Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program:
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Staff Member

Dr. Adam Duarte

Adam Duarte

Post Doc
Faculty Website


  • Ph D Texas State University 2015
  • MS Texas State University 2011
  • BS Texas A&M University 2009


I am a quantitative ecologist working at the Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit as a Postdoctoral Research Associate. I am broadly interested in how animals respond to environmental heterogeneity, and how this leads to variation in the distribution and abundance of species at multiple scales. Since humans play a primary role in shaping environments, my work often explicitly considers how human and natural systems interact and is generally applied with a strong focus on natural resource conservation and management.

Research Publications Publication Date
Wohner,W.J, A. Duarte, J. Wikert, B. Cavallo, S.C. Zeug, and J.T Peterson. Integrating monitoring and optimization modeling to inform flow decisions for Chinook salmon smolts. Ecological Modeling | Abstract July 2022
Wohner, P.J., A. Duarte, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. An integrated analysis for estimation of survival, growth, and movement of unmarked juvenile anadromous fish. Ecological Modeling 495, p.110780. | Abstract | Publisher Website September 2024
Rowe, J.C., A. Duarte, C.C. Pearl, B. McCreary, S. Galvan, J.T.Peterson, M.J. Adams. 2019. Disentangling effects of invasive species and habitat while accounting for observer error in a long-term amphibian study. Ecosphere August 2019
Peterson, J.T., E. McCreless, A. Duarte, P. Wohner, S. Hamilton, J. Medellin-Azuara, and A. Escriva-Bou. Structured Decision Making for Scientific Management in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Environmental Science and Policy. 157, p.103775. | Abstract | Publisher Website May 2024
Peterson, J.T. and A. Duarte. 2024. An evaluation of tradeoffs in restoring ephemeral vs. perennial habitats to conserve animal populations. Frontiers in Conservation Science, 5, p.1428697. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2024
Peterson, J.T. and A. Duarte. 2020. Decision analysis to develop and evaluate restoration strategies for Chinook salmon in California’s Central Valley. Restoration Ecology | Abstract | Publisher Website November 2020
Duarte, A., S.L. Whitlock, and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Species Distribution Modeling. Volume 2, Pages 189-198 in B. Fath editor. Encyclopedia of Ecology, Second Edition. Elsevier, Amsterdam October 2018
Duarte, A., J.T. Peterson, C.A. Pearl, J.C. Rowe, B. McCreary , S.K. Galvan, and M.J. Adams. 2020. Estimation of metademographic rates and landscape connectivity for a conservation-reliant anuran. Landscape Ecology 35: 1459–1479.
| Abstract
April 2020
Duarte, A., C.A. Pearl, M.J. Adams, and J.T. Peterson. A new parameterization for integrated population models to document amphibian reintroduction efforts. Ecological Applications. July 2017
Duarte, A. and J.T. Peterson. 2021. Space‐for‐time is not necessarily a substitution when monitoring the distribution of pelagic fishes in the San Francisco Bay‐Delta. Ecology and Evolution 11:16727-16744. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2021
Duarte, A. M.J. Adams, and J.T. Peterson. Fitting N-mixture models to count data with unexplained heterogeneity: bias, diagnostics, and alternative approaches. Ecological Modelling January 2018
Presentations Presentation Date
Wohner, P., A. Duarte, and J. Peterson. 2021. Optimizing Spring Flows for Juvenile Chinook Salmon Survival Through the San Joaquin River Delta. National Stream Restoration Conference, August 22-24, Baltimore, MD. August 2021
Thomas, A.D., A. Duarte, M. Gostin, J. Peterson, and D. B. Lesmesister. 2024. Passive acoustic monitoring is more efficient than audio-visual surveys for marbled murrelets Annual Conference of the Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society , Feb. 14-16, Hood River, OR February 2024
Stratton-Garvin, L., S. Rounds, J. Peterson, T. Kock, and R. Wallick. 2022. Temperature and Habitat Modeling to Inform Streamflow Management in the Willamette River Annual meeting of the American fisheries society. 152 American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 21-25, Spokane WA. August 2022
Rowe, J., A. Duarte, M.J. Adams, C.A. Pearl, and J.T. Peterson. 2017 “Factors influencing coexistence of native amphibians with invasive bullfrogs in the Willamette Valley, OR. Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Biology Annual Meeting. 27 February – 3 March 2017., Arcata, CA. March 2017
Peterson, J.T., J. Kirsch, A. Duarte, D. Barnard, A. Goodman, L. Smith, S. Hugentobler, M. Meek, J. Julienne, R. Perry, C. Phillis, and J. Stewart. 2022. Determining the effects of environmental variables, misidentification and incomplete detection on juvenile winter-run Chinook Salmon occupancy data used to inform water operation decisions in the Central Valley of California. 152 American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 21-25, Spokane WA. August 2022
Peterson, J.T., A. Duarte, and K. McDonald. 2019. Transitioning the CVPIA fisheries program to a science-based prioritization and adaptive management process….progress? 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. March 2019
Peterson, J.T. and A. Duarte. 2021. Decision Analysis to Identify Optimal State-Dependent Restoration Policies for Chinook Salmon11th Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, April 6-9, 2021 April 2021
Gilligan-Lunda, E. J. Peterson, and A. Duarte. 2022. Habitat use and other critical resource needs for anadromous sturgeons in North America: a meta-analysis. 152nd American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 21-25, Spokane WA. August 2022
Gee, S., A. Duarte, and J. Peterson. 2022. A Framework for Assessing the Efficacy of Integrating Found and Probabilistically Sampled Data. 29th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society, Nov. 6-10, Spokane WA. November 2022
Duarte, A., and J.T. Peterson. 2018. An integrated population model to estimate survival, growth, and movement transition probabilities for juvenile salmonids. Biennial Bay-Delta Science Conference, Sacramento, CA. September 2018
Duarte, A., J.T. Peterson, M.A. Adams. 2017 N-mixture models in the presence of unmodeled heterogeneity in count data: when can we trust the inferences? Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2017 Annual Meeting, February 8-10, Pendleton, Oregon. February 2017
Duarte, A., C.A. Pearl, M.J.Adams, and J.T. Peterson. 2016. The use of integrated population models to document amphibian reintroduction efforts within restored habitat. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Madison, WI. July 2016
Duarte, A., C.A. Pearl, M.J. Adams, and J.T. Peterson. 2017.“The use of integrated population models to evaluate amphibian reintroduction efforts within restored habitat” at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 15–19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC. October 2017
Duarte, A. and J.T. Peterson. 2019. An adaptive management strategy for Chinook salmon in California’s Central Valley. 55th Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-8, Bend, OR. March 2019
Duarte, A. and J.Peterson. 2020. The role of optimization in solving decision-support models for natural resource management. Annual Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, March 4-6, Bend, OR. March 2020
Duarte, A. J.T. Peterson, C.A. Pearl, B. McCreary, S.K. Galvan, J.C. Rowe, and M.J. Adams. 2018. Habitat succession and landscape connectivity govern meta-demographic rates of a threatened anuran. 25th Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society. Cleveland OH. October 2018
Duarte ,A. and J.T. Peterson. 2019. Decision analysis to identify optimal state-dependent restoration policies for Chinook salmon in California’s Central Valley. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Reno NV. September 2019
Diaz, L. J. Peterson, and A. Duarte. 2022. Evaluating and Managing Oncorhynchus Mykiss Life-History Diversity in Altered Landscapes. 152nd American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, August 21-25, Spokane WA. August 2022
Technical Publications Publication Date
Steen, V.A., J.T. Peterson, A. Duarte. 2023. Integrated modeling for insights into spatially dynamic abundance patterns for a rare fish species. Annual report to the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. March 2023
Peterson, J.T., S. Whitlock, and A. Duarte. 2018. Evaluation of California Central Valley Project and State Water Project Fish Salvage Estimators. Draft task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, August 2018, 23 pp. August 2018
Peterson, J.T., E. McCreless, A. Duarte. 2019. Structured Decision Making for Scientific Management in the San Francisco Bay-Delta. Annual Progress Report to U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Bay-Delta Office. May 2019
Peterson, J.T., A. Duarte, K. McDonell. 2019. ADAPTIVE MANAGEMENT OF CENTRAL VALLEY PROJECT FISHERIES PHASES I - V. Draft final report to the US Fish and Wildlife Service, Central Valley Improvement Act Program, Sacramento CA. January 2020
Duarte, A. and J.T. Peterson. 2017 Fitting N-mixture models to count data with unexplained heterogeneity: bias, diagnostics, and alternative approaches. Task Completion Report to Metropolitan Water District of Southern California, 24 July 2017, 80 pp. July 2017