Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Minnesota
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Minnesota Staff Member

Dr. David Fulton

David C. Fulton

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (612) 625 - 5256
Faculty Email:


  • Ph D Colorado State University 1997
  • MS Washington State University 1992
  • BS Texas A&M University 1987


Dr. Fulton received graduate degrees from Washington State (MS) and Colorado State (PhD) Universities and worked as a social science researcher and regional planner for the Alaska Department of Fish and Wildlife before joining the Minnesota Unit in 1998. The central focus of his research is on understanding how human held values, attitudes, norms, and perceptions of risk influence how people interact with fish and wildlife and on understanding what factors shape stakeholder preferences for conservation policies as well as individual conservation behaviors. His research draws from basic theory in the social sciences with a particular focus on social psychology, and his projects with graduate students and post docs are focused on providing applied social science information to assist agencies (federal, state, and tribal) in decision making concerning diverse environmental management strategies, policies, and regulations. He conducts qualitative and quantitative social science research, but his focus has been in using quantitative psychometric techniques to model the relationships among constructs that influence human behavior. His research efforts have spanned from the local to the international scale and include aquatic and terrestrial management issues. He teaches a graduate level course in the Human Dimensions of biological conservation as well as occasional graduate seminars addressing theoretical and methodological topics in the conservation social sciences.

Areas of Expertise

Anthropogenic Impacts, Climate Change, Decision Support/Analysis, Disease/Parasites, Fisheries Management, Human Dimensions, Invasive Species, Policy, Species Management, Statistics and Modelling, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Freshwater Fishes, Gamebirds, Gamefish, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Ungulates, Waterfowl

Research Publications Publication Date
Walberg, E., L. Cornicelli, & D.C. Fulton. Factors impacting hunter access to private lands in southeast Minnesota. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23(2): 101-114.

March 2018
Vaske, J. J., D. C. Fulton, and M. J. Manfredo. 2001. Human dimensions considerations in wildlife management planning. Pages 89-105. In D. Decker and T. Brown, eds. Human dimensions of wildlife management in North America. The Wildlife Society. January 2001
Tingley, R. W., Hansen, J. F., Isermann, D. A., Fulton, D. C., Musch, A. and Paukert, C. P. (2019), Characterizing Angler Preferences for Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Walleye Fisheries in Wisconsin. North Am J Fish Manage 39:676-692. doi:10.1002/nafm.10301 May 2019
Susan A. Schroeder, Louis Cornicelli, David C. Fulton & Steven S. Merchant (2019) The influence of motivation versus experience on recreation satisfaction: How appreciative- versus achievement-oriented recreation experience preferences relate to hunter satisfaction, Journal of Leisure Research, 50:2, 107-131, DOI: 10.1080/00222216.2018.1557502 February 2019
Susan A. Schroeder, David C. Fulton, Jeffrey S. Lawrence & Steven D.Cordts (2017) How Hunter Perceptions of Wildlife Regulations, Agency Trust, and SatisfactionAffect Attitudes about Duck Bag Limits, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 22:5, 454-475, DOI:10.1080/10871209.2017.1345021 September 2017
Smith, Kyle, A.C. Landon, D.C. Fulton. A self-determination approach to understanding leisure identity salience among lapsed hunters. Leisure Science. | Abstract June 2023
Smith, K., S.A. Schroeder, A.C. Landon, L.J. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, and L.E. McInenly. (2020). A replication of proximity to chronic wasting disease, perceived risk, and social trust in managing between hunters in Minnesota and Illinois. Human Dimensions of Wildlife (published online without volume/page numbers).
DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1860270
December 2020
Smith, K., A. Landon, D.C. Fulton, and G. Kyle. 2024. Self-determination theory as an alternate conceptual foundation for motivation in natural resource recreation. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. | Abstract March 2024
Schroeder,S. A. D. C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli, and L.E. McInenly. 2020. Recreation conflict, coping, and satisfaction: Minnesota grouse hunters’ conflicts and coping response related to all-terrain vehicle users, hikers, and other hunters,Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism,Volume 30,100282

DOIL 10.1016/j.jort.2020.100282
May 2020
Schroeder, S.A., Landon, A.C., Fulton, D.C. and McInenly, L.E. (2022). On the Multiple Identities of Stakeholders in Wolf Management in Minnesota, United States. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 10. doi:
‌ | Abstract
February 2022
Schroeder, S.A., Landon, A., Cornicellis, L, Fulton, D.C. and McInenly, L.2021. Institutional trust, beliefs and evaluation of regulations, and management of chronic wasting disease (CWD). Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 26, 228-244.
DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1808915
August 2020
Schroeder, S.A., Fulton, D.C., Penning, W. and DonCarlos, K. 2012. Using persuasive messages to encourage hunters to support regulation of lead shot. Journal of Wildlife Management, 76 (8), 1528-1539. | Publisher Website November 2012
Schroeder, S.A., Fulton, D.C., Lawrence, J.S., and Cordts, S.D. 2014. Legitimization of regulatory norms: Waterfowl hunter acceptance of changing duck bag limits. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19: 234-252 May 2014
Schroeder, S.A., Fulton, D.C., Lawrence, J. and Cordts, S. 2012. Constraints-effects-mitigation and waterfowl hunting: An application and extension of the constraints-effects-mitigation model to Minnesota waterfowl hunting. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 17 (3), 174-192. May 2012
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Futon, L.J. Cornicelli, S. Cordts, and J. Lawrence. 2019. Clarifying how hunt-specific experiences affect satisfaction, among avid and less avid waterfowl hunters. Wildlife Society Bulletin 43(3):455–467. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1006 | Publisher Website September 2019
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, L.J. Cornicelli, and S.S. Merchant. 2018. Discrete choice modeling of season choice for Minnesota turkey hunter. Journal of Wildlife Management 82(2): 457-465 DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21382 online: February 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli. How Minnesota wolf hunter and trapper attitudes and risk-benefit perceptions about wolves predict their management preferences. September 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, J. Lawrence, and S. Cordts. 2013. Identification and specialization as a waterfowl hunter. Leisure Sciences, 35, 3, 218-234. May 2013
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton, E. Alten, H. Baird, D. Dieterman, and M. Jennings. Factors influencing anglers’ support for fisheries management strategies: Habitat protection and restoration. Environmental Management (2018). May 2018
Schroeder, S.A., D.C. Fulton and K. DonCarlos. (2016). Clarifying beliefs underlying hunter intentions to support a ban on lead shot. Society & Natural Resources, 29,7, 852-867. January 2016
Schroeder, S.A., Cornicelli, L.J., Fulton, D.C., and Merchant, S. 2018. Explicit versus implicit motivations: Clarifying how experiences affect turkey hunter satisfaction using revised importance-performance, importance grid, and penalty-reward-contrast analyses. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 23(1) 1-20. January 2018
Schroeder, S.A., A.C. Landon, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly. 2021. Social identity, values, and trust in government: How stakeholder group, ideology, and wildlife value orientations relate to trust in a state agency for wildlife management. Biological Conservation, 261
DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109285 | Abstract
September 2021
Schroeder, S.A., A. Landon, L.J. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly. 2021. Cognitive and behavioral coping in response to wildlife disease: The case of hunters and chronic wasting disease. Human Dimensions of Wildlife (Published online 4/30/2021). DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2021.1919340 | Abstract April 2021
Schroeder, S.A. and Fulton, D.C. 2013. Comparing catch orientation among walleye, northern pike and bass anglers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 18, 355-372. September 2013
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton. (2017). Voice, perceived fairness, agency trust and acceptance of management decisions among Minnesota anglers. Society & Natural Resources, 30:5, 569-584. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1238987 May 2017
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton. (2014). Fishing for Northern Pike in Minnesota: A Comparison of Anglers and Dark House Spearers. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 34:3, 678-691. May 2014
Schroeder, S., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, A. Landon, L. McInenly, & S. Cordts. Explaining Support for Mandatory versus Voluntary Conservation Actions among Waterfowlers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 26(4): 337-355.
DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2020.1830205
October 2020
Schroeder, S., Cornicelli, L., Fulton, D. and Grund, M. (2014). What predicts support for Antler Point Restrictions? Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 19:301-318. July 2014
Schroeder, S. A., and Fulton, D. C. 2010. Land of 10, 000 lakes and 2. 3 million anglers: conflict, crowding, and coping among Minnesota anglers. Journal of Leisure Research 42(2), 291-316. March 2010
Schroeder, S. A., Fulton, D. C., Nemeth, M. E., Sigurdson, R. E., and Walsh, R. J. Fishing in the Neighborhood: Understanding motivations and constraints for angling among Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota metro residents, In Urban Fishing Symposium. American Fisheries Society Symposium xx. Bethesda, Maryland. December 2008
Schroeder, S. A., Fulton, D. C., Currie, L., Goeman, T. 2006. He said, she said: Gender and angling specialization, motivations, ethics and behaviors. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 11: 301-315. November 2006
Schroeder, S. A., D. C. Fulton, and J. Lawrence. 2006. A typology of waterfowl hunters in Minnesota. Wildlife Society Bulletin. 34(2):380-387. April 2006
Schroeder, S. A. and Fulton, D.C. 2013. Public lakes, private lakeshore: Modeling protection of native aquatic plants. In review. Environmental Management, 52,1, 989-112. July 2013
Sainsbury, K.A., Harshaw, H.W., Fulton, D.C. et al. What waterfowl hunters want: exploring heterogeneity in hunting trip preferences. Wetlands 44, 35 (2024). | Abstract February 2024
S.A. Schroeder and D.C. Fulton. (2015). A replication of a factor analysis of motivations for trapping. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20, 3, 280-283. July 2015
Rutter, J.D., A.A., Dayer, H.W. Harshaw, N.W. Cole, J.N. Duberstein, D.C. Fulton, A.H. Raedeke, and R.M. Schuster. 2021. Racial, ethnic, and social patterns in the recreation specialization of birdwatchers: An analysis of Untied State eBird registrants. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, 35: 100400
DOI: 10.1016/j.jort.2021.100400
June 2021
Rosenblatt, C.J. Ashley A Dayer, Jennifer N Duberstein, Tina B Phillips, Howard W Harshaw, David C Fulton, Nicholas W Cole, Andrew H Raedeke, Jonathan D Rutter, Christopher L Wood, Highly specialized recreationists contribute the most to the citizen science project eBird, Ornithological Applications, 2022;, duac008, | Abstract February 2022
Pradhananga, A., M. Davenport, D.C. Fulton, G. Maruyama, and D. Current. (2017). An integrated moral obligation model for landowner conservation norms. Society & Natural Resources. 30(2): 212-227. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1239289 January 2017
Payton, M., D. C. Fulton, and D. H. Anderson. 2005. Influence of place attachment and trust on civic action: A case study at Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge. Society and Natural Resources 18:511-528. June 2005
Papenfuss, J.T., N. Phelps, D. C. Fulton, and P.A. Venturelli. (2015).Smartphones reveal angler behavior: A case study from an Alberta-based fishing app. Fisheries, 40, 7, 318-327. July 2015
McEachran, M.C., Hofelich Mohr, A., Lindsay, T., Fulton, D.C. and Phelps, N.B.D. (2022). Patterns of Live Baitfish Use and Release among Recreational Anglers in a Regulated Landscape. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 42(2), pp.295–306. doi:
‌ | Abstract
December 2021
McCann, N. P., Walberg, E. M., Forester, J. D., Schrage, M. W., Fulton, D. C., & Ditmer, M. A. (2021). Integrating socioecological suitability with human–wildlife conflict risk: Case study for translocation of a large ungulate. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58, 2810– 2820. December 2021
Manfredo, M.J., Teel, T.L., Don Carlos, A.W., Sullivan, L., Bright, A.D., Dietsch, A.M., Bruskotter, J. and Fulton, D.C. (2020), The changing sociocultural context of wildlife conservation. Conservation Biology. 34(6): 1549-1559.
March 2020
Manfredo, M.J., T. Teel, M. Gavin, and D. Fulton. 2014 Considerations in representing human individuals in social ecological models. Pages 137-158. In Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands of Integration Across the Social Sciences Manfredo, M.J., Vaske, J.J., Rechkemmer, A., Duke, E.A. (Eds.) Springer, NY. 261pp. May 2014
Manfredo, M., J.T. Bruskotter, T.L. Teel, D.C. Fulton, S.H. Schwartz, R. Arlinghaus, S. Oishi, A.K. Uskul, K. Redford, S. Kitayama, and L. Sullivan. (2017). Why we can't change values for the sake of conservation. Conservation Biology 31, 4, 772-780. DOI:10.1111/cobi.12855 August 2017
Lasharr, Kelsie, D.C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli. Experience Preferences and Place Attachment of Minnesota Wildlife Management Area Visitors. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. Published online May 26, 2022 | Abstract May 2022
Landon, A.C., K. Smith, L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, L.E. McInenly, S.A. Schroeder. Examining Landowners’ Preferences for a Chronic Wasting Disease Management Program. Wildlife Society Bulletin December 2022
Landon, A. C., D.C. Fulton, A. Pradhananga, L. Cornicelli, and M. Davenport. Community attachment and stewardship identity influence responsibility to manage wildlife. 2021. Society & Natural Resources 34 (5): 571-584.
DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2020.1852636
December 2020
Hunt, L. E. Fenichel, D.C. Fulton and 5 coauthors. (2016). Identifying multiple pathways for climate change to impact inland recreational fishers. Fisheries 41:362-373. July 2016
Humburg, D. D., Anderson, M. G., Brasher, M. G., Carter, M. F., Eadie, J. M., Fulton, D. C., Johnson, F. A., Runge, M. C. and Vrtiska, M. P. (2018), Implementing the 2012 North American Waterfowl Management Plan revision: Populations, habitat, and people. Jour. Wild. Mgmt. 82(2): 275-286. February 2018
H.W. Harshaw, Nicholas W. Cole, Ashley A. Dayer, Jonathan D. Rutter, David C. Fulton, Andrew H. Raedeke, Rudy M. Schuster, and Jennifer N. Duberstein. 2020. Testing a continuous measure of recreation specialization among birdwatchers, Human Dimensions of Wildlife. | Abstract November 2020
Gruntorad, M. P., M. P. Vrtisksa, C. J. Chizinski, J. N. Duberstein, D. C. Fulton, H. W. Harshaw, A. H. Raedeke, and J. Spaeth. 2024. Duck hunters and difficulty complying with harvest regulations. Wildlife Society Bulletin 48:e1505. | Abstract January 2024
Gigliotti, L.M., Sweikert, L.A., Cornicelli, L. Fulton, D.C. 2020. Minnesota landowners’ trust in their department of natural resources, salient values similarity and wildlife value orientations. Environment Systems and Decisions 40:577-587.
DOI: 10.1007/s10669-020-09766-z | Abstract
March 2020
Fulton, D. C., and M. J. Manfredo. 2008. The biological context of wildlife values: Are there etchings on the slate? Pages 110-131. In Who cares about wildlife? Social science concepts for exploring human-wildlife relationships and conservation issues. Springer. August 2008
Fulton, D. C., and M. J. Manfredo. 2004. A panel design to assess the effects of regulatory induced reductions in opportunity on deer hunters' satisfaction. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. January 2004
Fulton, D. C., and Hundertmark, K. 2004. Assessing the effects of a selective harvest system on moose hunters' behaviors, beliefs, and satisfaction. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. January 2004
Fulton, D. C., Manfredo, M. J., and Anderson, D. H. Application of experienced-focused and outcomes-focused management to fisheries and wildlife management. In B. L. Driver (editor) Outcomes-Focused Management of Recreation Resources and Programs. Venture Publishers. November 2008
Fulton, D. C., K. Skerl, E. M. Shank and D. W. Lime. 2004. Beliefs and attitudes toward lethal management of deer in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Wildlife Society Bulletin 32:1166-1176. December 2004
Fulton, D. C., K. C. Nelson, D. H. Anderson, and D. W. Line, eds. 2000. Human dimenstions of natural resource management: emerging issues and practical applications. University of Minnesota and U. S. Geological Survey-Biological Resources Division, St. Paul. December 2000
Fulton, D. C., D. Whittaker, and M. J. Manfredo. 2002. A planning framework for experience-based wildlife-viewing management. Pages 93-122. In M. Manfredo, ed. Wildlife Viewing in North America. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. June 2002
Fulton, D. C. 2001. Integrating social information into decision-making. Pp. 43-50 in R. DuBois, K. Kayle, M. Ebbers, and S. Turner, editors. Trout and the Trout Angler: Workshop II. American Fisheries Society, North Central Division, Salmonid Technical Committee, St. Paul, Minnesota. January 2001
Fulton, D. C. 2000. Applying outcomes-based management to fish- and wildlife-based recreation. Pages 70-80 in Fulton, D. C., K. C. Nelson, D. H. Anderson, and D. W. Line, eds. Human dimenstions of natural resource management: emerging issues and practical applications. December 2000
Fulton, D. C. 2000. Applying outcomes-based management to fish and wildlife recreation. Pp. 70-80 in D. C. Fulton, K. C. Nelson, D. H. Anderson, and D. W. Lime, editors. Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management: Emerging Issues and Practical Applications. University of Minnesota, St. Paul. February 1-3, 2000. February 2000
Fieberg, J., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, and M.D. Grund. Submitted. Design and Analysis of Simple Choice Surveys for Natural Resource Management. Journal of Wildlife Management 74(4), 871-879. May 2010
Epton, J. A., and D. C. Fulton. 2000. Procedural justice in natural resource decision making: building healthy communities of interest. Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. October 2000
Emily J. Wilkins, Nicholas W. Cole, Holly M. Miller, Rudy M. Schuster, Ashley A. Dayer, Jennifer N. Duberstein, David C. Fulton, Howard. W. Harshaw & Andrew H. Raedeke (2019) Rural-urban differences in hunting and birdwatching attitudes and participation intent, Human Dimensions of Wildlife, DOI: 10.1080/10871209.2019.1661046 August 2019
Dougherty, E. M., and D. C. Fulton. 2000. Understanding values and attitudes related to deer management in Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area. Book of Abstracts of the 8th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. January 2000
Dougherty, E. M, D. C. Fulton, and D. H. Anderson. 2003. The Influence of Gender on the Relationship between Wildlife Value Orientations, Beliefs, and the Acceptability of Lethal Deer Control in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. Society and Natural Resources 16:603-623. March 2003
Cross, M., L.J. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, A. Heeren. Bovine Tuberculosis Management in Northwest Minnesota and Implications of the Risk Information Seeking and Processing (RISP) Model for Wildlife Disease Management Front. Vet. Sci. | doi: 10.3389/fvets.2018.00190 July 2018
Cornicelli, L.J, D.C. Fulton. M. Grund, and J. Fieberg. 2011. Hunter perceptions and acceptance of alternative deer management regulations. The Wildlife Society Bulletin, 35, 323-329. September 2011
Cole, N., and Fulton, D., 2025, North American Waterfowl Management Plan survey regional profile—Southeast region: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024–5102, 38 p., March 2025
Cole, N., Wilkins, E., Clements, K., Schuster, R., Dayer, A., Harshaw, H., Fulton, D. C., Duberstein, J., Raedeke, A., 2024. Perceived Constraints to Participating in Wildlife-based Recreation. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism. 45. March 2024, 100712
March 2024
Carlin, C., Schroeder, S. A., and Fulton, D.C.2012. Site choice among Minnesota walleye anglers: The influence of resource conditions, regulations and catch orientation on lake preference. North American Journal of Fisheries Management, 32 (2), 299-312. April 2012
Bruskotter, J.T., A. Singh, D.C. Fulton, and K. Slagle. (2015). Assessing tolerance for wildlife: clarifying relations between concepts and measures. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 20, 3, 255-270. July 2015
Bruskotter, J.T. and Fulton, D.C. 2012. Will Hunters Steward Wolves? A Comment on Treves and Martin. Society & Natural Resources, 25, 97-102. February 2012
Bruskotter, J. T., and Fulton, D. C. 2007. The influence of angler value orientations on fisheries stewardship norms. Pp. 157-167. In Aquatic Stewardship Education in Theory and Practice, B. A. Knuth and W. F. Siemer (Eds. ). American Fisheries Society Symposium 55. Bethesda, Maryland. April 2007
Bruskotter, J. T., and D. C. Fulton. 2008. Minnesota anglers? fisheries-related value orientations and their stewardship of fish resources. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 13, 207-221. July 2008
Bright, A. D., M. J. Manfredo, and D. C. Fulton. 2000. Segmenting the public: an application of value orientations to wildlife planning in Colorado. Wildlife Society Bulletin 28(1):218-226. January 2000
Anderson, D. H., and Fulton, D. C. Experience preferences as mediators of the wildlife related recreation participation?place attachment relationship. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 26 pages. March 2008
Andersen, D. E., M. E. Reiter, K. E. Doherty, and D. C. Fulton. 2010. Magnitude and spatial distribution of American woodcock hunting pressure in a central Minnesota Wildlife Management Area. Pages 203-212 in C.A. Stewart and V.R. Frawley (eds.) and D.E. Andersen, J.G. Bruggink, T.R. Cooper, D.R. Dessecker, D.G. Krementz, S.L. Mayhew, M.W. Olinde, and G.J. Roloff (assoc. eds.). Proceedings of the 10th American Woodcock Symposium, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A. April 2011
Project Completion Date
Wisconsin angler preferences survey October 2014
2014 Wild Turkey Hunter Study December 2016
Research Associate in Human dimensions December 2013
Deer Goal Setting June 2015
Research Associate in Human dimensions June 2015
Understanding Bass Anglers in Minnesota September 2012
Bovine TB management in deer n northwest Minnesota October 2012
Minnesota Waterfowl Hunters 2011/12 December 2012
Minnesota Landowner Perceptions of Deer Management in SE Minnesota June 2013
Deer Hunter Attitudes December 2016
Southeastern Minnesota Deer Hunter Survey June 2013
Evaluation of Walk-in Access User Program June 2014
Assessing landowners'/producers' attitudes toward and motivations for participating in conservation programs beneficial to wildlife July 2015
Exploring the needs and opportunities around community-based CWD surveillance on Tribal Lands August 2025
Attitudes toward RNAi methods for controlling invasive carp. December 2025
Exploring the needs and opportunities around community-based CWD surveillance on Tribal Lands August 2023
Linking human behavior and attitudes to spillover of SCV2 at the cervid-human interface February 2026
Minnesota Angler Study December 2024
Tracking bats and coronaviruses through NABat: Human dimensions of viral transfer December 2025
Public acceptance and preferences for climate change adaptation in the Mid-West. July 2025
Genetic biocontrol of invasive species: understanding attitudes and risk perceptions. December 2023
Assessing the motivations and constraints of lapsed small game hunters June 2022
Assessing deer hunter satisfaction and attitudes toward deer management, and Minnesotans’ values, beliefs, and attitudes toward moose and moose management June 2023
Understanding perceptions of risk from chronic wasting for tribal communities in the Midwest December 2024
Minnesota residents’ attitudes toward wolves & wolf management June 2020
Assessing attitudes toward chronic wasting disease June 2021
Minnesota Statewide Angler Survey January 2019
Human Dimensions of Wildlife Research Associate June 2021
Private Landowner Participation in the Walk-In Access (WIA) September 2018
Restoration of elk to northeastern Minnesota June 2019
Minnesota fish habitat survey December 2015
Minnesota waterfowl hunters January 2016
Minnesota northern pike regulations June 2016
Landowner attitudes toward elk December 2016
Long-term research and monitoring of human dimensions information on fisheries and wildlife management issues in Minnesota. December 2016
Visitor use of Wildlife Management Areas December 2016
Assessing the preferences of stakeholders and waterfowl management professionals to inform the implementation of the NAWMP Action Plan September 2018
Davan, Kiley

Faust, Roger

Kooistra, Chad
Post Doc

McInenly, Leslie

Paschal, Lucas

Safiq, Alexandrea
Post Doc

Smith, Kyle

Walberg, Eric

Presentations Presentation Date
Walberg, E.M, L.J. Cornicelli, and D.C. Fulton. Factors impacting hunting access to private lands in southeastern Minnesota. 23rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Raleigh, NC October 15-19, 2016. October 2016
Walberg, E., D.C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli. and G. D’Angelo. 2018. Attitudes toward and management preferences for elk in northwestern Minnesota. 2018 The Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A October 2018
Tingley III, R. W., J. Hansen, D. Isermann, D. Fulton, A. Musch, and C. Paukert. 2019. It’s complicated: Characterizing Wisconsin angler preferences for largemouth bass, bluegill, and walleye fisheries in inland lakes. 79th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH. Poster presentation. January 2019
Stevens, M. A. Landon, D. Fulton, S. Schroeder, L. McInenly. Stakeholder and wildlife value orientations related to grey wolf management preferences in Minnesota. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference, June 2023, Ft. Collins, CO, USA June 2023
Smith, K., D.C. Fulton, A. Landon, L. McInenly. 2021. Assessing potential routes of human-facilitated transmission of chronic wasting disease. 81st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. February 1-3, 2021. Virtual. St. Paul, MN. February 2021
Smith, K., A. Landon, and D. Fulton. Application of hybrid choice models to wildlife management. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference. June 2023, Ft. Collins, CO, USA June 2023
Smith, K., A. Landon, L. McInenly, D.C. Fulton. Application of self-determination approach to hunting participation. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference. May 2022. Bremerton, WA May 2022
Smith, E., H. Harshaw, D.C. Fulton, A. Raedeke, R.M. Schuster. 2019. The few but satisfied: Alberta waterfowl hunter satisfaction. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Slagle, K. A. Dietsch, D.C. Fulton, R. Wilson, and J. Bruskotter. 2019. Social identity and trust in wildlife conservation. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A September 2019
Shanell Lovelace and David Fulton. 2024. Using Social Determination Theory to Understand Anglers' Motivations and Preferences. January 28-31. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, January 2024
Schroeder, S.A. and D.C. Fulton. Small Game Hunters Intentions to Support a ban on Lead Shot in Minnesota’s Farmland Zone: How Beliefs Relate to Attitudes. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Bemidji, MN Feb. 4-6, 2014. February 2014
Schroeder, S., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, A. Landon, and L. McInenly. 2019. Factors influencing acceptance of CWD management in Minnesota. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Schrage, M., <b>D.C. Fulton</b>, E. Walberg*, J. Forester, N. McCann. 2020. Restoring elk to northeast Minnesota: landowner and general public attitudes. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the Society of American Foresters, Nisswa, MN, U.S.A. February 2020
Salcido, E. and D.C. Fulton. 2019. Place attachment and trust as predictors of landowner attitudes. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Safiq, A., Fulton, D.C. Nature Spiritualism, Marine Mammal Protection, and Salmon Restoration. Pathways Human Dimensions Conference, Bremerton, WA. May 1-4, 2022. May 2022
S.A. Schroeder & D. C. Fulton. Tolerance and intolerance among wolf hunters and trappers in Minnesota. ISSRM. Houghton, June 20, 2016. June 2016
Rutter, J., A. Dayer, H. Harshaw, J. Duberstein, and D.C. Fulton. 2019. Ethno-racial and social predictors of birdwatcher specialization. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Roger Faust, T. Wolf, D. Fulton et al.2024. A Community-Based Participatory Approach to Develop Chronic Wasting Disease Outreach and Management Plans. January 28-31. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. January 2024
Raedeke, A., D.C. Fulton, H. Harshaw, R.M. Schuster, J. Duberstein. 2019. Adaptively applying human dimensions at multiple scales. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
McInenly, L. D.C. Fulton, L. Cornicelli. 2019. Trophy hunting and other motivations in regulatory design. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Maddie Stevens, a. Landon, D. Fulton 2024. Predicting the Adoption of Nonlethal Management Practices Among Livestock Producers for Wolf Depredation Prevention. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, January 28-31, 2024. Sioux Falls, SD January 2024
Lucas, Paschal and David Fulton. 2024. Diversity and Access to Nature and Wildlife-Related Opportunities. January 28-31. Midwest Fish ​& Wildlife ​Conference, Sioux Falls, SD . January 2024
Landon, A.C., Fulton, D.C., Hansen, J., Miller, H.M., Reed, J., Safiq, A., Schroeder, S.A. Priorities for state fisheries management under fiscal constraint. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference. May 1-4, 2002. Bremerton, WA May 2022
Landon, A., L. Cornicelli, D.C. Fulton, L. McInenly, and S. Schroeder. 2019. Assessing landowner preferences for CWD management in southeast Minnesota: a discrete choice experiment. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Landon, A., K. Smith, D.C. Fulton, and G. Kyle. Reconceptualizing motivation in human dimensions using self-determination theory. Human Dimensions Pathway Conference, June 2023, Ft. Collins. Co. June 2023
LaSharr, K., Fulton, D., and Cornicelli, L. 2016. Investigating Visitor Use Trends and Management Preferences at Minnesota Wildlife Management Areas. Minnesota Chapter of The Wildlife Society Conference, Mankato, MN. Oral Presentation. February 2016
LaSharr, K., D.C. Fulton, L.J. Cornicelli. Investigating visitor trends and management preferences at Minnesota Wildlife Management Areas. 23rd Annual conference of The Wildlife Society. Raleigh, NC, October 15-19, 2016. October 2016
Kyle Smith, D.C. Fulton, M. Craft. 2024. Linking human behavior and attitudes to spillover of SARS Cov-2 at the cervid-human interface. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, January 28-31, 2024. Sioux Falls, SD January 2024
Kiley Fryman and David Fulton. 2024. Genetic Biocontrol for Aquatic Invasive Species: Understanding the Public's Perceptions. January 28-31. Midwest fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, SD. January 2024
Harshaw, H., D.C. Fulton, A. Dayer, A. Raedeke, and J. Duberstein. 2019. North American waterfowl hunters’ and birdwatchers’ involvement in conservation. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Fulton, David C., K. Slagle, A. Dietsch, H. Harshaw, H. Miller, E. Watkins and R. Schuster, NAWMP Surveys of Stakeholders:  Findings  Highlights from the US and Canada. Presented to Human Dimensions Working Group. St. Louis, MO January 2018 January 2018
Fulton, D.C., S. Schroeder, and L.J. Cornicelli. Hunting as a social-ecological system: the case of turkey hunting. The 23rd Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Raleigh, NC, October 15-19, 2016. October 2016
Fulton, D.C., M.J. Manfredo, and T.L. Teel 2019. America’s shifting wildlife values, attitudes, and wildlife management in the U.S. North American Duck Symposium. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. (Invited presentation in opening plenary session). August 2019
Fulton, D.C., Bruskotter, J. and Schroeder, S. Using the cognitive hierarchy to understand and predict angler behavior: Its promise and limitations. World Recreation Fishing Conference. Victoria, BC. July 16-20, 2017. July 2017
Fulton, D.C. and LJ. Cornicelli. Managerial Implications of the Enduring WVO Concept. Human Dimensions Pathways Conference. Goslar, Germany September 2018
Fulton, D.C. and L.J. Cornicelli. The dynamic nature of values and wildlife value orientations. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM) . Umea, Sweden. June 19-22, 2017. June 2017
Fulton, D.C. and K. Davan. 2021. Understanding attitudes and risk perceptions of using genetic biocontrol for invasive species. Minnesota Aquatic Invasive Species Center Showcase. September 22, 2021. Virtual. St. Paul, MN September 2021
Fulton, D.C. Influences on Private Landowner Behaviors to Manage Wildlife Habitat. 79th North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. Denver, Co March 12, 2014. March 2014
Fulton, D.C. 2013. Application of human dimensions inquiry and findings to inform efforts to recruit and retain hunters and birders. North American Duck Symposium. Memphis, TN. Jan. 27-Feb. 1, 2013. January 2013
Fulton, D.C. H.W. Harshaw, N. Cole, A. Raedeke, and R. Schuster. 2019. Understanding trip preferences of birdwatchers and waterfowl hunters. Pathways: Human Dimensions of Wildlife Conference. Estes Park, CO, U.S.A. September 2019
Fulton, D.C. H.W. Harshaw, H. Miller, A. Raedeke, R. Schuster, A. Dayer, and J.N. Duberstein 2018. Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Understand Trip Preferences of Birdwatchers and Waterfowl Hunters in the United States and Canada. 2018 Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society. Cleveland, Ohio U.S.A. (Invited) October 2018
Fulton, D. et al. Using Discrete Choice Experiments to Understand Trip Preferences of Birdwatchers and Waterfowl Hunters in the United States and Canada. Internal Symposium for Society and Resource Management. Snowbird, Utah June 2018
Factors Impacting Hunter Access to Private Lands in Southeastern Minnesota. Annual Meeting of the Minnesota Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Mankato, MN, February 9-11, 2016 February 2016
Factors Impacting Hunter Access to Private Lands in Southeastern Minnesota. 4th Annual Natural Resources Association of Graduate Students Research Symposium, St. Paul, MN, April 15, 2016. April 2016
Davan, K. and D. Fulton. Understanding risk perceptions and attitudes toward using genetic biocontrol for invasive species. June 2023. International Association of Society & Natural Resources Conference, Orono, ME June 2023
D.C. Fulton, S.A. Schroeder, D. Stark, & L. Cornicelli. Attitudes and motivations of wolf hunters and trappers in Minnesota. NACCB Madison, WI July 19, 2016. July 2016
D.C. Fulton et al. Values tranlated into objectives: engaging waterfowl stakeholders. North American Duck Symposium. Special Session: Implementing the 2012 NAWMP Revision: Management Decisions to Integrate Multiple Objectives at Varying Scales. Annapolis, MD February 3, 2016. February 2016
Cole, N., D.C. Fulton, H.W. Harshaw, H. Miller, A. Raedeke, R. Schuster, A. Dayer, and J.N. Duberstein. 2019. Progress in understanding stakeholder and public preferences for waterfowl hunting, viewing, and conservation. North American Duck Symposium, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. (Invited presentation in plenary session) August 2019
<b>Fulton, D.C.</b>, E. Walberg*, M. Schrage, J. Forester, N. McCann. 2020. Restoring elk to northeast Minnesota: landowner and general public attitudes. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Biannual Deer and Elk Workshop. Marfa, TX, U.S.A. May 2019
Technical Publications Publication Date
Vlaming, J., D.C. Fulton, D.H. Anderson, and J. Rosendahl. 2003. Minnesota Waterfowl Production Areas 2001 visitor use study. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. March 2003
Vlaming, J. and D.C. Fulton. 2003. Trout angling in southeast Minnesota: a study of trout anglers. Report submitted to Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. March 2003
Schroeder, S. and D.C. Fulton. 2006. Fishing in the neighborhood: a study of recreation and fishing participation in the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area. University of Minnesota, Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Fisheries, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology. Final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota. December 2006
Payton, M.A., D.H. Anderson, and D.C. Fulton. 2002. Sherburne National Wildlife Refuge Visitor Use 2000-2001. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and Cooperative Park Studies Program, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. March 2002
Gartner, W.C., L.L. Love, D. Erkkila, and D.C. Fulton. 2002. Economic impact and social benefits study of coldwater angling in Minnesota. Final Report. Minnesota Tourism Center and Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. June 2002
Fulton, D.C., J.S. Lawrence, J. Vlaming, and E. Price. 2002. The 2000 waterfowl hunting season in Minnesota: A study of hunters' opinions and activities. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. June 2002
Fulton, D.C. and D.H. Anderson. 2003. Estimating visitor use levels at Waterfowl Production Areas in Minnesota. Final Report submitted to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Region 3. March 2003
Fulton, D.C. and L. Cornicelli. 2006. Results of 2005 survey of deer hunter satisfaction and preferences for regulation changes in Minnesota. Final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota. December 2006
Epton, J.A. and D.C. Fulton. 2002. Evaluating Decision-Processes: Summary of case studies of fisheries issues in Minnesota. Final Report. Minnesota Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, St. Paul, MN. September 2002
Dougherty, Erin M. and David C. Fulton. 2001. Deer management in Cuyahoga Valley National Park: A study of local residents attitudes. Cuyahoga Valley NP, Midwest Region, National Park Service. June 2001
Currie, Leigh K. and David C. Fulton. 2001. Managing Minnesota's Fishing Resource: A review of angler and resort owner attitudes toward bag limits. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. August 2001
Bruskotter, J.T. and Fulton, D.C. 2006. Results of 2005 survey evaluating Minnesota electronic licensing system database. Final Report to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, St. Paul, Minnesota. July 2006
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
The Wildlife Society - Member Fulton September 1996 Present
International Association for Society and Natural Resources - Member Fulton January 2003 Present
American Fisheries Society - President, Minnesota Chapter Fulton March 2008 March 2009
American Fisheries Society - Member Fulton January 1998 Present
American Fisheries Society - Federal Agency Representative Fulton January 2003 January 2004