Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Nebraska
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Nebraska Staff Member

Dr. Joseph J. Fontaine

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (402) 472 - 0339
Faculty Website


  • Ph D University of Montana 2006
  • BS University of Montana 1997


Broadly, my interest is evolutionary ecology, but my passion is understanding variation in life history strategies, both within and among species. Currently, I am examining how vegetative phenology, food availability, competition, and predation risk interact with individual condition to influence stopover site selection and subsequent behaviors in migratory birds. More generally I am interested in: * Life history evolution * Avian ecology * Behavioral ecology * Physiological ecology * Conservation biology * Adaptive management * Human impact biology

Research Publications Publication Date
van Riper, C., J.W. van Wagtendonk and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Great gray owls (Strix nebulosa) in Yosemite National Park: On the importance of food, nesting snags,and human disturbance. Natural Areas Journal 33:286-295 | Download December 2013
van Riper, C., III, K. Paxton, C.J. van Riper, K.A. van Riper, L. McGrath, and J.J. Fontaine. 2008. The role of protected areas as bird stop-over habitat. Pp. 312-320, In: Rethinking Protected Areas in a Changing World. (S. Weber and D. Harmon, Eds.). The George Wright Society, Hancock, MI. | Download January 2008
Wszola, L.S., V.L. Simonsen, L. Corral, C.J. Chizinski, and J.J. Fontaine. 2019. Simulating detection-censored movement records for home range analysis planning. Ecological Modelling 392:268-278. December 2019
Wszola, L.S., L.N. Messinger, L.F. Gruber, E.F. Stuber, C.J. Chizinski, and J.J. Fontaine. 2020. Use and expenditures on public access hunting lands. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 29:100256. December 2020
Wszola, L.S., E.F. Stuber, C.J. Chizinski, J.J. Lusk, and J.J. Fontaine. 2019. Prey availability and accessibility drive hunter movement. Wildlife Biology 2019:wlb.00526. December 2019
Wszola, L., V. Simonsen, C. Gillespie, L.N. Messinger, J.J. Lusk, K.L. Decker, C.F. Jorgensen, E.F. Stuber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Translating statistical wildlife-habitat models to interactive decision support tools. Plos One 12:e0188244.
December 2017
Wszola, L. S., A. L. Madsen, E. F. Stuber, C. J. Chizinski, J. J. Lusk, J. S. Taylor, K. L. Pope, and J. J. Fontaine. 2020. Public access for pheasant hunters: understanding an emerging need. Journal of Wildlife Management 84:45-55. | Download January 2020
Stutzman, R.J., and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Shorebird migration in the face of climate change: potential shifts in migration phenology and resource availability. Pp. 145–159 in E.M. Wood and J.L. Kellermann (editors), Phenological synchrony and bird migration: changing climate and seasonal resources in North America. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 47), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. | Abstract | Download January 2015
Stuber, E.F., L.F. Gruber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. A Bayesian method for assessing multiscale species-habitat relationships. Landscape Ecology 32:2365-2381.
December 2017
Stuber, E.F., L. Gruber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Predicting species-habitat relationships: does body size matter? Landscape Ecology 33:1049-1060. July 2018
Stuber, E.F., C.J. Chizinski, J.J. Lusk, and J.J. Fontaine. 2019. Multivariate models and analyses. Pp. 32-62 in L.A. Brennan, A.N. Tri, and B.G. Marcot (editors). Quantitative Analyses in Wildlife Science. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD. December 2019
Stuber, E.F. and J.J. Fontaine. 2019. How characteristic is the species characteristic selection scale? Global Ecology and Biogeography 28:1839-1854. December 2019
Stuber, E.F. and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Ecological neighborhoods as a framework for umbrella species selection. Biological Conservation 223:112–119. May 2018
Sorensen, A.E., L. Corral, J.M. Dauer, and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Integrating authentic scientific research in a conservation course–based undergraduate research experience. Natural Sciences Education 47:1-10. doi:10.4195/nse2018.02.0004 April 2018
Sorensen, A.E., J. Brown, A. Alred, J.J. Fontaine, and J.M. Dauer. 2020. Student representations and conceptions of ecological versus social sciences in a conservation course. Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences 2020:1-11. December 2020
Simonsen, V.L and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. Landscape context influences nest survival in a Midwest grassland. J. Wildlife Management 80:877-883. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.1068 February 2016
Robertson, B.A., R.L. Hutto and J.J. Fontaine 2010. Evaluating food availability and nest predation as sources of bias in aural bird surveys. J. Field Ornithology. 81:420-429. | Download December 2010
Robertson, B.A., R.A. Rice, T.S. Sillett, C.A. Ribic, B.A. Babcock, D.A. Landis, J.R. Herkert, R.J. Fletcher, Jr., J.J. Fontaine, P.J. Doran, and D.W. Schemske. 2012. Are agrofuels a conservation threat or opportunity for grassland birds in the United States? Condor 114:679-688 | Abstract | Download October 2012
Robertson, B.A., J.J. Fontaine and E. Loomis. 2009. Seasonal patterns of song structure variation in a suboscine passerine. Wilson J. Ornithology 121:815-818. | Abstract | Download December 2009
Price, N. B., C. J. Chizinski, J. J. Fontaine, K. L. Pope, M. Rahe, and J. Rawlinson. 2020. An open-sourced, web-based application to improve our ability to understand hunter and angler purchasing behavior from license data. PLoS ONE 15(10):e0226397. | Download October 2020
Messinger, L.N., E.F. Stuber, C.J. Chizinski and J.J. Fontaine. 2019. Mortality, perception, and scale: Understanding how predation shapes space use in a wild prey population. Plos One 14:e0222272.
December 2019
McGrath, L.J., C. van Riper, and J.J. Fontaine. 2009. Flower power: Tree flowering phenology as a settlement cue for migrating birds. J. Animal Ecology 78:22-30. | Abstract | Download January 2009
Martin, T.E., R.D. Bassar, S.K. Bassar, J.J. Fontaine, P. Lloyd, H. Mathewson, A. Niklison, and A. Chalfoun. 2006. Life history and ecological correlates of geographic variation in egg and clutch mass among passerine species. Evolution 60:390-398 | Abstract | Download April 2006
Martin, T.E., P.R. Martin, C.R. Olson, B.J. Heidinger, and J.J. Fontaine. 2000. Parental care and clutch sizes in North and South American birds. Science 287:1482-1485. | Abstract | Download December 2000
Madsen, A.E., L. Corral and J.J. Fontaine. 2020. Weather and exposure period affect coyote detection at camera traps. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:342-350. December 2020
Lute, M.L., C. Gillespie†, D.R. Martin, and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Landowner and practitioner perspectives on private land conservation programs. Society and Natural Resources 31:218-231. January 2018
Laskowski, J., G.C. Bachman, and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Severe drought impacts female pheasant physiology in southwest Nebraska. Prairie Naturalist 49:57-65. June 2018
Laskowski, J., C. Gillespie, L. Corral, A. Oden, K. Fricke, and J.J. Fontaine. Teaching animal habitat selection using wildlife tracking equipment. Science Activities 53:147-154. DOI: 10.1080/00368121.2016.1211080 | Abstract October 2016
Jorgensen, C.F., R.J. Stutzman, L. Anderson, S. Decker, L.A. Powell, and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Choosing a DIVA: a comparison of emerging digital imagery vegetation analysis techniques. Applied Vegetation Science 16:552-560. Doi: 10.1111/avsc.12037 | Download December 2013
Jorgensen, C.F., L.A. Powell, J.J. Lusk, A.A. Bishop and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Assessing landscape constraints on species abundance: Does the neighborhood limit species response to local habitat conservation programs? Plos One 9:e99339. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099339 | Abstract May 2014
Hinrichs, M. P., N. B. Price, M. P. Gruntorad, K. L. Pope, J. J. Fontaine, and C. J. Chizinski. 2020. Understanding sportsperson retention and reactivation through license purchasing behavior. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:383-390. | Download June 2020
Gruber, L.F., E.F. Stuber, L.S. Wszola and J.J. Fontaine. 2019. Estimating use of public lands: Integrated model of open populations with convolution likelihood ecological abundance regression. Bayesian Analysis 14:1-27. December 2019
Gillespie, C.R. and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Shorebird migratory stopover responses to local and regional change: habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. J. Wildlife Management 81:1051-1062. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21271 October 2017
Fontaine, J.J., and T.E. Martin. 2006. Parent birds assess nest predation risk and adjust their reproductive strategies. Ecology Letters 9:428-434. | Abstract | Download April 2006
Fontaine, J.J., and T.E. Martin. 2006. Habitat selection responses of parents to offspring predation risk: an experimental test. American Naturalist 168:811-818. | Abstract | Download October 2006
Fontaine, J.J., S.C. Stier, M.L. Maggio and K.L. Decker. 2007. Schoolyard microclimate. Science Teacher 74:38-42. | Download September 2007
Fontaine, J.J., R.J. Stutzman, and L.Z. Gannes. 2015. Leaps, chains, and climate change for western migratory songbirds. Pp. 3–15 in E.M. Wood and J.L. Kellermann (editors). Phenological synchrony and bird migration: changing climate and seasonal resources in North America. Studies in Avian Biology (no. 47), CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL. | Download January 2015
Fontaine, J.J., M. Martel, H.M. Markland, A.M. Niklison, K.L. Decker and T.E. Martin. 2007. Testing ecological and behavioral correlates of nest predation. Oikos 116:1887-1894. | Abstract | Download October 2007
Fontaine, J.J., K.L. Decker, S. Skagen and C. van Riper. 2009. Spatial and temporal variation in climate change: A bird’s eye view. Climatic Change 97:305-311. | Abstract | Download May 2009
Fontaine, J.J., E. Arriero, H. Schwable, and T.E. Martin. 201). Nest predation and circulating corticosterone levels within and among species. Condor 113:(825-833) | Download November 2011
Fontaine, J.J., A.D. Fedele, L.S. Wszola, L.N. Messinger, C.J. Chizinski, J.L. Lusk, K.L. Decker, J.S. Taylor, and E.F. Stuber. 2019. Hunters and their perceptions of public access: a view from afield. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 10:589-601. December 2019
Fontaine, J.J. and K.L. Decker. 2018. A noninvasive technique for sampling food availability for insectivorous foliage-gleaning birds. Western Birds 49:206–213 July 2018
Fontaine, J.J. and K.L. Decker. 2009. Exploring predation and animal coloration through outdoor activity. Science Activities 45:3-7. | Abstract | Download January 2009
Fontaine, J.J. 2011. Improving our Legacy: Incorporation of adaptive management into state wildlife action plans. J. Environmental Management. | Download May 2011
Fontaine, J.J. 2010. Changing climates and the incorporation of adaptive management into our state wildlife action plans. Trans. N. Am. Wildlife and Natural Resource Conference. 75:171-172. | Download August 2010
Decker, K., C. J. Conway, J. J. Fontaine. 2012. Nest predation, food, and female age explain seasonal declines in clutch size. Evolutionary Ecology 26:683-699. | Download April 2012
DeBoer, J. A., J. J. Fontaine, C. J. Chizinski, and K. L. Pope. 2015. Masked expression of life-history traits in a highly variable environment. Great Plains Research 25:25-38. | Download April 2015
Auer, S.K., R.D. Bassar, J.J. Fontaine, and T.E. Martin. 2007. Breeding biology of passerines in a subtropical montane forest in Northwestern Argentina. Condor 109:321-333. | Abstract | Download April 2007
Allen, C.R., J.J. Fontaine, and A.S. Garmestani. 2012. Adaptive management of ecosystems. Pp. xx-xx, In: Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology. Springer October 2012
Allen, C.R., Fontaine, J.J. 2017. Employment with the United States Geological Survey. Pages XX in Henke, S. Editor, Becoming a Wildlife Professional. Johns Hopkins University Press. October 2017
Allen, C. R., J. J. Fontaine, K. L. Pope, and A. S. Garmestani. 2011. Adaptive management for a turbulent future. Journal of Environmental Management 92:1339-1345. | Download May 2011
Allen, C. R., D. G. Angeler, J. J. Fontaine, A. S. Garmestani, N. M. Hart, K. L. Pope, and D. Twidwell. 2017. Adaptive management of rangeland ecosystems. Pages 373-394 in D. D. Briske, editor. Rangeland systems: processes, management and challenges. Springer, New York. | Download October 2017
Fontaine, J.J., C.F. Jorgensen, E.F. Stuber, L. Gruber, A.A. Bishop, J.J. Lusk, E. Zach and K.L. Decker. 2017. Species distributions models in wildlife planning: agricultural policy and wildlife management in the Great Plains. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:194-204. DOI: 10.1002/wsb.763 April 2017
Presentations Presentation Date
Wszola. L.S., L.N. Messinger, and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Estimating the economic benefit of the hunting access program in Nebraska. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Albuquerque, NM. September 2017
Wszola, LS and JJ Fontaine. 2015. Pheasant hunting in the landscape of fear: Modeling interactions between predator and prey habitat decision. 2015 Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Aug. 10-12, 2015, Manhattan, KS August 2015
Wszola, L.S., E.F. Stuber, L.F. Gruber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Hunter distribution in a unique public access landscape. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Chamberlain, SD. February 2018
Wszola, L.S., E.F. Stuber, L. Gruber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Mapping anthropogenic predation risk at the landscape scale. Gordon research conversant predator prey interaction. Santa Barbara, CA February 2018
Wszola, L.S. and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. How we hunt: Modeling the future of pheasant behavior. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Wszola, L.S. and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. ANTRHOPOGENIC PREDATION RISK AND HABITAT STRUCTURE INTERACT TO SHAPE AVIAN SPATIAL DECISIONS. North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C. August 2016
Winkler, M.T., L.N. Messinger, and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. Effects of sportspersons on local rural economies. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Steamboat Springs, CO. August 2016
Stuber, E.F., L.F. Gruber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. A Bayesian model for assessing multiscale species-habitat relationships. North American Ornithological Conference, Washington, D.C. August 2016
Stuber, E.F. and and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. The importance of scale in evaluating the effectiveness of umbrella species. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Stuber, E.F. and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Human-induced rapid environmental change and spatial mismatches in species distribution. International association for landscape ecology annual meeting. Chicago, IL. April 2018
Stuber, E.F. and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Human-induced rapid environmental change and spatial mismatches in species distribution. Central Mountains and Plains Section of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Kearney, NE. February 2018
Stuber, E.F. and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. The value of scale in optimizing umbrella species. American Ornithological Society meeting, East Lansing, MI. August 2017
Spier, S. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. The effects of urbanization on fear. University of Nebraska Research Fair. Lincoln, NE. April 2015
Spier, S. and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. The effects of urbanization on fear. University of Nebraska Research Fair. Lincoln, NE. May 2014
Sorensen, A.E., J.M. Dauer, L. Corral, and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Authentic scientific data collection in support of an integrative model-based class: A framework for student engagement in the classroom. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, LA. December 2017
Simonsen, V., J. Laskowski and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Examining the influence of landscape context on nest survival. University of Nebraska Research Fair. Lincoln, NE. May 2014
Simonsen, V., J. Laskowski , L.N. Messinger, and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Examining the influence of landscape context on nest survival. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE. February 2015
Simonsen, V., A. Fedele, and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Large or small patches? How patch size and nest density influence nest survival and conservation in grasslands. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Chamberlain, SD. February 2018
Simonsen, V. and J.J. Fontaine. Individual trade-offs in reproductive investment: how land-use and climate change interact to influence phenotypic plasticity. The Eighth National Quail Symposium July 2017
Simonsen, V. and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Large or small patches? How patch size and nest density influence nest survival and conservation in grasslands. Central Mountains and Plains Section of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Kearney, NE. February 2018
Simonsen, V. and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Patch size and nest density influence nest survival. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Simenson, V. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Examining the Benefits of Wheat as an Alternative Nesting Habitat. Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. October 2013
Price, N. B., C. J. Chizinski, K. L. Pope, and J. J. Fontaine. 2018. Retention of youth deer hunters in Nebraska. 78th Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. January 2018
Pope, K. L., J. J. Fontaine, and C. J. Chizinski. 2016. Managing ecosystem services for sportspersons while managing sportspersons for ecosystem services. International Symposium on Society and Resource Management, Houghton, Michigan, USA. June 2016
Mirochnitchenko, N., E.F. Stuber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2018. Phylogenetic and functional diversity of grassland bird communities across an alter landscape. Central Mountains and Plains Section of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Kearney, NE. February 2018
Mirochnitchenko, N., E.F. Stuber, and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Influence of environmental gradients on the relationship between taxonomic and functional diversity in grassland birds. American Ornithological Society meeting, East Lansing, MI. August 2017
Mirochnitchenko, N., E.F. Stuber and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Free food is not free: Do food plots pose greater predation risk than benefit for Northern bobwhite quail? Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Messinger, L.N., M.T. Winkler and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. The economic benefits of publicly accessible hunting lands. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Messinger, L.N., A. Engel and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Public access in the Southwest Focus on Pheasants Area. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Kearney, NE. February 2014
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. Factors driving hunter site selection between and within regions of concentrated hunting opportunities. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Steamboat Springs, CO. August 2016
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Should we care about fear in wildlife populations? Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE. February 2015
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. HUNTING IN A MODERN LANDSCAPE: A LARGE-SCALE ASSESSMENT OF HUNTER USE OF PUBLICALLY ACCESSIBLE HUNTING LANDS. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Aug. 10-12, 2015, Manhattan, KS August 2015
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Pheasant Behavioral Responses to Hunting Pressure and Management Actions. Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Milwaukee, WI. October 2013
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Pheasant Behavioral Responses to Hunting Pressure and Management Actions. Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chadron, NE. March 2013
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Pheasant Behavioral Responses to Hunting Pressure and Management Actions. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO. July 2013
Messinger, L.N. and J.J. Fontaine 2015. Should we care about fear in wildlife populations? The Wildlife Society. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada October 2015
Messinger, L. and J.J. Fontaine. Hunter use of public lands in the Rainwater Basin. RWB Information Meeting. March 2016
Messinger, L. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Pheasant Behavioral Responses to Hunting Pressure and Current Management Actions. Pheasants Forever State Habitat Meeting. Kearney, NE. February 2013
Martin, D.R., L.N. Messinger, K.L. Pope and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Temporal trends in hunting and angling participation in the United States. Research Seminar, Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Lincoln, NE. February 2014
Martin, D. R., L. N. Messinger, K. L. Pope, and J. J. Fontaine. 2012. Temporal trends in hunting and angling participation in the United States. 73rd Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, Kansas. December 2012
Martin, D. R., L. N. Messinger, J. J. Fontaine, and K. L. Pope. 2013. Temporal trends in hunting and angling participation in the United States. Nebraska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska. February 2013
Madsen, A, L.Corral, and J.J. Fontaine 2018. Weather and length of deployment period affect detection rates at camera traps. International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Minneapolis, MN. August 2018
Lute, M.L., L. Corral, J.M. Dauer, J.J. Fontaine. Citizen science and swift foxes: Engaging students and landowners in rare species conservation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference March 2016
Lipinski, A.R. and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. An analysis of the interactions between weather and land use on northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) populations using historical data. The Eighth National Quail Symposium, Knoxville, TN. July 2017
Lipinski, A.R. and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. An analysis of the interactions between weather and land use on gallinaceous bird populations using historical data. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Lipinski, A. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Land use and climatic influences on northern bobwhite populations: a long-term analysis. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. October 2015
Laskowski, J., G. Bachman and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. The shadows of predators past. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. February 2014
Laskowski, J., G. Bachman and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. The phantoms of predators past: fear effects on pheasant reproductive ecology. North Dakota State University. Fargo, ND. February 2014
Laskowski, J., G. Bachman and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Temporal carry-over effects of fear on pheasant reproductive strategies. Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO November 2013
Laskowski, J. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Temporal Carry-Over Effects of Perceived Predation Risk on Reproductive Strategy. Animal Behavior Society Annual Meeting. Boulder, CO. July 2013
Laskowski, J. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Hen Pheasant Reproduction in Response to Current Management Actions. Pheasants Forever State Habitat Meeting. Kearney, NE. February 2013
Laskowski, J. G. Bachman and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. The phantoms of predators past. University of Florida. Gainesville, FL. February 2014
Kent A. Fricke, Craig R. Allen, Joseph J. Fontaine, Scott Wessel, Theresa Smydra, Rebekah Jessen, Steven D. Rasmussen, and Kristal Stoner. Adaptive management of invasive woody plants in the Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska. NE Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Feb. 27-28, Kearney, NE. February 2014
Jorgensen, C.F., J. Holt, and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Ring-necked pheasants in the Rainwater Basin: The past, present, and future prospects. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar. Hastings, NE. February 2013
Jorgensen, C.F. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. If you build it will they come?: Managing pheasants in tomorrow's landscapes. Pheasants Forever State Habitat Meeting. Kearney, NE. February 2013
Jezierski, C., C.R. Allen, J.J. Fontaine, M. Koch, and T. McCoy. 2013. Nebraska Wind Energy and Wildlife Project 2012 Survey Results. Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chadron, NE. March 2013
Helmke, C., L. Corral, M. Lute, J.M. Dauer, and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Using citizen science to monitor carnivores in Nebraska. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Gruntorad, M. P., C. J. Chizinski, N. Price, J. J. Fontaine, and K. L. Pope. 2018. Permit buying behavior of Nebraska paddlefish anglers. Annual Meeting, Nebraska Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2018
Grams, A. S., Chizinski, C. J., Price, N., Gruntorad, M., Fontaine, J. J., and K. L. Pope. Exploring Linkages between Hunting and Fishing Permit Sales Among Upland Game Permit Holders. Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 5-8, 2017. February 2017
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. Challenges for shorebird habitat management in an increasingly dynamic climate. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar. Hastings, NE. February 2015
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE. February 2015
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Severe weather impacts on an unpredictable system: wetland dynamics and shorebird stopover decisions in a highly-altered landscape. August 2015
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. American Ornithologist Union and Cooper Ornithological Society. Estes Park, CO. September 2014
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar. Hastings, NE. February 2014
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2014. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Kearney, NE. February 2014
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Shorebird migration in Nebraska: Stopover habitat decisions in a vanishing landscape. Crane Trust Research Symposium. Wood River, NE. November 2013
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Habitat decisions in altered landscapes: behavioral and physiological consequences for long-distance migrants. Nebraska Natural Legacy Conference. Nebraska City, NE. September 2013
Gillespie, C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Habitat decisions in altered landscapes: behavioral and physiological consequences for long-distance migrants. Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chadron, NE. March 2013
Fricke, K.A., J.J. Fontaine, and C.R. Allen. 2013. Stakeholder involvement in adaptive wildlife management. Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chadron, NE. March 2013
Fricke, K.A., C.R. Allen, and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Unwanted plant management in Nebraska. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE. February 2015
Fricke, K.A., C.R. Allen, J.J. Fontaine, S. Wessel, T. Smydra, R. Jessen, S.D. Rasmussen, and K. Stoner. 2013. Adaptive management of invasive woody plants in the Niobrara River Valley, Nebraska. Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI. October 2013
Fricke, K., C. Allen, J.J. Fontaine, S. Wessel, T. Smydra, R. Jessen, and S. Rasmussen. 2013. Challenges of integrating adaptive management into eastern redcedar removal projects. Nebraska Natural Legacy Conference. Nebraska City, NE. September 2013
Fontaine, J.J., L. Messinger, M. Lute, C. Gillespie, D.R. Martin, and K. Fricke. 2016. Trade-offs in ecosystem services: hunter use and landowner perceptions of wetlands in an agrarian landscape. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Fontaine, J.J., C. Gillespie and R.J. Stutzman. 2013. The interplay of climate and land-use change: Implications for a long distance migrant. Rainwater Basin Joint Venture Informational Seminar. Hastings, NE. February 2013
Fontaine, J.J., C. Chizinski, N. Cole, C. Gillespie, A. Lipinski, J. Lusk, L. Messinger, K. Pope, and L. Wszola. Climate change: challenges for wildlife, outdoor enthusiasts, and the future of wildlife management. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society March 2015
Fontaine, J.J. and L.N. Messinger. 2015. A brief history of pheasant ecology in Nebraska. Nebraska Game and Parks State Habitat Meeting, Kearney, NE. February 2015
Fontaine, J.J. The state of pheasants and pheasant hunters in Nebraska. 2015. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, Public Meeting, Lincoln, NE. January 2015
Fontaine, J.J. 2018. Drought and pheasants: understanding the mechanisms of population responses to extreme climatic events. South Dakota Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Chamberlain, SD. February 2018
Fontaine, J.J. 2015. Research on pheasants and pheasant hunters in Nebraska. Regional pheasant working group, Brookings, SD. April 2015
Fontaine, J.J. 2014. Managing fear in wildlife. University of Nebraska Program of Excellence. Lincoln, NE. September 2014
Fontaine, J.J. 2014. Changing climates and changing landscapes: A migrant bird’s dilemma. Keynote Address. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Kearney, NE. February 2014
Fontaine, J.J. 2014. Changing climates and changing landscapes: A migrant bird’s dilemma. Biology Department Seminar, University of Nebraska-Omaha. Omaha, NE. February 2014
Fontaine, J.J. 2014. Changing climates and changing landscapes: A migrant bird’s dilemma. Biology Department Seminar, Kansas State University. Manhattan, KS. February 2014
Foggia, J.R. and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Variation in annual ring-necked pheasant survival in southwest Nebraska. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Fedele, A. D., C. J. Chizinski, J. J. Fontaine, and K. L. Pope. 2017. Are fish avoiding you? Behavioral syndromes and fishing-induced behavioral change in Ambloplites rupestris. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2017
Fedele, A. D., C. J. Chizinski, J. J. Fontaine, and K. L. Pope. 2016. Fishery induced learning and behavioral syndromes in Ambloplites rupestris. 53rd Annual Conference, Animal Behavior Society, Columbia, Missouri. July 2016
Fedele, A. D., C. J. Chizinski, J. J. Fontaine, and K. L. Pope. 2016. Behavioral syndromes and learned hook avoidance in Ambloplites rupestris. 146th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, Missouri. August 2016
Fedele, A. D., C. J. Chizinski, J. J. Fontaine, D. Shizuka, and K. L. Pope. 2017. Influences of catch-and-release angling on fish behavior. 147th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Tampa Bay, Florida. August 2017
Dirac Twidwell, Craig R. Allen, David G. Angeler, Joseph J. Fontaine, Ahjond S. Garmestani, Noelle M. Hart, Kevin L. Pope. Prescribed Burn Associations in an Adaptive Management Framework. Society of Range Management Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL. Feb 8 – 15. February 2015
Corral, L., L.A. Powell, T.J. Frink, S. Wilson, J.J. Fontaine. 2013. Canid community composition and distribution across Nebraska. Nebraska Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Chadron, NE. March 2013
Corral, L., L.A. Powell, T. Frinke, and J.J. Fontaine. 2015. Canid community distribution in Western Nebraska. Nebraska Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Ogallala, NE. February 2015
Corral, L., J.J. Fontaine, and L.A. Powell. 2013. Canid community composition and distribution across Nebraska. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Milwaukee, WI. October 2013
Corral, L., J.J. Fontaine, and L.A. Powell. 2013. Canid community composition and distribution across Nebraska. Nebraska Natural Legacy Conference. Nebraska City, NE. September 2013
Corral, L., J.J. Fontaine and T.J. Frink. 2015. Assessment of swift fox distribution in Nebraska. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. October 2015
Corral, L., C. Helmke, T.J. Frink, and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Spatial and temporal structure of canid community in Nebraska. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Corral, L., C. Helmke, T.J. Frink, and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Spatial and temporal structure of canid community in Nebraska. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2016
Chizinski, C. J., N. Price, M. P. Hinrichs, J. J. Fontaine, and K. L. Pope. 2018. Transitions among sportsperson permit holders and the influence of cross-buying behavior. Pathways 2018 Conference, Goslar, Germany. September 2018
Chizinski, C. J., N. Price, J. J. Fontaine, and K. L. Pope. 2018. Cross-buying behavior and future purchase tendencies of Nebraska anglers. Annual Meeting, Nebraska Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2018
Chizinski, C. J., N. B. Price, K. L. Pope, J. J. Fontaine, M. Rahe, and J. Rawlinson. 2020. Development and application of an open-sourced dashboard to improve our understanding wildlife recreationists. 80th Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois. January 2020
Annis, A.C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2017. Factors influencing Ring-necked Pheasant Phasianus colchicus nest survival in Southwest Nebraska. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. February 2017
Annis, A.C. and J.J. Fontaine. 2016. The carryover effects of hunting pressure on Ring-necked Pheasant nest site selection and egg volume. Annual meeting of the Central Mountains and Plains Section of The Wildlife Society, Steamboat Springs, CO. August 2016
K.A. Fricke, J.J. Fontaine, and C.R. Allen. Implementing adaptive management: demonstrating the difficulties. NE Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Kearney, NE. Feb 27-28, 2014. February 2014
Technical Publications Publication Date
Skagen, S.K., J.J. Fontaine, R. Stutzman, V. Steen, C. Melcher, J. Stamm, G. Clow, M. Anderson, P. Norton, N. Niemuth, J.M. Friedman, R. Gleason, and B. Tangen. 2011. Avian conservation in the Prairie Pothole Region, Northern Great Plains: Understanding the links between climate, ecosystem processes, wetland management, and bird communities. U.S.G.S. Fact Sheet 2011-XXX. January 2011
Fontaine, J.J. and C. van Riper. 2009. A neotropical migrant bird's dilemma: where to stop for a good meal: U.S.G.S. Fact Sheet 2009-3038 []. July 2009
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Pheasants Forever, Inc. - Student Chapter Advisor Fontaine 2012 Present
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member Fontaine 2001 Present
Cooper Ornithological Society - Local Committee Chair, 2009 Annual Meeting Fontaine August 2008 May 2009
Cooper Ornithological Society - Graduate Student Awards Committee Fontaine September 2009 Present
Cooper Ornithological Society - Assistant Secretary Fontaine January 2010 Present
Association of Field Ornithologists - Local Committee, 2011 Annual Meeting Fontaine August 2009 Present
American Ornithologists' Union - Member Fontaine 2001 Present
American Ornithologists' Union - Awards Committee Fontaine 2011 Present