Washington Technical Assistance Activities

The Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit provides technical assistance to our Cooperators and to management agencies throughout the US and around the world. The Unit staff are also heavily involved in University and Professional service activities.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Washington Department of Ecology – Review of Monitoring Protocol for Use of Imazamox to Control Japanese Eelgrass in Willapa Bay, WA Washington Department of Ecology |
Grue | April 2012 |
USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel USGS |
Grue | April 2013 |
Technical reviewer, National recovery strategy for the sea otter (Enhydra lutris) in Canada. Requested by Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 15 April 2003. Written review provided 7 May 2003. |
VanBlaricom | April 2003 |
Technical review of draft Report, Orca Recovery Conference, Seattle, Washington, 31 May through 2 June 2002. |
VanBlaricom | October 2002 |
Technical peer review of the October 2005 Draft Recovery Plan for White Abalone (Haliotis sorenseni), pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended. Office of Protected Resources, Southwest Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
VanBlaricom | March 2006 |
Technical peer review of a draft cooperative research agreement between Region 7, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Alaska SeaLife Center (ASLC). Done at the invitation of ASLC. |
VanBlaricom | October 2003 |
Technical guidance provided to Mr. Joel Bourne, National Geographic Society, for an article on wildlife along the coast of Alaska. |
VanBlaricom | March 2003 |
Technical guidance on species identifications for images of marine mammals, to be used in instructional resource development for "National Geographic Kids", a program of the National Geographic Society, Washington DC. "National Geographic Kids", a program of the National Geographic Society |
VanBlaricom | November 2016 |
Technical Workgroup for Adaptive Management of the Lake Washington sockeye salmon mitigation hatchery Seattle Public Utilities |
Beauchamp | September 2009 |
Technical Advisory Committee Lead Shot Ingestion of Swans Wintering in Washington State and British Columbia Trumpeter Swan Society |
Grue | June 2004 |
Student award judge, Graduate Student Symposium School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences, University of Washington |
VanBlaricom | November 2011 |
Student Award Judge, 66th Annual Joint Meeting. Tulalip, Washington, USA. Pacific Coast Section, National Shellfisheries Association, & Pacific Coast Shellfish Growers Association |
VanBlaricom | September 2012 |
Serve on technical, research, and oversight committees for the Lake Washington Basin and Cedar River watershed's Habitat Conservation Plan Seattle Public Utilities |
Beauchamp | May 2003 |
SDM Workshop Facilitator. Facilitated workshops to help a citizen working group identify and recommend a population objective for mountain lions in west-central Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Sells, McInturff | April 2023 |
SDM Workshop Facilitator. Facilitated SDM workshops to help a citizen working group identify and recommend a population objective for mountain lions in northwestern Montana. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks |
Sells, McInturff | January 2022 |
Provided time series data on abundance of black abalones at San Nicolas Island, California, to the Office of Protected Resources, National Marine Fisheries Service. Data will be used to assess the status of black abalone populations in the context of possible listing pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. |
VanBlaricom | January 2004 |
Provided technical review of US Forest Service research report on wolf conflict US Forest Service |
McInturff | August 2023 |
Provided an internal ethics review for WDFW surveys and reports Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
McInturff | August 2022 |
Provided a review and empirical report on bobcat conflict for the California Dept of Fish and Wildlife California Department of Fish and Wildlife |
McInturff | March 2022 |
Provided FSP review of one technical manuscript authored by a USGS scientist and a university cooperating scientist. Santa Cruz Field Station, Western Ecological Research Center |
VanBlaricom | May 2017 |
Provide training and assistance in social science research to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
McInturff | June 2023 |
Organizer, Monthly Olympia Seminar Series, sponsored by the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, and the Washington (State) Departments of Ecology, Fisheries, Wildlife, and Natural Resources. Seminars presented on the second Wednesday of each month, October 1995 through June 1996 (first year of the series). Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
VanBlaricom | October 1995 |
Member, Research Program Review Panel, Steller Sea Lion Research Program, Alaska SeaLife Center, Seward, Alaska. Panel convened by the American Institute of Biological Sciences, Reston, Virginia. |
VanBlaricom | November 2005 |
Member, Pinto Abalone Status Review Team, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended. Office of Protected Resources, West Coast Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
VanBlaricom | July 2013 |
Member, FIFRA Science Advisory Panel, Food Quality Protection Act Board, US EPA, Washington, D.C. |
Grue | January 2003 |
Member, Black Abalone Critical Habitat Assessment and Review Team, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended. Office of Protected Resources, Southwest Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
VanBlaricom | July 2010 |
Member, Advisory Panel, development of an implementation plan for the Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program (2007-2011). Convened by the North Pacific Research Board. |
VanBlaricom | April 2006 |
Member, Advisory Panel, development of a Comprehensive Marine Stewardship Plan, San Juan County, Washington. Convened by the San Juan County Marine Resource Committee. |
VanBlaricom | June 2006 |
Member and elected nominal Chair, Black Abalone Recovery Team, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended. Office of Protected Resources, Southwest Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
VanBlaricom | June 2011 |
Invited to advise the Province of British Columbia on creating a Cooperative Research Unit (CRU) paralleling ours in the US Province of British Columbia |
McInturff | August 2023 |
Invited participant, Workshop on northern abalone and environmental constraints on northwest marine invertebrate species. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Friday Harbor, Washington. 9-11 September 2003 |
VanBlaricom | September 2003 |
Invited participant, Workshop on Research Priorities, relating to the decline of sea otter populations in southwestern Alaska. Alaska SeaLife Center and US Fish and Wildlife Service. 5-7 April 2004 |
VanBlaricom | April 2004 |
Invited participant, Workshop on Monitoring of Marine Mammals and Seabirds in the National Marine Sanctuary System, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Santa Cruz, California. 10-11 December 2002. |
VanBlaricom | December 2002 |
Independent Science Advisory Board (ISAB) ad hoc member for Food Web Review of the Columbia River Basin Northwest Power and Conservation Commission |
Beauchamp | June 2009 |
I worked with WDFW to facilitate trapping and health assessments of non-native red foxes on San Juan Island, including on UW property, during summer 2023; this involved revising an existing ACUC protocol to cover the work; a graduate student from my lab helped to lead this effort with WDFW personnel, which provided some capture practice ahead of captures of Cascade red fox in alpine areas Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Converse, Redon | August 2023 |
I served on a hiring committee for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Program, Science Division, to hire the east-side science supervisor Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Converse | February 2023 |
I served on a hiring committee for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Program, Science Division Chief Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Converse | March 2021 |
I organized an external review of Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife's analysis of habitat change for the western gray squirrel (analysis will support the periodic status review for the species in Washington). Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Converse | September 2021 |
I facilitated the Cook Inlet Beluga Whale Population Analysis and Monitoring Information Session, Alaska Marine Science Symposium NOAA |
Converse, Warlick | January 2020 |
I facilitated a decision-analytic process for the Oregon Silverspot Butterfly Habitat Management Working Group US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Converse | February 2019 |
I am leading the WDFW Wildlife Program, Diversity Division, through a process to develop a structured approach to species status assessments Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
Converse | January 2023 |
Guidance provided to the Orange County (California) Marine Protected Areas Council regarding availability of data on abundance and conservation status of abalone in the County's coastal (Pacific Ocean) marine habitats. Orange County (California) Marine Protected Areas Council |
VanBlaricom | September 2016 |
Facilitating SDM workshops to help a citizen working group identify and recommend a population objective for mountain lions in western Montana. Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks |
McInturff | August 2023 |
Consulting and potentially facilitating a structured decision making process for the spring bear hunt for the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission |
McInturff | September 2022 |
Co-led a workshop on structured decision making for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
McInturff | November 2023 |
Co-led a workshop on structured decision making for Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife |
McInturff | July 2022 |
Co-lead for a US-Canadian, multi-agency and tribal technical work-group to examine factors affecting the marine survival of salmon in Puget Sound-Strait of Georgia (Salish Sea). Co-ordinated by NGOs USGS |
Beauchamp, Kemp | January 2011 |
Co-Organizer: Interface between Aquatic Herbicide Use and Salmonids: A Focus on Critical Habitat in the Pacific Northwest Region, 6-7 June 2012, University of Washington, Seattle, WA US Army Corps of Engineers |
Grue | January 2012 |
Chair, Black Abalone Status Review Team, and lead author, Black Abalone Status Review Report to the Secretary of Commerce, pursuant to the Endangered Species Act of 1973 as amended Office of Protected Resources, Southwest Region, National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration |
VanBlaricom | June 2007 |
Cedar River Sockeye Hatchery Management Plan, City of Seattle, WA Seattle Public Utilities |
Beauchamp | January 2000 |
Assisting USFWS with a trend analysis for core areas of conterminous bull trout in MT, ID, WA, and OR as part of an updated status assessment required under ESA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Scheuerell | November 2020 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Strategic Planning Committee - Appointed to serve on the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences strategic planning committee | McInturff | April 2022 | September 2024 |
Royalty Research Grant Reviewer - Reviewer for university research grant, $40k | McInturff | September 2023 | June 2025 |
Peer Teaching Reviewer; College of the Environment; University of Washington - Peer Teaching Review for University of Washington Colleagues, averaging 2/year | Converse | January 2021 | Present |
Panel Moderator; Graduate Student Panel Discussion on Navigating Collaborative Research; College of the Environment; University of Washington - Moderate panel discussion | Converse | February 2022 | February 2022 |
Panel Moderator; Graduate Student Orientation; College of the Environment; University of Washington - Moderate a panel for the College of the Environment graduate student orientation | Converse | September 2021 | September 2021 |
Panel Member; Online Hiring: Getting an Academic Job on Zoom; University of Washington - Online panel for College of the Environment Post-docs | Converse | April 2020 | April 2020 |
Panel Member; Online Hiring: Getting a Government Job on Zoom; University of Washington - Online panel for College of the Environment Post-docs | Converse | May 2020 | May 2020 |
Member; Top Predator Ecology Faculty Search Committee; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington - Member of search committee for Without-Tenure faculty position | Converse | August 2018 | April 2019 |
Member; Spring Seminar Committee; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington - Organize Spring Seminar | Converse | September 2024 | Present |
Member; School Council; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington - School governmental body; advise the School Director on policy and School direction | Converse | September 2018 | Present |
Member; Research Committee; School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; University of Washington - Serve as member of committee that oversees relationship between SEFS faculty and SEFS grants office, and also works toward developing long-term research vision and strategies | Converse | November 2017 | June 2019 |
Member; Quantitative Ecology and Resource Management Qualifying Exam Committee; University of Washington | Converse | June 2024 | June 2024 |
Member; Graduation Committee; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington - Organize the annual graduation ceremony for the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences | Converse | September 2019 | Present |
Member; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; Center for Quantitative Sciences; University of Washington - Participate as a member of the DEI Committee for the UW Center for Quantitative Sciences. | Converse | September 2022 | September 2023 |
Member; Boersma Chair Faculty Search Committee; Department of Biology; University of Washington | Converse | June 2019 | February 2020 |
Member; Autumn Seminar Committee; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington - Organize seminars for fall quarter | Converse | June 2017 | December 2018 |
Member; All-Hands Planning Committee; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington | Converse | January 2023 | April 2023 |
Member; Advisory Council; Center for Quantitative Science; University of Washington - Serve as member of a council providing leadership for the Center for Quantitative Science, University of Washington. | Converse | September 2020 | June 2021 |
Member, Recruitment, Admissions, and Scholarship Committee, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington | VanBlaricom | October 2001 | June 2011 |
Member, Recruitment, Admissions and Scholarships Committee, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences - Committee reviews all graduate applications and determines which high-performing students will receive scholarship offers | Scheuerell | September 2021 | September 2022 |
Member, Recruitment, Admissions and Scholarships Committee, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences - Committee reviews all graduate applications and determines which high-performing students will receive scholarship offers | Scheuerell | June 2019 | September 2020 |
Member, Future Rivers Advisory Committee, University of Washington - This program will prepare trainees to become fluent in 21st century data science approaches to understand interactions among and within food, water, and energy sectors in order to expand the options for environmental sustainability. As an EarthLab initiative, students will learn to work in applied ways within career fields outside of academia to create a solid foundation that connects academic, government, industry, and community partners. | Scheuerell | September 2020 | Present |
Member, Diving Safety Committee, University of Washington | VanBlaricom | October 1996 | June 2015 |
Member, DEI committee for the USGS CRU program - Provide DEI resources to the USGS Cooperative Units Program. | Scheuerell | June 2020 | September 2022 |
Member, Curriculum Committee, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences - Participate in discussions around best practices for teaching and evaluate new course proposals. | Scheuerell | September 2020 | September 2021 |
Member, Academic Grievance Committee, College of the Environment, UW - Oversee fair and open grievance process for students. | Scheuerell | September 2020 | Present |
Member Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, University of Washington - Representative for the School of Aquatic & Fishery Sciences on the University's Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee - project reviews and inspections | Grue | July 2010 | Present |
Graduate Recruitment Admissions and Scholarship Committee - Screen and rank graduate admissions applications, select scholarship candidates, rank and evaluate supplemental scholarships for research proposals | Beauchamp | September 2000 | September 2002 |
Faculty liaison, Students Explore Aquatic Sciences, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences | Scheuerell | September 2020 | Present |
Faculty Senate - Attend Monthly Faculty Senate meetings, execise faculty governance of university policies regarding academics, research, operations, etc. | Beauchamp | September 2007 | June 2009 |
Faculty Search Committees - Search Committees for: Marine ecologist W. Regional Aquaculture Director Large-scale forcing scientist Freshwater ecologist | Beauchamp | June 2002 | June 2006 |
Faculty Search Committee - Search committee for terrestrial avian ecologist tenure track position in SEFS | McInturff | April 2024 | Present |
Faculty Member, Representative for Academic Grievance Panel, Graduate School, UW - Graduate students who believe they have been subjected to unfair treatment in the administration of academic policies may, except as noted below, seek resolution of their complaints under this Academic Grievance Procedure. I served as one of two faculty representatives on a grievance panel. | Scheuerell | January 2020 | March 2020 |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (member) - Contribute to discussions and activities within the committee | McInturff | September 2023 | June 2025 |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (co-chair) - Co-chair of the DEIC committee for SEFS at UW | McInturff | September 2021 | September 2023 |
Curriculum Committee - Serve on the Curriculum Committee for the School of Environmental and Forest Sciences | McInturff | September 2023 | September 2025 |
Curriculum Committee - Evaluate undergraduate and graduate curricula and recommend modifications to classes orcurricula as needed | Beauchamp | September 2006 | January 2015 |
College Council, alternate - Vote on college policies, faculty promotions, etc. | Beauchamp | September 2006 | June 2008 |
Co-chair; WACFWRU Assistant Unit Leader Search Committee; School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; University of Washington - Chair of the search committee for WACFWRU Assistant Unit Leader - Wildlife | Converse | April 2020 | April 2021 |
Co-chair; WACFWRU Assistant Unit Leader Search Committee; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington - Organize search for WACFWRU AUL and SAFS faculty member | Converse | March 2018 | March 2019 |
Co-chair; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee; School of Environmental and Forest Sciences; University of Washington | Converse | September 2019 | June 2021 |
Chair; Search Committee; Center for Quantitative Science Director; University of Washington - Lead (internal) search for a new Director for the Center for Quantitative Science in the College of Environment, University of Washington | Converse | January 2024 | May 2024 |
Chair; Covid-19 Safety for Field Work Committee; School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences; University of Washington - Appointed Chair of ad-hoc Committee in the School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences to provide review and approvals of field work Covid-19 health and safety plans. | Converse | April 2020 | September 2020 |
Chair, E&I Committee, School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences - Chair our department's DEI committee | Scheuerell | September 2022 | Present |
Chair, Big Beef Creek Research Station, Research Committee - Evaluate and coordinate research activities among university and agency users. Promote the utlilty of the facility to potential regional users. | Beauchamp | March 2000 | September 2006 |
Alternate Member, College Council, College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington | VanBlaricom | October 2003 | August 2006 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
WDFW Social Science Community of Practice | McInturff | June 2023 | January 2030 |
USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel | Converse | September 2023 | September 2023 |
USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel | Converse | April 2017 | April 2017 |
USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel | Grue | April 2013 | April 2013 |
Society for Conservation Biology Social Science Working Group | McInturff | June 2024 | Present |
Scientific Steering Committee Member, International Statistical Ecology Conference | Converse | April 2021 | June 2022 |
Puget Sound Seabird Survey Advisory Group | Converse | February 2023 | Present |
Puget Sound Partnership, Social Science Advisory Committee | McInturff | January 2022 | Present |
Member, Western Gray Whale Advisory Panel (and predecessor panels), Global Marine Programme, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland | VanBlaricom | March 2004 | December 2015 |
Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, Marine Ecosystem Health Program, Wildlife Health Center, University of California, Davis | VanBlaricom | April 2000 | December 2003 |
Member, Review Committee, Contaminant Biology Program, U.S. Geological Survey | Grue | January 2004 | September 2004 |
Member, National Expert Monitoring Panel, development of a system-wide monitoring program for the National Marine Sanctuary Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. | VanBlaricom | April 2002 | December 2002 |
Member, FIFRA Science Advisory Panel, Food Quality Protection Act Board, US EPA, Washington, D.C. | Grue | March 2004 | April 2004 |
Member, Advisory Committee, The Menzies Project: Marine Research Cruise Program, Port Townsend Marine Science Center, Port Townsend, Washington | VanBlaricom | February 2002 | August 2005 |
Member, Advisory Committee to the Seattle Aquarium Research Center for Conservation and Husbandry | VanBlaricom | January 2002 | January 2002 |
EURING Technical Meeting - 2021: Session Chair | Converse | January 2021 | June 2021 |
Ad hoc group to form CRU Diversity Equity and Inclusion Committee | Converse | February 2020 | May 2020 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Tough choices: making better decisions for greater conservation success. Zoological Society of London, London, United Kingdom. | Converse | November 2017 |
Sequim Gazette article on research at Protection Island. | Converse, Pendleton | September 2023 |
School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Open House - Open House for Seattle K-12 students | Converse, Amburgey, Sorel | May 2021 |
School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences Open House - Open House for Seattle K-12 students | Converse, Sipe, Bratt, Sorel, Amburgey | May 2019 |
Review comments provided to a private company, Microsoft of Redmond, Washington, on the technical accuracy of instructional software, "Magic School Bus Whales Project", designed for elementary school children. | VanBlaricom | December 2000 |
Recorded interview, KUOW radio (NPR affiliate station), Seattle, Washington. Discussion of research on ecological effects of geoduck aquaculture operations, southern Puget Sound, Washington, USA. | VanBlaricom | March 2012 |
Poster and equipment presentations relating to marine mammal research activities of the Washington Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. "Washington Weekend" public open house, University of Washington, Seattle. | VanBlaricom | April 2006 |
Participation, by invitation, in a meeting with U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell at Friday Harbor, Washington, to discuss the status, trends, and management options for the southern resident population of killer whales (Orcinus orca) off northwestern Washington and southwestern British Columbia. Meeting was attended by scientists, local community leaders, and representatives of conservation organizations and local businesses. Information and opinions provided will be used by the Senator to help guide federal policy and management actions regarding the whale population. | VanBlaricom | August 2001 |
Participated in a "Climate Science on Tap" event sponsored by Cascadia Climate Action, where the public gets to ask scientists questions about the environment. | Scheuerell | August 2019 |
Organized a field trip for staffers from Washington's Congressional delegation to see firsthand field sampling being done to evaluate the effects of estuarine habitat restoration in the Skagit River delta on ESA-listed juvenile salmon. | Scheuerell | August 2019 |
Organize a monthly fish and wildlife seminar for UW, WSU, Washington DFW, Washington DNR, and other state and federal agencies. Ongoing seminar entering year 3 of monthly sessions | McInturff | January 2022 |
Nontechnical book: VanBlaricom, G.R. 2001. Sea otters. Colin Baxter Photography, Grantown-on-Spey, Scotland | VanBlaricom | September 2001 |
Non-technical presentation on ecological effects of geoduck aquaculture operations on natural ecosystems of southern Puget Sound, Washington. Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence, Communicating Ocean and Marine Science Workshop. University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, USA. | VanBlaricom | November 2008 |
Non-technical article on the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus) for the 2010 edition of the World Book Encyclopedia (World Book, Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). | VanBlaricom | September 2008 |
News article on research | McInturff | January 2022 |
Mercer Island Reporter article on carnivores in Mount Rainier National Park | Converse | December 2022 |
Meeting of Friends of Burley Lagoon, Port Orchard, Washington, USA. Presentation and group discussion of results to date, research program on ecological effects of geoduck aquaculture operations on intertidal sands flats in southern Puget Sound. | VanBlaricom | September 2012 |
Live interview, KMAS radio, Shelton, Washington. Discussion of research on ecological effects of geoduck aquaculture operations, southern Puget Sound, Washington, USA. | VanBlaricom | March 2012 |
Labs Unlocked event at University of Washington, featuring UW College of the Environment work in Tetiaroa, French Polynesia. Our team provided a 30-minute talk and activities to approximately 75 attendees | Converse, DuVall | January 2020 |
Invited verbal presentation on the biology of sea otters to two classes (one pre-school, one elementary school) at Labyrinth Cooperative Home School, Sammamish, Washington, USA. | VanBlaricom | May 2006 |
Invited verbal presentation on telemetric methods for study of the ecology of free-ranging marine mammals. Seattle Chapter of the American Society for Professional Engineers. Seattle, Washington, USA. | VanBlaricom | May 2006 |
Invited verbal presentation on sea otters to a membership meeting of the Adopt-a-Stream Foundation, Everett, Washington. | VanBlaricom | December 2001 |
Invited verbal presentation on marine mammal science activities at the School of Fisheries, University of Washington, Seattle, to the Student Volunteer Program, Seattle Aquarium, Seattle, Washington. | VanBlaricom | May 1999 |
Invited verbal presentation on marine mammal research in the School of Aquatic Fisheries, University of Washington, Teen Naturalist Group, Seattle Aquarium. | VanBlaricom | May 2001 |
Invited verbal presentation on Careers in Marine Mammal Research to the Youth at Hope Business Leadership Program, City Hall, Bellevue, Washington. | VanBlaricom | July 2000 |
Invited verbal presentation entitled "Marine mammal research", as part of the Program on Careers and Research in Oceanography and Aquatic and Fishery Sciences. Sponsored by the College of Ocean and Fishery Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle. 4 May 2004. | VanBlaricom | May 2004 |
Invited testimony: "Viability models for the conservation status of Steller sea lions." Meeting of the Committee on Alaska Groundfish Fishery and Steller Sea Lions, National Research Council. | VanBlaricom | December 2001 |
Invited participant, Washington Department of Ecology, Washington Department of General Administration, Capitol Lake Adaptive Management Plan (CLAMP) Steering Committee public meeting to discuss the use of tricloypr to control Eurasian watermilfoil in Capitol Lake in Olympia, WA | Grue | April 2004 |
Interview on research | McInturff, Converse | July 2022 |
Exhibit and activity booth on seabird science at annual SEAS (Students Exploring Aquatic Sciences) Open House, University of Washington. | Converse, Kwarta Thompson, Pendleton, Chen, Mistry, Redon | May 2024 |
Discussion of controversies associated with rehabilitation of marine wildlife injured by human activities. Broadcast on KING television (Channel 5, Seattle, NBC affiliate) by tape delay on 7 May 1998. | VanBlaricom | April 1998 |
Briefing on WACFWRU Mission and Activities, for Washington State Senator Jesse Salomon, 32nd Legislative District. | Converse, Scheuerell, McInturff | September 2021 |