Headquarters Staff Member
Zachary Thomas Holcomb

Safety and Occupational Health Specialist
Phone: (571) 564 - 0402
Email: zholcomb@usgs.gov
I started my federal career with the US Forest Service in the Allegheny National Forest (Pennsylvania) directly after getting my bachelor's degree in environmental biology. After completing my temporary assignment with the US Forest Service, I began working with the USGS as a hydrologic technician in the Baton Rouge office within the Lower Mississippi Gulf Center. It was at this center where I started getting interested in watercraft safety.
After leaving Baton Rouge to work at the Kansas Water Science center, I devoted more time to safety by becoming the local CDSPC. I trained employees within the KSWSC on Non-Motorized Watercraft (NMOCC) safety and soon obtained an instructor certification for Motorized Watercraft Training (MOCC). My safety background is primarily water science field oriented, however as the CDSPC, I had experience working on and organizing PHAs, facility safety plans, chemical hygiene plans, internal facility audits, watercraft/trailer inspections, organizing Job Hazard Analyses, and answering basic safety questions.
For the Cooperative Research Units, I will be helping with necessary safety training, facility assistance visits, and organizing the safety program.