Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Florida
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Florida Research Activities

The southeastern U.S. supports important stop over and overwintering areas for Red Knots.

Project Completion Date
Evaluating the use of high-resolution aerial photgraphy acquired by unmanned aerial systems for use in mapping everglades wetland plant communities June 2013
88394 June 2013
Decision Support for Public Alligator Harvesting in Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina June 2017
Pre-assessment Plan to Determine Potential Exposure and Injuries of Nesting and Hatching Loggerhead Sea Turtles July 2011
Incubation temperatures of loggerhead turtle (caretta caretta) nests On NW Florida Beaches March 2012
Gopher Tortoise (gopherus polyphermus)Population Survey For St. Marks NWR-Line Transect Distance Sampling August 2011
Collection of Digital Serial Imagery in Support of Aquatic Invasive Species Program And CERP May 2011
Southeastern Adaptive Management Group (SEAMG) September 2013
Startegic Habitat Conservation for Florida Scrub-Jays at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge July 2011
Linking Snail Kite Foraging Activity, Habitat Quality, and Critical Demographic Parameters to Guide Effective Conservation April 2012
Nesting Habitat and Nest Failures of the Everglad Snail Kite on Kissimmee Lakes and Nesting, Recruiting and Foraging Ecology of the Florida Snail Kite in Lake Tohopekaliga March 2013
Demographic, Movement, and Habitat of the Endangered Snail Kite in Response to Operational Plans in Water Conservation Area 3A April 2011
Surveys of Snail Kite Breeding and Habitat Use in the Upper St. Johns River Basin February 2011
Aligning agency effort and expenditure with conservation goals September 2024
Expert elicitation methodologies and evaluation January 2027
Understanding and conserving gravel-bar fish assemblages in the Escambia River, Florida December 2025
Production and evaluation of an autonomous UAV system for natural resources management December 2009
Biodiversity Using Prediction May 2013
September 2011
Alligator distribution, size, and hole occupancy and crocodile juvenile growth and survival March 2015
Adaptive Management of Gulf Coast Salt Marshes Considering Sea Level Rise and Recovery of the Endangered Florida Salt Marsh Vole September 2010
Structured decision making, ecological thresholds and the establishment of management trigger points December 2009
Effects of Spotted Bass on Shoal Bass and Largemouth Bass in the Flint River December 2025
Assessing angler opinions and perceptions about non-native freshwater fishes in Florida June 2024
FLAKES: A multi-organization dataset to investigate invasive plant management impacts in Florida lakes December 2024
Spot-tailed earless lizard status assessment December 2022
Water Management to support endangered species in the ACF river basin September 2022
Assessing effects of Tilapia on Largemouth Bass and Bluegill reproduction, recruitment, and growth June 2025
Evaluating a habitat suitability index for Bluenose Shiner populations in peninsular and panhandle Florida rivers December 2024
Ecology and conservation of endangered Smalltooth Sawfish December 2024
Reconciling range-wide uncertainties in alligator snapping turtle population viability using expert elicitation August 2024
Observing Flight Initiation Distances of Florida Chelonia mydas in the Crystal Bay Area October 2022
St. Joseph Peninsula beach restoration project. October 2008
Assessment of beach compaction and associated effects on loggerhead sea turtles nesting on natural and nourished beaches in northwest Florida. September 2008
Assessing the effects of coastline alteration on sea turtle nesting and faunal assemblages at Cape San Blas, Florida. March 2009
Living Green: Living with sea turtles. April 2010
Assessment of coastal habitats and listed species. March 2010
Spectral and response assessment of wildlife-friendly lighting. April 2010
Effects of climate change on barrier island habitat and nesting sea turtles. May 2012
Abiotic and biotic factors affecting fish occurrence, abundance, and growth in sixty Florida lakes June 2026
Using long-term monitoring data to evaluate Largemouth Bass and Black Crappie population dynamics amid environmental change December 2023
Informing invasive species management amid land-use change to build social-ecological resilience June 2026
Bird conservation prioritization in the SE US June 2022
Investigating Grass Carp movement, emigration, habitat use, and natural mortality after stocking at Lake Apopka December 2024
Leveraging habitat suitability modeling to inform management of nonnative fishes amid environmental change December 2024
Lessons from a long-term fisheries monitoring program: The Florida experience June 2026
Southwestern and northwestern pond turtle viability analysis to support a species status assessment July 2023
Modeling Tools for Species Status Assessments August 2021
Decision Analysis for Species Status Assessment Science Needs Prioritization July 2023
Environmental correlates of fibropapilloma in green turtles. December 2025
Range-wide population viability analysis for the Gopher Tortoise (Gopherus polyphemus) June 2021
Assessing effects of anthropogenic and climate-induced change on health of coastal ecosystems. December 2026
Birdsbesafe: Is a novel cat collar more effective at stopping domestic cats from killing birds at higher latitudes? February 2022
Ecology of the Endangered Nordmann's Greenshank December 2021
Movements and overwinter survival of juvenile Red Knots in Southeast US: Information needs for recovery planning December 2025
Colonial nesting wading bird tracking and habitat use assessment December 2025
Effects of Coastal Dynamics & Climate on Loggerhead Turtle N... May 2018
Evaluation of the impact of artificial lighting on sea turtle hatchling orientation. December 2020
Nutritional ecology and husbandry of Dermatemys mawii August 2020
Green turtle spatial distribution, abundance and habitat models in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. August 2021
Impacts of translocation on a cooperatively breeding bird in Ocala National Forest June 2020
Overwintering survival of shorebirds on Florida's Panhandle December 2020
Integration, Validation and fusion of Small Unmanned Aircraft systems August 2019
Composition, distribution and ecology of the Nature Coast sea turtle assemblage August 2020
D. Duke Conservation Scholars Program Partnership Through UF September 2023
Productivity of American Oystercatchers nesting on spoil islands at the Cross Florida Greenway State Recreation and Conservation Area August 2019
Migration Trends for King and Common Eiders and Yellow-billed Loons Past Point Barrow in a rapidly changing environment December 2018
Research Publications Publication Date
Zweig, C.L., K.G. Rice, F.J. Mazzotti, and H. Franklin Percival. Body Condition Factor Analysis for the American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis). Herpetological Review. 2014. 45(2) pg. 216-218 June 2014
Zweig, C.L., B.E. Reichert, and W. M. Kitchens. 2011. Implications of discontinuous elevation gradients on fragmentation and restoration in patterned wetlands. Ecosphere 2(8):art98. doi: 10.1890/ES11-00119.1 April 2011
Zweig, C.L. and W.M. Kitchens. 2009. Defining the present before restoring the past: Everglades vegetation communities. Society of Wetland Scientists Online Brief Series. May 2009
Zweig, C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2009. Multi-state succession in wetlands: A novel use of state and transition models. Ecology. 90:1900-1909. May 2009
Zweig, C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2008. Effects of landscape gradients on wetland vegetation communities: Information for large-scale restoration. Wetlands. 28(4) 1086–1096. December 2008
Zweig, C. L. and W. M. Kitchens. 2010. The Semiglades: The collision of restoration, social values, and the ecosystem concept. Restoration Ecology 18(2): 138–142. December 2010
Yosapong, T., A. R. Woodward, J. P. Ross, P. S. Kubilis, and H. F. Percival. 2006. Survival and growth of American alligator hatchlings after artificial incubation and repatriation. Journal of Herpetology. 40(4):415-423. September 2006
Woodward, A.R., H.F. Percival, R. Conrow, T.S. Gross, K.G. Rice, R.H. Rauschenberger. 2011 Lake Apopka's abnormal alligators in J. Elliott, C. Bishop, and C. Morrisey. Coeds. Wildlife Toxicology: Forensic Approaches. Springer, New York. pp 153-187 September 2011
Wooding, J. B., and R. R. Carthy. 2000. Interactions of humans and manatees in Crystal River, Florida. Proceedings of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, 52:260-264. September 2000
Williams,N.C., Bjorndal, K. A., Lamont, M.M., Carthy, R.R. 2014. Winter diets of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) on a northern feeding ground: integrating stomach contents and stable isotope analyses. Estuaries and Coasts. 37:986-994. | Download July 2014
Will, A., H. McFarland, C. Latty, and A. Powell. 2024. Geolocators, stable isotopes, and citizen science identify migratory timing, route, and spring molt of Smith’s Longspurs. Avian Conservation and Ecology 19(1):13. [online] URL: | Abstract April 2024
Wilkinson, B., H. A. Lassiter, A. Abd-Elrahman, R. R. Carthy, P. Ifju, E. Broadbent, and N. Grimes. 2019. Geometric targets for UAS Lidar. Remote Sensing 11(24), 3019; December 2019
Wetzel, P. R., and W. M. Kitchens. 2007. Vegetation change from Chronic stress events: Detection of the effects of tide gate removal and long-term drought on a tidal marsh. Journal of Vegetation Science. 18: 431-442. July 2007
Wetzel, P. R., W. M. Kitchens, J. M. Brush, and M. L. Dusek. 2004. Use of a reciprocal transplant study to measure the rate of plant community change in a tidal marsh along a salinity gradient. Wetlands, Vol. 24(4):879-890. July 2004
Welch, Z.C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2007. Predicting freshwater and oligohaline tidal marsh vegetation communities in the vicinity of the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. December 2007
Watts, A.C., L. N. Kobziar, and H. F. Percival. 2011. Unmanned aircraft systems for wildland fire monitoring and research. In K.M. Robertson, R.E Masters and K.E.M. Galley, eds. Proceedings of the 24th Tall Timbers Fire Ecology Conference: The Future of Fire: Public Awareness, Health, and Safety. Tall Timbers Research Station, Tallahassee, FL. pp 86-90. December 2010
Watts, A. C., W. S. Bowman, A. H. El-Rahman, A. Mohamed, B. E. Wilkinson, J. Perry, Y. O. Kaddoura, and K. Lee 2008. Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UASs) for ecological research and natural-resource monitoring. Ecological Restoration, 26:13-14. January 2008
Watts, A. C., J. H. Perry, S. E. Smith, M.A. Burgess, B.E. Wilkinson, Z. Szantoi, P.G. Ifju, H. F. Percival. 2010. Small unmanned aircraft systems for low-altitude aerial surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management, 74(7):1614-1619. | Download | Publisher Website September 2010
Waddle, J. H., K. G. Rice, F. J. Mazzotti, and H. F. Percival. 2008. Modeling the effect of toe clipping on treefrog survival: beyond the return rate. Journal of Herpetology 42:467-473. June 2008
Waddle, J. H., K. G. Rice and H. F. Percival. 2003. Using personal digital assistants for collection of wildlife data. Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 31(1):306-308. September 2002
Waddle, A. R, J. M. Kinsella, J. P. Ross, E. Rojas-Flores, H. F. Percival, D. J. Forrester. 2009. Nematodes collected by gastric lavage from live American alligators, alligator mississippiensis, in Florida. Journal of Parasitology 95(5): 1237–1238. October 2009
Vitale, N., J. Brush, and A. Powell. 2021. Factors limiting reproductive success of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) in Florida’s Southern Big Bend. Waterbirds 44(4): 449-462. December 2021
Vitale, N., Brush, J. and A. Powell. 2021. Loss of coastal islands along Florida’s Big Bend Region: Implications for breeding American Oystercatchers. Estuaries and Coasts 44:1173–1182. September 2020
Valentine-Darby, P.L., P.C. Darby, and H.F. Percival. 2012. Gender-based differences in Florida apple snail (Pomacea paludosa) movements. Malacologia 54(1):109-118. December 2012
Valentine-Darby, P. L., R. E. Bennetts, and W. M. Kitchens. 1998. Seasonal patterns of habitat use by snail kites in Florida. Journal of Raptor Research, Vol. 32:98-103. April 1998
Valentine-Darby, P. L., R. E. Bennetts and W. M. Kitchens. 1997. Breeding season masses of snail kites in Florida. Florida Field Naturalist, Vol. 25(2):60-63. February 1997
Valentine-Darby, P. L., P. C. Darby, R. E. Bennetts, W. M. Kitchens, and H. F. Percival. 2008. The use of mark-recapture to estimate Florida apple snail (Pomacea paludosa Say) density in wetland habitats. Florida Scientist. 71(2): 115-127. August 2007
Twardek, W. M., I.G. Cowx, N. Lapointe, C. P. Paukert, T. D. Beard, E. M. Bennett, D. Browne, A. K. Carlson, K. D. Clarke, Z. Hogan, K. Lorenzen, A. J. Lynch, P. B. McIntyre, P. Pompeu, M. Rogers, A. Sakas, W. W. Taylor, T. D.Ward, Z. Basher, and S. J.Cooke. 2022. Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development. Water Biology and Security . February 2022
Tuma, M. E. and A. N. Powell. 2021. The southeastern U.S. as a complex of use sites for nonbreeding rufa Red Knots: fifteen years of band-encounter data. Wader Study 128(3): 265-273. doi:10.18194/ws.00256 | Abstract December 2021
Tucker, A.M., McGowan, C.P., Nuse, B.L., Lyons, J.E., Moore, C.T., Smith, D.R., Sweka, J.A., Anstead, K.A., DeRose‐Wilson, A. and Clark, N.A. (2023). Estimating recruitment rate and population dynamics at a migratory stopover site using an integrated population model. Ecosphere, 14(2). doi: | Abstract December 2022
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Mulero E, Angeli N, Zegarra JP. 2020. A demographic projection model to support conservation decision making for an endangered snake with limited monitoring data. Animal Conservation 24 (2): 291-301. October 2020
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Lyons JE, Derose-Wilson A, Clark NA. 2021. Species-specific demographic and behavioral responses to food availability during migratory stopover. Population Ecology. July 2021
Tiwari, M., R. R. Carthy, A. Silveria, and K. A. Bjorndal. 2003. A comparison of nest architecture in loggerhead sea turtles (Caretta caretta) nesting in Florida and Brazil. Herpetological Review, Vol. 34(2):138-139. August 2003
Temsiripong, Y., J. P. Ross, A. R. Woodward, P. S. Kubilis, and H. F. Percival. Submitted. Survival and growth of American alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) hatchlings after artificial incubation and repatriation. Journal of Herpetology, 40(4): 415-423. September 2006
Swindall, J.E., H.K. Ober, M.M. Lamont and R.R. Carthy. 2019. Informing sea turtle outreach efforts to maximize effectiveness. Wildlife Society Bulletin 1–11; 2019; DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1004 | Download September 2019
Sullivan, R. S., J. Richardson, W. M. Kitchens, and T. J. Smith, III. 1989. Monitoring water quality and habitat: Guidelines for National Wildlife Refuges in Region IV. Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. May 1989
Stolen, E.D., J.A. Collazo, H.F. Percival. 2012. Group foraging effects on capture rate in wading birds. Condor. IP-032594 | Abstract October 2012
Stolen, E. D., J. A. Collazo, and H. Franklin Percival. 2009. Vegetation Effects on Fish Distribution in Impounded Salt Marshes. Southeastern Naturalist 8:503-814. August 2009
Stolen, E. D., J. A. Collazo, and H. F. Percival. 2007. Scale-dependent habitat selection of nesting Great Egrets and Snowy Egrets. Waterbirds 30:384-393. October 2007
Stevens, A. J., Z. C. Welch, P. C. Darby and H. F. Percival. 2002. Temperature effects on Florida applesnail activity: implications for snail kite foraging success and distribution. Wildlife Society Bulletin, Vol. 30(1):75-81. March 2002
Sonsthagen, S., C. Haughey, M. Sexson, D. Solovyena, M. Petersen, and A. Powell. 2020. Temporal variation in genetic structure within the endangered spectacled eider. Conservation Genetics 21:175-179. November 2019
Smith, S., Z. Szantoi, J. Perry, and H.F. Percival. 2011. Design considerations for remote sensing payloads on inexpensive small unmanned autonomous vehicles. Surveying and Land Information Sciences Journal. | Download October 2010
Smith, D., Newhard, J., McGowan, C. and Butler, A., 2020. The Long-Term Effect of Bleeding for Limulus Amebocyte Lysate on Annual Survival and Recapture of Tagged Horseshoe Crabs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7, p.1133. December 2020
Singh, TC Hines, HF Percival, MK Oli. Published. Does nest-site selection influence bobwhite nesting success in South Florida? Wildlife Research.37:489–496. October 2010
Singh, A., T.C. Hines, J.A. Hostetler, H. F. Percival, and M.K. Oli, 2011. Patterns of space and habitat use by northern bobwhites in South Florida, USA. Eur J Wildl Res (2011) 57:15–26 | Download January 2011
Silver-Georges, I., S. A. Ceriani,M. Ware, M. Lamb, M. Lamont, J. Becker, R.R. Carthy, C, Matechik, J. Mitchell, R. Pruner, M. Reynolds, B. Smith, C. Snyder, and M. M. P. B. Fuentes. 2021. Using systems thinking to inform management of imperiled species: a case study with sea turtles. Biological Conservation 260: 109201 | Abstract | Publisher Website June 2021
Silveira, J. E., J. R. Richardson and W. M. Kitchens. 1993. A geographic information systems model of fire damage and vegetation recovery in the Everglades. In: Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, LA., Florida Cooperative Research Unit, Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, pp. 455-458. March 1993
Shamblin, B.M., M.G. Dodd, D.A. Bagley, L.M. Ehrhart, A.D. Tucker, C. Johnson, R.R. Carthy, R.A. Scarpino, E. McMichael, D.S. Addison, K.L. Williams, M.G. Frick, S. Ouellette, A.B. Meylan, M.H. Godfrey, S.R. Murphy, C.J. Nairn. Genetic structure of the southeastern United States loggerhead turtle nesting aggregation: evidence of additional structure within the peninsular Florida recovery unit. 2010. Marine Biology (2011) 158:571-587 December 2010
Shamblin, B.M., A.B. Bolten, K.A. Bjorndal, P.H. Dutton, J.T. Nielsen, F.A. Abreu-Grobois, K.J. Reich. B.E. Witherington, D.A. Bagley, L.M. Ehrhart, A.D. Tucker, D.S. Addison, A. Arenas, C. Johnson, R.R. Carthy, M.M. Lamont, M.G. Dodd, M.S. Gaines, E. LaCasella, and C.J. Nairn. 2012. Expanded mitochondrial control region sequences increase resolution of stock structure among North Atlantic loggerhead turtle rookeries. Marine Ecology Progress Series,. 469:145-160. | Abstract July 2012
Sexson, M.G., M. R. Petersen, G. A. Breed, and A. N. Powell. 2016. Shifts in the distribution of molting Spectacled Eiders (Somateria fischeri) indicate ecosystem change in the Arctic. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 118:463-476. | Download | Publisher Website June 2016
Senko, J., V. Koch, W.M. Megill, R.R. Carthy, R.P. Templeton, W.J. Nichols. 2010. Fine scale daily movements and habitat use of East Pacific green turtles at a shallow coastal lagoon in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 391(2010): 92-100 July 2010
Scott, A. M., and A. K. Carlson. 2024. A new water temperature modeling approach to predict thermal habitat suitability for nonnative cichlids in Florida rivers. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 39(1):e2405721. October 2024
Schwarzer, A. C., Jaime A. Collazo, Lawrence J. Niles, Janell M. Brush, Nancy J. Douglass, and H. Franklin Percival. 2012. Annual Survival and Plasma Metabolites of Red Knots (Calidris canutus rufa) wintering in Florida. Auk 129:725-733. | Download October 2012
Schmid, J. R., A. B. Bolten, K. A. Bjorndal, W. J. Lindberg, H. F. Percival and P. D. Zwick. In Press. Home range and habitat use by Kemp's ridley turtles in west-central Florida. Journal of Wildlife Management, Vol. 67(1):196-206. January 2003
Salmon, M., R. Carthy, C. M.F. Lohmann, K. J. Lohmann, and J. Wyneken. 2012. Collecting a sample of loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings before a natural emergence does not reduce nest productivity. Endangered Species Research. 16: 296-299. doi: 10.3354/esr00409 IP-034556 | Download March 2012
Rolland, V.M.O., H.F. Percival, T. Hines, M. Hostetler. Factors influencing reproductive performance of northern bobwhite in south Florida.European Journal of Wildlife Research. DOI 10.1007/s10344-010-0479-5.2010. | Download December 2010
Rolland, V., J.A. Hostetler, T.C. Hines, F.A. Johnson, H.F. Percival, and M.K. Oli. 2011. Effects of harvest and climate on population dynamics of northern bobwhites in south Florida. Wildlife Research. 38(5):396-407. October 2011
Rolland, V., J. Hostetler, T. Hines, H. F. Percival, and M. Oli. 2010. Impact of harvest on survival of a heavily hunted game bird population. Journal of Applied Ecology. Published Wildlife Research, 37, 392–400 August 2010
Robinson, B. H., L. M. Phillips, and A. N. Powell. 2019. Energy intake rate influences survival rates of Black Oystercatcher Haematopus bachmani broods. Marine Ornithology 47:277-283. October 2019
Robinson, B. H., L. M. Phillips, H. A. Coletti, and A. N. Powell. 2018. Are prey remains accurate indicators of chick diet? A comparison of diet quantification techniques for Black Oystercatchers. Wader Study 125(1):20–32, DOI 10.18194/ws.00105. May 2018
Richardson, J. R., W. L. Bryant, W. M. Kitchens. 1993. Spatial relationships of vegetation, water quality and hydrology in a northern Everglades Ecosystem. In: Landin, M. C., ed. Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference of the Society of Wetlands Scientists, New Orleans, LA. Utica, MS. April 1993
Richardson, J. R., W. L. Bryant, Jr., and W. M. Kitchens. 1993. Spatial relationships ofvegetation, water quality and hydrology in a norther everglades ecosystem. Everglades: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference, Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, LA. Department of Wildlife and Range Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences, Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Universityof Florida, Gainesville, FL, pp. 401-405. March 1993
Richardson, J. R., W. L. Bryant and W. M. Kitchens. 1993. A spatial hydrologic model ofLoxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge and its integration into a GIS analysis. In: Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference, Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, LA. Departments of Wildlife and Range Sciences, Department of Environmental Engineering Sciences and the Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, pp. 450-454. March 1993
Richardson, J. R., K. R. Pope and W. M. Kitchens. 1987. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge Vegetation and Modeling Study. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Society of Wetland Scientist Meeting, Seattle, WA, pp. 204-210. September 1987
Rice, K. G., Waddle, J. H., Crockett, M. E., Bugbee, C. D., Jeffery, B. M., and Percival, H. F., 2007, Herpetofaunal inventories of the national park of south Florida and the Caribbean: Volume IV. Biscayne National Park: U. S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2007-1057, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. January 2007
Rice, K. G., J. H. Waddle, M. E. Crockett, R. R. Carthy, and H. F. Percival. 2005. Herpetofaunal inventories of the National Parks of South Florida and the Caribbean: Volume III. Big Cypress National Preserve. US Geological Survey, Open File Report 2005-1300, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. March 2006
Rice, K. G., H. F. Percival and A. R. Woodward. 2002. Estimating sighting proportions of American alligator nests during helicopter survey. 2000 Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Southeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Vol. 54:314-321. February 2002
Rice, A. N., G. P. Ross, A. R. Woodward, D. A. Carbonneau, and H. F. Percival. 2007. Alligator diet in relation to alligator mortality on Lake Griffin, FL. Southeastern Naturalist 6(1):97-110. April 2007
Rice KG, JH Waddle, MW Miller, ME Crockett, FJ Mazzotti, and HF Percival. 2011. Recovery of Native Treefrogs After Removal of Nonindigenous Cuban Treefrogs, Osteopilus Septentrionalis. Herpetelogica. 67(2): 105-117. May 2011
Reichert, Brian,J. Martin, W.Kendall, C. Cattau, W. Kitchens. 2009. Interactive Effects of Senescence and Natural Disturbance on the Survival Probabilities of Snail Kites. Oikos. DOI: 10.111/j.1600-0706.2010. 18366.x December 2009
Reichert, B., C. Cattau, R. Fletcher, W. Kendall, W. Kitchens. 2012. Extreme weather and experience influence reproduction in an endangered bird. Ecology. 2012. Ecology (IP-041148) October 2012
Reichert, B. E., C. E. Cattau, R. J. Fletcher, Jr., W. L. Kendall, and W. E. Kitchens. 2012. Extreme weather and experience influence reproduction in an endangered bird. Ecology 93:2580-2589. October 2012
Rees, A. F., L. Avens, K. Ballorain, E. Bevan, A. C. Broderick, R. R. Carthy, M. J. Marjolijn, J. A. Christianen, G. Cuclos, M. R. Heithaus, D. W. Johnston, J . C. Mangel, F. Paladino, K. Pendoley, R. D. Reina, N. J. Robinson, R. Ryan, S. T. Sykora-Bodie, D. Tilley, M. R. Varela, E. R. Whitman, P. A. Whittock, T. Wibbels, and B. J. Godley. 2018.The potential of unmanned aerial systems for sea turtle research and conservation: a review and future directions. Endangered Species Research. 35: 81-100. February 2018
R. McCleery, Zweig, C.L., M.A. DeSa, H.F. Percival, and W.M. Kitchens. In review. A novel trapping method for small mammals. Wildlife Society Bulletin. December 2014
Prosdocimi, L., N. Teryda, G. Navarro, and R. R. Carthy. 2020. Use of remote sensing tools to predict focal areas for sea turtle conservation in the Southwestern Atlantic. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 2020:1–11. DOI: 10.1002/aqc.3478 | Abstract December 2020
Powell, A.N., R. Bentzen, and R. Suydam. 2018. Migration trends for king and common eiders and yellow-billed loons past Point Barrow in a rapidly changing environment. Final OCS Study BOEM 2018-059. December 2018
Powell A.N., R.T.Churchwell , K. H. Dunton, J.G. Baguley, A.D. Kamikawa, C. Kellogg, B. Crump, and P. Bucolo. 2016. Sediment Characteristics and Infauna of Deltaic Mudflats Along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. US Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage. OCS Study BOEM 2015-045. 77 pp. June 2016
Pope, K. R., J. R. Richardson and W. M. Kitchens. 1987. Vegetation patterns in a northEverglades marsh. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, pp. 211-215. August 1987
Poli, C., E. P. Robertson, J. Martin, A. N. Powell, and R. J. Fletcher Jr. 2022. An invasive prey provides long-lasting silver spoon effects for an endangered predator. Proc. R. Soc. B
289: 20220820.
May 2022
Pias, K., Z. Welch, and W.M. Kitchens. Extraction Platforms:2012. An Artificial Perch to Help Snail Kites Handle an Exotic Apple Snail. Waterbirds 35(2):347-351. June 2012
Phillips, A.C.N., J. Coutou, S. Rajh, N. Stewart, A. Watson, A. Jehu, H.Asmath, F. Dziva, C. Unakal R.B. Holder, and R.R. Carthy. 2017. Temporospatial dynamic and public health significance of bacterial flora identified on a major leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) nesting beach in the Southern Caribbean. Marine Ecology. 15pp IP- 068594. | Abstract | Publisher Website April 2017
Peterson, L. P., G. W. Tanner, and W. M. Kitchens. 1995. A comparison of passerine feeding habits in two tidal marsh communities. Wetlands, Vol. 14(4). September 1995
Pearlstine, L., S. E. Smith, L. Brandt, C. Allen, W. Kitchens, and J. Sternberg. 2002. Assessing state-wide biodiversity in the Florida Gap Analysis Project. Environmental Management, Vol. 66(2):127-144. February 2002
Pearlstine, L. G., and W. M. Kitchens. 1987. A succession modelling approach to wetland impact assessment. National Wetlands Newsletter, Vol. 9(1):13-15. February 1987
Pearlstine, L. G., and W. M. Kitchens. 1986. Community succession modelling for resource management., pp 1369-1381. In Coastal Zone '85: Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium On Coastal Ocean Management, O. T. Magoon, H. Converse, D. Miner, and D. Clark, eds. American Society of Civil Engineers. New York, NY. March 1986
Pearlstine, L. G., W. M. Kitchens, P. J. Latham and R. D. Bartleson. 1993. Tide gate influences on a tide marsh. Water Resources Bulletin, Vol. 29(6):1009-1019. August 1993
Pearlstine, L. G., W. M. Kitchens, P. J. Latham and R. D. Bartleson. 1993. Tide gate influences on a tidal marsh. American Water Resources Association, pp. 433-440 and 625-626. March 1993
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Churchwell, R. T., S. Kendall, S. C. Brown, and A. N. Powell. 2018. Will increased storm surge frequency impact food availability for Semipalmated Sandpipers Calidris pusilla at the beginning of fall migration? Wader Study 125:195-204. DOI: 10.18194/ws.00121 December 2018
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Bryant, W. L., J. R. Richardson and W. M. Kitchens. 1993. Vegetation relationships to sediment chemistry and hydrology in the Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. In: Wetlands: Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference Society of Wetland Scientists, New Orleans, LA p. 391. March 1993
Brody, M., W. Conner, L. G. Pearlstine and W. M. Kitchens. 1989. Modeling bottomland forest and wildlife habitat changes in Louisiana's Atchafalaya Basin. In: Freshwater and Wetlands Wildlife, Proceedings of a symposium held at Charleston, South Carolina, March 24-27, 1986. R. R. Sharitz and J. Whitfield Gibbons, eds. DOE-CONF 860326. Office of Science and Technological Information, U. S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, TN, pp. 991-1004. February 1989
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Brandt, L. A., J. E. Silveira, and W. M. Kitchens. 2002. Chapter 10: Tree Islands of the Arthur R. Marshall National Wildlife Refuge. In: Sklar, F. H., and A. Van Der Valk, eds. Tree Islands of the Everglades. Kluwer Academic Inc., pp. 310-335. March 2002
Bowling, A. W., J. Martin, and W. M. Kitchens. 2012. Evaluating the effect of changes in habitat conditions on movement of juvenile snail kites. Ibis 154:554-565 . May 2012
Boonstra, W. J., N. Boucquey, A. K. Carlson, L. Drakopulos, J. Fly, S. Joosse, S. Panchang, M. N. Marjadi, A. Rieser, and H. C. Wernersson. 2022. Urban fishing reveals underrepresented diversity. Nature Food 3:295(2022). April 2022
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Bjorndal, K.A., Bolten, A.B., Chaloupka, M., Saba, V.S., Bellini, C., Marcovaldi, M.A.G., Santos, A.J.B., Bortolon, L.F.W., Meylan, A.B., Meylan, P.A., Gray, J., Hardy, R., Brost, B., Bresette, M., Gorham, J.C., Connett, S., Crouchley, B.V.S., Dawson, M., Hayes, D., Diez, C.E., van Dam, R.P., Willis, S., Nava, M., Hart, K.M., Cherkiss, M.S., Crowder, A.G., Pollock, C., Hillis-Starr, Z., Muñoz Tenería, F.A., Herrera-Pavón, R., Labrada-Martagón, V., Lorences, A., Negrete-Philippe, A., Lamont, M.M., Foley, A.M., Bailey, R., Carthy, R.R., Scarpino, R., McMichael, E., Provancha, J.A., Brooks, A., Jardim, A., López-Mendilaharsu, M., González-Paredes, D., Estrades, A., Fallabrino, A., Martínez-Souza, G., Vélez-Rubio, G.M., Boulon Jr., R.H., Collazo, J.A., Wershoven, R., Guzmán Hernández, V., Stringell, T.B., Sanghera, A., Richardson, P.B., Broderick, A.C., Phillips, Q., Calosso, M., Claydon, J.A.B., Metz, T.L., Gordon, A.L., Landry Jr., A.M., Shaver, D.J., Blumenthal, J., Collyer, L., Godley, B.J., McGowan, A., Witt, M.J., Campbell, C.L., Lagueux, C.J., Bethel, T.L., and Kenyon, L., 2017, Ecological regime shift drives declining growth rates of sea turtles throughout the West Atlantic. 2017. Global Change Biology, 23(11):4556-4568, | Abstract | Publisher Website June 2017
Bishop, N., Polisar, J., Eliazar, P.J., Carthy, R.R., & Bjorndal, K.A. 2022. Diet of Dermatemys mawii, an aquatic turtle that relies heavily on terrestrial vegetation. Chelonian Conservation and Biology. 21 (1): 37–45. | Abstract March 2022
Bishop, N. D., Hudson, R., Marlin, J., Pop, T., Rainwater, T., Boylan, S., Atkinson, B., and Carthy, R. R. 2021. Using growth rates to estimate the minimum age and size at sexual maturity in a captive population of the critically endangered Central American river turtle Dermatemys mawii. Journal of Zoo and Aquarium Research, 9(3), 150–156. | Abstract July 2021
Bennetts, R. E., and W. M. Kitchens. 2001. Factors influencing movement probabilities of a nomadic food specialist. Oikos 92:1-9. July 2001
Bennetts, R. E., and W. M. Kitchens. 1997. Population dynamics and conservation of snail kites in Florida: The importance of spatial and temporal scale. Col. Waterbirds 20(2):324-329. February 1997
Bennetts, R. E., and W. M. Kitchens. 1997. Influence of the 1994-1995 high water event onsurvival, reproduction, and distribution of snail kites in the Florida Everglades. IN: Proceedings of the conference held at Florida International University, August 22-23, 1996 in Miami, Florida, pp. 197-204. February 1997
Bennetts, R. E., W. M. Kitchens, and V. J. Dreitz. 2002. Influence of an extreme high-water event on survival, reproduction, and distribution of snail kites in Florida. Wetlands, Vol. 22(2):452-454 September 2002
Bennetts, R. E., W. M. Kitchens, and D. L. DeAngelis. 1998. Recovery of the endangered snail kite: beyond a reductionist paradigm. Transactions of the 63rd North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Vol. 63:486-501. May 1998
Bennetts, R. E., V. J. Dreitz, W. M. Kitchens, J. E. Hines, and J. D. Nichols. 1999. Annual survival of snail kites in Florida with comparisons between radio telemetry and capture-resighting data. Auk, Vol. 116:435-447. September 1999
Bennetts, R. E., M. R. Shannon, and W. M. Kitchens. 1997. Causes of mortality of post-fledging juvenile and adult snail kites in Florida. Florida Field Naturalist, Vol. 26(3):84-87. May 1997
Bennetts, R. E., K. Golden, V. J. Dreitz, and W. M. Kitchens. 1998. Estimates of the proportion of snail kites attempting to breed and the number of attempts per year in Florida. Florida Field Naturalist, Vol. 26(3):77-83. September 1998
Bennetts, R. E., J. D. Nichols, J. Lebreton, R Pradel, J. E. Hines, and W. M. Kitchens. 2001. Methods for estimating dispersal probabilities and related parameters using marked animals. In: Colbert, J., J. D. Nichols, E Dabchin, and A Dhont, eds. Causes, Consequences, and Mechanisms of Dispersal at the Individual, Population, and Community Level. Oxford University Press. January 2001
Bennetts, R. E. and W. M. Kitchens. 1999. Within-year patterns of survival of Snail Kites in Florida. Journal of Field Orinthology, 70(2):268-275. | Download December 1999
Bellmund, Sarah and Wiley M. Kitchens. 1997. Chapter 7: Landscape ecological indices: In: Science Subgroup, eds. Ecological and percursor success criteria for south Florida ecosystem restoration. Report to the Working Group of the South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Taskforce. September 1997
Baber, M. J., K. J. Babbit, F. Jordan, H. L. Jelks, and W. M. Kitchens. 2005. Relationships among habitat type, hydrology, predator composition, and distribution of larval anurans in the Florida Everglades. In Meshaka, W. E., and K. J. Babbit (eds). Amphibian and Reptiles: Status and Conservation in Florida. Krieger Publishing Co. Malabar, FL. pp. 154-160. June 2005
B Folt, J Goessling, AM Tucker, C Guyer, S Hermann, E Shelton-Nix, CP McGowan. 2021. Contrasting patterns of demography and population viability among gopher tortoise populations in Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 85(4): 617–630. June 2021
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Allen, C., L. Pearlstine, D. Wojcik, and W. M. Kitchens. 2001. The spatial distribution of diversity between disparate taxa: Spatial correspondence between mammals and ants. Landscape Ecology 16(5) 453-464. September 2001
Allen, C. R., L. G. Pearlstine, and W. M. Kitchens. 2001. Modeling viable mammal populations in gap analyses. Biological Conservation 99:135-144. | Download September 2001
Abercrombie, C. L., S. Howarter, C. Morea, K. Rice, and H. F. Percival. Everglades alligator thermoregulations: unanswered questions. Proceedings of the 16th Working Meeting of the Crocodile specialist Group SSC/IUCN, Gainesville, FL October 17, 2002. December 2002
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Presentations Presentation Date
Zweig. C.Z.,Kitchens, W. M. 2005. Modeling wetland habitat transfromations in response to hydrologic alterations using artificial neural networks. 26th Annual Meeting Scoiety of wetland Scientists. Charleston SC. June 2005
Zweig, CL and WM Kitchens. 2012. Ridge and slough multistate modeling for landscape management. 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. Conference. Orlando, FL. June 6, 2012. June 2012
Zweig, CL and W.M. Kitchens. 2007. Habitat use of the endangered Florida snail kite during Everglades restoration. Second Annual National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Kansas City, MO January 2007
Zweig, C.L. and W.M. Kitchens. 2007. Landscape scale fragmentation of Cladium jamaicense in an impounded Everglades wetland. Presentation at the 2007 Society of Wetland Scientists International Conference, Sacramento, CA. January 2007
Zweig, C.L. and W.M. Kitchens. 2007. Landscape scale fragmentation of Cladium jamaicense in an impounded Everglades wetland. Presentation at the 2007 Society of Wetland Scientists International Conference, Sacramento, CA. January 2007
Zweig, C.L. and W.M. Kitchens. 2006. Characterizing an Everglandes in Transition: Wetland vegetaion dynamics. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference, Orlando, FL. January 2006
Zweig, C.L. and W.M. Kitchens. 2004. Tracking and predicting vegetation response to hydrologic alternatives across an Everglades landscape using artificial neural networks. National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Orlando, FL. December 2004
Zhang, X.M. N. Kemal, B. Smith, N. Bishop and R. Carthy. 2015. Establishing baseline monitoring data for sea turtle nesting beaches with varying anthropogenic usage in St. Johns County, Florida. 100th Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, 9-14 August 2015. August 2015
Zhang, Ke, C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2023. Infection rates of avian malaria in white ibis and tricolored herons in the southeastern US. Annual Conference of the Waterbirds Society, Fort Lauderdale, FL October 2023
Zhang, Ke, C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2022. Non-breeding utilization ranges of white ibis and tricolored herons in the Gulf of Mexico region. Waterbirds Conference, Corpus ChristI, TX. November 2022
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2025. Nomadic vs. Central Place Foraging: divergent movement strategies in White Ibis and Tricolored Heron across wetland habitats. Waterbirds Society Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. January 2025
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2023. Haemosporidian parasites in wading birds captured from breeding colonies in coastal Alabama. Florida TWS Meeting, Jacksonville, FL. March 2023
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, and A. N. Powell. 2021. Habitat use of wading birds during the non-breeding season in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting (Virtual). November 2021
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, Z. S. White, K. Wilson, S. M. Wisely, and A. N. Powell. Haemosporidian parasites wading birds captured from breeding colonies in coastal Alabama. Annual Meeting, American Ornithological Society, London, Ontario. August 2023
Zhang, K., C. K. Gulick, Z. S. White, K. Wilson, S. M. Wisely, and A. N. Powell. 2023. Haemosporidian parasites on wading birds captured from breeding colonies in coastal Alabama. Wildlife Disease Association Annual Meeting, Athens, GA. August 2023
Zeitoune, S., R. McKee, R. McCleery, C. Romagosa, and R. R. Carthy. 2023. Prey naiveté or pre-adaptation in cotton rats facing invasive pythons. Poster presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Louisville, Kentucky. November 2023
Wooley, A., M. McCallister, M. Ajemian, S. Webb, J. Whittington, R. Scharer, L. Heath, D. Yakich, A. Carlson and G. Poulakis. 2022. Preliminary smalltooth sawfish data from the southern Indian River Lagoon: is a nursery re-establishing? Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 15 March 2022. March 2022
Wooley, A. K., G. R. Poulakis, Z. A. Siders and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use and home range of juvenile Smalltooth Sawfish in a southwest Florida nursery. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1 March 2024. March 2024
Wooley, A. K., G. Poulakis, Z. Siders, and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Ontogenetic shifts in habitat use and home range of juvenile Smalltooth Sawfish in a southwest Florida nursery. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, February 2023. February 2023
Woodward, A.R., H.F. Percival, M.r. Milnes, P.S. Kubilis, D.A. Carbonneau, L.J. Richey, and K.G. Rice. 2002. Causes of low egg viability in Florida alligators. Poster presentation. 16th Working Meeting of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group, Gainesville, Florida, October 7-10, 2002. October 2002
Wetzel, P.R., Z.C. Welch, and W.M. Kitchens. 2005. Plant COmmunity Resilience in a Tidal Marsh Salinity Gradient. Ecological Society of America 90th Annual Meeting. Montreal, QC, Canada. January 2005
Wetzel, P.R., W.M. Kitchens, and J.B. Grace. 2003. The temporal and spatial effects of tide gate and drought disturbance on tidal marsh plant communities. Ecological Society of American Meeting, Savannah, GA, August 1-6, 2003. August 2003
Welch, Z.C., Kitchens, W.M. 2005. Littoral vegetation on a central florida lake prior to extreme fihseries habitat management activities. 26th Annual Meeting Society of Wetland Society of Wetland Scientists. Charleston, SC. June 2005
Welch, Z.C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2007. Predicting freshwater and oligohaline tidal marsh vegetation communities in the vicinity of the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference, University of Georgia, Athens, GA. January 2007
Welch, Z.C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2007. Predicting freshwater and oligohaline tidal marsh vegetation communities in the vicinity of Savannah National Wildlife Refuge. Georgia Water Resources. May 2007
Welch, Z.C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2006. Vegetation Monitoring and Pattern Analysis. Presentation of sample design and analysis to FFWCC lake management team, upon request. Kissimmee, Fl. January 2006
Welch, Z.C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2005. Monitoring Community Composition and Distribution of Littoral Vegetation on a Central Florida Lake. Society of Wetland Scientists 26th Annual Conference, Charleston, SC. January 2005
Welch, Z.C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2005. Community composition and distribution of littoral vegetation on Lake Tohopekaliga. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists, Charleston, SC. January 2005
Welch, Z.C. and W.M. Kitchens. 2003. Monitoring littoral vegetation community composition and distribution on a central Florida lake. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, June 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. June 2003
Watts, A.C., W.S. Bowman, A. Abd-Elrahman, B.A. Dewitt, P.G. Ifju, A. Mohamed, K. Lee, L.G. Pearlstine, H.F. Percival, and S.E. Smith. Unmanned aircraft systems for natural resource monitoring and ecological research. Plenary Presentation, Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, 6-9 August 2007, Washington, D.C. August 2007
Watts, A.C., W.S. Bowman, A. Abd-Elrahman, B.A. Dewitt, P.G. Ifju, A. Mohamed, K. Lee, L.G. Pearlstine, H.F. Percival, and S.E. Smith. Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Natural Resource Monitoring and Ecological Research. Poster, National Conference on Ecological Restoration, 23-27 April 2007, Kansas City, MO. April 2007
Watts, A. C., H. F. Percival, L. G. Pearlstine, P. G. Ifju, B. A. Dewitt, S. E. Smith, A. Mohamed, and W. S. Bowman. Development of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) system for wildlife and ecological research. Poster, 3rd National Conference on Coastal and Estuarine Habitat Restoration, 9-13 December 2006, New Orleans, LA. December 2006
Watts, A. C. and H. F. Percival. 2011. University of Florida 2011 activities. NASA/U.S. Forest Service Tactical Fire Remote Sensing Advisory Committee meeting, 25 May 2011, Sacramento, CA. May 2011
Waddle, J.H., K.G. Rice, and H.F. Percival. 2002. Using proportion of area occupied tomeasure abundance of amphibian species in Everglades National Park. Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Kansas City, MO, USA. June 2002
Waddle, J.H., K.G. Rice, and H.F. Percival. 2002. Using proportion of area occupied tomeasure abundance of amphibian species in Everglades National Park. Florida Chapter of the Wildlife Society Spring Meeting, Crystal River, FL, USA. April 2002
Waddle, J.H., K.G. Rice, R.R. Carthy, H.F. Percival, and M.C. Caudill. 2000. AmphibianInventory of Everglades National park and Big Cypress National Preserve. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference, Naples, FL, USA. April 2000
Waddle, J.H., K.G. Rice, R.R. Carthy, H.F. Percival, and M.C. Caudill. 2000. Amphibian inventory of Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference, Naples, FL. January 2000
Waddle, J.H., K.G. Rice, H.F. Percival, and R.R. Carthy. 2001. Amphibian inventory of the National Parks of south Florida. Florida Chapter of the Wildlife Society Spring Meeting, Gainesville, FL. January 2001
Waddle, J.H., K.G. Rice, H.F. Percival, and R.R. Carthy. 2001. Amphibian Inventory of theNational Parks of South Florida. Florida Chapter of the Wildlife Society Spring Meeting, Gainesville, FL, USA. February 2001
Waddle, J. Hardin, Kenneth G. Rice, and H. Franklin Percival. 2003. Using site occupancy estimation methods for management and ecological research. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 29, 2003. October 2003
Waddle, J. Hardin, Kenneth G. Rice, Frank J. Mazzotti, and H. Franklin Percival. 2004. Threatsto amphibian populations in south Florida. First National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Orlando., FL. December 6-10, 2004. December 2004
Vitale, N., J. Brush, and A. Powell. 2019. Factors limiting reproductive success of American Oystercatchers in Florida's Big Bend region. American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, AK. June 2019
Vitale, N., A. Powell, and J. Brush. 2017. Habitat change, predators, and disturbance: factors influencing productivity of American Oystercatchers nesting in Florida's Big Bend. Florida Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Gainesville, FL. November 2017
Vine, J., D. Fox, S. Rider, A. K. Carlson, and W. E. Pine. 2022. Differential seasonal occupancy patterns of Gulf Sturgeon inform definition of habitat use. 152nd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, 21–25 August 2022. August 2022
Vilchez, M., T. S. Coleman, and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Volunteer angler data reveal social-ecological responses to habitat manipulation in a new water management area. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, Norfolk, Virginia, 1–5 February 2023. February 2023
Vilchez, M., T. S. Coleman, and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Social responses to habitat manipulation in a new water management area. 152nd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, 21–25 August 2022. August 2022
Vilchez, M., T. S. Coleman, B. C. Thompson and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Social responses to habitat manipulation in a new water management area. Annual Meeting, Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Jacksonville FL, 22–24 March 2023. March 2023
Vilchez, M., L Nicholson, L. Braun de Torrez , R. Carthy, and C. Romagosa. 2021.The implications of Acoustic Software Match Ratios for bat species identification and composition. Poster presentation, ESA, Long Beach, California. August 2021
Twardek, W., I. Cowx, N. Lapointe, C. Paukert, T. D. Beard, D. Browne, A. Carlson, K. Clarke, Z. Hogan, K. Lorenzen, A. Lynch, P. McIntyre, P. Pompeu, M. Rogers, A. Sakas. Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development. 151st Annual AFS Meeting (virtual). November 2021
Tuma, M. E., P. Kelly, R. Pruner, and A. Powell. 2018. Why should we care about nonbreeding shorebirds in Florida? Poster presented Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Crystal River, FL April 2018
Tuma, M. E. and A. N. Powell. Movement and Distribution of Red Knots (Calidris canutus) in the Southeastern U.S. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group, Panama City, Panama October 2019
Tuma, M. E. and A. N. Powell. Survival and habitat selection of piping plovers (Charadrius melodies) in the Florida Panhandle. Florida Chapter of TWS Annual Meeting. April 2019
Tuma, M. E. and A. N. Powell. 2019. Movement and distribution of red knots (Calidris canutus) in the southeastern U.S. American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, AK. June 2019
Tufford, D.T., W.M. Kitchens, and K Kowalski. 2005. Coastal Wetland Impoundment Ecology and Management: The Southeast, Great Lakes, and Beyond. Society of Wetlands Scietists, 26th Annual Meeting. Symposium 6, Co-Conviener June 2005
Tucker AM, Mcgowan CP, Lyons JE, Derose Wilson A, Clark N. 2020, Annual variation in use of a spring stopover site by three migratory shorebirds. North American Ornithological Congress, Virtual Meeting, August 2020 August 2020
Tucker AM, McGowan CP, Mulero E, Angeli NF, Zegarra JP, 2020, A demographic projection model to support conservation decision making for an endangered snake with limited monitoring data. The Wildlife Society annual meeting. Virtual Conference, October 2020. October 2020
Trujillo, N., M. McCampbell, C. Gulick, C. Romagosa, and R.R. Carthy. 2022. Assessment of cotton rat (Sigmodon hispidus) home range sizes in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem. Poster presentation at 29th Annual Meeting of TWS, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Thompson, B.C., P. Morrow, D. Taylor, D. Anderson, D. Holdermann, B. Locke, and R.R. Carthy. July 2000. Inventory, Monitoring, and Related Resource Assessment by Cooperative Research Units on Military Installations: Southwest Examples and Linkages. CRU Presentation at National Military Fish and Wildlife Association Meeting, Chicago, IL. July 2000
Teryda, N. S., L. Prosdocimi, E. A. Pinheiro dos Santos, G. Stahelin, M. Lopez-Mendilaharzu, and R. R. Carthy. 2025. SURFACE DETECTION PROBABILITY OF LEATHERBACK TURTLES AT THE RIO DE LA PLATA, SOUTH AMERICA. Oral presentation at 43rrd Annual International Sea Turtle Symposium, Accra, Ghana. March 2025
Teryda, N. S., L. Prosdocimi, G. M. Velez-Rubio, and R. R. Carthy. 2020. Unmanned aircraft system surveys target leatherback conservation in the Rio de la Plata Estuary, AR/UR. Poster presentation, 40th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Cartagena, Colombia, March 14-20, 2020. March 2022
Teryda, N. S., G. M. Velez-Rubio, L. Prosdocimi, and R. R. Carthy. 2023. Uncrewed Aerial Systems as tools for green turtle population assessment in coastal marine protected areas in Uruguay. Poster presentation at International Sea Turtle Symposium, Cartagena, Colombia. March 2023
Teague, A., J.D. Nichols, C.A. Langtimm, H.F. Percival, W.C. Wayne, J.E. Hines. 2012. The use of capture-recapture models to analyze manatee use of a warm-water refuge. European Cetacean Society. Galway, Ireland. Poster Presentation. March 2012
Taylor, W. W., A. K. Carlson, A. Bennett, J. Liu. 2022. Fisheries as coupled human and natural systems. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 14–20 May 2022. May 2022
Taylor, W. W., A. K. Carlson, A. Bennett, J. Liu, and M. Good. 2022. Evaluating Great Lakes fisheries ecosystems as coupled human and natural systems (CHANS). Ecosystem Approach Conference. University of Windsor, Windsor, Ontario. 22–24 August 2022. August 2022
Taylor, W. W., A. K. Carlson, A. Bennett, D. Hayes and B. Lambe. 2021. The “good, bad and ugly” of invasive species on the production dynamics and harvest of Laurentian Great Lakes fishes and the vitality of coastal communities. 8th World Fisheries Congress, 20 - 24 September 2021. September 2021
Summo, S., L. Nicholson, C. Romagosa, and R.R. Carthy.2022. Watering holes - An exploration of the relationship between proximity to different types of open water bodies and bat activity in south Florida. Poster presentation at 29th Annual Meeting of TWS, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Stratton, L. D., E. M. Trotman, C. N. Keiser, C. M. Romagosa, and R. R. Carthy. 2023. Food provisioning and juvenile survival in the fishing spider, Dolomedes triton. Poster presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Louisville, Kentucky. November 2023
Stolen, E.D., B.K. Williams, H.F. Percival, M.D. Koneff, L.G. Pearlstine, S.V. Rockwood, S.J. Morris, F.A. Johnson, J.D. Nichols, and R.R. Carthy. 2001. Wildlife and habitat surveys using geo-coded videography from unmanned aerial vehicles. The Wildlife Society's 8th Annual Conference, Reno, NV. July 2001
Stephens, B.S., M.M. Lamont, R.R. Carthy, L. Patrick. 2011.INCUBATION TEMPERATURES OF LOGGERHEAD TURTLE (CARETTA CARETTA) NESTS DEPOSITED ON NORTHWEST FLORIDA BEACHES.31st Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, San Diego,California. April 12-15, 2011. April 2011
Stenberg, J., L.G. Pearlstine and W.M. Kitchens. 1997. The TNC vegetation classification andvegetation mapping in Florida - Simplifying the complex 7th Annual National GAP Analysis Meeting, Reston, VA. September 1997
Sorenson, K. and H.F. Percival. 2002. Developing a monitoring protocol for siren and amphiuma in the southeastern United States. The 2nd Annual Institute of Food and Agricultural Science Graduate Research Symposium, Gainesville, Florida, March 18, 2002. March 2002
Society of Wetland Scientists. Salt Lake City, Utah. "Global Climate Change and the Persistence of Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis) in Florida." June 2010. June 2010
Smith, TJ III, M Allen, E Chassignet, H. Davie, D. DeAngelis, A Foster, T Green, W Kitchens, V Misra, P Nelson, F Percival, N Plant, D Slone, L Stefanova, B Stith, E Swain, D Summer, A Tihansky, G Tiling-Rangel, S Walls, C Zweig. 2010. Land of flowers on a latitude of deserts: aiding conservation and management of Florida’s biodiversity by using predictions from downscaled AOGCM climate scenarios with ecological modeling. USGS Climate Change Science: Understanding the Past, Informing Decisions for the Future, 9-11 March 2010, Denver, CO. Poster presentation. March 2010
Smith, TJ III, M Allen, E Chassignet, H. Davie, D. DeAngelis, A Foster, T Green, W Kitchens, V Misra, P Nelson, F Percival, N Plant, D Slone, L Stefanova, B Stith, E Swain, D Summer, A Tihansky, G Tiling-Rangel, S Walls, C Zweig. 2010. Land of flowers on a latitude of deserts: aiding conservation and management of Florida’s biodiversity by using predictions from downscaled AOGCM climate scenarios with ecological modeling. Florida Climate Institute Kick-off Meeting, 16 Nov 2010, Tallahassee, FL. Poster presentation. November 2010
Smith, TJ III, M Allen, E Chassignet, H. Davie, D. DeAngelis, A Foster, T Green, W Kitchens, V Misra, P Nelson, F Percival, N Plant, D Slone, L Stefanova, B Stith, E Swain, D Summer, A Tihansky, G Tiling-Rangel, S Walls, C Zweig. 2010. Land of flowers on a latitude of deserts: aiding conservation and management of Florida’s biodiversity by using predictions from downscaled AOGCM climate scenarios with ecological modeling. 3rd USGS Modeling Conference: Understanding and Predicting for a Changing World. 7-11 June 2010, Denver, CO. Poster presentation. June 2010
Smith, R., E. Hardin, and R. R. Carthy. 2025. rust, Traps, and Turtles: Leveraging Stakeholder and Fisher Perspectives to Enhance Sea Turtle Bycatch Reporting and Mitigation in Florida’s Trap Fisheries. Oral presentation at 43rd Annual International Sea Turtle Symposium, Accra, Ghana. March 2025
Smith, R., E. Hardin, C. J. Bohannon, S. Schaf, and R. R. Carthy. 2025.Unraveling Sea Turtle Bycatch in Florida's Trap Fisheries: An Interdisciplinary Threat Assessment. Oral presentation. South East Regional Sea Network Meeting, Hilton Head, SC. March 2025
Smith, R. S., S. Schaf, and R. R. Carthy. 2023. Entanglement of marine turtles in Florida’s commercial and recreational trap fisheries: 30+ years of data reveal a potentially ubiquitous and persistent threat. Oral presentation at International Sea Turtle Symposium, Cartagena, Colombia. March 2023
Slone, D.H., K.G. Rice, J.C. Allen, and H.F. Percival. 2003. The ATLSS American alligatorpopulation model: results from restoration alternatives. Presented at the 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, FL. April 2003
Slone, D.H., J.C. Allen, K.G. Rice, and H.F. Percival. 2002. A spatially-explicit population model of the American alligator in the Everglades of Florida, USA. Poster Presentation. 16th Working Meeting of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group, Gainesville, Florida, October 7-10, 2002. October 2002
Silver-Gorges, I., J. Becker, R. R. Carthy, S. A. Ceriani, M. Lamb, M. M. Lamont, C. Matechik, J. Mitchell, M. Reynolds, B. Smith, C. Snyder, M. Ware, M. M. P. B. Fuentes. 2020. Maximizing Loggerhead Turtle (Caretta caretta) Hatchling Production in Light of Disturbances in Northern Gulf of Mexico. Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill & Ecosystem Science Conference (GoMOSES). February 3-6, 2020, Tampa, FL. February 2022
Siddiqui, S., N. Bishop and R.Carthy. 2016. Nutrient Influxes from Caretta caretta (loggerhead sea turtle) nesting. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 7-12 August, 2016. August 2016
Shigetomo Hirama, Morgan Wideroff. Raymond R. Carthy, and Blair Witherington . 2018. Measuring the impact of light pollution on hatchling orientation. Presentation at the 38th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Kobe, Japan. Feb. 18-24, 2018 February 2018
Sherr, E., W.W. Boone, C. M. Romagosa, R.R. Carthy and N.D. Bishop. 2017. Interactions between ctenophores (Mnemiopsis leidyi) and microplastic beads within ecologically relevant parameters. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. August 2017
Serano, J., T.S. Coleman, N. Bishop, T. Osborne, and R. R. Carthy. 2023. Measuring tidally-driven gas exchange on sea turtle nesting beaches. Poster presentation at Li-COR Connect 2023, Atlanta, GA. November 2023
Senko, J., V. Koch, W.M. Megill, R.R. Carthy, R.P. Templeton, W.J. Nichols.2011.FINE SCALE DAILY MOVEMENTS AND HABITAT USE OF EAST PACIFIC GREEN TURTLES AT A SHALLOW COASTAL LAGOON IN BAJA CALIFORNIA SUR, MEXICO.31st Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, San Diego,California. April 12-15, 2011. April 2011
Senko, J., V. Koch, W. Megill, R. Carthy, R. Templeton, and W.J. Nichols. 2009, Fine-scale movement and activity patterns of the East Pacific green turtles at a coastal foraging area in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Poster presentation at the 28th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Brisbane, Australia. February 2009
Senko, J., R. Mayoral, V. Koch, R. Carthy, M. Nickerson, W. Megill, and W.J. Nichols. 2008. Preliminary results on the ecology and conservation of immature black turtles, Chelonia mydas, at a coastal foraging area in Baja California Sur, Mexico. Poster presentation at the 27th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Loreto, Mexico January 2008
Selden, J., N. Bishop, B. Smith and R. Carthy. 2015. Natural inventory and habitat classification of the beach-to-estuary ecotones and establishment of a long-term monitoring site for barrier island habitats and species in St. Johns County, Florida. 100th Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, 9-14 August 2015. August 2015
Scarpino, R., E. McMichael, D. Bagley, R.R. Carthy, and J. Seminoff. 2004. Initial satellite tracking data of cold-stunned juvenile green sea turtles following displacement in the Gulf of Mexico. Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. San Jose, Costa Rica. February 2004. February 2004
Roy, F., L. Elmquist, J. Broxton, L. Hussain, P. Xiong, R. R. Carthy, C. Romagosa, and R. Fletcher. 2024. Potential boat interactions between recreational boating and snail kite (Rostramus sociabilis plumbeus) nesting. Poster presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Baltimore Maryland. October 2024
Ross, J.P., H.F. Percival, A. Woodward, D. Carbonneau, T.R. Schoeb, J. Burns, C. Williams and W. Carmichael. 2000. Alligator mortality and algal toxins: a preliminary report. American Fisheries Society, Florida Chapter 20th Annual Meeting, March 2000. Abstract. March 2000
Ross, J. P., H. F. Percival, A. Woodward, D. Carbonneau, T. R. Schoeb, J. Burns, C. Williams and W. Carmichael. March 2000. Alligator mortality and algal toxins: a preliminary report. American Fisheries Society, Florida Chapter's 20th Annual Meeting, Brooksville, FL. March 2000
Ross, J. P., Franklin Percival , Dwayne Carbonneau , Allan Woodward & Trenton Schoeb. 2001. Investigations of mortality and reproductive failure of alligators in Lake Griffin, Central Florida. Florida Lake Management Association, Annual Meeting Tallahassee May 2001. Abstract. March 2000
Rodriguez-Riverol, J. J., E. M. Trotman, C. N. Keiser, C. M. Romagosa, and R. R. Carthy. 2023. Parasite infection and antipredator behavior in freshwater snails. Poster presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Louisville, Kentucky. November 2023
Robinson, B., L. Phillips, and A. Powell. 2017. Accelerated energy intake increases survival rates of Black Oystercatcher broods. Annual Meeting, Pacific Seabird Group, Tacoma, WA. February 2017
Robinson, B., A. Powell, L. Phillips, H. Coletti. 2015. Are prey remains accurate indicators of chick diet? Implications for long-term monitoring of Black Oystercatchers. 6th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Wallops Island, VA. September 2015
Robinson, B. H., L. M. Phillips, and A. N. Powell. 2016. Accelerated energy intake increases survival rates of Black Oystercatcher broods. NPS Centennial Science and Stewardship Symposium, Fairbanks, Alaska. October 2016
Robinson, B. H., L. M. Phillips, and A. N. Powell. 2016. Accelerated energy intake increases survival rates of Black Oystercatcher broods. Alaska Chapter, TWS, Anchorage, Alaska. March 2016
Rice, K.G., J. H. Waddle and H.F. Percival. 2003. Using proportion of area occupied toestimate abundance of amphibians in Everglades National Park and Big Cypress National Preserve. Presented at the 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, FL. April 2003
Rice, K.G., F.J. Mazzotti, and H.F. Percival. November 1999. Effects of restoration on alligators and crocodiles in the Greater Everglades Ecosystem. South Florida Restoration Science Forum. Boca Raton, FL. Poster. November 1999
Reichert, B. and W. M. Kitchens. (2010) The Current Status of the Snail Kite Population in Florida. Southeast Partners in Flight Conference. Gainesville, FL. March, 10 2010. Available online, March 2010
Rauschenberger, H., A. R. Woodward, H. F. Percival, , T.S. Gross, K.G. Rice, R. Conrow. 2011. Alligator anomalies at Lake Apopka. Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry. Boston. 11/17/2011 November 2011
Quintilani, M., N. bishop, B.J. Smith,C. Romagosa and R. Carthy. 2016. Effects of man-made oyster reefs on sediment composition in estuaries. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 7-12 August, 2016. August 2016
Pruner, R., M. Tuma, and A. N. Powell. 2025. Weathering the storm: survival of Gulf Coast plovers amid hurricanes and harmful algal blooms. Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, San Jose, Costa Rica. January 2025
Prosdocimi, L., N. S. Teryda, G. M. Velez-Rubio, and R. R. Carthy. 2020. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Assessing use for surveys of sea turtle populations in feeding areas. Poster presentation, 40th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Cartagena, Colombia, March 14-20, 2020. March 2022
Powers, E., and W.M. Kitchens, 2005. Meta-stable states of vegetative communities in the northern Everglades. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland. Scientists, Charleston, SC. June 2005
Powers, E., W.M. Kitchens. 2006. Vegetative habitat response to the interim operational plan in WCA-3A. Greater Everglades Ecological Restoration Conference, Orlando, FL January 2006
Powers, E., Kitchens, W.M., Wetzel, P. 2005. Vegetative response due to hydrological alteration. 26th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Charleston, South Carolina. June 2005
Powell, Abby N. and Kevin Kalasz. 2024. Another piece of the puzzle: Identifying sites important to young Red Knot. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Sackville, NB, Canada. August 2024
Powell, A. N. 2017. The challenges of restoring populations of artic-breeding eiders. Special session, Planning Restoration and Recovery of Sea Ducks Injured in Coastal Oil Spills. 6th International Sea Duck Conference, 7 February, Tiburon, CA. February 2017
Pias. K. and W. Kitchens. 2012. Relationships Between the Foraging Rates and Home Range Structure and Composition of Breeding Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) on Lake Tohopekaliga in Florida . Poster presented at: North American Ornithological Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. August 2012. August 2012
Pias. K. and W. Kitchens. 2012. An Artificial Platform to Help Snail Kites (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) Handle an Introduced Prey Species. Poster presented at: North American Ornithological Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. August 2012. August 2012
Pias. K. and W. Kitchens. 2011 Foraging Ecology of Breeding Snail Kites on the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, Florida. Raptor Research Foundation 2011 Annual Meeting. Duluth, MN. October 2011. October 2011
Phillips, M.L., K.G. Rice, C.R. Morea, H.F. Percival, and S.R. Howarter. 2003. Habitatselection and home range of American alligators in the greater Everglades. Presented at the 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, FL. April 2003
Peter C. Frederick, A. C. Watts, M. Burgess. Prospects of the use of unmanned aircraft systems for assessing the size of wading bird populations in the Everglades. Presentation, South Florida Water Management District, West Palm Beach, FL, 5 September 2008. September 2008
Percival. H.F. 2001. Mortality of alligators on Lakes Apopka and Griffin. Invited Lecture given to Wildlife Disease Class (WEC 5323C). University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, November 1, 2001. November 2001
Percival, H.F., R.R. Carthy, M.M. Lamont, C.J. Petrick, R.W. McWhite, and D.L. Miller. 2000. Case studies of threatened and endangered species research on military installations in Florida. Annual Department of Defense, Fish and Wildlife Training Session, Rosemont, IL., March 2000. March 2000
Percival, H.F., M.A. Burgess, P.J. Ifju, S.E. Smith, B.A. Dewitt, B.S. Evers, J.H. Perry, T.J. Rambo, T.M. Reed, P.C. Frederick, H.Y. Rodriguez-Asilis, and D.A. Wolfe. Unmanned aircraft system for ecological research and monitoring. Invited seminar. CSU Unmanned Aerial System Symposium. Colorado State University. Ft. Collins, CO. 20-21 March 2012 March 2012
Percival, H.F., M.A. Burgess, P.J. Ifju, S.E. Smith, B.A. Dewitt, B.S. Evers, J.H. Perry, T.J. Rambo, T.M. Reed, P.C. Frederick, H.Y. Rodriguez-Asilis, and D.A. Wolfe. Unmanned aerial system for ecological research and monitoring. Invited seminar. University of Florida Center for Remote Sensing. Spring Seminar Series. Gainesville, Florida. January 20, 2012. January 2012
Percival, H.F., M. Chopp, K.G. Rice. 2002. Reproduction of alligators in canals and marsh habitats at the A.R.M. Loxahatchee NWR. Greater Everglades Alligator Group Meeting. November 21, 2002. Homestead, FL. November 2002
Percival, H.F., G.P. Jones, IV, K.G. Rice, and A.R. Woodward. 2002. The potential use of unmanned aerial vehicles in assessing alligator populations. Poster Presentation. 16th Working Meeting of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group, Gainesville, Florida, October 7--10, 2002. October 2002
Percival, H.F. 2005. Invited Presentation. Quail Conservation Consortium and ranchlandresearch project. Bobwhite Quail Habitat Conservation Initiative Meeting, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Pickney Hill Plantation. Monticello, FL, January 18, 2005. January 2005
Percival, H.F. 2003. Potential of a 2m UAV in natural resources. New Technologies in Aerial Natural Resources Surveys II: A mini-symposium. Center for Natural Resources. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, April 7, 2003. April 2003
Percival, H.F. 2003. Moderator: Third Annual University of Florida College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Graduate Research Symposium, Gainesville, Florida, March 19, 2003. March 2003
Percival, H.F. 2003. Moderator: Concurrent Session 4: Arthur R. Marshall LoxahatcheeNational Wildlife Refuge. 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, FL. April 2003
Percival, H.F. 2003. Moderator. New Technologies in Aerial Natural Resources Surveys II: A mini-symposium. Center for Natural Resources. University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, April 7, 2003. April 2003
Percival, H.F. 2003. Invited Panel Discussion Moderator. UF South Florida Ecological Restoration Research and Outreach Discussion -- What are the priorities and opportunities? Focused Topic Session: Plants/Animals. School of Natural Resources and Environment. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 29, 2003. October 2003
Percival, H.F. 2002. Session Moderator. New findings in crocodilian biology-techniques. 16th Working Meeting of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group, Gainesville, Florida, October 7-10, 2002. October 2002
Percival, H.F. 2002. Invited presentation and panelist. Meeting partner needs. USGS Florida Caribbean Science Center Annual Review. April 24-25, 2002. Gainesville, FL. April 2002
Percival, H.F. 2001. Use of unmanned aerial vehicles in wildlife population and habitatassessment. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Seminar. December 2001. December 2001
Percival, H.F. 2001. Mortality of alligators on Lakes Apopka and Griffin. Invited Lecture given to Wildlife Disease Class (WEC 5323C). University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. May 2001
Percival, H.F. Lunch with a scientist. Invited seminar. National Science Writers Association annual meeting. Gainesville FL Nov 4, 2013 November 2013
Percival, H.F. C. L. Zweig, M. DeSa, R.M. Hunt, S. Fitzwilliam, W.M. Kitchens, M.S. Allen, D. Dutterer, J. Seavey, P. Frederick. Invited presentation. Climate change research on salt marsh and estuarine communities in the Lower Suwannee NWR and Cedar Key Scrub State Park. Friends of the Lower Suwanee and Cedar Keys NWR. Cedar Key, FL. October 27, 2011. October 2011
Percival, H. Franklin. 2004. The Coop Unit Program and the Florida Unit. Presented at the Biology Program Coordinators Visit to the Florida Integrated Science Center, Gainesville, FL, February 19, 2004. February 2004
Percival, H. F., J. Duberstein, K. Lee, L. G. Pearlstine, P. Zager, P. Ifju, and G. P. Jones. 2005. Feasibility of using 1.5 m unmanned aerial vehicles in assessing Florida manatee and American bison populations. The Wildlife Society's 12th Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, Sept 26, 2005. September 2005
Percival, H. F. 2002. Invited Facilitator. Survival estimation panel discussion. Manateepopulation ecology and management workshop. Gainesville, FL. April 3, 2002. April 2002
Percival et al. 2013. An Unmanned Aircraft System for Ecological Research and Monitoring. Invited Seminar. University of Central Florida seminar series. Feb 11, 2013 February 2013
Pedrozo, C., J. Brisbane, B.J. Smith, C. Romagosa, N. Bishop and R. Carthy. 2016. Predicting patterns of native snake occurrence along Main Park Road in Everglades National Park, Florida. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 7-12 August, 2016. August 2016
Pearlstine, L.G., M. B. Litrico, H. F. Percival, J. Duberstein, and B. Dewitt . 2005. Assessment of Brazilian pepper and phragmites using videography from small unmanned vehicles. The Wildlife Society's 12th Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, Sept 26, 2005. September 2005
Pearlstine, L.G., H.F. Percival, R.R. Carthy, S. Morris, A. Abd-Elrahman , and F. Johnson. 2001. Development of a Practical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Natural Resource Sampling. 18th Biennial Workshop on Color Photography & Videography in Resource Assessment, Amherst, MD, May 15-18, 2001. May 2001
Pearlstine, L.G., H.F. Percival, R.R. Carthy, S. Morris, A. Abd-Elrahman , F. Johnson, and R.E. Bennetts. 2001. Development of a Practical Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for Natural Resource Sampling. 18th Biennial Workshop on Color Photography & Videography in Resource Assessment, Amherst, MA, May 2001. May 2001
Pearlstine, L.G., H.F. Percival, A.Abd-Elrahman, P.G. Ifju, and B.A. Dewitt. 2002. Detecting bird populations from an unmanned aerial vehicle. Third North American Ornithological Conference, September 24-28, 2002, New Orleans, LA. September 2002
Pearlstine, L.G., C. Allen and W.M. Kitchens. 1997. Incorporating minimum viabilitypopulations criteria into GAP models. 7th Annual National GAP Analysis Meetings, Reston, VA. April 1996
Pearlstine, L.G., A.C. Watts, and K. Lee. Unmanned aerial vehicles for natural resource management and wildlife surveillance. Restoration Coordination and Verification Leadeship Group Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, FL, 6 September 2006 September 2006
Parker, S., J. Moore, A. Breton, K. Wilkinson, A. K. Carlson, and W. E. Pine. 2022. Maximizing learning opportunities in conservation: integrating range-wide data to inform Gulf Sturgeon management. 152nd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, 21–25 August 2022. August 2022
Overduijn, K. S., C. M. Handel, and A. N. Powell. 2019. Sympatric plovers partition nesting habitat with minimal effect on nest survival. 18th Alaska Bird Conference, Fairbanks, AK. March 2019
Olbert, J. and W. Kitchens. Determining Reasons of Nesting Failure and Brood Reduction of Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) Nests on the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes, FL. Poster presented at: Raptor Research Foundation 2011 Annual Meeting. Duluth, MN. October 2011 October 2011
Olbert, J. and W. Kitchens. 2012. Determining Reasons of Nesting Failure and Brood Reduction of Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) Nests on Lake Tohopekaliga, FL. Poster presented at: North American Ornithological Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. August 2012. August 2012
Norem, A.D. and R.R. Carthy. 2006. Injury assessment of sea turtles utilizing the neritic zone of the southeastern United States. Poster presentation at the 26th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Crete, Greece. March 15, 2006. April 2006
Norem, A.D. and R.R. Carthy. 2004. Impacts of flipper tagging on sea turtle fitness and survival: how much do we really know? Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. San Jose, Costa Rica. February 2004. February 2004
Norem, A.D. & R.R. Carthy. 2005. Sea turtle �"shark interactions: Injury classification criteria. Poster presentation at the 25th Annual International Symposium of Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Charleston, SC. January 2005
Nomani, S.Z., R.R. Carthy and M.K. Oli. 2006. Comparsion of methods of gopher tortoise abundance estimation. Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cocoa Beach, Florida. September 15, 2006. September 2006
Myles-McBurney, C. E., J. H. O’Connor and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Diel or no diel? Research evaluating gravel-bar fish assemblages in the Escambia River in relation to season, depth, and time of day. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1 March 2024. March 2024
Muench, A.M., Kitchens, W.M. 2005. Aquatic vertebrate usage of littoral habitat prior to extreme habitat modification in Lake Tohopekaliga, FL. 26th Annual Meeting. Society of Wetland Scientists June 2005
Muench, A.M. and W.M. Kitchens. 2003. Evaluation of littoral zone habitat usage by herpetofaunal and fish assemblages in lake Tohopekaliga, (Kissimmee Chain-of-Lakes, Central Florida). Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, June 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. June 2003
Mota, M.J. and R.R. Carthy, 2009. The role of external calcium carbonate in Loggerhead turtle nest incubation. Oral presentation at the 28th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Brisbane, Australia. February 2009
Mota, M., A. Foley, R. Dean and R.R.Carthy. 2005. Native and Nourished Beach Sand Properties and their Relationship to Sea Turtle Hatching Success in Florida. Poster presentation at the 25th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Charleston, SC. January 2005
Mota, M. and R.R. Carthy. 2006. Beach nourishment biology and dynamics. 26th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Crete, Greece. March 15, 2006 March 2006
Mota, M. and R.R. Carthy. 2004. Modeling sea turtle clutch temperature and development based on air temperature and sand characteristics. Proceedings of the 24th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. San Jose, Costa Rica. February 2004. February 2004
Morea, C.R., S.R. Howarter, K.G. Rice, H.F. Percival, and C. L. Abercrombie. 1999. Habitat preference and movement of the American alligator in the Everglades ecosystem. Abstract/Presentation in Managing Biodiversity, Fl. Chap. Wildl. Soc. Orlando, FL. August 1999
Morea, C.R., K.G. Rice, H.F. Percival, and S.R. Howarter. January 2000. Home range and daily movement of the American alligator in the Everglades. 15th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, IUCN, Varadero, Cuba. Poster. January 2000
Morea, C.R., K.G. Rice, H.F. Percival and S.R. Howarter. 2000. Habitat use of the American alligator in the Everglades. Florida Lake Management Society 2000 Annual Meeting, Duck Key, FL. June 2000
Miller, K. A., E. Lundy, C. E. Myles-McBurney and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Preliminary assessment of habitat suitability and microhabitat use of imperiled Bluenose Shiners in Florida rivers. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1 March 2024. March 2024
Miller, K. A. and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Developing a habitat suitability index for Florida’s Bluenose Shiner populations. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, February 2023. February 2023
McMichael, E., M.M. Lamont, and R.R. Carthy. February 2001. The impacts of cooperative management on nesting sea turtles along Northwest Florida. Twenty-first Annual International Sea Turtle Symposium, Philadelphia, PA. Poster/Abstract published. February 2001
McMichael, E., J. Seminoff, R. Carthy, and R. Scarpino. 2009. Kemp's ridley sea turtles in St. Joseph Bay, Florida, USA: results from an in-water study in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Poster presentation at the 28th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Brisbane, Australia. February 2009
McGowan, CP. 2023. The species status assessment: a framework for assessing species status and risk to support endangered species management decisions. Presented to the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 2023 November 2023
McGowan CP, Price Tack JL, Grand JB, 2024. Models for linking hunter retention and recruitment to regulations and game populations, Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2024 October 2024
McGowan CP, Lawson AJ, Katz RA, Crawford BA, 2022, Expert judgement in wildlife science and decision making, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, November 2022, Spokane, WA, USA November 2022
McGowan CP, Folt B, Steen D, Reintroduction of Eastern Indigo Snakes in the Western Portion of Its Historic Range: Predictive Modeling of Reintroduction Strategies. Annual meeting of the WIldlife Society, Virtual Conference, November 2021 November 2021
McGowan CP, Ageli N, Beisler W, Rivenbark E, 2021, Data analysis and modeling for endangered species listing decisions, EURING, virtual conference May 2021. May 2021
McGowan CP, 2021, Occupancy and detection probability for resident tropical birds in Nicaragua, Poster Presentation, American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting August 2021. August 2021
McGowan CP et al. 2020 Eastern Black Rail Dynamic Species Status Assessment using Occupancy and Patch Persistence Modeling. North American Ornithological Congress, Virtual Meeting, August 2020. August 2020
McFarland, H., A. Will, and A. Powell. 2019. Geolocators and stable isotopes reveal the migratory route and overwintering locations of an arctic-breeding passerine. American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, Alaska. June 2019
Masterson, L., B. C. Thompson, A. K. Carlson. 2023. Investigating the use of Grass Carp as an alternative hydrilla management strategy. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, February 2023. February 2023
Masterson, L., B. C. Thompson and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Utilizing radio telemetry to investigate the survival and behavior of Grass Carp stocked in Florida lakes. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, St. Augustine, Florida, 9–11 May 2023. May 2023
Masterson, L., B. C. Thompson and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Investigating the behavior and survival of triploid Grass Carp after stocking in the Harris Chain of Lakes. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 9 May 2022. May 2022
Masterson, L. M., B. C. Thompson and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Investigating habitat use, movement, emigration, and survival of Grass Carp stocked to control hydrilla in large Florida lakes. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1 March 2024. March 2024
Martucci, E., L. Elmquist, L. Hussain, P. Xiong, J. Broxton, R. R. Carthy, C. Romagosa, and R. Fletcher. 2024. Mapping boat activity: Comparing boat counts between peak recreational events and snail kite surveys. Poster presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Baltimore Maryland. October 2024
Martin, J., W.M. Kitchens, and W.M. Mooij. 2003. Population dynamics of the snail kite in Florida. Presented at the 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, FL. April 2003
Martin, J., W.M. Kitchens, and D.E. DeAngelis. 2003. Population dynamics of the snail kite in Florida. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, June 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. June 2003
Martin, J., Kitchens, W.M. 2005. Population decline of the snail kite in Florida. 26th Annual Meeting Society Society of Wetland Scientists. Charleston, SC. June 2005
Manes, C., D. Pinton, R. Carthy, A. Canestrelli, and I. Capua. 2023. Occurrence of Fibropapillomatosis in Green Turtles (Chelonia mydas) in Relation to Environmental Changes in Coastal Ecosystems in Texas and Florida: A Retrospective Study. Oral presentation at International Sea Turtle Symposium, Cartagena, Colombia.
March 2023
Manes, C. R. Herren, D. Godfrey, E. Cooper, and R. R. Carthy. 2025. Fibropapillomatosis elusive virus ChHV5 reveals novel multifactorial relationships in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Oral presentation. South East Regional Sea Network Meeting, Hilton Head, SC. March 2025
Malloy, K.J. and W.M. Kitchens. 2003. Nekton community composition and utilization of the tidal freshwater and brackish marshes of the lower Savannah River. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, June 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. June 2003
Maleko, P. N., V. V. Pronkevich, K.S. Maslovsky, and A. N. Powell. 2021. Common Redshank (Tringa totanus) nest presence in relation to landscape features and the possible impacts of heavy-duty all-terrain vehicles in the Russian Far East. American Ornithological Society 2021 Virtual Meeting. August 2021
Maleko P. N., V. V. Pronkevich, K. S. Maslovsky, J. C. Slaght, A. N. Powell. 2021. The importance of Schaste Bay, Khabarovsk Krai, Russian Far East to Nordmann's Greenshank (Tringa guttifer). International Wader Study Group Conference (virtual), 10 October 2021. October 2021
Maglothin, M.L., M.M. Lamont, and R.R. Carthy. February 1998. Report of a double-chambered egg chamber in a loggerhead sea turtle nest along Northwest Florida, USA. Eighteenth Annual International Sea Turtle Symposium, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico. Poster/Abstract published. February 1998
M. L. Boldenow, R. B. Lanctot, A. N. Powell, R. Porter, S. Freeman, S. Brown, R. McGuire, J. Cunningham, W. English, K. Grond, E. Kwon, D. B. Lank, C. Latty, V. Lovarti, D. Payer, S. Saalfeld, B. K. Sandercock, and A. S. Kitaysky. Impacts of austral summer stress exposure on the migration behavior and reproductive performance of a calidrid shorebird. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Sackville, NB. August 2024
Lyons, J.E., B. Nuse, A. Tucker, K. Anstead, C. McGowan, C. Moore, C. Starks, J. Sweka, and D. Smith. 2024. Co-Production of Adaptive Management for Horseshoe Crabs and a Threatened Migratory Shorebird. Oral presentation at the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawai'i. September 2024
Lopez Romero, A., R. Buron, R. Carthy , and C. Romagosa. 2021. Using eBird to determine the effects of urbanization on breeding Great Horned Owls (Bubo virginianus). Poster presentation, ESA, Long Beach, California. August 2021
Loftin, C.S., N. Ansay and W.M. Kitchens. 1997. Assessing changes in Okeefenokee Swamphydrology with a grid cell model. 12th Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, August 1, 1997, Durham, NC. August 1997
Lee, K., J. Duberstein, P. G. Ifju, and H. F. Percival. 2005. The development of a UAV for wildlife applications. The Wildlife Society's 12th Annual Meeting, Madison, WI, Sept 26, 2005. September 2005
Layton, J.E., T. Wibbels, A. Tucker, J. Wyneken, L. Ehrhart, R. Carthy, R.E. Martin, R. Ernest, M. Bresette, C. Johnson, S. Fournier, J. Schmid, B. Drye, K. Watson, and A. Bryant. 2009. Long-term evaluation of loggerhead sea turtle nesting beach temperatures in the southeastern United States: implications of global climate change on sea turtle conservation. Poster presentation at the 28th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Brisbane, Australia. February 2009
Lawson, A.J., E. Rivenbark, C.P. McGowan. 2022. Reconciling and propagating uncertainty from expert elicited data into decision support population viability analyses. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Spokane, Washington. 6–10 November. November 2022
Lawson AJ, DeMay SM, Rivenbark E, Soileau K, London K, Waddle JH, Yarborough L, Coppola C, and McGowan, CP, 2020, Accounting for Multiple Uncertainties to Evaluate Population Viability of the Alligator Snapping Turtle for the Species Status Assessment. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Virtual. October 2020. October 2020
Latham, P.J., L.G. Pearlstine, and W.M. Kitchens. 1988. Plant community analysis of a freshwater tidal marsh under the influece of increasing salinities and hydroperiod. Proceedings of 9th Annual Meeting of the Society of Wetland Scientists. Washington, D.C. January 1988
Lamont, M.M., R.R. Carthy, C. Thomas, P. Ness, G.M. Defreitas. 2011. SPECTRAL AND RESPONSE ASSESSMENT OF TURTLE-FRIENDLY LIGHTING.31st Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, San Diego,California. April 12-15, 2011. April 2011
Lamont, M.M., K. Hart, T. Tucker, R.R. Carthy.2011.LOGGERHEADS IN THE GULF OF MEXICO: OIL, TRACKS, AND COMMON USE AREAS DETERMINED BY NRDA STUDY.31st Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, San Diego,California. April 12-15, 2011. April 2011
Lamont, M.M. and R.R. Carthy. July 2001. Response of nesting sea turtles and foraging shorebirds to barrier island dymanics. Conference of the Society for Conservation Biology, Hilo, HI. Poster. July 2001
Lamont, M.M. and R.R. Carthy. February 2001. Response of nesting sea turtles to barrier island dynamics. Twenty-first Annual International Sea Turtle Symposium, Philadelphia, PA. Poster/Abstract published. February 2001
Lamont, M.M. and R.R. Carthy. 2002. Response of foraging shorebirds and nesting sea turtles to barrier island dynamics. University of Florida Graduate and Professional Student Forum, Environmental, Agriculture, and Life Sciences Section. University of Florida, Reitz Union, Gainesville, FL, April 4, 2002. April 2002
Kitchens, W.M., Welch, Z.C. , Wetzel, P.W. 2005. Tidal marsh community resilience along a salinity gradient after four year drought. 90th Annual Meeting Ecological Society of America. Montreal, Canada August 2005
Kitchens, W.M., V.J. Dreitz, R.E. Bennetts, and D.L. DeAngelis. April 2000. Linkages between the Snail Kite Population and Wetland Dynamics in a Highly Fragmented South Florida Hydroscape. 15th Annual Symposium of the International Association for Landscape Ecology and the 2nd Conference of the Walt Dineen Society, Fort Lauderdale, FL. April 2000
Kitchens, W.M., R.E. Bennetts, V.J. Dreitz, and D.L. DeAngelis. 2000. Linkages between the Snail Kite population and wetland dynamics in a highly fragmented South Florida hydroscape. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. December 11-15, 2000, Naples, FL, USA. December 2000
Kitchens, W.M., P. Wetzel, and E. Powers. 2003. Vegetative habitats of water conservation Area-3A: hydroligic impacts of IOP. Presented at the 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, FL. April 2003
Kitchens, W.M., J. Martin, C. Cattau, A. Bowling, C. Zweig, and E. Powers. 2007. Population Ecology and Conservation of the snail Kite: an update. 2007. SEI Multi-Species Avian Ecology Workshop/ Independent Science Panel and USACOE, FWS, ENP, FL FWCC, NPS, SFWMD...Miami, FL. January 2007
Kitchens, W.M. and Z. Welch. 2005. Ecological aspects of a formerly impounded tidal wetland in the Lower Savannah River. 26th Annual Meeting Society of Wetland Society of Wetland Scientists. Charleston, SC. June 2005
Kitchens, W.M. and P. Wetzel. 2003. Approaches to Evaluation of vegetation habitat responses to hydrology regimes in the Everglades. Presented at the SEI Multi-Species Avian Ecology Workshop/Independent Science Panel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service , Everglades National Park, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, National Park Service and the South Florida Water Management District, March 16-17, 2003, Key Largo, FL. March 2003
Kitchens, W.M. and J. Martin. 2003. Current direction of studies of the endangered snail kite. Presented at the SEI Multi-Species Avian Ecology Workshop/Independent Science Panel, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service , Everglades National Park, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, National Park Service and the South Florida Water Management District, March 16-17, 2003, Key Largo, FL. March 2003
Kitchens, W.M. and J. Martin. 2002. Past, present, and future contributions of the snail kite project to the development of the Across Trophic Levels Simulation (ATLSS). Ecological Processes and Modelling Workshop. Greater Everglades Restoration Information Workshop Series, Davie, Florida, April 1, 2002. April 2002
Kitchens, W.M. and J. Martin. 2002. Past, present and future contributions of the snail kite project to the development of the Across Trophic Levels Simulation System (ATLSS). Ecological Processes and Modelling Workshop, Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Information Workshop Series, Davie, FL. May 2002
Kitchens, W.M. 2007. Population Ecology and Conservation of the Snail Kite: An Update. National Research Council?s Committee on Independent Review of Everglades Restoration Progress. Miami, FL. November 2007. November 2007
Kitchens, W.M. 2007. Population Ecology and Conservation of the Snail Kite. Everglades Avian Ecology Forum. Miami, FL. August 2007. August 2007
Kitchens, W.M. 2007. An Overview of Current Snail Kite Studies. Florida Ornithological Society. Sebring, FL. October 2007 October 2007
Kitchens, W.M. 2005. Status of the Snail Kite in Florida. Snail Kite Summit. US Fish and Wildlife Service and Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. Kissimmee, FL. December, 2005. December 2005
Kitchens, W.M. 2005. Kissimmee Chain of Lakes Conceptual Model Responses. South Florida Water Management District, Orlando, FL. August 2005. August 2005
Kitchens, W.M. 2005 Status of the snail kite population in Florida. St. Johns River Water Management District. Palatka, FL. September, 2005. September 2005
Kitchens, W.M. 2003. Wildlife impacts and vegetation succession to lake restoration activities including drawdowns and muck scraping in the Kissimmee Chain of Lakes. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 29, 2003. October 2003
Kitchens, W.M. 2003. Vegetation/habitat responses to altered hydrological regimes in water conservation. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 29, 2003. October 2003
Kitchens, W.M. 2003. Population and dispersal ecology of the endangered snail kite in south Florida. School of Natural Resources and Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, October 29, 2003. October 2003
Kitchens, W.M. 2003. Landscape analysis of gramminoid habitats of water quality and hydrology in Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. Presented at the 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, Florida. April 2003
Kitchens, W.M and P.W. Wetzel. 2003. Development of tidal wetland simulation model. Presented to the Savannah harbor Expansion Project Team/Georgia Ports Authority, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Geological Survey, March 5-6, 2003, Savannah, GA. March 2003
Kitchens, W., C. Cattau, and Z. Welch. 2012. Refugia in a Novel Ecosystem: Everglades Snail Kite in Florida. 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. Conference. Orlando, FL. June 6, 2012. June 2012
Kitchens, W. and Z. Welch. Restoring Pattern without Process in Lake Restoration. September 2009. PhD Exit Seminar, Interdisciplinary Ecology, School of Natural Resources, Univ of Florida. September 2009
Kitchens, W. and Z. Welch. Restoring Pattern without Process in Lake Restoration. August 2009. Ecological Society of America Annual Conference. Albuquerque NM. August 2009
Kitchens, W. and Z. Welch. Effects of Habitat Enhancement Project on Lake Tohopekaliga. April 2009. Project Summary Report to FFWCC Management. Eustis, FL. April 2009
Kitchens, W. and Z. Welch. A Large-Scale Fisheries Habitat Enhancement Project on Lake Tohopekaliga. May 2008. Lunch Seminar at USGS National Headquarters, Reston, VA. May 2008
Kitchens, W. and C. Zweig. 2008. Habitat, hydrology, and reproduction: Implications for the conservation of the Florida snail kite and Everglades restoration. Oral presentation at Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Conference, Naples, FL. July 2008
Kitchens, W. and C. Zweig. 2008. Adapting State and Transition Models for a Distinctly Different Grassland—Wetlands. Oral presentation at the Society of Wetland Scientists Conference, Washington D.C. June 2008
Kitchens, W. M., and C. S. Loftin. April 2001. Effects of Suwannee River sill on the Okefenokee Swamp hydrological environment. Four Rivers, Two States, One Basin: A Research Symposium for the Suwannee Basin. Cerveny Conference Center. April 11, 2001, Live Oak, FL. April 2001
Kitchens, W. M., R.E. Bennetts, V. J. Dreitz, and D.L. DeAngelis. December 2000. Linkages between the Snail Kite population and wetland dynamics in a highly fragmented South Florida hydroscape. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference. December 11-15, 2000, Naples, Florida, USA. December 2000
Kitchens, W. 2012. Novel Ecosystems: Ecosystem Restoration and Management. 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. Conference. Orlando, FL. June 6, 2012. (Session Organizer and Moderator) June 2012
Kitchens, W. 2011. The Importance of Water Conservation Area 3A to the Snail Kite Population in Florida. Tropical Audubon Society, Miami, FL. December 2011
Kitchens, W. 2011. The Importance of Water Conservation Area 3A to the Snail Kite Population in Florida. Invited webinar. December 2011
Kitchens, W. Ecology and Conservation of the Snail Kite. 2009. Talahassee, FL. Symposium on Aquatic Weed management and the Endangered Snail Kite. Sponsored by FFWC. September 2009
Johnson, F.A. and H.F. Percival. 2001. The Oak Tree Alliance: an adaptive management initiative and development of unmanned aerial vehicle for wildlife surveys. Invited Seminar by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's North Florida Ecosystem Team Meeting, Titusville, FL, March 2001. March 2001
John H. Perry, A. Mohamed, A. Abd-Elrahman, W. S. Bowman, Y. O. Kaddoura, A. C. Watts . Precision Directly Georeferenced Unmanned Aerial Remote Sensing System: Performance Evaluation. Institute of Navigation National Technical Meeting. San Diego, CA, 13-15 May 2008. May 2008
Jensen, M.B., S. K. Willson, and A. N. Powell. 2020. How effective is the Birdsbesafe cat collar at reducing bird kills by domestic cats? North American Ornithological Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. August 2020
Innocent, H. M. Celestin, N.D. Bishop, C. M. Romagosa, R.R. Carthy, W.W. Boone. 2017. Shrub encroachment in a south Florida grassland: implications for mammalian inhabitants. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. August 2017
Howarter, S.R., K.G. Rice, H.F. Percival, K.M. Portier, and C.R. Morea. 2000. Thermal ecology of the American alligator in the Everglades. 15th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, IUCN, Varadero, Cuba, April 2000. (Poster) April 2000
Howarter, S.R., H.F. Percival, K.G. Rice, K.M. Portier, and C.R. Morea. 2000. Thermal Ecology of the American alligator in the Everglades. 15th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Verrado, Cuba, April 2000. April 2000
Howarter, S.R., C.R. Morea, H.F. Percival, K.G. Rice, and C.L. Abercrombie. 1999. Thermalecology of the American alligator in the Everglades. Abstract/Presentation in Managing Biodiversity. Fl. Chap. Wildl. Soc. Orlando, FL. August 1999
Hostetler, J.A., R. W. Dimmick, T. C. Hines, H. F. Percival, M. K. Oli. 2005. A population model for northern bobwhites. BQI-ARM Meeting, Tall Timbers, Hostetler, J. A., Georgia, March 14, 2005. March 2005
Hostetler, J. A., R. W. Dimmick, T. C. Hines, H. F. Percival, M. K. Oli. 2005. A population model for northern bobwhites. Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society and The Coastal Plain Chapter of the Society for Ecological Restoration, 2005 Spring Conference, March 16-18, 2005, Tarpon Springs. March 2005
Herren, R., D. R. Evans, and R. R. Carthy. 2025. Juvenile Green Turtle Overwintering Behavior in the Northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Oral presentation. South East Regional Sea Network Meeting, Hilton Head, SC. February 2025
Herren, R., D. Evans, D. Godfrey, and R. R. Carthy. 2023. Green turtle overwintering behavior in the northeastern Gulf of Mexico. Oral presentation at International Sea Turtle Symposium, Cartagena, Colombia. March 2022
Gulick, Christopher K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2025. Sexually-selected traits drive dispersal in a purportedly nomadic ​wading bird. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting, San Jose, Costa Rica. January 2025
Gulick, C.K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2022. Movements of two differently adapted wading bird species during the nonbreeding season. Poster; American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico. July 2022
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. First annual survival estimates for white ibises and tricolored herons breeding in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Waterbirds Annual Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. October 2023
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. Breeding season selection of anthropogenic resources varies across pre-breeding movement modes in the white ibis. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, London, Ontario. August 2023
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. Breeding season selection of anthropogenic resources varies across age and pre-breeding movement modes in the American white ibis. Florida TWS, Jacksonville, FL. March 2023
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2023. What can spatial networks tell us about wading birds in the coastal Gulf of Mexico? Poster presentation, Annual Meeting of The Waterbird Society, Ft. Lauderdale, FL. October 2023
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2022. Breeding season selection of anthropogenic resources varies across age and pre-breeding movement modes in the American white ibis. Waterbirds Conference, Corpus Christi, TX. November 2022
Gulick, C. K., K. Zhang, and A. N. Powell. 2021. Post-breeding season movements of wading birds are linked to use of anthropogenic resources. Waterbird Society Annual Meeting (Virtual) November 2021
Griffith, B., J. Roach and A. N. Powell. 2016. Identifying Climate Change and Cross-seasonal Research Priorities for Waterfowl. in Symposium: Climate Change and Migratory Birds: Connecting Management Challenges to Research Programs. The Wildlife Society, Annual Meeting, Raleigh NC October 2016
Gregory KM, McGowan CP, Darst C, McMorran R, 2022, Population Viability Analysis as Decision Support Science for Two Species of Imperiled Freshwater Turtle, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, November 2022, Spokane WA, USA November 2022
Gregory K, McGowan C, 2024. Navigating Uncertainty: Defining Foreseeable Future in Endangered Species Act Classification Decisions, Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2024 October 2024
Goode ABC, McGowan CP, Rivenbark E, 2022, Triage of Endangered Species assessment work to effectively support decision making, The Wildlife Society annual meeting, November 2022 Spokane WA, USA November 2022
Gonzalez, D., P. Xiong, L. Hussain, J. Broxton, R. R. Carthy, and C. Romagosa. 2024. Assessing non-target species interference in camera trapping: Implications for tegu trapping. Poster presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Baltimore Maryland. October 2024
Goforth, K.M. and R.R. Carthy. 2015. Effects of tidal pumping on gas exchange in sea turtle nesting beaches. Florida Undergraduate Research Conference, Daytona Beach, FL., 27-28 February, 2015. February 2015
Garland, K.A., R.R. Carthy. 2011. FACTORS INFLUENCING ATTITUDES TOWARD MARINE TURTLE CONSERVATION AND CONSERVATION PROFESSIONALS: THE DIMENSIONS OF HUMAN-WILDLIFE INTERACTIONS IN PEARL LAGOON, NICARAGUA. 31st Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, San Diego,California.April 12-15, 2011. April 2011
Garland, K., R.R. Carthy and W.J. Nichols. 2006. Community-based conservation strategies: An analysis of efforts employed in Baja California, Mexico and Caribbean Nicaragua. Poster presentation at the 26th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Crete, Greece. March 15, 2006. March 2006
Garland, K., R. Carthy, C. Wood, L. Gravelee, C. Campell, S. Jacobson, and P. Ross. 2009. Cultural antrhopology of taste in Pearl Lagoon: social and economic factors driving green turtle consumption in Caribbean Nicaragua. Poster presentation at the 28th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Brisbane, Australia. December 2009
Gaffey, B. M. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Cold blood in warming waters: Conserving Gulf Sturgeon using precipitation and groundwater models. University of Florida Water Institute Symposium, Gainesville, Florida, 22-23 February 2022. February 2022
Gaffey, B. M. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Cold blood in warming waters: Conserving Gulf Sturgeon using precipitation and groundwater models. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 9 May 2022. May 2022
Gaffey, B. M. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Cold blood in warming waters: Conserving Gulf Sturgeon using precipitation and groundwater models. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 15 March 2022. March 2022
Folt B, McGowan CP, 2022, Using Predictions from Multiple Anthropogenic Threats to Estimate Future Population Persistence of an Imperiled Species, The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, November 2022, Spokane US November 2022
Folt B, Goessling JM, Tucker AM, Guyer C, Hermann SM, Shelton-Nix E, McGowan CP, 2020, Contrasting Patterns Of Demography And Population Viability Among Gopher Tortoise Populations At The Species' Northern Range Edge, The Wildlife Society annual meeting. Virtual Conference, October 2020. October 2020
Erickson F, Mcgowan CP, Godwin JC, Guyer CR, Young DV, 2020. Monitoring Strategies for Repatriated Eastern Indigo Snakes in Southern Alabama. The Wildlife Society annual meeting. Virtual Conference, October 2020. October 2020
Erickson F, McGowan CP, Godwin J, Young DV, Guyer C. 2021 Monitoring Strategies for Repatriated Eastern Indigo Snakes in Southern Alabama. Annual Wildlife Society Conference, Virtual meeting November 2021. November 2021
Encinosa, M., L. Nicholson, C. Romagosa, and R.R. Carthy. 2022. Investigating the impact of roadway type and proximity on bat activity within a restoration context. Poster presentation at 29th Annual Meeting of TWS, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Ely, M, N. Bishop, B.J. Smith, C. Romagosa and R. Carthy. 2016. Monitoring changes in sea turtle nesting beaches in St. Johns County, Florida. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 7-12 August, 2016. August 2016
Dusek, M.L. and W.M. Kitchens. 2003. Multiscale spatial and temporal compositional changes of the tidal marshes of the lower Savnnah River Delta. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, June 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. June 2003
Duberstein, J.M. and W.M. Kitchens. 2003. Tidal forest communities on the Lower Savannah River floodplain. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, June 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. June 2003
Duberstein, J.,Kitchens, W. M. 2005. Freshwater tidal forest communities sampled in the lower Savannah river Floodplain. 26th Annual Meeting Society of Wetland Scientists. Charleston, SC. June 2005
Dreitz, V.J., R.E. Bennetts, B. Toland, and W.M. Kitchens. 1997. Estimation of temporal and spatial variation of reproductive parameters of the snail kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis) population in central and southern Florida. Raptor Research Foundation Conference, Atlanta, GA, April 5, 1997. April 1997
Dreitz, V.J., J.D. Nichols, J.E. Hines, R.E. Bennetts, W.M. Kitchens, and D.L. DeAngelis. October 2000. The use of resighting data to estimate the rate of population growth of the snail kite in Florida. EURING 2000. October 2-7, 2000, Point Reyes, California, USA. October 2000
Dreitz, V.J., J.D. Nichols, J.E. Hines, R.E. Bennetts, W.M. Kitchens, and D.L. DeAngelis. 2000. The use of resighting data to estimate the rate of population growth of the snail kite in Florida. EURING 2000, October 2-7, 2000, Point Reyes, CA, USA. October 2000
Dreitz, V.J. and W.M. Kitchens. 1997. Sources of variation in annual count data used to estimate population size of snail kites in Florida. Walt Dineen Society, Miami, Florida, April 1, 1997. April 1997
Doran Myers D, Gregory K, McGowan CP, Hull V, Scheick B. 2023. Denning black bear response to anthropogenic disturbance and implications for cub survival. Presented to the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, KY, November 2023 November 2023
Dimmick, R.W., M. Oli, S. Brinkley, J. Hostetler, S. Dimmick. 2005. Factors afrfecting the population dynamics and harvest of northern bobwhites on the Babcock Webb WMA. Poster. Southeast Quail Study Group Meeting. Lexington, KY. August 14-17. August 2005
Dimmick, R.W., J.A. Hostetler, T.C. Hines, S. Brinkley, M. Oli, H.F. Percival. 2007. Hunting pressure, harvest rates, mortality and survival of northern bobwhites on a public wildlife management area in south Florida. Invited presentation to quail hunting constituency and general public. FL Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. LaBelle, FL. Sep 2007 September 2007
DeSa, M., R. Hunt, C. Zweig, H.F. Percival and W.M. Kitchens. A novel method for camera trapping small mammals in irregularly flooded marsh environments. 9th INTECOL International Wetlands Conference. Conference. Orlando, FL. June 6, 2012.   June 2012
DeJesus, C., W.W. Boone, R.R. Carthy, C.M. Romagosa, and N.D. Bishop. 2017. The vulture restaurant is OPEN: Comparative feeding ethology of black and turkey vultures. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. August 2017
Darby, Philip C. and H. Franklin Percival. December 1999. Water management for apple snails in Florida: population persistence in hydrologically fluctuating environments. Annual Meeting of the American Water Resources Association, Seattle, WA. December 1999
Daamen, R.C., E.A. Roehl, P.A. Conrads, W.M. Kitchens. 2007. Integrating 3D hydrodynamic transport and ecological plant models of the Savannah River estuary using artificial neural network models. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Nice, France. May 2007
Cuevas- Hernandez, J R. Buron, C. Romagosa, and R. Carthy. 2021. Using eBird to assess the impact of urban land development on Least Tern (Sternula antillarum) breeding occupancy in Florida. Poster presentation, ESA, Long Beach, California. August 2021
Cronin, A., A. Wynn, B. Smith, N. Bishop and R. Carthy. 2015.Potential for ghost crab predation on sea turtle nests on driving and non-driving beaches in St. Johns County, Florida.100th Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, Maryland, 9-14 August 2015. August 2015
Conrads, P.A., E.A. Roehl, R.C. Daamen, W. Kitchens. 2007. Simulation of sailinity in the tidal marshes in the vicinity of the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge using artificial neural networks. Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Athens, GA. January 2007
Conrads P.C., E. Roehl, R. Daamen, and W.M. Kitchens. 2007. Using artificial neural network models to integrate hydrologic and ecologic studies of the snail kite in the Everglades, USA. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics. Nice, France. May 2007
Coleman, Tyler Steven, Andrew K. Carlson, Robert W. Eckelbecker, Kimberly I. Bonvechio. 2022. Using long-term monitoring data to evaluate Largemouth Bass and Black Crappie growth in a changing climate. Annual Meeting, Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Charleston, South Carolina, 20-23 January 2022. January 2022
Coleman, Tyler Steven, A. K. Carlson, R. W. Eckelbecker, K. I. Bonvechio. 2022. Using long-term monitoring data to evaluate Largemouth Bass and Black Crappie growth in a changing climate. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 9 May 2022. May 2022
Coleman, Tyler Steven, A. K. Carlson, R. W. Eckelbecker, K. I. Bonvechio. 2022. Fisheries monitoring as a catalyst for cooperative research. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Haines City, Florida, 5–7 April 2022. April 2022
Coleman, Tyler Steven and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Fisheries management: an overview. Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society (Beast Feast), University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 19 February 2022. February 2022
Coleman, T. S., R. W. Eckelbecker, M. Vilchez, and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Long-term evaluation of Black Crappie growth in Florida’s changing climate. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, Norfolk, Virginia, 1–5 February 2023. February 2023
Coleman, T. S., R. W. Eckelbecker, M. Vilchez and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Long-term evaluation of Black Crappie growth in Florida’s changing climate. Annual Meeting, Florida Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Jacksonville FL, 22–24 March 2023. March 2023
Coleman, T. S., R. W. Eckelbecker and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Long-term evaluation of Black Crappie growth in a changing climate. 152nd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, 21–25 August 2022. August 2022
Coleman, T. S., M. Vilchez, B. Thompson, R. Hyle, T. Knight, T. Lange, A. Bernhardt, and A. K. Carlson. Fisheries monitoring as a catalyst for cooperative research. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 24 April 2022. April 2023
Coleman, T. S., M. Vilchez, B. C. Thompson, and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Assessing a newly created fishery using a volunteer angler data program. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, St. Augustine, Florida, 9–11 May 2023. May 2023
Coleman, T. S., B. C. Thompson, T. J. Knight, A. R. Hyle, T. R. Lange, B. Fontaine, A. Bernhardt, M. Vilchez, and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Volunteer angler data reveal social-ecological effects of reservoir creation in Florida. 152nd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington, 21–25 August 2022. August 2022
Christensen, E., C.P. McGowan, D. Castellanos, J. Culbertson, C. Eakin, B. Firmin, P.K. London, L. Pearson, E. Rivenbark, A.J. Lawson. 2023. Evaluating Sensitivity of Expert Elicited Parameters Within Decision Support Population Viability Analyses. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference; Louisville, Kentucky. 5-9 November. November 2023
Chopp, M.D., H.F. Percival, and K.G. Rice. 2003. Northern Everglades canals: alligator population sources or sinks? Presented at the 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, FL. April 2003
Chopp, M.D., H.F. Percival, and K.G. Rice. 2002. Everglades alligator (Alligator mississippiensis) production and natural history in interior and canal habitats at A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife refuge. The 16th Working Meeting of the Crocodile Specialist Group, Gainesville, Florida, October 2, 2002. October 2002
Chopp, M.D., H.F. Percival, and K.G. Rice. 2002. A comparison of Everglades alligator production in marsh interior and canal habitats at A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. Florida Chapter of the Wildlife Society's 4th Annual Conference, Crystal River, FL, April 3, 2002. April 2002
Chopp, M.D., H.F. Percival, K.G. Rice, and F.J. Mazzotti. 2001. The effects of canals on alligators in the Everglades. The First Annual Institute of Food and Agricultural Science Graduate Research Symposium, Gainesville, FL, March 2001. (Poster) March 2001
Chopp, M.D., H.F. Percival, K.G. Rice, and F.J. Mazzotti. 2001. The effects of canals on alligators in the Everglades. Florida Chapter of the Wildlife Society 3rd Annual Conference, Gainesville, FL, March 2001. March 2001
Chopp, M.D., H.F. Percival, K.G. Rice, and F.J. Mazzotti. 2000. The effects of canals on alligators in the Everglades. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Science Conference, Naples, FL, December 2000. (Poster). December 2000
Chopp, M.D. and H.F. Percival. 2002. A comparison of Everglades alligator production in marsh interior and canal habitats at A.R.M. Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge. The 2nd Annual Institute of Food and Agricultural Science Graduate Research Symposium, Gainesville, Florida, March 18, 2002. March 2002
Celestin, M. H. Innocent, N.D. Bishop, C.M. Romagosa, R.R.Carthy, and W.W. Boone. 2017. Investigating the influence of environmental covariates on marsh rabbit occupancy in southwest Florida. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon. August 2017
Carthy, Raymond R., Allen M. Foley, and Yoshimasa Matsuzawa. February 2000. Abiotic and anthropogenic factors influencing the nest environment of loggerhead turtles. 20th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Orlando, FL. February 2000
Carthy, R.R., S.Z. Nomani and M.K. Oli. 2007. Counting holes: an assessment of gopher tortoise population assessment techniques. Invited talk, Program for Environmental Statistics, University of Florida November 2006
Carthy, R.R., Percival, H.F., M.M. Lamont, C.J. Petrick, R.W. McWhite, and D.L. Miller. 2000. Case studies of threatened and endangered species research on military installations in Florida. Annual Department of Defense, Fish and Wildlife Training Session, Rosemont, IL., March 2000. (Poster) March 2000
Carthy, R.R., M.A. Burgess, P.G. Ifju, B.E. Wilkinson, and H.F. Percival. 2014. Development and application of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS) for natural resources: logistics, legalities, and lessons learned. 68th Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Destin, Florida. October 2014
Carthy, R.R., M. Burgess, P. Ifju, B. Wilkinson, S. Smith, and T. Whitley. 2016. UAs Technology for Sea Turtle Research and Conservation.Workshop Presentation at the South East Regional Sea Turtle Network Meeting. Mobile, AL, February 10-12,2016. February 2016
Carthy, R.R., J. Wooding and M. Epstein. 2002. The Mosquito and Indian River Lagoons: a pictorial history of human settlement and activities. Third Biennial Mosquito Lagoon Conference, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge, Cape Canaveral, FL, August 6, 2002. August 2002
Carthy, R.R., C.J. Petrick, and M.M. Lamont. 2000. Cooperative research and monitoring on coastal habitats and species at Cape San Blas, Eglin AFB, Florida. Annual Department of Defense, Fish and Wildlife Training Session, Rosemont, IL., March 2000. (Poster) March 2000
Carthy, R.R., C.J. Petrick, M.M. Lamont, and H.F. Percival. 1999. Cooperative research and monitoring on coastal habitats and species at Cape San Blas, Eglin AFB, FL. Annual Department of Defense, Fish and Wildife Training Session. Rosemont, IL. (Poster). October 1999
Carthy, R.R., C.J. Petrick, M.M. Lamont, and H.F. Percival. 1999. Cooperative research and monitoring on coastal habitats and species at Cape San Blas, Eglin AFB, FL. Annual Department of Defense, Fish and Wildife Training Session. Rosemont, IL. March 1999
Carthy, R.R., A.M. Foley, and Y. Matsuzawa. February 2000. Abiotic and anthropogenic factors influencing the nest environment of loggerhead turtles. 20th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Orlando, FL. (Invited Paper in Special Session) February 2000
Carthy, R.R. February 1998. Maternal Investment by nesting loggerhead sea turtles. Invited Paper, National Marine Fisheries Lab, Galveston, TX. February 1998
Carthy, R.R. February 1997. Served as Invited Session Chair, Nesting and Foraging Behavior Session. 17th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Orlando, FL. February 1997
Carthy, R.R. 2011. Coastal issues and sea turtle conservation in Florida. Invited presentation, Institute for Marine Affairs, Trinidad and Tobago.August 2011. August 2011
Carthy, R.R. 2002. Impacts of coastal processes and issues on sea turtles. The Wildlife Society, Florida Chapter, Spring 2002 Meeting. Crystal River, FL, April 2-4, 2002. April 2002
Carthy, R.R. 1997. Served as invited Session Chair, Nesting and Foraging Behavior Session. 17th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Orlando, FL. August 1997
Carthy, R.R. 1997. Effects of renourished beach substrate on sea turtle nest preparation. Beach Renourishment Meeting, Army Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville, FL. April 1997
Carthy, R.R. 1996. Physiological correlates of egg position in in situ loggerhead nests. Poster Presentation. 16th Annual Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation. August 1996
Carthy, R., M.K. Oli, J.B. Wooding, J.E. Berish, and W.D. Meyer. 2005. Analysis of gopher tortoise population estimation techniques . Gopher Tortoise Council Meeting, Palatka, FL October 2005
Carthy, R. R., T, Wibbels, and A. Rees. 2019. 3rd Workshop on the use of UAVs in sea turtle conservation and research. Workshop presentation, 39th International Sea Turtle Symposium, Charleston, SC.. February 2019
Carthy, R. R, P. J. Ifju, B. E. Wilkinson, A. Ortega, and M. Burgess. 2022. Overview of the University of Florida Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Research Program (UFUASRP): Two decades of drones for natural resource applications. Oral presentation at The Wildlife Society Drone Symposium, Spokane, WA. November 2022
Carthy, R. R, M. Mota, and N Dejardin. 2019. Effects of engineered beaches on sea turtle incubation and hatching. Workshop presentation, 39th International Sea Turtle Symposium, Charleson, SC. March 2019
Carlson, A. K., and M. V. Hoyer. 2023. Effects of abiotic and biotic factors on shellcracker population demographics in Florida lakes. Annual Meeting, Georgia Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, St. Simons Island, Georgia, 15–17 February 2023. February 2023
Carlson, A. K., T. Young, M. A. Centeno, S. A. Levin, D. R. Rubenstein. 2021. Boat to bowl: resilience through network rewiring of a community-supported fishery amid the COVID-19 pandemic. 151st Annual AFS Meeting. November 2021
Carlson, A. K. and M. V. Hoyer. 2022. Shellcracker occurrence, abundance, growth, and size structure as related to abiotic and biotic factors in Florida lakes. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Haines City, Florida, 5–7 April 2022. April 2022
Carlson, A. K. 2022. State of the Carlson Lab. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 9 May 2022. May 2022
Carlson, A. K. 2021. Joining the Florida fisheries community: A history and horizon scan. Annual Meeting, Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society (virtual). April 2021
Carlson, A. K. 2021. Fisheries as coupled human and natural systems: scientific advancements and management applications. Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Gainesville, Florida, 22 September 2021. September 2021
Carlson, A. K. 2021. Fisheries as coupled human and natural systems: scientific advancements and management applications. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Program, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 10 September 2021. September 2021
Cardas, Alexis, Abby Powell, and Karl Miller. (2021) Impacts of translocation on the cooperatively breeding Florida scrub-jay in Ocala National Forest, Friday Findings Webinar, USGS Ecosystems Mission Area. March 2021
Carbonneau, D., T. Schoeb, A. Woodward, and H.F. Percival. 2001. Investigation mortality andreproductive impairment in central Florida. Invited Texas Tech Seminar, Lubbock, TX, January 2001. January 2001
C McGowan, B Folt, DA Steen. 2021. Reintroduction of Eastern Indigo Snakes in the Western Portion of its Historic Range: Predictive Modeling of Reintroduction Strategies (oral). The Wildlife Society (virtual). November 2021
C McGowan, B Folt. 2022. Using predictions from multiple anthropogenic threats to estimate future population persistence of the Gopher Tortoise (oral). Florida State Agencies Meeting.
April 2022
Burgess, M.A., J.H. Perry, B.S. Evers, T.J. Rambo, T.M. Reed, H.F. Percival, P.C. Frederick, J.C. Simon, P.G. Ifju, S.E. Smith, B.A. Dewitt, Z. Szantoi, L.E. Taylor, and J.S. Lane. A small unmanned aircraft system for ecological research and monitoring. Slide presentation. Third Annual Alaska UAS Interest Group Conference, Anchorage, Alaska. September 2010. September 2010
Burgess, M.A., H.F. Percival, and P.G. Ifju. Use of a small unmanned aircraft system as a tool for aerial imagery applications. Invited presentation. University of Florida Office of Research seminar and visit with Dr. Thomas Russell, Director of the United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research. Gainesville, Florida. November 16, 2011. November 2011
Burgess, M.A., H.F. Percival, A.C. Watts, P.G. Ifju, K. Lee, J.A. Childs, B. Evers, T.J. Rambo, S.E. Smith, A. Mohamed, B.A. Dewitt, J.H. Perry, Z. Szantoi, P.C. Frederick, J.C. Simon, L.E. Taylor, and J.S. Lane. Use of a small unmanned aircraft system for ecological research and habitat assessment. Poster presentation. AUVSI Unmanned Systems North America 2009, Washington D.C. August 2009. August 2009
Burgess, M.A., H.F. Percival, A.C. Watts, P.G. Ifju, K. Lee, J.A. Childs, B. Evers, T.J. Rambo, S.E. Smith, A. Mohamed, B.A. Dewitt, J.H. Perry, Z. Szantoi, P.C. Frederick, J.C. Simon, L.E. Taylor, and J.S. Lane. A small unmanned aircraft system for ecological research. Poster presentation. 3rd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Los Angeles, California. July 2009. July 2009
Burgess, M. A., Zweig, C. L., Newman, S., Cook, M. I., Rodgers, H. L., Carthy, R. R., Wilkinson, B. E., Whitley, T. J., Ward, T. S., DiRodio, J. G., Frederick, P. C., Ifju, P. G., Smith, S. E., Percival, H. F. (2015, April). Applications of high-resolution aerial imagery and a small unmanned aircraft system in everglades science. Presented at the 2015 Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration (GEER) conference, Coral Springs, Fl. April 2015
Bryan Nuse, Anna Tucker, John Sweka, Kristen Anstead, Clinton Moore, James Lyons, David Smith, and Conor McGowan, 2022, Updating the adaptive management plan for horseshoe crab harvest and red knot conservation in Delaware Bay. Joint meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Birds Caribbean, San Juan, Puerto Rico, 27 June - 2 July 2022. June 2022
Brush, J. and W.M. Kitchens. 2003. Avifauna littoral zone habitat usage analysis on Lake Tohopekaliga in central Florida. Soceity of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, June 8-13, 2003, New Orleans, LA. June 2003
Brumm, K. J., D. M. Infante, A. A. Coulter, M. T. Kinnison, A. K. Carlson and W. W. Taylor. 2024. Understanding fisheries as coupled human and natural systems (CHANS) for improved management and conservation. 154th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, 15-19 September 2024. September 2024
Broxton, J, L Nicholson, L. Braun de Torrez, H. Ober, C. Romagosa, and R. Carthy. 2021.The implications of Acoustic Software Match Ratios for bat species identification and composition. Poster presentation, ESA, Long Beach, California. August 2021
Brisbane, J., C. Pedrozo, B.J. Smith, C. Romagosa, N. Bishop and R. Carthy. 2016. Environmental factors influencing the detection of frog species in three habitat types of Everglades National Park. Annual Meeting, Ecological Society of America, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, 7-12 August, 2016. August 2016
Brinn, L. and R.R. Carthy. 2008. Assessment of beach compaction and associated effects on loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting on natural and nourished beaches in Northwest Florida. Poster presentation at the 27th Annual International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Loreto, Mexico January 2008
Brandt, L.A., M.J. Musaus, G.R. Best, H.F. Percival, K.G. Rice, and F.J. Mazzotti. 2003.Cooperative ecological studies at the Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge: an academic/government partnership for linking science and management, and education. Presented at the 2003 Joint Conference on the Science and Restoration of the Greater Everglades and Florida Bay Ecosystem - From the Kissimmee to the Keys, April 13-18, 2003, Palm Harbor, FL. April 2003
Brandt, L.A. and W.M. Kitchens. 1997. Are tree islands in Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge small and circular or large and elongated and oriented in the direction of flow. Walt Dineen Society, Miami, Florida, April 1, 1997. April 1997
Brandt, L.A. and W.M. Kitchens. 1997. A top down approach to linking patterns and process: an example using Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge, FL. 12th Annual Landscape Ecology Symposium, Durham, North Carolina, August 1, 1997. August 1997
Bowman, W.S., A.C. Watts, H.F. Percival, and P.G. Ifju. Aircraft capability demonstration of University of Florida UAS, 26 July 2007, US Army Corps of Engineers Construction-Operations Division, Jacksonville, FL. July 2007
Bowman, W.S. B.A. Dewitt, P.G. Ifju, K. Lee, A. Mohamed, L.G. Pearlstine, H.F. Percival, S.E. Smith, A.C. Watts [Authors listed alphabetically]. Autonomous UAV's for ecological research. Poster, Florida Co-Op Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, 13 April 2006, Gainesville, FL April 2006
Bowman, W.S. B.A. Dewitt, P.G. Ifju, K. Lee, A. Mohamed, L.G. Pearlstine, H.F. Percival, S.E Smith, A.C. Watts [authors listed alphabetically]. Development of an autonomous unmanned aerial vehicle system for wildlife and ecological research. Poster, 33rd Annual Conference on Ecosystems Restoration and Creation, 2 Nov 2006, Tampa November 2006
Bowling, A.C. and W.M. Kitchens, 2007. Home Range of the Snail Kite (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus). Poster presentation at the Spring 2007 Conference of the Florida Chapter of the Wildlife Society. April 2007
Bonvechio, K. I., and A. K. Carlson. Using surveys as part of a multifaceted monitoring program evaluation. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 24 April 2022. April 2023
Bonvechio, K. I., R. Paudyal, C. Crandall, and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Survey evaluation of Florida’s Freshwater Fisheries Long-Term Monitoring Program. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Meeting, Norfolk, Virginia, 1–5 February 2023.​​​​ February 2023
Bonvechio, K. I., C. Shea, and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Multifaceted evaluation of a long-term freshwater fisheries monitoring program. 153rd Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Grand Rapids MI, 20–24 August 2023. August 2023
Bonvechio, K. I., C. P. Shea, and A. K. Carlson. 2025. Evaluating detection of temporal trends in long-term freshwater fisheries data to inform future monitoring efforts. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Asheville, North Carolina, 18–21 February 2025. February 2025
Bonvechio, K. I., C. P. Shea, and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Work smarter, not harder: using data simulations to inform sampling decisions. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, April 2024. April 2024
Bonvechio, K. I., C. P. Shea and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Work smarter, not harder: using data simulations to inform sampling decisions. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1 March 2024. March 2024
Bonvechio, K. I. and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Using surveys as part of a multifaceted monitoring program evaluation. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, February 2023. February 2023
Bonvechio, K. I. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Lessons from a long-term fisheries monitoring program: Florida’s freshwater experience. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 9 May 2022. May 2022
Bonvechio, K. I. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Lessons from a long-term fisheries monitoring program: Florida’s freshwater experience. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 15 March 2022. March 2022
Boldenow, M. L., R. B. Lanctot, A. S. Kitaysky, and A. N. Powell. 2015. Are winter conditions driving population trends in semipalmated sandpipers? Evidence from a feather corticosterone biomarker. 6th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting, Wallops Island, VA. September 2015
Bishop, N., T. Pop, J. Marlin, R. HUdson, S. Boylan, J. Polisar and R.R. Carthy. 2016. Utilizing growth rates to determine the onset of sexual maturity of Dermatemys mawii at the HCRC. 2nd Hicatee Conservation Forum and Workshop, Belize, February 25-26, 2016. February 2016
Bishop, N. D., and R. R. Carthy. 2019. A Novel Method for Assessing Color Differences in Dichotomous Groupings: An Example with Sexual Dichromatism in the Central American River Turtle, Dermatemys mawii. Poster presentation, 16th Annual Symposium on the Conservation and Biology of Tortoises and Freshwater Turtles,Fort Worth, TX. August 2018
Bishop, J. Polisar, P. Eliazar, K. Bjorndal and R.R. Carthy. 2016. Wild diet of Dermatemys mawii assessed by stomach content analysis. 2nd Hicatee Conservation Forum and Workshop, Belize, February 25-26, 2016. February 2016
Best, G.R., D.S. Segal, C. Pezeshki, and W.M. Kitchens. 1987. Wetland soil/plant correlation studies in Florida. Eight Annual Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists. Seattle, WA. January 1987
Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, and R. Suydam. 2017. Migration trends for king and common eiders past Point Barrow, Alaska. 9 February, 6th International Seaduck Conference, San Francisco, CA. February 2017
Bentzen, R. L., A. N. Powell, and R. S. Suydam. 2017. Migration trends for king and common eiders past Point Barrow, Alaska. 27 January, Coastal Marine Institute Annual Studies Review, Alaska Marine Science Symposium, Anchorage, AK. January 2017
Araya, P., P. Xiong., M. Harmon, A. Figueroa, L. Hussain, J. Broxton, R. R. Carthy, and C. Romagosa. 2024. Investigating the seed dispersal mechanisms of plant seeds in tegu (Salvator merianae), diet samples in Everglades National Park. Poster presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting, Baltimore Maryland. October 2024
Anderson, C. C. and A. K. Carlson. 2024. Thermal habitat suitability for non-native fish in Florida’s lotic systems. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 1 March 2024. March 2024
Anderson, C. C. and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Assessing effects of tilapia Oreochromis spp. on Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides and Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus reproduction, recruitment, and growth. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, St. Augustine, Florida, 9–11 May 2023. May 2023
Anderson, C. C. and A. K. Carlson. 2023. Assessing effects of tilapia Oreochromis spp. on Largemouth Bass Micropterus salmoides and Bluegill Lepomis macrochirus reproduction, recruitment, and growth. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, February 2023. February 2023
Anderson, C. C. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Thermal habitat suitability for non-native fish in Florida’s lotic systems. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, Gainesville, Florida, 9 May 2022. May 2022
Anderson, C. C. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Thermal habitat suitability for non-native fish in Florida’s lotic systems. Florida Chapter of the American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Haines City, Florida, 5–7 April 2022. April 2022
Anderson, C. C. and A. K. Carlson. 2022. Thermal habitat suitability for non-native fish in Florida’s lotic systems. Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences Graduate Student Symposium, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, 15 March 2022. March 2022
Alvarez, O., C. K. Gulick, R. R. Carthy, and C. Romagosa. 2023. Alabama’s inshore islands have significantly shrunk over the last two decades. Poster presentation at The Wildlife Society meeting. Louisville, Kentucky. November 2023
Allen, C.R., L.G., Pearlstine, and W.M. Kitchens. 1996. Integrating metapopulations and minimum viable populations into GAP Analysis. 6th Annual National GAP Analysis Meeting, Key Largo, Florida, April 1, 2003. April 1996
Adam C. Watts, W. S. Bowman, M. Morton, J. H. Perry, H. F. Percival, P. G. Ifju, S. E. Smith, A. Mohamed, B. A. Dewitt. University of Florida Unmanned Aircraft Systems 2008 Program Update. Poster, Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Coordinating Committee Meeting, 22 April 2008. April 2008
Adam C. Watts, P. C. Frederick, W. S. Bowman, H. F. Percival, J. C. Simon, P. G. Ifju. Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Wading Bird Surveys in the Everglades. Greater Everglades Ecosystem Restoration Planning, Policy and Science Meeting, 28 July-1 August 2008, Naples, FL. July 2008
Abercrombie, C.L., S. Howarter, C. Morea, K. Rice, and H.F. Percival. 2002. Everglades alligator thermoregulation: unanswered questions. 16th Working Meeting of the IUCN Crocodile Specialist Group, Gainesville, Florida, October 7-10, 2002. October 2002
Folt, B and C McGowan. 2021. Using Predictive Models to Evaluate Future Population Conditions of the Gopher Tortoise Reclassification Team Meeting, US Fish and Wildlife Service (virtual); 25 August 2021. August 2021
B Folt, CP McGowan. 2022. Using predictions from multiple anthropogenic threats to estimate future population conditions of an imperiled species (oral). The Wildlife Society – 6-10 November 2022 November 2022
Raymond R. Carthy, J. Roger Brothers, Vanessa Bézy,Kenneth J. Lohmann, Margaret M. Lamont. 2018. Ontogeny of orientation responses in developing sea turtle embryos. Presentation at the 38th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Kobe, Japan. Feb. 18-24, 2018 February 2018
Daniel R. Evans, Raymond R. Carthy, and Cristina Ordoñez. 2018. Which Way Do You Go: Satellite Telemetry Reveals Regionally Different Foraging Behavior Of Leatherback Turtles. Presentation at the 38th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, Kobe, Japan. Feb. 18-24, 2018 February 2018
Theses and Dissertations Publication Date
Williams, Natalie C. 2012. Diet Characterization In Immature, Neritic Green Turtles, Chelonia mydas, Using Gut Contents and Stable Isotope Analyses. MS Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. January 2012
Vitale, N. 2019. Habitat change, predators, and disturbance: Factors influencing productivity of American Oystercatchers (Haematopus palliatus) nesting in Florida's Big Bend. M.S. Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. April 2019
Tuma, Molly E. 2020. Survival, site fidelity, and movement of two migratory shorebirds in the southeastern U.S. M.S. Thesis, University of Florida. May 2020
Swindall, J.E. 2015. Factors Influencing Sea Turtle Conservation in Northwest Florida : Landowner Knowledge, Values, and Behaviors. MS Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida May 2015
Shoger, Bradley. 2009. Wildlife use of spoil islands in Lake Tohopekaliga, Florida, University of Florida. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation December 2009
Serano, J. C. 2023. Tidally-driven gas exchange: effects on loggerhead sea turtle (Carett caretta) hatchling emergence. M.S Thesis, University of Florida. Gainesville FL. USA. May 2023
Senko, J. 2009. Fine-scale diel movements and short term activity ranges of a marine megaherbivore at a tidally-driven lagoon. M.S. Thesis, Wildlige Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. December 2009
Scarpino, R. A. 2007. Guiding loggerhead hatchlings to the sea: an assessment of ground-level barriers and conflicting cues. M. S. Thesis. School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. August 2007
Robinson, Brian H. 2016. Feeding Ecology of Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani) Chicks. MS Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks. 71 pp. May 2016
Reintjes-Tolen, Sarah. 2012. Geographic Distribution of Chytrid Fungus (Batachochytrium dendrobatidis) and Ranavirus spp. in Amphibians in Northern Peninsular and Panhandle Floirida: With a Case of a Ranavirus Die-off in Gold Head Branch State Park. (Master's dissertation). University of Florida, Florida. January 2012
Reichert, Brian. 2009. EFFECTS OF AGING AND THE ENVIRONMENT ON SNAIL KITE DEMOGRAPHY: A REASSESSMENT OF SNAIL KITE (Rostrhamus sociabilis plumbeus) VITAL RATES. University of Florida, Gainesville. WEC. October 2009
Parker, S. W. 2023. Maximizing learning opportunities in conservation: Gulf Sturgeon stock status and trends. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Florida. December 2023
Overduijn, K. S. 2019. Reproductive success of American and Pacific Golden-Plovers (Pluvialis dominica and P. fulva) in a changing climate. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. May 2019
Norem, A. D. 2005. Injury assessment of sea turtles utilizing the neritic zone of the southeastern United States. M.S. Thesis, School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Florida, Gainesvile, FL. December 2005
Mota, Mario. 2009. Beach restoration in Florida : effects on sea turtle nesting and hatchling physiology. University of Florida. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. May 2009
Maleko, Philipp K. 2021. Filling knowledge gaps for two declining East Asian-Australasian flyway shorebirds: Nordmann's Greenshanks and Common Redshanks. M.S. Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. April 2021
Lamont, Margaret M. 2002. Response of Foraging Shorebirds and Nesting Sea Turtles to Barrier Island Dynamics. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville, Fl. August 2002
Hotaling, Althea. 2008. Wet prairie Conversion in Water Conservation Area 3A, South Florida. University of Florida,. Gainesville. SNRE October 2008
Hogan, Jennifer. 2002. Distribution and Nesting of Diamondback Terrapins (Malaclemys terrapin littoralis) Near South Deer Island in Galveston Bay, Texas. M.S. Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. August 2002
Hirama, S. 2018. Evaluation of the impact of artificial lighting on sea turtle hatchling orientation. Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida, Gainesville. December 2018
Haslerig, J. 2000. Wildlife conservation in Tanzania during the Colonial and Independence Eras: A review of changing paradigms, legacies and lessons learned. January 2000
Harwood, C. H. 2016. Breeding ecology of Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus) in interior Alaska. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks. 96 pp. December 2016
Garland, Kathryn Alice. Consumptive use and conservation of marine turtles in Pearl Lagoon, Nicaragua: implications of taste preferences, local opinions, and cultural knowledge. PhD dissertation. December 2011. Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. December 2011
Evans, D. R. 2018. The path most traveled: using satellite telemetry to identify and characterize migration pathways and foraging areas of four species of marine turtles in the north Atlantic and wider Caribbean. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. May 2018
Eastman, S. F. 2020. A Comparative Study of Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta) Nesting on Undeveloped and Developed Beaches in Northeast Florida. M.S Thesis. School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville. August 2020
Drizd, L. 2011. Aspects of the abundance, density, and movement of apple snails relative to invasive submerged aquatic plants in a central Florida lake. August 2011
DeSa, Melissa. 2008. Extreme Habitat Modification and Its Effect on Herpetofaunal and Fish Communities on Lake Tohopekaliga, FL University of Florida, Gainesville. SNRE October 2008
Coleman, T. S. 2023. Long-term assessment of Florida fisheries amid changing climatic and environmental conditions. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Florida. December 2023
Churchwell, Roy T. 2015. Stopover ecology of semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla) at coastal deltas of the Beaufort Sea, Alaska. PhD Dissertation, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK. 149 pp. December 2015
Burgess, Matthew A. 2017. Small unmanned aircraft systems and their payloads as aerial data collection platforms for natural resource-based applications. PhD Dissertation. May 2017. University of Florida. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. May 2017
Brinn, L. A. 2008. Assessment of differences in physical properties of sand associated with beach nourishment and effects on loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) nesting on northwest Florida. M.S. Thesis, school of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Florida. Gainesville , FL. May 2008
Boldenow, M. L. 2018. Do wintering conditions drive population trends in semipalmated sandpipers (Calidris pusilla)? Evidence from a corticosterone biomarker. M.S. Thesis, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, AK. May 2018
Bishop, N. 2021. A nutritional ecology study of Dermatemys mawii, a critically endangered species of fresh-water turtle endemic to Central America. Ph.D. dissertation. School of Natural Resources and the Environment, University of Florida, Gainesville. January 2021
Barichivich, W. j. 2006. Characterization of a marine turtle aggregation in the big bend of Florida. MS Thesis, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. December 2006
McCray, J. E. 2018. Sea turtle friendly lighting in Florida: A multi-level evaluation of policy implementation and effectiveness. PhD Dissertation. Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. University of Florida. August 2018 August 2018
Technical Publications Publication Date
Shoger, Brad, Adam Betuel, and Wiley M. Kitchens. 2009. Wildlife Usage and Habitat Development on Spoil Islands in Lake Tohopekaliga, FL. Final Report. U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. August 2009
Richardson, J.R., W.L. Bryant, W.M. Kitchens, J.E. Matson, and K.R. Pope. 1990. An evaluation of refuge habitats and relationships to water quality, quantity, and hydroperiod. Technical Report #41. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. May 1990
Reichert, Brian, Christopher Cattau, Wiley Kitchens, Kyle Pias, and Jean Olbert. 2009. Snaill Kite Demography in blue cypress Marsh Complex. Annual Report 2009. October 2009
Reichert, Brian, Christopher Cattau, Wiley Kitchens, Kyle Pias, and Jean Olbert. 2010. Snail Kite Demography in Blue Cypress Marsh Complex. Annual Report 2011. May 2011
Reichert, Brian, Christopher Cattau, Wiley Kitchens, Christa Zweig, Jean Olbert, and Kyle Pias. Demographic, Movement, and Habitat studies of the Endagered Snail Kite in Response to Operational Plans in Water Conservation Area 3A. Annual Report. October 2009
Reichert, Brian, Christopher Cattau, Wiley Kitchens, Christa Zweig, Jean Olbert, and Kyle Pias. Demographic, Movement, and Habitat Studies of the Endangered Snail Kite in Response to Operational Plans in Water Conservation Area 3A. 2011. Annual Report May 2011
Rees, A. F. and R. R. Carthy. 2018. The Second Annual Workshop on the Use of UAVs in Sea Turtle Research and Conservation at the 38th International Sea Turtle Symposium: 19 Feb 2018. Marine Turtle Newsletter. April 2018
Powell A. N., R. T. Churchwell, K. H. Dunton, J. G. Baguley, A. D. Kamikawa, C. T. E. Kellogg, B. C. Crump, and P. Bucolo. 2016. Sediment Characteristics and Infauna of Deltaic Mudflats Along the Alaskan Beaufort Sea. US Dept. of the Interior, Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Alaska OCS Region, Anchorage. OCS Study BOEM 2015-045. 77 pp. June 2016
Peter C. Frederick, A. C. Watts, H. F. Percival. An Assessment of the Use of Unmanned Aircraft Systems for Surveys of Wading Birds in the Everglades. Final Report for the South Florida Water Management District, 2008. January 2008
Pearlstine, L.G., R. Bartleson, W.M. Kitchens, and P.J. Latham. 1989. Lower Savannah river hydrological characterization. Technical Report #35. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. May 1989
Pearlstine, L.G., L.A. Bryant, and W.M. Kitchens. 1993. 1991 landcover classification for Eglin Air Force Base. Technical Report #47. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. April 1993
Pearlstine, L., S. E. Smith, and W. M. Kitchens. 2000. A GAP analysis of Florida: Final Report. USGS. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Technical Report No. 65. May 2000
Pearlsinte, L.G., S.E. Smith, and W.M. Kitchens. 2000. A GAP analysis of Florida: Final Report. Technical Report #65. U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. May 2000
Nomani, S.Z., R.R. Carthy and M.K. Oli. 2006. Analysis of Abundance Estimation Methods for Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) July 2006
Mattson, J.E., J.R. Richardson, and W.M. Kitchens. 1991. A comparison of cattail (Typha sp.) occurrence on a photo-interpreted map versus a satellite data map. Technical Report #40. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. August 1991
Martin, J., W.M. Kitchens, C. Cattau, A. Bowling, S. Stocco, E. Powers, C. Zweig, A. Hotaling, Z. Welch, H. Waddle, and A. Paredes. 2007. Snail Kite Demography: Annual report, 2007. U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. May 2007
Loftin, C.S. and W.M. Kitchens. 1998. Assessing patterns and processes of landscape change in Okefenokee Swamp, GA. Technical Report #60. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. August 1998
Langan, E.M., R.R. Carthy, S.Z. Nomani, S. Johnson, and M.K. Oli. 2006. Guidelines and standard techniques for estimating gopher tortoise abundance. August 2006
Gregory, C.J., B. Bird, and R.R. Carthy. 2003. The Grand Bay-Banks Lake Ecosystem Site Conservation Plan. Report to The Nature Conservancy, Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, U.S. Geological Survey, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, and the University of Florida. May 2003
Conrads, P.A., E.A. Roehl, R.C. Daamen, W. Kitchens. 2007. Simulation of salinity in the tidal marshes in the vicinity of the Savannah National Wildlife Refuge using artificial nueral networks. Proceedings of the 2007 Georgia Water Resources Conference. Athens, GA. May 2007
Christopher Cattau, Wiley Kitchens, Brian Reichert, Andrea Bowling, Althea Hotaling, Christa Zweig, Jean Olbert, Kyle Pias, and Julien Martin. 2008. Demographic, Movement, and Habitat Studies of the Endangered Snail Kite in Response to Operational Plans in Water Conservation Area 3A. U.S. Geological Survey, Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. May 2008
Carthy, R., M.K. Oli, J.B. Wooding, J.E. Berish, and W.D. Meyer. 2005. Analysis of gopher tortoise population estimation techniques. Report to USACOE-CERL. October 2005
Carlson, A. K. In press. Taylor-made: The meaning of mentorship in fisheries. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. January 2025
Brush, Janell, Melissa DeSa, Zach Welch, Carolyn Enloe, and Wiley Kitchens. 2009. Monitoring Floral and Faunal Succession Following Lake Enhancement in the Littoral Reaches of Lake Tohopekaliga. Final Report. Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. July 2009
Brush, J. and A. C. Watts. An assessment of autonomous unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for avian surveys. Final Report, Wildlife Research Section, Fish and Wildlife Research Institute, Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, 2008. January 2008
Bennetts, R.E. and W.M. Kitchens. 1997. The demography and movements of snail kites in Florida. Technical Report #56. U.S. Geological Survey/Biological Resources Division, Florida Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Gainesville, FL. May 1997
Type Citation Publication Date
Data Release Powell, A.N., 2024, Locations of Smith's Longspurs tagged with light-level geolocators in northern Alaska, 2013 and 2014: U.S. Geological Survey data release, November 2019
Data Release Powell AN, Oppel S, McGuire R. 2024. Data from: Study "King Eider Alaska (UAF / USGS)". Movebank Data Repository. 2023
Software Release McGowan CP, Price Tack JL. 2023. Hunter and prey linked population models. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. May 2023
Software Release Gregory, K.M. & McGowan, C.P. Code repository for the northwestern and southwestern pond turtle population viability analysis. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. May 2023
Software Release Goode, A.C. & McGowan, C.P. Code repository for the spot-tailed earless lizard population viability analysis. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. April 2022
Data Release Folt, B., and McGowan, C. Using Predictions from Multiple Anthropogenic Threats to Estimate Future Population Persistence of an Imperiled Species. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. September 2024
Software Release Christensen, E.M., A.J. Lawson, C.P. McGowan. 2024. Alligator snapping turtle population simulation model developed in support of the Species Status Assessment. Version 1.0.0; U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, VA. August 2023