Minnesota Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division, Upper Mississippi Environmental Sciences Center Technical Review Team, member |
Andersen | April 2001 |
Technical assistance provided to USDA Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education grant facilitated by the Land Stewardship Project. Participants include scientists, agency personnel, and farmers in Minnesota and Wisconsin. I am coordinating writing a research article and technical article on streamside grazing to be used in Train the Trainer manuals. 7/1/98-6/30/00 |
Vondracek | June 2000 |
Technical Advisory Committee, member, Rice Creek Watershed District Hardwood Creek Biological TMDL study 2003-2004 for the first biological TMDL implemented in Minnesota |
Vondracek | October 2003 |
Served on expert technical review panel for Seafood Watch for assessment of California yellowtail, white seabass, and giant seabass. Seafood Watch |
Waterhouse | February 2024 |
Served on expert technical review panel for Seafood Watch for assessment of California yellowtail, white seabass, and giant seabass. Seafood Watch |
Waterhouse | February 2023 |
Served as an "expert" with 25 other experts and 25 citizens will develop questions for a radio program titled "Changing Currents" produced by Minnesota Public Radio, The College of St. Benedict/St. John's University Environmental Studies Program and KNSR in Collegeville during the week of May 6-11, 2002. The program focus was to help Minnesotans think more about the condition of Minnesota rivers. |
Vondracek | May 2002 |
Served as a member of oversight committee of LCMR project (1997-2001) convened through Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture titled Sustainable farming systems: showing the advantages. Final report submitted to LCMR, August 2001. |
Vondracek | June 2001 |
Reviewer of proposal for America The Beautiful Challenge 2023 National Fih and Wildlife Foundation |
Waterhouse | May 2024 |
Reviewer of proposal for America The Beautiful Challenge 2023 National Fih and Wildlife Foundation |
Waterhouse | May 2023 |
Reviewer of proposal for America The Beautiful Challenge 2022 National Fih and Wildlife Foundation |
Waterhouse | May 2022 |
Provided technical assistance to the Bag Limit Review Committee, Minnesota DNR, Brainerd, MN. |
Fulton | May 2002 |
Provided technical assistance for a project funded by the Environmental Program of the Joyce Foundation with the Land Stewardship Project (LSP), Defenders of Wildlife, Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy and the Wallace Center, and scientists at the University of Minnesota and Iowa State University. Purpose is to develop policy concepts to examine how agricultural and rural development policies could be fundamentally, but realistically changed to foster changes in food and farming systems that result in significant social and environmental benefits. |
Vondracek | July 2001 |
Provided social science technical expertise during 3, 4-day planning workshops to develop the Comprehensive Conservation Plan for Sherburne NWR July 2001, March 2002, September 2002. |
Fulton | September 2002 |
Provided assistance to the Interim Integration Committee for implementation of the 2012 NAWMP in designing and implementing a pilot application of a stated choice experiment to better understand manager and researcher preference for outcomes from the NAWMP. Interim Intergration Committee |
Fulton | November 2012 |
Provided a review of research findings concerning the social aspects of trout management in SE Minnesota. May 3, 2004. Lanesboro, MN |
Fulton | May 2004 |
Provided a continuing education workshop to the Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society focused on public involvement processes. |
Fulton | May 2003 |
Operational data collection for Eastern Prairie Population Canada Goose Technical Section of the Mississippi Flyway Council at Cape Churchill, Manitoba. June-August 2001-2011. Eastern Prairie Population Committee, Technical Section, Mississippi Flyway Coucil |
Andersen | June 2001 |
Interviewed for a segment on "Almanac" on Twin Cities Public Television 16 August 2002. The segment highlighted research I had done in Southeast Minnesota examining the effects of managed intensive grazing. |
Vondracek | August 2002 |
Attended coldwater resources roundtable facilitated by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to develop a strategic plan for coldwater resources manamgement in southeast Minnesota, Eagle Bluff Environmental Learning Center, 16 August 2003 |
Fulton, Vondracek | August 2003 |
Attended and presented at Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, summer Fisheries Research meeting, Aitken, MN, 15-16 July 2003 |
Fulton, Vondracek | July 2003 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
UMN Senate Library Committee - Member of University of Minnesota Senate Library Committee which oversees all of University of Minnesota Libraries. | Waterhouse | September 2024 | Present |
Steering Committee, member, Consrvation Biology Program - Serve on the Steering Committee which oversees the activities of the Conservation Biology Program. | Vondracek | January 2000 | March 2015 |
Search committee for fisheries faculty in FWCB, University of Minnesota - Served as committee member in the selection process for a fisheries faculty position. | Fulton | September 2017 | May 2018 |
Member, Steering Committee, Conservation Biology Program | Vondracek | July 2006 | June 2007 |
Member, Scholastic Standing and Scholarship Committee, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology | Vondracek | July 2006 | June 2007 |
Member, Scholarship Committee, College of Food, Agriculture, and Natural Resource Sciences | Vondracek | July 2006 | June 2007 |
Member, Long Range Planning Committee, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology | Vondracek | July 2006 | June 2007 |
Member, Admissions Committe, Conservation Biology | Vondracek | July 2006 | June 2007 |
Member, Admission Committee, Conservation Biology | Vondracek | July 2007 | June 2008 |
Faculty Consultative Committee, FWCB, University of Minnesota - Served on the FCC that provided direction to the department head on key decision-making issues. | Fulton | September 2017 | September 2019 |
FWCB Faculty Consultative Committee - Work on problems and issues raised by the Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology Faculty at University of Minnesota. | Waterhouse | September 2024 | Present |
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion workgroup - CFANS | Waterhouse | October 2021 | May 2023 |
Conservation Sciences - Written Comprehensive Review Panel - Primary reviewer for Keiran Smith - Review written exam for Conservation Sciences graduate students, provide written feedback and discuss with panel. The primary reviewer is responsible for leading the discussion and writing a summary that covers the strengths and weaknesses of the exam. This summary will be provided to the student. | Waterhouse | April 2022 | May 2022 |
CFANS Honors and Awards Committee - Committee that reviews nominations and selects winners for the CFANS (College of Food, Agricultural, and Natural Resource Sciences) at University of Minnesota. | Waterhouse | September 2024 | Present |
Admissions Committee, member, Water Resources Science Program - Review applications and assist committee in selection of qualified applicants. | Vondracek | September 2003 | March 2015 |
Admissions Committee Chair, Conservation Biology Program - Review applications to the Conservation Biology Graduate Program and recommend qualified students to participating faculty. | Vondracek | September 1996 | March 2015 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Intercultural Committee in Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology at University of Minnesota | Waterhouse | September 2021 | June 2023 |
Reviewer, Methods in Ecology | Waterhouse | January 2022 | Present |
Reviewer, Fisheries Management and Ecology | Waterhouse | January 2022 | Present |
Reviewer, Biological Invasions | Waterhouse | January 2023 | Present |
Member, Western Wildlife Research Objectives Workshop | Fulton | September 2000 | December 2004 |
Member, Supervisor Search Committee, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources | Andersen | September 1999 | November 1999 |
Member, Management Review Panel, Upper Midwest Enviromental Sciences Center | Andersen | January 2001 | May 2003 |
Member, Interview Panel, Minnesota Departmen of Natural Resources, Division of Fisheries | Vondracek | October 2000 | October 2000 |
Member, Interview Panel, Minnesota Departmen of Natural Resources, Division of Fisheries | Vondracek | May 2001 | May 2001 |
Member, Evaluation Team, Trout Habitat Improvement Process, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources | Vondracek | May 2001 | May 2001 |
Member, EPP Canada Goose Committee, Technical Section, Mississippi Flyway Council | Andersen | February 1995 | August 2011 |
Member, Interview Panel for Farmland Research Group, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources | Fulton | September 2000 | September 2000 |
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee for CRU | Waterhouse | September 2023 | December 2024 |
Chair, Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture Board | Vondracek | July 2001 | December 2001 |
CFANS Honors and Awards Committee at UMN | Waterhouse | August 2023 | Present |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Venture North (Minnesota Public Television program) segment on goshawk research project | Andersen | October 2002 |
Streby, Henry M., Sean M. Peterson, and David E. Andersen. 2011. Golden-winged Warbler research at Tamarac and Rice Lake National Wildlife Refuges. Minnesota Ornithologists Union Annual Meeting. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis, Minnesota, December 2011. | Andersen, Peterson, Streby | December 2011 |
Streby, H.M., S.M. Peterson, T. Will, T. Cooper, and D.E. Andersen. 2012. Golden-winged warblers and the importance of diverse forest landscapes. Minnesota River Valley Audubon Chapter. Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge, Bloomington, Minnesota. | Andersen, Peterson, Streby | February 2012 |
Pioneer Press (St. Paul, MN daily newspaper) feature story on woodcock research project. | Andersen | September 2002 |
Peterson, S. M., H. M. Streby, T. C. Will, T. R. Cooper, and D. E. Andersen. 2103. Golden-winged warblers and the importance of diverse forest landscapes. Zumbro Valley Audubon Society. Rochester, Minnesota. 22 January 2013. | Andersen, Peterson, Streby | January 2013 |
Interviewed for an article in the December 2003 Land Stewardship Letter published by the Land Stewardship Project based on research published in two journal articles: Vondracek, B., J. K. H. Zimmerman, and J. V. Westra. Setting an effective TMDL for suspended sediment: an assessment of sediment loading and effects of suspended sediment on fish. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 39:1005-1015 and Zimmerman , J. K. H., B. Vondracek, and J. V. Westra. 2003. Agricultural land use on sediment loading and fish assemblages in two Minnesota basins. Environmental Management 32:93-105. In addition, the interview lead to publication of two fact sheets produced by the Land Stewardship Project. These fact sheets are available at www.landstewardshipproject.org. | Vondracek | December 2003 |
A website was developed to track satellite-marked American Woodcock. The website was placed on the Ruffed Grouse/American Woodcock website. | Krementz, Moore, Andersen, Cooper | August 2013 |