Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Washington
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Washington Staff Member

Dr. Christian Grue

Dr. Christian Grue, Unit Leader Emeritus

Unit Scientist
Phone: (206) 619 - 2816


Former Unit Leader, Emeritus

Research Publications Publication Date
Yahnke, A. A. Troiano, J.M. Grassley, C.E Grue, and M.P. Hayes. 2012. Effects of imazapyr tank mixes on juvenile Oregon spotted frogs. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 32:228-235. October 2013
Tamayo, M., C. E. Grue and K. Hamel. 2004. Densities of the milfoil weevil (Euhrychiopsis lecontei) on native and exotic watermilfoils. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 19:203-211. June 2004
Tamayo, M., C. E. Grue and K. Hamel. 2000. Do water quality andwatermilfoil frequency of occurrence influence the distribution of theaquatic weevil Euhrychiopsis lecontei in Washington State? Journal ofAquatic Plant Management 38:112-116 April 2001
Sternberg, M, C. Grue, J. Grassley, L. Conquest, and K. King. 2012. Efficacy, fate, and potential effects on salmonids of mosquito larvicides in catch basins in Seattle, Washington. Journal of the American Mosquito Association 28:206-218. September 2012
Stabbins, H. C., C. E. Grue, D. A. Manuwal and S. L. Paulis. 2002. Time allocation by Aleutian Canada geese during the non-breeding season in California. California Fish and Game 88:186-195. October 2002
Smith, B. C., C. A. Curran, K. W. Brown, J. L. Cabarrus, J. B. Gown, J. K. McIntyre, E. E. Moreland, V. L. Wong, J. M. Grassley and C. E. Grue. 2004. Toxicity of four surfactants to juvenile rainbow trout: Implications for over-water use. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72:647-654. March 2004
Major, W. W., III, C. E. Grue, S. C. Gardner and J. M. Grassley. 2003. Concentrations of glyphosate and AMPA in sediment following application of Rodeo(R) to control smooth cordgrass in Willapa Bay, Washington. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 71:912-918. June 2004
Major, W. W., III, C. E. Grue, J. M. Grassley and L. L. Conquest. 2003. Efficacy of mechanical and chemical techniques to control smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) in Willapa Bay, Washington. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management 41:6-12. June 2003
Kertson, B.N., R.D. Spencer, and C.E. Grue. 2013. Demographic influences on cougar residential use and interactions with people in western Washington. Journal of Mammalogy 94:269-281. January 2013
Kertson, B.N., R.D. Spencer, and C.E. Grue. 2011. Cougar prey use in a wildland-urban environment in western Washington. Northwestern Naturalist 92: 175-185. December 2011
Kertson, B. N., C. E. Grue and D. J. Pierce. 2006. Status of citizen science in state natural resource management agencies: Opportunities and challenges. Transactions of the North American Wildlife Natural Resources Conference 70:88-109. August 2006
Kertson B.K., R.D. Spencer, J.M. Marzluff, J. Hepinstall-Cymerman, and C.E. Grue. 2011. Cougar space use and movements in the wildland-urban interface of western Washington. Ecological Applications 21: 2866-2881. September 2011
Grue, C., D. Pflugh, W. Turner, P. Iolavera, and F. Westerlund. 1999. Incorporating protection of biodiversity into county land use planning: A Gap Analysis pilot project in Pierce County, Washington. Gap Analysis Bulletin 8:43-47. November 1999
Grue, C. E., S. C. Gardner and P. L. Gibert. 2002. On the significance ofpollutant-induced alterations in the behavior of fish and wildlife. Chapter 1 (pages 1-90) in G. DellOmo (ed. ) Behavioural Ecotoxicology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., West Sussex, UK May 2002
Gardner, S. C., C. E. Grue and W. W. Major III. 2001. Aquaticinvertebrates associated with purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), cattail (Typha latifolia), and bulrush (Scirpus acutus) in centralWashington, USA. Wetlands 21:593-601 December 2001
Frew, J.A. and C.E. Grue. 2012. Development of a new method for the determination of residues of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid in juvenile Chinook (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) using ELISA detection. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14:1024-1034. March 2012
Curran, C. A., J. M. Grassley and C. E. Grue. 2004. Toxicity of R-11(R) surfactant to juvenile rainbow trout: Does size matter? Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 72:401-408. February 2004
Cassidy, K. M., and C. E. Grue. 2000. The role of private and public landsin conservation of at-risk vertebrates in Washington State. WildlifeSociety Bulletin 28:1060-1076 December 2000
Burger, J., K. Kannan, J. P. Giesy, C. Grue and M. Gochfeld. 2002. Effectsof pollutants on avian behaviour. Chapter 9 (pages 335-375) in G. DellOmo(ed. ) Behavioural Ecotoxicology, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., West Sussex, UK May 2002
Project Completion Date
Zooplankton biodiversity and food web research in Sinclair Inlet June 2010
Survival and Distribution of Juvenile Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) Migrating Through the Sacramento � San Joaquin River Delta, California June 2010
Regional Program Development and Large Scale Restoration Planning, Interdepartmental science team participation, ecosystem restoration modeling, planning and ecological research (FY 09-10) September 2010
Mechanisms of fish viral disease and immunity September 2010
Managing the Nations Fish Habitat at Multiple Spatial Scales in a Rapidly Changing Climate March 2013
Immune responses in teleost fish September 2011
Gut Content Analysis of California Gulls Foraging in the Columbia River February 2010
Forecasting the geography of fish invasions in the lower Colorado River basin July 2011
Factors Governing the Quantity and Quality of Habitat for Wintering Swans in Northwestern Washington June 2012
Evaluation of US Army Corps of Engineers Habitat Restoration Sites December 2010
Evaluation of Habitat Restoration Sites December 2009
Estimates of Changing Daily Precipitation Intensity and Flood Risk in the Pacific Northwest Using Regional Climate Simulations June 2011
Development and validation of models to assess the threat to freshwater fishes from environmental change and invasive species June 2012
Conservation Planning for Fishes in the Upper Colorado River Basin December 2013
Baseline Assessment of Salmon Prey Invertebrates at Site 1/Northwind's Weir Restoration Site December 2010
Ballast water--Aquatic non-indigenous species research September 2010
2010 Sampling for Elliott Bay/Duwamish Restoration Program Monitoring Project: Invertebrate Sampling December 2011
Presentations Presentation Date
Yahnke, A., A. Troiano, C. Grue, J. Tyson, and M. Hayes. 2012. Amphibian phenology and aquatic weed management in Washington State. Annual Meeting Olympic Knotweed Working Group, 16 November, Port Hadlock, WA. November 2012
Grue, C., J. Grassley, C. Elfes, and T. Troiano. 2011. Exposure of cutthroat trout to carbaryl following application to control burrowing shrimp in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, Washington – The rest of the story. 32nd Annual Meeting Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 13-17 November, Boston, MA. November 2011
Grue, C. 2012. On the need for a holistic strategy for the control of invasive and exotic species in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor, Washington. 65th Annual Meeting Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association, Tulalip, WA. October 2012
Technical Publications Publication Date
Yahnke, A.E., C.E. Grue, and M.P. Hayes. 2011. Effects of the herbicide imazapyr on juvenile Oregon spotted frogs. Aquatic Weeds Management Fund Grant Final Report, Task 4, Washington State Department of Ecology, Seattle, WA. 34 pp. September 2011
Tamayo, M., C.E. Grue, J.R. Cordell, B. Dumbauld, and A. Gray. 2006. Nearshore Habitat Prioritization Criteria for Willapa Bay, Washington. Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 47 pp. May 2006
Smith, B.C, C.E. Grue and N. P. Kohn. 2000. Tissue residues ofglyphosate and aminomethyl phosphonic acid (AMPA) in shellfish associatedwith the application of Rodeo to control Spartina alterniflora.Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University ofWashington, Seattle, WA. 11+v pp November 2000
Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory and Washington Gap Analysis Project (including C.E. Grue). 2000. Pierce County GAP Application Pilot Project - A biodiversity plan for Pierce County Washington. Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Pierce Co, Tacama, WA January 2000
Remote Sensing Applications Laboratory and Washington Gap Analysis Project (including C.E. Grue). 2000. Incorporating the protection of biodiversity into local land use planning - A guide to applying Washington State Gap Analysis Project Data. Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Pierce County, Tacoma, WA and National Gap Analysis Program, Moscow, ID January 2000
Grue, C.E., J.M. Grassley, J.A. Frew, and A.T. Troiano. 2012. Use of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to quantify imidacloprid in sediment pore water following application of imidacloprid in Willapa Bay, Washington – Matrix effects and cross-reactivity. Report to the Willapa Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Association. 13 pp. March 2012
Grue, C.E., J.M. Grassley, J.A. Frew, and A.T. Troiano. 2012. Effects of freezing and HDPE plastic on imidacloprid concentrations within sediment samples collected in Willapa Bay, Washington. Report to the Willapa Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Association. 7 pp. January 2012
Grue, C.E. and J.M. Grassley. 2013. Environmental fate and persistence of imidacloprid following applications to control burrowing shrimp in Willapa Bay, Washington. Report to the Willapa Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Association. 91 pp. April 2013
Grassley, J. M. and C. E. Grue (eds.) 1999. An inventory of flora and fauna on the US Navy's Fleet and Industrial Supply Center Puget Sound, Manchester Fuel Department, Manchester, Washington. Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, US Navy, Manchester, WA January 2000
Frew, J.A. and C.E. Grue. 2012. Quantification of imidacloprid residues in green sturgeon plasma and burrowing shrimp. Report to the Willapa Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Association. 5 pp. March 2012
Frew, J.A. and C.E. Grue. 2012. Imidacloprid degradation products. Report to the Willapa Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Association. 5 pp. March 2012
Frew, J.A. and C.E. Grue. 2012. Bioavailability of imidacloprid breakdown products in sediment, pore water, and vegetation to benthic invertebrates, fish and waterfowl. Report to the Willapa Grays Harbor Oyster Growers Association. 3 pp. March 2012
Cassidy, K.M. and C.E. Grue. 2006. Local Conservation Priorities for Western Washington: Suggestions for Effective Conservation Actions County, City and Private Landowners and Managers. Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 520 pp. April 2006