Oregon Staff Member
Dr. James T. Peterson
Unit Leader
Phone: (541) 737 - 1963
Email: james_peterson@usgs.gov
Faculty Email: jt.peterson@oregonstate.edu
Faculty Website
- Ph D University of Missouri 1996
- MS University of Illinois 1989
- BS University of Illinois 1986
Dr. Peterson received graduate degrees from the University of Illinois and University of Missouri and was a post-doctoral researcher with the USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. He joined the Georgia Unit as Assistant Unit Leader in 1999 and moved to the Oregon Unit in 2011 becoming Unit Leader in 2019. Dr. Peterson has an extensive background in animal population estimation and modeling, and the application of decision theoretic methods to solving complex ecological and resource management problems. A primary focus of his research is on identifying and quantifying the effects of physical and biotic factors on animal populations at multiple scales. This includes studies of population dynamics, community production, and habitat/landscape relationships. Dr. Peterson develops unique analytic approaches to estimate population demographic parameters that integrate data collected at multiple spatial and temporal scales to provide unique insights into multiscale processes affecting animal populations. He then uses decision theoretic approaches to assist natural resource decision making and adaptive management. Dr. Peterson teaches a graduate level classed in Data Management and R computing for Fisheries and Wildlife students, Structured Decision Making in Natural Resource Management, and Quantitative Decision Analysis for Fish and Wildlife Management.
Areas of Expertise
AI/Machine Learning, Adaptive Management, Anthropogenic Impacts, Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Decision Support/Analysis, Disease/Parasites, Ecological Flows, Ecological Services, Fisheries Management, Habitat Management, Invasive Species, Landscape Ecology, Managed Flows/Hydrology, Movement Ecology, Policy, Population Dynamics, Population and Community Ecology, Species Distribution Modeling, Species Status Assessments, Statistics and Modelling, Stream Ecology, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Amphibians, Anadromous Fishes, Crayfish, Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish, Invertebrates/Insects, Mussels, Salmonids, Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Wohner,W.J, A. Duarte, J. Wikert, B. Cavallo, S.C. Zeug, and J.T Peterson. Integrating monitoring and optimization modeling to inform flow decisions for Chinook salmon smolts. Ecological Modeling | Abstract | July 2022 |
Wohner, P.J., R.F. Thurow, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. Evaluating streamflow and temperature effects on migration and survival of a cold-water fish with spatial capture-recapture models. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society153(3): 326-346. https://doi.org/10.1002/tafs.10464 | Publisher Website | April 2024 |
Wohner, P.J., P.D. Scheerer, M.H. Meeuwig, and J.T. Peterson. 2023. A comprehensive multi-state conditional occupancy model for evaluating interactions of non-native and native species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, p.1288. | Abstract | January 2023 |
Wohner, P.J., A. Duarte, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. An integrated analysis for estimation of survival, growth, and movement of unmarked juvenile anadromous fish. Ecological Modeling 495, p.110780. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2024.110780 | Abstract | Publisher Website | September 2024 |
Whitlock, S.L., T.M. Lewis, and J.T. Peterson. 2020. Using a Bayesian Multistate Occupancy Model to Assess Seabird and Shorebird Status in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Wildlife Society Bulletin https://doi.org/10.1002/wsb.1100 | October 2020 |
Whitlock, S.L, J.N. Womble, and J.T. Peterson. Modelling Pinniped Abundance and Distribution Using Counts at Terrestrial Sites and In-Water Sightings. Ecological Modelling | March 2020 |
White, J.S., Peterson, J.T., Stratton Garvin, L.E., Kock, T.J., and Wallick, J.R., 2022, Assessment of habitat availability for juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (O. mykiss) in the Willamette River, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022–5034, 44 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/sir20225034 | Abstract | March 2022 |
Wenger, S.J, M. C. Freeman, L. A. Fowler, B. J. Freeman, and J. T. Peterson. Conservation planning for imperiled aquatic species in an urbanizing environment. Landscape and Urban Planning 97(1):11-21. | June 2010 |
Wenger, S. J., J. T. Peterson, M. C. Freeman, B. J. Freeman, D. D. Homans. 2008. Stream fish occurrence in response to impervious cover, historic land use and hydrogeomorphic factors Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 65: 1250?1264 | June 2008 |
Weigel, D. E., J. T. Peterson, and P. Spruell. 2003. The distribution of introgressive hybridization between westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout in the Clearwater Basin, Idaho. Ecological Applications. 13:38-50. | February 2003 |
Weigel, D. E., J. T. Peterson, and P. Spruell. 2002. A probabilistic model to detect introgression between westslope cutthroat trout and rainbow trout based on phenotypic characteristics. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | April 2002 |
Walsh, M. G., J. T. Peterson, and T. J. Kwak. 2004. Influence of Long-Term Streamflow Variation on Recruitment of Riverine Fish Populations. Pages 21-25 in J. R. Copeland, F. Fiss, P. E. Balkenbush, and C. S. Thomason, editors. Warmwater streams symposium II. Available online: www. sdafs. org/wwstreams/wwsc1. htm. | February 2004 |
Tyre A.J., J.T. Peterson, S.J. Converse, T. Bogich, W.L. Kendall, D. Miller, M. Post Van Der Burg, C. Thomas, R. Thompson, J. Wood, D.C. Brewer, and M.C. Runge 2011. Adaptive management of bull trout populations in the Lemhi Basin. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 2:262-281 | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2011 |
Thurow, R.F., J.T. Peterson, G.L. Chandler, C. M. Moffitt, and T. C. Bjornn. 2020 Concealment of Juvenile Bull Trout in Response to Temperature, Light, and Substrate: Implications for Detection. PloS ONE https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0237716 | September 2020 |
Thurow, R. F., J. T. Peterson, and J. W. Guzevich. 2006. Utility and validation of day and night snorkel counts for estimating bull trout abundance in 1st to 3rd order streams North American Journal of Fish Management. 26:217?232 | May 2006 |
Stewart, H.A., D.L.G. Noakes, K.M. Cogliati, J.T. Peterson, M.H. Iversen, and C.B. Schreck. 2016. Salinity effects on plasma ion levels, cortisol, and osmolality in Chinook salmon following lethal sampling. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. 192:38-43. | October 2016 |
Sitompul, A. F., J. P. Carroll, J. Peterson, and S. Hedges. 2008 Modelling Impacts of Poaching on the Sumatran Elephant Population in Way Kambas National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. Gajah 28: 31-40 | August 2008 |
Shoults-Wilson, W.A., J. T. Peterson, J. M. Unrine, J. Rickar, M. C. Black. The Asian clam Corbicula fluminea as a biomonitor of trace element contamination: Accounting for different sources of variation using an hierarchical linear model. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:2224-2232. | September 2009 |
Shea, C.P., J.T. Peterson, M.J. Conroy, and J.M Wisnewski. 2013. MODELING THE OCCURRENCE OF FRESHWATER MUSSELS WHILE ACCOUNTING FOR INCOMPLETE DETECTION AND MISIDENTIFICATION OF SPECIES. Freshwater Biology 58: 382–395 | Abstract | February 2013 |
Shea, C.P, J.T. Peterson, and J. M Wisniewski. Misidentification of Freshwater Mussel Species (Bivalvia:Unionidae): Contributing Factors, Management Implications, and Potential Solutions. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30(2):446-458 | April 2011 |
Shea, C. P., and J. T. Peterson. An evaluation of the relative influence of habitat complexity and habitat stability on fish assemblage structure in unregulated and regulated reaches of a large southeastern warmwater stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:943?958. | July 2007 |
Schuster, C.J., T. Kreul, E. Al-Samarrie, J.T. Peterson, J.L. Sanders, M.L. Kent. Progression of infection and detection of Pseudoloma neurophilia in zebrafish Danio rerio Hamilton by PCR and histology. Journal of Fish Diseases https://doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13675 | Abstract | Publisher Website | July 2022 |
Schuster, C.J., M.L. Kent, J. Peterson, and J.L. Sanders. 2022. Multi-state occupancy model estimates probability of detection of an aquatic parasite using environmental DNA: Pseudoloma neurophilia in zebrafish aquaria. Journal of Parasitology https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.16.480730 | Abstract | Publisher Website | July 2022 |
Schreck, C.B, D. D. Roby, K. Dugger, and J. Peterson. 2015. Meeting Cooperator Needs: Examples from the Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 80. Omaha, NE. | July 2015 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2017. Distribution and abundance of Millicoma Dace in the Coos River Basin, Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist. 98: 39-47. | July 2017 |
Scheerer, P.D, S. Clements, S.E. Jacobs, and J.T. Peterson. 2016.Status, Distribution, and Life History of the Warner Sucker in Southeastern Oregon. Northwestern Naturalist 97(3):205-225 | July 2016 |
Runge, J. R., J. T. Peterson, C. R. Martin. 2008. Survival and dispersal of hatchery-raised rainbow trout (Onchorynchus mykiss)in a river basin undergoing urbanization. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:745?757 | March 2008 |
Ruiz, J., and J. T. Peterson. An Evaluation of the Relative Influence of Spatial, Statistical, and Biological Factors on the Accuracy of Stream Fish Species Presence Models. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 136:1640-1653. | December 2007 |
Rowe, J.C., A. Duarte, C.C. Pearl, B. McCreary, S. Galvan, J.T.Peterson, M.J. Adams. 2019. Disentangling effects of invasive species and habitat while accounting for observer error in a long-term amphibian study. Ecosphere | August 2019 |
Rieman, B. E., J. T. Peterson, J. Clayton, P. Howell, R. F. Thurow, W. Thompson, and D. C. Lee. 2001. Evaluation of the potential effects of federal land management alternatives on the trends of salmonids and their habitats in the Interior Columbia River Basin. Journal of Forest Ecology and Management | August 2001 |
Reinert, T. R., and J. T. Peterson. 2008. Modeling the Effects of Potential Salinity Shifts on the Recovery of Striped Bass in the Savannah River Estuary, Georgia-South Carolina, U. S. Environmental Management. 41:753-765 | April 2008 |
Reiman, B. E., J. T. Peterson, and D. L. Myers. 2006. Have Brook Trout Displaced Bull Trout in Streams of Central Idaho ?: An Empirical Analysis of Distributions Along Elevation and Thermal Gradients Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63: 63-78. | April 2006 |
Rabeni, C. F., J. Lyons., N. Mercado-Silva, J. T. Peterson. 2009. Warmwater Fish in Wadeable Streams, chapter 4 in Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes. S. Bonar, D. Willis and W. Hubert, editors. | August 2009 |
Price, A.L. and J.T. Peterson. Estimation and Modeling of Electrofishing and Seining Capture Efficiency for Fishes in Wadeable Warmwater Streams. North American Journal of Fisheries Management | April 2010 |
Powell, L.A., A.J. Tyre, M.J. Conroy, J.T. Peterson, and B.K. Williams. 2011 Integrating adaptive management into wildlife curricula. The Wildlife Professional 5(2): 74-76. | April 2011 |
Peterson, R. C., C. A. Jennings, and J. T. Peterson. 2012. River discharge effects on abundance of age-0 redhorses (Moxostoma spp.) in the Oconee River, Georgia, USA, with implications for robust redhorse. River Research and Application. 29:734-742. | March 2012 |
Peterson, J.T., P.D. Scheerer, S. Clements. 2015. An evaluation of the efficiency of minnow traps for estimating the abundance of minnows in desert spring systems. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 35: 491-502. | May 2015 |
Peterson, J.T., J.M. Wisniewski, C.P. Shea, and C.R. Jackson. 2011. Estimation of mussel population response to hydrologic alteration in a Southeastern U.S. stream. Environmental Management 48:109-122. | July 2011 |
Peterson, J.T., J.A. Pease, L. Whitman, J. White, L. Stratton Garvin, S. Rounds, and R. Wallick. 2022. Integrated tools for identifying optimal flow regimes and evaluating alternative minimum flows for recovering at risk salmonids in a highly managed system. River Research and Applications 38: 293-308. https://doi.org/10.1002/rra.3903 | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2021 |
Peterson, J.T., E. McCreless, A. Duarte, P. Wohner, S. Hamilton, J. Medellin-Azuara, and A. Escriva-Bou. Structured Decision Making for Scientific Management in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Environmental Science and Policy. 157, p.103775. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2024.103775 | Abstract | Publisher Website | May 2024 |
Peterson, J.T. and M.F. Barajas. 2018. An evaluation of three fish surveys in the Bay-Delta, 1995-2015. San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science 16:4 | December 2018 |
Peterson, J.T. and M.C. Freeman.2016. Integrating Modeling, Monitoring, and Management to Reduce Critical Uncertainties in Water Resource Decision Making. Journal of Environmental Management 183(Pt 2):361-370. doi: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.03.015. | December 2016 |
Peterson, J.T. and J. Dunham. 2010 Scale and Fishery Management. Chapter 3 in W. Hubert and M. Quist, eds. Inland Fisheries Management, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. | October 2010 |
Peterson, J.T. and C.P. Shea. 2015. An evaluation of the relations between flow regime components, stream characteristics, and species traits and meta-demographic rates of warmwater streams fishes: Implications for aquatic resource management. River Research and Applications 31: 1227–1241 | Download | May 2015 |
Peterson, J.T. and A. Duarte. 2024. An evaluation of tradeoffs in restoring ephemeral vs. perennial habitats to conserve animal populations. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 5, p.1428697. https://doi.org/10.3389/fcosc.2024.1428697 | Abstract | Publisher Website | July 2024 |
Peterson, J.T. and A. Duarte. 2020. Decision analysis to develop and evaluate restoration strategies for Chinook salmon in California’s Central Valley. Restoration Ecology https://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13244 | Abstract | Publisher Website | November 2020 |
Peterson, J., C. Moore, S. Wenger, K. Kennedy, E. Irwin, and M. Freeman. 2007. Adaptive management applied to aquatic natural resources. Chapter 6.4 in Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 27-29, Athens. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | March 2007 |
Peterson, J. T., and T. J. Kwak. 1999. Modeling the effects of land use and climate change on riverine smallmouth bass. Ecological Applications 9: 1391-1404. | November 1999 |
Peterson, J. T., and R. S. Mordecai. 2006. Review of Occupancy estimation and modeling. The Auk 123:1201-1202. | October 2006 |
Peterson, J. T., and P. B. Bayley. 2004. A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Presence When a Species is Undetected. in W. L. Thompson, editor. Sampling Rare or Elusive Species: Concepts, Designs and Techniques for Estimating Population Parameters. Island Press, Covelo, CA. | December 2004 |
Peterson, J. T., and J. W. Evans. 2003. Decision analysis for sport fisheries management. Fisheries. 28(1):10-20. | January 2003 |
Peterson, J. T., and J. Dunham. 2003. Combining inferences from models of capture efficiency, detectability, and suitable habitat to classify landscapes for conservation of threatened bull trout. Conservation Biology 17:1070-1077. | August 2003 |
Peterson, J. T., and C. F. Rabeni. 2001. The relation of fish assemblages to channel units in an Ozark stream Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130: 911-926 | September 2001 |
Peterson, J. T., and C. F. Rabeni. 2001. Evaluating the physical characteristics of channel units in an Ozark stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130(5):898-910. | September 2001 |
Peterson, J. T., R. F. Thurow, and J. Guzevich. 2004 An evaluation of multi-pass electrofishing for estimating the abundance of stream-dwelling salmonids. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 133:462-475. | March 2004 |
Peterson, J. T., N. P. Banish, and R. F. Thurow. 2005. Are blocknets necessary? Movements of stream-dwelling salmonids in response to three common survey methods. North American Journal of Fish Management 25:732?743 | April 2005 |
Peterson, J. T., J. Dunham, P. Howell, S. Bonar, R. Thurow. 2002. Protocol for determining bull trout presence. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. (This is a peer-refereed special publication of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society). | April 2002 |
Peterson, J. T., C. R. Jackson, C. P. Shea, and G. Li. The development and evaluation of a stream channel classification for estimating the response of fishes to changing streamflow. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | Abstract | September 2009 |
Peterson, J. T. and C. Paukert. 2009. Data conversion, Chapter 12 in Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes. S. Bonar, D. Willis and W. Hubert, editors. | August 2009 |
Peterson, D. L. J. T. Peterson, and R. F. Carline. 2006. Effects of zooplankton density on survival of stocked walleye fry in five Pennsylvania reservoirs. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. 21:121-129. | May 2006 |
Peterson J. T., and C. F. Rabeni. 2001. Evaluating the efficiency of a one-square-meter quadrat sampler for riffle-dwelling fish. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 21:76-85. | March 2001 |
Nervino, S., T. Polley, J.T. Peterson, C.B. Schreck, M.L. Kent, and J.D. Alexander. 2024. Intestinal Lesions and Parasites Associated with Senescence and Prespawn Mortality in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Journal of Fish Disease 47(2) https://doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13876 | Abstract | January 2024 |
Neal, T. M.L. Kent, J. Sanders, C.B. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2021. Laboratory infection of juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) with parasitic copepod (Salmincola californiensis). Journal of Fish Diseases 44:1423-1434 https://doi.org/10.1111/jfd.13450 | Abstract | May 2021 |
Meador, J.M. and J.T. Peterson. 2011. An Evaluation of the Factors Influencing Freshwater Mussel Sampling and Demographics in a Large Lowland River. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 30(2):507-521 | April 2011 |
McCargo, J. W. and J. T. Peterson. 2010. An evaluation of the influence of seasonal base flow and geomorphic stream characteristics on Coastal Plain stream fish assemblages. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139: 29-48 | Abstract | January 2010 |
Mattsson, B. J., R S. Mordecai, M. J. Conroy, J. T. Peterson, R. J. Cooper, And H. Christensen. 2008. When does N0 matter? A stochastic population viability analysis for imperiled large-bodied woodpeckers, with implications for the recently rediscovered Ivory-billed woodpecker. Avian Conservation and Ecology 3(2): 5. [online] URL: http://www.ace-eco.org/vol3/iss2/art5/ | Publisher Website | December 2008 |
Markle, D.F., A. Janik, J.T. Peterson, A. Choudhry, D.C. Simon, V.V. Tkach, M.R. Terwilliger, J.L. Sanders, and M.L. Kent. 2020. Odds ratios and hurdle models: a long-term analysis of parasite-host infection patterns in endangered young-of-the-year suckers from Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon. International Journal for Parasitology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpara.2020.02.001 | April 2020 |
MacCluskie, M., A. Romito, J.T. Peterson, and J.P. Lawler. 2016. A formalized approach to making effective natural resource management decisions on Alaska National Parks. Park Science 14(1) | April 2016 |
Larson, M.S., A. Choudhury, E.N. Gardner, P. Konstantinidis, C.A. Murphy, M.L. Kent, J.T. Peterson, and C.E. Couch. 2024. Diet and Philonema oncorhynchi infections in reservoir-rearing juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Transactions of the American Fisheries Society153(3): 312-325. | Abstract | Publisher Website | May 2024 |
Kwak, T. J., and J. T. Peterson. Community Indices, Parameters, and Comparisons. Pages 667-763. In M. Brown and C. Guy, editors. Analysis and interpretation of Freshwater Fisheries Data. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | November 2007 |
Kurnianto, S., J. Selker, J. B. Kauffman, D. Murdiyarso, J. T. Peterson. 2018. The influence of land cover changes on the variability of saturated hydraulic in tropical peatlands. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. doi:10.1007/s11027-018-9802-3 | April 2018 |
Konwick, B. J., G. T. Tomy, N. Ismail, J. T. Peterson, R. J. Fauver, D. Higginbotham, M. Blount|, A. T. Fisk. 2008. Concentrations and patterns of perfluorinated compounds in Georgia (USA) surface waters near and distant to a major use source. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 27:2011-2018. | September 2008 |
Kirsch, J.E., J.T. Peterson, A. Duarte, D. Barnard, A. Goodman, S. Hugentobler, J. Julienne, M. Meek, R.W. Perry, C. Phillis, L. Smith, and J. Stewart. 2024. Fish misidentification and incomplete detection affects inferences from data informing water operation decisions. North American Journal of Fish Management https://doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10974 | Abstract | February 2024 |
Kirsch, J.E., J.L.Day, J.T.Peterson, and D.K. Fullerton. 2018. Fish Misidentification and Potential Implications to Monitoring Within the San Francisco Estuary, California. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 9: 467-485. | December 2018 |
Kirsch, J.E and J.T. Peterson. 2014. A multi-scaled approach to evaluating the fish assemblage structure within southern Appalachian streams USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 143:1358-1371. | Abstract | Download | October 2014 |
Jensen, A.J., S.J. Dundas, and J.T. Peterson. 2022. Phenomenological and mechanistic modeling of recreational angling behavior using creel data. Fisheries Research 249: 106235. | Abstract | May 2022 |
Jensen, A.J., C.B. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2021 Rapid Phenotypic Stock Identification of Chinook Salmon in Recreational Fishery Management. Marine and Coastal Fisheries 13: 99-112. https://doi.org/10.1002/mcf2.10145 | Abstract | Publisher Website | April 2021 |
Jensen, A.J., B. Cox, and J.T. Peterson. 2022. Evaluating tag-reliant harvest estimators in Chinook salmon mixed-stock fisheries using simulations. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 99(999):1-15. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2021-0197 | Abstract | Publisher Website | January 2022 |
Jensen, A. J., C.B. Schreck, J.E. Hess, S. Bohn, K.G. O'Malley, and J.T. Peterson. 2021. Genetic Advances in Recreational Fisheries Management. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:130-141. DOI:10.1002/nafm.10542. | Publisher Website | February 2021 |
Irwin, ER, MC Freeman, J Peterson, MC Lloyd, KDM Kennedy, K Ouellette and E Kosnicki. 2019. Adaptive Management of Flows from R.L. Harris Dam, (Tallapoosa River, Alabama): Stakeholder Process and Use of Biological Monitoring Data for Decision Making. Open File Report 2019-1026, 93pages, https://doi.org/x. |
March 2019 |
Howell, J. A., J. T. Peterson, and M. J. Conroy. 2008. Building Hierarchical Models of Avian Distributions for the State of Georgia. Journal of Wildlife Management. 72:168?178. | January 2008 |
Homer, M.D., J. T. Peterson, and C. A. Jennings. 2015. Evaluation of Three Aging Techniques and Back-calculated Growth for Introduced Blue Catfish from Lake Oconee, Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 14(4):740–756. | December 2015 |
Grossman, G. D., R. E. Ratajczak, J. T. Petty, M. D. Hunter, J. T. Peterson, and G. Grenouillet. in press. Population dynamics of mottled sculpin (Pices:Cottidae) in a variable environment: an information theoretic approach. Ecological Monographs | July 2006 |
Grabowski, T. B., T. D. Ferguson, J. T. Peterson, and C. A. Jennings. 2009. Capture probability and behavioral response of robust redhorse, an cryptic riverine fish, to electrofishing. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 29:721–729. | Abstract | Publisher Website | June 2009 |
Gilligan-Lunda , E.K., A. Duarte, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. Habitat use of anadromous and amphidromous sturgeons in North America: a systematic review. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 81(5): 508-524. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2023-0222 | Abstract | Publisher Website | May 2024 |
Fritts, A.K, J.T. Peterson, P.D. Hazelton, and R.B. Bringolf. 2015. Evaluation of methods for assessing physiological biomarkers of stress in freshwater mussels. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 72: 1450-1459. 10.1139/cjfas-2014-0564. | March 2015 |
Fritts, A.K, J.T. Peterson, J. M. Wisniewski, and R. B. Bringolf. 2015 Non-lethal assessment of freshwater mussel physiological response to changes in environmental factors. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 72:1460-1468, 10.1139/cjfas-2014-0565 | June 2015 |
Frisch, J.R. J.T. Peterson, K.K. Cecala, J.C. Maerz, C. R. Jackson, T. L. Gragson, and C. M. Pringle. PATCH OCCUPANCY OF STREAM FAUNA ACROSS A LAND COVER GRADIENT IN THE SOUTHERN APPALACHIANS, USA. Hydrobiologia (2016) 773:163–175 | March 2016 |
Freeman, M. C., Buell, G. R., Hay, L. E., Hughes, W. B., Jacobson, R. B., Jones, J. W., Jones, S. A., Lafontaine, J. H., Odom, K. R., Peterson, J. T., Riley, J. W., Schindler, J. S., Shea, C. and Weaver, J. D. (2013), LINKING RIVER MANAGEMENT TO SPECIES CONSERVATION USING DYNAMIC LANDSCAPE-SCALE MODELS. River Research and Application 29: 906–918 | Abstract | July 2013 |
Freeman, M. C., Buell, G. R., Hay, L. E., Hughes, W. B., Jacobson, R. B., Jones, J. W., Jones, S. A., Lafontaine, J. H., Odom, K. R., Peterson, J. T., Riley, J. W., Schindler, J. S., Shea, C. and Weaver, J. D. (2012), LINKING RIVER MANAGEMENT TO SPECIES CONSERVATION USING DYNAMIC LANDSCAPE-SCALE MODELS. River Research and Application. doi: 10.1002/rra.2575 | Abstract | March 2012 |
Favrot, S.D., B.C. Jonasson, and J.T. Peterson. Fall and Winter Microhabitat Use and Suitability for Spring Chinook Salmon Parr in a Pacific Northwest River, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147:151-170 | April 2018 |
Dycus, J.C., J.M. Wisniewski, and J.T. Peterson. 2015. The effects of flow and stream characteristics on freshwater mussel growth in a Southeast US river basin. Freshwater Biology 60: 395-409. | Abstract | January 2015 |
Dunham, J. B., B. E. Rieman, and J. T. Peterson. 2002. Patch-based models of species occurrence: lessons from salmonid fishes in streams. in J. M. Scott and P. J. Heglund, editors. Predicting Species Occurrences: Issues of Scale and Accuracy. | January 2002 |
Duarte, A., S.L. Whitlock, and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Species Distribution Modeling. Volume 2, Pages 189-198 in B. Fath editor. Encyclopedia of Ecology, Second Edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam | October 2018 |
Duarte, A., R.S. Spaan, J.T. Peterson, C.A. Pearl, and M.J. Adams. 2025. Bayesian networks facilitate updating of species distribution and habitat suitability models. Ecological Modelling 501, p.110982. | Abstract |
February 2025 |
Duarte, A., J.T. Peterson, C.A. Pearl, J.C. Rowe, B. McCreary , S.K. Galvan, and M.J. Adams. 2020. Estimation of metademographic rates and landscape connectivity for a conservation-reliant anuran. Landscape Ecology 35: 1459–1479. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10980-020-01030-8 | Abstract |
April 2020 |
Duarte, A., C.A. Pearl, M.J. Adams, and J.T. Peterson. A new parameterization for integrated population models to document amphibian reintroduction efforts. Ecological Applications. | July 2017 |
Duarte, A. and J.T. Peterson. 2021. Space‐for‐time is not necessarily a substitution when monitoring the distribution of pelagic fishes in the San Francisco Bay‐Delta. Ecology and Evolution 11:16727-16744. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.8292 | Abstract | Publisher Website | October 2021 |
Duarte, A. M.J. Adams, and J.T. Peterson. Fitting N-mixture models to count data with unexplained heterogeneity: bias, diagnostics, and alternative approaches. Ecological Modelling | January 2018 |
Dolan, B.P., K. M. Fisher, M. E. Colvin, S. E. Benda, J. T. Peterson, M. L. Kent, and C. B. Schreck. 2016. Innate and adaptive immune responses in migrating spring-run adult Chinook Salmon, Oncorhynchus tshawytscha. Fish and Shellfish Immunology 48:136-44 | February 2016 |
Diaz, L., A. Duarte, M. Beakes, and J.T. Peterson. 2023 Ontogenetic niche partitioning in a facultatively anadromous salmonid: implications for population dynamics. Biological Conservation 49: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02770 | Abstract | October 2023 |
Dennard, S., J. T. Peterson, and E. S. Hawthorne. 2009. The Life History and Ecology of Cambarus halli, an Endemic Crayfish of the Tallapoosa River Basin, Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 8:479-494. | September 2009 |
DeWeber, J.T., J.T.Peterson, C. Sharpe, M.L. Kent, M.E. Colvin, C.B. Schreck. A hidden-process model for estimating prespawn mortality using carcass survey data. North American Journal of Fisheries Management | January 2017 |
DeWeber, J.T. and J.T. Peterson. 2020. Identifying and implementing environmental flows through structured decision-making: case study from the Willamette River, Oregon, USA. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1– 16. https://doi.org/10.1111/1752-1688.12845 | April 2020 |
Craven, S.W., J.T. Peterson, M.C. Freeman, T.J. Kwak, and E. Irwin. 2010. Modeling the relations between flow regime components, species traits and spawning success of fishes in warmwater streams. Environmental Management. 46(2):181-194 | July 2010 |
Couch, C.E., T.N. Neal, C.L. Herron, M.L. Kent, C.B. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2023. Gut microbiome composition associates with chronically elevated corticosteroids and morbidity in Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Scientific Reports 13(1), 2567. | Abstract | June 2023 |
Couch, C.E., M. Colvin, R.L. Chitwood, J.T. Peterson, C.B. Schreck. 2022. Scope of the cortisol stress response in Chinook salmon during maturation. Fisheries Research 254: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fishres.2022.106416 | Abstract | October 2022 |
Couch, C.C., J.T. Peterson, and P. H. Heimowitz. 2023. Evaluating the institutional and ecological effects of invasive species prevention policy: a case study from the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Management of Biological Invasions 14(2). https://doi.org/10.3391/mbi.2023.14.2.06 | Abstract | March 2023 |
Conroy, M.J. and J.T. Peterson. 2013. DECISION MAKING IN NATURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: A STRUCTURED, ADAPTIVE APPROACH. Wiley- Blackwell | Publisher Website | April 2013 |
Conroy, M. J., C. R. Allen, J. T. Peterson, L. Pritchard, Jr., and C. T. Moore. 2003. Landscape change in the southern Piedmont: challenges, solutions, and uncertainty across scales. Conservation Ecology 8(2): 3. [online] URL: http://www.consecol.org/vol8/iss2/art3. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | December 2003 |
Conroy, M. J. J. T. Peterson, O. L. Bass, C. J. Fonnesbeck, J. E. Howell, C. T. Moore, and J. P. Runge. 2008. Sources of variation in detection of wading birds from aerial surveys in the Florida Everglades. Auk 125:731-743. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | July 2008 |
Conroy M.J. and J.T. Peterson. 2009. Integrating management, research, and monitoring: balancing the 3-legged stool. Pages 413 - 421 in Cederbaum S.B., Faircloth B.C., Terhune T.M., Thompson J.J., and Carroll J.P., eds. Gamebird 2006: Quail VI and Perdix XII. 31 May - 4 June 2006. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Athens, GA, USA. | July 2009 |
Colvin, M.E., J.T. Peterson, M. L. Kent, and C. B. Schreck. 2015. Occupancy modeling for improved accuracy and understanding of pathogen prevalence and dynamics. Plos ONE. 10(3): e0116605. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0116605 | March 2015 |
Colvin, M.E., J.T. Peterson, C. Sharpe, M.L.Kent, C.B. Schreck. 2018. Identifying optimal translocation policies given factors associated with adult spring-run Chinook Salmon translocation mortality. River Research and Applications 34:1158–1167 | December 2018 |
Colvin, M.E. and J.T. Peterson. 2017. Preparing future fisheries professionals to make good decisions. Fisheries 41:473-474 | July 2017 |
Cecala, K.K, J. C. Maerz, J. R. Frisch, T. L. Gragson, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, D. S. Leigh, C. R. Jackson, J. T. Peterson, and C. M. Pringle. 2018. Multiple drivers, scales, and interactions influence southern Appalachian stream salamander occupancy. Ecosphere 9: 1:19 | January 2018 |
Carswell, B. L., J. T. Peterson, and C. A. Jennings. 2015. Tidal Management Affects Sub-adult Fish Assemblages in Impounded South Carolina Marshes. Wetlands Ecology and Management 23(6):1015-1031. | June 2015 |
Carey, K.C., M. Kent, C. B. Schreck, C. E. Couch, L. Whitman, and J. T. Peterson. Modeling the effects of stream temperature and human disturbance on prespawn mortality of spring Chinook salmon in an adaptive management framework. North American Journal of Fisheries Management | Abstract | November 2024 |
Brignon, W.R., M. M. Pike, L. O. E. Ebbesson, H. A. Schaller, J. T. Peterson, C. B. Schreck. Rearing Environment Influences Brain and Lens Development, Boldness, and Prey Acquisition Behavior of Bull Trout. Environmental Biology of Fishes. | April 2018 |
Brignon, W.B., J.T. Peterson, J. B. Dunham, H.A. Schaller, and C. B. Schreck. Evaluating Tradeoffs in Bull Trout Reintroduction Strategies Using Structured Decision Making. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | July 2017 |
Benjamin, J.R., McDonnell, Kevin, Dunham, J.B., Brignon, W.R., and Peterson, J.T., 2017, Structured decision making for conservation of bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) in Long Creek, Klamath River Basin, south-central Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Open-Report 2017–1075, 32 p., https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20171075. | Publisher Website | June 2017 |
Bayley, P. B., and J. T. Peterson. 2001. Species presence for zero observations: an approach and an application to estimate probability of occurrence of fish species and species richness. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 130: 620-633. | July 2001 |
Banish, N. P., J. T. Peterson, R. F. Thurow. 2007. Physical, Biotic, and Sampling Influences on Diel Habitat Use by Stream-Dwelling Bull Trout. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. 28:176-187. | February 2008 |
Anderson, G.B., M.C. Freeman, B.J. Freeman, C.A. Straight, M.M Hagler, and J.T. Peterson. 2012. Dealing With Uncertainty When Assessing Fish Passage Through Culvert Road Crossings. Environmental Management 3: 462-477 | Abstract | June 2012 |
Albanese, B., P. L. Angermeier, and J. T. Peterson. Does mobility limit rates of colonization and population recovery among stream fishes? Freshwater Biology 7:1444-1460. | May 2009 |
Albanese, B. R., J. T. Peterson, B. J. Freeman, and D. Wieler. 2007 Accounting for Incomplete Detection when Estimating Site Occupancy of Pteronotropis welaka (Bluenose Shiner) in Southwest Georgia. Southeastern Naturalist 6(4):669-682. | January 2007 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Wohner, P., R. Thurow, and J.T. Peterson.. 2024. Combining linear spatial capture-recapture modeling with Bull Trout telemetry data. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Wohner, P., A. Duarte, and J.T. Peterson.. 2024. Getting back to the basics: Evaluating sample designs using variance partitioning . 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Wohner, P., A. Duarte, and J.T. Peterson.. 2024. An integrated analysis for estimating juvenile survival, growth, and movement. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Wohner, P., A. Duarte, and J. Peterson. 2021. Optimizing Spring Flows for Juvenile Chinook Salmon Survival Through the San Joaquin River Delta. National Stream Restoration Conference, August 22-24, Baltimore, MD. | August 2021 |
Whitlock, S., J. Womble, C. Gabriel, and J. Peterson.2017. Modeling pinniped abundance and distribution using haulout counts and in-water sightings. 2017 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, August 6-11, Portland Oregon. | August 2017 |
Whitlock, S., C. Baker, and J.T. Peterson. 2019. The value of model-based estimators for enumerating fish at passage barriers: an example involving Pacific lamprey at Willamette Falls, Oregon. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno NV. | September 2019 |
White, J., R. Wallick, L. Stratton Garvin, J. Peterson, and T. Kock. 2021. Assessment of Habitat Availability for Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Willamette River. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, March 3-5. | March 2021 |
White, J., R. Wallick, J. Peterson, R. Piaskowski, J. MacDonald, and B. Overstreet. 2019. Fish and flows: Quantifying the effects of flow management on rearing habitat for spring Chinook and winter steelhead in Willamette River using high-resolution hydraulic models. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. | March 2019 |
Thomas, A.D., A. Duarte, M. Gostin, J. Peterson, and D. B. Lesmesister. 2024. Passive acoustic monitoring is more efficient than audio-visual surveys for marbled murrelets Annual Conference of the Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society , Feb. 14-16, Hood River, OR | February 2024 |
Stratton-Garvin, L., S. Rounds, J. Peterson, T. Kock, and R. Wallick. 2022. Temperature and Habitat Modeling to Inform Streamflow Management in the Willamette River Annual meeting of the American fisheries society. 152 American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 21-25, Spokane WA. | August 2022 |
Sidlauskas, B.L. H. Aydoğan, Á. Cortés, A.N. Black, B. Penaluna, and J. Peterson. 2021. Towards a deeper molecular and morphological understanding of Oregon’s native non-game fish diversity. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, March 3-5 | March 2021 |
Schreck, C., Kent, M., Colvin, M.E., Benda, S., Sharpe, C., Peterson, J.T., Doland, B., Chitwood, R., Unrein, J., Caudill, C.C., Naugton, G. Evaluating potential causes and management of pre-spawning mortality in adult upper Willamette River Chinook salmon. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis Oregon. February 5-7, 2013. | February 2013 |
Schreck, C., B. Dolan, M. Kent, M. Colvin, J. Peterson. (2017). Stress, the immune system and maturation in Chinook salmon. International Congress of Comparative Endocrinology. Alberta, Canada. June 4-9, 2017. | June 2017 |
Schreck, C. M. E. Colvin2, C. Sharpe, J. T. Peterson, M. Kent, S. Benda, B. Dolan, and C. C. Caudill. Evaluating Potential Causes And Management Of Pre-Spawning Mortality In Adult Upper<br> Willamette River Chinook Salmon. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 5-7 | February 2013 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T.Peterson, and S. Clements. 2015. An Evaluation of the Efficiency of Minnow Traps for Estimating the Abundance of Minnows in Desert Spring Systems. 7th Annual meeting of the Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Death Valley National Park, CA. | November 2015 |
Sanders, A., S.White, G. Giannico, and J. Peterson. 2025. Dispatches from the 2024 OHRC Hatchbox Workshop. American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter 61st Annual Meeting, Feb 25-28, Bend Oregon. | February 2025 |
Saenz, J. and J.T. Peterson. 2016. An adaptive decision-support tool for the conservation of least chub. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Reno. | March 2016 |
Saenz, J. and J.T. Peterson. 2015. The use of dynamic multi season occupancy models in the conservation of desert fishes. 7th Annual meeting of the Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Death Valley National Park, CA. | November 2015 |
Saenz, J. and J.T. Peterson. 2014. An adaptive framework for managing least chub in aridland wetlands. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, April 7-11, Mazatlan, MX. | April 2014 |
Saenz, J. and J.T. Peterson. 2014. An adaptive framework for managing least chub in aridland wetlands. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, February 25-28, Eugene OR. | February 2014 |
Saenz, J. and J.T. Peterson. 2013. An Adaptive Framework for Managing Least Chub in Aridland Wetlands. EPA Region 8 Wetland Capacity Building Workshop September 24 - 27, Salt Lake City, Utah. | September 2013 |
Saenz, J. and J. Peterson 2013.THE USE OF DYNAMIC MULTI SEASON OCCUPANCY MODELS IN THE CONSERVATION OF DESERT FISHES. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter, Feb 18-21. | February 2013 |
Rowe, J., A. Duarte, M.J. Adams, C.A. Pearl, and J.T. Peterson. 2017 “Factors influencing coexistence of native amphibians with invasive bullfrogs in the Willamette Valley, OR. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology Annual Meeting. 27 February – 3 March 2017., Arcata, CA. | March 2017 |
Roberts, L.S. and J.T. Peterson. 2025. Optimizing Long-term Species Status Assessment with Environmental DNA: Independence Valley speckled dace (<i>Rhinichthys osculus lethoporus</i>) Conservation. American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter 61st Annual Meeting, Feb 25-28, Bend Oregon. | February 2025 |
Roberts, L.S. and J.T. Peterson. 2024. Integrated Monitoring Strategies for Independence Valley Speckled Dace, <i>Rhinichthys osculus lethoporus</i>,[LR1] Conservation: An Applied Approach for Optimizing Long-term Species Status Assessment. Desert Fishes Council Annual Meeting, Nov 21-23. Grand Junction, Colorado | November 2024 |
Pruitt, W.A., J.T. Peterson, and C.A. Jennings. 2013. Use of occupancy models to determine seasonal distribution and habitat use of stocked robust redhorse in the Ocmulgee River, Georgia. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division - American Fisheries Society. February 7-10, 2013. Nashville, TN | February 2013 |
Peterson, J.T.,T. Neal, M. Kent, J. Sanders, and C. Schreck. 2019. Effects stressors on survival and dam passage of juvenile chinook salmon: implications for juvenile fish passage. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 12-13. | February 2019 |
Peterson, J.T., and M.C. Freeman. 2016. Integrating Modeling, Monitoring, and Management to Reduce Critical Uncertainties in Water Resource Decision Making. 52nd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter. March 1-4, Seaside, Oregon | March 2016 |
Peterson, J.T., M. Barajas, J.T. DeWeber. 2018. Multistate occupancy modeling for Longfin Smelt. Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. | September 2018 |
Peterson, J.T., J. Sanders, T. Neal, M. Kent and C. Schreck. 2020. The Willamette Copepod Research Program: Infection experiments and impacts on juvenile Chinook salmon. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 11-12 | February 2020 |
Peterson, J.T., J. Kirsch, A. Duarte, D. Barnard, A. Goodman, L. Smith, S. Hugentobler, M. Meek, J. Julienne, R. Perry, C. Phillis, and J. Stewart. 2022. Determining the effects of environmental variables, misidentification and incomplete detection on juvenile winter-run Chinook Salmon occupancy data used to inform water operation decisions in the Central Valley of California. 152 American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 21-25, Spokane WA. | August 2022 |
Peterson, J.T., E. Gardner, T. Neal, M. Larson,Couch, C.E., J.D. Romer, F. Monzyk, M. Kent, and C.B. Schreck. 2024. Unexpected Threats: Parasite Infections in Reservoir-rearing Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Willamette Basin Reservoirs. Oregon Lake Association Annual Conference. Nov 15- 16, Corvallis OR | November 2023 |
Peterson, J.T., E. Gardner, T. Neal, Larson, M., C. Couch, J. Romer, F. Monzyk, M. Kent, and C. Schreck 2023.Unexpected Threats: Parasite Infections in Reservoir-rearing Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Willamette Basin Reservoirs. Oregon Lakes Association annual conference Nov 15-16, Corvallis, OR. | March 2023 |
Peterson, J.T., C.P Paukert, A.E. Rosenberger, S.K. Brewer. 2015. Standardized sampling: a call for gear calibration. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 16-20, Portland OR. | August 2015 |
Peterson, J.T., C. Paukert, H. Giacomini, and D.T. de Kerckhove. 2024. Converting Non-Standard Data to Standardized Data for Freshwater Fisheries 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Peterson, J.T., A.M. Romito, M.J. Conroy. 2014.Structured Decision Making for Brown Bear Management on National Park Service Lands in Alaska. International Association for Landscape Ecology 2014 Annual Symposium, May 18-21, Anchorage Alaska. | May 2014 |
Peterson, J.T., A. Duarte, and K. McDonald. 2019. Transitioning the CVPIA fisheries program to a science-based prioritization and adaptive management process….progress? 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. | March 2019 |
Peterson, J.T., 2017. The development of a structured adaptive approach to prioritizing conservation and restoration of Chinook Salmon in the Central Valley. 35th Annual Salmonid Restoration Conference, March 29-April 1, Davis, CA. | March 2017 |
Peterson, J.T. and M.C Freeman. 2013.Integrating Modeling, Monitoring, and Management to Reduce Critical Uncertainties in Water Resource Decision Making. 143nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, September 8-12, Little Rock AR. | September 2013 |
Peterson, J.T. and K. Boomer. 2015. Integrating multiple models, monitoring, and management to reduce uncertainties and improve wetland restoration decision making in Chesapeake Bay watersheds. . 23rd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland OR. | November 2015 |
Peterson, J.T. and J. Sáenz. 2019. State dependent management of desert spring fish and their habitats. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. | March 2019 |
Peterson, J.T. and J. Pease. 2019. Integrated tools for identifying optimal flow regimes for recovering spring Chinook Salmon in the Willamette River, Oregon. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno NV. | September 2019 |
Peterson, J.T. and A. Duarte. 2025. Does borrowing information improve rotary screw trap estimates of juvenile salmon production? American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter 61st Annual Meeting, Feb 25-28, Bend Oregon. | February 2025 |
Peterson, J.T. and A. Duarte. 2024. Structured decision making and adaptive management with the Central Valley Project Improvement Act fisheries program…progress? 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Peterson, J.T. and A. Duarte. 2021. Decision Analysis to Identify Optimal State-Dependent Restoration Policies for Chinook Salmon11th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, April 6-9, 2021 | April 2021 |
Peterson, J.T. Pease, JE. L. Whitman, J. White, L. Stratton Garvin, S. Rounds, and R. Wallick. 2022. Willamette Instream Flow Project: Integrated Tools For The Evaluation Of Alternative Flow Management Strategies. Annual Willamette Fisheries Science Review , April 12-13, Corvallis OR. | April 2022 |
Peterson, J.T. Pease, JE. L. Whitman, J. White, L. Stratton Garvin, S. Rounds, and R. Wallick. 2021. Willamette Instream Flow Project: Integrated Tools For The Evaluation Of Alternative Flow Management Strategies. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, March 3-5 | March 2021 |
Peterson, J.T. Pease, JE. L. Whitman, J. White, L. Stratton Garvin, S. Rounds, and R. Wallick. 2020. Willamette Instream Flow Project: Integrated Tools For The Evaluation Of Alternative Flow Management Strategies. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 11-12 | February 2020 |
Peterson, J.T. 2017. Integrating multiple models, monitoring, and management to reduce uncertainties and improve water resource management decision making. Society for Freshwater Science Annual Meeting, June 4-8, 2017, Raleigh, NC. | June 2017 |
Peterson, J.T. 2016. Salmon Population Model and linkage to Structured Decision-Making. 2016 Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento CA. | October 2016 |
Peterson, J.T. 2016. Background on Adaptive Management and Decision Support Systems. Trinity River Science Symposium, March 29-30. Weaverville, CA. | March 2016 |
Peterson, J.T. 2014.Influence of incomplete capture on fish monitoring and management: problems and solutions. Annual California Delta Science Conference, October 29-31, Sacramento, California. | October 2014 |
Peterson, J.T. 2013.System-wide: Estimating juvenile habitat with stream channel characteristics. TRRP’s Scientific Advisory Board Review of Phase 1. Trinity River Restoration Program Science Symposium. Weaverville, CA. | January 2013 |
Peterson, J.T. 2013. Integrating Monitoring, Research, and Management:Leveling the 3 legged stool. Annual meeting of the Salvelinus confluentus Curiosity Society, Aug 13-15, Anthony Lakes, OR. | August 2013 |
Peterson, J.T. 2013. Decision Support System framework for adaptive management. Trinity River Restoration Program Science Symposium, Weaverville CA. TRRP’s Scientific Advisory Board Review of Phase 1 | January 2013 |
Peterson, J. T., D. T. de Kerckhove, H. C. Giacomini, and C. P. Paukert. Converting Non-standard Data to Standardized Data For Freshwater Fisheries. Invited presentation, World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA 5 March 2024 | March 2024 |
Pease, JE. and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Willamette River Instream Ecological Flow Science Review and Analyses Prioritization. 2019. Willamette Fisheries Science Review. Corvallis OR, February 12-23 | February 2019 |
Pease, JE. L. Whitman, K. Schroeder, and J.T. Peterson. 2020. Willamette instream flow project: estimation and modeling of Chinook salmon demographics. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 11-12 | February 2020 |
Pease, J.E., L. Whitman, K. Schroeder, and J.T. Peterson. 2020. Spring Chinook Salmon survival and movement in response to altered flows and temperatures in the Willamette River, Oregon. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Bend, OR. | March 2020 |
Pease, J., J.T. Peterson, L. Whitman, K. Schroder. 2019. Spring Chinook Salmon Survival and Movement in Response to Altered Flows, Habitat Availability, and Temperatures in the Willamette River, Oregon. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno NV. | September 2019 |
Pacifici, K, MJ Conroy, R.J. Cooper, and J.T. Peterson. 2009. Occupancy Estimation within an Adaptive Sampling Design: A Calibrated Bayesian Approach to Evaluating an Integrated Estimator for Rare or Elusive Species. Euring Analytical Conference. Pescara, Italy. September 14-20. | September 2009 |
Pacifici, K*, M.J. Conroy, R.J. Cooper, and J.T. Peterson. 2008. Occupancy estimation within an adaptive sampling design: Evaluation of an integrated estimator for rare or elusive species. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Miami, Florida. November 8-12. | November 2008 |
Neal, T., M.L. Kent, J. Sanders, C.B. Schreck, and J. Peterson. 2020. Experimental infection of the parasitic copepod on juvenile Chinook salmon. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Bend, OR. | March 2020 |
Neal, T., M. L. Kent, J. Sanders, C.B. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2021. Effects of saltwater transition of juvenile Chinook salmon infected with a parasitic copepod. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, March 3-5 | March 2021 |
Monzyk, F. A. Harrison, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. Assessing the Relationship Between Warner Sucker Abundance and eDNA for Possible Use in Monitoring. Annual meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Feb 26- Mar 1, Bend OR | February 2024 |
Millers, K.A. and J.T. Peterson. 2016. Dealing with uncertain data: An evaluation of long-term fish monitoring in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. 2016 Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento CA. | October 2016 |
Millers, K.A and J.T Peterson. 2016. Are the fishes imperiled? Evaluating uncertainty from long-term fish monitoring in the San Francisco Delta. International Statistical Ecology Conference 2016, Seattle. | June 2016 |
Millers, K. and J.T Peterson. 2016.Evaluating the uncertainty in long-term fish monitoring data in the San Francisco Estuary . The International Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2016. 8-12 May, Towson University, MD. | May 2016 |
Mercado-Silva, N., J. Lyons, S.J. Magnelia, J.T. Petersen, A.H. Roy, and S. Wenger. 2024. Standard methods for sampling fishes in wadeable streams. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, 15-19 September 2024, Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Mercado-Silva, N., J. Lyons, S.J. Magnelia, J.T. Petersen, A.H. Roy, and S. Wenger. 2023. Standard methods for sampling fishes in wadeable streams. World Fisheries Congress, 3-9 March 2024, Seattle, WA. | March 2024 |
McDonnell, K. and J.T. Peterson. 2015. A state-space approach to the estimation of juvenile out-migrant survival of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in the Lower American River, California. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 16-20, Portland OR. | August 2015 |
McDonnell, K. and J.Peterson. 2013.An example of quantitatively identifying the optimal spatial arrangement of freshwater salmon habitat restoration/improvement projects in a California Stream. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter, Feb 18-21. | February 2013 |
McDonald, K. and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Quantitative decision analysis for identifying the optimal allocation of Chinook Salmon habitat restoration projects in a California Central Valley stream. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. | March 2019 |
M. E. Colvin, J. T. Peterson, C. Sharpe, S. Benda, M. Kent, B. Dolan, C. C. Caudill, and C. Schreck. Development of a tool to evaluate outplanting strategies and prespawn mortality of Upper Willamette River spring Chinook. Annual Meeting of the Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Boise, Idaho. April 15-18, 2013 | April 2013 |
Lunda, E., J.T. Peterson, and A. Duarte. 2023. Habitat use of anadromous sturgeon in North America: a systematic review. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Feb 28-Mar 3. | March 2023 |
Lunda, E., J.T. Peterson, A. Duarte., and T. Swannack. 2023. Characterizing the effects of environmental variability and individual biological characteristics on green sturgeon recruitment success. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Feb 28-Mar 3 | March 2023 |
Larson, M., C. Couch, C. Murphy, M. Kent, and J. Peterson. 2023. Diet and Philonema infections in reservoir-rearing juvenile Chinook Salmon. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Feb 28-Mar 3 | March 2023 |
Kusaka, C., M. Davis, and J.T. Peterson. 2023. Spatial Analysis of Trends in Tufted Puffin Breeding Habitat on the Oregon Coast. Pacific Seabird Group 50th Annual Meeting, Feb. 15-17, La Jolla, CA | February 2023 |
Kusaka, C., M. Davis, and J.T. Peterson. 2022. Spatial Analysis of Trends in Tufted Puffin Breeding Habitat on the Oregon Coast. 7th Annual Science Of The Service Meeting. April 20, 2022. | April 2022 |
Kurnianto, S., J.T. Peterson, J. Selker, J.B. Kauffman, D. Murdiyarso. 2016. The impact of land cover change on the hydraulic conductivity in tropical peatlands. 15th International Peat Congress. August 15-19 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. | August 2016 |
Kurnianto S., Peterson J., Selker J., Murdiyarso D., Kauffman J. 2017. Variablity of hydraulic conductivity in tropical peatlands. 125th Anniversary Congress 2017. 18-22 September 2017. Freiburg Germany. | September 2017 |
Kent, M.L., T. M. Polley, C.J. Schuster, M. E.T. Stinson, C. E. Couch, J.T. Peterson and C. B. Schreck<sup></sup>. 2024. Intestinal Disease in Adult Chinook Salmon: Geographic distribution, links to prespawn mortality and potential causes. Annual meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Feb 26- Mar 1, Bend OR | February 2024 |
Kent, M.L., C.B. Schreck, C. Herron, and J.T. Peterson. 2016. Salmon life histories and environment effect modes of transmission of pathogens. 52nd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter. March 1-4, Seaside, Oregon. | March 2016 |
Jensen, A.J., B. Cox, and J.T. Peterson. 2021. Simulations of a Mixed-Stock Salmon Fishery Provide Fish Behavioral Insights and Evaluate Harvest Models. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, March 3-5 | March 2021 |
Jensen, A., J. Peterson, and C. Schreck. 2018. Differentiating Chinook Salmon from a Mixed Stock Fishery to Distinct Life Histories Using Morphometric Analysis. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eugene OR | March 2018 |
Jensen, A., C. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Novel Chinook salmon stock discrimination in recreational fishery management. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno NV. | September 2019 |
Jensen, A. and J. Peterson. 2020. What can creel data tell us about angling behavior in a recreational salmon fishery? Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Bend, OR. | March 2020 |
Jensen, A, C.B. Schreck, S. Bohn, K. O’Malley, J.T. Peterson. 2019. A story of tags, fins, and simulations: How integrating genetics in creel surveys can improve decision making. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. | March 2019 |
Isreal, J., M. Beakes, E. Buttermore, J. Gosselin, J. Peterson. 2024. Participatory science strategies for evaluating species, water, and power tradeoffs. 9th World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA, March 2024. | March 2024 |
Irwin ER, MC Freeman, JT Peterson, MC Lloyd, K Ouellette, KDM Kennedy. 2018. Long-Term Adaptive Management of Flows Below a Hydropeaking Dam. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, San Juan, Puerto Rico (Invited) | March 2018 |
Irwin ER, MC Freeman, JT Peterson, MC Lloyd, K Ouellette, KDM Kennedy. Ecological Responses Associated with Long-Term Adaptive Management of Flows Below a Hydropeaking Dam | August 2018 |
Homer, M.D., C.A. Jennings, and J.T. Peterson. 2013. Comparison of the precision of ages from three techniques and back-calculated lengths for introduced blue catfish (Ictalurus furcatus). Texas Chapter - American Fisheries Society, Jan. 17-19, 2013. Montgomery, Texas. | January 2013 |
Homer Jr, M.D., C.A. Jennings, and J.T. Peterson. 2013. Comparison of the precision of ages from three techniques and back-calculated lengths for introduced blue catfish. Spring Meeting of the Southern Division - American Fisheries Society. Feb.7-10, 2013. Nashville, TN. | February 2013 |
Herron, C.L., M.M. Scanlan, O.M. Hakanson, C.B. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2025. Steelhead Trout Stress Response When Reared With and Without In-Tank Structure at High and Low Density. American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter 61st Annual Meeting, Feb 25-28, Bend Oregon. | February 2025 |
Herron, C.L., C.E. Couch, M.M. Scanlan, O. Hakanson, , R. Chitwood, J.M. Cornelius, S.M. White, J.T. Peterson*, and C.B. Schreck. 2024. Intermittent Fasting in Hatchery Reared Juvenile Chinook Salmon. Northwest Fish Culture Concepts 73rd Annual Meeting | December 2024 |
Herron, C.L., M.M. Scanlan, O. Hakanson, C.E. Couch, R. Chitwood, J.T. Peterson*, C.B. Schreck. 2024. Beginning to look at cyclical intermittent fasting to prepare juvenile Chinook salmon for release into streams. Annual meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Feb 26- Mar 1, Bend OR | February 2024 |
Herron, C.L, O. M. Hakanson, M. M. Scanlan, C.E. Couch, C. B. Schreck, and J. T. Peterson. 2023 The Wild Fishes Surrogate Project: Where We Have Been, Are, And Will Be. Willamette Fisheries Science Review Corvallis OR April 5-6. | April 2023 |
Hall, J.D., J.T. Peterson, and K.M. Dugger. 2015. Estimating trout mortality caused by feeding of the chestnut lamprey in the Manistee River, Michigan. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 16-20, Portland, OR | August 2015 |
Hakanson, O., M.M. Scanlan, C.L. Herron, C.E. Couch, C.B. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. Wild Fish Surrogate Project: Ongoing development of a more wild-like fish intended for use in dam passage studies within the Willamette Basin. Northwest Fish Culture Concepts 73rd Annual Meeting | December 2024 |
Grabowski TB & JT Peterson. Using citizen science to model changes in occupancy and abundance of Hawaiian reef fishes. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Grabowski TB & JT Peterson. Using citizen science to model changes in occupancy and abundance of Hawaiian reef fishes. 14th Annual Tropical Conservation Biology and Environmental Science Symposium. 11-12 April 2024. Hilo, Hawai'i. | April 2024 |
Gilligan-Lunda, E., J.T. Peterson, and A. Duarte. 2025. Decision analysis to inform management decision-making for long-lived, difficult to monitor species with high uncertainty. American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter 61st Annual Meeting, Feb 25-28, Bend Oregon. | February 2025 |
Gilligan-Lunda, E., J.T. Peterson, and A. Duarte. 2022. Habitat use and other critical resource needs for anadromous sturgeons in North America North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society Annual Meeting, October 23-27, Folsom, CA. | October 2022 |
Gilligan-Lunda, E., A. Duarte, and J.T. Peterson.. 2024. Decision analysis for long-lived, difficult to monitor species with high uncertainty 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Gilligan-Lunda, E. J. Peterson, and A. Duarte. 2022. Habitat use and other critical resource needs for anadromous sturgeons in North America: a meta-analysis. 152nd American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 21-25, Spokane WA. | August 2022 |
Gee, S., A. Duarte, and J. Peterson. 2022. A Framework for Assessing the Efficacy of Integrating Found and Probabilistically Sampled Data. 29th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Nov. 6-10, Spokane WA. | November 2022 |
Fritts, A., J. Peterson, P. Hazelton, and R. Bringolf. 2014. Laboratory evaluation of physiological biomarkers of stress in freshwater mussels. Mississippi River Research Consortium. 23-25 April 2014. La Crosse, WI. Platform Presentation. | April 2014 |
Duarte, A., and J.T. Peterson. 2018. An integrated population model to estimate survival, growth, and movement transition probabilities for juvenile salmonids. Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. | September 2018 |
Duarte, A., J.T. Peterson, M.A. Adams. 2017 N-mixture models in the presence of unmodeled heterogeneity in count data: when can we trust the inferences? Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2017 Annual Meeting, February 8-10, Pendleton, Oregon. | February 2017 |
Duarte, A., C.A. Pearl, M.J.Adams, and J.T. Peterson. 2016. The use of integrated population models to document amphibian reintroduction efforts within restored habitat. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Madison, WI. | July 2016 |
Duarte, A., C.A. Pearl, M.J. Adams, and J.T. Peterson. 2017.“The use of integrated population models to evaluate amphibian reintroduction efforts within restored habitat” at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 15–19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. | October 2017 |
Duarte, A., A.D. Thomas, A. Higgs, M. Gostin, N. Palazzotto, J.T. Peterson, D.B. Lesmesister. 2023. Exploring the use of bioacoustic surveys to detect marbled murrelets in forest habitats. Wildlife Society’s Annual Conference, Louisville, Kentucky, Nov. 5 – 9. | November 2023 |
Duarte, A., A. Thomas, D. Lesmeister, J. Peterson, J.J. Valente, J. Jenkins, M. Gostin, M. Betts, M. Weldy, and Z. Ruff. 2023. Exploring the use of bioacoustic surveys to detect marbled murrelets in forest habitats. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY. | November 2023 |
Duarte, A. and J.T. Peterson. 2019. An adaptive management strategy for Chinook salmon in California’s Central Valley. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. | March 2019 |
Duarte, A. and J.Peterson. 2020. The role of optimization in solving decision-support models for natural resource management. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Bend, OR. | March 2020 |
Duarte, A. J.T. Peterson, C.A. Pearl, B. McCreary, S.K. Galvan, J.C. Rowe, and M.J. Adams. 2018. Habitat succession and landscape connectivity govern meta-demographic rates of a threatened anuran. 25th Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society. Cleveland OH. | October 2018 |
Duarte ,A. and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Decision analysis to identify optimal state-dependent restoration policies for Chinook salmon in California’s Central Valley. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno NV. | September 2019 |
Diaz, L., J.T. Peterson, and A. Duarte<sup></sup>. 2023. A meta-analysis of Oncorhynchus mykiss habitat use and ontogenetic niche shifts incorporating geographic variability. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Feb 28-Mar 3. | March 2023 |
Diaz, L., A. Duarte, and J.T. Peterson.. 2024. An Agent-Based Model to Infer Life-History Patterns in Facultatively Anadromous Salmonids. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Diaz, L. J. Peterson, and A. Duarte. 2022. Evaluating and Managing Oncorhynchus Mykiss Life-History Diversity in Altered Landscapes. 152nd American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 21-25, Spokane WA. | August 2022 |
DeWeber, T.J. and J.T. Peterson. 2017. A decision support process to identify instream flows for the Willamette River ecosystem. Willamette Fisheries Science Review, Corvallis OR, February 7-8. | February 2017 |
DeWeber, J.T. and J.T Peterson. 2018. Water in the Willamette: Identifying environmental flows for the ecosystem and listed salmonids. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Eugene OR | March 2018 |
Couch, C.E., K. Divilov, C.L. Herron, B. Wang, O. Hakanson, M.M. Scanlan, L. Whitman, M. Davis, C.B. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. Effects of diet on juvenile Chinook Salmon microbiome and gene expression. Northwest Fish Culture Concepts 73rd Annual Meeting | December 2024 |
Couch, C.E., J.T. Peterson, E. Gardner, T. Neal, M. Larson, J.D. Romer, F. Monzyk, M. Kent, and C.B. Schreck. 2024. Unexpected Threats: Parasite Infections in Reservoir-rearing Juvenile Chinook Salmon in Willamette Basin Reservoirs. Annual meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Feb 26- Mar 1, Bend OR | February 2024 |
Couch, C., J. Peterson, M. Kent, and C. Schreck<sup></sup>. 2023. Big fish with tiny friends: the role of the microbiome in Pacific salmon health. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Feb 28-Mar 3 | March 2023 |
Couch, C. C. Schreck, M. Kent, and J.T. Peterson. 2022. Microbial Biomarkers for Pre-Spawning Mortality in Chinook Salmon. Annual Willamette Fisheries Science Review, April 12-13, Corvallis OR. | April 2022 |
Cooper, R. J., R. S. Mordecai, B. G. Mattsson, M. J. Conroy, K. Pacifici, J. T. Peterson, and C. T. Moore. 2008. Design for a region-wide adaptive search for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker with the objective of estimating occupancy and related parameters. Fourth International Partners in Flight Conference, 13-16 February 2008, McAllen, TX. | February 2008 |
Colvin, M.E., J. T. Peterson, C. Sharpe, S. Benda1, M. Kent, B. Dolan, and C. Schreck 2014. Upper Willamette River spring Chinook prespawn mortality synthesis and modeling. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter, February 25-28, Eugene OR. | February 2014 |
Colvin, M.E., J. T. Peterson, C. Sharpe, S. Benda, C. Schreck, M. Kent, B. Dolan, and C. Caudill. 2013. Upper Willamette River spring Chinook prespawn mortality synthesis and modeling. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter, Feb 18-21. | February 2013 |
Carswell, B.L., J.T. Peterson, and C.A. Jennings. 2013. Abundance and diversity of sub-adult fishes in impounded South Carolina marshes: the effects of tidal exchange. GA Chapter - American Fisheries Society. Jekyll Island, GA. | January 2013 |
Carey, K., L. Whitman, C. Sharpe, C. Couch, M.L. Kent, J. Sanders, C.B. Schreck, and J.T. Peterson. 2023. Prespawning Mortality of Fall Creek Willamette Chinook Salmon: Evaluation Of The Effects Of A New Trap At The Adult Fish Collection Facility. Willamette Fisheries Science Review Corvallis OR April 5-6. | April 2023 |
C. R. Jackson, J. R. Webster, K. K. Cecala, J. R. Frisch, J. E. Kirsch, J. C. Maerz, D. S. Leigh, J. T. Peterson, C. M. Pringle, and J. D. Knoepp. 2018. Hydrologic, Morphologic, and Water Quality Effects of Rural Development in Streams of the Southern Blue Ridge Mountains. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, May 20-24, Detriot MI. | May 2018 |
Boomer, K. and J.T. Peterson. 2015. Downscaling watershed model predictions and characterizing structural uncertainty to support decision-making and develop monitoring priorities. 23rd Biennial Conference of the Coastal and Estuarine Research Federation, Portland OR. | November 2015 |
Barajas, M. and J.T. Peterson. 2016. Modeling alternative conservation strategies for Klamath Basin sucker recovery. 52nd Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society Oregon Chapter. March 1-4, Seaside, Oregon | March 2016 |
Barajas, M. and J.T. Peterson. 2015. The development of a structured adaptive approach to Klamath Basin sucker recovery planning. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 16-20, Portland OR. | August 2015 |
Alford, K., D. Tullos, and J.T. Peterson, 2024. An Evaluation of the Mechanisms Driving Dissolved Oxygen Downstream of the Klamath Dam Removal. . 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. (Contributed Oral) | September 2024 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Thurow, R. F., J. T. Peterson, C. A. Larsen, and J. W. Guzevich. 2003. Development of Bull Trout Sampling Protocols. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Aquatic Resources Division, Lacey, WA. | July 2003 |
Steen, V.A., J.T. Peterson, A. Duarte. 2023. Integrated modeling for insights into spatially dynamic abundance patterns for a rare fish species. Annual report to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. | March 2023 |
Scheerer, P.D., S. Clements, R. Jacobsen, and J.T. Peterson. 2012. Warner Sucker Investigations (Honey Creek). ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT, FISH RESEARCH PROJECT OREGON. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon. | June 2012 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2017. 2016 Warner Sucker Investigations (Lower Twentymile Creek). Annual Progress Report, Fish Research Project Oregon. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon. | January 2017 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2017. 2016 Foskett Spring Speckled Dace Investigations. Annual Progress Report, Fish Research Project Oregon. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon. | January 2017 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2017. 2016 Borax Lake Chub investigations. Annual Progress Report, Fish Research Project Oregon. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon. | January 2017 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2016. 2016 Foskett Spring Speckled Dace Investigations. Annual Progress Report, Fish Research Project Oregon. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon. | January 2016 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2016. 2015 Warner Sucker Investigations (Lower Twentymile Creek). Annual Progress Report, Fish Research Project Oregon. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon. | January 2016 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2015. 2014 Warner Sucker Investigations (Lower Twentymile Creek). Annual Progress Report, Fish Research Project Oregon. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon. | January 2015 |
Scheerer, P.D., J.T. Peterson, and S. Clements. 2015. 2014 Foskett Spring Speckled Dace Investigations. Annual Progress Report, Fish Research Project Oregon. Oregon Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Corvallis, Oregon. | January 2015 |
Scheerer, P.D., J. Peterson, and M.H. Meeuwig. 2017. Review and Synthesis of Information and Data Available for Umpqua Chub (1987 – 2016). Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Fish Research Project Report, Corvallis. 68 pp | November 2017 |
Scheerer, P. D., J. T. Peterson, and M. H. Meeuwig. 2017. Distribution and Abundance of Pit Sculpin in Drews and Camp Creeks, Goose Lake Basin, Oregon. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Annual Progress Report, Corvallis. 19 p. | January 2017 |
Romito, A., J.T. Peterson, and M.J. Conroy. 2014. Structured Decision Making for Brown Bears on National Park Service Lands in Alaska - Integration of Monitoring to Inform Management. Final Report to the U.S. Geological Survey. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens. | September 2014 |
Romito, A., J.T. Peterson, and M.J. Conroy. 2012. Structured Decision Making for Brown Bears on National Park Service Lands in Alaska - Integration of Monitoring to Inform Management. Annual Report to the U.S. Geological Survey. Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia, Athens. | December 2012 |
R.F. Thurow, J.T. Peterson, and J.W. Guzevich 2001. Development of Bull Trout Sampling Protocols. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service,Aquatic Resources Division, Lacey, WA. | September 2001 |
Peterson,J.T.,J.W. McCargo and J.C. Ruiz.2002.An evaluation of drought impacts on fish communities in the lower Flint River Basin, Georgia. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Panama City,Florida(Agreement#1448-41410-01-N002). | January 2002 |
Peterson,J.T. and N.P. Banish.2002.The evaluation of sampling conditions across the bull trout range in Washington State.Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Aquatic Resources Division, Lacey, Washington(Agreement#134100N001). | January 2002 |
Peterson,J.T. and J. Zhu.2004.CapPost-Capture and posterior probability of presence estimation, Users guide Version 1.0.Final Report to USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Idaho(Agreement#03-JV-11222014-241). | January 2004 |
Peterson, J.T., and J. Saenz. 2013. THE DEVELOPMENT OF AN ADAPTIVE, DECISION-SUPPORT TOOL FOR THE CONSERVATION AND RECOVERY OF LEAST CHUB, IOTICHTHYS PHLEGETHONTIS. Interim final report, December 2013. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 104 Nash Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. | December 2013 |
Peterson, J.T., and J. Saenz. 2012. The development of an adaptive, decision-support tool for the conservation and recovery of least chub, Iotichthys phlegethontis. 2011. Annual Report to the Bureau of Land Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 104 Nash Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. | December 2011 |
Peterson, J.T., S. Whitlock, and A. Duarte. 2018. Evaluation of California Central Valley Project and State Water Project Fish Salvage Estimators. Draft task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, August 2018, 23 pp. | August 2018 |
Peterson, J.T., N. P. Banish, and R. F. Thurow. 2003. Analysis of Movement Patterns of Stream-dwelling Salmonids in Response to Three Survey Methods. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Aquatic Resources Division, Lacey, WA. | July 2003 |
Peterson, J.T., M.C. Freeman, J. LaFontaine, C. Elliott. 2013. Multi-resolution assessment of potential climate change effects on aquatic and hydrologic dynamics part ii: integration and validation. Report to USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. Reston VA. | January 2013 |
Peterson, J.T., K. McDonnell, M.C. Colvin. 2014. Coarse Resolution Planning Tools for Prioritizing Central Valley Project Improvement Act Fisheries Activities. Draft Progress Report to Central Valley Project Improvement Act Fisheries Program. | August 2014 |
Peterson, J.T., J. Sanders, M.L. Kent, T. Neal, and C.B. Schreck. 2019. Effects of acute and chronic stressors on survival and dam passage of juvenile Chinook salmon infected with a parasitic copepod, Salmincola californiensis: implications for fish collection facilities. Draft Annual Report for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Portland District, Portland OR. | December 2019 |
Peterson, J.T., E. McCreless, A. Duarte. 2019. Structured Decision Making for Scientific Management in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office. | May 2019 |
Peterson, J.T., C.R. Jackson, G. Li, J. McCargo, and R. McPherson. 2003. The development and evaluation of tools for evaluating flow requirements in streams in the Lower Flint River Basin, Georgia. Annual Report to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Social Circle, GA. | January 2003 |
Peterson, J.T., C. Sharpe, M.L. Kent, C.B. Schreck, J. Sanders, and J.T. DeWeber. 2018. Fall Creek Prespawn Mortality pilot 2017. Draft Annual Report for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District, Portland OR. | December 2018 |
Peterson, J.T., A. Duarte, K. McDonell. 2019. ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT FISHERIES PHASES I - V. Draft final report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Central Valley Improvement Act Program, Sacramento CA. | January 2020 |
Peterson, J.T., 2022. Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Alternative Willamette River Flow Regimes for Supporting At-risk Salmonids. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District, Portland OR (October 2022) |
October 2022 |
Peterson, J.T. and S. W. Craven. 2007. The development of a quantitative decision models for evaluating the effects of river regulation and water use on native fishes in the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area. Final Report to the National Park Service, Atlanta, Georgia. | December 2007 |
Peterson, J.T. and J.T. Deweber. 2018. Associations and quasi-extinction estimates for abundance indices and occupancy estimates for San Francisco bay delta fish species. Draft task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, July 2018, 64 pp. | July 2018 |
Peterson, J.T. and J.M. Meador. 2008. Design of a Long Term Monitoring Program for Freshwater Mussels in the Lower Altamaha River Basin. Final Report to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Social Circle, Georgia. | August 2008 |
Peterson, J.T. and J. Saenz. 2015. The Development of An Adaptive, Decision-Support Tool For The Conservation And Recovery Of Least Chub, Iotichthys Phlegethontis Report to Bureau of Land Management. May 2015. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, 104 Nash Hall, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. | May 2015 |
Peterson, J.T. and J. Dunham. 2001. Combining inferences from models of capture efficiency, detectability, and suitable habitat to classify landscapes for conservation of threatened bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Aquatic Resources Division, Lacey, WA. | August 2001 |
Peterson, J.T. B. J. Freeman, M. C. Freeman, C. Straight, A.Price and G. Anderson. 2010. SCIENCE SUPPORT FOR THE UPPER COOSA BASIN PHASE I. Final Report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services, Athens GA. | June 2010 |
Peterson, J.T. B. J. Freeman, E. Kramer, E. Irwin, M. C. Freeman, C. Straight, A. Wimberley, and J. C. Ruiz. 2004. Aquatic Gap: Regional analysis of biodiversity in the ACT/ACF Basins. U.S. Geological Survey, GAP Analysis Program, Moscow, Idaho. | February 2004 |
Peterson, J.T. 2013.Coarse Resolution Planning Tools for Prioritizing Central Valley Project Improvement Act Fisheries Activities, Sturgeon Model. Progress Report to CVPIA Fisheries Program, Sacramento CA. | June 2013 |
Peterson, J.T. 2013.Coarse Resolution Planning Tools for Prioritizing Central Valley Project Improvement Act Fisheries Activities, Steelhead Model. Progress Report to CVPIA Fisheries Program, Sacramento CA. | July 2013 |
Peterson, J.T. 2013.Coarse Resolution Planning Tools for Prioritizing Central Valley Project Improvement Act Fisheries Activities, Chinook Salmon Model. Progress Report to CVPIA Fisheries Program, Sacramento CA. | June 2013 |
Peterson, J.T. 2003. Toward the development of a common framework for assessing the distribution and potential threats to bull trout. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Aquatic Resources Division, Lacey, WA. | December 2002 |
Peterson, J., J. Dunham, P. Howell, S. Bonar, R. Thurow. 2002. Protocol for determining bull trout presence. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | March 2002 |
Peterson, J., J. Dunham, P. Howell, S. Bonar, R. Thurow. 2001 Interim protocol for determining bull trout presence. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. | March 2001 |
Peterson, J. T., C. R. Jackson, G. Li, J. McCargo, and R. McPherson. 2006. The development and evaluation of tools for evaluating flow requirements in streams in the Lower Flint River Basin, Georgia. Report to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Social Circle, Georgia. | January 2006 |
Peterson, J. T., C. R. Jackson, C. Shea, J. Romeis, and K. Rugel. 2010. Lower Flint River Basin Mussel Habitat Assessment and Monitoring Project, Georgia. Report to the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Social Circle, Georgia. | June 2010 |
Peterson, J. T. 2000. Development of interim tools for predicting bull trout detection probabilities. Final Report to Washington Department of Natural Resources, Olymipa, WA. 28p. | January 2000 |
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. 2021. Biological review, occupancy and abundance, and sampling considerations for Umpqua Chub status and trend monitoring. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife – Science Bulletin 2021-01, Salem, OR | March 2021 |
Monzyk, F.R., A.S. Harrison, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. Warner Sucker eDNA Field Evaluations. ODFW Science Bulletin Fish Research Project Oregon | August 2024 |
Kennedy, K. M., E. R. Irwin, M. C. Freeman, and J. Peterson. 2006. Development of a decision support tool and procedures for evaluating dam operation in the Southeastern United States. Science Support Partnership Program Project Final Report to USGS and USFWS. | June 2006 |
Kauffman, J.B., I. Basuki, V. Arifanti, G. Anshari, D. Hadriyanto, J. Peterson and D. Murdiyarso. 2016. The Kalimantan Wetlands and Climate Change Project (KWACs), Progress Report. Prepared for: U.S. Agency for International, Development American Embassy – Jakarta, Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 3-5, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia. | July 2016 |
Kauffman, J.B., I. Basuki, V. Arifanti, G. Anshari, D. Hadriyanto, J. Peterson and D. Murdiyarso. 2015. The Kalimantan Wetlands and Climate Change Project (KWACs), Progress Report. Prepared for: U.S. Agency for International, Development American Embassy – Jakarta, Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 3-5, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia. | September 2015 |
Kauffman, J.B., I. Basuki, V. Arifanti, G. Anshari, D. Hadriyanto, J. Peterson and D. Murdiyarso. 2014. The Kalimantan Wetlands and Climate Change Project (KWACs), Progress Report. Prepared for: U.S. Agency for International, Development American Embassy – Jakarta, Jl. Medan Merdeka Selatan No. 3-5, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia. | September 2014 |
Freeman, M.C., J.T. Peterson, E.R. Irwin, and B.J. Freeman. 2003. Distribution and Status of At-Risk Aquatic Taxa in the Upper Tallapoosa River System, Georgia and Alabama. Final Report to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Athens, Georgia. | July 2003 |
Duarte, A. and J.T. Peterson. 2017 Fitting N-mixture models to count data with unexplained heterogeneity: bias, diagnostics, and alternative approaches. Task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 24 July 2017, 80 pp. | July 2017 |
DeWeber, J.T. and J.T. Peterson. 2017. Science Synthesis and Decision Support for Mainstem Willamette River Instream Flows. Report Prepared for U. S. Army Corps of Engineers Portland District – Willamette Valley Project | September 2017 |
Conroy, M. J., J. T. Peterson, R. J. Cooper, C. T. Moore, B. J. Mattsson, R. S. Mordecai, and K. Pacifici. 2008. An adaptive sample survey design for the ivory billed woodpecker. Final Report to USGS/CRU. | March 2008 |
Conroy, M. J., J. T. Peterson, C. T. Moore, J. Runge, J. Howell, and Z. Zhong. 2007. The effects of hydrologic stressors on wading bird foraging distributions in the Everglades from 1985 2000. Final Report to South Florida Water Management District. | May 2007 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Society for Freshwater Science - Member | Peterson | January 1993 | Present |
International Association for Landscape Ecology - member | Peterson | January 2014 | Present |
American Statistical Association - Member | Peterson | January 2000 | January 2005 |
American Fisheries Society - Southern Division Representative to the Education Section | Peterson | August 2009 | August 2011 |
American Fisheries Society - Multistate conservation grant program advisory panel member | Peterson | January 2020 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Member | Peterson | August 1991 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Co-chair, Publications Awards Committee | Peterson | November 2002 | August 2003 |
American Fisheries Society - Co-chair, Publications Awards Committee | Peterson | November 2000 | August 2001 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Symposia Review Committee | Peterson | September 2003 | March 2004 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Publications Awards Committee | Peterson | November 2001 | August 2002 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Best Student Paper Award Committee | Peterson | September 2008 | January 2010 |