Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Headquarters
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Headquarters Staff Member

Dr. James Barry Grand

Phone: (334) 200 - 8458



  • Ph D Texas A&M University 1988
  • MS Auburn University 1984
  • BS Lousisiana State University 1981


Avian ecology and population dynamics, Use of structured decision making and adaptive management to manage wildlife populations.. Wildlife population dynamics, estimation of vital rates, occupancy analysis, decision analysis.

Research Publications Publication Date
Wilson, H. M., P. L. Flint, A. N. Powell, J. B. Grand, and C. L. Moran. 2012. Population ecology of breeding Pacific Common Eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Wildlife Monographs,182:1-29; DOI: 10.1002/wmon.8 October 2012
Williams, B.L., R.W. Holtfreter, S.S. Ditchkoff, and J.B. Grand. 2011. Trap style influences wild pig behavior and trapping success. J. Wildlife Manage. 75(3)432-436. February 2011
Williams, B.L., R.W. Holtfreter, S.S. Ditchkoff, and J.B. Grand. 2011. Efficiency of Time-lapse intervals and simple baits for camera surveys of wild pigs. J. Wildlife Manage. 75(3)655-659. April 2011
Tucker, J. W., W. D. Robinson, and J. B. Grand. 2004. Influence of fire on Bachman's Sparrow, an endemic North American songbird. Journal of Wildlife Managment 68(4):1114-1123. July 2004
Tucker, J. W., Robinson, W. D., Grand, J. B. 2006. Breeding productivity of Bachman's sparrows in fire-managed longleaf pine forests. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 118:2 (131-137). June 2006
Terhune, T. M., D. C. Sisson, J. B. Grand, H. L. Stribling. 2007. Factors Influencing Survival of Radiotagged and Banded Northern Bobwhites in Georgia. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(4):1288-1297. June 2007
Sharp, N. W., M. S. Mitchell, and J. B. Grand. 2009. Sources, sinks, and spatial ecology of cotton mice in longleaf pine stands undergoing restoration. Journal of Mammalogy. December 2009
Schamber, J. L., P. L. Flint, et al. (2009). "Population Dynamics of Long-tailed Ducks Breeding on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska." Arctic 62(2): 190-200. April 2009
S. S. Ditchkoff, B.L. Williams, M.S. Mitchell, J.B. Grand, and J.J> Millspaugh. Fecal Glucocorticoid Metabolites in Wild Pig Populations Fluctuate Based on Reproductive Cycle. Wildlife Society Bulletin: 00(0): 000-000, 201X | Abstract February 2011
Runge, M.C., J.B. Grand, and M.S. Mitchell. 2013. Structured decision making. pp. 51-72. In P.R. Krausman and J.W. Cain eds. Wildlife Management and conservation: Contemporary principles and practices. Johns Hopkins Baltimore, Maryland. January 2013
Price Tack JL, West B, McGowan CP, Ditchkoff S, Reves SJ, Keever A, Grand JB, in review, A semi-automated system for processing time-lapse camera trap images. submitted to Methods in Ecology and Evolution. November 2016
Post Van Der Burg, M., Bly, B.B., Vercautheren, T., Grand, J.B., and Tyre, A.J. On the role of budget sufficiency, cost Efficiency and uncertainty in species management. Journal of Wildlife Management: 00(0): 000-000, 200X | Abstract November 2013
Petersen, M. R., J. B. Grand, and C. P. Dau. 2000. Spectacled Eider(Somateria fischeri). In The Birds of North America, (A. Poole and F. Gill, eds. ). The Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, and The AmericanOrnithologists' Union, Washington, D. C. No. 547. November 2000
Nichols, J.D., Hollmen, T.E. and Grand, J.B., 2016. Monitoring for the Management of Disease Risk in Animal Translocation Programmes. EcoHealth, pp.1-11. | Abstract January 2016
Mitchell, M. S., L. B. Pacifici, J. B. Grand, and R. A. Powell. 2009. Contributions of vital rates to growth of a protected population of American black bears. Ursus 20:77-84. December 2009
Miller, D. A., J. B. Grand, T. F. Fondell, R. M. Anthony. 2006. Pr4dator functional response and prey survival: direct and indirect interactions affecting a marked prey population. Journal of Animal Ecology 75(1):101-110. December 2005
Miller, D. A., Grand, J. B., Fondell, T. F., and Anthony, R. M. 2007. Optimizing Nest Survival and Female Survival: Consequences of Nest Site Selection for Canada Geese. Condor 109:4(769-780) November 2007
McGowan CP, Price Tack JL, Silvano A, Grand JB, In Review, Models for managing harvests to maintain deer and hunter populations, Review initiated, intended outlet, WIldlife Society Bulletin September 2023
Koons, D. N., J. B. Grand, R. F. Rockwell. 2006. Population perturbation analysis:the influence of population momentum. Journal of Wildlife Management 70(1):19-26. May 2006
Koons, D. N., J. B. Grand, J. M. Arnold. 2006. Population momentum across vertebrate life histories. Ecological Modelling 197 (2006) 418-430. May 2006
Koons, D. N., J. B. GRand, B. Zinner, R. F. Rockwell. 2005. Transient population dynamics:relations to life history and initial population state. Ecological Modelling 185 (2005) 283-297. December 2004
Koons, D. N., Holmes, R. R., Grand, J. B. 2007. Population inertia and its sensitivity to changes in vital rates or initial conditions. Ecology 88(88)2857-2867. November 2007
Keever, A.C., C.P. McGowan, S.S. Ditchkoff, P.K. Acker, J.B. Grand, C.H. Newbolt, in review, Efficacy of time-lapse photography and repeated counts estimation for monitoring white-tailed deer populations. October 2017
Jolley, D. B., S. S. Ditchkoff, B. D. Sparklin, L. B. Hanson, M. S. Mitchell, and J. B. Grand. 2010. Estimate of herpetofauna depredation by a population of wild pigs. Journal of Mammalogy 91:519-524. April 2010
Howell, M. D., Grand, J. B., Flint, P. L. Body molt of male long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) in the nearshore waters of the North Slope, Alaska. Wilson Bulletin 115(2):170-175. July 2003
Hollmen, T. E., J. C. Franson, P. L. Flint, J. B. Grand, R. B. Lanctot, D. E. Docherty, and H. M. Wilson. An Adenovirus linked to mortality and disease in long-tailed ducks (Clangula hyemalis) in Alaska. Avian Diseases 47(4): 1434-1440 January 2003
Hartke, K. M, J. B. Grand, G. R. Hepp, and T. H. Folk. 2006. Sources of variation in survival of breeding female wood ducks. Condor 108:1 (201-210). February 2006
Hanson, L. B., M. S. Mitchell, J. B. Grand, D. B. Jolley, W. D. Sparklin, and S. S. Ditchkoff. 2009. Effect of experimental manipulation on survival and recruitment of feral pigs. Wildlife Research. 36(3):185-191. April 2009
Hanson, L. B., J. B. Grand, M. S. Mitchell, D. B. Jolley, B. D. Sparklin and S. S. Ditchkoff. 2008. Change-in-ratio density estimator for feral pigs is less biased than closed mark-recapture estimates. Wildlife Research 35(7): 695-699. December 2008
Grand, J.B. and K.J. Kleiner. 2016. Prioritizing landscapes for longleaf conservation. Cooperator Science Series. 48 pp. February 2016
Grand, J. B., Mirarchi, R. E. 1988. Habitat use by recently fledged Mourning Doves in East Central Alabama. Journal of Wildlife Management 52:1 (153-157). January 1988
Grand, J. B., J. C. Franson, P. L. Flint, and M. R. Petersen. 2002. Concentrations of trace elements in eggs and blood of spectacled and common eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 21(8):80-85. June 2002
Grand, J. B., Fondell, T. F., Miller, D. A., Anthony, R. M. 2006. Nest survival in Dusky Canada Geese (Branta canadensis occidentalis): Use of discrete-time models. Auk 123:1 (198-210) January 2006
Grand, J. B., Fondell, T. F. 1994. Decoy trapping and rocket-netting for Northern Pintails in spring. Journal of Field Ornithology 65:3 (402-405) June 1994
Grand, J. B., Flint, P. L., Petersen, M. R., Moran, C. L. 1998. Effect of lead poisoning on spectacled eider survival rates. Journal of Wildlife Management. 62:3 (1103-1109) July 1998
Grand, J. B., Flint, P. L., Heglund, P. J. 1997. Habitat use by nesting and brood rearing northern pintails on the Yukon-Kuskokwim delta, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 61:4 (1199-11207) October 1997
Grand, J. B., Flint, P. L. 1997. Productivity of nesting Spectacled Eiders on the lower Kashunuk River, Alaska. Condor 99:4 (926-932) November 1997
Grand, J. B., Flint, P. L. 1996. Survival of Northern Pintail ducklings on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Condor 98:1 (48-53) February 1996
Grand, J. B., Flint, P. L. 1996. Renesting ecology of northern Pintails on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Condor 98:4 (820-824). November 1996
Grand, J. B. 1995. Nesting success of ducks on the central Yukon Flats, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie 73:2 (260-265) February 1995
Grand, J. B. 1992. Breeding chronology of mottled ducks in a Texas coastal marsh. Journal of Field Ornithology 63:2 (195-202). April 1992
Franson, J. C., T. E. Hollmen, P. L. Flint, J. B. Grand, and R. B. Lanctot. 2004. Contaminants in molting long-tailed ducks and nesting common eiders in the Beaufort Sea. Marine Pollution Bulletin 48:6 (504-513) March 2004
Fondell, T. F., J. B. Grand, D. A. Miller and R. M. Anthony. 2006. Renesting by dusky Canada geese on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Journal of Wildlife Management 70(4): 955-964. September 2006
Folk, T. H., J. B. Grand, W. E. Palmer, J. P. Carroll, D. C. Sisson, T. M. Terhune, S. D. Wellendorf, H. L. Stribling. 2007. Estimates of Survival from Radiotelemetry:a Response to Guthery and Lusk. Journal of Wildlife Management 71(4):1027-1033. June 2007
Folk, T. H., Holmes, R. R., Grand, J. B. 2007. Variation in northern bobwhite demography along two temporal scales. Population Ecology. 49:3 (211-219). July 2007
Flint, P.L., J.B. Grand, M.R. Petersen, and R.F. Rockwell. 2016. Population dynamics of spectacled eiders: Synthesis of demographic data. North American Fauna. January 2016
Flint, P. L., and J. B. Grand. 1999. Incubation behavior of spectacled eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Condor 101:413-416. June 1999
Flint, P. L., and J. B. Grand, 1999. Patterns of variation in size and composition of greater scaup eggs: are they related? Wilson Bulletin 111:465-471. December 1999
Flint, P. L., Petersen, M. R., Grand, J. B. 1997. Exposure of Spectacled Eiders and other diving ducks to lead in western Alaska. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie. 75:3 (439-443) March 1997
Flint, P. L., Morse, J. A., Grand, J. B., Moran, C. L. 2006. Correlated growth and survival of juvenile Spectacled Eiders:Evidence of habitat limitation? Condor 108:4 (901-911) November 2006
Flint, P. L., J. B. Grand, T. F. Fondell, J. A. Morse. 2006. Populatin Dynamics of Greater Scaup Breeding on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Wildlife Monographs:Vol. 162, No. 1 pp. 1-22. June 2006
Flint, P. L., J. B. Grand, J. A. Morse, T. F. Fondell. 2000. Late summer survival of adult female and juvenile spectacled eiders on the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Waterbirds 23:292-297. March 2000
Flint, P. L., Grand, J. B., Rockwell, R. F. 1998. A model of northern pintail productivity and population growth rate. Journal of Wildlife Management 62:3 (1110-1118). July 1998
Flint, P. L., Grand, J. B. 1997. Survival of spectacled eider adult females and ducklings during brood rearing. Journal of Wildlife Management. 61:1 (217-221) January 1997
Flint, P. L., Grand, J. B. 1996. Variation in egg size of the Northern Pintail. Condor 98:1 (162-165) February 1996
Flint, P. L., Grand, J. B. 1996. Nesting success of northern pintails on the coastal Yuko-Kuskokwim Delta, Alaska. Condor 98:1 (54-60) February 1996
Flint, P. L. Grand, J. B., Sedinger, J. S. 1996. Allocation of limited reserves to a clutch: A model explaining the lack of a relationship between clutch size and egg size. Auk 113:4 (939-942) October 1996
Esler, D., J. B. Grand, and A. 2001. Intraspecific variation innutrient reserve use during clutch formation by lesser scaup. Condor103:810-820. November 2001
Esler, D., Grand, J. B. 1994. The role of nutrient reserves for clutch formation by Northern Pintails in Alaska. Condor 96:P2 (422-432) May 1994
Esler, D., Grand, J. B. 1994. Comparison of age-determination techniques for female Northern Pintails and American Wigeon in spring. Wildlife Society Bulletin 22:2 (260-264) June 1994
Esler, D., Grand, J. B. 1993. Factors influencing depredation of artificial duck nests. Journal of Wildlife Management 57:2 (244-248) April 1993
Dunham, Kylee, and Grand, J.B., 2016, Viability of the Alaskan breeding population of Steller’s eiders: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016–1084, 8 p., | Abstract September 2016
Dunham, Kylee, and Grand, J.B., 2016, Evaluating models of population process in a threatened population of Steller’s eiders—A retrospective approach: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016–1062, 14 p., | Abstract September 2016
Ditchkoff, S. S., D. B. Jolley, B. D. Sparklin, L. B. Hanson, M. S. Mitchell, and J. B. Grand. 2012. Reproduction in a Population of Wild Pigs (Sus scrofa) Subjected to Lethal Control. Journal of Wildlife Management 76:1235-1240. August 2012
Damm, P.E., Grand, J.B. Grand, and S.W. Barnett. Variation in detection among passive infrared triggered-cameras in wildlife research. Proceedings Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website August 2011
Cronin, M. A., Grand, J. B., Esler, D., Derksen, D. V., Scribner, K. T. 1996. Breeding populations of northern pintails have similar mitochondrial DNA. Canadian Journal of Zoology-Revue Canadienne de Zoologie. 74:6 (992-999) June 1996
Brongo, L. L., Mitchell, M. S., Grand, J. B. 2005. Long-term analysis of survival, fertility, and population growth rate of black bears in North Carolina. Journal of Mammalogy. 86:5 (1029-1035) October 2005
Brongo, L. L., Mitchell, M. S., Grand, J. B. 2005. Effects of trapping with bait on bait-station indices to black bear abundance. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:4 (1357-1361). December 2005
Anthony, R. M., J. B. Grand, T. F. Fondell., and B. F. J. Manly. A quantitative approach to identifying predators from nest remains. Journal Field Ornithology. 75(1):40-48 January 2004
Anthony, R. M., Grand, J. B., Fondell, T. F., Miller, D. A. Techniques for identifying predators of goose nests. 2006. Wildlife Biology 12:3 (249-256) September 2006
Alix, D.M., C.J. Anderson, J.B. Grand, and C. Guyer. 2014. Evaluating the effects of land use on headwater wetland amphibian assemblages in coastal Alabama. Wetlands 34:917:926 | Abstract June 2014
Presentations Presentation Date
Zenas, SJ, and JB Grand. 2017 Factors influencing post-capture survival of eastern wild turkeys in Alabama. 71st Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies October 2017
Tripp, H., R.A. Gitzen, A.L. Silvano, and J.B. Grand. 2017. Individual-based modeling to project viability of gopher tortoise populations under alternative management scenarios: a case study with two Alabama wildlife management areas. 71st Annual Conference of Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Louisville, KY, October 29-November 1, 2017, October 2018
Stewart, B.D., C.E. Moore, and J.B. Grand. 2019. Automated techniques for interpreting game camera images from surveys for Eastern Wild Turkeys. This is Auburn. February 2019
Stewart, B.D., C.E. Moore, and J.B. Grand. 2018. Automated techniques for interpreting game camera images from surveys for Eastern Wild Turkeys. 72nd SEAFWA Annual Conference. Mobile, AL October 28-30. October 2018
Stewart BD, Moore CE, and Grand JB. 2019. Determining Eastern Wild Turkey population response to 9-day delay in spring harvest season. SEAFWA, Hilton Head, South Carolina 27-30 October 2019 October 2019
Stewart BD, Moore CE, and Grand JB. 2019. Automated techniques for interpreting game camera images from surveys for Eastern Wild Turkeys. SEAFWA Hilton Head, SC, 27-30 October 2019 October 2019
Stewart BD, Moore CE, and Grand JB. 2019. Automated techniques for interpreting game camera images from surveys for Eastern Wild Turkeys. October 2019
Silvano, A.L., W. Morse, and J.B. Grand. 2016. How likely are we to impact hunter satisfaction with white-tailed deer management strategies: A Bayesian approach to estimating effects of management on hunter satisfaction. Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society 15-19 October 2016, Raleigh, NC October 2016
Silvano, A.L., J.B. Grand, and W. Morse. 2014. Estimating the effect of white-tailed deer management strategies on hunter satisfaction using a Bayesian belief network. 68th Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Destin Florida, 19-21 October 2014. October 2014
Silvano, A.L. 2013. Using occupancy analysis to select focal species as surrogates for species of concern on state managed lands in Alabama. 67th Ann. Conf. Southeastern Assoc. Fish Wildl. Agencies 13-16 October 2013. October 13 - 16, 2013 Oklahoma City, Oklahoma October 2013
Nichols, J.D., Hollmen, T, and J.B. Grand. 2015. Monitoring for the management of disease risk in animal translocation programs. Zoological Society of London Symposium on the health and disease in translocated animals. (Invited presentation) October 2015
McIntyre, R.K., Grand, J.B., White, R., and Wilson, R.R. 2104. Wildlife responses to longleaf pine habitat structure restoration July 2014
McGowan CP, Price Tack JL, Grand JB, 2024. Models for linking hunter retention and recruitment to regulations and game populations, Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD, October 2024 October 2024
Margadant, LE, CE Moore, and JB Grand. 2019. Habitat Selection by Female Eastern Wild Turkeys in Alabama. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Hilton Head, South Carolina. 27-30 October 2019. October 2019
Margadant, LA,, Grand, JB, Stewart, BD, Keller, SR, and Moore, CE. 2019. March 2019
Margadant, L.A., C.E. Moore, and J.B. Grand. 2018.The effect of baited camera stations on eastern wild turkey home range and movement. 72nd SEAFWA Annual Conference. Mobile, AL October 28-30. October 2018
Keller, SR, CE Moore, and JB Grand. 2019. Comparing camera survey designs for monitoring eastern wild turkey populations. Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Hilton Head, South Carolina. 27-30 October 2019. October 2019
Keller, S.R., C.E. Moore, and J.B. Grand. 2018. Comparing camera survey designs for monitoring eastern wild turkey populations. 72nd SEAFWA Annual Conference. Mobile, AL October 28-30. October 2018
Keever, A., C.P. McGowan, S. Ditchkoff, P. Acker, J. B. Grand, C. Newbolt. 2013 Effect of reducing camera survey efforts on the accuracy of density estimates. South Eastern Deer Study Group, South Carolina, February 2013 February 2013
Grand, James B. 2019. Alabama Turkey Research Project Update. Full Fans and Sharp Spurs. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. December 2018
Grand, J.B., and A.L. Silvano. 2013. A decision tool for longleaf restoration based on value to wildlife populations. October 2013
Grand, J.B., T. Hollmen, A.L. Silvano, and J.D. Nichols. 2016. Comparing the value of release methods for the reintroduction of Steller's eider October 2016
Grand, J.B., A.L. Silvano. 2015. Turkey Research Project Update from the Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Full fans and sharp spurs: 2015 wildl turkey report. Alabama Department of Conservation. January 2015
Grand, J.B., A.L. Silvano, and S. Barnett. 2014. Modeling the effects of harvest strategies on eastern wild turkey populations. 68th Annual Conference Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Destin Florida, 19-21 October 2014. October 2014
Grand, J.B., A.L. Silvano, J.L. Price. 2014. Predicting the effects of white-tailed deer population structure on conception date and buck vulnerability. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 25-30 October 2014. October 2014
Grand, J.B. and A.L. Silvano. 2016. Tools for science-based management of game and non-game wildlife. Annual Meeting of the Alabama Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Andalusia, AL. 14 April 2016. April 2016
Grand, J.B. and A.L. Silvano. 2016. A portfolio-based approach to funding allocation for state wildlife grants. North American Congress of Conservation Biology. Madision, WI 17-20 July 2016. July 2016
Grand, J.B. and A.L. Silvano. 2015. Turkey research in Alabama. Full fans and sharp Spurs: Annual Turkey Report. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources January 2014
Grand, J.B. 2016. Designing an eastern wild turkey research program for Alabama April 2016
Grand, J.B. 2016. Turkey Research Project Update from the Alabama Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Full fans and sharp spurs. Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. November 2016
Gonnerman, MB, and JB Grand. 2017. Use of camera surveys to estimate occupancy, density, and productivity of eastern wild turkeys in Alabama. 71st Annual Conference of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. October 2017
Gonnerman, M.B., and J.B. Grand 2017. Using gobble count surveys to assess male wild turkey populations in Alabama. Joint meeting of the Alabama and Mississippi Chapters of The Wildlife Society. 7-8 September 2017, Meridian, Mississippi September 2017
Farrell, P., Grand, J.B., McGowan, C.P., E. Lonsdorf, Relationship of Grassland Bird Occupancy to Local and Landscape Scale Habitat Features in the East Gulf Coastal Plain, The wildlife Society, 2014 October 2014
Farrell, P., Grand, J.B., McGowan, C.P., E. Lonsdorf, Effects of Habitat Configuration and Composition on Grassland Bird Occupancy in the Upper East Gulf Coastal Plain, SEAFWA, 2014 October 2014
Farrell, P, Grand, J.B., McGowan, C.P. 2014. Habitat Associations of Grassland Birds in the East Gulf Coastal Plain Region. South Eastern Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Starkville, MS. March 2014 March 2014
Farrell P, McGowan CP, Grand JB, Lonsdorf EV, Thogmartin WE. 2015. Utility of the North American Breeding Bird Survey to predict habitat relationships of grassland birds using prior knowledge from a small scale study. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, 2015, Winnipeg, CA. October 2015
Dunham, KD, and JB Grand. 2019. Using integrated models to identify ecology and population dynamics of threatened arctic species. American Ornithological Society (137th Stated Meeting), Anchorage, Alaska, June 24, 2019 - June 28, 2019 February 2019
Dunham, KD, and Grand JB. 2019. Comparing the utility of integrated and non-integrated analysis results in a conservation decision context October 2019
Dunham, K.D., and J.B. Grand. 2017. Using the canonical population estimator and Bayes theorem to evaluate population recovery. Euring 2017, Barcelona Spain 2-7 July 2017. July 2017
Dunham, K.D., and J.B. Grand. 2016. Models of population process for threatened Steller’s eiders: A retrospective evaluation. North American Congress for Conservation Biology. Madison, WI 17-20 July 2016 July 2016
Dunham, K.D., and J.B. Grand. 2016. Evaluating models of population process in a threatened population of Steller’s eiders: Retrospective approach. The Wildlife Society Annual Conference 15-19 October 2016 . Raleigh, NC October 2016
Dunham, K.D., and J.B. Grand . 2015. Effects of model complexity and priors on prediction using Sequential Importance Sampling/Resampling for conservation of species. Meeting Ecol. Soc. Amer. 2015, Baltimore, Md, 9-14 August 2015. August 2015
Technical Publications Publication Date
J.B. Grand, J. Arnold, D.N. Koons, and N. Yogi. 2003. Modeling the recovery rates of avian populations. Annual Progress Report 2003. January 2003
Hitch, A.T., Grand, J.B., Allen, S.L., and Sharp, N.W. 2008. Habitat use and distributions of birds, small mammals and herpetofauna on the J.D. Martin Skyline Wildlife Management Area, Jackson County, Alabama. Final Report to Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources November 2008
Grand,James B., David N. Koons, Jennifer M. Arnold, Dirk V. Derksen and Nitin Yogi. 2007. Modeling the recovery rates of avian populations. Final Report RWO 079. April 2007
Grand, James B. 2002. Modeling the influence of prescribed fire on bird populations in southeastern longleaf pine communities. State Partnership Project Final Report. April 2002
Grand, J. B., R. M.Anthony, and T. F. Fondell. Renesting, nest depredation, and gosling survival of dusky Canada geese on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Annual Progress Report. December 2001
Grand, J. B., R. M.Anthony, and T. F. Fondell. Renesting, nest depredation, and gosling survival of dusky Canada geese on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Annual Progress Report. December 2000
Folk, T.H., and J.B. Grand. 2004. Effects of Growing Season Prescribed Fire on Productivity and Survival of Northern Bobwhite Populations: Annual Progress Report to the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. January 2004
Folk, T.H., and J.B. Grand. 2003. Effects of Growing Season Prescribed Fire on Productivity and Survival of Northern Bobwhite Populations: Annual Progress Report to the Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. January 2003
Ditchkoff, S.S., M.S. Mitchell, and J.B. Grand. 2004. Ecology and management of feral hogs on Fort Benning, Georgia. Annual Progress Report. December 2004
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Wilson Ornithological Society - Member Grand January 2000 January 2000
Wildlife Management Institute - Member Grand January 1998 Present
The Wildlife Society - President Elect, Alabama Chapter Grand January 2016 January 2019
The Wildlife Society - Member, Executive Board Grand February 2001 February 2006
The Wildlife Society - Member Grand September 1998 December 2004
The Wildlife Society - Member Grand January 2000 January 2000
The Wildlife Society - Member Grand January 1981 Present
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member Grand January 1997 January 2004
Association of Field Ornithologists - Member Grand January 1998 January 2004
American Ornithologists' Union - Member Grand January 2000 January 2004