Woller, D. U., Y. Shi, W. A. Larson, and J.J. Homola. 2023. Environmental influences on adaptive genomic variation of Lake Michigan’s lake whitefish. 52nd Annual Wisconsin Chapter American Fisheries Society Meeting. Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
February 2023
This work identified environmental influences of lake whitefish genetic structure.
Woiak, Z., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, and M.J. Jennings. January 2014. Realized genetic consequences of implementing conservation genetics practices in a muskellunge propagation program. 74th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.
January 2014
In 2005, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' muskellunge Esox masquinongy propagation program underwent a series of revisions aimed at conserving genetic diversity. Changes were made primarily to ensure natural muskellunge diversity was represented in brood fish and crossing and rearing strategies were refined to minimize changes in genetic diversity throughout the propagation process. To evaluate these revisions, we determined if new crossing and rearing protocols resulted in impr
Woiak, Z., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, and M.J. Jennings. February 2014. Realized genetic consequences of implementing conservation genetics practices in a muskellunge propagation program. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2014
In 2005, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' muskellunge Esox masquinongy propagation program underwent a series of revisions aimed at conserving genetic diversity. Changes were made primarily to ensure natural muskellunge diversity was represented in brood fish and crossing and rearing strategies were refined to minimize changes in genetic diversity throughout the propagation process. Improvements in the program's representation of native diversity throughout the rearing process w
Woiak, Z., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, and M.J. Jennings. February 2013. Genetic diversity of hatchery-reared muskellunge: impacts of propagation practices. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
Conserving genetic resources within and among native, natural reproducing populations is a priority for sustainable fisheries management programs and, more specifically, fish propagation programs. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) propagation program has implemented a comprehensive set of recommendations to conserve genetic diversity at the hatchery- and stock-level. Targets for broodstock numbers, mating strategies, and hatchery rearing strategies w
Witzel, Z. J., and D. A. Isermann. 2016. Relative precision of northern pike ages estimated from multiple calcified structures: preliminary results from an ongoing statewide evaluation. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
We are working towards developing recommendations for biologists that are interested in estimating the age and growth of northern pike for management purposes.
Wilson, C., W. Stott, L. Miller, and B.L. Sloss. August 2004. Standardization of genetic markers and databases for coaster brook trout in Lake Superior. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Willis, D. W., and D. A. Isermann. 2014. Finding That First Academic Position, Future of Fisheries: Perspectives for Emerging Professionals Symposium. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2014
Obtaining an academic position in fisheries is a challenge because competition for these positions is intense, but effective, dedicated fisheries professionals who enjoy mentoring future professionals are still needed. To be competitive for these positions, students must be persistent and actively seek opportunities that provide experience in teaching, research, and service.
Williamson, L.E., and M.A. Bozek. January 2007. Assessing quality of spawning habitat for walleye (Sander vitreus) based on habitat characteristics in two northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Wisconsin Chapter. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2007
Williamson, L.E., and M.A. Bozek. December 2006. Predicting walleye spawning potential in a north temperate lake. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Williamson, L.E., M.A. Bozek, J.K. Raabe, and H.B. Benike. December 2005. An evaluation of walleye (Sander vitreous) spawning potential in north temperate lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Williamson, C.W., M.A. Bozek, and M.J. Jennings. December 2006. Tournament-associated mortality and effects of culling in Wisconsin black bass tournaments. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Williamson, C.W., M.A. Bozek, B.L. Sloss, and M.J. Jennings. January 2007. Tournament-associated mortality and the effects of culling in Wisconsin black bass (Micropterus spp) tournaments. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Wisconsin Chapter. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2007
Wilkinson, M. V., D. Dembkowski, S. Shaw, G. Sass, J. Mrnak, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Evaluation of fish community production and variable predator abundance effects on prey species in northern Wisconsin lakes. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, January 28-31, 2024.
January 2024
Many fish communities in northern Wisconsin are shifting towards warm-water species dominance, and the effects of this change are still relatively understudied. Identifying constraints to the productive potential of culturally and recreationally important fish species, such as walleye, will help managers prioritize specific actions to rebalance fish communities.
Wilkinson, M. V., D. Dembkowski, S. Shaw, G. Sass, J. Mrnak, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Evaluating shifts in fish community production and predator abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes with different walleye recruitment histories. 53rd Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Conference, Green Bay, Wisconsin, January 23-25, 2024
January 2024
Many fish communities in northern Wisconsin are shifting towards warm-water species dominance, and the effects of this change are still relatively understudied. Identifying constraints to the productive potential of culturally and recreationally important fish species, such as walleye, will help managers prioritize specific actions to rebalance fish communities.
Wherley, P.J., and M.A. Bozek. April 2011. Sustainable recruitment of coarse woody structure along lakes: an assessment. Speaking for Lakes: 33rd Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
April 2011
Wherley, P.J., M.A. Bozek, J.E. Cook, and N.T. Scribner. December 2010. Assessing the sustainable recruitment of coarse woody structure from riparian areas to littoral zones of north temperate lakes in Wisconsin. 71st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2010
Wherely, P.J., M.A. Bozek, J.E. Cook, and N.T. Scribner. March 2010. Forecasting and mapping recruitment of coarse woody structure from riparian areas to littoral zones of north temperate lakes in Wisconsin. 32nd Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
March 2010
Wherely, P.J., M.A. Bozek, J.E. Cook, and N.T. Scribner. December 2009. Forecasting and mapping recruitment of coarse woody structure from riparian areas to littoral zones of north temperate lakes in Wisconsin. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
Westbrook, L.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.J. Jennings. December 2011. Rock bass, johnny darters, walleye and muskellunge: a multi-species approach to identifying genetic management units. 72nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2011
Westbrook, L.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.J. Jennings. December 2009. Genetic structure of non-game fish species: implications for fisheries management. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
Westbrook, L.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.J. Jennings. February 2011. Genetic structure of surrogate species and its use in sportfish management in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
February 2011
Westbrook, L.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.J. Jennings. December 2010. Genetic structure of surrogate species and fish management in Wisconsin. 71st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2010
Wegleitner, E.J., D.A. Isermann, and K. Schnell. February 2015. Comparison of calcified structures and processing methods used to estimate largemouth bass ages. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
In Wisconsin, most fisheries managers utilize scales for age estimation of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, but previous studies have shown that scale-based age estimates are not reliable, especially for older largemouth bass. Determining if dorsal spines offer another non-lethal alternative for estimating largemouth bass age will be useful to biologists.
Wegleitner, E., D. Isermann, and J. Kerns. August 2016. Wild Age-0 salmonid abundance and outmigration in Wisconsin tributaries to Lake Michigan. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
Our research will give fisheries managers a greater understanding of the level of salmonid natural reproduction in Lake Michigan tributaries, as well as their contribution to salmonid populations in Lake Michigan.
Wegleitner, E., D. Isermann, N. Legler, and P. Hirethota. February 2017. Wild Age-0 Salmonid Abundance and Outmigration in Wisconsin Tributaries to Lake Michigan. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Our research will give fisheries managers a greater understanding of the level of salmonid natural reproduction in Lake Michigan tributaries, as well as their contribution to salmonid populations in Lake Michigan.
Wegleitner, E. and D. Isermann. February 2016. On the screen or through the scope: is there a difference when estimating ages of largemouth bass and walleyes from sectioned otoliths and dorsal spines? Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
Our work will allow fishery managers to determine if differences in viewing methods affect age estimates for two important fish species.
Waterhouse, M.D., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. February 2011. Demographics, stocking, and the genetic characteristics of walleye populations in northern Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
February 2011
Waterhouse, M.D., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. December 2010. Influence of management and population dynamics on the genetic characteristics of Wisconsin walleye populations. 71st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2010
Waterhouse, M., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. December 2009. The effects of population dynamics and genetic diversity on Wisconsin walleye. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
W. Larson. Novemeber 2018. Sturgeon genetics in Wisconsin. WDNR Fisheries Biologist and Supervisor Meeting, Green Bay, WI.
November 2018
Sturgeon are an iconic game fish across the Midwest including in Wisconsin. We used microsatellite genotypes to define conservation units for sturgeon in Wisconsin.
Vasquez, B. R., D. J. Dembkowski, O. P. Jensen, S. L. Shaw, G. G. Sass, Q. Smith, H. S. Embke, M. J. V. Zanden, Z. S. Feiner, J. T. Mrnak, G. J.A. Hansen, D. A. Isermann. August 2023. Empirical evaluation of walleye thermal-optical habitat in northern Wisconsin lakes. 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan
August 2023
This project will help determine if thermal-optical habitat varies among Wisconsin lakes with different walleye population trends, which could help identify lakes where walleye populations are likely to persist into the future. Furthermore, this project may assess whether previous modeling of thermal-optical habitat correctly describes habitat use or preference of walleye in northern Wisconsin.
VanDeHey, J.A., B.L. Sloss, T.M. Sutton, P.J. Peeters, and P.J. Schneeberger. December 2006. Lake Michigan lake whitefish stock structure. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
VanDeHey, J.A., B.L. Sloss, T.M. Sutton, P.J. Peeters, and P.J. Schneeberger. December 2005. Stock structure identification of lake Michigan lake whitefish using microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
VanDeHey, J.A., B.L. Sloss, T.M. Sutton, P. Peeters, and P. Schneeberger. December 2007. Genetic structure among Lake Michigan's lake whitefish spawning aggregates. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
VanDeHey, J., and B.L. Sloss. January 2007. Genetic structure among Lake Michigan?s lake whitefish spawning aggregates. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2007
Turnquist, K., W. Larson, and J. Gerbyshak. March 2017. Genetic Contribution of Leech Lake Muskellunge in Lake Wissota, WI. 46th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Stocking of Leech Lake strain muskellunge has occurred in several Wisconsin waters by private organizations. This research will help aid decision makers with future management and supplementation strategies of muskellunge on Lake Wissota, WI.
Turnquist, K., W. Larson, C.R. Bronte, S.D. Hanson, W. Stott, and B.L. Sloss. May 2017. Genetic Heritage of Naturally Produced Lake Trout in Lake Michigan. International Association for Great Lakes Research. Detroit, Michigan.
May 2017
The determination of Lake Trout strains responsible for observed natural reproduction in Lake Michigan will help guide future restoration and stocking efforts.
Turnquist K., W. Larson, D. Simpkins, B. Sloss. January 2018. Development of eDNA techniques for endangered mussels. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Mussels are an important component of the freshwater food web, and many species are threatened or endangered throughout their range. We are developing molecular techniques to detect these species using water samples so that areas containing mussels can be prioritized for conservation.
Turnquist K., L. Werner, B. Sloss, P. Doruska, T. Barta, and K. Russell. October 17, 2011. Changes In Soil Microbial Communities and Biomass Along a Temporal Urbanization Gradient. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, Texas.
October 2011
Traynor, D., S. Sitar, M. Seider, and D. Isermann. Quality assurance and control in a Great Lakes age assessment program. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
Our work will provide a better understanding of how to develop reference collections which are important for quality control in fish age assessment programs.
Tingley III, R. W., J. Hansen, D. Isermann, D. Fulton, A. Musch, and C. Paukert. 2019. It’s complicated: Characterizing Wisconsin angler preferences for largemouth bass, bluegill, and walleye fisheries in inland lakes. 79th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH. Poster presentation.
January 2019
Wisconsin anglers prefer quality fisheries with moderate size-structure and catch rates regardless of species, but largemouth bass fishery characteristics are more important to non-residents than residents. In addition, bluegill are a major driver of angler choice and the retention of quality bluegill fisheries is essential to maintaining angler participation if climate changes results in regional declines in walleye fisheries.
Thortenson, A., R. Crunkilton, M.A. Bozek, and N. Turyk. March 2010. Shoreline habitat requirements of the milfoil weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei; McDill Pond, Portage County, WI. American Water Resources Association Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin.
March 2010
Thortenson, A., R. Crunkilton, M.A. Bozek, and N. Turyk. March 2010. Shoreline habitat requirements of the milfoil weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei; McDill Pond, Portage County, WI. 32nd Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
March 2010
Thorstenson, A.L., R.L. Crunkilton, and M.A. Bozek. April 2011. What weevils want: managing your shoreland for biological control of eurasian water-milfoil. Speaking for Lakes: 33rd Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
April 2011
Thorstenson, A.L., R.L. Crunkilton, and M.A. Bozek. November 2010. Shoreline habitat requirements of the native milfoil weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei, in Portage County, Wisconsin. 2010 MN WI Invasive Species Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota.
November 2010
Thorstenson, A.L., R.L. Crunkilton, M.A. Bozek, and N. Turyk. July 2010. Overwintering habitat requirements of the native milfoil weevil, Euhrychiopsis lecontei, in McDill Pond, Portage County, Wisconsin. 50th Annual Aquatic Plant Management Society Meeting. Bonita Springs, Florida.
July 2010
Thometz, A.M., M.G. Mitro, and J.J. Homola. 2023. Reproductive success of early generation and domestic Brook Trout in Wisconsin. 52nd Annual Wisconsin Chapter American Fisheries Society Meeting. Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
February 2023
This work is helped to optimize brook trout stocking strategies.
Sullivan, C.J., K. Schnell, D.A. Isermann, and J. Hansen. January 2018. Potential for reducing largemouth bass abundance in Wisconsin lakes using angler harvest. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
The completion of this project will help researchers predict the response of largemouth bass populations to changes in harvest regulations as well as fishing pressures in northern latitude lakes.
Sullivan, C.J., H. Embke, K.M. Perales, S. Carpenter, M.J. Vander Zanden, Z.J. Lawson, and D. Isermann. January 2018. Effects of centrarchid removal on Walleye (Sander vitreus) recruitment in a northern Wisconsin lake. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
The completion of this project will help researchers further understand the mechanisms regulating Walleye recruitment by experimentally manipulating a fish community.
Straus, Fong, Scribner, Brenden, Robinson, Johnson, Homola. September 2024. Developing a GT-seq microhaplotype panel to enable genetic monitoring of sea lamprey.
September 2024
We developed primers for genotyping sea lamprey larvae to support ongoing monitoring efforts. This talk highlights the process of primer design for a tool that is rapidly gaining popularity.
Straus, Fong, Homola, Scribner, Johnson, Brenden, and Robinson. January 2024. Estimating the number of spawning sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) within streams using genetic pedigree reconstruction. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota
January 2024
As part of the monitoring effort for the supplemental controls program, we reconstructed the pedigrees of larval sea lamprey to estimate the effective number of breeders and number of successful spawners in experimental streams. We detected sibling groups across years, allowing us to gather important demographic data, and found signals of the effects of control efforts.
Stott, W.L., J.A. VanDeHey, and B.L. Sloss. 2010. Genetic diversity of lake whitefish in
Lakes Michigan and Huron; sampling, standardization, and research priorities. 140th Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA.
September 2010
Stott, W., J.A. VanDeHey, and B.L. Sloss. September 2010. Genetic diversity of lake whitefish in lakes Michigan and Huron: sampling, standardization and research priorities. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
September 2010
Stott, W., H. Quinlan, and B.L. Sloss. 2007. Genetic origins of brook trout from streams in Wisconsin and Michigan. The 2007 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Madison, WI.
December 2007
Stoffregen, J.R., M.A. Bozek, K.J. Kohler, and A.P. Janicki. December 2007. Extent of use of north temperate lake littoral zone by fishes in north central North America. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Stoffregen, J.R., M.A. Bozek, K.J. Kohler, and A. Janicke. December 2008. A synopsis of littoral zone habitat in lakes of the upper mid-western United States relative to fish species associations. 69th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Columbus, Ohio.
December 2008
Stephens, T.J. and M.A. Bozek. January 2001. Woody and grassy riparian vegetation. Agriculture Ecosystems Research Group Annual Winter Meeting. Madison, Wisconsin. Invited presentation.
January 2001
Stephens, T., M.A. Bozek, J. Lyons, and D. Undersander. December 2000. Effects of riparian area management on stream habitat and fish communities in central and southwest Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Stephens, T., M.A. Bozek, J. Lyons, and D. Undersander. December 1999. Managing grazing in riparian areas to control woody vegetation: evaluating benefits to stream systems in Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Stephens, T. M.A. Bozek, J. Lyons, and D. Undersander. August 2000. Effects of riparian area management on stream channel structure and fish communities. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Stanley, E.H., T. Pellett, D.W. Marshall, T.R. Larson, M.A. Bozek, and T. Bainbridge. December 1999. Dam removal in the Baraboo River, Wisconsin: a multidisciplinary research project. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
January 1999
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. January 2024. Spatial Variation in Time to Reach Preferred Length and Within-Lake Variation in PSD for Bluegill Populations in the Midwestern USA. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
This research will help in selecting and evaluating harvest regulations for bluegill in the Midwestern USA as well as provide guidance on using PSD to describe size structure, which is the most commonly used metric for making bluegill management decisions.
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. January 2022. Bluegill growth and size structure in the midwestern USA: Predictive models and benchmarks for fisheries management. 82nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
February 2022
This research will help determine if a suite of abiotic and biotic factors explain spatial variation in bluegill growth and size structure across the Midwestern USA and will provide growth standards that will allow fisheries managers to categorize bluegill growth within the region.
Stankowski, D. S., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, Z. S. Feiner, and O. P. Jensen. February 2022. Bluegill Growth and Size Structure in the Midwestern USA: Predictive Models and Benchmarks for Fisheries Management. Wisconsin Chapter—American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Virtual.
February 2022
This research will help determine if a suite of abiotic and biotic factors explain spatial variation in bluegill growth and size structure across the Midwestern USA and will provide growth standards that will allow fisheries managers to categorize bluegill growth within the region.
Spude, B.T., B.L. Sloss, E.L. Murphy, and M. Jennings. December 2007. Delineation of muskellunge genetic structure in northern Wisconsin. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Spude, B.T., B.L. Sloss, E. Murphy, and M. Jennings. February 2008. Genetic structure of muskellunge in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Wausau, Wisconsin.
February 2008
Spude, B.T., B.L. Sloss, E. Murphy, and M. Jennings. December 2008. Wisconsin muskellunge genetic stock structure and management implications. 69th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Columbus, Ohio.
December 2008
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' (WDNR) muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) management goals include preserving the genetic integrity of naturally reproducing populations. Genetic stock identification showed high levels of intrapopulation genetic diversity and significant structuring among populations consistent with two to three major regions (AMOVA p < 0.0001): an eastern Wisconsin group (upper Wisconsin River, headwaters of the Chippewa River, and eastern south shore of Lake Superio
Spude, B.T., B.L. Sloss, E. Murphy, and M. Jennings. 2008. Genetic structure of muskellunge in Wisconsin. 138th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
August 2008
Spude, B.T, B.L. Sloss, E. Murphy, and M. Jennings. February 2009. Muskellunge genetic stock structure in northern Wisconsin and implications for management. Joint meeting of the Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ontario American Fisheries Society Chapters. Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2009
Spear, S.F., M. Kozaczek, T. Untiedt, P. Albosta, C. Jungbluth, J.J. Homola, E. Barnhart, and C. Merkes. 2023. Testing the efficacy of multiple rapid DNA extraction methods for point of use eDNA workflows. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky.
November 2023
Point-of-use species detection methods may improve efficacy of invasive species early detection and rapid response. This research aims to develop methods to move DNA-based species detection from the laboratory and into the field, enabling real-time decision making for invasive species prevention and mitigation.
Sonsthagen, S.A., R.N. Rosenfield, J. Bielefeldt, R.K. Murphy, A.C. Stewart, W.E. Stout, T.G. Driscoll, M.A. Bozek, B.L. Sloss, and S.L. Talbot. October 2011. Genetic and morphological divergence among Cooper’s hawk populations breeding in north-central and western North America. 2011 Annual Meeting of the Raptor Research Foundation. Duluth, Minnesota.
October 2011
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Bruch, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. Using side-scan sonar to assess habitat use of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Wisconsin American Fisheries Society. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
This work is important because little is known about sub-adult lake sturgeon and their habitat use. Understanding habitat use by sub-adult fish will improve lake sturgeon assessment by allowing biologists to better evaluate recruitment dynamics and identify critical habitat.
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Bruch, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. August 2014. Using side-scan sonar to assess habitat use of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Wolf River, Wisconsin. National American Fisheries Society. Québec City, Québec Canada.
August 2014
This work is important because little is known about sub-adult lake sturgeon and their habitat use. Understanding habitat use by sub-adult fish will improve lake sturgeon assessment by allowing biologists to better evaluate recruitment dynamics and identify critical habitat.
Snobl, Z., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. Raabe. Habitat use and movement of sub-adult lake sturgeon in the Lower Wolf River, Wisconsin. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
October 2015
This work is important because little is known about sub-adult lake sturgeon and their habitat use. Understanding habitat use and movement by sub-adult fish will improve lake sturgeon assessment by allowing biologists to better evaluate recruitment dynamics and identify critical habitat.
Sloss, B.L., and N. Billington. September 2011. Molecular phylogenetics and hybridization of Sander: implications for effective management. American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington.
September 2011
Sloss, B.L., and D.C. Rowe. September 2011. The genetic legacy of reintroduced Green Bay muskellunge. American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington.
September 2011
Sloss, B.L., W. Stott, K.T. Scribner, and C. Wilson. August 2012. The role of molecular genetics in fisheries management in the Great Lakes Region. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Paul, Minnesota.
August 2012
Sloss, B.L., T.M. Sutton, P.J. Peeters, and P.J. Schneeberger. March 2004. Stock structure and population dynamics of lake whitefish in northern Lake Michigan and Green Bay. Great Lakes Fisheries Commission Board of Technical Experts. Romulus, Michigan.
March 2004
Sloss, B.L., R.P. Franckowiak, and R. Klumb. December 2006. Genetic management and paddlefish propagation in the Upper Missouri River. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Sloss, B.L., R.P. Franckowiak, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. 2003. Temporal genetic stability in a northern Wisconsin walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) population. NCD-AFS Annual Walleye Technical Committee Meeting. Wausau, WI.
July 2003
Sloss, B.L., R.P. Franckowiak, E. Heist, and R. Klumb. February 2009. Management of genetic diversity in paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) populations and propagation. Aquaculture America 2009. Seattle, Washington.
February 2009
Sloss, B.L., R. Franckowiak, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. August 2003. Temporal Genetic Stability of Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) in Escanaba Lake. 133rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2003
Sloss, B.L., R. Franckowiak, M. Jennings, and D. Pratt. August 2004. Genetic characteristics of brook trout in Lake Superior south shore streams. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Sloss, B.L., R. Franckowiak, M. Jennings, and D. Pratt. 2005. Utility of molecular genetic analyses for assessing coaster brook trout rehabilitation in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Wisconsin Dells, WI.
January 2005
Sloss, B.L., R. Franckowiak, M. Jennings, and D. Pratt. 2005. Genetic analysis of rehabilitating, migratory brook trout populations along Wisconsin's Lake Superior south shore. 135th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK.
September 2005
Sloss, B.L., M. Bagley, F. McCormick, J. Thomas, and E. Emery. December 2003. Genetic Structure of Smallmouth Buffalo (Ictiobus bubalus) in the Ohio River. 64th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Sloss, B.L., J.A. VanDeHey, R.T. Andvik, L.R. Nathan, S.P. Hansen, R.M. Claramunt, and T.M. Sutton. August 2012. Stock identification and distribution in the Lake Michigan lake whitefish commercial fishery. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Paul, Minnesota.
August 2012
Sloss, B.L., E.L. Murphy, and M. Jennings. December 2007. Temporal stability of a Wisconsin muskellunge broodsource: evidence of stocking impact? 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Sloss, B.L. and N. Billington. 2003. Molecular phylogenetics of Etheostomatinae (Teleostei, Percidae): Insights from combining cytochrome b and 12S ribosomal RNA mitochondrial DNA variation. Percis III, the Third International Percid Fish Symposium. Madison, WI.
July 2003
Sloss, B.L. November 2003. Wisconsin Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit: Molecular Conservation Genetics Laboratory. Wisconsin DNR, Fish and Habitat Research Section Meeting, Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin.
November 2003
Sloss, B.L. May 2004. Fragmentation, Genetics, and Population Viability. 2004 USDA-Forest Service Aquatic Organism Passage Workshop (Invited Presentation), Escanaba, Michigan.
May 2004
Sloss, B.L. 2006. Suggested modifications to Wisconsin's muskellunge propagation program. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society?s Esox Technical Committee Annual Meeting. Woodruff, WI. INVITED.
June 2007
Sloss, B.L. 2003. Molecular Genetic Techniques and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems. Invited Presentation at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources Annual Colloquium Series. Stevens Point, WI.
February 2003
Sloss, B.L. 2002. Fish Genetic Techniques and their Utility in Wisconsin Fish and Habitat Research. 2002 Wisconsin DNR, Fish and Habitat Research Section Meeting. Wisconsin Dells, WI.
November 2002
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowski, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. February 2021. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 81st Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota.
February 2021
Determining appropriate harvest regulations is important to managing harvest of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system. Current harvest management relies on estimates of mortality and we will assess alternative methods for estimating mortality rates that may provide more reliable estimates.
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowski, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. February 2021. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 50th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual.
February 2021
Determining appropriate harvest regulations is important to managing harvest of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system. Current harvest management relies on estimates of mortality and we will assess alternative methods for estimating mortality rates that may provide more reliable estimates.
Shrovnal, J., D. Dembkowksi, R. Koenigs, J. Raabe, and D. Isermann. January 2020. Estimating Mortality of Lake Sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System Using Traditional Age-Based Approaches and Capture-Recapture Models. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
Determining appropriate harvest regulations is important to managing harvest of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system. Current harvest management relies on estimates of mortality and we will assess alternative methods for estimating mortality rates that may provide more reliable estimates.
Short, P.H., M.A. Bozek, C.J. Edwards, and M. Jennings. December 1999. Differences in spawning habitat use by smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) in two northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Short, P., M.A. Bozek, R. Saunders, C. Edwards, and M. Jennings. August 2000. Spawning habitat selection of smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) across three northern Wisconsin lakes. Black Bass Symposium. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Shi, Y., J.J. Homola, P.T. Euclide, and W.A. Larson. March 2022. Genomics reveals influence of adaptative divergence on Lake Michigan lake whitefish stock structure. Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan.
March 2022
This work identified the adaptive basis of lake whitefish stock structure patterns throughout Lake Michigan. Such knowledge allows fishery managers to understand and account for the spatial distribution of adaptive genetic variation in the economically, culturally, and ecologically important fishery.
Shi, Y., J.J. Homola, P.T. Euclide, and W.A. Larson. 2022. Genomics reveals influence of adaptative divergence on Lake Michigan lake whitefish stock structure. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual Meeting.
February 2022
This work identified the adaptive basis of lake whitefish stock structure patterns throughout Lake Michigan. Such knowledge allows fishery managers to understand and account for the spatial distribution of adaptive genetic variation in the economically, culturally, and ecologically important fishery.
Shi, Y., J.J. Homola, P.T. Euclide, and W.A. Larson. 2022. Genomic analysis of stock structure and habitat occupancy for Lake Michigan’s lake whitefish. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
May 2022
This work uses genome-wide data to quantify lake whitefish stock structure patterns throughout Lake Michigan. Such knowledge allows fishery managers to understand stock status and seasonal habitat usage through the use of mixed stock analysis.
Sheffer, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and S. Hogler. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 2018 Annual Summer Meeting, Esocid Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa.
August 2018
Identifying habitat conditions that result in the successful production of offspring is important for developing habitat improvement projects that aim to restore critical spawning habitat. Understanding muskellunge behavior will also help develop stocking strategies that aim to increase use of restored spawning habitat.
Sheffer, R., D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, and D. Isermann. January 2018. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Identifying habitat conditions that result in the successful production of offspring is important for developing habitat improvement projects that aim to restore critical spawning habitat. Understanding muskellunge behavior will also help develop stocking strategies that aim to increase use of restored spawning habitat.
Scribner, N.T., M.A. Bozek, J.E. Cook, and K.W. Rice. December 2004. Forecasting recruitment of coarse woody structure from riparian areas to a north temperate lake. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
December 2004
Scribner, K., P. Forsythe, S. Tucker, N. Sard, L. Atler, J. Kanfesky, J. Johnson, D. Issermann, and R. Eliot. Genetic pedigree reconstruction informs lake adult sturgeon passage in the Menominee River. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
Our work provided an assessment of whether lake sturgeon passage on the Menominee river resulted in recruitment contributions, which is the goal of the passage program.
Scribner N.T., M.A. Bozek, M.A. Newbrey, and J. E. Cook. August 2005. Riparian area-littoral zone linkages: forcasting recruitment of coarse woody structure from riparian areas to a north temperate lake littoral zone in Wisconsin. Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting.
August 2005
Schulze, J.C., D.A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and A. Schiller. February 2016. Smallmouth bass movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
There is some concern among anglers and biologists that smallmouth bass in the Menominee River congregate in relatively small areas during fall and winter months, making them more susceptible to harvest when compared to other portions of the open-water fishing season.
Schulze, J.C., D.A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliott, E. Baker, and B. Sloss. March 2016. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Seaside, Oregon.
March 2016
Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) populations in the Great Lakes have declined dramatically over the last two centuries. Their recovery in the region is thought to be hindered by the presence of dams on Great Lakes tributaries. Dams deny these fish access to riverine habitat needed for spawning and survival during early life stages. We will attempt to mitigate this effect on the Menominee River by using a specifically designed elevator to pass 120 mature lake sturgeon upstream of the first
Schulze, J.C., D.A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliott, E. Baker, and B. Sloss. February 2016. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) populations in the Great Lakes have declined dramatically over the last two centuries. Their recovery in the region is thought to be hindered by the presence of dams on Great Lakes tributaries. Dams deny these fish access to riverine habitat needed for spawning and survival during early life stages. We will attempt to mitigate this effect on the Menominee River by using a specifically designed elevator to pass 120 mature lake sturgeon upstream of the first
Schulze, J. C., D.A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliott, E. Baker, B. Sloss. October 2015. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
October 2015
Allowing lake sturgeon to pass upstream of hydroelectric dams on the tributaries of the Great Lakes is presumably a necessary step to rehabilitating this species in the region. Monitoring lake sturgeon movements after upstream passage is crucial to evaluating this management action.
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. February 2016. Smallmouth bass population characteristics and movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting – Minnesota Chapter. Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2016
Smallmouth bass are a highly-prized sport fish in many reaches of the Menominee River. A better understanding of their population characteristics and seasonal movements is vital for managers to appropriately regulate this fishery.
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. February 2015. Smallmouth bass population characteristics in the Menominee River, Wisconsin. American Fisheries Society – Wisconsin Chapter. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
Smallmouth bass are a highly-prized sport fish in many reaches of the Menominee River. A better understanding of their population characteristics is vital for managers to appropriately regulate this fishery.
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. February 2015. Smallmouth bass population characteristics and movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
February 2015
Smallmouth bass are a highly-prized sport fish in many reaches of the Menominee River. A better understanding of their population characteristics and seasonal movements is vital for managers to appropriately regulate this fishery.
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. August 2016. Smallmouth bass population characteristics and movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
Smallmouth bass are a highly-prized sport fish in many reaches of the Menominee River. A better understanding of their population characteristics and seasonal movements is vital for managers to appropriately regulate this fishery.
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliot, E. Baker, and K. Turnquist. February 2015. Lake sturgeon movements after upstream passage on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. American Fisheries Society – Wisconsin Chapter. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
Allowing lake sturgeon to pass upstream of hydroelectric dams on tributaries of the Great Lakes could help rehabilitate this species in the region. Determining lake sturgeon movements after upstream passage is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of this management action.
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliot, E. Baker, and K. Turnquist. August
2016. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
Allowing lake sturgeon to pass upstream of hydroelectric dams on Great Lakes tributaries is likely a necessary step to rehabilitating this species in the region. Monitoring lake sturgeon movements after upstream passage is crucial to evaluating this management action.
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliot, E. Baker, and B. Sloss. February 2015. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
February 2015
Allowing lake sturgeon to pass upstream of hydroelectric dams on the tributaries of the Great Lakes is presumably a necessary step to rehabilitating this species in the region. Monitoring lake sturgeon movements after upstream passage is crucial to evaluating this management action.
Schulze, J. C., D. A. Isermann, M. Donofrio, S. Cooke, R. Elliot, E. Baker, and B. Sloss. February 2015. Lake sturgeon movements after passage upstream of two hydroelectric dams on the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. American Fisheries Society – Minnesota Chapter. Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2016
Allowing lake sturgeon to pass upstream of hydroelectric dams on the tributaries of the Great Lakes is presumably a necessary step to rehabilitating this species in the region. Monitoring lake sturgeon movements after upstream passage is crucial to evaluating this management action.
Schultz, L.D., and M.A. Bozek. February 2008. Stream channel succession and trout habitat formation in central Wisconsin agricultural drainage ditches. Wisconsin Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society Annul Meeting Wausau, Wisconsin.
February 2008
Schrey, A., R. Colombo, B.L. Sloss, and J. Garvey. August 2004. Genetic and morphological investigation of shovelnose sturgeon from the Middle Mississippi and Wabash Rivers. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Schnell, K., and D. Isermann. September 2013. Predicted effects of angler harvest for reducing largemouth bass abundance. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas.
September 2013
Abundance of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides has increased in many northern lakes and this trend is likely to continue based on projected changes in climate. The potential for largemouth bass interactions with other game fish such as walleyes Sander vitreus and density-dependent effects on bass growth and size structure are causes for concern among anglers and biologists. In an attempt to reduce largemouth bass abundance, the minimum length limit for bass has been removed from some nort
Schnell, K., and D. Isermann. February 2014. Predicted effects of angler harvest for reducing largemouth bass abundance. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2014
The potential for largemouth bass interactions with other game fish such as walleyes Sander vitreus and density-dependent effects on bass growth and size structure are causes for concern among anglers and biologists. Relatively liberal harvest regulations (i.e., no minimum length limit) are more likely to aid in these reductions, although there were greater differences in size structure among the regulations as fishing mortality levels increased.
Schnell, K., and D. Isermann. February 2013. Replicating otolith ages for largemouth bass in northern lakes: a comparison of scales and spines. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
While there are several methods to estimate age of largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides, previous studies have generally demonstrated that otoliths provide the most accurate and precise estimates of age. However, largemouth bass are not routinely sacrificed during standardized sampling in most states and provinces and scales are typically used as a nonlethal means of estimating age. Many evaluations have suggested that scale-based age estimates for largemouth bass may be inaccurate and imprec
Schnell, K., and D. Isermann. September 2013. Replicating Otolith Ages for Largemouth Bass in Northern Lakes: A Comparison of Scales and Spines. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Little Rock, Arkansas.
September 2013
Our primary objective was to determine if anal and dorsal fin spines provide higher among-reader precision than scales and whether scale or spine ages are better for replicating otolith-based ages of largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin lakes. Preliminary results indicate that dorsal spines are more precise than scales when compared to otoliths.
Schnell, K., D. Isermann, M. Hansen, and J. Hansen. February 2013. Predicted effects of angler harvest on largemouth bass abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides abundance has increased in some northern Wisconsin lakes. Increases in abundance could affect largemouth bass population dynamics, resulting in slower growth and reduced size structure. Furthermore, the potential for negative interactions with other species such as walleyes is a concern for both anglers and biologists. Harvest regulations for largemouth bass have been liberalized in some northern Wisconsin lakes, although low rates of bass exploitation m
Schmidt, S.M., and M.A. Bozek. November 2008. Development of multi-dimensional littoral zone habitat fingerprints for classification and management of lakes. 28th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society Lake Louise, Canada.
November 2008
Schmidt, S.M., and M.A. Bozek. February 2008. Assessment of Littoral zone Habitats for Classification and Management. Wisconsin Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Wausau, Wisconsin.
February 2008
Schmidt, S.M., and M.A. Bozek. December 2008. Development of multi-dimensional littoral zone habitat fingerprints for management of lakes. 69th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Columbus, Ohio.
December 2008
Schmidt, S.M., and M.A. Bozek. December 2007. On the development and application of three dimensional littoral zone fingerprints of lakes. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Schmidt, S.M., and M.A. Bozek. April 2009. Development of multi-dimensional littoral zone habitat fingerprints for classification and management of lakes. 22nd Annual National Conference Enhancing the States’ Lake Management Programs. Chicago, Illinois.
April 2009
Schmidt, S.M., and M.A. Bozek. February 2009. Assessment of littoral zone habitats for classification and management of lakes. Joint meeting of the Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ontario American Fisheries Society Chapters. Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2009
Schmidt, S.M. and M.A. Bozek. October 2009. Structural habitat in littoral zones – development of habitat fingerprints and sampling intensity guidelines for small lakes. 29th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society. Hartford, Connecticut.
October 2009
Schmidt, S.M. and M.A. Bozek. March 2010. Structural habitat in littoral zones – development of habitat fingerprints and sampling intensity guidelines for small lakes. 32nd Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
March 2010
Schleppenbach, B., Turnquist, K., and Larson, W. November 2017. Genetic Origin of Walleye Stocked in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes, Vilas County, WI. 2017 Riveredge Nature Center's Student Research Symposium. Awarded best poster.
November 2017
The introduction of non-native walleye in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes could introduce future walleye fitness and recruitment problems. The results will provide baseline information to help managers to investigate future genetic consequences in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes walleye population if necessary.
Schleppenbach, B., Turnquist, K., and Larson, W. March 2017. Genetic Origin of Walleye Stocked in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes, Vilas County, WI. 46th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
The introduction of non-native walleye in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes could introduce future walleye fitness and recruitment problems. The results will provide baseline information to help managers to investigate future genetic consequences in the Manitowish Chain of Lakes walleye population if necessary.
Schleppenbach B., K. Turnquist, and W. Larson. January 2018. Genetic Analysis of Sauger in the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan Drainages, WI. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Sauger have supported an important but variable recreational fishery in Lake Winnebago since the 1920s. If future stocking efforts of Sauger are to take place in Wisconsin to supplement the recreational fishery, genetic analysis should be considered to prevent the mixture of distinct genetic stocks.
Schiller, A., J. Schulze, D. A. Isermann, and M. Donofrio. February 2015. Smallmouth bass movements in the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
There is some concern among anglers and biologists that smallmouth bass in the Menominee River congregate in relatively small areas during fall and winter months, making them more susceptible to harvest when compared to other portions of the open-water fishing season.
Saunders, R., M.A. Bozek, P. Short, and C. Edwards. December 2000. Habitat features affecting smallmouth bass nest site quality: assessing relations between habitat selection and habitat quality. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Saunders, R., M.A. Bozek, P. Short, C. Edwards, and M. Jennings. August 2000. Habitat features affecting smallmouth bass nest site quality and assessing the relation between nest site selection and nest site quality. Black Bass Symposium. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Saunders, R, M.A. Bozek, P.H. Short, C. J. Edwards, and M. Jennings. December 1999. Nest site selection and nesting success of smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Santo Domingo, J.W., M. Meckes, J.M. Simpson, B.L. Sloss, and D.J. Reasoner. 2002. Phylogenetic affiliation of water distribution systems biofilm bacterial isolates. American Society of Microbiology
May 2002
Rydell, Nicholas., D. Isermann, and J. VanDeHey. August 2016. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian Watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
This presentation will inform attendees on ongoing 2, 4-D research that will eventually affect lake management strategies in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest.
Rydell, N., D.A. Isermann, J. VanDeHey, J. Kubisiak, K. Gauthier, S. Van Egren. February 2017. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton in northern Wisconsin lakes. Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. St. Cloud, Minnesota.
February 2017
This presentation will inform attendees on ongoing 2,4-D research that will eventually effect lake management strategies in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest.
Rydell, N., D. Isermann, and J. VanDeHey. February 2016. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian Watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
This presentation will give inform attendees on ongoing 2,4-D research that will eventually effect lake management strategies in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest.
Rydell, N., D. Isermann, and J. VanDeHey. February 2016. Comparison of two larval fish sampling gears on northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
Results from this study will aid fisheries biologists in determining the utility of various sampling gears for collecting larval fish of different species common to Wisconsin and the upper Midwest.
Rydell, N., D. Isermann, J. VanDeHey, J. Kubisiak, K. Gauthier, and S. Van Egren. March 2017. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian watermilfoil on fish and zooplankton in northern Wisconsin lakes. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
This presentation will inform attendees on ongoing 2,4-D research that will eventually effect lake management strategies in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest.
Rydell, N., D. Isermann, J. VanDeHey, J. Kubisiak, K. Gauthier, S. Van Egeren. January 2018. Effects of 2, 4-D herbicide treatments used to control Eurasian watermilfoil on larval and juvenile fishes and zooplankton in northern Wisconsin lakes. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
This presentation will inform attendees on 2,4-D research that will eventually effect lake management strategies in Wisconsin and throughout the Midwest.
Ruzich, J., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, N. Nye, and D. Rowe. May 2017. Genetic assessment of seven species above and below the Prairie du Sac dam. International Association for Great Lakes Research. Detroit, Michigan.
May 2017
Dams significantly alter the habitat connectivity and hydrology of many rivers throughout the world. This project will investigate the genetic consequences of reductions in habitat connectivity caused by dams in Wisconsin.
Ruzich, J., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, N. Nye, and D. Rowe. March 2017. Genetic assessment of seven species above and below the Prairie du Sac dam. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Dams significantly alter the habitat connectivity and hydrology of many rivers throughout the world. This project will investigate the genetic consequences of reductions in habitat connectivity caused by dams in Wisconsin.
Ruzich, J., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, N. Nye, and D. Rowe. January 2018. Genetic connectivity of seven fish species sampled above and below the prairie du sac dam on the lower wisconsin river. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Dams significantly alter the habitat connectivity and hydrology of many rivers throughout the world. This project will investigate the genetic consequences of reductions in habitat connectivity caused by dams in Wisconsin, and provide resource managers with genetic information to develop future management strategies.
Ruzich, J., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, N. Nye, and D. Rowe. February 2017. Genetic assessment of seven species above and below the Prairie du Sac dam. Minnesota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Saint Cloud, Minnesota.
February 2017
Dams significantly alter the habitat connectivity and hydrology of many rivers throughout the world. This project will investigate the genetic consequences of reductions in habitat connectivity caused by dams in Wisconsin.
Ruzich, J., S. Hansen, D. Rowe, W. Larson. January 2018. Spatial genetic structure of smallmouth bass across Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Smallmouth Bass are one of the most sought after fish by recreational anglers across Wisconsin, yet little genetic data has been collected for this species. We will use genetics to investigate population structure in Smallmouth Bass across Wisconsin. This information will help to define stock boundaries and inform future management action.
Ruppert, O., J.D. Robinson, J.J. Homola, J.A. Moore, Y.M. Lee, and K.T. Scribner. 2022. Identification of critical herpetofauna wetland habitat using eDNA metabarcoding. The Wildlife Society’s 29th Annual Conference, Spokane, Washington.
November 2022
The cryptic nature of many amphibian and reptile species makes them difficult to survey, resulting in an incomplete understanding of the distribution and habitat requirements for many species. This research is using environmental DNA surveys to improve understanding of species’ distributions and inform occupancy models to identify critical habitat features for over 20 amphibian and reptile species of conservation concern in the Great Lakes region.
Ruppert, O., J.D. Robinson, J.J. Homola, J.A. Moore, Y.M. Lee, and K.T. Scribner. 2022. Applications of eDNA metabarcoding to identify critical wetland habitat for Great Lakes herpetofauna. Michigan State University Fisheries and Wildlife Graduate Student Organization Symposium. East Lansing, Michigan.
February 2022
This research is developing and implementing methods for using environmental DNA to survey herpetofauna biodiversity throughout the Great Lakes region. Developed tools may help detect biodiversity hot spots and the critical habitats associated with numerous amphibian and reptiles species of conservation concern.
Ruppert, O, J.J. Homola, J.A. Moore, Y.M. Lee, K.T. Scribner, and J.D Robinson. eDNA metabarcoding use to characterize diversity and occupancy of wetland herpetofauna in the Great Lakes region. The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky.
November 2023
We are using eDNA to detect herpetofauna species and identify environmental correlates of their presence. Given that these species are difficult to detect using direct observations, eDNA analyses will allow us to generate a unique community-wide assessment of their biodiversity.
Roth, B.M Roth, S. Walker, A. Sullivan, R. Feagley, W.R. Budnick, W. Ota, J. Kanefsky, K.T. Scribner, N.M. Sard, J. Stoeckel, B. Wright, K.B. Quebedeaux, S. Thomas, S. Herbst, L. Nathan, P. Filice, S. Strandmark, N. Adams, J.J. Homola, A. Allert, A. Cupp, J.D. Robinson. September 2024. Towards comprehensive management of crayfish invasions in the Great Lakes Basin. American Fisheries Society Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii
September 2024
This work is using a broad combination of technical approaches to develop control strategies for invasive red swamp crayfish. Collectively, we have characterized how the species responds to a broad array of biological controls and how they disperse across a landscape.
Rosenfield, R.N., L.J. Rosenfield, R.K. Murphy, A.C. Stewart, W.E. Stout, and M.A. Bozek. October 2006. Comparative morphometry among three northern populations of breeding Cooper's Hawks. IV North American Ornithological Conference, Veracruz, Mexico.
October 2006
Rosenfield, R.N., J. Bielefeldt, L.J. Rosenfield, A.C. Stewart, R.K. Murphy, D.A. Grosshuesch, and M.A. Bozek. February 2004. Comparative relationships among eye color, age, and sex in three North American populations of Cooper's hawks. North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Fargo, North Dakota.
February 2004
Rosenfield, L.J., M.A. Bozek, A.C. Stewart, R.K. Murphy, and R.N. Rosenfield. February 2004. Biogeography and morphology of adult Cooper's hawks among three breeding populations in North America. North Dakota Chapter of the Wildlife Society Annual Conference, Fargo, North Dakota.
February 2004
Rosenfield, L. J., M.A. Bozek, and R.N. Rosenfield. December 2001. Comparative morphometry of adult cooper's hawks among three breeding populations in North America. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Rosburg, A.J., B.G. Blackwell, S.R. Chipps, J.A. VanDeHey, and W.A. Larson. 2017. Growth and genetic diversity of yellow perch populations in the Prairie Pothole Region. 77th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE.
February 2017
This study evaluated the influence of environmental versus genetic factors affecting growth variability in yellow perch populations. Common garden experiments combined with genomic testing indicated that growth variation is largely controlled by environmental variability among lakes.
Rosburg, A., Blackwell, B., Chipps, S., VanDeHey, J., Larson, W. February 2017. Growth potential and genetic diversity of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in South Dakota. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska.
February 2017
Researchers have been investigating differences in growth and mortality patterns among populations of yellow perch for over a decade but the underlying mechanisms that are causing these patterns are still poorly understood. This project utilizes laboratory experiments and modern genomic techniques to investigate whether the differences in growth and mortality patterns are due to heritable genetic differences among populations or whether they are likely caused by environmental factors.
Rosburg, A., Blackwell, B., Chipps, S., VanDeHey, J., Larson, W. February 2017. Growth potential and genetic diversity of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) in South Dakota. Annual Meeting of the Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Jamestown, North Dakota.
February 2017
Researchers have been investigating differences in growth and mortality patterns among populations of yellow perch for over a decade but the underlying mechanisms that are causing these patterns are still poorly understood. This project utilizes laboratory experiments and modern genomic techniques to investigate whether the differences in growth and mortality patterns are due to heritable genetic differences among populations or whether they are likely caused by environmental factors.
Roffler, L.S., B.L. Sloss, B. Eggold, T. Burzynski, and R. Bruch. December 2007. Genetic diversity and stream-side rearing facilities in lake sturgeon conservation. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Roffler, L.S., B.L. Sloss, B. Eggold, T. Burzynski, R. Burch, and E. Baker. December 2008. Genetic resources in lake sturgeon restoration using stream-side rearing facilities. 69th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Columbus, Ohio.
December 2008
Roffler, L.S. and B.L. Sloss. 2008. Genetic diversity implications of lake sturgeon stream-side rearing. 138th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
August 2008
Roffler, L., B.L. Sloss, B. Eggold, T. Bruzynski, and R. Bruch. February 2008. Maintenance of genetic diversity in lake sturgeon restoration stocking. Wisconsin Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Wausau, Wisconsin.
February 2008
Ricther, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. February 2014. Use and validation of side-scan sonar to assess substrate composition in the littoral zone of Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2014
The objective of this study was to determine if side-scan sonar can accurately and efficiently classify substrate composition in nearshore littoral zones of Wisconsin lakes compared to a traditional transect-based method. Results suggest side-scan sonar provides a practical, accurate, and efficient alternative to assess littoral zone habitat on a lake-wide basis, where high resolution, site-specific microhabitat is not needed.
Richter, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. January 2014. Use and validation of side-scan sonar to assess substrate composition in the littoral zone of north temperate lakes. 74th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.
January 2014
Evaluation of littoral zone fish habitat is usually accomplished using cost and time-expensive transect-based methods. Inexpensive (~$3,000), commercially available side-scan sonar units have been increasingly employed to map benthic and littoral zone habitat in stream studies and may offer a more efficient means of assessing littoral-zone fish habitat in lakes (e.g., walleye spawning habitat).
Richter, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. February 2013. Use of side-scan sonar to assess substrate composition in the littoral zone of Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
Evaluation of littoral-zone fish habitat has usually been accomplished using transect-based methods that can be labor intensive. Use of a relatively inexpensive (~$2500) side scan sonar unit may offer a more efficient means of measuring this habitat.
Richter, J.T., B.L. Sloss, and D.A. Isermann. February 2013. Measuring walleye spawning habitat using side scan sonar versus transect-based methods. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources' (WDNR) Walleye Sander vitreus Management Plan specifically recognizes that information on habitat, genetic integrity, and population status are critical components for sustainably managing the walleye resource within the state. Previous research has addressed each one of these components to varying degrees, but time and fiscal constraints continue to hamper the collection of consistent, quantitative habitat data for use in the walleye management p
Richter, J., B. Sloss, and D. Isermann. February 2015. Spawning habitat availability and the recruitment of walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
To make informed management decisions, fisheries managers strive to understand how mortality, growth, and recruitment interact to affect abundance. Recruitment is highly variable for most walleye populations in Wisconsin, but the factors contributing to this variation are poorly understood.
Rammer, G.M., and M.A. Bozek. February 2009. Relations between walleye (Sander vitreus spawning habitat and recruitment in littoral zones of northern Wisconsin lakes. Joint meeting of the Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ontario American Fisheries Society Chapters. Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2009
Rammer, G.M., M.A. Bozek, and T.F. Ginnett. December 2009. Relations between walleye spawning habitat and recruitment in Northeastern Wisconsin Lakes. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
Raabe, J.K., M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. January 2005. Spawning chronology and habitat of walleye in a north temperate lake. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lacrosse, WI.
January 2005
Raabe, J.K., M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. December 2006. Spring wind and wave dynamics on a walleye spawning reef in a north temperate lake. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Raabe, J.K., M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. December 2004. Spawning chronology and habitat of walleye in a north temperate lake. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
December 2004
Raabe, J.K., M.A. Bozek, R.L. Curnkilton. January 2006. Evaluation of structural components and functional dynamics of natural walleye spawning reefs. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Wisconsin and Iowa Chapters. Dubuque, Iowa.
January 2006
Raabe, J.K., M.A. Bozek, R.L. Crunkilton, and S.P. Newman. December 2005. Evaluation of structural components and functional dynamics of natural walleye spawning reefs. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Raabe, J.K., M.A. Bozek, R. Crunkilton, and S.P. Newman. August 2005. Structural components and functional dynamics of natural walleye spawning reefs in a north temprate lake. American Fisheries Society National Meeting. Anchorage Alaska.
August 2005
Raabe, J., N. Porter, D. Isermann, R. Elliott, and M. Donofrio. August 2017. Factors influencing lake sturgeon behaviors and captures at the Menominee River fish elevator, Michigan and Wisconsin. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Tampa, Florida.
August 2017
Our research will aid fishery managers on the Menominee River and other systems in determining operating elevator protocols and designs that maximize capture of lake sturgeon.
Proctor, M.E., B.L. Sloss. May 2009. Assessing our abilities to distinguish among lake trout hatchery strains and their potential to hybrid offspring on Lake Michigan’s mid-lake reef complex. 52nd Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Toledo, Ohio.
May 2009
Genetic diversity levels among the strains allowed moderate confidence in the assignment of progeny to a single strain, but limited accuracy in predicting F1 or Fx hybrids. NewHybrids showed the most promise for correctly assigning hybrid offspring, but this method is limited by a maximum of two reference populations. Additional lake trout-specific microsatellite markers were developed to aid in distinguishing among Lake Michigan lake trout.
Proctor, M.E., B.L. Sloss, J.J. Janssen, and M. Rise. February 2008. Efficacy of genetic algorithms in identifying pure strain and hybrid lake trout in Lake Michigan's lake trout restoration efforts. Wisconsin Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Wausau, Wisconsin.
February 2008
Proctor, M.E., B.L. Sloss, J.J. Janssen, and M. Rise. December 2008. Efficacy of assignment methods for determining the origin of lake trout produced on Lake Michigan’s mid-lake reef complex. 69th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Columbus, Ohio.
December 2008
Proctor, M.E., B.L. Sloss, J.J. Jannsen, and M.L. Rise. December 2007. Estimating strain contribution of lake trout naturally produced on Lake Michigan?s mid-lake reef complex. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Porter, Nicholas, J. Raabe, D. Isermann, D. Kramer, M. Donofrio, S. Crimmins, and R. Elliot. Examining movement and maximizing capture of Lake Sturgeon in the fish elevator on the Menominee River. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society Conference. Columbus, Missouri.
January 2019
Investigate differing sampling conditions of the capture of Lake Sturgeon at the Menominee River fish elevator. Determine if transferred fish reside in the upper river during the window of sturgeon spawning. Investigate habitat selection by sturgeon downstream of the Menominee dam throughout fall and spring seasons.
Porter, N., J. Raabe., D. Isermann, D. Kramer., M. Donofrio., and R. Elliott. January 2018. Examining movement and maximizing Capture of Lake Sturgeon and in the Fish Elevator on the Menominee River. Midwest Fish & Wildlife. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Habitat fragmentation by dams and impoundments is one of the leading factors that has led to a reduced stock size of numerous fish species throughout the Great Lakes Region and the United States. This research will hopefully aid fish managers, dam engineers, and dam operators to lessen the effect of dams and habitat fragmentation on fish populations.
Piette, R.R., M.A. Bozek, and J. Lyons. December 1999. Effects of flow regulation on fish communities in Wisconsin's large warmwater river systems. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Orlando, J.L., and M.A. Bozek. December 2011. Indexing fish habitat in northern Wisconsin: developing metrics for nearshore littoral zone habitat complexity. 72nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2011
Orlando, J.L., and M.A. Bozek. November 2011. Indexing fish habitat: development of metrics for nearshore littoral zones of Wisconsin lakes. North American Lake Management Society 31st International Symposium. Spokane, Washington.
October 2011
Orlando, J.L., and M.A. Bozek. December 2010. Development of fish habitat metrics for nearshore littoral zones of north temperate lakes. 71st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2010
Orlando, J.L., and M.A. Bozek. April 2011. Toward the development of a fish habitat index for nearshore littoral zones of Wisconsin lakes. Speaking for Lakes: 33rd Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
April 2011
Ogle, D.H. and D.A. Isermann. February 2016. Modified von Bertalanffy growth function to estimate the age to reach a critical length. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
We provide biologists with an alternative method for estimating time in years for fish to reach critical points (age at maturity or recruitment to fishery) when using the von Bertalanffy growth function. This method allows for direct statistical comparison of these metrics.
O'Connell, A.R., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. May 2022. Evaluation of methods for estimating age and growth of lake sturgeon. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
May 2022
This research has important implications for lake sturgeon monitoring across North America and implications for harvest management of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system located in central Wisconsin.
O'Connell, A., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Burch, and S. Campana. March 2017. Evaluating Methodologies for Estimating Age and Growth of Lake Sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens). Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
March 2017
Age estimates from pectoral fin spines for Lake Sturgeon from the Winnebago System, Wisconsin, underestimate the age of fish over the true age of 14. Our research, will evaluate four different techniques for estimating age and growth rates of Lake Sturgeon.
O'Connell, A., R. Koenigs, D. Isermann, R. Bruch, and S. Campana. January 2018. Evaluating methodologies for estimating age and growth of lake sturgeon. 78th Annual Midwest and Fish Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Current age estimations of Lake Sturgeon using pectoral fin spines underestimate true age. With using new otolith aging methodology more accurate estimates of true age fish ≥ 14 can be made and the pectoral fin spine correction factor can be refined with a greater sample size resulting in more accurate population statistics (length at age, growth, mortality, etc.). Furthermore, the use of otoliths to augment the pectoral fine spine correction factor allows for a non-lethal method of estimating
Noring, A.M., G.G. Sass, S.R. Midway, J.A. VanDeHey, J.K. Raabe, D.A. Isermann, J.M. Kampa, T.P. Parks, J. Lyons, M.J. Jennings, G.J.A. Hansen, and T. Wagner. 2017. Effects of Cisco on Walleye Growth Trajectories in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. 13th International Coregonid Symposium.
September 2017
This work examines the presence/absence of Cisco on growth of walleye.
Noring, A.M, B.A. Ray, D.A. Isermann, and G.G. Sass. March 2017. Application of the Parameter ω Derived from the von Bertalanffy Growth Equation for Walleye in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Joint Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter’s of The American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Model parameters that estimate growth dynamics of fishes are a vital tool for managing fisheries. These parameters are most useful when they are correlated biologically and have beneficial uses for fisheries managers. Our research tests for relationships between in-situ juvenile Walleye growth trajectories in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin and a widely used parameter (ω), which relates to juvenile growth and is derived from the von Bertallanffy growth equation. Our results will help fisheries profess
Noring, A., G.G. Sass, D. Isermann, J. Kampa, T. Parks, J. Lyons, J. VanDeHey, and M. Jennings. February 2015. Relationships between growth trajectories and walleye (Sander vitreus) and cisco (Coregonus artedi) presence in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
Growth dynamics of fishes are dictated by a number of abiotic and biotic factors. Cisco are a cold-water fish species, are an important forage fish for a number of sport fishes, and are at the southern extent of their range in Wisconsin. This research tested for relationships between walleye growth trajectories and cisco presence/absence in northern Wisconsin lakes with implications for loss of cisco populations due to changing aquatic ecosystem dynamics.
Newbrey, M.G., M.A. Bozek, and M. Jennings. December 2001. Differences in architectural complexity of submerged deciduous versus conifer trees in relation to fish habitat. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Newbrey, M.G. and M.A. Bozek. October 2002. Growth of Esox tiemani of the Paleocene Sentinel Butte Formation of North Dakota with evidence to estimate mean annual temperature. 62nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. Norman, Oklahoma.
October 2002
Newbrey, M.G. and M.A. Bozek. January 2001. Architectural complexity of submerged trees: riparian and littoral zone management of fish habitat. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Superior, Wisconsin. Invited presentation.
January 2001
Newbrey, M.G. M.A. Bozek, and M. Jennings. December 2000. Architecture of submerged trees as fish habitat: implications for riparian and littoral zone management. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Newbrey, J.L., M.A. Bozek, and N. Niemuth. December 2001. Factors influencing lacustrine habitat selection by piscivorous birds in northern Wisconsin. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Newbrey, J., M.A. Bozek, and N. Niemuth. December 2000. Effects of lake characteristics and development on habitat selection by piscivorous birds in northern Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Nathan, L.R., R.T. Andvik, B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, S. Hansen, R. Claramunt, and T.M. Sutton. December 2011. Looking back in time: assessing the stability of lake whitefish stocks in Lake Michigan. 72nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2011
Nate, N.A., M.A. Bozek, M.J. Hansen, and S.W. Hewett. August 2000. Predicting walleye presence in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Naas, E. M., D. J. Dembkowski, S. P. Hansen, J. A. VanDeHey, and D. A. Isermann. January 2024. Understanding Smallmouth Bass Recruitment in Relation to Nest Fishing along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula. Southern Division AFS Annual Meeting. Chattanooga, Tennessee.
February 2024
This research will help determine if a suite of abiotic and biotic factors explain smallmouth bass nest success and recruitment trends and will also identify a standardized method to index smallmouth bass recruitment along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula.
Naas, E. M., D. J. Dembkowski, S. P. Hansen, J. A. VanDeHey, and D. A. Isermann. January 2024. Understanding Smallmouth Bass Recruitment in Relation to Nest Fishing along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
This research will help determine if a suite of abiotic and biotic factors explain smallmouth bass nest success and recruitment trends and will also identify a standardized method to index smallmouth bass recruitment along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula.
Musch, A.E., M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. December 2004. Spawning chronology and habitat selection by sympatric smallmouth bass and rock bass in north temperate lakes. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
December 2004
Musch, A., M.A. Bozek, S.P. Newman, and C.J. Edwards. December 2003. Spawning habitat selection of sympatric smallmouth bass and rock bass in two north temperate lakes: habitat segregation in space and time. 64th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Murphy, E.L., B.L. Sloss, and M.J. Jennings. December 2006. Impacts of supplemental stocking in Wisconsin?s muskellunge propagation program. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Murphy, E.L., B.L. Sloss, and M.J. Jennings. 2006. Conservation genetics of Wisconsin?s muskellunge management program. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society?s Esox Technical Committee Annual Meeting. Woodruff, WI. INVITED.
June 2006
Murphy, E., B.L. Sloss, and M. Jennings. January 2007. Impacts of supplemental stocking in Wisconsin?s muskellunge propagation program. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2007
Mohr, Z., and D. Isermann. January 2018. Comparison of northern pike age estimates and reader precision among anal, pelvic, and pectoral fin rays. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
It is important to determine if fin rays collected from different locations provide the same ages for northern pike because choice of fin ray is not consistent among biologists.
Meece, J.K., J.L. Anderson, M.C. Fisher, D.A. Henk, B.L. Sloss, and K.D. Reed. May 2010. Population genetics of the thermally dimorphic fungal pathogen, Blastomyces dermatitidis. 110th General Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology. San Diego, California.
May 2010
McMurran, D., M.A. Bozek, and John Curtis. May 2003. A survey of fossil plants from Fossil Lake, Green River Formation (Eocene), Wyoming. 20th Annual Mid-Continent Paleobotanical Colloquium, Chicago, Illinois.
May 2003
Mann, B.M., and M.A. Bozek. December 2007. Microhabitat partitioning among fish species using submerged trees as habitat in Lake Katherine, Wisconsin. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Mann, B.M., and M.A. Bozek. December 2006. Microhabitat use of submerged trees as fish habitat in a north temperate lake. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
M. Bootsma and W. Larson. Novemeber 2018. Walleye genetics in Wisconsin. WDNR Fisheries Biologist and Supervisor Meeting, Green Bay, WI.
November 2018
Defining management units for walleye is important for informing management and stocking practices. We used high-throughput DNA sequencing to update genetic data and define management units for walleye in Wisconsin.
Lins, J., J. Raabe, and J.J. Homola. 2023. Evaluating brook trout connectivity and spring pond use within the Plover River system, Wisconsin. 52nd Annual Wisconsin Chapter American Fisheries Society Meeting. Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
February 2023
This research is determining whether spring ponds serve as seasonal refugia for brook trout.
Lins, J., J. Raabe, and J. Homola. August 2023. Brook trout and fish community use of spring ponds in central Wisconsin. American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
Wisconsin has thousands of miles of thermally suitable habitat for brook trout <i>Salvelinus fontinalis </i>and other coldwater species, but climate change threatens to drastically reduce cold-water habitat. This study will inform managers of spring ponds to protect and rehabilitate to provide thermal refuge and provide the greatest benefit to brook trout and other coldwater species and allow appropriate management based on population connectivity between systems.
Lins, J., J. Raabe, and J. Homola. August 2023. Brook trout and fish community use of spring ponds in central Wisconsin. American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
This work is determining whether spring ponds serve as thermal refugia to riverine fishes.
Lensing, B., L. Izzo, T. Binder, T. Hayden, D. Dembkowski, C. Phalen, and D. Isermann. January 2024. Tributary use of walleye in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
Describing the annual use and residency in tributaries can help us better understand the spawning behavior and migration of walleye in Green Bay. Gaining insight into this behavior could help in devising habitat improvements or management strategies for tributaries.
Lensing, B., D. Dembkowski, J. Breeggemann, S. Hansen, and D. Isermann. January 2024. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
January 2024
Identifying the spawning habitat of lake whitefish and walleye can help us understand spawning behavior and habitat selection within the Lower Fox River. Gaining insight into the spawning locations could help in developing future habitat improvement strategies for the Lower Fox River.
Larson. W., M. Limborg, G. McKinney, T. Dann, J. Seeb, and L. Seeb. June 2018. Understanding the genetic basis of ecotypic variation in sockeye salmon from across Alaska. Coastwide Salmonid Genetics Meeting, Mukilteo, Washington.
June 2018
Understanding the genetic basis of adaptation is a major component of evolutionary biology and can help to preserve important adaptive diversity. We used genetic tools to investigate adaptive genetic differences between ecotypes of sockeye salmon in Alaska.
Larson. W., J. Olsen, G. McKinney, J. Seeb, and L. Seeb. May 2018. Effective population size of Chinook salmon in Yukon and Kuskokwim river tributaries. Anchorage, Alaska.
May 2018
Chinook salmon populations in western Alaska have experienced significant declines in abundance over the last decade. We used estimates of effective population to investigate the genetic health of populations in this region.
Larson, WA. February 2016. The utility of genomics for fisheries management: lessons from Pacific salmon. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
The utility of genomics for fisheries management: lessons from Pacific salmon
Larson, WA, Waples, RK, Waples, RW. Estimating effective size with genomic data: benefits and pitfalls. Annual meeting of the Canadian Society of Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists. Guelph, ON, CA. July 2018.
July 2018
Effective population size in an important metric for conservation. This talk focuses on using new genomic techniques to improve estimates of effective population size.
Larson, W.L., K. Turnquist, J. VanDeHey, B. Blackwell, S. Chipps, B. Sloss, and A. Rosburg. 2016. Genomic signatures of selection in yellow perch populations with variable growth trajectories and mortality rates. 147th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Kansas City, MO.
August 2016
This study compared genetic structure of two, distinct yellow perch morphotypes in glacial lakes of the northern great plains. Findings from the genetic analysis revealed that growth and life-history differencts between yellow perch populations are driven primarily by environmental conditions.
Larson, W.A., M. Limborg, G. McKinney, T. Dann, J. Seeb, and L. Seeb. 2018.
Understanding the genetic basis of ecotypic variation in sockeye salmon from across Alaska. Midwest Population Genetics Meeting.
August 2018
Sockeye salmon compose a portfolio of genetic diversity across Alaska. Our goal is to understand this diversity so we can better preserve it.
Larson, W., and M. Meek. June 2019. The future is now: amplicon sequencing and sequence capture usher in the conservation genomics era. Brockport, New York.
June 2019
Genetic techniques can provide vital information for management of natural resources, but recent genomic advances have not been readily adopted outside of academia. We provide a roadmap for conservation geneticists that will enable them to incorporate these powerful techniques into their research.
Larson, W., W. Stott, K. Turnquist, and G. Sass. September 2017. Developing a Rapture panel to investigate genetic diversity in cisco across the Great Lakes region. 13th International Coregonid Symposium. Bayfield, Wisconsin.
September 2017
Cisco are adapted to a wide variety of environments and display significant morphological variation. The focus of this research is developing genetic tools to understand the genetic basis of adaptation and inform conservation in these valuable species.
Larson, W., W. Stott, K. Turnquist, and G. Sass. May 2017. Developing a Rapture panel to investigate genetic diversity in cisco across the Great Lakes region. International Association for Great Lakes Research. Detroit, Michigan.
May 2017
Cisco are adapted to a wide variety of environments and display significant morphological variation. The focus of this research is developing genetic tools to understand the genetic basis of adaptation and inform conservation in these valuable species.
Larson, W., M. Limborg, G. McKinney, T. Dann, J. Seeb, and L. Seeb. May 2018. Understanding the genetic basis of ecotypic variation in sockeye salmon from across Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska.
May 2018
Understanding the genetic basis of adaptation is a major component of evolutionary biology and can help to preserve important adaptive diversity. We used genetic tools to investigate adaptive genetic differences between ecotypes of sockeye salmon in Alaska.
Larson, W., K. Turnquist, and G. Sass. March 2017. Using parentage analysis to investigate the spawning and recruitment dynamics of walleye in a small northern lake. 46th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Walleye are an important resource for recreational and tribal anglers in Wisconsin and have decreased in abundance in the northern area of the state over the last decade. This research will improve our understanding of walleye spawning and recruitment dynamics, which will help inform management of this valuable species.
Larson, W., K. Turnquist, J. VanDeHey, B. Blackwell, S. Chipps, B. Sloss, and A. Rosburg. August 2016. Genomic signatures of selection in yellow perch populations with variable growth trajectories and mortality rates. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
Researchers have been investigating differences in growth and mortality patterns among populations of yellow perch for over a decade but the underlying mechanisms that are causing these patterns are still poorly understood. This project utilizes cutting-edge genomic techniques to investigate whether the differences in growth and mortality patterns are due to heritable genetic differences among populations or whether they are likely caused by environmental factors.
Larson, W., K. Turnquist, B. Erdman, M. Mitro, and J. Griffin. January 2018. Using genetic tools to inform conservation of Wisconsin’s native brook trout. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Brook trout are an important native species in Wisconsin that provide substantial recreational fisheries opportunities and are an indicator of habitat quality. We used genetic tools to identify native populations of brook trout that can be conserved and used as broodstock to rebuild other populations.
Krebs, J., R. Sheffer, D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. January 2020. Movements and habitat use of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
Identifying habitat conditions that result in the successful production of offspring is important for developing habitat improvement projects that aim to restore critical spawning habitat. Understanding muskellunge behavior will also help develop stocking strategies that aim to increase use of restored spawning habitat.
Krebs, J., R. Sheffer, D. Dembkowski, S. Hogler, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. August-September 2020. Movements and spawning habitat of Muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 2020 150th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Columbus, Ohio.
August 2020
Identifying habitat conditions that result in the successful production of offspring is important for developing habitat improvement projects that aim to restore critical spawning habitat. Understanding muskellunge behavior will also help develop stocking strategies that aim to increase use of restored spawning habitat.
Krause, A., Shi, Y., Larson, W.A., and J.J Homola. 2023. Assessment of spatial and temporal variation in stock-specific harvest rates for Lake Michigan’s lake whitefish fishery. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society
February 2023
This work is helping to determine stock-specific harvest rates of Lake Michigan lake whitefish.
Krause, A., Shi, Y., Brenden, T., Wesley, L., and J. Homola. August 2023. Spatiotemporal stock mixing variation informs the development of ‘mixture-aware’ catch-at-age models for lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. University of Wisconsin Stevens Point, Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. Stevens Point, Wisconsin. IAGLR Conference on Great Lakes Research. Toronto, Canada.
August 2023
Managing stocks present with mixing is resulting in the potential overharvesting of more vulnerable stocks. Assessing mixing rates and stock contributions between stocks will determine how variable mixing shifts between seasons and years in Lake Michigan. Quantifying mixing will provide more informed fisheries management to improve Lake whitefish declining recruitment.
Kraus, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and J. Breeggemann. 2024. Yearling Muskellunge Survival in Green Bay in Relation to Length at Stocking and Stocking Location. Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI.
January 2024
Our research helps to inform stocking strategies for muskellunge in Green Bay which represent one of the most prominent fisheries for this species in North America.
Kral, A.M., M.A. Bozek , J.A. Hauxwell, S. Knight, and G.R. Hatzenbeler. December 2003. Quantifying the effects of lakeshore development and environmental gradients on macrophyte distribution in small Wisconsin lakes. 64th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Koenig, L., Isermann, D., Dembkowski, D., Tsehaye, I., Hogler, S., Paoli, T., Hansen, S., Zorn, T., Caroffino, D., and Larson, W. August 2018. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Annual Summer Meeting, Walleye Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa.
August 2018
As the primary piscivore in the Green Bay food web, walleyes have the potential to influence lake whitefish and yellow perch abundance, and yellow perch are or have been an important prey item in walleye diets within many ecosystems. These three species likely interact in a variety of ways, including predation and diet overlap, but these interactions are poorly understood because contemporary information on diets is lacking in Green Bay.
Koenig, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, K. I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, S. Hogler, T. Paoli, and T. Zorn. January 2020. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
This study represents a significant step in a research plan that will help in developing management strategies for these three important species.
Koenig, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, K. I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, S. Hogler, T. Paoli, and T. Zorn. February 2019. Food web interactions among walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
This study represents a significant step in a research plan that will help improve management of walleyes, lake whitefish, and yellow perch in Green Bay and has important implications for the region’s economy, given the potential trade-offs that likely exist among various management strategies for these three important species.
Koehler, R.A., C. Hartleb, B.L. Sloss, and R.P. Franckowiak. December 2006. Genetic analysis of North American yellow perch strains. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Kittel, T.A., and B.L. Sloss. December 2005. Genetic and demographic analyses of remnant Menominee River lake Sturgeon populations. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michagen.
December 2005
Kittel, T.A., B.L. Sloss, J. Schenk, and A. Larsen. December 2006. Genetic and demographic analyses of remnant Menominee River lake sturgeon populations. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. February 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
This study will help to inform scientifically sound management and monitoring decisions concerning muskellunge which represent one of the most popular and economically-important sportfish in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. August 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
This study will help to inform scientifically sound management and monitoring decisions concerning muskellunge which represent one of the most popular and economically-important sportfish in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees; North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska.
July 2016
This study will help to inform scientifically sound management and monitoring decisions concerning muskellunge which represent one of the most popular and economically-important sportfish in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and T. Simonson. 2016. Electrofishing catchability of juvenile muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Hugh C. Becker Symposium - Muskies, Inc., Minnetonka, Minnesota.
March 2016
Importance of work: This study will help to inform scientifically sound management and monitoring decisions concerning muskellunge which represent one of the most popular and economically-important sportfish in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, and J. Hansen. February 2016. Evaluation of vehicle counters for monitoring angler effort on small freshwater lakes. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
This study will help to inform scientifically sound management and monitoring decisions concerning freshwater sport fish which represent one of the most popular and economically-important natural resources in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. March 2016. Predicting abundance of adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Hugh C. Becker Symposium, Muskies, Inc. Minnetonka, Minnesota.
March 2016
Importance of work: This study will help to inform scientifically sound management decisions concerning muskellunge which represent one of the most popular and economically-important sportfish in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. July 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society – Walleye Technical Committee Meeting, Brookings, South Dakota.
July 2015
The objective of this study is to determine if alternative models can be used to explain greater variation in the abundance of adult muskellunge within northern Wisconsin lakes than the current linear model that relies solely on lake surface area as a predictor variable. This study will help to inform scientifically sound management decisions concerning muskellunge which represent one of the most popular and economically-important sportfish in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. February 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
February 2015
This study will help to inform scientifically sound management decisions concerning muskellunge which represent one of the most popular and economically-important sportfish in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, T. Simonson, J. Hennessy, and T. Cichosz. 2015. Evaluation of methods used to estimate population metrics for adult muskellunge in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
Importance of work: This study will help to inform scientifically sound management decisions concerning muskellunge which represent one of the most popular and economically-important sportfish in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Isermann, J. Hansen, and J. Hennessy. August 2016. Evaluation of vehicle counters for monitoring angler effort on small inland lakes. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
This study will help to inform scientifically sound management and monitoring decisions concerning freshwater sport fish which represent one of the most popular and economically-important natural resources in the state of Wisconsin.
Kerns, J., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and E. Baker. October 2015. Comparison of lake sturgeon growth rates estimated from fin rays and mark-recapture. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
October 2015
This study demonstrates biases associated with estimating lake sturgeon growth rates using fin rays as an aging structure. Mark-recapture sampling and PIT tag recovery, in conjunction with reduction of measurement error, provides a better method for describing growth and survival in lake sturgeon populations.
Kerkhove, A.M., A. Trudeau, Z.S. Feiner, O.P. Jensen, and D.A. Isermann. January 2022. Impacts of Technology on Angler Catch Rates and Satisfaction for Panfish Across the State of Wisconsin. 82nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
February 2022
This research will be used to better understand which subset of anglers use on-ice technology, how it impacts their catch rates of panfish across Wisconsin, and satisfaction with their catch rates.
Kerkhove, A.M., A. Trudeau, Z. S. Feiner, O. P. Jensen, and D. A. Isermann. May 2022. Impacts of technology on angler catch rates and satisfaction for panfish across the state of Wisconsin. 2022 Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
May 2022
This research will be used to better understand which subset of anglers use on-ice technology, how it impacts their catch rates of panfish across Wisconsin, and satisfaction with their catch rates.
Kelling, C.J., D.A. Isermann, B.L. Sloss, and K. Turnquist. February 2013. Largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin: potential dietary interactions with walleyes. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
Largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides abundance has increased in many northern Wisconsin lakes over the last decade and this has caused some concern among anglers and biologists because of potential interactions with walleyes Sander vitreus. Previous studies have provided evidence of a negative interaction between the two species occurring through predation of adult largemouth bass on juvenile walleyes and competition for prey.
Kelling, C., and D. Isermann. February 2013. Hatch timing and growth of age-0 largemouth bass in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rosthschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
Largemouth bass have protracted spawning periods that can last up to several weeks. As a result, growth, total length (TL), and recruitment of age-0 largemouth bass may be regulated by hatch timing, but these relationships have not been thoroughly examined for largemouth bass in northern lakes.
Kelling, C., and D. Isermann. April 2013. Largemouth bass in northern Wisconsin: factors regulating recruitment and potential dietary interactions with walleyes. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
April 2013
Largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) abundance has increased in many northern Wisconsin lakes over the last decade. This increase in abundance has caused concern among anglers and fishery managers regarding the potential effects of increased bass abundance on walleye (Sander vitreus) populations.
Keiler-Klein, A., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, and L.D. Koenig. 2019. Differential predation of round goby by walleye, yellow perch, and lake whitefish. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
This research demonstrates how native predators prey upon different segments of an invasive fish population and how gape limitation influences size of prey consumed.
Keiler-Klein, A., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, and L.D. Koenig. 2019. Differential predation of round goby by walleye, yellow perch, and lake whitefish. Research in the Rotunda. Madison, Wisconsin.
April 2019
This research demonstrates how native predators prey upon different segments of an invasive fish population and how gape limitation influences size of prey consumed.
Kapuscinski, K., B.L. Sloss, and J.M. Farrell. August 2012. Genetic population structure of muskellunge in the Great Lakes. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Paul, Minnesota.
August 2012
Kampa, J., J. Church, T. Parks, D. Isermann, J. Lyons, and M. Jennings. February 2015. Morphological variation and the influence of habitat conditions among cisco populaitons in Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
Changes in climate and landscape-level perturbations will likely affect cisco populations in the future, but little is known about the current status of cisco populations in Wisconsin because standard annual fishery surveys are not designed to sample these fish.
Jungbluth, C.J., A.D. Mannigel, A.M. Thometz, D.C. Rowe, M.D. Aquino, J.L. Himebauch and J.J.Homola. January 2023. Tracking genetic diversity of wild, F1, and interpopulation F2 Brook Trout crosses. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
Understanding and improving hatchery Brook Trout genetic structure is important for maintaining and improving native Brook Trout populations through stocking. Genetic diversity is an important component of genetic structure and population viability.
Jungbluth, C., Springer, A., Spear, S., Homola, J. September 2024. Point-of-Use Detection for Prevention and Control of Invasive Species. North American Invasive Species Management. Missoula, Montana.
October 2024
The importance of this research is to establish a technique of red swamp crayfish detection to limit spread and colonization. A rapid field diagnostic could allow rapid detection to properly allocate prevention and removal efforts.
Jungbluth, C., Albosta, P., Spear, S., Homola, J. January 2024. Point-of-Use Detection for Prevention and Control of Invasive Species. Midwest Fish and Wildlife. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
The importance of this research is to establish a technique of red swamp crayfish detection to limit spread and colonization. A new, emerging method will also be established to improve current detection practices.
Jorgensen, K.M., W. LeGrande, M.A. Bozek, and C. Hartleb. December 2000. Diurnal and nocturnal next defense and brood care behaviors in bluegill sunfish. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, W. Larson, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. February 2019. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
This will be the first study to evaluate microchemistry as a method of stock discrimination in lake sturgeon. Our results will inform future management decisions regarding lake sturgeon management and habitat improvement of sturgeon spawning locations within the Lake Winnebago System.
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. September 2019. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago system using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. Manitoba, Canada.
September 2019
This will be the first study to evaluate microchemistry as a method of stock discrimination in lake sturgeon. Our results will inform future management decisions regarding lake sturgeon management and habitat improvement of sturgeon spawning locations within the Lake Winnebago System.
Johnson, J., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, and R. Koenigs. January 2020. Stock discrimination of lake sturgeon in the Lake Winnebago System using otolith and fin ray microchemistry. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
This will be the first study to evaluate microchemistry as a method of stock discrimination in lake sturgeon. Our results will inform future management decisions regarding lake sturgeon management and habitat improvement of sturgeon spawning locations within the Lake Winnebago System.
Jennings, M., E.E. Emmons, G.R. Hatzenbeler, M.A. Bozek, and C.J. Edwards. December 1999. Effects of riparian development and watershed land use on littoral zone habitat in small, north temperate lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Jaksha, N., D. Dembkowski, J. Gostiaux, J. Raabe and D. Isermann. January 2020. Diets of Larval Walleye in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
Availability of prey utilized by larval walleye could affect early survival and subsequent recruitment. However, current information on diets of naturally-produced larval walleye in lakes of the upper Midwestern USA is lacking. Identifying important prey for larval walleye is the first step in determining whether availability of these prey may be a factor influencing recruitment.
J.J. Homola, S.R. Smith, B. Lorencen, J.D. Robinson, and K.T. Scribner. March 2021. Geometric morphometrics and genomics reveal rapid adaptation to novel environments in the invasive range of round gobies. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual.
March 2021
Improving our understanding of the factors that are promoting the spread of round goby into new habitats in their invaded Great Lakes range, including consideration of adaptive potential, this work will advance efforts to predict and mitigate future species invasion. Given past evidence of local adaptation, we used genomic and geometric morphometric methods to evaluate whether adaptive processes are contributing to the success of invasive gobies throughout the Great Lakes basin.
J. Griffin, M. Mitro, W. Larson, D. Rowe, D. Seibel, H. Benike, M. Aquino, J. Weeks, S. Hewett, D. Giehtbrock. September 2017. Using new brook trout genetics research to improve Wisconsin stocking program and protect wild brook trout populations. Wild Trout Symposium. West Yellowstone, MT.
September 2017
Brook trout are an important native species in Wisconsin that provide substantial recreational fishing opportunities. Our research aims to improve stocking protocols by using genetic data to identify suitable sources and preserve genetic diversity.
Izzo, L., D.I. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, T. Hayden, T. Binder, C. Vandergoot, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, D. Caroffino, and C. Kruger. February 2022. Tributary use of walleye and lake whitefish in Green Bay. 51st Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual.
February 2022
This research has been important in understanding the movements, habitat needs, and population mixing of Walleye and Lake Whitefish, which are important to both recreational and commercial fisheries in the Great Lakes.
Izzo, L., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, T. Binder, T. Hayden, J. Homola, C. Vandergoot, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, and C. Krueger. May 2022. Telemetry, genomics, and conventional tagging inform lake whitefish management in northwestern Lake Michigan. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
May 2022
This research has been critical to understanding the spatial distribution and fishery contributions of different spawning aggregates of lake whitefish and has helped inform proposed changes in lake whitefish harvest management in Wisconsin.
Izzo, L., D. Dembkowski, D. Isermann, T. Binder, S. Hansen, and C. Vandergoot. Feb 28-Mar 2, 2023. Survival of lake whitefish in Green Bay following transmitter implantation using chemical anesthesia and electroimmobilization. GLATOS 2023 Coordination Meeting, Ypsilanti, MI.
March 2023
This research contributes to improved handling and tagging protocols for lake whitefish, a culturally and economically important species in the Great Lakes region, as telemetry studies focusing on this species have increased dramatically in recent years.
Isermann, D., D. Dembkowski, S. Carpenter, J. Vander Zanden, J. Hennessy, G. Hansen, J. Hansen, A. Latzka, H. Embke, G. Coppola, Z. Lawson, Z. Feiner, G. Sass, H. Boehm, J. Gostiaux, and E. Brandt. January-February 2021. Bucketmouths, Bottlenecks, and Busted Headlights: A Timeline of Field-Based Efforts to Understand Walleye and Yellow Perch Recruitment in Northern Wisconsin. 81st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual.
February 2021
This research has been important in identifying factors affecting the recruitment of walleye and yellow perch, two culturally and ecologically important species within the upper Midwest.
Isermann, D.I., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Krueger, and C. Vandergoot. May 2021. Telemetry, Genomics, and Conventional Tagging Inform Lake Whitefish Management in Northwestern Lake Michigan. 2021 Virtual International Association of Great Lakes Research.
May 2021
Understanding lake whitefish stock structure and movements are research needs for both the Wisconsin and Michigan Departments of Natural Resources and our research will help these agencies determine appropriate strategies for lake whitefish management.
Isermann, D.A., and S. Hogler. February 2016. Walleye stock characteristics in Green Bay. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
Our work will allow fishery managers to determine if biological characteristics vary among walleye stocks in Green Bay. Differences in biological characteristics may demonstrate that certain stocks are more vulnerable to overfishing.
Isermann, D.A., T. Parks, J. Lyons, J. Kampa, G. Sass, A. Rypel, and M. Jennings. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin Lakes. 13th Annual International Coregonid Symposium. Bayfield, Wisconsin.
September 2017
Changes in climate and landscape-level perturbations will likely affect the demographics and dynamics of cisco populations in the future, but little is known about the current status of cisco populations in Wisconsin because standard annual fishery surveys are not designed to sample these fish.
Isermann, D.A., R. Koenigs, and C. Isermann. February 2014. Replicating otolith ages for walleyes in Wisconsin using dorsal spines: development of correction factors. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2014
Using otoliths and dorsal spines collected from more than 700 walleyes across the state of Wisconsin, we described relationships between ages estimated from otoliths and dorsal spines for fast-, moderate-, and slow-growing walleye populations in order to develop correction factors that could be used to adjust dorsal spine ages. Our initial results suggest that these correction factors can be used to provide estimates of growth and mortality parameters similar to estimates obtained when using ot
Isermann, D.A., N.A. Nate, and G. Hansen. 2014. Evaluation of biological performance indicators for monitoring exploitation of Walleye populations in northern Wisconsin. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2014
Biological performance indicators may be effective for assessing changes in exploitation within individual populations, but appear ineffective at a broad spatial scale because relatively high or low BPI values observed for some populations may be the result of factors other than exploitation. Ongoing analyses will evaluate BPIs in relation to exploitation using data for populations where relatively frequent estimation of exploitation has occurred.
Isermann, D.A., M. Vaske, D. Miller, T. Meronek, and J. Thompson. February 2015. Otolith-based length limit simulations for two Wisconsin crappie fisheries: can we improve on pretty good? Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
Our objective was to use simulation models to determine if minimum length limits could be used to further improve size structure in two north-central Wisconsin lakes where large crappies (≥ 11 in TL) were already present in relatively high numbers.
Isermann, D.A. and A. Musch. February 2015. Use of portable ultrasound to determine sex and maturity of adult lake sturgeon. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
Our results indicate that the ultrasound can be used to accurately determine the sex of mature lake sturgeon (i.e., F4 and F5 females and M2 males), but the ultrasound was not effective for identifying sex of immature fish. Consequently, the ultrasound device could be used to ensure desired numbers of mature lake sturgeon of a specific sex are selected for passage or propagation efforts, without using invasive procedures.
Isermann, D.A. September 2013. Training fishery managers in a changing academic environment: people, politics, and PSD. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Little Rock, Arkansas.
September 2013
Historically, many academic institutions trained future fishery management biologists while conducting research that addressed important management issues for resource agencies. In several cases, this symbiotic relationship has diminished, resulting in fewer graduates that have completed training traditionally required of management biologists.
Isermann, D., and K. Schnell. February 2014. Use of a portable ultrasound to determine sex of largemouth bass. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2014
We are working to determine whether a portable ultrasound unit commonly used by large animal veterinarians can be used to determine the sex and maturity stage of lake sturgeon. Our results indicate that the ultrasound can be used to accurately determine the sex of mature largemouth bass and for identifying bass that are not mature.
Isermann, D., and J. Hansen. 2014. Going green: the rise of largemouth bass in the north woods.
January 2014
This article discusses recent trends in largemouth bass abundance in the upper Midwest and what affects these trends have had on fisheries management and angling opportunities within the region.
Isermann, D., and A. Musch. February 2015. Use of a portable ultrasound to determine sex and maturity of adult lake sturgeon. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
February 2015
The ultrasound was not effective for identifying sex of immature fish. Consequently, the ultrasound device could be used to ensure desired numbers of mature lake sturgeon of a specific sex are selected for passage or propagation efforts, without using invasive procedures.
Isermann, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Krueger, and C. Vandergoot. February 2021. Generalized Movements, Spawning Site Fidelity, and Thermal Ecology of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan. 81st Annual Meeting of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Virtual.
February 2021
Understanding lake whitefish stock structure and movements are research needs for both the Wisconsin and Michigan Departments of Natural Resources and our research will help these agencies determine appropriate strategies for lake whitefish management.
Isermann, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, W. Larson, C. Kreuger, and C. Vandergoot. February 2021. Generalized Movements, Spawning Site Fidelity, and Thermal Ecology of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual.
February 2021
Understanding lake whitefish stock structure and movements are research needs for both the Wisconsin and Michigan Departments of Natural Resources and our research will help these agencies determine appropriate strategies for lake whitefish management.
Isermann, D., T. Binder, S. Hansen, D. Caroffino, D. Dembkowski, C. Krueger, C. Vandergoot, and W. Larson. January 2018. Spawning site contribution and movements of lake whitefish in northwestern Lake Michigan. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Understanding stock structure and movements are research needs of both the Wisconsin and Michigan Departments of Natural Resources and our research will help these agencies determine appropriate strategies for lake whitefish management.
Isermann, D., Schulze, J., Porter, N., Raabe, J., Donofrio, M., Elliott, R., and Kramer, D. July 2018. Lake Sturgeon Movements after Upstream Passage of Two Dams on the Menominee River. Part of a Symposium titled: Acoustic Telemetry and Application in the Great Lakes. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.
July 2018
Habitat fragmentation by dams and impoundments is one of the leading factors that has led to a reduced stock size of numerous fish species throughout the Great Lakes Region and the United States. This research will hopefully aid fish managers, dam engineers, and dam operators to lessen the effect of dams and habitat fragmentation on fish populations.
Isermann, D., S. Sammons. P. Bettoli, J. Hammonds, T. St. John, T. Broadbent, and M. Rogers. January 2024. A Really Crappie Reunion: Revisiting Length-Limit Model Predictions for Tennessee Reservoir Populations Two Decades Later. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society
February 2023
This research evaluates whether model predictions accurately predicted responses of crappie populations to minimum length limits, which is important in assessing the utility of the models.
Isermann, D., S. Hogler, W. Larson, and K. Turnquist. July 2016. Stock structure, dynamics, and demographics of walleyes spawning in tributaries to Green Bay. Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees; North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska.
July 2016
Green Bay supports one of the most prominent recreational fisheries for walleyes Sander vitreus in North America. Management of this fishery is complicated because walleyes spawn in many locations and the fishery contributions of these different locations are not known at this time. Our objectives are to determine if genetic stock structure is apparent among walleyes spawning in the Peshtigo, Oconto, Fox, and Menominee Rivers and if growth, age composition, fecundity, and other biological metri
Isermann, D., S. Hogler, W. Larson, and K. Turnquist. August 2016. Stock structure, dynamics, and demographics of walleyes spawning in tributaries to Green Bay. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
Our work will allow fishery managers to determine if walleyes spawning in tributaries represent discrete stocks and if biological characteristics vary among these stocks. Differences in biological characteristics may demonstrate that certain stocks are more vulnerable to overfishing.
Isermann, D., S. Carpenter, J. Hansen, G. Hansen, T. Tunney, E. Pederson, J. Vander Zanden, A. Rypel, G. Sass, and J. Hennessy. August 2016. Collaboration to address community change: the bass-walleye project in Wisconsin. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri.
August 2016
This talk will demonstrate the effectiveness of employing diverse partnerships when addressing complex questions facing fishery managers.
Isermann, D., R. Koenigs, and C. Isermann. Feburary 2015. A comprehensive evaluation of methods used to estimate walleye ages. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
February 2015
Results of this study are being use to outline statewide age estimation protocols for walleyes
Isermann, D., N.A. Nate, and G. Hansen. February 2014. Evaluation of biological performance indicators for monitoring exploitation of walleye populations in Northern Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2014
We determined if variation in biological performance indicators (i.e., ω, mean total length (TL) at age 3, mean age at 50 cm TL, age classes present, age class diversity [H], catch-per-effort [CPE] of age-0 walleyes, coefficient of variation [CV] in age-0 CPE, targeting angler catch rate, and the mean TL of the 10 smallest mature females) observed for walleye populations in northern Wisconsin could be explained by exploitation rates while also considering adult density, lake surface area, recru
Isermann, D., M. Donofrio, and E. Baker. February 2013. Evaluating harvest regulations for lake sturgeon in the White Rapids section of the Menominee River. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
The Menominee River currently supports some of the largest stocks of lake sturgeon associated with Lake Michigan and some of these stocks have supported hook-and-line fisheries for decades. Enacting harvest regulations that prevent overfishing of lake sturgeon in the Menominee River has been a challenge for fishery managers because of lake sturgeon life history and a lack of specific information on abundance, recruitment, and the potential effects of exploitation.
Isermann, D., M. Donofrio, and E. Baker. April 2013. Evaluating harvest regulations for lake sturgeon in the White Rapids section of the Menominee River. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
April 2013
The Menominee River currently supports some of the largest stocks of lake sturgeon associated with Lake Michigan and some of these stocks have supported hook-and-line fisheries for decades. Enacting harvest regulations that prevent overfishing of lake sturgeon in the Menominee River has been a challenge for fishery managers because of lake sturgeon life history and a lack of specific information on abundance, recruitment, and the potential effects of exploitation.
Isermann, D., K. Welke, L. Stremick-Thompson, C. Isermann. February 2013. Population demographics and dynamics of common carp in Lake Koshkonong, Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
Common carp are important ecological drivers in many aquatic ecosystems, but the biological attributes of carp populations remain poorly understood.
Isermann, D., J. Zimmerman, C. Long, and C. Wienandt. February 2013. Size-selective exploitation of bluegills in Lake Archibald, Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
Fishing mortality is size-selective, but the specific nature of this selectivity is often poorly understood for many important recreational fisheries. Bluegills support important, harvest-oriented fisheries across much of their range and harvest within these fisheries is known to be size-selective, but this selectivity has not been well described.
Isermann, D., J. Lyons, G. Sass, and J. Kampa. February 2015. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2014
Changes in climate and landscape-level perturbations will likely affect the demographics and dynamics of cisco populations in the future, but little is known about the current status of cisco populations in Wisconsin because standard annual fishery surveys are not designed to sample these fish.
Isermann, D., Dembkowski, D., Hayden, T., Hogler, S., Zorn, T., Krueger, C., and Vandergoot, C. August 2018. Mixed stock assessment and movements of Green Bay walleyes. Annual Summer Meeting, Walleye Technical Committee of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society, Spirit Lake, Iowa.
August 2018
This study tests assumptions related to the current conceptual model for Walleye management in Green Bay. Results suggest that Walleye spawning in the Fox, Menominee, Oconto, and Peshtigo rivers do not function as separate stocks and do not significantly contribute to the fishery outside of southern Green Bay; further research is needed to determine fishery contributions from other unknown spawning locations.
Isermann, D., Dembkowski, D., Binder, T., Hansen, S., Caroffino, D., Krueger, C., and Vandergoot, C. July 2018. Spawning Site Contribution and Movements of Lake Whitefish in Northwestern Lake Michigan. Part of a Symposium titled: Acoustic Telemetry and Application in the Great Lakes. Annual Meeting of the International Association of Great Lakes Research, Scarborough, Ontario, Canada.
July 2018
Understanding stock structure and movements are research needs of both the Wisconsin and Michigan Departments of Natural Resources and our research will help these agencies determine appropriate strategies for lake whitefish management.
Isermann, D., D. Dembkowski, J. Krebs, R. Sheffer, and S. Hogler. Muskellunge spawning habitat in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
Our work provided a better understanding of muskellunge spawning success in Green Bay which was important to guiding stocking and habitat restoration efforts.
Isermann, D., D. Dembkowksi, M. Donofrio, J. Schulze, and J. Raabe. Maintaining Trophy Potential of Riverine Smallmouth Bass Populations in the Upper Midwest: An Assessment using the Menominee River, Wisconsin-Michigan, as a Model. January 2020. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
Determining appropriate harvest regulations is important to maintaining quality fishing opportunities for smallmouth bass. Our research examined the potential effects of increased fishing mortality on smallmouth bass populations in the upper Midwest and will help managers in determining if changes to harvest regulations are warranted.
Isermann, D. A., and R. Davis. August 2022. Supply-and-Demand Dynamics Associated with Using Stocking to Maintain Walleye Fisheries in the Face of Climate Change. Annual Gathering of the Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center, Madison, Wisconsin
August 2022
Invited to give an overview of our research focused on walleye stocking success relative to climate change.
Isermann, D. A., R. Koenigs, and C. Isermann. 2014. Adjusting Dorsal Spine Ages to Reduce Bias in Estimates of Growth and Mortality for Wisconsin Walleyes. 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2014
Estimating ages is an important step in monitoring and managing walleye fisheries and Wisconsin DNR staff assign ages to hundreds of walleyes each year. While otoliths likely provide the most accurate structure for estimating walleye ages, dorsal spines are routinely used for age assignments because spines can be removed without sacrificing fish. Dorsal spines tend to yield younger ages than otoliths for older walleyes, but the age at which disagreement begins and the severity of these disagree
Isermann, D. A., M. C. Donofrio, and E. A. Baker. 2014. Predicted Effects of Exploitation and Harvest Regulations on Lake Sturgeon Recruitment Potential in Multiple Segments of the Menominee River. Practical Applications of Sturgeon Research Symposium 2014 Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2014
The Menominee River that borders Wisconsin and Michigan currently supports some of the largest stocks of lake sturgeon associated with Lake Michigan and some of these stocks have supported hook-and-line fisheries for decades. Fishery managers are uncertain as to how angler harvest and changes in harvest regulations affect the sustainability of these lake sturgeon stocks.
Isermann, D. A., A. Gillem, D. Dembkowski, J. Hennessy, and A. Latzka. August 2022. Walleye and Yellow Perch Recruitment in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment Trends and Importance of Perch as Prey for Larval Walleye. Treaty Working Group Meeting, virtual.
August 2022
Invited to present summary of our research to the Treaty Working Group, a consortium of state, tribal, and federal biologists focused on walleye and muskellunge management in the Ceded Territory of northern Wisconsin.
Hughes, M.S., B.L. Sloss, and M.G. Mitro. December 2006. Genetic evaluation of broodstock selection and collection strategies for Wisconsin's wild trout stocking program. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Hughes, M.S., B.L. Sloss, and M.G. Mitro. December 2005. The genetic impact of broodstock selection strategies of Wisconsin's wild trout stocking program. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Hughes, M., B.L. Sloss, and M. Mitro. January 2007. The genetic suitability and long-term viability of Ash Creek's brook trout population as a regional brood source for Wisconsin's wild trout stocking program. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2007
Homola, J.J., A. Luzzio, M. Peacock, and S. Straus. September 2024. Highlighting the cutting edge: Latest developments in conservation genomics. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, Hawaii.
September 2024
Conservation genetic techniques are increasingly relevant to informing decision making in fisheries management. This presentation will review the rapidly changing technologies and techniques that are moving the field forward.
Homola, J.J. and P.M. Albosta. 2023. Genome-wide analyses of channel catfish population structure throughout Wisconsin. 52nd Annual Wisconsin Chapter American Fisheries Society Meeting. Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
February 2023
This work identified the neutral and adaptive structure of channel catfish to aid in setting stocking regulations.
Homola, J.J. July 2022. Delineation of stock structure and habitat usage of Lake Superior walleye to inform restoration objectives. Summer meeting of the Lake Superior Technical Committee. Marquette, Michigan.
July 2022
This research will determine the stock structure of Lake Superior's walleye populations and determine the habitats they occupy during non-spawning times.
Henningsen, R., H. Embke, G. Coppola, D. Dembkowski, Z. Lawson, J. Hennessy, S. Carpenter, J. Vander Zanden, and D. Isermann. May 2022. Using a large-scale removal to better understand density-dependent growth in centrarchids. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Grand Rapids, Michigan.
May 2022
Our work will provide a better understanding of density-dependent growth processes in three popular sportfish, providing a baseline for determining whether management actions are likely to achieve growth-based objectives.
Hatzenbeler, G.R., M.A. Bozek, M.J. Jennings, and E.E. Emmons. December 2000. Seasonal variation in fish assemblage structure and habitat structure in the nearshore littoral zone of Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Hasbrouck, T.R., J.A. VanDeHey, B.L. Sloss, and T.D. Simonson. February 2014. Comparison of size and short-term survival of age-0 muskellunge reared using two different methods. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2014
Some states rear muskellunge on pelleted diets; however, studies on pellet versus minnow-reared muskellunge have raised concerns regarding comparative size and subsequent post-stocking survival. Our objectives were to determine if differences in total length, weight, and short-term survival existed between muskellunge reared solely on natural prey (minnow only; MO) and pellet-reared muskellunge with a short minnow finish (50 days; minnow finished; MF).
Hasbrouck, T., J. VanDeHey, B. Sloss, T. Simonson and R. Klett. January 2014. Comparison of size, condition, and short-term survival of age-0 muskellunge reared using two different methods. 74th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.
January 2014
Muskellunge are an economically important species to the state of Wisconsin but data regarding non-traditional rearing methods (pellet reared, minnow finished) compared to traditional methods (minnow reared) need to be assessed to determine survivorship for the two rearing methods. This study will address size, condition and short-term survival of age-0 muskellunge of the two rearing methods which will be used in a longer term study analyzing survivorship as well as cost-effectiveness.
Harings, N.M., K.M. Kleczka, M.A. Bozek, and M.A. Newbrey. December 2004. Behavioral observations and dietary analysis of bullfrog (Rana catesbieana) tadpoles to determine the utilization of submerged riparian trees on Katherine Lake, Oneida County. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
December 2004
Hansen, S.P., R.T. Andvik, J. VanDeHey, and B.L. Sloss. August 2012. Re-colonization of lake whitefish in the Menominee River, Green Bay. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Paul, Minnesota.
August 2012
Hammen, J.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. February 2008. Genetic integrity and population structure of Wisconsin walleye. Wisconsin Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Wausau, Wisconsin.
February 2008
Hammen, J.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. December 2008. Genetic spatial analysis of naturally recruiting walleye populations in Wisconsin. 69th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Columbus, Ohio.
December 2008
If maintaining genetic integrity is a main goal for the state, current management should be conducted within similar genetic regions with supplemental stocking only being used as a management tool when required. These implications would minimize loss of genetic diversity in Wisconsin’s walleye populations helping to maintain genetic integrity.
Hammen, J.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. December 2006. Genetic diversity and recruitment dynamics of Wisconsin walleye. 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Hammen, J.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. August 2008. Walleye genetic diversity and stock structure in Wisconsin. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society Walleye Technical Committee and Esocid Technical Committee Joint Meeting Lake Tomahawk, Wisconsin.
August 2008
Hammen, J.J., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. 2008. Population genetic structure of naturally recruiting walleye populations in Wisconsin. 138th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
August 2008
Hammen, J.J., B.A. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. December 2007. Genetic stock structure and genetic diversity of Wisconsin walleye. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Haglund, J.M., and M.A. Bozek. December 2011. Evaluation of a 28 inch minimum length limit and a dail bag limit of one implemented on walleye in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. 72nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2011
Haglund, J.M., and M.A. Bozek. December 2010. Evaluation of a 28 inch minimum size limit on walleye in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. 71st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2010
Gostiaux, J., H. Boehm, D. Isermann, J. Hennessy, and G. Hansen. March 2017. Expanded Assessment of Recruitment Bottlenecks for Age-0 Walleye (Sander vitreus) in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
The continuation of this project will help understand the previously identified recruitment bottleneck by expanding sampling effort to include other lakes.
Gostiaux, J., H. Boehm, D. Isermann, J. Hennessy, and G. Hansen. July 2017. Expanded assessment of recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes.
July 2017
The continuation of this project will help understand the previously identified recruitment bottleneck by expanding sampling effort to include other lakes. 2017 Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees-North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Isle, Minnesota.
Gostiaux, J., H. Boehm, D. Isermann, G. Hanson, and J. Hennessey. August 2016. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for Age-0 Walleye (Sander vitreus) in northern Wisconsin lakes. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Kansas City, Missouri
August 2016
The continuation of this project will help understand the recruitment bottleneck found in two of the lakes previously studied, as well as, expand the sampling effort to include other lakes and determine the status of recruitment there as well.
Gostiaux, J., H. Boehm, D. Isermann, J. Hennessy, and G. Hansen. January 2018. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
This project will help understand walleye recruitment bottlenecks and represents a research priority for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources.
Gostiaux, J., D. Isermann, and J. Hennessy. July 2016. Identifying walleye recruitment bottlenecks in northern Wisconsin lakes-version 2.0. Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees; North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Gretna, Nebraska.
July 2016
Walleye recruitment has declined in several northern Wisconsin lakes for unknown reasons and our goal is to identify the timing and potential causes of recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleyes in northern Wisconsin lakes.
Goerlitz, M.L., M.A. Bozek, M.J. Jennings, and E.E. Emmons. August 2002. Ecoregion and lake area effects on fish communities: implications for development of biotic indices for lakes. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, Maryland.
August 2002
Goerlitz, M.L., M.A. Bozek, M. Jennings, and E. Emmons. December 2001. The effects of ecoregions on fish assemblage structure in Wisconsin. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. January 2022. Walleye and yellow perch in northern Wisconsin lakes: recruitment trends and importance of perch as prey for larval and post-larval walleye. Southern Division American Fisheries Society Meeting. Charleston, South Carolina.
January 2022
This research will help assess trends in Yellow Perch recruitment by developing a protocol to target Yellow Perch < 150 mm TL. This could identify potential factors influencing Walleye recruitment success.
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. February 2022. Walleye and yellow perch in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment trends and importance of perch as prey for larval and post-larval walleye. 82nd Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
February 2022
This research will help assess trends in Yellow Perch recruitment by developing a protocol to target Yellow Perch < 150 mm TL. This could identify potential factors influencing Walleye recruitment success.
Gillem, A. K., D. A. Isermann, D. J. Dembkowski, J. M. Hennessy, and A. W. Latzka. February 2022. Walleye and Yellow Perch in Northern Wisconsin Lakes: Recruitment Trends and Importance of Perch as Prey for Larval and Post-Larval Walleye. Wisconsin American Fisheries Society Meeting. Virtual.
February 2022
This research will help assess trends in Yellow Perch recruitment by developing a protocol to target Yellow Perch < 150 mm TL. This could identify potential factors influencing Walleye recruitment success.
George, J. and M.A. Bozek. March 2000. Population dynamics and life history characteristics of steelhead in Portage Creek, Lake Superior, 1991-1999. Pacific Coast Steelhead Management Meeting. Port Townsend/Fort Warden, Washington.
March 2000
George, J. and M.A. Bozek. March 2000. Life history strategies of steelhead in Ontario waters of Lake Superior. Pacific Coast Steelhead Management Meeting. Port Townsend/ Fort Warden, Washington.
March 2000
Gauthier, K., M.A. Bozek, and S. Newman. January 2001. Long-term trends in harvest of fishes from Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Superior, Wisconsin.
January 2001
Gauthier, K., M.A. Bozek, and S. Newman. December 2000. Long-term trends in abundance and harvest of fishes form Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Gauthier, K. and M.A. Bozek. July 2001. Fish community dynamics of Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin, based on abundance and harvest of fish. Walleye Technical Committee Meeting. Dubuque, Iowa.
July 2001
Frey, A.P., M.A. Bozek, S. Newman, and C. Edwards. January 2001. Food habits and predation between walleye and smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Superior, Wisconsin
January 2001
Frey, A.P., M.A. Bozek, C.J. Edwards, and S.P. Newman. December 2001. Predation and dietary competition between walleye and smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Frey, A.P., M.A. Bozek, C. Edwards, and S. Newman. December 2000. Predation and diet overlap between walleye and smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Frey, A.P., M. A. Bozek, C. Edwards, and S. Newman. June 2001. Food habits and predations between walleye and smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake. Aquatic Ecology Workshop. Eastern Region of the U.S. Forest Service. Eagle River, Wisconsin.
June 2001
Frey, A., M.A. Bozek, and C. Edwards. January 2000. Feeding interactions between walleye and smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake. Annual meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
January 2000
Frey, A., M.A. Bozek, and C. Edwards. December 1999. Trophic relations between walleye and smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Frey, A., M.A. Bozek, and C. Edwards. August 2000. Trophic interactions between walleye and smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake. Black Bass Symposium. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Franckowiak, R.P., S.L. Sloss, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. August 2004. Dynamics of genetic change in a Northern Wisconsin walleye population: genetic analysis of sequential walleye cohorts. 134th Annual American Fisheries Society Meeting. Madison, WI.
August 2004
Franckowiak, R.P., N. Billington, R.N. Koigi, B.L. Sloss, J. Xiong, and W. Gardner. December 2006. Genetic structure of Upper Missouri River sauger (Sander canadensis). 67th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Omaha, Nebraska.
December 2006
Franckowiak, R.P., B.L. Sloss, and T. Kittel. December 2007. Fragmentation in Menominee River lake sturgeon. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Franckowiak, R.P., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. January 2006. The impact of stocking on the genetic integrity of the walleye population in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Wisconsin and Iowa Chapters. Dubuque, Iowa.
January 2006
Franckowiak, R.P., B.L. Sloss, and M.A. Bozek. February 2009. Walleye exploitation, population demography, and the effective population size. Joint meeting of the Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Ontario American Fisheries Society Chapters. Duluth, Minnesota.
February 2009
Franckowiak, R.P., B.L. Sloss, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. March 2006. Walleye supplementation and genetic integrity. Dakota Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Chamberlain, South Dakota.
March 2006
Franckowiak, R.P., B.L. Sloss, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. December 2003. Microsatellite analysis of the temporal genetic stability of a northern Wisconsin walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) population. 64th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Franckowiak, R.P., B.L. Sloss, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. December 2008. Walleye exploitation and the effective population size. 69th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference Columbus, Ohio.
December 2008
Franckowiak, R.P., B.L. Sloss and M.A. Bozek. January 2005. Temporal Genetic Change in the Escanaba lake Walleye Population: Implications for Managing the Genetic Resources of Naturally Reproducing Populations. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Lacrosse, WI.
January 2005
Franckowiak, R.P, B.L. Sloss, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. July 2003. Temporal genetic stability in a northern Wisconsin walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) population. Percis III, the Third International Percid Fish. Symposium. Madison, WI.
July 2003
Franckowiak, R., B.L. Sloss, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. August 2004. Dynamics of genetic change in a northern Wisconsin walleye population: genetic analysis of sequential walleye cohorts. 134th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Madison, Wisconsin.
August 2004
Franckowiak, R., B.L. Sloss, M. Bozek, and S. Newman. 2005. Temporal genetic change in the Escanaba lake walleye population: implications for managing the genetic resources of naturally reproducing walleye populations. Annual Meeting of the North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society Walleye Technical Committee. Cloquet, MN.
July 2005
Franckowiak, R., B.L. Sloss, M. Bozek, and S. Newman. 2005. Genetic Impacts of Supplemental Stocking of Walleye in Escanaba Lake , WI. 135th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, AK.
September 2005
Franckowiack, R.P., B.L. Sloss, M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. December 2005. Genetic implications of supplemental stocking in a naturally recruiting walleye population: a case study of Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Foley, K., J.K. Raabe, J.J. Homola, and T.P. Parks. 2022. Evaluating brook trout connectivity and spring pond use within the Plover River system, Wisconsin. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual Meeting.
February 2022
This work will evaluate whether reproductive isolation and/or demographic connectivity exists between river and spring pond resident brook trout. Knowledge of the nature of connectivity between these habitat types will help fishery managers understand whether the spring ponds serve as climate refugia or support independent populations.
Ferry, M., and M.A. Bozek. December 2011. Initial observations on zebra mussels (Dressena polymorpha) in two lakes in the Menominee River Watershed, Wisconsin/Michigan. 72nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2011
Everson, J.M., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, S. Hansen, J. Smith, D. Caroffino, and T. Zorn. February 2022. Spatial variation in Lake Whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: the potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 82nd Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, IA.
February 2022
This research will provide information on factors that potentially inhibit or promote successful recruitment of Lake Whitefish in Lake Michigan. This may aid in management decisions on harvest, stocking, and habitat manipulation, and will allow managers to better guide policy maker and stakeholder expectations.
Everson, J.M., D.A. Isermann, D.J. Dembkowski, S. Hansen, J. Smith, D. Caroffino, and T. Zorn. February 2022. Spatial variation in Lake Whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: the potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 51st Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual.
February 2022
This research will provide information on factors that potentially inhibit or promote successful recruitment of Lake Whitefish in Lake Michigan. This may aid in management decisions on harvest, stocking, and habitat manipulation, and will allow managers to better guide policy maker and stakeholder expectations.
Erdman, B., W. Larson, K. Turnquist, M. Mitro, and J. Griffin. June 2018. Genetic population structure of Wisconsin brook trout: the ghosts of propagation past. 9th International Charr Symposium. Duluth, Minnesota.
June 2018
Brook trout are an important native species in Wisconsin that provide substantial recreational fisheries opportunities and are an indicator of habitat quality. We used genetic tools to identify native populations of brook trout that can be conserved and used as broodstock to rebuild other populations.
Eastman, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, R. Davis, and J. Breeggemann. January 2024. Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
Identifying whether muskellunge hatch in habitats outside of tributaries and the characteristics of these habitats is important for assessing restoration efforts within lower Green Bay and identifying future stocking locations. Understanding the recruitment success and behavior of the Sturgeon Bay muskellunge population will help to determine if these fish are contributing to the southern Green Bay population.
Eastman, R., D. Isermann, D. Dembkowski, R. Davis, and J. Breeggemann. January 2024. Identifying potential sources of natural recruitment of muskellunge in Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 53rd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, WI.
January 2024
Identifying whether muskellunge hatch in habitats outside of tributaries and the characteristics of these habitats is important for assessing restoration efforts within lower Green Bay and identifying future stocking locations. Understanding the recruitment success and behavior of the Sturgeon Bay muskellunge population will help to determine if these fish are contributing to the southern Green Bay population.
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, M. Donofrio, and D. Dembkowski. Comparison of Lake Sturgeon Growth and Survival Using Fin Rays and Capture-Recapture Data. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
This project will allow for a better understanding of how estimating growth and survival from capture-recapture information might influence management decisions for lake sturgeon compared to using growth and survival estimated from fin rays.
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, J.Pyatskowit, J. Raabe. September 2017. Brook trout movements in the West Branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Wild Trout Symposium. West Yellowstone, Montana.
September 2017
This project will allow for a better understanding of how brook trout move through the West Branch of the Wolf River after the removal of two dams. A better understanding of the fishes’ movement will aid in management of the brook trout population.
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, J. Pyatskowit. March 2017. Brook trout movements in the West Branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
The portion of the West Branch of the Wolf River (WBWR) that resides within the Menominee Indian Reservation is classified as a class I trout stream with naturally-reproducing brook trout. Little is known regarding movement of brook trout within this section of the WBWR and seasonal movements could have important implications for management. Information obtained from the project will help tribal biologists in managing the brook trout population.
Easterly, E., D. Isermann, J. Pyatskowit, and J. Raabe. January 2018. Brook trout movements in the West Branch of the Wolf River, Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
This project will allow for a better understanding of how brook trout move through the WBWR after the removal of two dams. Additionally, this study will help Menominee Tribe biologists to determine if additional habitat changes or other management actions such as changes in bag or length limits could be implemented to benefit the brook trout population in the WBWR and possibly in other streams on the Menominee Reservation.
Donofrio, M.C., E.A. Baker, K. Scribner, R.F. Elliott, and B.L. Sloss. August 2012. Adult lake sturgeon movements associated with the large rivers of Green Bay, Lake Michigan. 142nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Paul, Minnesota.
August 2012
Dembkowski, D.J., R.P. Koenigs, and D.A. Isermann. January 2018. Microelemental signatures of tributaries to the Lake Winnebago system. 78th Annual Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
This study is a pilot project to establish whether spatial differences in trace element concentrations exist throughout tributaries to the Lake Winnebago system. Preliminary findings suggest that spatial differences in collective trace element signatures exist among primary (i.e., higher-order) tributaries, but further study is needed to determine if differences in microelemental signatures are sufficient to allow discrimination among sites and accurate assignment (e.g., of individual fish) to
Dembkowski, D.J., R.J. Eastman, and D.A. Isermann. 2020. Yellow perch recruitment synchrony in six northern Wisconsin lakes. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL.
January 2020
This research was a cursory evaluation of the potential for synchronous recruitment of yellow perch in northern Wisconsin. Preliminary results suggest that recruitment is asynchronous, indicating that recruitment dynamics are likely influenced by localized factors rather than factors acting over a broad spatial scale.
Dembkowski, D.J., J. Miazga, and D.A. Isermann. 2020. Replicating Northern Pike cleithra ages using otoliths, pelvic fin rays, and scales: precision and sampling guidelines based on sex and total length. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL.
January 2020
This study evaluated the consistency of Northern Pike ages estimated using four structures in relation to sex and total length. Results can be used to develop sampling and age estimation structure guidelines; specifically, our results suggest that pelvic fin rays can be used to estimate ages of Northern Pike ≤ 400 mm TL, whereas cleithra be used to estimate ages of Northern Pike > 400 mm TL.
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and T. Parks. 2021. Cisco population characteristics in Wisconsin lakes. 81st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference; St. Paul, MN.
February 2021
This study describes current variation in Wisconsin cisco populations in relation to variation in biotic and abiotic characteristics and provides insight to how cisco population dynamics and demographics may change in response to changing environmental and land-use conditions.
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and R.P. Koenigs. January 2018. Walleye age estimation using otoliths and dorsal spines: insights on precision at a statewide level. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
This study suggests that although among-reader precision of walleye ages estimated using otoliths and dorsal spines is lower than previously thought, levels of precision can be improved through development of reference collections and implementation of group age estimation training exercises.
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and L.D. Eslinger. 2019. Temporal stability of adult muskellunge abundance in northern Wisconsin lakes. Joint Technical Committee Meetings. Webster, South Dakota.
July 2019
This research will help refine methods used to estimate muskellunge population abundance and establish safe harvest levels in northern Wisconsin lakes. Stability in muskellunge populations for periods > 2 years could lessen reliance on indirect methods of estimating abundance and guide better allocation of limited agency resources for muskellunge management.
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, and C.S. Vandergoot. 2017. Short-term survival of lake whitefish following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters using two forms of anesthesia. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
This project provides a novel assessment of methods related to surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters in lake whitefish. Methods identified in this study will be used in future projects involving acoustic telemetry of lake whitefish in Green Bay and Lake Michigan.
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, T. Hayden, C. Vandergoot, S. Hogler, T. Zorn, and C. Krueger. 2020. Fishery contributions, seasonal movements, and spawning site fidelity of Green Bay Walleyes. 80th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, IL.
January 2020
This study is a preliminary analysis of fishery contributions, seasonal movements, and spawning site fidelity of Walleyes in Green Bay. Results will help determine if inferences made using acoustic telemetry are consistent with those made from conventional tagging studies and can be used to develop spatially relevant stock assessments and harvest regulations.
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, S.R. Hogler, K.N. Turnquist, and W.A. Larson. January 2018. Walleye movements in Green Bay: testing assumptions of the current conceptual model for management. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
This study tests assumptions related to the current conceptual model for Walleye management in Green Bay. Results suggest that Walleye spawning in the Fox, Menominee, Oconto, and Peshtigo rivers do not function as separate stocks and do not significantly contribute to the fishery outside of southern Green Bay; further research is needed to determine fishery contributions from other unknown spawning locations.
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, C.S. Vandergoot, S.P. Hansen, and T.R. Binder. 2017. Short-term survival of lake whitefish following surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters using two forms of anesthesia. 13th International Coregonid Symposium. Bayfield, Wisconsin.
September 2017
This project provides a novel assessment of methods related to surgical implantation of acoustic transmitters in lake whitefish. Methods identified in this study will be used in future projects involving acoustic telemetry of lake whitefish in Green Bay and Lake Michigan.
Dembkowski, D.J., D.A. Isermann, A.W. Latzka, and Z.S. Feiner. 2022. Potential shifts in angler effort in response to implementation of more restrictive panfish regulations 51st Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Virtual.
February 2022
This study demonstrates potential shifts in angler behavior in response to more restrictive harvest regulations and provides insight to the efficacy of using restrictive regulations to improve panfish size structure at a landscape scale.
Dembkowski, D., T. Binder, T. Hayden, B. Buechel, D. Isermann, D. Hanson, K. Keretz, R. Kraus, and R. Oldham. 2024. Effects of mussel biofouling on receiver detection range. GLATOS Annual Meeting, Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.
February 2024
Results from this study can be used to guide acoustic telemetry methods to minimize negative impacts of biofouling on telemetry infrastructure and data.
Dembkowski, D., J. Everson, D. Isermann, S. Hansen, J. Smith, S. Pothoven, T. Zorn, and D. Caroffino. 2023. Spatial variation in lake whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan: potential roles of zooplankton prey and the relative fitness of age-0 fish. 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
This research will provide insight to factors contributing to spatial variation in lake whitefish recruitment in Lake Michigan and can provide information to assist managers ensure sustainability of lake whitefish stocks.
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. GLATOS Annual Meeting. Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.
February 2024
Results from this study will be used to identify an appropriate spatial scale for management of smallmouth bass in the Great Lakes.
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
Results from this study will be used to identify an appropriate spatial scale for management of smallmouth bass in the Great Lakes.
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, S. Hansen, T. Zorn, Z. Slagle, P. Euclide, and J. Homola. 2024. Defining connectivity of Great Lakes smallmouth bass populations using genomics and telemetry. 53rd Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI.
January 2024
Results from this study will be used to identify an appropriate spatial scale for management of smallmouth bass in the Great Lakes.
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, L. Izzo, S. Hansen, B. Eggold, and C. Vandergoot. 2023. Using acoustic telemetry to assess potential latent mortality of walleye and sublegal lake whitefish in the southern Green Bay trap net fishery. 2023 GLATOS Coordination Meeting. Ypsilanti, Michigan.
February 2023
This study addresses an immediate research need for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and provides an important example of using acoustic telemetry to address questions directly relevant to fishery management.
Dembkowski, D., D. Isermann, L. Eslinger, T. Cichosz, J. Hennessy, and J. Kubisiak. 2023. Temporal stability of adult muskellunge populations in northern Wisconsin lakes. 153rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
This research will help refine methods used to estimate muskellunge population abundance and establish safe harvest levels in northern Wisconsin lakes.
Dembkowski, D., B. Davis, R. Eastman, and D. Isermann. 2024. Yellow perch population characteristics in Wisconsin inland lakes. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
January 2024
This study provides critical information regarding yellow perch demographics and dynamics that is currently lacking at a statewide level in Wisconsin.
Dembkowkski, D., and D.A. Isermann. July 2017. Wisconsin walleye research. 2017 Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees-North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society.
July 2017
The mixed stock assessment and evaluation of movements of Green Bay walleye based on telemetry data will add further insight to patterns in movement and fishery contributions inferred from tag returns. Specifically, this additional study will seek to determine the contribution of different spawning stocks to the walleye populations in northern and southern Green Bay, if stock contributions in each zone vary among seasons, and if a measurable proportion of walleye leave Green Bay after spawning
Davis, R.P., and D. Isermann. June 2023. Factors affecting stocking success in walleye fisheries in the Midwestern United States: implications of a changing climate. 2023 Joint Meeting of the Esocid, Centrarchid, and Walleye Technical Committees, North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Minocqua, Wisconsin.
June 2023
Walleye support important fisheries in the Midwestern USA with declining natural stocks. This study will elucidate important factors related to stocking success, aiding fisheries managers in the stocking allocation process.
Davis, R.P., Simmons, L.M., Homola, J.J., Shaw, S.L., Sass, G.G., Isermann, D.A., and W. A. Larson. May 2022. Analyzing patterns in parental reproductive success in walleye Sander vitreus using genetic parentage analysis in Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin. Joint Aquatic Science Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
May 2022
Understanding factors that influence recruitment success in walleye will be important for the maintenance of self-sustaining populations as factors such as climate change influence sustainability of walleye populations. Here, we examine factors that influenced the success of producing immature walleye by adult walleye in Escanaba Lake between 2017-2020.
Davis, R.P., Isermann, D., Hansen, G., Shaw, S., Lawson, Z., Hennessy, J., Latzka, A., Logsdon, D., Hoxmeier, J., Shultz, D., Blackwell, B., Herbst, S., Gangl, S., Krogman, R., Koupal, K., and J. Conroy. February 2022. Supply-and-demand dynamics associated with using stocking to maintain walleye fisheries in the face of climate change. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA.
February 2022
Walleye support important fisheries in the Midwestern USA with declining natural stocks. This study will elucidate important factors in successful stockings, aiding fisheries managers in identifying candidate lakes/reservoirs with a strong probability of success.
Davis, R.P., Isermann, D., Hansen, G., Shaw, S., Lawson, Z., Hennessy, J., Latzka, A., Logsdon, D., Hoxmeier, J., Shultz, D., Blackwell, B., Herbst, S., Gangl, S., Krogman, R., Koupal, K., and J. Conroy. February 2022. Supply-and-Demand Dynamics Associated with Using Stocking to Maintain Walleye Fisheries in the Face of Climate Change. 51st Wisconsin American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Virtual
February 2022
Walleye support important fisheries in the Midwestern USA with declining natural stocks. This study will elucidate important factors in successful stockings, aiding fisheries managers in identifying candidate lakes/reservoirs with a strong probability of success.
Davis, B., D. Dembkowski, R. Eastman, and D. Isermann. 2024. Population demographics and factors influencing abundance of yellow perch in inland Wisconsin lakes. 53rd Wisconsin Chapter AFS Meeting. Green Bay, WI.
January 2024
This study provides critical information regarding yellow perch demographics that is currently lacking at a statewide level in Wisconsin.
D. Blumstein, W. Stott, and W. Larson. January 2018. Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. 47th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, WI.
February 2019
Cisco are an important resource economically and ecologically and current abundance is well below historic levels. This research will improve our understanding of the current highly variable phenotypic traits that are present in the Laurentian Great Lakes region.
Cross, B.K., and M.A. Bozek. October 2007. Effects of managing riparian vegetation to increase length of suitable trout water. Wild Trout IX West Yellowstone, Montana.
October 2007
Cross, B.K., M.A. Bozek., and M. Mitro. August 2008. Riparian vegetation and stream temperature relationships; Opportunities for trout management. 138th Annual American Fisheries Society Meeting. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
August 2008
Cross, B.K., M.A. Bozek, and M. Mitro. February 2008. Increasing suitable trout stream length in central Wisconsin through riparian vegetation management. Wisconsin Chapters of the American Fisheries Society and The Wildlife Society Annual Meeting Wausau, Wisconsin.
February 2008
Cross, B.K., M.A. Bozek, and M. Mitro. December 2007. Managing riparian vegetation to increase the length of suitable trout water in Wisconsin?s north central hardwood forests ecoregion. 68th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
December 2007
Cristan, E.T., P.T. Euclide, C.C. Wilson, D.D. Carl, and J.J. Homola. September 2024. Delineation of Lake Superior walleye stock structure. American Fishery Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, Hawai’i.
September 2024
This work is important for aiding Lake Superior walleye rehabilitation efforts. The delineation of walleye stocks throughout Lake Superior can inform stocking and management objectives by providing biologically grounded units and serve as a baseline for future genomic research.
Cristan, E.T., P.T. Euclide, C.C. Wilson, D.D. Carl, and J.J. Homola. August 2023. Delineation of walleye stock structure in Lake Superior. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
August 2023
This work is important for aiding Lake Superior walleye rehabilitation efforts. The delineation of walleye stocks throughout Lake Superior can inform stocking and management objectives by providing biologically grounded units and serve as a baseline for future genomic research.
Crane, D.P., M. Cornett, C. Bauerlien, M.L. Hawkins, J.L. Hansbarger, D.A. Isermann, J.M. Kampa, T.D. Simonson, M.P. Rennicke, K.L. Kapuscinski, and J.R. Meerbeek. January 2018. Use of fin rays for estimating age of muskellunge. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Results from this work can be used to guide future population assessments and research on Muskellunge biology and ecology.
Crane, D.P., J.L. Hansbarger, D.A. Isermann, J.M. Kampa, K.L. Kapuscinski, J.R. Meerbeek, M.P. Rennicke, and T.D. Simonson. February 2017. Development of a standardized protocol for use of fin rays in estimating age of Muskellunge. 77th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska.
February 2017
Accurate and precise age estimation are essential for understanding Muskellunge population characteristics such as growth and mortality. Counting annuli on cleithra is believed to provide accurate age estimates for Muskellunge, but removal of cleithra requires sacrificing fish. Previous research suggests that counting annuli on sectioned fin rays may be a reliable, non-lethal technique for estimating age of Muskellunge.
Coppola, G., H. Embke, C. J. Sullivan, S. Carpenter, M. J. Vander Zanden, Z. J. Lawson, and D. A. Isermann. January 2020. Effects of large scale centrarchid removal on walleye and centrarchids in a Wisconsin lake. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
Results of our study may provide a greater understanding on the interspecific relationships between centrarchids and Walleyes and may inform active management strategies for Wisconsin’s recreational fisheries that are being impacted by changing climatic conditions.
Coppola, G., C. J. Kelling, and D. A. Isermann. January 2020. Extent of piscivory for age-0 largemouth bass cohorts in Wisconsin lakes. 80th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
Determining the size that age-0 largemouth bass begin piscivory in Wisconsin lakes and how that differs between cohorts will aid in understanding and predicting how changing climatic conditions are potentially altering bass fisheries in the upper Midwest.
Coppola, G., C. J. Kelling, D. Dembkowski and D. A. Isermann. February 2021. Effects of climate-induced shifts in hatch timing on early life history of largemouth bass in Wisconsin. 81st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, virtual.
February 2021
Determining the size that age-0 largemouth bass begin piscivory in Wisconsin lakes and how shifting hatch dates may influence growth and extent of piscivory among cohorts will aid in understanding and predicting how changing climatic conditions may alter bass fisheries in the upper Midwest.
Coppola, G., C. J. Kelling, D. Dembkowski and D. A. Isermann. February 2021. Effects of climate-induced shifts in hatch timing on early life history of largemouth bass in Wisconsin. 50th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, virtual.
February 2021
Determining the size that age-0 largemouth bass begin piscivory in Wisconsin lakes and how shifting hatch dates may influence growth and extent of piscivory among cohorts will aid in understanding and predicting how changing climatic conditions may alter bass fisheries in the upper Midwest.
Catalano, M.J., T.D. Pellett, and M.A. Bozek. January 2003. Effects of low-head dam removal in the Baraboo River, Wisconsin: Initial response patterns in fish community structure. Wisconsin Chapter American Fisheries Society. Madison, Wisconsin.
January 2003
Catalano, M.J., M.A. Bozek, and T.D. Pellett. June 2001. Fish-habitat relations and initial response of the Baraboo River fish community to dam removal. Annual Meeting of the North American Benthological Society. LaCrosse, Wisconsin. Invited presentation.
June 2001
Catalano, M.J., M.A. Bozek, and T.D. Pellet. December 2000. Effects of dam removal on the distribution and migration of fishes in the Baraboo River, Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Catalano, M.J., M.A. Bozek, and T.D. Pellet. August 2002. Response of Baraboo River fish community to dam removal. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, Maryland.
July 2002
Catalano, M.J., M.A. Bozek, and T.D. Pellet. August 2002. Response of Baraboo River fish community to dam removal. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, Maryland.
August 2002
Catalano, M.J., M.A. Bozek, and T.D. Pellet. August 2000. Effects of dam removal on the longitudinal distribution and migration of fishes in the Baraboo River, Wisconsin. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. St. Louis, Missouri.
August 2000
Catalano, M.J, T.D. Pellett, and M.A. Bozek. December 2003. Fish community recovery and recolonization dynamics following low-head dam removal in the Baraboo River, Wisconsin. 64th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Catalano, M. J., M. A. Bozek, and T. D. Pellett. December 2001. Fish-habitat relations and initial response of the Baraboo River fish community to dam removal. Symposium: Approaches to understanding and restoring habitat in lotic systems. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Catalano, A., D. Isermann, I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, T. Paoli, and S. Hogler. January 2018. Preliminary assessment of walleye, lake whitefish, and yellow perch diets in Green Bay. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Lake whitefish, walleyes, and yellow perch support some of the most important fisheries in Green Bay, but managers have limited information on how these three species interact in terms of predation and diet overlap. In 2016, we initiated a collaborative effort to gain more information on diets and potential interactions among these three species
Catalano, A., D. Isermann, I. Tsehaye, S. Hansen, T. Paoli, S. Hogler. March 2017. Preliminary Assessment of Walleye, Lake Whitefish, and Yellow Perch Diets in Green Bay. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
Lake whitefish, walleyes, and yellow perch support some of the most important fisheries in Green Bay, but managers have limited information on how these three species interact in terms of predation and diet overlap. In 2016, we initiated a collaborative effort to gain more information on diets and potential interactions among these three species.
Carpenter, S., H. Embke, G. Hansen, D. Isermann, G. Sass, L. Sikora, and J. Vander Zanden. February 2022. Safe operating space for walleye fisheries: Applications & tests. 52nd Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of American Fisheries Society. Virtual.
February 2022
This research provides insights on walleye population responses to system change and highlights potential strategies that might be employed to meet walleye management objectives in the future.
Carpenter, K., T. Zorn, D. Isermann, C. Isermann, and D. Dembkowski. March 2017. Precision of Otolith and Dorsal Spine Age Estimates for Walleye Sander vitreus in Northern Lake Michigan. 46th Annual Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
February 2017
This study will assist MI-DNR professionals with determining the most effective aging protocol for Northern Lake Michigan Walleye management.
Carden, K.M. and M.A. Bozek. January 2001. Responses of fish communities to structural complexity of macrophyte beds in littoral zones of north temperate lakes. Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Superior, Wisconsin.
January 2001
Carden, K.M. and M.A. Bozek. December 2001. Effects of macrophytes morphology and bed complexity on fish species distributions in north temperate lakes. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Carden, K.M. and M.A. Bozek. December 2000. Relations between macrophyte bed structure and fish communities in littoral zones of north temperate lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2000
Carden, K.M. and M.A. Bozek November 2001. Macrophytes as fish habitat: the role of macrophyte morphology and bed complexity in fish species distributions. North American Lakes Management Society 2000 International Symposium. Madison, Wisconsin.
November 2001
Canny, L.L., M.A. Bozek, J.Hauxwell, and K. Wagner. December 2004. Response of macrophyte communities to human development along lakeshores and in watersheds of Wisconsin lakes. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
December 2004
Canny, L.L., M.A. Bozek, J.A. Hauxwell, and K.I. Wagner. December 2005. Macrophyte response to human development along lakeshores and in watersheds of Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Canny, L., M.A. Bozek, and J. Hauxwell. August 2005. Response of macrophytes to human perturbation in Wisconsin lakes. American Fisheries Society National Meeting. Anchorage Alaska.
August 2005
Candy, J., W. Larson, R. Waples, I. Winther, K. Jonsen, and T. Beacham. June 2018. Monitoring genetic diversity from marine fisheries: using GSI assigned individuals to estimate effective population size. Coastwide Salmonid Genetics Meeting, Mukilteo, Washington.
June 2018
Estimating the number of effective breeders contributing to a mixed-stock fishery has important conservation implications. Here, we explore methods to estimate this important metric of population health from fishery samples.
Brown, P.J., M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. August 2003. Ontogenetic Shifts in Habitat Selection by Young-of-Year Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieu)) in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Canada.
August 2003
Brown, P.J., M.A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. August 2002. Anomalous spawning by smallmouth bass in a north temperate lake: a contradiction in centrarchid ecology. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, Maryland.
August 2002
Brown, P.J., M.A. Bozek, S. Newman, M. Jennings, and C. Edwards. January 2002. Nest site selection and larval habitat use by smallmouth bass in two northern Wisconsin lakes. 31st Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Wausau, Wisconsin.
January 2002
Brown, P.J., M.A. Bozek, S. Newman, M. Jennings, and C. Edwards. December 2001. Smallmouth bass nesting dynamics and larval habitat use in two northern Wisconsin lakes. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Brown, P.J., M. A. Bozek, and S.P. Newman. December 2002. Habitat use and selection by young-of-year smallmouth bass in two north temperate lakes. Midwest Fisheries Conference, Bettendorf, Iowa.
December 2002
Brown, M.S., C.L. Thomas, M.A. Bozek, and J.R. Keir. December 2003. Demographics of citizens participating in Wisconsin's prairie chicken booming ground census. 64th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Brandt., E.J., Z.S. Feiner, A.W. Latzka, and D.A. Isermann. January–February 2021. Evidence for synchrony between Yellow Perch and Walleye recruitment dynamics and temporal trends in northern Wisconsin lakes. 81st Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota.
February 2021
This research will help to guide management decisions by utilizing a model to predict Yellow Perch recruitment as a function of temperature. Additionally, this research will help to determine if Yellow Perch and Walleye recruitment is synchronous and if lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories differ in terms of juvenile Yellow Perch abundance.
Brandt., E.J., Z.S. Feiner, A.W. Latzka, and D.A. Isermann. February 2021. Evidence for synchrony between Yellow Perch and Walleye recruitment dynamics and temporal trends in northern Wisconsin lakes. 50th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual.
February 2021
This research will help to guide management decisions by utilizing a model to predict Yellow Perch recruitment as a function of temperature. Additionally, this research will help to determine if Yellow Perch and Walleye recruitment is synchronous and if lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories differ in terms of juvenile Yellow Perch abundance.
Brandt., E.J., D.J. Dembkowski, A.W. Latzka, J.M. Hennessy, and D.A. Isermann. January–February 2020. Assessing abundance of centrarchids in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 81st Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. St. Paul, Minnesota.
February 2021
This research will help identify gears to sample centrarchids < 100 mm TL. This will allow us to develop a composite index of centrarchid abundance and to determine if lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories differ in terms of various metrics of centrarchid abundance.
Brandt., E.J., D.J. Dembkowski, A.W. Latzka, J.M. Hennessy, and D.A. Isermann. February 2021. Assessing abundance of centrarchids in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 50th Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual.
February 2021
This research will help identify gears to sample centrarchids < 100 mm TL. This will allow us to develop a composite index of centrarchid abundance and to determine if lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories differ in terms of various metrics of centrarchid abundance.
Brandt., E. J., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. July 2019. Assessing abundance of centrarchids and juvenile Yellow Perch in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 2019 Joint Meeting of the Centrarchid, Esocid, and Walleye Technical Committees – North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society. Webster, South Dakota.
July 2019
This research will help identify gears to sample centrarchids and Yellow Perch < 100 mm TL. This will allow us to develop a composite index of centrarchid abundance and to determine if lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories differ in terms of various metrics of centrarchid abundance and juvenile Yellow Perch abundance.
Brandt., E. J., D.A. Isermann, and D.J. Dembkowski. January 2020. Assessing abundance of centrarchids and juvenile Yellow Perch in northern Wisconsin lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories. 80th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
January 2020
This research will help identify gears to sample centrarchids and Yellow Perch < 100 mm TL. This will allow us to develop a composite index of centrarchid abundance and to determine if lakes with different Walleye recruitment histories differ in terms of various metrics of centrarchid abundance and juvenile Yellow Perch abundance.
Bozek, M.A., and K. Frey. October 2003. Dam Inspection and Maintenance. Nearshore fish habitat (Littoral Zone Management). Pennsylvania Lake Management Society, 14th Annual Conference. State College, Pennsylvania.
October 2003
Bozek, M.A., T. Haxton, and J.K. Raabe. September 2011. Walleye habitat: management and research needs. American Fisheries Society 141st Annual Meeting. Seattle, Washington.
September 2011
Bozek, M.A., P.J. Brown, and R.R. Piette. May 2006. Comparison of two scuba trip surveys assessing the abundance and distribution of razor back suckers in the Colorado River below Hoover Dam: 1983 versus 2003. Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society Western Division. Bozeman, Montana.
May 2006
Bozek, M.A., N.T. Scribner, and M.G. Newbrey. June 2010. Relations between structure of coarse woody habitats and fish in the littoral zone of a north temperate lake. Joint Meeting with American Society of Limnology and Oceanography and North American Benthological Society. Santa Fe, New Mexico.
June 2010
Bozek, M.A., N.T. Scribner, J.E. Cook, and K.W. Rice. December 2005. Sustainability of natural sources of fish habitat in north temperate lakes: forecasting recruitment of coarse woody structure. . Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
December 2005
Bozek, M.A., N. Scribner, and M.A. Newbrey. August 2005. Sustaining production of fish habitat in forested watersheds: managing the riparian area-littoral zone ecotone. American Fisheries Society National Meeting. Anchorage Alaska.
August 2005
Bozek, M.A., M.J. Jennings, E.E. Emmons, and C. Edwards. December 2000. Approaches to sampling fish habitat in littoral zones of lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. Invited presentation.
December 2000
Bozek, M.A., D. Neuswanger, T. Margenau, and H. Benike. December 2004. A review of artificial spawning habitat for walleye in Wisconsin north temperate lakes. 65th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
December 2004
Bozek, M.A., B.M. Mann, and M.G. Newbrey. November 2008. Use and partitioning of complex coarse woody habitats by fish in the littoral zone of a north temperate lake. 28th International Symposium of the North American Lake Management Society Lake Louise, Canada.
November 2008
Bozek, M.A. and W.A. Hubert. December 1999. A conceptual framework for generalizing habitat models that predict standing stocks of salmonids in streams. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Bozek, M.A. and P.J. Brown. 2005. Limnological changes in Big Soda Lake, Nevada: Forecasting the end to meromixis induced by anthropogenic effects. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography. Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
June 2005
Bozek, M.A. October 2002. Evaluating fish community structure, fish/habitat relations and the effects of dam removal in the Baraboo River, Wisconsin. Fish Passage Design and Management in Midwest Streams Workshop. USFWS National Conservation Training Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin.
October 2002
Bozek, M.A. November 2004. A review of attempts to create artificial spawning habitat for walleye in north temperate lakes of Wisconsin. 24th International North American Lake Management Society Annual Meeting. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
November 2004
Bozek, M.A. November 1999. Research initiatives of the Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Aquatic Ecological Systems Section Meeting. Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
November 1999
Bozek, M.A. March 2000. Assessment of fish habitat in lakes. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Fisheries Management and Habitat Protection Statewide Training Conference. Madison, Wisconsin.
March 2000
Bozek, M.A. December 1999. Effects of shoreline development on riparian areas and littoral zone habitats. Cooperative Research Units/U.S Fish and Wildlife Service Meeting in conjunction with the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Chicago, Illinois.
December 1999
Bozek, M.A. August 2003. A statistically valid approach to quantifying the effects of substrate particle size on survival-to-Emergence in Salmonids. American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Canada.
August 2003
Bozek, M.A. April 2004. Good Fishing - Good Habitat. Wisconsin Lakes Convention, Green Bay, Wisconsin.
April 2004
Bozek, M.A. March 2010. Structure and functional dynamics of coarse woody habitats in littoral zones of lakes. 32nd Annual Wisconsin Lakes Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin. Invited.
March 2010
Bozek, M.A. April 2010. Occupancy of coarse woody habitats by fish in the littoral zone of a lake. 2010 AFS Western Division Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
April 2010
Bozek, M., B. Achuff, M. Newbrey, and J. Cook. June 2002. A dynamic model linking riparian area tree recruitment to submerged woody habitat in lakes. Annual Meeting of the American Society for Oceanography and Limnology. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Invited presentation.
June 2002
Bozek, M., B. Achuff, M. Newbrey, and J. Cook. January 2002. Development of a dynamic model linking riparian area wood recruitment with submerged woody habitat. 31st Annual Meeting of the Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Wausau, Wisconsin.
January 2002
Bozek, M., B. Achuff, M. Newbrey, and J. Cook. August 2002. Development of a dynamic model linking riparian area wood recruitment with submerged woody fish habitat. 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Baltimore, Maryland.
August 2002
Bozek, M. August 2010. Overview of the role and importance of large wood in lake systems. Eastern Region Stream and Lake Riparian Restoration Using Large Wood Materials Workshop. Eagle River, Wisconsin.
August 2010
Bootsma, M., Turnquist, K., Sass, G., and Larson, W. February 2019. High throughput genetic stock identification and parentage assessment for Wisconsin and Minnesota walleye using single nucleotide polymorphisms. 47th American Fisheries Society Meeting (Wisconsin Chapter). Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
With the Wisconsin Walleye Initiative allocating over two million dollars annually towards walleye hatchery production programs that are used to stock Wisconsin water bodies, it is important that we produce the best product possible for Wisconsin anglers and ecosystems. Our study will advance walleye stocking best-management practices in Wisconsin and Minnesota, and establish a baseline genomic data set capable of improving future management efforts.
Bohen, R. M., D. J. Dembkowski, A. W. Latzka, J. M. Hennessy, and D. A. Isermann. Population Characteristics of Buffalo in Wisconsin: Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest. 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. Honolulu, HI.
September 2024
This research describes landscape-level population information of two understudied species (bigmouth and smallmouth buffalo) and is the first formal assessment of bowfishing harvest in Wisconsin. <i> </i>
Bohen, R. M., D. J. Dembkowski, A. W. Latzka, J. M. Hennessy, J. J. Homola and D. A. Isermann. Bigmouth and Smallmouth Buffalo in Wisconsin: Population Characteristics and Contribution and Resiliency to Bowfishing Harvest. 84th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Sioux Falls, South Dakota
January 2024
This research will help describe landscape-level population information of two understudied species (bigmouth and smallmouth buffalo) and be among the first formal assessments of bowfishing harvest in Wisconsin.
Boehm, H., and D.A. Isermann. August 2014. Comparison of sampling techniques for capturing larval walleyes in northern Wisconsin lakes. American Fisheries Society. Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.
August 2014
This work will provide sampling guidance for collecting larval walleyes.
Boehm, H., and D. Isermann. November 2014. Identifying Recruitment Bottlenecks for Walleye in Northern Wisconsin Lakes. Riveredge Nature Center's Student Research Symposium. Saukville, Wisconsin.
November 2014
This presentation summarizes preliminary results after the first year of a master’s thesis project, and provides recommendations for the second year of the study.
Boehm, H., and D. Isermann. November 2014. Comparison of sampling techniques for capturing larval percids in northern Wisconsin lakes. Riveredge Nature Center’s Student Research Symposium, Saukville, Wisconsin.
November 2014
This work will provide sampling guidance for collecting larval walleyes.
Boehm, H., and D. Isermann. January 2016. Evaluation of sampling techniques for capturing age-0 walleyes in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
January 2016
This work will provide sampling guidance for collecting age-0 walleyes in northern Wisconsin.
Boehm, H., and D. Isermann. February 2016. Evaluation of sampling techniques for capturing age-0 walleyes in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin AFS Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
This work will provide sampling results for collecting age-0 walleyes in northern Wisconsin.
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. July 2015. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society – Walleye Technical Committee Meeting, Brookings, South Dakota.
July 2015
This presentation will document progress made on a graduate research project by summarizing findings of the first year of research and some of the second year.
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. January 2016. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
January 2016
This work summarizes a graduate research project on walleye recruitment in northern Wisconsin. It suggests timing of recruitment bottleneck, and provides sampling recommendations. This information will help managers develop potential solutions to address declining walleye recruitment.
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. February 2016. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
February 2016
This work summarizes a graduate research project on walleye recruitment in northern Wisconsin. It suggests timing of recruitment bottleneck, and provides sampling recommendations. This information will help managers develop potential solutions to address declining walleye recruitment.
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. February 2015. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Eau Claire, Wisconsin.
February 2015
This work will document the progress made on a graduate research project by summarizing findings of the first year of research. Our results will provide recommendations for the second year of the project.
Boehm, H., D. Isermann, and G. Hansen. February 2015. Identifying recruitment bottlenecks for age-0 walleye in northern Wisconsin lakes. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana.
February 2015
This work will document the progress made on a graduate research project by summarizing findings of the first year of research. Our results will provide recommendations for the second year of the project.
Blumstein. D. , W. Stott, and W. Larson. June 2018. Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. Coastwide Salmonid Genetics Meeting 2018. Mukileto, Washington.
June 2018
Cisco are an important resource economically and ecologically and current abundance is well below historic levels. This research will improve our understanding of the current highly variable phenotypic traits that are present in the Laurentian Great Lakes region.
Blumstein, D., W. Stott, and W. Larson. January 2018. Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. 78th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
January 2018
Cisco are an important resource economically and ecologically and current abundance is well below historic levels. This research will improve our understanding of the current highly variable phenotypic traits that are present in the Laurentian Great Lakes region.
Blumstein D., W. Stott, and W. Larson. April 2018. Development of a genetic linkage map for cisco (Coregonus artedi) to facilitate integrated studies of adaptive diversity. Great Lakes Science Center Seminar Series. Ann Arbor, Michigan.
April 2018
Cisco are an important resource economically and ecologically and current abundance is well below historic levels. This research will improve our understanding of the current highly variable phenotypic traits that are present in the Laurentian Great Lakes region.
Billington, N., R. N. Koigi, B. L. Sloss, R. Franckowiak, J. Xiong, and W. Gardner. 2007. Genetic structure of Upper Missouri River sauger populations. 137th Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society. San Francisco, CA.
September 2007
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. June 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. International Association of Great Lakes Research 56th Annual Meeting. West Lafayette, Indiana.
June 2013
Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) support important recreational, commercial, and tribal fisheries in the Great Lakes, including Lake Michigan. Genetic analyses indicate at least six distinct lake whitefish stocks exist in Lake Michigan resulting in a mixed-stock fishery.
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. January 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. 74th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Kansas City, Missouri.
January 2014
Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) support important recreational, commercial, and tribal fisheries in the Great Lakes, including Lake Michigan. Genetic analyses indicate at least six distinct lake whitefish stocks exist in Lake Michigan resulting in a mixed-stock fishery. Biological characteristics could vary among these stocks, which could result in stock-specific responses to exploitation.
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. February 2014. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2014
Genetic analyses indicate at least six distinct lake whitefish stocks exist in Lake Michigan, resulting in a mixed-stock fishery. The objective of our study was to determine if stocks differ in terms of growth, maturation, age structure, condition, and fecundity.
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. February 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Rothschild, Wisconsin.
February 2013
Lake whitefish Coregonus clupeaformis support important recreational, commercial, and tribal fisheries in the Great Lakes, including Lake Michigan. Genetic analyses indicate at least six distinct lake whitefish stocks exist in Lake Michigan resulting in a mixed-stock fishery. Biological characteristics could vary among these stocks, which could result in stock-specific responses to exploitation.
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. April 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society. Boise, Idaho.
April 2013
Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) support important recreational, commercial, and tribal fisheries in the Great Lakes, including Lake Michigan. Genetic analyses indicate at least six distinct lake whitefish stocks exist in Lake Michigan resulting in a mixed-stock fishery. Biological characteristics could vary among these stocks, which could result in stock-specific responses to exploitation.
Belnap, M., D. Isermann, B. Sloss, and J. VanDeHey. April 2013. Stock characteristics of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Lakes Partnership Convention. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
April 2013
Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) support important recreational, commercial, and tribal fisheries in the Great Lakes, including Lake Michigan. Genetic analyses indicate at least six distinct lake whitefish stocks exist in Lake Michigan resulting in a mixed-stock fishery.
B. Schleppenbach, K. Turnquist, A. Nickel, and W. Larson. 2018. Genetic Analysis of Sauger (Sander canadensis) Populations in the Mississippi River and Lake Michigan Drainages, WI. College of Natural Resources, Undergraduate Research Symposium.
April 2018
Sauger were once an important fishery in Lake Winnebago but have decreased substantially in abundance. We used genetic techniques to identify the best broodstock for sauguer restoration.
Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, and S. Hansen. December 2011. Genetic origins of a re-established lake whitefish population in the Menominee River. 72nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2011
Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, T.M. Sutton, S. Hansen, and R.M. Claramunt. May 2011. Proportional stock harvest of the lake whitefish commercial fishery in Lake Michigan. 54th Annual Conference on Great Lakes Research. Duluth, Minnesota.
May 2011
Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, T.M. Sutton, S. Hansen, and R. Claramunt. February 2011. Mixed-stock analysis of Lake Michigan’s lake whitefish commercial fishery. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Stevens Point, Wisconsin.
February 2011
Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, T.M. Sutton, S. Hansen, and R. Claramunt. December 2010. Mixed-stock analysis of Lake Michigan’s lake whitefish commercial fishery. 71st Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota.
December 2010
Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, T.M. Sutton, R.M. Claramunt, and S. Hansen. December 2009. Mixed stock analysis of the Lake Michigan lake whitefish commercial fishery. 70th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Springfield, Illinois.
December 2009
Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J.A. VanDeHey, S. Hansen, and R. Claramunt. December 2011. Seasonal stock contributions of lake whitefish to Big Bay de Noc. 72nd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2011
Albosta, P.M., and Homola, J.J. February 2022. Applications of parentage-based tagging in stocking evaluations. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Virtual Meeting.
February 2022
The best practice for conservation analyses should minimize impact on resources being studied while maximizing accuracy. Parentage-based tagging achieves both goals with minimal initial effort and low cost.
Adams, N.E., J.J. Homola, J.D. Robinson, and K.T. Scribner. 2022. Genetic structure and multiple paternity in invasive Red Swamp Crayfish in southeastern Michigan, USA. Population, Evolutionary, and Quantitative Genetics Conference. Pacific Grove, California.
June 2022
Red swamp crayfish are an emerging invasive species in Michigan that is actively being managed toward eradication. This research provides critical information on reproductive tendencies and dispersal capacities for the species that will aid in control efforts.
Ackiss, A., Larson, W., Stott, W., Turnquist, K., and G. Sass. February 2018. Using a rapture panel to investigate genetic diversity in inland cisco across the Great Lakes region. Wisconsin Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Green Bay, Wisconsin.
February 2019
Abundance surveys have shown the number of inland lakes with extirpated cisco populations is growing. An understanding of genetic differentiation and diversity can provide scientists and resource managers with valuable information on the basis of resilience in extant cisco populations and aid in the preservation of these fisheries resources.
Achuff, B.J., M.A. Bozek, J. Cook, and M.G. Newbrey. December 2001. Linking riparian forest complexity and littoral zone habitat in a northern temperate lake. 63rd Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Des Moines, Iowa.
December 2001
Achuff, B., M. Bozek, M. Newbrey, and J. Cook. December 2003. Modeling linkages between riparian land and the littoral zones of lakes: the recruitment and decomposition of coarse woody structures. 64th Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
December 2003
Achuff, B., M. Bozek, M. Newbrey, and J. Cook. December 2002. Development of a riparian land-use model for the sustainable recruitment of coarse woody structure to lakes as fish habitat. North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society Meeting. Bettendorf, Iowa.
December 2002
Achuff, B., M. Bozek, J. Cook, and M. Newbrey. August 2002. Developing a dynamic model linking riparian area forests with littoral zone coarse woody structure in a temperate lake. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America. Tucson, Arizona.
August 2002