Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Florida
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Florida Project

Alligator Snapping Turtle population viability and listing decisions

January 2019 - October 2022


Participating Agencies

  • USGS
  • USGS National Grants Branch

We assisted the USFWS Alligator Snapping Turtle Species Status assessment team to develop a population viability model that predicted future abundance and extinction probability. The results were used in the forthcoming listing decision for both species of alligator snapping turtle.

Presentations Presentation Date
Lawson AJ, DeMay SM, Rivenbark E, Soileau K, London K, Waddle JH, Yarborough L, Coppola C, and McGowan, CP, 2020, Accounting for Multiple Uncertainties to Evaluate Population Viability of the Alligator Snapping Turtle for the Species Status Assessment. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Virtual. October 2020. October 2020