Wyoming Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Yellowstone Climate Change Briefing. Presented summary of research on climate change and ungulates funded by the USGS National Climate Change and Wildlife Science Center. Presentation given to staff of USGS Northern Rocky Mountain Science Center, Yellowstone National Park as well as Tom Armstrong (Director, USGS Global Change Program) and Kit Batten (Science Advisor to Deputy Secretary of the Interior). July 22-23, 2009. US Geological Survey |
July 2009 | |
Status of sturgeon chub in Powder River, Wyoming Biodiversity Conservation Alliance |
Hubert | July 2009 |
Served on US Geological Survery Research Grade Evaluation panel. Fall 2008. US Geological Survey |
June 2009 | |
Served as local organizer of the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative Science Workshop, on the campus of Univ of WY, May 15-18, 2007. Organized and led panel on Wildlife and Livestock Responses to Energy Development. |
Kauffman | May 2007 |
Representing the WY Coop Unit on the USGS Steering Committee of the Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative |
Kauffman | January 2007 |
Presented progress report to DoD Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program entitled:
A Risk Assessment Framework for Defining Scientifically Defensible Recovery Goals For Listed Species. Washington D.C. |
Kauffman | February 2007 |
Peer Reviewer for: Proposed Revision of Special Regulation for the Central Idaho and Yellowstone Area Nonessential Experimental Populations of Gray Wolves in the Northern Rocky Mountains. Federal Register 72:36942-36949. Friday, July 6, 2007 |
Kauffman | August 2007 |
Peer Reviewer for GREATER SAGE-GROUSE POPULATION TRENDS: AN ANALYSIS OF LEK COUNT DATABASES by Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. |
Kauffman | August 2008 |
Organized and led Cooperative Research Unit workshop (mini-hands) on strategies for the development of transboundary research projects. Salt Lake City, Utha, June 01, 2009. Cooperative Research Unit Program |
April 2009 | |
Options for burbot management in Wyoming. Wyoming Game and Fish Department |
Hubert | March 2009 |
Member of the USGS Ecological Assessment Science Team charged with writing a White Paper on ecological assessments involving energy and wildlife. |
Kauffman | August 2007 |
Member of planning committee for WLCI Science Workshop. Laramie, Wyoming, May 2009. US Geological Survey |
March 2009 | |
Identification of crayfish collected by Wyoming Game and Fish Department. Wyoming Game and Fish Department |
Hubert | August 2009 |
Assessment and advice regarding fish and habitat monitoring program with focus on razorback suckers. San Juan River Recovery Implementation Working Group |
Hubert | April 2009 |
Assessment and advice regarding fish and habitat monitoring program with focus on Colorado River pikeminnow. San Juan River Recovery Implementation Working Group |
Hubert | April 2009 |
Advised Wyoming Game and Fish Deparment Moose Working Group Re: statewide moose declines, May 05, 2009. Wyoming Game and Fish Department |
April 2009 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Zoology and Physiology Informal Funds Manager | Walters | January 2017 | Present |
Wildlife and Fisheries Management Curriculum committee | Walters | January 2012 | Present |
Search committee - Zoology and Physiology Department | Walters | September 2013 | May 2014 |
Search committee - Zoology and Physiology Department | Walters | October 2012 | May 2013 |
Search Committee - Zoology and Physiology | Walters | August 2017 | May 2018 |
Program in Ecology Steering Committee | Walters | January 2016 | January 2020 |
Program in Ecology Seminar Committee | Walters | August 2012 | May 2014 |
Program in Ecology Finance Committee | Walters | January 2022 | Present |
Member, Seminar Committee of the Program in Ecology | Kauffman | April 2007 | Present |
Member, Search Committee, University of Wyoming, Renewable Resources | Kauffman | October 2006 | April 2007 |
Member, FoSTER Committee for Ecological Observatory | Kauffman | April 2008 | Present |
Member, College Summer Independent Study Committee, University of Wyoming | Kauffman | September 2009 | Present |
Member, Absaroka Divide Working Group | Kauffman | July 2007 | Present |
Member of UW-NPS research station task force | Walters | August 2019 | Present |
Coordinator, Coordinator; Fish, Wildlife, and Ecology Seminar | Hubert | August 1990 | September 2008 |
Chair, Assistant Leader for Fisheries, Search Committee | Hubert | June 2009 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
USGS RGE Panel member | Walters | June 2020 | June 2020 |
Steering Committee Member, Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative, U.S. Geological Survey | Kauffman | November 2008 | Present |
RGE panel participant | Walters | November 2016 | November 2016 |
Member, Science and Technical Advisory Committee, Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative, U.S. Geological Survey | Kauffman | September 2007 | Present |
Member, Science Team, Wyoming Landscape Conservation Initiative, U.S. Geological Survey | Kauffman | November 2006 | Present |
Grant Reviewer, National Geographic Society | Kauffman | November 2011 | November 2011 |
Faculty mentor, Women's Flyfishing club | Walters | January 2017 | January 2020 |
Faculty mentor, American Fisheries Society Univeristy of Wyoming Student Sub-unit | Walters | August 2013 | Present |
Dry Rivers Research Coordination Member | Walters | March 2021 | Present |
Cooperative Research Unit Safety Committee Member | Walters | July 2023 | Present |
Co-PI Fish-flow Powell working group | Walters | May 2019 | Present |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Wyoming State Science Fair judge | Walters | March 2013 |
Wyoming Naturalist Program Instructor | Walters | May 2021 |
Wyoming Land Conservation Initiative Field Briefing in Rock Springs and Pinedale Wyoming to USGS Central Region Director, Science Coordinator and BRD Program Director | Kauffman | March 2008 |
Wildlife outfitters in Wyoming are hurting because of the declining moose population. They depend on big game hunters for their livelihood. These businesses typically blame the reintroduction of wolves to the area as well as the states exploding grizzly bear population for the moose decline. But a decade-long drought in the region may be to blame. | Kauffman | November 2011 |
UW study finds songbird declines in high-density well sites. | Chalfoun | October 2011 |
Talk for Issak Walton League on "Resistance of resilience of aquatic communities to low flow disturbance". | Walters | February 2013 |
Talk entitled "Wildlife dynamics and impacts: research experience and future directions" given to the Wyoming Game and Fish Department's Wildlife Supervisors Meeting, Medicine Bow, WY. | Kauffman | September 2006 |
Talk entitled "Evaluating the influence of bottom-up and top-down control of Shiras moose demography in the Jackson Herd Unit", given to the board of the Teton County Conservation District, Jackson, WY. | Kauffman | July 2007 |
Study: Drilling Ramps Up and Sagebrush Songbirds Decline. | Chalfoun | October 2011 |
Study shows songbirds are struggling. | Chalfoun | October 2011 |
Science Fair Judge | Walters | February 2020 |
Research update on Absaroka Elk Ecology Project given to the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission, January 29, 2009. | Kauffman | January 2009 |
Panelist, Conservation Leaders Panel, Wyoming Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Sheridan, Wyoming. November 20, 2008. | Kauffman | November 2008 |
Panelist, Research Partnership Panel. Forest and Plains Research Symposium, University of Wyoming. Laramie, Wyoming. March 09, 2009. | Kauffman | March 2009 |
Organized and lead panel on wolf-moose interactions. North American Moose Conference, Pocatello, ID. June 14, 2009. | Kauffman | June 2009 |
Led workshop on alpine lakes for high school students as part of Native American Summer Institute | Walters | June 2023 |
Led workshop for Native American Summer Institute | Walters | May 2019 |
Led workshop for Native American Summer Institute | Walters | May 2018 |
Keynote speaker. Are wolves really saving aspen? Beast Feast, Annual Fundraising Dinner for Student Chapter of Wyoming TWS. November 03, 2008. | Kauffman | November 2008 |
Host for two high school teachers for a week through EPSCoR K-12 EOD program | Walters | June 2018 |
Faculty of 1000 Biology: evaluation of Kauffman et al. 2007. Landscape heterogeneity shapes predation in a newly restored predator-prey system. Ecology Letters 10:690–700. http://f1000biology.com/guardpages/evaluation/1088360/ | Kauffman | July 2007 |