North Carolina Technical Assistance Activities

As part of our mission, NC Unit scientists routinely provide technical assistance to cooperators, colleagues, and the public, ranging from data analysis support, GIS mapping, workshops, and consultations on a variety of natural resource issues. For example, North Carolina Unit scientists provide assistance with stock assessments for the North Carolina Division of Marine Fisheries, strategic habitat planning for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and serve on the non-game advisory committee for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. They conduct workshops and training for natural resource professionals and serve as expert panelists and witnesses on a variety of topics.
Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Wrote age-at-harvest model and trained biologists (Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife) on R and implementing the modeling methods. Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife |
Hostetter | October 2022 |
Workshop: Tagging Models: Estimating Population Size and Mortality. W. Pine, K. Pollock, and J. E. Hightower. 2003 Spring Meeting, Southern Division, American Fisheries Society, Wilmington, NC. |
Hightower | February 2003 |
Workshop, invited talk. Hightower, J. E., and J. R. Bence. 2005. Strategies for estimating natural mortality of fishes. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission Natural Mortality Workshop, Baltimore, MD. March 31-April 1, 2005. |
Hightower | March 2005 |
Workshop, invited plenary talk. Hightower, J. E., and J. R. Bence. 2004. Strategies for estimating natural mortality of fishes. Lake Whitefish Natural Mortality Workshop, Great Lakes Fisheries Commission, Ann Arbor, MI, September 21-22, 2004. |
Hightower | September 2004 |
Technical/Agency Draft Recovery Plan for Amazona vittata. |
Collazo | May 2005 |
Technical input: monitoring design for restoration project. I developed alternative monitoring designs and provided scoping to support large-scale restoration project jointly proposed by the Nature Conservancy and North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Nature Conservancy, North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission |
Dunn | May 2024 |
Technical input: NC Aquatic Connectivity Team. I participated in one-day workshop in Raleigh where I provided technical advice on aquatic barrier impacts, monitoring, and removal North Carolian Wildlife Resources Commission |
Dunn | September 2024 |
Technical expert: Sicklefin Redhorse Conservation Committee. Attended one-day planning workshop on Sicklefin Redhorse held by Sicklefin Redhorse Conservation Committee. I subsequently contacted former students from the NC Unit and distilled their input on research needs and data gaps. Sicklefin Redhorse Conservation Committee |
Dunn | February 2024 |
Technical expert during Independent Scientific Advisory Board briefing on ESA-listed salmonid survival and avian predation impacts. Columbia River Indian Tribes |
Hostetter | February 2021 |
Technical Assistance (science support) to Roanoke-Tar-Neuse-Cape-Fear Ecosystem and associated Refuges--Southeastern Virginia/Eastern North Carolina. Roanoke-Tar-Neuse-Cape-Fear Ecosystem |
Collazo, Drew | May 2007 |
Technical Advisory Group -- Field assistance: Robust Redhorse sampling. I assisted with boat electrofishing for two days to collect brood stock of for the imperiled Robust Redhorse in the Pee Dee River North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission |
Dunn | April 2024 |
Southeastern Drought Workshop steering committee: Invited based on my background in flow-ecology relationships to be part of a planning committee for a workshop on drought in the Southeastern U.S. NOAA; USGS-CASC |
Dunn | March 2024 |
Served on Striped Bass Fishery Management Plan Development Team |
Hightower | June 2003 |
Serve on Diadromous Fish Technicial Advisory Committee, Roanoke River (ongoing) |
Hightower | August 2004 |
SSA Peer-Reviewer: Invited by USFWS to perform the peer-review for the Species Status Assessment of Spinytail Crayfish. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Dunn, Cathey | August 2024 |
SEDAR (Southeast Data Assessment and Review) 15, stock assessment review panelist. South Atlantic Fishery Management Council. |
Hightower | January 2008 |
Puerto Rico Technical Team Climate Workforce--This project is overseen by the Office of Internal Affair (DOI) and SE Climate Adaptation and Science Center. The objective is to increase professional capacity of the PR Department of Natural and Environmental Resources in the topic of climate adaptation. My role is to assist in selecting scientific projects to meet program objectives. SECASC-USGS |
Collazo | January 2023 |
Provided data to biologist with KDPW on length-weight relationships on multiple sunfish. Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks |
Dunn | August 2024 |
Presenter and technical expert: Mississippi Crayfishes Working Group. Invited participant in Mississippi Crayfishes Working Group. Co-authored presentation on distributions of burrowing crayfishes and provided technical input on survey methods. Mississippi Crayfish Working Group |
Dunn | January 2024 |
Presented talk entitled "Striped bass and American shad spawning habitat in the Neuse River" at meeting of state and federal agencies with U. S. Army Corps of Engineers regarding flow management in Neuse River. |
Hightower | May 2004 |
Presented on invasive carps to Lower Mississippi River invasive carp partnership. Invited to present invasive carps research at Lower Mississippi River Partnership on upcoming collaborative invasive carps research among MDWFP, USFWS, and USGS. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Dunn, Brewer | October 2023 |
Presentation to NC Wildlife Resources Commission, Boydton, Virginia, April 9, 2002, entitled "Restoration strategies for anadromous fishes in the Roanoke River". |
Hightower | April 2002 |
Presentation to Central-Southern Advisory Committee, Striped Bass Plan Development Team, New Bern, North Carolina, entitled "History of striped bass fishery in central-southern North Carolina". |
Hightower | February 2002 |
Presentation to Albemarle-Roanoke Advisory Committee, Striped Bass Plan Development Team, Edenton, North Carolina, entitled "History of striped bass fishery in the Albemarle Sound area". |
Hightower | February 2002 |
Panelist for American Eel Stock Assessment Peer Review. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, November-December 2005 |
Hightower | December 2005 |
Kwak, T. J., and J. E. Hightower. 2005. Fish Surgical Techniques Workshop. Technical training for agency and utility company biologists to surgically implant radio or ultrasonic transmitters into fish. April 18, Raleigh, North Carolina. |
Hightower, Kwak | April 2005 |
Krachey, M., K. H. Pollock, and J. A. Collazo. 2011. Design and Analysis of Manatee Aerial Surveys in Puerto Rico. US Fish and Wildlife Service, Caribbean Field Office, Boqueron, Puerto Rico. 18 pp. Caribbean Field Office |
Krachey, Pollock | January 2010 |
Invited technical expert: Southeastern fish imperilment. Invited by Georgia River Basin Center and Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute to participate in a workshop to identify potential fish species extirpations across the Southeast. I coordinated responses by state biologists for MO, MS, NC, and VA. Chattanooga, TN. Tennessee Aquarium Conservation Institute |
Dunn | November 2023 |
Invited technical assistant: Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee. Invited to attend two-day committee meeting convened by Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee where I provided technical input on river fish conservation and Species Status Assessments Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee |
Dunn | November 2023 |
Invited panelist, Gulf sturgeon stock status workshop, November 16-20, 2009, Cedar Key, FL. Southeast Regional Office, NMFS |
Hightower, Flowers | November 2009 |
Invited panelist at DSRRN (Diadromous Species Restoration Research Network) Science Meeting, ?Restoration of diadromous fishes and their ecosystems: confluence of science and restoration?, University of Maine, Orono, ME, July 22-24, 2009 University of Maine |
Hightower | July 2009 |
Invited Species Status Assessment technical expert: Piebald Madtom. Invited to attend multiple Recommender Team Meetings with decision-makers at the USFWS to present on modeling performed by my lab group that was used within the Species Status Assessment of Piebald Madtom. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Dunn | October 2023 |
Instructor for Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) Advanced Stock Assessment Training Workshop, Fisheries Tagging Studies: Theory, Methods, and Applications. August 1-3, 2006. Raleigh, NC. |
Pollock, Hightower | August 2006 |
I attended a half-day workshop consisting of technical planning for conservation effort for Robust Redhorse in the Yadkin-Pee Dee River Robust Redhorse Conservation Committee |
Dunn | March 2024 |
I served as a peer-reviewer for four journal/FSP reviews. Scienctific journals |
Dunn | October 2024 |
I provided data and held call to provide technical advice to USFWS for the Species Status Assessment of Alabama Shad U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Dunn | September 2024 |
I participated in a round-table discussion with Secretary of Interior, USGS Director, and Director of Ocean Energy Management on research and the NC Unit Department of Interior |
Dunn | February 2024 |
I developed powerpoint slides for personnel on how to distinguish the three species of buffalofishes. Kansas Department of Wildlife & Parks |
Dunn | April 2024 |
I assisted field sampling for burrowing crayfishes for a USDA-sponsored project USDA Forest Service |
Dunn | March 2024 |
Held 29 calls or in-person meetings with seven organizations (USGS, USFWS, NCWRC, Forest Service, American Rivers, Nature Conservancy, NOAA) State, Feds |
Dunn | October 2024 |
Green Sturgeon Biological Review Team, 2004 (National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center) |
Hightower | August 2004 |
Green Sturgeon Biological Review Team, 2002 (National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Science Center) |
Hightower | June 2002 |
Facilitated call between USGS zebra mussel experts and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission |
Dunn | October 2023 |
Expert Panelist for American eel Great Lakes/Canada Threats and Population Dynamics Workshop. USFWS and NMFS, January 31-February 2, 2006 |
Hightower | February 2006 |
Drew, C. A., L. B. Alexander, J. A. Collazo. 2011. Science Summary and Recommendations in Support of Manatee Protected Area Design in Puerto Rico. Draft Final Report, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Caribbean Field Office, Puerto Rico. Caribbean Field Office |
Drew | September 2010 |
Developed, analyzed, and summarized updated Canada Lynx occupancy analyses in Minnesota for the USFWS Canada lynx Species Status Assessment revision process. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Hostetter | March 2023 |
Completed occupancy analysis for Superior National Forest Lynx Monitoring plan. Superior National Forest |
Hostetter | May 2021 |
Collazo, J. A., L. B. Alexander, and C. A. Drew. 2011. Recovery Plan for The Puerto Rico Population of The West Indian (Antillean) Manatee (Trichechus manatus manatus ). 50 pp. Caribbean Field Office |
Drew | January 2011 |
Chair, Peer Review of the Stock Assessment Data Collection Program, NOAA/NMFS/Northeast Fisheries Science Center; Woods Hole, Massachusetts, August 5-9, 2013. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Northeast Fisheries Science Center |
Hightower | July 2013 |
Blue Crab Fishery Management Plan, Scientific Advisory Panel, NC Marine Fisheries Commission, April 2002-January 2004. |
Hightower | January 2004 |
Analyzed removal data for an invasive chameleon population USGS - Invasive Species Program |
Hostetter | June 2022 |
Analyzed Lynx occupancy data for Superior National Forest Lynx Monitoring plan. Superior National Forest |
Hostetter | May 2022 |
Anadromous Fish Habitat Restoration Workgroup. Ongoing from April 2005. |
Hightower | April 2005 |
American Eel Peer Review Panel, Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, November 2005- . |
Hightower | December 2005 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Search Committee - Search Committee for Department of Applied Ecology Executive Assistant. | Dunn | January 2024 | March 2024 |
Reviewer, Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center Global Change Research Fellows | Hostetter | March 2024 | April 2024 |
Member, Fisheries and Wildlife Executive Committee | Kwak | January 2000 | Present |
Faculty Search Committee, Fisheries and Wildlife Program | Simons | January 2010 | May 2010 |
Faculty Search Committee Member, NCSU Dept. of Applied Ecology | Hostetter | August 2023 | June 2024 |
Faculty Advisor: NCSU Student sub-unit of American Fisheries Society - I advise the NCSU chapter of the American Fisheries Society, which requires completing annual training, helping students manage funds, recommending events, mentoring students, and general advice on running an organization. | Dunn | January 2024 | Present |
Faculty Advisor, Student Fisheries Society, a Student Subunit of the American Fisheries Society | Kwak | January 2018 | Present |
Departmental Liason, North Carolina State University Libraries | Hightower | January 2002 | Present |
Department Head Search Committee | Kwak | May 2017 | November 2017 |
Chair, Applied Ecology Faculty Post-Tenure Review Committee | Kwak | January 2018 | Present |
Admissions Committee Member, NCSU, Dept. Biology - Review applications for graduate admission at the Department of Biology, NCSU, Raleigh. | Collazo | January 2000 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Symposium Organizer, Moderator, and Panel Discussion Leader; World Fisheries Congress 2021, 16 presentations from 12 countries. | Kwak | January 2020 | January 2022 |
Member, USGS, North Carolina District Strategic Science Plan Review Committee, Water Resources Division, U.S. Geological Survey | Kwak | April 2002 | May 2002 |
Member, Scientific and Statistical Committee, Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council | Hightower | May 2001 | May 2003 |
Member, Robust Redhorse Technical Advisory Committee | Kwak | January 2001 | Present |
Member, Roanoke River Fisheries Technical Group | Hightower | January 1999 | Present |
Member, River herring Technical Expert Working Group | Hightower | March 2014 | Present |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Hightower | June 2001 | June 2001 |
Member, North Carolina Non-game Advisory Commission | Simons | June 1998 | June 2016 |
Member, NC Scientific Council on Fishes | Kwak | June 2002 | Present |
Member, Green Sturgeon Biological Review Team | Hightower | April 2002 | September 2002 |
Member, Friends of the Kankakaee River Technical Advisory Committee | Kwak | January 2002 | Present |
Member, Development Team, North Carolina Striped Bass Plan | Hightower | July 2001 | January 2000 |
Member, Conservation Science Panel - Sustainable Ecosystems Institute | Simons | March 2001 | January 2000 |
Member, Blue Crab Scientific Advisory Panel, NC Marine Fisheries Commission | Hightower | March 2002 | March 2004 |
Member, Atlantic Sturgeon Status Review Team, National Marine Fisheries Service. | Hightower | January 2006 | December 2007 |
Member, Anadromous Fish Work Group, Kerr Reservoir 216 Study | Hightower | May 2003 | Present |
Cooperative Research Units Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee | Collazo | October 2020 | September 2021 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Online article produced by the Southeast Climate Adaptation Science Center. The three NC Unit scientists were interviewed to highlight our connections to the SE CASC. | Dunn, Collazo, Hostetter | July 2024 |
Wake Audubon, program on marine bird conservation. | Simons | June 2003 |
Raabe, J. K., T. A. Ellis, and J. E. Hightower. 2014. Preliminary evaluaton of a rock-ramp fishway in the Cape Fear River. World Fish Migration Day, Cape Fear River Watch Education Center at Lock & Dam #1, Riegelwood, NC, May 24, 2014. | Hightower, Raabe, Ellis | May 2014 |
Raabe, J. K., T. A. Ellis, and J. E. Hightower. 2014. Preliminary evaluaton of a rock-ramp fishway in the Cape Fear River. Cape Fear River Assembly, Annual Meeting, Wilmington NC, May 15, 2014. | Hightower, Raabe, Ellis | May 2014 |
Online article developed by Communications office at NC State University. Article highlights the NC Unit's annual Coordinating Committee Meeting. | Dunn, Collazo, Hostetter | June 2024 |
Laney, R.W., J. E. Hightower, M. Mangold, W. W. Cole, Jr., and S. E. Winslow. 2003. Distribution and habitat use of Atlantic sturgeon captured during the southeast area monitoring and assessment (SEAMAP) cooperative winter tagging cruises, 1988-2003. South Atlantic Fishery Management Council, Habitat and Environmental Protection Advisory Panel, Charleston, SC, August 21, 2003. | Hightower | August 2003 |
Laney, R.W., J. E. Hightower, M. Mangold, W. W. Cole, Jr., and S. E. Winslow. 2003. Distribution and habitat use of Atlantic sturgeon captured during the southeast area monitoring and assessment (SEAMAP) cooperative winter tagging cruises, 1988-2003. Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission, Habitat Committee, Arlington, VA, August 25, 2003. | Hightower | August 2003 |
Invited presentation: "Restoration of spawning habitat for striped bass and American shad through removal of the Quaker Neck Dam", 22nd Annual North Carolina Commercial Fishing Show, New Bern, North Carolina. | Hightower | February 2002 |
Hightower, J. E.. 2007. Effects of dams on migration and spawning of anadromous fishes. U. S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Division, Raleigh, North Carolina. October 17, 2007. | Hightower | October 2007 |
Hightower, J. E. Restoration of diadromous fish habitat on the Neuse River, NC. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Roanoke-Tar-Neuse-Cape Fear Ecosystem Team Meeting, Atlantic Beach, NC. Nov 17-18, 2004. | Hightower | November 2004 |
Hightower, J. E. 2004. The effect of dam removal on fish resouces. Invited lecture in workshop entitled: Succeeding with a dam removal project. University of Wisconsin, Madison, College of Engineering, Department of Engineering Professional Development. Raleigh, NC. | Hightower | December 2004 |
Hightower, J. E. 2004. Research focus: anadromous fishes and coastal rivers. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Regional Director's Retreat. February 2, 2004. | Hightower | February 2004 |
Feature story in the Wall Street Journal on amphibian monitoring research. | Simons | September 2010 |
Ellis, T. A., J. A. Buckel, J. E. Hightower, and K. H. Pollock. 2012. Estimating fishing and natural mortality of spotted seatrout in North Carolina using conventional and telemetry tagging. CRFL (Coastal Recreational Fishing License) Symposium, New Bern, North Carolina, May 31, 2012. | Hightower, Pollock | May 2012 |
Eggleston, D. B., E. G. Johnson, J. Hightower. 2001. Population dynamics of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in North Carolina. North Carolina Marine Fisheries Commission Meeting. Greenville, North Carolina. January, 2001. | Hightower | January 2001 |
Eggleston, D. B., E. G. Johnson and J. Hightower. 2004. Population dynamics and stock assessment of the blue crab in North Carolina. NC Marine Fisheries Commission meeting, New Bern, NC, May 2004. | Hightower | May 2004 |
Eggleston, D. B., E. G. Johnson and J. Hightower. 2004. Population dynamics and stock assessment of the blue crab in North Carolina. NC Commercial Fishing Show, New Bern, NC, February 2004. | Hightower | February 2004 |
Eggleston, D. B., E. G. Johnson and J. Hightower. 2002. Population dynamics of the blue crab, Callinectes sapidus, in North Carolina. NC Marine Fisheries Commission, Crustacean Advisory Committee, Washington, NC. February, 2002. | Hightower | February 2002 |
Eggleston, D. B., E. G. Johnson and J. Hightower. 2002. Population dynamics and stock assessment of the blue crab in North Carolina. NC Commercial Fishing Show. New Bern, NC, March, 2002. | Hightower | March 2002 |
Eggleston, D. B., E. G. Johnson and J. Hightower. 2001. Stock assessment of the blue crab in North Carolina. NC Commercial Fishing Show. New Bern, North Carolina. February, 2001. | Hightower | February 2001 |
Eggleston, D. B., E. G. Johnson and J. Hightower. 2001. Stock assessment of the blue crab in North Carolina. Duke University Marine Laboratory, Beaufort, NC, November, 2001. | Hightower | November 2001 |
Eggleston, D. B., E. G. Johnson and J. Hightower. 2000. Stock assessment of the blue crab in North Carolina. NC Commercial Fishing Show. New Bern, NC. February, 2000. | Hightower | February 2000 |
Bacheler, N.M., L.M. Paramore, J.A. Buckel, J.E. Hightower, and K.H. Pollock. 2014. Estimation of mortality and selectivity of red drum with high rates of catch and release. Presentation to North Carolina Sea Grant Research Symposium: Investments and Opportunities. Raleigh, NC, April 16, 2014, 100 attendees. | Hightower, Bacheler, Pollock | April 2014 |
Article for Tradewinds magazine on fish responses to removal of low-head dam | Hightower | November 2001 |