Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Minnesota
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Minnesota Research Activities

Image of a sandhill crane chick from a Minnesota Unit research project

Project Completion Date
Wisconsin angler preferences survey October 2014
Range-wide migratory connectivity for full-cycle conservation of the golden-winged warbler, climate sensitive songbird of the highest conservation concern December 2016
Marshbird response to invasive cattail control using grazing, mowing, and herbicide application in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesta December 2017
Delineating sandhill crane populations in Minnesota June 2017
2014 Wild Turkey Hunter Study December 2016
Research Associate in Human dimensions December 2013
Deer Goal Setting June 2015
Research Associate in Human dimensions June 2015
Understanding Bass Anglers in Minnesota September 2012
Bovine TB management in deer n northwest Minnesota October 2012
Minnesota Waterfowl Hunters 2011/12 December 2012
Minnesota Landowner Perceptions of Deer Management in SE Minnesota June 2013
Deer Hunter Attitudes December 2016
Southeastern Minnesota Deer Hunter Survey June 2013
Evaluation of Walk-in Access User Program June 2014
Assessing landowners'/producers' attitudes toward and motivations for participating in conservation programs beneficial to wildlife July 2015
Resource use of arctic peregrine falcons along the Colville River, Alaska December 2015
Minnesota Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment December 2012
Understanding the imporance of weak-tie networks in complex December 2011
Scaleable indices of watershed health June 2011
Predicting large wood transport and effects on stream geomor... June 2009
Predicting and mitigating vulnerability of trout streams June 2013
Geographical Information Systems techniques to channel slope September 2006
Ecological and genetic characteristics of slimy sculpin in s... June 2009
Empowering water quality decisions: reducing uncertainty and June 2009
Development of an ecological assessment method for Minnesota... June 2009
Assessing the cumulative impacts to near-shore, in-water hab June 2013
Comparison of effects on stream habitat and fish nine years June 2008
Summarizing data and developing conservation practices for eagle nesting and concentration areas in the Midwest Region September 2012
Assessment of techniques for evaluating woodcock population response to best management practices applied at the demonstration area scale December 2014
Bioregional monitoring for northern goshawks in the western Great Lakes August 2009
Estimating abundances of sea cucumbers in The Bahamas December 2027
Defining oxythermal performance metrics for use in physiologically guided abundance models of diverse coregonid ecotypes May 2026
Improving Understanding of Cisco Habitat Use and Movement May 2029
Exploring the needs and opportunities around community-based CWD surveillance on Tribal Lands August 2025
Attitudes toward RNAi methods for controlling invasive carp. December 2025
Predicting the future of aquatic species in Minnesota June 2026
Improving stock assessment of Walleye for Mille Lacs Lake. June 2026
Exploring the needs and opportunities around community-based CWD surveillance on Tribal Lands August 2023
Linking human behavior and attitudes to spillover of SCV2 at the cervid-human interface February 2026
Minnesota Angler Study December 2024
Quality Assessments and Restoration Potential of Groundwater Fed Streams within the Watersheds of Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge June 2010
Habitat use of post-fledging forest-nesting songbirds in northern hardwood-coniferous forests in north-central MN September 2010
Factors affecting detection of American woodcock on singing-ground surveys December 2011
Effects of imperfect detectability on inferences from monitoring July 2014
Demographic response of golden-winged warbler to habitat and management across a climate change gradient in the core of the species range April 2015
The use of satellite telemetry to evalute migration chronology and breeding, migratory, and wintering distribution of Eastern Population sandhill cranes June 2014
American woodcock singing-ground surveys in the western Great Lakes region: Assessment of trends in woodcock counts, forest cover types along survey routes, and landscape cover type composition June 2010
Development of new eDNA tools to detect aquatic invasive and native plants in Upper Mississippi River Basin December 2027
Investigating trends in turtle abundance from REEF data December 2027
Predicting from the past - identifying characteristics of invasion-resistant and invasion-prone waterbodies to aid horizon scanning December 2024
Development of a Mississippi River Basin Invasive Carp Population Assessment Team December 2025
Investigating Drivers of Cisco Recruitment January 2024
Tracking bats and coronaviruses through NABat: Human dimensions of viral transfer December 2025
Public acceptance and preferences for climate change adaptation in the Mid-West. July 2025
Genetic biocontrol of invasive species: understanding attitudes and risk perceptions. December 2023
Assessing the motivations and constraints of lapsed small game hunters June 2022
Assessing deer hunter satisfaction and attitudes toward deer management, and Minnesotans’ values, beliefs, and attitudes toward moose and moose management June 2023
Bioacoustics for broad-scale species monitoring and conservation December 2024
Understanding perceptions of risk from chronic wasting for tribal communities in the Midwest December 2024
Minnesota residents’ attitudes toward wolves & wolf management June 2020
Assessing attitudes toward chronic wasting disease June 2021
Red-headed woodpecker: indicators of oak savanna health June 2021
Minnesota trumpeter swan migration ecology and conservation June 2024
Minnesota Statewide Angler Survey January 2019
Human Dimensions of Wildlife Research Associate June 2021
Modeling with long-term datasets to inform management of National Park grasslands December 2018
Private Landowner Participation in the Walk-In Access (WIA) September 2018
Evaluating nest-site selection of Arctic peregrine falcons in the Colville River Special Area July 2019
Restoration of elk to northeastern Minnesota June 2019
Insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public lands December 2019
Minnesota fish habitat survey December 2015
Minnesota waterfowl hunters January 2016
Minnesota northern pike regulations June 2016
Landowner attitudes toward elk December 2016
Long-term research and monitoring of human dimensions information on fisheries and wildlife management issues in Minnesota. December 2016
Visitor use of Wildlife Management Areas December 2016
Assessing the preferences of stakeholders and waterfowl management professionals to inform the implementation of the NAWMP Action Plan September 2018
Patterns and trends in concentrations of lead in bald eagles in the Upper Midwest September 2016
An integrated population model for American woodcock December 2017
A spatially explicit examination of the relationship between grasslands, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) enrollments, and Greater Prairie-chicken populations in Minnesota June 2017
Research Publications Publication Date
Zimmerman, J. K. H., and B. Vondracek. Interactions between sculpin and trout: slimy sculpin growth and diet in relation to native and nonnative trout. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society December 2007
Zimmerman, J. K. H., and B. Vondracek. 2007. Brown trout and food web interactions in a Minnesota stream. Freshwater Biology 52:123-136. January 2007
Zimmerman, J. K. H., and B. Vondracek. 2006. Stream enclosure effects on drifting invertebrates and fish growth: do enclosure experiments produce biased results? Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25:453-464. June 2006
Zimmerman, J. K. H., and B. Vondracek. 2006. Interactions between slimy sculpin and a native versus a nonnative trout: consequences for growth. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:1526-1535. August 2006
Zimmerman , J. K. H., B. Vondracek, and J. V. Westra. 2003. Agricultural land use on sediment loading and fish assemblages in two Minnesota basins. Environmental Management 32:93 105. August 2003
Wolfson, D.W., J.R. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2020. Juvenile sandhill cranes exhibit wider ranging and more exploratory movements than adults during the breeding season. Ibis 162:556-562 DOI:10.1111/ibi.12786. October 2020
Wolfson, D.W., D.E. Andersen, and J.R. Fieberg. Using piecewise regression to identify biological phenomena in biotelemetry datasets. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:1755–1769. | Publisher Website September 2022
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, J. Lawrence, T. Cooper, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Range overlap between Mid-Continent and Eastern sandhill cranes revealed by GPS-tracking. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:489-498. DOI:10.1002/wsb.799. | Download October 2017
Williams. M. A. and B. Vondracek. 2010. Spring distributions in Winona County, Minnesota, USA. Carbonates and Evaporites 25(4):333–347. DOI: 10.1007/s13146-010-0037-y. | Abstract December 2010
Westra, J., J. K. H. Zimmerman, and B. Vondracek. 2003. Potential Economic and Environmental Effects of Select Conservation Programs of the 2002 Farm Bill. Proceedings of a workshop Linkages Between Agricultural and Conservation Policies, 10-11 June, Portsmouth, New Hampshire. June 2003
Westra, J., J. K. H. Zimmerman, and B. Vondracek. 2003. Economic and environmental benefits of mandated agricultural best management practices. In: Symposium Proceedings of the American Water Resources Association 2003 Spring Specialty Conference, 12-14 May, Kansas City, Missouri. (Invited) May 2003
Westra, J. V., J. K. H. Zimmerman, and B. Vondracek. 2004. Economic and Environmental Benefits of Select Agriculture Best Management Practices. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 41:309-322. April 2005
Westra, J. V., J. K. H. Zimmerman, and B. Vondracek. 2004. Do conservation practices and programs benefit the intended resource concern? Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 33:105-120. June 2004
Waterhouse, L., L. Ailloud, R. Austin, W. J. Golet, A. Pacicco, A. Andrews, K. Diouf, Y. Ndiour, K. Krusic-Golub, G. da Silva, and J. M. Hoenig. 2022. Updated Integrated Growth Model for Bigeye Tuna (Thunnus obesus) in the Atlantic Ocean. Fisheries Research. | Abstract | Download December 2022
Warnke, D. K., D. E. Andersen, C. R. Dykstra, M. W. Meyer, and W. H. Karasov. 2002. Provisioning rates and time budgets of adult and nestling bald eagles at inland Wisconsin nests. Journal of Raptor Research 36:121-127. June 2002
Wan, H. C. J. Chizinski, C. L. Dolph, B. Vondracek and B. Wilson. 2010. The impact of rare taxa on measures of fish Index of Biotic Integrity. Ecological Indicators 10:781-788. | Abstract March 2010
Walberg, E., L. Cornicelli, & D.C. Fulton. Factors impacting hunter access to private lands in southeast Minnesota. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23(2): 101-114.

March 2018
Vondracek, B., K. L. Blann, C. B. Cox, J. A. Frost Nerbonne, K. G. Mumford, B. A. Nerbonne, L. A. Sovell, and J. K. H. Zimmmerman. In Press. Land use, spatial scale, and stream systems: lessons from an agricultural region. Environmental Management. December 2005
Vondracek, B., K. L. Blann and B. A. Nerbonne. 2001. Habitat-fish relationships across local to watershed scales. pp. 7-22. in R. DuBois, K. Kayle, M. Ebbers, and S. Turner, editors. Trout and the trout angler: Workshop II. American Fisheries Society, North Central Division, Salmonid Technical Committee, St. Paul, Minnesota. August 2001
Vondracek, B., J. K. H. Zimmerman, and J. V. Westra. 2003. Setting an effective TMDL for suspended sediment: an assessment of sediment loading and effects of suspended sediment on fish. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 39:1005-1015. October 2003
Vondracek, B., J. D. Koch, and M. W. Beck. 2014. A comparison of survey methods to evaluate macrophyte index of biotic integrity performance in Minnesota lakes. Ecological Indicators 36:178-185. | Abstract January 2014
Vaske, J. J., D. C. Fulton, and M. J. Manfredo. 2001. Human dimensions considerations in wildlife management planning. Pages 89-105. In D. Decker and T. Brown, eds. Human dimensions of wildlife management in North America. The Wildlife Society. January 2001
Toews, D.P.L., G.R. Kramer, A.W. Jones, C.L. Brennan, B.E. Cloud, D.E. Andersen, I.J. Lovette, and H. Streby. 2020. Genomic identification of intergeneric hybrids in New World wood-warblers (Aves: Parulidae). Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 131:183–191. doi10.1093/biolinnean/blaa085 | Publisher Website July 2020
Tingley, R. W., Hansen, J. F., Isermann, D. A., Fulton, D. C., Musch, A. and Paukert, C. P. (2019), Characterizing Angler Preferences for Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Walleye Fisheries in Wisconsin. North Am J Fish Manage 39:676-692. doi:10.1002/nafm.10301 May 2019
Susan A. Schroeder, Louis Cornicelli, David C. Fulton & Steven S. Merchant (2019) The influence of motivation versus experience on recreation satisfaction: How appreciative- versus achievement-oriented recreation experience preferences relate to hunter satisfaction, Journal of Leisure Research, 50:2, 107-131, DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2018.1557502 February 2019
Susan A. Schroeder, David C. Fulton, Jeffrey S. Lawrence & Steven D.Cordts (2017) How Hunter Perceptions of Wildlife Regulations, Agency Trust, and SatisfactionAffect Attitudes about Duck Bag Limits, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 22:5, 454-475, DOI:10.1080/10871209.2017.1345021 September 2017
Streby, H.M., T.L. McAllister, S.M. Peterson, G.R. Kramer, J.A. Lehman, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Minimizing marker mass and handling time when attaching radio transmitters and geolocators to small songbirds. The Condor:Ornithological Applications 117:249-255. June 2015
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2011. Invertebrate availability and vegetation characteristics explain use of non-nesting cover types by mature-forest songbirds during the post-fledging period. Journal of Field Ornithology 82:406-414. December 2011
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, T. L. McAllister, and D.E. Andersen. 2011. Use of early successional managed northern forest by mature-forest species during the post-fledging period. Condor 113:817-824. December 2011
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, G.R. Kramer, K.J. Iknayan, and D.E. Andersen. 2013. The effects of force-fledging and premature fledging on the survival of nestling songbirds. Ibis 155:616-620. | Download June 2013
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, G.R. Kramer, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Post-independence fledgling ecology in a migratory songbird: implications for breeding-grounds conservation. Animal Conservation 18:228–235. DOI:10.1111/acv.12163. | Download January 2015
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, C.F. Gesmundo, M.K. Johnson, A.C. Fish, J.A. Lehman, and D.E. Andersen. 2013. Radio-transmitters do not affect seasonal productivity of female golden-winged warblers. Journal of Field Ornithology 84:316-321. | Download August 2013
Streby, H.M., S. M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, G.R. Kramer, B.J. Vernasco, and D.E. Andersen. 2014. Do digestive contents confound body mass as a measure of relative condition in nestling songbirds? Wildlife Society Bulletin. DOI:10.1002/wsb.406. | Download February 2014
Streby, H.M., R.W. Rohrbaugh, D.A. Buehler, D.E. Andersen, R. Vallender, D.I. King, J.L. Larkin, and T. Will. 2016. Research on golden-winged warblers: recent progress and current needs. Studies in Avian Biology 49:217-227. October 2016
Streby, H.M., Peterson, S.M., and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Survival and habitat use of fledgling Golden-winged Warblers in the western Great Lakes region. Studies in Avian Biology 49:127-140. October 2016
Streby, H.M., J.P. Loegering, and D.E. Andersen. 2012. Spot mapping underestimates song-territory size and use of mature forest by breeding golden-winged warblers in Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:40-46. April 2012
Streby, H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Tornadic storm avoidance behavior in breeding songbirds. Current Biology 25:1-5. January 2015
Streby, H.M., D.E. Andersen, and D.A. Buehler. 2016. Golden-winged warbler ecology, conservation, and habitat management. Studies in Avian Biology. ISBN 9781482240689. October 2016
Streby, H.M., B. Scholtens, A.P. Monroe, S.M. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2013. The ovenbird (Seiurus aurocapilla) as a model for testing food-value theory. American Midland Naturalist 169:214-220. April 2013
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2013. Testing common assumptions in studies of songbird nest success. Ibis 155:327-337. | Download March 2013
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2013. Survival of fledgling ovenbirds: influences of habitat characteristics at multiple spatial scales. Condor 115:403-410. | Download May 2013
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2013. Movements, cover-type selection, and survival of fledgling ovenbirds in managed deciduous and mixed-coniferous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 287:9-16. October 2013
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2012. Movements and cover-type selection by fledgling ovenbirds after independence from adult care. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:621-626. October 2012
Streby, H.M, J.M. Refsnider, and D.E. Andersen. 2014. Redefining nest success in songbirds: moving beyond the nest success paradigm. Auk 131:718-726. | Download September 2014
Streby, H.M, J.M. Refsnider, S.M. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2014. Retirement investment theory explains patterns in songbird nest-site choice. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 281:20131834. | Download January 2014
Streby, H.M, G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. Response to Lisovski et al.: carefully interpreted light-level geolocator data can lead to the discovery of interesting animal behavior. Current Biology 28:R101-R102. DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2017.12.025. February 2018
Streby, H. M. and D.E. Andersen. 2011. Seasonal productivity in a population of migratory songbirds: why nest data are not enough. Ecosphere 2: Article 78. | Publisher Website July 2011
Streby, H. M. J. M. Refsnider, S. M. Peterson, and D. E. Andersen. 2008. Barred owl predation on hermit thrush and ovenbird fledglings. Journal of Raptor Research 42:296-298. October 2008
Streby H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. Evaluating outcomes of young forest management on a target species of conservation concern. PeerJ 6:e4319 January 2018
Stewart, C.A., and V.R. Frawley (eds.), D.E. Andersen, J.G. Bruggink, T.R. Cooper, D.R. Dessicker, D.G. Krementz, S.L. Mayhew, M.W. Olinde, and G.J. Roloff (assoc. eds.). 2010. Proceedings of the Tenth American Woodcock Symposium. Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. | Download April 2010
Stephenson, T.R., M.R. Vaughan, and D.E. Andersen. 1996. Mule deer movements in response to military activity in southeast Colorado. Journal of Wildlife Management 60:777–787. | Download April 1997
Sovell, L. A., B. Vondracek, J. A. Frost, and K. G. Mumford. 2000. Impacts of rotational grazing and riparian buffers on physicochemical and biological characteristics of southeastern Minnesota streams. Environmental Management 26:629-641. December 2000
Sorley, C.S., D.E. Andersen, and P.F. McInnes. 1993. Raptor abundance in southcentral Kenya in relation to land-use patterns. Journal of Raptor Research 27:92-93. | Download January 1993
Sorley, C.S. and D.E. Andersen. 1994. Raptor abundance in south-central Kenya in relation to land use patterns. African Journal of Ecology 32:30–38. | Download March 1994
Smithers, B. L., C. W. Boal, and D. E. Andersen. 2005. Northern goshawk diet in Minnesota: an analysis using video recording systems. Journal of Raptor Research 39:264-273. September 2005
Smith, Kyle, A.C. Landon, D.C. Fulton. A self-determination approach to understanding leisure identity salience among lapsed hunters. Leisure Science. | Abstract June 2023
Smith, K., S.A. Schroeder, A.C. Landon, L.J. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, and L.E. McInenly. (2020). A replication of proximity to chronic wasting disease, perceived risk, and social trust in managing between hunters in Minnesota and Illinois. Human Dimensions of Wildlife (published online without volume/page numbers).
DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1860270
December 2020
Smith, K., A. Landon, D.C. Fulton, and G. Kyle. 2024. Self-determination theory as an alternate conceptual foundation for motivation in natural resource recreation. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. | Abstract March 2024
Sleugh, T., McCoy, C.M., Pattengill-Semmens, C.V. et al. 2023. Migratory behavior of aggregating male Tiger Grouper (Mycteroperca tigris) in Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. Environ Biol Fish 106, 1195–1206 (2023). | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website March 2023
Singh, U. M. Kocian, B. Wilson, A Bolton, J. Nieber, B. Vondracek, J. Perry, and J. Magner. 2005. Analyzing Indicators of Stream Health for Minnesota Streams. Pages 570-576 in Proceedings of the Third Conference on Watershed Management to Meet Water Quality Standards and Emerging TMDLS. American Society of Agricultural Engineers, St. Joseph, Michigan, USA. March 2005
Severud, W.J., D.Wolfson, J. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2022. Sandhill crane colt survival in Minnesota. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management | Abstract April 2022
Scientific communication for natural resource professionals. 2012. C. Jennings, T. E. Lauer, and B. Vondracek, editors. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | Abstract August 2012
Schroeder,S. A. D. C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli, and L.E. McInenly. 2020. Recreation conflict, coping, and satisfaction: Minnesota grouse hunters’ conflicts and coping response related to all-terrain vehicle users, hikers, and other hunters,Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism,Volume 30,100282

DOIL 10.1016/j.jort.2020.100282
May 2020
Schroeder, S.A., Landon, A.C., Fulton, D.C. and McInenly, L.E. (2022). On the Multiple Identities of Stakeholders in Wolf Management in Minnesota, United States. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. doi:
‌ | Abstract
February 2022
Schroeder, S.A., Landon, A., Cornicellis, L, Fulton, D.C. and McInenly, L.2021. Institutional trust, beliefs and evaluation of regulations, and management of chronic wasting disease (CWD). Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 26, 228-244.
DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1808915
August 2020
Schroeder, S.A., Fulton, D.C., Penning, W. and DonCarlos, K. 2012. Using persuasive messages to encourage hunters to support regulation of lead shot. Journal of Wildlife Management, 76 (8), 1528-1539. | Publisher Website November 2012
Schroeder, S.A., Fulton, D.C., Lawrence, J.S., and Cordts, S.D. 2014. Legitimization of regulatory norms: Waterfowl hunter acceptance of changing duck bag limits. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19: 234-252 May 2014
Schroeder, S.A., Fulton, D.C., Lawrence, J. and Cordts, S. 2012. Constraints-effects-mitigation and waterfowl hunting: An application and extension of the constraints-effects-mitigation model to Minnesota waterfowl hunting. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 17 (3), 174-192. May 2012
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Futon, L.J. Cornicelli, S. Cordts, and J. Lawrence. 2019. Clarifying how hunt-specific experiences affect satisfaction, among avid and less avid waterfowl hunters. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43(3):455–467. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1006 | Publisher Website September 2019
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, L.J. Cornicelli, and S.S. Merchant. 2018. Discrete choice modeling of season choice for Minnesota turkey hunter. Journal of Wildlife Management 82(2): 457-465 DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21382 online: February 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli. How Minnesota wolf hunter and trapper attitudes and risk-benefit perceptions about wolves predict their management preferences. September 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, J. Lawrence, and S. Cordts. 2013. Identification and specialization as a waterfowl hunter. Leisure Sciences, 35, 3, 218-234. May 2013
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, E. Alten, H. Baird, D. Dieterman, and M. Jennings. Factors influencing anglers’ support for fisheries management strategies: Habitat protection and restoration. Environmental Management (2018). May 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton and K. DonCarlos. (2016). Clarifying beliefs underlying hunter intentions to support a ban on lead shot. Society & Natural Resources, 29,7, 852-867. January 2016
Schroeder, S.A., Cornicelli, L.J., Fulton, D.C., and Merchant, S. 2018. Explicit versus implicit motivations: Clarifying how experiences affect turkey hunter satisfaction using revised importance-performance, importance grid, and penalty-reward-contrast analyses. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23(1) 1-20. January 2018
Schroeder, S.A., A.C. Landon, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly. 2021. Social identity, values, and trust in government: How stakeholder group, ideology, and wildlife value orientations relate to trust in a state agency for wildlife management. Biological Conservation, 261
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109285 | Abstract
September 2021
Schroeder, S.A., A. Landon, L.J. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly. 2021. Cognitive and behavioral coping in response to wildlife disease: The case of hunters and chronic wasting disease. Human Dimensions of Wildlife (Published online 4/30/2021). DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2021.1919340 | Abstract April 2021
Schroeder, S.A. and Fulton, D.C. 2013. Comparing catch orientation among walleye, northern pike and bass anglers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18, 355-372. September 2013
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton. (2017). Voice, perceived fairness, agency trust and acceptance of management decisions among Minnesota anglers. Society & Natural Resources, 30:5, 569-584. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1238987 May 2017
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton. (2014). Fishing for Northern Pike in Minnesota: A Comparison of Anglers and Dark House Spearers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 34:3, 678-691. May 2014
Schroeder, S., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, A. Landon, L. McInenly, & S. Cordts. Explaining Support for Mandatory versus Voluntary Conservation Actions among Waterfowlers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26(4): 337-355.
DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1830205
October 2020
Schroeder, S., Cornicelli, L., Fulton, D. and Grund, M. (2014). What predicts support for Antler Point Restrictions? Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19:301-318. July 2014
Schroeder, S. A., and Fulton, D. C. 2010. Land of 10, 000 lakes and 2. 3 million anglers: conflict, crowding, and coping among Minnesota anglers. Journal of Leisure Research 42(2), 291-316. March 2010
Schroeder, S. A., Fulton, D. C., Nemeth, M. E., Sigurdson, R. E., and Walsh, R. J. Fishing in the Neighborhood: Understanding motivations and constraints for angling among Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota metro residents, In Urban Fishing Symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium xx. Bethesda, Maryland. December 2008
Schroeder, S. A., Fulton, D. C., Currie, L., Goeman, T. 2006. He said, she said: Gender and angling specialization, motivations, ethics and behaviors. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 11: 301-315. November 2006
Schroeder, S. A., D. C. Fulton, and J. Lawrence. 2006. A typology of waterfowl hunters in Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34(2):380-387. April 2006
Schroeder, S. A. and Fulton, D.C. 2013. Public lakes, private lakeshore: Modeling protection of native aquatic plants. In review. Environmental Management, 52,1, 989-112. July 2013
Schramm, H.L., Jr., W.E. French, and B Vondracek. 2008. Mortality of walleyes and saugers caught in live-release tournaments. Pages 625-636 in M.S. Allen, S.. Sammons, M.J. Maceina, editors. Balancing fisheries management water uses for impounded river systems American Fisheries Society Symposium 62, Bethesda, Maryland. December 2008
Sammler, J. E. ., D. E. Andersen, and S. Skagen. 2008. Population trends of tundra-nesting birds at Cape Churchill, Manitoba, in relation to increasing goose populations. Condor 110:325-334. August 2008
Sainsbury, K.A., Harshaw, H.W., Fulton, D.C. et al. What waterfowl hunters want: exploring heterogeneity in hunting trip preferences. Wetlands 44, 35 (2024). | Abstract February 2024
S.A. Schroeder and D.C. Fulton. (2015). A replication of a factor analysis of motivations for trapping. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20, 3, 280-283. July 2015
Rutter, J.D., A.A., Dayer, H.W. Harshaw, N.W. Cole, J.N. Duberstein, D.C. Fulton, A.H. Raedeke, and R.M. Schuster. 2021. Racial, ethnic, and social patterns in the recreation specialization of birdwatchers: An analysis of Untied State eBird registrants. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 35: 100400
DOI: 10.1016/j.jort.2021.100400
June 2021
Runstrom, A. L, B. Vondracek, and C. A. Jennings. 2001. The population dynamics of paddlefish in the lower Wisconsin River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:546-556. July 2001
Ruetz, C. R., III, B. Vondracek, and R. M. Newman. 2004. Top-down control in an algal-based food web: slimy sculpin, grazers, and periphyton. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23:271-286. May 2004
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Garshelis, D. L., R. S. Sikes, D. E. Andersen, and E. C. Birney. 1999. Landowners' perceptions of crop damage and management practices related to black bears in east-central Minnesota. Ursus 11:219-224. January 2001
Fulton, D. C., and M. J. Manfredo. 2008. The biological context of wildlife values: Are there etchings on the slate? Pages 110-131. In Who cares about wildlife? Social science concepts for exploring human-wildlife relationships and conservation issues. Springer. August 2008
Fulton, D. C., and M. J. Manfredo. 2004. A panel design to assess the effects of regulatory induced reductions in opportunity on deer hunters' satisfaction. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. January 2004
Fulton, D. C., and Hundertmark, K. 2004. Assessing the effects of a selective harvest system on moose hunters' behaviors, beliefs, and satisfaction. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. January 2004
Fulton, D. C., Manfredo, M. J., and Anderson, D. H. Application of experienced-focused and outcomes-focused management to fisheries and wildlife management. In B. L. Driver (editor) Outcomes-Focused Management of Recreation Resources and Programs. Venture Publishers. November 2008
Fulton, D. C., K. Skerl, E. M. Shank and D. W. Lime. 2004. Beliefs and attitudes toward lethal management of deer in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:1166-1176. December 2004
Fulton, D. C., K. C. Nelson, D. H. Anderson, and D. W. Line, eds. 2000. Human dimenstions of natural resource management: emerging issues and practical applications. University of Minnesota and U. S. Geological Survey-Biological Resources Division, St. Paul. December 2000
Fulton, D. C., D. Whittaker, and M. J. Manfredo. 2002. A planning framework for experience-based wildlife-viewing management. Pages 93-122. In M. Manfredo, ed. Wildlife Viewing in North America. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. June 2002
Fulton, D. C. 2001. Integrating social information into decision-making. Pp. 43-50 in R. DuBois, K. Kayle, M. Ebbers, and S. Turner, editors. Trout and the Trout Angler: Workshop II. American Fisheries Society, North Central Division, Salmonid Technical Committee, St. Paul, Minnesota. January 2001
Fulton, D. C. 2000. Applying outcomes-based management to fish- and wildlife-based recreation. Pages 70-80 in Fulton, D. C., K. C. Nelson, D. H. Anderson, and D. W. Line, eds. Human dimenstions of natural resource management: emerging issues and practical applications. December 2000
Fulton, D. C. 2000. Applying outcomes-based management to fish and wildlife recreation. Pp. 70-80 in D. C. Fulton, K. C. Nelson, D. H. Anderson, and D. W. Lime, editors. Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management: Emerging Issues and Practical Applications. University of Minnesota, St. Paul. February 1-3, 2000. February 2000
Frost Nerbonne, J. A., B. Ward, A. Ollila, M. Williams, and B. Vondracek. 2008. Volunteer sampling bias using multihabitat sampling for macroinvertebrates. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27(3):640?646. September 2008
Fronczak, D.L., D.E.Andersen, E.E. Hanna, and T.R. Cooper. 2017. Distribution and migration chronology of Eastern Population sandhill cranes. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21272. | Download April 2017
Fronczak, D.L., D.E. Andersen, E.E. Hanna, and T. Cooper. 2015. Annual survival rate estimate of satellite-transmitter-marked Eastern Population greater sandhill cranes. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 6:464–471. September 2015
French, W. E., B. Vondracek, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., J. Finlay, and D. J. Dieterman. online. Winter feeding, growth and condition of brown trout Salmo trutta in a groundwater-dominated stream. To be submitted to Fisheries Management and Ecology | Abstract May 2014
Fieberg, J., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, and M.D. Grund. Submitted. Design and Analysis of Simple Choice Surveys for Natural Resource Management. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(4), 871-879. May 2010
Epton, J. A., and D. C. Fulton. 2000. Procedural justice in natural resource decision making: building healthy communities of interest. Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. October 2000
Emily J. Wilkins, Nicholas W. Cole, Holly M. Miller, Rudy M. Schuster, Ashley A. Dayer, Jennifer N. Duberstein, David C. Fulton, Howard. W. Harshaw & Andrew H. Raedeke (2019) Rural-urban differences in hunting and birdwatching attitudes and participation intent, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2019.1661046 August 2019
Eells, L., R. Vondracek, and B. Vondracek. 2012. Fishing the deep web: the search for information. In: Scientific communication for natural resource professionals. C. Jennings, T. E. Lauer, and B. Vondracek, editors. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. August 2012
Dykstra, C.R., M.W. Meyer, D.K. Warnke, W.H. Karasov, D.E. Andersen, W.W. Bowerman, IV, and J.P. Giesy. 1998. Low reproductive rates of Lake Superior bald eagles: low food delivery rates or environmental contaminants? Journal of Great Lakes Research 24:32–44. DOI:10.1016/S0380-1330(98)70797-X | Download January 1998
Dougherty, E. M., and D. C. Fulton. 2000. Understanding values and attitudes related to deer management in Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. January 2000
Dougherty, E. M, D. C. Fulton, and D. H. Anderson. 2003. The Influence of Gender on the Relationship between Wildlife Value Orientations, Beliefs, and the Acceptability of Lethal Deer Control in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Society and Natural Resources 16:603-623. March 2003
Dolph, C. L., D. D. Huff, C. J. Chizinski, and B. Vondracek. 2011. Implications of community concordance for assessing stream health at three nested spatial scales in Minnesota, USA. Freshwater Biology 56(8):1652-1699. | Abstract July 2011
Dolph C. L., A. Sheshukov, C. J. Chizinski, B. Vondracek, and B. Wilson. 2010. The Index of Biological Integrity and the bootstrap revisited: an example from Minnesota streams. Ecological Indicators 10 (2010) 527–537. January 2010
Doherty, K.E., D.E. Andersen, J. Meunier, E. Oppelt, R.S. Lutz, and J.G. Bruggink. 2010. Past patch quality as a predictor of future habitat selection: relating movement behavior of American woodcock to environmental factors. Wildlife Biology 16:379-388. | Abstract | Publisher Website December 2010
Day, B.L., M.M. Walser, J.M. Sharma, and D.E. Andersen. 1995. Immunopathology of 8-week old ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) exposed to malathion. Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 14:1719–1726. | Download October 1995
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2015. Radio-transmitters have no impact on survival of pre-fledged American woodcocks. Journal of Field Ornithology 86:345-351. DOI:10.1111/jofo.12117 | Download December 2015
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2019. Evaluating techniques for estimating post-breeding-season age ratios for American woodcock. Pages 35-44 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0107. | Download December 2019
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2019. Breeding season survival of American woodcock at a Habitat Demonstration Area in Minnesota. Pages 45-63 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0108. | Download December 2019
Cross, M., L.J. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, A. Heeren. Bovine Tuberculosis Management in Northwest Minnesota and Implications of the Risk Information Seeking and Processing (RISP) Model for Wildlife Disease Management Front. Vet. Sci. | doi: 10.3389/fvets.2018.00190 July 2018
Cornicelli, L.J, D.C. Fulton. M. Grund, and J. Fieberg. 2011. Hunter perceptions and acceptance of alternative deer management regulations. The Wildlife Society Bulletin, 35, 323-329. September 2011
Cole, N., and Fulton, D., 2025, North American Waterfowl Management Plan survey regional profile—Southeast region: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024–5102, 38 p., March 2025
Cole, N., Wilkins, E., Clements, K., Schuster, R., Dayer, A., Harshaw, H., Fulton, D. C., Duberstein, J., Raedeke, A., 2024. Perceived Constraints to Participating in Wildlife-based Recreation. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 45. March 2024, 100712
March 2024
Chizinski, C. J., B. Vondracek, C. Blinn, D. Atuke, E. Merten, N. Hemstad, R. M. Newman, N. Schlesser and K. Fredricks. 2010. The influence of partial timber harvesting in riparian buffers on macroinvertebrate and fish communities in small streams in Minnesota, USA. Forest Ecology and Management 259(10):1946-1958. | Abstract April 2010
Chizinski, C. J., A. Peterson, J. Hanowski, C. Blinn, B. Vondracek, and G. Niemi. 2011. Breeding bird response to partially harvested riparian management zones in northern Minnesota. Forest Ecology and Management 261(11):1892-1900. | Abstract July 2011
Carlson, A. K., and B. Vondracek. Predictive Management of Asian Carps in the Upper Mississippi River System. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. | Abstract December 2014
Carlin, C., Schroeder, S. A., and Fulton, D.C.2012. Site choice among Minnesota walleye anglers: The influence of resource conditions, regulations and catch orientation on lake preference. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 32 (2), 299-312. April 2012
Bruskotter, J.T., A. Singh, D.C. Fulton, and K. Slagle. (2015). Assessing tolerance for wildlife: clarifying relations between concepts and measures. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20, 3, 255-270. July 2015
Bruskotter, J.T. and Fulton, D.C. 2012. Will Hunters Steward Wolves? A Comment on Treves and Martin. Society & Natural Resources, 25, 97-102. February 2012
Bruskotter, J. T., and Fulton, D. C. 2007. The influence of angler value orientations on fisheries stewardship norms. Pp. 157-167. In Aquatic Stewardship Education in Theory and Practice, B. A. Knuth and W. F. Siemer (Eds. ). American Fisheries Society Symposium 55. Bethesda, Maryland. April 2007
Bruskotter, J. T., and D. C. Fulton. 2008. Minnesota anglers? fisheries-related value orientations and their stewardship of fish resources. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 13, 207-221. July 2008
Bruggink, J.G., E.J. Oppelt, K.E. Doherty, D.E. Andersen, J. Meunier, and R.S. Lutz. 2013. Fall survival of American woodcock in the western Great Lakes region. Journal of Wildlife Management. 77:1021-1030. | Download June 2013
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2018. Incorporating productivity as a measure of fitness into models of breeding area quality of Arctic peregrine falcons. Wildlife Biology. DOI:10.2981/wlb.00475. December 2018
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2016. Multi-season occupancy models identify abiotic and biotic factors influencing a recovering Arctic Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus tundrius population in a variable climate. Ibis 158:61-74. DOI:10.1111/ibi.12313. | Download January 2016
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2015. Dynamics of a recovering arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. Ecological Applications 25:1932-1943. DOI:10.1890/ | Download December 2015
Bruggeman, J.E., P.L. Kennedy, D.E. Andersen, S. Deisch, and E. Dowd Stukel. Evaluating habitat suitability of a species of concern in a timber production landscape using non-systematic data. Journal of Raptor Research 57:595-616. December 2023
Bruggeman, J.E., D.E. Andersen, and J.E. Woodford. 2014. Factors related to northern goshawk landscape use in the western Great Lakes region. Journal of Raptor Research 48:228-239. | Download September 2014
Bruggeman, J.E., D.E. Andersen, and J.E. Woodford. 2011. Northern goshawk monitoring in the western Great Lakes bioregion. Journal of Raptor Research 45:290-303. January 2012
Bright, A. D., M. J. Manfredo, and D. C. Fulton. 2000. Segmenting the public: an application of value orientations to wildlife planning in Colorado. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28(1):218-226. January 2000
Brand, G., B. Vondracek, and N. R. Jordan. Influence of grazing and land use on stream channel characteristics at multiple scales. | Abstract October 2014
Bowers, D.G., D.E. Andersen, N.H. Euliss, Jr. 1998. Anurans as indicators of wetland condition in the Prairie Pothole Region of North Dakota: an environmental monitoring and assessment program (EMAP) pilot project. Pages 369–378 In Lannoo, M.J., ed. Status and conservation of Midwestern amphibians. University of Iowa Press, Iowa City, Iowa, U.S.A. 507pp. April 1998
Boody, G., C. van Schaik, P. Gowda, J. Westra, P. Welle, B. Vondracek and D. Johnson. 2009. Multifunctional grass farming: science and policy considerations. In Farming with Grass: Achieving Sustainable Mixed Agricultural Landscapes. A. J. Franzluebbers, editor. e-book,, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Ankeny, Iowa. | Publisher Website July 2009
Boody, G., B. Vondracek, D. Andow, M. Krinke, J. Westra, J. Zimmerman, and P. Welle. 2005. Multifunctional agriculture in the United States. BioScience 55:27-38. January 2005
Boal, C. W., and D. E. Andersen. 2005. Microhabitat characteristics of Lapland Longspur (Calcarius lapponicus) nests at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Canadian Field-Naturalist 119:208-213 April 2005
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, and P. L. Kennedy. 2005. Productivity and mortality of northern goshawks in Minnesota. Journal of Raptor Research 39:222-228. October 2005
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, and P. L. Kennedy. 2005. Foraging and nesting habitat of breeding male northern goshawks in the Laurentian Mixed Forest Province, Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:1516-1527. December 2005
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, and P. L. Kennedy. 2003. Home range and residency status of northern goshawks breeding in Minnesota. Condor 105:811-816. August 2003
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, P. L. Kennedy, and A. M. Roberson. 2006. Northern goshawk ecology in the western Great Lakes region. Studies in Avian Biology 31:126-134. June 2006
Blann, K. L., J. F. Nerbonne and B. Vondracek. 2002. Relationship of riparian buffer type to physical habitat and stream temperature. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:441-451. March 2002
Blann, K. L., J. Anderson, G. Sands, and B. Vondracek. Effects of agricultural subsurface drainage on aquatic ecosystems: a review. (Accepted by Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, scheduled for publication late 2009). November 2009
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2019. Detection probability and occupancy of American woodcock during Singing-ground Surveys. Pages 200-208 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0126. | Download December 2019
Bergh, S. M. and D. E. Andersen. 2019. Estimating density and effective area surveyed for American woodcock. 11th American Woodcock Symposium. Pages 193-199 in Krementz, D.G., D. E. Andersen, and T.R. Cooper (eds.). Proceedings of the 11th American Woodcock Symposium, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing, Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A. DOI:10.24926/AWS.0125. | Download December 2019
Beck, M. W., L. K. Hatch, B. Vondracek, and R. D. Valley. 2010. Development of a macrophyte-based index of biotic integrity for Minnesota lakes. Ecological Indicators 10:968–979. | Abstract April 2010
Beck, M. W., B. Vondracek, and L. K. Hatch. 2013. Environmental clustering of lakes to evaluate performance of a macrophyte index of biotic integrity. Aquatic Botany 108:16–25. | Abstract July 2013
Au, L., D. E. Andersen, and M. Davis. 2008. Patterns in bird community structure related to restoration of Minnesota dry oak savannas. Natural Areas Journal 28:330-341. November 2008
Asmus, B., J. Magner, B. Vondracek, and J. Perry. Physical integrity: the missing link in biological monitoring and TMDLs. (Accepted by Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, posted in Online First) | Abstract December 2009
Anderson, D. H., and Fulton, D. C. Experience preferences as mediators of the wildlife related recreation participation?place attachment relationship. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 26 pages. March 2008
Andersen, D.E., and R.R. Nack. 2010. Brood movements and distribution of EPP Canada geese in northern Manitoba. Pages 66-68 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. July 2010
Andersen, D.E., and M.E. Reiter. 2010. Sympatric nesting EPP Canada geese and lesser snow geese on the Hudson Bay Lowlands: nest predation and spatial distribution. Pages 69-70 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. April 2010
Andersen, D.E., and J.E. Sammler. 2010. Population trends of tundra-nesting birds in Churchill, Manitoba. Pages 71-72 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. July 2010
Andersen, D.E., O.J. Rongstad, and W.R. Mytton. 1990. Home-range changes in raptors exposed to increased human activity levels in southeastern Colorado. Wildlife Society Bulletin 18:134–142. | Download July 1990
Andersen, D.E., C.W. Boal, G. Perry, R.N. Mannan, and M.E. Reiter. 2010. Factors affecting distribution and detection of boreal chorus frogs and wood frogs at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Pages 309-311 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. July 2010
Andersen, D.E. and O.J. Rongstad. 1989. Home-range estimates of red-tailed hawks based on independent and systematic relocations. Journal of Wildlife Management 53:802–807. July 1989
Andersen, D.E. 2021. Review of: A Most Remarkable Creature: The Hidden Life and Epic Journey of the World’s Smartest Birds of Prey. Journal of Field Ornithology. DOI: 10.1111/jofo.12377. September 2021
Andersen, D.E. 2015. Reporting animal care and use authorization in manuscripts published in journals of The Wildlife Society. Wildlife Society Bulletin 39:225–227. DOI:10.1002/wsb.555. | Download July 2015
Andersen, D.E. 2007. Review of: The Goshawk. Journal of Field Ornithology 78:440–441. | Download July 2007
Andersen, D.E. 2015. Reporting animal care and use authorization in manuscripts published in journals of The Wildlife Society. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:869–871. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.911 | Download July 2015
Andersen, D.E. 2010. Production of EPP Canada geese near Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Pages 63-65 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. July 2010
Andersen, D.E. 1996. The Northern Goshawk: Ecology and Management. Auk 113:273–274. | Download April 1996
Andersen, D.E. 1996. Intra-year reuse of great horned owl nest sites by common barn-owls in east central Colorado. Journal of Raptor Research 30:90–92. April 1996
Andersen, D.E. 1995. Productivity, food habits, and behavior of Swainson’s hawks breeding in southeast Colorado. Journal of Raptor Research 29:49. | Download July 1995
Andersen, D.E. 1995. Productivity, food habits, and behavior of Swainson’s hawks breeding in southeast Colorado. Journal of Raptor Research 29:158–165. | Download April 1995
Andersen, D.E. 1994. Longevity of solar-powered radio-transmitters on buteonine hawks in eastern Colorado. Journal of Field Ornithology 65:122–132. | Download January 1994
Andersen, D.E. 1991. Feeding and reproductive ecology of sympatric buteonine hawks in southeastern Colorado. Journal of Raptor Research 25:151. | Download October 1991
Andersen, D.E. 1990. Nest-defense behavior of red-tailed hawks. Condor 92:991–997. | Download July 1990
Andersen, D. E., and D. L. Plumpton. 2000. Urban landscapes and raptors: a review of factors affecting population ecology. Pages 435-445. In R. D. Chancellor and B. -U. Meyburg, eds., Raptor World Working Group on Birds of Prey and Owls. Proceedings of the 5th World Conference on Birds of Prey and Owls. Hancock House Publishers, Blaine, WA. January 2000
Andersen, D. E., T. R. Laurion, J. R. Cary, R. S. Sikes, M. A. McLeod, and E. M Gese. 2003. Aspects of swift fox ecology in southeastern Colorado. Pages 139-117 in Sovada, M. A., and Carbyn, L., The Swift Fox: Ecology and Conservation of Swift Foxes in a Changing World. Canadian Plains Research Center, Regina. 250 pp. June 2003
Andersen, D. E., S. DeStefano, M. I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J. J. Keane, R. G. Anthony, and R. N. Rosenfield. 2005. Technical review of the status of northern goshawks in the western United States. Journal of Raptor Research 39:192-209. September 2005
Andersen, D. E., S. DeStefano, M. I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J. J. Keane, R. G. Anthony, and R. N. Rosenfield. 2004. The status of Northern Goshawks in the western United States. The Wildlife Society, Technical Review 04-1, Bethesda MD, 24 p. September 2004
Andersen, D. E., M. E. Reiter, K. E. Doherty, and D. C. Fulton. 2010. Magnitude and spatial distribution of American woodcock hunting pressure in a central Minnesota Wildlife Management Area. Pages 203-212 in C.A. Stewart and V.R. Frawley (eds.) and D.E. Andersen, J.G. Bruggink, T.R. Cooper, D.R. Dessecker, D.G. Krementz, S.L. Mayhew, M.W. Olinde, and G.J. Roloff (assoc. eds.). Proceedings of the 10th American Woodcock Symposium, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. April 2011
Andersen, D. E. Raptor survey techniques. 2007. Pages 89-100 in D. M. Bird and K. Bildstein, eds. Raptor research and management techniques (revised edition). Hancock House Publishers, Blaine, Washington, USA. February 2008
Andersen, D. E. 2019. Review of Sky Dance of the Woodcock: Habits and Habitat of a Strange Little Bird. Prairie Naturalist 51:79-80. December 2019
Andersen, D. E. 1991. Management of North American grasslands for raptors. Pages 203–210 In Giron Pendleton, B. and D.L. Krahe (Project eds.): M.N. LeFranc, Jr., K. Titus, J.C. Bednarz, D.E. Andersen, and B.A. Millsap (Technical eds.). Proceedings of the Midwest Raptor Management Symposium and Workshop. Nat. Wildl. Fed. Sci. and Tech. Series No. 15., Washington, D.C., U.S.A. April 1991
Adkins, K., D.L. Roy, D.E. Andersen, and R.G. Wright. 2020. Simulating strategic implementation of the CRP to increase greater prairie-chicken abundance. Journal of Wildlife Management 85:27-40. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21960. | Download December 2020
Adkins, K., C.L. Roy, D.E. Andersen, and R.G. Wright. 2019. Landscape-scale greater prairie-chicken—habitat relations and the Conservation Reserve Program. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:1415-1426. DOI:10.1002/jwmg.21724. | Download July 2019
Presentations Presentation Date
Zimmerman, J.K.H., B. Vondracek, and J.V. Westra. 2003. Setting an effective TMDL: sediment loading and effects of suspended sedimernt on fish. 133rd annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec, Canada 10-14 August. August 2003
Zimmerman, J.K.H. and B. Vondracek. 2003. Community-level consequences of trout introductions: investigating interactions between native and nonnative species in a coldwater stream. Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chaska, Minnesota. March 2003
Zimmerman, J.K.H. and B. Vondracek. 2003. Community-level consequences of trout introductions: investigating interactions between native and nonnative species in a coldwater stream. 51st annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Athens, Georgia, 27-31 May. May 2003
Zimmerman, J.K.H. and B. Vondracek. 2003. Community-level consequences of trout introductions: investigating interactions between native and non-native species in a coldwater stream. 133rd annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec, Canada 10-14 August. (poster) August 2003
Zimmerman, J.K., B. Vondracek, and J. Westra. 2002. Effects of agricultural practices on fish communities in two Minnesota watersheds. Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Duluth, Minnesota. (Best Student Presentation). January 2002
Zimmerman, J.K., B. Vondracek, and J. Westra. 2001. Effects of agricultural practices on fish communities in two Minnesota watersheds. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa. (Invited) December 2001
Zimmerman, J. K. H. and B. Vondracek. 2004. Stream enclosure effects on drifting invertebrates and fish growth: do enclosure experiments produce biased results? Joint Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and the Society for Conservation Biology, St. Cloud, Minnesota. March 2004
Zimmerman, J. K. H. and B Vondracek. 2004. Stream enclosure effects on drifting invertebrates and fish growth: do enclosure experiments produce biased results? 52nd Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. June 2004
Zimmerman, J. K. H. and B Vondracek. 2004. Stream enclosure effects on drifting invertebrates and fish growth: do enclosure experiments produce biased results? 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin. August 2004
Wolfson, D., R. Knapik, J. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2020. Interior Population trumpeter swan migration ecology and conservation. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Virtual meeting. September 2020
Wolfson, D., R. Knapik, J. Fieberg, T. Cooper, and D.E. Andersen. 2020. Interior Population trumpeter swans: where are they going next? 2020 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Willmar, Minnesota, U.S.A. February 2020
Wolfson, D., J.R. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2021. Using piecewise regression to identify biological phenomena in biotelemetry datasets. 7th International Bio-logging Science Symposium (virtual meeting). October 2021
Wolfson, D., J.R. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2021. Using piecewise regression to identify biological phenomena in biotelemetry datasets. 2021 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society (virtual meeting). November 2021
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg., T. Cooper, J.S. Lawrence, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Range overlap between Mid-Continent and Eastern sandhill cranes revealed by GPS-tracking. Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, Bloomington, Minnesota. February 2017
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg., T. Cooper, J.S. Lawrence, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Range overlap between Mid-Continent and Eastern sandhill cranes revealed by GPS-tracking. 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2017
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. Interior Population Trumpeter Swan annual movement and migration patterns. The Wildlife Society 2022 Annual Conference. October 2022
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2022. Interior Population Trumpeter Swan annual movement and migration patterns. 7th International Swan Symposium and 26th Swan Conference. Jackson, WY, USA. October 2022
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2019. Juvenile sandhill cranes exhibit wider ranging and more exploratory movements than adults during the breeding season. Joint Annual Conference of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society. Reno, Nevada, U.S.A. September 2019
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2021. A range-wide assessment of Interior Population Trumpeter Swan migration patterns. Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section. Virtual meeting. January 2021
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, T. Cooper, J.S. Lawrence, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Range overlap between Mid-Continent and Eastern sandhill cranes revealed by GPS-tracking. 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2017
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, J. Lawrence, T. Cooper, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. When worlds collide: a current assessment of two formerly distinct sandhill crane populations in Minnesota. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Callaway, Minnesota. February 2017
Wolfson, D., J. Fieberg, J. Lawrence, T. Cooper, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. A comparison of movements between adults and juvenile sandhill cranes during spring and summer: evidence for prospecting? 14th North American Crane Working Group Workshop, Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA. January 2017
Wolfson, D., J. Fieber, D. Andersen, S. Oyler-McCance, and S. Reddy. Do swans of a different feather mix together? Post-reintroduction genetic diversity of Interior Population trumpeter swans and genomic correlates of differential migration strategies. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. November 2023
Wolfson, D., D.E. Andersen, T.R. Cooper, J. Lawrence, and J. Fieberg. 2016. Spatial ecology of sandhill crane populations in Minnesota. Minnesota Chapter of the The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Mankato, Minnesota. February 2016
Wolfson, D., D.E. Andersen, T.R. Cooper, J. Lawrence, and J. Fieberg. 2016. Spatial ecology of sandhill crane populations in Minnesota. 76th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. January 2016
Wolfson, D., D.E. Andersen, T. Cooper, S. Cordts, J. Fieberg, C. Henderson, C. Herwig, J. Moriarty, M. Smith, D.M. Arsnoe, B.A. Avers, A.G. Duffiney, R.T. Knapik, and D.R. Luukkonen. 2020. Interior population trumpeter swan migration ecology and conservation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A. January 2020
Wolfson, D., D.E. Andersen, T. Cooper, J. Lawrence, and J. Fieberg. 2015. Spatial ecology of sandhill crane populations in Minnesota. Joint Minnesota/Wisconsin Chapters of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota. February 2015
Wolfson, D. W., T. Cooper, S. Cordts, J. Fieberg, C. Henderson, C. Herwig, J. Moriarty, M. Smith, and D. E. Andersen. 2019. Interior Population trumpeter swan migration ecology and conservation. 25th Trumpeter Swan Society Conference, Alton, Illinois, U.S.A. November 2019
Wolfson, D. R. Knapik, J. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2021. A range-wide assessment of Interior Population Trumpeter Swan migration patterns. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual meeting. February 2021
Wolfson, D, D. E. Andersen, J. Lawrence, T. Cooper, D. Fronczak, and J. Fieberg. 2016. Minnesota sandhill crane population affiliation and migration ecology. Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society Annual Meeting, Fertile, MN. April 2016
Williams, M.A. and B. Vondracek. 2004. Geospatial spring identification in southeast Minnesota. 18th annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, 30 July-2 August, New York, New York. August 2004
Williams, M.A. and B. Vondracek. 2004. Geospatial characteristics of karst springs in southeast Minnesota. 134th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin, 22-26 August. August 2004
Williams, M.A. and B. Vondracek. 2003. Groundwater modeling in karst terrain: hydrological flow in southeast Minnesota. 17th annual meeting of the Society for Conservation Biology, Duluth, Minnesota, 18 June-2 July. June 2003
Williams, M. A. and B. Vondracek. 2004. Geospatial spring identification in southeast Minnesota. 59th Annual Conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, St. Paul, Minnesota. July 2004
Williams, M. A. and B. Vondracek. 2004. Geospatial spring characteristics in southeast Minnesota. Joint annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and the Society for Conservation Biology, St. Cloud, Minnesota, 15-17 March. March 2004
Williams M.A., and B. Vondracek. 2003. Groundwater modeling in karst terrain: hydrological flow in southeast Minnesota. Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chaska, Minnesota. March 2003
Westra, J., J.K.H. Zimmerman, and B. Vondracek. 2003. Economic and environmental benefits of mandated agricultural best management practices. American Water Resources Association 2003 Spring Specialty Conference. 12-14 May, Kansas City, Missouri. (Invited) May 2003
Westra, J., J. K. Zimmerman, and B. Vondracek. 2002. Encouraging farmers to produce environmental benefits from agriculture. 2002 Annual meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, Long Beach, California, 28-31 July. July 2002
Westra, J. V., J. K. H. Zimmerman, and B. Vondracek. 2004. Economic and fisheries effects of select conservation programs of the 2002 Farm Act. 59th annual conference of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, 24-28 July. July 2004
Waterhouse, L., L. Ailloud, G. daSilva, J. M. Hoenig. Improving age composition estimates: Evaluating a Bayesian method for estimating ages from spines with vascularized cores. World Fisheries Congress. Virtual, 20-24 September 2021. August 2021
Waterhouse, L., Heppell, S., Semmens, B.X., Candelmo, A., and C.V. Pattengill-Semmens [organizers]. (2024, and September 15-19). Spawning Splendor: Exploring Fish Aggregations in Tomorrow's Seas [Innovative Session]. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. September 2024
Walberg, E.M, L.J. Cornicelli, and D.C. Fulton. Factors impacting hunting access to private lands in southeastern Minnesota. 23rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, NC October 15-19, 2016. October 2016
Walberg, E., D.C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli. and G. D’Angelo. 2018. Attitudes toward and management preferences for elk in northwestern Minnesota. 2018 The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A October 2018
Vondracek,B., P. Bolstad, I. Chisholm, B. Knudsen, B. Blick, and P. Nacionales. 2009. Watershed assessment tool: developing an index of watershed health. 57th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 17-21 May 2009. May 2009
Vondracek, B., K.L. Blann and B. A. Nerbonne. 2000 (Invited). Habitat-fish relationships across local to watershed scales. Trout and the trout angler: Workshop II. Salmonid Technical Committee, North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, La Crosse, Wisconsin. 6-8 July 2000. July 2000
Vondracek, B., J.K.H. Zimmerman, and J.V. Westra. 2003. Setting an effective TMDL for suspended sediment. Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chaska, Minnesota. March 2003
Vondracek, B., J.K.H. Zimmerman, and J.V. Westra. 2003. Setting an effective TMDL for suspended sediment. American Water Resources Association 2003 Spring Specialty Conference. 12-14 May, Kansas City, Missouri. (Invited) May 2003
Vondracek, B., J. D. Koch, and Marcus W. Beck. A comparison of survey methods to evaluate macrophyte index of biotic integrity performance in Minnesota lakes. Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 2013
Vondracek, B., C.R. Ruetz, III, A. L. Hurford. 2001. Interspecific interaction between brown trout and slimy sculpin: a test of competition and facilitation. June 2001
Vondracek, B., B. Blick, P. Bolstad, I. Chisholm, B. Knudson, P. Nacionales, D. O’Shea, and H. Wan. 2011. The current state of the Watershed Assessment Tool. 44th Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-9 February, Sandstone, Minnesota. (Invited) February 2011
Vondracek, B. and K.L. Blann. 2004. Landscape and site factors affecting brook trout distribution. 134th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin, 22-26 August. August 2004
Vondracek, B. and K.L. Blann. 2001. Hierarchical classification of southeastern Minnesota streams based on instream and landscape characteristics. 9th National Nonpoint Source Monitoring Workshop, Indianapolis, Indiana. April. April 2001
Vondracek, B. and K.L. Blann. 2001. Hierarchical classification of southeastern Minnesota streams based on instream and landscape characteristics. August 2001
Vondracek, B. and K.L. Blann. 2000 (Invited). Catchment and riparian scale influences on streams in southeastern Minnesota. 130th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. 20-24 August 2000. August 2000
Vondracek, B. 2004. Influences of agricultural practices on water quailty and native aquatic communities in the Midwest. 134th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin, 22-26 August. August 2004
Vondracek, B. 2002. Nonmarket public goods associated with agricultural lands. Annual meeting of the West North Central Region of the Soil and Water Conservation Society, Moline, Illinois (Invited) October 2002
Vondracek, B. 2000 (Invited). Grazing, landscape health and water quality. Enhanced Landscape, Food Systems, Human and Animal Health Symposium, University of Minnesota. 28 April 2000. April 2000
Vlaming, J. and D.C. Fulton. 2003. Fly vs. worm: Comparing fly and bait anglers on southeast Minnesota trout streams. Minnesota Chapter American Fisheries Society. Chaska, Minnesota. March 4. March 2003
Vlaming, J. and D.C. Fulton. 2002. Social and environmental classification of trout streams in SE Minnesota. The 9th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana. June 2-5. June 2002
Vlaming J. and D.C. Fulton 2003. Social and environmental classification of trout streams. Minnesota Chapter American Fisheries Society. Chaska, Minnesota. March 4. March 2003
Tingley III, R. W., J. Hansen, D. Isermann, D. Fulton, A. Musch, and C. Paukert. 2019. It’s complicated: Characterizing Wisconsin angler preferences for largemouth bass, bluegill, and walleye fisheries in inland lakes. 79th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH. Poster presentation. January 2019
Streby,H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Evacuation migration: tornadic storm avoidance behavior in breeding warblers. American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society 2015 Annual Meeting, Norman, Oklahoma. July 2015
Streby, H.M., T. Will, S. Peterson, W. Brininger, J. Loegering, and D.E. Andersen. 2012. (Invited). Golden-winged warbler: Minnesota demography and landscape ecology. 9th Annual Forestry, Wildlife and Natural Resources Research Review. Cloquet, Minnesota. January 2012
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2013. Golden-winged warbler post-fledging habitat use and survival in the western Great Lakes region. One Hundred and Thirty-first Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union held in conjunction with the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society. Chicago, IL USA. August 2013
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2011. Golden-winged warbler demography: productivity and survival in Minnesota and Manitoba. 2011 The Wildlife Society Annual Conference. Waikoloa, Hawaii. November 2011
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2011. (Invited). Golden-winged warblers in the Upper Midwest: productivity, habitat associations, and management implications. Wisconsin Bird Conservation Initiative 2011 Statewide Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin. September 2011
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, T. Will, T. Cooper, and D.E. Andersen. (Invited) 2012. Golden-winged warblers and the importance of diverse forest landscapes. Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter. Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Bloomington, Minnesota. April 2012
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, G.R. Kramer, and D.E. Andersen. 2014 Post-independence fledgling ecology in golden-winged warblers: implications for breeding-grounds conservation and management. 2014 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, KS. January 2014
Streby, H.M., J.P. Loegering, and D.E. Andersen. 2010. Golden-winged warbler demography: productivity and survival in northwest Minnesota in 2010. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. December 2010
Streby, H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Evacuation migration: tornadic storm avoidance behavior in breeding warblers. Forestry and Natural Resources Seminar Series, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA. March 2016
Streby, H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, D.J. McNeil, J.L. Larkin, and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Tracking golden-winged warbler migration with geolocators reveals population specific timing, routes, and wintering areas. Black Swamp Bird Observatory Fall Warbler Workshop, Oregon, Ohio, USA. September 2016
Streby, H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, D.J. McNeil, J L. Larkin, and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Tracking golden-winged warbler migration with geolocators reveals population specific timing, routes, and wintering areas. Inland Bird Banding Association Annual Meeting, Connersville, Indiana, USA. November 2016
Streby, H.M., D.E. Andersen, S.M. Petersen and G.R. Kramer. 2014. Full-season habitat associations of forest nesting songbirds. Minnesota’s Forest Habitats: Managing Across the Forest Continuum. Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society and American Bird Conservancy. Pallisade, MN. August 2014
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2008. Survival and habitat use of fledgling forest nesting songbirds in a managed forest landscape. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Regional Office. Minneapolis, Minnesota. November 2008
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2011. Demographic response of golden-winged warbler to habitat and management across a climate-change gradient at the core of the species’range. Conserving the Future: Wildlife Refuges and the Next Generation. Madison, Wisconsin. July 2011
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2011. (Invited). What the post-fledging period tells us that the nesting season does not. 129th Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists’ Union. Jacksonville, Florida. August 2011
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2010. When is success not success? When it's songbird nesting success. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington. February 2010
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2009. Nesting success does not equal reproductive success: a case study with songbirds. 70th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. December 2009
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2007. Post-fledging habitat use by ovenbirds on the Chippewa National Forest, Minnesota. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. December 2007
Streby, H.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2007. Habitat use of post-fledging forest-nesting songbirds in northern hardwood-coniferous forests of northern Minnesota. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Alexandria, Minnesota. March 2007
Streby, H.M, G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Tracking long-distance migration in tiny songbirds using tiny technology. University of California, Davis, Animal Behavior Graduate Group Winter Seminar Series, Davis, California. February 2015
Streby, H.M and D.E. Andersen. 2008. Edge effects and ovenbirds in northern hardwood forests: are clearcuts really all that bad? 15th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Miami, Florida. November 2008
Stevens, M. A. Landon, D. Fulton, S. Schroeder, L. McInenly. Stakeholder and wildlife value orientations related to grey wolf management preferences in Minnesota. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference, June 2023, Ft. Collins, CO, USA June 2023
Solensky, M.J., M.L. Crozier, M. Hamady, D.E. Andersen, and C.W. Boal. 2005. Determining northern goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) breeding area occupancy, nesting activity, and reproduction in northern Minnesota, 2003-2005. 2005 Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Annual Meeting, Green Bay, Wisconsin. October 2005
Smithers, B.L., C.W. Boal, and D.E. Andersen. 2003. Assessment of northern goshawk food habits using time-lapse video monitoring systems. Texas Chapter of The Wildlife Society 38th Annual Meeting, Waco, Texas. February. February 2003
Smithers, B.L., C.W. Boal, and D.E. Andersen. 2002. Analysis of northern goshawk food habits using time-lapse video monitoring systems in Minnesota. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, St. Cloud, Minnesota. February. February 2002
Smith, K., D.C. Fulton, A. Landon, L. McInenly. 2021. Assessing potential routes of human-facilitated transmission of chronic wasting disease. 81st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. February 1-3, 2021. Virtual. St. Paul, MN. February 2021
Smith, K., A. Landon, and D. Fulton. Application of hybrid choice models to wildlife management. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference. June 2023, Ft. Collins, CO, USA June 2023
Smith, K., A. Landon, L. McInenly, D.C. Fulton. Application of self-determination approach to hunting participation. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference. May 2022. Bremerton, WA May 2022
Smith, E., H. Harshaw, D.C. Fulton, A. Raedeke, R.M. Schuster. 2019. The few but satisfied: Alberta waterfowl hunter satisfaction. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Slagle, K. A. Dietsch, D.C. Fulton, R. Wilson, and J. Bruskotter. 2019. Social identity and trust in wildlife conservation. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A September 2019
Shrovnal, J.., ...., and L. Waterhouse. 2024. Vertical distribution of Lake Superior Cisco spawning aggregations. 154th Annual Meeting. American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, Hawaii, US. 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
Shanell Lovelace and David Fulton. 2024. Using Social Determination Theory to Understand Anglers' Motivations and Preferences. January 28-31. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, January 2024
Semmens, B.X., ...., and L. Waterhouse. 2024. Evidence of Cultural Reorganization in a Recovering Population of an Endangered Reef Fish. 154th Annual Meeting. American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, Hawaii, US. 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, W. Penning, and K. DonCarlos. Influence of persuasive messages on support for restricting lead shot in Minnesota. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Miami, FL October 2008. October 2008
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton and J. Lawrence. 2003. A typology of waterfowl hunters in Minnesota. The Wildlife Society Meeting. Burlington, VT September 9. (Invited) September 2003
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton. Small Game Hunters Intentions to Support a ban on Lead Shot in Minnesota’s Farmland Zone: How Beliefs Relate to Attitudes. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Bemidji, MN Feb. 4-6, 2014. February 2014
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton, 2006. Protecting Minnesota?s lakes: values, place attachment, and lake conservation. The 12th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Vancouver, BC. June 2006
Schroeder, S., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, A. Landon, and L. McInenly. 2019. Factors influencing acceptance of CWD management in Minnesota. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Schroeder, S. A., and D.C. Fulton. 2006. Coping with recreation conflict: How user group and value conflicts predict recreation coping and satisfaction. The 3rd International Conference on Monitoring and Management of Visitor Flows in Recreational and Protected Areas, Rapperswil, Switzerland. September 2006
Schroeder, S. A., Fulton, D.C.Lawrence, J.L., Cordts, S., 2007. Changes in Minnesota waterfowl hunting 1995-2005. Minnesota Waterfowl Association Annual Meeting. Bloomington, MN. April 2007
Schroeder, S. A., Fulton, D.C., Lawrence, J.S.. and Cordts, S.D. The great hunter migration: Why some Minnesota residents hunt waterfowl exclusively in North Dakota while others hunt at home. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, December 2007. Madison, WI. December 2007
Schroeder, S. A. and Fulton, D.C. 2007. Untangling the line: Constraints to fishing participation in communities of color. 137th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA. (invited). September 2007
Schroeder, S. A. and Fulton, D.C. Fishing in the Neighborhood: Understanding motivations and constraints for angling among Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota metro residents. September 2007. 137th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA. (invited) September 2007
Schroeder, S. A. and Fulton, D. C. 2007. Political action and philanthropy for lake protection: do outdoor recreation participation and place attachment predict intention to conserve Minnesota lakes. The 13th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management.Snowbird, UT. June 2007
Schroeder, S. A. and D.C. Fulton. 2004. Land of 10,000 lakes and 2.3 million anglers: crowding, conflict, and coping among Minnesota anglers. International Symposium on Society and Natural Resources Management. June 2-6, Keystone, CO. June 2004
Schroeder, S. A. and D.C. Fulton. 2004. He said, she said: gender and angling motivations, ethics, and behaviors. Society for Human Ecology, 12th International Conference. February 18-20, Cozumel, Mexico. February 2004
Schroeder, S. A. and D. C. Fulton. 2006. Protecting Minnesota?s lakes: place attachment, trust and lake conservation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Omaha, NE. December 2006
Schrage, M., D.C. Fulton, E. Walberg*, J. Forester, N. McCann. 2020. Restoring elk to northeast Minnesota: landowner and general public attitudes. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of American Foresters, Nisswa, MN, U.S.A. February 2020
Schrader, D., C.R. Ruetz, III, B. Vondracek, and R.M. Newman. 2001. Brown trout and slimy sculpin consumption on Gammarus. March 2001
Sammler, J.E., D.E. Andersen, and S.K. Skagen. 2000. Population trends of tundra nesting birds at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. 7th National Wildlife Society Conference. Nashville, Tennessee. September 2000. September 2000
Sammler, J.E., D.E. Andersen, and S.K. Skagen. 2000. Population trends of tundra nesting birds at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. December 2000. December 2000
Salcido, E. and D.C. Fulton. 2019. Place attachment and trust as predictors of landowner attitudes. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Safiq, A., Fulton, D.C. Nature Spiritualism, Marine Mammal Protection, and Salmon Restoration. Pathways Human Dimensions Conference, Bremerton, WA. May 1-4, 2022. May 2022
S.A. Schroeder & D. C. Fulton. Tolerance and intolerance among wolf hunters and trappers in Minnesota. ISSRM. Houghton, June 20, 2016. June 2016
Rutter, J., A. Dayer, H. Harshaw, J. Duberstein, and D.C. Fulton. 2019. Ethno-racial and social predictors of birdwatcher specialization. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Ruetz, C.R., III, R.M. Newman and B. Vondracek. 2000. Fish effects on shredders and leaf litter decay in a coldwater Minnesota stream. Joint meeting of the Minnesota chapters of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, St. Cloud, Minnesota. 19-21 January 2000. January 2000
Ruetz, C.R., III, R.M. Newman and B. Vondracek. 1999. Do fish affect leaf litter decay in Valley Creek, Minnesota? 11th Annual St. Croix River Research Rendezvous, Marine on St. Croix, Minnesota. 19 October 1999. October 1999
Ruetz, C.R., III, R. M. Newman, and B. Vondracek. 2001. Top-down control in a detrital-based food web: fish, shredders, and leaf litter decay in a coldwater stream. June 2001
Ruetz, C.R., III, R. M. Newman, and B. Vondracek. 2001. Complex trophic interactions in a coldwater stream: fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, and periphyton. August 2001
Ruetz, C.R., III, A.L. Hurford, and B. Vondracek. 2001. Interspecific interactions between brown trout and slimy sculpin. March 2001
Ruetz, C.R., III, A. L. Hurford, and B. Vondracek. 2001. Interspecific interactions between brown trout and slimy sculpin: a test of competition and facilitation. August 2001
Ruetz, C. R., III, R.M. Newman and B. Vondracek. 2000. Effects of fish on grazers and priphyton in a coldwater Minnesota stream. 130th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. 20-24 August 2000. August 2000
Ruddick, K. and B. Vondracek. 2009. Walleye forage in Mille Lacs Lake: a preliminary measure of mayfly abundance. Joint meeting of the Minnesota, Ontario, and Wisconsin chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Duluth, Minnesota, 2-4 February 2009. February 2009
Rudberg, E., D.C. Fulton, S.A. Schroeder, W. Penning, and K. DonCarlos. Understanding the beliefs affecting attitudes toward lead shot restrictions in Minnesota. Pathways to success: Integrating human dimensions into fish and wildlife management. Estes Park, CO September 2008. September 2008
Rudberg, E., D.C. Fulton, S.A. Schroeder, W. Penning, and K. DonCarlos. Understanding the beliefs affecting attitudes toward lead shot restrictions in Minnesota Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Miami, FL October 2008. October 2008
Rudberg, E. and D.C. Fulton. Understanding the conservation of lakeshore buffers in Minnesota, USA. Annual Meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology, July 2009. Beijing, China. July 2009
Rosendahl, J., Fulton, D.C., and D.H. Anderson. 2002. Assessing non-economic benefits of waterfowl production areas in Minnesota. 9th Annual The Wildlife Society Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota. September. September 2002
Rorbaugh, R., H.M. Streby, D.E. Andersen, J. Larkin, and D.A. Buehler. 2013. Golden-winged Warbler conservation and management: symposium summary and future directions in golden-winged warbler research and conservation. One Hundred and Thirty-first Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union held in conjunction with the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society. Chicago, IL USA. August 2013
Roger Faust, T. Wolf, D. Fulton et al.2024. A Community-Based Participatory Approach to Develop Chronic Wasting Disease Outreach and Management Plans. January 28-31. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. January 2024
Roberson, A.M., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2001. Evaluating and developing survey techniques using broadcast conspecific calls for northern goshawks in Minnesota. 2001 Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 2001. April 2001
Reiter, M.E., D.E. Andersen, A.H. Raedeke, and D.D. Humburg. 2011. Species interactions and habitat influence the range-wide distribution of breeding Canada geese in northern Manitoba. Churchill Northern Studies Centre and Parks Canada Science Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. January 2011
Reiter, M.E. and D.E. Andersen. 2009. The influence of species interactions and habitat on the range-wide distribution of breeding Canada geese in Manitoba. 15th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Monterey, California. September 2009
Reiter, M.E. and D.E. Andersen. 2009. Evidence from spatial point-pattern analyses of territoriality and inter-specific interactions among sympatrically nesting Canada geese and lesser snow geese. 2009 Cooper Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona. April 2009
Reiter, M.E. and D.E. Andersen. 2009. Evaluating the influence of lesser snow goose nests on survival of Canada goose nests in northern Manitoba. 2009 Cooper Ornithologcal Society Annual Meeting, Tucson, Arizona. April 2009
Reiter, M.E. and D.E. Andersen. 2008. Factors influencing nest density of Eastern Prairie Population Canada geese in northern Manitoba: potential impacts of lesser snow goose-mediated habitat alteration. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio. December 2008
Reiter, M.E. and D.E. Andersen. 2007. Cycles and synchrony in historical trends of collared lemming abundance near Cape Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. 14th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Tucson, Arizona. September 2007
Reiter, M. and D.E. Andersen. 2005. Historical trends in lemming abundance and nest success of Canada geese: evidence in support of the bird-lemming hypothesis at Cape Churchill,Manitoba. Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2005 Annual Meeting, Fergus Falls, Minnesota. March 2005
Reiter, M. and D.E. Andersen. 2005. Historical trends in lemming abundance and nest success of Canada geese: evidence in support of the bird-lemming hypothesis at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. North American Arctic Goose Symposium, Reno, Nevada. January 2005
Raymond, K. L. and B. Vondracek*. 2011. Grazing systems, stream channels, and macroinvertebrates. 4th Annual Driftless Stream Restoration Symposium, 15-16 March, La Crosse, Wisconsin. March 2011
Raedeke, A., D.C. Fulton, H. Harshaw, R.M. Schuster, J. Duberstein. 2019. Adaptively applying human dimensions at multiple scales. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Peterson, S.M., H.M. Streby, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. (invited). The spatial ecology of golden-winged warblers. University of California, Berkeley, Wildlife, Fisheries, and Conservation Biology Seminar Series, Berkeley, California. October 2015
Peterson, S.M., H.M. Streby, and D.E. Andersen. 2013. Sex-based differences in strategies of post-fledging parental care in golden-winged warblers. One Hundred and Thirty-first Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union held in conjunction with the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society. Chicago, IL USA. August 2013
Peterson, S.M., H.M. Streby, and D.E. Andersen. 2013. Influence of landscape composition on golden-winged warbler full-season productivity. One Hundred and Thirty-first Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union held in conjunction with the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society. Chicago, IL USA. August 2013
Peterson, S.M., H.M. Streby, J.A. Leman, and D. E. Andersen. 2012. High-tech or field techs: an analysis of cost and bias in golden-winged warbler nest searching techniques. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, Kansas. December 2012
Peterson, S.M., H.M. Streby, J.A. Lehman, and D.E. Andersen. 2011. (Poster). High-tech or field techs: an analysis of cost and bias in golden-winged warbler nest searching techniques. 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa. December 2011
Peterson, S.M., H. M. Streby, G. R. Kramer, and D. E. Andersen. 2014. Recent advances in Golden-winged Warbler ecology. Minnesota Ornithologists’ Union Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. December 2014
Payton, M.A. and D.C. Fulton. 2004. Southeastern Minnesota landowners opinions on land conservation techniques and programs. International Symposium on Society and Natural Resources Management. June 2-6, Keystone, CO. June 2004
Payton, M.A. and D.C. Fulton. 2003. Minnesota fisheries stewardship and management: an angler's perspective. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Dec. 7-10, Kansas City, MO. December 2003
Payton, M. A., D.C. Fulton, and D.H. Anderson. 2004. Sense of place and community life: The influences of sense of place on trust and civil involvement Society for Human Ecology, 12th International Conference. February 18-20, Cozumel, Mexico February 2004
Payton, M. A., D.C. Fulton and D.H. Anderson. 2002. Understanding visitor uses, motives, and benefits at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge. The 9th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Indiana University. Bloomington, Indiana. June 2-5. June 2002
Payton, M. A., D.C. Fulton and D.H. Anderson. 2002. Place attachment and social capital at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge. 9th Annual The Wildlife Society Conference, Bismarck, North Dakota. September. September 2002
Oppelt, E., J.G. Bruggink, K. Doherty, D.E. Andersen, J. Muenier, and R.S. Lutz. 2004. Fall survival of American woodcock in the western Great Lakes region. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. December 2004
Oppelt, E., J.G. Bruggink, K. Doherty, D.E. Andersen, J. Muenier, and R.S. Lutz. 2006. Fall survival of American woodcock in the western Great Lakes Region. 10th American Woodcock Symposium, Roscommon, Michigan. October 2006
Nyffeler, O., Waterhouse, L., and G. Hansen. Cisco Project Update. Lake Superior Technical Committee Meeting, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, July 25 - 27, 2023. July 2023
Nyffeler, O., Waterhouse, L., and G. Hansen. Cisco Project Update. Lake Superior Technical Committee Meeting, Marquette, Michigan, USA, Jamuary 9-12, 2023. July 2023
Nyffeler, O., Waterhouse, L., and G. Hansen. 2024. The Bad Recruitment Paradigm: A new lens on cisco population dynamics amidst weather extremes. ASLO 2024 Meeting Adapting to a Changing World, Madison, Wisconsin, USA, 2-7 June 2024. June 2024
Nyffeler, O., Waterhouse, L. and G. Hansen. Investigating Drivers of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) Recruitment in Lake Superior. IAGLR 2023: 66th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research, Toronto, Canada, May 8 - May 13, 2023. May 2023
Nyffeler, O., Waterhouse, L. and G. Hansen. Investigating Drivers of Cisco (Coregonus artedi) Recruitment in Lake Superior. 15th International Symposium on Biology and Management of Coregonid fishes (ISBMC), Evian, France, September 25 - 29, 2023. September 2023
Nelson, M.R. and D.E. Andersen. 2010. American woodcock Singing-ground Surveys in the western Great Lakes region: assessment of woodcock counts, forest cover types along survey routes, and landscape cover type composition. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. December 2010
Nelson, M.R. and D.E. Andersen. 2010. American woodcock Singing-ground Surveys in the western Great Lakes region: assessment of woodcock counts, forest cover types along survey routes, and landscape cover type composition. 2010 Joint Meeting of the Minnesota Chapters of The Wildlife Society, American Fisheries Society, Society of American Foresters, and the Society for Conservation Biology, Nisswa, Minnesota. March 2010
Nelson, M.R. and D.E. Andersen. 2009. American woodcock Singing-ground Surveys in the western Great Lakes region: assessment of trends in woodcock counts, land cover types along survey routes, and survey routes representation of the boarder landscape. 70th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. December 2009
Nack, R.R. and D.E. Andersen. 2003. Distribution of Eastern Prairie Population (EPP) Canada geese broods near Cape Churchill, Manitoba 1977-2002: potential influence of increased snow goose abundance. 2nd International Canada Goose Symposium. Madison, Wisconsin. March. March 2003
Nack, R.R. and D.E. Andersen. 2002. Brood movements and distribution of Eastern Prairie Population (EPP) Canada geese in northern Manitoba. 9th Annual The Wildlife Society Conference. Bismarck, North Dakota. September. September 2002
Murray, L.M. and D.C. Fulton. 2000. Using a normative approach to assessing fishing bag limits in Minnesota. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN. December 5-8, 2000. December 2000
Meunier, J., R. Song, R.S. Lutz, D.E. Andersen, J.G. Bruggink, K. Doherty, and E. Oppelt. 2005. Fall migration chronology of American woodcock in the western Great Lakes region. The Wildlife Society 12th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin September 2005
Merten, E. C., J. C. Finlay, H. G. Stefan, R. M. Newman, B. Vondracek, L. B. Johnson. 2009. Ecohydraulics of wood transport in streams: empirical models from Minnesota. 57th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 17-21 May 2009. May 2009
Meneks, M.L. and B. Vondracek. 2000. Juvenile and larval fishes of the Red River of the North--Year 2. Joint meeting of the Minnesota chapters of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, St. Cloud, Minnesota. 19-21 January 2000. January 2000
Meneks, M. and B. Vondracek. 2000. Fish assemblages in channelized and unchannelized streams in the Red River of the North. 130th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, Missouri. 20-24 August 2000. August 2000
McInenly, L. D.C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli. 2019. Trophy hunting and other motivations in regulatory design. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Mazack, J., W. French, P. Sherman, J. Biederman, L. Krider, B. Vondracek, J. Perry, and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2012. The unique role of winter invertebrate communities in trout streams of southeastern Minnesota. Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium 4-7 March, Minneapolis, Minnesota. March 2012
Mazack, J., L. Krider, B. Vondracek, and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2012. Winter invertebrate community dynamics in groundwater-fed streams of southeastern Minnesota. 60th annual meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science, 20-24 May 2012, Lexington, Kentucky. May 2012
Mazack, J., L. Krider, B. Vondracek, and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2012. Winter invertebrate community dynamics in groundwater-fed streams of southeastern Minnesota. 142nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. August 2012
Mazack, J., L. Krider, B. Vondracek, J. Perry, and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2012. Winter invertebrate community dynamics in groundwater-fed streams of southeastern Minnesota. 5th Annual Driftless Area Symosium, 27-28 March 2012, LaCrosse, Wisconsin. March 2012
Mazack, J., B. Vondracek, and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. Overwinter invertebrate community dynamics in groundwater-fed streams of southeastern Minnesota. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science. May 2013
Mazack, J., B. Vondracek, and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. Overwinter emergence dynamics of adult Chironomidae (Insecta: diptera) in groundwater-fed streams of southeastern Minnesota. Annual meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science May 2014
Mazack, J., B. Vondracek, and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. OVERWINTER INVERTEBRATE COMMUNITY DYNAMICS IN GROUNDWATER-FED STREAMS OF SOUTHEASTERN MINNESOTA. Minnesota Water Resources Conference October 2014
Maddie Stevens, a. Landon, D. Fulton 2024. Predicting the Adoption of Nonlethal Management Practices Among Livestock Producers for Wolf Depredation Prevention. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, January 28-31, 2024. Sioux Falls, SD January 2024
Lucas, Paschal and David Fulton. 2024. Diversity and Access to Nature and Wildlife-Related Opportunities. January 28-31. Midwest Fish ​& Wildlife ​Conference, Sioux Falls, SD . January 2024
Louwsma , J., W. French, J. Biederman, P Sherman, L. Krider, B. Vondracek, J. Perry. L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2011. Winter invertebrate dynamics in trout streams of southeastern Minnesota. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, 18-19 October 2011, St. Paul, Minnesota. October 2011
Louwsma , J., B. Vondracek, J. Perry, J. Biederman, W. French, L. Krider, and L. C. Ferrington, Jr. 2011. 2011 Upper Midwest Stream Restoration Symposium, 1-3 March, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. March 2011
Loomis, J., B. Vondracek, and H. Schramm. 2008. Survival and blood chemistry response of walleye Sander vitreus to simulated live-release fishing tournaments. Minnesota Chapter, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Alexandria, Minnesota, 3-5 March 2008. (Best student paper award) March 2008
Loomis, J. H., B. Vondracek, and H. L. Schramm, Jr. 2008. The effects of simulated live-release walleye tournaments on survival and blood chemistry. 69th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 14-17 December 2008. December 2008
Lepore, J., J. Keville, D. Dustin, C. Tomko, B. Vondracek. 2011. Cumulative Impacts of Residential Lakeshore Development on Littoral Habitat. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, 18-19 October 2011, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Poster) October 2011
Lepore, J., J. Keville, D. Dustin, C. Tomckko, and B. Vondracek . 2011. Cumulative impacts of residential lakeshore development on littoral habitat. 44th Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-9 February, Sandstone, Minnesota. (Poster) February 2011
Lepore, J. A., J. R. Keville, and B. Vondracek. Localized and cumulative impacts of lakeshore residential development on littoral habitat. Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 2013
Lepore, J, J. Keville, D. Dustin, C. Tomcko, and B. Vondracek. 2012. Cumulative impacts of lakeshore residential development on littoral habitat. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, 16-17 October 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. October 2012
Layton, J., A. Candelmo, B. Semmens, C.V. Pattengill-Semmens, B. Stock, L. Waterhouse, C.M. McCoy, B. Johnson, D. Heppell, S. Huber, S. Barkdoll, S.A. Heppell. 2023. Early Life History Stages of Yellowfin Grouper in Little Cayman, Cayman Islands. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, Washington, ,USA. August 2022
Landon, A.C., Fulton, D.C., Hansen, J., Miller, H.M., Reed, J., Safiq, A., Schroeder, S.A. Priorities for state fisheries management under fiscal constraint. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference. May 1-4, 2002. Bremerton, WA May 2022
Landon, A., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly, and S. Schroeder. 2019. Assessing landowner preferences for CWD management in southeast Minnesota: a discrete choice experiment. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Landon, A., K. Smith, D.C. Fulton, and G. Kyle. Reconceptualizing motivation in human dimensions using self-determination theory. Human Dimensions Pathway Conference, June 2023, Ft. Collins. Co. June 2023
LaSharr, K., Fulton, D., and Cornicelli, L. 2016. Investigating Visitor Use Trends and Management Preferences at Minnesota Wildlife Management Areas. Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Conference, Mankato, MN. Oral Presentation. February 2016
LaSharr, K., D.C. Fulton, L.J. Cornicelli. Investigating visitor trends and management preferences at Minnesota Wildlife Management Areas. 23rd Annual conference of The Wildlife Society. Raleigh, NC, October 15-19, 2016. October 2016
Kyle Smith, D.C. Fulton, M. Craft. 2024. Linking human behavior and attitudes to spillover of SARS Cov-2 at the cervid-human interface. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, January 28-31, 2024. Sioux Falls, SD January 2024
Krider, L., J. A. Magner, J. Perry, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., and B. Vondracek. Air - water temperature relationships in the trout streams of Southeastern Minnesota’s carbonate - sandstone landscape. 5th Annual Driftless Area Symosium, 27-28 March 2012, LaCrosse, Wisconsin. March 2012
Kramer, G.R., S. M. Peterson, H. M. Streby, and D. E. Andersen. 2021. Conservation of golden-winged warblers in the western Great Lakes region based regionally derived information. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual meeting. February 2021
Kramer, G.R., K.O. Daly, H.M. Streby, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. A spatially explicit method for estimating the effects of landscape composition and configuration on full-season productivity of American woodcock in Minnesota. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2014. What do we know about Golden-winged Warblers in Minnesota? 2014 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. March 2014
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, K.O. Daly, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. What's good for the woodcock is good for the warbler? Productivity of two young-forest flagship species on a shared landscape. 136th Stated Meeting of the American Ornithological Society. Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. April 2018
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, K.O. Daly, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. Of woodcock and warblers: two species trying to thrive in the same landscape. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A. October 2018
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, and D.E. Andersen. 2014. There and back again: migratory behaviors of golden-winged warblers discovered using geolocators. University of Minnesota FNRM 8107 seminar series. St. Paul, Minnesota. December 2014
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, D.J. McNeil, J.L. Larkin, and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Wintering grounds and migratory routes of golden-winged warblers discovered using light-level geolocators: implications for full life-cycle management. 76th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. January 2016
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, D.J. McNeil, J.L. Larkin, and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Nonbreeding isolation and population specific migration routes among three populations of golden-winged warblers. North American Ornithological Conference, Washington DC, USA. August 2016
Kramer, G.R., H.M. Streby, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, D.J. McNeil, J.L. Larkin, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Migration and movement ecology of golden-winged warblers derived from light-level geolocators. 2015 American Ornithologists' Union and Cooper Ornithological Society Joint Annual Meeting. August 2015
Kramer, G.R., H.M Streby, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. There and back again: migratory behaviors of golden-winged warblers discovered using geolocators. Joint Minnesota/Wisconsin Chapters of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota. February 2015
Kramer, G.R., D.E. Andersen, D.A. Buehler, P.ZB. Wood, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, K.R. Aldinger, L.P. Bulluck, B. Gray, S. Harding, J.A. Jones, D.I. King, J.L. Larkin, J.P. Ooegering, D.J. McNeil, D.B. Miles, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H.M. Streby. 2017. Range-wide migration patterns and distribution of Vermivora warblers during the nonbreeding period. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologists, East Lansing, Michigan, USA. August 2017
Kramer, G.R., D.E. Andersen, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M.Peterson, J.A. Lehman, K.R. Aldinger, L.P. Bulluck, B. Gray, S. Harding, J.A. Jones, D.I. King, J.P. Loegering, D.B. Miles, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H.M. Streby. Range-wide patterns of migratory connectivity and nonbreeding distribution of Vermivora warblers. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. January 2018
Kramer, G.R., D.E. Andersen, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, K.R. Aldinger, L.P. Bulluck, S. Harding, J.A. Jones, J.P. Loegering, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H.M. Streby. 2023. Exposure to risk factors experienced during migration is not associated with recent Vermivora warbler population trends. Joint American Ornithological Society/Society of Canadian Ornithologists meeting, London, Ontario, Canada. August 2023
Kramer, G.R., D.E. Andersen, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, K.R. Aldinger, L.P. Bulluck, S. Harding, J.A. Jones, J.P. Loegering, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H.M. Streby. 2018. Population trends of Vermivora warblers are linked to strong migratory connectivity. 2018 The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio USA. October 2018
Kramer, G.R., D.E. Andersen, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, K.R. Aldinger, L.P. Bulluck, S. Harding, J.A. Jones, J.P Loegering, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H.M. Streby. 2018. Range-wide migration patterns in Vermivora warblers. 136th Stated Meeting of the American Ornithological Society. Tucson, Arizona, U.S.A. April 2018
Kramer, G.R., D.E. Andersen, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, K.R. Aldinger, L.P Bulluck, B. Gray, S. Harding, J.A. Jones, D.I. King, J.L. Larkin, J.P Loegering, D.J. McNeil, D.B. Miles, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H.M. Streby. 2016. Range-wide assessment of wintering distributions and migration routes of golden-winged warblers using geolocators. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA. October 2016
Kramer, G.R., D.E. Andersen, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, K.R. Aldinger, L.P. Bulluck, S. Harding, J.A. Jones, J.P. Loegering, C. Smalling, R. Vallender, and H.M. Streby. 2020. Limited evidence that variation in space use and exposure to potential risk factors during migration are associated with variation in Vermivora warbler population trends. North American Ornithological Conference. Virtual meeting. August 2020
Kiley Fryman and David Fulton. 2024. Genetic Biocontrol for Aquatic Invasive Species: Understanding the Public's Perceptions. January 28-31. Midwest fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, SD. January 2024
Keville, J., J. Lepore, D. Dustin, C. Tomko, B. Vondracek. 2012. Cumulative Impacts of Residential Lakeshore Development on Littoral Habitat. 142nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. August 2012
Kennedy, P.L., J.E. Bruggeman, T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, and D. Nigro. 2015. Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Australia, Adelaide, Australia. December 2015
Kennedy, P.L., J.E. Bruggeman, T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, and D. Nigro. 2015. (invited) Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. July 2015
Kennedy, P.L., J.E. Bruggeman, T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, and D. Nigro. 2015. (invited) Dynamics of a recovering Arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. Murdoch University, Perth, Australia. July 2015
Kennedy, P.L. and D.E. Andersen. 1999 (Invited). Methods for monitoring regional populations of northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis): An example protocol from the western Great Lakes region. Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., La Paz, Mexico. November 1999
Hurford, A. L., B. Vondracek, and C. R. Reutz III. 2000. Interactions between brown trout and slimy sculpin in Valley Creek, Minnesota. October 2000
Huff, D. D., L. M. Miller, and B. Vondracek. 2011. A simulated reciprocal transplant experiment: local adaptation in reintroduced populations of a native North American fish. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 4-8 September 2011, Seattle, Washington. September 2011
Huff, D. D., L. M. Miller, and B. Vondracek. 2009. Patterns of ancestry and genetic diversity in reintroduced populations of the slimy sculpin: Implications for conservation. 70th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois, 6-9 December. December 2009
Huff, D. D., L. M. Miller, and B. Vondracek. 2009. Native fish reintroductions: why is there variation in the persistence amoung ancestral groups of slimy sculpins? 23rd annual meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology, Beijing, China, 11-16 July 2009. July 2009
Huff, D. D., L. M. Miller, C. J. Chizinski, and B. Vondracek. 2010. Outbreeding depression and genetic diversity in reintroduced populations of the slimy sculpin. Joint Meeting of the Minnesota Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Society for Conservation Biology, Society of American Foresters and The Wildlife Society, 1-3 March, Nisswa, Minnesota. March 2010
Hill, N., T.R. Cooper, D.H. Johnson, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Secretive marshbird response to wetland plant management in western Minnesota. 2017 Annual meeting of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. September 2017
Hill, N., T.R. Cooper, D.H. Johnson, and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Secretive marshbird response to wetland management in western Minnesota. 2016 Annual Symposium of the Natural Resources Association of Graduate Students, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA. April 2016
Hill, N., T.R. Cooper, D.H. Johnson, and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Secretive marshbird response to wetland management in western Minnesota. 2016 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Mankato, Minnesota, USA. February 2016
Hill, N., T. Cooper, D.H. Johnson, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Secretive marshbird response to wetland management in western Minnesota. Minnesota Waterfowl Symposium, Bloomington, Minnesota. February 2017
Hill, N., T. Cooper, D.H. Johnson, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Secretive marshbird response to wetland management in western Minnesota. 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2017
Hill, N., T. Cooper, D.H. Johnson, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Secretive marshbird response to wetland management in western Minnesota. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Callaway, Minnesota. February 2017
Hill, N., D.E. Andersen, D.H. Johnson, and T. Cooper. 2018. Secretive marshbird response to long-term vegetation management in west-central Minnesota. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. St. Cloud, Minnesota, U.S.A. February 2018
Hill, N., D.E. Andersen, D.H. Johnson, and T. Cooper. 2018. Secretive marshbird response to herbicide control of invasive cattail (Typha spp.) in northwestern Minnesota. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. St. Cloud, Minnesota, U.S.A. February 2018
Hill, N., D.E. Andersen, D.H. Johnson, and T. Cooper. 2018. Converting marshbird counts to density: adjusting for distance and variable amounts of potential cover at survey points. 2018 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. October 2018
Hill, N., D.E. Andersen, D.H. Johnson, and T. Cooper. 2018 Secretive marshbird response to fire and grazing in wetlands of western Minnesota. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. January 2018
Heppell S.., ...., and L. Waterhouse. 2024. Binocular vision and data poor fisheries: Length analysis and stock status. 154th Annual Meeting. American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, Hawaii, US. 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
Henry, J.K., B. Vondracek, and J. Westra. 2001. Effects of agricultural practices on fish communities. Joint meeting of the Dakota, Minnesota, and Southeast Ontario chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Fargo, North Dakota. March. March 2001
Henry, J.K., B. Vondracek, and J. Westra. 2001. Effects of agricultural practices on fish communities. March 2001
Henneman, C., M.A. McLeod, and D.E. Andersen. 2005. Using presence/absence surveys to assess status and population trend of red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus) in central Minnesota. 2005 Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Annual Meeting, Green Bay, Wisconsin. October 2005
Hayes, S., Anderson, D.H., and Fulton, D.C. 2000. Identifying social benefits of waterfowl production areas in Minnesota. 62nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN. December 5-8, 2000. November 2001
Harshaw, H., D.C. Fulton, A. Dayer, A. Raedeke, and J. Duberstein. 2019. North American waterfowl hunters’ and birdwatchers’ involvement in conservation. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Goebel, K.M., N.M. Davros, D.E. Andersen, and P.J. Rice. 2020. (Invited). Insecticide drift and impacts on insect prey resources of birds on public grasslands in Minnesota. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. August 2020
Goebel, K.M., N.M. Davros, D.E. Andersen, and P.J. Rice. 2020. Insecticide drift and impacts on insect prey resources of birds on public grasslands in Minnesota. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois, U.S.A. January 2020
Goebel, K.M., N.M. Davros, D.E. Andersen, and P.J. Rice. 2020. Impacts of insecticide spray drift on insect prey resources of birds in public grasslands in Minnesota. 2020 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Willmar, Minnesota, U.S.A. February 2020
Goebel, K.M., N.M Davros, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. Insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public land in southwestern Minnesota. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. January 2018
Goebel, K., N. Davros, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. Insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public land in southwestern Minnesota. 2018 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. St. Cloud, Minnesota, U.S.A. February 2018
Goebel, K., N. Davros, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Evaluating insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public lands. 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. February 2017
Goebel, K., N. Davros, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Evaluating insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public lands. 2017 LCCMR Pollinator Project Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota U.S.A. March 2017
Goebel, K., N. Davros, and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Evaluating insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public lands. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Callaway, Minnesota. February 2017
Goebel, K., N. Davros, D.E. Andersen, and P.J Rice. 2018. Insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public land in southwestern Minnesota. 2018 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. October 2018
Goebel, K., N. Davros, D.E. Andersen, and P. Rice. 2019. Grassland wildlife exposure to insecticides on public land in Minnesota. Natural Resources Association of Graduate Students Symposium. St. Paul, Minnesota U.S.A. April 2019
Goebel, K., N. Davros, D.E. Andersen, and P. Rice. 2019. Grassland wildlife exposure to insecticides on public land in Minnesota. 2019 Annual Meeting of the MN Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Duluth, Minnesota U.S.A. February 2019
Goebel, K., N. Davros, D.E. Andersen, and P. Rice. 2018. Evaluating insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public lands. Natural Resources Association of Graduate Students Symposium. St. Paul, Minnesota U.S.A. April 2018
Goebel, K., N. Davros, D.E. Andersen, and P. Rice. 2018. Evaluating insecticide exposure risk for grassland wildlife on public lands. 2018 LCCMR Pollinator Project Meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota U.S.A. March 2018
Gillespie, M. and D.E. Andersen. 2008. (Invited). Canada geese in the Hudson Bay Lowlands?how research compliments management actions. Wapusk National Park Research and Monitoring Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. February 2008
Fulton, David C., K. Slagle, A. Dietsch, H. Harshaw, H. Miller, E. Watkins and R. Schuster, NAWMP Surveys of Stakeholders:  Findings  Highlights from the US and Canada. Presented to Human Dimensions Working Group. St. Louis, MO January 2018 January 2018
Fulton, D.C., Schroeder, S.A., Lawrence, J.S., and Cordts, S. D. Changes in waterfowl hunter participation, motivations and satisfaction over time. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, December 2007. Madison, WI. December 2007
Fulton, D.C., Schroeder, S.A. and Rudberg, E. Factors influencing conservation of lakescapes. 10th Biennial Conference of Research on the Colorado Plateau/Society of Conservation Biology North American Section Meeting. October, 2009. Flagstaff, AZ. October 2009
Fulton, D.C., S.A. Schroeder and J. Lawrence. 2006. Do hunter satisfaction and trust in agency personnel predict support for waterfowl regulations? The Wildlife Society 13th Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. (Presented) September 2006
Fulton, D.C., S. Schroeder, and L.J. Cornicelli. Hunting as a social-ecological system: the case of turkey hunting. The 23rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Raleigh, NC, October 15-19, 2016. October 2016
Fulton, D.C., S. A. Schroeder, E. Rudberg., W. Penning and K. DonCarlos. Influence of persuasive messages on support for restricting lead shot in Minnesota. Pathways to success: Integrating human dimensions into fish and wildlife management. Estes Park, CO September 2008. September 2008
Fulton, D.C., M.J. Manfredo, and T.L. Teel 2019. America’s shifting wildlife values, attitudes, and wildlife management in the U.S. North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. (Invited presentation in opening plenary session). August 2019
Fulton, D.C., J.S. Lawrence, E. Price, and J. Vlaming. 2002. Comparison of Minnesota waterfowl hunters and wildlife professionals on beliefs about and support for waterfowl conservation and management strategies. 9th Annual The Wildlife Society Conference, Bismarck, ND. September 24-28. September 2002
Fulton, D.C., Bruskotter, J. and Schroeder, S. Using the cognitive hierarchy to understand and predict angler behavior: Its promise and limitations. World Recreation Fishing Conference. Victoria, BC. July 16-20, 2017. July 2017
Fulton, D.C., A. Raedeke, J., Enck, Humburg, D., and K. Hunt. Development of a waterfowl hunter recruitment and retention strategy. Pathways to success: Integrating human dimensions into fish and wildlife management. Estes Park, CO September 2008. September 2008
Fulton, D.C. and Schroeder, S.A. Predicting personal norms and behavioral intentions for protection and removal of native aquatic plants. Annual Meeting of the Society of Conservation Biology, July 2009. Beijing, China. July 2009
Fulton, D.C. and R. Dodd. Managing Muskie in Minnesota. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Ottawa, Canada, August 2008. August 2008
Fulton, D.C. and LJ. Cornicelli. Managerial Implications of the Enduring WVO Concept. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference. Goslar, Germany September 2018
Fulton, D.C. and L.J. Cornicelli. The dynamic nature of values and wildlife value orientations. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM) . Umea, Sweden. June 19-22, 2017. June 2017
Fulton, D.C. and K. Davan. 2021. Understanding attitudes and risk perceptions of using genetic biocontrol for invasive species. Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Center Showcase. September 22, 2021. Virtual. St. Paul, MN September 2021
Fulton, D.C. and D.H. Anderson. 2002. Assessing non-economic benefits of waterfowl production areas in Minnesota. The 9th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN. June 2-5. June 2002
Fulton, D.C. May 2000. A planning framework for experience-based wildlife viewing management. Wildlife Viewing: A Management Planning Workshop. Winterpark, Colorado. 17-19 May 2000. May 2000
Fulton, D.C. July 2000 (Invited). Integrating social information into decision-making. Trout and the trout angler: Workshop II. Sponsored by the Salmonid Technical Committee, North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, La Crosse, Wisconsin. 6-8 July 2000. July 2000
Fulton, D.C. Influences on Private Landowner Behaviors to Manage Wildlife Habitat. 79th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Denver, Co March 12, 2014. March 2014
Fulton, D.C. February 2000. Applying outcomes-based management to fish and wildlife recreation. Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management: Emerging Issues and Practical Applications. University of Minnesota, St. Paul. 1-3 February 2000. February 2000
Fulton, D.C. 2013. Application of human dimensions inquiry and findings to inform efforts to recruit and retain hunters and birders. North American Duck Symposium. Memphis, TN. Jan. 27-Feb. 1, 2013. January 2013
Fulton, D.C. 2004. Motivations for and economic impacts of coldwater recreational fishing in Lake Superior, Minnesota. American Fisheries Society. August 21-26, Madison, WI. (Invited). August 2004
Fulton, D.C. 2003. Understanding angler knowledge and ethics: User ethics in recreational fisheries. Society of Conservation Biology, June 29, Duluth, MN (Invited) June 2003
Fulton, D.C. 2002. Minnesota waterfowl hunters: A study of hunters' opinions and activities in 2000. Minnesota. Waterfowl Association Annual Meeting, Okoboji, IA. April 14. April 2002
Fulton, D.C. (Invited) Boomers, Xers and Y’s in the workforce: What they mena for the management of fish and wildlife. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Meeting. Rapid City, South Dakota, July 2008. July 2008
Fulton, D.C. H.W. Harshaw, N. Cole, A. Raedeke, and R. Schuster. 2019. Understanding trip preferences of birdwatchers and waterfowl hunters. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Fulton, D.C. H.W. Harshaw, H. Miller, A. Raedeke, R. Schuster, A. Dayer, and J.N. Duberstein 2018. Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Understand Trip Preferences of Birdwatchers and Waterfowl Hunters in the United States and Canada. 2018 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. (Invited) October 2018
Fulton, D.C. 2007. Hunting satisfaction, participation and regulations. Minnesota Waterfowl Association Annual Meeting, Bloomingtion, MN. April 2007
Fulton, D. et al. Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Understand Trip Preferences of Birdwatchers and Waterfowl Hunters in the United States and Canada. Internal Symposium for Society and Resource Management. Snowbird, Utah June 2018
Fronczak, D.L., D.E. Andersen, E.E. Hannah, and T.R. Cooper. 2016. Distribution, migration chronology, and survival estimate of Eastern Population sandhill cranes. 76th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. January 2016
French, W., L. Ferrington, B. Vondracek, J. Perry, J. Magner, J. Biederman, J. Louwsma, L. Krider, and P. Kranzfelder. 2011. Mitigating the effects of climate change on cold water streams in southeastern Minnesota. 44th Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-9 February, Sandstone, Minnesota. February 2011
French, W., J. Biederman, J. Mazack, P Sherman, L. Krider, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., B. Vondracek, and J. Perry. 2012. Winter foraging and growth of brown trout in southeastern Minnesota streams. 142nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. August 2012
French, W., J. Biederman, J. Mazack, P Sherman, L. Krider, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., B. Vondracek, and J. Perry. 2012. Winter foraging and growth of brown trout in southeastern Minnesota streams. 5th Annual Driftless Area Symosium, 27-28 March 2012, LaCrosse, Wisconsin. March 2012
French, W., J. Biederman, J. Louwsma, P Sherman, L. Krider, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., B. Vondracek, and J. Perry. 2011. Winter diets and dynamics of brown trout in groundwater dominated streams. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, 18-19 October 2011, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Poster) October 2011
French, W., J. Biederman, J. Louwsma, P Sherman, L. Krider, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., B. Vondracek, and J. Perry. 2011. Winter diets and dynamics of brown trout in groundwater dominated streams. 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 4-7 December 2011, Des Moines, Iowa. (Poster) December 2011
French, W., J. Biederman, J. Louwsma, P Sherman, L. Krider, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., B. Vondracek, and J. Perry. 2011. Winter diets and dynamics of brown trout in groundwater dominated streams. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 4-8 September 2011, Seattle, Washington. September 2011
French, W. E., B. Vondracek, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., J. Finley, and D. J. Dieterman. Relative position of brown trout in winter food webs of groundwater-dominated streams using stable isotope analysis. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 26-29 January 2014, Kansas City, Missouri. Summer interactions of stream-dwelling brown trout Salmo trutta within food webs have been frequently studied; however, relatively little is known during winter within food webs. Groundwater may increase the availability of potential prey and create more favorable foraging conditions for trout by maintaining relatively warm winter temperatures. We used stable isotope analysis to examine the relative position of brown trout in the aquatic food webs of 13 streams across the Driftless Ecoregion of southeastern Minnesota. Two tissue types with differing turnover rates (fin and mucus) were used to examine temporal, and spatial variation in relative food web position of brown trout. Although relative food web position varied both temporally and by individual, brown trout stable isotope signatures indicated aquatic invertebrates were likely the predominant prey source. Additionally, brown trout may have used a combination of allochthonous and autochthonous derived resources within the winter aquatic food web. January 2014
French, W. E., B. Vondracek, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., J. Finley, and D. J. Dieterman. Pairing of stomach content and stable isotope analysis to examine winter trophic relationships of brown trout Salmo trutta in a groundwater-dominated stream. To be presented at the annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. March 2013
French, W. E., B. Vondracek, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., J. Finlay, and D. J. Dieterman. Factors influencing winter growth and condition of Brown Trout in groundwater dominated streams of the Driftless Ecoregion. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. August 2014
French, W. E., B. Vondracek, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., J. Findley, and D. Dieterman. 2015. Winter growth of brown trout in southeastern Minnesota streams: the effects of groundwater buffering and trout diet. 75th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Factors Impacting Hunter Access to Private Lands in Southeastern Minnesota. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Mankato, MN, February 9-11, 2016 February 2016
Factors Impacting Hunter Access to Private Lands in Southeastern Minnesota. 4th Annual Natural Resources Association of Graduate Students Research Symposium, St. Paul, MN, April 15, 2016. April 2016
Epton, J.A. and D.C. Fulton. June 2000. Procedural justice in natural resource decision making: Building healthy communities of interest. 8th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Bellingham, Washington. 17-22 June 2000. June 2000
Epton, J.A. and D. C. Fulton. 2002. Using participatory decision-making to build relationships in natural resource communities of interest. The 9th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Indiana University. Bloomington, IN. June 2-5. June 2002
Epton, J. and D.C. Fulton. July 2000 (Invited). Building community through conflict management. Trout and the trout angler: Workshop II. Sponsored by the Salmonid Technical Committee, North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, La Crosse, Wisconsin. 6-8 July 2000. July 2000
Dustin, D., J. Lepore Schmidt, J. Keville, and B. Vondracek. 2014. Impacts of shoreline development on fish and littoral habitat in northern Minnesota. Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Mankato, Minnesota, 3-5 March 2014. March 2014
Dougherty, E.M. and D.C. Fulton. 2000. Understanding values and attitudes related to deer management in Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. 8th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Bellingham, Washington. 17-22 June 2000. June 2001
Dolph, C., S. Eggert, J. Magner, L. Ferrington, and B. Vondracek. 2012. The response of macroinvertebrate community structure and function to reach-scale restoration in agricultural streams of southern Minnesota. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, 16-17 October 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. October 2012
Dolph, C., J. Magner, and B. Vondracek. 2010. Linking ecosystem processes to macroinvertebrate community structure in a restored stream in the Minnesota River Basin. Minnesota Water Resources Conference. 19-20 October 2010, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Poster) October 2010
Dolph, C., D. Huff, C. Chizinski, B. Vondracek. 2009. Linking changes in macroinvertebrate community composition to sources of water quality impairment in Minnesota streams. 57th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 17-21 May 2009. May 2009
Dolph, C., B. Vondracek, and J. Magner. 2011. Linking ecosystem processes to macroinvertebrate community structure in a restored stream in the Minnesota River Basin. 44th Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-9 February, Sandstone, Minnesota. (Poster) February 2011
Dolph, C. L., D. D. Huff, C. J. Chizinski, and B. Vondracek. 2010. Implications of concordance for assessing aquatic communities at three nested spatial scales in Minnesota, USA. Joint Meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and the North American Benthological Society. 6-11 June 2010. Santa Fe, New Mexico. June 2010
Dolph, C. L., B. Vondracek, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., and J. Magner. 2011. Beyond diversity: reach-scale restoration may lead to more stable macroinvertebrate community composition in highly disturbed agricultural streams. 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 4-7 December 2011, Des Moines, Iowa. December 2011
Doherty, K., D.E., Andersen, J. Meunier, E. Oppelt, J.G. Bruggink, and R.S. Lutz. 2004. Distance-based analysis of the efffects of habitat and weather on movement patterns of adult female American woodcock (Scolopax minor). The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. September 2004
Doherty, K., D.E. Andersen, and G.I. Jones. 2005. Effects of spatial configuration and smoothing parameter choice on fixed kernel home range estimation: American woodcock home range analysis using field and simulated data. The Wildlife Society 12th Annual Meeting, Madison, Wisconsin September 2005
Davis, B., Kessel, S., and L. Waterhouse. Establishing Baited Remote Underwater Video Survey (BRUVS) Watching Program to Aid in Conservation of Sharks in The Bahamas. Minnesota Chapter of American Fisheries Society 2023 Meeting, St. Cloud, Minnesota, USA, January 31 - February 2, 2023. January 2023
Davan, K. and D. Fulton. Understanding risk perceptions and attitudes toward using genetic biocontrol for invasive species. June 2023. International Association of Society & Natural Resources Conference, Orono, ME June 2023
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2017. Evaluating indices of recruitment for American woodcock. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.L. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2017. Breeding season survival of American woodcock at a habitat demonstration area in Minnesota. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Daly, K.O., D.E. Andersen, W.I. Brininger, and T.R. Cooper. 2018. Evaluating indices of full-season productivity for American woodcock. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. January 2018
Daly, K.O., D. E. Andersen, and W.L. Brininger, Jr. 2013. Effects of radio transmitters on survival of juvenile American woodcock. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Walker, Minnesota. February 2013
Daly, K.O., D. E. Andersen, and W.L. Brininger, Jr. 2012. Effects of radio transmitters on survival of juvenile American woodcock. 73rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Wichita, Kansas. December 2012
Daly, K.O. and D.E. Andersen. 2014. Are indirect estimates of American woodcock recruitment useful proxies for direct estimates of recruitment? 2014 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, KS. January 2014
D.C. Fulton, S.A. Schroeder, D. Stark, & L. Cornicelli. Attitudes and motivations of wolf hunters and trappers in Minnesota. NACCB Madison, WI July 19, 2016. July 2016
D.C. Fulton et al. Values tranlated into objectives: engaging waterfowl stakeholders. North American Duck Symposium. Special Session: Implementing the 2012 NAWMP Revision: Management Decisions to Integrate Multiple Objectives at Varying Scales. Annapolis, MD February 3, 2016. February 2016
Currie, L.M. and D.C. Fulton. 2001. Using a normative approach to assessing fishing bag limits in Minnesota. 34th Minnesota Chapter of American Fisheries Society Meeting, Fargo, ND. March 5-7, 2001. March 2001
Currie, L.M. and D.C. Fulton. 2001. Using a normative approach to assessing fishing bag limits in Minnesota. 131st American Fisheries Society Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. August 19-23, 2001. August 2001
Cornicelli, L., D.C. Fulton, and M. Grund. 2006. Assessing hunter preference of deer management alternatives in Minnesota. The Wildlife Society 13th Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. September 2006
Cornicelli, L. and D. C. Fulton. Change in satisfaction and participation among deer hunters in areas with special regulations. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society. September 2009. Monterey, CA. September 2009
Cooper, T. and D.E. Andersen. 2012. (Invited). American woodcock: current status and research in the Midwest. 9th Annual Forestry, Wildlife and Natural Resources Research Review. Cloquet, Minnesota. January 2012
Cole, N., D.C. Fulton, H.W. Harshaw, H. Miller, A. Raedeke, R. Schuster, A. Dayer, and J.N. Duberstein. 2019. Progress in understanding stakeholder and public preferences for waterfowl hunting, viewing, and conservation. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. (Invited presentation in plenary session) August 2019
Cochran-Biederman, J. and B. Vondracek. Seasonal patterns in growth diet, and prey availability of Brown Trout in groundwater-dominated streams. The annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. August 2014
Cochran-Biederman , J., W. French, and B. Vondracek. Diet and growth of brown trout in southeastern Minnesota: seasonal patterns across two years. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. September 2013
Chizinski, C., H. Wan, C. Dolph, B. Vondracek, and B. Wilson. 2009. The impact of rare taxa on measures of fish index biotic integrity (IBI) in Minnesota. 139th annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Nashville, Tennessee, 30 August-3 September 2009. August 2009
Chizinski, C. J., C. R. Blinn, and B. Vondracek. 2009. Response of riparian fish and invertebrate assemblages to timber harvesting in northern Minnesota streams. Joint meeting of the Minnesota, Ontario, and Wisconsin chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Duluth, Minnesota, 2-4 February 2009. February 2009
Carlson, A., W. French, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., B. Vondracek, and Jim Perry. 2011. Age structure and growth rates of brown trout in southeast Minnesota streams. 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 4-7 December 2011, Des Moines, Iowa. December 2011
Carlson, A. K., and B. Vondracek. 2015. Synthesis of ecology and human dimensions for predictive management of Bighead and Silver Carp in the United States. 75th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Carlson, A. K., W. French, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., B. Vondracek, and J. Perry. 2012. Age Structure and Growth Dynamics of Brown Trout in Southeast Minnesota Streams. 142nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. August 2012
Carlson, A. K., W. E. French, B. Vondracek, L. C. Ferrington, Jr., J. E. Mazack, J. Cochran-Biederman. 2015. Recent and historical trends in brown trout growth in southeastern Minnesota streams. 75th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. February 2015
Buehler, D.A., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.J. McNeil, J.L. Larkin, D.E. Andersen, P. Wood, and H.M. Streby. 2017. New insights into the migration ecology and full life cycle conservation of Golden-winged Warblers. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Tennessee Ornithological Society, Knoxville, TN. May 2017
Buehler, D.A., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.J. McNeil, J.L. Larkin, D.E. Andersen, P. Wood, and H.M. Streby. 2016. New insights into the migration ecology and full life cycle conservation of golden-winged warblers. Chattanooga Chapter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society, Chattanooga, Tennessee, U.S.A. September 2016
Buehler, D.A., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.J. McNeil, J.L. Larkin, D.E. Andersen, P. Wood, and H.M. Streby. 2016. New insights into the migration ecology and full life cycle conservation of golden-winged warblers. Chattanooga Chapter of the Tennessee Ornithological Society, Chattanooga, Tennessee, U.S.A. September 2016
Buehler, D.A. H.M. Streby, and D.E. Andersen. 2013. Golden-winged warbler conservation and management: Welcome, explanation of the symposium, and introduction to Golden-winged Warblers. One Hundred and Thirty-first Stated Meeting of the American Ornithologists' Union held in conjunction with the Eighty-third Annual Meeting of the Cooper Ornithological Society. Chicago, IL USA. August 2013
Buehler, D., T. Boves, L. Bulluck, J. Larkin, A. Rodewald, P. Wood, S. Stoleson, H Streby, S. Peterson, and D.E. Andersen. 2018. Status and conservation of golden-winged and cerulean warblers: lessons learned from long-term research in Tennessee and from across the range. Tennessee Bird Summit, Tennessee, U.S.A. January 2018
Bruskotter, J.T. and D.C. Fulton, 2006. The influence of angler values orientations on angler norms. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Vancouver, BC. June 2006
Bruskotter, J.T. and D.C. Fulton, 2006. Land conservation in practice: attitudinal correlates of southeast Minnesota landowers conservation behavior. The Wildlife Society 13th Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. September 2006
Bruskotter, J.T and Fulton, D.C. Assessing accuracy of angler information collected at point of sale. December 2007. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI. December 2008
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2015. Dynamics of a recovering arctic bird population: the importance of climate, density dependence, and site quality. The Wildlife Society 2015 Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. October 2015
Bruggeman, J.E., T. Swem, D.E. Andersen, P.L. Kennedy, and D. Nigro. 2013. Multi-scale resource use of arctic peregrine falcons along the Colville River, Alaska. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI. October 2013
Bruggeman, J.E., P.L. Kennedy, D.E. Andersen, S. Deisch, and E. Dowd Stukel. 2022. Effects of abiotic, biotic, and forest management factors on changes in northern goshawk nest-site habitat suitability in the Black Hills National Forest. 2022 South Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Virtual meeting. March 2022
Bruggeman, J.E., D.E. Andersen, and J.E. Woodford. 2010. Northern goshawk monitoring in the western Great Lakes bioregion. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. December 2010
Bruggeman, J., D.E. Andersen, and J. Woodford. 2007. Northern goshawk monitoring in the western Great Lakes region. 68th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, Wisconsin. December 2007
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2003. Productivity and nesting habitat of northern goshawks in Minnesota. 2003 International Northern Goshawk Symposium and Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. September 2003
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2002. Northern goshawk: status, conservation, and Minnesota overview. 2002 Minnesota SAF summer meeting. Cass Lake, Minnesota. September. (Invited) September 2002
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2000. Breeding season home range and habitat use of male northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in Minnesota. 2000 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Jonesboro, Arkansas. November 2000. November 2000
Blann, K.L. and B. Vondracek. 2002. Landowner perspectives on stream management and conservation programs in southeastern Minnesota. Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Duluth, Minnesota. January 2002
Blann, K.L. and B. Vondracek. 2001. Linkages between instream habitat, riparian, and catchmentcharacteristics: insights from GIS in southeastern Minnesota. 63rd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, Iowa. (Invited) December 2001
Blann, K.L. and B. Vondracek. 2000. Catchment and riparian scale influences on streams in southeastern Minnesota. Joint meeting of the Minnesota chapters of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society, St. Cloud, Minnesota. 19-21 January 2000. January 2000
Blann, K.L. and B. Vondracek. 2000. Catchment and riparian scale influences on streams in southeastern Minnesota. 7th Biennial Conference of Minnesota Water 2000, Minneapolis, Minnesota, 25-26 April 2000. April 2000
Blann, K. L. and B. Vondracek. 2003. Landscape analysis of stream fish communities and trout abundance in GIS: lessons and limitations. 64th Annual meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO, 8-10 December. December 2003
Blann, K. L. and B. Vondracek. 2001. Hierarchical classification of southeastern Minnesota streams. Joint meeting of the Dakota, Minnesota, and Southeast Ontario chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Fargo, North Dakota. March. March 2001
Biedermann, J., L. C. Ferrington, Jr., B. Vondracek, Jim Perry, J. Magner, W. French, J. Louwsma, L. Krider, P. Sherman, and P. Kranzfelde. 2011. Predicting and mitigating vulnerability of trout streams to climate change. 4th Annual Driftless Stream Restoration Symposium, 15-16 March, La Crosse, Wisconsin. March 2011
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Occupancy and detection probability of American woodcock during Singing-ground Surveys. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2017. Estimating density and effective area surveyed for American woodcock. 11th American Woodcock Symposium, Rosscommon, Michigan, USA. October 2017
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2010. Factors affecting detection of American woodcock on Singing-ground Surveys. 17th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Snowbird, Utah. September 2010
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2010. Factors affecting detection of American woodcock on Singing-ground Surveys. 17th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Snowbird, Utah. October 2010
Bergh, S.M. and D.E. Andersen. 2010. Estimation of the effective area surveyed for American woodcock on Singing-ground Surveys. 71st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. December 2010
Beck, M., B. Vondracek, and L. Hatch. 2012. Image analysis techniques to evaluate effects of lakeshore development on aquatic habitat. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, 16-17 October 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. October 2012
Beck, M., B. Vondracek, and L. Hatch. 2012. Image analysis techniques to evaluate effects of nearshore lake development on aquatic macrophytes. 142nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. August 2012
Beck, M., B. Vondracek, and L. Hatch. 2012. Image analysis techniques to evaluate effects of nearshore lake development on aquatic macrophytes. 142nd Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 19-23 August 2012, St. Paul, Minnesota. August 2012
Beck, M., B. Vondracek, and L. Hatch. 2012. Identifying covariates of a lake assessment index to improve biological assessment. 2012 annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the Society for Conservation Biology, 10 March 2012, West St. Paul, Minnesota. March 2012
Beck, M., B. Vondracek, and L. Hatch. 2011. Image analysis techniques to evaluate effects of nearshore lake development on aquatic macrophytes. 72nd Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 4-7 December 2011, Des Moines, Iowa. December 2011
Beck, M., B. Vondracek, and L. Hatch. 2011. Image analysis techniques to evaluate effects of nearshore lake development on aquatic macrophytes. Minnesota Water Resources Conference, 18-19 October 2011, St. Paul, Minnesota. (Poster) October 2011
Beck, M., B. Vondracek, and L. Hatch. 2011. Image analysis techniques to evaluate effects of nearshore lake development on aquatic macrophytes. 44th Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, 8-9 February, Sandstone, Minnesota. (Best Student Presentation) February 2011
Beck, M., B. Vondracek, and L. Hatch. 2011. Image analysis techniques to evaluate effects of nearshore lake development on aquatic macrophytes. 141st Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, 4-8 September 2011, Seattle, Washington. September 2011
Beck, M. W., L. K. Hatch, B. Vondracek, and R. D. Valley. 2010. Development of a macrophyte-based index of biotic integrity for Minnesota lakes. 2010 International Congress for Conservation Biology, 3-7 July 2010, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. July 2010
Beck, M. W., B. Vondracek, and L. K. Hatch. 2010. Assessing the health of Minnesota’s lakes using indices of biotic integrity. Joint Meeting of the Minnesota Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Society for Conservation Biology, Society of American Foresters and The Wildlife Society, 1-3 March, Nisswa, Minnesota. March 2010
Beck, M. W, B. Vondracek, B. Wilson, and L. Hatch. Evaluating the utility of a plant-based index of lake condition using neural networks. 98th annual meeting of the Ecological Society of America August 2013
Au, L., D.E. Andersen, and M. Davis. 2003. Patterns in bird community structure related to restoration of Minnesota dry oak savannas. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri, USA. December 2003
Asmus, B., J. Magner, B. Vondracek, and J. Perry. 2007. Channel Stability or Habitat Quality? Which Drives Fish IBI in Midwestern Streams?, 55th Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society, Columbia, South Carolina. 3-7 June 2007 June 2007
Andersen, D.E., S. DeStefano, M.I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-Bedford, J.J. Keane, R.G. Anthony, and R.N. Rosenfield. 2003. Technical review of the status of northern goshawks in the western United States. 2003 International Northern Goshawk Symposium and Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. (Invited) September 2003
Andersen, D.E., M.E. Reiter, K.E. Doherty, and D.C. Fulton. 2006. Magnitude and spatial distribution of American woodcock hunting pressure in a central Minnesota wildlife management area. 10th American Woodcock Symposium, Roscommon, Michigan. October 2006
Andersen, D.E., J.E. Bruggeman, J.E. Woodford, and C.W. Boal. 2011. Northern goshawk population size in the western Great Lakes region. Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation. Duluth, Minnesota. September 2011
Andersen, D.E., H.M, Streby, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M. Peterson, G.R. Kramer, and J.A. Lehman. 2015. Golden-winged warbler migration connectivity and ecology derived from geolocators. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana. January 2015
Andersen, D.E., H.M, Streby, D.A. Buehler, P.B. Wood, S.M. Peterson, G.R. Kramer, and J.A. Lehman. 2015. Golden-winged warbler migration connectivity and ecology derived from geolocators. Iowa Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Ames, Iowa. March 2015
Andersen, D.E., C.W. Boal, and P.L. Kennedy. 2002. Breeding season home range and habitat use of northern goshawks in Minnesota. Research in National Forests in the western Great Lakes region annual workshop. Cloquet, Minnesota. January 2002. (Invited) January 2002
Andersen, D.E. and H.M. Streby. 2007. (Invited). Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit forest bird monitoring: forest-nesting songbirds, forest raptors, and American woodock. Minnesota Breeding Birds Inventory and Monitoring Workshop, Duluth, Minnesota. January 2007
Andersen, D.E. 2004. (Invited) Northern goshawks: status review and ecology in North America. Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding, Hebei, China. August 2004
Andersen, D.E. 2003. Demography of northern goshawks in North America: an overview. International Northern Goshawk Symposium and Annual Meeting of The Raptor Research Foundation, Inc., Anchorage, Alaska. (Invited) September 2003
Andersen, D.E. 2023. A swan song for cross-boundary collaborations. Nebraska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit 2023 Coordinating Committee Meeting, Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. September 2023
Andersen, D.E. 2011. (Invited). Mid-continent light geese: conservation and implications for Canada geese. Fur Fin & Feather Club, Osseo, Minnesota. September 2011
Andersen, D.E. 2009. (Invited). Distribution, abundance, and habitat use of red-shouldered hawks in central Minnesota. Managing forests in the Mille Lacs Uplands for biodiversity and high conservation values. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Onamia, Minnesota. December 2009
Andersen, D.E. 2008. (Invited). Survey techniques. 2008 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation, Inc. Workshop on Raptor Research and Management Techniques. Missoula, Montana. September 2008
Andersen, D. E. 2017. American woodcock breeding range habitat management. 11th American Woodcock Symposium. Rosscommon, Michigan, U.S.A. October 2017
Altinger, N., J.K.H. Zimmerman, and B. Vondracek. 2003. Species interactions and sedimentation effects on two trout species in Valley Creek. Annual meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Chaska, Minnesota. (Poster) March 2003
Adkins, K.I., D.E. Andersen, C. Roy, and R. wright. 2018. “Flushing Out” the relationship between grasslands, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Enrollments, and greater prairie-chicken (Tympanchus cupido pinnatus) populations in Minnesota. Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society Annual Meeting, Glyndon, Minnesota, U.S.A. April 2018
Adkins, K.I., D.E. Andersen, C. Roy, and R. wright. 2017. “Flushing Out” the relationship between grasslands, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Enrollments, and greater prairie-chicken (Tympanchus cupido pinnatus) populations in Minnesota. 32nd Prairie Grouse Technical Council, Dickinson, North Dakota, U.S.A. October 2017
Adkins, K.I., D.E. Andersen, C. Roy, and R, Wright. 2016. The relationship between grasslands, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) enrollments, and greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) populations in Minnesota. Annual Meeting of The Minnesota Prairie Chicken Society, Fertile, MN. April 2016
Adkins, K., C. Roy, D.E. Andersen, and R.G. Wright. 2018. Predicting the effects of grassland Conservation Reserve Program enrollments and expirations on greater prairie-chickens in northwestern Minnesota. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, U.S.A. January 2018
Adkins, K., C. Roy, D.E. Andersen, and R.G. Wright. 2017. Quantifying the relationship between grasslands, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) enrollments and greater prairie chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) in Minnesota. 2017 Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Callaway, Minnesota. February 2017
Adkins, K., C. Roy, D.E. Andersen, and R.G. Wright. 2017. Quantifying the relationship between grasslands, Conservation Research Program (CRP) enrollments and greater prairie-chicken populations (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) in Minnesota. 77th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2017
Fulton, D.C., E. Walberg*, M. Schrage, J. Forester, N. McCann. 2020. Restoring elk to northeast Minnesota: landowner and general public attitudes. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Biannual Deer and Elk Workshop. Marfa, TX, U.S.A. May 2019
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Zimmerman, J. K. H. 2005. Interactions between native and nonnative species: consequences of a brown trout introduction on a coldwater stream community. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota. August 2005
Wolfson, D.W. 2018. Migratory ecology and movement patterns of Mid-Continent and Eastern sandhill cranes. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. June 2018
Walberg, Eric. (2016). Landowner and hunter surveys for white-tailed deer management in Minnesota: factors impacting hunter access to private lands and cell-by-cell correction to reduce mixed-mode survey sampling effects.. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, July 2016
Streby, H.M. 2010. Survival and habitat use by post-fledging forest-nesting songbirds in managed mixed northern hardwood-coniferous forests. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota U.S.A. 148pp. October 2010
Smithers, B.L. 2003. Northern goshawk food habits in Minnesota: an analysis using time-lapse recording systems. M.S. thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Texas. December 2003
Smith, Kyle. 2023. Integrating conservation social science into cervid management
in Minnesota. PhD. Thesis. Conservation Sciences. University of Minnesota. USA 204pp.
January 2023
Schlesser, N. J. 2007. Effects of riparian forest harvest on instream habitat and fish assemblages in northern Minnesota. M. S. Thesis, University of Minnesota. February 2007
Sammler, J.E. 2001. Population trends of tundra-nesting birds in Churchill, Manitoba: potential effects of increasing lesser snow goose (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) populations. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. August 2001
Salcido, E.L. 2019. Private landownership and Walk-In Access program enrollment: motivating factors of landowner attitudes and participatory decision-making. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA. 90pp. June 2019
Ruddick, K. 2009. Walleye Forage in Mille Lacs Lake: a preliminary measure of mayfly abundance. MS Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. May 2009
Roberson, A.M. 2001. Evaluating and developing survey techniques using broadcast conspecific calls for northern goshawks in Minnesota. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. September 2001
Reiter, M.E. 2009. Sympatric nesting Eastern Prairie Population Canada geese and lesser snow geese on the Hudson Bay Lowlands: nest survival and spatial distribution. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. July 2009
Reiter, M.E. 2006. Historical trends in collared lemming (Dicrostonyx richardsoni) abundance and nest success if Eastern Prairie Population (EPP) Canada geese (Branta canadensis interiorI in northern Manitoba: evaluating the "bird-lemming" hypothesis. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. May 2006
Raymond, K. 2009. The effects of rotational grazing on stream channels and macroinvertebrate communities. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. May 2009
Peterson, S.M. 2014. Landscape productivity and the ecology of brood division in golden-winged warblers in the western Great Lakes region. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. 174pp. August 2014
Petersen, A. 2005. Buffer strips around sinkholes to protect and improve water quality in southeastern Minnesota: conservation in karst. M. S. Thesis, University of Minnesota. May 2005
Nelson, M.E. 2010. American Woodcock Singing-ground Surveys in the western Great Lakes region: assessment of woodcock counts, forest cover types along survey routes, and landscape cover type composition. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota U.S.A. 105pp. October 2010
Nagle, F. A. 2007. Empowering conservation decisions: towards a theory of authentic arenas for environmental conflict management and decision-making. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota. April 2007
Nack, R.R. 2003. Brood movements and distribution of Eastern Prairie Population (EPP) Canada geese (Branta canadensis interior) in northern Manitoba: potential influence of increased snow goose (Chen caerulescens caerulescens) abundance. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. July 2003
Mazack, J. E. 2013. Emergence, survival, and longevity of adult Diamesa mendotae Muttkowski (Diptera: Chironomidae) in groundwater-fed streams. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 50pp. April 2013
Mannan, R.N. 2008. An assessment of survey mehtodology, calling activity, and habitat associations of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and boreal chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata) in a tundra biome. MS Thesis, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX. May 2008
Lueck, A. 2013. River and streams conditions of Minnesota, and their impact on aquatic biological communities. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 46pp. May 2014
Loomis, J. H. 2008. The survival and blood chemistry response of walleye sander vitreus to a simulated live-release fishing tournament. M. S. Thesis, University of Minnesota. May 2008
Lepore, J. 2013. Local and cumulative influences of docks on littoral habitat structure. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 48pp. May 2013
LaSharr, K. 2017. Understanding Visitors to Wildlife Management Areas in Minnesota. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, USA 73pp. August 2017
Kramer, G.R. 2017. Nonbreeding and migratory ecology of golden-winged warblers and effects of landscape composition and configuration on American woodcock productivity. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. 88pp April 2017
Keville, J. R. 2013. Effects of residential shoreline development on near shore aquatic habitat in Minnesota lakes. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 47pp. May 2013
Huff, D. D. 2010. Examining genetic diversity, outbreeding depression, and local adaptation in a native fish reintroduction program. PhD Dissertation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. April 2010
Hill, N.M. 2021. Secretive marshbird response to Invasive wetland plant management in the Prairie Pothole Region of Minnesota. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. 85pp. February 2021
Henneman, C. 2006. Habitat associations of red-shouldered hawks in central Minnesota landscapes. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. December 2006
Goebel, K.M. 2021. Insecticide drift and impacts on arthropod prey resources of birds in public grasslands in Minnesota. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. 118pp. February 2021
Fronczak, David. 2014. Distribution, migration chronology, and survival rates of Eastern Population sandhill cranes. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. November 2014
French, W. E. Winter ecology of Brown Trout in southeastern Minnesota streams. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 110pp. June 2014
Faust, Roger. 2024. Empowering tribal communities to advance natural resource management and outreach through collaborative approaches. Ph.D. Thesis. Conservation Sciences. University of Minnesota, 161pp. September 2024
Dolph, C. L. 2012. Defining stream integrity using biological indicators. PhD dissertation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. 177pp. September 2012
Dolph, C. 2008. Empowering water quality decisions: reducing uncertainty and bounding variability of stream ecosystem indicators. M. S. Thesis, University of Minnesota. April 2008
Doherty, K.E. 2004. Fall movement patterns of adult female American woodcock (Scolopax minor) in the western Great Lakes region. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. December 2004
Dick, T.E. 2009. Extended nest attentiveness by Canada geese (Branta canadensis) in response to embryocides. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. 33pp. November 2009
Daly, K.O. 2014. Assessment of techniques to evaluate American woodcock population response to best management practices applied at the demonstration-area scale. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. September 2014
Cross, Megan. Applying Theory To Management: Assessing the Practicality of Leopold's Land Ethic and the Risk Information and Processing (RISP) Model for Wildlife Management. MS Thesis submitted to University of Minnesota. August 2015
Bronk, R. 2008. Macroinvertebrate composition, habitat, and diet in relation to the reintroduction of slimy sculpin in southeast Minnesota. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota. July 2008
Blick, B. L. 2012. Knife River Stressor Identification, Kanabec County, Minnesota. M. S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. 97pp. February 2012
Bergh, S.M. 2011. Factors influencing detection of American woodcock during Singing-ground Surveys. M.S. Thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. 64pp. July 2011
Beck, M. W. Minnesota macrophytes: linking aquatic plants, lake health, and human activities. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN, USA. 215pp. May 2013
Au, L. 2003. Patterns in bird community structure related to restoration of Minnesota dry oak savannas. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota. October 2003
Atuke, D. M. 2008. Effectiveness of riparian forestry best management practices to protect stream habitat and biota: lessons from temperate and tropical systems. Ph.D. Dissertaion, University of Minnesota. January 2008
Adkins, K.I.S. 2017. The relationship between grasslands, Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) enrollments, and greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus) populations in Minnesota. M.S. thesis, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota, U.S.A. December 2017
Technical Publications Publication Date
Wildlife Management Institute. 2009. Best management practices for woodcock & associated bird species: Upper Great Lakes Woodcock and Young Forest Initiative. July 2009
Vondracek, B., R. M. Newman, and E. C. Merten. 2007. Comparison of effects of riparian harvest treatments on stream habitat, fish, instream wood, water temperature, and stream geomorphology nine years after harvest. Completion Report to the U. S. Forest Service, Grand Rapids, Minnesota. December 2007
Vondracek, B., R. M. Newman, and E. C. Merten. 2007. Comparison of effects of riparian harvest treatments on stream habitat, fish, instream wood, water temperature, and stream geomorphology nine years after harvest. Completion Report to the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement. May 2007
Vondracek, B., R. M. Newman, and E. C. Merten. 2007. Comparison of effects of riparian harvest treatments on stream habitat, fish, instream wood, water temperature, and stream geomorphology nine years after harvest. Completion Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. July 2007
Vondracek, B., D, C. Fulton, and H. L. Schramm. 2009. Mortality of walleye caught in live-release tournaments: assessment and determination of acceptable levels. Final report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. June 2009
Vlaming, J., D.C. Fulton, D.H. Anderson, and J. Rosendahl. 2003. Minnesota Waterfowl Production Areas 2001 visitor use study. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. March 2003
Vlaming, J. and D.C. Fulton. 2003. Trout angling in southeast Minnesota: a study of trout anglers. Report submitted to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. March 2003
Smithers, B., C. Boal and D.E. Andersen. 2002. An analysis of Northern Goshawk food habits using time lapse video recording systems and inventory of breeding sites in Minnesota. Annual Progress Report. Texas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Lubbock, TX. September 2002
Schroeder, S. and D.C. Fulton. 2006. Fishing in the neighborhood: a study of recreation and fishing participation in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. University of Minnesota, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology. Final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota. December 2006
Sammler, J. E., E. F. Perry, J. C. Manolis, D. E. Andersen, and F. Cuthbert. 2000. Biodiversity monitoring: breeding productivity and habitat requirements of nongame birds in north-central Minnesota. Final report to U.S. Geological Survey-Biological Resources Division. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. St. Paul, MN. January 2000
Payton, M.A., D.H. Anderson, and D.C. Fulton. 2002. Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Use 2000-2001. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Cooperative Park Studies Program, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. March 2002
Nack, R.R. and D.E. Andersen. 2002. Canada geese brood movement and habitat use at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Annual Progress Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. September 2002
Meneks, M. and B. Vondracek. 2000. Juvenile and larval fishes of the Red River of the North. Final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. St. Paul, MN. January 2000
Mannan, R.N. 2008. An assessment of survey methodology, calling activity, and habitat associations of wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) and boreal chorus frogs (Pseudacris maculata) in a tundra biome. M.S. thesis, Texas Tech Univeristy, Lubbock, Texas. Final Report to Wapusk National Park of Canada, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada. December 2008
Krinke, M., J. K. Herny, B. Vondracek and 13 others. Economic Analysis of Agriculture for Multiple Benefits. Final Report submitted to the Legislative Committee for Minnesotas Resources, St. Paul August 2001
Kocian, M., B. Vondracek, and B. Wilson. 2007. Hardwood Creek Impaired Water Case Study. Final Report to the Minnesota Water Resources Center. June 2007
Kocian, M. and B. Vondracek. 2006. Geographical Information Systems Techniques to Channel Slope Delineation in Minnesota. Final Report to USGS Moundsview, Minnesota October 2006
Gartner, W.C., L.L. Love, D. Erkkila, and D.C. Fulton. 2002. Economic impact and social benefits study of coldwater angling in Minnesota. Final Report. Minnesota Tourism Center and Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. June 2002
Fulton, D.C., J.S. Lawrence, J. Vlaming, and E. Price. 2002. The 2000 waterfowl hunting season in Minnesota: A study of hunters' opinions and activities. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. June 2002
Fulton, D.C. and D.H. Anderson. 2003. Estimating visitor use levels at Waterfowl Production Areas in Minnesota. Final Report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3. March 2003
Fulton, D.C. and L. Cornicelli. 2006. Results of 2005 survey of deer hunter satisfaction and preferences for regulation changes in Minnesota. Final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota. December 2006
Epton, J.A. and D.C. Fulton. 2002. Evaluating Decision-Processes: Summary of case studies of fisheries issues in Minnesota. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. September 2002
Dougherty, Erin M. and David C. Fulton. 2001. Deer management in Cuyahoga Valley National Park: A study of local residents attitudes. Cuyahoga Valley NP, Midwest Region, National Park Service. June 2001
Doherty, K. and D. E. Andersen. 2002. American woodcock fall survival in central Minnesota. Annual Progress Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. June 2002
Currie, Leigh K. and David C. Fulton. 2001. Managing Minnesota's Fishing Resource: A review of angler and resort owner attitudes toward bag limits. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. August 2001
Bruskotter, J.T. and Fulton, D.C. 2006. Results of 2005 survey evaluating Minnesota electronic licensing system database. Final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota. July 2006
Boal, C.W., D.E. Andersen, and P.L. Kennedy. 2001. Home range and habitat use of northern goshawks (Accipiter gentilis) in Minnesota. MN Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. 42pp. April 2001
Boal, C. W., D. E. Andersen, and P. L. Kennedy. 2000. Home range and habitat use of breeding northern goshawks in north-central Minnesota. 1999 Progress Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. St. Paul, MN. 15pp. January 2000
Blann, K. A. and B. Vondracek. 2000. Landscape scale influences on coldwater streams and stream fish in southeastern Minnesota: a GIS application. Final Report to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. St. Paul, MN. January 2000
Au, L. and D.E. Andersen. 2002. Avian indicators for dry oak savannas on the Anoka Sandplain, Minnesota. Annual Progress Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. September 2002
Andersen, D.E., and R.R. Nack. 2010. Brood movements and distribution of EPP Canada geese in northern Manitoba. Pages 66-68 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. January 2011
Andersen, D.E., and M.E. Reiter. 2010. Sympatric nesting EPP Canada geese and lesser snow geese on the Hudson Bay Lowlands: nest predation and spatial distribution. Pages 69-70 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. January 2011
Andersen, D.E., and J.E. Sammler. 2010. Population trends of tundra-nesting birds in Churchill, Manitoba. Pages 71-72 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. January 2011
Andersen, D.E., S. DeStefano, M.I. Goldstein, K. Titus, C. Crocker-bedford, J.J. Keane, R.G. Anthony, and R.N. Rosenfield. 2004. The status of northern goshawks in the western United States. Wildlife Society Technical Review 04-1. The Wildlife Society, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. 24pp. March 2004
Andersen, D.E., J.G. Bruggink, K. Doherty, R.S. Lutz, J. Meunier, and E. Oppelt. 2003. Fall survival, movements, and habitat use of American woodcock in the western great lakes region: 2002 field season report. Annual Progress Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. March 2003
Andersen, D.E., C.W. Boal, and M. J. Solensky. 2003. Northern goshawk nesting survey in northern Minnesota. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. June 2003
Andersen, D.E., C.W. Boal, and B.L. Smithers. 2003. Spatial analysis of northern goshawk home ranges in northern Minnesota. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. June 2003
Andersen, D.E., C.W. Boal, G. Perry, R.N. Mannan, and M.E. Reiter. 2010. Factors affecting distribution and detection of boreal chorus frogs and wood frogs at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Pages 309-311 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. January 2011
Andersen, D.E. 2010. Production of EPP Canada geese near Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Pages 63-65 In L. Chow and K. McKay, eds. Hudson Bay regional research. Aboriginal Issues Press, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. January 2011
Andersen, D. E. 2000. Canada Goose brood movements and habitat use in relation to snow geese at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Annual progress report to U.S. Geological Survey-Biological Resources Division. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. St. Paul, MN. 8pp. January 2000