Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Alaska
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Alaska Staff Member

Dr. Mark S Wipfli

Mark Wipfli, Assistant Leader Fisheries, Alaska CFWRU.

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (907) 474 - 6654
Faculty Email:


  • Ph D Michigan State University 1992


Mark Wipfli joined the Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit as Assistant Leader Fisheries in December 2003. He holds a joint appointment as a Professor of Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries with the Department of Biology and Wildlife, the Institute of Arctic Biology, and the School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks. . Riverine ecology, riparian ecology and management, freshwater foodwebs, energy and nutrient flow among marine, freshwater, and terrestrial ecosystems, predator-prey interactions.. Aquatic entomology, riverine ecology, freshwater foodwebs

Research Publications Publication Date
Wotton, R. S., M. S. Wipfli, L. Watson, and R. W. Merritt. 1993. Feeding variability among individual aquatic predators in experimental channels. Canadian Journal of Zoology. 71: 2033-2037. March 1993
Wipfli, MS, and JS Richardson. 2016. Riparian Management and the Conservation of Freshwater Ecosystems, In Conservation of Freshwater Fishes, eds GP Closs, M Krkosek, JD Olden, pp 270-291. January 2016
Wipfli, M.S., J.P. Hudson, J.P. Caouette, N.L. Mitchell, J.L. Lessard, R.A. Heintz, and D.T. Chaloner. 2010. Salmon carcasses increase stream productivity more than inorganic fertilizer pellets: A test on multiple trophic levels in streamside experimental channels. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:824-839. March 2010
Wipfli, M.S. and C.V. Baxter. 2010. Linking ecosystems, food webs, and fish production: Subsidies in salmonid watersheds. Fisheries 35(8):373-387. August 2010
Wipfli, M.S. 2009. Food supplies of stream-dwelling salmonids. Pages 39-52 in Krueger, C.C. and Zimmerman, C.E. (eds.). Pacific Salmon: Ecology and Management of Western Alaska’s Populations. American Fisheries Society Symposium 70. December 2009
Wipfli, M. S., and R. W. Merritt. 1994. Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis on non-target benthic insects through direct and indirect exposure. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 13:190-205. April 1994
Wipfli, M. S., and R. W. Merritt. 1994. Disturbance to a stream food web by a bacterial larvicide specific to black flies: feeding responses of predatory macroinvertebrates. Freshwater Biology. 32:91-103. July 1994
Wipfli, M. S., and J. Musslewhite. 2004. Density of red alder (Alnus rubra) in headwaters influences invertebrate and organic matter subsidies to downstream fish habitats in Alaska. Hydrobiologia. 520:153-163. April 2004
Wipfli, M. S., and D. P. Gregovich. 2002. Export of invertebrates and detritus from fishless headwater streams in southeastern Alaska: implications for downstream salmonid production. Freshwater Biology. 47:957-969. May 2002
Wipfli, M. S., S. S. Petersen, D. B. Hogg, and J. L. Wedberg. 1992. Spatial analysis and optimum sample size for three plant bug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) species associated with birdsfoot trefoil in Wisconsin. Environmental Entomology. 21: 1248-1252. June 1992
Wipfli, M. S., R. W. Merritt, and W. W. Taylor. 1994. Low toxicity of the black fly larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis to early stages of brook trout, Salvelinus fontinalis; brown trout, Salmo trutta; and steelhead trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss following direct and indirect exposure. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 51:1451-1458. January 1994
Wipfli, M. S., R. L. Deal, P. E. Hennon, A. C. Johnson, R. T. Edwards, T. L. De Santo, T. Gomi, E. H. Orlikowska, M. D. Bryant, M. E. Schultz, C. LeSage, R. Kimbirauskus, and D. V. D'Amore. 2003. Compatible management of red alder-conifer ecosystems in southeastern Alaska. In Monserud, R. A., Haynes, R., and Johnson, A. (eds. ). Compatible Forest Management. Kluwer Academic Publ., Dordrecht, The Netherlands. Pp. 55-81. May 2003
Wipfli, M. S., J. S. Richardson, and R. J. Naiman. 2007. Ecological linkages between headwaters and downstream ecosystems: transport of organic matter, invertebrates, and wood down headwater channels. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 43: 72-85. January 2007
Wipfli, M. S., J. P. Hudson, and J. P. Caouette. 2004. Restoring productivity of salmon-based food webs: Contrasting effects of salmon carcass and salmon analog additions on stream-resident salmonids. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 133:1440-1454. November 2004
Wipfli, M. S., J. P. Hudson, and J. P. Caouette. 1998. Influence of salmon carcasses on stream productivity: response of biofilm and benthic macroinvertebrates in southeastern Alaska, USA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 55:1503-1511. August 1998
Wipfli, M. S., J. P. Hudson, J. P. Caouette, and D. T. Chaloner. 2003. Marine subsidies in freshwater ecosystems: salmon carcasses increase the growth rates of stream-resident salmonids. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 132:371-381. March 2003
Wipfli, M. S., J. P. Hudson, D. T. Chaloner, and J. P. Caouette. 1999. Influence of salmon spawner densities on stream productivity in Southeast Alaska, USA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 56:1600-1611. October 1999
Wipfli, M. S., J. L. Wedberg, and D. B. Hogg. 1991. Screen barriers for reducing interplot movement of three adult plant bug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) species in small plot experiments. Great Lakes Entomologist. 24: 169-172. January 1991
Wipfli, M. S., J. L. Wedberg, and D. B. Hogg. 1990. Damage potentials of three plant bug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) species to birdsfoot trefoil grown for seed in Wisconsin. Journal of Economic Entomology. 83: 580-584. June 1990
Wipfli, M. S., J. L. Wedberg, and D. B. Hogg. 1990. Damage potentials of three plant bug (Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Miridae) species to birdsfoot trefoil grown for seed in Wisconsin. Journal of Economic Entomology. 83: 580-584. June 1990
Wipfli, M. S., J. L. Wedberg, and D. B. Hogg. 1990. Cultural and chemical control strategies for three plant bug (Heteroptera: Miridae) pests of birdsfoot trefoil in northern Wisconsin. Journal of Economic Entomology. 83: 2086-2091. September 1990
Wipfli, M. S., J. L. Wedberg, D. B. Hogg, and T. D. Syverud. 1989. Insect pests associated with birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus L., in Wisconsin. Great Lakes Entomologist. 22: 25-33. September 1989
Wipfli, M. S., J. L. Wedberg, D. B. Hogg, and T. D. Syverud. 1989. Insect pests associated with birdsfoot trefoil, Lotus corniculatus L., in Wisconsin. Great Lakes Entomologist. 22: 25-33. June 1989
Wipfli, M. S. 2005. Trophic linkages between headwater forests and downstream fish habitats: implications for forest and fish management. Landscape and Urban Planning. 72:205-213. February 2005
Wipfli, M. S. 1997. Terrestrial invertebrates as salmonid prey and nitrogen sources in streams: contrasting old-growth and young-growth riparian forests in southeastern Alaska, USA. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 54:1259-1269. May 1997
Wipfli, M. S. 1997. Book review. Comprehensive methods for stream ecologists. Review of Methods in Stream Ecology by F. R. Hauer and G. A. Lamberti. Ecology. 78:960. March 1997
Shanley CS, S Pyare, MI Goldstein · PB Alaback, DM Albert, CM Beier, TJ Brinkman, RT Edwards, E Hood, A Mackinnon, MV McPhee, TM Patterson, LH Suring, DA Tallmon, MS Wipfli. Climate change implications in the northern coastal temperate rainforest of North America. Climatic Change. March 2015
Schoen, E., Wipfli, M., and 15 other coauthors. 2017. Future of Pacific Salmon in the Face of Environmental Change: Lessons from One of the World's Remaining Productive Salmon Regions. Fisheries, 42 (10) 538-553. DOI:10.1080/03632415.2017.1374251 October 2017
Rosenberger, A.E., J.B. Dunham, M.S. Wipfli, and J.M. Buffington. 2011. Effects of wildfire and channel reorganization on drifting macroinvertebrates and predation by trout in central Idaho streams a decade after disturbance. Northwest Science 85(1):55-63. April 2011
Rosenberger, A.E., J.B. Dunham, M.S. Wipfli, and J.M. Buffington. 2011. Effects of wildfire and channel reorganization on drifting macroinvertebrates and predation by trout in central Idaho streams a decade after disturbance. Northwest Science 85: 55-63. July 2011
Roon, D, M Wipfli, J Kruse. 2018. Riparian defoliation by the invasive green alder sawfly influences terrestrial prey subsidies to salmon streams. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 27:963–975. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12407 | Abstract September 2018
Roon DA, Wipfli MS, Wurtz TL. Effects of invasive European bird cherry (Prunus padus) on leaf litter processing by aquatic invertebrate shredder communities in urban Alaskan streams. Hydrobiologia. June 2016
Roon DA, Wipfli MS, Wurtz TL, Blanchard AL. Invasive European bird cherry disrupts stream-riparian linkages: effects on terrestrial invertebrate prey subsidies for juvenile coho salmon. July 2016
Rinella, D.J., M.S. Wipfli, C.A. Stricker, and R. A. Heintz. 2011. Pacific salmon runs and consumer fitness: growth and energy storage in stream-dwelling salmonids increase with salmon spawner density. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 69:73-84. December 2011
Rinella, D., Wipfli, M., Walker, C., Stricker, C., Heintz, R. 2013. Seasonal persistence of marine-derived nutrients in south-central Alaskan salmon streams. Ecosphere. October 2013
Rine, K, M Wipfli, E Schoen, C Sticker, T Nightengale. 2016. Trophic pathways supporting juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon in the glacial Susitna River, Alaska: patterns of freshwater, marine, and terrestrial resource use across a seasonally dynamic habitat mosaic. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. | Abstract August 2016
Richardson, N, AH Beaudreau, MS Wipfli, H Finkle. 2016. Temporal variation in diets and use of benthic resources by juvenile Sockeye Salmon and a potential competitor, Threespine Stickleback, in Afognak Lake, Alaska. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. August 2016
Richardson, JS, MS Wipfli. 2016. Getting Quantitative about Consequences of Cross-Ecosystem Resource Subsidies on Recipient Consumers. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. September 2016
Powell, J, M Wipfli, K Criddle, E Schoen. 2018. Will Alaska’s Fisheries Regime Prove Resilient? Kenai River Fishery Management as a Model for Adaptive Governance. Fisheries 43: 26-30. January 2018
Piccolo, J. J., and M. S. Wipfli. 2002. Does red alder (Alnus rubra) along headwater streams increase the export of invertebrates and detritus from headwaters to fish-bearing habitats in southeastern Alaska? Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 59:503-513. August 2002
Peirce, J.M., E.O. Otis, M.S. Wipfli, and E.H. Follmann. 2011. Radio-telemetry as a tool for estimating stream life and predation by brown bears for chum salmon at McNeil River, Alaska. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 31(2):315-322. May 2011
Peirce J.M., Otis E.O., Wipfli M.S., Follmann E.H. 2013. Interactions between brown bears and chum salmon at McNeil River, Alaska. Ursus 24(1):42-53. April 2013
Orlikowska, E. H., R. L. Deal, P. H. Hennon, and M. S. Wipfli. 2004. Role of red alder in riparian forest structure along headwater streams in southeastern Alaska. Northwest Science. 78:111-123. May 2004
Neuswanger, J, Wipfli, MS, Rosenberger, AE, and Hughes NF. 2016. Measuring fish and their habitats: Versatile 2-D and 3-D video techniques with user-friendly software. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 10.1139/cjfas-2016-0010. June 2016
Neuswanger, J, Wipfli MS, Rosenberger AE, Hughes NF. Mechanisms of drift-feeding behavior in juvenile Chinook salmon and the role of inedible debris in a clear-water Alaskan stream. Environmental Biology of Fishes 97:489-503. January 2014
Neuswanger, J, M Wipfli, M Evenson, N Hughes, A Rosenberger. 2015. High summer stream discharge strongly correlates with low productivity of stream-type Chinook salmon in two Alaskan rivers in the Yukon drainage. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 72:1125-1137. April 2015
Neuswanger, A Rosenberger, J, M Wipfli, and N Hughes. 2023. Territories within groups: the dynamic competition of drift-feeding juvenile Chinook Salmon in 3-dimensional space. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 80: | Abstract | Download January 2023
Meyer, BE, MS Wipfli, ER Schoen, DJ Rinella, JA Falke. 2023. Landscape characteristics influence projected growth rates of stream-resident juvenile salmon in the face of climate change in the Kenai River watershed, south-central Alaska. Transactions ​of the American Fisheries Society 152: 169-186. February 2023
Merritt, R. W., M. S. Wipfli, and R. S. Wotton. 1991. Changes in feeding habits of selected nontarget aquatic insects in response to live and Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis-killed black fly larvae (Diptera: Simuliidae). Canadian Entomologist. 123: 179-185. March 1991
Mellon, C.D., M.S. Wipfli, and J.L. Li. 2008. Forest fire effects on headwater stream subsidies in eastern Washington, USA: Movements of invertebrates to riparian and downstream habitats. Freshwater Biology 53: 2331-2343. October 2008
Medhurst, R.B., M.S. Wipfli, K. Polivka, C. Binckley, P. Hessburg, and B. Salter. 2010. Headwater streams and forest management: Does ecoregional context influence logging effects on benthic communities? Hydrobiologia 641:71-83. January 2010
McFarland J, M Wipfli, and M Whitman. 2016. Trophic pathways supporting Arctic Grayling in a small stream on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. February 2017
Martin, A.E., M.S. Wipfli, and R. Spangler. 2010. Aquatic community responses to salmon analog and wood bundle additions in restored floodplain habitats in an Alaskan stream. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:1828-1845. November 2010
Marcarelli A.M., Baxter C.V., Wipfli M.S. Nutrient additions to mitigate for loss of Pacific salmon: consequences for stream biofilm and nutrient dynamics. Ecosphere. May 2014
Leppi, JC, JA Falke, DJ Rinella, MS Wipfli, AC Seitz, MS Whitman. Landscape Geomorphology and Local-Riverine Features Influence Broad Whitefish (Coregonus nasus) Spawning Habitat Suitability in Arctic Alaska. For submission to Ecosystems. | Abstract April 2022
Leppi, J.C., M.S. Wipfli, A.K. Liljedahl, D.J. Rinella, M.S. Whitman, J.A. Falke, and A.C. Seitz. 2023. Climate Change Risks to Freshwater Subsistence Fisheries in Arctic Alaska: Insights and Uncertainty Revealed from Broad Whitefish (Coregonus nasus) Ecology. Fisheries 48:295-306. January 2023
Leppi, J, M Lunde, M Wipfli, D Rinella. 2017. In search of Arctic Bonefish. Report in Fisheries magazine. June 2017
LeSage, C. M., R. W. Merritt, and M. S. Wipfli. In press. Headwater riparian invertebrate communities associated with red alder and conifer wood and leaf litter in southeastern Alaska. Northwest Science. August 2005
Laske, SM, AE Rosenberger, WJ Kane, MS Wipfli, CE Zimmerman. 2017. Top-down control of invertebrates by Ninespine Stickleback in Arctic ponds. Freshwater Biology DOI: 10.1086/690675. January 2017
Laske, S. M., A.E. Rosenberger, M.S. Wipfli, and C.E. Zimmerman. 2019. Surface water connectivity controls fish food web structure and complexity across local-and meta-food webs in Arctic Coastal Plain lakes. Food Webs | Abstract | Publisher Website December 2019
Laske, S. M., A. E. Rosenberger, M. S. Wipfli, and C. E. Zimmerman. 2018. Generalist feeding strategies in Arctic freshwater fish: a mechanism for dealing with harsh environments. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 27: 767-784. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12391 (IP-088949) July 2018
Laske, S, T Haynes, A Rosenberger, J Koch, M Wipfli, M Whitman, C Zimmerman. 2016. Surface water connectivity structures Arctic lake fish assemblages: Influence of local and regional drivers. Freshwater Biology 61:1090-1104. April 2016
Lang, D. W., G. H. Reeves, J. Hall, and M. S. Wipfli. 2006. The influence of fall-spawning salmon on growth rate and production of juvenile coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 63:917-930. March 2006
Kohler, A., Kusnierz, P., Copeland, T., Venditti, D., Gable, J., Kinzer, R., Lewis, B., Lytle, D., Barnett, B., and Wipfli, M. 2013. Salmon-mediated nutrient flux in selected streams of the Columbia River Basin, USA. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 70: 502-512. April 2013
Koch, J.C., Gurney, K.E., Wipfli, M.S., and Schmutz, J.A. 2019, Physical, chemical, and invertebrate data from Chipp North pond manipulations, North Slope, Alaska, 2013: U.S. Geological Survey data release, November 2019
Koch, J, Gurney, K, Wipfli M. 2014. Morphology-dependent water budgets and nutrient fluxes in arctic thaw ponds. Permafrost and Periglacial Processes. DOI: 10.1002/ppp.1804. May 2014
Kliskey, A., L Alessa, S. Wandersee, P Williams, J Trammel, J Powell, J Grunblatt, M Wipfli. 2016. Integration in sustainability science: frameworks, components, and products in a place-based, integrative study. Sustainability Science. August 2016
Joy, PJ, CS Stricker, W Jones, MS Wipfli, AC Seitz, M Tyers. 2019. Bridging the gap between salmon spawner abundance and marine nutrient use by juvenile salmon: seasonal cycles and landscape effects at the watershed scale. Ecosystems. 23: 338-358 June 2019
Joy, PJ, CA Stricker, R Ivanof, SY Wang, MS Wipfli, AC Seitz, J Huang, MB Tyers. 2020. Juvenile coho and Chinook salmon growth, size, and condition linked to watershed-scale salmon spawner abundance. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. doi:10.1002/tafs.10233 April 2020
IPCC, 2019: Chapter 3: Arctic Regions. In: IPCC Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate [H.-O. Pörtner, D.C. Roberts, V. Masson-Delmotte, P. Zhai, M. Tignor, E. Poloczanska, K. Mintenbeck, M. Nicolai, A. Okem, J. Petzold, B. Rama, N. Weyer (eds.)]. 173 pages. September 2019
Hicks, B. J., M. S. Wipfli, D. W. Lang, and M. E. Lang. 2005. Marine-derived nitrogen and carbon in freshwater-riparian food webs of the Copper River Delta, southcentral Alaska. Oecologia. 144:558-569. June 2005
Hernandez, O., R. W. Merritt, and M. S. Wipfli. 2005. Benthic invertebrate community structure in headwater streams is affected by forest succession after clearcut logging in southeastern Alaska. Hydrobiologia. 533:45-59. March 2005
Heintz, R.A., M.S. Wipfli, and J.P. Hudson. 2010. Identification of marine-derived lipids in juvenile coho salmon and aquatic insects through fatty acid analysis. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:840-854. March 2010
Heintz, R. A., B. D. Nelson, J. P. Hudson., M. Larsen, L. Holland, and M. S. Wipfli. 2004. Marine subsidies in freshwater: Effects of salmon carcasses on the lipid class and fatty acid composition of juvenile coho salmon. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 133:559-567. May 2004
Heim, KC, TE McMahon, L Calle, MS Wipfli, JA Falke. 2019. Phenology of water as a life-history filter for fishes in temporary aquatic habitats. Fish and Fisheries. 20:802-816. June 2019
Heim, KC, MS Wipfli, M Whitman, C Arp, J Adams, J Falke. Environmental Correlates of Arctic Grayling Seasonal Movement on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. Environmental Biology of Fishes. September 2015
Heim, KC, CD Arp, MS Whitman, MS Wipfli. 2018. The complimentary role of lentic and lotic habitats for Arctic Grayling in a complex stream-lake network in Arctic Alaska. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 28:209-221. December 2018
Heim, K, M Wipfli, M Whitman, A Seitz. 2014. Body size and condition influence migration timing of Arctic grayling. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. DOI: 10.1111/eff.12199 November 2014
Haynes, T, T Jones, M Robards, J Lawler, A Whiting, M Tibbles, M Wipfli, P Neitlich. Understanding the Ecology of Arctic Coastal Lagoons through Fisheries Research and Monitoring. Alaska Park Science report, NPS. December 2016
Grunblatt, J, BE Meyer, MS Wipfli. 2019. Riparian Vegetation Influences Aquatic Winged Adult Insect Contributions to Juvenile Salmon Diet in Three Alaska Steams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology. xx:xx-xx January 2020
Gomi, T., A. C. Johnson, R. L. Deal, P. E. Hennon, E. H. Orlikowska, and M. S. Wipfli. 2006. Factors affecting distribution of wood, detritus, and sediment in headwater streams draining managed young-growth red alder-conifer forests in Southeast Alaska. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36:725-737. June 2006
Gende, S. M., R. T. Edwards, M. F. Willson, and M. S. Wipfli. 2002. Pacific salmon in aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. BioScience. 52:917-928. October 2002
Dunlop, K, M Wipfli, R Muladal, G Wierzbinski. 2020. Terrestrial and semi-aquatic scavengers on Pacific pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) carcasses in a riparian ecosystem in northern Norway. Biological Invasions. December 2020
Dunlop, K, AP Eloranta, E Schoen, MS Wipfli, JL Jensen, R Muladal, GN Christensen. 2020. Evidence of energy and nutrient transfer from the invasive pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) spawners to juvenile Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in northern Norway. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. November 2020
Collins, SF, CV Baxter, AM Marcarelli, L Felicetti, S Florin, MS Wipfli, G Servheen. 2020. Reverberating effects of resource exchanges in stream-riparian food webs. Oecologia, 192:179–189. January 2020
Collins, S. F., A.M. Marcarelli, C.V. Baxter, and M.S. Wipfli. 2015. A critical assessment of the ecological assumptions underpinning compensatory mitigation of salmon-derived nutrients. Environmental Management 3: 571-586. July 2015
Collins, S, C Baxter, A Marcarelli, M Wipfli. Production of resident fish benefits from experimental salmon subsidies via direct and indirect pathways across stream-riparian boundaries. Submittted to Ecological Applications. March 2016
Chaloner, D. T., and M. S. Wipfli. 2002. Influence of decomposing Pacific salmon carcasses on macroinvertebrate growth and standing stock in southeastern Alaska streams. Journal of the North American Benthological Society. 21:430-442. June 2002
Chaloner, D. T., M. S. Wipfli, and J. P. Caouette. 2002. Mass loss and macroinvertebrate colonization of Pacific salmon carcasses in southeastern Alaska streams. Freshwater Biology. 47:263-273. February 2002
Chaloner, D. T., K. M. Martin, M. S. Wipfli, P. H. Ostrom, and G. A. Lamberti. 2002. Marine carbon and nitrogen in southeastern Alaska stream food webs: evidence from artificial and natural streams. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 59:1257-1265. November 2002
Chaloner, D. T., G. A. Lamberti, R. W. Merritt, N. L. Mitchell, P. H. Ostrom, and M. S. Wipfli. 2004. Variation in responses to spawning Pacific salmon in three southeastern Alaska streams. Freshwater Biology. 49:587-599. March 2004
Binckley, C., M.S. Wipfli, R.B. Medhurst, K. Polivka, P. Hessburg, B. Salter, and J.Y. Kill. 2010. Ecoregion and land-use influence invertebrate and detritus transport from headwater streams. Freshwater Biology 55:1205-1218. February 2010
Benson, E.R., M.S. Wipfli, J. Clapcott, and N.F. Hughes. 2012. Relationships between ecosystem metabolism, benthic macroinvertebrate densities, and environmental variables in an interior Alaska river. Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-012-1272-0 September 2012
Allan, J. D., M. S. Wipfli, J. P. Caouette, A. Prussian, and J. Rodgers. 2003. Influence of streamside vegetation on terrestrial invertebrate inputs to salmonid food webs. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. 60:309-320. July 2003
Presentations Presentation Date
Wipfli, MS, K Heim, J McFarland, S Laske, M Whitman. 2015. How Important are Prey Subsidies for Fishes in Arctic Freshwater Ecosystems? American Fisheries Society national conference. Portland, OR August 2015
Wipfli, M.S., D. Rinella, and P. Joy. 2013. Nutrient amendments vs salmon runs: What are we trying to accomplish and are we seeing the bigger picture? American Fisheries Society Western Division annual meeting, Boise, ID, Apr. April 2013
Wipfli, M.S. Rivers to Oceans: Changing Fisheries. Indigenous Peoples Climate Change Workshop. Fairbanks, AK. Feb 16-18, 2016. February 2016
Wipfli, M.S, and B. Lewis. 2012. Marine nutrients and nutrient supplements: ecological effects in streams. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Wipfli, M. Patterns of Food Web Responses to Marine Nutrients in Stream Ecosystems. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society annual conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2018. May 2018
Wipfli, M, K. Heim, J. McFarland, S. Laske, M. Whitman. 2015. Arctic Grayling Movement and Foraging Ecology in Arctic Alaska. Advances in the Population Ecology of Salmonids, Girona, Spain, May 25-29. May 2015
Wipfli, M, J McFarland, K Heim, K Gurney, S Laske, M Whitmann, C Arp, J Adams, J Koch. 2014. Freshwater food web processes on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska: Vulnerabilities in a changing environment. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. May 2014
Wipfli, M, E Schoen, B Meyer. 2017. Variation in Resource Subsidies Along Ecological and Latitudinal Gradients in Alaska. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Tampa, FL. August 2017
Wipfli, M, E Schoen, B Meyer, S Laske, P Joy. 2017. Can we manage resource subsidies and food webs to benefit fishes and fisheries? WDAFS, Missoula, MT May 2017
Sellmer, K, M Wipfli, E Schoen, A Lopez. 2015. Juvenile Chinook Salmon predation in freshwater within the AYK Region. AK AFS November 2015
Schoen, ER, JR Neuswanger, CJ Volk, MS Wipfli, JW Savereide. 2020. Stream temperature and flow-related variability in invertebrate drift and Chinook Salmon growth in the Chena River, Alaska. Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Fairbanks, AK, March 2020. March 2020
Schoen, E., K Sellmer, M Wipfli, A Lopez, R Ivanoff. 2017. Freshwater predation of juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim region of Alaska. AK AFS conference, Fairbanks, AK, March 2017. March 2017
Schoen, E. M Wipfli, E Trammel, D Rinella, and 12 coauthors. Future of Salmon in the Face of Environmental Change. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society annual conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2018. May 2018
Schoen, E, M Wipfli, K Rine, T Nightengale. 2015. Pulsed food subsidies across a habitat mosaic shape growth opportunities for rearing salmon in a glacial Alaskan river. American Fisheries Society national conference. Portland, OR. August 2015
Schoen, E, M Wipfli, K Rine, T Nightengale. 2015. Pulsed food subsidies across a habitat mosaic provide heterogeneous growth opportunities for rearing salmon in a glacial Alaskan river. AK AFS. November 2015
Schoen, E, M Wipfli, J Trammell, D Rinella, and 11 authors. 2017. Pacific Salmon in the Face of Climate and Landscape Change: Insights from the Kenai River. AK AFS conference, Fairbanks, AK, March 2017. March 2017
Schoen, E, M Wipfli, E Trammel, D Rinella, A Floyd, J Grunblatt, et al. Future of Salmon in the Face of Change:  Lessons from One of the World's Remaining Productive Salmon Regions. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society annual conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2018. May 2018
Schoen, E, M Wipfli, B Meyer, K Rine, K Sellmer. 2017. Future of Alaskan Salmon in the Face of Change: Bringing a Food-Web Perspective to Management and Conservation. WDAFS, Missoula, MT May 2017
Rosenberger, A.E., J. Dunham, M. Wipfli, and J. Buffington. Effects of fire and subsequent channel disturbance on invertebrate drift and trout diet 10 years post-disturbance. Seminar, joint annual meeting of the North American Benthological Society and the American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana in a symposium titled, “Interactions Between Physical and Biological Processes in Riverine Landscapes: Ecosystem Response to Physical Processes and Disturbance,” organized by J. Buffington, A. Rosenberger, and C. Baxter. September, 2005. September 2005
Rosenberger, A.E., J. Dunham, M. Wipfli, and J. Buffington. Effects of fire and subsequent channel disturbance on invertebrate drift and trout diet 10 years post-disturbance. Department of Geosciences colloquium, Idaho State University. February, 2005. February 2005
Roon, D.A., M.S. Wipfli, T.L. Wurtz, and J.J. Kruse. 2012. Effects of riparian invasives on prey resources for juvenile coho salmon in southcentral Alaskan streams. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Rine, K, M Wipfli, E Schoen, C Stricker. 2014. Patterns of energy flow in salmonid food webs within a large glacial Alaskan river. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. May 2014
Rine, K, M Wipfli, E Schoen, C Stricker, T Nightengale. 2015. Patterns of cross-ecosystem food subsidies to rearing salmonids within a large glacial Alaskan river. AK AFS November 2015
Rine, K, M Wipfli, E Schoen, C Stricker, J Jones, T Nightengale. 2015. Patterns of Cross-Ecosystem Food Subsidies to Rearing Salmonids within a Large Glacial Alaskan River. American Fisheries Society national meeting. Portland, OR August 2015
Perry, M.T., M.S. Wipfli, N.F. Hughes, J.R. Neuswanger, A.E. Rosenberger, and M.J. Evenson. 2012. Retrospective analysis of juvenile Chinook salmon growth in an interior Alaska river: insight into marine survival and density dependence. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Neuswanger, JR, ER Schoen, CJ Volk, MS Wipfli, JW Savereide. 2020. Spatiotemporal and flow-related variability in invertebrate drift and Chinook Salmon growth in the Chena River, Alaska. Western Division American Fisheries Society annual meeting, Vancouver, BC, April 2020. April 2020
Neuswanger, J.R., N.F. Hughes, M.S. Wipfli, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2012. Territoriality and shadow competition within schools of juvenile Chinook salmon. American Fisheries Society annual meeting, St. Paul, MN, Aug. August 2013
Neuswanger, J.R., N.F. Hughes, M.S. Wipfli, and A.E. Rosenberger. 2013. 3-D territoriality and shadow competition within schools of juvenile chinook salmon. Oral presentation given to the Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. October 2013
Neuswanger, J.R., M.S. Wipfli, M. Evenson, and N.F. Hughes. 2012. Effects of discharge on Chinook salmon recruitment in two interior Alaska rivers: population-level evidence and habitat-related mechanisms. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Neuswanger, J., N. Hughes, M.S. Wipfli, and A.E. Rosenberger. The importance of drifting debris for drift-feeding juvenile Chinook salmon. Seminar, Midnight Sun Science Symposium, Fairbanks, AK (award received). February, 2012. February 2012
Neuswanger, J., M. Wipfli, M. Evenson, A.E. Rosenberger, and N. Hughes. Flow-induced variability in the stock-recruitment relationships of two Interior Alaskan rivers, and related ecological mechanisms. Seminar, Arctic-Yukon-Kuskokwim Sustainable Salmon Initiative’s Chinook Salmon Synthesis Workshop, Anchorage, AK. February, 2012. February 2012
Neuswanger, J, M Wipfli, A Rosenberger. Feeding Ecology of Juvenile Chinook Salmon in the Chena River, Interior Alaska. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2018. May 2018
Meyer, B., M Wipfli, D Rinella, E Schoen, J Falke. Growth and Foraging Patterns of Juvenile Chinook and Coho Salmon in Three Geomorphically Distinct Sub-Basins of the Kenai River. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society annual conference, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2018. May 2018
Meyer, B, M Wipfli, D Rinella, E Schoen, J Falke. 2020. Landscape diversity filters climate change influence on juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon rearing habitat in the Kenai River. Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Fairbanks, AK. March 2020
Meyer, B, M Wipfli, D Rinella, E Schoen, J Falke. 2019. Climate warming effects on juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon growth are modulated by glacial-coverage in sub-basins of the Kenai River watershed. Mat-Su Salmon Symposium. Nov 2019, Palmer, AK. November 2019
Meyer, B, M Wipfli, D Rinella, E Schoen, J Falke. 2017. Growth and Foraging Patterns of Juvenile Chinook and Coho Salmon in Three Geomorphically Distinct Sub-Basins of the Kenai River. Alaska Chapter AFS-AWRA, Fairbanks, AK March 2017
Meyer, B, M Wipfli, D Rinella, E Schoen, J Falke. 2017. Growth and Foraging Patterns of Juvenile Chinook and Coho Salmon in Three Geomorphically Distinct Sub-Basins of the Kenai River. AFS, Missoula, MT May 2017
Meyer, B, M Wipfli, D Rinella, E Schoen, J Falke. 2017. Growth and Foraging Patterns of Juvenile Chinook and Coho Salmon in Three Geomorphically Distinct Sub-Basins of the Kenai River. Society of Freshwater Science, Raleigh, NC June 2017
Meyer, B, E Schoen, J Neuswanger, C Volk, M Wipfli, B McKenna. Short-term effects of wildfire on juvenile Chinook salmon in the Chena River. 2020 Mat-Su Salmon Symposium. 19 Nov 2020. November 2020
Meyer, B, D Rinella, M Wipfli. 2015. Effects of temperature regime on juvenile Chinook and Coho salmon growth in three geomorphologically distinct sub-basins of the Kenai River. AK AFS November 2015
McFarland, J.J., M.S. Wipfli, and M.S. Whitman. 2012. Feeding ecology of arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in a small beaded stream on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Marcarelli, A., J. Ebel, C. Baxter, A. Kohler, S. Collins, M. Wipfli. 2013. Integrating ecosystem science into fisheries-targeted nutrient enhancement programs aimed to mitigate for the loss of Pacific salmon. American Fisheries Society Western Division annual meeting, Boise, ID, Apr. April 2013
Lewis, B, and M.S. Wipfli. 2012. A review of lake fertilization as a fisheries enhancement tool in Alaska. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Leppi, JC, DJ Rinella, MS Wipfli, MS Whitman. 2019. Diverse foraging niches and habitat use by Broad Whitefish (Coregonus nasus) in Arctic Alaska. American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter. September 2019
Leppi, JC, DJ Rinella, MS Wipfli, MS Whitman. 2019. Diverse foraging niches and habitat use by Broad Whitefish (Coregonus nasus) in Arctic Alaska. American Fisheries Society, Alaska Chapter. March 2019
Leppi, J, M Wipfli, A Liljedahl, D Rinella, M Whitman. Potential Implications of Climate Change for Broad Whitefish (Coregonus nasus) in Arctic Alaska. Western Division of the American Fisheries Society, Anchorage, Alaska, May 2018. May 2018
Laske, SM, AE Rosenberger, MS Wipfli, CE Zimmerman. 2016. Hydrology and fish composition drives lentic food web structure in Arctic Alaska. Society for Freshwater Science, Sacramento, CA, May 21-26. May 2016
Laske, S.M., M.S. Wipfli, A.E. Rosenberger, and C.E. Zimmerman. 2012. Fish and invertebrate assemblages in ponds and lakes on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Laske, S., A.E. Rosenberger, J.C. Koch, C.E. Zimmerman, and M.S. Wipfli. 2014. Feeding frenzy: Exploring the role of ninespine stickleback in Arctic freshwater food webs. Annual Meeting of the Society for Freshwater Science. Portland, OR. May, 2014. May 2014
Laske, S., A. Rosenberger, M.S. Wipfli, and C. Zimmerman. 2017. Surface water connectivity among Arctic lakes drives patterns of fish species richness and composition, and food web structure. American Water Resources Association Spring Specialty Conference 2017, April 30 – May 3, 2017, Snowbird, UT. April 2017
Laske, S. M., J. C. Koch, C. E. Zimmerman, M. S. Wipfli, and A. E. Rosenberger. Fish distribution in a warming Arctic: what current patterns may tell us about the future. Alaska Chapter of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Fairbanks, Oct. 2013. October 2013
Laske, S, T Haynes, A Rosenberger, J Koch, M Wipfli, M Whitman, C Zimmerman. 2015. Influence of surface water connectivity on fish species richness and assemblages on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. American Fisheries Society national meeting. Portland, OR. August 2015
Laske, S, A Rosenberger, W Kane, M Wipfli, C Zimmerman. 2015. Top-down effects of Ninespine Stickleback on invertebrate communities of small Arctic ponds: an experimental approach. AK AFS November 2015
Laske, S, A Rosenberger, M Wipfli, C Zimmerman. 2017. Generalist feeding strategies of Arctic fishes stabilize lentic food webs. AK Chapter AFS-AWRA, Fairbanks, AK March 2017
Laske, S, A Rosenberger, M Wipfli, C Zimmerman. 2014. Feeding frenzy: Exploring the role of ninespine stickleback in Arctic freshwater food webs. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. May 2014
Koch, J, J Schmutz, K Gurney, S Laske, M Wipfli, T Fondell. 2014. The effect of ephemeral ponds, streams, and large lakes on nutrient fluxes, ecosystems and wildlife of the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. May 2014
Joy, P., M.S. Wipfli, C. Stricker, and W. Jones. 2012. Marine-nutrient assimilation in rearing coho and Chinook salmon in the Unalakleet River. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Joy, P, W Jones, C Stricker, M Wipfli. 2015. Seasonal and landscape patterns of marine-nutrient assimilation in rearing juvenile Coho and Chinook salmon in western Alaska. AK AFS November 2015
Heim, KC, TE McMahon, JA Falke, MS Wipfli. 2018. Unexpected places: the use of temporary aquatic habitats by fish, implications for conservation, and research needs. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. August 2018
Heim, K.C., M.S. Wipfli, M.S. Whitman, N.D. Sather, and M.B. Loewen. 2012. Seasonal movement patterns of arctic grayling (Thymallus arcticus) in a small beaded stream on the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Collins, S., C. Baxter, A. Marcarelli, and M. Wipfli. 2013. Spatiotemporal complexity in stream food web responses to salmon subsidies. American Fisheries Society Western Division annual meeting, Boise, ID, Apr. April 2013
Collins, S, C Baxter, A Marcarelli, M Wipfli, M, S Florin, L Felicetti, G Servheen. 2014. Direct and indirect responses of stream and riparian organisms to experimental subsidies of salmon. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting. Portland, OR. May 2014
Collins SF, Marcarelli AM, Baxter CV, Wipfli MS. 2018. A critical assessment of the ecological assumptions underpinning compensatory mitigation of salmon-derived nutrients. Special session: Habitat Enhancement for Conservation and Management in Marine and Freshwater Environments: Effects and Mechanisms of Response; American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. August 2018
Arp, C.D., B.M. Jones, M.S. Whitman, and M.S. Wipfli. 2012. Shifting balance of lake ice regimes across the Alaskan arctic coastal plain and implications for future fish habitat. American Fisheries Society Alaska Chapter meeting, Kodiak, AK, 24-26 Oct. October 2013
Arp, C, B Jones, A Liljedahl, M Whitman, M Wipfli, M. 2014. Response of an Arctic freshwater ecosystem to climate and land-use change: Interdisciplinary research in the Fish Creek watershed, northern Alaska, USA. May 2014
Technical Publications Publication Date
Wipfli, M.S., N. Lisuzzo, T. Davis, J. Kruse, and D. Roon. 2011. Which invasive species are of greatest concern? Yukon Fisheries News - Newsletter of the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association. Summer 2011. May 2011
Wipfli, M.S., J. Kruse, and N. Lisuzzo. 2010. Invasive species in Alaska. Yukon Fisheries News - Newsletter of the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association. Fall 2010 September 2010
Wipfli, M.S. 2011. Invasive species 101: Northern pike. Yukon Fisheries News - Newsletter of the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association. Spring 2011 April 2011
Wipfli, M.S. 2010. Nutrient and prey fluxes across ecosystem boundaries sustain freshwater fishes. Oncorhynchus - Newsletter of the Alaska Chapter American Fisheries Society 30:1-4. June 2010
Wipfli, M. S., and R. L. Deal. 2004. Ecological payoffs from red alder in southeastern Alaska. Pacific Northwest Research Station Report - Science Findings. Issue 63. May 2004
Wipfli, M. S., R. L. Deal, P. E. Hennon, A. C. Johnson, T. L. De Santo, T. A. Hanley, M. E. Schultz, M. D. Bryant, R. T. Edwards, E. H. Orlikowska, and T. Gomi. 2002. Managing young upland forests in Southeast Alaska for wood products, wildlife, aquatic resources, and fishes: problem analysis and study plan. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-558. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. January 2002
Wipfli, M. S., P. E. Hennon, R. L. Deal, A. C. Johnson, T. L. De Santo, E. H. Orlikowska, T. Gomi, M. D. Bryant, R. T. Edwards, M. E. Schultz, and T. A. Hanley. 2002. Ecological role of red alder in even-aged conifer forests of Southeast Alaska, USA. In Proceedings of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) conference on Forest Restoration in the Boreal and Temperate Zones, E.S. Gardiner and L.J. Breland Eds. Published by the Danish Center for Forest Landscapes and Planning, Report 11:124-125. April 2002
Wipfli, M. S., P. E. Hennon, R. L. Deal, A. C. Johnson, T. L. De Santo, E. H. Orlikowska, T. Gomi, M. D. Bryant, R. T. Edwards, M. E. Schultz, and T. A. Hanley. 2002. Ecological role of red alder in even-aged conifer forests of Southeast Alaska, USA. In Proceedings of the International Union of Forest Research Organizations (IUFRO) conference on Forest Restoration in the Boreal and Temperate Zones, E.S. Gardiner and L.J. Breland Eds. Published by the Danish Center for Forest Landscapes and Planning, Report April 2002
Wipfli, M. S. 2001. Food for fish, food for thought: Managing the invisible components of streams. Pacific Northwest Research Station Report - Science Findings. Issue 32. March 2001
Musslewhite, J. and M. S. Wipfli. 2004. Effects of alternatives to clearcutting on invertebrate and detritus transport from headwaters in southeastern Alaska. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-602. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. April 2004
McClellan, M. H., D. N. Swanston, P. E. Hennon, R. L. Deal, T. L. De Santo, and M. S. Wipfli. 2000. Alternatives to clearcutting in the old-growth forests of Southeast Alaska: study plan and establishment report. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-494. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. 48 pp. January 2000
Hennon, P. E., M. S. Wipfli, R. L. Deal, A. C. Johnson, T. L. De Santo, M. E. Schultz, T. A. Hanley, E. H. Orlikowska, T. Gomi, M. D. Bryant, and R. T. Edwards. 2002. Mixed alder-conifer forests: managing upland ecosystems in Southeast Alaska for wood products, wildlife, and fish. Special Wood Compatibility Symposium, Hood River, OR. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-563. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station, Portland, OR. Number 5, Pp. 51-60. July 2002
FS-R10-FHP. 2015. Forest Health Conditions in Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska. USDA Forest Service, Alaska Region. Publication R10-PR-32. May 2015
Deal, R. L., M. S. Wipfli, A. C. Johnson, T. L. De Santo, P. E. Hennon, and T. A. Hanley. 2002. Does red alder enhance wildlife, aquatic and fisheries resources in young-growth western hemlock-Sitka spruce forests of southeast Alaska? In Beyond 2001: A silvicultural odyssey to sustaining terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop, Hood River, OR, May 6-10, 2001. Compiled by Parker, S. and Hummel-Stevens, S. PNW General Technical Report PNW-GTR-546. USDA Forest Service, PNW Research Station, Portland, OR. Pp. 93-102. May 2002
Deal, R. L., M. S. Wipfli, A. C. Johnson, T. L. De Santo, P. E. Hennon, and T. A. Hanley. 2002. Does red alder enhance wildlife, aquatic and fisheries resources in young-growth western hemlock-Sitka spruce forests of southeast Alaska? In Beyond 2001: A silvicultural odyssey to sustaining terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Silviculture Workshop, Hood River, OR, May 6-10, 2001. Compiled by Parker, S. and Hummel-Stevens, S. PNW General Technical Report PNW-GTR-546. USDA Forest Serv May 2002
Deal, R. L., E. H. Orlikowska, P. E. Hennon, M. S. Wipfli, A. C. Johnson, T. L. De Santo, M. E. Schultz, R. T. Edwards, and M. D. Bryant. 2002. Red alder as a tool for restoring forest ecosystems in young-growth western hemlock-Sitka spruce stands of southeastern Alaska. Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters, Winston-Salem, NC, Oct 5-9, 2002. Pp. 159-169. October 2002
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Xerces Society - Member Wipfli January 1992 December 2009
Society for Freshwater Science - Member Wipfli January 1989 December 2016
Society for Freshwater Science - Judge for Best Student Paper Award Wipfli May 1997 December 2016
North American Benthological Society - Coordinator, Special Sessions Wipfli June 2003 May 2004
North American Benthological Society - Co-chair, Program Committee Wipfli May 2005 June 2006
Ecological Society of America - Member Wipfli January 2010 December 2013
Ecological Society of America - Member Wipfli January 1990 January 1995
American Society of Limnology and Oceanography - Member Wipfli January 1995 January 2005
American Fisheries Society - Wally Norenburg Award of Excellence in Fisheries Committee Wipfli November 2014 November 2017
American Fisheries Society - Vice president of Alaska Chapter, Western Division Wipfli September 2010 November 2012
American Fisheries Society - President, Alaska Chapter, Western Division Wipfli November 2013 November 2014
American Fisheries Society - Past-President, Alaska Chapter, Western Division Wipfli November 2013 November 2014
American Fisheries Society - Member, Environmental Concerns Committee Wipfli January 1997 December 1999
American Fisheries Society - Member Wipfli January 1992 Present