Wisconsin Fishery Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
This work is verifying the strain of walleye raised by private hatcheries prior to their release Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Springer | October 2023 |
Working with researchers from the Shedd Aquarium and the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to design and implement telemetry based studies of sucker and northern pike movements in Lake Michigan. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Isermann, Dembkowski | May 2020 |
Working with researchers from several agencies on a project designed to determine whether lake sturgeon passed upstream on the Menominee River are producing offspring. We Energies |
Isermann | June 2019 |
Working with Wisconsin DNR biologist to design a telemetry-based study to evaluate movements of lake sturgeon using Wisconsin tributaries to the Mississippi River Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | July 2019 |
Working as part of an inter-agency planning committee to design telemetry-based research to better understand movements of lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians |
Isermann, Dembkowski | October 2021 |
Working as part of a team of researchers and agency personnel from multiple states and agencies to help develop standardized methods for estimating the age of invasive silver and bighead carps. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Isermann | May 2018 |
Worked with Wisconsin DNR, commercial fishers, and the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay to design and implement a pilot study to assess post-release mortality of walleye and lake whitefish caught in commercial trap nets. Commercial fishers |
Isermann, Dembkowski | April 2022 |
Worked with Scott Hansen at the Wisconsin DNR to determine the genetic structure of smallmouth bass across Wisconsin with a focus on Green Bay Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | January 2017 |
Worked with Andrew Muir (Great Lakes Fishery Commission) to complete a project examining the accuracy of daily growth rings in otoliths for estimating hatch timing of lake whitefish. Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Isermann | October 2013 |
Whitefish Age Correction for Lake Michigan: Worked with biologists from the WDNR and USFWS to correct fin ray and scale ages for lake whitefish using otolith age data. I adapted an age-length key program I co-developed to accomplish this. The corrected age-specific abundances I provide are inputs for statistical catch at age models used to set safe harvest levels for lake whitefish. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Isermann | January 2014 |
We are using genetic tools to determine the sex of bobcats harvested via trapping in Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Springer | November 2023 |
We are characterizing the vertebrate biodiversity of wetlands managed by the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Pokagon Band of Potawatomi |
Homola, Springer | November 2023 |
We are verifying the strain of walleye produced by a private hatchery for release into Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Springer | October 2023 |
We are updating walleye broodstock genotype databases to enable future stocking assessments Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Springer | December 2023 |
We are performing an assessment of brook trout genetic diversity for the Wisconsin DNR's Nevin Fish Hatchery with an aim of improving the genetic wellbeing of brook trout stocked into Wisconsin's waterways. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | January 2023 |
We are determining relative efficacy of wild versus domesticated brown trout Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Springer | October 2023 |
We are determining the spatial genetic structure of walleye populations throughout South Dakota South Dakota Department of Game, Fish, and Parks |
Homola, Springer | January 2024 |
We are determining the frequency of saugeye detections for the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks |
Homola, Springer | November 2023 |
Walleye stocking returns are being quantified for the Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission. Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission |
Homola, Springer | December 2023 |
WICFRU students and staff provided extensive assistance on an evaluation of muskellunge stocking being conducted by WDNR and the Fisheries Propagation Science Center at UWSP. These efforts included fin-clipping and tagging muskellunge at Wild Rose Fish Hatchery as well as conducting electrofishing surveys on several Wisconsin lakes to capture stocked fish. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Kerns, Musch | September 2014 |
WICFRU students and staff implanted 30 acoustic transmitters into lake whitefish in Green Bay and the Menominee River as a pilot project. Subsequent locations of these fish provided interesting information on the movements of lake whitefish and this information is being used to secure additional funding to study whitefish movements. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Schulze | October 2015 |
WICFRU staff completed OTC mark detection for walleye stocking evaluations occurring in several Wisconsin lakes. We also provided OTC mark detection for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | January 2018 |
Used microsatellite data to determine the genetic ancestry of sauger populations in Lake Winnebago. For Adam Nickel Oshkosh Office. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson, Turnquist | June 2017 |
Use of eDNA to locate possible lake sturgeon spawning sites Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola | May 2022 |
This work is quantifying survival of walleye stocked into Lake Minocqua in northern Wisconsin. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Springer | October 2023 |
This work is helping to estimate black bear abundances in Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Springer | January 2024 |
This work is determining the relative success of stocking domesticated versus wild strain brown trout. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Springer | October 2023 |
Strain assignment testing for muskellunge raised at Minnesota musky farms Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | January 2023 |
Strain assignment of muskellunge from the Madison chain of lakes in Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | April 2023 |
Strain assignment for Gollon's Fish Farm raised walleye Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | December 2022 |
Statewide Evaluation of Changes to Panfish Harvest Regulations: Serve as technical advisor to the Wisconsin DNR’s Panfish Management Team that was charged with designing and implementing this evaluation of changes in bag and length limits for panfish. My duties include experimental design, presenting information on my work at public meetings, and estimating otolith ages of panfish in lakes across the state to determine potential changes in age structure and growth that might occur due to regulation changes. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | January 2014 |
Statewide Database for PITs and Acoustic Tags: Served as technical adviser for this discussion of how to integrate this information into Wisconsin DNR’s statewide fisheries database. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | January 2016 |
Staff and students from the Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit worked with WDNR staff to obtain calcified structures (scales, otoliths, and dorsal spines) from walleye mortalities associated with a Cabela’s walleye tournament held out of Sturgeon Bay during 2013 and another tournament held out of Green Bay in 2014. All structures are being processed, photographed and provided to WDNR personnel. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Kerns | June 2014 |
Staff and students assisted WDNR personnel in processing sport fish captured in a commercial seine operation on Lake Butte des Morts in November 2013. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Richter, Woiak | November 2013 |
Sex determination from bobcat harvested in Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | July 2023 |
Serving as technical advisor on habitat improvement projects within the Fox River and lower Green Bay U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Dembkowski | May 2022 |
Served as a invited speaker during a Prey Fish Age Estimation Workshop held by the Great Lakes Fishery Commission in Traverse City, Michigan. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | December 2018 |
Screened musky broodstock for staff at Wild Rose hatchery to inform mating crosses Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson, Turnquist | July 2016 |
Sampling Design for Wisconsin River Impoundments: Served as technical adviser and assisted WDNR biologists in designing sampling strategies for these diverse ecosystems. We met to evaluate the changes we have made to sampling efforts and to determine additional changes that may be necessary. I have also employed a PIT tagging program for walleyes in the Stevens Point Flowage to determine if this method provides useful information on this population. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | January 2015 |
Reviewed age estimation protocols for largemouth and smallmouth bass for a graduate student at the University of Illinois. University of Illinois |
Isermann | October 2023 |
Provided training to Michigan Department of Natural Resources personnel on how to implant acoustic transmitters into lake sturgeon. Michigan Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | September 2020 |
Provided technical advice to Wisconsin DNR and Walleyes for Tomorrow regarding future research to evaluate factors influencing walleye recruitment in northern Wisconsin lakes. Walleyes for Tomorrow |
Isermann | February 2022 |
Provided technical advice to Ohio Department of Natural Resources regarding methods and equipment for estimating the age of lake whitefish in Lake Erie. Ohio Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | February 2022 |
Provided technical advice to Illinois DNR personnel regarding methods used to estimate the age of muskellunge using fin rays. Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | August 2020 |
Provided results from study of lake whitefish thermal ecology to U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service to help guide sampling efforts in Lake Michigan. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Isermann | January 2022 |
Provided recommendations to researcher at the University of Wyoming regarding laboratory equipment needed to estimate the age and growth of fish University of Wyoming |
Isermann | August 2019 |
Provided insights and previous data for walleye fecundity in Minnesota lakes to several biologists that work for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | April 2024 |
Provided guidance to USFWS personnel with the Ashland Fishery Resource Office regarding use of mark-recapture based growth modeling. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Isermann | May 2020 |
Provided guidance for College of Natural Resource's Environmental Microbiology Analysis and Research Laboratory (EMARL). EMARL |
Sloss, Turnquist | January 2011 |
Provided assistance to Wisconsin DNR biologists regarding age estimation protocols for largemouth bass in their baseline monitoring program. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | August 2019 |
Provided analytical assistance and walleye age and growth estimates to a post-doctoral research fellow at Concordia University in Quebec, Canada Concordia University |
Israel | December 2018 |
Provided advice to fishery management biologists with the Florida Wildlife Commission regarding monitoring, management, and research of black crappie in a Florida lake. Florida Wildlife Commission |
Isermann | March 2024 |
Provided advice to Wisconsin DNR personnel regarding design of a telemetry study designed to assess movements of white suckers in the Fox River Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | March 2019 |
Provided advice to Dr. Katrina Whitlow at Saint Mary's College on how to design a telemetry-based movement study of smallmouth bass in the St. Mary's River in Indiana. Saint Mary's College |
Isermann | June 2024 |
Provided advice and guidance to Mike Garthaus a biologist with the Illinois Department of Natural Resources on methods for estimating the age and growth of muskellunge in Illinois reservoirs Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | August 2024 |
Provided Wisconsin DNR personnel technical advice on habitat restoration plans and stocking practices for muskellunge in Green Bay. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | April 2022 |
Provided Wisconsin DNR Northern Pike Management team with information on age estimation protocols to help formulate statewide collection of calcified structures in 2018. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | January 2018 |
Program Review of Muskellunge Propagation, WDNR 2005 |
Sloss | January 2005 |
Population genetics of the thermally dimorphic fungal pathogen, Blastomyces dermatitidis Marshfield Clinic Research Foundation |
Sloss | January 2009 |
Participation in Wisconsin DNR northern pike working group team meeting Wisconsin DNR |
Homola | June 2021 |
Participation in Wisconsin DNR muskellunge working group meeting Wisconsin DNR |
Homola | June 2021 |
Participation in Wisconsin DNR Lake Michigan Fisheries Team meeting Wisconsin DNR |
Homola | July 2021 |
Parentage-based tagging of walleye stocked into three Wisconsin lakes Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | January 2023 |
Parentage-based tagging of walleye for three stocked Wisconsin populations Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | August 2022 |
Parentage-based tagging assessment of Lake Winnebago sauger stocking efforts Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | October 2022 |
Organized Symposia; Use of Acoustic Telemetry to Inform Fisheries Management across Midwestern U.S. and Canada, 79th Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH. American Fisheries Society |
Isermann | January 2018 |
Met with Matthew Burnett, a fishery researcher from South Africa at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, and provided a tour of research project sites. Provided technical guidance regarding the use of telemetry for tracking fish movements. University of KwaZulu-Natal |
Isermann | August 2019 |
Memo: Wyoming walleye assessment Wyoming Department of Fish and Game |
Homola, Albosta | September 2021 |
Memo: Research memorandum – Not for public release<br>White bass x striped bass hybrid detection genotyping panel development and initial implementation Missouri Department of Conservation |
Albosta, Homola | January 2022 |
Memo: Lineage determination of Lipsett, Gilmore, and Webb Lakes walleye samples Wisconsin Department of Natural Resourcs |
Albosta, Homola | January 2022 |
Memo: Lake Winnebago sauger stocking assessment using parentage-based tagging Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Albosta, Homola | January 2022 |
Memo: Lake Superior walleye mixed stock analysis Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Albosta, Homola | October 2021 |
Memo: Genetic detection of white bass x striped bass hybrids Missouri Cooperative Fishery Research Unit |
Homola, Albosta | March 2021 |
Memo: Big Eau Pleine Reservoir 2018 walleye stocking assessment Walleye for Tomorrow |
Albosta, Homola | January 2022 |
Memo: Assessment of walleye GT-seq panel applicability to Iowa populations Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Albosta, Homola | May 2022 |
Memo: Assessment of Wisconsin steelhead strain differentiation Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | March 2021 |
Memo: Age-0 walleye source evaluation Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Albosta, Homola | October 2021 |
Memo: 2019 evaluation of 2014 walleye stocking in Lake Mendota Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Albosta, Homola | October 2021 |
Lake whitefish genomics research update Lake Michigan Technical Committee |
Homola | April 2021 |
Invited to and attended WI DNR's Annual Fish Propagation Meeting wherer I discussed genetic principles and quidelines with various agency personnel |
Sloss | August 2003 |
Invited to and attended WI DNR Fish and Habitat Quarterly Meeting where I fielded questions and provided feedback to questions from DNR employees regarding genetic concerns of the program |
Sloss | April 2003 |
Invited and participaed as a member of the Lake Michigan Lake Sturgeon Technical Committee. Provided insight and recommendations into genetic concerns related to Lake Sturgeon rehabilitation effords |
Sloss | September 2003 |
Identified problem within population models used to simulate the effects of harvest regulations on smallmouth bass in the Missouri River. Dr. Mike Weber at Iowa State University made the request. Iowa State University |
Isermann | March 2024 |
High Reward Tagging Study for Walleyes on Lake Winnebago: Assisted Wisconsin DNR biologists with design of a high-reward tagging study to determine angler non-reporting rates associated with annual walleye tagging events on the Lake Winnebago system. I developed an Excel-based simulation tool that allowed managers to determine numbers of high reward tags to release in relation to cost, precision, and previously observed reporting rates for non-reward tags. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | January 2015 |
Helping to facilitate an aquaculture workshop for private growers being sponsored by University of Wisconsin-Sea Grant. University of Wisconsin Sea Grant |
Isermann | August 2022 |
Helped to secure a $200,000 endowment from Walleyes for Tomorrow donated to the Fisheries Program at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. This endowment will be used to fund undergraduate research on campus that is related to walleye management. Univeristy of Wisconsin-Stevens Point |
Isermann | September 2017 |
Help the WDNR continue to address the potential effects of harvest regulations on largemouth bass populations by adding simulations for three additional lakes. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | May 2015 |
Genetic identity of fish stomach contents. Fisheries Analysis Center |
Sloss, Turnquist | June 2012 |
Genetic identification of suspected moronid fish. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Sloss | August 2012 |
Genetic diversity of lake whitefish in lakes Michigan and Huron; sampling, standardization, and research priorities Great Lakes Science Center |
Sloss | February 2008 |
Gave two presentations on brook trout genetics to the brook trout species team for the WDNR to inform broodstock selection and genetic conservation of brook trout in Wisconsin. Also participated in meetings to plan future brook trout propagation and consulted on propagation management plans. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | July 2016 |
Fish Genetics Workshop, Wisconsin American Fisheries Society Sponsored |
Sloss | February 2005 |
Estimation of Yellow Perch Hatch Dates: I have worked with graduate students at Bemidji State University and UW-Milwaukee that are or were estimating hatch timing of yellow perch as part of their research. My efforts included on-site training in otolith removal, preparation, and interpretation and providing daily age estimates for small batches of otoliths. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee |
Isermann | January 2015 |
Estimated ages of fish collected from Boardman River, Michigan, for the Great Lakes Fishery Commission as part of a study assessing fish passage. Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Isermann | July 2022 |
Discussed the utility of genetics for managing Muskellunge in Wisconsin at a meeting of musky club executives arranged by the WDNR Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | January 2018 |
Determined which strains brown trout caught in Lake Superior are derived from using genetics. Wisconsin DNR |
Larson | February 2018 |
Contributed to a research summary produced by the Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts |
Isermann, Homola | August 2021 |
Conducted a pilot examination of lake whitefish diets in the Fox River for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | November 2017 |
Completed or working on age assessments of smallmouth bass, walleye, lake whitefish, and lake trout for Wisconsin DNR personnel around the state. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | January 2018 |
Attended meeting with WDNR biologists and musky angler clubs to discuss the utility of genetics for managing musky populations in Central Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | January 2018 |
Attended GLFC FishPass science planning meeting in Ann Arbor 1/31-2/1/19 Great Lakes Fishery Commission |
Larson | January 2019 |
Assisting with the baseline genetic sampling plan for the Boardman River Fish Passage project with the goal of understanding existing genetic structure and diversity. Michigan Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | January 2017 |
Assisting Wisconsin DNR with a project to investigate the reproductive success of walleye captured from Sanford Lake in northern Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | January 2017 |
Assisting Wisconsin DNR to update stocking and genetic management plan for panfish Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | October 2017 |
Assisting Wisconsin DNR to update statewide fisheries genetic management plan Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | August 2017 |
Assisting Wisconsin DNR to update genetic management plan for muskellunge Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | May 2017 |
Assisting Wisconsin DNR to improve genetic baseline of brook trout across Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | June 2017 |
Assisting Wisconsin DNR to determine whether walleye captured in Pewaukee Lake are of wild or hatchery origin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson, Turnquist | February 2017 |
Assisting Wisconsin DNR to determine the genetic diversity in wild, F1, and F2 hatchery crosses of Brook Trout Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | March 2017 |
Assisting Wisconsin DNR biologists in designing a study to assess post-stocking survival of brown trout in Green Bay Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | March 2022 |
Assisting UWSP and Wisconsin DNR personnel with a study on brook trout use of spring ponds in central Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | August 2021 |
Assisting USGS personnel with the Great Lakes Science Center with design and implementation of an age and growth workshop focused on estimating the age of prey fish in the Great Lakes Basin. U.S. Geological Survey |
Isermann | January 2018 |
Assisting U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Wisconsin DNR personnel in designing a telemetry-based study to determine movements of northern pike in southern Green Bay. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Isermann | June 2018 |
Assisting Minnesota DNR personnel with yellow perch age estimation as part of a statewide study on perch population characteristics. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | August 2019 |
Assisting Justin VanDeHey with identifying the genetic stock of origin of sturgeon captured in the St. Louis River University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point |
Larson, Turnquist | March 2017 |
Assisting Dan Iserman, WICFRU, and Mike Donofrio, WDNR, with identifying the genetic stock of origin of lake sturgeon captured on the Menominee River Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | April 2016 |
Assisted the Wisconsin DNR to help select broodstock lakes for musky in northern Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | April 2017 |
Assisted graduate student working with the CRU at Montana State with methods for estimating hatch dates of smallmouth bass. USGS-Montana Cooperative Fishery and Wildlife Research Unit |
Isermann | March 2019 |
Assisted fishery biologists with Illinois DNR with understanding trends in crappie recruitment occurring in an Illinois reservoir. Illinois Department of Natural Reseources |
Isermann | February 2019 |
Assisted biologist with the Illinois DNR with age estimation techniques for largemouth bass. Illinois Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | October 2018 |
Assisted Zach Peterson at Bob Lusk outdoors with genetic analysis of largemouth bass from private ponds in Texas Bob Lusk Outdoors |
Larson, Turnquist | January 2017 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR with musky genetics questions in Turtle Flambeau, Kentuck, Kalepp farms, Whitefish, Grindstone, Petenwell, and Castle Rock Wisconsin DNR |
Larson | September 2018 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR with a project investigating the survival of native and non-native musky strains that have been stocked into Lake Wissota. Wisconsin DNR |
Larson, Turnquist | July 2016 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR to determine whether walleye stocked in the Manitowish Chain in northern Wisconsin were of native origin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson, Turnquist | October 2016 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR to determine whether walleye caught in Lake Geneva were of hatchery or wild origin Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson, Turnquist | April 2016 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR personnel with designing and implementing a tag return study for lake whitefish in Lake Michigan. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | January 2018 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR personnel with design of antenna arrays needed to detect fish tagged with passive integrated transponders. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | May 2019 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR personnel in south-central Wisconsin with implantation of acoustic transmitters in common carp and deployment of acoustic receivers to help determine effectiveness of an electric barrier to prevent carp movement in the Oconomowoc River. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | August 2018 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR personnel in purchasing equipment for their agency to be used for estimation of age and growth in their field offices Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | March 2019 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR personnel in hiring process for a lake sturgeon habitat biologist and data base manager. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | March 2018 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR personnel in designing telemetry studies of walleye movements in two inland Wisconsin lakes. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | September 2021 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR personnel in designing study to monitor movements of smallmouth bass and walleye in relation to construction projects on the Menominee River. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | July 2020 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR personnel in assessment of common carp movements in Oconomowoc River using acoustic telemetry. Involved assisting with tagging and data analysis. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Dembkowski | June 2019 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR drafting genetic management units for state fisheries genetic management plan. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | January 2018 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR determining whether triploid treatment for splake was effective in Lake Superior. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | June 2018 |
Assisted Wisconsin DNR by genotyping sturgeon across the state to help define genetic management units Wisconsin DNR |
Larson | February 2018 |
Assisted WDNR to identify new broodstock sources for musky and ensure that propagated fish retain sufficient diversity Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson, Turnquist | April 2017 |
Assisted WDNR personnel in designing sampling to estimate angler effort on Big Green Lake, Wisconsin as well as providing age and growth estimates for bluegill from this lake. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Stankowski | May 2022 |
Assisted USGS personnel at the Columbia Environmental Research Center with design of an age estimation workshop for bighead and silver carp. U.S. Geological Survey |
Isermann | January 2018 |
Assisted Michigan DNR with muskellunge genetics questions in Upper Peninsula lakes and Lake St. Clair Michigan Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | September 2018 |
Assisted Jessica Pruden, USFW, East Lansing, MI, with the interpretation of two manuscripts involving the population genetics of copperbelly water snake for the five year review of the recovery plan for the northern population segment of the copperbelly water snake (Nerodia erythogaster neglecta). US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Larson | April 2016 |
Assisted Jessica Pruden USFWS Lansing with planning potential propagation strategies for the Northern DPs of Copperbelly Watersnake (literature review on phone conference) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Larson | January 2018 |
Assisted Dave Caroffino (MI DNR) by analyzing whitefish captured from Leland to determine stock of origin. Results were presented at meetings and used to inform management. Michigan Department of Natural Resources |
Larson | October 2018 |
Assist the WDNR with comparison of lake sturgeon growth rates estimated from fin rays and mark-recapture. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann, Kerns, Dembkowski | March 2015 |
Assist the Alaska Department of Fish and Game sequence seven loci from the mitochondrial genome in seven species of salmon to construct species specific assays. Alaska Department of Game and Fish |
Larson | April 2016 |
Assist UWSP professor, Justin VanDeHey, determine growth potential and genetic diversity of yellow perch in South Dakota. South Dakota State University |
Larson, Turnquist | July 2016 |
Assist Dan Isermann with genetic larval ID of larval samples captured in northern Wisconsin Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit |
Larson, Turnquist | February 2017 |
Assignment of telemetry-tagged lake whitefish to stock of origin USGS Great Lakes Science Center |
Homola, Albosta | June 2022 |
Assessment of walleye GT-seq panel applicability to Iowa walleye populations Iowa Department of Natural Resources |
Homola, Albosta | May 2022 |
Asked to serve as a technical committee member for a committee to assist with identifying priority management areas for selected fish species in the Green Bay ecosystem. Michigan Department of Natural Resources |
Isermann | April 2024 |
Asked by Wisconsin DNR to serve as a member of a forum designed to outline future management directions for walleye in northern Wisconsin. Great Lakes Indian Fish and Wildlife Commission |
Isermann | July 2023 |
Analyzed walleye population structure in Green Bay Wisconsin DNR |
Larson, Turnquist | July 2016 |
Analyzed brook trout genetic data and gave a presentation to DNR biologists detailing results of brook trout genetics study Wisconsin DNR |
Larson | March 2018 |
Analyzed 50 walleye from the Taal Lake hatchery for Dave Giehtbrock with the goal of determining whether the fish were of Lake Michigan or Rock/Fox origin. Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources |
Larson, Turnquist | November 2017 |
Analyzed 14 populations of brook trout in Iowa to evaluate genetic structure and diversity Iowa DNR |
Larson | November 2017 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Undergraduate Research Mentor, University of Wisconsin Water Resources Fellowship Program - Served as a research mentor for a visiting undergraduate research fellow from University of Wisconsin Green Bay that resulted in a poster presented at several venues. | Isermann | May 2018 | April 2019 |
Undergraduate Research Mentor, UWSP Walleyes for Tomorrow Research Endowment - Serving as a research mentor to undergraduate student who was selected for a research scholarship awarded through a Walleyes Tomorrow research endowment at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. | Isermann | August 2019 | Present |
Member, Watershed Center Planning Committee | Bozek | September 2002 | May 2004 |
Member, University Personnel Development Committee - UPDC Council | Sloss | September 2008 | Present |
Member, University Personnel Development Committee | Larson | January 2018 | Present |
Member, UWSP Graduate Committee | Bozek | September 1997 | Present |
Member, UW System Advisory Group for the Liberal Arts Essay Contest/University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point | Isermann | March 2013 | August 2014 |
Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. | Sloss | May 2010 | Present |
Member, Graduate Program Committee, College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point | Isermann | January 2018 | Present |
Member, College of Natural Resources Graduate School Committee. University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. | Sloss | September 2011 | Present |
Institutional Animal Use and Care Committee - Service as an alternate committee member | Homola | March 2022 | Present |
Chair, Treehaven director search and screen committee | Isermann | July 2015 | September 2015 |
Assited with an on-campus seminar series focused on fisheries and wildlife resources in the Great Lakes | Isermann | January 2018 | May 2018 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
co-chair, Great Lakes Cisco Taxonomy Working Group | Larson | July 2019 | Present |
USGS Synthetic Biology Working Group | Larson | May 2019 | Present |
Program Committee Member, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference | Isermann | January 2017 | February 2019 |
Presentation Judge, Jim and Katie Krause CNR Student Research Symposium | Homola | April 2021 | Present |
Poster judge, WDAFS Meeting, Anchorage AK | Larson | May 2018 | May 2018 |
Poster judge, Jim and Katie Krause CNR Student Research Symposium | Larson | April 2018 | April 2018 |
Panel Member, Graduate School Panel, MWFC 2018 one of 6 faculty members that answered questions from prospective graduate students | Larson | January 2018 | January 2018 |
Organized fish and Wildlife Seminar Series for UWSP CNR spring 2018 | Larson | November 2017 | April 2018 |
Moderator, MWFC 2018 | Larson | January 2018 | January 2018 |
Mentor, resume writing workshop 2018 MWFWC | Larson | January 2018 | January 2018 |
Member, Walleye Technical Committee, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources | Sloss | October 2003 | Present |
Member, Walleye Technical Committee, Northcentral Division, American Fisheries Society | Sloss | October 2003 | Present |
Member, Northern Rivers Initiative Committee, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources | Bozek | January 1995 | January 2005 |
Member, Lake Michigan Lake Sturgeon Task Group | Sloss | December 2003 | Present |
Member, Lake Michigan Lake Sturgeon Genetics Technical Committee | Sloss | December 2003 | Present |
Lake Michigan Fisheries Forum, Cleveland, Wisconsin | Isermann | September 2018 | September 2018 |
Judge, Phelps Award for Best Genetics Paper Published in an AFS Journal 2017, 2018 | Larson | March 2017 | July 2018 |
Judge, AFS Early Career Professional Travel Award 2018 | Larson | April 2018 | April 2018 |
Judge, AFS Early Career Professional Travel Award 2017 | Larson | April 2017 | April 2017 |
Great Lakes Fishery Commission-Baldwin Scholarship Committee | Isermann | January 2020 | January 2020 |
GLFC FishPass Science Team | Larson | July 2018 | Present |
Committee member, UWSP University Personnel Development Committee | Larson | February 2018 | Present |
Attendee, workshop to determine next steps for the FishPass project in Traverse City, MI | Larson | May 2017 | June 2017 |
Attendee, Workshop on the impact of missing data in genotyping-by-sequencing datasets, Bernatchez Lab, University of Laval | Larson | October 2016 | October 2016 |
Attendee, USGS Synthetic Biology Meeting St. Paul MN | Larson | June 2019 | June 2019 |
Attended first workshop of Coregonids in the face of climate change: a collaborative global experiment in Thonon, France | Larson | March 2018 | March 2018 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Worked with ProjectBiodiversify.org to fill out a profile of my research to use in high school classrooms. | Larson | July 2019 |
Webinar - What’s the deal with Wisconsin’s Walleye? What we know, what we don’t know, and what we can do about it | Isermann | September 2015 |
WICFRU staff and students have presented information on our ongoing muskellunge research to multiple muskie angling groups across the state of Wisconsin. | Isermann | January 2018 |
The Sturgeon Passage: Getting a Lift | Isermann | November 2015 |
Temporal Genetic Stability in a Northern Wisconsin Walleye Population | Bozek | July 2003 |
Sloss, B.L. August 2011. Hatchery practices and genetic diversity: What have we learned in recent years. WDNR Annual Propagation Planning Meeting. (Invited). | Sloss | August 2011 |
Sloss, B.L. November 2009. Wisconsin muskellunge genetic stock structure. Wisconsin Musky Club. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. | Sloss | November 2009 |
Sloss, B.L. November 2009. Genetic diversity in the muskellunge fisheries of Wisconsin. Musky Clubs Alliance of Wisconsin. Stevens Point, Wisconsin. | Sloss | November 2009 |
Served as part of panel of fisheries professionals providing career guidance and advice to students enrolled in a graduate level course on Fisheries Management at Michigan State University. | Isermann | April 2020 |
Review of brook trout genetics in Wisconsin for the Wisconsin Trout magazine. July 2017. Authors Matt Mitro (WDNR), Joanna Griffin (WDNR), Wes Larson (USGS), and David Rowe (USGS) | Larson | July 2017 |
Results of WICFRU panfish regulations research highlighted in the 2018 Panfish Guide produced by In-Fisherman magazine. | Isermann | January 2018 |
Research on Land-Water Linkages in Katherine Lake, a North Temperate Lake | Bozek | July 2001 |
Research Seminar at the annual summer gathering of Illinois Natural History Survey personnel - Larvae to Length Limits: A Multi-Dimensional Approach to Fisheries Research and Management | Isermann | June 2016 |
Provided an oral presentation at the March 2018 meeting of the Algoma-Kewaunee Area Great Lakes Sportfishermen regarding results of our age-0 steelhead work on tributaries to Lake Michigan. | Isermann | March 2018 |
Provided a presentation regarding our research on walleye and yellow perch recruitment in northern Wisconsin lakes to the Minocqua Chain partner group, a consortium of state and tribal agencies and stakeholder groups. | Isermann | August 2022 |
Provided a presentation on the results of our walleye telemetry work in Green Bay to the Sheboygan Walleye Club | Isermann | August 2022 |
Provided a presentation on our Green Bay muskellunge research to the Winnebagoland Musky Club | Isermann | August 2022 |
Presented preliminary results of our smallmouth bass recruitment research as part of Fish Tales, a public form in Door County to inform the public about the Great Lakes | Isermann, Naas, Dembkowski | February 2023 |
Presentation to Vilas County Land and Water Conservation Board on effects of 2,4D herbicide. | Isermann | June 2016 |
Population Dynamics and Life History Characteristics of Steelhead in Portage Creek, Lake Superior 1991-1999 | Bozek | March 2000 |
Our smallmouth bass research was highlighted in an article that appeared in the Washington Island Observer, a small local newspaper. | Isermann, Naas | June 2023 |
Our research with Green Bay Muskellunge was featured on the Wildlife Management Institute's Outdoor News Bulletin website. | Isermann | March 2019 |
Our research was featured in a Research Brief for the Habitat Section of the American Fisheries Society. | Isermann | September 2020 |
Our research regarding walleye populations in northern Wisconsin was featured in an article that appeared in the Wisconsin Examiner, a Madison based newspaper. | Isermann | July 2022 |
Member of expert panel for the FishPass Angler Workshop and Focus Group Meeting. The goal of this workshop was to discuss assessment plans for the FishPass project with citizens of Traverse City and users of the Boardman River. May 30 and 31 2018. | Larson | May 2018 |
Lower Fox River/Green Bay NRDA Tech Team Meeting; update on telemetry projects | Isermann | November 2017 |
Life History Strategies of Steelhead in Ontario Waters of Lake Superior 1991-1999 | Bozek | March 2000 |
Isermann, D.A. 2014. Going Green-The rise of largemouth bass in the north woods. In-Fisherman. | Isermann | June 2014 |
Invited to provide an article that appeared in the 2022 Walleye Guide published by In-Fisherman magazine. | Isermann | March 2022 |
Invited to present information on Lake Michigan lake whitefish research to the Wisconsin Commercial Fisheries Board. | Isermann | April 2020 |
Invited by editors of In-Fisherman magazine to write article on the current status of saugeye research and management in North America. | Isermann | March 2023 |
Invited by editors of In-Fisherman magazine to write an article highlighting the current state of walleye-related research in North America and the article was featured in their 2020 Annual Walleye Guide | Isermann | March 2020 |
In-Fisherman featured our paper on bass-walleye interactions. | Isermann, Turnquist | October 2016 |
Guidelines for evaluating habitat in the littoral zone of Wisconsin's inland lakes. Bureau of Fisheries Management and Habitat Protection, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources. | Bozek | July 2002 |
Gave presentation on our walleye telemetry work in Green Bay to the Marinette-Menominee Sportfishing Club | Isermann, Izzo, Dembkowski | September 2023 |
Fox River/Green Bay NRDA Trustee Council - Green Bay Fisheries Telemetry Project | Isermann | October 2017 |
Food habits and predation between walleye and smallmouth bass in a northern Wisconsin lake | Bozek | June 2001 |
Fish community dynamics of Escanaba Lake, Wisconsin, based on abundacne and harvest of fish | Bozek | July 2001 |
Evaluating fish community structure, fish/habitat relations and the effects of dam removal in the Baraboo River, Wisconsin. Fish Passage Design and Management in Midwest Streams Workshop. USFWS National Conservation Training Center, La Crosse, Wisconsin. | Bozek | October 2002 |
Dr. Isermann was interviewed by Matt Straw for In-Fisherman magazine, a fishing magazine with national distribution with regards to threats to smallmouth bass fisheries. Excerpts from the interview appeared in the magazine and on the In-Fisherman website. | Isermann | March 2019 |
Door County Outdoors Radio Show; Dan Isermann introduces us to acoustic telemetry | Isermann | October 2017 |
Current Research Topics at the Wisconsin Cooperative Fishery Research Unit, 12 Apostles Musky Club | Bozek | April 2001 |
Canary in the coal mine; high capacity wells may impact brook trout by Ben Rodgers | Isermann | June 2017 |
Bozek, M.A. January 2010. Effects of riparian vegetation on central Wisconsin trout stream temperatures: a management alternative. Frank Hornberg Chapter of Trout Unlimited. Stevens Point, Wisconsin. | Bozek | January 2010 |
Assessment of Fish Habitat in Lakes | Bozek | March 2000 |
Andvik, R.T., B.L. Sloss, J. VanDeHey, R. Claramunt, T. Sutton, and S. Hansen. 2011. Proportional stock harvest of the lake whitefish commercial fishery. Lake Michigan Technical Committee Meeting. Glenview, Illinois. | Sloss, Andvik | January 2011 |
A brief story about the work we did with smallmouth and bigmouth buffalo in Wisconsin. This work was a research priority for the Wisconsin DNR and was funded by Wisconsin DNR. | Isermann, Bohen | February 2025 |