Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: New York
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

New York Technical Assistance Activities

Research conducted by the New York Unit helps to inform management of wild turkey.

We provide technical assistance to our State, Federal and University cooperators in the form of training workshops and collaborative discussion on mutual topics of interest.

Description and Agency Provider(s) Date
Working with NYSDEC collaborators to develop an agenda for the 2023 Hudson River Symposium by the Hudson River Environmental Society
Grodsky August 2022
Wind energy and bird conservation issues in New York - NYSDEC
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Grodsky January 2021
Technical Review Panel, Maine Sea Grant.
Maine Sea Grant
Sethi September 2021
Technical Advisory Group - DOE solar and ecosystems study
Department of Energy
Grodsky January 2021
Sustainable solar energy development in the Desert Southwest - BLM
Bureua of Land Management
Grodsky January 2021
Sustainable renewable energy development - Invenergy
Grodsky January 2021
Study design considerations for monitoring martens and fishers in the Adirondacks
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller September 2015
Structured Decision Support for NY Hatcheries
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2023
Structured Decision Making for Setting Fall Hunting Seasons for Wild Turkeys in New York and Pennsylvania. 3 day workshop for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation and Pennsylvania Game Commission. Ithaca, NY. October 10-12, 2012.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller October 2012
Structured Decision Making and Adaptive Management for Mute Swans in New York. 2.5-day workshop for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller, Fisher, Conroy March 2011
Structured Decision Making Workshop on Mandatory Antler Restrictions. 5 day workshop for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. National Conservation Training Center, Sheperdstown, WV. September 12-16, 2011.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller September 2011
State Wildlife Action Plan Advisement
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller January 2014
Shortnose sturgeon habitat use assessment in the Hudson River.
NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Sethi January 2017
Revising iSeeMammals for statewide camera trap monitoring
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2022
Review “Fate of stocked trout” technical report.
Sethi May 2016
Review of Rome Hatchery practices and potential for genetics tools to support broodstock management for NY State fisheries enhancement.
NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Sethi June 2017
Review of Lake Ontario boat angler survey for the NY State Department of Environmental Conservation.
Sethi June 2016
Review of Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability annual postdoctoral fellowship applications.
Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
Sethi November 2020
Research consultation regarding electronic monitoring and invasive species ecology for the NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation Division of Marine Resources.
NY Department of Environmental Conservation
Sethi September 2021
Renewable energy siting in New York - NYSDEC
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Grodsky January 2021
Renewable energy development in New York - Cornell Cooperative Extension
Cornell Cooperative Extension
Grodsky January 2021
Regular Lake Ontario Technical Committee predator-prey working group meetings (4X/yr).
NY Department of Environmental Conservation
Sethi January 2021
Plant conservation following solar energy development in the Mojave Desert - BLM Nevada
Bureau of Land Management Nevada Office
Grodsky January 2021
Participated in a one-day working group to identify Cornell research capacities to address Harmful Algal Blooms, upon request of the NY Water Resources Institute.
NY Water Resources Institute
Sethi October 2019
Participated in USGS/NYSDEC Great Lakes Fisheries Meeting
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher July 2011
Participated in Natural Resource Education and Employment Conference, Denver, CO
Coalition of Natural Resource Societies
Fisher September 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Trout Team meeting.
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher, Camp December 2010
Participated in NYSDEC Trout Team meeting, Cortland, NY
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher, Alexiades October 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Trout Team meeting, Cortland, NY
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher January 2012
Participated in NYSDEC Statewide Fisheries Database meeting.
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher, Perry April 2012
Participated in NYSDEC Statewide Fisheries Database Committee meeting.
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher December 2010
Participated in NYSDEC Furbearer Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2010
Participated in NYSDEC Fisheries Bureau Team Meeting
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher, Alexiades, Perry October 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Fisheries Bureau Team Meeting
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher June 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Fisheries Bureau Team Meeting
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Fisher, Alexiades, Perry February 2012
Participated in NYSDEC Endangered and Threatned Species Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller August 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife Management Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller October 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife Management Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2012
Participated in NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife Management Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife Management Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller June 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife Management Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller January 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Bureau of Wildlife Management Team Meeting
NY Department of Environmental Conservation
Eaton March 2012
Participated in NYSDEC Black Bear Management Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller September 2010
Participated in NYSDEC Black Bass Team meeting, Bridgeport, NY
Fisher December 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Big Game Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller August 2011
Participated in NYSDEC Bear Team Meeting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller January 2010
Participated in Marcellus Shale Multi-State Academic Research Conference, Altoona, PA
Fisher May 2011
Participated in Furbearer Management Team Meeting, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, September 14, 2012.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller September 2012
Participated in Big Game Team Meeting, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. September 26, 2012.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller September 2012
Participate as invited member of the Coregonine Population Viability Analysis working group. In a joint-national (US-Canada) group, we are tasked with reviewing and developing methods to support adaptive management of native fish in Lake Ontario.
Council of Lakes
Sethi March 2020
Participate as an invited faculty mentor for the Cornell Institute of Digital Agriculture 2020 hackathon.
Cornell University Institute of Digital Agriculture
Sethi March 2020
Participate as an elected member of the Science Panel for the North Pacific Research Board, an international (circumpolar countries) organization supporting research for the North Gulf of Alaska and Bering Sea ecosystems.
North Pacific Research Board
Sethi October 2019
Participate as advisor to the NY Water Resources Institute to develop and guide aquatic connectivity research and restoration activities. This participation has led to development of research proposals and ongoing research to address aquatic connectivity needs in the Hudson River ecosystem.
NY Water Resources Institute
Sethi March 2019
New York Mammal Atlas Steering Committee
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2018
New York Breeding Bird Atlas Steering Committee
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller January 2015
NY Water Resources Institute postdoctoral staff search committee.
NY Water Resources Institute at Cornell.
Sethi August 2021
NY Water Resources Institute - NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation Great Lakes Research Consortium contract scoping.
NY Department of Conservation
Sethi August 2021
Led 2 workshops to develop an adaptive management framework for implementing estuarine restoration activities on the Herring River, Cape Cod, MA.
Partners for Fish and Wildlife Program
Eaton April 2012
Leading a group of CALS faculty to establish a research program with NYSERDA ($5 million in R&D support)
Cornell University
Grodsky August 2022
Invited to provide strategic guidance on the scientific vision for a rehabilitated Tunison Aquatic Research Labs.
USGS Great Lakes Science Center
Sethi December 2021
I was requested by NYDEC to assist in the review and development of a new fisheries creel survey for Lake Champlain. We held a one-day workshop in Albany NY to advance the survey design and development.
NY Department of Environmental Conservation
Sethi December 2019
I was invited to serve as peer review of a Full Professor promotion for faculty in the Cornell Department of Natural Resources and the Environment.
Cornell University
Sethi December 2019
I serve as an appointed member to the Research Working Group of the Coalition for Investment in Convservation (CPIC), an international organization with a goal to advance public and private collaboration towards biodiversity conservation. The Research Working Group is tasked with identifying priority data and research needs to advance conservation finance, and to engage in research to support CPIC information needs.
Coalition for Investment in Conservation
Sethi December 2019
Hudson River Fisheries Group: I advise and oversee a 4-staff 7.0 million USD/5yr NY Dept. of Environmental Conservation - Cornell contract to support fisheries research in the Hudson River to enact the State's Hudson River Action Agenda.
NY Department of Environmental Conservation
Sethi July 2021
Hosted a workshop on Spatial Capture-Recapture Modeling, taught by J. Andrew Royle (Patuxent Wildlife Research Center). Cornell University. April 2-4, 2014.
Cornell University
Fuller April 2014
Hosted a workshop on Applied Hierarchical Modeling in Ecology: Estimating and modeling abundance using unmarked/R and WinBUGS/JAGS, taught by Marc Kéry (Swiss Ornithological Institute) and J. Andrew Royle (Patuxent Wildlife Research Center). Cornell University. August 13-15, 2014.
Cornell University
Fuller August 2014
Hatch Act proposal reviews for Cornell University.
Cornell University
Sethi July 2021
Guiding pollinator conservation following solar energy development - BLM California
Bureau of Land Management California Office
Grodsky January 2021
Guide Province of Alberta, Canada Department of Environment and Parks in structured decision making and advise sheep management plan.
Alberta Environment and Parks
Fuller January 2020
Guide New York State Department of Environmental Conservation in a Structured Decision Making Process Regarding Waterfowl Season Setting.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2016
Fuller, A.K., Eaton, M.J., Corwin, K., Rosenblatt, D., Ozard, J., Holst, L. A decision model for prioritizing New York’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) for the NYSDEC State Wildlife Action Plan preparation.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller January 2012
Fuller, A. 2015. New York State Invasive Species Decision Making Workshop. Provided possible decision analysis approaches to managing invasive species in New York. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. 3 November, 2015.
New York Natural Heritage
Fuller November 2015
Fisher management plan
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller June 2015
Finger Lakes fisheries research program scoping with NY Department of Environmental Conservation.
NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Sethi April 2017
External reviewer for the United Kingdom Natural Environment Research Council annual request for proposals (equivalent to reviewing for NSF RFPs), international in scope.
Sethi October 2021
Expert Reviewer of Canada Lynx Conservation and Assessment Strategy: Interagency Lynx Biology Team. 2013. Canada lynx conservation assessment and strategy. 3rd edition. USDA Forest Service, USDI Fish and Wildlife Service, USDI Bureau of Land Management, and USDI National Park Service. Forest Service Publication #R1-13-XX, Missoula, MT. 116pp.
USDA Forest Service, BLM, NPS
Fuller January 2013
Evolving from TLAM to TLAM-plus: further refining management thinking (with D.J. Decker and M.J. Eaton). Workshop to Florida Fish & Wildlife Commission and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Beaver Hollow Conference Center, Java Center, NY. March 24-27, 2014.
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2014
Development of a long term forage fish assessment for Finger Lakes, NY.
NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Sethi January 2017
Development of Cornell "Big Idea" for energy and environment issues at Cornell University
Cornell University
Grodsky January 2022
Developed monitoring protocol, secured funding, provided logistics, and study design consultation to support native fish restoration in Keuka Lake.
NY State Dept. of Environmental Conservation
Sethi July 2018
Developed and implemented a camera-trap survey design to estimate occupancy of fishers in southern New York
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller November 2012
Developed and implemented a camera-trap survey design to estimate occupancy of fishers in southern New York
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller April 2018
Designing a state-wide camera trapping study for mammals, including a citizen science aspect
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller January 2021
Deer exclusion and pollinators - Cornell Arnot Teaching and Research Forest
Cornell Arnot Teaching and Research Forest
Grodsky January 2021
Decision making support for fisher harvest management
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller October 2023
Decision Making Support for Deer Management Assistance Program
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller April 2023
Coordinated and facilitated a workshop on adaptive management, estimation, and monitoring tools for conservation and management for the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Workshop was instructed by Evan Cooch of the Department of Natural Resources at Cornell University.
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller June 2010
Contributed to writing the U.S. Geological Survey Progress Report on Council on Environmental Quality Corridors and Connectivity Goals in response to the Executive Office of the President, Council on Environmental Quality Memo "Guidance for Federal Departments and Agencies on Ecological Connectivity and Wildlife Corridors"
Fuller July 2023
Consultation for Keuka lake ecosystem shift and forage base collapse.
Sethi September 2016
Co-chair the Working Group on Aquatic Connectivity for the NY Water Resources Institute.
NY Water Resources Institute at Cornell
Sethi March 2020
Chair, New York Breeding Bird Atlas Design and Analysis Team
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller January 2017
Assisting the Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability with strategic planning for the Accelerating Energy Transitions Working Group at Cornell University
Cornell Atkinson Center for Sustainability
Grodsky May 2022
Assisting in framing a wildlife health research program in New York with Cornell University and the NY Department of Environmental Conservation
Cornell University
Fuller August 2010
Assisted regional biologist with statistical analyses and sampling design considerations related to harvest dynamics of American martens and fishers relative to forest seed crops and prey abundance.
New York Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller March 2010
Assist the NYSDEC in designing a bobcat spatial capture-recapture study
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
Fuller January 2022
Role - Description Provider         Start Date        End Date       
Vice Chair, Faculty Advisory Board, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Fuller September 2017 September 2018
Student and Postdoc Engagement Committee, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Fuller October 2018 Present
Search Committee, Social-Ecological System Scientist Faculty Position Fuller January 2021 January 2022
Search Committee, Senior Director of Strategic Partnerships, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Fuller July 2018 November 2018
Search Committee, Program Assistant - Search committee for program assistant, Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, Cornell University Fuller June 2023 July 2023
Search Committee for Jay Hyman Professor of Wildlife Medicine - Serve on search committee Fuller September 2015 May 2016
Proposal Reviewer, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future, Postdoctoral Fellowship Applications Fuller October 2017 October 2017
Proposal Reviewer, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Academic Venture Funds - Reviewed and ranked proposals for Academic Venture Funds Fuller May 2016 May 2016
Proposal Reviewer, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Academic Venture Funds Fuller May 2019 May 2019
NY Sea Grant - Search committee for NY Sea Grant program coordinator. Sethi August 2016 December 2016
NY Coop Unit, Assistant Unit Leader (Fisheries) Search Commitee Grodsky August 2024 Present
Member, Steering Committee, New York State Water Resources Institute - The Mission of the New York State Water Resources Institute (WRI) is to improve the management of water resources in New York State and the nation. As a federally and state mandated institution located at Cornell University, we are uniquely situated to access scientific and technical resources that are relevant to New York State's and the nation's water management needs. We collaborate with regional, state, and national partners to increase awareness of emerging water resources issues and to develop and assess new water management technologies and policies. WRI connects the water research and water management communities. Fisher January 2011 Present
Member, Advisory Committee, Cornell Biological Field Station - Help oversee administration, operations and direction of the Cornell Biological Field Station. Fisher January 2009 Present
Invited member, Listening tour with peer institution thought leaders, University of Maine College of Natural Science, Forestry and Agriculture - Appointed by the Dean of the College of Natural Science, Forestry and Agriculture as a thought leader to provide insights into their college brand, market position, and options for a new name. Fuller May 2022 May 2022
Faculty Fellow, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Fuller January 2014 Present
Doris Duke Conservation Scholars Program Fuller January 2014 August 2021
Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Seminar Committee Co-Chair Grodsky June 2023 Present
Department of Natural Resources Executive Committee - To provide a sounding board and source of advice for the department chair and associate chair; take up work on some topics that might otherwise be assigned less efficiently to a separate ad hoc committee. Fuller January 2014 Present
DEIJ Liaison Fuller January 2021 January 2023
Cornell University Integrated Deer Research and Management Program Committee Fuller April 2012 Present
Cornell Solar Energy Working Group Grodsky October 2023 Present
Cornell Center for Wildlife Conservation Steering Committee - Serve as a member of the oversight committee for the Cornell Center for Wildlife Conservation Fuller September 2010 September 2015
Cornell Center for Agrivoltaics Grodsky November 2023 Present
Committee Member, Strategic Planning Committee, Cornell Department of Natural Resources and the Environment - Strategic planning committee for the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment, Cornell University Fuller September 2022 Present
Co-Organizer Powell Center Working Group - Co-PI on Powell center working group on coupled classification in Ecology Fuller January 2020 December 2022
Chair, Faculty Advisory Board, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Fuller September 2018 September 2019
Advisory Board, Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future Fuller June 2014 Present
Ad Hoc Postdoctoral Associate and Visiting Scholar Integration Committee - The committee will recommend to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) a variety of actions to foster and promote the greater integration of current and future post-doctoral associates and visiting scholars (typically visiting graduate students form other institutions) into the intellectual activities of the department at large, beyond their roles within individual research programs or units. Fuller September 2016 October 2017
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Women in Science - USGS Fuller May 2015 December 2018
USGS Tunison lab and Great Lakes Science Center Research Reimagining Fuller May 2022 August 2022
USGS RGE panel Fuller November 2021 January 2022
USGS RGE Panel Fuller November 2018 November 2018
USGS Peer Mentor Fuller February 2021 Present
USGS Ecological Connectivity Science Strategy Team Fuller January 2023 Present
USGS CRU Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Equality Committee Fuller April 2020 December 2024
Strategic Planning Advisory Committee, Cornell Department of Natural Resources and the Environment Fuller January 2022 Present
State Wildlife Action Plan Advisory Committee, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Fuller January 2013 December 2015
Science Panel Member, North Pacific Research Board Sethi October 2019 September 2023
Panel Member, Cornell University, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Jobs Panel Fisher December 2010 December 2010
Organizer; Wild Energy Initiative Fall 2021 Seminar Series Grodsky September 2021 Present
Northeast Climate Change Working Group Grodsky June 2021 Present
New York State Breeding Bird Atlas Technical Advisory Committee Fuller January 2015 Present
New York Mammal Atlas Steering Committee Fuller January 2018 Present
NCTC Advisor for Decision Analysis Practitioners Certification Program Fuller January 2018 Present
Moderated session on Ecology and Habitat Relationships of Mammals Fuller October 2015 October 2015
Moderate Session at The Wildlife Society Annual Conference Fuller October 2018 October 2018
Member, Steering Committee, New York State Water Resources Institute Fisher August 2011 Present
Member, Panel, New York American Fisheries Society, Professional Development in Aquatic Sciences Panel Fisher April 2011 April 2011
Member, Panel Discussion, 5th International Symposium on GIS/Spatial Analyses in Fishery and Aquatic Sciences Fisher August 2011 August 2011
Member, Organizational Committee, Adaptive Management Conference Series Eaton January 2012 June 2012
Member, Executive Committee, New York State Biodiversity Research Institute Fisher August 2010 Present
Member, Advisory Committee, Cornell Biological Field Station Fisher January 2009 Present
Lake Ontario Technical Committee Sethi June 2016 Present
Great Lakes Council of Lakes - Coregonine Population Viability Analysis Working Group Sethi April 2020 Present
Faculty mentor to Dr. Jennifer Bloodgood, Department of Public & Ecosystem Health, Cornell University Fuller January 2023 Present
Expert review panel for Assistant Unit Leader search Fuller June 2010 August 2011
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Symposium Panelist, Cornell University Fuller December 2021 December 2021
DEI Conservation Justice Fall Reading Group Fuller September 2021 December 2023
Cornell Solar Initiative Grodsky August 2021 Present
Coalition for Investment in Conservation (CPIC)-Research Working Group Sethi January 2020 Present
Co-lead, Research Grade Evaluation Review, Women in Science Fuller May 2015 December 2018
Co-Organizer, 2012 Adaptive Management Conference Series Fuller September 2011 December 2012
Co-Chair, Sampling Design Committee, New York Mammal Atlas Fuller March 2018 Present
Chair, New York State Breeding Bird Atlas Deisgn and Analysis Committee Fuller April 2018 Present
Chair, Machine and Statistical Learning for Conservation, Poverty, Engergy, and Climate. CompSust 2016. Fuller July 2016 July 2016
Biodiversity Conservation Advisory Committee, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Fuller January 2011 Present
Associate Director, Computational Sustainability Research Network Fuller January 2016 January 2019
Advisory Board, New York State Invasive Species Research Institute Fuller April 2018 Present
Outreach Activity Provider(s)        Date       
Reversing wild turkey population declines. Article for the Wildlife Management Institute's Outdoor News Bulletin, Cooperative Research Unit's Corner. Fuller May 2014
New York Invasive Species Research Institute Researcher Spotlight Fuller December 2023
Managing Working Forest Landscapes for Multiple Biodiversity and Fiber Objectives: A workshop for landowners, land managers, researchers, and biologists. Orono, Maine. Fuller November 2010
Interviewed for article in Grist magazine Grodsky May 2021
Fuller, A.K. 2017. Wildlife Ecology: How Science and Applied Math are Saving Animal Species. Conversation with a Scientist Seminar Series. Dryden High School. 30 May, 2017. Fuller May 2017
Fuller, A. K. 2010. Led opening discussion, The Wildlife Society Leadership Institute, October 1, 2010. Snowbird, Utah. Fuller October 2010
Estimating population size of wildlife species. Talk and lab exercise to third grade class, Dryden Elementary School. Fuller March 2015