Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Wyoming
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Wyoming Project

Habitat attributes of northern long-eared bat maternity roosts in Wyoming

July 2018 - June 2023


Participating Agencies

  • Wyoming Game and Fish Department
  • Wyoming Game & Fish Department
  • Bat Conservation International

The northern long-eared bat (NLEB) has suffered catastrophic population losses in portions of its range with the arrival of white-nose syndrome, and is currently listed as a threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. ESA protections for the NLEB are partly centered on limiting disturbance to summer day roost trees which are critical as they provide shelter for females to raise their offspring. The habitat attributes preferred for female NLEBs for their roost sites, however, remain unknown for many parts of the range including within Wyoming. This project is in cooperation with the State of Wyoming (through a Governor's ESA fund grant), the U.S. Forest Service, and the Wyoming Natural Diversity Database. Results will contribute vital information for forest management practices geared towards forestalling further population declines of a threatened bat species.

Presentations Presentation Date
Whittle, E., I. Abernathy, and A. Chalfoun. 2023. SELECTION, PHENOLOGY, AND INTER-ANNUAL USE OF MATERNITY ROOSTS BY NORTHERN LONG-EARED BATS IN THE BLACK HILLS. Wyoming Chapter of The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Laramie, WY. April 2023