Missouri Staff Member
Dr. Craig Paukert

Unit Leader
Phone: (573) 882 - 3524
Email: cpaukert@usgs.gov
Faculty Email: paukertc@missouri.edu
Faculty Website
- Ph D South Dakota State University 2001
- MS Oklahoma State University 1998
- BS University of Minnesota 1993
Dr. Paukert received his degrees from Minnesota (BS), Oklahoma State (MS), and South Dakota State (PhD) and also worked at the USGS Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center before becoming the Assistant Leader-Fisheries at the Kansas Unit in 2003. Dr. Paukert has been the Unit Leader of the Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit since 2010. He conducts research to help agencies manage aquatic resources locally to globally. Much of the work has involved fish conservation and management in rivers and streams but also includes conservation planning at the landscape scale. More recently, Dr. Paukert’ s work has focused on helping agencies cope with climate change by helping them develop adaptation strategies for fishes. Although much of his work is in the Midwest US, Dr. Paukert has also been involved in national to global assessments to help managers and policy makers with their conservation challenges. Dr. Paukert has taught graduate levels courses in fisheries science and professional skills needed to be a successful natural resources manager and researcher.
Areas of Expertise
Anthropogenic Impacts, Aquatic Ecology, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Ecological Flows, Fisheries Management, Habitat Management, Landscape Ecology, Managed Flows/Hydrology, Population and Community Ecology, Species Distribution Modeling, Species Management, Stream Ecology, T&E Species Management
Taxon Groups Studied
Freshwater Fishes, Gamefish, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Species of Greatest Conservation Need
Research Publications | Publication Date |
Paukert, C., E. Kleekamp, and R. Tingley. 2020. Identifying Candidate Reference Reaches to Assess the Physical and Biological Integrity of Wadeable Streams in Different Ecoregions and Stream Sizes. Ecological Indicators 111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.105966 | April 2020 |
Xu, L., Feiner, Z.S., Frater, P., Gretchen, Ladwig, R., Paukert, C.P., Verhoeven, M., Lyndsie Wszola and Jensen, O.P. (2024). Asymmetric impacts of climate change on thermal habitat suitability for inland lake fishes. Nature Communications, [online] 15(1). doi:https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-54533-2. |
November 2024 |
Wszola, L., N. A. Sievert, A. J. Lynch, H. S. Embke, A. L. Kaz, M. D. Robertson, S. R. Midway, C. P. Paukert. Lake temperature and morphometry shape the thermal composition of recreational fishing catch. 2024. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2024:1-17. IP-154515. BAO Approval 07/12/2024.DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10481 | June 2024 |
Wineland, S. M., R. Fovargue, B. York, A. J. Lynch, C. P. Paukert, and T. M. Neeson. 2020. Is there enough water? How bearish and bullish outlooks shape decision-maker perspectives on environmental flows. Journal of Environmental Management 280. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2020.111694 | November 2020 |
Willis, D. W., C. P. Paukert, and B. G. Blackwell. 2002. Biology of white bass in eastern South Dakota glacial lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:627-636. | May 2002 |
Whittier, J., J. Westhoff, C. Paukert, and R. Rotman. 2020. Use of multiple temperature logger models can alter conclusions. Water2(3), 668; doi.org/10.3390/w12030668 | March 2020 |
Whittier, J. B., C. P. Paukert, and K. Gido. 2006. Development of an Aquatic GAP for the Lower Colorado River Basin. Maxwell et al., editors. Gap Analysis Bulletin No. 14 USGS/BRD/Gap Analysis Program. Moscow, Idaho. | August 2006 |
Whitney, J., J. Whittier, and C. Paukert. 2017. Environmental niche models for native and nonnative fishes in an arid-land riverscape and their similarity according to phylogeny and functionality. Ecosphere 27: 463-479 DOI: 10.1002/s2.1658. | January 2017 |
Whitney, J., J. Whittier, C. Paukert, J. Olden, and A. Strecker. 2017. The influence of fish traits on forcasted range shifts of arid-land fishes in response to climate change. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. 1-17. DOI 10.1007/s11160-017-9479-9 | June 2017 |
Whitney, J. E., and 8 coauthors. 2016. Mechanistic basis of climate change impacts on the physiology of North American inland fishes. Fisheries 41:332-345. | July 2016 |
Whiting, D. P., C. P. Paukert, B. D. Healy, and J. J. Spurgeon. 2014. Prey availability and food web dynamics of nonnative trout in a Colorado River tributary, Grand Canyon. Freshwater Science 33:872-884. | June 2014 |
White, K., *J. Gerken, C. Paukert, and *A. Makinster. 2010. Fish community structure in natural and engineered habitats in the Kansas River. River Research and Applications 26:797-805. | September 2010 |
Westhoff, J., and C. Paukert. Climate change simulations predict altered biotic response in a thermally heterogeneous stream system. PLoS One. | October 2014 |
Westhoff, J., C. Paukert, et. al. 2014. Behavioral thermoregulation and bioenergetics of riverine smallmouth bass associated with ambient cold-period thermal refuge. Ecology of Freshwater Fish DOI: 10.1111/eff.12192. | October 2014 |
Wagner, T. J.B. Whittier, J.T. DeWeber, S.R. Midway, and C.P. Paukert. 2017. Annual changes in seasonal river water temperatures in the eastern and western United States. Water 9(2), 90; doi:10.3390/w9020090 | February 2017 |
Twardek, W. M., I.G. Cowx, N. Lapointe, C. P. Paukert, T. D. Beard, E. M. Bennett, D. Browne, A. K. Carlson, K. D. Clarke, Z. Hogan, K. Lorenzen, A. J. Lynch, P. B. McIntyre, P. Pompeu, M. Rogers, A. Sakas, W. W. Taylor, T. D.Ward, Z. Basher, and S. J.Cooke. 2022. Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development. Water Biology and Security .https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watbs.2022.100009. | February 2022 |
Twardek, W. M., I. G. Cowx, N. Lapointe, C. Paukert, T. D. Beard, E. M. Bennett, D. Browne, A. K. Carlson, K. D. Clarke, Z. Hogan, K. Lorenzen, A. J. Lynch, P. B. McIntyre, P. Pompeu, M. Rogers, A. Sakas, W. W. Taylor, T. D. Ward, Z. Basher, and S.J. Cooke. Bright spots for inland fish and fisheries to guide future hydropower development. Water Biology and Security 1(1):100009. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watbs.2022.100009 | February 2022 |
Tingley, R. W., Hansen, J. F., Isermann, D. A., Fulton, D. C., Musch, A. and Paukert, C. P. (2019), Characterizing Angler Preferences for Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, and Walleye Fisheries in Wisconsin. North Am J Fish Manage 39:676-692. doi:10.1002/nafm.10301 | May 2019 |
Tingley III, R. W., C. Paukert, G. G. Sass, P. C. Jacobson, G. J. A. Hansen, and A. J. Lynch. 2019. Adapting to climate change: Guidance for the management of inland glacial lake fisheries. Lake and Reservoir Management 35: 435-452. https://doi.org/10.1080/10402381.2019.1678535 | November 2019 |
Staudt, A., A. Leidner, J. Howard, K. Brauman, J. Dukes, L. Hansen, C. Paukert, J. Sabo, L. Solorzano. 2012. Climate change effects on already stressed biodiversity, ecosystems, and ecosystem services. Pages 5-1 to 5-32 in: S. Carter, F. S. Chapin III, N. Grimm, P. Kareiva, M. Ruckelshaus, M. Staudinger, A. Staudt, B. Stein, editors. Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and Ecosystem Services: Technical Input to the National Climate Assessment. U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, VA. | July 2012 |
Staudt, A., A. K. Leidner, J. Howard, K. A. Brauman, J. Dukes, L. Hansen, C. Paukert, J. Sabo, L. A. Solórzano. Adding Fuel to the Fire: Interactions of Climate Change with Other Environmental Stressors. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 11(9): 494-501. | November 2013 |
Stancill, W., G. R. Jordan, and C. P. Paukert. 2002. Seasonal migration patterns and site fidelity of adult paddlefish in Lake Francis Case, Missouri River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:815-824. | August 2002 |
Spurgeon, J., C. Paukert, D. Whiting, B. Healy, and C. Kelley. 2014. Can translocated native fishes retain their trophic niche when confronted with a resident invasive? Ecology of Freshwater Fish. | July 2014 |
Spurgeon, J., C. Paukert, B. Healy, M. Trammell, D. Speas, and E. Omana-Smith. 2015. Translocation of Humpback Chub into tributary streams of the Colorado River: implications for conservation of large-river fishes. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 144:502-514. | May 2015 |
Sievert, N.S., J.B. Whittier, and C. P. Paukert. 2019. Influence of Conservation Planning Methodology on Species Representation and Spatial Distribution of Priority Areas. Pages 85 to 108 in D. Dauwalter, editor. Multispecies and Watershed Approaches to Freshwater Fish Conservation. American Fisheries Society Symposium. | September 2019 |
Sievert, N., C. Paukert, Y. Psang, and D. Infante. 2016. Development and Assessment of an Index to Determine Stream Fish Vulnerability to Climate Change and Habitat Degradation. Ecological Indicators. | May 2016 |
Sievert, N., C. P. Paukert, J. B. Whittier, W. Daniel, D. M. Infante, and J. Stewart. 2022. A broad-scale stream fish community risk assessment based on predicted changes in climate in the Northeastern and Midwestern United States. Ecological Indicators 144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolind.2022.109493 | November 2022 |
Sievert, N. A., C. P. Paukert, and J. B. Whittier. 2020. A Framework to Incorporate Established Conservation Networks into Freshwater Conservation Planning. Frontiers in Environmental Science: https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2020.515081 | December 2020 |
Sievert, N. A., A. J. Lynch, H. S. Embke, A. Robertson, M. Lang, A. L. Kaz, M. D. Robertson, S. R. Midway, L. Wszola, C. P. Paukert. 2023. CreelCat, a Catalog of United States Inland Creel and Angler Survey Data. Scientific Data 10: 762 (2023). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-023-02523-2. IP-152029. BAO Approval 8/13/2023. | November 2023 |
Schloesser, J. T., C. P. Paukert, W. J. Doyle, T. D. Hill, K. D. Steffensen, and V. H. Travnichek. 2012. Heterogeneous detection probabilities for imperiled Missouri River fishes: implications for large river monitoring programs. Endangered Species Research 16:211-224. | March 2012 |
Roush, K. D., C. P. Paukert, and W. Stancill. 2003. Distribution and movement of juvenile paddlefish in a mainstem Missouri River reservoir. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 18:79-88. | March 2003 |
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A. Boehm, R.W. Tingley, K.D. Wright, E.B. Webb, C.P. Paukert. 2024. Evaluating effectiveness of restoration to address current stressors to riverine fish. Freshwater Biology, 69, 607-622. https://doi.org/10.1111/fwb.14232 | Abstract | May 2024 |
Robertson, M. D., S. R. Midway, H. S. Embke, A. L. Kaz, M. Lang, C. P. Paukert, N. A. Sievert, L. Wszola, A. J. Lynch. 2024. Estimating Lentic Recreational Fisheries Catch and Effort Throughout the United States. Fisheries Management and Ecology. https://doi.org/10.1111/fme.12650. | July 2024 |
Quinn, S. P., and C. P. Paukert. 2009. Recreational and commercial fisheries for centrarchids. In: S. J. Cooke and D. P. Phillip, editors. Ecological Diversity of Centrarchid Fishes: Basic and Applied Perspectives. Blackwell Science. | June 2009 |
Pullen, R. R., *W. W, Bouska, S. Campbell, and C. P. Paukert. 2009. Intestinal helminths of Cyprinella lutrensis in Deep Creek, Kansas; prevalence and spatial distribution estimates for Bothriocephalus acheilognathi (the Asian fish tapeworm) and Rhabdochona Canadensis. Journal of Parasitology 95(5): 1224-1226. | October 2009 |
Pool, T. K., J. D. Olden, J. B. Whittier, and C. P. Paukert. 2010. Environmental drivers of fish functional diversity and composition in the Lower Colorado River Basin. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:1791-1807. | October 2010 |
Phelps, Q. E., M. J. Ward, C. P. Paukert, S. R. Chipps, and D. W. Willis. 2005. Biotic and abiotic correlates with black bullhead population characteristics in Nebraska Sandhill lakes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 20:295-302. | June 2005 |
Peterson, J. T. and C. Paukert. 2009. Data conversion, Chapter 12 in Standard Sampling Methods for North American Freshwater Fishes. S. Bonar, D. Willis and W. Hubert, editors. | August 2009 |
Petersen, J. H., and C. P. Paukert. 2005. Development of a bioenergetics model for humpback chub and evaluation of water temperature changes in Grand Canyon, Colorado River. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 134:960-974. | February 2005 |
Petersen, J. H., D. L. DeAngelis, and C. P. Paukert. 2008. Developing bioenergetics and life history models for rare and endangered species. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | March 2008 |
Pennock, C. A., P. Budy, S. A. Bonar, T. E. Dowling, K. B. Gido, E. I. Gilbert, B. R. Kesner, C. P. Paukert, M. C. Quist, J. Stahli, T. F. Turner, and D. L. Ward. 2022. Assessment of potential augmentation and management strategies for Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen texanus in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon: A Science Panel Summary. UTCFWRU 2022 (3):1-3 | September 2022 |
Pennock, C. A., P. Budy, S. A. Bonar, T. E. Dowling, K. B. Gido, E. I. Gilbert, B. R. Kesner, C. P. Paukert, M. C. Quist, J. Stahli, T. F. Turner, and D. L. Ward. 2022. Assessment of potential augmentation and management strategies for Razorback Sucker Xyrauchen texanus in Lake Mead and Grand Canyon: A Science Panel Summary. (No FSP possible). | April 2022 |
Pease, A., and C. Paukert. 2014. Potential impacts of climate change on growth and prey consumption of stream-dwelling smallmouth bass in the central United States. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 23:336-346. | July 2014 |
Paukert, C.P. and J.M. Long. 2004. Geographic information systems applications in reservoir fisheries. Pages 85-111 in W.L. Fisher and F.J. Rahel, editors. Geographic information systems in fisheries. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, MD. | April 2004 |
Paukert, C.P. and J.M. Long. 1999. New maximum age of bigmouth buffalo Ictiobus cyprinellus. Proceedings of the Oklahoma Academy of Science. 79:85-86. | February 1999 |
Paukert, C., E. Webb, D. Fowler, and C. Hilling. 2021. Harvest as a Tool to Manage Populations of Undesirable or Overabundant Fish and Wildlife Species. Pages 249 to 262 in: L. Powell and K. Pope, editors. Harvest of Fish and Wildlife: New Paradigms for Sustainable Management. CRC Press. | June 2021 |
Paukert, C. P., and W. L. Fisher. 2001. Spring movements of paddlefish in a prairie reservoir system. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 16:113-124. | March 2001 |
Paukert, C. P., and W. L. Fisher. 2001. Characteristics of paddlefish in a southwestern U. S. reservoir, with comparisons between lentic and lotic populations. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:634-643. | July 2001 |
Paukert, C. P., and W. L. Fisher. 2000. Abiotic factors influencing summer distribution and movement of male paddlefish in a prairie reservoir. Southwestern Naturalist 45:133-140. | February 2000 |
Paukert, C. P., and W. L. Fisher. 1999. Evaluation of paddlefish length distributions and catch rates in three mesh sizes of gill nets. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 19:599-603. | September 1999 |
Paukert, C. P., and T. A. Wittig. 2002. Applications of multivariate statistical methods in fisheries. Fisheries (Bethesda) 27(9):16-22. | September 2002 |
Paukert, C. P., and R. S. Rogers. 2004. Factors affecting condition of flannelmouth sucker in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, Arizona. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:648-653. | July 2003 |
Paukert, C. P., and J. Spurgeon. Age structure. Pages 221-232 in M. Quist and D. Isermann, editors. Age and growth of fishes: principles and techniques. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | November 2017 |
Paukert, C. P., and J. M. Long. 2004. GIS applications in reservoir fisheries. Pages 85-112 in W. L. Fisher and F. J. Rahel, editors. Geographic information systems in fisheries. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | January 2004 |
Paukert, C. P., and J. H. Petersen. 2007. Simulated effects of temperature warming on rainbow trout and humpback chub in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon. Southwestern Naturalist 52:234-242. | June 2007 |
Paukert, C. P., and G. Scholten, editors. 2009. Paddlefish Management, Propagation, and Conservation in the 21st Century: Building from 20 years of Research and Management. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | December 2009 |
Paukert, C. P., and D. W. Willis. 2004. Environmental influences on largemouth bass Micropterus salmoides populations in shallow Nebraska lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology 11: 1-8. | January 2004 |
Paukert, C. P., and D. W. Willis. 2003. Population characteristics and ecological role of northern pike in shallow Nebraska natural lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23:313-322. | February 2003 |
Paukert, C. P., and D. W. Willis. 2003. Aquatic invertebrate assemblages in shallow prairie lakes: fish and environmental influences. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 18:523-536. | December 2003 |
Paukert, C. P., and D. W. Willis. 2002. Seasonal and diel habitat selection of bluegills in a shallow natural lake. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 131:1131-1139. | November 2002 |
Paukert, C. P., and D. W. Willis. 2001. Comparison of exploited and unexploited yellow perch populations in Nebraska sandhill lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology 8:533-542. | August 2001 |
Paukert, C. P., and A. S. Makinster. 2009. Longitudinal patterns in flathead catfish relative abundance and length at age within a large river: effects of an urban gradient. River Research and Applications 25:861-873. | July 2009 |
Paukert, C. P., and 8 coauthors. 2016. Adapting fisheries management to a changing climate. Fisheries 41:374-384. | July 2016 |
Paukert, C. P., and 11 coauthors. Designing a global assessment of climate change on inland fish and fisheries: knowns and needs. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27:393-409. doi.org/10.1007/s11160-017-9477-y | June 2017 |
Paukert, C. P., W. Stancill, T. J. DeBates, and D. W. Willis. 2003. Predatory effects of northern pike and largemouth bass: bioenergetic modeling and 10 years of fish community sampling. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 18:13-24. | March 2003 |
Paukert, C. P., P. J. Chvala, B. L. Heikes, and M. L. Brown. 2001. Effects of implanted transmitter size and surgery on survival, growth, and wound healing of bluegill. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 130:975-980. | September 2001 |
Paukert, C. P., M. McInerny, and R. Schultz. 2007. Current and historical black bass regulations in North America. Fisheries (Bethesda): 32(2):62-72. | February 2007 |
Paukert, C. P., L. G. Coggins, and C. F. Flaccus. 2006. Distribution and movement of humpback chub in the Colorado River, Grand Canyon, based on recaptures. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 135:539-544. | March 2006 |
Paukert, C. P., K. L. Pitts, J. B. Whittier, and J. D. Olden. 2011. Development and assessment of a landscape-level ecological threat index of the Lower Colorado River Basin. Ecological Indicators 11:304-310. | January 2011 |
Paukert, C. P., J. Schloesser, J. Eitzmann, J. Fischer, K. Pitts, and D. Thornbrugh. 2008. Effect of Instream Sand Dredging on Fish Communities in the Kansas River USA: Current and Historical Perspectives. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23:623-633. | December 2008 |
Paukert, C. P., J. D. Olden, A. J. Lynch, D. Brashears, R. C. Chambers, C. Chu, M. Daly, K. L. Dibble, J. Falke, D. Issak, P. Jacobson, O. P. Jensen, and D. Munroe. 2021. Climate change effects on North American fish and fisheries to inform adaptation strategies. Fisheries 46: 449-464. https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10668 | September 2021 |
Paukert, C. P., J. A. Klammer, R. B. Pierce, and T. D. Simonson. 2001. An overview of northern pike regulations in North America. Fisheries 26(6):6-13. | June 2001 |
Paukert, C. P., D. W. Willis, and R. S. Holland. 2002. Sample size requirements for in situ vegetation sampling in shallow Nebraska natural lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:1329-1333. | November 2002 |
Paukert, C. P., D. W. Willis, and M. A. Bouchard. 2004. Movement, home range, and site fidelity of bluegills in a Great Plains lake. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 24:154-161. | March 2004 |
Paukert, C. P., D. W. Willis, and J. A. Klammer. 2002. Effects of predation and environment on quality of yellow perch and bluegill populations in Nebraska sandhill lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:86-95. | February 2002 |
Paukert, C. P., D. W. Willis, and D. W. Gabelhouse, Jr. 2002. Effect and acceptance of bluegill length limits in Nebraska natural lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 22:1306-1313. | November 2002 |
Paukert, C. P., D. L. Ward, P. J. Sponholtz, and K. D. Hilwig. 2005. Effects of repeated hoopnetting and handling on bonytail chub. Journal of Freshwater Ecology20:649-653. | December 2005 |
Paukert, C. P. 2020. Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Learning to Let Go. in: Lessons in Leadership: Integrating Courage, Vision, and Innovation for the Future of Sustainable Fisheries. American Fisheries Society | August 2020 |
Paukert, C. P. 2004. Comparison of electrofishing and trammel netting variability for sampling native fishes in Grand Canyon, Colorado River, Arizona. Journal of Fish Biology 65: 1643-1652. | November 2004 |
Paukert, C. P. 2003. Black bass: ecology, conservation, and management. The Quarterly Review of Biology 78:492. | August 2003 |
Paukert, C. P and D. Galat. 2010. Large warmwater rivers. Pages 699-730 In: W. A. Hubert and M. C. Quist, editors. Inland Fisheries Management in North America, third edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | October 2010 |
Paukert, C. 2014. Paddlefish. Pages 105-106 in Fishes of Kansas, 3rd edition. University Press of Kansas, Lawrence. | May 2014 |
Olson, N. W., C. P. Paukert, D. W. Willis, and J. A. Klammer. 2003. Prey selection and diets of bluegills Lepomis macrochirus with differing population characteristics in two Nebraska natural lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology 10:31-40. | March 2003 |
Myers, B.E., Lynch, A.J., Bunnell, D.B., Chu, C., Falke, J.A., Kovach, R.P., Krabbenhoft, T.J., Kwak, T.J., and C.P. Paukert. 2017. Global synthesis of the projected and documented effects of climate change on inland fishes. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27:339–361.DOI 10.1007/s11160-017-9476-z | June 2017 |
Moore, M., C. Paukert, and T. Moore. 2021. Effects of latitude, season and temperature on Lake Sturgeon movement. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41: 916-928. https://doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10416. | August 2021 |
Moore, M., C. Paukert, B. Brooke, and T. Moore. 2021. Lake Sturgeon Seasonal Movements in Regulated and Unregulated Missouri River Tributaries. Ecohydrology http://doi.org/10.1002/eco.2362 | October 2021 |
Moore, M., C. P. Paukert, S. Owens, and T. Moore. 2021. Habitat selection in a southern Lake Sturgeon population: implications of temporal, spatial, and ontogenetic variation for restoration. Restoration Ecology http://doi.org/10.1111/rec.13602 | December 2021 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert, T. Bonnot, B. Brooke, and T. Moore. 2021. Does where they start affect where they finish? A multi-method investigation of the role of stocking location on survival and dispersal of hatchery-reared Lake Sturgeon in Missouri River tributaries. River Research and Applications 38:627-638. http://doi.org/10.1002/rra.3925 | December 2021 |
Midway, S. R., T. Wagner, J. D. Zydlewski, B. J. Irwin, and C. P. Paukert. 2016. Transboundary Fisheries Science: Meeting the Challenges of Inland Fisheries Management in the 21st Century. Fisheries 41:537-546. | Download | September 2016 |
Makinster, A. S., and C. P. Paukert. 2008. Effects and utility of minimum length limits and mortality caps for flathead catfish in discrete reaches of a large prairie river. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 28:97-108. | March 2008 |
Lynch, A.J., R.G. Asch, W.W.L. Cheung, C.P. Paukert, R.R. Rykaczewski, W.H.H. Sauer. 2017. Impacts of climate change on marine and inland fishes and fisheries: looking back and moving forward. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. IP-085562. | June 2017 |
Lynch, A. J., and 10 coauthors. 2016. Climate change effects on North American inland fish populations, assemblages, and aquatic communities. Fisheries 346-361. DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2016.1186016 | July 2016 |
Lynch, A. J., N. A. Sievert, H. S. Embke, A. M. Robertson, B. J. E. Myers, M. S. Allen, Z. S. Feiner, F. Hoogakker, S. Knoche, R. M. Krogman, S. R. Midway, C. L. Nieman, C. P. Paukert, K. L. Pope, M. W. Rogers, L. S. Wszola, and T. D. Beard, Jr. 2021. The U.S. inland creel and angler survey catalog (CreelCat): development, applications, and opportunities. Fisheries 46:574-583 DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10671. | Download | November 2021 |
Lynch, A. J., D. M. Bartley, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. B. Bunnell, S. J. Cooke, I. G. Cowx, S. Funge-Smith, C. P. Paukert, M. W. Rogers, and W. W. Taylor. 2020. InFish: A research network to promote global conservation and responsible use of inland fish. Fisheries https://doi.org/10.1002/fsh.10419 | April 2020 |
Lynch, A. J., B. J. E. Myers, J. P. Wong, C. Chu, R. W. Tingley III, J. A. Falke, T. J. Kwak, C. P. Paukert, and T. J. Krabbenhoft. 2022. Reducing uncertainty in climate change responses for inland fisheries: a decision-path approach. Conservation Science in Practice, e12724. https://conbio.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/csp2.12724 | June 2022 |
Lynch, A. J., A. DiSanto, J. D. Olden, C. Chu, C. P. Paukert, D. Gundermann, M. Lang, R. Zhang, T. J. Krabbenhoft. 2023. Climate impacts to inland fishes: Shifting research topics over time. PLoS One Climate. | December 2023 |
Long, J.M., J.D. Schooley, and C.P. Paukert. 2017. Long-term movement and age potential of a paddlefish in the Arkansas River basin of Oklahoma. The Southwestern Naturalist 62: 212-215. doi.org/10.1894/0038-4909-62.3.212 | September 2017 |
Liu, H., C. Gou, X. Qu, F. Xiong, C. P. Paukert, Y. Chen, and W. Su. 2021. Fish diversity, endemism, threats, and conservation in the Jinsha River basin (upper Yangtze), China. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:967-984. https://doi.org/10.1002/nafm.10441 | August 2021 |
Liu, H. Y. Chen, R. E. Gozlan, X. Qu, W. Xia, F. Cheng, L. Wang, C. Paukert, J. Olden, and S. Xie. 2022. Fish diversity reduction and community structure homogenization in lakes: a case study on unselective fishing in China. Water Biology and Security. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watbs.2022.100055 | June 2022 |
Lindner, G., K. Bouska. E. Bulliner, R. Jacobson, and C. Paukert. 2017. Science to Inform Management of Floodplain Conservation Lands under Non-Stationary Conditions. Final Report to the US Geological Survey, Northeast Climate Science Center. | December 2017 |
Lennox, R. J. C. P. Paukert and 28 coauthors. Hundred pressing questions on the future of global fish migration science, conservation, and policy. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 7:286. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2019.00286 | August 2019 |
Krabbenhoft, T., Myers, B., Wong, J., Chu, C., Tingley, R., Falke, J., Kwak, T., Paukert, C., and A. Lynch. 2020. Fish and Climate Change (FiCli) Database: Informing management actions for responding to climate change effects in fishes. Scientific Data. 7:124. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0465-z. | April 2020 |
Klymus, K., C. Richter, D. Chapman, and C. Paukert. A reply to Iversen et al.’s comment Monitoring of animal abundance by environmental DNA - an increasingly obscure perspective. Biological Conservation. | September 2015 |
Klymus, K., C. A. Richter, D. Chapman, and C. Paukert. 2015. Quantification of eDNA shedding rates from invasive bighead carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. Biological Conservation 183:77-84. | March 2015 |
Kaemingk, M.A., J. C. Jolley, C. P. Paukert, D. W. Willis, R. S. Holland, G. A. Wanner, and M. Lindvall. 2016. Common carp disrupt ecosystem structure and function through middle-out effects. Marine and Freshwater Research. | June 2016 |
Jeffress, M.R., C.P. Paukert, B. K. Sandercock, and P. Gipson. 2011. Factors affecting the detectability of river otters during sign surveys. Journal of Wildlife Management 75:144-150. | January 2011 |
Jeffress, M., R., C. P. Paukert, J. B. Whittier, B. K. Sandercock, and P. S. Gipson. 2011. Scale-dependent factors affecting North American river otter distribution in the Midwest. American Midland Naturalist 166:177-193. | January 2011 |
Jacobson, R., K. Bouska, E. Bulliner, G. Lindner, and C. Paukert. 2022. Geomorphic Controls on Floodplain Connectivity, Ecosystem Services, and Sensitivity to Climate Change: An Example from the Lower Missouri River. 2022. Water Resources Research 58, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021WR031204 | May 2022 |
J. Whitney, R. Al-Chokhachy, D. Bunnell, C. Caldwell, S. Cooke, E. Eliason, M.Rogers, A. J. Lynch, C. Paukert. 2016. Physiological basis of climate change impacts on North American inland fish. Fisheries. 41(7): 332-345. DOI: 10.1080/03632415.2016.1186656 | July 2016 |
Isermann, D. and C. P. Paukert. 2010. Regulating Harvest. Pages 185-212 In: W. A. Hubert and M. C. Quist, editors. Inland Fisheries Management in North America, third edition. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | October 2010 |
Hunt, L. E. Fenichel, D.C. Fulton and 5 coauthors. (2016). Identifying multiple pathways for climate change to impact inland recreational fishers. Fisheries 41:362-373. | July 2016 |
Hessler, T. M., D. C. Chapman, C. P. Paukert, J. C. Jolley, and M. E. Byrne. 2023. Movement Ecology of Diploid and Triploid Grass Carp in a Large Reservoir and Upstream Tributaries. PLoS One18 (3), e0281128 | March 2023 |
Hessler, T. M., D. C. Chapman, C. P. Paukert, J. C. Jolley, and M. E. Byrne. 2021. Winter habitat selection of diploid and triploid Grass Carp in a large reservoir and use of the Judas method for capture. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43:1889-202. https://doi.10.1002/nafm.10693. | October 2021 |
Heikes, B. L., C. P. Paukert, and D. W. Willis. 2001. Lentic green sunfish populations in Nebraska sandhill lakes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 16:367-374. | June 2001 |
Harris, J., C. Paukert, S. Bush, M. Allen, and M. Siepker. Movement, habitat selection, and home range of Largemouth Bass in Table Rock Lake, Missouri. Science Note, Missouri Department of Conservation | September 2013 |
Harris, J. M., C. P. Paukert, S. C. Bush, M. J. Allen, and M. J. Siepker. 2018. Diel habitat selection of largemouth bass following woody structure installation in Table Rock Lake, Missouri. Fisheries Management and Ecology 25:107-115; doi/10.1111/fme.12266. | April 2018 |
Harrington, J. C., C. P. Paukert, and D. W. Willis. 2001. Pumpkinseed population characteristics in Nebraska Sandhill lakes. Transactions of the Nebraska Academy of Sciences 27:25-30. | June 2001 |
Hansen, K. A., and C. P. Paukert. 2009. Current management of paddlefish sport fishes. Pages 277-290 In: C. P. Paukert and G. Scholten, editors. Paddlefish Management, Propagation, and Conservation in the 21st Century: Building from 20 years of Research and Management. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | December 2009 |
Guo, C., Y. Chen, R. Gozlen, Z. Li, T. Mehner, S. Lek, X. Ke, and C. Paukert. 2019. Biogeographic freshwater fish pattern legacy revealed despite rapid socio-economic change in developing countries. Fish and Fisheries 20:857-869. DOI: 10.1111/faf.12380 | June 2019 |
Gerken, J., and C. Paukert. 2013. Fish Community and Habitat Factors Associated with the Distribution of Topeka Shiner (Notropis topeka) in Kansas Streams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 28:503-516. | December 2013 |
Galat, D. L., P. Braaten, C. S. Guy, T. Horton, D. Moser, C. Pukert. 2023. Missouri River. Pages 411– 453 in M. Delong, T. Jardine, A. Benke, and C. Cushing, editors. Rivers of North America. Elsevier, Oxford. ISBN: 9780128188477 | April 2023 |
Franssen, N. R., K. B. Gido, C. S. Guy, J. A. Tripe, S. J. Schrank, T. R. Strakosh, K. N. Bertrand, C. M. Franssen, K. L. Pitts, and C. P. Paukert. 2006. Effects of floods and intermittence on fish assemblages in a prairie stream. Freshwater Biology 51:2072-2086 | October 2006 |
Fischer, J., C. Paukert, and M. Daniels. 2014. Influence of Riparian and Watershed Alterations on Sandbars in a Great Plains River. River Research and Applications DOI: 10.1002/rra.2811. | Abstract | July 2014 |
Fischer, J. R., and C. P. Paukert. 2009. Spatial scale of stream fish assemblage and abundance estimates: effects of sampling effort, community structure, and habitat heterogeneity. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 66:277-290. | January 2009 |
Fischer, J. R., and C. P. Paukert. 2008. Historical and current environmental influences of an endemic Great Plains fish. American Midland Naturalist 159:364-377. | April 2008 |
Fischer, J. R., and C. P. Paukert. 2008. Habitat relationships with fish assemblages in least disturbed Great Plains regions. Ecology of Freshwater Fish, doi: 10. 1111/j. 1600-0633. 2008. 00311. x. | June 2008 |
Eitzmann, J. L., and C. P. Paukert. 2010. Urbanization in a Great Plains river: effects of fishes and food webs. River Research and Applications 26:948-959. | October 2010 |
Eitzmann, J. L., and C. P. Paukert. 2010. Longitudinal differences in habitat complexity and fish assemblage structure of a Great Plains River. American Midland Naturalist 163:14-32 | January 2010 |
Eitzmann, J. L., A. S. Makinster, and C. P. Paukert. 2007. Distribution and growth of blue suckers in a Great Plains, USA river. Fisheries Management and Ecology 14:255-262. | August 2007 |
Dunn, C.G., M.J. Moore, N.A. Sievert, C.P. Paukert, and R.J. DiStefano. 2021. Co-occuring lotic crayfishes exhibit variable long-term responses to extreme-flow events and temperature. Freshwater Science 40:626-643: https://doi.org/10.1086/717486 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | December 2021 |
Dunn, C., B. Brooke, R. Hrabik, and C. Paukert. 2018. Intensive Sampling Reveals Underreported Use of Great-River Tributaries by Large-River Fishes in Missouri. Southeastern Naturalist 17:512-520.doi.org/10.1656/058.017.0316 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | July 2018 |
Dunn, C. G., and C. P. Paukert. 2021. Accounting for dispersal and local habitat when evaluating tributary use by riverine fishes. Ecosphere. https://doi.org/10.1002/ecs2.3711. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | August 2021 |
Dunn, C. G., and C. P. Paukert. 2020. A Flexible Survey Design for Monitoring Spatiotemporal Fish Richness in Non-wadeable Rivers: Optimizing Efficiency by Integrating Gears. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 77(6): 978-990. https://doi.org/10.1139/cjfas-2019-0315. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | February 2020 |
Doyle, W., C. P. Paukert, A. Starostka, and T. D. Hill. 2008. A comparison of four sampling gears used to collect shovelnose sturgeon in the Lower Missouri River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 24:637-642. | September 2008 |
Dembowski, D., L. Pierce, and C. Paukert. 2014. Perspective of the Student Subsection and Education Section on the use of aquaponics in the classroom. Fisheries 39(11):530. | November 2014 |
DeBates, T. J., C. P. Paukert, and D. W. Willis. 2003. Fish community responses to the establishment of a piscivore, northern pike Esox lucius, in a Nebraska Sandhill lake. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 18:353-359. | March 2003 |
Davis, N, and C. P. Paukert. 2008. Impact of gravel bar scalping on Neosho madtom populations from the Lower Neosho River, Kansas. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23:501-511. | December 2008 |
Dassow, C., A. Latzka, A. Lynch, G. Sass, R. Tingley III, and C. Paukert. 2022. A RAD tool for walleye (Sander vitreus) management in Wisconsin. Fisheries Management and Ecology 29: 378-391 https://doi.org/10.1111/fme.12548 | April 2022 |
Daniel, W., N. Sievert, D. Infante, J. Whittier, J. Stewart, C. Paukert, and K. Herreman. 2017. A decision support mapper for conserving stream fish habitats of the Northeast Climate Science Center region. Final Report to the US Geological Survey, Northeast Climate Science Center, Amherst, MA. | May 2017 |
Counihan, T. D., I. R. Waite, A. F. Casper, D. L. Ward, J. S. Sauer, E. R. Irwin, C. G. Chapman, B. S. Ickes, C. P. Paukert, J. J. Kosovich, and J. M. Bayer. 2018 Can data from disparate long-term fish monitoring programs be used to increase our understanding of regional and continental trends in large river assemblages? PLoS ONE doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0191472 | January 2018 |
Cooke, S., C. Paukert, and Z. Hogan. 2012 Endangered river fish: Factors hindering conservation and restoration. Endangered Species Research 17:179-191. | May 2012 |
Cooke, S. J., E. Nyboer, A. Bennett, A. J. Lynch, D. M. Infante, I. G. Cowx, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. Bartley, C. P. Paukert, A. J. Reid, S. Funge-Smith, E. Gondwe, E. Kaunda, J. D. Koehn, N. J. Souter, G. L. Stokes, L. Castello, N. J. Leonard, C. Skov, S. Berg, W. W. Taylor. 2021. The Ten Steps to Responsible Inland Fisheries in Practice: Reflections from Diverse Regional Case Studies Around the Globe. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 31(4), 843-877 . https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-021-09664-w | December 2021 |
Brinkley, P., Fischer, J. R., and C. P. Paukert. 2008. Effects of fixative on total length of small bodies stream fishes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 23:471-473. | September 2008 |
Breeggemann, J.J., M. A. Kaemingk, T. J. DeBates, C. P. Paukert, J. R. Krause, A. P. Letvin, T. M. Stevens, D. W. Willis, and S. R. Chipps. 2016. Potential direct and indirect effects of climate change on a shallow natural lake fish assemblage. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 25:487-499. | July 2016 |
Bouska, W. W., and C. P. Paukert. 2010. Road crossing designs and their impact on fish assemblages of Great Plains streams. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 139:214-222. | January 2010 |
Bouska, W. W., and C. P. Paukert. 2010. Effects of visible implant elastomer mark color on the predation of red shiners by largemouth bass. Fisheries Management and Ecology 17:294-296. | June 2010 |
Bouska, W. W., T. Keane, and C. P. Paukert. 2010. The effects of road crossing design on geomorphology and classification of prairie streams. Journal of Freshwater Ecology 25:499-506. | December 2010 |
Bouska, K., G. Lindner, C. Paukert, and R. Jacobson. 2016. Stakeholder-led science: engaging resource managers to identify science needs for long-term management of floodplain conservation lands. Ecology and Society 21(3):12 | August 2016 |
Bouska, K., B. Healy, M. Moore, C. Dunn, J. Spurgeon, and C. Paukert. 2023. Diverse portfolios: investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11. https://doi.org/10.3389/fenvs.2023.1151315 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website | March 2023 |
Baebler, E. N., C. P. Paukert, M. D. Lobb III, B. Landwer, and T. W. Bonnot. 2020. Seasonal selection of riverine habitat by Spotted Bass and Shorthead Redhorse in a regulated river in the Midwestern U.S. River Research and Applications: doi.org/10.1002/rra.3637 | April 2020 |
Anderson, K., D. Chapman, T. Wynne, and C. Paukert. Algal blooms in Lake Erie and implications for bigheaded carp invasion. Journal of Great Lakes Research | March 2015 |
Anderson, K., D. Chapman, T. Wynne, and C. Paukert. 2017. Assessment of phytoplankton resources suitable for bigheaded carps in Lake Michigan derived from remote sensing and bioenergetics. Journal of Great Lakes Research 43:90-99. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jglr.2017.03.005 | April 2017 |
Anderson, K., D. Chapman, T. Wynne, K. Masagounder, and C. Paukert. Algal blooms in Lake Erie and implications for bigheaded carp invasion. Journal of Great Lakes Research | March 2015 |
*Gerken, J., and C. Paukert. 2009. Threats to paddlefish habitats. Pages 173-184 In C. P. Paukert and G. Scholten, editors. Paddlefish management, propagation, and conservation in the 21st century: building from 20 years of research and management. American Fisheries Society, Bethesda, Maryland. | December 2009 |
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Lindner, G., J. Remo, E. Bulliner, R. Jacobson, and C. Paukert. 2020. Spatiotemporal inundation modeling of the middle Mississippi River Floodplain: insights into nutrient processing and other ecosystem services. 5th Annual West Tennessee Water Resources Symposium. 26-28 February 2020. Jackson, TN | February 2020 |
Zenke, A. , C. M. Mackey, M. L. Wildhaber, J. D. Faulkner, A. A. Pease, and C. P. Paukert. 2025. Evaluating the influence of sound on utilization distributions of native fishes in a tank: A comparative study of ostariophysan and non-ostariophysan responses to a boat motor sound. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2025 |
Xu, L., H. S. Embke, C. M. Free, G. J. A. Hansen, A. J. Lynch, C. P. Paukert, N., O. P. Jensen. Disentangling the impacts of warming and fishing on exploited freshwater fish populations. March 2024. World Fisheries Congress. Seattle, WA. | March 2024 |
Wszola, L., J. Kasper, and C. Paukert, Fish thermal guild drives foraging, growth, and fishing opportunity under climate change. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. Invited | April 2023 |
Wszola, L. S., A. J. Lynch, and C. Paukert. 2022. A tale of two fisheries: largemouth bass and walleye fishing in a warming Midwest. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA | February 2022 |
Wright, K., J. Rogosch, H. Boehm, K. Ivey, C. Paukert, E. Webb, and R. Tingley III. 2022. Assessing river restoration: are we effectively addressing contemporary challenges facing inland freshwater fish? Joint Aquatic Sciences Annual Meeting, 14–20 May 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Wright, K., H. Boehm, A. Lynch, C. Paukert, J. Rogosch, R. Tingley III, E. Webb. Fishing for complements: A review of restoration effectiveness and opportunities for climate change adaptation for inland fish. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Overland Park, KS. 14 February 2023 | February 2023 |
Winnikoff, S., and C. Paukert. Aquatic landscape conservation tools: helping manage Missouri’s aquatic systems. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Overland Park, KS. 13 February 2023. | February 2023 |
Whittier, J., J. Whitney, C. Paukert, J. Olden, and A. Strecker. Projected range shifts of fishes in response to climate change in an arid-land river system. 7th World Fisheries Congress, Busan, South Korea. | May 2016 |
Whittier, J., J. Westhoff, D. Lobb, and C. Paukert. 2017. Role of discharge in moderating temperature in Missouri streams Missouri Natural Resource Conference. Osage Beach, MO. | February 2017 |
Whitehead, B., J. Whittier, D. Lobb, J. Westhoff, and C. Paukert. 2017. Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of Ozark Mountain Cold Water Stream Temperatures. Missouri natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2017 |
Whitehead, B., J. Whittier, D. Lobb, J. Westhoff, and C. Paukert. 2017. Bayesian Hierarchical Modeling of Ozark Mountain Cold Water Stream Temperatures. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Westhoff, J., and C. Paukert. Thermal and physical habitat characteristics of the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. 17 October 2012. | February 2013 |
Westhoff, J., and C. Paukert. Habitat and temperature selection of smallmouth bass in the Jacks Fork River. Missouri/Arkansas White River Partnership Meetings, Branson, MO. 17 October 2012. | October 2012 |
Weidenborner, H., T. Bennett, H. Boehm, and C. Paukert. 2022. Determining Hybridization of Age 1-2 Striped Bass Using a Body Depth to Total Length Ratio. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines, IA. | February 2022 |
Ward, J., and C. Paukert. 2016. Analysis of Factors Influencing Rock Bass Population Dynamics in an Ozark Border Stream. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
VanWynen, C. M., R. W. Tingley, III, T. J. Krabbenhoft, B. J. E. Myers, H. Sayre, C. Chu, C. P. Paukert, A. C. Engman, H. C. Giacomini, A. J. Lynch. Biodiversity, Vulnerability, and Climate Change Impacts on Inland Fish. March 2024. World Fisheries Congress. Seattle, WA | March 2024 |
Umland, L., T. Hessler., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. A lake sturgeon recovery milestone: The first documented occurrence of spawning within tributaries of the Missouri River, Missouri. North American Paddlefish and Sturgeon Society Annual Meeting. Mobile, AL. | October 2024 |
Umland, L., T. Hessler., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. A comparison of known vs modeled Lake Sturgeon Spawning Habitat in a Missouri River Tributary . American Fisheries Society Conference, Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Umland, L., T. Hessler, M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2025. Lake Sturgeon Spawning Event in the Osage River. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2025 |
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. Lake Sturgeon Recruitment Assessment for the Osage and Gasconade Rivers. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. 7 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2024. A One Year Synopsis of Lake Sturgeon Larval Sampling and Benthic Trawling. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD. | January 2024 |
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2023. Lake Sturgeon Occupancy and Recruitment in Tributaries of a Mainstem River. World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA. 5 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Umland, L., M. Moore, and C. Paukert. 2023. Factors affecting Lake Sturgeon reproduction: the next step in recovery and management. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. | April 2023 |
Tracy-Smith<sup>2, 3</sup>, E., C. Paukert<sup>1, 2,3</sup>, P. Blanchard<sup>4</sup>, and J. Persinger<sup>4</sup>. A flow-based fish community classification for wadeable Missouri streams. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Overland Park KS. 14 February 2023 | February 2023 |
Tracy-Smith, E., P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, and J. Persinger. Assessment of Flow Alterations for Missouri Streams. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Tracy-Smith, E., P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, and J. Persinger. Assessment of Available Missouri Ecological Flow Data. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2015 |
Tracy-Smith, E., P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, and J. Persinger. 2016. Using Existing Data to Examine Fish Community Changes Due to Stream Flow Alterations. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Tracy-Smith, E., J. Persinger, P. Blanchard, and C. Paukert. Development of a flow-based aquatic community classification to define the natural fish community across Missouri’s stream sizes. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach MO. 1 February 2022 | February 2022 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, N. Sievert, P. Blanchard, M. Combes, B. Landwer, and J. Persinger. 2020. Evaluating fish community changes to stream flow alterations. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2020 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, and P. Blanchard. Assessment of ecological flow linkages for Missouri streams. American Water Resources Association Special Conference, Hartford CT. | June 2013 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, and P. Blanchard. A review of fish responses to stream flow metrics. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2013 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, and P. Blanchard. A review of fish responses to stream flow metrics. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, KS. 12 December 2012 | December 2012 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, P. Blanchard, and J. Persinger. Fish Responses to Flow Alteration Metrics. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. | February 2014 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, P. Blanchard, and J. Persinger. Fish Responses to Flow Alteration Metrics. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR 8 September 2013. | September 2013 |
Tracy-Smith, E. P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, J. Persinger, and N. Sievert. 2018. Estimating hydrology at fish sampling sites. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2018 |
Tracy Smith, E., P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, and J. Persinger. Evaluating Fish Community Changes to Stream Flow Alterations American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. | August 2015 |
Tingley, R., C. Paukert, G. Hansen, M. Diebel, A. Latzka, G. Sass, and A. Lynch. 2018. Assessing climate-driven changes in fisheries and ramifications for agencies and fishers: A case study of Wisconsin’s inland lake walleye fishery. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Tingley, R., C. Paukert, G. Hansen, M. Diebel, A. Latzka, G. Sass, A. Lynch., and T. D. Beard. 2020. <b> </b>Assessing tradeoffs in management response to climate-driven shifts in Wisconsin’s inland lake walleye fishery. World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia | October 2020 |
Tingley RW III, Paukert CP, Sass GG, Jacobson PC, Hansen GJA, Lynch AJ, Shannon PD. 2019. Considerations on Adapting Inland Glacial Lake Fisheries Management to Climate Change. 2019 AFS and TWS Joint Annual Conference, Reno, NV. Oral Presentation | October 2019 |
Tingley III, R., C. Paukert, and P. Jacobson. 2018. Adapting to climate change: Tools for managers of inland glacial lakes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI | January 2018 |
Tingley III, R., C. Paukert, G. Hansen, G. Sass, and A. Lynch. 2018. Quantifying the costs of climate adaptation to recreational anglers and agencies: A case study of Wisconsin’s inland lake walleye fishery. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI | January 2018 |
Tingley III, R. W., J. Hansen, D. Isermann, D. Fulton, A. Musch, and C. Paukert. 2019. It’s complicated: Characterizing Wisconsin angler preferences for largemouth bass, bluegill, and walleye fisheries in inland lakes. 79th Annual Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH. Poster presentation. | January 2019 |
Thompson, B., M. Colvin, C. Paukert, and S. Reynolds. Monitoring the next carp invasion: identifying optimal monitoring efforts for the rising invasion of Prussian Carp in the Missouri River Basin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St Louis, MO. 20 January 2025. | January 2025 |
Thompson, B., M. Colvin, C. Paukert, and S. Reynolds. Informing early detection efforts for the next carp invasion in the Missouri River Basin. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO 20 February 2025. BAO approval: 12/3/24; IPDS IP-172828 | February 2025 |
Thomas, M., Z. Ford, A. Turner, and C. Paukert. 2019. Mapping the Effective Field of an Electrofishing Boat to Inform Evaluations of Catchability. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2019 |
Thomas, M., A. Turner, Z. Ford, J. Dean, and C. Paukert. 2020. How does electrofishing power and environmental conditions affect Smallmouth Bass catchability in Ozark rivers? Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2020 |
Thomas, M., A. Turner, Z. Ford, J. Dean, and C. Paukert. 2020. Evaluating factors influencing the electrofishing catchability of Smallmouth Bass in Missouri Ozark Rivers. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Springfield, IL | January 2020 |
Thomas, M. Z. Morris, Z. Ford, A. Turner, J. Dean, and C. Paukert. 2020. Evaluating factors influencing the electrofishing catchability of Blue Catfish and Flathead Catfish. Catfish 2020, Little Rock, AR. | February 2020 |
Thomas, M. Z. Morris, Z. Ford, A. Turner, J. Dean, and C. Paukert. 2020. Effects of waveform, power, and water temperature affect Blue Catfish and Flathead Catfish electrofishing catchability. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2020 |
Thomas, M. Z. Ford, A. Turner, J. Dean, and C. Paukert. 2019. Mapping the Effective Field of an Electrofishing Boat to Inform Evaluations of Catchability. The American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society Joint Annual Conference. 1 October 2019. | October 2019 |
Stratton, C., N. Sievert, and C. Paukert. 2018. Influences of landscape, instream habitat, and biotic interactions on stream fish communities in the Missouri Plains and Ozarks. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Stratton, C., N. Sievert, and C. Paukert. 2018. Stream size influences relationships between fish abundance and watershed landscape, instream habitat, and biotic interactions in the Missouri Plains and Ozarks. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2018 |
Smith, K. L., C. M. Mackey, M. L. Wildhaber, J. D. Faulkner, A. A. Pease, and C. P. Paukert. 2025. Schooling dynamics of juvenile Grass Carp in response to sound. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2025 |
Sievert, N., and C. Paukert. Missouri’s Conservation Networks: Representation of Stream Fish Species and Relative Conservation Value. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Little Rock, AR. | September 2013 |
Sievert, N., and C. Paukert. Development and evaluation of vulnerability indices for Missouri’s stream fishes. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, KS. 10 December 2012. | December 2012 |
Sievert, N., and C. Paukert. Assessing the Vulnerability and Distribution of Missouri’s Stream Fish Species. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. | February 2013 |
Sievert, N., and C. Paukert. A Vulnerability Assessment for Missouri Stream Fish Species: Development and Evaluation. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Little Rock, AR. | September 2013 |
Sievert, N., and C. Paukert. 2019. Investigating the Role of Stream Flow in the Structuring of Headwater Stream Fish Communities. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2019 |
Sievert, N., and C. Paukert. 2018. Characterizing Stream Habitat Availability Using Level Loggers and Time Lapse Photography. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2018 |
Sievert, N., Y. Tsang, W. Daniel, C. Paukert, D. Infante, J. Whittier, K. Herreman, and J. Stewart. 2016. Assessing climate impacts based on observed fish responses to stream temperature and flow metrics. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Sievert, N., W. Daniel, Y. Tang, C. Paukert, D. Infante, J. Whittier, K. Herreman, J. Stewart, T. Wagner. An Assessment of Potential Changes in Habitat Classes Due to Climate Change in the Northeast Climate Science Center Region. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI | January 2016 |
Sievert, N., J. Whittier, and C. Paukert. 2018. Parameterization of Spatial Conservation Prioritization: Impacts on Stream Conservation Priorities. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI | January 2018 |
Sievert, N., J. Whittier, and C. Paukert. 2017. Establishing Freshwater Conservation Priorities with Consideration of Existing Conservation Networks. Invited presentation, American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Sievert, N., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. Priority Watersheds, Conservation Opportunity Areas, and the Existing Conservation Network: Opportunities for Stream Fish Conservation. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2014 |
Sievert, N., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. Prioritizing Stream Conservation in Missouri’s Conservation Networks: Applications and Lessons for Landscape Scale Freshwater Conservation Planning. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN | February 2015 |
Sievert, N., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. Prioritizing Stream Conservation in Missouri’s Conservation Networks: Applications and Lessons for Landscape Scale Freshwater Conservation Planning | October 2014 |
Sievert, N., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. Incorporating Existing Conservation Networks into Freshwater Conservation Planning. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR | August 2015 |
Sievert, N., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. Conserving Missouri’s Stream Fish Through Protected and Priority Areas: An Evaluation of Species Representation and Conservation Opportunities. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2015 |
Sievert, N., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. A Framework for Identifying Opportunities for Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Quebec City. | August 2014 |
Sievert, N., A. J. Lynch, H. S. Embke, M. Robertson, A. Kaz, S. R. Midway, A. M. Robertson, S. Kentish, R. Zhang, M. Lang, L. Wszola, C. P. Paukert. CreelCat: A database of US creel and angler surveys and interactive toolset for utilizing the data. February 2023. Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference. Overland Park, KS. IP-145231. | March 2023 |
Sievert, N., A. J. Lynch, H. S. Embke, A. Robertson, B. J. E. Myers, M. S. Allen, Z. S. Feiner, F. Hoogakker, S. Knoche, S. R. Midway, C. L. Nieman, C. P. Paukert, K. L. Pope, M W. Rogers, L. Wszola, T. D. Beard, Jr. November 2021. The U.S. Inland Creel and Angler Survey Catalog (CreelCat): A database and interactive tool for inland fisheries management and research. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD | November 2021 |
Sievert, N. and C. Paukert. 2020. Examining the Influence of Altered Stream Flow on the composition of Headwater Fish Communities. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2020 |
Sievert, N. C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. A Framework for Evaluating Aquatic Biodiversity Conservation in Existing Conservation Networks. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, Missouri. | January 2014 |
Sievert, N. A., A. J. Lynch, H. S. Embke, S. Midway, C. Paukert, A. Kaz, M. Robertson, L. Wszola. CreelCat: A Catalog and Interface for Accessing US Inland Creel and Angler Survey Data. August 2023. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Grand Rapids, MI. IP-152014. | April 2023 |
Sievert, N. A. J. Lynch, H. S. Embke, A.L. Kaz, M. D. Robertson, S. R. Midway, L. Wszola, and C. Paukert. CreelCat, A Catalog of United States Inland Angler Survey Data. Invited Presentation, World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA. 5 March 2024. | March 2024 |
Schwoerer, J., H. Dodd, and C. Paukert. 2016. Using habitat, climate, and biotic interactions to predict co-occurring smallmouth bass and largemouth bass in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Schwoerer, J., H. Dodd, and C. Paukert. 2016. Relationships among biotic indices and their responses to ecological gradients in least-disturbed Ozark streams. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Schwoerer, J., C. Paukert, and H. Dodd. Vulnerability of stream communities within the National Park Services’ Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network . Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI | January 2016 |
Schwoerer, J., C. Paukert, and H. Dodd. Stream community vulnerability to climate and land use change within the National Park Services’ Heartland Inventory and Monitoring Network Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Schwoerer, J., C. Paukert, and H. Dodd. Consistency among biotic indices to represent environmental conditions: implications for restoration monitoring. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN | February 2015 |
Schwoerer, J., C. Paukert, and H. Dodd. Consistency among biotic indices to represent environmental conditions: implications for biotic assessments. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. | August 2015 |
Schwoerer, J. H. Dodd, and C. Paukert. Using habitat, climate, and competitive interactions to predict co-occurring smallmouth bass and largemouth bass in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2015 |
Schwoerer, J, et al. The role of thermal regime on interspecific competition between largemouth bass and smallmouth bass in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Quebec City | August 2014 |
Schooley, J.D., A. Nealis, J.M. Long, and C.P. Paukert. 2020. World Record Paddlefish in Keystone Lake, Oklahoma – Hypothetical Causes, New Technologies, and Management Response. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society. | October 2020 |
Ruso, G., K. Martin, E. Meyer, T. Edwards, C. Paukert, and E. Webb. 2023. Passive data loggers reveal stochastic water quality events in remote alpine lakes of the southern Sierra Nevada mountains, California. Ozark-Prairie SETAC Annual Meeting, 15-17 May, 2023. Columbia, MO. | May 2023 |
Ruso, G., K. Martin, E. Meyer, T. Edwards, C. Paukert, and E. Webb. 2022. The Silver Lining: Passive Data Loggers Reveal Effects of Wildfire on Alpine Lakes in the Southern Sierra Nevada, CA. Joint Aquatic Society Annual Meeting, 14-20 May, 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Ruso, G., K. Martin, E. Meyer, D. Cleveland, J. Back, T. Edwards, C. Paukert, and E. Webb. 2023. Potential synergistic effects of nitrogen and copper on algae growth and community structure in an alpine lake of the Sierra Nevada mountains, California. North America SETAC Annual Meeting, 12-16 November, 2023. Louisville, KY. | November 2023 |
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A Boehm, R.W. Tingley III, K.D. Wright, E.B. Webb, and C.P. Paukert. 2024. Are river restoration projects designed and evaluated to address current stressors to inland fishes? World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA. Mar 3 - 7, 2024 | March 2024 |
Rogosch, J.S., H.I.A Boehm, K. Ivey, R.W. Tingley III, E.B. Webb, K.D. Wright, and C.P. Paukert. 2021. Assessing restoration effectiveness: a review of river restoration. Texas Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Virtual Meeting. February 2-4, 2021. | February 2021 |
Rogosch, J.S. and C.P. Paukert. 2020. How do we measure success of restoration to meet this centuries' biggest challenges to global inland fish and fisheries? World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia. October 16 2020. - CANCELLED | October 2020 |
Rogosch, J.D., J.D. Brant, S.L. Abel, H.I.A. Boehm, C.P. Paukert. Determining Population Structure of Channel Catfish in Small Impoundments to Inform Put-and-Take Fisheries Management Decisions. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Virtual Meeting. February 2-4, 2021. | February 2021 |
Rogosch, J. H. Boehm, R. Tingley, K. Wright, E. Webb, and C. Paukert. 2024. Are river restoration projects designed and evaluated to address current stressors to inland fishes? American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Robertson, M. D., S. R. Midway, H. S. Embke, A. L. Kaz, M. Lang, C. P. Paukert, N. A. Sievert, L. Wszola, A. J. Lynch. Estimating Lentic Recreational Fisheries Catch and Effort Throughout the United States. March 2024. World Fisheries Congress. Seattle, WA. IP-155223 | August 2023 |
Robertson, M. D., H.S. Embke, A. J. Lynch, S. R. Midway, C. P. Paukert. The magnitude of lentic recreational fisheries catch in the United States. September 2024. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Honolulu, HI. INVITED. IP-165209. | September 2024 |
Ridgway, J., E. Pherigo, and C. Paukert. Larval fish assemblages of a Free Flowing and a Regulated Tributary of the Lower Missouri River. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO | January 2014 |
Ridgway, J., E. Pherigo, and C. Paukert. An assessment of Larval Fish Drift in the Lower Osage and Gasconade Rivers. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE | March 2014 |
Ridgway, J., E. Pherigo, and C. Paukert. An assessment of Larval Fish Drift in the Lower Osage and Gasconade Rivers. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2014 |
Quist, M. C., M. E. Mather, D. L. Parrish, S. R. Chipps, T. J. Kwak, and C. P. Paukert. 2013. The voices of reality: why effective fisheries education is challenging and practical ways to move forward. 143 rd Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, Arkansas, September 11. Platform | September 2013 |
Pierce, L., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. A family-level evaluation of the drivers of fish invasions. Presentation at the Annual American Fisheries Society Meeting, Little Rock, AR. 9 September 2013. | September 2013 |
Pierce, L., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. Landscape-scale assessment of tributaries on small-bodied fish assemblage structure of large rivers. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO | January 2014 |
Pierce, L., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. A framework for identifying potentially ecologically meaningful segments for the Lower Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE | March 2014 |
Pierce, L., C. Paukert, and J. Whittier. A family-level evaluation of drivers of fish invasions. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, KS. 10 December 2012. | December 2012 |
Pherigo, E., and C. Paukert. Fish community above and below a low head dam on the Osage River. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. | January 2014 |
Pherigo, E., and C. Paukert. The Effects of River Regulation and a Low-Head Dam on the Fish Communities in Two Missouri River Tributaries. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Jefferson City, MO. 13 March 2013 | March 2013 |
Pherigo, E., and C. Paukert. Summer fish community in two Missouri River tributaries. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, KS. 12 December 2012. | December 2012 |
Pherigo, E., and C. Paukert. Fish community of the Osage and Gasconade rivers Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. 1 February 2012 | February 2013 |
Pherigo, E., and C. Paukert. Fish community in a regulated and a free-flowing Missouri River tributary, 2012-2013. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock AR | September 2013 |
Pherigo, E., and C. Paukert. Fish communities above and below a low head dam on the Osage River. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2014 |
Pherigo, E., and C. Paukert. Effects of a low head dam on the fish community in the Osage River, a regulated tributary of the Lower Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. | March 2014 |
Pherigo, E., C. Paukert, and D. Papoulias. Reproductive condition of spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus) and golden redhorse (Moxostoma erythrurum) in the Osage and Gasconade Rivers. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2014 |
Pherigo, E., C. Paukert, and D. Papoulias. Effects of river regulation on reproductive condition of spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus) and golden redhorse (Moxostoma erythrurum) in two Lower Missouri tributaries. Missouri River natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. | March 2014 |
Pherigo, E., C. Paukert, and D. Papoulias. Effects of river regulation on reproductive condition of spotted bass (Micropterus punctulatus) and golden redhorse (Moxostoma erythrurum) in two Lower Missouri tributaries. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Kansas City, MO. | February 2014 |
Peterson, J.T., C.P Paukert, A.E. Rosenberger, S.K. Brewer. 2015. Standardized sampling: a call for gear calibration. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 16-20, Portland OR. | August 2015 |
Peterson, J.T., C. Paukert, H. Giacomini, and D.T. de Kerckhove. 2024. Converting Non-Standard Data to Standardized Data for Freshwater Fisheries 154th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society. 15-19 September 2024. Honolulu, Hawai'i. | September 2024 |
Peterson, J. T., D. T. de Kerckhove, H. C. Giacomini, and C. P. Paukert. Converting Non-standard Data to Standardized Data For Freshwater Fisheries. Invited presentation, World Fisheries Congress, Seattle WA 5 March 2024 | March 2024 |
Paukert. C. P. 2017. Managing Fish and Fisheries in a Changing Climate: Lessons from North America. European Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Advisory Commission International Symposium, Stare Jablonki, Poland. Invited Keynote Speaker. | September 2017 |
Paukert, C., and M. Moore. Dispersal and Survival Estimates of Juvenile Lake Sturgeon Stocked in Multiple Locations in the Osage and Gasconade rivers, Missouri Southern Division of the AFS Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR. 21 February 2020. | February 2020 |
Paukert, C., and M. Moore. 2018. The Role of Tributaries in Large River Fish Conservation: A Case Study with Lake Sturgeon in Missouri. Mississippi River-Yangtze River Symposium. Chongqing, China. 16 October 2018. | October 2018 |
Paukert, C., and C. Dunn. 2020. Developing a riverine sampling protocol to meet stakeholder needs: a critical first step in monitoring restoration efforts. World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia.October 16 2020.<br> | October 2020 |
Paukert, C., N. Sievert, J. Whittier, E. Tracy Smith, E. Kleekamp, and J. Rogosch. 2020. Aquatic landscape conservation tools: helping manage Missouri’s aquatic systems. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2020 |
Paukert, C., M. Dornecker, J. Faulkner, J. Harris, M. Moore, L. Pierce, E. Pherigo, N. Sievert, J. Spurgeon and M. Staudinger. How are state freshwater fisheries agencies adapting to climate change? National Adaptation Forum, Denver, CO | April 2013 |
Paukert, C., L. Hunt, A. Lynch, and J. Whitney. 2016. Agency Adaptation Strategies and Inland Recreational Fishers Response to Climate Change. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Paukert, C., J. Westhoff, and A. Pease. Effects of Climate Change on Smallmouth Bass in Midwestern US Streams. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR. | August 2015 |
Paukert, C. and N. Sievert. INDICES FOR BIOLOGICAL ASSESSMENTS: PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE. Global Inland Fisheries Conference, Rome Italy | January 2015 |
Paukert, C. and N. Sievert. A FRAMEWORK FOR ASSESSING STREAM FISH VULNERABILITY TO CLIMATE AND LAND USE CHANGE. Global Inland Fisheries Conference, Rome Italy | January 2015 |
Paukert, C. P., and 8 coauthors. Adapting fisheries management to a changing climate: lessons from North America. 7th World Fisheries Congress, Busan, South Korea. | May 2016 |
Paukert, C. P., M. Moore, T. Moore, and N. Farless. Restoring Fish and Fish Habitat in Midwestern Rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA 23 August 2022. | August 2022 |
Paukert, C. P., A. Lynch, T. D. Beard Jr., Y. Chen, S. Cooke, M. Cooperman, I. Cowx, L. Ibengwe, D. Infante, B. Meyers, N. Hòa, and I. Winfield. 2017. Helping managers adapt to the effects of climate change on inland fish and fisheries: lessons from North America and a path forward. Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Symposium, Exeter, England. | July 2017 |
Paukert, C. P. and E. B. Webb. 2019. Harvest as a tool to manage undesirable or overabundant species. American Fisheries Society/The Wildlife Society Joint Annual Meeting, Reno, NV | April 2019 |
Paukert, C. P. Olden, J. D., Lynch, A.J., Breshears, D. O., Chambers, R. C., Chu, C. Daly, M., Dibble, K.L., Falke, J., Issak, D., Jacobson, P., Jensen, O. P., and D. Munroe. November 2021. Climate Change Effects on North American Fishes to Inform Adaptation Strategies. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD | November 2021 |
Paukert, C. P. Don’t Worry, Be Happy: Learning to Let Go. American Fisheries Society Virtual Meeting, 20 September 2020. | September 2020 |
Paukert, C. E. Kleekamp, and N. Sievert. 2019. Linking Local to Landscape Drivers to Aquatic Biodiversity to Prioritize Streams in a Diverse Landscape. International Society for River Science Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria. 9 September 2019. | September 2019 |
Paukert, C. Climate Change: What Does this Mean for Fisheries Management? Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2015 |
Paukert, C. 2024. Weathering the hurricane<b> </b>to a successful fisheries career. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI Invited | September 2024 |
Paukert, C. 2023. Navigating the career Ladder with broken and missing steps. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. Invited | April 2023 |
Paukert, C. 2020. Prioritizing and Implementing Climate Adaptation Strategies for Inland Fish and Fisheries. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, virtually presented. | August 2020 |
Owens, S., M. Moore, C. Paukert. 2020. Using side scan sonar mapping to compare fluvial habitats in two large Ozark tributaries to the lower Missouri River. Poster Presentation. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. | February 2020 |
Myers, B. J. E., A. J. Lynch, T. J. Krabbenhoft, R. P. Kovach, T. J. Kwak, J. A. Falke, C. Chu, D. B. Bunnell, C. P. Paukert. Global synthesis of climate change effects on inland fish. August 2016. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. Kansas City, Missouri. | August 2016 |
Morris, Z., C. Paukert, Z. Ford, and A. Turner. 2017. Identifying Effective Electrofishing Settings for Immobilization and Capture of Blue Catfish. Missouri natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2017 |
Morris, Z., C. Paukert, Z. Ford, and A. Turner. 2017. Developing Electrofishing Immobilization Standards for Blue Catfish. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Morris, Z., C. Paukert, Z. Ford, A. Turner, and J. Dean. 2018. Evaluating Electrofishing Waveforms: A Critical Step in Developing Standardized Sampling Methods for Smallmouth Bass. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach MO. | February 2018 |
Morris, Z., C. Paukert, Z. Ford, A. Turner, and J. Dean. 2018. Evaluating Electrofishing Waveforms: A Critical Step in Developing Standardized Sampling Methods for Smallmouth Bass. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI | January 2018 |
Morris, Z., C. Paukert, A. Turner, Z. Ford, and J. Dean. 2017. Evaluating the Relative Efficiency of Pulsed DC Electrofishing Waveforms to Collect Smallmouth Bass. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Moore, M., and C. Paukert. 2019. The Role of Tributary Habitats in the Recovery of the Lake Sturgeon, a Missouri Endangered Species. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2019 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert. 2020. Investigating the Role of Stocking Location and Tracking Methods on Dispersal and Survival of Lake Sturgeon in the Osage and Gasconade rivers. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2020 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert. 2019. Dispersal and Overwinter Survival of Stocked Age-0 Lake Sturgeon in Two Missouri River Tributaries. Oral Presentation. The North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Annual Meeting. | September 2019 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert. 2018. Seasonal Habitat Selection of Lake Sturgeon in Missouri River Tributaries. Poster Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ | August 2018 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert, T. Moore. 2020. Playing the long game: gauging recovery success for Lake Sturgeon a long-lived migratory freshwater fish. Oral Presentation. World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia. | October 2020 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert, T. Moore. 2019. Factors explaining spatiotemporal variation in movement patterns for a coolwater fish, the Lake Sturgeon. Oral Presentation. The American Fisheries Society and the Wildlife Society Joint Annual Conference. | October 2019 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert, T. Moore. 2018. Lake Sturgeon Movement in a Southern Lotic Population with Comparisons to Other Populations Across its Range. Oral Presentation. North American Sturgeon and Paddlefish Society Annual Meeting, Columbia, MO. | October 2018 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert, T. L. Moore, B. L. Brooke. 2020. Environmental Correlates of Seasonal Movement and Migrations of Lake Sturgeon in the Osage and Gasconade rivers. Virtual Missouri Natural Resources Conference 2021. | February 2021 |
Moore, M. J., C. P. Paukert, 2019. Lake Sturgeon Movements in the Missouri River Basin Call Attention to the Importance of Tributaries in Large River Fish Conservation. Oral Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, 2019, Cleveland OH. | January 2019 |
Moore, M, and C. Paukert. 2018. Summer Tributary Use and Movement of Lake Sturgeon on its Southern Range Margin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Milwaukee, WI | January 2018 |
Mackey, C.M., C. P. Paukert, J. D. Faulkner, A. N. Popper, M. L. Wildhaber, and R. D. Calfee. Short-term behavioral responses to acoustic stimuli from Grass Carp. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach MO. 7 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Mackey, C.M., C. P. Paukert, J. D. Faulkner, A. N. Popper, M. L. Wildhaber, and R. D. Calfee. Short-term behavioral responses to acoustic stimuli from Grass Carp. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, SD 3 February 2024. | February 2024 |
Mackey, C. M. C. P. Paukert, M. L. Wildhaber, A. A. Pease, J. D. Faulkner, and R. D. Calfee. 2025. Assessing behavioral responses of native fish to sound: implications for grass carp management in the Sandusky River, OH. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2025 |
Mackey, C. , C. Paukert, M. L. Wildhaber, A. Pease, J. Faulkner, A. Popper, R. Calfee. 2025. Evaluating juvenile grass carp behavioral responses to sound: implications for barrier design. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St. Louis, MO. | January 2025 |
Mackey, C. , C. Paukert, M. L. Wildhaber, A. Pease, J. Faulkner, A. Popper, R. Calfee. 2024. Evaluating juvenile grass carp behavioral responses to sound: implications for barrier design. American Fisheries Society Conference, Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Mabery, M., C. Dunn, and C. Paukert. Population Dynamics of Gravel Chub in Two Missouri Rivers. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Lynch, A. J., B. J. E. Myers,, T. J. Krabbenhoft, R. P. Kovach, T. J. Kwak, J. A. Falke, C. Chu, D. B. Bunnell, C. P. Paukert. Global synthesis of the projected and documented effects of climate change effects on inland fishes. July 2017. Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Symposium. Exeter, United Kingdom. | July 2017 |
Lynch, A. J., B. J. E. Myers, J. Wong, C. Chu, R. W. Tingley, III, J. A. Falke, T. J. Kwak, C. P. PaukertI, T. J. Krabbenhoft. August 2021. Fish and Climate Change (FiCli) Database: Informing management actions for responding to climate change effects in fishes. Tennessee River Basin Network annual meeting. | July 2021 |
Lynch, A. J., B. J. E. Myers, J. Wong, C. Chu, J. A. Falke, T. J. Kwak, C. P. Paukert, R. W. Tingley, III, T. J. Krabbenhoft. November 2021. <b>Reducing uncertainty in climate change responses for inland fisheries management: a decision-path approach</b>. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. | May 2021 |
Lynch, A. J., B. J. E. Myers, J. Wong, C. Chu, J. A. Falke, T. J. Kwak, C. P. Paukert, R. W. Tingley, III, T. J. Krabbenhoft. May 2021. Examining Climate Change Impacts using the Fish and Climate Change Database (FiCli). Western Division American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting. | May 2021 |
Lindner, G., E. Bulliner, K. Bouska, C. Paukert, and R. Jacobson. 2017. Floodplain inundation mapping under nonstationary hydro-climatic conditions on the lower Missouri River to support multi-objective management of conservation lands Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Lindner, G., E. Bulliner, K. Bouska, C. Paukert, and R. Jacobson. 2019. Mapping flood patterns to address current and future management needs on the Lower Missouri River. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2019 |
Lindner, G., E. Bulliner, K. Bouska, C. Paukert, and R. Jacobson. 2017. Floodplain inundation mapping on the lower Missouri River to support current and future management decisions. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE. | March 2017 |
Lindner, G., C. Paukert, A. Rosenberger, R. Jacobson, K. Bouska, and E. Bulliner. 2016. An examination of costs and benefits for capturing meaningful hydro-geomorphic criteria for aquatic biota in rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Latzka, A.W., P. Cunningham, C. Dassow, H. Embke, Z. Feiner, J. Hennessy, M. Luehring, A. Lynch, C. Paukert, G. Sass, A. Shultz, B. Sims, L. Tate, M. Wolter. 2024. Wisconsin’s evolving management responses to observed and projected declines in two valued sportfish populations. ASLO summer meeting, Madison, WI. IP-163625. | June 2024 |
Klymus, K., D. Chapman, C. Richter, and C. Paukert. DNA shedding rates of Asian carps, for use in understanding field collections of eDNA. International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species, Niagara Falls, Ontario. 24 April 2013. | April 2013 |
Klymus, K. C. Richter, D. Chapman, and C. Paukert. Quantification of eDNA Shedding Rates from Invasive Bighead Carp Hypophthalmichthys nobilis and Silver Carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Quebec City. | August 2014 |
Kleekamp, E., and C. Paukert. Streams in a Changing Landscape: Predicting In-Stream Habitat Reference Conditions Using Landscape Characteristics. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Quebec City. | August 2014 |
Kleekamp, E., and C. Paukert. Evaluating a physical habitat-based classification of Missouri’s stream fish communities. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Kleekamp, E., and C. Paukert. Assessing Environmental Drivers of Fish Community Structure. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN | February 2015 |
Kleekamp, E., and C. Paukert. A bottom-up approach to characterizing least disturbed stream habitat. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR | August 2015 |
Kasper, J., C. Dassow, and C. Paukert 2022. Climate change impacts consumption of important freshwater recreational fish in the Midwest. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. 23 August 2022. | August 2022 |
Kamps, J., C. Paukert, E. Webb and F. Nelson. Sampling method considerations for surveying fish and amphibians in Missouri wetlands | April 2019 |
Kamps, J., C. Paukert, E. Webb and F. Nelson. A comparison of sampling methods for surveying fish and amphibians in Missouri wetlands. | April 2019 |
Jacobson, R. B., E. A. Bulliner IV, G. A. Lindner, C. Paukert and K. Bouska. Managing Floodplain Expectations on the Lower Missouri River, USA. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA 13 December 2017. | December 2017 |
J. B. Whittier, J. Westhoff, Craig Paukert. A comparison of accuracy and precision among temperature loggers at typical stream temperatures. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Ivey, K., K. Wright, J.S. Rogosch, H.I.A. Boehm, R.W. Tingley III, and C.P. Paukert. 2021. Exploring the relationship between assessment metrics and perceived success of river and stream restoration projects. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Virtual Meeting. February 2-4, 2021 | February 2021 |
Infante, D., N. Sievert, W. Daniel, C. Paukert, J. Whittier, Y. Tsang, and J. Stewart. FISHTAIL: Conserving stream habitats and fishes from current and future threats throughout large regions. World Fisheries Congress, Busan, South Korea. | May 2016 |
Hessler, T.M., C.P. Paukert, Y. Shang, Z. Zhai, S. Wang, and J. Persinger. Utilizing Remote Sensing Technologies to Efficiently Capture Fish Habitat Data. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. 6 Feb 2024. | February 2024 |
Hessler, T.M., C.P. Paukert, Y. Shang, Z. Zhai, S. Wang, and J. Persinger. Characterizing Habitat in Mid-Sized Rivers through the Use of Side Scan Sonar. American Fisheries Society 154<sup>th</sup> Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI. | September 2024 |
Hessler, T.M., C.P. Paukert, Y. Shang, Z. Zhai, S. Wang, and J. Persinger. 2025. Characterizing Habitat in Mid-Sized Rivers through the Use of Side Scan Sonar. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St Louis, MO | January 2025 |
Hessler, T.M., C.P. Paukert, Y. Shang, Z. Zhai, S. Wang, N. Grabner and J. Persinger. Assessing Instream Habitat Through the Use of Sonar Technologies. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. 19-21 Feb 2025. | February 2025 |
Healy, B., C. P. Paukert, and W. E. Pine, III. 2015. Integrating Cooperative Ecosystem Study Units into Fisheries Management Planning at Grand Canyon National Park. Biennial Conference of Science and Management of the Colorado Plateau. Flagstaff, AZ. | October 2015 |
Harris, J., and C. Paukert. Aquatic applications of ArcGIS: tracking and analyzing telemetry data. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, KS. 10 December 2012. | December 2012 |
Harris, J., C. Paukert, S. Bush, M. Allen, and M. Siepker. Using largemouth bass to evaluate a large reservoir habitat project. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, KS. 12 December 2012. | December 2012 |
Harris, J., C. Paukert, S. Bush, M. Allen, and M. Siepker. Movement and habitat selection of largemouth bass: implications for reservoir habitat improvements. Missouri/Arkansas White River Partnership Meetings, Branson, MO. 17 October 2012. | October 2012 |
Harris, J., C. Paukert, S. Bush, M. Allen, and M. Siepker. How largemouth bass respond to a large reservoir habitat enhancement project. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR | September 2013 |
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, K. Fogelman, J. Rogosch, J. Stoeckel, and J. Westhoff. 2024. Linking stream fish thermal ecology and adaptive capacity to inform watershed-based management. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2024 |
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, K. Fogelman, J. Rogosch, J. Stoeckel, and J. Westhoff. 2024. Linking stream fish thermal ecology and adaptive capacity to inform watershed-based management. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Sioux Falls, South Dakota | January 2024 |
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, K. Fogelman, J. Rogosch, J. Stoeckel, and J. Westhoff. 2023. Assessing the thermal ecology of several <i>Notropis</i> species using multiple metrics. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI. | April 2023 |
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, Fogelman, K., Paukert, C., Rogosch, J., Stoeckel, J., and Westhoff, J. 2023. Addressing the need for lab experiments to fill the temperature gap in trait-based approaches in fishes. Southern Division American Fisheries Society, Norfolk, VA. February 7-9,2023. | February 2023 |
Harried, B., W. Fitzsimmons, Fogelman, K., Paukert, C., Rogosch, J., Stoeckel, J., and Westhoff, J. 2023. Addressing the need for lab experiments to fill the temperature gap in trait-based approaches in fishes. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Lake Ozark, MO. February 7-9,2023. | February 2023 |
Harried, B., C. Paukert, J. Rogosch, and J. Westhoff. 2022. Lack of standardized methods inhibits inference from fish thermal preferences and climate adaptation. Joint Aquatic Sciences meeting, Grand Rapids MI. | May 2022 |
Harried, B. L., W. Fitzsimmons, K. J. Fogelman, C. P. Paukert, J. S. Rogosch, J. A. Stoeckel and J. T. Westhoff. Linking stream fish thermal ecology and adaptive capacity to prioritize watershed areas with greatest value for conservation. 85th Annual Meeting, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saint Louis, MO, 19-22 January 2025. | January 2025 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. Nothing but net: Developing a rapid assessment protocol to monitor fish in Missouri wetlands. Missouri Natural Resources Conference. Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. Developing a rapid assessment protocol to monitor fish in Missouri wetlands. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI | January 2016 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2017. Integrating less visible taxa into wetland management: methods for surveying fish and amphibians. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico | June 2017 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2017. Influence of wetland design and hydrologic connectivity on fish and amphibian species richness in managed floodplain wetlands. Society of Wetland Scientists Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico | June 2017 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2016. What lies beneath? Identifying the most effective method to sample fish and amphibian communities in Missouri wetlands. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2017 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2016. What Lies beneath? Identifying the most effective method to sample fish and amphibian communities in Missouri wetlands. The Wildlife Society Conference, Raleigh, NC. | October 2016 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2016. What Lies beneath? Identifying the most effective method to sample fish and amphibian communities in Missouri wetlands. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Guyton, J. E. Webb, C. Paukert, and F. Nelson. 2016. Don’t put a fish out of water: developing sampling protocols to integrate fish into wetland management decisions. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Fitzsimmons, W., Fogelman, K., B. Harried, Paukert, C., Rogosch, J., Stoeckel, J., and Westhoff, J. 2023. Addressing the thermal ecology of Topeka Shiners (<i>Notropis topeka</i>) using multiple thermal metrics. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Lake Ozark, MO. February 7-9,2023. | February 2023 |
Dunn, C.G., and C.P. Paukert. 2024. Casting a wider net: optimizing sampling to monitor imperiled fishes in southeastern rivers. Annual meeting of the North Carolina Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, Sylva, NC | February 2024 |
Dunn, C.G., and C.P. Paukert. 2020. Casting a wider net: efficacy of a multi-gear survey design for detecting Missouri’s imperiled riverine fishes. Invited contribution to Endangered Species Research and Management symposium, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Natural Resources Conference. Springfield, IL. | January 2020 |
Dunn, C.G., and C.P. Paukert. 2018. A flexible multi-gear survey design for documenting fish richness in large rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Dunn, C.G., and C.P. Paukert. 2018. A Structured Approach for Incorporating Manager Feedback into the Survey Design of a Standardized Riverine Fish Sampling Protocol. Oral presentation. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2019 |
Dunn, C.G. and C.P. Paukert. 2021. Pinpointing biodiversity hotspots: local habitat and regional connectivity shape fish richness along rivers with contrasting habitat diversity. Annual meeting of the Southeastern Fishes Council. Columbus, Georgia. (delivered virtually) | November 2021 |
Dunn, C., and C. Paukert. 2017. Influences of downriver connectivity and site conditions on richness patterns of great-river fishes within free-flowing tributary networks. Society of Freshwater Science, Raleigh, North Carolina | June 2017 |
Dunn, C., and C. Paukert. 2017. In pursuit of a silver bullet: does standardized sampling need to accommodate seasonal and regional influences on fish richness across large rivers of Missouri? Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Dunn, C., and C. Paukert. 2017. Does Standardized Fish Sampling within Mid-Sized Rivers of Missouri Need to Account for Seasonal and Regional Influences on Fish Species Richness? Missouri natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2017 |
Dunn, C., and C. Paukert. Emerging distributional patterns and preliminary results from the Missouri Mid-Sized Rivers Fish Sampling Protocol: A scalable multi-method tool for studying Missouri’s large-river fish assemblages. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Dunn, C., and C. Paukert. Development of a spatially-balanced sampling protocol for mid-sized rivers in Missouri. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Portland, OR | August 2015 |
Dunn, C., and C. Paukert. 2018. Test-driving a newly developed fish sampling protocol to identify biodiversity hotspots in two Missouri mid-sized rivers. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2018 |
Dunn, C., and C. Paukert. 2017. Predicting potential refugia: spatially explicit determinants of great-river fish richness within two unimpounded tributaries of the Missouri and Mississippi rivers. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Dunn, C. and C. Paukert. Development of the Missouri Midsized Rivers Fish Sampling Protocol with preliminary results from the lower Gasconade River. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2015 |
Dassow, C., A. Latzka, A. Lynch, G. Sass , R. Tingley III and C. Paukert. 2022. A RAD decision-making tool for walleye (<i>Sander vitreus</i>) management in Wisconsin. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines IA | February 2022 |
Daniel, W., N. Sievert, D. Infante, J. Whittier, J. Stewart, C. Paukert, and K. Herreman. 2016. A decision support mapper for conserving stream fish habitats of the Northeast Climate Science Center region. Final Report to the US Geological Survey, Northeast Climate Science Center, Amherst, MA. | March 2017 |
Daniel, W., N. Sievert, D. Infante, C. Paukert, J. Stewart, J. Whittier, T. Wagner, K. Herreman, and Y. Tsang. FISHTAIL: a decision support mapper for conservation of stream fish habitats of the NE CSC region. USGS Northeast Climate Science Center Webinar Series. | March 2015 |
Daniel, W., N. Sievert, D. Infante, C. Paukert, J. Stewart, J. Whittier, T. Wagner, K. Herreman, and Y. Tsang. FISHTAIL: A decision support mapper for conserving stream fish habitats of the NE CSC region Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Indianapolis, IN. | February 2015 |
Daniel, W., N. Sievert, D. Infante, C. Paukert, J. Stewart, J. Whittier, K. Herreman, and Yin-Phan Tsang. 2016. FISHTAIL: A decision support mapper for conserving stream fishes and their habitats in the NE CSC region. Great Lakes Adaptation Forum, Ann Arbor, MI | October 2016 |
Coash, N., A. Hrdina, C. Paukert, E. Tracy-Smith, and J. Persinger. Advancing Cold Water Beyond Trout: Characterizing Aquatic Biota and Habitat Across Thermal Gradients in Missouri. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, St Louis, MO. 20 January 2025. | January 2025 |
Coash, N., A. Hrdina, C. Paukert, E. Tracy-Smith, and J. Persinger. 2025. Advancing Cold Water Beyond Trout: Characterizing Aquatic Biota and Habitat Across Thermal Gradients in Missouri. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2025 |
Chen, Y., and 18 coauthors. 2018. Moving the Mississippi-Yangtze Fisheries Network Forward: Past, Current, and Future. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Bulliner IV, E.A., G. A. Lindner, K. Bouska, C. Paukert and R. B. Jacobson. Interactive Mapping of Inundation Metrics Using Cloud Computing for Improved Floodplain Conservation and Management. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA 15 December 2017. | December 2017 |
Brooke, B., R. Kramer, C. Dunn, and C. Paukert. 2017. Seasonal population characteristics of Blue Suckers Cycleptus elongatus within large Missouri and Mississippi River tributaries. Missouri natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO | February 2017 |
Brooke, B., R. Kramer, C. Dunn, and C. Paukert. 2017. Seasonal dynamics of Blue Suckers Cycleptus elongatus inhabiting great-river tributaries in Missouri. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Brooke, B., M. Moore, and C. P. Paukert. 2019. Lake Sturgeon passage of Osage River Lock and Dam #1. Poster Presentation. The 2020 Missouri Natural Resources Conference. | February 2020 |
Brant, J.D., C.P. Paukert. 2019. Hornyhead Chub Spawning Habitat in the East Fork Black River. Oral Presentation. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, Missouri. | February 2019 |
Brant, J., C. Paukert, and D. Lobb. 2018. Hornyhead Chub Nest Site Selection in the East Fork Black River. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2018 |
Brant, J., C. Paukert, D. Lobb. 2018. Habitat Limitations in Spawning Site Selection for Hornyhead Chubs. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Brant, J. E. Baebler, D. Lobb, and C. Paukert. 2017. Stream Connectivity Effects on Island Backchannel Habitat Conditions Under Regulated Flows in the Lower Osage River. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
Bouska, K., G. Lindner, R. Jacobson, and C. Paukert.Identifying floodplain conservation land management priorities and science needs for the Lower Missouri River. Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE | March 2015 |
Bouska, K., G. Lindner, R. Jacobson, and C. Paukert. Stakeholder-led Science: Engaging floodplain conservation land managers to identify and meet science needs. International Society for River Science Biennial Meeting, LaCrosse, WI | August 2015 |
Bouska, K. L.,<b> </b>B. D. Healy, M. J. Moore, C. G. Dunn, J. J. Spurgeon, and C. P. Paukert. Diverse portfolios: investing in tributaries for restoration of large river fishes. USGS Ecosystem Mission Area Friday Findings Webinar, 15 September 2023. Virtual. IP-157389. | September 2023 |
Boehm, H., C. Paukert, and E. Webb. 2020. A review of fish-based metrics used to evaluate floodplain restoration objectives World Fisheries Congress, Adelaide, Australia. | October 2020 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner, and C. Paukert. Use of δ<sup>15</sup>N and δ<sup>13</sup>C stable isotope analysis to determine diet interactions between Striped Bass and other sport fishes in Bull Shoals Lake. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach MO. 1 February 2022 | February 2022 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner, and C. Paukert 2023. Identification of trophic position and resource use for stocked Striped Bass and native sport fish species in a Missouri Reservoir. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Grand Rapids, MI.<br><b> </b> | April 2023 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner, and C. Paukert 2022. Dispersal and Survival of Stocked Striped Bass in a Missouri Reservoir. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Spokane, WA. 23 August 2022. | August 2022 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner, and C. Paukert 2022. Assessing Diet Interactions Between Stocked Striped Bass and Sportfish Species in Bull Shoals Lake, Missouri. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Des Moines IA | February 2022 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner, C. Paukert. 2020. Dispersal and movement patterns of stocked Striped Bass in Bull Shoals Lake. Poster Presentation. Missouri Natural Resources Conference. Osage Beach, MO. | February 2020 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner, C. Paukert. 2020. Dispersal and movement patterns of stocked Striped Bass in Bull Shoals Lake. Poster Presentation. Annual Meeting of the Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR. | February 2020 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner and C. Paukert. 2022. Assessing diet interactions between stocked Striped Bass and game fish species in a Missouri Reservoir. Oral Presentation. Southern Division of the American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Charleston, SC. | January 2022 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner and C. Paukert. 2021. Preliminary Results of a Project Evaluating the<b> </b>Survival and Dispersal of Stocked Striped Bass in Bull Shoals Lake. Oral Presentation. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2021 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner and C. Paukert 2022. Post-Stocking Dispersal and Survival Probability for Stocked Age-0 and Adult Striped Bass in a Missouri Reservoir. Joint Aquatic Society Annual Meeting, 14-20 May, 2022. Grand Rapids, MI. | May 2022 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner and C. Paukert 2021. Survival and dispersal of stocked Striped Bass in Bull Shoals Lake. Oral Presentation. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Minneapolis, MN. | February 2021 |
Boehm, H., A. Turner and C. Paukert 2021. Survival and Dispersal Patterns for Stocked Age-0 and Adult Striped Bass in Bull Shoals Reservoir, Missouri. November 2021. Oral Presentation. American Fisheries Society, Baltimore, MD. | November 2021 |
Bennett, T., H. Weidenborner, H. Boehm,<sup> </sup>and C. Paukert. Determining Hybridization of Age 1-2 Striped Bass Using a Body Depth to Total Length Ratio. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach MO. 1 February 2022 | February 2022 |
Baebler, E., and C. Paukert. 2019. The influence of season and streamflow on habitat selection of Spotted Bass and Shorthead Redhorse downstream of a hydropeaking dam in central Missouri, USA. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Cleveland, OH. | January 2019 |
Baebler, E., and C. Paukert. 2018. Habitat selection of Spotted Bass and Shorthead Redhorse downstream of a hydropeaking dam in central Missouri, USA. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. | August 2018 |
Baebler, E., and C. Paukert. 2019. Influence of Streamflow and Season on Habitat Selection by Spotted Bass and Shorthead Redhorse on the Lower Osage River, Missouri. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO. | February 2019 |
Baebler, E., and C. Paukert. 2017. Movement of Spotted Bass and Shorthead Redhorse across Season and Streamflow in the Regulated Lower Osage River, Missouri. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL. | August 2017 |
Baebler, E, and C. Paukert. 2017. Movement of Spotted Bass and Shorthead Redhorse in in the highly regulated Lower Osage River, Missouri. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. | February 2017 |
Baebler, E, and C. Paukert. 2017. Movement of Spotted Bass and Shorthead Redhorse in in the highly regulated Lower Osage River, Missouri. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Lincoln, NE. | February 2017 |
<sup>Lynch, A. J., B. J. E. Myers, J. Wong, C. Chu, J. A. Falke, T. J. Kwak, C. P. Paukert, R. W. Tingley, III, T. J. Krabbenhoft. January 2021. Reducing uncertainty in climate change responses for inland fisheries management: a decision-path approach. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference.</sup> | January 2021 |
Lindner, G. K. Bouska, C. Paukert, R. Jacobson. Floodplain inundation mapping to support multi-objective restoration and management of conservation lands on the lower Missouri River. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Grand Rapids, MI | January 2016 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Schloesser, J. T., and C. P. Paukert. 2007. Walleye harvest restrictions to minimize gizzard shad impingement. Final report submitted to Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation. 27 January 2007. | January 2007 |
Proffer, M., and C. Paukert. 2009. Zooplankton Dynamics of Marion Lake. Report to Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and US Army Corps of Engineers. | July 2009 |
Paukert, C., C. Berry, and K. Pope. 2007. Topeka shiner 5-year review and workshop. Report submitted to US Fish and Wildlife Service and Topeka Shiner Recovery Team. 15 June 2007. 92 pages. | June 2007 |
Paukert, C. P., M. McInerny, and R. Schultz. 2004. Current and historical black bass regulations in North America: A survey conducted by the Centrarchid Technical Committee of the Northcentral Division of the American Fisheries Society. Centrarchid Technical Committee, Northcentral Division, American Fisheries Society. | July 2004 |
Harried, B. J. Westhoff, and C. Paukert. 2024. Linking stream fish thermal ecology and adaptive capacity to inform watershed-based management and Species Status Assessments. Final Report, U.S. Geological Survey, Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Center. | October 2024 |
Eitzmann, J., A. Makinster, and C. Paukert. 2005. Population dynamics of blue suckers in the Kansas River. Final Report, Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. | December 2005 |
Distribution and Abundance of Fishes in the Kansas River. Final report to Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks. | October 2009 |
Bouska, W. W., C. P. Paukert, and T. Keane. 2009. Inventory and assessment of road-stream crossings for aquatic organism passage, with recommendations for culvert design. Final report, Kansas Department of Transportation, KTRANS Program, Project Number KSU 07-6, Topeka. | August 2009 |
Type | Citation | Publication Date |
Software Release | Winikoff, S.G., Paukert, C., and Rogosch, J., 2024, Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P147PAUY. | July 2024 |
Data Release | Winikoff, S., Paukert, C., and Sievert, N. 2024. Code for Missouri Stream Conservation and Connectivity Prioritization Tool: Improving and Expanding Existing Conservation Networks. Version 1.0.0: U.S. Geological Survey software release. Reston, Va. https://doi.org/10.5066/P13I3NWY | February 2024 |
Data Release | Rogosch, J.S., Boehm, H., Tingley III, R. W., Wright, K.D., Webb, E. B., and Paukert, C. P. 2023. Study attributes and summary results of fish responses to restoration extracted from systematic review of studies published between 2010 and 2020: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P97E92CF. | May 2021 |
Data Release | Faulkner, J. D., Paukert, C. P., Novinger, D. C. 2024. Factors affecting the spatial distribution of Niangua Darters (<i>Etheostoma nianguae</i>) in the Osage River Basin, Missouri, USA, 2010-2011: U.S. Geological Survey data release, https://doi.org/10.5066/P1MBHHQZ] | July 2023 |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
Other - Search committee member for Director of the Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands, and Aquatic Sciences | Paukert | May 2023 | Present |
Other - Science and Data Committee member | Paukert | August 2006 | August 2014 |
Other - Panel member | Paukert | August 2015 | August 2016 |
Other - Invited Panel member, Biodiversity workgroup | Paukert | January 2015 | January 2015 |
Other - Education Committee, 2021 World Fisheries Congress in Adelaide, Australia | Paukert | July 2018 | Present |
Other - Education Committee Chair, 2024 World Fisheries Congress in Seattle, WA | Paukert | July 2021 | Present |
Other - Committee member | Paukert | March 2013 | Present |
Other - Advisory Council Member | Paukert | January 2014 | August 2015 |
North American Benthological Society - member | Paukert | June 2008 | Present |
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference - 2014 Steering Committee Member | Paukert | September 2011 | February 2014 |
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference - 2014 Program Committee Chair | Paukert | October 2011 | January 2014 |
Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference - 2014 Program Chair | Paukert | September 2011 | February 2014 |
Desert Fishes Council - member | Paukert | June 2004 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Symposium organizer | Paukert | January 2015 | August 2015 |
American Fisheries Society - Symposia Committee, American Fisheries Society Meeting in Kansas City | Paukert | August 2015 | August 2016 |
American Fisheries Society - Steering Committee member, 2024 World Fisheries Congress in Seattle, WA | Paukert | August 2020 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Special Science Advisory Committee on Climate Change | Paukert | April 2019 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Secretary/Treasurer of the Education Section | Paukert | August 2009 | September 2011 |
American Fisheries Society - President, Kansas Chapter | Paukert | August 2008 | August 2009 |
American Fisheries Society - President Elect, Kansas Chapter | Paukert | September 2007 | August 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - Past president, Education Section | Paukert | August 2015 | August 2017 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Skinner Award Committee, Education Section | Paukert | August 2003 | October 2005 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Farm Bill Committee | Paukert | June 2005 | September 2007 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Excellence in Fisheries Education Committee | Paukert | August 1999 | August 2002 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Board of Professional Certification | Paukert | January 2008 | September 2010 |
American Fisheries Society - Member, Best Paper Award Committee, North American Journal of Fisheries Management | Paukert | September 2003 | September 2004 |
American Fisheries Society - Member | Paukert | January 1993 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Governing Board | Paukert | September 2013 | August 2015 |
American Fisheries Society - Education Section President Elect | Paukert | September 2011 | September 2013 |
American Fisheries Society - Education Section President | Paukert | September 2013 | August 2015 |
American Fisheries Society - Committee to identify North American Presenters at the Fisheries Society of the British Isles Conference of Climate Change, Belfast, 2010 | Paukert | October 2009 | July 2010 |
American Fisheries Society - Committee to determine feasibility to host World Fisheries Congress in North America in 2024. | Paukert | August 2018 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Committee to better engage students at AFS/TWS joint meeting in 2019 | Paukert | July 2018 | September 2019 |
American Fisheries Society - Co-chair, Membership Committee | Paukert | March 2003 | August 2005 |
American Fisheries Society - Co-Chair, Symposium Committee, AFS Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO | Paukert | August 2015 | August 2016 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Skinner Award Committee, Education Section | Paukert | October 2005 | August 2008 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Mississippi River Yangtze River Symposium, American Fisheries Society and Chinese Academy of Sciences | Paukert | July 2019 | Present |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, International Rivers Symposium, American Fisheries Society and International Society of River Science. | Paukert | July 2019 | July 2022 |
American Fisheries Society - Chair, Careers in Fisheries brochure revision Committee | Paukert | November 2003 | September 2006 |