Florida About Us

The mission of the Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit is to conduct detailed investigation of aquatic and terrestrial resources and their component fish and wildlife populations. Our research emphasizes the interaction of biota with features of their habitat, both natural and those impacted by human activities, and ranges across state, regional, national, and international scopes.
We have wide-ranging expertise in avian ecology and conservation, endangered species monitoring and assessment, coastal ecosystems, population and ecological modeling, decision analysis, fisheries ecology and management, and coupled human and natural systems. Our research is taxonomically diverse, including but not limited to terrestrial and water birds, terrestrial herpetofauna and marine turtles, and freshwater and marine fishes.
Critical components of our mission include applied research, graduate education, and technical assistance in collaboration with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, U. S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and many other partners. We are dedicated to training the next generation of natural resource leaders through management-relevant research, working with state, federal, and university cooperators and other stakeholders to address questions pertinent to fish and wildlife conservation in the face of environmental, demographic, and socioeconomic change.
2295 Mowry Road, Building 106
University of Florida
Gainesville, FL 32611-0485