Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Wyoming
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Wyoming Staff Member

Dr. Anna D. Chalfoun

Dr. Anna Chalfoun holding a Brewer's Sparrow

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (307) 766 - 6966
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website


  • Ph D University of Montana 2006
  • MS University of Missouri 2000
  • BA Smith College 1995


Dr. Chalfoun holds a BA degree in Biology from Smith College, an MS in Wildlife Biology and Conservation Biology from the University of Missouri, and a PhD in Wildlife Biology from the Montana CRU at the University of Montana. She joined the faculty at the University of Wyoming as a Research Scientist in 2008, and was hired as the Assistant Unit Leader for Wildlife at the Wyoming Unit in 2011. Dr. Chalfoun’s work has focused on understanding the mechanisms underlying habitat selection at multiple spatial scales, the contexts under which habitat choices are adaptive or maladative, nest predation dynamics, life history strategies including parental care behaviors, and the influence of anthropogenic habitat change on non-game wildlife. Dr. Chalfoun and her graduate students conduct research on songbirds, raptors, small mammals, and herpetofauna in a wide variety of habitats in Wyoming and beyond. The common threads woven throughout the lab's projects include wildlife-habitat relationships and the influence of human-induced habitat changes such as loss, fragmentation and degradation on sensitive species. Projects in the Chalfoun lab have included the effects of energy development, roads, and a changing climate. Dr. Chalfoun is the co-Chair of the Conservation Committee for the American Ornithological Society.

Areas of Expertise

Behavioral Ecology, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Energy: Development/Alternative, Evolutionary Ecology, Habitat Management, Landscape Ecology, Population and Community Ecology, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Management, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Amphibians, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Reptiles, Small Mammals, Songbirds, Species of Greatest Conservation Need

Research Publications Publication Date
Smith, A.B. and 68 others. 2019. Alternatives to genetic affinity as a context for within-species response to climate. Nature Climate Change 9:787-794. October 2019
Sanders, L.E., A. D. Chalfoun, and T. M. Scherr. Inter-species nest use by a Loggerhead Shrike (Lanius ludovicianus). Wilson Journal of Ornithology. September 2018
Sanders, L. E., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. Mechanisms underlying increased nest predation in natural gas fields: a test of the mesopredator release hypothesis. Ecosphere 10(5):e02738. May 2019
Sanders, L. E., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2018. Novel landscape elements within natural gas fields increase densities but not fitness of an important songbird nest predator. Biological Conservation 228:132-141. December 2018
Saab, V., Q. Latif, M. Rowland, T. Johnson, A. Chalfoun, S. Buskirk, J. Heyward and M. Dresser. Ecological Consequences of Mountain Pine Beetle Outbreaks for Wildlife in Western North American Forests. Forest Science 60:539-559. June 2014
Robertson, B. A., and A. D. Chalfoun. Evolutionary traps as keys to understanding behavioral maladaptation. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences. September 2016
Rhea, A. M., J. D. Carlisle, and A. D. Chalfoun. Intrabrood variation in nestling size among three sagebrush-associated songbirds. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. | Abstract June 2022
R. P. Jakopak, L. E. Hall, and A. D. Chalfoun. Organizing the pantry: Cache management improves quality of overwinter food stores in a montane mammal. Journal of Mammalogy. November 2017
Merkle, J. A., Abrahms, B., J. B. Armstrong, H. Sawyer, D. P. Costa, and A. D. Chalfoun. Site fidelity as a maladaptive behavior in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. | Abstract January 2022
Martin, T.E., R.D. Bassar, S.K. Bassar, J.J. Fontaine, P. Lloyd, H. Mathewson, A. Niklison, and A. Chalfoun. 2006. Life history and ecological correlates of geographic variation in egg and clutch mass among passerine species. Evolution 60:390-398 | Abstract | Download April 2006
Mahoney, A. C., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2016. Reproductive success of Horned Lark and McCown’s Longspur in relation to wind energy infrastructure. Condor-Ornithological Applications 118:360-375 (Invited-special renewable energy issue). April 2016
Leah H. Yandow, Anna D. Chalfoun, and Daniel F. Doak. Climate tolerances and habitat requirements jointly shape the elevational distribution of the American Pika (Ochotona princeps). Diversity and Distributions 10(8). August 2015
Kramer, G. E., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2012. Growth rate and relocation movements of Common Nighthawk (Chordeiles minor) nestlings in relation to age. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 124:793-797. December 2012
Ibanez-Alamo, J.D., R. D. Magrath, J. C. Oteyza, A. D. Chalfoun, T. M. Haff, K. A. Schmidt, R. L. Thomson, and T. E. Martin. Nest predation research: Recent findings and future perspectives. Journal of Ornithology DOI 10.1007/s10336-015-1207-4. April 2015
Hubbard, K. A., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2012. An experimental evaluation of potential scavenger effects on snake road mortality detections. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 7:150-156. September 2012
Hubbard, K. A., A. D. Chalfoun, and K. G. Gerow. 2016. The relative influence of road characteristics and habitat on adjacent lizard populations in arid shrublands; Journal of Herpetology 50:29-36. January 2016
Hightower, J. N., J. D. Carlisle, and A. D. Chalfoun. 2018. Nest Mortality of Sagebrush Songbirds Following a Severe Hailstorm. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 130:561-567. June 2018
Hethcoat, M. G., and Anna D. Chalfoun. 2015. Energy development and avian nest survival in Wyoming, USA: a test of a common disturbance index. Biological Conservation 184:327-334. February 2015
Hethcoat, M. G., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2015.Toward a mechanistic understanding of human-induced rapid environmental change: A case study linking energy development, nest predation, and predators. Journal of Applied Ecology. July 2015
Hall, L.E., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2018. What to eat in a warming world: Do increased temperatures necessitate hazardous duty pay? Oecologia 186:73-84. January 2018
Hall, L. E., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. Behavioural plasticity modulates temperature-related constraints on foraging time for a montane mammal. Journal of Animal Ecology 88:363-375. November 2018
Hall, L. E., A. D. Chalfoun, E. A. Beever, and A. E. Loosen. 2016. Microrefuges and the occurrence of thermal specialists: Implications for wildlife persistence amidst changing temperatures. Climate Change Responses 3:1-12. October 2016
Gilbert, M. and A. D. Chalfoun. 2011.Energy development affects populations of sagebrush songbirds in Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:816-824. December 2011
Fletcher, R. J., Jr., L. Ries, J. Battin, and A. D. Chalfoun. 2007. The role of habitat area and edge in fragmented landscapes: definitively distinct or inevitably intertwined? (Invited paper), Canadian J. of Zoology 85:1017-1030. September 2007
Connell, L. C., L. M. Porensky, A. D. Chalfoun, and J. D. Scasta. 2019.Black-tailed prairie dog (Sciuridae: Cynomys ludovicianus) metapopulation response to novel sourced conspecific signals Animal Behaviour 150:189-199. April 2019
Chalfoun, A., and T. E. Martin. 2010. Within-season facultative shifts in nest-site selection in response to offspring predation risk: A win-stay, lose-switch strategy. Oecologia 163:885-892. September 2010
Chalfoun, A., and T. E. Martin. 2010. Parental investment decisions in response to ambient nest predation risk versus actual predation on the prior nest. The Condor 112:701-710. October 2010
Chalfoun, A. D., and T. E. Martin. 2007. Latitudinal variation in avian incubation attentiveness and an experimental test of the food limitation hypothesis. Animal Behaviour 73: 579-585. September 2007
Chalfoun, A. D., and T. E. Martin. 2007. Assessments of habitat preferences and quality depend on spatial scale and metrics of fitness. J. of Applied Ecology 44: 983-992. September 2007
Chalfoun, A. D., and T. E. Martin. 2009. Habitat structure mediates predation risk for sedentary prey: Experimental tests of alternative hypotheses. J. of Animal Ecology 78:497-503. September 2009
Chalfoun, A. D., and K. Schmidt. 2012. Adaptive breeding-habitat selection: Is it for the birds?Auk (invited Perspectives in Ornithology article) 129:1-11. October 2012
Chalfoun, A. D., Tracey N. Johnson, and Jill Shaffer. Rangeland Songbirds. In Rangeland Wildlife Ecology & Conservation. Editors L. McNew, D. Dahlgren, and J. Beck. | Abstract September 2023
Chalfoun, A. D., M. J. Ratnaswamy, and F. R. Thompson III. 2002. Songbird nest predators in forest-pasture edge and forest interior in a fragmented landscape. Ecological Applications 12(3):858-867. June 2002
Chalfoun, A. D., F. R. Thompson III., and M. J. Ratnaswamy. 2002. Nest predators and fragmentation: a review and meta-analysis. Conservation Biology 16(2):306-318. May 2002
Chalfoun, A. D. Responses of vertebrate wildlife to oil and natural gas development: patterns and frontiers. Current Landscape Ecology Reports. | Abstract May 2021
Ceradini, J., and A. Chalfoun. 2017. When perception reflects reality: Non-native grass invasion alters small mammal risk landscapes and survival. Ecology and Evolution. January 2017
Ceradini, J. and A. Chalfoun. Species' traits help predict small mammal responses to habitat homogenization by cheatgrass invasion. Ecological Applications. July 2017
Carlisle, J.D., A. D. Chalfoun, K. T. Smith, and J. L. Beck. 2018. Non-target effects of habitat manipulation for Greater Sage-Grouse on songbirds: implications for the umbrella species concept. Condor: Ornithological Applications 120:439-455. May 2018
Carlisle, J. D., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2020. The abundance of Greater Sage-Grouse as a proxy for the abundance of sagebrush-associated songbirds in Wyoming, USA. Avian Conservation and Ecology. 15(2):16. | Abstract December 2020
Carlisle, J. D., L. E. Sanders, A. D. Chalfoun, and K. G. Gerow. Raptor nest-site use in relation to the proximity of coalbed methane development. Animal Biodiversity and Conservation. January 2018
Carlisle, J. D., K. T. Smith, J. L. Beck, M. A. Murphy, and A. D. Chalfoun. 2023. Beyond overlap: Considering habitat preference and fitness outcomes in the umbrella species concept. Animal Conservation. DOI10.1111/acv.12899. | Abstract September 2023
Carlisle, J. D., D. R. Stewart, and A. D. Chalfoun. An intertebrate ecosystem engineer likely covered under the umbrella of sage-grouse conservation. Western North American Naturalist. December 2017
Carlisle, J. D., D. A. Keinath, S. E. Albeke, and A. D. Chalfoun. 2018. Identifying Holes in the Greater Sage-Grouse Conservation Umbrella. Journal of Wildlife Management 82:948-957. July 2018
Carlin, M., and A. D. Chalfoun. Temporal dynamics of sagebrush songbird abundance in relation to energy development. Biological Conservation. | Abstract April 2021
Carlin, M. and A. D. Chalfoun. 2023. Congruence among multiple indices of habitat preference for species facing human-induced rapid environmental change: a case study using the Brewer’s sparrow. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 3: e12175. | Abstract October 2022
Barrile, G.M., A.W. Walters, M. Webster, and A.D. Chalfoun. 2021. Informed breeding dispersal following stochastic changes to patch quality in a pond-breeding amphibian. Journal of Animal Ecology 10.1111/1365-2656.13503 | Abstract April 2021
Barrile, G.M., A.D. Chalfoun, A.W. Walters. 2021. Infection status as the basis for habitat choices in a wild amphibian. American Naturalist 197: 128-137. | Abstract January 2021
Barrile, G.M., A. D. Chalfoun, and A.W. Walters. 2021 Livestock grazing, climatic variation, and breeding phenology jointly shape disease dynamics and survival in a wild amphibian. Biological Conservation 261: 109247. | Abstract July 2021
Barrile, G. M., Walters, A. W., and Chalfoun, A. D. 2022. Stage-specific environmental correlates of reproductive success in Boreal Toads (Anaxyrus boreas boreas). Journal of Herpetology, 56(1), 34–44. | Abstract March 2022
Barrile, G. M.*, Chalfoun, A. D, Estes-Zumpf, W., and Walters, A. W. 2022. Wildfire influences individual growth and breeding dispersal, but not survival and recruitment in a montane amphibian. Ecosphere, 13(8), e4212. September 2022
Scherr, T. M. and A. D. Chalfoun. Taming the temperature: Do sagebrush songbirds modulate microclimate via nest-site selection? Ornithology. | Abstract February 2022
Project Completion Date
Influence of Energy Development on Non-Game Sagebrush Birds III December 2017
Avian Community Response in GTNP December 2015
Columbia Spotted Frog Investigations December 2016
Small Mammal (SGCN): The Influence of exotic grassland plants February 2016
Alpine Habitat: Influence of Climate Change on Wildlife March 2017
The effectiveness of the Greater Sage-Grouse as an umbrella for non-game sagebrush SGCN June 2018
American Pika Status in Wyoming September 2012
Temporal and spatial patterns of raptor nest occupancy in areas of CBM August 2015
Response of Greater Sage Grouse to Habitat Treatments in Wyoming. December 2013
Small Mammal Distribution - Sagebrush habitats - SW Wyoming. June 2009
Evaluation of the impacts of road networks associated with energy developments on herpetefauna (SW WY) June 2012
Effects of pathways within Grand Teton National Park on avian abundance, distribution, diversity, and productivity of focal species November 2011
Impacts of the pine beetle epidemic on lodgepole wildlife SGCN in Wyoming. September 2012
Effects of Wind Energy Development on Breeding Grassland Birds December 2013
Influence of Energy Development on Non-Game Sagebrush Birds December 2010
Clarifying the finer-scale landscape elements critical to support the breeding activities of non-game, sagebrush-associated birds December 2025
Mechanistic Study of songbird energy development June 2014
Limiting Factors for Declining Loggerhead Shrikes in Western Wyoming June 2025
Infection rates and effects of ectoparasites on declining sagebrush songbirds December 2025
Winter space use and habitat selection of migratory-subadult Golden Eagle (Aquila Chrystaetos) in Wyoming April 2023
An assessment of the limiting factors for boreal toads in the La Barge Creek watershed June 2025
Habitat Selection and Quality of Wood Frogs in the Bighorn Mountains September 2022
Full life-cycle effects of natural gas development on sagebrush-obligate songbirds December 2025
Habitat attributes of northern long-eared bat maternity roosts in Wyoming June 2023
Research and Monitoring of Wyoming Toad Reintroductions: Linking Survival, Behavior and Genetics to Inform Species Recovery June 2023
Great gray owl habitat selection and home range characteristics during the breeding and post-fledging periods June 2023
Survival of boreal toads across multiple life stages in relation to habitat, grazing, disease, and climate December 2021
Decadal abundance trends of avian SGCN in Wyoming's natural gas fields June 2021
Influence of Energy Development and Climatic Variability on Sagebrush Songbirds July 2022
Climatic variability and the productivity of non-game sagebrush birds December 2019
Black Rosy-Finch Distribution, Abundance and Habitat Selection During the Breeding Season December 2018
Boreal Toad Habitat Selection and Survival in Relation to Grazing Intensity and Disease Prevalence December 2017
Beaudette, Olivia

Breiner, Margot

Gapinski, Lindsey

Jones, Donald

Kuhn, Clare

Schoenborn, Erik

Shertzer, Emily

Presentations Presentation Date
Whittle, E., I. Abernethy, and A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. Maternity roost site selection by northern long-eared bats in the Black Hills of Wyoming. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Sheridan, WY. November 2019
Whittle, E., I. Abernethy, and A. Chalfoun. 2022. Evidence of context-dependent habitat selection by northern long-eared bats. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Jackson, WY. April 2022
Whittle, E., I. Abernathy, and A. Chalfoun. 2023. SELECTION, PHENOLOGY, AND INTER-ANNUAL USE OF MATERNITY ROOSTS BY NORTHERN LONG-EARED BATS IN THE BLACK HILLS. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. April 2023
Webster, M., G. Barrile, A. Walters, and A. Chalfoun. 2020. ‘Dude! Where’s my pond?!' Evaluating the role of beaver activity in pond persistence over time. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 2020. February 2020
Wagler, B., L. Sanders, and A. Chalfoun. 2017. Do reclaimed areas within natural gas fields augment deer mouse fitness and abundance? Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December, 2017. December 2017
Shertzer, E., and A. Chalfoun. Sagebrush songbird demography across the full annual cycle and carryover effects of breeding habitat changes. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Jackson, WY. April 2022
Shertzer, E., and A. Chalfoun. 2024. The influence of carryover effects on juvenile cause-specific mortality in sagebrush songbirds. Joint Meeting of the WLCI and Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, WY. April 2024
Shertzer, E., and A. Chalfoun. 2024. The influence of carryover effects on cause-specific mortality during the post-fledgling period of sagebrush-obligate songbirds. Gordon Research Conference, Predator-Prey, Ventura, CA. January 2024
Shertzer, E., and A. Chalfoun. 2023. CARRYOVER EFFECTS AND MORTALITY DURING THE POST-FLEDGING PERIOD OF SAGEBRUSH SONGBIRDS. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. <b><br></b> April 2023
Shertzer, E. and A. Chalfoun. 2024. Cause-specific mortality of sagebrush songbirds during the post-fledging period. American Ornithological ​Society Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. October 2024
Schoenborn, E., and A. Chalfoun. 2024. Novel Predation Risk and Habitat Selection Behaviors in Altered Landscapes. Gordon Research Conference, Predator-Prey, Ventura, CA. January 2024
Schoenborn, E., and A. Chalfoun. 2024. Maladaptive habitat selection in altered landscapes. Joint Meeting of the WLCI and Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, WY. April 2024
Schoenborn, E., and A. Chalfoun. 2023. FITNESS OUTCOMES OF HABITAT SELECTION STRATEGIES IN LANDSCAPES RESHAPED BY HUMANS. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. April 2023
Schoenborn, E. and A. Chalfoun. 2024. Habitat Selection Strategies in Novel Risk-Reward Landscapes. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. October 2024
Scherr, Tayler, and Anna Chalfoun. 2018. Taming the temperature: Do birds select nest sites that modulate microclimatic variation? American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ. April 2018
Scherr, T., and A. Chalfoun. 2017. The effects of multiple forms of habitat change on songbird nest site selection and reproductive success. Wyoming State Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December, 2017. December 2017
Scherr, T., and A. Chalfoun. 2018. Taming the temperature: Evaluating the extent to which sagebrush songbirds can buffer microclimate with nest site selection. WY-TWS Joint Meeting, Laramie, WY. November 2018
Scherr, T. M., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. Understanding the effects of nest-site temperature on songbird reproductive fitness and parental care. Annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, AK. June 2019
Sandsers, L., A. Chalfoun, and M. Kenney. 2017. Sagebrush songbirds mitigate nest predation risk via parental care behaviors. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December, 2017. December 2017
Sanders, Lindsey, and Anna Chalfoun. 2015. Mechanisms underlying increased songbird nest predation rates with natural gas development. WLCI and Wyoming TWS joint meeting, Lander, WY 1-3 December, 2015. December 2015
Sanders, Lindsey and Anna Chalfoun. 2016. Is a mesopredator release underlying increased songbird nest predation near natural gas development? Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, Wyoming. November 2016
Sanders, Lindsey E., and Anna D. Chalfoun. 2017. What is sustaining higher nest predator abundance within natural gas fields? Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, East Lansing, MI, USA. August 2017
Sanders, L., and A. Chalfoun. 2018. Sagebrush songbird responses to density and proximity of energy development. WY-TWS and WLCI Joint Meeting, Laramie, WY. November 2018
Sanders, L., and A. Chalfoun. 2017. What is sustaining higher nest predator abundance within natural gas fields? Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December, 2017. December 2017
Sanders, L. E., L. E. Hall, and A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. Warming temperatures lengthen breeding seasons, but lower productivity for a sagebrush-obligate songbird. Annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, AK. June 2019
Rhiannon Jakopak, Embere Hall, Anna Chalfoun. 2015. Understanding the architecture of overwinter food caches in a montane mammal. Joint meeting of the WLCI and Wyoming TWS, Lander, WY, 1-3 December 2015. December 2015
Rhea, A., and A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. An experimental evaluation of the effects of a synanthropic rodent on the nesting productivity of sagebrush songbirds. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Sheridan, WY. November 2019
Rhea, A., and A. Chalfoun. 2018. An experimental evaluation of the effects of a synanthropic rodent on the nesting productivity of sagebrush songbirds. WY-TWS Joint Meeting, Laramie, WY. November 2018
Michael Hague, Anna D. Chalfoun, Scott Sillett. 2015. Habitat use, predation risk, and resource availability: Fitness trade-offs in an island endemic. Joint WLCI and Wyoming TWS meeting, Lander, WY, 1-3 December 2015. December 2015
Macy Kenney, Lindsey Sanders, and Anna Chalfoun. 2016. Persnickety parents: How parental care behavior affects songbird nest success. Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society. November 2016
M.E.Breiner, A.W. Walters, and A.D. Chalfoun. 2024. Microhabitat preferences of a declining amphibian in relation to infection status and diel period. The Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Cody, WY. April 2024
Layfield, J., B. Bedrosian, A. Chalfoun, R. Domenech, S. Lewis, B. Smith, and J. Merkle. 2024. Factors modulating habitat selection near roads by golden eagles during winter in Wyoming. American ​Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. October 2024
Layfield, J., B. Bedrosian, A. Chalfoun, R. Domenech, S. Lewis, B. Smith, and J. Merkle. 2023. Does experience modulate use of risky landscape elements? Road-use in relation to age by wintering golden eagles in Wyoming. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. April 2023
Layfield, J., B. Bedrosian, A. Chalfoun, R. Domenech, S. Lewis, B. Smith and J. Merkle. 2024. Factors modulating habitat selection near roads by golden eagles during winter in Wyoming. Joint Meeting of the WLCI and Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, WY.<br> April 2024
Layfield, J., A. Chalfoun, B. Bedrosian, and J. Merkle. Habitat selection and space use of migratory golden eagles in Wyoming during winter. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Jackson, WY. April 2022
Joseph Ceradini and Anna Chalfoun. 2015. Using species' traits to predict small mammal responses to habitat alteration by invasive plants. Joint WLCI and Wyoming TWS meeting, Lander, WY, 1-3 December, 2015. December 2015
Jones, D., and A. Chalfoun. 2024. ​Ectoparasite infection influences post-fledgling survival and predation risk for declining sagebrush songbirds. Gordon Research Conference, Predator-Prey, Ventura, CA. January 2024
Jones, D., and A. Chalfoun. 2024. Nest parasites reduce post-fledging survival for declining sagebrush songbirds. Joint Meeting of the WLCI and Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, WY. April 2024
Jones, D., and A. Chalfoun. 2023. PATTERNS AND DETERMINANTS OF ECTOPARASITE INFECTIONS IN THE NESTS OF SAGEBRUSH SONGBIRDS. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. April 2023
Jones, D., and A. Chalfoun. 2022. Infection rates and effects of ectoparasites on declining sagebrush songbirds. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Jackson, WY. April 2022
Jones, D. and A. Chalfoun. 2024. Prevalence and effects of a common nest parasite on declining sagebrush songbirds. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. October 2024
Jason D. Carlisle, Anna D. Chalfoun , Douglas A. Keinath Shannon E. Albeke. 2015. Do sage-grouse core areas protect non-game wildlife of concern? Joint WLCI and Wyoming TWS meeting, Lander, WY 1-3 December, 2015. December 2015
Jason Carlisle, Anna Chalfoun, Kurt Smith, Jeffrey Beck. 2016. The non-target effects of sage-grouse habitat treatments on sagebrush-associated songbirds. Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, Wyoming. November 2016
Hall, L., and A. Chalfoun. 2018. Effects of temperature and precipitation on the reproductive investment and output of sagebrush songbirds. WY-TWS and WLCI Joint Meeting, Laramie, WY. November 2018
Hall, L., and A. Chalfoun. 2017. Behavioral plasticity buffers temperature constraints on foraging time for a montane mammal. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December, 2017. December 2017
Gura, K., G. Liston, A. Reinking, B. Bedrosian, K. Elder, and A. Chalfoun. 2024. Locked-pasture snow conditions modulate movement behavior and fitness by a facultative migrant, the Great Gray Owl. ​Gordon Research ​Conference, Predator-Prey, Ventura, CA. January 2024
Gura, K., B. Bedrosian, and A. Chalfoun. 2022. Variation in habitat selection across multiple spatiotemporal scales by great gray owls (Strix nebulosa). Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Jackson, WY. April 2022
Gura, K., B. Bedrosian, S. Patla, and A. Chalfoun. 2019. Great Gray Owl Habitat Selection and Home Range Characteristics During the Breeding Season. Annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society, Anchorage, AK. June 2019
Gura, K., A. Chalfoun, B. Bedrosian, and S. Patla. 2018. Great gray owl habitat selection and home range characteristics during the breeding season. WY-TWS and WLCI Joint Meeting, Laramie, WY. November 2018
Gura, K. B. Bedrosian, S. Patla, and A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. Great gray owl habitat selection and home range characteristics during the breeding season. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Sheridan, WY. November 2019
Gura, K, G. Liston, A. Reinking, B. Bedrosian, K. Elder, and A. Chalfoun. 2023. Using novel snow data to understand wildlife movement responses to limiting winter conditions. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. April 2023
Gabe Barrile, Anna D. Chalfoun, Annika Walters. 2015. Boreal toad habitat selection and survival in relation to grazing intensity and disease prevalence. Joint WLCI and Wyoming TWS meeting, Lander, WY, 1-3 December, 2015. December 2015
Gabe Barrile, Anna Chalfoun, Annika Walters. 2016. Boreal toad habitat selection and survival in relation to grazing intensity and disease prevalence. . Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Cody, Wyoming. November 2016
Embere Hall, Anna Chalfoun, Erik Beever, Annie Loosen. 2015. Microrefugia in a warming world: Critical resource or simple perk? Joint WLCI and Wyoming TWS meeting, Lander, WY 1-3 December, 2015. December 2015
Embere Hall and Anna Chalfoun. 2016. What to eat in a warming world: Altering forage preferences may buffer climate stress. Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, Wyoming. November 2016
Cook, K., L. Tronstad, and A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. Wood frog habitat selection and quality in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Sheridan, WY. November 2019
Cook, K., L. Tronstad, and A. Chalfoun. 2022. Habitat selection of an isolated population of the wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) in Wyoming. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society annual meeting, Jackson, WY. April 2022
Cook, K., L. Tronstad, and A. Chalfoun. 2020. Wood Frog Habitat Selection and Quality in the Bighorn Mountains of Wyoming. Annual Meeting of the Colorado Partners in Reptile and Amphibian Conservation. Longmont, CO. February 2020
Cook, K., L. Tronstad, and A. Chalfoun. 2020. Habitat Selection of a Relictual Amphibian Population Threatened by Disease. Annual meeting of the Colorado/Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Laramie, WY. February 2020
Chalfoun, Anna, Lindsey Sanders, and Tayler Scherr. 2018. Thy neighbors matter: An experimental test of the prey site partitioning hypothesis. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ. April 2018
Chalfoun, Anna D., Matthew G. Hethcoat, and Lindsey E. Sanders. 2017. Natural gas fields as ecological traps for nesting birds. Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, East Lansing, MI, USA. August 2017
Chalfoun, A.,D., L. E. Sanders, and L. E. Hall. 2024. GOLDILOCKS EFFECTS OF TEMPERATURE AND PRECIPITATION ON SAGEBRUSH SONGBIRD REPRODUCTIVE SUCCESS. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. October 2024
Chalfoun, A., M. Hethcoat, and L. Sanders. 2024. SPATIOTEMPORAL VARIATION IN SAGEBRUSH SONGBIRD DEMOGRAPHY ACROSS HABITAT AND DISTURBANCE GRADIENTS. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO. October 2024
Chalfoun, A., M. Hethcoat, and L. Sanders. 2017. Natural gas fields as ecological traps for nesting birds. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December, 2017. December 2017
Chalfoun, A., M. Gilbert, M. Hethcoat, L. Sanders, and T. Scherr. 2018. Are natural gas fields for the birds? An update on WLCI songbird research. WY-TWS and WLCI Joint Conference, Laramie, Wyoming. November 2018
Chalfoun, A., L. Sanders, and M. Hethcoat. 2022. Increased abundance of a synanthropic nest predator generates an ecological trap in an altered landscape. Gordon Research Conference, Predator-Prey Interactions, Lucca Italy. <b><br></b> October 2022
Chalfoun, A., L. Sanders, and L. E. Hall. 2024. The utility of long-term ecological data: A case study focused on the WLCI Songbird Project. Joint Meeting of the WLCI and Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, WY.<br><b> </b> April 2024
Chalfoun, A. D., Sanders, L. E., Scherr, T. M., and M. G. Hethcoat. 2019. Songbirds of the sagebrush sea: declines and mechanisms. American Ornithological Society Annual Meeting, Anchorage, AK. June 2019
Chalfoun, A. 2024. Sagebrush-associated songbirds in the GYE: Conservation challenges and insights. 16th Biennial Scientific Conference on the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, Big Sky, MT. September 2024
Carlisle, Jason D., Anna D. Chalfoun, Douglas A. Keinath, Kurt T. Smith, Jeffrey L. Beck, Melanie A. Murphy, Shannon E. Albeke. 2017. The Greater Sage-Grouse as a conservation surrogate: Where are the holes in the umbrella? Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, East Lansing, MI, USA. August 2017
Carlisle, J., L. Hall, A. Chalfoun, K. Carr, and L. Sanders. 2017. Sage Thrashers raise the roof: Does an augmented nest structure conceal the nest from predators, or improve its microclimate? Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December, 2017. December 2017
Carlin, M., and A. Chalfoun. 2018. Status of songbird species within western Wyoming gas fields following another decade of development. WY-TWS and WLCI Joint Meeting, Laramie, WY. November 2018
Carlin, M., A. D. Chalfoun. 2019. Long-term responses of sagebrush songbirds to energy development. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Sheridan, WY. November 2019
Carl Brown and Anna Chalfoun. 2016. Temporal changes in snow and tundra use by an alpine-obligate passerine. 2016. Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, Wyoming. November 2016
Carl Brown and Anna Chalfoun. 2015. Distribution of an alpine-obligate passerine in relation to habitat and snowpack. Joint WLCI and Wyoming TWS meeting, Lander, WY, 1-3 December, 2015. December 2015
Browne, M., E. Donadio, and A. Chalfoun. 2024. Disentangling the effects of trophic cascades by top predators on the reproductive success of birds in the Argentinian Patagonia. Joint Meeting of the WLCI and Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, WY.<br><b> </b> April 2024
Brown, C., and A. Chalfoun. 2018. Temporal changes in snow and tundra use by an alpine-obligate passerine. WY-TWS and WLCI Joint Meeting, Laramie, WY. November 2018
Brown, C., and A. Chalfoun. 2017. Temporal changes in snow and tundra use by an alpine-obligate passerine. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December, 2017. December 2017
Brittany Wagler, Lindsey Sanders, and Anna Chalfoun. 2016. Do reclaimed areas within natural gas fields augment small mammal body condition and abundance? Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, Wyoming. November 2016
Breiner, M., A. Walters, and A. Chalfoun. 2023. Investigating the influence of breeding habitat and disease on a declining population of Boreal Toads. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 2023. March 2023
Breiner, M., A. Walters, W. Estes-Zumpf, and A. Chalfoun. 2023. Independent and interactive effects of habitat and disease on a declining amphibian. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. April 2023
Breiner, M., A. Chalfoun, and A. Walters. 2024. Investigation of Boreal Toad habitat use in western Wyoming. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 2024. February 2024
Barrile, G., A.D. Chalfoun, and A. Walters. 2016. Boreal toad habitat selection and survival in relation to grazing intensity and disease prevalence. CO/WY AFS meeting, Laramie, WY. March 2016
Barrile, G., A. Walters, and A. Chalfoun. 2020. Buy high, sell low: an ecological investment strategy for population stability in a wild amphibian. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting 2020. February 2020
Barrile, G., A. D. Chalfoun, and A. Walters. 2019. Does habitat disturbance reduce breeding site fidelity of boreal toads in western Wyoming? Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Sheridan, WY. November 2019
Barrile, G., A. Chalfoun, and A. Walters. 2018. Integrating count and capture-recapture data across multiple life-stages to model population dynamics of boreal toads in western Wyoming. WY-TWS and WLCI Joint Meeting, Laramie, WY. November 2018
Barrile, G., A. Chalfoun, and A. Walters. 2018. Habitat use and body temperature influence Boreal Toad disease risk in Western Wyoming. Colorado-Wyoming Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, Wyoming. February 2018
Barrile, G., A. Chalfoun and A. Walters. 2017. Boreal toad habitat selection in relation to livestock grazing and disease prevalence. Joint Meeting of the CO/WY/UT Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Grand Junction, CO. February 2017
Barrile, G., A. Chalfoun,, and A. Walters. 2017. Habitat use and body temperature influence boreal toad disease risk in western Wyoming. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Jackson, WY, 5-7 December 2017. December 2017
Ashleigh Rhea, Jason Carlisle, Anna Chalfoun. 2016. Variation in nestling size in three species of sagebrush songbirds. Annual Meeting of the Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Cody, Wyoming. November 2016
Anna D. Chalfoun, Matthew G. Hethcoat, Tracey N. Johnson Lindsey E. Sanders. 2015. Mechanisms underlying effects of energy development on wildlife: An update on WLCI songbird research. Joint Wyoming TWS and WLCI meeting, Lander, WY, 1-3 December, 2015. December 2015
Technical Publications Publication Date
2013 Annual Report - Effects of Wind Energy Development on Breeding Grassland Birds July 2013
2012 Annual Report - Mechanistic Study of Songbird Energy Development Impacts June 2012
2012 Annual Report - Effects of Wind Energy Development on Breeding Grassland Birds. July 2012
2012 Annual - The Effectiveness of Sage-Grouse Core Areas as an Umbrella for Non-Game Species March 2013
2011 Annual Report - Mechanistic Study of Songbird Energy Development Impacts June 2011
2011 Annual Report - Effects of Wind Energy Development on Breeding Grassland Birds June 2011