Alaska Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Reviewed and commented on developing policy guidelines for protection headwater streams in the US. Also attended as an invited scientist a workshop held in DC on headwater policy. USEPA |
Wipfli | January 2012 |
Review Coordinator: National Academy of Sciences/Polar Research Board Committee Report on "Frontiers in Understanding Climate Change and Polar Ecosystems." National Academy of Sciences |
McGuire | January 2010 |
Research Grade Evaluation Panel, Calgary, Alberta, Canada. |
Powell | September 2004 |
Provided scientific guidance to EPA headquarters (DC) on nutrient dynamics and food web interactions in streams, as related to mining. USEPA |
Wipfli | August 2013 |
Provided scientific guidance on effects of nutrient additions on water quality for drinking water for Sacramento, CA. CA Dept of Water Resources |
Wipfli | May 2015 |
Provided scientific expertise on transboundary rivers and their management across the US and Canadian borders. University of Montana |
Wipfli | January 2016 |
Provided reviews of monitoring and operational reports and expert opinion on the environmental effects of a proposed surface coal mine in southcentral Alaska Cook Inlet Keeper |
Wipfli | March 2009 |
Provide routine review of annual workplans and proposals received for Porcupine Caribou herd studies. Participate in responses to International Porcupine Caribou Management Board. Porcupine Caribou Herd Technical Committee |
Griffith | October 2014 |
Programatic Review, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge |
Griffith | June 2001 |
Organized a Special Symposium on Resource Subsidies Across Ecosystem Boundaries for the American Fisheries Society National Meeting American Fisheries Society |
Wipfli | January 2015 |
Organized a Special Symposium on Forestry-Fish Interactions for the American Fisheries Society American Fisheries Society |
Wipfli | March 2014 |
Ongoing database maintenance and scientific analysis in support of food web research for the Department of the Interior Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program. U.S. Department of the Interior |
Muehlbauer | April 2021 |
Member. Science Steering Committee for the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH), which is a research activity that is supported through several federal agencies (2002 - present) Science Steering Committee for the Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) |
McGuire | October 2002 |
Member, USGS Ecosystem Science Strategy Planning Team USGS Ecosystem Science Strategy Planning Team (SSPT) |
McGuire | November 2010 |
Member, USGS Carbon Sequestration Interagency Science Panel (2009 - 2010). U.S. Geological Survey, Carbon Sequestration Interagency Science Panel |
McGuire | October 2009 |
Member, Technical Advisory Group, Alaska Water Temperature Standards and Protocols. 2014. Alaska Natural Heritage Program |
Falke | April 2014 |
Member, Technical Advisory Group, Alaska Stream and Lake Temperature Monitoring Network. 2014. Alaska Natural Heritage Program |
Falke | September 2013 |
Member, Steering Committee, Arctic Climate Change and Cumulative Effects (ACCCE) analysis conducted by Audubon Alaska, The Wilderness Society, and The Nature conservancy. March 2010 onward Audubon Alaska |
Griffith | March 2010 |
Member, Science Steering Committee for the Arctic Community-wide Hydrological Analysis and Monitoring Program (Arctic-CHAMP), which is a program supported through the Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Activity of the National Science Foundation (2002 - present) National Science Foundation, Arctic System Science (ARCSS) Activity |
McGuire | October 2002 |
Member, Interagency Advisory Committee on DOT Federal Highway Administration Report on Regional Climate Change Effects: Useful Information for Transportation Agencies U.S. Department of Transportation |
McGuire | October 2009 |
Member, Federal Advisory Committee Author Team for U.S. Global Change Research Program Report on Global Climate Change Impacts in the United States (2008 – 2009). U.S. Global Change Research Program |
McGuire | October 2008 |
Member, Executive Board of the U.S. Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) Network (2008 - present). U.S. Long Term Ecological Research Network |
McGuire | October 2008 |
Member, Carbon Cycle Science Working Group to draft new U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Plan (2009 - present). U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Program, Carbon Cycle Science Working Group |
McGuire | October 2009 |
Member, Carbon Cycle Science Steering Group for the Carbon Cycle Interagency Working Group U.S. Climate Change Science Program |
McGuire | January 2005 |
Member, Advisory Committee for the Cooperative Arctic Data and Information Service of the Arctic Observatory Network (2008 - present). National Science Foundation, Arctic Observatory Network |
McGuire | October 2008 |
External Advisor, Quantifying the Carbon Budget of North Russia -- Past, Present, and Future. European Union Sixth Framework Programme Global Change and Ecosystems, CARBO-North Project |
McGuire | January 2007 |
Co-Chair, U.S. Arctic Research Commission study and report titled Scaling Studies in Arctic System Science and Policy Support: A Call-to-Research (2007 - 2010). U.S. Arctic Research Commission |
McGuire | October 2007 |
Chairman, IUCN Species Survival Commission, Re-introduction Specialist Group, Committee on Habitat Restoration, 1998-present. |
Griffith | January 1998 |
Chair, Organizing Committee for the “Scientific Assessment of the Arctic Carbon Cycle," an activity of the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program (AMAP) on behalf of the eight countries of the Arctic Council (2006 - 2009). Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program |
McGuire | January 2006 |
Biological Review Panel for Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge |
Wipfli | November 2008 |
Assisted Ontario Provincial government agencies with developing guidelines for scientific based decision making on headwater stream development in Ontario. Ontario government |
Wipfli | January 2013 |
Applied AM/SDM techniques to the problems of optimal water level management in USFWS R6 and to the power to detect environmental change in USFWS R7 through a RCRP funded project and delivered the final report at a meeting of all cooperators. US Fish & Wildlife Service |
Griffith | February 2012 |
Advisory Committee Member, Wolong National Nature Reserve, Sichuan, China, 2005-present. |
Griffith | October 2005 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Wildlife Scholarship Committee (University of Alaska, Fairbanks) | Powell | September 2010 | September 2015 |
Simon Fraser University outside examiner - Served as an external examiner for SFU PhD student | Wipfli | October 2014 | October 2014 |
Seminar committee member | Wipfli | August 2010 | December 2018 |
Outside Examiner, PhD Comprehensive Exam - Serve as Outside Examiner on PhD Comprehensive Exam for Tapas Bhattacharya, University of Alaska Fairbanks. | Griffith | April 2010 | April 2010 |
Outside Examiner, PhD Comprehensive Exam - Serve as Outside Examiner on PhD Comprehensive Exam for Jill Shipman, University of Alaska Fairbanks. | Griffith | July 2011 | July 2011 |
NSF-EPSCoR Leadership Team - Invited member of the Coordination, Integration, and Synthesis Leadership Team. Appointed by UAF's Vice Chancellor of Research. | Wipfli | October 2014 | December 2017 |
Member: Search Committee for faculty position in Ecology | McGuire | September 2011 | April 2012 |
Member: Research Scientist and Affiliate Faculty Committee, Department of Biology and Wildlife | McGuire | September 2012 | Present |
Member: Human Resources Coordinator Search Committee, Institute of Arctic Biology (2012). - Member: Human Resources Coordinator Search Committee, Institute of Arctic Biology (2012). | McGuire | November 2012 | December 2012 |
Member, Video Conferencing Committee, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences | Wipfli | August 2005 | August 2007 |
Member, UAF Graduate Academic Advisory Committee | Falke | August 2019 | May 2023 |
Member, Space Committee, Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks | Falke | September 2015 | May 2023 |
Member, Search Committee, Dean of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Alaska, Fairbanks | Powell | May 2010 | January 2011 |
Member, Search Committee, Assistant/Associate Professor of Wildlife Biology | Powell | August 2010 | February 2011 |
Member, Search Committee (Assistant/Associate Professor in Quantitative Ecology) | Powell | May 2005 | March 2006 |
Member, Science Steering Committee for Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning (SNAP) | McGuire | July 2007 | December 2011 |
Member, SFOS, Outcomes Assessment Committee | Wipfli | May 2008 | June 2010 |
Member, Meek Endowed Fisheries Seminar Committee, Department of Fisheries, University of Alaska Fairbanks | Muehlbauer | August 2022 | December 2023 |
Member, Leadership Committee, Bonanza Creek Long-Term Ecological Research Program | McGuire | July 2003 | Present |
Member, Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusivity (JEDI) Committee, College of Fisheries & Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks - Originated and led JEDI reading group, helped draft JEDI mission statement for college. | Muehlbauer | August 2021 | Present |
Member, Institute of Arctic Biology Space Committee | Powell | April 2005 | September 2015 |
Member, Graduate Program Committee, Department of Fisheries, University of Alaska Fairbanks | Muehlbauer | January 2023 | Present |
Member, Graduate Interdisciplinary Studies Council, Graduate School, University of Alaska Fairbanks | Muehlbauer | August 2023 | Present |
Member, Graduate Curriculum Committee, Department of Fisheries, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks - Ensures that CFOS academic programs meet student needs in all areas in which CFOS has responsibility. Develops plans for new programs and new ideas concerning delivery methods and core classes. | Falke | May 2014 | May 2023 |
Member, Faculty Search Committee, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska - Fairbanks | Wipfli | May 2007 | February 2008 |
Member, Executive Committee for the Resilience and Adaptation Program (RAP) Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, University of Alaska - Fairbanks | McGuire | July 2001 | June 2007 |
Member, Ecology Graduate Application Review Committee, Department of Biology & Wildlife, University of Alaska Fairbanks | Muehlbauer | January 2023 | Present |
Member, Diversity Equity and Inclusivity (DEI) Committee, Cooperative Research Units - Meet monthly and prepare memos, tutorials, speakers, and other materials and opportunities for increasing visibility of DEI issues within the cooperative research units. | Muehlbauer | August 2022 | Present |
Member, Digital Measures Working Group, Cooperative Research Units - Meet, comment, and discuss ways to implement positive changes to the cooperative research units' digital measures employee activities tracking system. | Muehlbauer | May 2022 | Present |
Member, Biology and Wildlife, University of Alaska - Fairbanks, Master's Comprehensive Exam Committee | Powell | September 2005 | September 2009 |
Member, Alaska Alliance for Community Engagement, Center for Alaska Native Health Research, University of Alaska Fairbanks | Muehlbauer | August 2023 | Present |
IAB Summer Research Fellowship Committee - Committee Member - evaluate applications for summer fellowships. Vote on applicants to receive awards. | Powell | January 2012 | September 2015 |
EPSCoR Aquatic Ecology and Fisheries lead-- SCTC - Lead the research on the fisheries and aquatic ecology components of the Soutcentral Testcase of the EPSCoR IV program. | Wipfli | July 2012 | December 2017 |
Courtesy Professor, Department of Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, University of Florida | Powell | September 2015 | Present |
Core Team Member, UAF Center for Salmon and Society | Falke | December 2014 | January 2017 |
Committee Member, AK Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Leader Search Committee - Member of search committee of federal, state, and university cooperators for Unit Leader search. | Wipfli | March 2010 | May 2010 |
Co-Chair, Justice Equity Diversity and Inclusivity (JEDI) COmmittee, Department of Biology & Wildlife and Institute of Arctic Biology, University of Alaska Fairbanks - Lead meetings and initiatives focused on JEDI issues Department/Institute wide. | Muehlbauer | October 2021 | Present |
Chair: Panel to rate applications for Assistant Unit Leader Fisheries position - Chair | McGuire | November 2011 | December 2011 |
Chair, Wildlife Graduate Applications Committee - Responsible for soliciting comments on graduate applications for the wildlife program at UAF. Provide recommendations to the department chair for acceptance into the graduate program. | Powell | January 2012 | September 2015 |
Chair, Unit Peer Review Committee to Evaluate Promotion File - Evaluate university promotion file for Dr. Mark Wipfli, Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit | McGuire | January 2010 | December 2010 |
Chair, Search Committee for Assistant Leader Fisheries, Alaska Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit - Chair committee of university, state, and federal cooperators for Unit Leader search. | Wipfli | April 2011 | March 2012 |
Chair, Population Ecologist Search Committee - Conduct search for an recommend top 3 candidates for Institute of Arctic Biology/Department of Biology and Wildlife Assistant Professor of Population Ecology. | Griffith | September 2013 | February 2014 |
Chair, Meek Invited Scholar Committee - Chair committee, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks | Wipfli | July 2010 | July 2011 |
Chair, Fisheries Division Seminar Committee - Chair of seminar committee for Juneau and Fairbanks campuses of School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks. | Wipfli | July 2010 | December 2011 |
Chair, Executive Officer Search Committee - Conduct search for and recommend selection of Institute of Arctic Biology Executive Officer | Griffith | March 2013 | May 2013 |
Chair, Department of Fisheries Seminar Committee - Chair seminar committee - update TOR, oversee invited seminars for 2017-2018 | Falke | September 2017 | May 2023 |
Chair, Co-investigator with PI F. Stuart Chapin III on National Science Foundation for Integrative Graduate Education Researcch Training project "Regional Resilience and Adaptation: Planning for Change." Awarded for 2001-2007 ($2,620,000). | McGuire | January 2001 | June 2007 |
Chair, AK Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit Leader Search Committee - Chair committee of university, state, and federal cooperators for Unit Leader search. | Wipfli | September 2010 | January 2011 |
Admission Panel, Biol/Wildl Grad Program, Univ. AK Fairbanks - Review graduate applications for suitability for admisssions to UAF graduate program in Biol/Wildlife | Griffith | October 2011 | September 2012 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
USGS Research Grade Evaluation Panel | Powell | October 2011 | December 2011 |
Team Member, Chena River Watershed Resources Action Plan | Falke | November 2014 | April 2015 |
Student Paper Award Committee; 5th Western Hemisphere Shorebird Group Meeting | Powell | September 2013 | September 2013 |
Student Mentor, The Wildlife Society | Powell | October 2010 | October 2010 |
Student Mentor, 17th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society | Powell | October 2010 | October 2010 |
Steering Committee, Chena River Summit | Falke | January 2013 | May 2023 |
Steering Committee Member, CircumArctic Rangifer Monitoring and Assessment Program (CARMA) | Griffith | January 2004 | Present |
Steering Committee Member, Arctic Climate Change and Cumulative Effects (ACCE) analysis conducted by Audubon Alaska, The Wilderness Society, and the Nature Conservancy | Griffith | March 2010 | March 2011 |
Science panelist for Kuukpik Indigenous Workshop | Wipfli | June 2017 | December 2018 |
Science Expert, International Rivers Working Group, Wilburforce Foundation | Wipfli | November 2015 | October 2017 |
Representative, North America, Arctic Ungulate Society | Griffith | August 2003 | August 2009 |
Organizer & Moderator of a Special Fish-Forestry multi-agency workshop. This was crucial gathering of DEC, ADFG, Dept of Forestry, USFWS, USFS, TU, Native Corporations, private consultants, and NGOs to hammer out the co-management approaches to fisheries and forestry in coastal US | Wipfli | January 2015 | January 2015 |
Member, Search Committee, Editor of Earth Interactions | McGuire | January 2008 | January 2010 |
Member, Science Steering Group for the Yukon River Basin Science Plan, USGS Climate Effects Science Network | Griffith | October 2006 | Present |
Member, Scholarship Committee, University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Biology and Wildlife | Muehlbauer | September 2024 | Present |
Member, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee, University of Alaska Fairbanks, College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences | Muehlbauer | August 2021 | December 2024 |
Member, International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Species Survival Commission | Griffith | January 1998 | December 2008 |
Member, Graduate Program Committee, University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Fisheries | Muehlbauer | January 2023 | Present |
Member, Graduate Interdisciplinary Studies Council, University of Alaska Fairbanks | Muehlbauer | August 2023 | Present |
Member, Boreal Partners in Flight | Powell | January 2001 | Present |
Member, Board of Directors, Alaska Bird Observatory | Powell | January 2002 | February 2010 |
Member, Biological Review Panel for the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. 3-5 November 2008 | Wipfli | November 2008 | November 2008 |
Member, Alaska Shorebird Group | Powell | December 2008 | Present |
Judge, Biology Graduate Student Association Interdisciplinary Research Symposium | Powell | May 2011 | May 2011 |
Invited Member, Arctic Research Consortium of the U.S. (ARCUS), Understanding Arctic Change Workshop and whitepaper development | Griffith | January 2010 | January 2011 |
Graduate committee for PhD student, University of Iceland | Wipfli | June 2017 | Present |
Forestry-Fisheries Working group | Wipfli | November 2014 | March 2015 |
FWS LCC workshop | Wipfli | November 2012 | November 2012 |
Executive Committee, Engaging Salcha and Chena Area Partners on Ecosystems | Falke | June 2015 | May 2023 |
DNR, Kenai Watershed Forum | Wipfli | March 2012 | March 2012 |
DNR | Wipfli | May 2011 | May 2011 |
Committee member, MS Graduate committee for University Northern British Columbia graduate student, UNBC | Wipfli | June 2012 | December 2015 |
Co-chair, Arctic System Science Data-Model Workshop Organizing Committee | McGuire | July 2006 | June 2008 |
Co-Chair, Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Committee, University of Alaska Fairbanks Department of Biology and Wildlife | Muehlbauer | August 2021 | December 2024 |
Chair-Elect, Alaska Small Mammal Working Group | Crimmins | May 2023 | Present |
Chair, Student Awards and Travel, 4th International Sea Duck Conference | Powell | January 2010 | December 2010 |
Chair, Scientific Session, Alaska Bird Conference 2008 | Powell | August 2007 | March 2008 |
Chair, Scientific Program, Alaska Bird Conference | Powell | May 2010 | November 2010 |
Chair, Scientific Program, 16th Alaska Bird Conference | Powell | April 2014 | December 2015 |
Chair, Scientific Advisory Committee, Alaska Bird Observatory | Powell | January 2002 | December 2012 |
Board Member, Executive Committee, Alaska Shorebird Working Group | Powell | February 2003 | March 2008 |
Agency Chapter Lead, Alaska Chapter, Fifth National Climate Assessment | Falke | July 2021 | January 2024 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Spatial Ecology Lab Web Page: | McGuire | January 2000 |
Served as supervisory scientist working with ADF&G and FWS on leading fieldwork for a FWS-led school district educational program to guide high school students in hands-on scientific research. | Wipfli | August 2014 |
Science and research video, NSF-EPSCoR Southcentral Testcase | Wipfli | October 2014 |
Reviewer for Alaska High School Symposium (annually). | McGuire | March 2000 |
Provided scientific expertise regarding fire and salmon in response to a wildfire on the Kenai Peninsula in May 2014. It was for a live broadcast on public radio. | Wipfli | May 2014 |
Provided narrative on salmon ecology and climate change on educational video for Native Villages in Alaska. | Wipfli | July 2014 |
Presented an overview of biodiversity studies in the Yukon River Basin to Alaska Friends of Refuges through a webinar, focusing on Yukon Flats National Wildlife Refuge. | Griffith | February 2012 |
Powell, A. N. Plovers in peril: Snowy Plovers on California's Coast. Alaska Bird Observatory Seminar Series | Powell | March 2002 |
Powell, A. N. Ecology of King Eiders on Alaska's North Slope. Oral paper presented at the MMS Information Transfer Seminar, Anchorage, AK. | Powell | December 2002 |
Phillips. L. A., A. N. Powell, and E. Taylor. Migration ecology of King Eiders. Alaska Forum on the Environment, Anchorage, AK. | Powell | February 2004 |
Phillips, L., A. Powell, E. Taylor. Use of the Beaufort Sea by King Eiders. 10th Annual MMS Information Transfer Meeting, Anchorage, AK. Paper presented on 15 March 2005. | Powell | March 2005 |
Phillips, L., A. N. Powell, and E. Taylor. Migration ecology of King Eiders. Oral paper presented at the Coastal Marine Institute Annual Research Review. | Powell | February 2004 |
Phillips, L., A. N. Powell, and E. Taylor. Importance of the Beaufort Sea to King Eiders. Oral paper presented at the Coastal Marine Institute Annual Research Review. | Powell | February 2003 |
Nutrient and prey fluxes across ecosystem boundaries sustain freshwater fishes. Article in Oncorhynchus, Newsletter of the Alaska Chapter, American Fisheries Society 30(2):1-4. | Wipfli | April 2010 |
Murie Science and Learning Center Summer Speaker Series: Life of a Little Known Bird in Alaska: Smith's Longspur | Powell | August 2014 |
McGuire, R., A. Powell, and R. Suydam. Breeding biology and habitat use of King Eiders on the coastal plain of northern Alaska. 10th Annual MMS Information Transfer Meeting, Anchorage, AK. | Powell | March 2005 |
McGuire, A. D. January 22, 2003. Progress Towards Quantifying the Locations of Carbon Sources and Sinks in the Northern Hemisphere: Process-based Approaches. Atmospheric Science Informal Seminar. | McGuire | January 2003 |
Led field trip to collect aquatic invertebrates and discuss wetland ecology with 22 7th-grade students and their teacher on Wetland Ecology Field Day, Watershed School, Fairbanks School District. | Wipfli | September 2011 |
Led aquatic ecology team for the 2-day BioBlitz public education outreach event sponsored by USFS, NOAA, ADFG, and USFWS. | Wipfli | June 2011 |
Led a stream ecology field trip, in conjunction with the Marine Advisory Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Petersburg, AK | Wipfli | September 2009 |
Invited speaker in the session "From the boreal forest to the open ocean: How climate change impacts the Alaskan Arctic," The Conference on Global Leadership in the Arctic: Cooperation, Innovation, Engagement and Resilience (GLACIER) sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, Anchorage, AK. | Griffith, Roach | August 2015 |
Instructor for topic "Introduction to Arctic Ecosystems" at Summer School 2004, International Arctic Research Center, Fairbanks, AK | McGuire | August 2004 |
Instructor for topic "Arctic Ecosystem Modeling" at Summer School 2004, International Arctic Research Center, Fairbanks, AK | McGuire | August 2004 |
Griffith, B., L. M. Comly, M. Chilelli, K. R. Rock, J. M. Scott, T. H. Tear, and J. W. Carpenter. 1998. Annotated bibliography of wildlife translocations. | Griffith | January 1999 |
Griffith, B., D. E. Russell, and G. P. Kofinas. February 2002. A continental system for barren-ground caribou habitat assessment. Presented to the Alaska Oil and Gas Association North Slope Conference, Fairbanks, Alaska. | Griffith | February 2002 |
Griffith, B. March 2005. Inconvenient answers: Experiences at the interface between biological research and public policy. All Hands Meeting, Cooperative Research Units, USGS, Jacksonville, FL. | Griffith | March 2005 |
Griffith, B. March 2002. Tracking caribou by satellite. Invited presentation, Science for Alaska Series, Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska Fairbanks. | Griffith | March 2002 |
Griffith, B. March 2002. Tracking caribou by satellite. Invited presentation, Science for Alaska Series, Alaska Science and Technology Foundation, Anchorage. | Griffith | March 2002 |
Griffith, B. July 2006. Variability in climate warming: Effects on wildlife habitats and populations. Invited presentation, Denali Foundation Science Series, Denali National Park and Preserve, AK. | Griffith | July 2006 |
Griffith, B. July 2006. Climate change implications for wildlife and their habitats in the North. Invited speaker, International Polar Year Lecture Series, University of Alaska Fairbanks. | Griffith | July 2006 |
Griffith, B. July 2002. Climate, development and the Porcupine caribou herd. Invited presentation to the 5th Annual Gwich'in Gathering, Old Crow, Yukon Territory, Fairbanks. | Griffith | July 2002 |
Griffith, B. July 2002. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: 1002 Report, Porcupine caribou herd. Invited presentation to the U.S. Department of State Representative Meeting, University of Alaska Fairbanks. | Griffith | July 2002 |
Griffith, B. July 2002. Arctic National Wildlife Refuge: 1002 Report, Porcupine caribou herd. Invited presentation to Resource Management Society, School of Agriculture and Land Resources Management, University of Alaska Fairbanks. | Griffith | July 2002 |
Griffith, B. January 2003. The Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit program in the Institute of Arctic Biology at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Region 7 Annual Directorate Meeting, USFWS, Chena Hot Springs Resort, AK. | Griffith | January 2003 |
Griffith, B. April 2002. Potential effects of petroleum development on the Porcupine caribou herd. Invited presentation to US Senate open meeting, Dirksen Building, Washington, DC. | Griffith | April 2002 |
Featured article about a publication that came out in The Condor (Weiser and Powell 2010). | Powell | September 2010 |
Evidence of Recent Climate Change in Terrestrial Regions of Alaska, presented to the Bureau of Land Management, Fairbanks, AK. | McGuire | May 2005 |
Elementary School Science Fair Judge | Powell | March 2003 |
Educational video -- Observations of Change in Interior Alaska. Nenana, Alaska. Bonanza Creek Long Term Ecological Research (BNZ-LTER) Maps and Locals (MALs) project | Wipfli | November 2014 |
Douglas, D. C. and B. Griffith. April 2003. Caribou research priorities for Alaska's North Slope. Alaska Science Center Sympsium, USGS, Anchorage, AK. | Griffith | April 2003 |
Demonstration of aquatic insects, ecology, and collection methods for ~150 elementary school children. | Muehlbauer | March 2023 |
Contributed to two newspaper articles on salmon in the Pacific Northwest. | Wipfli | April 2017 |
Consulted with public radio correspondent and Kenai National Wildlife Refuge manager on fire and salmon issues. | Wipfli | July 2014 |
Chena River Watershed Resource Action Plan - The process included three, 2.5-day workshops with the planning team to target areas in the Chena River Watershed (focusing on ecosystem-level resources), assess current and projected future health of the resources, identify critical threats, and develop conservation strategies to enhance health and abate threats. The workshops were held in November of 2014, February of 2015 and April of 2015. | Falke | June 2015 |
Briefing to Arctic National Wildlife Refuge staff on research priorities for issues related to potential development of the 1002 area. | Griffith | March 2003 |
BioBlitz 2010: In collaboration with ADFG, NOAA, USFS, and USFWS, organized and led a public education session on freshwater ecosystems, Juneau, AK. | Wipfli | June 2010 |
Barnette Magnet School Science Fair | Powell | February 2010 |
Backensto, S., A. Powell, C. Gerlach, and G. Kofinas. Foraging ecology of Common Ravens (Corvus corax) on Alaska's Coastal Plain and its relationship to oil and gas development. 10th Annual MMS Information Transfer Meeting, Anchorage, AK. Paper presented on 15 March 2005. | Powell | March 2005 |
Assisted with World Water Monitoring Days at the Chena River, Fairbanks, Alaska, in conjunction with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation and Tanana Valley Advisory Board. | Wipfli | September 2008 |
Allen, D. A., A. Morkill, and B. Griffith. February 2001. Potential effects of oil development on wildlife resources of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Presentation to the Secretary of Interior, Washington, D.C. Additional presentations to the Directorate USFWS, OMB, and NSF during February 26-28, 2001. | Griffith | February 2001 |
Alaska's Eiders. Presentation at Alaska Bird Observatory. Presented by Heather Wilson, Laura Phillips, Rebecca McGuire, and Mike Knoche. | Powell | March 2004 |
"The effects of changing soil carbon on ecosystem services in interior Alaska," seminar/webinar presented at the Alaska Center for Climate Assessment and Policy (ACCAP), Fairbanks, AK. | McGuire | March 2011 |
"Sensitivity of the Arctic Carbon Cycle to Climate Change." Global Change Seminar Series, University of Alaska Fairbanks. November 19, 2009. | McGuire | November 2009 |