Nebraska About Us

Works by our Unit address the expressed information needs of the citizens of Nebraska and the citizens of the United States of America, especially to better understand natural systems and how social-ecological functioning is altered by anthropogenic disturbances and management actions. The diversity of fish and wildlife resources in Nebraska requires the NECFWRU to pursue a broad focus for applied research…fishery and wildlife management, human and animal behavior, and social and ecological resilience have long been emphasized, with intent of complementing and strengthening existing research foci of state and federal agencies.
Nebraska is an ideal outdoor laboratory, with east-to-west gradients in climate and population density. The easternmost portion of the state was scoured by Ice Age glaciers; the Dissected Till Plains were left after the glaciers retreated. The Great Plains occupy most of western Nebraska, with the region consisting of several smaller, diverse land regions, including the Sandhills, the Pine Ridge, the Rainwater Basin, the High Plains and the Wildcat Hills. Three rivers cross the state. The Platte River flows through the state's central portion, the Niobrara River flows through the state’s northern part, and the Republican River flows through the state’s southern part.
The NECFWRU is part of the School of Natural Resources at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. We are located on the University's East Campus, 422 Hardin Hall, at 33rd & Holdrege Streets in Lincoln.