Staff Member
Emily Tracy-Smith

Phone: (573) 882 - 2160
- MS University of Missouri 2006
- BA University of Florida 2000
Presentations | Presentation Date |
Tracy-Smith<sup>2, 3</sup>, E., C. Paukert<sup>1, 2,3</sup>, P. Blanchard<sup>4</sup>, and J. Persinger<sup>4</sup>. A flow-based fish community classification for wadeable Missouri streams. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Overland Park KS. 14 February 2023 | February 2023 |
Tracy-Smith, E., P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, and J. Persinger. Assessment of Flow Alterations for Missouri Streams. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2016 |
Tracy-Smith, E., P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, and J. Persinger. Assessment of Available Missouri Ecological Flow Data. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2015 |
Tracy-Smith, E., P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, and J. Persinger. 2016. Using Existing Data to Examine Fish Community Changes Due to Stream Flow Alterations. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO. | August 2016 |
Tracy-Smith, E., J. Persinger, P. Blanchard, and C. Paukert. Development of a flow-based aquatic community classification to define the natural fish community across Missouri’s stream sizes. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach MO. 1 February 2022 | February 2022 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, N. Sievert, P. Blanchard, M. Combes, B. Landwer, and J. Persinger. 2020. Evaluating fish community changes to stream flow alterations. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2020 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, and P. Blanchard. Assessment of ecological flow linkages for Missouri streams. American Water Resources Association Special Conference, Hartford CT. | June 2013 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, and P. Blanchard. A review of fish responses to stream flow metrics. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2013 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, and P. Blanchard. A review of fish responses to stream flow metrics. Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Wichita, KS. 12 December 2012 | December 2012 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, P. Blanchard, and J. Persinger. Fish Responses to Flow Alteration Metrics. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage beach, MO. | February 2014 |
Tracy-Smith, E., C. Paukert, D. Lobb, P. Blanchard, and J. Persinger. Fish Responses to Flow Alteration Metrics. American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AR 8 September 2013. | September 2013 |
Tracy-Smith, E. P. Blanchard, M. Combes, D. Lobb, C. Paukert, J. Persinger, and N. Sievert. 2018. Estimating hydrology at fish sampling sites. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2018 |
Paukert, C., N. Sievert, J. Whittier, E. Tracy Smith, E. Kleekamp, and J. Rogosch. 2020. Aquatic landscape conservation tools: helping manage Missouri’s aquatic systems. Missouri Natural Resources Conference, Osage Beach, MO | February 2020 |
Technical Publications | Publication Date |
Dillard, J.G., A. Rosenberger, and E. Tracy-Smith. 2018. Still Hooked: Our First 50 Years. Missouri Chapter of the American Fisheries Society, ISBN 978-1-61600-518-4. | April 2018 |