecological Indicators in Restoration Effectiveness Evaluation |
Schreck | October 2007 |
Provided to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, US Army Corps of Engineers, and NOAA Fisheries during preparation of the draft Environmental Impact Statement for management of Caspian terns in the Columbia River estuary. |
Roby | July 2004 |
Provided to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, consultation on research priorities and approaches for seabird populations nesting on the refuge. |
Roby | June 2004 |
Provided to Northwest Fisheries Science Center, NOAA Fisheries for estimation of predation rates by fish-eating birds on ESA-listed salmonids from the Columbia River. |
Roby | February 2004 |
Provided to Mid-Columbia River National Wildlife Refuge as part of the Refuge's biological review. |
Roby | October 2003 |
Provided technical assistance in the Umpqua and Columbia River watersheds in the development of listening surveys, analysis of data, and presentation of findings to stakeholders. Also co-designed and ran a public in-person meeting on the topic. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Jones | February 2022 |
Provided insights on behavioral science to inform the development of pilot outreach campaign on drought in Oregon. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Jones | May 2022 |
Provided feedback and planning support to the in-stream water rights team on navigating social conflict arising from the water rights filing process. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Jones | April 2023 |
Provide technical assistance to several agencies regarding management of Bald Eagles. 1979 - present. |
Anthony | September 2004 |
Provide technical assistance to several agencies regarding Conservation of Northern Spotted Owls. 1992 - present. |
Anthony | September 2004 |
Provide technical assistance regarding Ecology and Conservation of Washington Ground Squirrels. 2000 - present. |
Anthony | September 2004 |
Plasma steroid Radioimmunoassays, vitellogenin, and histological analysis |
Schreck | January 2004 |
Participated in the East-West Fisheries Meeting, including giving a 40-minute presentation on science communication principles for fisheries biologists and facilitating a small table discussion. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Jones | June 2022 |
Participated in USGS Wildlife RGE Panel, July 2019 US Geological Survey |
Peterson | May 2019 |
Participated in USGS Quantitative RGE Panel, September 2023 US Geological Survey |
Peterson | September 2023 |
Monitoring, Recovery Planning, and Conservation of Northern Spotted Owls. U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service, U. S. Forest Service, BLM. BLM |
Anthony | October 2008 |
Monitoring of Peregrine Falcon Population. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlfie and U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife |
October 2008 | |
Monitoring of Bald Eagle Populations. U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service and Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife |
October 2008 | |
Modeling of risks to salmon recovery using hatcheries RAMP (Risk Assessment Monitoring Project). |
Li | September 2004 |
Member, Fish and Wildlife Monitoring Team, Oregon Conservation Strategy; Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife |
Roby | October 2008 |
Lead Technical Advisor, Interagency Inland Avian Predation Working Group, working group is tasked with developing a management plan to reduce losses of ESA-listed salmonids to avian predation on the Columbia Plateau Regional federal, state, and tribal natural resource management agencies |
Roby | October 2009 |
Lead Technical Advisor, Interagency Double-crested Cormorant Working Group, working group is tasked with developing a management plan to reduces losses of ESA-listed salmonids to double-crested cormorants nesting in the Columbia River estuary Regional federal, state, and tribal natural resource management agencies |
Roby | March 2005 |
Lead Technical Advisor, Interagency Caspian Tern Working Group (focused on issue of Caspian tern predation on ESA-listed salmonids); U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, NOAA Fisheries, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. DOE - Bonneville Power Administration |
Lyons | May 1998 |
Lead Technical Advisor, Impact of Predation by Caspian Terns Nesting at Potholes Reservoir on Survival of Juvenile Salmonids from the Upper and Mid-Columbia River Bureau of Reclamation |
Roby | January 2010 |
International Technical Advisor, Program to Restore the Critically Endangered Chinese Crested Tern in China BirdLife International, Asia Division and various provincial and national resource management agencies in the People’s Republic of China |
Roby, Lyons | June 2010 |
In my capacity as an expert on northern spotted owls I conducted a phone briefing with the Secretary of the Interior and other DOI staff regarding the current status of the species across their range. I also provided information and consultation on a written summary as a follow-up to this phone call. USDOI Secretary of Interior |
Dugger | December 2020 |
In July 2022, our Unit (Grabowski and Tuttle Raz) organized a Structural Decision Making and Adaptive Resource Management (SDM-ARM) workshop for our State cooperator, the Hawai'i Division of Aquatic Resources (DAR), for which we invited the Oregon Unit Leader, Jim Peterson. Unit personnel assisted DAR staff in walking through information gathering and planning of ARM measures to be taken for a fish species of concern in west Hawai‘i Island (Pāku'iku'i or Achilles Tang, <i>Acanthurus achilles</i>). Since that time, we have participated in approximately monthly virtual meetings between Unit personnel and DAR staff to track progress toward SDM-ARM for Pāku'iku'i. We have also organized and convened approximately monthly virtual meetings of a subgroup to build the SDM-ARM model (multi-state occupancy model), which has recently begun to yield results that promise to inform DAR’s management of the fish. Hawai'i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Aquatic Resources |
Grabowski, Peterson, Raz, Masse, McSwain | July 2022 |
I was the lead organizer & a senior analyst for the 6th Northern Spotted Owl Demography Workshop held at Oregon State University, January 5-10, 2014. I was the lead author on the resulting publication (Dugger et al. 2016). Northern Spotted Owl Effectiveness Monitoring Program |
Saenz, McDonnell | January 2013 |
I was the co-organizer of the 8th Northern Spotted Owl Demography Workshop held at Oregon State University, March 18-22, 2024. I organized many of the logistics, provided data set from 2 demography study areas for which I am lead PI, and am the lead author on one of the resulting publications currently in preparation, and senior co-author on 4 others based on workshop results and also in preparation. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Dugger | March 2024 |
I was the co-organizer of the 7th Northern Spotted Owl Demography Workshop held at Oregon State University, January 7-9, 2020. I am a senior co-author on the resulting publication (Franklin et al. 2021), as well as 2 others resulting from the workshop (Wiens et al. 2021, Rockweit et al. in review). US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Dugger | January 2019 |
I was one of the organizers of the 5th Northern Spotted Owl Demography Workshop held at Oregon State University, January 9-18, 2009. I also participated as a senior analyst and helped draft the Studies in Avian Biology volume that resulted from this effort. Northern Spotted Owl Effectiveness Monitoring Program |
Anderson, Anthony, Burnham | January 2008 |
I was one of the organizers of the 4th Northern Spotted Owl Demography Workshop held at Oregon State University, January 4-11, 2004. I also participated as a junior analyst and helped draft the technical report and Wildlife Monograph that resulted from this effort. Northern Spotted Owl Effectiveness Monitoring Program |
Anthony, Anderson, Burnham | June 2003 |
I participated in the ODFW fish division quantitative ecologist search Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Peterson | September 2022 |
I participated in the ODFW fish division monitoring coordinator search Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Peterson | April 2024 |
I held a 2-day introduction to the use of Program MARK to estimate wildlife vital rates for Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife biologists (10 participants). Format included ½ day of lecture and background material and 1.5 days of working directly with example data sets in Program MARK. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Dugger | September 2012 |
I estimated Smallmouth bass population size for the Coquille River and am assisting ODFW biologists develop a bioenergetics model for estimating predation of Chinook salmon. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Peterson | September 2022 |
I assisted biologists with the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation fit species distribution models for freshwater mussels in the Umatilla River basin. Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation |
Peterson | February 2021 |
Hormone Assays |
Schreck | January 2008 |
Helping ODFW Fish Division to hire a facilitation and social science team that will design a survey/surveys of public perceptions of hatchery resilience and facilitate a process of stakeholder engagement in hatchery resilience planning in Oregon. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Jones | September 2023 |
Helped the South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group and the Puyallup Tribe analyze several years of post-restoration monitoring data in Clear Creek, Washington. South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group |
Davis | December 2020 |
Hawaii Sea Grant College Program grant funding panel. Hawaii Sea Grant |
Schreck | April 2016 |
Friendly review of a book chapter for Dr. Virginia Butler of Portland State University concerning technical elements concerning fish identification by Lewis and Clark on their Voyage of Discovery. |
Li | September 2004 |
Fish Rearing for Experiments |
Schreck | October 2007 |
Fish Performance and Genetics Laboratory: PIT tagging training USFS US Forest Service |
Schreck | April 2010 |
Fish Performance and Genetics Laboratory: PIT tagging experiment by ODFW for Oregon chub Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife |
Schreck | June 2011 |
Facilitating Structured Decision Making process for spawning habitat/gravel restoration in the Rogue River with ODFW fish biologists and their collaborators, USBLM, USFS, USACOE, and other stakeholders. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Fish Divesion |
Peterson | July 2022 |
Facilitating Structured Decision Making process for reef fish management with HI Unit fishery biologists Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Aquatic Resource Division |
Peterson, Grabowski | July 2022 |
Facilitated Structured Decision Making rapid prototyping workshop with DAR biologists Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources, Aquatic Resource Division |
Peterson, Grabowski | July 2022 |
Evaluation of urban stormwater mitigation, habitat monitoring, watershed restoration efforts to recover salmon. Governor's Independent Science Panel for Salmon Recovery (Washington State). |
Li | September 2004 |
Evaluation of the Abernathy Fish Technology Center. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Li | September 2004 |
Evaluation of candidates for the Brockhouse Award for team research. National Science & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). |
Li | September 2004 |
Ecology and Management of Northern Spotted Owls |
Anthony | October 2006 |
Ecology and Management of Double-crested Cormorants |
Roby | October 2006 |
Ecology and Management of Caspian Terns U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Walla Walla District |
Roby | October 2006 |
Ecology and Management of Bald Eagles |
Anthony | October 2006 |
Development of a survey to monitor the occupancy of spotted owls on nesting territories |
Anthony | October 2007 |
Designed the sample design for Foskett Speckled Dace 2019 monitoring and analyzed the data for ODFW. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife |
Peterson | May 2019 |
Delivered a 1-hour in-person presentation and training to ~50 ODFW Fish Division staff as part of their division retreat to help them collectively 1) identify relevant social changes affecting their jobs, 2) discuss how these changes affect their work, and 3) develop personal strategies for navigating social change at work. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Jones | January 2023 |
Data analysis – Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, NOAA, Oregon Coast coho salmon spatial models Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Davis | January 2023 |
Consultant to U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service on Recovery Planning for the Northern Spotted Owl. US Fish & Wildlife Service |
Anthony | January 2000 |
Conducted Rapid Prototyping SDM workshop with USFWS, USBR, and NOAA Fisheries managers on water management in the Klamath Basin NOAA Fisheries |
Peterson | October 2020 |
Compiled a list of suggested communication responses for Habitat Division managers dealing with stakeholder conflict about in-stream water rights policy updates in Eastern Oregon. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Jones | August 2022 |
CSS Workshop participant: Fish Passage Center. Columbia Basin Fishery Agencies and Tribes. Comparative Survival Study Workshop. |
Li | September 2004 |
Bouwes, N. (ed), P. Bayley, M. Bowen, D. Butcher, C. Jordan, P. Larsen, H. Li, M. Newsome and J. Ruzycki. 2004. Analytical framework and study plan outline: The United States Bureau of Reclamation - funded John Day River OR research |
Li | September 2004 |
Assisted ODFW, USDA Forest Service, and US Bureau of Land Management develop the study design for estimating the abundance and distribution of endangered Umpqua Chub. Oregon Department of Fish ane Wildlife |
Peterson | May 2016 |
Assisted ODFW, BLM, FWS to estimate multi-state occupancy for Unpqua Chub 2021 US BLM |
Peterson | April 2021 |
Assisted ODFW, BLM, FWS to estimate multi-state occupancy for Unpqua Chub 2020 US BLM |
Peterson | April 2020 |
Assisted ODFW to estimate Warner Sucker abundance in Honey Creek 2023 ODFW |
Peterson | June 2023 |
Assisted ODFW to estimate Foskett Springs Speckled Dace population size 2023 ODFW |
Peterson | July 2023 |
Assisted ODFW to estimate Foskett Springs Speckled Dace population size 2021 ODFW |
Peterson | July 2021 |
Assisted ODFW to estimate Borax Lake Chub population size using 2021 survey data Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Peterson | September 2022 |
Assisted ODFW biologists estimate smolt abundance and survival by developing a new estimator and creating user-friendly R functions. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife |
Peterson, Duarte | July 2019 |
Assisted ODFW to estimate Foskett Springs Speckled Dace population size 2019 ODFW |
Peterson | December 2019 |
Assisted ODFW to estimate Borax Lake Chub population size 2019 Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Peterson | February 2020 |
Assisted BLM and FWS to estimate multi-state occupancy for Unpqua Chub 2023 US BLM |
Peterson | April 2023 |
Analysis of radiotelemetry data on elk calves to estimate survival rates |
Anthony | August 2008 |
Analysis of capture-recapture data to estimate abundance of black bears |
Anthony | November 2007 |
Analysis of Known Fate Data to Estimate Survival Rates of Elk Calves, Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife |
October 2008 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
USGS Chief Coop Unit Search Panel | Schreck | June 2014 | January 2015 |
Organizer of Monday Morning Meeting Seminar Series | Peterson | September 2021 | Present |
OSU Fisheries and Wildlife Space Committee - Chair - Chair 2019-present | Peterson | September 2019 | Present |
OSU Fisheries and Wildlife Space Committee - Chair 2019-present | Peterson | September 2019 | September 2021 |
OSU Fisheries and Wildlife Space Committee - Chair 2017-2018 | Peterson | September 2015 | September 2018 |
OSU Fisheries and Wildlife Safety Committee | Peterson | September 2018 | September 2019 |
OSU Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Affairs Committee | Peterson | September 2018 | September 2022 |
OSU F&W Faculty Search Committee | Schreck | June 2014 | June 2015 |
OSU Department of Fisheries and Wildlife Faculty Search Committee | Peterson | December 2012 | March 2013 |
OSU College of Forestery Plum Creek Postdoctoral Fellow Search Committee | Peterson | January 2013 | September 2013 |
Member, Tenure Evaluation Committee, University of Oklahoma | Li | October 2004 | September 2005 |
Member, Tenure Evaluation Committee, Kansas State University | Li | October 2004 | September 2005 |
Member, Space Committee / Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University | Roby | October 2016 | October 2017 |
Member, Selection Committee, Mace Watchable Wildlife Endowed Chair, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University | Roby | August 2016 | January 2017 |
Member, Search Committee for an Assistant Professor, for Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University. | Schreck | October 2006 | June 2007 |
Member, Search Committee for Mammalian Ecologist Faculty Position, Oregon State University | Roby | September 2006 | July 2007 |
Member, Sage-grouse Conservation Committee | Anthony | July 2002 | January 2013 |
Member, Safety and Facilities Committee / Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University | Roby | October 2015 | September 2016 |
Member, Promotion and Tenure Committee for D. Robinson, Oregon State University | Roby | October 2004 | September 2005 |
Member, Promotion Evaluation for Mississippi State University | Li | October 2004 | September 2005 |
Member, Graduate Committee, Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences Department, Oregon State University - 1) Made major progress towards a holistic admissions policy and procedure for the department.<br>- Surveyed the faculty about their goals and concerns surrounding a new process and received nearly thirty responses.<br>- Planned and held a well-attended and productive faculty workshop on holistic admissions.<br>- Synthesized best practices from other OSU departments and other universities.<br>- Developed guidelines and a best-practices document for holistic recruitment.<br>- Drafted rubrics and templates for use in holistic assessment of application packages. <br>- Have nearly finished drafting a new process to roll out for faculty comment and vote in 2023-2024.<br>2) Received faculty approval for our proposal to move the deadline for annual reviews to February 1 and to streamline the review documents to include just the student and major professor, thereby solving two concerns with the current process. | Jones | September 2022 | Present |
Member, Graduate Committee | Anthony | September 2002 | June 2010 |
Member, Good of the Department Committee/Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University - Organize and carry out Departmental functions for students, faculty, and staff, such as Fall Barbecue, Winter Holiday Fete, Graduation Fete, and recognition of retirees. | Roby | October 2004 | October 2015 |
Member, Good of the Department Committee/Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University | Roby | October 2016 | Present |
Member, Departmental Computer Committee, Oregon State University | Schreck | October 2006 | September 2007 |
Member, Departmental Building Committee, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, OSU | Schreck | September 2009 | June 2017 |
Member, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Graduate Committee - Determine acceptability of graduate school applicants, determine Graduate School policy. | Schreck | October 2006 | June 2017 |
Member, Budget Advisory Committee, Oregon State University | Anthony | October 2008 | July 2010 |
Member, Biometrics Working Group, The Wildlife Society | Anthony | October 2007 | January 2013 |
Member, Associate Dean of Research for College of Ag Science Search Committee, Oregon State Univesity - Participated in the search for a new Associate Dean of Research for the College of Ag Science | Dugger | January 2021 | June 2021 |
Member, Aldo Leopold Memorial Award Committee, Oregon State University | Anthony | September 2008 | September 2009 |
Member CRU Safety Committee | Peterson | October 2022 | Present |
Member CRU Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee | Peterson | March 2023 | Present |
Graduate Committee - Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences | Davis | August 2021 | Present |
Fisheries and Wildlife Departmental Voting Procedures Committee | Peterson | February 2012 | September 2019 |
Fisheries and Wildlife Department Graduate Affairs Committee | Peterson | September 2020 | September 2021 |
Faculty Teaching Evaluation Committee - Chair 2019 | Peterson | November 2018 | June 2019 |
External Examiner, PhD thesis defense, Memorial University of Newfoundland | Roby | October 2004 | September 2005 |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee - Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Sciences | Davis | August 2021 | Present |
Co-Chair/Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee/Oregon State University - I am the Co-Chair of the University-level committee charged with overseeing the compliance and regulations associated with appropriate animal care and use in teaching and research under U.S. regulations (Animal Welfare Act primarily). | Dugger | October 2019 | Present |
Co-Chair Monday Morning Meeting Seminar Series | Peterson | September 2016 | December 2020 |
Chair, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Graduate Committee | Schreck | October 2007 | September 2008 |
Chair, Bob and Phyllis Mace Professor of Watchable Wildlife Selection Committee, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences Oregon State University - I chaired the committee tasked with evaluating applications and recommending a recipient for the Bob and Phyllis Mace Professor of Watchable Wildlife, an endowed position in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences at OSU. | Dugger | December 2021 | February 2022 |
Chair, AUL-Wildlife Selection Committee/Department of Fisheries and Wildlife/Oregon State University - Lead the work of the Selection Committee for Assistant Unit Leader – Wildlife Position at the Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Oregon State University. | Roby | May 2010 | October 2011 |
Chair of the ORCFWRU AUL search committee | Peterson | May 2020 | October 2020 |
Chair of the ORCFWRU AUL search committee | Peterson | August 2021 | December 2021 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Technical Advisor, Interagency Caspian Tern Working Group | Roby | May 1998 | Present |
Science Advisory Board, Trinity River Restoration | Peterson | October 2011 | September 2019 |
Participant, Symposium on the Molecular Endocrinology | Schreck | June 2008 | June 2008 |
NOAA Washington Sea Grant Review Pannel | Peterson | August 2021 | September 2021 |
Member, USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel | Dugger | January 2018 | April 2018 |
Member, USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel | Dugger | August 2024 | September 2024 |
Member, State of Washington Independent Science Team for Salmon Recovery | Li | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, Spotted Owl Recovery Team | Anthony | July 1994 | December 2012 |
Member, Spotted Owl Habitat Working Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Anthony | June 2008 | December 2012 |
Member, Spotted Owl Effectiveness Monitoring Group, The Northwest Forest Plan | Anthony | January 1995 | September 2003 |
Member, Selection Committee, Mewaldt-King Student Research Award, Cooper Ornithological Society | Roby | October 2002 | September 2003 |
Member, Search Committee, for USDA Forest Service Research Scientist for the PNW Research Station | Dugger | January 2014 | December 2014 |
Member, Search Committee for new small mammal ecologist for FWCS at OSU | Dugger | February 2024 | May 2024 |
Member, Search Committee for new USGS Assistant Unit Leader for ORCFWRU | Dugger | May 2020 | August 2020 |
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Fish Disease Research Center | Schreck | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Center for Marine/Freshwater Biomedical Center | Schreck | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, Scientific Advisory Board for NIEHS Marine/Freshwater Biomedical Sciences Center | Schreck | October 2006 | September 2010 |
Member, Sage Grouse and Shrub-Steppe Conservation Advisory Team | Anthony | January 2000 | December 2012 |
Member, Research Project Review Panel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Schreck | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, Pacific Northwest States Agricultural Experiment Station Salmon Task Force | Schreck | October 2006 | February 2017 |
Member, Oregon/Washington Bald Eagle Working Group | Anthony | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, Northwest Fishery Science Center, Scientific Review Team | Schreck | July 2002 | October 2002 |
Member, Marbled Murrelet Effectiveness Monitoring Work Group | Roby | January 1996 | September 2003 |
Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee for Vice-President, Oregon State University. | Schreck | October 2006 | June 2017 |
Member, Independent Science Panel of the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office, State of Washington | Li | August 1999 | April 2003 |
Member, Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team, appointed by Governor, Speaker of the House and Senate President (Oregon) | Schreck | January 2002 | January 2010 |
Member, Hawaii SeaGrant Science Review Panel, SeaGrant | Schreck | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, EPA Promotion Panel | Schreck | October 2006 | October 2006 |
Member, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms | Schreck | January 1995 | July 2017 |
Member, Columbia Basin Fish and Wildlife Authority "Stock Identification" Work Group | Schreck | October 2006 | February 2011 |
Member, CRU Awards Committee | Schreck | January 2000 | January 2000 |
Member, Barred Owl Working Group, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Anthony | June 2008 | December 2012 |
Member, Barred Owl Science Team (BOST), California Department of Fish and Game | Dugger | January 2018 | June 2021 |
Invited participant, Confederated Tribes of the Yakima Indians Pacific Lamprey Culture Workshop | Schreck | May 2014 | May 2014 |
Co-Chair, Independent Multidisciplinary Science Team of Oregon | Schreck | January 2001 | December 2014 |
Chair, Pacific Seabird Group | Roby | October 2003 | January 2004 |
Chair, Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program Protocols Evaluation Panel | Peterson | July 2016 | February 2017 |
AFS/AFWAMultistate Conservation Grant Advisory Panel | Peterson | January 2020 | Present |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
https://www.dfw.state.or.us/news/2023/07_Jul/070323b.asp | Jones | July 2023 |
Website www.columbiabirdresearch.org This website provides information to resource managemnet agencies and other stakeholders on results of on-going research and monitoring of avian predators on juvenile salmonids in the lower Columbia River. | Roby | March 2000 |
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Annual Anadromous Fish Program Evaluation. | Roby | November 2001 |
Technical memorandum posted on the Washington State webpage on Salmon Recovery. Evaluation of a technical issue important to salmon recovery. Independent Science Panel. February 2002. Instream Flows for Salmon. Tech Memo 2002-1 | Li | February 2002 |
Taught: Conservation of Aquatic Resources to third Grade Class | Schreck | April 2017 |
THE OREGONIAN - Negotiations to permit Caspian tern management | Roby | January 2002 |
THE NEWS TRIBUNE - Finding a Better Place to Roost. Researchers set up sand-covered barge to lure nesting birds from Asarco site. | Roby | May 2001 |
THE DAILY NEWS - Columbia River Bird Paradise. Several species flock to East Sand Island near Chinook, leaving biologists fearing too many eggs in one sandy basket. | Roby | June 2001 |
Summary of recently published journal article of interest to the public. The Ecological and Cultural Importance of a Species at Risk of Extinction, Pacific Lamprey. Fisheries 27(7):19-25. | Li | September 2002 |
Sumary of recently published journal articles of interest to the public. Landscapes to Riverscapes: Bridging the Gap Between Research and Conservation of Stream Fishes. BioScience 52:1-16. | Li | September 2004 |
Sponsored a PolarTREC teacher to participate in field research on the Pribilof Islands, Alaska as part of the Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program, and participated in webinar for the public on seabird research in the Bering Sea | Roby | October 2008 |
SEABIRD RESTORATION PROGRAM NEWSLETTER -Caspian Terns Move to Restoration Site at East Sand Island. | Roby | October 2000 |
SCIENCE NEWS - When rare species eat endangered ones. | Roby | September 2001 |
Provided several groups of fish for Oregon Department Fish & Wildlife public school outreach program | Schreck | March 2017 |
Press release by CRU regarding publication of Dugger et al. 2016, The Condor: Applications in Ornithology. This press release was picked up by more than a dozen different media outlets including the Washington Post, E&E News, Oregon Public Broadcasting, NPR, American Bird Conservancy, 10,000 Birds, Birdwatching Daily, Conservation Magazine, and many others (2016). | Dugger | October 2016 |
Presented a lecture to the Mid-Columbia National Wildlife Refuges entitled “Status of piscivorous colonial waterbirds on the mid-Columbia River: colony sizes and trends for Caspian terns, double-crested cormorants, and other species nesting on the Columbia Plateau”, Burbank WA | Roby | May 2009 |
Presentation to school children in Xiangshan, Zhejiang, China entitled "Tern conservation in North America. | Roby | March 2012 |
Posted on the Washington State webpage on Salmon Recovery. Responses of Salmon and Trout to Habitat Changes. Tech Memo 2002-2. | Li | July 2002 |
OREGONIAN - Tern Program is Called Effective | Roby | October 2000 |
OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY EXTENSION EDUCATION - Caspian tern colony relocation | Roby | June 2002 |
NATIONAL WILDLIFE magazine - Caspian tern colony relocation and lawsuit | Roby | January 2002 |
Maintains a website that provides technical information and outreach related to research, monitoring, and evaluation of avian predation on juvenile salmonids in the Columbia Basin, www.birdresearchnw.org | Roby | October 2008 |
Lead field trip to East Sand Island for participants in the dedication of the Columbia River estuary as part of the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network (WHSRN), Chinook WA. | Roby | May 2010 |
LONGVIEW DAILY NEWS - Marine bird colonies on East Sand Island | Roby | October 2001 |
Interviewed by the Tri-City Herald (Washington) for article on implementing the Caspian Tern Management Plan for the Columbia River Estuary | Roby | June 2009 |
Interviewed by the Columbia Basin Bulletin for 2 articles on the issue of avian predation on juvenile salmonids in the Columbia River basin | Roby | August 2009 |
Interviewed by the Columbia Basin Bulletin for 2 articles on changes in colony size of fish-eating birds in the Columbia River estuary and the Columbia Plateau | Roby | December 2008 |
Interviewed by The Oregonian newspaper on a major die-off of endangered California brown pelicans in Oregon | Roby | January 2009 |
Interviewed by The Oregonian newspaper for article on Caspian terns nesting at new island built by the Army Corps of Engineers | Roby | March 2009 |
Interviewed by Terra, a periodical publication of Oregon State University, for article on salmon restoration in the Pacific Northwest | Roby | November 2008 |
Interviewed by Smithsonian Magazine on restoration of salmon to the Columbia River | Roby | March 2009 |
Interviewed by KPNW radio in Eugene OR on the impact of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill on fish and wildlife resources in the Gulf of México, Corvallis OR. | Roby | May 2010 |
Interviewed by Columbia Basin Bulletin for article on Caspian tern management in the Columbia River estuary | Roby | May 2009 |
Interviewed by Audubon Magazine for article on restoring seabird colonies | Roby | July 2009 |
Interview with Tim Todd of High Country News on Unit Research on competition between barred owls and spotted owls | Anthony | May 2008 |
Interview with Jeff Lynch of Smithsonian Magazine on Unit research on competition between barred owls and spotted owls | Anthony | May 2008 |
Interview with ABC News on Unit research on competition between barred owls and spotted owls | Anthony | September 2008 |
I gave one of the plenary presentations at the Willamette Valley Bird Symposium. Symposium attendees include a wide range of bird enthusiasts from the general public (local Audubon chapter) as well as high school and graduate students. | Dugger | January 2023 |
I gave a short presentation about my Adelie penguin research to the Corvallis Kiwanis club | Dugger | August 2012 |
HORIZON AIR magazine - Relocation of the Caspian tern colony to East Sand Island | Roby | October 2001 |
Gave a lecture on efforts to restore Caspian terns as a nesting species in the Upper Klamath Basin to the Jefferson Fish Society, Klamath Falls OR. | Roby | April 2009 |
Featured cover article by Sarah Gilman titled, Evidence of absence: northern spotted owls are still vanishing from the Northwest in the March volume of Living Bird, that highlights northern spotted owl research by Dugger and others, including quotes by Dugger (print and online) | Dugger | January 2016 |
COLUMBIA BASIN BULLETIN - Tern management consequences of on-going injunction | Roby | January 2002 |
COLUMBIA BASIN BULLETIN - Settlement for Caspian tern management | Roby | January 2002 |
COLUMBIA BASIN BULLETIN - Officials Mull Next Move with Tern Relocation. | Roby | August 2001 |
Briefing to BLM State Director on Demography and Population Genetics of Northern Spotted Owls | Anthony | February 2008 |
Briefing to BLM State Director on Demography Briefing to Deputy Associate Director of the Department of Interior, Lynn Scarlett on Demography and Population Genetics of Spotted Owls | Anthony | October 2007 |
BIRD CONSERVATION - A Tern for the Better...Science guides tough conservation choices | Roby | January 2001 |
Assisted with www.columbiabirdresearch.org | Roby | January 2000 |
As Co-Chair Oregon Independent Miltidisciplinary Science Team made briefs to Governor's Office, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, and NOAA on Mid-Columbia Rive Steelhead Recovery plan | Schreck | October 2007 |
As Co-Chair Oregon Independent Miltidisciplinary Science Team made briefings on Salmon and Watershed Restoration Information needs to Governor's Natural Resources Council | Schreck | August 2008 |
Article in OSU’s Terra Magazine (Winter 2016 edition, “At the Apex”) about ongoing research led by Dugger and PhD graduate student advisee Beth Orning, to evaluate the interspecific competition between wolves and cougars in northeast Oregon (Print and online). | Dugger | January 2016 |
Article in OSU’s Terra Magazine (Fall 2014 edition, “Of Spots and Stripes”) about ongoing research to evaluate the status and trends of the northern spotted owl and the effect barred owls are having on spotted owl populations (Print and online). | Dugger | January 2014 |
Article in National Geographic Magazine by Kyla Mandel titled, "Despite massive effort, spotted owl populations at an all-time low<i>"</i>, regarding results of recent spotted owl meta-analysis co-authored by Dugger and others (Franklin et al. 2021), published on-line, June 24. | Dugger | June 2021 |
A summary of recently published journal article of interest to the public. Conceptual basis for ecological responses to dam removal. BioScience 52:713-723. | Li | October 2001 |
"Caspian terns of East Sand Island: Managing seabirds in an Important Bird Area", lecture for Nature Night at the Audubon Society of Portland. | Roby | January 2012 |