Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: New York
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

New York Research Activities

Research conducted by the New York Unit helps to inform management of wild turkey.

Project Completion Date
A Framework for Decision Making Regarding Fall Wild Turkey Hunting Seasons in New York and Pennsylvania Using Structured Decision Making March 2015
A Structured Decision Making Approach to White-Tailed Deer Harvest Management in New York State March 2015
Occupancy modeling of moose in northern New York State using hunter observations March 2015
Carnivore Occupancy and Intraguild Interactions Across New York State March 2020
Allegheny Woodrat: Identifying Strategies to Conserve a Declining Species September 2014
Review of NYS Rare Species and Revision of Endangered, Threatened, and Special Concern Species Lists March 2015
Population Status of Carnivores August 2016
Assessment of Black Bass Populations March 2014
Fate of Stocked Trout and CROTS Evaluation March 2014
New York Sustainable Flows Project December 2012
Big solar on abandoned agricultural lands: Testing ecosystem restoration for biodiversity, raptor conservation, and social benefits September 2029
Non-lead ammunition distribution program for eagle conservation in New York State March 2027
Grassland birds and solar energy in New York State March 2027
Pollinator conservation and management in National Wildlife Refuges September 2025
Regional conservation implications of renewable energy for threatened and endangered species of the northeastern United States: Predictions, guidelines, and best management practices December 2025
Sustainability trade-offs across floating solar waterscapes and the agriculture-conservation-solar energy matrix June 2025
Agroecological effects and synergies of agrivoltaics August 2025
The need for landscape scale abundance monitoring of avifauna in New York state April 2025
Northeast Mobile Acoustic Bat Transect Data Assessment September 2027
Bobcat monitoring in New York April 2025
Biomonitoring of Lower Trophic Levels in Lake Ontario April 2011
Density, spatial ecology, and movements of black bears in New York March 2014
A Rapid Assessment Tool to Prioritize the Management of New York Species of Greatest Conservation Need in a Changing Climate March 2014
Use of Telemetry to Assess Potential Effects of Schoharie Reservoir Waters on Trout Populations in the Upper Esopus Creek March 2011
Biological Assessment of Environmental Flows for Oklahoma September 2011
National Pollinator-Solar Energy Interactions Assessment September 2028
Leveraging passive acoustics to improve aquatic species monitoring in the Hudson River estuary October 2024
Invasion ecology of Round Goby in the Hudson River December 2024
Environmental interactions of floating solar with aquatic ecosystems July 2025
Balancing environmental and nutritional tradeoffs of expanding Amazonian aquaculture December 2023
Improving the accuracy of USGS’s acoustic fish abundance estimates using high endurance autonomous vehicles August 2025
Informing environmental management of desert solar facilities for geo- and biodiversity September 2026
Using engineered DNA to assess spatial and temporal variation in eDNA as a measure of the temporal and spatial variation of biodiversity December 2022
Integration of molecular methods into predator diet analyses to advance understanding of juvenile Chinook salmon predation mortality in the Delta June 2021
New York Breeding Bird Atlas April 2025
New York Mammal Atlas March 2025
Parasitic Threats to Moose and Moose Juvenile Survival May 2025
Wild Turkey Harvest Modeling May 2022
Fisher Harvest Modeling May 2025
Occupancy of spotted lanternfly using detection dogs July 2022
Strategies for climate-ready fishing communities: optimal fishing portfolios for changing ocean ecosystems February 2023
Restoring fish community resilience to support ecosystem stability in the Great Lakes: Cisco restoration in Keuka Lake April 2024
Integrated population model for black bears in Maine May 2021
Spatial Optimization of Invasive Species Management in New York August 2020
Capture-recapture meets big data: integrating statistical classification with ecological models of species abundance and occurrence April 2022
Spatial Risk Mapping: A Tool to Plan and Implement Human- Andean Bear Conflict Mitigation in Ecuador May 2024
Conservation and management of Andean bears from regional to local scales: occupancy, density, connectivity, and threats May 2020
The next frontier in bioacoustics: modeling sound attenuation and individual space usage to estimate density of animal populations December 2021
Living with Leopards: Implications of human-leopard interaction on food security and public health in the foothills of the Himalayas March 2025
Tayra occupancy and carnivore co-occurrence dynamics in the Ecuadorian Andes September 2018
Leveraging partial identity information to advance noninvasive genetic, remote camera, and bioacoustics sampling of animal populations and improve conservation decision making March 2020
Conservation finance for fisheries December 2018
Testing the feasibility of acoustic sensors to estimate sardine biomass to facilitate science-based fishery management in the Philippines December 2018
Managing for long term sustainability of seafood production from bottomtendered wild capture fisheries: evaluating tradeoffs between spatial closures versus gear modification January 2022
Characterizing the ecological niche of round goby June 2019
What role to invasive round goby have in the contaminant cycle? June 2021
Lake Ontario salmonid management risk assessment: refinement of predator-prey models December 2022
Quantifying coregonid habitat-use across space and time to inform assessment and restoration June 2022
How many cooks in the kitchen? Evaluating the potential of DNA mixture models to infer counts from fish and wildlife genetic samples October 2016
Sustainable Forest Communities: Integrated Land Stewardship Strategy for Native American Land Claims September 2018
Great Lakes Cisco spawning habitat assessment December 2019
Novel approaches to big problems: Integrating citizen science to monitor and estimate black bear populations in New York August 2019
Density estimation of moose in New York State: investigations into the apparent decline August 2019
Landscape Conservation in the Choco-Andean Biological Corridor December 2017
Research Publications Publication Date
Zhao, Q., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. 2022. Spatial dynamic N-mixture models with interspecific interactions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. July 2022
Y. Yang, J. Zhenong, N. D. Mueller, R. R. Hernandez, S. M. Grodsky, L. Sloat, M. Chester, Y. G. Zhu, and D. Lobell. 2022. Climate feedbacks from irrigation inform sustainable adaptation. Nature Food. September 2023
Xue, Y, X. Wu, D. Morin, B. Dilkina, A. Fuller, J. Royle and C. Gomes. 2017. Dynamic Optimization of Landscape Connectivity Embedding Spatial-Capture-Recapture Information. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. January 2017
Wu, D., Grodsky, S.M., Xu, W., Liu, N., Almeida, R.M., Zhou, L., Miller, L.M., Roy, S.B., Xia, G., Agrawal, A.A., Houlton, B.Z., Flecker, A.S. and Xu, X. (2023). Observed impacts of large wind farms on grassland carbon cycling. Science Bulletin, 68(23), pp.2889–2892. doi: July 2023
Wu X, Gomes-Selman J, Shi Q, Yexiang Xue, Garcia R, Anderson E, Sethi SA, Steinschneider S, Flecker A, Gomes C. (2018) Efficiently approximating the pareto frontier: hydropower dam placement in the Amazon basin. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence. | Abstract March 2018
Wong, A., Fuller, A. and Royle, J.A. (2018). Adaptive Sampling for Spatial Capture-Recapture: An efficient sampling scheme for rare or patchily distributed species. bioRxiv (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory). doi:
June 2018
Wolf N, Harris B, Richard N, Sethi SA, Lomac-MacNair K, Parker L. (2018) High-frequency aerial surveys inform the seasonal distribution of Cook Inlet beluga whales. Wildlife Society Bulletin 42:577-586. October 2018
Walsh P, Sethi SA, Lake B, Mangipane B, Nielson R, Lowe S. (2016) Estimating denning date of wolves with daily movement and GPS location fix failure. Wildlife Society Bulletin. Wildlife Society Bulletin 40:663-668. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.703 | Abstract December 2016
Wade, M., K. Moore-O'Leary, S. M. Grodsky, and M. Meek. 2022. Of Mojave milkweed and mirrors: The population genomics of a species impacted by solar energy planning. Conservation Science and Practice. June 2023
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. (2016) Conservation Framework for Yukon River Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Technical Report, Anchorage, AK, U.S.A., 112 pp. May 2016
Twining, J.P., V.L. Springer, E.G. Cooch, and A.K. Fuller. Landscape-scale drivers of tayra abundance in the Ecuadorian Andes. Biodiversity and Conservation. June 2023
Twining, J.P., J.L. Brazeal, P.G. Jensen, and A.K. Fuller. 2024. Intraguild interactions and abiotic conditions mediate occupancy of mammalian carnivores: co-occurrence of coyotes-fishers-martens. Oikos. February 2024
Twining, J.P., Fuller, A.K., Sun, C.C., Calderon-Acevedo, C., Schlesinger, M.D., Berger, M., Kramer, D., Frair, J.L. 2024. Integrating presence-only and detection/non-detection data to estimate distributions and expected abundance of difficult-to-monitor species on a landscape-scale. Journal of Applied Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14633 March 2024
Twining, J.P., D. Kramer, K.A. Perkins, and A.K. Fuller. 2024. Landscape-scale population trends in the occurrence and abundance of wildlife populations using long term camera-trapping data. Biological Conservation. January 2024
Twining, J.P., Augustine, B.C., Royle, J.A. and Fuller, A.K. (2024). Abundance‐mediated species interactions. Ecology. doi:
‌ | Abstract
August 2024
Twining, J.P. C. Sutherland, A. Zalewski, M.V. Cove, J. Birks, O.R. Weaarn, J. Haysom, A. Wereszcuk, E. Manzo, P. Bartolommei, A. Mortelliti, B. Evans, B.D. Gerber, T.J. McGreevy, L.S. Ganoe, J. Masseloux, A. Mayer, I. Wierzbowska, J. Loch, J. Akins, D. Frummey, W. McShea, R. Kays, S. Manke, L. Pardo, A. Boyce. S. Li, R.B. Ragai, A.J.V. Trujiilo, C. Lopez-Gonzalez, N. Lara-Diaz, O. Cosby, C. Waggershauser, J. Bamber, F. Stewart, J. Fisher, A.K. Fuller, K. Perkins, and R.A. Powell. Using global remote camera data of a "solitary" species complex to evaluate the drivers of group formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. DOI 10.1073/pnas.2312252121 March 2024
Thompson, L. M., A. J. Lynch, E. A. Beever, A. C. Engman, J. A. Falke, S. T. Jackson, T. J. Krabbenhoft, D. J. Lawrence, D. Limpinsel, R. T. Magill, T. A. Melvin, J. M. Morton, R. A. Newman, J. Peterson, M. T. Porath, F. J. Rahel, S. A. Sethi, J. L. Wilkening. 2021. When is resistance futile? Resisting, accepting, or directing ecosystem transformation. Fisheries. 46:8-21. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10506 January 2021
Sutherland, C., A.K. Fuller, J.A. Royle, and S. Madden. 2018. Large-scale variation in density of an aquatic ecosystem indicator species. Scientific Reports. DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-26847-x April 2018
Sutherland, C., A. K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. 2014. Modeling non-Euclidean movement and landscape connectivity in highly structured ecological networks. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 169–177. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12316 | Abstract February 2015
Sun, C.C., J.E. Hurst, and A.K. Fuller. 2021. Citizen science data collection for integrated wildlife population analyses. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2021.682124 June 2021
Sun, C.C., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. Incorporating citizen science data in spatially explicit integrated population models. Ecology. July 2019
Sun, C.C., A.K. Fuller, M.P. Hare, and J. Hurst. 2017. Evaluating population expansion of a black bear population using noninvasive, genetic spatial capture-recapture. Journal of Wildlife Management 81: 814–823. doi:10.1002/jwmg.21248 April 2017
Sun, C. C., A. K. Fuller, and J. A. Royle. 2014. Trap configuration and spacing influences parameter estimates in spatial capture-recapture models. PLoS ONE.9(2): e88025. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0088025 | Download February 2014
Stiller, J.C., Siemer, W.F., Perkins, K.A. and Fuller, A.K. (2022). Choosing an optimal duck season: integrating hunter values and duck abundance. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 46(3). doi: | Abstract June 2022
Splinter, D. K., D. C. Dauwalter, R. A. Marston, and W. L. Fisher. 2010. Ecoregions and stream morphology in eastern Oklahoma. Geomorphology 122:117-128. | Publisher Website October 2010
Splinter, D. K., D. C. Dauwalter, R. A. Marston, and W. L. Fisher. 2011. Watershed morphology of highland and moutain ecoregions in eastern Oklahoma. The Professional Geographer 63:1-13. | Abstract December 2010
Smeltz TS, Harris B, Olson J, Sethi SA. A seascape scale habitat model to support management of fishing impacts on benthic ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 76:1836-1844. | Abstract September 2019
Siemer, W.F., T. Bruce Lauber, Stedman, R.C., Hurst, J.E., Sun, C.C., Fuller, A.K., Hollingshead, N., Belant, J.L. and Kellner, K.F. (2023). Perception and trust influence acceptance for black bears more than bear density or conflicts. Frontiers in conservation science, 4. doi: January 2023
Shi, Y., Dick, C.M., Karpan, K., Baetscher, D., Henderson, M.J., Sethi, S.A., McPhee, M.V., Larson, W.A. Towards absolute abundance for conservation applications: estimating the number of contributors via microhaplotype genotyping of mixed-DNA samples. submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources. | Abstract May 2023
Shi Q, Garcia R, Flecker A, Sethi SA, Gomes C. (2018) Efficiently optimizing for dendritic connectivity on tree-structured networks in a multi-objective framework. Conference on Computation and Sustainable Society 2018. | Abstract July 2018
Shashank Poudel, Twining, J.P., Stedman, R.C., Shravan Kumar Ghimire and Fuller, A.K. (2023). Ecological and anthropogenic drivers of leopard (Panthera pardus fusca) attack occurrence on humans in Nepal. People and nature, 5(6), pp.1977–1988. doi: | Abstract August 2023
Sethi, S.A., Gerken, J., Ashline, J. (2017) Accurate aging of juvenile salmonids using fork lengths. Fisheries Research 185:161-168. DOI: January 2017
Sethi SA, O'Hanley JR, Gerken J, Ashline J, Bradley C. (2017) High value of ecological information for river connectivity restoration. Landscape Ecology 32: 2327-2336. | Abstract September 2017
Sethi SA, Linden D, Wenburg J, Lewis C, Lemons P, Fuller A, Hare M. (2016) Accurate recapture identification for genetic mark-recapture studies with error-tolerant likelihood-based match calling and sample clustering. Royal Society Open Science 3: 160457. DOI: 10.1098/rsos.160457 . December 2016
Sethi SA, Carey MP, Morton J, Guerron-Orejuela E, Decino R, Willette M, Boersma J, Jablonski J, Anderson C. (2017) Rapid response for invasive waterweeds at the arctic invasion front: assessment of collateral impacts from herbicide treatments. Biological Conservation 212:300-309. DOI: | Abstract July 2017
Sethi SA, Carey MP, Gerken J, Harris B, Cunningham C, Wolf N, Restrepo F, Ashline J (2022) Juvenile salmon habitat use drives variation in growth and highlights vulnerability to river fragmentation. Ecosphere 13:e4192. | Abstract July 2022
Sethi SA, Bradley C. (2016) Statistical arrival models to estimate missed passage counts at fish weirs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73:1251-1260. DOI: | Abstract August 2016
Sethi SA, Bradley C, Harris F. (2018) Separate tagging versus capture impacts on chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) freshwater spawning migration travel time performance? Fisheries Management and Ecology 25: 296-303. | Abstract July 2018
Sethi SA, Ashline J, Harris B, Gerken J, Restrepo F. (2021) Connectivity between lentic and lotic freshwater habitats identified as a conservation priority for coho salmon. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 31:1791-1801. | Abstract July 2021
Sethi S.A., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, and D. Isermann. 2018. Estimating the number of contributors to DNA mixtures provides a novel tool for ecology. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. | Abstract January 2019
Seilheimer, T. S., and W. L. Fisher. 2010. Habitat use by fishes in groundwater-dependent streams of southern Oklahoma. American Midland Naturalist 164:201-216. September 2010
Royle, J.A., R.B. Chandler, C.C. Sun, and A.K. Fuller. 2014. Reply to Efford on Integrating Resource Selection Information with Spatial Capture-Recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12205 May 2014
Royle, J.A., R. B. Chandler, C. C. Sun, and A. K. Fuller. 2013. Integrating resource selection information with spatial capture-recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12039. | Abstract February 2013
Royle, J.A., C. Sutherland, A.K. Fuller, and C.C. Sun. 2015. Likelihood analysis of spatial capture-recapture models for stratified or class structured populations. Ecosphere. | Abstract February 2015
Royle, J.A., A.K. Fuller, and C.Sutherland. 2015. Spatial capture-recapture models allowing Markovian transience or dispersal. Population Ecology.doi:10.​1007/​s10144-015-0524-z. January 2016
Royle, J.A., A.K. Fuller, and C. Sutherland. 2018. Unifying population and landscape ecology with spatial capture-recapture. Ecography 40: doi: 10.1111/ecog.03170 January 2018
Rose C, Nielsen JK, Gauvin J, Loher T, Sethi SA, Seitz AC, Courtney MB, Dorbny P. (2019) Survival outcome patterns revealed by deploying advanced tags in quantity (160): Pacific halibut (Hippoglossus stenolepis) survivals after release from trawl catches through expedited sorting. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 76:2215-2224. | Abstract March 2019
Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, and M.L. Jones. 2021. Using structured decision making to incorporate ecological and social values into harvest decisions: case studies of white-tailed deer and walleye In: Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management. CRC Press. June 2021
Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, R.C. Stedman, W.F. Siemer, and D.J. Decker. 2019. Decision making in coupled human-natural systems: challenges and opportunities. Environmental Management 63:656-573. February 2019
Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, M.V. Schiavone, B. Swift, D.R. Diefenbach, W.F. Siemer, and D.J. Decker. 2017. Addressing wild turkey (Meleagris gallapavo) population declines using structured decision making. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21220 February 2017
Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, J.E. Hurst, B.L. Swift, A. Kirsch, J. Farquhar, D.J. Decker, and W.F. Siemer. 2016. Structured decision making as a framework for large-scale wildlife harvest management decisions. Ecosphere 7(12):e01613. 10.1002/ecs2.1613. December 2016
Robinson, K. F., and A. K. Fuller. 2017. Participatory modeling and structured decision making. Pages 83-101 in Environmental Modeling with Stakeholders: Theory, Methods, and Applications. Springer. | Abstract December 2016
Robinson, K. F., D. R. Diefenbach, A. K. Fuller, J. E. Hurst, and C. S. Rosenberry. 2014. Can managers compensate for coyote predation of white-tailed deer? Journal of Wildlife Management 78:571–579. | Download April 2014
Riley, Shawn. J., and Angela K. Fuller. 2023. “Integrating social and environmental science in decision making for endangered species management.” In The codex of the Endangered Species Act: the next fifty years (Volume II). L. E. Baier, and J. F. Organ, Editors. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield): Chapter 14. November 2023
Remshardt, W. J., and W. L. Fisher. 2009. Effects of variation in streamflow and channel structure on smallmouth bass habitat in an alluvial streams. River Research and Applications 25:661-674. June 2009
Proctor, M.F., Garshelis, D.L., Thatte, P., Steinmetz, R., Crudge, B., McLellan, B.N., McShea, W.J., Ngoprasert, D., Nawaz, M.A., Te Wong, S., Sharma, S., Fuller, A.K., Dharaiya, N., Pigeon, K.E., Fredriksson, G., Wang, D., Li, S. and Hwang, M. (2022). Review of field methods for monitoring Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation, 35, p.e02080. doi: January 2022
Poutanen, J., Fuller, A.K., Pusenius, J., Royle, J.A., Wikström, M. and Brommer, J.E. (2023). Density‐habitat relationships of white‐tailed deer ( Odocoileus virginianus ) in Finland. Ecology and Evolution, 13(1). doi:
December 2022
Pendleton R, Standley CR, Higgs AL, Kenney GH, Sullivan PJ, Sethi SA, Harris B. (2018) Acoustic telemetry and benthic habitat mapping informs the spatial ecology of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Hudson River, NY, USA. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 148:35-47. | Abstract January 2019
Paufve MR, Sethi SA, Weidel BC, Lantry BF, Yule DL, Rudstam LG, Jonas JJ, Berglund E, Connerton MJ, Gorsky D, Herbert M, Smith J. (2022) Diversity in spawning habitat use among Great Lakes Cisco populations. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 31: 379-388. | Abstract April 2022
Paufve MP, Sethi SA, Rudstam L, Weidel BC, Lantry BF, Chalupnicki M. (2020) Differentiation between Lake Whitefish and Cisco eggs based on diameter. Journal of Great Lakes Research. 46:1058-1062. | Abstract July 2020
Paufve MP, Sethi SA, Lantry BF, Weidel BC, Rudstam LG. Asessing the spawning ecology of fish in situ using a benthic pump sampler. Fisheries Research 214:19-24. | Abstract January 2019
Nadeau, C.P., and A. K. Fuller. 2015. Accounting for multiple climate components when estimating climate change exposure and velocity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1111/2041-210X.12360 February 2015
Nadeau, C.P. and A.K. Fuller. 2016. Combining Landscape Variables and Species Traits can Improve the Utility of Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments. Biological Conservation 202:30-38. September 2016
Nadeau, C. P., A. K. Fuller, and D. L. Rosenblatt. 2015. Climate-smart management of biodiversity. Ecosphere. 6:art91–art91. | Abstract June 2015
Murphy RD, Hagan JA, Harris BP, Sethi SA, Smeltz TS, Restrepo F. (2021) Can Landsat thermal imagery and environmental data accurately estimate water temperatures in small streams? Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. 12:12-26. | Abstract February 2021
Morin, D.J., Boulanger, J., Bischof, R., Lee, D.C., Ngoprasert, D., Fuller, A.K., McLellan, B., Steinmetz, R., Sharma, S., Garshelis, D., Gopalaswamy, A., Nawaz, M.A. and Karanth, U. (2022). Comparison of methods for estimating density and population trends for low-density Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation, [online] 35, p.e02058. February 2022
Morin, D.J., A.K. Fuller, J.A. Royle, and C. Sutherland. 2017. Model-based estimators of density and connectivity to inform conservation of spatially-structured populations. Ecosphere 8(1):e01623. 10.1002/ecs2.1623. January 2017
Moriarity M, Sethi SA, Pedreschi D, Smeltz TS, McGonigle C, Harris BP, Wolf N, Greenstreet SPR. (2020) Combining fisheries surveys to inform marine species distribution modelling. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77:539-552. | Abstract March 2020
Molina, S., A.K. Fuller, D.J. Morin, and J.A. Royle. 2017. Use of spatial capture-recapture to estimate density of Andean bears in northern Ecuador. Ursus 28:117-126. August 2017
Miller, J.R.B., R.T. Pitman, G.K.H. Mann, A.K. Fuller, and G.A. Balme. 2018. Lions and leopards coexist without spatial, temporal or demographic effects of interspecific competition. Journal of Animal Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12883 April 2018
Micheli F, Heiman KW, Kappel CV, Martone RL, Sethi SA, Osio GC, Fraschetti S, Shelton AO, Tanner JM. (2016) Combined impacts of natural and human disturbances on rocky shore communities. Ocean and Coastal Management 126:42-50. DOI: | Abstract June 2016
Martin, C. D., and W. L. Fisher. 2008. Recreational fishing for black bass in eastern Oklahoma streams. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies 62:168-176. | Publisher Website January 2010
Marcy-Quay B, Sethi SA, Therkildsen NO, Kraft CE. (2020) Expanding the feasibility of fish and wildlife assessments with close-kin mark-recapture. Ecosphere, 11:e03259. | Abstract October 2020
M.J. Eaton, A.K. Fuller, F.A. Johnson, M.P. Hare, and R.C. Stedman. Application of Decision Science to Resilience Management in Jamaica Bay. Chapter 9 in E. W. Sanderson, W.D. Solecki, J.R. Waldman, and A.S. Parris, editors. Prospects for Resilience. Island Press. November 2016
Lynch A. J., L. M. Thompson, J. M. Morton, E. A. Beever, M. Clifford, D. Limpinsel, R. T. Magill, D. R. Magness, T. A. Melvin, R. A. Newman, M. T. Porath, F. J. Rahel, J. H. Reynolds, G. W. Schuurman, S. A. Sethi, J. L. Wilkening. RAD adaptive management for transforming ecosystems. Bioscience, 72:45-56. | Abstract January 2022
Lynch A. J., L. M. Thompson, E. A. Beever, A. C. Engman, S. T. Jackson, T. J. Krabbenhoft, D. J. Lawrence, D. Limpinsel, R. T. Magill, T. A. Melvin, J. M. Morton, R. A. Newman, J. Peterson, M. T. Porath, F. J. Rahel, S. A. Sethi, J. L. Wilkening. (2021) Managing for a R-A-Dical Future: Resisting, Accepting, or Directing Ecosystem Transformation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 19:461-469. | Abstract October 2021
Long, J.M., R.G. Hyler, and W.L. Fisher. 2012. Response by anglers to a differential harvest regulation on three black bass species at Skiatook Lake, Oklahoma. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science 92:9-20. | Abstract November 2012
Link, WA and MJ Eaton. 2011. On thinning of chains in MCMC. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3(1):112-115 | Publisher Website February 2012
Linden, D.W., A. K. Fuller, J. A. Royle, and M.P. Hare. 2017. Examining the occupancy-density relationship for a low density carnivore. Journal of Applied Ecology doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12883. January 2017
Laurance, W.F.,… M.J. Eaton, et al. 2012. Averting biodiversity collapse in tropical protected areas. Nature. 489:290-294. Doi: 10.1038/nature11318. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2012
Karban, C. C., J. E. Lovich, J. R. Ennen, S. M. Grodsky, and S. M. Munson. 2023. Predicting the Effects of Solar Energy Development on Wildlife and Plants in the Desert Southwest, USA. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. August 2024
Kaiser MJ, et al. (2016) Prioritisation of knowledge needs to achieve best practices for bottom-trawling in relation to seabed habitats. Fish and Fisheries 17:637-663. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12134 | Abstract September 2016
Hernandez, R. R., A. E. Cagle, S. M. Grodsky, G. Exley, and S. M. Jordaan. 2021. Comments on: Land use for United States power generation: A critical review of existing metrics with suggestions for going forward. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. September 2022
Heilpern S, Fiorella K, Canas C, Flecker A, Moya L, Naeem S, Sethi SA, Uriarte M, DeFries R. (2021) Substitution of inland fisheries with aquaculture and chicken undermines human nutrition in the Peruvian Amazon. Nature Food, 2:192-197. | Abstract March 2021
Heilpern S, DeFries R, Fiorella K, Flecker A, Sethi SA, Uriarte M, Naeem S. (2021) Declining diversity of wild-caught species puts dietary nutrient supplies at risk. Science Advances, 7:eabf9967. | Abstract May 2021
Hearn, B. J., D. J. Harrison, A. K. Fuller, C. Lundrigan, and W. J. Curran. 2010. Paradigm shifts in habitat ecology of threatened Newfoundland martens. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:719-728. | Abstract | Download May 2010
Gupta, A., B. Dilkina, D. Morin, A. Fuller, A. Royle, C. Sutherland, and C. Gomes. 2019. Reserve Design to Optimize Functional Connectivity and Animal Density. Conservation Biology. July 2019
Grodsky, S.M., Campbell, J.W., Roeder, K.A., Waite, E.S., Wright, E.R. and Johnston, M.A. (2024). Mixed responses of tenebrionid beetles to solar energy development in the Mojave Desert. Journal of Arid Environments, 225, pp.105243–105243. doi:
September 2024
Grodsky, S.M. 2021. Matching clean energy and conservation goals for a sustainable future. One Earth. 4, 924-926. July 2021
Grodsky, S. M., K. A. Roeder, J. W. Campbell. 2023. Effects of solar energy development on ants in the Mojave Desert. Ecosphere. October 2023
Grodsky, S. M., J. W. Campbell, and R. R. Hernandez. 2021. Effects of solar energy development on flower-visiting beetles, flies, moths, and wasps in the Mojave Desert. Special Issue: Renewable Energy and Biological Conservation in a Changing World. Biological Conservation. 263, 109336. September 2021
Grodsky, S. M., C. E. Moorman, and K. R. Russell. 2023. Forest Wildlife Management in Ecological Forest Management Handbook. 2nd edition. G. LaRocque (ed.). Taylor Francis Group/CRC Press. August 2024
Grodsky, S. M. 2023. Join the revolution: For wildlifers, renewable energy offers unprecedented challenges--and opportunities. The Wildlife Professional. May 2024
Gomes, C., T. Dietterich, C. Barrett, J. Conrad, B. Dilkina, S. Ermon, F. Fang, A. Farnsworth, A. Fern. X Fern, D. Fink, D. Fisher, A. Flecker, D. Freund, A. Fuller, J. Gregoire, J. Hopcroft, S. Kelling, Z. Kolter, W. Powell, N. Sintov, J. Selker, B. Selman, D. Sheldon, D. Shmoys, M. Tambe, W. Wong, C. Wood, X. Wu, Y. Xue, A. Yadav, A. Yakubu, and M. Zeeman. Computational Sustainability: Computing for a Better World and a Sustainable Future. Communications of the ACM (Association for Computing Machinery). September 2019, Vol. 62 No. 9, Pages 56-65 10.1145/3339399 September 2019
Garshelis, D.L., Pigeon, K., Hwang, M., Proctor, M., McShea, W.J., Fuller, A.K. and Morin, D.J. (2022). The need to step-up monitoring of Asian bears. Global Ecology and Conservation, p.e02087. doi:
January 2022
Fuller, A.K., and L.M. Lai. 2021. Systematic review of patient decision aids for breast cancer surgery decision: how do patients evaluate tradeoffs among objectives? 2021 Annual Meeting Official Proceedings. Annals of Surgical Oncology. | Abstract April 2021
Fuller, A.K., and L.M. Lai. 2020. A decision analytic approach for optimal surgical treatment in early-stage breast cancer. 2020 Annual Meeting Official Proceedings, Volume XXI. Annals of Surgical Oncology 27:254-255. May 2020
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January 2022
Fuller, A.K., Augustine, B.C., Clifton, E.H., Hajek, A.E., Blumenthal, A., Beese, J., Hurt, A. and Brown‐Lima, C.J. (2024). Effectiveness of canine‐assisted surveillance and human searches for early detection of invasive spotted lanternfly. Ecosphere, 15(12). doi: | Abstract December 2024
Fuller, A. K., and D. J. Harrison. 2010. Foraging paths reveal scale-dependent habitat decisions by Canada lynx. Journal of Mammalogy 91:1269-1279. | Download October 2010
Fuller, A. K., S. S. Spohr, D. J. Harrison, and F. A. Servello. 2013. Nest survival of wild turkeys in a suburban landscape: influences at nest-site and patch-scales. Wildlife Biology 19:138-146 June 2013
Fuller, A. K., J. C. Stiller, W. F. Siemer, and K. A. Perkins. 2021. Engaging hunters in selecting duck season dates when using decision science: problem framing, objective setting, devising management alternatives. Pages 115–127 in K. Pope, and L. Powell, editors. Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management. CRC Press. June 2021
Fuller, A. K. 2014. Decision Making in Natural Resource Management: A Structured Adaptive Approach. Michael J. Conroy and James T. Peterson.2013. Wiley‐Blackwell, Oxford, UK. 456 pp. $99.95 paperback. ISBN: 978‐0‐470‐67174‐0. The Journal of Wildlife Management 78:175-176. | Download October 2013
Fitzpatrick KB, Weidel BC, Connerton MJ, Lantry J, Holden JP, Yuille M, Lantry B, LaPan S, Rudstam LG, Sullivan P, Brenden TO, Sethi SA. (2022) Balancing prey availability and predator consumption: a multispecies stock assessment for Lake Ontario. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 79:1529-1545. | Abstract September 2022
Fisher, W. L., M. Bozek, Vokoun, J., and R. Jacobson. 2013. Aquatic habitat measurements. Chapter 4, in A. V. Zale, D. L. Parrish, and T. M. Sutton. Fisheries techniques, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | Publisher Website January 2013
Fisher, W. L. 2010. GIS and spatial analyses in fisheries: challenges, opportunities and the future. Pages 3-14 in T. Nishida and A. E. Canton, editors. GIS/spatial analyses in fishery and aquatic sciences, volume 4. International Fishery GIS Society, Saitama, Japan. August 2010
Fabiano, E., C. Sutherland, A. Fuller, E. Eizirik, and L. Marker. 2020. Trends in cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) density in north-central Namibia. Population Ecology. February 2020
Fabiano, E. L. Boast, A.K. Fuller, and C. Sutherland. 2017. The use of remote camera trapping to study cheetahs. Chapter 29 in L. Marker, L. Boast, A. Schmidt-Kuntzel, eds. The Biology and Conservation of Cheetahs. Academic Press. April 2017
Eaton, MJ. 2012. Crocodilia in Central African Forests: a long history of exploitation and the impacts of modern commercial logging. In Clark, C.J. and J.R. Poulsen (eds). Tropical Forest Conservation and Industry Partnership: an Experience from the Congo Basin. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. | Publisher Website January 2012
Eaton, MJ. 2012. Monitoring trends in hunting returns and harvest sustainability: catch per unit effort (CPUE). In Clark, C.J. and J.R. Poulsen (eds). Tropical Forest Conservation and Industry Partnership: an Experience from the Congo Basin. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK. | Publisher Website January 2012
Dick, C., Larson, W.A., Karpan, K., Baetscher, D.S., Shi, Y., Sethi, S., Fangue, N.A., Henderson, M.J. Prey ration, temperature, and predator species influence digestion rates of prey DNA inferred from qPCR and metabarcoding. Submitted to Molecular Ecology Resources. | Abstract August 2023
Decker, D.J., J.F. Organ, A.B. Forstchen, M.V. Schiavone, and A.K. Fuller. 2018. Wildlife management is science based: myth or reality? The Wildlife Professional 12(4): 30-32. July 2018
Dayer, A.A., R.C. Stedman, S.B. Allred, K.V. Rosenberg, and A.K. Fuller. 2015. Understanding landowner intentions to create early successional forest habitat in the northeastern United States. Wildlife Society Bulletin. doi:10.1002/wsb.613 December 2015
Dauwalter, D. C., W. L. Fisher, and F. J. Rahel. 2010. Warmwater streams. Chapter 20 in M. Quist and W. Hubert, editors. Inland Fisheries Management in North America, 3rd edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. October 2010
Cusack C, Sethi SA, Rice A, Warren J, Fujita R, Ingles J, Flores J, Garchitorena E, Mesa SV. (2021) Marine ecotourism for small pelagics provides alternative income generating activities to fisheries in a tropical community. Biological Conservation, 261:109242. | Abstract September 2021
Crum, N.J., A.K. Fuller, C.S. Sutherland, E.G. Cooch, and J. Hurst. 2017. Estimating Occupancy Probability Of Moose In Northern New York Using Hunter Survey Data. Journal of Wildlife Management 81(3):521–534; 2017; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21207. April 2017
Cook GM, Prince DJ, O’Rourke SM, King TL, Miller MR, Lewis CJ, Eackles MS, Lemons PR, Sethi SA, Olsen JB, Wenburg JK. (2020) A little SNP of this, a little SNP of that: the discovery of 116 single nucleotide polymorphism markers to enable the rapid identification of individual Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens). Conservation Genetics Resources, 12:555-565. | Abstract October 2020
Carey M, Sethi SA, Larsen S, Rich C. (2016) A primer on potential impacts, management priorities, and future directions for Elodea spp. in high latitude systems: learning from the Alaskan experience. Hydrobiologia 777:1-19. DOI: | Abstract September 2016
Campbell, J.W., Grodsky, S.M., Milne, M.A., Vigueira, P., Vigueira, C.C., Stern, E. and Greenberg, C.H. (2022). Prescribed fire and other fuel-reduction treatments alter ground spider assemblages in a Southern Appalachian hardwood forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 510, p.120127. doi:
April 2022
Campbell, J. W., S. M. Grodsky, A. P. Monroe, and J. A. Martin. 2021. Bee (Apoidea) community response to perennial grass treatments managed for livestock production and conservation. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 313, 107391. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2021.107391. March 2021
Calvert J, McGonigle C, Sethi SA, Harris B, Quinn R, Grabowski J. Dynamic occupancy modelling of temperate marine fish in area-based closures. Ecology and evolution 8:10192-10205. | Abstract September 2018
Cagle, A. E., M. Shepard, S. M. Grodsky, A. Armstrong, S. M. Jordaan, and R. R. Hernandez. 2023. Standardized metrics to quantify solar energy-land relationships: A global systematic review. Frontiers in Sustainability. April 2023
Buchanan B, Sethi SA, Cuppett S, Lung M, Jackman G, Zarri L, Duvall E, Dietrich J, Sullivan P, Dominitz A, Archibald J, Flecker A, Rahm B. (2022) A machine learning approach to identify barriers in stream networks demonstrates high prevalence of unmapped riverine dams. Journal of Environmental Management, 302:113952. | Abstract January 2022
Brown T, Sethi SA, Rudstam L, Holden J, Connerton M, Gorsky D, Karboski CT, Chalupnicki M, Sard NM, Roseman EF, Prindle SE, Sanderson JM, Evans TM, Cooper A, Reinhart DJ, Davis C, Weidel B. (2022) Contemporary spatial extent and environmental drivers of larval coregonine distributions across Lake Ontario. Journal of Great Lakes Research 48:359–370. | Abstract April 2022
Bradley C, Sethi SA, Ashline J, Gerken J. (2017) Cohort-specific variation in juvenile coho salmon habitat use. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:695-706. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12317 | Abstract October 2017
Bjorck, J., Q. Shi, C. Brown-Lima, J. Dean, A. Fuller, and C. Gomes. Learning augmented methods for matching: Improving invasive species management and urban mobility. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. | Abstract April 2021
Bjorck, J., B.H. Rappazzo, Q. Shi, C. Brown-Lima, J. Dean, A. Fuller, and C. Gomes. Accelerating ecological sciences from above: Spatial contrastive learning for remote sensing. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence. April 2021
Beever E, Sethi SA, Prange IS, DellaSalla DA. Chapter I: Introduction, in Disturbance Ecology and Biological Diversity: Scale, Context, and Nature. E. Beever (Ed.), Taylor and Francis, New York. | Abstract August 2020
Beatty WS, Lemons PR, Sethi SA, Everett J, Lewis CJ, Lynn RJ, Cook GM, Garlich-Miller JL, Wenburg JK. (2020) Panmixia in a sea ice-associated marine mammal: evaluating genetic structure of the Pacific walrus (Odobenus rosmarus divergens) at multiple spatial scales. Journal of Mammalogy 101:755-765. | Abstract July 2020
Beatty W, Lemons P, Everett JP, Lewis CJ, Taylor RL, Lynn RJ, Sethi SA, Quakenbush L, Citta J, Kissling M, Kryukova N, Wenburg JK (2022) Estimating Pacific walrus abundance and survival with multievent mark-recapture models. Marine Ecology Progress Series 697:167-182. September 2022
Augustine, B.C., J.A. Royle, D.W. Linden, and A.K. Fuller. 2020. Spatial proximity moderates genotype uncertainty in genetic tagging studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | Abstract July 2020
Andres KA, Sethi SA, Lodge D, Andres J. (2021) Nuclear eDNA estimates population allele frequencies and abundance in experimental mesocosms and field samples. Molecular Ecology, 30:658-697. | Abstract February 2021
Andres K, Sethi SA, Duskey E, Lepak JM, Rice AN, Estabrook B, Fitzpatrick K, George E, Marcy-Quay B, Paufve M, Perkins K, Scofield AE. (2020) Seasonal habitat use indicates depth may mediate the potential for invasive round goby impacts in inland lakes. Freshwater Biology 65:1337-1347. | Abstract August 2020
Almeida, R. M., R. Schmitt, S. M. Grodsky, A. S. Flecker, C. P. Gomes, L. Zhao, H. Lu, N. Barros, R. Kelman, and P. B. McIntyre. 2022. Floating solar. Evaluate trade-offs. Nature. June 2022
Almeida R, Shi Q, Gomes-Selman JM, Barros N, Forsberg B, Garcia-Villacorta R, Hamilton SK, Melack JM, Perez G, Sethi SA, Gomes CP, Flecker AS. Reducing greenhouse gas emissions of Amazon hydropower with optimal dam planning. Nature Communications 12:4281 | Abstract September 2019
Almeida R, Fleischmann A, Brêda JPF, Cardoso DS, Angarita H, Collischonn W, Forsberg B, García-Villacorta R, Hamilton SK, Hannam PM, Paiva R, Poff NL, Sethi SA, Shi Q, Gomes C, Flecker AS. (2021) Climate change may impair electricity generation and economic viability of future Amazon hydropower. Global Environmental Change, 71:102383. | Abstract November 2021
Abbate, A. P, J. W. Campbell, S. M. Grodsky, and G. R. Williams. 2023. Assessing the attractiveness of native wildflower species to bees (Hymenoptera) in the southeastern United States. Ecological Solutions and Evidence. July 2024
Heilpern S, Sethi SA, Barthem RB, Doria CRC, Garcia-Vasquez A, Goulding M, Isaac V, Batista V, Duponchelle F, Naeem S, Flecker AS (2022) Biodiversity underpins fisheries resilience to exploitation in the Amazon river basin. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 389:20220726 | Abstract July 2022
Presentations Presentation Date
“Working at the margin of social, ecological, and quantitative sciences to advance fisheries management,” SA Sethi, Invited seminar, University of Alaska-Anchorage, 2022. June 2022
“The role of invasive Round Goby in the Great Lakes basin,” J Lepak et al. (SA Sethi 2nd) NY Chapter American Fisheries Society, Cooperstown, NY February 2018
“The impact of predator-prey dynamics on the future sustainability of an intensively managed fishery’” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Department of Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, online conference, February 2021. February 2021
“The global habitat cost of wild seafood production: solutions to overcome these tradeoffs,” TS Smeltz et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. January 2020
“Status of round goby in the Mohawk and Hudson Rivers,”,” S. George et al. (SA Sethi 6th), American Fisheries Society NY Chapter annual meeting, 2022. March 2022
“Spawning habitat and reproductive strategies of Cisco in the Great Lakes,” M Paurve et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), NY Chapter American Fisheries Society, Poughkeepsie, NY. February 2019
“Spawning and incubation habitat of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the Great Lakes,” M Paufve et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), International Association for Great Lakes Research, Toronto, Canada. June 2018
“Secondary effects and fate of fluridone used to eradicate Elodea.” J Morton et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Annual Invasive Species Workshop of the AK Committee for Invasives Management, Anchorage, AK. October 2017
“Seascape-level fishing impacts modeling to assess tradeoffs between spatial closures and gear modifications,” T Smeltz et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), International Council for Exploration of the Sea FTFB Working Group, Hirtshals, Denmark. June 2018
“Saildrone acoustics surveys to provide insight into vessel avoidance by fishes,” T Evans et al. (SA Sethi 3rd), Cornell Biological Field Station, Invited seminar, 2022. September 2022
“Saildrone acoustics surveys provide insight into vessel avoidance by fishes,” T.M. Evans et al. (SA Sethi 4th), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. May 2022
“Responding to ecosystem transformation: Resist, Accept, or Direct?” L Thompson et al. (SA Sethi 15th), Joint AFS-TWS National Meeting, Reno NV. October 2019
“Resist-Accept-Direct (RAD) adaptive management,” A. Lynch et al. (SA Sethi 14th), Invited seminar, National Conservation Training Center, U.S. Department of Interior, 2022. January 2022
“Regional and local drivers combine to structure mussel growth and mortality,” SA Sethi et al. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. January 2018
“Rapid response for invasive waterweeds in temperate lakes: assessment of collateral ecological impacts from herbicide treatments,” SA Sethi et al., NY Chapter American Fisheries Society, Cooperstown, NY February 2018
“Rapid response for invasive waterweeds in high latitude systems: assessment of collateral impacts from herbicide treatment,” SA Sethi et al., Western Division American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK. May 2018
“Predator‐prey population dynamics model for Lake Ontario salmon management.,” K Fitzpatrick & SA Sethi, NY Chapter American Fisheries Society, Cooperstown, NY February 2018
“Predator-prey population dynamics modeling for Chinook salmon and alewife in Lake Ontario,” KB Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), NY American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, NY. February 2020
“Predator-prey population dynamics modeling for Chinook salmon and alewife in Lake Ontario,” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 8th), International Association for Great Lakes Research, Brockport, NY. June 2019
“Predator-prey population dynamics modeling for Chinook Salmon and Alewife in Lake Ontario” K. Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), NY American Fisheries Society, online conference, February 2021. February 2021
“Predator-prey population dynamics model for Chinook Salmon management,” K Fitzpatrick & SA Sethi. Lake Ontario Technical Committee annual meeting, Clayton, NY. November 2017
“Parentage-Based Tagging to support the conservation and management of inland fish populations,” K. Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 5th), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. May 2022
“Optimal dynamic spatial closures can improve fishery yield and reduce fishing-induced habitat damage,” A Poulton et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Ecological Society of America annual meeting, Montreal, 2022. August 2022
“Observing halibut survival after trawler deck-release with satellite tags.” C Rose et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), North Pacific Fishery Management Council, Anchorage, AK. October 2017
“Observing halibut survival after trawler deck-release with satellite tags,” C. Rose et al. (SA Sethi 5th). International Flatfish Symposium, St Malo, France November 2017
“Novel environmental DNA methods for monitoring population genetics of an invasive species,” K Andres et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City, UT. May 2019
“Novel eDNA methods for monitoring the population genetics of invasive species,” K Andres et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), International Association for Great Lakes Research, Brockport, NY. June 2019
“Navigating tradeoffs between hydropower proliferation and ecosystem services across the Amazon basin using a computational sustainability approach,” AS Flecker et al. (SA Sethi 6th), Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference 2020. August 2020
“Multispecies statistical catch at age stock assessment model for Lake Ontario fisheries: indicators of predator prey balance” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Lake Ontario Technical Committee, invited seminar, July 2021. July 2021
“Moving to a lake-wide understanding of early life-history habitat for Lake Ontario Coregonines,” T Brown et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), NY Chapter American Fisheries Society, Poughkeepsie, NY. February 2019
“Monitoring survival of trawler deck-released pacific halibut using satellite reporting accelerometer tags,” C. Rose et al. (SA Sethi 4th), Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. January 2018
“Modeling Chinook salmon population dynamics in Lake Ontario,” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 7th), NY Chapter American Fisheries Society, Poughkeepsie, NY. February 2019
“Minimizing cost and uncertainty: assessing marking techniques to distinguish stocked and wild fish” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), International Association for Great Lakes Research, online conference, May 2021. May 2021
“Marine fisheries management: goals, strategies, and case studies,” SA Sethi, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, NTRES 3110 Fish Ecology, Conservation, and Management Cornell University, invited seminar, 2022. April 2022
“MSCAA model for Lake Ontario: predator prey dynamics update,” K Fitzpatrick et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Lake Ontario Technical Committee Predator-Prey Science workshop, invited seminar, September 2021. September 2021
“Life history informed watershed connectivity restoration: win-win investments into salmon ecology,” SA Sethi, invited lecture, Alaska Pacific Univesity, Anchorage, AK. January 2018
“Life history consequences of connectivity loss for salmon bearing watersheds: juvenile coho salmon growth” SA Sethi et al., Cornell Biological Field Station, invited seminar, April 2021. April 2021
“Launch of the first CPIC Conservation Finance report” J Baralon, J Tobin, SA Sethi, Coalition for Private Investment in Conservation Members Meeting, invited presentation, September 2021. September 2021
“Is environmental DNA ready for population genetics? Estimating genetic diversity and absolute abundance of an invasive species with nuclear eDNA,” KJ Andres et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference 2020. August 2020
“Innovation across scales to support ecosystem assessment and management,” SA Sethi, invited lecture, U of AK. October 2018
“Guiding principles for managing ecosystem transformation,” A Lynch et al. (SA Sethi 15th), Joint AFS-TWS National Meeting, Reno NV. October 2019
“Genetic variation in environmental samples as a metric of species’ abundance,” K Andres et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Second National Workshop on Marine eDNA, Costa Mesa, CA, 2022. September 2022
“Genetic structure of the Pacific walrus at multiple spatial scales,” W Beatty et al. (SA Sethi 3rd), Joint AFS-TWS National Meeting, Reno NV. October 2019
“Fishing down the food chain: the state of our fisheries,” SA Sethi. Invited lecture, Introduction to Conservation Science (NTRES 2670), Cornell University, NY. November 2017
“Fisheries connectivity optimization under Amazon hydropower proliferation,” Q. Shi et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Computation Sustainability Net working group on Amazon Dams annual meeting, Miami, FL. March 2018
“Financing nature,” SA Sethi et al., Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference 2020. August 2020
“Financing Nature: expert discussion of mechanisms and milestones,” J Tobin et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Invited keynote presentation, Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability, online distributed platform, October 2020. October 2020
“Exploring the ecological and evolutionary impacts of sustained invasive species suppression,” L. Zarri et al. (SA Sethi 5th), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. May 2022
“Expanding the feasibility of fish and wildlife assessments with close-kin mark-recapture,” B Marcy-Quay et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), NY American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, NY. February 2020
“Evaluating survival of juvenile Cisco (Coregonus artedi) re-introduced to Keuka Lake through acoustic telemetry,” A. Koeberle et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), American Fisheries Society NY Chapter annual meeting, 2022 March 2022
“Estimating the number of contributors to DNA mixtures provides a novel tool for ecology,” SA Sethi et al., NY Chapter American Fisheries Society, Poughkeepsie, NY. February 2019
“Estimating survival and movement of stocked juvenile Coregonines using small acoustic tags,” G Scholten et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), International Association for Great Lakes Research, Brockport, NY. June 2019
“Estimating denning date of wolves with daily movement and GPS location fix failure,” P. Walsh et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Alaska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Anchorage, AK. March 2018
“Estimating Pacific walrus abundance and survival with multievent mark-recapture models,” W Beatty et al. (SA Sethi 7th), Society for Marine Mammal Science annual meeting, Palm Beach, FL, 2022. August 2022
“Elodea may mediate juvenile salmon growth by altering physical structure,” M. Carey et al. (SA Sethi 3rd), Alaska Invasive Species Partnership Workshop, online conference, 2022. October 2022
“Efficiently optimizing for dendritic connectivity on tree-structured networks in a multi-objective framework,” Q Shi et al. (SA Sethi 4th), Conference on Computing & Sustainable Societies, Menlo Park, CA. June 2018
“Efficiently approximating the Pareto frontier in multi-objective optimization problems: Insights from hydropower dam placement in the Amazon Basin,” Q Shi et al. (SA Sethi 9th), Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference 2020. August 2020
“Early successes of a multi-agency study to quantify and correct for biases in acoustic fish abundance estimates in the Great Lakes,” P. Esselman et al. (SA Sethi 8th), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. May 2022
“Distributions of sympatric Cisco and Lake Whitefish larvae in Lake Ontario embayments,” T. Brown et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. May 2022
“Determining how Elodea spp. impacts fish performance in Subarctic food webs” M. Carey et al. (SA Sethi 3rd), AK American Fisheries Society, online conference, March 2021. March 2021
“Dams and greenhouse gases: Is hydropower a green alternative in the Amazon?,” R Almeida et al. (SA Sethi 6th), Congreso AQUATROP, Quito, Ecuador. July 2018
“Damming the Amazon: evaluating tradeoffs between hydropower and ecosystem services using a computation sustainability approach,” A. Flecker et al. (SA Sethi 4th), Society for Freshwater Science, Detroit, MI. May 2018
“DNA mixtures for ecology,” SA Sethi et al., Western Division American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK. May 2018
“Contemporary spatial extent and environmental drivers of larval coregonine distributions across Lake Ontario” T Brown et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), State of Lake Ontario Conference, International Association for Great Lakes Research, online conference, March 2021. March 2021
“Contemporary spatial extent and environmental drivers of larval Coregonine distributions across Lake Ontario,” T Brown et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), NY American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Lake Placid, NY. February 2020
“Community consequences of indiscriminate overharvest in large tropical rivers,” S Heilpern et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Ecological Society of America, Louisville, KY. August 2019
“Community consequences of indiscriminate overfishing in large tropical rivers,” S Heilpern et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Society for Freshwater Science, Salt Lake City, UT. May 2019
“Combining fisheries surveys to inform marine species distribution modelling,” M Moriarty et al. (SA Sethi 5th), 2nd Annual Ecology and Evolution Ireland Conference, Galway, Ireland. January 2019
“Cisco restoration in Keuka lake,” A Koeberle et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Cornell Limnology Lab, invited presentation, 2022. September 2022
“Chinook Salmon and Alewife:A predator-prey approach to fisheries management,” Fitzpatrick K, SA Sethi, invited lecture, Tompkins County ‘In Your Own Backyard’ Science Symposium, Ithaca Public Library, Ithaca, NY. April 2019
“Characterizing the spawning and incubation habitat of Cisco Coregonus artedi in the Great Lakes,” M Paufve et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), NY Chapter American Fisheries Society, Cooperstown, NY February 2018
“Characterizing the ecological niche of invasive round goby in inland lakes,” SA Sethi et al., International Association for Great Lakes Research, Toronto, Canada. June 2018
“Characterizing the ecological niche of invasive round goby in Cayuga Lake,” SA Sethi et al. Finger Lakes Research Conference, Geneva, NY. November 2017
“Balancing predator consumption and prey availability in an intensively managed fishery: a multispecies statistical catch-at-age model for lake ontario,” KB Fitzpatric et al. (SA Sethi 11th), American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Virtual Conference 2020. September 2020
“As if it wasn’t already hard enough: dealing with imperfect detection in ecological data,” SA Sethi, Invited Seminar at Alaska Pacific University, Anchorage, AK. May 2018
“Acoustic telemetry to evaluate survival of post-stocked juvenile Cisco to Keuka Lake, New York,”,” A. Koeberle et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Great Lakes Acoustic Telemetry Observing System annual meeting, invited seminar, 2022 March 2022
“Acoustic telemetry to evaluate native Cisco reintroductions to Keuka Lake,” A. Koeberle et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Cornell Biological Field Station, invited seminar, 2022. February 2022
“Acoustic telemetry and edna to evaluate a native Cisco (Coregonus artedi) reintroduction in the Finger Lakes,” A. Koeberle et al. (SA Sethi 8th), Joint Aquatic Science Meeting (Am. Fish. Soc. and 8 other organizations) annual meeting, Grand Rapids, MI, 2022. May 2022
“A seascape scale fishing impacts model to assess tradeoffs between spatial closures and gear modifications,” T Smeltz et al. (SA Sethi 2nd), Western Division American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK. May 2018
“A seascape scale fishing impacts model to assess tradeoffs between spatial closures and gear modifications,” S Smeltz, SA Sethi, B Harris. Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. January 2018
“A rapid social threshold may lead to long-term ecological transformation by invasive hippos in Colombia,” SA Sethi et al., Joint AFS-TWS National Meeting, Reno NV. October 2019
Yapoujian, W., J.A. Grauer, and A.K. Fuller. Species responses to visual and olfactory lures at Adirondack camera trap stations. 79th Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hyanis, MA. April 23, 2024 April 2024
Woolridge, R., and A.K. Fuller. Population ecology of fishers in NY. NYSDEC winter fur team meeting. January 24, 2022. January 2022
Woolridge, R., and A.K. Fuller. Harvest related management of fishers across New York State. Cornell University DNRE Research Symposium. January 20, 2022. January 2022
Woolridge, R., M. Watson, and A.K. Fuller. Harvest management of fishers in NY. NYSDEC fisher research meeting. Reynolds game farm, Ithaca, NY. May 17, 2022. May 2022
Wong, A., and A.K. Fuller. Assessing parasitic threats to moose in the Adirondacks of New York. New York Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Albany, NY. 12 April, 2016 April 2016
Wong, A., and A.K. Fuller. 2017. Moose density and connectivity in the Adirondacks. Adirondack Research Forum. Old Forge, NY. 1 March, 2017. March 2017
Wong, A., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. Modeling point pattern data from GPS logs of mobile detectors. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
Wong, A., A.K. Fuller, J.A. Royle. Novel application of adaptive sampling principles to spatial capture-recapture. International Statistical Ecology Conference. St Andrews, Scotland. July 2018
Wong, A., A. Fuller, J.A. Royle. 2016. Challenges of sickness and stress for moose: assessing thermal stress and parasitic threats to moose in the Adirondacks of New York. The Wildlife Society New York Chapter meeting. April 12, 2016. April 2016
Wong, A., A. Fuller, J.A. Royle, J. Hurst. Obstacles to genetic analysis of moose using fecal samples. 74th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Burlington, VT. April 2018
Wong, A. J.A. Royle, and A.K. Fuller. 2017. Novel application of adaptive sampling principles to spatial capture-recapture. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 27 September, 2017. September 2017
Wong, A. A. Fuller, J. Royle. 2016. Spatial patterns in density of moose in a heterogeneous landscape using non-invasive genetic sampling to inform management. Cornell graduate student annual research symposium. January 25, 2016. January 2016
Williams, V., Sun, C., Sutherland, C., Fuller, A.2014. Comparison of mink habitat and food selection. 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium: Experiences in Field Ecology, December 9, 2014. December 2014
Weltman-Fahs, M., J. Taylor, and B. Fisher. 2012. Hydraulic fracturing and brook trout habitat restoration in the Marcellus Shale: Potential conflicts in an already controversial landscape. 2012 Annual Meeting of the New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Placid, NY. February 2012
Weltman-Fahs, M., J. M. Taylor, and W. L. Fisher. 2012. Hydraulic fracturing and brook trout habitat in the Marcellus Shale region: potential impacts and research needs. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN. 20 August 2012. August 2012
Weltman-Fahs, M. and W. L. Fisher. 2013. Understanding the relationships between hydraulic fracturing and brook trout habitat in the Marcellus Shale region: A research agenda. 69th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, New York, 7-9 April 2013. April 2013
Weltman-Fahs, M. and W. L. Fisher. 2013. Understanding relationships between hydraulic fracturing and brook trout habitat in the Marcellus Shale region: A research agenda. Annual Meeting, Society for Freshwater Science, Jacksonville, Florida, May 19–23, 2013. May 2013
Weltman-Fahs, M. and W. L. Fisher. 2013. Hydraulic fracturing and brook trout habitat in the Marcellus Shale region: Potential impacts and research needs. 2013 Annual Meeting, New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Watertown, New York, 30 January - 1 February 2013. January 2013
Vashon, J. A., W. J. Jakubas, D. J. Harrison, A. K. Fuller, and J. F. Organ. Documenting the response of lynx to declining snowshoe hare populations in northern Maine. Presentation to the Maine Cooperative Forestry Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. April 14, 2010. April 2010
Twining, J.P., Sutherland, C., Zalewski, A., Cove, M.V., Birks, J., Wearn, O.R., Haysom, J., Wereszczuk, A., Manzo, E., Bartolommei, P., Mortelliti, A., Evans, B., Gerber, B.D., McGreevy, J.R., Ganoe, L.S., Masseloux, S., Mayer, A.E., Wierzbowska, I., Loch, J., Akins, J., Drummey, D., McShea, W., Manke, S., Pardo, P., Boyce, A., Li, S., Ragai, R.B., Sukmasuang, R., Villafañe-Trujillo, A.J., López-González, C., Lara-Díaz, N.E., Cosby, O., Waggershauser, C.N., Bamber, J., Stewart, F., Fisher, J., Fuller, A.K., Perkins, K., Powell, R.A. Sociality in unexpected places: using global remote camera data to evaluate the drivers of group formation in “solitary” species. International Martes Symposium, Aviemore, Scotland, September 14, 2023. September 2023
Twining, J.P., and A.K. Fuller. Occurrence and trends of furbearing species in New York State. Department of Environmental Conservation Furbearer Team Meeting. January 26, 2022. January 2022
Twining, J.P., M. Schlesinger, A.K. Fuller, M.C. Berger, C.A.C. Calderon, and J. Frair. Monitoring long-tailed weasels and ermine populations in New York state. Furbearer & small game mammal management team meeting. February 2023. February 2023
Twining, J.P., D. Kramer, K.A. Perkins, and A.K. Fuller. Landscape-scale population trends of wildlife populations using long term camera-trapping data. 79th Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hyanis, MA. April 22, 2024. April 2024
Twining, J.P., B.C. Augustine, J.A. Royle, and A.K. Fuller. An integrated occupancy-abundance model for estimating species interactions. International Statistical Ecology Conference. July 1, 2022. July 2022
Twining, J.P., B.C. Augustine, J.A. Royle, and A.K. Fuller. A hierarchical model for estimating abundance-mediated species interactions between two or more species. The Wildlife Society Conference, Louisville, TN. November 8, 2023 November 2023
Twining, J.P., B.C. Augustin, J.A. Royle, and A.K. Fuller. Predicting species interactions on landscape-scales. Cornell Department of Natural Resources GSA symposium. January 20, 2022. January 2022
Twining, J.P., Augustine, B.C., Royle, J.A., Fuller, A.K. An occupancy-abundance model for estimating abundance-mediated species interactions. International Congress for Conservation Biology, Kigali, Rwanda, July 26, 2023. July 2023
Twining, J.P. A. Zalewski, M. Cove , J. Birks, O. Wearn, J. Hayso, A. Wereszczuk, E. Manzo, P. Bartolommei, A. Mortellti, B. Evans, B. Gerber, J. Masseloux, A. Meyer, I. Wierzbowska, J. Atkins, D. Drummey, W. McShea, R. Powell, R. Kays, L. Pardo, A. Boyce, Á. J. Villafañe Trujillo, Carlos López-González, Ronglarp Sukmasuang, Megan Whatton, Olivia Cosby, B. Giman, R. B.. Ragai, S. Li, H. Bu, D. Wang, F. Wang, C. Waggershauser, J. Bamber, F. Stewart, J.T. Fisher, K.A. Perkins, A.K. Fuller, C. Sutherland. Sociality in unexpected places: exploring the drivers of social complexity in the Martes complex. Italian Mammal Association seminar. January 23, 2022. January 2022
Twining, J. R. Woolridge, and A.K. Fuller. Occurrence and trends of fishers in New York State. Northeast furbearer resources technical committee 46th annual meeting. Minnowbrook conference center, Blue Mountain Lake, NY. September 12, 2022. September 2022
Turner, H., J. Twining, B. Augustine, and A.K. Fuller. Integrated spatial capture-recapture for estimating abundance of low density, elusive species. 79th Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Hyanis, MA. April 22, 2024. April 2024
Turchick, K., and S. M. Grodsky. The geodiversity-biodiversity relationship: across ecosystems and disturbance agents. Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Symposium. Cornell University, January 2024. January 2024
Turchick, K. & S. M. Grodsky. 2023. The geodiversity-biodiversity relationship. Biogeochemistry, Environmental Science, and Sustainability Graduate Student Symposium. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. February 2023
Turchick, K. & S. M. Grodsky. 2023. The geodiversity-biodiversity hypotheses: Preliminary investigations. Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Graduate Student Association Symposium. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. January 2023
Taylor, J., and B. Fisher. 2013. An evidence-based approach to developing environmental flow needs for Great Lakes tributaries in New York. 37th Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Environmental Biologists, Lake Placid, NY. 20-22 March 2013. March 2013
Taylor, J., and B. Fisher. 2012. Developing flow-ecology hypotheses in support of ecological-based flow recommendations for Lake Ontario adn Erie drainages in New York. 2012 Annual Meeting of the New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Placid, NY. February 2012
Taylor, J., T. Moberg, M. DePhilip, C. Apse, and W. L. Fisher. 2012. Integrating expert workshops and causal criteria analysis to develop general flow-ecology hypotheses for riverine fishes. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN. 20 August 2012. August 2012
Taylor, J. M. and W. L. Fisher. 2013. An evidence-based approach to developing environmental flow needs for Great Lakes tributaries in New York. 2013 Annual Meeting, New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Watertown, New York, 30 January - 1 February 2013. January 2013
T.I. Simamora, Boycott, T.J., and S.M. Grodsky. Quantifying Grassland Bird Community on Protected and Working Lands in New York: An Initial Investigation Preceding the Influence of Solar Panel Infrastructure Development. DNRE Symposium, Cornell University, NY, January 19, 2024. January 2024
Svedarsky, D., and A. K. Fuller. 2012. Core Competencies and Wildlife Professionals in a Changing World. Symposium Organizer. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. 14 October, 2012. October 2012
Sutherland, C., J.A. Royle, and A.K. Fuller. Statistical inference about landscape connectivity from animal telemetry data. The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH. 10 October, 2018. October 2018
Sutherland, C., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. The importance of accounting for biologically realistic movements patterns for abundance estimates using spatial capture-recapture. New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting. September 16, 2014. September 2014
Sutherland, C., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. Estimating American mink, Neovision vison, density in complex river networks using spatial capture-recapture. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. 21 April, 2015. April 2015
Sutherland, C., A. K. Fuller, and J. A. Royle. Measuring non-Euclidean movement patterns in structured habitat networks using spatial capture-recapture models. International Statistical Ecology Conference 2014, Montpellier, France. 4 July, 2014. July 2014
Sutherland, C. S., J. A. Royle, and A. K. Fuller. Using stream distance to estimate connectivity, movement and density of American mink in a river network using spatial capture-recapture models. The Wildlife Society 20th Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI. 9 October, 2013. October 2013
Sutherland, C. A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. 2015. Estimating abundance when landscape structure determines patterns of both space-use and density. 22nd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 21 October, 2015. October 2015
Sun, C.S., Fuller, A.K., Royle, J.A., and Hare, M.A. 2012. Using simulations to explore sampling schemes in spatial capture-recapture studies. 68th Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Charleston, WV. April 16, 2012. April 2012
Sun, C.S., A.K. Fuller, and J.A, Royle. Multi-scale integrated modeling framework of animal population dynamics incorporating spatial capture-recapture and occupancy data collected from citizen science and traditional sampling. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland. 13 August, 2015. August 2015
Sun, C.S., A.K. Fuller, M.P. Hare, and J.A. Royle. Joining Resource Selection and Spatial Capture-Recapture into a Single Model: Estimating the population size of black bears in southwestern New York using a spatially-explicit capture-recapture model. 69th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY. 9 April, 2013. April 2013
Sun, C.S., A. K. Fuller, and M.P. Hare. 2011. Estimating black bear abundance in New York using non-invasive genetic approaches. Invited presentation to the Steuben County Honey Bee Association. June 13. June 2011
Sun, C.S. and A.K. Fuller. 2017. Use of citizen scientists in black bear management. New York Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2017 annual meeting. Hamilton, NY. 1 March, 2017. March 2017
Sun, C.C., M.P. Hare, A.K. Fuller, and J.E. Hurst. 2017. Phylogeography of black bears in the northeastern United States. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 26 September, 2017. September 2017
Sun, C.C., A.K.. Fuller, J. Hurst. 2018. Black bear research and management in New York with iSeeMammals: a citizen science project. The New York Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Kingston, NY. March 2018
Sun, C.C., A.K. Fuller, M.P. Hare, and J.E. Hurst. Phylogeography of black bears in the northeastern United States. 25th International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Quito, Ecuador. November 2017
Sun, C.C., A.K. Fuller, M.P. Hare, and J.A. Royle. Black bears in the Southern Tier of New York: Patterns of population expansion with genetics and models. Presented to Alfred University, Seminar Series. September 19, 2014. September 2014
Sun, C.C., A.K. Fuller, J. A. Royle. 2018. Population Level Inferences Improve with Integration of Opportunistic Presence-Absence Data and Systematic Capture-Recapture Data. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Cleveland, OH. October 2018
Sun, C., A. Fuller, and J. Hurst. Black bear research and management in New York with iSeeMammals, a citizen science initiative. 74th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Burlington, VT. Invited. April 2018
Sun, C., A. Fuller, J. Royle, and J. Hurst. 2015. Multi-scale integrated modeling framework of animal population dynamics incorporating spatial capture-recapture and occupancy data collected from citizen science and traditional sampling. Ecological Society of America, August 13, 2015. August 2015
Sun, C. S., and Fuller, A. K. Non-invasive genetic methods for estimating density of black bears in New York. NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife Management Meeting. October 12, 2011. Blue Mountain Lake, NY. October 2011
Sun, C. S., and A. K. Fuller. 2012. Spatially Explicit Capture-Recapture Models for Black Bears: a Research Update, NYSDEC Big Game Team Meeting. September 26, 2012. September 2012
Sun, C. S., M. C. Adams, and A. K. Fuller. Black Bears in New York: Ecology, History, and Management. Invited talk, National Wild Turkey Federation, New York State Chapter Leadership Meeting. Waterloo, NY. 12 January, 2013. January 2013
Sun, C. S., M. C. Adams, and A. K. Fuller. 2011. Black Bear Research in New York. Invited poster to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region 8 National Hunting and Fishing Days. Avon, NY. September 24-25, 2011. September 2011
Sun, C. S., J. A. Royle, R. B. Chandler, and A. K. Fuller. 2013. Joining Resource Selection and Spatial Capture-Recapture into a Single Model. 21st Eastern Black Bear Workshop, Millinocket, Maine. 28 April - 1 May. April 2013
Sun, C. S., Fuller, A. K., Royle, J. A., and Hare, M. P. 2012. Using simulations to explore sampling schemes in mark-recapture studies. Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, Graduate Student Association Symposium. 19 January, 2012. January 2012
Sun, C. S., A. K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. Novel approaches to big problems: Integrating citizen science to monitor and estimate black bear populations in New York. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. 20 April, 2015. April 2015
Sun, C. S., A. K. Fuller, and J. Andrew Royle. Joint estimation of black bear resource selection and population density. 22nd International Conference on Bear Research and Management, Provo, UT. 19 September, 2013. September 2013
Sun, C. S., A. K. Fuller, J. A. Royle, and M. P. Hare. Comparing Spatial and Non-Spatial Capture-Recapture Methods to Estimate Population Size of Black Bears in South-Western New York. Department of Natural Resources Symposium, Cornell University, 18 January, 2013. January 2013
Sun, C. S., A, K. Fuller, J. A. Royle, and M. P. Hare. 2012. Use of a spatially-explicit capture-recapture model for estimating population size of black bears in south-western New York. Invited presentation at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. 14 October, 2012. October 2012
Sun, C. Fuller, A., Hare, M. 2014. Studying Wildlife Populations with Non-invasive Genetic Sampling. Poster for Cornell Biology Open House. February 5, 2014. February 2014
Sun, C. C., A. K. Fuller, J. A. Royle, and M. Hare. Joint estimation of black bear resource selection and population density. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Milwaukee, WI. 7 October, 2013. October 2013
Sun, C. A.K. Fuller, M.P. Hare, J. Hurst, and J.A. Royle. Population patterns and range expansion of black bears using non-invasive genetic, spatial capture-recapture models, New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting. September 16, 2014. September 2014
Sun, C. A.K. Fuller, M.P. Hare, J. Hurst, and J.A. Royle. Population patterns and range expansion of black bears in the Southern Black Bear Range. Presented to NYSDEC Big Game Meeting. September 18, 2014. September 2014
Springer, V., A.K. Fuller, and E.G. Cooch. 2018. Spatial co-occurrence of Andean bears with puma and domestic dogs in Ecuador. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
Springer, V. A. Fuller, and E. Cooch. Spatial co-occurrence of Andean bears with puma and dogs in Ecuador. 25th International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Quito, Ecuador. November 2017
Sethi SA 2016. “Global fisheries status update: ecological, economic, and social dimensions,” Invited lecture, Introduction to Conservation Science (NTRES 2670), Cornell University, NY. November 2016
Seilheimer, T. S., R. A. Esralew, W. L. Fisher, and D. J. Turton. 14 September 2010. Classification of Oklahoma streams using the hydroecological integrity assessment process. 140th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA. September 2010
Seilheimer, T. S. and W. L. Fisher. 2009. Habitat use by fish species in groundwater dependent ecosystems of southern Oklahoma. Spring Meeting of Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 15-18 January 2009. January 2009
SA Sethi et al. 2017 “High value of life history information for watershed connectivity restoration,” NY Chapter, American Fisheries Society meeting, Buffalo, NY. February 2017
SA Sethi et al. 2016. "Taking salmon ecology through to optimal management decisions: fish passage restoration in Alaska," Invited Lecture, Cornell Biological Field Station. July 2016
SA Sethi et al. 2016. "Oceanscape models inform policy options to manage seafloor impact from commercial fishing," Computational Sustainability Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. July 2016
SA Sethi et al. 2016. "Informed management: optimal fish passage restoration decisions for Pacific Salmon in Alaska," Invited Lecture, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Cornell University, NY. September 2016
SA Sethi et al. 2016. "Implementing change in the North Pacific bottom trawl groundfish fishery: sweep modifications success," International Council for Exploration of the Sea, Fish Technology and Fish Behavior Working Group Annual Meeting, Merida, Yucatan, Mexico. April 2016
SA Sethi et al. 2016. "For the fish and by the fish: integrating life history into optimal aquatic barrier mitigation decisions," Computation Sustainability Conference, Cornell University, Ithaca NY. July 2016
SA Sethi et al. 2016. "Estimation of juvenile salmonid age and growth from routinely collected fork length data," Invited talk, AFS NY Student Chapter, Cornell University, NY. October 2016
Royle, J.A., A.K. Fuller, and C.S. Sutherland. An overview of spatial capture-recapture (SCR) models. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Missoula, Montana. 15 July, 2014. July 2014
Royle, J.A., A.K. Fuller, and C. Sutherland. Spatial capture-recapture models allowing transience or dispersal. 2014 Graybill Conference: Modern Statistical Methods for Ecology. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. 8 September, 2014. September 2014
Royle, J.A., A.K. Fuller, and B. Augustine. 2021. Integrating classification with ecological models of species abundance and occurrence. Remote sensing and machine learning for wildlife surveys community of practice workshop on machine learning workflows for aerial surveys. June 23, 2021. June 2021
Royle, J.A., A.K. Fuller, B. Augustine, and R. Chandler. Capture-Recapture Meets Big Data: Integrating Statistical Classification with Ecological Models of Species Abundance and Occurrence. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference. Reno, Nevada. October 2, 2019. October 2019
Ross, T.J., W.L. Fisher, B.P. Baldigo, and T.P. Baudanza. 20 January 2010. The effects of Schoharie Reservoir waters on trout populations in the Upper Esopus Creek. Cornell Department of Natural Resources Graduate Student Research Symposium, Ithaca, NY. January 2010
Ross, T.J., W.L. Fisher, B.P. Baldigo, and T.P. Baudanza. 10 February 2010. The effects of Schoharie Reservoir waters on trout in the Upper Esopus Creek: plans and preliminary results, NY Chapter of American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Lake George, NY. February 2010
Ross, T.J., B. Fisher, B. Baldigo, T. Baudanza, and M. Flaherty. 8 September 2011. Effects of Anthropogenic Stream Alteration on Brown Trout Behavior and Physiology: A Multifaceted Approach. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA. September 2011
Ross, T. J., B. Fisher, B. Baldigo, T. Baudanza, and M. Flaherty. 4 February 2011. Behavioral and Physiological Responses of Stream-dwelling Trout to Altered Hydrology, Turbidity and Temperature Regimes. Annual Meeting, New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Canandaigua, NY. February 2011
Ross, T. J., B. Fisher, B. Baldigo, T. Baudanza, and M. Flaherty. 19 April 2011. Chronic stream alteration: effects on trout habitat, behavior and physiology. 67th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Manchester, NH April 2011
Ross, T. J., B. Fisher, B. Baldigo, T. Baudanza, and M. Flaherty. 17 November 2010. Effects of altered hydrologic, turbidity and thermal regimes on rainbow and brown trout populations in the upper Esopus Creek. Catskill Environmental Monitoring and Research Conference, Belleayre Mountain, Highmount, NY. November 2010
Rodriquez, J., A. E. Cagle, S. M. Grodsky, T. Conkling, T. Katzner, S. Kelly, and R. R. Hernandez. 2021. Waterbird interactions with floating photovoltaic solar facilities: Considerations for conservation. American Wind Wildlife Institute Solar Power and Wildlife/Natural Resources Symposium. Virtual. December 2021
Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, and M.L. Jones. Using structured decision making to incorporate ecological and social values into harvest decisions: case studies of walleye, deer, and turkey. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference. Reno, Nevada. September 30, 2019. September 2019
Robinson, K.F. and A.K. Fuller. A structured decision making approach to white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) buck harvest management in New York state. Department of Natural Resources Symposium, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 17-18 January 2013. January 2013
Robinson, K.F. and A. K. Fuller. 2013. A Structured Decision Making Approach to White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) Buck Harvest Management in New York State. 69th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY. 9 April, 2013. April 2013
Robinson, K., A. Fuller, M. Schiavone, D. Diefenbach, and W. Siemer. A structured decision making approach to addressing wild turkey population declines. Informs Annual Meeting, 22-23 October 2019, Seattle, Washington, USA. October 2019
Riley, S., and A. K. Fuller. Crucial confluences of environmental and social sciences in in decision making for endangered species. The Wildlife Society Conference, Louisville, TN. November 9, 2023. (Invited) November 2023
Ray, N., T. Canino, M. Holgerson, and S. M. Grodsky. 2023. Effect of floating solar installation on greenhouse gas emissions from ponds. AGU 23. December 2023
R Pendleton et al. (SA Sethi 6th). 2017. “Seasonal distribution and habitat associations of Shortnose Sturgeon in the Hudson River estuary,” NY Chapter, American Fisheries Society meeting, Buffalo, NY. February 2017
Proctor, M.F., D.L. Garshelis, P. Thatte, R. Steinmetz, B. Crudge, B.N. McLellan, W.J. McShea, D. Ngoprasert, M.A. Nawaz, S.T. Wong, S. Sharma, A.K. Fuller, N. Dharaiya, K.E. Pigeon, G. Fredriksson, D. Wang, S. Li, M. Hwang. 2022.
Review of field methods for monitoring Asian bears. International Congress for Conservation Biology. December 16, 2021.
December 2022
Price Tack, JL, Fuller, AK, Brown-Lima, CJ, Dean, J, Shi, Q, and CP Gomes. Spatial Optimization of Invasive Species Management Using Structured Decision Making. The Wildlife Society Conference, Cleveland, OH. October 2018
Price Tack, JL, Fuller, AK, Brown-Lima, CJ, Dean, J, Shi, Q, and CP Gomes. Spatial Optimization of Invasive Species Management Using Structured Decision Making. NAISMA-UMISC Joint Conference. Rochester, MN. October 2018
Price Tack, J.L., Fuller, A.K., Brown-Lima, C.J., Dean, J., Shi, Q., and C.P. Gomes. Spatial Optimization of Invasive Species Management in New York. Cornell Department of Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Ithaca, NY. January 2019
Price Tack, J.L., C. Brown-Lima, Q. Shi, J. Dean, C. Gomes, A.K. Fuller. Informing regional invasive species management: developing and parameterizing a resource allocation tool. The Wildlife Society's 28th Annual Conference. November 2021
Poudel, S., Twining J.P. Ghimere S., Stedman R.C. , and Fuller, A.K. On the leopard’s trail: Estimating leopard (Panthera pardus fusca ) site use in the mid-hills of Nepal. Global Leopard Conference. Cape Leopard Trust, South Africa. March 13-17, 2023. March 2023
Poudel, S., R.C. Stedman, and A.K. Fuller. 2021. Pardus in the press: Modeling occurrence of leopard attacks on humans in Nepal. The Wildlife Society's 28th Annual Conference. November 2021
Perry, P.C. and Fisher, W.L. 2012. Black bass population characteristics in New York lakes: A statewide database analysis. Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Charleston, West Virginia. April 15-17, 2012. April 2012
Perry, P. C., W. L. Fisher, and J. J. Loukmas. 2012. Grouping New York lakes by bass population metrics. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN. 20 August 2012. August 2012
Perry, P. C. and W. L. Fisher. 2013. Characterizing black bass length-at-age, relative weight, relative abundance and stock densities across New York lakes. 2013 Annual Meeting, New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Watertown, New York, 30 January - 1 February 2013. January 2013
Perry, C., and B. Fisher. 2012. Summarizing black bass relative abundance and proportional stock density from a New York statewide collection database. 2012 Annual Meeting of the New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Placid, NY. February 2012
Perry PC. Fisher WL. 2012. Black Bass Populations in NY. 2012 Coordinating Committee Meeting. Albany, NY. 18 September, 2012. September 2012
Perry Christian and Fisher WL. 2012. Black Bass Project Update. DEC Bureau Meeting. Albany NY. 23-24 February, 2012. February 2012
Perry CP and Fisher WL. 2012. Black Bass Project Update. Meeting with Dave Green. Shackleton Point, NY. 30 May, 2012. May 2012
Patterson, C. P. and W. L. Fisher. 2009. Movements and distribution of a reintroduced population of paddlefish in Lake Texoma. Spring Meeting of Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 15-18 January 2009. January 2009
P Walsh et al. (SA Sethi 2nd). 2017 “Estimating denning date of wolves with daily movement and gps location fix failure.” The Wildlife Society national meeting, Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Olson, S.J., D.J. Harrison, J.H. Vashon, and A.K. Fuller. 2015. Food habits of Canada lynx at the southeastern limit of their range: Always the specialist? Poster at 22nd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. 19 October, 2015. October 2015
Nadeau, C.P., and Fuller, A.K. 2012. Improving the future of climate change vulnerability assessments by reviewing the past. 68th Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Charleston, WV. April 16, 2012. April 2012
Nadeau, C.P. and A.K. Fuller. Managing Species of Conservation Need in the Face of Climate Change: A Landscape and Trait-based Approach. Northeast Biodiversity Technical Group. Minnowbrook Conference Center, Blue Mountain Lake, NY. September 3, 2014. September 2014
Nadeau, C. P., and A. K. Fuller. A climate change vulnerability assessment to aid in the management of New York Species of Greatest Conservation Need. Department of Natural Resources Symposium, Ithaca, NY. 18 January 2013. January 2013
Nadeau, C. P., and A. K. Fuller. A new measure of climate change: accounting for multiple climate variables and multiple statistics of climate. 20th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, WI. 8 October, 2013. October 2013
Nadeau, C. P. and A. K. Fuller. 2013. Incorporating spatial heterogeneity in climate change and landscape features into rapid climate change vulnerability assessments. U.S. Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, Austin, TX. 16 April, 2013. April 2013
Nadeau, C. P. and A. K. Fuller. 2013. Incorporating spatial heterogeneity in climate change and landscape features into rapid climate change vulnerability assessments. 69th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY. 9 April, 2013. April 2013
Morin, D.J., J. Boulanger, R. Bischof, D.C. Lee, D. Ngoprasert, A.K. Fuller, B. McLellan, R. Steinmetz, S. Sharma, D. Garshelis, A. Gopalaswamy, M.A. Nawaza, and U. Karanth. 2021. Comparison of methods for estimating density and population trends for low-density Asian bears. International Congress for Conservation Biology. December 16, 2021. December 2021
Morin, D.J., A.K. Fuller, J.A. Royle, C. Sutherland. 2015. Corridor design applications of spatial capture-recapture models. 22nd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Invited presentation in symposia. October 2015
Morin, D., A.Fuller, J. Royle, C. Sutherland, A. Gupta, B. Dilkina, and C. Gomes. Modeling animal home range and landscape connectivity from spatial capture-recapture data. CompSust16. Ithaca, NY. 7 July, 2016. July 2016
Molina, S., A.K. Fuller, J.A. Royle, and D.J. Morin. Population Ecology of the Andean Bear (Tremarctos Ornatus) in the Northwest of the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador. 24th International Conference on Bear Research & Management. Anchorage, Alaska. 14 June, 2016. June 2016
McDonald, J. E., and A. K. Fuller. 2012. The role of professional societies in helping to fulfill core competencies needed by wildlife professionals. Invited presentation, The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Portland, Oregon. 14 October 2012. October 2012
Marquez, R., D. Garshelis, I. Goldstein, and A. Fuller. 2021. Factors affecting human attitudes towards Andean bear conflict. 27th International Conference on Bear Research and Management. September 2021
Mallett, D. G., D. J. Harrison, and A. K. Fuller. Variable fix success of GPS collars across habitats used by Canada lynx: influences of habitat structure, topography, and satellite configuration. 66th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Newton, Massachusetts. April 26, 2010. April 2010
M Paufve et al. (SA Sethi 4th). 2017. “Investigating habitat suitability for Cisco (Coregonus artedi) spawning and egg incubation.” IAGLR annual meeting, Detroit, MI. April 2017
M Paufve et al. (SA Sethi 2nd). 2017. “Describing suitable spawning habitat of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) in the Great Lakes and informing restoration efforts in Lake Ontario,” NY Chapter, American Fisheries Society meeting, Buffalo, NY. February 2017
M Paufve et al. (SA Sethi 2nd). 2017. “Characterizing the ecological niche of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) spawning and egg incubation habitat.” International Coregonid Symposium, Bayfield, WI. September 2017
Lorensen, J., and W. L. Fisher. 2009. Lateral migration of fishes in the lower Verdigris River, Oklahoma. Annual Meeting, Oklahoma Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Ardmore, Oklahoma, 19-20 March 2009. March 2009
Lorensen, J. and W. L. Fisher. 2009. Lateral migration of fishes in the lower Verdigris River, Oklahoma. Spring Meeting of Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 15-18 January 2009. January 2009
Linden, D.W., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. 2015. Incorporating uncertain identity in spatial capture-recapture: application to fisher in New York. The Wildlife Society 22nd Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. October 2015
Linden, D., A. Fuller, and J. Royle. Incorporating uncertain identity in spatial capture-recapture modeling. CompSust16. Ithaca, NY. 7 July, 2016. July 2016
Linden, D., A. Fuller, and J. Royle, and M. Hare. Examining the occupancy-density relationship for a low density carnivore. The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC. October 17, 2016. October 2016
L Sztukowski et al. (SA Sethi 8th). 2017. “Nearshore marine consumer responses to changing prey: combining quantitative and qualitative model input into a conceptual framework,” AK Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. January 2017
Koeberle, A., T. J. Ross, and B. Fisher. 2012. Growth of hatchery-reared and wildlife brown trout in the upper Esopus Creek, New York. 2012 Annual Meeting of the New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Placid, NY. February 2012
Kelty, R., and S. M. Grodsky. Habitat selection of native bees in the national wildlife refuges across the northeastern United States. 79th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Cape Cod, MA April 2024
Joshua P. Twining, Andrzej Zalewski, Michael Cove , Johnny Birks, Oliver Wearn, Jessica Hayso, Anna Wereszczuk, Emiliano Manzo, Paola Bartolommei, Alessio Mortellti, Bryn Evans, Brian Gerber, Juliana Masseloux, Amy Meyer, Izabela Wierzbowska, Jocelyn Atkins, Donovan Drummey, William McShea, Roger Powell, Roland Kays, Lain Pardo, Andy Boyce, Álvaro José Villafañe Trujillo, Carlos López-González, Ronglarp Sukmasuang, Megan Whatton, Olivia Cosby, Belden Giman, Roslina Binti Ragai, Sheng Li, Hongliang Bu, Dajun Wang, Fang Wang, Cristian Waggershauser, Jack Bamber, Frances Stewart, Jason T. Fisher, Kelly A. Perkins, Angela, K. Fuller, Chris Sutherland. Sociality in unexpected places: exploring the drivers of social complexity in the Martes complex. Italian Mammal Association seminar. January 23, 2022. February 2022
J. Price Tack, A.K. Fuller, C. Brown-Lima, J. Dean, Q. Shi, and C. Gomes. Approaches for Spatially Optimizing the Allocation of Resources across Many Invasive Species. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference. Reno, Nevada. October 3, 2019. October 2019
J. Brazeal and A.K. Fuller. Carnivore Occupancy and Interspecific Interactions across New York State. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference. Reno, Nevada. October 3, 2019. October 2019
J Hagan et al. (SA Sethi 3rd). 2017. “Assessing the accuracy of Landsat derived stream temperatures for use in juvenile salmonid habitat assessments on the Anchor River, Alaska.” AK Chapter, American Fisheries Society meeting, Fairbanks, AK. March 2017
J Ashline et al. (SA Sethi 2nd). 2017. “Where do they go and how do they get there? Juvenile coho salmon overwinter habitat selections.” AK Chapter, American Fisheries Society meeting, Fairbanks, AK. March 2017
Hostetter, NJ, JH Vashon, M O’Neal, AK Fuller, SJ Converse. An integrated age-at-harvest model linking harvest and research data to estimate black bear abundance and demographics. 13th International Mammalogical Congress. Anchorage, Alaska. 14-20 July 2023. July 2023
Hostetter, NJ, JH Vashon, C McLaughlin, M O’Neal, AK Fuller, SJ Converse. An integrated age-at-harvest model linking harvest and research data to estimate black bear abundance, demographics, and population growth rates in Maine, USA. 25th Eastern Black Bear Workshop. Trego, Wisconsin. April 2023. April 2023
Harrison, D., E. Simons, A. Fuller and W. Krohn. 2011. Trends in habitat for forest wildlife in Maine's Great North Woods: The need for landscape planning. Invited presentation at U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Northeast Region Biologists Conference, Baltimore, Maryland. February 14. February 2011
Harrison, D. J., and A. K. Fuller. Ecology of white-tailed deer in Acadia National Park: Results from research conducted at the University of Maine. Presentation to resource management staff, Acadia National Park, Bar Harbor, Maine. November 6, 2009. November 2009
Harrison, D. E. Simons, A. Fuller, and W. Krohn. 2011. Habitat planning and assessment for forest vertebrates in northern Maine. Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting of the Maine Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono, ME. May 12, 2011. May 2011
Hardouin, M. & S. M. Grodsky. 2023. Solar energy-carnivore interactions in the Sonoran Desert, California. Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Graduate Student Association Symposium. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. January 2023
Gupta, A., B. Dilkina, D. Morin, A. Fuller, J. Royle, C. Sutherland, and C. Gomes. Using model-based estimators of connectivity for landscape corridor design. CompSust 2016. Ithaca, NY. 6 July, 2016. July 2016
Grodsky, S. M. 2022. Energy and Environment - A Big Idea for Climate 2030. 2030 Cornell Climate Impact Roundtable. Ithaca, New York. September 2022
Grodsky, S. M. 2022. Insect conservation and habitat management in desert solar facilities. Member Symposium: Inspiring Insect Biodiversity Conservation through Incorporation of Vital Habitat in Infrastructure Entomological Society of America 2022 Joint Annual Meeting. Vancouver, B.C., Canada (virtual). November 2022
Grodsky, S. M., J. W. Campbell, A. Fesnock, L. E. Franklin, M. Hardouin, and R. R. Hernandez. 2021. Effects of solar energy development on desert ecosystems and their services. American Wind Wildlife Institute. 2021 Solar Symposium. December 2021
Grodsky, S. M. 2024. National Pollinator-Solar Energy Interactions Assessment. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office 2024 Peer Review. Washington, D.C. 3.27.24. March 2024
Grodsky, S. M. 2021. Solar energy in desert ecosystems and the bright future of solar energy ecology. American Clean Power Siting and Environmental Compliance Virtual Summit 2021. August 2021
Grodsky, S. M. 2021. Pollinators and solar: A starting point. Agriculture and Solar Summit for Cornell Cooperative Extension Educators. August 2021
Grodsky, S. M. 2021. Energy ecology: Solutions for climate adaptation in a changing world. Northeast Climate Change working Group. August 2021
Grauer, J.G., K.L. Schuyler, J. Frair, and A.K. Fuller. Health assessment and population models indicate high parasite exposure and potential impacts for moose in New York, USA. The Wildlife Society 29th Annual Conference. Spokane, Washington. November 7, 2022. November 2022
Grauer, J.G., K. Schuyler, J. Frair, and A.K. Fuller. Moose health assessment indicates high parasite exposure in New York. New York Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Syracuse, NY. February 9, 2023. February 2023
Grauer, J.A., K.L. Schuler, J.L. Frair, and A.K. Fuller. Moose Health and Juvenile Survival in New York. Cornell University Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Symposium, Ithaca, NY. January 20, 2022 January 2022
Grauer, J.A., K.L. Schuler, J.L. Frair, and A.K. Fuller. Impact and Predictors of Moose Endoparasite Infection. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. November, 2022. November 2022
Grauer, J.A., K.L. Schuler, J.L. Fair, and A.K. Fuller. Moose Health Assessment Indicates High Parasite Exposure in New York. The Northeast Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies 78th Annual Conference. Hershey, Pennsylvania. May 2, 2023. May 2023
Grauer, J.A., J.P. Twining, J. Frair, K. Schuler, D. Kramer, and A.K. Fuller.
Exploring competition between white-tailed deer and moose. New York Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Troy, NY. March 15, 2024.
March 2024
Grauer, J.A., J. Twining, K. Schuler, J. Frair, D. Kramer, and A.K. Fuller. Exploring direct and indirect competitive interactions between moose and white-tailed deer. 56th Annual North American Moose Conference. Midway, Utah. May 14, 2024. May 2024
Grauer, J., K. Schuyler, J. Frair, and A.K. Fuller. Moose Capture and Moose Health in NY, veterinary rounds. NYSDEC Big Game Team Meeting. February 14, 2022. February 2022
Grauer, J., A.K. Fuller, K. Schuler, and J. Frair. Moose health and juvenile survival in New York. Cornell DNRE symposium. January 20, 2022. January 2022
Grauer, J. B. Hanley, A. Fuller, P. Connelly, J. Frair, and K. Schuler. Health assessment and population models indicate high parasite exposure and potential impacts for moose in New York, USA. North American Moose Conference. 1 December, 2021. December 2021
Gomes-Selman, J. P. Finlay, C.C. Sun., and A.K. Fuller. NY eBear: A mobile app for collecting citizen science data on black bears in New York. Poster at 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. 21 April, 2015. April 2015
Garshelis, D.L., K. Pigeon, M. Hwang, M. Proctor, W.J. McShea, A.K. Fuller, and D.J. Morin. 2022.The need to step-up monitoring of Asian bears. International Congress for Conservation Biology. December 16, 2021. December 2021
Garcia, S., R.C. Stedman, and A.K. Fuller. A Bayesian network model to predict human-wildlife conflicts in protected areas of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The Wildlife Society 29th Annual Conference. Spokane, Washington. November 8, 2023. November 2023
Garcia, S., R.C. Stedman, and A.K. Fuller. A Bayesian network model to predict human-wildlife conflicts in protected areas of Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru. The Wildlife Society 29th Annual Conference. Spokane, Washington. November 8, 2023. November 2023
Garcia, S., A.K. Fuller, and R.C. Stedman. Spatial Risk Mapping to mitigate human–Andean Bear conflict in the Western Ecuadorian Andes. New York Chapter, The Wildlife Society's 2020 Annual Meeting. Syracuse, NY. February 2020
Garcia, S., A.K. Fuller, and R.C. Stedman. A place-based behavioral intention model for human-wildlife coexistence with Andean bears. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Reno, NV. July 18, 2022. July 2022
Garcia, D., R. Choudberry, S. M. Grodsky, and R. Almeida. 2024. Overlap between solar power potential and bee diversity hotspots in the contiguous United Sates. 78th Annual Meeting of the Subtropical Agriculture and Environments Society. South Padre Island, Texas. 2.8.24. February 2024
Garcia, D., R. Choudberry, S. M. Grodsky, and R. Almeida. 2024. Analyzing Synergies and Conflicts: Solar Power Potential and Bee Diversity Patterns in the Contiguous United States. University of Texas, Rio Grande Valley College of Science Annual Research Conference. Edinburg, TX. 4.26.24. April 2024
Fuller, Angela K. Exploring the Lesser-Charted Territories: Conservation Challenges and Evidence-Based Strategies for Martes in a Changing World. 8th International Martes Symposium, Aviemore, Scotland. Invited Keynote Speaker. September 2023
Fuller, A.K.. Computational Sustainability Research Network: Connecting the Cooperative Research Units. Cooperative Research Units All-Hands Meeting. Santa Fe, New Mexico. 9 March, 2016. March 2016
Fuller, A.K., and L.M. Lai. A decision analytic approach for optimal surgical treatment in early-stage breast cancer. The American Society of Breast Surgeons 21st Annual Meeting. May 2020
Fuller, A.K., and L.M. Lai. 2021. Systematic review of patient decision aids for breast cancer surgery decision: how do patients evaluate tradeoffs among objectives? 2021 Annual Meeting Official Proceedings. Annals of Surgical Oncology. April 2021
Fuller, A.K., and J.A. Royle. Coupled classification models: Moving beyond 'just' artificial intelligence. USGS Executive Leadership Team Briefing. Invited by Anne Kinsinger . March 26, 2019 March 2019
Fuller, A.K., and J.A. Royle. Estimating site occupancy of fishers in an expanding population. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Missoula, Montana. 15 July, 2014. July 2014
Fuller, A.K., and D. J. Harrison. 2011. Trade-offs among forest management objectives, focal wildlife species, and ecological reserves: implications for future biodiversity and timber harvests. Poster presentation and moderated discussion at the Society of American Foresters National Convention, Honolulu, Hawaii, November 4, 2011. November 2011
Fuller, A.K., K.F. Robinson, R. Stedman, W. Siemer, and D.J. Decker. 2017. Integration of social and ecological sciences for natural resource decision making: challenges and opportunities. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 24 September, 2017. Invited. September 2017
Fuller, A.K., J.A. Royle, D.J. Morin, Y. Xue, B. Dilkina, C.P. Gomes. 2017. Estimating functional connectivity for landscape management and connectivity conservation. 2017 International Congress for Conservation Biology. Cartagena, Colombia. 25 July, 2017. July 2017
Fuller, A.K., J. Stiller, W. Siemer, K. Perkins. Choosing an Optimal Duck Season: Integrating Hunter Values with Duck Migration Data. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference. Reno, Nevada. September 30, 2019. September 2019
Fuller, A.K., How to be a successful scientist. 2021. Cooperative Research Units New Scientist Orientation. February 2021
Fuller, A.K., Eaton, M.J., Corwin, K., Rosenblatt, D., Ozard, J., Holst, L. A decision model for prioritizing New York’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). Presentation of draft decision model to external technical review team for NYSDEC State Wildlife Action Plan preparation. Feb. 6, 2013. February 2013
Fuller, A.K., Eaton, M.J., Corwin, K., Rosenblatt, D., Ozard, J., Holst, L. A decision model for prioritizing New York’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN). Presentation of draft decision model to NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife Manager’s Meeting. February 11, 2013. February 2013
Fuller, A.K., D.J. Morin, and S. Sharma. 2021. Population monitoring for conservation of Asian bear species. Symposium. International Congress for Conservation Biology. December 16, 2021 December 2021
Fuller, A.K., D.J. Morin, and J.A. Royle. Density-weighted connectivity for corridor design. 24th International Conference on Bear Research & Management. Anchorage, Alaska. 16 June, 2016. June 2016
Fuller, A.K., D.J. Decker, M.J. Schiavone, and A.B. Fortchen. 2020. Ratcheting up Rigor in Wildlife Management Decision Making. Invited talk in special symposium, "Trending… A TWS Journal Spotlight on the Most Downloaded Papers of 2020". The Wildlife Society 27th Annual Conference. Virtual. September 2020
Fuller, A.K., D. Morin, J.A. Royle, C. Sutherland, C. Gomes, B. Dilkina, A. Gupta, Y. Xue, X. Wu. 2017. Metrics to estimate landscape connectivity for connectivity conservation planning. 24th Annual Conference of the Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, New Mexico. 26 September, 2017. Invited. September 2017
Fuller, A.K., D. J. Harrison, and W. B. Krohn. 2010. Planning for Multiple Biodiversity and Forest Objectives on The Nature Conservancy Lands in Northern Maine: Final Results, Application to Other Landowners, and Where Do We Go From Here. Presented at Managing Working Forest Landscapes for Multiple Biodiversity and Fiber Objectives: a Workshop for Landowners, Land Managers, and Biologists. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. November 10, 2010. November 2010
Fuller, A.K., B.C. Augustine, D.J. Morin, K. Pigeon, J. Boulanger, D.C. Lee, F. Bisi, and D.L. Garshelis. 2021. The occupancy-abundance relationship and sampling designs using occupancy to monitor populations of Asian bears. International Congress for Conservation Biology. December 16, 2021. December 2021
Fuller, A.K., B. Augustine, E. Clifton, A. Hajek, A. Blumenthal, J. Beese, A. Hurt, C. Brown-Lima. Utilizing occupancy models to compare effectiveness of dogs and humans at detecting the invasive spotted lanternfly in vineyards and forests. Forest Ecosystem Monitoring Cooperative. 2022 Annual Conference. Burlington, VT. December 14, 2022. December 2022
Fuller, A.K., B. Augustine, E. Clifton, A. Hajek, A. Blumenthal, J. Beese, A. Hurt, C. Brown-Lima Utilizing occupancy models to compare effectiveness of dogs and humans at detecting the invasive spotted lanternfly in vineyards and forests. International Congress for Conservation Biology, Kigali, Rwanda. July 24, 2023. July 2023
Fuller, A.K. and D. J. Harrison. 2011. The role of ecological reserves to maintain American marten and Canada lynx in a working forest landscape. Poster presentation at the 18th Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Waikola, Hawaii, November 9, 2011. November 2011
Fuller, A.K. Review of Classification Ideas in Ecology. Presentaiton at Powell Center Working Group Meeting. May 20, 2020. Virtual. May 2020
Fuller, A.K. Perspectives on Being a Unit Leader and Tips for Managing Cooperator Relationships: 2023 Cooperative Research Units Program All Hands Meeting, Tampa, Florida, February 27, 2023. February 2023
Fuller, A.K. Occupancy modeling of fishers informs management decision making related to harvest opportunities. Presented to Furbearer and Small Game Management Team Meeting. 16 July, 2015. July 2015
Fuller, A.K. New methods for monitoring Andean bears using sign surveys and camera trapping for occupancy, density, and connectivity. Invited presentation, International Union for Conservation of Nature, Bear Specialist Group. Taipei, Taiwan. 6 November, 2019. November 2019
Fuller, A.K. New York's Adirondack Moose Population. Moose, Disease, and Climate Workshop. Virtual. May 2020
Fuller, A.K. Landscape-scale conservation in the Ecuadorian Andes: The Socio-Ecological Corridor. Department of Natural Resources Seminar Series. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. 10 March, 2015. March 2015
Fuller, A.K. Landscape management and connectivity conservation for Andean bears. 25th International Conference on Bear Research and Management. Quito, Ecuador. 17 November, 2017. November 2017
Fuller, A.K. Landscape design for conservation and management of animal populations using computational sustainability solutions. Invited plenary address to the CompSust 2016 Conference. Ithaca, NY. 6 July, 2016. July 2016
Fuller, A.K. Invited Presentation. Talking scents, species from feces, and candid critters: Remote monitoring of wildlife. Science and Suds, Hopshire Farm and Brewery. April 20, 2023 April 2023
Fuller, A.K. Estimating the distribution of fishers in an expanding population in New York using noninvasive methods. American Wildlife Conservation Foundation. DeWitt, New York. 18 June, 2015. June 2015
Fuller, A.K. Developing a Lab Culture and Fostering an Inclusive Environment: 2023 Cooperative Research Units Program All Hands Meeting, Tampa, Florida, February 28, 2023 February 2023
Fuller, A.K. Decision science: A process for integrating social science with ecological considerations in decision-making. Conservation Social Science Methods Workshop. Cornell University. January 30, 2022. January 2023
Fuller, A.K. Decision Making in Social-Ecological Systems. Seminar to Nepal Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Kathmandu, Nepal. April 13, 2022. April 2022
Fuller, A.K. Decision Making in Social-Ecological Systems. Seminar to Nepal Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation, Kathmandu, Nepal. April 13, 2022. April 2022
Fuller, A.K. Balancing Acts: Navigating Human-Wildlife Conflict through Informed Decision-Making in Social-Ecological Systems. World Wildlife Fund, Nepal. Kathmandu, Nepal. December 8, 2023. (Invited) December 2023
Fuller, A.K. 2021. Strategic Structuring of a CRU Career. Cooperative Research Units New Scientist Orientation. September 30, 2021. September 2021
Fuller, A.K. 2017. The study of animal populations by capture-recapture. Cornell University student chapter of The Wildlife Society. 11 April, 2017. April 2017
Fuller, A.K. 2017. Camera trap surveys to inform management decision making. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution annual meeting. Victoria, British Columbia. 9 May, 2017. May 2017
Fuller, A.K. 2017. Biodiversity conservation in the Andean bear corridor. Secretary of Environment, Government of Ecuador. 26 April, 2017. April 2017
Fuller, A.K. 2015. Estimating the distribution of fishers in an expanding population in New York using noninvasive methods. American Wildlife Conservation Foundation. DeWitt, New York. 18 June, 2015. June 2015
Fuller, A.K. Spatial Models for Animal Populations. Presented to the Cornell University, Cornell Biological Field Station Seminar Series. July 30, 2014. July 2014
Fuller, A.K. Science to Inform Management: Wildlife Research of the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting. September 16, 2014. September 2014
Fuller, A.K. Interviewing like a professional. 66th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. Newton, Massachusetts. April 26, 2010. April 2010
Fuller, A.K, D. J. Harrison, and W. B. Krohn. Balancing landscape-scale biodiversity conservation and forestry. Invited seminar to the Maine Cooperative Forestry Research Unit, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. April 14, 2010. April 2010
Fuller, A. K., J. A. Royle, and C. Sutherland. Investigation of mink abundance and density related to polychlorinated biphenyl contamination within the Hudson river drainage: Summary of data and results. Presentation to Hudson River Trustees. Albany, NY. 29 August 2013. August 2013
Fuller, A. K., D. J. Harrison, and W. B. Krohn. A Wildlife Habitat-Based Modeling Approach to Forest Landscape Planning. Paper presented at The Wildlife Society, 17th Annual Conference, Snowbird, Utah. October 5, 2010. October 2010
Fuller, A. K., D. J. Harrison, and W. B. Krohn. 2010. Managing The Nature Conservancy's Working Forest Landscape Given Multiple Biodiversity and Fiber Objectives: Final Contract Presentation to The Nature Conservancy. Brunswick, Maine. November 9, 2010. November 2010
Fuller, A. K., D. J. Harrison, and W. B. Krohn. 2010. A Structured Decision Making Approach for Use in Forest Landscape Planning. Presented at Managing Working Forest Landscapes for Multiple Biodiversity and Fiber Objectives: A Workshop for Landowners, Land Managers, and Biologists. University of Maine, Orono, Maine. November 10, 2010. November 2010
Fuller, A. K. Structured decision making for threatened and endangered species. Invited presentation, New York State Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Bronx Zoo, New York. 2 March, 2012 March 2012
Fuller, A. K. Spatially explicit models for density estimation of mammals using noninvasive DNA sampling. Invited presentation to the academic program external review team for the Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University. January 22, 2013. January 2013
Fuller, A. K. Science to inform management: the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Presentation to the New York Fish and Wildlife Management Board. Hamilton, NY. 31 October 2013. October 2013
Fuller, A. K. 2013. Spatial ecology and decision analysis. Overview of research program to graduate students and faculty, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University. 27 August 2013. August 2013
Fuller, A. K. 2012. Core competencies and wildlife professionals in a changing world: Summary of symposium. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Portland, Oregon. 14 October, 2012. October 2012
Fuller, A. K. 2011. Structured Decision Making in the NY Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Invited presentation at the NY Department of Environmental Conservation, Bureau of Wildlife Management Team Meeting, Hamilton, NY. January 6, 2011. January 2011
Fuller, A. K. 2011. Interview Skills. Invited presentation in the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Professionals Student Professional Development Workshop, 67th Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Manchester, New Hampshire. April 18, 2011. April 2011
Fuller, A. K. 2011. Improving the Connection of Science and Management: Structured Decision Making and Adaptive Management in the Cooperative Research Unit Program. Adaptive Management Conference Series, Auburn, AL. August 31, 2011. August 2011
Fuller, A. K. 2011. Biodiversity conservation in multiple-use landscapes. Invited talk, New York Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Utica, NY. March 5, 2011. March 2011
Fuller, A. K. 2010. Applications of Structured Decision Making and Adaptive Management in Invasive Species Management. Invited talk, New York Invasive Species Research Institute, presented at the Cornell Cooperative Extension Invasive Species In-Service. November 17, 2010. November 2010
Forstater, E., Sun, C., Sutherland, C., Fuller, A.2014. Habitat preference of mink in Upstate New York. 18th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium: Experiences in Field Ecology, December 9, 2014. December 2014
Fisher, WL, MJ Eaton, AK Fuller. 2012. “An Update on the Current Activities of the NY Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit.” Presentation to the Office of Inspector General, U.S. Department of the Interior. Reynolds Game Farm, Ithaca, NY. 12 July, 2012 July 2012
Fisher, W., and W. Hubert. 2009. American Fisheries Society's past, present and future efforts towards promoting demographic diversity. Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee, 30 August - 3 September 2009. September 2009
Fisher, W. L. 4 September 2011. The importance of strategic direction in AFS. American Fisheries Society Leadership Workshop. Seattle, WA. September 2011
Fisher, W. L. 29 June 2011. Environmental Flows Project Methods. New York Sustainable Flows Project Workshop, Skaneateles, NY June 2011
Fisher, W. L. 22 August 2011. Integrating GIS across disciplines: how the intersection of biology and geography has influenced fisheries GIS. 5th International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences. Wellington, New Zealand. August 2011
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Importance of strategic direction. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society Leadership Workshop. Jackson, WY. March 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Importance of strategic direction. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Leadership Workshop. Biloxi, MS. January 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Cooperative Research Units: A collaborative fisheries research partnership between universities and agencies. 2012 Annual Meeting of the New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Placid, NY. February 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2 November 2011. The American Fisheries Society: A Professional Organization for Students. AFS Cornell Student Subunit Meeting, Ithaca, NY. November 2011
Eaton, M.J., Fuller, A.K., Corwin, K., Rosenblatt, D., Ozard, J., Holst, L. Applying the SGCN decision model for species priority classification. Presentation of draft decision model to external technical review team for NYSDEC State Wildlife Action Plan preparation. Feb. 6, 2013. February 2013
Davis, C. M., T. Katzner, M. Palumbo, V. Slabe, and S.M. Grodsky. 2024. Developing a framework for non-lead ammunition incentive programs for Bald and Golden Eagle conservation in the northeastern U.S. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation. October 2024
Davis, C. M., S. M. Grodsky, M. D. Palumbo, T. Katzner. 2024. Testing the efficacy of a non-lead ammunition rebate program for eagle conservation in New York. Winter Meeting of the Atlantic Flyway Council Technical Sections. 2/26/24. February 2024
Davis, C. M., S. M. Grodsky, M. D. Palumbo, T. Katzner. 2024. Testing a non-lead ammunition rebate program for eagle conservation in New York State. Cornell Cooperative Extension Allegany County 31st Annual Rural Landowner Workshop. 3/2/2024. March 2024
D Monson et al. (SA Sethi 6th). 2017. “Understanding trophic relationships of sea otters and their effects on demographic attributes.” Sea Otter Conservation Workshop, Seattle, WA. March 2017
D Esler et al. (SA Sethi 7th). 2016. “Barrow’s Goldeneye demographic responses to changing mussel conditions on wintering areas: a conceptual model exercises,” Alaska Bird Conference, Cordova, AK. December 2016
Crum, N.J. and A.K. Fuller. Estimating the distribution of moose across New York using hunter observations. New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting. September 16, 2014. September 2014
Crum, N., A.K. Fuller, and C. Sutherland. Estimating the occurrence of moose in New York using hunter survey data. 71st Annual Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference. 21 April, 2015. April 2015
Crum, N. J., A. K. Fuller, C.S. Sutherland, H. Kretser, M. Glennon, M. Schwartz, and K. Pilgrim. 2015. Population Structure and Recolonization Dynamics of Moose in Northeastern North America. The Wildlife Society Conference, Winnipeg, MB. October 19, 2015. October 2015
Cagle, A. E., S. M. Grodsky, A. Armstrong, G. Exley, J. Macknick, J. Sherwin, and R. R. Hernandez. 2021. Floating photovoltaic solar energy: Metrics for potential land sparing and wildlife interactions. American Wind Wildlife Institute. 2021 Solar Symposium. December 2021
C Rose et al. (SA Sethi 7th). 2017. “Satellite tags to measure halibut survival after trawler deck release,” Groundfish Forum annual captain’s meeting, Seattle, WA. January 2017
Brown-Lima, C., J.L. Price Tack, Q. Shi, J. Dean, C. Gomes, and A.K. Fuller. Informing regional invasive species management: Defining the problem, objectives, and actions. The Wildlife Society's 28th Annual Conference. November 2021
Brinkman, E. L. and W. L. Fisher. 2009. Life history and management of alligator gar in the Red River, Oklahoma-Texas. Spring Meeting of Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, 15-18 January 2009. January 2009
Brazeal, J.A., and A.K. Fuller. A multiscale, multispecies occupancy model: Investigating spatial and temporal species use and interactions. Virtual International Statistical Ecology Conference. June 2020
Boycott, T.J., T.I. Simamora, and S.M. Grodsky. Occurrence dynamics of grassland birds on protected and working lands in New York: Implications for solar energy development. DNRE Symposium, Cornell University, NY, January 19, 2024. January 2024
Boycott, T.J., T.I. Simamora, and S. M. Grodsky. Grassland birds and solar energy in New York: Interactions and management implications across spatiotemporal scales. NYSDEC Bird and Mammal Diversity Team Annual Planning Meeting, Brockport, NY, October 11, 2023. October 2023
Boycott, T.J., T. Simamora, and S. M. Grodsky. Grassland birds and solar energy in New York: Interactions and management implications across spatiotemporal scales. New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting, Albany, NY, May 24, 2023. May 2023
Bennett, A., I. Caldwell, L. Walston, A. Dolezal, C. Rochon, A. Feggestad, and S. M. Grodsky. 2021. A Research Roundtable Discussion: The future of research on pollinator habitat at solar sites. American Wind Wildlife Institute Solar Power and Wildlife/Natural Resources Symposium. Virtual. December 2021
B Harris et al. (SA Sethi 4th). 2017. “Seascape-scale modelling of benthic habitat disturbance from commercial fishing activities.” AK Chapter, American Fisheries Society meeting, Fairbanks, AK. March 2017
Augustine, B.C., J.A. Royle, and A.K. Fuller. 2020. Cluster spatial capture-recapture models for autonomous recording units. The Wildlife Society 27th Annual Conference. Virtual. September 2020
Augustine, B.C., J.A. Royle, R.B. Chandler, and A.K. Fuller. 2021. Cluster spatial capture-recapture models for autonomous recording units. EURING Analytical Meeting and Workshop. June 2021
Augustine, B.C., J.A. Royle, D.W. Linden, and A.K. Fuller. Spatial capture recapture with genotyping error. Virtual International Statistical Ecology Conference. June 22 2020. June 2020
Augustine, B., J.A. Royle, D. Linden, and A.K. Fuller. Improving inference in genetic capture-recapture studies using spatial partial identity models allowing for genotyping error. American Fisheries Society & The Wildlife Society 2019 Joint Annual Conference. Reno, Nevada. October 3, 2019. October 2019
Anthony A. Echelle, Michael S. Schwemm, Nicholas J. Lang, Justin S. Baker, Robert M. Wood, Ronald A. Van Den Bussche, and William L. Fisher. 2013. Systematics and Conservation Genetics of Least Darter. American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. July 2013
Almeida, R. M., R. Schmitt, S. M. Grodsky, A. S. Flecker, C. P. Gomes, L. Zhao, N. Barros, R. Kelman, and P. B. McIntyre. 2022. Opportunities and risks of floating solar power deployment on reservoirs. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. May 2022
Alexiades, A., W. L. Fisher, and P. Sullivan. 2012. Brown trout population dynamics and angling behavior in New York streams: evaluation of a stocking model. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, MN. 20 August 2012. August 2012
Alexiades, A., B. Fisher, and P. Sullivan. 2012. Brown trout population dynamics and angling behavior in New York streams. 2012 Annual Meeting of the New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lake Placid, NY. February 2012
Alexiades, A. V., and W. L. Fisher. 2013. Brown trout population dynamics and angling behavior in New York streams: evaluation of a stocking model. 2013 Annual Meeting, New York Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Watertown, New York, 30 January - 1 February 2013. January 2013
Adams, M.A., and Fuller, A. K. 2012. Home range models of animal space use. 68th Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, Charleston, WV. April 16, 2012. April 2012
Adams, M. C., and Fuller, A. K. 2012. Habitat and spatial ecology of black bears in New York. Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, Graduate Student Association Symposium. 19 January, 2012. January 2012
Adams, M. C., and A. K. Fuller. 2011. Habitat and Spatial Ecology of Black Bears in New York. Invited presentation to the Steuben County Honey Bee Association. June 13. June 2011
Adams, M. C., C. S. Sun, and A. K. Fuller. 2011. Black Bears in New York. Invited presentation to the Finger Lakes Region of the New York State Parks. Watkins Glen, NY. October 20, 2011. October 2011
Adams, M. C. and A. K. Fuller. 2013. Black Bear Space Use and Resource Selection in an Expanding Population in New York. 69th Annual Northeast Fish & Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY. 7-9 April, 2013. April 2013
Adams, M. A., and A. K. Fuller. 2012. Black Bear Habitat Selection and Movements in New York: a Research Update, NYSDEC Big Game Team Meeting. September 26, 2012. September 2012
A Nimick et al. (SA Sethi 5th). 2017. “Fishing effects in 3D – it’s not all about bottom contact anymore.” AK Chapter, American Fisheries Society meeting, Fairbanks, AK. March 2017
TS Smeltz et al. (SA Sethi 4th). 2017. “Seascape-scale modelling of benthic habitat disturbance from commercial fishing activities,”NY Chapter, American Fisheries Society meeting, Buffalo, NY. February 2017
Eaton, M.J., P.T. Hughes, J.E. Hines, J.D. Nichols. Testing metapopulation concepts: effects of patch characteristics and neighborhood status on occupancy dynamics. Annual meeting of the Wildlife Society. Portland, OR, October 13-17, 2012. October 2012
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Wong, A. 2018. Methodologies for abundance estimation of moose (Alces alces) and other rare species. MS Thesis. December 2018
Trishna Rayamajhi. 2024. Spatial ecology of Asiatic wild dogs (Cuon alpinus) in tropical forests of Nepal. MS Thesis, Cornell University. December 2023
Sun, C. 2019. Identifying landscape-wide spatial heterogeneity in population density and genetic structure of American black bear (Ursus americanus) in New York and the northeastern United States. PhD Dissertation. August 2019
Springer, V. 2018. Occupancy and co-occurrence of carnivores in the Ecuadorian Andes. MS Thesis. December 2018
Santiago García Lloré. 2024. Social-Ecological Factors Associated with Human–Andean bear conflicts in the western Ecuadorian Andes. Dissertation. Cornell University. May 2024
Ross, T. J. 2012. Effects of anthropogenic stream alteration on brown trout habitat, movement and physiology. Master's Thesis, Cornell University. 119 p. August 2012
Rose, J. 2022. Representation of energy justice in sustainability planning:
A case study of the District of Columbia, USA. MS thesis. Cornell University.
September 2022
Robert Marquez. 2024. Conservation and management of the Andean bear in Colombia, Ecuador, and Peru: from local to regional scales. Dissertation, Cornell University. May 2024
Paufe, M. 2019. Diversity in spawning habitat across Great Lakes Cisco Population. Masters Thesis, Cornell University, Ithaca NY. May 2019
Patterson, C. P. 2009. Ecology of a reintroduced population of paddlefish, Polyodon spathula, in Lake Texoma. Master's Thesis, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater. 56 pp. December 2009
Francis, A.T. 2019. Haudenosaunee forest stewardship. MS Thesis. May 2019
Crum, N.J. 2016. Spatial Ecology and Recolonization Dynamics of Moose in New York and Northeastern North America. M.S. Thesis. January 2016
C. Sun. Estimating black bear population density in the southern black bear range of New York with a non-invasive, genetic, spatial capture-recapture study. May 2014
C. P. Nadeau. Managing species of conservation need in the face of climate change: A landscape and trait-based approach. May 2014
Technical Publications Publication Date
Vashon, J., D. Harrison, A. Fuller, D. Mallett, S. McLellan, W. Jakubas, and J. Organ. 2010. Documenting the Response of Canada Lynx to Declining Snowshoe Hare Populations in an Intensively Managed Private Forest Landscape in Northern Maine. Pages 57-60 In Meyer, S. R. (Ed.). Cooperative Forestry Research Unit: 2009 Annual Report. University of Maine. Orono, Maine. 82p. May 2010
Vashon, J., D. Harrison, A. Fuller, D. Mallet, W. Jakubas, and J. Organ. 2011. Documenting the response of Canada lynx to declining snowshoe hare populations in an intensively managed private forest landscape in northern Maine. Pages 49-51 in Mercier, W. J. and A. S. Nelson (eds.) Cooperative Forestry Research Unit: 2010 Annual Report, The University of Maine, Orono. November 2011
Vashon, J., D. Harrison, A. Fuller, D. Mallet, S. McLellan, W. Jakubas, and J. Organ. 2009. Documenting the response of Canada lynx to declining snowshoe hare populations in an intensively managed private forest landscape in northern Maine. Maine Cooperative Forestry Research Unit 2008 Annual Report, University of Maine, December, 2009. December 2009
Turton, D., W. Fisher, T. Seilheimer, and R. Esralew. 2009. An assessment of environmental flows for Oklahoma. Final Report for Oklahoma Water Resource Research Institute. 63 pp. November 2009
Seilheimer, T. and W. Fisher. 2008. Instream flow assessment of springs and streams draining the Arbuckle-Simpson aquifer. Final Report, Oklahoma Water Resource Board., Oklahoma City, OK. 49 pp. January 2009
Seilheimer, T. S., and W. L. Fisher. 2009. Instream flow assessment of Mill Creek, a stream draining the Arbuckle-Simpson aquifer. Final Report, Oklahoma Water Resources Board, Oklahoma City, OK. 43 pp. August 2009
Royle, J.A. and A.K. Fuller. 2015. Spatial Capture-Recapture Models to Estimate Abundance and Density of Animal Populations. IPDS: IP-053995 June 2015
Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, M. V. Schiavone, and B. Swift. 2015. A structured decision making approach to mitigating wild turkey population decline in New York State. Summary of Findings to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany, NY. 27 pp. October 2015
Robinson, K.F., A.K. Fuller, J.E. Hurst, B. Swift, A. Kirsch, J. Farquhar. 2015. A structured decision making approach to white-tailed deer buck harvest management in New York State. Summary of Findings to the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Albany NY. 207 pp. October 2015
Nadeau, C. P. and A. K. Fuller. 2014. Managing species of conservation need in the face of climate change: a landscape and trait based approach, Interim report. U.S. Geological Survey, New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Natural Resources, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. May 2014
Lorensen, J., W. L. Fisher, and J. R. Bidwell. 2008. Effects of Dredging and Dike Notching on the Aquatic Biota, Habitat, and Water Quality of the McClellan-Kerr Arkansas River Navigation System. U. S. Army Corps of Engineers, Little Rock, AR. 17 pp. January 2009
Kurzawski, K. F., W. L. Fisher, D. Miller, and J. L. Long. 2013. The 2012 Salary Survey of Public and Private Sector Fisheries Employers in the United States and Canada. Fisheries 38:00-00. April 2013
Harrison, D., S. Olson, D. Mallet, J. Vashon, and A. Fuller. 2012. Relationships among commercial forest harvesting, snowshoe hares and Canada lynx in Maine. Pages 95-98 in B. E. Roth (Ed). Cooperative Forestry Research Unit: 2011 Annual Report. University of Maine, Orono, ME. 111 pp. September 2012
Harrison, D., S. Olson, D. Mallet, A. Fuller, and J. Vashon. 2014. Relationships among forest harvesting, snowshoe hares and Canada lynx in Maine. Cooperative Forestry Research Unit: 2013 Annual Report. University of Maine. Roth, B.E. (Ed.) Orono, ME. 80 p. March 2014
Harrison, D., S. Olson, D. Mallet, A. Fuller, and J. Vashon. 2014. Relationships among forest harvesting, snowshoe hares and Canada lynx in Maine. Cooperative Forestry Research Unit: 2013 Annual Report. University of Maine. Roth, B.E. (Ed.) Orono, ME. 80 p. August 2014
Fuller, A.K., Royle, A.J., and Madon, B.M. 2012. Study plan investigation of mink abundance relative to polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) contamination within the Hudson river drainage. Draft report to the Hudson River Natural Resource Trustees. 15 February, 2012. 74pp. February 2012
Fuller, A. K., and D. J. Harrison. 2011. A landscape planning initiative for northern Maine using area-sensitive umbrella species. Final report to the Maine Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. 133 pp. July 20, 2011. July 2011
Fisher, W.L., Seilheimer, T.S., and Taylor, J.M., 2012, Biological assessment of environmental flows for Oklahoma: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1114, 43 p. May 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Why join AFS? Fisheries 37(1):3. January 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. The value of meetings. Fisheries 37(2):51, 89. February 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. The functioning AFS network. Fisheries 37(8):339,379. August 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Social networks: their role in fisheries. Fisheries 37(6):243. June 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Our international connections. Fisheries 37(4):147. April 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Our changing professional society. Fisheries 37(3):99, 141. March 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Integrating ecological and social networks in fisheries. Fisheries 37(7):291. July 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2012. Ecological networks: their role in fisheries. Fisheries 37(5):195. May 2012
Fisher, W. L. 2011. The changing fisheries education adn employment connection. Fisheries 36(12):581, 622. December 2011
Fisher, W. L. 2011. How large is AFS? Fisheries 36(11):529, 572. November 2011
Fisher, W. L. 2011. Fisheries networks: building ecological, social, and professional relationships. Fisheries 36(9):425, 468. September 2011
Fisher, W. L. 2011. Collaborative networks and AFS: how strong are our connections. Fisheries 36(10):477, 520. October 2011
Fisher, W. L. 2010. Black bass distribution, abundance and management in eastern Oklahoma streams. Final Report, Federal Aid Grant F-77-R, Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, Oklahoma City, OK. February 2010
Echelle, A. A., R. A. Van Den Bussche, and W. L. Fisher. 2010. Conservation genetics of fish in the Blue River, Oklahoma. Final Report, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service—U. S. Geological Survey Science Support Partnership Grant, Tulsa, OK March 2010
Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release Grauer, J.A., and Fuller, A.K., 2025, Moose Health and Parasitic Threats in New York: United States Geological Survey, July 2024
Data Release Grauer, J.A., and Fuller, A.K., 2025, Moose Health and Parasitic Threats in New York: United States Geological Survey, August 2023
Data Release Fuller, A.K. and B. Augustine. 2024, Corresponding dataset for effectiveness of canine-assisted surveillance and human searches for early detection of invasive spotted lanternfly: U.S. Geological Survey data release, January 2025