Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Utah
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Utah Staff Member

Dr. Chad Teal

Habitat sampling on the Verde River, AZ.

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (435) 797 - 1878
Faculty Email:


Education Background:

I received my PhD at the University of Arizona where I investigated the development of YY Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis and Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus for means of invasive population eradication in the Southwest. Before coming to Arizona, I received my Master’s degree from the University of Miami where I researched aquaculture techniques of novel marine finfishes (Cobia Rachycentron canadum, Mahi Mahi Coryphaena hippurus, and Florida Pompano Trachinotus carolinus) for commercial enterprises. I then went onto build and become the Lead Educator and Technical Director of an off-grid floating environmental education center called the Miami Science Barge.

Research Emphasis:

My lab’s research focuses on fishes’ biology for the development and implementation of novel technologies and techniques for fisheries management and aquaculture. This includes exploiting the sexual biology and specific life histories of invasive species to assist traditional removal efforts, investigating sustainable aquaculture technologies and practices, and utilizing genomic methods to eradicate aquatic invasives and conserve threatened species. We often investigate fundamental biological and ecological questions to understand life history and demographic processes in native and invasive fish species. We conduct applied research which can be useful for natural resource agencies and private industries alike.

Areas of Expertise

Fisheries Management, Invasive Species

Taxon Groups Studied

Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish, Marine Fishes

Research Publications Publication Date
Tracy, E. E., M. J. Brouder, A. C. Iles, C. N. Teal and S. A. Bonar. 2024. Indices for Common North American Fishes. Pages 441 to 786 in S. A. Bonar, N Mercado-Silva, and K. L. Pope, editors. Standard methods to sample North American freshwater fishes. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland.
September 2024
Tracy, E. E, C. N. Teal, S. J. Ingram, C. J. Jenney, J. D. Grant, and S. A. Bonar. 2021. The Impact of COVID-19 on Freshwater Fisheries Fieldwork and Data Collection. Fisheries.

July 2021
Teal, C.N., Schill, D.J., Bauder, J.M., Fogelson, S.B., Fitzsimmons, K., Stewart, W.T., Culver, M. and Bonar, S.A., 2024. The effects of estradiol‐17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of Red Shiner and its use in the development of YY individuals. North American Journal of Aquaculture, 86(1), pp.110-129. January 2024
Teal, C. N., D. Katharine Coykendall, Matthew R. Campbell, Thomas A. Delomas, Daniel L. Eardley, John A. Erwin, Daniel J. Schill, Javan M. Bauder, Scott A. Bonar and Melanie Culver. 2023. The development of genetic sex identification markers and evidence of a male heterogametic sex determination system in Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis. North American Journal of Aquaculture 85:(1)74-86.
October 2022
Teal, C. N., D. J. Schill, S. B. Fogelson, C. M. Roberts, K. Fitzsimmons, J. M. Bauder, W. T. Stewart and S. A. Bonar. 2023. The effects of estradiol-17β on the sex reversal, survival, and growth of green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus. Aquaculture. 562, 738853
January 2023
Teal, C. N., D. J. Schill, S. B. Fogelson, C. M. Roberts, K. Fitzsimmons and S. A. Bonar 2022. Development of Aquaculture Protocols and Gonadal Differentiation of Green Sunfish (Lepomis cyanellus). Aquaculture 547 (2022) 737515

January 2022
Teal, C. N., D. J. Schill, S. B. Fogelson and S. A. Bonar. 2021. Development of aquaculture protocols and gonadal differentiation of Red Shiner
(Cyprinella lutrensis). North American Journal of Aquaculture. Early View.
January 2021
Fogelson, S. B., Yanong, R. P. E., Kane, A., Teal, C. N., Berzins, I. K., Smith, S. A., ... and A. Camus. 2015. Gross, histological and ultrastructural morphology of the aglomerular kidney in the lined seahorse Hippocampus erectus. Journal of Fish Biology, 87(3), 805-813. September 2015
Chad N. Teal, D. Katharine Coykendall, Matthew R. Campbell, Daniel L. Eardley, Thomas A. Delomas, Daniel J. Schill, Scott A. Bonar and Melanie Culver. 2022. Sex-specific markers undetected in green sunfish Lepomis cyanellus using restriction-site associated DNA sequencing. Journal of Fish Biology 100:1528-1540. April 2022
McKinney, Aric

Saporito, Phil

Wisniewski, Andrew

Presentations Presentation Date
Teal, C.N.,and D.J. Schill. YY Fish Overview. Gila River Basin Native Fishes Conservation Program- Annual Reporting Meeting. December 11, 2023. December 2023
Teal, C.N., Landguth, E., Day, C., Bauder, J., Bonar, S.A., Schill, D.J., Jenney, C.J., Blasius, H., and P. Reinthal. Simulations of YY red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis introductions for nuisance population mitigation in a Southwestern stream. ​Gila River Basin Native Fishes Conservation Program- Annual Reporting Meeting. December 11, 2023. December 2023
Teal, C.N., Landguth, E., Day, C., Bauder, J., Bonar, S.A., Schill, D.J., Jenney, C.J., Blasius, H., and P. Reinthal. Simulations of YY red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis introductions for nuisance population mitigation in a Southwestern stream. USU-UDWR Brown Bag Series, February 20, 2024. February 2024
Teal, C.N., Landguth, E., Day, C., Bauder, J., Bonar, S.A., Schill, D.J., Jenney, C.J., Blasius, H., and P. Reinthal. Simulations of YY red shiner Cyprinella lutrensis introductions for nuisance population mitigation in a Southwestern stream. 44th Researchers Meeting- Upper Colorado River Endangered Fish Recovery Program & San Juan River Basin Recovery Implementation Program. January 30, 2024. January 2024
Teal, C.N., 2023. YY Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis Spawning Viability, Fecundity, and Sex Ratios of Progeny. 56th Joint Annual Meeting, Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, Farmington, NM, February 2-4, 2023. February 2023
Teal, C.N., 2022. The development of YY Red Shiner (Cyprinella lutrensis) for invasive population control. USFWS Collaborative Conservation and Adaption Strategy Toolbox Webinar. Virtual, September 27, 2022. September 2022
Teal, C.N., 2022. The development of Trojan sex chromosome carrying Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus and Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis to control their nuisance populations. Dissertation Defense. Tucson, AZ, November C. Teal, C.V., page 8 14, 2022. November 2022
Teal, C.N. 2023. The development of Trojan Sex Chromosome Carrying (YY) Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus and Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis. YY Fish Consortium All-Hands Meeting. Phoenix, AZ, November 14, 2023. November 2023
Teal, C.N. 2023. Fisheries management and conservation through novel applications of aquaculture and genetics. Research Seminar. Logan, UT, March 17, 2023. March 2023
Teal, C.N. 2023. Fisheries Management and Conservation Through Novel Applications of Captive Population Research. Utah Division of Wildlife Resources’ 3 Species Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT, November 8, 2023. November 2023
Teal, C.N. 2022. The development of Trojan sex chromosome carrying Green Sunfish Lepomis cyanellus and Red Shiner Cyprinella lutrensis to control their nuisance populations. Gila River Basin Native Fish Program Technical Committee Meeting. Tucson, AZ, December 14, 2022. December 2022
Teal, C., T. Caplow, N. Manzano, A. Farina., G. Barrocas. 2018. The Miami Science Barge: Developing a Small-Scale, Portable Environmental Education Platform. 148th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 17-23. August 2018
Teal, C., S. Bonar, and D. Schill. 2020. Effects of estradiol-17β on the survival, growth, and sex reversal of Red Shiner <i>Cyprinella lutrensis</i>. The American Fisheries Society&#39;s 150th Annual Meeting-Virtual, September 14-25, 2020. September 2020
Teal, C., S. Bonar, and D. Schill. 2020. Effects of estradiol-17β on the survival, growth, and sex reversal of Red Shiner <i>Cyprinella lutrensis</i>. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting of Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the Wildlife Society and Arizona/New Mexico Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Prescott, AZ, January 31, 2020. January 2020
Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, and M. Culver. 2019. Developing trojan sex chromosome carriers (YY Males) to control nuisance fish populations in the Southwest. 52nd Joint Annual Meeting of the AZ/NM American Fisheries Society, AZ Chapter of The Wildlife Society, and NM Chapter of The Wildlife Society. Albuquerque, NM, February 7-9, 2019. February 2019
Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, and M. Culver. 2018. Developing trojan sex chromosome carriers (YY Males) to control nuisance fish populations in the Southwest. Gila River Basin Native Fish Program- Technical Committee Meeting, Silver City, NM, December 11-13, 2018. December 2018
Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, and M. Culver. 2018. Developing YY males to control nuisance fish populations in the Southwest. Arizona Native Fishes Conservation Team Statewide Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, November 8, 2018. November 2018
Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, and M. Culver. 2018. Developing YY males to control nuisance fish populations in the Southwest. 50th Annual Desert Fishes Council Meeting, Death Valley, California, November 14-18, 2018. November 2018
Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, and M. Culver. 2018. Developing YY males to control nuisance fish Populations in the Southwest. Colorado River Aquatic Invasive Species Task Force Meeting, Online, September 26, 2018. September 2018
Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, M. Culver, and K. Fitzsimmons. 2020. Developing trojan sex chromosome carriers (YY Males or ZZ females) to control nuisance fish populations in the Southwest. Annual AZ Cooperative Research Unit Cooperators Meeting. Phoenix, AZ, February 11, 2020. February 2020
Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, M. Culver, and K. Fitzsimmons. 2019. Developing trojan sex chromosomecarriers (YY Males or ZZ females) to control nuisance fish populations in the Southwest. Gila River BasinNative Fish Program- Technical Committee Meeting. Cottonwood, AZ, December 10, 2019. December 2019
Teal, C., S. Bonar, D. Schill, A. Erwin, and M. Culver. 2019. Developing trojan sex chromosome carriers (YY Males) to control nuisance fish populations in the Southwest. The American Fisheries Society's 149th Annual Meeting and Joint Conference with the Wildlife Society. Reno, NV, September 29 - October 3, 2019. September 2019
Teal, C., D. Schill, K. Coykendall, M. Campbell, S. Fogelson, T. Delmoas, J. Bauder, C. Roberts, D. Eardley, M. Culver, K. Fitzsimmons, and S. Bonar. 2022. The Development of YY Red Shiner (<i>Cyprinella Lutrensis</i>) for Invasive Population Control. 152nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Spokane, Washington. August 2022
Teal, C. N., S. Bonar and D. J. Schill. 2020. Effects of estradiol-17β on the survival, growth, and sex reversal of red shiner. American Fisheries Society Virtual Annual Meeting September 14-25. September 2020
Teal, C. N., S. A. Bonar, and D. J. Schill. 2020. Effects of estradiol-17 Beta on the survival, growth, and sex reversal of Red Shiner. 53rd Joint Annual Meeting, Arizona and New Mexico Chapters of the American Fisheries Society, January 30 - February 1, 2020. Prescott, Arizona. Student Presentation Award Winner. January 2020
Technical Publications Publication Date
Teal, C.N., Chow, S., Sutton, S., and D.D. Benetti. 2014a. Analysis of Japanese Seriola quinqueradiata (Hamachi) Aquaculture Sustainability. University of Miami Research Report Submitted to Japanese National Research Institute of Fisheries Science March 2014
Teal, C.N. 2016. The design and construction of a zero discharge,solar powered recirculating aquaculture system for the Miami Science Barge. Unpublished Masters Report. University of Miami Repository May 2016
Teal, C.N. 2014b. Offshore Aquaculture Site Selection for Seriola quinqueradiata (Hamachi) Cages in Southern Kyushu, Japan. University of Miami Research Report Submitted to Japanese National Research Institute of Fisheries Science. May 2014
Teal, C., and Diaz, L. (2024). Understanding Fish Habitat Selection Using Snorkel Surveys. River Field Studies Network, QUBES Educational Resources. doi:10.25334/6Q7X-6Q90 January 2024
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Desert Fishes Council - Member Teal September 2018 Present
American Fisheries Society - Website and Social Media Chairman, Arizona/New Mexico Chapter Teal February 2023 January 2024
American Fisheries Society - Newsletter Editor, Arizona/New Mexico Chapter Teal January 2018 February 2019
American Fisheries Society - Membership Chairman, Arizona/New Mexico Chapter Teal February 2020 February 2022