Montana Wildlife Research Activities

Much of the Unit research effort from 1970 through the present focused on interactions of predators with both wild and domestic prey species. During a decade when considerable public and scientific opinion held that predators seldom killed healthy wild ungulates or livestock, Unit studies initiated in the 1970�s helped to form the more realistic and useful viewpoint that is still evolving today. Serious economic losses of sheep and lambs to coyotes and golden eagles were documented in several Unit studies, and one study involved developing effective techniques for preventing depredation on lambs and kids by golden eagles. Continuing work on predator-prey interactions has involved demographic effects and life-history tradeoffs involved in nest predation on birds, both game and nongame species, as influenced by altered communities of generalist nest predators, habitat degradation and fragmentation, and other environmental perturbations.
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Şahin Arslan, N. and T. E. Martin. 2018. Reproductive biology of Grey-breasted Wood Wren (Henicorhina leucophrys): A comparative study of tropical and temperate wrens. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 131: 1-11. | March 2019 |
Zimova, M., L. S. Mills, P. M. Lukacs, and M. S. Mitchell. 2014. Snowshoe hares display limited phenotypic plasticity to mismatch in seasonal camouflage. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 281:20140029. | March 2014 |
Weyand, L. K., B. L. Felts, E. F. Cassirer, J. A. Jenks, D. P. Walsh, and T. E. Besser. 2025. Fatal interactions: Pneumonia in bighorn lambs following experimental exposure to carriers of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 0:e01328-24. | Abstract | January 2025 |
Ton, R., and T. E. Martin. 2019. Nest Predation and Adult Mortality Relationships with Post-natal Metabolic Rates and Growth among Temperate and Tropical Songbirds. Journal of Experimental Biology 223: doi: 10.1242/jeb.226563. | Abstract | September 2020 |
Ton, R., and T. E. Martin. 2015. Metabolism correlates with variation in post-natal growth rate among songbirds at three latitudes . Functional Ecology doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.12548. | November 2015 |
Ton, R, and T. E. Martin. 2017. Proximate effects of temperature versus evolved intrinsic constraints for embryonic development times among temperate and tropical songbirds. Scientific Reports 7(1), 895. | April 2017 |
Tewksbury, J. J., T. E. Martin, S. J. Hejl, W. Jenkins, and M. Kuehn. 2002. Parental care of a cowbird host: caught between the costs of egg-removal and nest predation. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 269: 423-429. | January 2002 |
Tewksbury, J. J., L. Garner, S. Garner, J. D. Lloyd, V. Saab, and T. E. Martin. 2006. Alternative hypotheses of landscape influence on nest predation and brood parasitism in fragmented ecosystems. Ecology:87(3), Pp. 759-768. | March 2006 |
Stetz, J. B., M. S. Mitchell, and K. C. Kendall. 2018. Evidence of Competition in Shaping Seasonal Density Patterns of Sympatric Ursids. Ecography. DOI: 10.1111/ecog.03556 | April 2018 |
Sparklin, W. D. M. S. Mitchell, D. B. Jolley, and L. B. Hanson. 2009. Territoriality of feral pigs in a highly persecuted population on Fort Benning, Georgia Journal of Wildlife Management 73:497-502. | October 2008 |
Slevin, M. C., E. E. Bin Soudi, and T. E. Martin. 2020. Breeding Biology of Mountain Wren-Babbler (Gypsophila crassus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 132(1):124-133. | January 2020 |
Sharp, N. W., M. S. Mitchell, and J. B. Grand. 2009. Sources, sinks, and spatial ecology of cotton mice in longleaf pine stands undergoing restoration. Journal of Mammalogy. | December 2009 |
Sells, S. N., and M. S. Mitchell. In press. The economics of territory selection. Ecological Modelling. | October 2020 |
Sells, S. N., S. B. Bassing, K. J. Barker, S. C. Forshee, A. C. Keever, J. W. Goerz, and M. S. Mitchell. 2018. Increased scientific rigor will improve reliability of research and effectiveness of management. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:485-494. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21413. | March 2018 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, and J. A. Gude. 2019. Addressing disease risk to develop a health program for bighorn sheep in Montana. Chapter 14 in: Rung, M. C., S. J. Converse, J. E. Lyons, and D. R. Smith, editors, Case Studies in Decision Analysis for Natural Resource Management, Johns Hopkins Press. | July 2019 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, V. L. Edwards, J. A. Gude, and N. J. Anderson. Submitted. A Decision Analytical Approach to Proactive Management of Pneumonia Epizootics in Bighorn Sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management. | July 2016 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, J. J. Nowak, P. M. Lukacs, N. J. Anderson, J. M. Ramsey, and J. A. Gude. Submitted. Modeling Risk of Pneumonia Epizootics in Bighorn Sheep. Journal of Wildlife Management. | January 2015 |
Sells, S. N., C. M. Costello, P. M. Lukacs, L. L. Roberts, & M. A. Vinks. 2023. Predicted connectivity pathways between grizzly bear ecosystems in Western Montana. Biological Conservation, Volume 284, 110199, ISSN 0006-3207, | Abstract | Download | July 2023 |
Sells SN, Costello CM (2024) Predicting future grizzly bear habitat use in the Bitterroot Ecosystem under recolonization and reintroduction scenarios. PLOS ONE 19(9): e0308043. | Abstract | Download | September 2024 |
Schwabl, H., M. G. Palacios, and T. E. Martin. 2007. Selection for rapid development leads to higher embryo exposure to maternal androgens among passerine species. American Naturalist 170: 196-206. | August 2007 |
Sarah N. Sells, Cecily M. Costello, Paul M. Lukacs, Frank T. van Manen, Mark Haroldson, Wayne Kasworm, Justin Teisberg, Milan A. Vinks, Dan Bjornlie. 2023. Grizzly bear movement models predict habitat use for nearby populations. Biological Conservation, Volume 279, 109940, ISSN 0006-3207, | March 2023 |
Saalfeld, S. T., S. S. Ditchkoff, J. J. Ozaga, and M. S. Mitchell. 2007. Seasonal variation in sex ratios provides developmental advantages in white-tailed deer, Odocoileus virginianus. Canadian Field Naturalist. | January 2009 |
S. S. Ditchkoff, B.L. Williams, M.S. Mitchell, J.B. Grand, and J.J> Millspaugh. Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in Wild Pig Populations Fluctuate Based on Reproductive Cycle. Wildlife Society Bulletin: 00(0): 000-000, 201X | Abstract | February 2011 |
Ruprecht, J. S., D. E. Ausband, M. S. Mitchell, E. O. Garten, and P. Zager. 2012. Homesite attendance based on sex, breeding status, and number of helpers in gray wolf packs. Journal of Mammalogy 93:1001–1005. | September 2012 |
Runge, M.C., J.B. Grand, and M.S. Mitchell. 2013. Structured decision making. pp. 51-72. In P.R. Krausman and J.W. Cain eds. Wildlife Management and conservation: Contemporary principles and practices. Johns Hopkins Baltimore, Maryland. | January 2013 |
Runge, M.C., J.B. Grand, and M.S. Mitchell. 2013. Structured decision making. Pages 51-72 in P.R. Krausman and J.W. Cain III, editors. Wildlife Management and Conservation: Contemporary Principles and Practices. The Johns Hopkins University Press. | November 2014 |
Ruggera, R. A., and T. E. Martin. 2010. Breeding biology and natural history of the Slate-throated Whitestart in Venezuela. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 122: 447-454. | September 2010 |
Rosenblatt, E, Cook, J. D., DiRenzo, G.V., Grant, E.H.C., Arce, F., Pepin, K. M., Rudolph, J.F., Runge, M.C., Shriner, S., Walsh, D., and Mosher, B.A. 2023. Epidemiological modeling of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) reveals conditions for introduction and widespread transmission. biorxiv. | September 2023 |
Roff, D. A., V. Reme', and T. E. Martin. 2005. The evolution of fledging age in songbirds. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 18:1425-1433. | January 2005 |
Robinson, H., T. Ruth, J. A. Gude, D. Choate, R. DeSimone, M. Hebblewhite, K. Kunkel, M. R. Matchett, M. S. Mitchell, K. Murphy, and J. Williams. 2015. Linking Resource Selection and Mortality Modeling for Population Estimation of Mountain Lions in Montana. Ecological Modelling g 312: 11–25. | June 2015 |
Robinson, H, R. DeSimone, C. Hartway, J. Gude, M. Thompson, M. Mitchell and M. Hebblewhite. Submitted. A test of the compensatory mortality hypothesis in mountain lions: a management experiment in west-central Montana. Journal of Wildlife Management | June 2014 |
Robertson, E. P. , D. P. Walsh, J. Martin, T. M. Work, C. A. Kellogg, J. S. Evans, V. Barker, A. Hawthorn, G. Aeby, V. J. Paul, B. K. Walker, Y. Kiryu, C. M. Woodley, J. L. Meyer, S. M. Rosales, M. Studivan, J. F. Moore, M. E. Brandt, and A. Bruckner. 2023. Rapid prototyping for quantifying belief weights of competing hypotheses about emergent diseases. Journal of Environmental Management 337: 117668. | Abstract | July 2023 |
Rich, L. N., M. S. Mitchell, J. A. Gude, and C. A. Sime. 2012. Anthropogenic mortality, intraspecific competition, and prey availability structure territory sizes of wolves in Montana. Journal of Mammalogy 93:722-731. | June 2012 |
Rich, L. N., E. M. Glenn, M. S. Mitchell, J. A. Gude, R. E. Russell, C. A. Sime, D. E. Ausband, and J. D. Nichols. Submitted. Estimating occupancy and predicting numbers of gray wolf packs in Montana using hunter surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1280-1289. | July 2013 |
Reynolds-Hogland, M. J., and M. S. Mitchell. 2007. Three axes of ecological studies: Matching process and time in landscape ecology. IN J. A. Bissonette and I. Storch (eds) Temporal Dimensions of Landscape Ecology: Wildlife Responses to Variable Resources. Springer, New York. 10:174-194 | January 2007 |
Reynolds-Hogland, M. J., and M. S. Mitchell. 2007. Road effects on habitat quality for black bears in the Southern Appalachians:a long term study. Journal of Mammalogy, 88(4):1062-107. | August 2007 |
Reynolds-Hogland, M. J., and M. S. Mitchell. 2006. Spatio-temporal availability of soft mast in clearcuts in the Southern Appalachians. Forest Ecology and Management 237:103-114. | December 2006 |
Reynolds-Hogland, M. J., M. S. Mitchell, R. A. Powell, and D. C. Brown. 2007. Selection of den sites by black bears in the Southern Appalachians. Journal of Mammology, 88(4):1062-1073. | August 2007 |
Reynolds-Hogland, M. J., L. B. Pacifici, and M. S. Mitchell. 2007. Linking resources with demography to understand resource limitation for bears. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44:1166-1175. | December 2007 |
Reynolds-Hogland, M. J., J. S. Hogland, M. S. Mitchell. 2007. Evaluating intercepts from demograhic models to understand resource limitation and thresholds. Ecological Modeling, 211:424-432. | November 2007 |
Reynolds, M. J., and M. S. Mitchell. 2007. Three Axes of Ecological Studies: Matching Process and Time in Landscape Ecology. In Bissonette, J. A., and I. Storch, editors, Temporal Explicitness in Landscape Ecology: Wildlife Responses to Changes in Time. Springer, New York, NY. | April 2007 |
Remes, V., and T. E. Matin. 2002. Environmental influences on the evolution of growth and development rates in passerines. Evolution 56(12): 2505-2518. | December 2002 |
Prentice, M.B., M.L.J. Gilbertson, D.J. Storm, W.C. Turner, D.P. Walsh, M.E. Pinkerton, P.L Kamath. 2024. Metagenomic sequencing sheds light on microbes putatively associated with pneumonia-related fatalities of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), Microbial Genomics, 10:001214. | Abstract | Publisher Website | March 2024 |
Powell, R. A., and M. S. Mitchell. 2012. What is a home range? Journal of Mammalogy 93:948-958. | September 2012 |
Piel III, R. B., S. E. Veneziano, E. Nicholson, D. P. Walsh, A. D. Lomax, T. A. Nichols, C. M. Seabury, and D. A. Schneider. 2024. Validation of a Real-Time Quaking-Induced Conversion (RT-QuIC) Assay Protocol to Detect Chronic Wasting Disease using Rectal Mucosa of Naturally Infected, Pre-Clinical White-Tailed Deer (Odocoileus Virginianus). PLoS ONE 19(6): e0303037. | Abstract | June 2024 |
Parsons, E. W. R., J. L. Maron, and T. E. Martin. 2013. Elk herbivory alters small mammal assemblages in high elevation riparian drainages. Journal of Animal Ecology 82: 459-467. | Abstract | February 2013 |
Palacios, M. G., and T. E. Martin. 2006. Incubation period and immune function: a comparative field study among coexisting birds. Oecologia 146:505-512. | March 2006 |
Oteyza, J. C., J. C. Mouton, and T. E. Martin. 2021. Adult survival probability and body size affect parental risk-taking across latitudes. Ecology Letters 24:20-26. | January 2021 |
Nowak, J. J., Hurley, M. A., Lukacs, P. M., Walsh, D., & White, C. L. (2023). Population Monitoring. In Ecology and Management of Black-tailed and Mule Deer of North America (pp. 291-306). CRC Press. | Abstract | April 2023 |
Niklison, A., J. I. Areta, R. A. Ruggera, K. L. Decker, C. Bosque, and T. E. Martin. 2007. Natural history and breeding biology of the Rusty-breasted Antpitta (Grallaricula ferrugineipectus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120: 345-352. | June 2008 |
Newby, J. R., L. S. Mills, T. K. Ruth, D. H. Pletscher, M. S. Mitchell, H. B. Quigley, K. M. Murphy, and R. DeSimone. 2013. Human-caused mortality influences spatial population dynamics: Pumas in landscapes with varying mortality risks. Biological Conservation 159:230-239. | April 2013 |
Nalwanga, D., P. Lloyd, M. A. duPlessis, and T. E. Martin. 2004. The influence of nest site characteristics on the nesting success of Karoo Prinia. Ostrich 75: 269-274. | September 2004 |
Nalwanga, D., P. Lloyd, M. A. duPlessis, and T. E. Martin. 2004. Nest-site partitioning in a strandveld shrubland bird community. Ostrich 75: 250-258 | September 2004 |
Muñoz and Martin. 2014. Breeding biology of the Spotted Barbtail (Premnoplex brunnescens). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 126: 717-727. | December 2014 |
Muir, J. A., D. Licata, and T. E. Martin. 2008. Reproductive biology of the Red-ruffed Fruitcrow (Pyroderus scutatus granadensis). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120: 862-867. | November 2008 |
Mouton, J. C., and T. E. Martin. 2019. Nest structure affects auditory and visual detectability, but not predation risk, in a tropical songbird community. Functional Ecology 33:1973–1981. | October 2019 |
Mouton, J. C. and T. E. Martin. 2018. Fitness consequences of interspecific nesting associations among cavity nesting birds. American Naturalist 192: 389–396. | September 2018 |
Mouton J. C., B. W. Tobalske, N. A. Wright, and T. E. Martin. 2020. Compensatory plasticity offsets performance and survival costs of predation risk across life stages. Functional Ecology | September 2020 |
Morgan Henderson, M., M. Hebblewhite, M. S. Mitchell, J. B. Stetz, K. C. Kendall, and R. G. Carlson. 2015. Modeling multi-scale resource selection for bear rub trees in Northwestern Montana and Idaho. Ursus 26:28–39 | January 2015 |
Monkkonen, M., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Sensitivity of comparative analyses to population variation in trait values: clutch size and cavity excavation tendencies. Journal of Avian Biology 31: 576-580 | September 2000 |
Mitchell, M. S., and R. A. Powell. 2008. Estimated home ranges can misrepresent habitat relationships on patchy landscapes. Ecological Modelling 216:409-414. | October 2008 |
Mitchell, M. S., and R. A. Powell. 2007. Optimal use of resources structures, home ranges and spatial distribution of black bears. Animal Behaviour 74:219-230. | June 2007 |
Mitchell, M. S., and R. A. Powell. 2012. Foraging optimally for a home range. Journal of Mammalogy 93:917-928. | September 2012 |
Mitchell, M. S., and M. Hebblewhite. 2012. Carnivore habitat ecology: integrating theory and application. In Boitani and Powell, editors, Carnivore ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques. Oxford University Press, London, UK. | January 2012 |
Mitchell, M. S., S. N. Sells, S. B. Bassing, K. J. Barker, A. C. Keever, S. C. Forshee, and J. W. Goerz. 2018. Explicitly reporting tests of hypotheses improves communication of science. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21461. | May 2018 |
Mitchell, M. S., S. N. Sells, K. J. Barker, S. B. Bassing, A. C. Keever, S. C. Forshee, and J. W. Goerz. 2018. Testing A Priori Hypotheses Improves the Reliability of Wildlife Research. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21568 | August 2018 |
Mitchell, M. S., S. H. Rutzmoser, T. B. Wigley, C. Loehle, J. A. Gerwin, P. D. Keyser, R. A. Lancia, R. W. Perry, C. J. Reynolds, R. E. Thill, R. Weih, D. White, Jr., P. Bohall Wood. 2006. Relationships between avian richness and landscape structure at multiple scales using multiple landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management. | May 2006 |
Mitchell, M. S., M. J. Reynolds-Hogland, M. L. Smith, P. B. Wood, J. A. Beebe, P. D. Keyser, C. Loehle, C. J. Reynolds, and D. White, Jr. 2008. Projected long-term response of Southeastern birds to forest management. Forest Ecology and Management 256(2008):1884 1896. | October 2008 |
Mitchell, M. S., L. N. Rich, and L. S. Mills. 2014. Using radiotelemetry to answer habitat and population questions. In T. Tshering and L. S. Mills, editors, Wildlife Research Techniques in Rugged Mountainous Landscapes. Ugyen Wangchuk Institute for Conservation and Environment, Bhumtang, Bhutan. | January 2014 |
Mitchell, M. S., L. B. Pacifici, J. B. Grand, and R. A. Powell. 2009. Contributions of vital rates to growth of a protected population of American black bears. Ursus 20:77-84. | December 2009 |
Mitchell, M. S., J. A. Gude, N. Anderson, J. Ramsey, M. Thompson, M. Sullivan, V. Edwards, C. Gower, J. F. Cochrane, E. Irwin, and T. Walshe. 2013. Using structured decision making to manage disease risk for Montana wildlife. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:107-114. | April 2013 |
Mitchell, M. S., J. A. Gude, D. E. Ausband, C. A. Sime, E. E. Bangs, M. D. Jimenez, C. M. Mack, T. J. Meier, and M. S. Nadeau. 2010. Temporal validation of an estimator for successful breeding pairs of wolves Canis lupus in the U.S. northern Rocky Mountains. Wildlife Biology. Wildlife Biology 16:101-106. | April 2010 |
Mitchell, M. S., H. Cooley, J. A. Gude, J. Kolbe, J. J. Nowak, K. M. Proffitt, S. N. Sells, and M. Thompson. 2018. Distinguishing values from science in decision making: setting harvest quotas for mountain lions in western Montana . Wildlife Society Bulletin DOI:10.1002/wsb.861. | April 2018 |
Mitchell, M. S., D. E. Ausband, C. A. Sime, E. E. Bangs, M. Jimenez, C. M. Mack, T. J. Meier, M. S. Nadeau, and D. W. Smith. 2008. Estimation of successful breeding pairs for wolves in the U. S. northern Rocky Mountains. Journal of Wildlife Management 72:881-891. | May 2008 |
Mitchell, A. E., F. Tuh, and T. E. Martin. 2016. Breeding biology of an endemic Bornean turdid: Fruithunter (Chlamydochaera jefferyi). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 129(1), 36-45. | March 2017 |
Miller, D. A. W, J. D. Nichols1, J. A. Gude3, L. N. Rich, K. M. Podruzny, J. E. Hines, and M. S. Mitchell. 2013. Determining Occurrence Dynamics when False Positives Occur: Estimating the Range Dynamics of Wolves from Public Survey Data. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65808. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0065808. | June 2013 |
Merkle, J. A., N. J. Anderson, D. L. Baxley, M. Chopp, L. C. Gigliotti, J. A. Gude, T. M. Harms, H. E. Johnson, E. H. Merrill, M. S. Mitchell, T. W. Wong, G. P. Nelson, A. S. Norton, M. J. Sheriff, E. Tomasik, and K. R. VanBeek. 2019. A collaborative approach to bridging the gap between wildlife managers and researchers. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:1644–1651; DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21759 | August 2019 |
McCall, B.S., M.S. Mitchell, M.K. Schwartz, J. Hayden, S. Cushman, and W. Kasworm. 2013. Combined use of mark-recapture and genetic analyses reveals response of a black bear population to changes in food productivity. Journal of Wildlife Management 77:1572-1582. | October 2013 |
Massaro, M., A. Starling-Windhof, J. V. Briskie, and T. E. Martin. 2008. Introduced mammalian predators induce adaptive shifts in parental behaviour in an endemic New Zealand bird. PLoS One 3(6): e2331. doi:10. 1371/journal. pone. 0002331 | May 2008 |
Martin, T.E., R.D. Bassar, S.K. Bassar, J.J. Fontaine, P. Lloyd, H. Mathewson, A. Niklison, and A. Chalfoun. 2006. Life history and ecological correlates of geographic variation in egg and clutch mass among passerine species. Evolution 60:390-398 | Abstract | Download | April 2006 |
Martin, T.E., P.R. Martin, C.R. Olson, B.J. Heidinger, and J.J. Fontaine. 2000. Parental care and clutch sizes in North and South American birds. Science 287:1482-1485. | Abstract | Download | December 2000 |
Martin, T.E., P. Lloyd, C. Bosque, D.C. Barton, A.L. Biancucci, Y.R. Cheng, and R. Ton. 2011. Growth rate variation among passerine species in tropical and temperate sites: An antagonistic interaction between parental food provisioning and nest predation risk. Evolution 65(6):1607-1622. | June 2011 |
Martin, T.E., E. Arriero, and A. Majewska. 2011. A trade-off between embroyonic development rate and immune function of avian offspring is revealed by considering embroyic temperature. Biol. Lett. 7:425-428. | June 2011 |
Martin, T. E., and J. L. Maron. 2012. Climate impacts on bird and plant communities from altered animal-plant interactions. Nature Climate Change 2: 195-200. | Abstract | February 2012 |
Martin, T. E., and H. Schwabl. 2008 Variation in maternal effects and embryonic development rates among passerine species. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 363: 1663-1674. | March 2008 |
Martin, T. E., S. K. Auer, R. D. Bassar, A. M. Niklison, P. Lloyd. 2007. Geographic variation in avian incubation periods and parental influences on embryonic temperature. Evolution, 61-11:2558-2569. | November 2007 |
Martin, T. E., R. Ton, and J. C. Oteyza. 2018. Adaptive influence of extrinsic and intrinsic factors on variation of incubation periods among tropical and temperate passerines. Auk 135: 101-113. | January 2018 |
Martin, T. E., R. Ton, and A. Niklison. 2013. Intrinsic vs. extrinsic influences on life history expression: metabolism and parentally-induced temperature influences on embryo development rate. Ecology Letters 16: 738-745. | Abstract | April 2013 |
Martin, T. E., R. D. Bassar, S. K. Bassar, J. J. Fontaine, P. Lloyd, H. Mathewson, A. Niklison, and A. Chalfoun. 2006. Life history and ecological correlates of geographic variation in egg and clutch mass among passerine species. Evolution 60:390-398. | March 2006 |
Martin, T. E., P. R. Martin, C. R. Olson, B. J. Heidinger, and J. J. Fontaine. 2000. Parental care and clutch sizes in North and South American birds. Science 287: 1482 1485. | October 2000 |
Martin, T. E., M. M. Riordan, R. Repin, J. C. Mouton, and W. M. Blake. 2017. Apparent annual survival estimates of tropical songbirds better reflect life history variation when based on intensive field methods. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26:1386–1397. | December 2017 |
Martin, T. E., J. Scott, and C. Menge. 2000. Nest predation increases with parental activity: separating nest site and parental activity effects. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B. 267:2287-2293. | November 2000 |
Martin, T. E., J. C. Oteyza, A. J. Boyce, P. Lloyd, and R. Ton. 2015. Adult mortality probability and nest predation rates explain parental effort in warming eggs with consequences for embryonic development time. American Naturalist 186: 223-236. | Abstract | August 2015 |
Martin, T. E., J. C. Oteyza, A. E. Mitchell, A. L. Potticary, and P. Lloyd. 2015. Post-natal growth rates of diverse songbird species covary weakly with embryonic development rates and do not explain adult mortality probability. American Naturalist 185: 380-389. | March 2015 |
Martin, T. E., B. Tobalske, M. M. Riordan, S. Case, and K. P. Dial. 2018. Age and performance at fledging is a cause and consequence of juvenile mortality between life stages. Science Advances 4: eaar1988. | Abstract | June 2018 |
Martin, T. E., A. P. Moller, S. Merino, and J. Clobert. 2001. Does clutch size evolve in response to parasites and immunocompetence? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 98: 2071-2076. | February 2001 |
Martin, T. E., A. J. Boyce, K. Fierro-Calderón, A. E. Mitchell, C. E. Armstad, J. Mouton, and E. E. Bin Soudi. 2017. Do enclosed nests provide greater thermal than nest predation benefits compared with open nests across latitudes? Functional Ecology 31: 1231-1240. | August 2017 |
Martin, T. E. and J. V. Briskie. 2009. Predation on dependent offspring: a review of the consequences for mean expression and phenotypic plasticity in avian life history traits. The Year in Evolutionary Biology 2009: Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1168: 201-217. | June 2009 |
Martin, T. E. and J. C. Mouton. 2020. Longer-lived tropical songbirds reduce breeding activity as they buffer impacts of drought. Nature Climate Change 10: | September 2020 |
Martin, T. E. 2015. Consequences of habitat change and resource selection specialization for population limitation in cavity-nesting birds. Journal of Applied Ecology 52: 475–485. | Abstract | April 2015 |
Martin, T. E. 2008. Egg size variation among tropical and temperate songbirds: An embryonic temperature hypothesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA 105:9268-9271 | July 2008 |
Martin, T. E. 2007. Climate correlates of 20 years of trophic changes in a high elevation riparian system. Ecology 88: 367-380. | February 2007 |
Martin, T. E. 2004. Avian life-history evolution has an eminent past: does it have a bright future? The Auk 121:289-301 | April 2004 |
Martin, T. E. 2002. A new view for avian life history evolution tested on an incubation paradox. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 269: 309-316. | January 2002 |
Martin, T. E. 2001. Abiotic vs. biotic influences on habitat selection of coexisting species, with implications for climate change. Ecology 82: 175-188. | January 2001 |
Martin, T. E. Age-related mortality explains life history strategies of tropical and temperate songbirds. Science 349: 966-970. | August 2015 |
Martin, T. E. 2014. A conceptual framework for clutch size evolution in songbirds. American Naturalist 183: 313-324. | Abstract | March 2014 |
Martin, T. E. 2011. The cost of fear. Science 334: 1353-1354. | Abstract | Publisher Website | December 2011 |
Martin, P. R., and T. E. Martin. 2001. Ecological and fitness consequences of coexistence in two congeneric wood warblers (Parulidae: Vermivora): a removal experiment. Ecology 82: 189-206. | January 2001 |
Martin, P. R., and T. E. Martin. 2001. Behavioral interactions between two coexisting wood warblers (Parulidae: Vermivora): experimental and empirical tests. Ecology 82: 207-218. | January 2001 |
Marie, Brandell, E.E., Pinkerton, M.E., Meaux, N.M., Hunsaker, M., Jarosinski, D., Ellarson, W., Walsh, D.P., Storm, D.J. and Turner, W.C. (2022). CAUSE OF DEATH, PATHOLOGY, AND CHRONIC WASTING DISEASE STATUS OF WHITE-TAILED DEER (ODOCOILEUS VIRGINIANUS) MORTALITIES IN WISCONSIN, USA. Journal of Wildlife Diseases, 58(4). doi: | Abstract |
October 2022 |
Mandujano Reyes, J. F., T. F. Ma, I. P. McGahan, D. J. Storm, D. P. Walsh and J. Zhu. 2023. Spatio-temporal ecological models via physics-informed neural net- works for studying chronic wasting disease. Spatial Statistics 62:100850. | Abstract |
August 2024 |
M. S. Mitchell, J. A. Gude, K. Podruzny, E. E. Bangs, J. Hayden, R. M. Inman, M. Jimenez, Q. Kujala, D. H. Pletscher, J. Rachael, R. Ream, and J. Vore. Submitted. Management of wolves in the US Northern Rocky Mountains is Based on Sound Policy and Science. Science. | June 2016 |
Lukacs, P. M., M. S. Mitchell, M. Hebblewhite, B. K. Johnson, H. Johnson, M. Kauffman, K. Proffitt, P. Zager, J. Brodie, K. Hersey, A. A. Holland, M. Hurley, S. McCorquodale, A. Middleton, M. Nordhagen, J. J. Nowak, D. P. Walsh, and P. J. White. 2018. Factors influencing elk recruitment across ecotypes in the western United States. Journal of Wildlife Management DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21438 | May 2018 |
Lowe, W. H., T. E. Martin, D. K. Skelly, and H. A. Woods. 2020. Metamorphosis in an era of increasing climate variability. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 36: 360-375. | Abstract | January 2021 |
Loonam, K. E., D. E. Ausband, P. M. Lukacs, M. S. Mitchell, and H. R. Robinson. 2021. Estimating abundance of an unmarked, low-density species using camera traps. Journal of Wildlife Management. 85: 87-96. | March 2021 |
Lomáscolo, S., A. C. Monmany, A. Malizia, and T. E. Martin. 2010. Flexibility in nest site choice and nest success of Turdus rufiventris (Turdidae) in a montane forest in northwestern Argentina. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 122:674-680. | October 2010 |
Loehle, C., P. Van Deusen, T. B. Wigley, M. S. Mitchell, S. H. Rutzmoser, J. Aggett, J. A. Beebe, and M. L. Smith. 2006. A Method for Landscape Analysis of Forestry Guidelines Using Bird Habitat Models and the Habplan Harvest Scheduler. Forest Ecology and Management 232:56-67. | May 2006 |
Lloyd, P., and T. E. Martin. 2016. Fledgling survival increases with development time and adult survival across north and south temperate zones. Ibis 158: 135–143. | Abstract | January 2016 |
Lloyd, P., W. A. Taylor, M. A. duPlessis, and T. E. Martin. 2009. Females increase reproductive investment in response to multiple helper benefits in the cooperatively breeding Karoo scrub-robin Cercotrichas coryphaeus. Journal of Avian Biology 40: 400-411. | July 2009 |
Lloyd, P., T. E. Martin, R. L. Redmond, U. Langner, and M. M. Hart. 2005. Linking demographic effects of habitat fragmentation across landscapes to continental source-sink dynamics. Ecological Applications 15: 1504-1514. | September 2005 |
Lloyd, P., T. E. Martin, R. L. Redmond, U. Langner, and M. M. Hart. 2005. Linking demographic effects of habitat fragmentation across landscapes to continental source-sink dynamics. Ecological Applications 15: 1504-1514. | December 2005 |
Lloyd, P., T. E. Martin, R. L. Redmond, M. M. Hart, U. Langner, and R. D. Bassar. 2006. Assessing the influence of spatial scale on the relationship between avian nesting success and forest fragmentation: a case study. Pp: 255-269 in J. Wu, K. B. Jones, H. Li, and O. Loucks (Editors) Scaling and Uncertainty Analysis In Ecology: Methods and Applications. Columbia University Press, New York, NY. | March 2006 |
Lloyd, P., T. E. Martin, A. Taylor, A. Braae and R. Altwegg. 2016. Age, sex, and social influences on adult survival in the co-operatively breeding Karoo scrub-robin. Emu 114: 394-401. | Abstract | December 2016 |
Lloyd, P., F. Abadi, R. Altwegg, and T. E. Martin. 2014. South-temperate birds have equivalent annual adult survival to tropical birds in Africa. Journal of Avian Biology 45: 493-500. | Abstract | September 2014 |
Lloyd, P., B. D. Frauenknecht, M. A. du Plessis, and T. E. Martin. 2016. Comparative life history of the south-temperate Cape Penduline Tit (Anthoscopus minutus) and north-temperate Remizidae species. Journal of Ornithology doi:10.1007/s10336-016-1417-4. | Abstract | December 2016 |
Lloyd, J., and T. E. Martin. 2004. Nest-site preference and maternal effects on offspring growth. Behavioral Ecology 15: 816-823. | September 2004 |
Lloyd, J. D., and T. E. Martin. 2005. Reproductive success of chestnut-collared longspurs in native and exotic grassland. Condor 107: 363-374. | June 2005 |
Lloyd, J. D., and T. E. Martin. 2003. Sibling competition and the evolution of parental developmental rates. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B 270: 735-740. | March 2003 |
LaManna, J. A., and T. E. Martin. 2017. Seasonal fecundity and consequences for λ are more strongly affected by direct than indirect predation effects across species. Ecology 98: 1829–1838 | May 2017 |
LaManna, J. A., and T. E. Martin. 2017. Logging impacts on avian species richness and composition differ across latitudes and foraging and breeding habitat preferences. Biological Reviews 92: 1657-1674. | August 2017 |
LaManna, J. A., and T. E. Martin. 2015. Costs of fear: Behavioural and life-history responses to risk and their demographic consequences vary across species. Ecology Letters 19: 403–413. | Abstract | January 2016 |
LaManna, J. A., A. B. Hemenway, V. Boccadori, and T. E. Martin. 2015. Bird species turnover is related to changing predation risk along a vegetation gradient. Ecology 96: 1670-1680. | Abstract | June 2015 |
Kie, J. G., J. Matthiopoulis, J. Fieberg, R. A. Powell, F. Cagnacci, M. S. Mitchell, J. Gaillard, and P. R. Moorcroft. 2010. The home range concept: are traditional estimators still relevant with modern telemetry technology? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365:2221-2231. | April 2010 |
Khwaja, N., M. Massaro, T. E. Martin, and J. V. Briskie. 2019. Do parents synchronise nest visits as an antipredator adaptation in birds of New Zealand and Tasmania? Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:389. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00389 | October 2019 |
Ketz, A.C., Storm, D.J., Barker, R.E., Apa, A.D., Cristian Oliva‐Aviles and Walsh, D.P. (2023). Assimilating ecological theory with empiricism: Using constrained generalized additive models to enhance survival analyses. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14(3), pp.952–967. doi: | Abstract |
January 2023 |
Kaiser, S. A., T. E. Martin, J. C. Oteyza, C. Armstad, and R. C. Fleischer. 2018. Direct fitness benefits and kinship of social foraging groups in an Old World tropical babbler. Behavioral Ecology 29: 468-478. | March 2018 |
Jolley, D. B., S. S. Ditchkoff, B. D. Sparklin, L. B. Hanson, M. S. Mitchell, and J. B. Grand. 2010. Estimate of herpetofauna depredation by a population of wild pigs. Journal of Mammalogy 91:519-524. | April 2010 |
Inzalaco, H.N., E.E. Brandell, S. Wilson, M. Hunsaker, D.R. Stahler, K. Woelfel, D.P. Walsh, T. Nordeen, D.J. Storm, S.S. Lichtenberg, W.C. Turner. 2024. Detection of prions from spiked and free-ranging carnivore feces, Scientific Reports, 14: 3804. | Abstract | Publisher Website | February 2024 |
Inzalaco, H., F. Bravo-Risi, R. Morales, R., D. P. Walsh, D. J. Storm, J. Pedersen, W. C. Turner, and S. Lichtenberg. 2023. Ticks harbor and excrete chronic wasting disease prions. Scientific Reports 13, 7838 | May 2023 |
Ibanez-Alamo, J.D., R. D. Magrath, J. C. Oteyza, A. D. Chalfoun, T. M. Haff, K. A. Schmidt, R. L. Thomson, and T. E. Martin. Nest predation research: Recent findings and future perspectives. Journal of Ornithology DOI 10.1007/s10336-015-1207-4. | April 2015 |
Henderson, C. R., M. S. Mitchell, W. L. Myers, and G. P. Nelson. 2018. Attributes of seasonal home range influence choice of migratory strategy in white-tailed deer. Journal of Mammalogy 99:89-96. DOI:10.1093/jmammal/gyx148 | February 2018 |
Heiman, J., J. Tucker, S. Sells, J. Millspaugh, M. Schwartz. Leveraging local wildlife surveys for robust occupancy trend estimation. | December 2024 |
Hanson, L. B., M. S. Mitchell, J. B. Grand, D. B. Jolley, W. D. Sparklin, and S. S. Ditchkoff. 2009. Effect of experimental manipulation on survival and recruitment of feral pigs. Wildlife Research. 36(3):185-191. | April 2009 |
Hanson, L. B., J. B. Grand, M. S. Mitchell, D. B. Jolley, B. D. Sparklin and S. S. Ditchkoff. 2008. Change-in-ratio density estimator for feral pigs is less biased than closed mark-recapture estimates. Wildlife Research 35(7): 695-699. | December 2008 |
Hanley, B. J., Carstensen, M., Walsh, D. P., Christensen, S. A., Storm, D. J., Booth, J. G., ... & Schuler, K. L. (2022). Informing Surveillance through the Characterization of Outbreak Potential of Chronic Wasting Disease in White-Tailed Deer. Ecological Modelling, 471, 110054. | Abstract | September 2022 |
Hammond, C. A. M., M. S. Mitchell, and G. N. Bissell. In press. Territory occupancy by common loons in response to disturbance, habitat, and intraspecific relationships. Journal of Wildlife Management. | April 2012 |
Gude, J. A., M. S. Mitchell, R. E. Russell, C. A. Sime, E. E. Bangs, L. D. Mech, and R. R. Ream. 2012. Wolf population dynamics in U.S. northern Rocky Mountains are affected by recruitment and human-caused mortality. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:108-118. | January 2012 |
Gude, J. A., M. S. Mitchell, D. E. Ausband, C. A. Sime, and E. E. Bands. 2009. Internal validation of predicitive logistic regression models for decision making in wildlife management. Wildlife Biology. | October 2009 |
Goulding, W., and T. E. Martin. 2010. Description of the breeding biology of the Golden-faced Tyrannulet (Zimmerius chrysops) in Venezuela. Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 122:689-698 | October 2010 |
Gilbertson, M. L., Ketz, A. C., Hunsaker, M., Jarosinski, D., Ellarson, W., Walsh, D. P., ... & Turner, W. C. (2022). Agricultural land use shapes dispersal in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus). Movement Ecology, 10(1), 43. | Abstract | October 2022 |
Ghalambor, C. K., and T. E. Martin. 2002. Comparative manipulation of predation in incubating birds reveals variability in the plasticity of responses. Behavioral Ecology 13: 101-108. | January 2002 |
Ghalambor, C. K., and T. E. Martin. 2001. Fecundity-survival trade-offs and parental risk-taking in birds. Science 292: 494-497 | April 2001 |
Ghalambor, C. K., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Parental investment in two species of nuthatch varies with stage-specific predation risk and reproductive effort. Animal Behaviour 60: 263-267 | September 2000 |
Ghalambor, C. K., S. I. Peluc, and T. E. Martin. 2013. Plasticity of parental care under the risk of predation: how much should parents reduce care? Biology Letters 9: 20130154. | Abstract | August 2013 |
Forsman, J. T., and T. E. Martin. 2009. Habitat selection for parasite-free space by hosts of parasitic cowbirds. Oikos 118: 464-470. | April 2009 |
Fontaine, J.J., and T.E. Martin. 2006. Parent birds assess nest predation risk and adjust their reproductive strategies. Ecology Letters 9:428-434. | Abstract | Download | April 2006 |
Fontaine, J.J., and T.E. Martin. 2006. Habitat selection responses of parents to offspring predation risk: an experimental test. American Naturalist 168:811-818. | Abstract | Download | October 2006 |
Fontaine, J.J., M. Martel, H.M. Markland, A.M. Niklison, K.L. Decker and T.E. Martin. 2007. Testing ecological and behavioral correlates of nest predation. Oikos 116:1887-1894. | Abstract | Download | October 2007 |
Fontaine, J.J., E. Arriero, H. Schwable, and T.E. Martin. 201). Nest predation and circulating corticosterone levels within and among species. Condor 113:(825-833) | Download | November 2011 |
Fontaine, J. J., and T. E. Martin. 2006. Parent birds assess nest predation risk and adjust their reproductive strategies. Ecology Letters 9: 428-434. | March 2006 |
Fontaine, J. J., and T. E. Martin. 2006. Experimental test of nest predation influences on adult habitat selection in a breeding bird community. American Naturalist 168: 811-818. | December 2006 |
Fontaine, J. J., M. Martel, H. M. Markland, A. Niklison, K. L. Decker, and T. E. Martin. 2007. Testing ecological and behavioral correlates of nest predation. Oikos 116: 1887-1894. | November 2007 |
Fierro-Calderon, K., and T. E. Martin. 2007. Reproductive biology of the Violet-chested Hummingbird in Venezuela and comparisons with other tropical and temperate hummingbirds. Condor 109:680-685. | April 2007 |
Ferretti, V., P. E. Llambias, and T. E. Martin. 2005. Life history differences between poulations of a Neotropical thrush challenge food limitation theory. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 272:769-773. | April 2005 |
Fedy, B. C., and T. E. Martin. 2009. Male songbirds provide indirect parental care by guarding females during incubation. Behavioral Ecology 20: 1034-1038. | August 2009 |
Eacker, D. R., M. Hebblewhite, K. M. Proffitt, B. S. Jimenez, M. S. Mitchell, and H. S. Robinson. 2016. Landscape-level effects of risk factors on annual elk calf survival in a multiple carnivore system. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:1345-1359. | August 2016 |
Donovan, T. M., C. J. Beardmore, D. N. Bonter, J. K. Brawn, R. J. Cooper, J. A. Fitzgerald, R. Ford, S. A. Gauthreaux, T. L. George, W. C. Hunter, T. E. Martin, J. Price, K. V. Rosenberg, P. D. Vickery, and T. Bently Wigley. 2002. Priority research needs for the conservation of Neotropical migrant landbirds. Journal of Field Ornithology 73:329-339. | December 2002 |
Ditchkoff, S. S., D. B. Jolley, B. D. Sparklin, L. B. Hanson, M. S. Mitchell, and J. B. Grand. 2012. Reproduction in a Population of Wild Pigs (Sus scrofa) Subjected to Lethal Control. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1235-1240. | August 2012 |
Delgado Rivas, M., N. Ferrari, A. Fanelli, S. Muset, C. L. Thompson, C. L. White, D. P. Walsh, C. Wannous, and P. Tizzani. 2023. Wildlife health surveillance: gaps, needs and opportunities. World Organisation for Animal Health The Scientific and Technical Review. 41 (2). | Abstract | March 2023 |
Decker, K., A. Niklison, and T. E. Martin. 2007. First description of the nest, eggs, and breeding behavior of the Merida Tapaculo (Scytalopus meridanus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119: 121-124. | February 2007 |
DeVoe, J., K. M. Proffitt, M. S. Mitchell, C. Jourdonnais, K. J. Barker. 2019. Elk Forage and Risk Tradeoffs during the Fall Archery Season. Journal of Wildlife Management. | May 2019 |
Cox, W. A., and T. E. Martin. 2009. Breeding biology of the Three-striped Warbler in Venezuela: A contrast between tropical and temperate parulids. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 121: 667-678. | December 2009 |
Conway, C. K., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Effects of ambient temperature on avian incubation strategies: a model and test. Behavioral Ecology 11: 178-188. | November 2000 |
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Evolution of avian incubation behavior: influence of food, temperature, and nest predation. Evolution 54:670-685. | September 2000 |
Clark, M., and T. E. Martin. 2007. Modeling trade-offs in avian life history traits and consequences for population growth. Ecological Modeling, 209:110-120. | November 2007 |
Cheng, Y., and T. E. Martin. 2012. Nest predation risk and growth strategies of Passerine species: Grow fast or develop traits to escape risk? American Naturalist 180: 285-295. | Abstract | September 2012 |
Chalfoun, A.D. and T.E. Martin. 2010. Facultative nest patch shifts in response to nest predation risk in the Brewer's sparrow: a "win-stay, lose-switch" strategy? Oecologia 163:885-892. | October 2010 |
Chalfoun, A., and T. E. Martin. 2010. Within-season facultative shifts in nest-site selection in response to offspring predation risk: A win-stay, lose-switch strategy. Oecologia 163:885-892. | September 2010 |
Chalfoun, A., and T. E. Martin. 2010. Parental investment decisions in response to ambient nest predation risk versus actual predation on the prior nest. The Condor 112:701-710. | October 2010 |
Chalfoun, A., and T. E. Martin. 2009. Habitat structure mediates predation risk for sedentary prey: experimental tests of alternative hypotheses. Journal of Animal Ecology 78: 497-503. | April 2009 |
Chalfoun, A. D., and T. E. Martin. 2007. Latitudinal variation in avian incubation attentiveness and a test of the food limitation hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 73:579-585. | January 2007 |
Chalfoun, A. D., and T. E. Martin. 2007. Assessments of habitat preferences and quality depend on spatial scale and metrics of fitness. Journal of Applied Ecology 44:983-992. | August 2007 |
Chalfoun, A. D., and T. E. Martin. 2007. Latitudinal variation in avian incubation attentiveness and an experimental test of the food limitation hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 73: 579-585. | September 2007 |
Chalfoun, A. D., and T. E. Martin. 2007. Assessments of habitat preferences and quality depend on spatial scale and metrics of fitness. J. of Applied Ecology 44: 983-992. | September 2007 |
Chalfoun, A. D., and T. E. Martin. 2009. Habitat structure mediates predation risk for sedentary prey: Experimental tests of alternative hypotheses. J. of Animal Ecology 78:497-503. | September 2009 |
Cavitt, J. F., and T. E. Martin. 2002. Effects of forest fragmentation on brood parasitism and nest predation in eastern and western landscapes. Studies in Avian Biology 25: 73-80. | December 2002 |
Canterbury, G. E., T. E. Martin, D. R. Petit, L. J. Petit, and D. F. Bradford. 2000. Bird communities and habitat as ecological indicators of forest condition in regional monitoring. Conservation Biology 14: 544-558. | May 2000 |
Callan, L. M., F. A. La Sorte, T. E. Martin, and V. G. Rohwer. 2019. Higher nest predation favors rapid fledging at the cost of plumage quality in nestling birds. American Naturalist 193: 717-724. | Abstract | May 2019 |
Cain, J.W. III, and M.S. Mitchell. 2018. Evaluation of Key Scientific Issues in the Report, “State of the Mountain Lion: a Call to End Trophy Hunting of America’s Lion”. USGS Open File Report 2018-1128. | Download | August 2018 |
Cadena, C. D., S. C�rdoba-C�rdoba, G. A. Londo�o, D. Calder�n-F., T. E. Martin, M. P. Baptiste. 2007. Nesting and singing behavior of Common Bush-Tanagers (Chlorospingus ophthalmicus) in South America. Ornitologia Colombiana 5: 54-63. | August 2007 |
Burgener, K. R., Lichtenberg, S. S., Lomax, A., Storm, D. J., Walsh, D. P., & Pedersen, J. A. (2022). Diagnostic testing of chronic wasting disease in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) by RT-QuIC using multiple tissues. Plos one, 17(11), e0274531. | Abstract | November 2022 |
Burgener K., S. S. Lichtenberg, D. P. Walsh, H. Inzalaco, A. Lomax, and J. Pedersen. 2024. Prion seeding activity in plant tissues detected by RT-QuIC. Pathogens 13, 452. | Abstract | May 2024 |
Brodie, J., H. Johnson, M. S. Mitchell, P. Zager, K. Proffitt, M. Hebblewhite, M. Kauffman, B. Johnson, J. Bissonette, C. Bishop, J. Gude, J. Herbert, K. Hersey, M. Hurley, P. M. Lukacs, S. McCorquodale, E. McIntire, J. Nowak, H. Sawyer, D. Smith, and P.J. White. Submitted. Relative influence of human harvest, carnivores, and weather on adult female elk survival across western North America. Journal of Applied Ecology 50:295–305. | April 2013 |
Brandell, E. E., Storm, D. J., Van Deelen, T. R., Walsh, D. P., & Turner, W. C. (2022). A call to action: Standardizing white-tailed deer harvest data in the Midwestern United States and implications for quantitative analysis and disease management. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 943411. | Abstract | November 2022 |
Boyce, A.J., B.G. Freeman, A.E. Mitchell and T.E. Martin. 2015. Clutch size declines with elevation in tropical birds. Auk 132: 424-432. | April 2015 |
Boyce, A. J. and T. E. Martin. 2018. Interspecific aggression among parapatric and sympatric songbirds on a tropical elevational gradient. Behavioral Ecology 30: 541-547. | March 2019 |
Boyce, A. J. and T. E. Martin. 2017. Contrasting latitudinal patterns of life-history divergence in two genera of new world thrushes (Turdinae). Journal of Avian Biology 48: 1-10. | January 2017 |
Borg., N. J., M. S. Mitchell, P. M. Lukacs, C. M. Mack, L. P. Waits, and P. R. Krausman. 2017. Behavioral connectivity among bighorn sheep suggests potential for disease spread. Journal of Wildlife Management 81:38-45 DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21169 | January 2017 |
Biancucci, L., and T. E. Martin. 2008. First description of the breeding biology and natural history of the Ochre-breasted Brush-finch (Atlapetes semirufus) in Venezuela. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 120: 856-862. | November 2008 |
Biancucci, L. and T.E. Martin. 2010. Can selection on nest size from nest predation explain the latitudinal gradient in clutch size? Journal of Animal Ecology 79:1086-1092. | September 2010 |
Biancucci, A. L., and T. E. Martin. 2010. Can selection on nest size from nest predation explain the latitudinal gradient in clutch size? Journal of Animal Ecology 79: 1086-1092. | August 2010 |
Beyer, H. L., D. T. Haydon, J. M. Morales, J. L. Frair, M. Hebblewhite, M. S. Mitchell, and J. Matthiopoulos. 2010. The interpretation of habitat preference metrics under use-availability designs. Philosphical Transactions of the Royal Society B 365:2245-2254. | April 2010 |
Bassing, S. B., D. E. Ausband, M. S. Mitchell, P. M. Lukacs, A. Keever, G. Hale, and L. Waits. 2019. Stable Pack Abundance and Distribution in a Harvested Wolf Population. Journal of Wildlife Management. | March 2019 |
Bassing, S. B., D. E. Ausband, M. S. Mitchell, M. Schwartz, Michael, J. J. Nowak, G. Hale, and L. Waits, 2020. Immigration Does Not Offset Harvest Mortality in a Cooperatively Breeding Carnivore. Animal Conservation. | May 2020 |
Barker, K. J., M. S. Mitchell, and K. M. Proffitt. 2019. Native Forage Mediates Influence of Irrigated Agriculture on Migratory Behavior of Elk. Journal of Animal Ecology. | July 2019 |
Barker, K. J., M. S. Mitchell, K. M. Proffitt, and J. D. DeVoe. 2018. Land management alters traditional nutritional benefits of migration for elk. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002:jwmg.21564. | September 2018 |
Barber, D. R., T. E. Martin, M. A. Melchiors, R. E. Thill, and T. B. Wigley. 2001. Nesting success of birds in different silvicultural treatments in Southeastern U. S. pine forests. Conservation Biology 15: 196-207. | February 2001 |
Banks, A. B., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Variation among host species in probability of parasitism by brown-headed cowbirds: the role of host activity. Behavioral Ecology 12: 31-40 | January 2001 |
Banks, A. B., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Variation among host species in probability of parasitism by brown headed cowbirds: the role of host activity. Behavioral Ecology 12: 31-40. | February 2000 |
Badyaev, A. V., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Sexual dimorphism in relation to current selection in the House Finch. Evolution 54: 987-997. | August 2000 |
Badyaev, A. V., and T. E. Martin. 2000. Individual variation in growth trajectories: Phenotypic and genetic correlations in ontogeny of the house finch (Carpodacus mexicanus). Journal of Evolutionary Biology 13: 290-301. | April 2000 |
Ausband, D.E., S.B. Bassing, and M.S. Mitchell. 2020. Environmental and social influences on wolf howling behavior. Ethology. 126:890-899. | June 2020 |
Ausband, D.E., J.Young, B. Fannin, M.S. Mitchell, J.L. Stenglein, L.P. Waits, and J.A. Shivik. 2011. Hair of the dog: obtaining samples from coyotes and wolves noninvasively. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:105-111. | Abstract | Publisher Website | May 2011 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, and L. P. Waits. 2017. Effects of breeder turnover and harvest on group composition and recruitment in a social carnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.12707 | July 2017 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, S. Bassing, and C. White. 2013. No trespassing: using a biofence to manipulate carnivore movements. Wildlife Research 40:207-216. | September 2013 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, S. B. Bassing, M. Nordhagen, D. W. Smith, and D. R. Stahler. 2016. Dog days of summer: influences on decision of wolves to move pups. Journal of Mammalogy 97:1282-1287. | July 2016 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, S. B. Bassing, A. Morehouse, D. W. Smith, and D. Stahler. 2016. Individual, group, and environmental influences on helping behavior in a social carnivore. Ethology 122:1-10. | October 2016 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, K. Doherty, P. Zager, C. M. Mack, and J. Holyan. 2010. Surveying predicted rendezvous sites to monitor gray wolf populations. Journal of Wildlife Management 74:1043-1049. | April 2010 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, C. R. Stansbury, J. L. Stenglein, and L. P. Waits. 2017. Effects of harvest on recruitment and groups of cooperative breeders. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 284: 20170580 | July 2017 |
Ausband, D. E., L. N. Rich, E. M. Glenn, M. S. Mitchell, P. Zager, C. M. Mack, D. A. W. Miller, and B. B. Ackerman. 2014. Monitoring Gray Wolf Populations Using Multiple Survey Methods. Journal of Wildlife Management 78:335-346. | February 2014 |
Ausband, D. E., J. Skrivseth, and M. S. Mitchell. 2011. An Automated Device for Provoking and Capturing Wildlife Calls. Wildlife Society Bulletin 35:498-503. | December 2011 |
Ausband, D. E. and M. S. Mitchell. Submitted. The effect of group size on recruitment depends on population density in a cooperatively breeding carnivore. Journal of Animal Ecology. | April 2021 |
Auer, S.K., R.D. Bassar, J.J. Fontaine, and T.E. Martin. 2007. Breeding biology of passerines in a subtropical montane forest in Northwestern Argentina. Condor 109:321-333. | Abstract | Download | April 2007 |
Auer, S. K., and T. E. Martin. 2013. Climate change has indirect effects on resource use and overlap among coexisting bird species with negative consequences for their reproductive success. Global Change Biology 19: 411-419. | January 2013 |
Auer, S. K., R. D. Bassar, J. J. Fontaine, and T. E. Martin. 2007. Breeding biology of passerines in a subtropical montane forest in northwestern Argentina. The Condor 109:321-333. | January 2007 |
Auer, S. K., R. D. Bassar and T. E. Martin. 2007. Biparental incubation in the chestnut-vented tit-babbler Parisoma subcaerulemum: mates devote equal time, but males keep eggs warmer. Journal Avian Biology. 38: 278-283. | February 2007 |
Arriero, E., A. Majewska, and T. E. Martin. 2013. Ontogeny of constitutive immunity: maternal vs endogenous influences. Functional Ecology 27: 472–478. | Abstract | February 2013 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Vega, K., S. Brenkus, V. Boccadori, K. Proffitt and D. P. Walsh. 2025. Highlands Bighorn Sheep Project. Test and Remove Workshop, Reno, NV. 1/15/2025 | January 2025 |
Zimova, M., L. S. Mills, and M. S. Mitchell. 2014. Camouflage mismatch in seasonal coat color due to decreased snow duration: will snowshoe hares keep up with climate change? North America Congress for Conservation Biology. | July 2014 |
Williams, B. L., S. S. Ditchkoff, D. B. Jolley, L. B. Hanson, W. D. Sparklin, M. S. Mitchell, J. B. Grand, and R. M. Thornton. 2006. Stress in feral pigs: finding the weak link in a strong chain. 2006 National Conference on Wild Pigs. | May 2006 |
Whitlock, M E, S N Sells, M A Vinks, W F Kasworm, T G Radandt, and J E Teisberg. Analyzing grizzly bear movement patterns: Insights for identifying females with newborn cubs using telemetry data. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. | March 2025 |
Weyand, L. K., B. L. Felts, E. F. Cassirer, J. A. Jenks, D. P. Walsh, and T. E. Besser. 2025. Fatal interactions: Pneumonia in bighorn lambs following experimental exposure to carriers of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. Wildlife Disease Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 7/27/2025-8/1/2025. | July 2025 |
Western Elk Research Collaborative. 2013. Untangling Rocky Mountain elk ecology and population dynamics: a regional synthesis across the northwestern US. Annual meeting, Montana chapter of The Wildlife Society. Missoula, MT. | May 2013 |
Western Elk Research Collaborative. 2013. Untangling Rocky Mountain elk ecology and population dynamics: a regional synthesis across the northwestern US. 10th biennial meeting of the western states and Provinces deer and elk workshop, Missoula, MT. | February 2013 |
Wang, J., B. J. Hanley, N. E. Thompson, Y. Gong, D. P. Walsh, C. Gonzalez-Crespo, Y. Huang, J. G. Booth, J. N. Caudell, K. P. Hynes, L. A. Miller and K. L. Schuler. 2025. Optimal prevention and surveillance of emerging wildlife disease. INFORMS MSOM Conference. London, UK 6/27/2025 - 6/29/2025 | June 2025 |
Walsh, D.P., E. Robertson, and J. Marten. 2023. Using rapid prototyping to synthesize knowledge regarding the cause of an emerging disease. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, USA. November 5-9, 2023. (oral) | November 2023 |
Walsh, D.P. 2024. Recovering Bighorn Sheep Populations: Test and Remove as a Management Strategy. Montana State Sheep Health Research Group. Bozeman, MT (virtual) 4/3/2024. | April 2024 |
Walsh, D. P., and C. L. White. 2023. Introduction to systems thinking: strengthening the environmental and preventive aspects of One Health. Workshop for Nature for Health Project in Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 12/6/2023 | December 2023 |
Walsh, D. P. 2024. Prions and plants: potential pathway for CWD transmission. USDA Stakeholders Meeting. 1/11/2024. (virtual) | January 2024 |
Walsh, D. P. 2023. CWD Management Interventions. National Academy Sciences. 10/9/2023, virtual. | October 2023 |
Vinks, M. A., S. N. Sells, C. M. Costello, and L. L. Roberts. 2024. Effects of forest disturbance on grizzly bear resource selection in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Butte Montana. | February 2024 |
Vinks, M A, S N Sells, C M Costello, and L L Roberts. 2024. Spatial-temporal response of grizzly bear habitat selection to harvested forests and fire disturbance in the Northern Continental Divide Ecosystem. Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. | March 2025 |
V. Boccadori, V., K. Proffitt, and D. P. Walsh. 2023. Highland Bighorn Sheep Project. Wild Sheep Working Group Test and Remove Workshop. (virtual) Reno, Nevada. 1/11/2023. | January 2023 |
The role of maternal effects in geographic variation in avian embryonic development. EBIRD (European and North American Integration of Endocrinology and Evolutionary Ecology) Seattle, Washington (Invited Plenary). | August 2005 |
Tallon, A. K., J. Blanchong, D. Navarro, P. Euclide, C. Ott-Conn, D. P. Walsh, R. DeYoung, and E K. Latch. 2022. Development and application of a high-throughput genomic resource to inform white-tailed deer population and disease management. Part 2 of 2. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Spokane WA. 11/9/2022 | November 2022 |
Storm, D. J., G. Stauffer and D. P Walsh. 2025. Chronic wasting disease and deer survival. Wisconsin Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Stevens Point, WI, USA. 2/12/2025 | February 2025 |
Stenglein,J., C. Mack, D. Ausband, M. Mitchell, P. Zager, S. Nadeau and L. Waits. 2009. Evaluating the potential of noninvasive genetic sampling for long-term monitoring of gray wolves (Canis lupus) in Idaho. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. | January 2009 |
Stenglein, J., C. Mack, D. E. Ausband, M. S. Mitchell, P. Zager, and L. Waits. 2008. Evaluating the use of noninvasive genetic sampling for monitoring gray wolves in Idaho. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2008 |
Stenglein, J., C. Mack, D. Ausband, M. Mitchell, P. Zager, S. Nadeau, and L. Waits. 2009. Monitoring an Idaho gray wolf population: A noninvasive genetic approach. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | January 2017 |
Stansbury, C., D. Ausband, C. Mack, P. Zager, M. Mitchell, and L. Waits. 2011. A noninvasive genetic sampling approach for monitoring gray wolves in Idaho. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2011 |
Sparklin, W. D., L. B. Hanson, D. B. Jolley, M. S. Mitchell, and S. S. Ditchkoff. 2006. Density dependent responses in the home range sizes and habitat use of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) on Ft. Benning, Georgia. 2006 National Conference on Wild Pigs. | May 2006 |
Sparklin, W. D., L. B. Hanson, D. B. Jolley, M. S. Mitchell, and S. S. Ditchkoff. 2005. Density dependent responses in the home range sizes and habitat use of feral pigs (Sus scrofa) on Ft. Benning, Georgia. Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society. | September 2005 |
Smith, M. L. and M. S. Mitchell. 2006. Projected avian response to forest management at landscape scales. Annual conference, International Association of Landscape Ecologists. | May 2006 |
Sipe, H A, Sells, S N, Gude, J A, Podruzny, K M, Parks M, Lewis, M S, Metcalf, A L, and Metcalf, E C. 2024. Management strategy evaluation for informing decisions about wolf management and conservation. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. | March 2025 |
Sipe, H A, Sells, S N, Gude, J A, Podruzny, K M, Parks M, Lewis, M S, Metcalf, A L, and Metcalf, E C. 2024. Management strategy evaluation for informing decisions about wildlife management and conservation. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Baltimore, Maryland. | October 2024 |
Sipe, H A, S N Sells, J A Gude, K M Podruzny, M Parks, D P Walsh, S B Bassing, A K Moeller, and D A W Miller. Evaluating the performance of occupancy models for wolf management in Montana through simulation. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. | March 2025 |
Sharp, N.W., M.S. Mitchell, and J. B. Grand. 2005. Mouse population dynamics operate over multiple scales in a habitat undergoing restoration. Annual Meeting. The Wildlife Society. | October 2006 |
Sharp, N. W., M. S. Mitchell, and J. B. Grand. 2005. Mouse population dynamics operate over multiple scales in a habitat undergoing restoration. Annual meeting of the The Wildlife Society. | September 2005 |
Sells, S. N., and C. M. Costello. 2024. Predicted Grizzly Bear Habitat in the Bitterroot Ecosystem. Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Butte Montana. | February 2024 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, V. L. Edwards, J. A. Gude, & N. J. Anderson. Submitted. A Decision Analytical Approach to Proactive Management of Pneumonia Epizootics in Bighorn Sheep, National Conference of The Wildlife Society, | September 2015 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, N. J. Anderson, J. M. Ramsey, and J. A. Gude. 2013. Proactive management of pneumonia epizootics in bighorn sheep in Montana-- project update. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2013 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, N. J. Anderson, J. M. Ramsey, J. A. Gude, P. M. Lukacs, and P. R. Krausman. 2015. 2015. MODELING PROACTIVE DECISIONS TO MANAGE PNEUMONIA EPIZOOTICS IN BIGHORN SHEEP. Annual meeting of the Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2015 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, J. J. Nowak, P. M. Lukacs, N. J. Anderson, J. M. Ramsey, J. A. Gude, P. R. Krausman. 2014. Modeling Risk of Pneumonia in Bighorn Sheep. Annual meeting, The Wildlife Society. | September 2014 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, J. A. Gude, and N. J. Anderson. 2016. Application of structured decision making to wildlife management in Montana. Annual meeting, MT Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2016 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, A. D. Luis, and K. M. Podruzny. 2017. INDIVIDUAL-BASED MODELING OF INTERACTIONS BETWEEN UNGULATES AND WOLVES. 12th Deer and Elk Workshop. | May 2017 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, A. D. Luis, and K. M. Podruzny. 2017. INDIVIDUAL-BASED MODELING OF INTERACTIONS BETWEEN UNGULATES AND WOLVES. !2th Deer and Elk Workshop. | May 2017 |
Sells, S. N., M. S. Mitchell, A. D. Luis, and K. M. Podruzny. 2017. CARNIVORE TERRITORIALITY: SIMULATING ECONOMIC SELECTION OF TERRITORIES. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | March 2017 |
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2024. Spatial Behavior of Grizzly Bears in the US Northern Rockies. International Association for Bear Research and Management, Edmonton, AB, Canada. | September 2024 |
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2023. Predicting Habitat and Movement Corridors for Grizzly Bears in the US Northern Rockies. 13th International Mammalogical Congress, Anchorage, AK. | July 2023 |
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2023. Predicted Habitat and Movement Corridors for Grizzly Bears in Western Montana. Montana Chapter Conference of The Wildlife Society | February 2023 |
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2023. Grizzly Bear Habitat Selection and Predicted Movement Corridors in the US Northern Rockies. Movement Ecology of Animals Gordon Research Seminar | May 2023 |
Sells, S. N., C. Costello, P. Lukacs, L. Roberts, and M. Vinks. 2023. Grizzly Bear Habitat Selection and Predicted Movement Corridors in the US Northern Rockies. Movement Ecology of Animals Gordon Research Conference | May 2023 |
Sells, S N, H A Sipe, J A Gude, K M Podruzny, and M Parks. Evolving Models for Evolving Conditions: Updating Montana’s Wolf Group Size Model for iPOM. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. | March 2025 |
SARAH N. SELLS, MITCHELL, M., PODRUZNY, K., and JUSTIN G. GUDE (2019) Improving Estimates of Wolf Abundance in Montana. TWS 26th Annual Conference Reno, Nevada, Sept. 29 – Oct. 3, 2019. | October 2019 |
S. S. Lichtenberg, S. Thomas, D. Storm, and D. P. Walsh. Real-time quaking-induced conversion for prion detection in contaminated environmental samples. 2023. 4th International Symposium. Denver, Colorado, USA. 5/31/23-6/2/23. | May 2023 |
Rieder, E., Walsh, D. P., Berl, R., Fiddamin, T., Penk, S., Richards, B., White, L. (2025). Mitigating Chronic Wasting Disease Through Systems Modeling. Pathways Conference, Estes Park, CO: Sept 7-10, 2025. | September 2025 |
Rich, L., and M. S. Mitchell. 2009. Using hunter surveys to monitor wolf pack abundance and distribution in Montana. Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. | January 2017 |
Rich, L. N., M. S. Mitchell, C. A. Sime, R. Russell, and J. A. Gude. 2010. Combining hunter surveys and territorial dynamics to monitor wolf pack abundance and distribution in Montana. Annual meeting, Montana chapter of The WIldlife SOciety. | February 2010 |
Reyes, J. F. M., T. F. Ma, I. P. McGahan, D. J. Storm, D. P. Walsh, and J. Zhu. 2024. Spatiotemporal causal inference with mechanistic ecological models: evaluating targeted culling on chronic wasting disease dynamics in cervids. SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science (MDS24). Atlanta, Georgia, USA. 10/21/24-10/25/24 | October 2024 |
Reyes, J. F. M, McGahan, I. P., Ma, T. F., Ballmann, A. E., Walsh, D. P., and Zhu J. 2024. Spatio-temporal dynamic modeling of wildlife disease data. Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting. Melbourne, Australia, January 4-7, 2024. | January 2024 |
Powell, R. A., and M. S. Mitchell. 2009. Optimality models, cognitive maps, fitness and home ranges (and other jargon). Annual meeting, American Society of Mammalogists | January 2009 |
Powell, R. A., and M. S. Mitchell. 2005. What is a home range? Invited paper, Kernel methods in space use analysis, Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society. | September 2005 |
Powell, R. A., and M. S. Mitchell. 2009. Optimality Models, Cognitive Maps, Fitness & Home Ranges (and other jargon). Annual meeting, American SOciety of Mammalogists. | June 2009 |
Podruzny, K. M., J. A. Gude, G. R. Pauley, M. S. Mitchell, E. H. Bradley, N. Lance, K. J. Laudon, A. A. Nelson, M. S. Ross, and T. D. Smucker. Predicting abundance of gray wolves in Montana using hunter observations and field monitoring. International Wolf Symposium. | October 2013 |
Piel III, R. B., S. E. Veneziano, E. Nicholson, D. P. Walsh, T. A. Nichols, and D. A. Schneider. 2023. Disparate tissue effects of pre-analytic differential centrifugation and NaPTA precipitation on enhanced detection of CWD prions by RT-QuIC using RAMALT and MRPLN samples from naturally infected WTD. 4th International CWD Symposium, Denver, Colorado, USA. May 31-June 2, 2023. | May 2023 |
Padilla, C., H. Brown., N. DeCesare, and D.P. Walsh. 2025. Adaptive Management of Bighorn Sheep and Mountain Goats. Montana Wild Sheep Foundation Research Meeting. Bozeman, MT. 3/5/2025. | March 2025 |
Oteyza, J.C., J.C. Mouton, T.E. Martin. 2016. Adult survival probability explains parental risk-taking behavior in tropical and temperate songbirds. VI North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C., 16-20 August 2016. | August 2016 |
Oteyza, J. C., and T. E. Martin. The effects of nest predation risk on parental investment and reproductive success. (IOC presentation) | August 2014 |
Northern Rockies Aspen conference – 2009 – Climate change and aspen habitat relative to bird use (invited). | April 2009 |
Mouton, J. C., and T. E. Martin. 2017. Inter-annual variation in nest predation risk influences spatial associations and fitness outcomes in a cavity nesting bird community | August 2017 |
Mouton, J. C., and T. E. Martin. 2016. Plastic responses of parents and offspring to nest predation risk differ across species. VI North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C., 16-20 August 2016. | August 2016 |
Mouton, J. C, R. A. Duckworth, and T. E. Martin. Age-specific mortality and avian life history evolution: a role for hormone-mediated maternal effects? | January 2015 |
Mitchell, M.S., and R. A. Powell. 2005. Using the kernel estimator to understand the home ranges of black bears. Symposium on kernel methods in space use analysis, Annual Conference | September 2006 |
Mitchell, M. S., and R. A. Powell. 2005. Using the kernel estimator to understand the home ranges of black bears. Symposium on kernel methods in space use analysis, Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society. | September 2005 |
Mitchell, M. S., and R. A. Powell. 2005. Using the kernel estimator to understand the home ranges of black bears. Invited paper, Kernel methods in space use analysis, Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society. | September 2005 |
Mitchell, M. S., Q. Kujala and J. A. Gude. 2012. Results of a Structured Decision Making (SDM) process for controversial archery elk hunting regulations. Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society, Great Falls, MT. | March 2012 |
Mitchell, M. S., M. Kauffman, and J. S. Bissonette. 2010. Transboundary research. All hands meeting, Cooperative Research Units. | March 2010 |
Mitchell, M. S., D. E. Ausband, C. A. Sime, E. E. Bangs, M. Jimenez, C. M. Mack, T. J. Meier, M. S. Nadeau, and D. W. Smith. 2007. Influence of pack size, demography, and human-caused mortality on breeding pairs of wolves in the northern Rocky Mountains. Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | February 2007 |
Mitchell, M. S. 2016. 25 years after Ten Years After "Reliable Knowledge": why are we still talking about this? Annual Meeting, The Wildlife Society. | October 2016 |
Mitchell, M. S. 2012. How many Montana wolves are there, really? Sigma Xi Science Cafe, Missoula, MT. | March 2012 |
Mitchell, M. S. 2010. Making good decisions for conservation using structured decision making. International conference on wildlife research techniques in rugged mountainous Asian landscapes. Ugyen Wangchuck Institute for Conservation and Environment, Bhumtang, Bhutan. | May 2010 |
Mitchell, M. S. 2009. Panelist: predator/prey open session. North American Moose Conference. | January 2009 |
Mitchell, M. S. 2009. Finding a moving needle in a haystack: monitoring wolves in the northern Rockies. El Centro de Investigación y Capacitación Río Los Amigos, Peru. | November 2009 |
Mitchell, M. S. 2008. Panelist: wildlife panel discussion on wolves. Rural Law Symposium, University of Montana School of Law. | January 2009 |
Mitchell, A.E, T.E. Martin. 2016. The Harsh Weather Hypothesis: A Proximate Mechanism for Slow Post-Natal Development of High Elevation Birds. VI North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C., 16-20 August 2016. | August 2016 |
Mitchell, A. E., and T. E. Martin. 2019. Patterns and causes of tropical montane life histories: an observational and experimental study in Malaysian Borneo. | June 2019 |
McGahan, I., G. Oh, D. P. Walsh, and J. Zhu. 2024. Forecasting the Spread of White-Nose Syndrome with Ecological Diffusion. Joint Annual Meeting of the Korean Society for Mathematical Biology and the Society for Mathematical Biology. Seoul, Korea. 6/30/2024 | June 2024 |
McGahan, I., F. Mandujano, D. Storm, M. Gilbertson, S. Lichtenberg, J. Powell, D. Walsh, J. Zhu, W.C. Turner. Modeling host behavior and environmental transmission of chronic wasting disease. Annual Conference of Research Workers in Animal Diseases (CRWAD), Chicago, Illinois, USA, January 20-23, 2024. | January 2023 |
McCall-Moore, B. S., and M. S. Mitchell. Non-invasive genetic sampling reveals black bear population dynamics driven by changes in food productivity. ANnual meeting, Idaho chapter of The WIldlife Society. | March 2010 |
McCall, B. S., and M. S. Mitchell. 2009. Non-invasive genetic sampling reveals black bear population dynamics driven by changes in food productivity. Western Black Bear Workshop. | January 2009 |
McCall, B. S., and M. S. Mitchell. 2009. Non-invasive genetic sampling reveals black bear population dynamics driven by changes in food productivity. Annual Meeting, The WIldlife Society. | January 2009 |
Maternal effects and avian embryonic development. International Ethological Congress, Budapest, Hungary. | August 2005 |
Martin, T. E., and J. C. Oteyza. Nest predation influences on life history strategies. IOC conference keynote. | August 2014 |
Martin, T. E., A. J. Boyce, K. Fierro-Calderón, C. E. Armstad, and E. E. Bin Soudi. 2015. Does nest predation explain evolution of enclosed nests? | September 2015 |
Martin, T. E., A. Badyaev, C. G. Ghalambor, C. J. Conway. 1996. Parental care and nest predation, Special Symposium: Current Issues in Avian Parental Care. American Ornithologists' Union, Boise, ID. | August 1996 |
Martin, T. E. – On the importance of understanding temperature influences on embryonic metabolism in offspring quality as measured by immune function. – August 2010 (invited symposium talk). American Society of Physiology (only meets every 4 years) | August 2010 |
Martin, T. E. Direct and indirect effects of long-term climate variation on bird populations in a high elevation riparian ecosystem. The Wildlife Society Symposium on Climate Change. Monterey, CA September 2009 | September 2009 |
Martin, T. E. 2019. Rain and drought effects on demography of temperate and tropical songbirds. | August 2019 |
Martin, T. E. 2019. On the importance of climate and the nest environment on incubation to chick rearing. | September 2019 |
Martin, T. E. 2019. Effects of long-term environmental change on cavity-nesting bird populations. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting. | June 2019 |
Martin, T. E. 2017. On the importance of studying natural history while thinking about evolutionary ecology theory and physiology principles to advance understanding of life history variation. Congress of The Americas, Iguazu, Argentina. | August 2017 |
Martin, T. E. Parental care and life history strategies between tropical and temperate birds. IX Neotropical Ornithology Congress (meets every 4 years) – November 2011 – Vancouver, BC (Invited Plenary) | November 2011 |
Martin, T. E. New hypotheses for life history evolution, with emphasis on tropical birds – XIII Reunión Argentina de Ornitología. Tafi de Valle, Argentina – June, 2009 (Invited Keynote for the conference) | June 2009 |
Martin, T. E. 2016. Causes and considerations of variation in nestling growth strategies among temperate and tropical songbirds. | August 2016 |
Mandujano Reyes, J. F., T. F. Ma, I. P. McGahan, D. P. Walsh, and J. Zhu. 2025. On physics-informed neural networks for ecological diffusion models. ASA Joint Statistical Meetings. Nashvile, TN, USA. Aug 2-7, 2025. | August 2025 |
Mandujano Reyes, J. F., I. P. McGahan, T. F. Ma, R.E. Russell, D. P. Walsh, and J. Zhu. 2023. Learning complex spatial dynamics of ecological processes with machine learning-guided partial differential equations. NeurIPS, New Orleans, LA,USA 12/10/23-12/16/23 | December 2023 |
Loya, T. M., D. E. Ausband, M. S. Mitchell, and C. M. Mack. 2008. A novel, automated remote sensing tool for detecting wolves. Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | February 2008 |
Lipp B P, A Metcalf, S N Sells, and A L Baize. A systematic review of social identity wildlife research. Pathways Conference: Human Dimensions of Wildlife, Estes Park, CO. | September 2025 |
L. N. Rich, E. Glenn, M. S. Mitchell, R. Russell, J. A. Gude, and C. A. Sime. 2011. Using hunter surveys to estimation wolf abundance. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | February 2011 |
Ketz, A. C., D. J. Storm, W. C. Turner, and D. P. Walsh. 2023. Progression of a chronic wasting disease epizootic: A spatiotemporal integrated population model. 4th International CWD Symposium. Denver, Colorado, USA. May 31- June 2, 2023. | May 2023 |
Kenneth Loonam, Ausband, Lukacs, Mitchell, Hugh Robinson (2019) Counting Cougars: Density Estimates of Unmarked, Low Density Populations with Camera Traps. TWS 26th Annual Conference Reno, Nevada, Sept. 29 – Oct. 3, 2019. | October 2019 |
Keever, A. C., M. S. Mitchell, K. M. Podruzny, A. D. Luis, and J. T. Peterson. 2017. Estimating recruitment of wolves with limited data. Annual meeting, The Wildlife Society. | September 2017 |
Keever, A. C., M. S. Mitchell, K. M. Podruzny, A. D. Luis, and J. T. Peterson. 2017. ESTIMATING RECRUITMENT OF WOLVES WITH LIMITED DATA. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | March 2017 |
Katircioglu, S., M. Hunsaker, A. Herbst, S.S. Lichtenberg, D.J. Storm, D.P. Walsh, W.C. Turner. Comparing relative PrP(CWD) loads in soil from deer scrapes and food plots in southern Wisconsin. 4th International Conference on Chronic Wasting Disease | May 2023 |
Justin Gude, Nick DeCesare, Kelly Proffitt, Sarah Sells*, Bob Garrott, Imtiaz Rangwala, Mark Biel, Jessy Coltrane, Julie Cunningham, Tammy Fletcher, Karen Loveless, Rebecca Mowry, Megan O’Reilly, Ryan Rauscher, Mike Thompson. Demographic uncertainty and disease risk drive climate-informed mountain goat management. | November 2023 |
Jolley, D. B., S. S. Ditchkoff, L. B. Hanson, W. D. Sparklin, M. S. Mitchell, J. B. Grand, and R. M. Thornton. 2006. Estimated rates of perpetofauna consumption by a population of feral pigs. 2006 National Conference on Wild Pigs, Mobile, AL | May 2006 |
Jimenez, B., M. Mitchell, and P. Zager. 2011. Multi-scale effects of forest roads on black bears. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2011 |
Jimenez, B. S., and M. S. Mitchell. 2009. Multi-scale effects of roads on black bear habitat selection. Western Black Bear Workshop. | January 2009 |
Jimenez, B. S., M. S. Mitchell, and P. Zager. 2010. Multi-scale effects of forest roads on black bears. Annual meeting, Idaho Chapter of The WIldlife SOciety. | March 2010 |
J. Brodie, M. S. Mitchell, et al. 2011. Female elk survival. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society. Missoula, MT. | February 2011 |
Inzalaco, H.N., M.L.J. Gilbertson, S. Katircioglu, K. Lepard, J. McEarl, A. Bibb, J. Dennison, D. Grove, A. Houston, D.J. Storm, D.P. Walsh, W.C. Turner, S.S. Lichtenberg. Artificial mineral sites that pre-date endemic chronic wasting disease become prion hotspots. 4th International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium. Denver, Colorado, USA. May 30 – June 2, 2023. | May 2023 |
Inzalaco, H.N., E.E. Brandell, S. Wilson, M. Hunsaker, D.R. Stahler, K. Woelfel, D.P. Walsh, D.J. Storm, S.S. Lichtenberg, W.C. Turner. A prion in a poop-stack: detection tools and carnivore-based surveillance of chronic wasting disease. 4th International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium. Denver, Colorado, USA. May 30 – June 2, 2023. | May 2023 |
Influence of nest predation on habitat selection, community structure and life history strategies. British Ornithologists' Union, Leicester, England (Invited Plenary) | April 2007 |
Huyvaert, K. P., E. K. Hofmeister, A. M. Thomas, B. M. Wolking, E. F. Cassirer, T. E. Besser, and D. P. Walsh. 2025. Developing field-based assays for the detection of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. Wildlife Disease Association Annual Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. 7/27/2025-8/1/2025. | July 2025 |
Henderson, C., M. S. Mitchell, W. Myers, and J. Nelson. 2013. Linking survival and resource selection by female white-tailed deer with different migration strategies. Tenth Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop. Missoula, MT. | May 2013 |
Henderson, C., M. S. Mitchell, W. Myers, and J. Nelson. 2013. Linking survival and resource selection by female white-tailed deer with different migration strategies. 10th Biennial Western States and Provinces Deer and Elk Workshop. | May 2013 |
Henderson, C. R., M. S. Mitchell, W. Myers, P. M. Lukacs, and G. Nelson. 2014. Estimating migration probability and survival in female white-tailed deer. Annual meeting, The Wildlife Society. | September 2014 |
Henderson, C. R., M. S. Mitchell, W. L. Myers, P. M. Lukacs, and G. P. Nelson. 2015. HABITAT QUALITY INFLUENCES MIGRATORY STRATEGY OF FEMALE WHITE TAILED DEER. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2015 |
Hayes, T.; Peterson, C.; DeCesare, N., Bishop, C., and Mike Mitchell (2019) Mule Deer Habitat Selection of Disturbance in Conifer Forests of Northwest Montana: Effects of Forest Age and Configuration. TWS 26th Annual CONF, Reno, Nevada, 9/29/19-10/3/19. | October 2019 |
Hanson, L. B., J. B. Grand, M. S. Mitchell, D. B. Jolley, W. D. Sparklin, S. S. Ditchkoff, and R. M. Thornton. 2006. Effects of experimental manipulation on demography of feral pig populations at Fort Benning, Georgia. 2006 Wild Pig Conference, Mobile, AL | May 2006 |
Hammond, C.M., M. S. Mitchell, and G. Bissell. 2008. Estimating territory occupancy, colonization, and extinction rates for common loons in northwest Montana. Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | February 2008 |
Habitat selection and fitness in birds. The Wildlife Society (Invited opening talk of symposium). | September 2006 |
Gude, J. A., M. S. Mitchell, R. Russell, C. A. Sime, E. E. Bangs, L. D. Mech, and R. Ream. 2011. Wolf population dynamics in U.S. northern Rocky Mountains are affected by recruitment and human-caused mortality. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | February 2011 |
Goerz, J. W., R. B. Harris, J. H. Oyster, and M. S. Mitchell. 2016. Spatial variation in moose calf survival in northeastern Washington. 0th North American Moose Conference/Workshop and 8th International Moose Symposium. | September 2016 |
Glenn, E., L. Rich, D. Ausband, M. Mitchell, J. Gude, C. Sime, C. Mack, and P. Zager. 2011. Using hunter survey data to estimate wolf population sizes in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2011 |
Gilbertson, M.L.J., A. Ketz, M. Hunsaker, D.P. Walsh, D.J. Storm, W.C. Turner. Seasonal variation in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) habitat selection, encounter locations, and chronic wasting disease transmission potential. 4th International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium. Denver, Colorado, USA. May 30 – June 2, 2023. | May 2023 |
Fierro-Calderon, K. & T.E. Martin. 2016. Cummulative Probability of Nest Survival Explains Territory Use in Orange-crowned Warblers, Arizona. VI North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C., 16-20 August 2016. | August 2016 |
Ensrud, M. N., D. P. Walsh, E. F. Cassirer, C. P. Lehman and J. A. Jenks. 2023. FURTHER EVIDENCE THAT THE REMOVAL OF MYCOPLASMA OVIPNEUMONIAE CARRIER BIGHORN SHEEP INCREASES LAMB SURVIVAL. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Chamberlain-Oacoma, South Dakota, USA. March 7-10,2023. |
March 2023 |
Durglo, K., S N Sells, and N DeCesare. Developing a resource selection function model to predict moose habitat selection on the Flathead Indian Reservation. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. | March 2025 |
DeVoe, J. K. M. Proffitt, M. S. Mitchell, K. Barker, C. Jourdonnais, and P. Ramsey. 2017. TRADE-OFFS BETWEEN FORAGE AND RISK FOR ELK DURING THE FALL ARCHERY HUNTING SEASON. 12th Deer and Elk Workshop. | May 2017 |
D. B. Jolley, S. S. Ditchkoff, L. B. Hanson, W. D. Sparklin, J. B. Grand, and M. S. Mitchell. 2005. Reproductive plasticity of wild pigs in response to control efforts. Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society. | September 2006 |
Correia, J., and M. Mitchell. 2015. Brucellosis in elk: influences in the cattle industry in Montana. International Congress: One World-One Health-One Vision. Sarajevo, Bosnia and Hercegovina. | October 2015 |
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 2001. Effects of clutch size on nest attentiveness and incubation efficiency, American Ornithologists' Union Annual Conference, Seattle, WA. 16 Aug 2001. | August 2001 |
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 1997. Effects of ambient temperature on avian incubation behavior. American Ornithologists' Union, Minneapolis, MN. | February 1997 |
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 1996. Variation in avian nest attentiveness: predation risk, food availability, or climate? The Wildlife Society annual conference, Cincinnati, OH. | September 1996 |
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 1995. The value of monitoring nesting success and associated habitat: The BBIRD Program, Symposium: Monitoring Avian Populations. Partners-in-Flight International Conference, Cape May, NJ. | March 1995 |
Conway, C. J., and T. E. Martin. 1995. Effects of ambient temperature, predation risk, and egg physiological tolerance on avian incubation. American Ornithologists' Union, Cincinnati, OH. | August 1995 |
Collin J. Peterson, Teagan Hayes, Chad Bishop, Michael S. Mitchell, Nick DeCesare, Mule Deer Resource Selection for Forage and Security in Northwest Montana. TWS 26th Annual Conference Reno, Nevada, Sept. 29 – Oct. 3, 2019. | October 2019 |
Climate change consequences for trophic structure and interactions of a high elevation riparian system. American Fisheries Society, San Francisco. | September 2007 |
Climate change and bird population trajectories. EBIRD (European and North American Integration of Endocrinology and Evolutionary Ecology), Scotland | November 2006 |
Chandika, R. G., A. Tallon, P. Euclide, C. Ott-Conn J. A. Blanchong, D. P. Walsh -R. DeYoung and E. Latch. 2024. Lessons from optimizing a GT-seq panel. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Baltimore, MD, USA. 10/19-10/23/2024. | October 2024 |
Burner, R. C., A. J. Boyce, S. B. Shakya, D. Bernasconi, C. Boer, M. A. Rahman, T. E. Martin, and F. H. Sheldon. 2019. Biotic interactions and temperature gradients contribute to differences in range limits of Bornean mountain birds. | August 2019 |
Brenkus, S., K. Vega, E. Almberg, V. Boccadori, K. Proffitt and D.P. Walsh. 2025. Highland Sheep Project. Montana Wild Sheep Foundation Research Meeting. Bozeman, MT. 3/5/2025. | March 2025 |
Brandell, E. E., W. Turner, D. P. Walsh, D. Storm, B. Wojcik and T. Van Deelen. 2023. Evaluating white-tailed deer harvest in Wisconsin and relationships to management practices and chronic wasting disease. 4th International Chronic Wasting Disease Symposium. Denver, Colorado, USA. May 30 – June 2, 2023. | May 2023 |
Boyce, A.J., B.O. Wolf, T.E. Martin. 2016. Live fast and die young? Does resting metabolic rate explain variation in adult survival probability within and across latitudes? VI North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C., 16-20 August 2016. | August 2016 |
Boyce, A. J., B. O. Wolf, and T. E. Martin. Resting metabolic rate explains variation in adult survival probability within but not across latitudes | January 2015 |
Boyce, A. J., B. O. Wolf, and T. E. Martin. Divergent physiological tolerance in two allopatric species of white-eye (zosteropidae) on a tropical elevational gradient. (AOU/COS/SCO meeting abstract) | September 2014 |
Boyce A. J., S. Shakya, F. H. Sheldon, R. G. Moyle and T. E. Martin. 2019. Phylogenetic and functional structure of avian communities along a tropical elevational gradient. | June 2019 |
Borg, N., L. Waits, P. Zager, and M. Mitchell. 2011. Evaluating the genetic distinctiveness of the Salmon River Drainage Bighorn Sheep and their connectivity to neighboring populations. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2011 |
Borg, N. M. S. Mitchell, L. Waits, F. Cassirer, and P. Zager. 2011. Evaluating the Genetic Distinctiveness of the Salmon River Drainage Bighorn Sheep and their Connectivity to Neighboring Populations. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society. Missoula, MT. | February 2011 |
Boccadori, V., K. Proffitt, and D. P. Walsh. 2022. Testing the tools: Montana's Highlands bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis) project. Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council Symposium. Jackson Hole, Wyoming. 4/4-4/7/2022. | April 2022 |
Blanchong, J., D. Navarro, A. K. Tallon, P. Euclide, C. Ott-Conn, D. P. Walsh, R. W. DeYoung, and E. K. Latch. Development and application of a high-throughput genomic resource to inform white-tailed deer population and disease management. Part 1 of 2. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Spokane, WA 11/9/2022. | November 2022 |
Billodeaux, L. B., J. B. Grand, M. S. Mitchell, and J. A. Armstrong. 2005. Occupancy and Detection of Coyotes in Urban and Rural Areas in Western GA. Annual Conference, The Wildlife Society. | September 2005 |
Bassing, S. B., M. S. Mitchell, D. E. Ausband, P. M. Lukacs, L. P. Waits, and G. Hale. Submitted. DEVELOPING A MONITORING FRAMEWORK TO ESTIMATE WOLF POPULATION DYNAMICS IN SOUTHWEST ALBERTA. Annual meeting, The Wildlife Society. | September 2015 |
Bassing, S. B., M. S. Mitchell, D. E. Ausband, P. M. Lukacs, L. P. Waits, and G. Hale. 2016. Wolf pack distribution in relation to heavy harvest in southwest Alberta. Annual meeting, MT Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2016 |
Bassing, S. B., M. S. Mitchell, D. E. Ausband, L. P. Waits, and G. Hale. 2015. DEVELOPING A MONITORING FRAMEWORK TO ESTIMATE WOLF DISTRIBUTION AND ABUNDANCE IN SOUTHWEST ALBERTA. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter of the Wildlife Society. | February 2015 |
Bassing, S. B., D. E. Ausband, M. S. Mitchell, P. Lukacs, M. Schwartz, G. Hale, and L. P. Waits. 2017. VARIABLE EFFECTS OF HARVEST WITHIN AND ACROSS WOLF PACKS IN THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Annual meeting, The Wildlife Society. | September 2017 |
Bassing, S. B., D. E. Ausband, M. S. Mitchell, M. K. Schwartz, L. P. Waits. 2017. Immigration as a Compensatory Mechanism to Offset Harvest Mortality in Harvested Wolf Populations. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | March 2017 |
Bassar, R. D., T. E. Martin, P. Lloyd, M. M. Hart, and R. L. Redmond. 2002. Addressing management and resarch nees with the Breeding Biology Research & Monitoring Database (BBIRD). Partners in Flight management Steering Committee Meeting, Gardiner, MT. | September 2002 |
Barker, K., M. S. Mitchell, K. M. Proffitt, J. DeVoe, C. Jourdonnais, and P. Ramsey. 2017. SUMMER FORAGE QUALITY DIFFERS FOR MIGRANTS AND RESIDENTS IN A PARTIALLY MIGRATORY POPULATION OF ELK . 12th Deer and Elk Workshop. | May 2017 |
Barker, K., K. M. Proffitt, J. DeVoe, M. S. Mitchell, C. Jourdonnais, and P. Ramsey. 2017. Nutritional and demographic consequences of varying elk migratory behaviors. Biennial meeting of the WAFWA Deer and Elk Workshop. | May 2017 |
Barker, K., K. M. Proffitt, J. DeVoe, M. S. Mitchell, C. Jourdonnais, and P. Ramsey. 2017. Nutritional and demographic consequences of varying elk migratory behaviors. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | March 2017 |
Baize, A L, B P Lipp, A Metcalf, and S N Sells. Reducing bear conflicts through attractant prioritization. Pathways Conference: Human Dimensions of Wildlife, Estes Park, CO. | September 2025 |
Baize, A L, B P Lipp, A Metcalf, and S N Sells. A framework for prioritizing attractants to reduce black and grizzly bear conflicts. Annual Conference of The Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Billings, Montana. | March 2025 |
Ausband, D., and M. Mitchell. 2011. How to trick a wolf: manipulating pack movements with biofencing. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2011 |
Ausband, D., M. Mitchell, C. Mack, and P. Zager. 2011. Needle in the hay: developing wolf population monitoring techniques. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2011 |
Ausband, D. E., and M. S. Mitchell. 2009. Developing gray wolf population monitoring techniques. Annual Meeting, The WIldlife Society. | September 2009 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, C. R. Stansbury, J. L. Stenglein, and L. P. Waits. 2016. Effects of harvest on recruitment and wolf pack structure. Annual meeting, Idaho chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2016 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, C. Mack, M. S. Nadeau, and P. Zager. 2007. Developing a monitoring framework for wolves in Idaho. Annual Meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2008 |
Ausband, D. E., M. S. Mitchell, C. Mack, M. S. Nadeau, and P. Zager. 2007. Developing a monitoring framework for wolves in Idaho. Annual Meeting, Idaho Chapter, The Wildlife Society. | March 2007 |
Ausband, D. E., J. Skrivseth and M. S. Mitchell. 2011. How to trick a wolf. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter, The Wildlife Society, Missoula, MT. | February 2011 |
Ausband, D. E., J. Ruprecht, and M. S. Mitchell. Home alone: influence of individual, pack, and environmental variation on pup attendance in gray wolves. Annual meeting, Montana Chapter of The Wildlife Society. | February 2013 |
Ausband, D. E., J. Ruprecht, M. S. Mitchell, S. B. Bassing, O. Garten, and P. Zager. 2013. Home alone: influence of individual, pack, and environmental variation on pup attendance behavior in gray wolves. Annual meeting, Idaho chapter, The Wildlife Society. Couer D'Alene, Idaho. | March 2013 |
Allison C. Keever, Michael S. Mitchell, Kevin M. Podruzny, Bob Inman (2019) Drivers of Variation in Recruitment and the Effects on Population Dynamics in Gray Wolves. TWS 26th Annual Conference Reno, Nevada, Sept. 29 – Oct. 3, 2019. | October 2019 |
Alison C. Ketz, Daniel J. Storm, Daniel P. Walsh. 2022. Anomaly detection: A multivariate time series algorithm for predicting changes in real time. The Wildlife Society Conference, Spokane, WA. 11/8/2022 | November 2022 |
Reyes, J. F. M., T. F. Ma, I. McGahan, D. J. Storm, D. P. Walsh, and J. Zhu. Physics-informed neural networks for spatio-temporal causal inference in wildlife disease modeling. Midwest Machine Learning Symposium. Dorin Forum, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL, USA. May 16-17, 2023. |
May 2023 |
(2009) Chalfoun, A., and T. Martin. Avian parental care in diverse nest predator environments (poster). Cooper Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ. | August 2009 |
(2007) Chalfoun, A., and T. Martin. Assessments of habitat preferences and quality depend on spatial scale and metrics of fitness. American Ornithologists’ Union Conference, U. WY. | May 2007 |
(2006) Chalfoun, A., and T. Martin. Habitat preferences and reproductive performance of a sagebrush steppe bird across multiple spatial scales. Jackson Hole Wildlife Symposium. | March 2006 |
(2005) Chalfoun, A., and T. Martin. Latitudinal variation in avian incubation attentiveness and an experimental test of the food limitation hypothesis. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting Snowbird, UT. | October 2005 |
(2005) Chalfoun, A., and T. Martin. Latitudinal variation in avian incubation attentiveness and an experimental test of the food limitation hypothesis (poster). American Ornithologists’ Union Annual Meeting, University of California-Santa Barbara, CA. | April 2005 |
(2004) Chalfoun, A., and T. Martin. The influence of spatial context on nest predation risk. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. | April 2004 |
Theses and Dissertations | Publication Date |
Ton, R. 2016. Ecological and physiological influences on altricial bird growth and development. PhD degree, University of Montana. 110 pages. | May 2016 |
Sparklin, B. D. 2009. Territoriality and habitat selection of feral pigs on Fort Benning, Georgia, USA. MS Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. | May 2009 |
Rich, L. N. 2010. An assessment of territory size and the use of hunter surveys for monitoring wolves in Montana. MS Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. | December 2010 |
Reynolds, M. J. 2006. The effects of forest management on habitat quality for black bears in the southern Appalachian Mountains. PhD Dissertation, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. | August 2006 |
Oteyza, J. C. 2016. Age-specific mortality and its influence on parental care and offspring behaviors. PhD Degree, University of Montana. 127 pages. | December 2016 |
Mouton, J. C. 2019. Developmental, ecological, and life history influences on predator-induced plasticity in songbirds. PhD degree, University of Montana. 135 pages. | December 2019 |
McCall, B. S. 2009. Noninvasive genetic sampling reveals black bear population dynamics driven by changes in food productivity. MS Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. | May 2009 |
Majewski, A. 2010. Importance of slow embryonic development in offspring and adult immune function. M.S. degree, University of Montana. | May 2010 |
LaManna, J. A. 2015. Predation risk and vegetation effects on avidan diversity, species turnover, reproduction and fitness. PhD degree, University of Montana. 182 pages | May 2015 |
Johnson, A. 2010. Habitat influences on avian diversity and reproductive success in western aspen forests. M.S. Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. | December 2010 |
Jimenez, B. S. 2012. Multiscale effects of forest roads on black bears (Ursus americanus). MS Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula. | April 2012 |
Hanson, L. B. 2006. Demography of feral pig populations at Fort Benning, Georgia. MS Thesis, Auburn University, Auburn, AL. | August 2006 |
Hammond, C. A. M. 2208. A demographic and landscape analysis for common loons in northwest Montana. MS Thesis, University of Montana, Missoula, MT. | May 2008 |
Fontaine, J. J. 2006. Ecological consequences of predation risk on phenotypic expression in coexisting species: experimental removal studies. Ph.D. degree, University of Montana. | May 2006 |
Daniel Barton – Ecological causes of life history variation tested by meta-analysis, comparison, and experimental approaches. Ph.D. dissertation, 2012. | May 2012 |
Crandall, R. 2014. Identifying environmental factors influencing Golden Eagle presence and reproductive success. M.S. degree, University of Montana. | May 2014 |
Conway, C. J. 1998. Ecological and physiological constraints on avian incubation behavior and nest-site selection. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Montana, Missoula, Montana. | May 1998 |
Cheng, Y-r. 2008. Differential growth of body components among coexisting passerine species in response to nest predation risk. M.S. degree, University of Montana. | May 2008 |
Chalfoun, A. 2006. The role of spatial context in influencing fitness consequences and selection on habitat choice by a shrub-steppe bird. Ph.D. degree, University of Montana. | May 2006 |
Calderon, K. F. 2017. Breeding habitat use and fitness consequences in ground-nesting songbirds. PhD degree, University of Montana. 125 pages. | May 2017 |
Boyce, A. J. 2018. Biotic and abiotic influences on the evolution of elevational range limts and life-history strategies of tropical birds. PhD degree, University of Montana. 131 pages. | May 2018 |
Borg, N. 2013. Connectivity and Spatial Organization of Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep in Idaho. M.S. Thesis, University of Montana. | December 2013 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Parks, M., K. Podruzny, S. Sells, T. Parks, N. Lance, W. Cole, T. Smucker. S. Bhattacharjee 2023. Montana Gray Wolf Conservation and Management 2022 Annual Report. Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks. Helena, Montana. 53 pages. | June 2023 |
Haig, S. M., T. E. Martin, C. van Riper, and T. D. Beard. 2013. Pathways for conservation. Science 341: 215. | July 2013 |
Cook, J.D., K. Flynn, D.A. Bell, M.E. Jaeger, J. Warren, R. Kreiner, J. Payne, J. Andrews, A. Brummond, E.H. Campbell Grant, and S.N. Sells | March 2023 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Software Release | Walsh, D.P., Ballmann, A.E., and Russell, R.E. 2024. Pseudogymnoascus destructans detections by US county 2007-2022: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | May 2024 |
Data Release | Walsh, D. P., Weyand, L. K., Felts, B. L., Cassirer, E. F., Jenks, J. A., and Besser, T. E., 2024, Data for Fatal interactions: Pneumonia in bighorn lambs following experimental exposure to carriers of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | May 2024 |
Software Release | Walsh DP, Martin J, Robertson EP, Work TM, Kellogg CA, Evans JS, Barker V, Hawthorn A, Aeby G, Paul V, Walker BK, Kiryu Y, Woodley CM, Meyer JL, Rosales SM, Studivan M, Moore JF, Brandt ME, Bruckner A. Code for: Rapid prototyping for quantifying belief weights of competing hypotheses about emergent diseases. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release | 2022 |
Data Release | Sells, S.N., and Costello, C.M. 2024. Predicted connectivity pathways for grizzly bears between the Selkirk and Cabinet-Yaak Ecosystems: spatial data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | May 2024 |
Software Release | Sells, S.N. and Costello, C.M. 2024. Predicting future grizzly bear habitat use in the Bitterroot Ecosystem under recolonization and reintroduction scenarios: spatial data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | |
Data Release | Sells, S.N. and Costello, C.M. 2024. Predicted grizzly bear movement pathways in Central Montana: spatial data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | July 2023 |
Data Release | Sells, S. N., Costello, C. M., Lukacs, P. M., van Manen, F. T., Haroldson, M., Kasworm, W., Teisberg, J., Vinks, M. A., and Bjornlie, D. 2023. Predicted grizzly bear habitat use in Western Montana: spatial data: U. S., Geological Survey data release, | July 2023 |
Software Release | Sells, S. N., Costello, C. M., Lukacs, P. M., van Manen, F. T., Haroldson, M., Kasworm, W., Teisberg, J., Vinks, M. A., and Bjornlie, D. 2023. Predicted grizzly bear habitat use in Western Montana: spatial data: U. S., Geological Survey data release, | |
Data Release | Sells, S. N., Costello, C. M., Lukacs, P. M., Roberts, L. L., and Vinks, M. A. 2023. Predicted connectivity pathways between grizzly bear ecosystems in Western Montana: spatial data: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | July 2023 |
Software Release | Reyes J.F.M., Walsh, D., and Zhu, J. Example code for implementing physics-informed neural networks and generating simulated data. 2024. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. | October 2023 |
Data Release | Martin, J., Walsh, D.P., Robertson, E.P., Work, T.M., Kellogg, C.A., Evans, J.S., Barker, V., Hawthorn, A., Aeby, G., Paul, V.J., Walker, B.K., Kiryu, Y., Woodley, C.M., Meyer, J.L., Rosales, S.M., Studivan, M., Moore, J.F., Brandt, M.E., and Bruckner, A., 2023, Expert assessments of hypotheses concerning the etiological agent(s) of Stony Coral Tissue Loss Disease collected during a rapid prototyping project.: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | January 2023 |
Software Release | Ketz, A.C., D.J. Storm, R.E. Barker, A.D. Apa, C. Oliva-Aviles, and D.P. Walsh. Assimilating ecological theory with empiricism: Using constrained generalized additive models to enhance survival analyses. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. | January 2023 |
Software Release | Ketz, A., Storm, D.J., Barker, R., Apa, A.D., Oliva-Aviles, C., and Walsh, D.P., 2022, Data for Assimilating ecological theory with empiricism: Using constrained generalized additive models to enhance survival analyses: U.S. Geological Survey data release, | January 2023 |
Software Release | Hanley BJ, Mitchell CI, Walter WD, Walsh DP, Jennelle CS, Hollingshead NA, Abbott RC, Kelly JD, Grove DM, Them CE, Ahmed MS, Miller LA, & Schuler KL. 2023. Chronic Wasting Disease Surveillance Optimization Software Version 2 [Software]. 2.0.0. U.S. Geological Survey Software Release. | March 2023 |
Data Release | Cook, J. D., D. M. Williams, D. P. Walsh, and T. J. Hefley. 2023. Bayesian composition sampling. U.S. Geological Survey Software Release. | January 2023 |