Montana Wildlife Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
member of Wewstern Governors Association Science Committee on Crucial Habitat and Corridors Western Governors Association |
Mitchell | July 2007 |
Workshop on monitoring abundance of wolves. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | March 2011 |
Wolf Population Modeling Advisor. Assisted Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks with public hearings held for the revision to the state's wolf management plan. Attended meetings to help answer questions by the public. Also helped MFWP address public comments pertaining to wolf research done by the MTCWRU. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Sells | November 2023 |
Served on Panel to review and rank proposals for funding |
Martin | May 2003 |
Search Committee Member. Served on search committee for State Wildlife Veterinarian for Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Sells | November 2022 |
SDM Workshop Facilitator. Facilitating workshops to help a citizen working group identify and recommend guiding principles for river recreation in Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Sells, Bassing | August 2024 |
SDM Workshop Facilitator. Facilitated workshops to help a citizen working group identify and recommend guiding principles for managing mule deer in Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Sells, Sipe | April 2023 |
SDM Workshop Facilitator. Facilitated workshops to help a citizen working group identify and recommend a population objective for mountain lions in west-central Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Sells, McInturff | April 2023 |
SDM Workshop Facilitator. Facilitated workshop to help Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks decide how to approach revising their State Wildlife Action Plan Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Sells | July 2023 |
Review of nominations/applications for National Research Chairs Program of Canada - these chairs provide 5 years of large funding support for outstanding Canadian researchers. Provide recommendation of fund or not. |
Martin | August 2002 |
Overview of wolf abundance estimation using patch occupancy models. Interagency wolf meeting |
Mitchell | May 2011 |
Member of Science Methodology Review Team for Montana Fish, WIldlife and Parks Montana Fish, WIldlife and Parks |
Mitchell | November 2008 |
Facilitated elk working group workshop Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Mitchell | May 2011 |
Facilitated development of research on predator/prey dynamics for elk among state agencies of the northwestern US. Utah Fish and Wildlife |
Mitchell | August 2009 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on setting policy for elk management in Montana. MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | August 2014 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on setting lion harvest quotas in Region 1, Montana MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | April 2014 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on setting harvest seasons for wolves in Montana. MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | March 2010 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on setting goals for Montana's state wildlife action plan (SWAP). MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | February 2012 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on setting archery seasons for elk in the Missouri Breaks Montana Fish, WIldlife and Parks |
Mitchell | July 2011 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on managing water levels and waterfowl hunting for Benton Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
Region 4, MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | October 2012 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on management of elk in the brucellosis Designated Surveillance Area. MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | January 2012 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on management of chronic wasting disease in Montana Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | September 2011 |
Facilitated SDM workshop on balancing angling opportunity and river traffic on the East Fork of the Bitterroot River. (January - February 2014) Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell, Sells | January 2017 |
Facilitated SDM on strengthening relationships between MFWP non-traditional constituents. MT Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Mitchell | July 2013 |
Facilitate SDM workshop on developing a monitoring program for birds on the National Bison Range National Bison Range |
Mitchell | April 2014 |
Co-facilitator, Structured Decision Making Workshop at NCTC Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Boal, Mitchell | September 2011 |
Co-facilitated science panel on listing of wolverines in the northern Rockies. Montana Ecological Services Field Office |
Mitchell | April 2014 |
Assisted Idaho Fish and Game and Idaho Transportation Department in designing research on effects of traffic on moose and elk populations Idaho Transportation Department |
Mitchell | August 2009 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Senior Thesis Committee Member, Deirdre Replinger, WBIO, UM - Serving on Senior Thesis Committee | Sells | October 2022 | December 2022 |
Senior Thesis Committee Member, Alicia Wallingford, WBIO, UM - Serving on Senior Thesis Committee | Sells | October 2022 | December 2022 |
Search Committee, Director of MT Natural Heritage Program, UM - Identify candidate to recommend to UM for Director position. | Mitchell | January 2011 | April 2011 |
Search Committee, Craighead Chair | Mitchell | September 2006 | May 2007 |
Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, UM - Review and approval animal use protocols for research, set and oversee animal care and handling policy for UM. | Mitchell | January 2010 | Present |
Graduate Committee, WBIO Program - Chair, beginning 1 January 2010 | Mitchell | January 2009 | Present |
Graduate Admissions Committee - Assess applications to graduate program (Wildlife Biology, University of Montana) and make recommendations for which students to admit. | Sells | January 2023 | September 2023 |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Wildlife Biology Program - Address DEI topics. | Sells | September 2023 | Present |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee, Ecology and Evolution Program - Address DEI topics. | Sells | September 2023 | Present |
Chair, Graduate Evaluation Committee - Evaluate progress of all graduate students in the department. | Martin | August 2009 | August 2010 |
Chair, Graduate Evaluation Committee - Evaluate progress of all graduate students in the department. | Martin | August 2008 | August 2009 |
Chair, Graduate Admissions and Evaluation Committee | Martin | August 2007 | August 2008 |
Chair, Graduate Admissions and Evaluation Committee | Martin | August 2006 | August 2007 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Wyoming Public Radio interview (release date in Oct 2023) | Sells | September 2023 |
USGS news release about paper predicting grizzly bear habitat us in the Bitterroot Ecosystem | Sells | September 2024 |
Podcast interview with Sean Garrity (podcast release date spring 2024) | Sells | September 2023 |
News article covering connectivity predictions for grizzly bears | Sells | August 2023 |
National Public Radio interview (release date in Aug 2024) | Sells | August 2024 |
Missoulian podcast about grizzly bear research | Sells | September 2023 |
Missoulian podcast about grizzly bear research | Sells | August 2023 |
Missoulian article about grizzly bear research | Sells | August 2023 |
Interviewed on TV about the work we've been doing in a National Park in Venezuela by a leading Venezuelan television station. | Martin | April 2003 |
Filmed interview for documentary (release date in 2025) | Sells | July 2024 |
Cover article for University of Montana's magazine. | Sells | March 2024 |