Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: Oregon
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Oregon Staff Member

Katie Dugger

Katie at Cape Bird, Ross Island, Antarctica

Assistant Unit Leader
Phone: (541) 737 - 2473
Faculty Email:
Faculty Website



  • Ph D University of Missouri, Columbia 1997
  • MS University of Missouri, Columbia 1991
  • BS University of California, Davis 1986


Dr. Dugger received her graduate degrees from the University of Missouri, Columbia. She was a post-doc and Assistant Professor, Senior Research in the Department of Fisheries, Wildlife and Conservation Sciences at Oregon State University before joining the Oregon Unit in 2011. She conducts research focused on population ecology and dynamics, particularly the estimation and modeling of vital rates in relation to environmental variation (habitat characteristics, climate) and anthropogenic influences as key elements in the conservation and management of species and their ecosystems. Katie models survival, reproductive success, occupancy, and population change for a wide variety of bird species, including those with threatened or endangered status, as well as important game species. She also studies the demographics of ungulates and furbearers in relation to habitat use and selection, as well as intraspecific competition between large carnivores, and predator-prey relationships in marine systems. She relies on data collected from individual animals marked with bands, tags and telemetry devices to accomplish these goals. Most of her current research is focused on species and ecosystems in Oregon, although she also has a long-term NSF-funded project studying Adélie penguins in Antarctica. Katie teaches graduate level courses in the Analysis of Animal Populations and Scientific Evidence in Ecology.

Areas of Expertise

Anthropogenic Impacts, Climate Change, Habitat Management, Population Dynamics, Predator-Prey Dynamics, Species Management, Statistics and Modelling, T&E Species Management, Wildlife Management

Taxon Groups Studied

Carnivores, Furbearers, Gamebirds, Nongame Fish/Wildlife, Species of Greatest Conservation Need, Ungulates

Research Publications Publication Date
Youngflesh, C., S. Jenouvrier, Y.Li, R. Ji, D.G. Ainley, G. Ballard, C. Barbraud, K. Delord, K.M. Dugger, W.R. Fraser, J.T. Hinke, P.O’B. Lyver, S. Olmastroni, S.G. Trivelpiece, W.Z. Trivelpiece, and H.J. Lynch. Importance of environmental variability in phenological match-mismatch: lessons from a circumpolar analysis of the Adélie penguin. Ecology 98(4):940-951. April 2017
Yackulic, CB, LL Bailey, KM Dugger, RJ Davis, AB Franklin, ED Forsman, SH Ackers, LS Andrews, LV Diller, SA Gremel, KA, Hamm, DR Herter, JM Higley, RB Horn, C McCafferty, JA Reid, JT Rockweit, and, SG Sovern. 2019. The past and future roles of competition and habitat in the range-wide occupancy dynamics of northern spotted owls: Ecological Applications, 29(3) e01861, April 2019
Wilson, D. J., P. O’B. Lyver, T. C. Greene, A. L. Whitehead, K. M. Dugger, B. J. Karl, J. R. F. Barringer, R. McGarry, A. M. Pollard, and D. G. Ainley. 2016. Adélie Penguin numbers predict breeding South Polar Skua numbers on Ross Island, Antarctica. Polar Biology early relesase: DOI 10.1007/s00300-016-1980-4 June 2016
Wiens, JD, KM Dugger, M Higley, DB Lesmeister, AB Franklin, KA Hamm, GC While, KE Dilione, DC Simon, RR Bown, PC Carlson, CB Yackulic, JD Nichols, JE Hines, RJ Davis, DW Lamphear, C McCafferty, TL McDonald, and SG Sovern. 2021. Invader removal triggers competitive release in a threatened avian predator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 118 (31): e2102859118. July 2021
Wiens, J.D., K.M. Dugger, K.E. Lewicki, and D.C. Simon. 2017. Effects of experimental removal of Barred Owls on population demography of northern Spotted Owls in Washington and Oregon—2016 progress report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017-1040, 23 pp. April 2017
Wiens, J.D., K.M. Dugger, K.E. Lewicki, and D.C. Simon. 2016. Effects of experimental removal of barred owls on population demography of northern spotted owls in Washington and Oregon - 2015 Progress Report. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1041, 16 p., [IP-072911, approved 3/11/2016] June 2016
Wiens, J.D., K.M. Dugger, D.B. Lesmeister, K.E. Dilione, and D.C. Simon. 2019. Effects of Barred Owl (Strix varia) removal on population demography of Northern Spotted Owls in Washington and Oregon, 2015-18. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 2019-1074, 17pp. hppts:// July 2019
Wiens, J.D., K.M. Dugger, D.B. Lesmeister, K.E. Dilione, and D.C. Simon. 2018. Effects of experimental removal of Barred Owls on population demography of Northern Spotted Owls in Washington and Oregon—2017 progress report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2018–1086, 23 pp. May 2018
Whitehead, A.L., P. O'B. Lyver, G. Ballard, K. Barton, B.J. Karl, K. M. Dugger, S. Jennings, A. Lescroel, P.R. Wilson, and D. G. Ainley. 2015. Factors driving Adelie penguin chick size, mass and condition at colonies of different sizes in the Southern Ross Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series 523:199-213. January 2015
Wallace, Z.P., P.L. Kennedy, J.R. Squires, R.J. Oakleaf, K.M. Dugger, and L.E. Olson. 2016. Re-Occupancy of Breeding Territories by Ferruginous Hawks in Wyoming: Relationships to Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors, PLoS ONE 11(4): e0152977. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0152977 April 2016
Van Doorslaer, K, V. Ruoppolo, A. Schmidt, A. Lescroel, D. Jongsomjit, M. Elrod, S. Kraberger, D. Stainton, K.M. Dugger, G. Ballard, D.G. Ainley, and A. Varsani. 2017. Unique genome organization of non-mammalian papillomaviruses provides insights into the evolution of viral early proteins. Viral Evolution 3(2):1-12. doi: 10.1093/ve/vex027 October 2017
Sovern, S.G., E.D. Forsman, K.M. Dugger, and M.Taylor. 2015. Habitat use by northern spotted owls during natal dispersal. Journal of Wildlife Management 79:254-262. January 2015
Sovern, S.G., D.B. Lesmeister, K.M. Dugger, M.S. Pruett, R.J. Davis, and J.M. Jenkins. 2019. Activity Center Selection by Northern Spotted Owls. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:714-727; January 2019
Somers, LN, DH Jackson, KM Dugger, and JD Burco. 2023. A mixture of Nalbuphine, Azaperone, and Medetomidine for Immobilizing Ringtail (Bassariscus astutus). Journal of Wildlife Diseases. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 59(4):610-615. DOI: 10.7589/JWD-D-23-00006. | Download October 2023
Sink, CE, KM Dugger, CA Hagen and JN Vradenburg. 2024. Living on the edge: identifying demographic bottlenecks in an isolated sage-grouse population. Wildlife Biology 2024: e01242, September 2024
Sheffield, LM, AE Gall, DD Roby, DB Irons, and KM Dugger. 2006. Monitoring planktivorious seabird populations: validating surface counts of crevice-nesting Auklets using mark-resighting. Canadian Journal of Zoology 84:846-854. October 2006
Schuyler, E.M., K.M. Dugger, and D.H. Jackson. 2018. Effects of Distribution, Behavior, and Climate on Mule Deer Survival. Journal of Wildlife Management 000:000-000, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21558 August 2018
Schuyler, E.M., C. A. Hagen, C. R. Anthony, L. J. Foster, and K. M. Dugger. 2022. Habitat recovery after large-scale wildfire leads to mismatch in space use by sagebrush obligate. Ecosphere 2022;13:e4179. September 2022
Schreck, C.B, D. D. Roby, K. Dugger, and J. Peterson. 2015. Meeting Cooperator Needs: Examples from the Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit. Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 80. Omaha, NE. July 2015
Schmidt, AE, A Lescroël, S Lisovski, M Elrod, D Jongsomjit, KM Dugger, and G Ballard. 2023. Sea ice concentration decline in an important Adélie penguin molt area. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (46) e2306840120 November 2023
Schmidt, A.E., G. Ballard, A. Lescroël, K. M. Dugger, D. Jongsomjit, M.L. Elrod, D.G. Ainley. 2021. The influence of subcolony-scale nesting habitat on reproductive success of Adélie penguins. Scientific Reports 11:15380, August 2021
Schilling, J.W., K.M. Dugger and R.G. Anthony. 2013. Survival and home-range size of northern spotted owls in southwestern Oregon. Journal of Raptor Research 47:1-14. March 2013
Rockweit, JT, KM Dugger, DB Lesmeister, RJ Davis, AB Franklin, and JM Highley. 2024. Changing Fire Regimes and Nuanced Impacts on a Critically Imperiled Species. Biological Conservation 296 (2024) 110701, DOI:10.1016/j.biocon.2024.110701. | Download July 2024
Rockweit, JT, JM Jenkins, JE Hines, JD Nichols, KM Dugger, AB Franklin, PC Carlson, WL Kendall, DB Lesmeister, C McCafferty, SH Ackers, LS Andrews, LL Bailey, JB, KP Burnham, T Chestnut, MM Conner, KE Dilione, RJ Davis, ED Forsman, EM Glenn, SA Gremel, KA Hamm, DR Herter, JM Higley, RB Horn, DW Lamphear, TL McDonald, JA Reid, CJ Schwarz, DC Simon, SG Sovern, JK Swingle, JD Wiens, H Wise, and CB Yackulic. 2022. Range-wide Sources of Variation in Reproductive Rates of Northern Spotted Owls. Ecological Applications 000:000-000, doi:10.1002/eap.2726. August 2022
Raphael, MG, GA Falxa, KM Dugger, BM Galleher, D Lynch, SL Miller, SK Nelson, and RD Young. 2011. Northwest Forest Plan—the first 15 years (1994–2008): status and trend of nesting habitat for the marbled murrelet. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-GTR-848. October 2011
P.L. Kennedy, A.M. Bartuszevige, M.Houle, A.B. Humphrey, K.M. Dugger and J. Williams. 2014. Long-term dynamics in buteo hawk territory occupancy on a privately-managed bunchgrass prairie in Northeast Oregon. The Condor: Ornithological Applications 116:435-445. July 2014
Orning, EK, KM Dugger, and DG Clark. 2021. Gray wolf (Canis lupus) predation patterns following recent recolonization in a multi-predator, multi-prey system. Canadian Journal of Zoology 99: 902–911. . July 2021
Olson, GS, RG Anthony, ED Forsman, SH Ackers, PJ Loschl, JA Reid, KM Dugger, EM Glenn, and WJ Ripple. 2005. Modeling of site occupancy dynamics of northern spotted owls in Oregon, including the effects of barred owl encroachment. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:918-932. October 2005
Naficy, C E GW Meigs, MJ Gregory, R Davis, DM Bell, K Dugger, JD Wiens, and MA Krawchuk. 2022. Fire refugia in old-growth forests—Final report to the USGS Northwest Climate Adaptation Center. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. 39 p. April 2022
Morandini, V., K.M. Dugger, D.G. Ainley and M. Ferrer. 2020. Rockhopper Penguin-Imperial Cormorant mixed colonies in the Falkland Islands: a stroke of luck for late breeders. Eosphere 11(11):e03272. doi: 10.1002/ecs2.3272 November 2020
Morandini, V., K.M. Dugger, A. Lescroel, A. Schmidt and G. Ballard. 2021. Maintenance of nest quality in Adélie penguins: an additional benefit to life in the center. Polar Biology 44:1553-1562, DOI:// June 2021
Morandini, V., A. Lescröel, D. Jongsomjit, S. Winquist, A. Schmidt, G. Ballard, P. Kappes, and K. M. Dugger. 2019. Prevalence of three-chick nests in Adelie penguin Pygoscelis Adeliae at Cape Crozier, Ross Island. Marine Ornithology 47:77-80 April 2019
Morandini, V, KM Dugger, AE Schmidt, A Varsani, A Lescroël, G Ballard, PO'B Lyver, K Barton and DG Ainley. 2024. Sex-specific recruitment rates contribute to male-biased sex ratio in Adélie penguins. Ecology and Evolution 2024;14:e10859. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.10859 | Download February 2024
Morandini, V, KM Dugger G Ballard, M Elrod, A Schmidt, V Ruoppolo, A Lescroël, D Jongsomjit, M Massaro, J Pennycook, GL Kooyman, K Schmidlin, S Kraberger, D Ainley, and A Varsani. 2019. Identification of a novel Adélie penguin circovirus at Cape Crozier (Ross Island, Antarctica).
Viruses 11, 1088; doi:10.3390/v11121088
December 2019
Miller, M.P., Haig, S.M., Forsman, E.D., Anthony, R.G., Diller, L., Dugger, K.M., Franklin, A.B., Gremel, S.A., Lesmeister, D.B., Higley, M., Herter, D.R., Sovern, S.G., 2018, Variation in inbreeding rates across the range of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina)- insights from over 30 years of monitoring data: The Auk: Ornithological Advances, v. 135, no. 4, p. 821-833, July 2018
Mikkelsen, AJ, DB Lesmeister, KM O'Reilly, and KM Dugger. 2021. Feather corticosterone reveals developmental challenges in a long-term study of juvenile northern spotted owls. Functional Ecology 00:1–13, DOI:10.1111/1365-2435.13944. November 2021
Mikkelsen, A. J., D. B. Lesmeister, K. M. O’Reilly, and K. M. Dugger. 2023. Juvenile Northern Spotted Owls with higher mass and intermediate levels of corticosterone have greater long-term survival. Ornithological Applications 125:duad015. DOI: 10.1093/ornithapp/duad015 April 2023
McCreedy, CD, KA Reynolds, CM Basile, MC Nicholson, KM Dugger, ME Gross, GM Mohr, Jr. 2004. Terrestrial animal species in the Hoosier-Shawnee ecological assessment area. General Technical Report NC-244. St. Paul, MN: U.S. Department. of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Research Station. 267 pp. October 2004
Marks-Fife, C.A., E.D. Forsman, and K.M. Dugger. 2020. Age structure of red tree voles in spotted owl pellets estimated with regression models of molar tooth development. Northwest Science 93:193-208, January 2020
Mangan, A.O., T. Chestnut, J.C. Vogeler, I.K. Breckheimer, W.M. King, K.E. Bagnall, and K.M. Dugger. 2019. The effects of habitat, weather and Barred Owls (Strix varia) on breeding and occupancy dynamics of Northern Spotted Owls (S. occidentalis caurina). Condor 121:1-20, DOI: 10.1093/condor/duz031 August 2019
Lundblad, CG, CR Anthony, T Dungannon, KA Haab, EM Schuyler, CE Sink, KM Dugger, and CA Hagen. 2024. Evaluating Satellite-Transmitter Backpack-Harnesses Effects on Greater Sage-Grouse Survival and Device Retention in the Great Basin. The Wildlife Society Bulletin 2024;48:e1523m | Download February 2024
Lesroel, A, KM Dugger, G Ballard, and DG Ainley. 2009. Effects of individual quality, reproductive success and environmental variability on survival of a long-lived seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology 78:798-806. October 2009
Lescroël, A., G. Ballard, M. Massaro, K.M. Dugger, S. Jennings, A. Pollard, E. Porzig, A. Schmidt, A. Varsani, D. Grémillet, and D. Ainley. 2019. Evidence of age-related improvement in the foraging efficiency of Adélie penguins. Scientific Reports 9:3375, DOI:/10.1038/s41598-019-39814-x March 2019
Lescroël, A., A. Schmidt, D.G. Ainley, K.M. Dugger, M. Elrod, D. Jongsomjit, V. Morandini, S. Winquist, and G. Ballard. 2023. High-resolution recording of foraging behaviour over multiple annual cycles shows decline in old Adélie penguins’ performance. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 290: 20222480, DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2022.2480. March 2023
Lescroël, A, P O’B Lyver, D Jongsomjit, S Veloz, KM Dugger, P Kappes, BJ Karl, AL Whitehead, R Pech, TL Cole, G Ballard. 2020. Individual quality and sex are the main drivers of inter-individual differences in the foraging behavior of breeding Adélie penguins. Marine Ecology Progress Series 636: 189–205, DOI: /10.3354/meps13208 February 2020
LaRue, M.A., D.G. Ainley, M.Swanson, K.M. Dugger, P.O'B. Lyver, K.Barton, and G. Ballard. 2013. Climate change winners: receding ice fields facilitate colony expansion and altered dynamics in an Adélie penguin metapopulation. PLoS ONE 8(4):e60568. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060568. April 2013
Kroll, A.J., T.S. Garcia, J. Jones, K.M. Dugger, B. Murden, J. Johnson, S. Peterman, B. Brintz, and M. Rochelle. 2015. Evaluating Multi-level Models to Assess Occupancy State Responses of Plethodontid Salamanders. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142903. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142903. November 2015
Krementz, DG, KL Willard, JM Carroll, and KM Dugger. 2016. King Rail (Rallus elegans) Nesting and Brood-Rearing Ecology in a Managed Wetland in Oklahoma, USA. Waterbirds 39:241-249. October 2016
Kauffman, M., Lowrey, B., Beaupre, C., Bergen, S., Bergh, S., Blecha, K., Bundick, S., Burkett, H., Cain, J.W., III,Carl, P., Casady, D., Class, C., Courtemanch, A., Cowardin, M., Diamond, J., Dugger, K., Duvuvuei, O., Ennis, J.R.,Flenner, M., Fort, J., Fralick, G., Freeman, I., Gagnon, J., Garcelon, D., Garrison, K., Gelzer, E., Greenspan, E.,Hinojoza-Rood, V., Hnilicka, P., Holland, A., Hudgens, B., Kroger, B., Lawson, A., McKee, C., McKee, J.L., Merkle, J.R.,Mong, T.W., Nelson, H., Oates, B., Poulin, M.-P., Reddell, C., Ritson, R., Sawyer, H., Schroeder, C., Shapiro, J.,Sprague, S., Steiner, E., Steingisser, A., Stephens, S., Stringham, B., Swazo-Hinds, P.R., Tatman, N., Wallace, C.F.,Whittaker, D., Wise, B., Wittmer, H.U., and Wood, E., 2024, Ungulate migrations of the Western United States,volume 4: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2024–5006, 86 p., 1 pl., April 2024
Kappes PJ, KM Dugger, A Lescroël, DG Ainley, G Ballard, KJ Barton, PO’B Lyver, PR Wilson. 2021. Age-related reproductive performance of the Adélie Penguin, a long-lived seabird exhibiting similar outcomes regardless of individual life-history strategy. Journal of Animal Ecology 2021;90:931-942,"> January 2021
Jongsomjit, D, A Lescroël, A Schmidt, S Lisovski, D Ainley, E Hines, M Elrod, KM Dugger, G Ballard. 2024. Going with the floe: Sea-ice movement affects distance and destination during Adélie penguin winter movements. Ecology 2024;105:e4196. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.4196 | Download January 2024
Jennings, S., KM Dugger, G Ballard, and DG Ainley. 2021. Effects of diet and provisioning behavior on chick growth on Adélie Penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). Waterbirds 44:55-67. | Abstract March 2021
Jennings, S., A. Varsani, K.M. Dugger, G. Ballard, and D.G. Ainley. 2016. Sex-based differences in Adelie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae) chick growth rates. PloS ONE 11(3): e0149090. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0149090. March 2016
Jennings, S, KM Dugger, G Ballard, and DG Ainley. 2023. Faster growth and larger size at crèche onset are associated with higher offspring survival in Adélie Penguins. Ornithology 140: 1-11. DOI: 10.1093/ornithology/ukad006. | Download March 2023
Jenkins, JMA, DB. Lesmeister, ED Forsman, KM Dugger, SH Ackers, LS Andrews, CE McCafferty, MS Pruett, JA Reid, SG Sovern, RB Horn, SA Gremel, JD Wiens, and Z Yang. 2019. Social status, forest disturbance, and barred owls shape long-term trends in breeding dispersal distance of Northern Spotted Owls. The Condor 121:1–17, DOI: 10.1093/condor/duz055 December 2019
Jenkins JMA, DB Lesmeister, ED Forsman, KM Dugger, SH Ackers, LS Andrews, SA Gremel, B Hollen, CE McCafferty, MS Pruett, JA Reid, SG Sovern, and JD Wiens. 2021. Conspecific and congeneric interactions shape increasing rates of breeding dispersal of northern spotted owls. Ecological Applications e02398, July 2021
Hagar, JC, KM Dugger, and EE Starkey. 2007. Diet of Wilson's warblers and distribution of arthropod prey in the understory of Douglas-fir forests. Wilson Journal of Ornithology 119:533-546. October 2007
Gremillet, D., A. Lescroel, G. Ballard, K.M. Dugger, M. Massaro, and D.G. Ainley. 2018. Energetic fitness: Field metabolic rates assessed via 3D
accelerometry complement conventional fitness metrics. Functional Ecology 32:1203-1213, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13074.
May 2018
Foster, L.J., K.M. Dugger, C.A. Hagen, and D.A. Budeau. 2019. Acute Effects of Wildfire on Greater Sage-Grouse Vital Rates. Journal of Wildlife Management 83:121-134, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.21573 January 2019
Foster, L.J., K.M. Dugger, C.A. Hagen and D.A. Budeau. 2018. Potential Effects of GPS Transmitters on Greater Sage-Grouse Survival in a Post-Fire Landscape. Wildlife Biology 2018: wlb.00479 doi: 10.2981/wlb.00479 December 2018
Forsman, ED, RG Anthony, KM Dugger, EM Glenn, AB Franklin, GC White, CJ Schwarz, KP Burnham, DR Anderson, JD Nichols, JE Hines, JB Lint, RJ Davis, SH Ackers, LS Andrews, BL Biswell, PC Carlson, LV Diller, SA Gremel, DR Herter, JM Higley, RB Horn, JA Reid, J Rockweit, J Schaberel, TJ Snetsinger, and SG Sovern. 2011. Population demography of northern spotted owls. Studies in Avian Biology 40. September 2011
Faaborg, J., W.J. Arendt, J.D. Toms, K.M. Dugger, W.A. Cox, and M.C. Mora. 2013. Long-term decline of a winter resident bird community in Puerto Rico. Biodiversity and Conservation 22:63-75. January 2013
Faaborg, J., KM Dugger, and W. J. Arendt. 2007. Long-term variation of the winter-resident bird community of Guánica Forest, Puerto Rico: lessons for measuring and monitoring species richness. Journal of Field Ornithology 78:270-278. October 2007
Faaborg, J, WJ Arendt, and KM Dugger. 2004. Bird population studies in Puerto Rico using mist nets: general patterns and comparisons with point counts. Studies in Avian Biology 29:144-150. October 2004
Faaborg, J, TW Sherry, A Anders, KL Bildstein, KM Dugger, S Gauthreaux, P Heglund, K Hobson, DH Johnson, SC Latta, DJ Levey, P Marra, CL Merkord, E Nol, SI Rothstein, TS Sillett, FR Thompson III, and N Warnock. 2010. Managing migratory landbirds in the New World: do we know enough? Ecological Applications 20(2):398-410. October 2010
Faaborg, J, TW Sherry, A Anders, K Bildstein, KM Dugger, S. Gauthreaux, P. Heglund, K.A. Hobson, DH Johnson, SC Latta, D Levey, P Marra, CL Merkord , E Nol, SI Rothstein, S Sillett, FR Thompson III, and N Warnock. 2010. Recent advances in understanding migration systems of New World landbirds. Ecological Monographs 80(1):2-48. October 2010
Faaborg, J, KM Dugger, W Arendt, M Baltz and B Woodworth. 1997. Evidence for precipitous declines in the Puerto Rican Vireo of Guánica Forest. Wilson Bulletin 109:195-202 October 1997
Faaborg, J, Arendt, WJ, and KM Dugger. 2000. The Guánica, Puerto Rico, bird monitoring project. Bird Populations 5:102-111. | Publisher Website October 2000
Dugger, Katie M., Alan B. Franklin, Damon B. Lesmeister, Raymond J. Davis, J. David Wiens, Gary C. White, James D. Nichols, James E. Hines, Charles B. Yackulic, Carl J. Schwarz, Steven H. Ackers, L. Steven Andrews, Larissa L. Bailey, Robin Bown, Jesse Burgher, Kenneth P. Burnham, Peter C. Carlson, Tara Chestnut, Mary M. Conner, Krista E. Dilione, Eric D. Forsman, Scott A. Gremel, Keith A. Hamm, Dale R. Herter, J. Mark Higley, Rob B. Horn, Julianna M. Jenkins, William L. Kendall, David W. Lamphear, Christopher McCafferty, Trent L. McDonald, Janice A. Reid, Jeremy T. Rockweit, David C. Simon, Stan G. Sovern, James K. Swingle, and Heather Wise. 2021. Estimating northern spotted owl pair detection probabilities based on call-back surveys associated with long-term mark-recapture studies. USGS Open Source Report. July 2023
Dugger, KM. 2022. The Northern Spotted Owl: the conservation history of an iconic Oregon species. Pages 138-143 in SM Haig, DD Roby, and TA Haig, eds. As the Condor Soars: conserving and restoring Oregon's birds. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. December 2022
Dugger, KM, and LH Fredrickson. 1992. Life history and habitat needs of the wood duck. Waterfowl Management Handbook, Fish and Wildlife Leaflet13.1.6. October 1992
Dugger, KM, RG Anthony, and LS Andrews. 2011. Transient dynamics of invasive competition: barred owls, spotted owls and the demons of competition present. Ecological Applications 21:2459-2468. October 2011
Dugger, KM, MR Ryan, and RR Renken. 2000. Survival rates of least tern chicks on the Lower Mississippi River. Journal of Field Ornithology 71:330-338. October 2000
Dugger, KM, MR Ryan, DL Galat, RR Renken, JW Smith. 2002. Reproductive success of the interior least tern (Sterna antillarum) in relation to hydrology on the Lower Mississippi River. River Research and Application. 18:97-105. October 2002
Dugger, KM, J Faaborg, and WJ Arendt. 2000. Rainfall correlates of bird populations and survival rates in a Puerto Rican dry forest. Bird Populations. 5:11-27. | Publisher Website October 2000
Dugger, KM, J Faaborg, WJ Arendt, and KA Hobson. 2004. Understanding survival and abundance of overwintering warblers: does rainfall matter? Condor 106:744-760. October 2004
Dugger, KM, G Ballard, DG Ainley, and K Barton. 2006. Effects of flipper-bands on apparent survival and foraging behavior of Adélie penguins. The Auk 123:858-869. October 2006
Dugger, KM, FF Wagner, RG Anthony, GS Olson. 2005. The relationship between habitat characteristics and demographic performance of Northern Spotted Owls in southern Oregon. Condor 107:865-880. October 2005
Dugger, KM, DG Ainley, P Lyver, K B, and G Ballard. 2010. Survival differences and the effect of environmental instability on breeding dispersal in an Adélie penguin meta-population. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107:12375-12380. June 2010
Dugger, KM, BD Dugger, and LH Fredrickson. 1999. Annual survival rates of female hooded mergansers and wood ducks in the southeast. Wilson Bulletin 111:1-6. October 1999
Dugger, K.M., G. Ballard, D.G. Ainley, P.O'B Lyver, and C. Schine. 2014. Adélie penguins coping with environmental change: results from a natural experiment at the edge of their breeding range. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. October 2014
Dugger, K.M. 2021. ADPE PROJECT ANT-1543459: Collaborative: Adélie Penguin response to climate change in the Ross Sea region - a full lifecycle approach. Project Outcomes Summary for Lay Public. July 2021
Dugger, K.M. 2015. ANT-0944358: Adélie penguin response to climate change at the individual, colony and metapopulation levels. Project Outcomes Summary for Lay Public. November 2015
Dugger, K. M., E. D. Forsman, A. B. Franklin, R. J. Davis, G. C. White, C. J. Schwarz, K. P. Burnham, J. D. Nichols, J. E. Hines, C. B. Yackulic, P. F. Doherty, Jr., L. Bailey, D. A. Clark, S. H. Ackers, L. S. Andrews, B. Augustine, B. L. Biswell, J. Blakesley, P. C. Carlson, Matthew J. Clement, L. V. Diller, E. M. Glenn, A. Green, S. A. Gremel, D. R. Herter, J. M. Higley, J. Hobson, R. B. Horn, K. P. Huyvaert, C. McCafferty, T. McDonald, K. McDonnell, G. S. Olson, J. A. Reid, J. Rockweit, V. Ruiz, J. Saenz, S. G. Sovern. 2016. The effects of habitat, climate and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls. The Condor: Ornithological Applications Volume 118:57–116, DOI: 10.1650/CONDOR-15-24.1 February 2016
Dugger, K. M. 2016. Book Review: Penguins: The Ultimate Guide, in Faaborg, J. (ed.), Ornithological Literature Book Reviews. The Wilson Journal of Ornithology, 128:208-215. March 2016
Dugger, BD, and KM Dugger. 2003. Long-billed Curlew. Pages 224-226 in Birds of Oregon: A general reference. D. B. Marshall, M. G. Hunter, and A. L. Contreras, eds. Oregon State University Press, Corvallis, OR. October 2003
Dugger, BD, KM Dugger, and LH Fredrickson. 1994. The hooded merganser. In The Birds of North America, No. 98 (A. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. Gill, eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, DC; The American Ornithologists' Union. October 1994
Dugger, BD, KM Dugger and LH Fredrickson. 2009. Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus), The Birds of North America Online (A. Poole, Ed.). Ithaca: Cornell Lab of Ornithology; Retrieved from the Birds of North America Online: October 2009
Dugger, BD and KM Dugger. 2002. The long-billed curlew. In The Birds of North America, No. 628 (A. Poole, P. Stettenheim, and F. Gill, eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, DC; The American Ornithologists' Union. October 2002
Dugger, B.D.,T.T. Fox, J.M. Coluccy, K.M. Dugger, M.J. Petrie, and D. Kraege. In Review. Mallards in Eastern Washington: breeding demographics for a species outside its core distribution. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:500-509, DOI:10.1002/jwmg.1030. April 2016
Duchac, LS, DB Lesmeister, KM Dugger, and RJ Davis. 2021. Differential landscape use by forest owls two years after a mixed-severity wildfire. Ecosphere 12(10):e03770. 10.1002/ecs2.3770 October 2021
Duchac, L.S., D.B. Lesmeister, K.M. Dugger, Z.J. Ruff, and R.J. Davis. 2020. Passive acoustic monitoring effectively detects Northern Spotted Owls and Barred Owls over a range of forest conditions. The Condor 122: 1–22, DOI: 10.1093/condor/duaa017. April 2020
Diller, L, K Hamm, D Early, D Lamphear, K Dugger, C Yackulic, C Schwarz, P. Carlson, and T McDonald. 2016. Demographic response of Northern Spotted Owls to Barred Owl removal in Coastal Northern California. Journal of Wildlife Management 80:691-707, DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.1046. April 2016
Davis, RJ, and KM Dugger. 2011. Northwest forest plan–the first 15 years (1994–2008): status and trends of Northern Spotted Owl populations and habitat. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report PNW-GTR-850. October 2011
Clarke, C, R Baumbusch, T Garcia, KM Dugger, and JD Wiens. 2021. Taricha granulosa (Rough-Skinned Newt). Predation. Herpetological Review 52(3) 2021. | Publisher Website October 2021
Baumbusch, RC, KM Dugger, and JD Wiens. 2023. Estimating fat content in barred owls (Strix varia) with predictive models developed from direct measures of proximate body composition. Conservation Physiology 11(1): coad069; doi:10.1093/conphys/coad069. September 2023
Ballard, G, DG Ainley, KM Dugger, and N Nur. 2010. Foraging strategies of Adélie penguins: adjusting body condition to cope with environmental variability. Marine Ecology Progress Series 405:287-302. October 2010
Anthony, RG, ED Forsman, AB Franklin, DR Anderson, KP Burnham, GC White, CJ Schwarz, JD Nichols, JE Hines, GS Olson, SH Ackers, S Andrews, BL Biswell, PC Carlson, LV Diller, KM Dugger, KE Fehring, TL Fleming, RP Gerhardt, SA Gremel, RJ Gutiérrez, PJ Happe, DR Herter, JM Higley, RB Horn, LL Irwin, PJ Loschl, JA Reid, SS Sovern. 2006. Status and trends in demography of Northern Spotted Owls, 1985-2003. Wildlife Monographs 163:1-47. October 2006
Anthony, CR, LJ Foster, CA Hagen, and KM Dugger. 2021. Acute and lagged fitness consequences for a sagebrush obligate in a post mega-wildfire landscape. Ecology and Evolution 2021;00:1-12, DOI: 10.1002/ece3.8488 December 2021
Anthony, C.R., C.A. Hagen, K.M. Dugger, and R.D. Elmore. 2021. Greater Sage-Grouse nest bowls buffer microclimate in a post-megafire landscape although effects on nest survival are marginal. Ornithological Applications 123:1-13. February 2021
Anthony, C.R., C.A. Hagen, K.M. Dugger, and R.D. Elmore. 2020. The effects of fire on the thermal environment of sagebrush communities. Journal of Thermal Biology 89:102488,"> February 2020
Ainley, DM, KM Dugger, RG Ford, SD Pierce, DC Reese, RD Brodeur, CT Tynan, JA Barth. 2009. The spatial association of predators and prey at frontal features in the northern California Current: Competition, facilitation, or merely co-occurrence? Marine Ecology Progress Series 389:271-294. October 2009
Ainley, DG, KM Dugger, V Toniolo, and I Gaffney. 2007. Cetacean occurrence patterns in the Amundsen and southern Bellingshausen Seas sector, Southern Ocean. Marine Mammal Science 23:287-305. October 2007
Ainley, DG, G. Ballard, and KM Dugger. 2006. Competition among penguins and cetaceans reveals trophic cascades in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica. Ecology 87:2080-2093. October 2006
Ainley, DG, G Ballard, BJ Karl, and KM Dugger. 2005. Leopard seal predation rates at penguin colonies of different size. Antarctic Science 17:335-340. | Publisher Website October 2005
Ainley, D.G., K.M. Dugger, M. La Mesa, G. Ballard, K.J. Barton, S. Jennings, B.J. Karl, A. Lescroël, P.O’B. Lyver, A. Schmidt, P. Wilson. 2018. Post-fledging survival of Adélie penguins at multiple colonies: Chicks raised
on fish do well. Marine Ecology Progress Series 601:239-251. DOI: 10.3354/meps12687
August 2018
Ackers, S.H., R.J. Davis, K.A. Olsen, and K.M. Dugger. 2014. The evolution of mapping habitat for northern spotted owls (Strix occidentalis caurina): a comparison of photo-interpreted, Landsat, and LiDAR based habitat maps. Remote Sensing of Environment 156:361-373. October 2014
A.B. Franklin, K.M. Dugger, D.B. Lesmeister, R.J. Davis, J.D. Wiens, G.C. White, J.D. Nichols, J.E. Hines, C.B. Yackulic, C.J. Schwarz, S.H. Ackers, L.S. Andrews, L.L. Bailey, R. Bown, J. Burgher, K.P. Burnham, P.C. Carlson, T. Chestnut, M.M. Conner, K.E. Dilione, E.D. Forsman, E.M. Glenn, S.A. Gremel, K.A. Hamm, D.R. Herter, J.M. Higley, Rob B. Horn, J.M. Jenkins, W.L. Kendall, D.W. Lamphear, C. McCafferty, T.L. McDonald, J.A. Reid, J.T. Rockweit, D.C. Simon, S.G. Sovern, J.K. Swingle, and H. Wise. 2021. Range-wide declines of Northern Spotted Owls populations in the Pacific Northwest: a meta-analysis. Biological Conservation Volume 259, DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2021.109168. May 2021
Project Completion Date
Intra-guild predator dynamics: the effects of recolonizing gray wolf populations on cougars in northeast Oregon. June 2019
Demographics and habitat use of Greater Sage-Grouse in wildfire-affected habitats in Oregon. June 2025
Survival rates and causes of mortality for black-tailed deer and mule deer in Oregon. June 2015
Survey design for monitoring Sooty Grouse in Western Oregon December 2010
Productivity and foraging ecology of breeding Rusty Blackbirds on the Copper River Delta, Alaska December 2012
Population monitoring of the Oregon Slender Salamander December 2013
The demography of Northern Spotted Owls in Oregon and Washington June 2024
Long-term meta-population demographics of Adélie penguins on Ross island, Antarctica September 2025
Black-tailed deer use of winter range in southern Oregon June 2025
Mapping ungulate migration corridors in Oregon September 2025
Occupancy status of Northern Spotted Owls in southern Oregon. December 2027
Habitat Use and Survival of Ringtail in Southwest Oregon August 2023
Large Downed Wood as Post-fire Refugia for Terrestrial Salamanders in Pacific Northwest Forests August 2023
Fire refugia in late-successional forests: Predicting habitat persistence to support land management in an era of rapid global change June 2021
Greater Sage Grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Response to Habitat Restoration Efforts in the Devils Garden Plateau of Northern California and Southern Oregon March 2023
Barred owls in the Pacific Northwest: using an experimental removal project to understand predator-prey interactions of a non-native raptor. March 2023
Habitat use and survival of Columbian Black-tailed deer in Western Oregon June 2022
Response of desert bighorn sheep in the Mojave National Preserve to respiratory disease. September 2020
Braught , Emma

Gokce, Emir

McCoy, Mackenzie

Rockweit, Jeremy

Swanson, Nadia

Winquist, Suzanne

Presentations Presentation Date
Winquist, S., R. Orben, A. Schmidt, G. Ballard, A. Lescroël, and K. Dugger. 2025. Hard Work for Shallow Gains: Energetic Costs of Foraging Beneath Antarctic Sea Ice. Waterbird Society and Pacific Seabird Group Joint Meeting, January 6-9, 2025, Costa Rica. January 2025
Winquist, S., R. Orben, A. Schmidt, G. Ballard, A. Lescroël, M. Elrod, J.B. Thiebot, M. Hinajosa, J. Wenigmann, K. Volz, and K. Dugger. 2023. Seeing underwater: what we have learned from 185 hours of Adélie penguin foraging video paired with accelerometry data. 50th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group. February 15-17, 2023,La Jolla, CA. February 2023
Winquist, S, R Orben, A Schmidt, G Ballard, A Lescroël, and KM Dugger. 2023. Videos indicate that Adélie penguins catch more prey under ice, does acceleration data tell a different story? 11th International Penguin Congress, 4-9 September, 2023, Vina del Mar, Chile. September 2023
Wilson, D.J., P.O'B. Lyver, T.C. Greene, A.L. Whitehead, K.M. Dugger, B.J. Karl, J.R.F. Barringer, and D.G. Ainley. 2015. An assessment of South Polar Skua numbers in the Ross Sea: predictions based on Adelie penguin colony size. New Zealand Ecological Society, Christchurch, NZ, 16-19 November. November 2015
Wiens, JD, KM Dugger, M Higley, DB Lesmeister, AB Franklin, KA Hamm, RR Bown. 2023. Removal of Invading Barred Owls Halts Long-term Population Declines of Northern Spotted Owls. AOS and SCO-SOC Joint Conference, 8-12 August, 2023, London, Ontario, Canada. August 2023
Wiens, JD, KM Dugger, M Higley, DB Lesmeister, AB Franklin, KA Hamm, RR Bown. 2022. Removal of Invading Barred Owls Halts Long-term Population Declines of Northern Spotted Owls. The Wildlife Society's 29th Annual Conference, November 6-10, 2022, Spokane, WA November 2022
Wiens, JD, KM Dugger, JM Higley, DB Lesmeister, AB Franklin, KA Hamm, RR Bown, KE Dilione, and DC Simon. 2022. Barred Owl Removal Halts Long-term Population Declines of the Northern Spotted Owl. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2022 Annual Conference, Newport, OR, Feb 23-25, 2022. February 2022
Wiens, JD, KM Dugger, JM Higley, DB Lesmeister, AB Franklin, KA Hamm, RR Bown, KE Dilione, and DC Simon. 2021. Barred Owl Removal Halts Long-term Population Declines of the Northern Spotted Owl. 2021 Raptor Research Foundation joint Conference with the Neotropical Raptor Network, October 8-14, 2021, Boise, ID, USA. October 2021
Wiens, J.D, K.M. Dugger, D.L. Lesmeister, K.E. Dilione, D.C. Simon, and R. Bown. 2018. Status of Spotted Owls, Barred Owls, and Removal Experiments in Oregon and Washington. Special symposium at the annual meeting of the Western Section of The Wildlife Society, Santa Rosa, CA, Feb 5-9, 2018. February 2018
Wiens, J.D, K.M. Dugger, D.L. Lesmeister, K.E. Dilione, D.C. Simon, and R. Bown. 2018. Status of Spotted Owls, Barred Owls, and Removal Experiments in Oregon and Washington. Joint annual meeting of the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Ecology, and the Northwestern Partners in Amphibians and Reptile Conservation. Portland, OR, Feb 13-16, 2018. February 2018
Wallace, ZP, PL Kennedy, JR Squires, R Oakleaf, KM Dugger, LE Olson. 2013. TERRITORY OCCUPANCY OF FERRUGINOUS HAWKS RELATIVE TO ENERGY DEVELOPMENT, PREY, VEGETATION, AND NEST SECURITY. Annual Meeting of the Wyoming chapter of The Wildlife Society, Rock Springs, WY, October 29-31, 2013. October 2013
Wallace, ZP, PL Kennedy, JR Squires, R Oakleaf, KM Dugger, LE Olson. 2013. TERRITORY OCCUPANCY OF FERRUGINOUS HAWKS RELATIVE TO ENERGY DEVELOPMENT, PREY, VEGETATION, AND NEST SECURITY. Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Milwaukee, WI, October 5-9, 2013. October 2013
Volz, K, S Winquist, K Stoner, M Elrod, A Schmidt, JB Thiebot, V Morandini, G Ballard, A Varsani, KM Dugger, and R Orben. 2022. What's on the menu? Using video loggers to establish a prey image library for Adelie penguins at Cape Crozier, Antarctica. 49th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group (Virtual). February 23-25, 2022. February 2022
Titus, Keifer L., Katie M. Dugger, and Christian A. Hagen. 2024. Assessing the effect of hunter harvest on greater sage-grouse survival in southwestern Oregon. Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, 34th Biennial Sage & Columbian Sharp-Tailed Grouse Workshop. August 5 - 8, 2024, Wenatchee, WA. August 2024
Thomas, H., R.C. Baumbusch, K.M. Dugger, and J.D. Wiens. 2020. Prey sharing between barred owls (Strix varia) in Oregon and Washington. 67th Annual Meeting of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, February 3-7, 2020, Redding, CA. February 2020
Tengeres, JE, KM Dugger, RM Corcoran, and DE Lyons. 2023. What's on the menu? What factors influence the daily nest survival rates of Aleutian tern nests on Kodiak Island, Alaska? 50th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group. February 15-17, 2023,La Jolla, CA. February 2023
Tengeres, JE, KM Dugger, RM Corcoran, and DE Lyons. 2022. What's on the menu? What factors influence the daily nest survival rates of Aleutian tern nests on Kodiak Island, Alaska? 49th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group (Virtual). February 23-25, 2022. February 2022
Stoner, K., A. Lescroël, A. Schmidt, G. Ballard, K.M. Dugger, M. Elrod, and D. Ainley. 2019. INFLUENCE OF BODY CONDITION AND ARRIVAL DATE ON BREEDING SUCCESS OF THE ADÉLIE PENGUIN (PYGOSCELIS ADELIAE). 46th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Kauai, HI, 27 Feb - 2 March, 2019 February 2019
Souza, S.A., R.C. Baumbusch, K.M. Dugger, and J.D. Wiens. 2020. Identification and quantification of Barred owl (Strix varia) intestinal parasites in the Pacific Northwest. 67th Annual Meeting of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, February 3-7, 2020, Redding, CA. February 2020
Somers, LN, D Jackson, and KM Dugger. 2022. Home Range Estimates for Ringtail in Southwestern Oregon. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2022 Annual Conference, Newport, OR, Feb 23-25, 2022. February 2022
Somers, L.N., K.M. Dugger, and D.H. Jackson. 2024. Home is where the snag is: ringtail rest site use in Southwest Oregon. 2024 Annual Conference of the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society. February 14-16, 2024, Hood River, OR. February 2024
Sink, CE, KM Dugger, CA Hagen, and J Vradenburg. 2022. Demographic rates of a declining and augmented population of greater sage-grouse in Modoc County California, USA. The Wildlife Society's 29th Annual Conference, November 6-10, 2022, Spokane, WA November 2022
Sink, CE, KM Dugger, CA Hagen, JW Beckstrand, and J Vradenburg. 2022. A population in peril: sage-grouse nest ecology in a degraded landscape in Modoc County California, USA. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2022 Annual Conference, Newport, OR, Feb 23-25, 2022. February 2022
Sink, C.E., K.M. Dugger, and C.A. Hagen. 2019. Connecting the dogs, identifying barriers to greater sage-grouse population expansion at Clear Lake National Wildlife Refuge, California, USA. 26th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2019, Reno, NV. September 2019
Sink, C.E., K.M. Dugger, C.A. Hagen, and J. W. Beckstrand. 2020. Translocating sage-grouse: shell-game or effective conservation tool? Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society's Annual Meeting, February 4-7, 2020, Eugene, OR. February 2020
Schmidt, AE, A Lescroël, S Lisovski, M Elrod, D Jongsomjit, KM Dugger, and G Ballard. 2023. Sea ice concentration decline in an important Adélie penguin molt area. XIII SCAR Biology Symposium, 31 July - 4 August, 2023, Christchurch, New Zealand. July 2023
Schmidt, A. E., G. Ballard, K. M. Dugger, A. Lescroël, P.O’B. Lyver, and D.G. Ainley. 2016. The relationship between nesting habitat, breeding success, and individual quality in Adélie penguins (Pygoscelis adeliae). 9th International Penguin Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 5-9, 2016. September 2016
Schmidt, A, A Lescroël, S. Lisovski, KM Dugger, DG Ainley, and G Ballard. 2022. Sea ice as molting habitat: a potential limit on Adélie penguin populations? 28th International Ornithological Congress, August 14-22, 2022, Durbin, South Africa, HYBRID meeting. August 2022
Rockweit, JT, MA Krawchuk, DM Bell, DB Lesmeister, and KM Dugger. 2025. Old Forest Resilience Increases with Repeated Wildfire. 2025 Joint Meeting of the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society and Oregon Society of American Forester, February 5-7, 2025, Salem, OR. February 2025
Rockweit, JT, KM Dugger, DB Lesmeister, RJ Davis, AB Franklin, and JM Higley. 2024. Nuanced Impact of Wildfire on a Critically Imperiled, Old-forest Species. Annual Conference of the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society, February 14-16, 2024, Hood River, OR. February 2024
Rockweit, JT, KM Dugger, DB Lesmeister, RJ Davis, AB Franklin, and JM Higley. 2024. Changing Fire Regimes and Nuanced Impacts to Northern Spotted Owls. 31st Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, October 19-23, 2024, Baltimore, MD. October 2024
Rockweit, JT, KM Dugger, DB Lesmeister, RJ Davis, AB Franklin, JM Higley. 2023. Using long-term demographic data as an ecological indicator of changing disturbance regimes. The Wildlife Society's 30th Annual Conference, November 5-9, 2023, Louisville, KY. November 2023
Rockweit, JT, KM Dugger, DB Lesmeister, RJ Davis, AB Franklin, JM Higley. 2023. Fire, northern spotted owls, and old forests in the Pacific Northwest. 2023 Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, August 6-11, 2023, Portland, OR. August 2023
Rockweit, JT, KM Dugger, DB Lesmeister, RJ Davis, AB Franklin, JM Higley, and Z Yang. 2021. Baseline Effects of Wildfire on an Old Forest Species and its Potential to Inform Climate Change Impacts. The Wildlife Society's 28th Annual Meeting, November 1-5, 2021, Virtual. November 2021
Rockweit, J.T., D.B. Lesmeister, K.M. Dugger, A.B. Franklin, J.M. Higley, R.J. Davis, and Z. Yang. 2019. A meta-analysis of the impacts of wildfire on the apparent survival, recruitment, and movement rates of northern spotted owls. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Feb. 27 - March 1, Bend, OR. February 2019
Pruett, S., R.J. Davis, K.M. Dugger, J. Jenkins, D. Lesmeister, S. Sovern. 2018. ASSESSING NORTHERN SPOTTED OWL NEST-SITE SELECTION WITH A LIDAR-BASED CANOPY COVER MODEL . oint annual meeting of the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Ecology, and the Northwestern Partners in Amphibians and Reptile Conservation. Portland, OR, Feb 13-16, 2018. February 2018
Pruett, S., R.J. Davis, K.M. Dugger, J. Jenkins, D. Lesmeister, S. Sovern. 2017. Using LiDAR Data and a Bayesian Framework to Model Northern Spotted Owl Nest Site Selection . The Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologist/Société des Ornithologistes du Canada, East Lansing, MI, July 31-August 5, 2017. July 2017
Orning, EK, KM Dugger, and DA Clark. 2023. Spatial and dietary consequences of apex carnivore competition following gray wolf recolonization in the Pacific Northwest. 2023 Wolves Across Borders, May 8-11, Stockholm, Sweden. May 2023
Orning, EK, KM Dugger, and DA Clark. 2022. Spatial consequences in cougar diel activity and habitat selection following wolf recolonization in Oregon. 2022 International Wolf Symposium, October 13-16, 2022, Minneapolis, MN October 2022
Orning, EK, KM Dugger, and DA Clark. 2022. Spatial consequences in cougar diel activity and habitat selection following wolf recolonization in Oregon. 13th WAFWA Mountain Lion Workshop, April 4-7, 2022, Virtual April 2022
Orning, EK, KM Dugger, and DA Clark. 2022. Spatial and dietary implications of apex carnivore competition following wolf recolonization in Oregon. The Wildlife Society's 29th Annual Conference, November 6-10, 2022, Spokane, WA November 2022
Orning, E.K., K.M. Dugger, and D.A. Clark. 2018. Spatial patterns of kill site distribution for wolves and cougars in an area of sympatry. Joint annual meeting of the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Ecology, and the Northwestern Partners in Amphibians and Reptile Conservation. Portland, OR, Feb 13-16, 2018. February 2018
Orning, E.K., K.M. Dugger, and D.A. Clark. 2017. Preliminary predation patterns of wolves and cougars in an area of sympatry. Research Advances in Fisheries Wildlife and Ecology Symposium (RAFWE) 2017, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR April 2017
Orning, E.K., K.M. Dugger, and D.A. Clark. 2017. Preliminary predation patterns of wolves and cougars in an area of sympatry. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2017 Annual Meeting, Pendleton, OR, Feb 8-10, 2017. February 2017
Orning, E.K., K.M. Dugger, and D.A. Clark. 2017. Preliminary predation patterns of wolves and cougars in an area of sympatry. 24th Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, Albuquerque, New Mexico, September 23-27, 2017 September 2017
Orning, E.K., K.M. Dugger, and D.A. Clark. 2017. Preliminary predation patterns of wolves and cougars in an area of sympatry. 12th Mt. Lion Workshop, Estes Park, CO, May 15-18, 2017. May 2017
Orning, E.K., K.M. Dugger, and D. A. Clark. 2019. Dogs chasing cats: diel activity for wolves and cougars in an area of sympatry. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Feb. 27 - March 1, Bend, OR. February 2019
Orning, E., K.M. Dugger, and D.A. Clark. 2018 Apex carnivore competition: predation patterns of wolves and cougars in an area of sympatry. International Wolf Symposium 2018, Minneapolis, MN, 11-14 October, 2018. October 2018
Morandini, V., and K.M. Dugger. 2018. Catastrophic events and impact on populations of long-lived birds. IX Spanish Symposium on Polar Studies. Madrid, Spain, 5-7 September, 2018. September 2018
Morandini, V., K.M. Dugger, G. Ballard, and D.G. Ainley. 2020. SEX-RELATED SURVIVAL, AGE-AT-FIRST BREEDING, AND BREEDING PROPENSITY OF ADÉLIE PENGUINS ON ROSS ISLAND, ANTARCTICA. 47th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Portland, OR, February 12-15, 2020. February 2020
Mikkelsen, AJ, DB Lesmeister, KM O'Reilly, and KM Dugger. 2022. Stormy weather: how climate change may increase energetic demands in juvenile Northern Spotted Owls. Joint annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society and BirdsCarbbean, 27 June–2 July 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2022
Mikkelsen, AJ, DB Lesmeister, KM O'Reilly, and KM Dugger. 2022. A challenging start is hard to recover from: physiological indicators of metabolic demands are related to survival and recruitment in a long-lived species. Joint annual meeting of the American Ornithological Society and BirdsCarbbean, 27 June–2 July 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico. June 2022
Mikkelsen, A.J., K.M. Dugger, and D.B. Lesmeister. 2020. You Need Some Meat on Those Bones! The Effect of Weight and Time on Northern Spotted Owl Recruitment. 2020 Annual Meeting of the Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA, April 28-May 1, 2020. April 2020
Mikkelsen, A.J., K.M. Dugger, D.B. Lesmeister, and K.M. O’Reilly. 2019. Spatio-temporal Dynamics and Effects of Stress on Juvenile Northern Spotted Owls. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Feb. 27 - March 1, Bend, OR. February 2019
Mikkelsen, A.J., K.M. Dugger, D.B. Lesmeister, and K.M. O'Reilly. 2020. Patterns in Juvenile Northern Spotted Owl Feather Corticosterone Relative to Environmental and Individual Variation. 2020 Annual Meeting of the Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Spokane, WA, April 28-May 1, 2020. April 2020
Mikkelsen, A.J., K.M. Dugger, D.B. Lesmeister, and K.M. O'Reilly. 2020. Using Stress Hormones to Link the Environment to Apparent Survival in Non-Territorial Northern Spotted Owls. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society's Annual Meeting, February 4-7, 2020, Eugene, OR. February 2020
Mangan, AO, T Chestnut, JC Vogler, IK Breckheimer, WM King, KE Bagnall and KM Dugger. 2019. Factors related to occupancy dynamics and breeding propensity of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in a protected area: habitat, weather and Barred Owl (S. varia) presence. 137th annual meeting of the American Ornithologists Society, June 24-28, 2019, Anchorage, AK. June 2019
Lescroël, A, A Schmidt, DG Ainley, KM Dugger, M Elrod, D Jongsomjit, V Morandini. 2023. Longitudinal, full-annual cycle study of Adélie penguin foraging behavior reveals within-individual changes with age. 11th International Penguin Congress, 4-9 September, 2023, Vina del Mar, Chile. September 2023
Lescroel, A., G. Ballard, K. M. Dugger, D. Gremillet, S. Jennings, P.O’B. Lyver, M. Massaro, A. Pollard, E. Porzig, A. Schmidt, and D.G. Ainley. 2016. Tracking Adélie penguins throughout their lives: how do inter-individual differences in foraging ecology translate into demographic differences? 9th International Penguin Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 5-9, 2016. September 2016
Lescroel, A., G. Ballard, K. M. Dugger, D. Gremillet, S. Jennings, P.O’B. Lyver, M. Massaro, A. Pollard, E. Porzig, A. Schmidt, and D.G. Ainley. 2015. Tracking Adélie penguins throughout their lives: how do inter-individual differences in foraging ecology translate into demographic differences? 2015 World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-31, 2015. October 2015
LESCROËL, A. G BALLARD, KM DUGGER, M MASSARO, PO’B LYVER, and DG AINLEY. 2013. Extrinsic and intrinsic factors affecting foraging efficiency in Adélie penguins. XI Biology Symposium of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research. Barcelona, Spain, July 2013 July 2013
Körner, L., R.C. Baumbusch, K.M. Dugger, and J.D. Wiens. 2020. Morphology of the barred owl (Strix varia) in the Pacific Northwest. 67th Annual Meeting of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, February 3-7, 2020, Redding, CA. February 2020
Kappes, P., K.M. Dugger, A. Lescroël, D. Ainley, G. Ballard, and P. O'B. Lyver. 2019. DECOMPOSING AGE-SPECIFIC REPRODUCTIVE PERFORMANCE IN A META-POPULATION OF ADÉLIE PENGUINS: COLONY SIZE MATTERS. 46th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Kauai, HI, 27 Feb - 2 March, 2019 February 2019
Kappes, P. J., K. M. Dugger, G.Ballard, D.G. Ainley, P.O’B. Lyver, K.J. Barton, A.D. Fraser, and R.A. Massom. 2015. Estimating annual reproductive performance of known-age Adélie Penguins: An exploration of life history theory. 2015 World Seabird Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, October 26-31, 2015. October 2015
Kappes, P. J., K. M. Dugger, G. Ballard, D. G. Ainley, P.O’B. Lyver, K. J. Barton, A. D. Fraser, and R. A. Massom. 2017. Estimating annual and lifetime reproductive performance of known-age Adélie penguins: An exploration of life history theory. 44th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Tacoma, WA, 22-25 February, 2017 February 2017
Kappes, P. J., K. M. Dugger, G. Ballard, D. G. Ainley, P.O’B. Lyver, K. J. Barton, A. D. Fraser, and R. A. Massom. 2016. Estimating annual and lifetime reproductive performance of known-age Adélie penguins: An exploration of life history theory. 9th International Penguin Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 5-9, 2016. September 2016
Jongsomjit, D, A Lescroël, A Schmidt, S Lisovski, D Ainley, E Hines, M Elrod, KM Dugger, and G Ballard. 2023. Going with the floe: Sea-ice movement affects distance and destination during Adélie penguin winter movements. 11th International Penguin Congress, 4-9 September, 2023, Vina del Mar, Chile. September 2023
Jennings, S., K. M. Dugger, G. Ballard, and D.G. Ainley. 2016. Diet, parent age and provisioning behavior affect chick growth in Adélie penguins. 9th International Penguin Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 5-9, 2016. September 2016
Jennings, S. A. Varsani, K.M. Dugger, G. Ballard, and D.G. Ainley. 2014. Sex-based differences in Adélie Penguin chick growth rates on Ross Island, Antarctica. 2014 Joint Annual Meeting of American Ornithologist's Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, September 22-28, 2014, Estes Park, CO. September 2014
Jenkins, JMA, DB Lesmeister, ED Forsman, and KM Dugger. 2019. Long-term dynamics of dispersal distances by adult Northern Spotted Owls. 137th annual meeting of the American Ornithologists Society, June 24-28, 2019, Anchorage, AK. June 2019
Jenkins, JM, DB Lesmeister, KM Dugger, and JD Wiens. 2021. Owls on the move: Changing dynamics of breeding dispersal for northern spotted owls. 2021 Raptor Research Foundation joint Conference with the Neotropical Raptor Network, October 8-14, 2021, Boise, ID, USA. August 2021
Jenkins, JM, DB Lesmeister, KM Dugger, and JD Wiens. 2021. Owls on the move: Changing dynamics of breeding dispersal for northern spotted owls. 2021 ESA Annual Meeting, August 2 – 6, Virtual. August 2021
Jenkins, J.M.A., D.B. Lesmeister, E.D. Forsman, K.M. Dugger, & J.D. Wiens. 2019. Shifting trends in breeding dispersal for northern spotted owls. 26th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Sept. 29-Oct 3, 2019, Reno, NV. September 2019
Horton, C.A., R.M. Suryan, and K.M. Dugger. 2015. Top-down influence of Bald Eagles on the Common Murre breeding population in Oregon. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, San Jose, CA, 18-21 February, 2015. February 2015
Hinojoza-Rood, Valerie D., Don Whittaker, and Katie M. Dugger. 2025. Mapping elk herds, migration, and seasonal ranges in central Oregon. Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, 16th Biennial Deer and Elk Workshop. June 16-19, 2025, Nanaimo, BC, Canada. June 2025
Hinojoza-Rood, Valerie D., Don Whittaker, Katie M. Dugger, and Cody Schroeder. 2024. Mapping pronghorn migrations and seasonal ranges in the Northern Basin and Range ecoregion. Western Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies, 30th Biennial Pronghorn Workshop. June 24-27, 2024, Redmond, OR. June 2024
Hall, J.D., J.T. Peterson, and K.M. Dugger. 2015. Estimating trout mortality caused by feeding of the chestnut lamprey in the Manistee River, Michigan. 145th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 16-20, Portland, OR August 2015
Groot, K.A., K.M. Dugger, and D.H. Jackson. 2014. THE EFFECTS OF MIGRATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL VARIATION ON SURVIVAL RATES AND CAUSE-SPECIFIC MORTALITY FOR COLUMBIAN BLACK-TAILED DEER IN OREGON. 21st Annual Conference of The Wildlife Society, October 25-30, 2014, Pittsburgh, PA. October 2014
Groot, K., D. Budeau, and K.M. Dugger. 2014. SURVIVAL RATES OF TRANSLOCATED MOUNTAIN QUAIL: REINTRODUCTION EFFORTS IN THE TROUT CREEK MOUNTAINS. Oregon TWS Annual Meeting, February 5-7, 2014, Bend OR. February 2014
Franklin, AB, KM Dugger, DB Lesmeister, RG Davis, JD Wiens, GC White, JD Nichols, JE Hines, CB Yackulic, CJ Schwarz, LL Bailey, and KP Burnham. 2021. Range-wide Declines of Northern Spotted Owl Populations: On the Road to Extinction? The Wildlife Society's 28th Annual Meeting, November 1-5, 2021, Virtual. November 2021
Franklin, AB, KM Dugger, DB Lesmeister, RG Davis, JD Wiens, GC White, JD Nichols, JE Hines, CB Yackulic, CJ Schwarz, LL Bailey, KP Burnham and 26 others. 2021. Barred Owl Contributions to Range-wide Declines of Northern Spotted Owl Populations: A Meta-analysis. Raptor Research Foundation joint Conference with the Neotropical Raptor Network, October 8-14, 2021, Boise, ID, USA October 2021
Fox, T.T., B.D. Dugger, J.M. Coluccy, K.M. Dugger, M.J. Petrie, and D.Kraege. 2013. Breeding Ecology of Mallards in Eastern Washington. 6th North American Duck Symposium & Workshop. January 27-31, 2013, Memphis, TN. January 2013
Foster, L., C. Hagen, D. Budeau, and K.M. Dugger. 2016. Greater sage-grouse adult and nest survival following large-scale wildfire. 30th Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Lander, WY, June 13-16, 2016. June 2016
Foster, L., C. Hagen, D. Budeau, and K.M. Dugger. 2015. Greater sage-grouse survival, reproduction, and habitat use following large-scale wildlife. International Grouse Symposium 2015, Reykjavik, Iceland, Sept 4-7, 2015. September 2015
Foster, L., C. Hagen, D. Budeau, and K.M. Dugger. 2014. GREATER SAGE GROUSE RESPONSE TO LARGE SCALE WILDFIRE. Oregon TWS Annual Meeting, February 5-7, 2014, Bend OR. February 2014
Foster, L., C. Hagen, D. Budeau, K.M. Dugger, and C. Anthony. 2016. Seasonal movements, site fidelity, and resource selection of greater sage-grouse following large-scale wildfire. 30th Sage and Columbian Sharp-tailed Grouse Workshop. Lander, WY, June 13-16, 2016. June 2016
Foster, L., C. A. Hagen, D. Budeau, K. M. Dugger. 2015. SURVIVAL, REPRODUCTION, AND HABITAT USE OF FEMALE GREATER SAGE-GROUSE IN A WILDFIRE AFFECTED LANDSCAPE IN SOUTHEASTERN OREGON. The Wildlife Society, Oregon Chapter Annual Meeting, April 29 - May 1, 2015 ,Eugene, OR. April 2015
Foster, L., C. A. Hagen, D. Budeau, K. M. Dugger. 2015. SURVIVAL, REPRODUCTION, AND HABITAT USE OF FEMALE GREATER SAGE-GROUSE IN A WILDFIRE AFFECTED LANDSCAPE IN SOUTHEASTERN OREGON. The Wildlife Society, Annual Meeting, October 17-21, 2015, Winnepeg, CAN. October 2015
Dugger, KM, F Wagner, R Anthony, & G Olson. 2004. The identification and evaluation of northern spotted owl habitat in relation to their demographic performance in managed forests of southwestern Oregon. Public Meeting of the SEI Northern Spotted Owl Status Review, Vancouver, WA, March 5, 2004. May 2004
Dugger, KM, ED Forsman, AB Franklin, RJ Davis and 33 others. 2016. The effects of habitat, climate, and Barred Owls on long-term demography of Northern Spotted Owls. Society for Ecological Restoration Northwest regional conference, Portland, OR, April 5-7, 2016. April 2016
Dugger, KM, DG Ainley, G Ballard, POB Lyver, and K Barton. 2016. Breeding propensity, age-specific survival, and age-at-1st reproduction of Adélie penguins in relation to colony size and environmental variation. 9th International Penguin Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 5-9, 2016. September 2016
Dugger, KM, DG Ainley, G Ballard, POB Lyver, and K Barton. 2016. Age-specific survival of Adélie penguins in relation to colony size, reproductive status, and environmental variation. North American Ornithological Conference 2016, Washington D.C., August 16-20, 2016. August 2016
Dugger, KM, DG Ainley, G Ballard, P.O'B. Lyver, K Barton. 2020. Temporal and age-related variation in survival, recruitment rates and breeding propensity of Adélie penguins in a multi-colony meta-population. 3rd World Seabird Conference, Hobart, Tasmania, AUS, 19-23 October 2020. October 2020
Dugger, K.M., E.D. Forsman, D.A. Clark, R.J. Davis and 33 others. 2014. Status and trends of the Northern Spotted Owl (strix occidentalis caurina): results of a range-wide meta-analysis. 2014 Joint Annual Meeting of American Ornithologist's Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, September 22-28, 2014, Estes Park, CO. September 2014
Dugger, K.M., D.G. Ainley, G. Ballard, P.O’B. Lyver, and K. Barton. 2017. Breeding propensity & age-at-1st reproduction of Adélie penguins in a multi-colony meta-population. The Joint Meeting of the American Ornithological Society and the Society of Canadian Ornithologist/Société des Ornithologistes du Canada, East Lansing, MI, July 31-August 5, 2017. July 2017
Dugger, K.M., D.G. Ainley, G. Ballard, P. Lyver, and K. Barton. 2014. Breeding propensity and age-specific survival of Adelie penguins in relation to colony size with resulting affects on age-at-1st reproduction. 2014 Joint Annual Meeting of American Ornithologist's Union, Cooper Ornithological Society, and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, September 22-28, 2014, Estes Park, CO. September 2014
Dugger, K.M. 2020. THE COMPLEXITIES OF SEABIRD DEMOGRAPHICS IN A CHANGING ENVIRONMENT – ADÉLIE PENGUINS IN THE SOUTHERN ROSS SEA, ANTARCTICA. 47th Annual Meeting of the Pacific Seabird Group, Portland, OR, February 12-15, 2020. February 2020
Dugger, K.M. 2014. Importance of long term data to species conservation and management: measuring vital rates at the relevant scale. 2014 Morss Colloquium, "Conservation of polar species susceptible to impacts from climate change". Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Falmouth, MA. March 2014
Duchac, L.S., D.B. Lesmeister, and K.M. Dugger. 2019. Who was that? Using passive acoustic monitoring to detect forest owls in the Pacific Northwest. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Feb. 27 - March 1, Bend, OR. February 2019
Duchac, L.S., D.B. Lesmeister, and K.M. Dugger. 2019. Landscape use by forest owls two years after mixed-severity wildfire: novel findings using passive acoustic monitoring. 26th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2019, Reno, NV. September 2019
Duchac, L., D.B. Lesmeister, and K.M. Dugger. 2018. Testing a passive acoustic approach to detect Northern Spotted Owls and Barred Owls . Joint annual meeting of the Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Washington Chapter of The Wildlife Society, the Society for Northwestern Vertebrate Ecology, and the Northwestern Partners in Amphibians and Reptile Conservation. Portland, OR, Feb 13-16, 2018. February 2018
Duchac, L., D.B. Lesmeister, and K.M. Dugger. 2018. Can passive acoustic monitoring detect and identify vocalization patterns in two congeneric forest owls in the Pacific Northwest? 89th Annual Meeting of the Northwest Science Association, Olympia WA, March 27-30, 2018 March 2018
Clark, J., D. Jackson, and K.M. Dugger. 2020. RELATING BLACK-TAILED DEER HABITAT SELECTION TO SURVIVAL. The 27th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Louisville, KY, Sept. 27-Oct. 1, 2020. September 2020
Clark, J, D Jackson, and KM Dugger. 2022. Fall Habitat Selection by Columbian Black-tailed deer. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2022 Annual Conference, Newport, OR, Feb 23-25, 2022. February 2022
Clark, J, D Jackson, and KM Dugger. 2022. Choices: habitat selection impacts Columbian black-tailed deer survival in Oregon. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2022 Annual Conference, Newport, OR, Feb 23-25, 2022. February 2022
Clark J., D. Jackson, and K.M. Dugger. 2020. Habitat Selection by Black-tailed Deer in a Heterogeneous Landscape. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society's Annual Meeting, February 4-7, 2020, Eugene, OR. February 2020
Briggs, U.S.Y., R.C. Baumbusch, K.M. Dugger, and J.D. Wiens. 2020. Partial consumption of prey in barred owl (Strix varia) diets. 67th Annual Meeting of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, February 3-7, 2020, Redding, CA. February 2020
Baumbusch, RC, KM Dugger, and JD Wiens. 2022. Diet Composition of Barred Owls (<i>Strix varia</i>) in the Pacific Northwest. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2022 Annual Conference, Newport, OR, Feb 23-25, 2022. February 2022
Baumbusch, RC, KM Dugger, JP Dumbacher, JM Higley, SL Medina, and JD Wiens. 2021. Diet Composition of Barred Owls (Strix varia) across the Range of the Northern Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis caurina). 2021 Raptor Research Foundation joint Conference with the Neotropical Raptor Network, October 8-14, 2021, Boise, ID, USA. October 2021
Baumbusch, R.C., K.M. Dugger, and J.D. Wiens. 2020. Diet Composition of Barred Owls (Strix varia) in the Pacific Northwest. 67th Annual Meeting of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, February 3-7, 2020, Redding, CA. February 2020
Baumbusch, R.C., K.M. Dugger, and J.D. Wiens. 2020. Body Condition of Barred Owls (Strix varia) in the Pacific Northwest. 67th Annual Meeting of The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, February 3-7, 2020, Redding, CA. February 2020
Ballard, G., D. Jongsomjit, S. Veloz, K. M. Dugger, P.O’B. Lyver, and D.G. Ainley. 2016. Are Adélie Penguin Foraging Volumes Determined by Breeding Population Size? 9th International Penguin Conference, Cape Town, South Africa, September 5-9, 2016. September 2016
Ballard, G., A. Schmidt, A. Lescroel, S. Burcher, K.M. Dugger, and M. Cimino. 2024. Disparate dispersal behavior of fledgling Adélie penguins from three colonies. 11th SCAR Open Science Conference, 19-23 August 2024, Pucón, Chile. August 2024
Anthony, R.G., K.M. Dugger, J.D. Wiens, and E.D. Forsman. 2012. Demographic Rates of Northern Spotted Owls: Implications for recovery planning for this threatened species. IVth International Wildlife Management Congress, Durban, South Africa, July 9-12, 2012. July 2012
Anthony, C.R., L. Foster, C. Hagen, and K.M. Dugger. 2017. Acute Demographic Response of Greater Sage-Grouse Following a Mega-Wildfire. The Western Section of The Wildlife Society, Reno, NV, February 6-10, 2017. February 2017
Anthony, C.R., C. Hagen, and K.M. Dugger. 2020. An evaluation of how greater sage-grouse respond to a megafire. Oregon Chapter of The Wildlife Society's Annual Meeting, February 4-7, 2020, Eugene, OR. February 2020
Anthony, C.R., C. Hagen, D. Elmore, and K.M. Dugger. 2019. Out of the sage and into the fire: Thermal niches explain sage-grouse nest success. 26th Annual Meeting of The Wildlife Society, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 2019, Reno, NV. September 2019
Anthony, C. R., C. Hagen, D. Elmore, and K. M. Dugger. 2018. Thermal Environments: a new approach to explain variation in Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) nest site selection and survival. Oregon Chapter of the Wildlife Society 2019 Annual Meeting, Feb. 27 - March 1, Bend, OR. February 2019
Anthony, C. R., C. Hagen, D. Elmore, and K. M. Dugger. 2018. Thermal Environment of Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Nest Sites Following Wildfire. Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Annual Conference, Eugene, OR, July 12-17, 2018. July 2018
Anthony, C. R., C. Hagen, D. Elmore, and K. M. Dugger. 2018. Thermal Environment of Greater Sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) Nest Sites Following Wildfire. 14th International Grouse Symposium Logan, UT, Sept 24-28, 2018. September 2018
Anthony, C. R., C. Hagen, D. Elmore, and K. M. Dugger. 2018. Influence of fire on the thermal environments of sagebrush (Artemisia spp.) communities. Society for Range Management Annual Meeting, 28 January - 2 February, 2018, Sparks, NV. January 2018
Technical Publications Publication Date
Wiens, JD, KM Dugger, KE Lewicki, and DC Simon. 2016. Effects of experimental removal of barred owls on population demography of northern spotted owls in Washington and Oregon - 2015 Progress Report. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2016-1041, 16 p., [IP-072911, approved 3/11/2016] March 2016
Wiens, J.D., K.M. Dugger, K.E. Lewicki, and D.C. Simon. 2017. Effects of experimental removal of Barred Owls on population demography of northern Spotted Owls in Washington and Oregon—2016 progress report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2017-1040, 23 pp. June 2017
Wiens, J.D., K.M. Dugger, D.B. Lesmeister, K.E. Dilione, and D.C. Simon. 2018. Effects of experimental removal of Barred Owls on population demography of Northern Spotted Owls in Washington and Oregon—2017 progress report: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2018–1086, 23 pp. June 2018
Fox, TT, BD Dugger, and KM Dugger. 2011. Survey protocol for monitoring the relative abundance of Sooty Grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus fuliginosus) populations in western Oregon. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. February 2011
Fox, TT, BD Dugger, and KM Dugger. 2009. Pilot study: survey of Sooty Grouse (Dendragapus fuliginosus fuliginosus) abundance in western Oregon. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. July 2009
Foster, L, KM Dugger, and C Hagen. 2015. Survival, home range size, and habitat use of female greater sage-grouse in wildfire affected landscapes in Southeastern Oregon. Annual Report. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 32pp January 2015
Dugger, KM. 2007. Relationship between Least Tern and Piping Plover productivity and climate and river flow regimes on the Missouri River. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR. February 2007
Dugger, KM, S. Ackers, et al. 2016. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 52pp. December 2016
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2022. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 30pp. December 2022
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2021. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 30pp. December 2021
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2020. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 28pp. December 2020
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2019. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 27p. February 2020
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2018. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 28p. March 2019
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2017. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 33p. January 2018
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2016. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 33p. December 2016
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2015. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 33p. December 2015
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2014. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 24p. December 2014
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2013. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 23p. December 2013
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2012. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 25p. December 2012
Dugger, KM, S Andrews, et al. 2011. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report. 27p. January 2012
Dugger, KM, S Andrews et al. 2011. Demographic Characteristics and Ecology of Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) in the Southern Oregon Cascades. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 30p. January 2011
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2022. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 68pp. December 2022
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2021. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 68pp. December 2021
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2020. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 66pp. December 2020
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2019. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 66pp. December 2019
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2018. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 59pp. October 2018
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2017. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 59pp. January 2018
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2014. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 51pp. December 2014
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2013. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 51pp. December 2013
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2012. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 55pp. December 2012
Dugger, KM, S Ackers, et al. 2011. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 53pp. December 2011
Dugger, KM, S Ackers et al. 2015. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. Annual Progress Report, 52pp. December 2015
Dugger, KM, S Ackers et al. 2011. The Demography of Northern Spotted Owls (Strix occidentalis caurina) on the Willamette National Forest, Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 51p. January 2011
Dugger, KM, RG Anthony, and LS Lawrence. 2008. Site occupancy dynamics of Northern Spotted Owls relative to Barred Owl occurrence and forest habitat characteristics in the southern Cascades of Oregon. 40pp. Unpublished report on file with: Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 97331. July 2008
Dugger, KM, RG Anthony, and E Forsman. 2009. Estimating Northern Spotted Owl Detection Probabilities: Updating the USFWS Northern Spotted Owl Survey Protocol. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Corvallis, OR October 2009
Dugger, KM, RG Anthony, S Andrews, and F Wagner. 2006. Modeling apparent survival and reproductive success of Northern Spotted Owls relative to forest habitat in the southern Cascades of Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Corvallis, OR. May 2006
Dugger, KM, F Wagner, and RG Anthony. 2005. Identification and evaluation of northern spotted owl habitat in managed forests of southwestern Oregon and the development of silvicultural systems for managing such habitat. Report on Step 3: Predicting northern spotted owl survival and reproductive success from habitat characteristics of managed forests of southwestern Oregon. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Corvallis, OR. January 2005
Dugger, K.M., and D.M. Loomis. 2012. Productivity and provisioning rates of breeding Rusty Blackbirds in relation to diet on the Copper River Delta, Alaska. Final Technical Report. June 2012
Dugger KM, and LS Andrews. 2017. Apparent occupancy and the reproductive rates of Northern Spotted Owls in the Ashland Watershed, Siskiyou Mountains, southern Oregon 1993-1997, 2005-2016. Annual Report. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 20pp. May 2017
Dugger KM, and LS Andrews. 2016. Apparent occupancy and the reproductive rates of Northern Spotted Owls in the Ashland Watershed, Siskiyou Mountains, southern Oregon 1993-1997, 2005-2015. Annual Report. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 17pp. May 2016
Dugger KM, T Tippin, and LS Andrews. 2015. Apparent occupancy and the reproductive rates of Northern Spotted Owls in the Ashland Watershed, Siskiyou Mountains, southern Oregon 1993-1997, 2005-2014. Annual Report. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 17pp. July 2015
Dugger KM, LS Andrews, et al. 2018. Apparent occupancy and the reproductive rates of Northern Spotted Owls in the Ashland Watershed, Siskiyou Mountains, southern Oregon 1993-1997, 2005-2017. Annual Report. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 19pp. July 2018
Dugger KM, LS Andrews, and T. Tippin. 2019. Apparent occupancy and the reproductive rates of Northern Spotted Owls in the Ashland Watershed, Siskiyou Mountains, southern Oregon 1993-1997, 2005-2018. Annual Report. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit (OCFWRU), Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon. 16pp. March 2020
Dugger KM, JW Schilling, RG Anthony, and LS Andrews. 2011. Apparent occupancy and the reproductive rates of Northern Spotted Owls in the Ashland Watershed, Siskiyou Mountains, southern Oregon 1993-1997, 2005-2011. Department of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Corvallis, OR December 2011
Anthony, RG, FF Wagner, K Dugger, and G Olson. 2002. Identification and evaluation of northern spotted owl habitat in managed forests of southwestern Oregon and the development of silvicultural systems for managing such habitat: Report on Step 2: Analysis of habitat characteristics and owl demography on three density study areas. Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Corvallis, OR. September 2002
Anthony, RG, ED Forsman, AB Franklin, DR Anderson, KP Burnham, GC White, CJ Schwarz, JD Nichols, JE Hines, GS Olson, SH Ackers, S Andrews, BL Biswell, PC Carlson, LV Diller, KM Dugger, KE Fehring, TL Fleming, RP Gerhardt, SA Gremel, RJ Gutiérrez, PJ Happe, DR Herter, JM Higley, RB Horn, LL Irwin, PJ Loschl, JA Reid, SS Sovern. 2004. Status and trends in demography of Northern Spotted Owls, 1985-2003. Final Report to Interagency Regional Monitoring Program, Portland, OR (peer-reviewed by 4 ESA members). Oregon Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, Corvallis, OR. April 2004
Role and Organization Individual         Start Date        End Date       
Wilson Ornithological Society - Member Dugger September 1989 Present
The Wildlife Society - Member Dugger October 2001 Present
The Waterbird Society - Member Dugger October 2001 January 2016
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member, Mewaldt-King Award Committee Dugger January 2000 December 2002
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member, Board of Directors, Treasurer Dugger March 2006 October 2012
Cooper Ornithological Society - Member Dugger September 1989 Present
American Ornithologists' Union - Member Dugger September 1989 Present
American Ornithologists' Union - Early Professional Awards Committee Dugger November 2017 June 2019
American Ornithologists' Union - Council Member Dugger November 2015 July 2018
American Ornithological Society - Member, Professional Ethics Committee Dugger August 2019 August 2023