Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Florida
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Florida Staff Member

Dr. Conor P. McGowan

Conor McGowan surveying for shorebirds in "The Wash", UK.

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (352) 273 - 3135
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website


  • Ph D University of Missouri 2008
  • MS North Carolina State University 2004
  • BS Wake Forest University 2000


Conor McGowan completed his BS at Wake Forest University, an MS at NC State University and his Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife Sciences at the University of Missouri in 2008. He was a post-doc at Patuxent Wildlife Research Center for 2 years before joining the Unit Program in 2010. He was the assistant leader for 7 years and then the acting leader for 3 years at the Alabama, before moving to the Florida Unit in 2020. Dr. McGowan’s research focuses population assessment and predictive modeling to support decision making for both harvested species and imperiled species. He and his students primarily work to estimate demographic rates and then design stochastic predictive simulation models, often embedded within a larger decision analysis approach to problem solving. Conor teaches courses on applied ecological modeling and decision analysis applications in wildlife conservation in the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation program at University of Florida. He enjoys bird watching, hiking, and playing guitar when not modeling animal populations.

Areas of Expertise

Decision Support/Analysis, Population Dynamics, Species Management, Species Status Assessments, Statistics and Modelling

Taxon Groups Studied

Amphibians, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Reptiles, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Water/Marsh Birds

Research Publications Publication Date
Yorke, E.H., Judy, C.E., Saveraid, T.C, McGowan, C.P., Caldwell, F. C. in press, Distal Border Fragments of the Equine Navicular Bone: Significance in current clinical lameness. February 2014
Tucker, A.M., McGowan, C.P., Nuse, B.L., Lyons, J.E., Moore, C.T., Smith, D.R., Sweka, J.A., Anstead, K.A., DeRose‐Wilson, A. and Clark, N.A. (2023). Estimating recruitment rate and population dynamics at a migratory stopover site using an integrated population model. Ecosphere, 14(2). doi: | Abstract December 2022
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Mulero E, Angeli N, Zegarra JP. 2020. A demographic projection model to support conservation decision making for an endangered snake with limited monitoring data. Animal Conservation 24 (2): 291-301. October 2020
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Lyons JE, Derose-Wilson A, Clark NA. 2021. Species-specific demographic and behavioral responses to food availability during migratory stopover. Population Ecology. July 2021
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Catalano M, Derose-Wilson A, Robinson R, Zimmerman J. 2019. Foraging ecology mediates response to ecological mismatch during migratory stopover. Ecosphere 10 (10): e02898. November 2019
Smith, D.R., C.P. McGowan, J.P. Daily, J.D. Nichols, J.A. Sweka, and J.E. Lyons 2013 Evaluating a multispecies adaptive management framework: must uncertainty impede effective decision-making? Journal of Applied Ecology, early online August 28, 2013 doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.12145 | Publisher Website December 2013
Smith, D., Newhard, J., McGowan, C. and Butler, A., 2020. The Long-Term Effect of Bleeding for Limulus Amebocyte Lysate on Annual Survival and Recapture of Tagged Horseshoe Crabs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, p.1133. December 2020
Robinson, OJ, McGowan, CP, Apodaca, JJ, in review, Decision analysis for habitat conservation of an endangered, range limited salamander, for submission to Animal Conservation December 2016
Robinson, OJ, McGowan CP, Devers P. in review, Deciphering density dependent dynamics using multiple system models and Bayesian model weight updating. Submitted to Ecology February 2016. May 2017
Robinson OJ, McGowan CP, Devers PK. (2016) Updating movement estimates for American black ducks (Anas rubripes) PeerJ 4:e1787 February 2016
Robinson OJ, McGowan CP, Devers PK, Brook RW, Huang M, Jones M, McAuley DG, Zimmerman G. 2016, A full annual cycle modeling framework for American black ducks, Natural Resource Modeling 29: 159–174. February 2016
Price Tack JL, West B, McGowan CP, Ditchkoff S, Reves SJ, Keever A, Grand JB, in review, A semi-automated system for processing time-lapse camera trap images. submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolution. November 2016
Price Tack JL, McGowan CP, Ditchkoff SS, Morse W, Robinson OJ, In Review, Managing the endangered North American hunter: a novel framework to address declines in hunters and hunter-generated conservation funds, Submitted to Human Dimensions of Natural Resources July 2018
Mounce, HL, CC Warren, CP McGowan, EHPaxton, JJ Groombridge, In review, Using population viability analysis to model extinction risk and evaluate recovery options for a critically endangered Hawaiian honeycreeper: Maui Parrotbill (Kiwikiu, Pseudonestor xanthophrys). May 2018
Millspaugh, J.J., R. A. Gitzen, S. Amelon, T. W. Bonnot, D. T. Farrand, D. S. Jachowski, B. J. Keller, C. P. McGowan, M. S. Pruett, C. D. Rittenhouse, and K. M. Suedkamp Wells. 2008. Effects of culling on Bison demographics in Midwestern National Parks. Natural Areas Journal 28: 240-250. December 2008
Millard MJ, Sweka JA, McGowan CP, Smith DR, 2015, Assessment and Management of North American Horseshoe Crab Populations, with Emphasis on a Multispecies Framework for Delaware Bay Populations, in Carmichael RH, Botton ML, Shin PKS, Cheung SG (eds.) Changing global perspectives on biology, conservation, and management of horseshoe crabs, Springer 2015. December 2015
McGowan, CP. 2015, Comparing Models of Red Knot population dynamics, The Condor 117 (4), 494-502. November 2015
McGowan, CP, Smith, DR, Nichols, JD, Lyons, JE, Sweka, J, Kalasz, K, Niles, LJ, Wong, R, Brust, J, Davis, M, Spear, B, in review, Implementing a framework for multi-species, multi-objective adaptive management in Delaware Bay. Biological Conservation, 191: 759-769. November 2015
McGowan, CP, JE Lyons, and D.R. Smith, 2015, Developing objectives with multiple stakeholders: adaptive management of horseshoe crabs and Red Knots in the Delaware Bay. Environmental Management, 55 (4), 972-982. | Download March 2015
McGowan, CP, Gardner, B. 2013, Evaluating Methodological Assumptions of Catch-Curve Survival Estimation for Un-Marked Precocial Chicks. Waterbirds 36: 82-87 March 2013
McGowan, CP, Allan NA, Servoss J, Headwall S, Woolridge B, in review, Incorporating population viability models into species status assessment and listing decisions under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. for submission to Endangered Species Research October 2017
McGowan, C.P., M.R. Ryan, M.C. Runge, J.J. Millspaugh, J. Cochrane, 2011. The role of demographic compensation theory in incidental take assessments for endangered species. Biological Conservation 144, 730-737. February 2011
McGowan, C.P., M. C. Runge, M. A. Larson, 2011. Incorporating parametric uncertainty into population viability models. Biological Conservation, 144, 1400-1408. May 2011
McGowan, C.P., J.E. Hines, J.D. Nichols, J.E. Lyons, D.R. Smith, K. Kalasz, L.J. Niles, A. Dey, N.A. Clark, P.W. Atkinson, C.D.T. Minton, W. Kendal. 2011. Demographic consequences of migratory stopover: linking red knot survival to horseshoe crab spawning abundance. Ecosphere 2: art 69. June 2011
McGowan, C.P., D.H. Catlin, T.L. Shaffer, C.L. Gratto Trevor, C. Aron, 2014. Establishing endangered species recovery criteria using predictive simulation modeling. Biological Conservation 177, 220–229 September 2014
McGowan, C.P., D.C. Kessler, M.R. Ryan, 2011, Endangered species management: A Synthesis. Lessons in Conservation, Available on line February 2011. | Publisher Website February 2011
McGowan, C.P., Angeli, N.F., Beisler, W.A., Snyder, C., Rankin, N.M., Woodrow, J.O., Wilson, J.K., Rivenbark, E., Schwarzer, A., Hand, C.E. and Anthony, R., 2020. Linking monitoring and data analysis to predictions and decisions for the range-wide eastern black rail status assessment. Endangered Species Research, 43, pp.209-222. October 2020
McGowan, C.P., 2012. Demography. in: T. Simons, E. Nol, R. Beotcher (eds.) The American Oysterchatcher, in R. Poole The Birds of North America On-Line. January 2012
McGowan, C.P. 2013, A Structured approach to incidental take decision making. Environmental Managment 51:241–250 August 2013
McGowan, C. P., and T. R. Simons. 2006. Effects of human disturbance on the incubation behavior of American Oystercatchers. Wilson Bulletin 118: 485-493. December 2006
McGowan, C. P., and T. R. Simons. 2005. A method for trapping breeding adult American Oystercatchers. Journal of Field Ornithology 76(1):46-49. May 2005
McGowan, C. P., and M. R. Ryan. 2009, A quantitative framework to evaluate incidental take and endangered species population viability. Biological Conservation, 142: 3128–3136. December 2009
McGowan, C. P., T. R. Simons, W. Golder, and J. Cordes. 2005 A comparison of American Oystercatcher reproductive success on barrier beach and river island habitats in coastal North Carolina. Waterbirds 28(2): 150-155. July 2005
McGowan, C. P., S. A. Schulte, and T. R. Simons. 2005. Resightings of marked American Oystercatchers banded as chicks. Wilson Bulletin 117: 382-385. June 2005
McGowan, C. P., Ryan, M.R. 2010. Arguments for Using Population Models in Incidental Take Assessments for Endangered Species. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 1: 183-188 | Abstract | Publisher Website November 2010
McGowan, C. P., J. J. Millspaugh, M. R. Ryan, K. C. Cruse, and G. A. Pavelka. 2009. Estimating survival of precocial chicks during the pre-fledging period using a catch-curve method and age based count data Journal of Field Ornithology 80: 79-87. February 2009
McGowan, C. P., D. Catlin, G. Jons, G. Pavelka. 2007. Piping Plovers nesting amongst cottonwood saplings. Waterbirds 30: 275 – 277. December 2007
McGowan CP, Price Tack JL, Silvano A, Grand JB, 2023, Models for managing harvests to maintain deer and hunter populations, Frontiers in Conservation Science 4, 1265806 September 2023
McGowan CP, Lyons JE, and Smith DR. 2020 Adaptive management of horseshoe crab harvest in Delaware Bay: decision implementation and the double-loop process, in Runge MC, Converse SJ, Lyons JE, Smith DR. (eds) Case Studies in Decision Analysis for Natural Resources Management, Johns Hopkins University Press. April 2020
McGowan CP, Allan NL, Smith DR, 2023, The species status assessment: a framework for assessing species status and risk to support endangered species management decisions, in Baier L and Organ J (eds) The Codex of the Endangered species Act: The Next 50 Years, Volume II. Rowan and Littlefield, USA. | Download December 2023
Lawson AJ, Folt B, Tucker AM, Erickson FT, McGowan CP. 2021. Decision context is a necessary component of population viability analysis appraisal. Conservation Biology 35, 1683–1685, doi: 10.1111/cobi.13818 | Publisher Website August 2021
Keever, A.C., C.P. McGowan, S.S. Ditchkoff, P.K. Acker, J.B. Grand, C.H. Newbolt, in review, Efficacy of time-lapse photography and repeated counts estimation for monitoring white-tailed deer populations. October 2017
Gregory K, Mcgowan CP, 2023, Modeling appendix for the northwestern and southwestern pond turtle (A.marmorata, A.pallida), a report for the Species Status assessment of the Northwestern and Southwestern pond turtle, USFWS September 2023
Goode ABC, Rivenbark E, Gilbert J, McGowan CP, 2023, Prioritization of species status assessments for decision support. Decision Analysis 20 (4), 311-325 November 2023
Folt B., McGowan CP, Steen DA, Hoffman M, Godwin J, Guyer C, 2020, Modeling strategies and evaluating success during repatriations of an elusive and endangered species, Animal Conservation 23: 273-285. January 2020
Folt B, Marshall M, Emanuel JA, Dziadzio M, Cooke J, Mena L, Hinderliter M, Hoffman S, Rankin N, Tupy J, McGowan C, 2022, Using Predictions from Multiple Anthropogenic Stressors to Estimate Future Population Conditions of an Imperiled Species, Global Ecology and Conservation 36, e02143 August 2022
Dunham, K.D., P.K. Devers, A.J. Lawson, J.E. Lyons, C.P. McGowan, J.A. Royle. 2023. Strategic monitoring to minimize misclassification errors from conservation status assessments. Biological Conservation 286:110260. | Download | Publisher Website September 2023
David R. Smith, Nathan L. Allan, Conor P. McGowan, Jennifer A. Szymanski, Susan R. Oetker, and Heather M. Bell (2018) Development of a Species Status Assessment Process for Decisions under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management: June 2018, Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 302-320. June 2018
B Folt, J Goessling, AM Tucker, C Guyer, S Hermann, E Shelton-Nix, CP McGowan. 2021. Contrasting patterns of demography and population viability among gopher tortoise populations in Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 85(4): 617–630. June 2021
Anna M. Tucker, Conor P. McGowan, Robert A. Robinson, Jacquie A. Clark, James E. Lyons, Audrey DeRose-Wilson, Richard du Feu, Graham E. Austin, Philip W. Atkinson, and Nigel A. Clark, in review, Effects of individual misidentification on estimates of survival in long-term capture-recapture studies, for submission to Condor. March 2019
Gregory, K.M., C. Darst, S.M. Lantz, K. Powelson, D. Ashton, R. Fisher, B. Halstead, B. Hubbs, J.E. Lovich, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Population viability analysis for two species of imperiled freshwater turtle, Chelonian Conservation and Biology 23: 1–12. June 2024
Gregory, K.M., C. Darst, S.M. Lantz, K. Powellson, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Effects of drought, invasive species, and habitat loss on future extinction risk of two species of imperiled freshwater turtle, Climate Change Ecology 7: 100078. January 2024
Goode, A.B.C., N. Allan, C.P. McGowan, 2024, Viability Modeling for Decision Support with Limited Data: a Lizard Case Study. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 15 (1): 70-86. June 2024
Folt, B., M. Marshall, J.A. Emanuel, M. Dziadzio, J. Cooke, L. Mena, M. Hinderliter, S. Hoffmann, N. Rankin, J. Tupy, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Strengths and opportunities in gopher tortoise population modeling: Reply to Loope et al. Global Ecology and Conservation, e03093. July 2024
Christensen, E.M., A.J. Lawson, E. Rivenbark, P.K. London, D. Castellanos, J.C. Culbertson, S.M. DeMay, C. Eakin, L.S. Pearson, K. Soileau, J.H. Waddle, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Accounting for multiple uncertainties in a decision-support population viability assessment. Biological Conservation 299:110811. doi: 10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110811 | Publisher Website November 2024
McGowan, C. P., D. R. Smith, J. A. Sweka, J. Martin, J. D. Nichols, R. Wong, J. E. Lyons, L. J. Niles, K. Kalasz, J. Brust, M. Klopfer, B. Spear. 2011. Multi-species modeling for adaptive management of horseshoe crabs and red knots in the Delaware Bay. Natural Resource Modeling 24, 117-156 February 2011
Doran-Myers, Darcy

Presentations Presentation Date
Tucker AM, Mcgowan CP, Lyons JE, Derose Wilson A, Clark N. 2020, Annual variation in use of a spring stopover site by three migratory shorebirds. North American Ornithological Congress, Virtual Meeting, August 2020 August 2020
Tucker AM, McGowan CP. 2016. Assessing the influence of migratory connectivity and stopover site disturbance on population dynamics using a full annual cycle simulation model. North American Ornithological Congress, Washington DC, August 2016 August 2016
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, et al. Encounter type and frequency determine the effects of individual misidentification on survival estimation. The Wildlife Society Conference, Reno NV, October 2019. October 2019
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, et al. 2019, Estimating population growth rate and latent recruitment at a migratory stopover site using integrated population models. The Wildlife Society Conference, Reno NV, October 2019. October 2019
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Mulero E, Angeli NF, Zegarra JP, 2020, A demographic projection model to support conservation decision making for an endangered snake with limited monitoring data. The Wildlife Society annual meeting. Virtual Conference, October 2020. October 2020
Tucker AM, Derose-Wilson A, Catalano M, McGowan CP, 2018, Comparing annual variation in stopover mass gain between two long-distance migrants, American Ornithological Society Annual conference, Tucson AZ, USA April 2018
Tucker A, Mcgowan C, Robinson R, Clark J, Lyons J, Derose-Wilson A, Du Feu R, Austin G, Atkinson P, Clark N, 2018, Bias in survival estimates due to individual misidentification in long-term mark-resight studies. The Wildlife Society Annual meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2018 October 2018
Stanton R, Robinson O, McGowan C, Devers P, 2018, Evaluating an American Black Duck Full Annual Cycle Model for Conservation Decision Making, The Wildlife Society Annual meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2018 October 2018
Ryer, K., McGowan, C.P.. 2016, Error in Remotely Sensed Land-Cover Data: Is It Important to Know for Occupancy Estimation. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Madison, WI, July 2016. July 2016
Robinson, O.J., McGowan C.P., Apodaca J.J., 2016, Decision analysis for habitat conservation of an endangered, range limited salamander, North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Madison, WI, July 2016. July 2016
Robinson OJ, McGowan CP, and Devers PK, 2015, A full annual cycle model for the American Black Duck. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, 2015, Winnipeg, CA October 2015
Price, J., B. West, S. Ditchkoff, C. McGowan, S. Reeves, A. Keever. 2014 Deer Finder: software for identification of Deer in game camera photos. South Eastern Deer Study Group, February 2014. February 2014
Price J.L., McGowan C.P., Ditchkoff S.S., 2015.The endangered hunter? Modeling a hunter population. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, 2015, Winnipeg, CA. October 2015
McGowan, CP. 2023. The species status assessment: a framework for assessing species status and risk to support endangered species management decisions. Presented to the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 2023 November 2023
McGowan, CP, Robinson OJ, Devers P. 2016. Decision analysis for habitat management of migratory waterfowl using a full annual cycle model. North American Ornithological Congress. Washington DC, August 2016 August 2016
McGowan, CP, Lyons, JE, Smith, DR, Sweka, J, Nichols, JD, 2016, Developing consensus objectives for a multi-species, multi-stakeholder management problem: the case of horseshoe crab harvest in Delaware Bay. Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Raleigh, 2016 October 2016
McGowan, CP, D Catlin, T Shaffer, C Gratto-Trevor, C Aron, 2013. A meta-population model for evaluating recovery criteria for Piping Plovers in the Great Plains. 131st meeting of American Ornithologist Union, Chicago, IL, August 2013 August 2013
McGowan, CP, 2014, Comparing Models of Red Knot population dynamics. American Ornithologists Union Annual Meeting, Estes Park, September 2014. September 2014
McGowan, C.P., D.H. Catlin, T.L. Shaffer, C.L. Gratto Trevor, C. Aron, 2013.Establishing endangered and threatened species recovery criteria through simulation modeling. Contributed paper for the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, October, 2013, Milwakee, WI, USA October 2013
McGowan, C.P., 2013. Demographic consequences of migration stopover: linking knot populations to horseshoe crab harvest management in Delaware Bay. British Ornithologists Union Annual Conference, Leceister, UK, March 2013 March 2013
McGowan CP, and Lyons JE, 2015, What is structured decision making? Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group 2015 meeting, Wallops Island, VA, USA. September 2015
McGowan CP, Robinson OJ, Apodaca JJ, 2015, Decision analysis for habitat conservation of a highly endangered range limited salamander. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 2015, Winnipeg, CA. October 2015
McGowan CP, Price Tack JL, Grand JB, 2024. Models for linking hunter retention and recruitment to regulations and game populations, Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2024 October 2024
McGowan CP, Mounce HL, Warren C, Paxton E, Groombribge JJ, 2018, Evaluating extinction probabilities and recovery strategies for Maui Parrot Bill, American Ornithological Society, Tucson AZ, April 2018 April 2018
McGowan CP, Lawson AJ, Katz RA, Crawford BA, 2022, Expert judgement in wildlife science and decision making, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, November 2022, Spokane, WA, USA November 2022
McGowan CP, Folt B, Steen D, Reintroduction of Eastern Indigo Snakes in the Western Portion of Its Historic Range: Predictive Modeling of Reintroduction Strategies. Annual meeting of the WIldlife Society, Virtual Conference, November 2021 November 2021
McGowan CP, Catlin D, Shaffer T, Gratto Trevor S, Aron C, 2015, Establishing recovery criteria for a threatened population of shorebirds, Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group 2015 Meeting, Wallops Island, VA, USA September 2015
McGowan CP, Angeli N, Weist W. et al. 2019, Eastern Black Rail Dynamic Occupancy and Patch Persistence Modeling to Predict Future Redundancy and Resiliency.The Wildlife Society Conference, Reno NV, October 2019. September 2019
McGowan CP, Ageli N, Beisler W, Rivenbark E, 2021, Data analysis and modeling for endangered species listing decisions, EURING, virtual conference May 2021. May 2021
McGowan CP, 2021, Occupancy and detection probability for resident tropical birds in Nicaragua, Poster Presentation, American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting August 2021. August 2021
McGowan CP et al. 2020 Eastern Black Rail Dynamic Species Status Assessment using Occupancy and Patch Persistence Modeling. North American Ornithological Congress, Virtual Meeting, August 2020. August 2020
McGowan C, Allan N, Servoss J, Headwall S, Wooldridge B, 2018, Using Predictive Models to Support Endangered Species Listing Decisions in the Species Status Assessment of Sonoran Desert Tortoise. The Wildlife Society Annual meeting, Cleveland, OH, 2018 October 2018
Lyons, J.E., B. Nuse, A. Tucker, K. Anstead, C. McGowan, C. Moore, C. Starks, J. Sweka, and D. Smith. 2024. Co-Production of Adaptive Management for Horseshoe Crabs and a Threatened Migratory Shorebird. Oral presentation at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai'i. September 2024
Lyons JE, Nichols JD, McGowan CP, Smith DR, Sweka JA, Kalasz KS, Clark NA, Dey D, Niles LJ, 2014. Stopover popuation size, migration ecology and adaptive management of red knots at Delaware Bay, USA. American Ornithologist Union Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO, USA, September 2014 September 2014
Lawson, A.J., E. Rivenbark, C.P. McGowan. 2022. Reconciling and propagating uncertainty from expert elicited data into decision support population viability analyses. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Spokane, Washington. 6–10 November. November 2022
Lawson AJ, DeMay SM, Rivenbark E, Soileau K, London K, Waddle JH, Yarborough L, Coppola C, and McGowan, CP, 2020, Accounting for Multiple Uncertainties to Evaluate Population Viability of the Alligator Snapping Turtle for the Species Status Assessment. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Virtual. October 2020. October 2020
Keever, A., Ditchkoff, S. McGowan, C.P., Grand, J.B., 2014. Estimating the effects of coyote removal and wild pigs on white-tailed deer abundance. South Eastern Deer Study Group, Athens, GA, February 2014. February 2014
Keever, A., C.P. McGowan, S. Ditchkoff, P. Acker, J. B. Grand, C. Newbolt. 2013 Effect of reducing camera survey efforts on the accuracy of density estimates. South Eastern Deer Study Group, South Carolina, February 2013 February 2013
Gregory KM, McGowan CP, Darst C, McMorran R, 2022, Population Viability Analysis as Decision Support Science for Two Species of Imperiled Freshwater Turtle, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, November 2022, Spokane WA, USA November 2022
Gregory K, McGowan C, 2024. Navigating Uncertainty: Defining Foreseeable Future in Endangered Species Act Classification Decisions, Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2024 October 2024
Goode ABC, McGowan CP, Rivenbark E, 2022, Triage of Endangered Species assessment work to effectively support decision making, The Wildlife Society annual meeting, November 2022 Spokane WA, USA November 2022
Folt B, Steen DA, Guyer C, McGowan CP, 2019, MODELING STRATEGIES AND EVALUATING SUCCESSES DURING REPATRIATIONS OF AN ELUSIVE AND ENDANGERED SNAKE, DRYMARCHON COUPERI. Southeast Partners in Amphibian Research and Conservation, February 2019, North Carolina February 2019
Folt B, McGowan CP, Steen DA, Piccolomini S, Hoffman M, Godwin JC, Guyer C. Modeling strategies and evaluating success during repatriations of elusive and endangered species. The Wildlife Society Conference, Reno NV, October 2019. October 2019
Folt B, McGowan CP, 2022, Using Predictions from Multiple Anthropogenic Threats to Estimate Future Population Persistence of an Imperiled Species, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, November 2022, Spokane US November 2022
Folt B, Goessling JM, Tucker AM, Guyer C, Hermann SM, Shelton-Nix E, McGowan CP, 2020, Contrasting Patterns Of Demography And Population Viability Among Gopher Tortoise Populations At The Species' Northern Range Edge, The Wildlife Society annual meeting. Virtual Conference, October 2020. October 2020
Farrell, P., Grand, J.B., McGowan, C.P., E. Lonsdorf, Relationship of Grassland Bird Occupancy to Local and Landscape Scale Habitat Features in the East Gulf Coastal Plain, The wildlife Society, 2014 October 2014
Farrell, P., Grand, J.B., McGowan, C.P., E. Lonsdorf, Effects of Habitat Configuration and Composition on Grassland Bird Occupancy in the Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain, SEAFWA, 2014 October 2014
Farrell, P, Grand, J.B., McGowan, C.P. 2014. Habitat Associations of Grassland Birds in the East Gulf Coastal Plain Region. South Eastern Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Starkville, MS. March 2014 March 2014
Farrell P, McGowan CP, Grand JB, Lonsdorf EV, Thogmartin WE. 2015. Utility of the North American Breeding Bird Survey to predict habitat relationships of grassland birds using prior knowledge from a small scale study. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 2015, Winnipeg, CA. October 2015
Erickson F, Mcgowan CP, Godwin JC, Guyer CR, Young DV, 2020. Monitoring Strategies for Repatriated Eastern Indigo Snakes in Southern Alabama. The Wildlife Society annual meeting. Virtual Conference, October 2020. October 2020
Erickson F, Mcgowan CP, Godwin JC, Guyer CR, Young DV, 2020. Monitoring Strategies for Repatriated Eastern Indigo Snakes in Southern Alabama. South Eastern Partners in Amphibian and Reptile Conservation Meeting, Culman, AL, March 2020 March 2020
Erickson F, McGowan CP, Godwin J, Young DV, Guyer C. 2021 Monitoring Strategies for Repatriated Eastern Indigo Snakes in Southern Alabama. Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Virtual meeting November 2021. November 2021
E. Merritt, C.P. McGowan, D.R. Smith, M. Catalano, Evaluating the Efficacy of the Mark-Recapture Approach for Estimating Delaware Bay Horseshoe Crab Abundance, The Wildlife Society, 2014 October 2014
E. Merritt, C.P. McGowan, D.R. Smith, M. Catalano, Estimating Delaware Bay Horseshoe Crab Abundance Using Mark-Recapture, SEAFWA, 2014 October 2014
Doran Myers D, Gregory K, McGowan CP, Hull V, Scheick B. 2023. Denning black bear response to anthropogenic disturbance and implications for cub survival. Presented to the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 2023 November 2023
Christensen, E., C.P. McGowan, D. Castellanos, J. Culbertson, C. Eakin, B. Firmin, P.K. London, L. Pearson, E. Rivenbark, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Evaluating Sensitivity of Expert Elicited Parameters Within Decision Support Population Viability Analyses. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Louisville, Kentucky. 5-9 November. November 2023
C McGowan, <b>B Folt</b>, DA Steen. 2021. Reintroduction of Eastern Indigo Snakes in the Western Portion of its Historic Range: Predictive Modeling of Reintroduction Strategies (<u>oral</u>). <i>The Wildlife Society (virtual).</i> November 2021
C McGowan, <b>B Folt. </b>2022. Using predictions from multiple anthropogenic threats to estimate future population persistence of the Gopher Tortoise (<u>oral</u>)<b>. </b><i>Florida State Agencies Meeting. </i><b><br></b> April 2022
Bryan Nuse, Anna Tucker, John Sweka, Kristen Anstead, Clinton Moore, James Lyons, David Smith, and Conor McGowan, 2022, Updating the adaptive management plan for horseshoe crab harvest and red knot conservation in Delaware Bay. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Birds Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27 June - 2 July 2022. June 2022
Angeli, N., McGowan, C.P., 2018, Collaborative population modeling for the federal Species Status Assessments, Latin America and Caribbean Congress for Conservation Biology July 2018, Tinidad and Tobago. July 2018
<b>Folt, B</b> and C McGowan. 2021. <i>Using Predictive Models to Evaluate Future Population Conditions of the Gopher Tortoise</i> <i>Reclassification Team Meeting, US Fish and Wildlife Service (virtual); 25 August 2021.</i> August 2021
<b>B Folt</b>, CP McGowan. 2022. Using predictions from multiple anthropogenic threats to estimate future population conditions of an imperiled species<i> </i>(<u>oral</u>). <i>The Wildlife Society – 6-10 November 2022</i> November 2022
Technical Publications Publication Date
Simons, T.R., C. McGowan, J. Cordes, M. Lyons, and W. Golder. 2003. American Oystercatcher (Haematopus paliatus) research and monitoring in North Carolina. Annual report to the National Park Service and the US. Fish and Wildlife Service, 27 pp. January 2005
Type Citation Publication Date
Software Release McGowan CP, Price Tack JL. 2023. Hunter and prey linked population models. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. May 2023
Software Release Gregory, K.M. & McGowan, C.P. Code repository for the northwestern and southwestern pond turtle population viability analysis. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. May 2023
Software Release Goode, A.C. & McGowan, C.P. Code repository for the spot-tailed earless lizard population viability analysis. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. April 2022
Software Release Christensen, E.M., A.J. Lawson, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Alligator snapping turtle population simulation model developed in support of the Species Status Assessment. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. August 2023
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
The Wildlife Society - General member McGowan September 2004 Present
The Wildlife Society - Board member of the Biometrics working group McGowan February 2015 December 2015
The Wildlife Society - Board member at large, Biometric Working Group McGowan November 2023 November 2024
American Ornithologists' Union - Member McGowan May 2008 Present