Missouri Technical Assistance Activities

Description and Agency | Provider(s) | Date |
Workshop: Research Needs and Management Strategies for Pallid Sturgeon Recovery. St Louis, MO. |
Galat | July 2007 |
Workshop member for creating a national database of creel and other angler survey data for inland water bodies Climate Adaptation Science center |
Paukert | May 2020 |
Working with USGS-CERC to host 12 Chinese scientist from the Chinese Academy of Sciences about river fisheries collaborations Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Paukert, Umland | September 2024 |
Worked with Columbia Environmental Research Center staff to develop and submit comprehensive research preproposal to U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on pallid sturgeon ecological requirements of the pallid and shovelnose sturgeon in the Missouri River: a research strategy. |
Galat | April 2003 |
When do pallid sturgeon spawn? Missouri River Restoration and Recovery - Spring Rise Process. Hydrology and Water Quality and Pallid Sturgeon/Fish & Wildlife Technical Working Groups. U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution and CDR Associates. |
Galat | June 2005 |
When do pallid sturgeon spawn. Missouri River Restoration and Recovery - Spring Rise Process. Hydrology and Water Quality and Pallid Sturgeon/Fish & Wildlife Technical Working Groups. U.S. Institute for Environmental Conflict Resolution and CDR Associates, Minneapolis, MN. |
Galat | May 2005 |
We meet with USFWS and EPA staff to assist them in designing a crayfish sampling protocol for work in the Little St. Francis River, MO US Environmental Protection Agency |
Westhoff, Raney | September 2022 |
We assisted other biologists sample for burrowing crayfish at the request of colleagues in KY. I was a team lead. Office of Kentucky Nature Preserves |
Westhoff, Raney | May 2023 |
Was part of an expert panel to discuss how to better engage stakeholders on projects and deliverables. Climate Adaptation Science Center |
Paukert | June 2021 |
Was only outside agency member of the interview panel, Science Branch Chief, Missouri Department of Conservation. This position leads all research activities in the agency. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Paukert | August 2024 |
Was only outside agency member of the interview panel, Science Branch Chief, Missouri Department of Conservation. This position leads all research activities in the agency. Missouri DEapartment of Conservation |
Paukert | September 2022 |
Updated USFWS staff on current status of Bluestripe Darter information for their upcoming listing decision US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Westhoff | January 2022 |
Technical adviser to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on their Biological Opinion to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers on Operation of the Missouri River. |
Galat | June 2003 |
Subject matter expert panel member GS-12 Fisheries Biologist. |
Galat | October 2007 |
Subject Matter Expert Panel Member GS-12 Fisheries Biologist, CERC |
Galat | October 2007 |
Study concept: life-history requirements for recovery of age-0 Scaphirhynchus sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. Briefing to Brigadier General W. Grisoli, Commander, NW Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Columbia, MO. |
Galat | February 2003 |
Serving on Advisory Committee for Project at the University of Texas at Tyler: Extension for Pigtoe Genomics Research University of Texas at Tyler |
Rosenberger | January 2017 |
Serve on USGS RGE panel. US Geological Survey |
Paukert | July 2024 |
Scientific Expert, Corps of Engineer Sustainable Rivers Program for Osage River. Corps of Engineers |
Paukert | May 2021 |
Science Advisor, The Nature Conservancy's Great Rivers Partnership |
Clark, Galat | March 2005 |
Provided information to MO Dept Transportation regarding potential impacts of culvert replacement on Niangua Darter populations Missouri Department of Transportation |
Westhoff | March 2022 |
Provided expert advice to U.S. Capitol Hill staffers of how climate adaptation projects to help fisheries can also have other benefits to clean water, agriculture, and other sectors. American Fishereis Society |
Paukert | May 2021 |
Provided Missouri Department of Conservation Top leadership with overview of Cooperative Research Units Missouri Department of Conservation |
Paukert | October 2010 |
Presented research on impacts of neonicotinoid insecticides on non-target species at USFWS Tri-state Private Lands Division meeting (~20 attendees) US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Mengel | December 2019 |
Presented research on impacts of neonicotinoid insecticides on non-target species at MDC Wildlife Division Conference (~120 attendees) Missouri Department of Conservation |
Abney | October 2019 |
Presented research on impacts of neonicotinoid insecticides on non-target species at MDC Division Chiefs meeting (~60 attendees) Missouri Department of Conservation |
Mengel | November 2019 |
Presented options for assessing fish passage at culvert replacement project sites to MDC, TNC, USFWS The Nature Conservancy |
Westhoff | February 2023 |
Poster Judge, Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Nebraska City, NE |
Galat | February 2008 |
Position Reviewer, Fisheries Research Biologist 11/12, Columbia Environmental Research Center |
Galat | May 2004 |
Participated, and served as discussion leader for Ecologically Sustainable Water Management, Snake River, Idaho, at The Nature Conservancy's Working Retreat. |
Galat | September 2002 |
Participated in U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Research and Monitoring on the Big Muddy Refuge. |
Galat | March 2002 |
Participated in U.S. FWS-U.S. Army COE Missouri River shallow water habitat monitoring design workshop. |
Galat | November 2004 |
Participated in MRBA's Monitoring Stakeholder Forum, Kansas City, MO |
Galat | December 2003 |
Participated in "Workshop on ecological responses of river systems to flow change, Murray-Darling Freshwater Research Center, Albury, Australia. |
Galat | July 2003 |
Panel about working with stakeholders given to USGS Southeast Regional Research Meeting U.S. Geological Survey |
Paukert | July 2022 |
Organized a special session on impacts of neonicotinoid insecticide impacts to non-target wildlife at the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference (~50 participants). Session included 10 speakers and a panel discussion Wildlife Management Institute |
Mengel | March 2020 |
Niangua Darter Recovery Discussions Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | January 2022 |
Missouri River Authorized Purposes Study (MRAPS): Historical Perspectives Briefing. 12 Feb 2010. Invited panelist to brief Corps of Engineers staff from NW Division, Omaha, Kansas City and St. Louis Districts to: (1) introduce USACE members to key individuals involved with Missouri river issues that also represent the diversity of stakeholders in the lower basin. (2) provide historical background & context to: the diversity of lower basin perspectives & issues surrounding Missouri river management, and; (3)offer “lessons learned” from the master manual process & identify opportunities for process improvements with MRAPS Missouri River Authorized Purposes Study (MRAPS): Historical Perspectives Briefing. |
Galat | February 2010 |
Met with USGS Director David Appelgate to discuss Coop Unit research and working collaboratively with USGS CERC. USGS |
Paukert, Westhoff | May 2023 |
Met with Maureen Gallagher, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to talk of potential research/monitoring needs at Lisbon Bottoms, Big Muddy National Fish and Wildlife Refuge. |
Galat | August 2002 |
Met with Environmental Protection Agency Desoto group to develop strategies for MOR needs. |
Galat | July 2002 |
Member, Upper Mississippi River System Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program's Science Panel. |
Clark, Galat | March 2005 |
Member, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council Committee to assess the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Methods of Analysis and Peer Review for Water Resources project planning: Panel on Methods and Techniques of Project Analysis 2002-2003. |
Galat | January 2002 |
Member of 9-person steering committee for Pallid Sturgeon Research Needs Workshop held by USGS-FWS-COE-EPA; facilitated discussion among participant workgroups and edited draft report. |
Galat | June 2004 |
Invited workgroup member to review proposals for the Minnesota Environmental Trust MN Environmental Trust |
Paukert | March 2014 |
Invited workgroup member to develop fish sampling protocols for NSF sites nationwide National Science Foundataion |
Paukert | March 2013 |
Invited workgroup member to determine how climate change will affect biodiversity National Climate Assessment |
Paukert | January 2012 |
Invited workgroup member to analyze large river data nationwide to better inform large river monitoring programs USGS |
Paukert | July 2012 |
Invited speaker and technical resource, Missouri Department of Conservation Big Rivers/wetland Workshop |
Galat | October 2003 |
Invited participant, Collaborative adaptive assessment of integrated alternatives for adaptive management on a pilot stretch of the Missouri River, Lied Conference Center, Nebraska City, NE |
Galat | March 2004 |
Invited participant to USGS Dialog on Science Impact, Columbia Environmental Research Center, Columbia, MO |
Galat | October 2003 |
Invited participant to America’s Inner Coast Summit, June 22-24, 2010, St. Louis, Missouri.. This Summit brought together the leadership of non-governmental organizations, key federal agencies, large private landowners, industry, academia, and community organizations concerned with the future ecological and economic sustainability of the Mississippi River Valley (MRV). A goal of the Summit was to create high-level recommendations to be considered in developing sustainable projects and initiatives including influencing federal, state, and local guidelines and policies.
America’s Inner Coast Summit |
Galat | June 2010 |
Invited member, Scoping Document, assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (nexus assessment). Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services |
Paukert | February 2020 |
Invited member of USGS panel on Climate Change and Vulnerable Inland Lake Fishes Virtual Workshop Midwest Climate Adaptation Science Centr |
Paukert | March 2021 |
Invited by MDC for expert panel of climate change effects on forest, fish, and wildlife. Missouri DEpartmenbt of Conservation |
Paukert | September 2021 |
Instructed MDC staff on running a Rare Fishes Research Program. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | March 2022 |
IUCN Red List Status Report Update Lead for Paddlefish International Union for Conservation of Nature |
Paukert | February 2016 |
I was contacted via email by FWS biologists seeking advice on how to set up a crayfish distribution project and how much it would cost. I provided the advice and offered future assistance. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Pacific Region |
Westhoff | August 2024 |
I was asked to serve as an expert reviewer for species habitat models for several species of fish and crayfish. I took part in the training and then conducted the reviews. This was related to a US Forest Service effort. NatureServe |
Westhoff | May 2024 |
I was asked by Corey Dunn (USGS Coop Unit) to participate on a panel of experts to develop a species status assessment model that can be used for data deficient crayfishes. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Westhoff | November 2023 |
I tested the new electronic version of the MDC Collector's Permit Application system. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | September 2022 |
I serve on the Niangua Darter Federal Recovery Team by providing scientific information used for species recovery. US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Westhoff | January 2023 |
I reviewed an account for Longnose Darter to go in the Atlas of Missouri Fishes and also an article in the MO Conservationist magazine Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | September 2022 |
I maintain a database of water temperature records for the MO Dept of Conservation and assisted them with R Code to automate the upload of data. I also assisted with recovery and deployment of loggers. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | July 2023 |
I facilitated a undergraduate research course for Kendall Ivey, a Mizzou student, to collect all available data, conduct a literature review, and write a SSA background document that was summitted to the AR ES FWS Field Office for use in the upcoming Ozark Shiner SSA. US Fish and Wildlife Service AR ES Office |
Westhoff | January 2022 |
I did a technical review of the State of Missouri Mussel Research Plan Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | September 2023 |
I conducted an early review of research priorities for the Missouri Statewide Crayfish Strategic Plan for MDC. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | October 2022 |
I assisted with the creation and review of an ammonia criteria protocol for freshwater mussels in Missouri Missouri Department of Natural Resources |
Westhoff | September 2023 |
I assisted the MO Dept of Conservation to retrieve deployed temperature loggers and prioritize the location of future loggers. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | September 2022 |
I assisted state and federal government employees design and collect field data on crayfish, including one rare species (Spiny Scale Crayfish) considered for federal listing. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, KY Ecological Services |
Westhoff, Fitzsimmons | May 2024 |
I assisted Heather Glon and Maine Department of Marine Resources with technical advice on the use of P-chips in crustaceans. They were able to secure a grant for further research, in part, because of my assistance and support. Maine Department of Marine Resources |
Westhoff | April 2024 |
Great Plains Native Fish Conservation Areas Network, Advisory Council Great Plains LCC |
Paukert | December 2016 |
Gave overview presentation to Ecosystems Mission Area leadership about the Mo Coop Unit and our working relationships to Science Centers Ecosystems Mission Area |
Paukert, Westhoff | October 2024 |
Gave Overview of The History of the Missouri Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit University of Missouri School of Natural Resources Alumni Association |
Paukert | January 2011 |
Expert reviewer; Topeka Shiner Species Status Assessment US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Paukert | June 2017 |
Expert reviewer; Humpback Chub Species Status Assessment US Fish and Wildlife Service |
Paukert | January 2017 |
Expert Panel Member, Razorback Sucker Science Panel Utah State University |
Paukert | July 2021 |
Discussions to help develop Programmatic Consultation Framework for recently listed crayfishes in Missouri U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service |
Westhoff | October 2021 |
Developed R Shiny Application that allows natural resources managers see the percentages of fish assemblages collected by various fishing gears. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Dunn, Paukert | February 2021 |
Coordinating Lead Author. Assessment of the interlinkages among biodiversity, water, food and health (nexus assessment). Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services |
Paukert | February 2022 |
Cooperated with scientists from USGS's Columbia Environmental Research Center on a weeklong research exchange with the Institute for Biology of Inland Waters in Borok, Russia. |
Galat | June 2002 |
At the request of USFWS biologists, I did an official review of the Spiney Scale Crayfish SSA. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, KY Ecological Services Office |
Westhoff | August 2024 |
At Middle Basin Pallid Sturgeon Recovery Work Group Annual Meeting in St. Louis, MO, gave update on Unit research: Benthic fish project and Sandbar project. |
Galat | November 2001 |
Assisted U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and lower Missouri River states in developing a shallow water monitoring plan |
Galat | June 2004 |
Assisted MO Department of Conservation with ranking crayfish Species of Conservation Concern Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | September 2021 |
Assisted MO Department of Conservation with field work on Topeka Shiners. I contributed unique expertise related to collection of field data in the their monitoring efforts. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff | September 2021 |
Assisted MDC with sampling Topeka Shiners Missouri Department of Conservation |
Westhoff, Raney, Huber | October 2022 |
Assisted Environmental Defense Fund in reviewing fish floodplain use information on middle Mississippi River (New Madrid floodway). |
Galat | May 2003 |
Analyzed long-term dataset of crayfish recruitment for Missouri Department of Conservation and lead-authored a peer-reviewed journal article. Missouri Department of Conservation |
Dunn, Paukert | February 2018 |
Role - Description | Provider | Start Date | End Date |
Wildlife Faculty Search Committee | Webb | June 2013 | October 2013 |
USGS representative to the Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Section | Webb | February 2017 | Present |
Strategic Planning Committee, School of Natural Resources - Create a new strategic plan for SNR and provide guidance for dissolving departments in the school. | Rosenberger | September 2016 | February 2017 |
Search Committee Chair, CRU AUL - Organized review of applicants and selection of new AUL | Paukert | September 2020 | July 2021 |
Schwartz Graduate Seminar Committee - Member | Galat | January 2009 | Present |
SNR Director's Faculty Advisory Council member | Webb | June 2017 | August 2020 |
Panel Member, CAFNR Research Sympsoium - Was a panel member to discuss how MU can address to future challenges related to water. | Paukert | October 2024 | October 2024 |
Member, Space Use and Allocation Committee, School of Natural Resources, University of Missouri - Develop space allocation use plan and policy guidelines for the administration of the School of Natural Resources at the University of Missouri. | Rosenberger | September 2012 | September 2013 |
Member, Search Committee, fisheries faculty at MU | Paukert | March 2021 | May 2022 |
Member, Search Committee, Director of the Institute of Fisheries, Wetlands, and Aquatic Systemsfisheries faculty at MU | Paukert | July 2023 | Present |
Mary Elizabeth Gutermuth Award for Community Engagement, University of Missouri - Review and select candidates for this university-wide community engagement award. | Paukert | March 2024 | April 2024 |
Faculty Representative, MU Wildlife and Fisheries Graduate Student Organization | Paukert | April 2017 | Present |
Faculty Representative, MU FIsheries and Aquatic Sciences Society | Paukert | June 2019 | Present |
External Reviewer, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Austria - Review packet of faculty member to assess qualifications and stature as a tenure track faculty member | Paukert | September 2024 | December 2024 |
External Reviewer, Univ of Georgia Promotion and Tenure | Paukert | May 2021 | July 2021 |
Coordinator, Fish and Wildlife Graduate Emphasis Area, University of Missouri - Initial point of contact for all graduate students in Fisheries and Wildlife; review and approve graduate students. | Paukert | June 2021 | Present |
Role and Organization | Individual | Start Date | End Date |
co-organizer, Crayfish Special Symposium for National AFS meeting | Westhoff | March 2022 | August 2022 |
University of Central Missouri Advisory Board for the Department of Biology | Rosenberger | April 2016 | June 2017 |
USGS, Large River Monitoring Forum | Paukert | July 2013 | July 2023 |
USFWS, Missouri River Effects Analysis Expert Panel | Paukert | July 2014 | July 2015 |
USFWS, Midwest Region, Committee on Fish Passage for WI River | Paukert | February 2014 | June 2015 |
USFWS Crayfish Community of Practice | Westhoff | December 2023 | Present |
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Pallid Sturgeon Recovery Plan Reviewer | Paukert | February 2013 | June 2014 |
Technical Advisor, BiOp Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service | Galat | November 2003 | December 2004 |
Team Leader and Principal Investigator, Large Rivers Node, National Riverine Restoration Science Synthesis Working Group, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis. | Galat | May 2003 | December 2005 |
Team Advisor, Niangua darter Recovery Team | Galat | December 2003 | December 2004 |
St. Francis River and Big Creek Crayfish ESA Recovery Team | Westhoff | March 2024 | Present |
Search Committee Chair, IFWAS Director Search, University of Missouri | Webb | June 2023 | Present |
Science Advisor, The Nature Conservancy's Great Rivers Partnership, Great Rivers Center. | Galat | January 2005 | Present |
Science Advisor, Peer Review Panel, San Juan River Recovery Implementation Program | Galat | January 1998 | December 2001 |
Program Committee Member, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference | Webb | September 2012 | Present |
Participant, NCEAS Working Group on NRRSS | Galat | February 2003 | August 2004 |
Panel Member and presenter, nataional Adaptation Forum | Paukert | February 2013 | April 2013 |
Outside member tenure/promotion review, Texas Tech University | Paukert | September 2015 | December 2015 |
Outside member tenure/promotion review, Iowa State University | Paukert | July 2023 | September 2023 |
Organizer- Crayfish Symposium at SDAFS 2024 | Westhoff | August 2023 | February 2024 |
National Science Foundation, Committee to identify stream fish sampling protocols | Paukert | February 2013 | December 2020 |
Missouri Aquatic Connectivity Team | Westhoff | November 2023 | Present |
Minnesota DNR, reviewed long term lake sampling protocols | Paukert | February 2013 | April 2013 |
Michigan St Univ and USGS Science To Action Fellowship | Paukert | January 2014 | Present |
Member, Upper Mississippi River System Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program's Science Panel | Galat | January 2005 | Present |
Member, Selection Panel for Research Supervisors, Missouri Department of Conservation | Galat | December 2002 | January 2003 |
Member, Science Advisory Council, Emiquon Wetlands Restoration Project, Illinois Nature Conservancy | Galat | January 2001 | December 2003 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Galat | November 2006 | November 2006 |
Member, Research Grade Evaluation Panel, U.S. Geological Survey | Galat | August 2003 | September 2003 |
Member, Program Committee, Missouri River Natural Resources Conference, Columbia, MO | Galat | May 2004 | May 2004 |
Member, Program Committee, 2007 Missouri River Natural Resources Conference | Galat | June 2007 | August 2007 |
Member, Program Committee, 2003 Midwest Fish & Wildlife Conference | Galat | June 2003 | December 2003 |
Member, Planning Committee, Missouri Wetlands Summit | Webb | January 2022 | February 2023 |
Member, Pallid sturgeon Workshop II Steering Committee Dec 06 , 2006 | Galat | December 2006 | March 2007 |
Member, Niangua Darter Recovery Team | Galat | January 1993 | May 2003 |
Member, National Center for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis; Team Leader for Central US large rivers node, | Galat | January 2003 | December 2005 |
Member, National Academy of Sciences National Research Council, Committee to assess U.S. Army Corps of Engineers methods of analysis and peer review for water resources project planning | Galat | July 2002 | December 2003 |
Member, Missouri River Scientific Review Panel, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers | Galat | March 2000 | December 2002 |
Member, Missouri River Science Plan Writing Team, U.S. Geological Survey | Galat | January 2001 | January 2002 |
Member, DeSoto Group, a group of resource managers that is initiating a stakeholder adaptive management program for a target area of the lower Missouri River | Galat | June 2003 | December 2003 |
Member, Core Planning Team, The Nature Conservancy's Conservation Action Planning for the Lower Missouri River, 2005- | Galat | January 2005 | December 2007 |
Member, Core Advisory Group, Collaborative Adaptive Management Network (CAMNet) | Galat | January 2009 | Present |
Member, Big Muddy National Wildlife Refuge Biological Review Team | Galat | February 2008 | February 2008 |
Member , Platte River Recovery Implementation Program, Independent Science Advisory Committee | Galat | January 2009 | Present |
Manuscript review, Journal of Fisheries Management | Rosenberger | May 2013 | December 2013 |
Manuscript review, Environmental Biology of Fishes | Rosenberger | April 2013 | April 2013 |
Manuscript review, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | Rosenberger | October 2012 | October 2012 |
Manuscript Review, Urban Ecosystems | Rosenberger | May 2016 | May 2016 |
Manuscript Review, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society | Rosenberger | July 2014 | July 2014 |
Manuscript Review, River Research and Applications | Rosenberger | January 2014 | January 2014 |
Manuscript Review, Reviews in Fish Biology | Rosenberger | March 2015 | March 2015 |
Manuscript Review, North American Journal of Fisheries Management | Rosenberger | June 2014 | June 2014 |
Manuscript Review, Journal of Freshwater Ecology | Rosenberger | January 2014 | January 2014 |
Manuscript Review, Freshwater Science | Rosenberger | December 2016 | December 2016 |
Manuscript Review, Freshwater Science | Rosenberger | August 2015 | August 2015 |
Manuscript Review, Freshwater Biology | Rosenberger | October 2012 | October 2012 |
Manuscript Review, Ecology of Freshwater Fish | Rosenberger | June 2013 | June 2013 |
Manuscript Review, Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences | Rosenberger | October 2014 | October 2014 |
Manuscript Review - Southeastern Naturalist | Rosenberger | June 2017 | June 2017 |
Manuscript Review - Freshwater Science | Rosenberger | October 2016 | October 2016 |
Large-scale Ecosystem Restoration Program Comparison and Contrast. 21 July 2009. 3rd National Conference on Ecosystem Restoration, Los Angeles, CA. (Facilitation questions of panel discussion) | Galat | July 2009 | July 2009 |
Invited Participant, Stream Restoration Workshop, National Research Council, Water Science and Technology Board | Galat | August 2003 | August 2003 |
Invited Participant, Invited Participant and International Panel Member, National Science Foundation | Galat | January 2001 | January 2001 |
Invited Participant, EPA/s EMAP Great Rivers Ecosystems Indicator and Response Design Workshop | Galat | April 2003 | April 2003 |
Invasive Crayfish Collaborative | Westhoff | December 2023 | Present |
International Conference on Engineering and Ecohydrology for Fish Passage | Paukert | July 2013 | July 2014 |
Internal Review, USGS | Rosenberger | October 2012 | October 2013 |
External PhD Reviewer, University of Tasmania, Australia | Paukert | May 2021 | July 2021 |
External PhD Reviewer, University of New England, Australia | Paukert | June 2020 | September 2020 |
Co-chair, Science Program Committee, 9th North American Duck Symposium | Webb | January 2023 | Present |
Board Member, Board of Directors, International Society of River Science | Galat | January 2006 | December 2007 |
Outreach Activity | Provider(s) | Date |
Wyoming NPR article about our research on how climate change affects inland fish. | Paukert | July 2016 |
Wisconsin Public Radio interview about project related to how climate change may affect walleyes in Wisconsin | Paukert | August 2021 |
Was on USGS main page on project related to climate change and inland fish | Paukert | June 2015 |
Was 'Collaborator of the Month' for the MU College and Agriculture, Food, and Natural Resources related to work climate change and inland fish | Paukert | August 2015 |
Visited 4th grade of Paxton Keeley elementary to present fish biology and fish anatomy. | Rosenberger, Crawford | May 2013 |
USGS webpaghe highlightingt recent study and database about how climate change affects fish. | Paukert | May 2021 |
USGS webpage about project related to how climate change may affect walleyes in Wisconsin | Paukert | August 2021 |
U.S. News and World Report article on the Missouri River quoting Galat interview. | Galat | June 2002 |
The MU College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources highlighted my work on climate change | Paukert | June 2016 |
Television interview with RENTV, Moscow, Russia, on Significance of invasive aquatic species in the U.S. | Galat | June 2002 |
Telephone interview, Detroit Free Press: Story on Lewis and Clark and biology of endangered species on Missouri River. | Galat | August 2003 |
Telephone interview with University of Missouri Media Relations on National Research Council's Missouri River Report. They issued as a radio press release. | Galat | January 2002 |
Taught a 5th grade class on mussels, crayfish, and fish of Missouri. | Rosenberger, Schrum | June 2014 |
TV interview with NBC affiliate KTIV, Sioux City, Iowa. | Galat | April 2002 |
South Farm Showcase-Missouri Fish & Wildlife Cooperative Research Unit participation. | Schrum, Crawford, Rosenberger, Pherigo, Paukert, Westhoff, Webb | September 2013 |
Smallmouth bass movement study was highlighted in industry newsletter fro the temperature tags we used. | Paukert, Westhoff | November 2014 |
Science of altering river flow debated. Source: Michael Mansur. The Kansas City (Missouri) Star article quoting David L. Galat. | Galat | October 2001 |
Research was highlighted in National Park Service Climate Change Response Program | Paukert | December 2014 |
Radio interview from Public News Service on how climate change may affect Missouri fish and wildlife | Paukert | February 2016 |
Quoted in Nature Conservancy Magazine 54(2):29, in article, "New Life on the Mississippi." | Galat | February 2004 |
Quoted in Nature Conservancy Magazine 54(1):18, in article on Portrait of a River from an interview on the Conservation Priorities of Freshwater Biodiversity in the upper Mississippi River basin. | Galat | January 2004 |
Quoted in Columbia Missourian article, "Mo. River's level is matter of life, death for wild creatures." | Galat | June 2003 |
Provide an article on what the Missouri Cooperative Research Units is and how they contribute to Missouri's conservation legacy. Conservation Federation Magazine. July 2016; page 22 | Paukert | July 2016 |
Presented a summary of crayfish diversity, biology, ecology, and conservation issues for the Missouri Master Naturalist Group | Rosenberger | April 2016 |
Post doc and myself write a summary on our smallmouth bass movement study for the Missouri Smallmouth Alliance | Paukert, Westhoff | February 2015 |
Paukert was filmed by Discovery Channel to discuss unique freshwater fishes for a new series called Planet Snoop. | Paukert | December 2020 |
Participated in the Annual South Farm Showcase, which provides opportunities for the local community to learn about research that takes advantage of the South Farm Facility. | Rosenberger | September 2013 |
Participated in an all-day Fish and Wildlife Sercie Outreach event | Rosenberger | October 2012 |
Participated in a podcast (Driftwood Outdoors) with Missouri Department on Conservation and the Missouri Conservation Heritage Foundation on a Fisheries, Wetlands, and Aquatic Systems Institute at University of Missouri, 2023. | Paukert | March 2023 |
Outdoor Oklahoma Television Show interviewed Paukert about a world record paddlefish caught that was tagged in 1997 by Paukert. | Paukert | February 2021 |
Organized and planned a day-long 4-H Congress outreach event to High School students. Provided and presented a fisheries curriculum for the day. | Rosenberger, Crawford, Webb | August 2013 |
Organized a seminar series for Osher Lifelong Learning Instutue on Missouri's Aquatic Life. | Rosenberger, Webb | January 2017 |
Organized a seminar series for Osher Lifelong Learning Instutue on Missouri's Aquatic Life. | Rosenberger, Paukert, Webb | January 2014 |
Organized a field trip to Ft. Leavenworth, KS, site of old growth Missouri River floodplain forest for 12 people from University of Missouri, U.S. Geological Survey and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Department of the Army Forester Matt Nowak headed trip. | Galat | December 2001 |
Organized a discussion series on the book "For the Love of Rivers" for the OSHER lifelong learning institute | Rosenberger | January 2016 |
Organized a Seminar Series on Evolutionary Biology for the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. | Rosenberger | January 2015 |
Ontario Radio show discussing our climate change research | Paukert | July 2016 |
On KDHX, 88.1 FM, St. Louis Community Radio's Earthwatch Program on Missouri River issues. | Galat | April 2001 |
Meagan Perry, Legislative Assistant, Senator Christopher Bond | Galat | August 2007 |
Interviewed for the Great Outdoors Radio Show, Subject: Crayfish and Mussels | Rosenberger | October 2016 |
Interviewed by local NBC affiliate on how climate change affects fish | Paukert | October 2017 |
Interviewed by John Lyons, Columbia Missourian newspaper on Missouri River Science | Galat | April 2001 |
Interviewed by Christine Mlot, freelance writer on scientific value of The Nature Conservancy report, "Conservation priorities for freshwater biodiversity in the upper Mississippi River basin." | Galat | November 2003 |
Interview, Australian Public Ration, Comparison between Australia and U.S. water resource issues and science. | Galat | July 2003 |
Interview by Karen Schepeze, Columbia Missourian on historical ecology of Missouri River. | Galat | October 2002 |
Interview by Forrest Rose on Missouri River Institute Town Hall Meeting for University of Missouri publication, "Discover and Enlighten. | Galat | February 2002 |
Information to Marc Herquet, Big Rivers Magazine on Uppers Mississippi restoration. | Galat | November 2007 |
Information to Marc Herquet Big Rivers Magazine on Upper MS restoration. | Galat | November 2007 |
I was the USGS representative for a workshop on how to get jobs with state and federal natural resource agencies | Paukert | November 2012 |
I did two, 4-minute segments on my research that aired on the local NPR radio station. | Westhoff | August 2023 |
I assisted with a USFWS video series on crayfish. I was the expert on-site to help locate, capture, and identify crayfish for video. I also recorded a short interview as part of the video | Westhoff | August 2023 |
Hosted visit by Dr. Martin Thoms, University of Canberra, Australia at University of Missouri, as he presented a Conservation Biology Lecture, a guest lecture in Stream Ecology class, and joined a Missouri River field trip led by R. Jacobson, USGS/CERC. | Galat | October 2002 |
Hosted Chris Hay, PhD candidate, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, for a Department of Agriculture National Needs Fellowship Offsite Research Experience Missouri River flow analysis project and seminar | Galat | July 2004 |
Gave Briefing to Capitol Hill staffers on the effects of climate change on inland fish. | Paukert | June 2016 |
Galat quoted in a Columbia Missourian article, "A supplementary study of the Missouri River is nearly conclusion." | Galat | May 2001 |
Galat intreview and quote: CAFNR CornerPost. Water Resources Development Act makes big waves in Congress by Katie Maupin. | Galat | December 2007 |
Galat interview and quote: CAFNR CornerPost. Water Resources Development Act makes big waves in Congress by Katie Maupin. | Galat | December 2007 |
From Lewis and Clark to Pick-Sloan to the Great Flood of 1993: an ecological history of the Missouri River. Missouri River Communities Network, 2 hour lecture/discussion | Galat | February 2004 |
From Lewis and Clark to Pick-Sloan to the Great Flood of 1993, an ecological history of the big Muddy. Presentation to Columbia Lions Club. | Galat | January 2003 |
Feature article in Mizzou Weekly, "Solving a 'Big Muddy' mystery," synopsis of Missouri Department of Conservation-funded sandbar study. | Galat | December 2003 |
Discussed the role of floodplain wetlands in providing habitat to migratory waterbirds to 4H Congress | Webb, Rosenberger | January 2015 |
Contributed data for an article in a Ducks Unlimited magazine with national readership | Webb, Beatty | September 2013 |
Conservation of the Missouri River Ecosystem, Boone’s Lick Chapter Missouri Master Naturalist spring training on Saturday, 17 April1 2010; 1 hour PP and discussion. | Galat | April 2010 |
Conducted a fish biology and fish dissection for student participating in 4-H that were interested in Missouri River Relief. | Rosenberger, Webb, Crawford, Schrum | July 2014 |
Co- Hosted University of Missouri Alumni Social at Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference | Paukert | December 2012 |
Arkansas Game and Fish Department highlighted our work tracking Striped Bass, | Paukert, Boehm | April 2021 |
A workshop/training for the Missouri Master Naturalist Program | Paukert, Harried | August 2024 |
A workshop/training for the Missouri Master Naturalist Program | Paukert, Harried | August 2023 |
A workshop/training for the Missouri Master Naturalist Program | Paukert, Harried | August 2022 |
A workshop given to Iowa DNR, podcase, and website on USGS site | Boehm, Paukert | September 2023 |
7 February, Washington, DC. Briefed Mitch King, FWS Regional Director Region 6, Dale Hall, FWS Director and Sue Haseltine Asst Director Biology, USGS on state of MOR Science. Participated in Meeting with these individuals and Kathy Copeland, Council on Environmental Quality and NW Division USACE senior staff to discuss state of MOR science. | Galat | February 2006 |
23 May 2007, Chris Blank Associated Press ? Effects conservation public lands on height of MOR floods | Galat | May 2007 |
18 May 2006, KTIV TV, Sioux City, IA. Television interview at MRNRC meeting as USGS employee. Questions about spring rise and pallid sturgeon. | Galat | May 2006 |
10 May 2007. Interview for NPR radio KWMU, St Louis, on river floods and floodplains | Galat | May 2007 |