Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Minnesota
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Minnesota Project

Demographic response of golden-winged warbler to habitat and management across a climate change gradient in the core of the species range

May 2010 - April 2015


Participating Agencies

  • Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
  • Science Support Program
  • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Golden-winged warblers are a specie of conservation concern, and have experienced dramatic population declines in the eastern portion of their breeding distribution. However, little is known about their population ecology in the western portion of their distribution, where the majority of the breeding population now occurs. We evaluated population ecology of golden-winged warblers in the core of their current breeding distribution to (1) compare golden-winged warbler reproductive success (nest productivity and juvenile survival) between two main breeding habitat types, (2) compare adult golden-winged warbler survival and habitat use during the nesting and post-fledging period between two main breeding habitat types, (3) use habitat characteristics to build a predictive model of golden-winged warbler reproductive success to provide management recommendations for maximizing high quality golden-winged warbler habitat, (4) replicate the study at 3 locations across a climate change gradient over 2 years to include critical spatial and temporal variation in analyses, maximizing the inference of results and applicability of management recommendations, and (5) combine demographic data with models of predicted climate change for the western Great Lakes region to predict climate-change effects on golden-winged warbler population viability.

Research Publications Publication Date
Streby, H.M., Peterson, S.M., and D.E. Andersen. 2016. Survival and habitat use of fledgling Golden-winged Warblers in the western Great Lakes region. Studies in Avian Biology 49:127-140. October 2016
Streby, H.M., J.P. Loegering, and D.E. Andersen. 2012. Spot mapping underestimates song-territory size and use of mature forest by breeding golden-winged warblers in Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin 36:40-46. April 2012
Streby, H.M., G.R. Kramer, S.M. Peterson, J.A. Lehman, D.A. Buehler, and D.E. Andersen. 2015. Tornadic storm avoidance behavior in breeding songbirds. Current Biology 25:1-5. January 2015
Streby, H.M., D.E. Andersen, and D.A. Buehler. 2016. Golden-winged warbler ecology, conservation, and habitat management. Studies in Avian Biology. ISBN 9781482240689. October 2016