Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources


Research Publications Publication Date
​​​​Paukert, C., E. Kleekamp, and R. Tingley. 2020. Identifying Candidate Reference Reaches to Assess the Physical and Biological Integrity of Wadeable Streams in Different Ecoregions and Stream Sizes. Ecological Indicators 111. April 2020
Şen, B., C. Che‐Castaldo, H. J. Lynch, F. Ventura, M. A. LaRue and S. Jenouvrier (2024). Detecting stochasticity in population time series using a non‐parametric test of intrinsic predictability. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 15(10): 1834-1846. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2024
Şen, B, C. Che‐Castaldo and H. R. Akçakaya (2024). The potential for species distribution models to distinguish source populations from sinks. Journal of Animal Ecology 93(12): 1924-1934. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website September 2024
Zydlewski, J. (2021). Book Review: “From catastrophe to recovery: stories of fisheries management successes” edited by Krueger, Taylor and Youn. Fisheries. DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10604 | Download June 2021
Zydlewski, J., Stich, D.S., Roy, S., Bailey, M., Sheehan, T. and Sprankle, K. (2021). What Have We Lost? Modeling Dam Impacts on American Shad Populations Through Their Native Range. Frontiers in Marine Science, 8. doi:
‌ | Download
October 2021
Zydlewki, J. (2023) American Eel. Chapter (Species Essay) in “Our Maine”, edited by Aram Calhoun, Mac Hunter and Kent Redford. | Download July 2023
Zuckerman, G. et al. Diverse migratory portfolios drive inter-annual switching behavior of elk across the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem December 2023
Zipkin, E.F. and DiRenzo, G.V. (2022). Biodiversity is decimated by the cascading effects of the amphibian-killing chytrid fungus. PLOS Pathogens, 18(7), p.e1010624. doi:
July 2022
Zipkin, E. F., DiRenzo, G. V., Rossman, S., Ray, J. M, & K. R. Lips. 2020. Tropical snake community collapses following pathogen-induced amphibian loss. Science 367: 814-816. DOI: 10.1126/science.aay5733 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2020
Zimmerman, G. S., B. A. Milsap, F. Abadi, J. V. Gedir, W. L. Kendall, and J. R. Sauer. 2022. An integrated population model to inform exploitation management for bald eagles. Journal of Wildlife Management 86:e22158, | Abstract January 2022
Zhao, Q., A.K. Fuller, and J.A. Royle. 2022. Spatial dynamic N-mixture models with interspecific interactions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. July 2022
Zhang, Y., Y. Feng, S. Wang, Z. Tang, Z. Zhai, R. Viegut, E. Webb, A. Raedeke and Y. Shang. Deep Learning Models for Waterfowl Detection and Classification in Aerial Images. Information | Abstract March 2024
Zhang, Q., J. Jin, P. Budy, S.E. Null, and X. Wang. 2021. Predicting the response of Arctic lake thermal processes to a whole-lake warming manipulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 48, e2021GL092680. USGS FSP IP-127181. | Abstract December 2021
Zentner, D., D. Shoup, and S.K. Brewer. 2023. Effects of Sucker Gigging on Fish Populations in Oklahoma Scenic Rivers. U.S. Department of Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Cooperator Science Series FWS/CSS-151-2023, Washington, D.C. July 2023
Zentner, D. L., S. L. Wolf, S. K. Brewer and D. E. Shoup. 2021. A review of factors affecting PIT-tag detection using mobile arrays and use of mobile antennas to detect PIT-tagged suckers in a wadeable Ozark stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41: 697-710. February 2021
Zentner, D. L., J. J. Spurgeon, S. E. Lochmann, C. L. Graham. 2021. Tag type and location-dependent retention impart varied levels of bias on mark-recapture parameter estimates. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 41:474-483. November 2020
Zeller, K.A., D.W. Wattles, J.M. Bauder, and S. DeStefano. 2020. Forecasting seasonal connectivity in a developing landscape. Land 9:233. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website April 2020
Zebro, L.R., Mrnak, J.T., Shaw, S.L., Chipps, S.R. and Sass, G.G. (2022). Density‐dependent and environmental influences on juvenile walleye Sander vitreus (Mitchill) survivorship in northern Wisconsin lakes. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 29(6), pp.897–910. doi:
‌ | Abstract
July 2022
Zatkos L., Murphy C.A., Pollock A., Penaluna B.E., Olivos J.A., Mowlds E., Moffitt C., Manning M., Linkem C., Holst L., Cárdenas B., and Arismendi I. 2020. AFS Roots: Dr. Emmeline Moore, All Things to All Fishes. Fisheries 45(8). DOI: 10.1002/fsh.10501 August 2020
Zaidel, P.A., A.H. Roy, K.M. Houle, B. Lambert, B.H. Letcher, K.H. Nislow, and C. Smith. 2020. Impacts of small dams on stream temperature. Ecological Indicators. | Publisher Website September 2020
Yurek S, Eaton MJ, Lavaud R, Laney RW, DeAngelis D, Pine III, WE, La Peyre MK, Martin J, Frederick P, Wang H, Lowe MR, Johnson F, Camp EV, Mordecai R. 2021 Modeling structural mechanics of oyster reef self-organization including environmental constraints and community interactions. Ecological Modelling 440:109389 | Abstract | Download January 2021
Young, J.K, A.R. Butler, J.D. Holbrook, H. Shamon, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2023. Mesocarnivores of western landscapes in LB McNew, DK Dahlgren, and JL Beck, editors. Rangeland Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. | Abstract September 2023
Yiu, S-W., N. Owen-Smith, and J.W. Cain III. 2022. How do lions move at night when they hunt? Journal of Mammalogy 103:855-864 | Download August 2022
Yarra, A.N. and D.D. Magoulick. 2020. Effect of stream permanence on predation risk of lotic crayfish by riparian predators. Southeastern Naturalist 19:673-691. November 2020
Yang, Y., S. E. Hobbie, R. R. Hernandez, D. Tilman, S. M. Grodsky, Y-G. Zhu, Y. Luo, T. M. Smith, J. Fargione, J. M. Jungers, M. Yang, W-Q Chen. 2020. Restoring abandoned farmland to mitigate climate change on a full Earth. One Earth. 3:176–186. doi:10.1016/j.oneear.2020.07.019. August 2020
Yackel Adams AA, NJ Hostetter, WA Link, and SJ Converse. 2024. Identifying Pareto-efficient eradication strategies for invasive populations. Conservation Letters: e13051. September 2024
Y. Yang, J. Zhenong, N. D. Mueller, R. R. Hernandez, S. M. Grodsky, L. Sloat, M. Chester, Y. G. Zhu, and D. Lobell. 2022. Climate feedbacks from irrigation inform sustainable adaptation. Nature Food. September 2023
Xu, W., L.C. Gigliotti, R. Royauté, H. Sawyer, and A.D. Middleton. 2023. Fencing amplifies individual differences in movement with implications on survival for two migratory ungulates. Journal of Animal Ecology 92(3): 677-689. March 2023
Xu, L., Feiner, Z.S., Frater, P., Gretchen, Ladwig, R., Paukert, C.P., Verhoeven, M., Lyndsie Wszola and Jensen, O.P. (2024). Asymmetric impacts of climate change on thermal habitat suitability for inland lake fishes. Nature Communications, [online] 15(1). doi:

November 2024
Xu, L., Feiner, Z.S., Frater, P., Gretchen, Ladwig, R., Paukert, C.P., Verhoeven, M., Lyndsie Wszola and Jensen, O.P. (2024). Asymmetric impacts of climate change on thermal habitat suitability for inland lake fishes. Nature Communications, [online] 15(1). doi:
November 2024
Wu, H., C. Flynn, C. Hall, C. Che-Castaldo, D. Samaras, M. Schwaller and H. J. Lynch. (2024). Penguin colony georegistration using camera pose estimation and phototourism. PLoS ONE 19(10): e0311038. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website October 2024
Wu, D., Grodsky, S.M., Xu, W., Liu, N., Almeida, R.M., Zhou, L., Miller, L.M., Roy, S.B., Xia, G., Agrawal, A.A., Houlton, B.Z., Flecker, A.S. and Xu, X. (2023). Observed impacts of large wind farms on grassland carbon cycling. Science Bulletin, 68(23), pp.2889–2892. doi: July 2023
Wszola, L.S., L.N. Messinger, L.F. Gruber, E.F. Stuber, C.J. Chizinski, and J.J. Fontaine. 2020. Use and expenditures on public access hunting lands. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 29:100256. December 2020
Wszola, L., N. A. Sievert, A. J. Lynch, H. S. Embke, A. L. Kaz, M. D. Robertson, S. R. Midway, C. P. Paukert. Lake temperature and morphometry shape the thermal composition of recreational fishing catch. 2024. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. 2024:1-17. IP-154515. BAO Approval 07/12/2024.DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10481 June 2024
Wright, A., Bernard, R. F., Mosher, B. A., O'Donnell, K., Braunagel, T., DiRenzo, G. V., Fleming, J., Shafer, C., Brand, A., Zipkin, E., Grant, E. H. C. 2020. Moving from decision to action in conservation science. Biological Conservation 249: 108698. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2020
Wood, J.M., A.K. Tegeler, and B.E. Ross. Vegetation management on private forestland can increase avian species richness and abundance. August 2020
Wood, C.M., S.T. McKinney, C.S. Loftin, and Z. Loman. 2020. Testing prediction accuracy in a short-term ecological study. Basic and Applied Ecology 43:77-85. March 2020
Woo, I, MJ Davis, SEW De La Cruz, L Windham-Myers, JZ Drexler, KB Byrd, EJ Stuart-Haëntjens, FA Anderson, BA Bergamaschi, G Nakai, CS Ellings, and S Hodgson. 2021. Carbon flux, storage, and wildlife co-benefits in a restoring estuary: case study at the Nisqually River Delta, Washington, USA. In K Krauss, Z Zhilang, and C Stagg (eds.) Wetland Carbon and Environmental Management. Wiley Publishers. | Publisher Website October 2021
Wolfson, D.W., J.R. Fieberg, and D.E. Andersen. 2020. Juvenile sandhill cranes exhibit wider ranging and more exploratory movements than adults during the breeding season. Ibis 162:556-562 DOI:10.1111/ibi.12786. October 2020
Wolfson, D.W., D.E. Andersen, and J.R. Fieberg. Using piecewise regression to identify biological phenomena in biotelemetry datasets. Journal of Animal Ecology 91:1755–1769. | Publisher Website September 2022
Wolfenkoehler, W., J.M. Long, R. Gary, R.A. Snow, J.D. Schooley, L. A. Bruckerhoff, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2023. Viability of side-scan sonar to enumerate Paddlefish, a large pelagic freshwater fish, in rivers and reservoirs. Fisheries Research 261:106639. January 2023
Wolf, S., D. Swedberg, E. Tanner, S. Fuhlendorf, and D. Brewer. 2022. Using fiber-optic distributed temperature sensing in fisheries applications: An example from the Ozark Highlands. Fisheries Research, November 2022
Wolf, S. and S. K. Brewer. 2021. Survival and movement patterns of Rainbow Trout stocked in a groundwater-influenced warmwater stream. North American Journal of Fisheries Management. January 2021
Wohner,W.J, A. Duarte, J. Wikert, B. Cavallo, S.C. Zeug, and J.T Peterson. Integrating monitoring and optimization modeling to inform flow decisions for Chinook salmon smolts. Ecological Modeling | Abstract July 2022
Wohner, PJ, SA Laymon, JE Stanek, SL King, RJ Cooper. 2021. Challenging our understanding of western Yellow-billed Cuckoo habitat needs and accepted management practices. Restoration Ecology 29(3): e13331. | Abstract March 2021
Wohner, P.J., R.F. Thurow, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. Evaluating streamflow and temperature effects on migration and survival of a cold-water fish with spatial capture-recapture models. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society153(3): 326-346. | Publisher Website April 2024
Wohner, P.J., P.D. Scheerer, M.H. Meeuwig, and J.T. Peterson. 2023. A comprehensive multi-state conditional occupancy model for evaluating interactions of non-native and native species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10, p.1288. | Abstract January 2023
Wohner, P.J., A. Duarte, and J.T. Peterson. 2024. An integrated analysis for estimation of survival, growth, and movement of unmarked juvenile anadromous fish. Ecological Modeling 495, p.110780. | Abstract | Publisher Website September 2024
Winship A.J., Thorson J., Clarke E., Coleman H., Costa B., Georgian S., Gillett D., Grüss A., Henderson M., Hourigan T.F., Huff D., Kreidler N., Pirtle J., Olson J.V., Poti M., Rooper C.N., Sigler M.F., Viehman S., and Whitmire C.E. in review . Good practices for species distribution modeling of deep-sea corals and sponges: data collection, analysis, validation, and communication. Submitted to Frontiers in Marine Science. | Abstract May 2020
Winemiller KO, Keppeler FW, Bower LM, Cunha ER, Quintana Y, Saenz DE, Lopez‐Delgado EO, Bokhutlo T, Arantes CC, Andrade MC, Robertson CR, Mayes KB. Can spatial food web subsidies associated with river hydrology and lateral connectivity be detected using stable isotopes? Food Webs. 2023. | Abstract March 2023
Wineland, S. M., R. Fovargue, B. York, A. J. Lynch, C. P. Paukert, and T. M. Neeson. 2020. Is there enough water? How bearish and bullish outlooks shape decision-maker perspectives on environmental flows. Journal of Environmental Management 280. November 2020
Wilson, R. E., and S. A. Sonsthagen. Species-specific responses to landscape features shaped genomic structure within Alaska galliformes. IUCN Galliformes Specialists Group Newsletter July 2022
Wilson, R. E., S. W. Boyd, S. A. Sonsthagen, D. H. Ward, P. Clausen, K. M. Dickson, B. S. Ebbinge, G. A. Gudmundsson, G. K. Sage, J. R. Rearick, D. V. Derksen, and S. L. Talbot. 2024. Where east meets west: phylogeography of the high Arctic North American brant goose. Ecology and Evolution.14: e11245. April 2024
Wilson, R. E., S. M. Matsuoka, L. L. Powell, J. A. Johnson, D. Demarest, D. Stralberg, and S. A. Sonsthagen. 2021. Implications of historical and contemporary processes on genetic differentiation of a declining boreal songbird: the rusty blackbird. Diversity. 13:103. February 2021
Wilson, R. E., S. A. Sonsthagen, P. Lavretsky, A. Majewski, E. Arnason, K. Halldórsdóttir, A. W. Einarsson, K. Wedemeyer, and S. L. Talbot. 2022. Low levels of hybridization between sympatric cold-water adapted Arctic cod and Polar cod in Beaufort Sea confirms genetic distinctiveness. Arctic Science. February 2022
Wilson, R. E., S. A. Sonsthagen, N. Sme, A. J. Gharett, A. Majewski, K. Wedemeyer, R. J. Nelson, and S. L. Talbot. 2020. Mitochondrial genome diversity and population mitogenomics of Polar cod (Boreogadus saida) and Arctic dwelling gadoids. Polar Biology. 43:979–994. June 2020
Wilson, R. E., S. A. Sonsthagen, J. M. DaCosta, M. D. Sorenson, A. D. Fox, M. Weaver, D. Skalos, A. Kondratyev, K. T. Scribner, A. Walsh, C. R. Ely, and S. L. Talbot. 2022. As the goose flies: Migration routes and timing of strategies influence genetic diversity patterns of a circumpolar goose. Diversity. 14:1067. December 2022
Wilson, L., G. Lonsdale, J.D. Curlis, E.A. Hunter, and C.L. Cox. 2022. Predator-based selection and the impact of edge sympatry on components of coral snake mimicry. Evolutionary Ecology January 2022
Williams, J. R., C. S. Guy, P. E. Bigelow, and T. M. Koel. 2021. Quantifying the spatial structure of invasive lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Yellowstone Lake to improve suppression efficacy. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 42:50-62 DOI: 10.1002/nafm.10712. December 2021
Will, A., H. McFarland, C. Latty, and A. Powell. 2024. Geolocators, stable isotopes, and citizen science identify migratory timing, route, and spring molt of Smith’s Longspurs. Avian Conservation and Ecology 19(1):13. [online] URL: | Abstract April 2024
Wilkinson, Christine E., Alex McInturff, Maggi Kelly, and Justin S. Brashares. "Quantifying wildlife responses to conservation fencing in East Africa." Biological Conservation 256 (2021): 109071. | Abstract April 2021
Wilkinson, B.P., and P.G.R. Jodice. Support for the fasting endurance hypothesis of partial migration in Brown Pelicans. 2023. Ecosphere 2023;14:e4365.
| Abstract | Download
February 2023
Wilkinson, B.P., and P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. Interannual colony exchange among breeding Eastern Brown Pelicans. J. Field Ornithology. 93(1) 5. | Download April 2022
Wilkinson, B.P., A.R. Robuck, R. Lohmannm, H.M., Packard, P.G.R. Jodice. 2022. Urban proximity while breeding is not a predictor of perfluoroalkyl substance contamination in the eggs of brown pelicans. Science of the Total Environment 803 (2022) 150110 | Download September 2021
Wilkinson, B.P., A.M. Haynes-Sutton, L. Meggs, and P.G.R Jodice. 2020. High spatial fidelity among foraging trips of Masked Boobies from Pedro Bank, Jamaica. PLoOS ONE 15(4): e0231654. | Download April 2020
Wilkins, K., Pejchar, L., Carroll, S. L., Jones, M. S., Walker, S. E., Shinbrot, X. A., ... & Reid, R. S. (2021). Collaborative conservation in the United States: A review of motivations, goals, and outcomes. Biological Conservation, 259, 109165. | Abstract | Publisher Website July 2021
Wilder, Benjamin T; Amanda T. Becker, Adrian Munguia-Vega, Melanie Culver. 2021. Tracking the desert's edge with a Pleistocene relict. Journal of Arid Environments, | Abstract October 2021
Wiens, JD, KM Dugger, M Higley, DB Lesmeister, AB Franklin, KA Hamm, GC While, KE Dilione, DC Simon, RR Bown, PC Carlson, CB Yackulic, JD Nichols, JE Hines, RJ Davis, DW Lamphear, C McCafferty, TL McDonald, and SG Sovern. 2021. Invader removal triggers competitive release in a threatened avian predator. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 118 (31): e2102859118. July 2021
Whittum, K.A. 1, Zydlewski, J.D. 2, Coghlan, S.M., Hayes, D.B. 3, Watson, J. 4, Kiraly, I. 5 1 D. of W., Conservation Biology, U. of M., Conservation Biology, U. of M., U. S. Geological Survey, M.C.F., Wildlife Research Unit, Department of Wildlife, F., Conservation Biology, U. of M., Wildlife, M.S.U., Atmospheric Administration, F.S. and Sullivan Engineers, D.P.C. (2023). Fish Assemblages in the Penobscot River: A Decade after Dam Removal. ProQuest. [online] doi: | Download January 2023
Whittier, J., J. Westhoff, C. Paukert, and R. Rotman. 2020. Use of multiple temperature logger models can alter conclusions. Water2(3), 668; March 2020
Whitlock, S.L., T.M. Lewis, and J.T. Peterson. 2020. Using a Bayesian Multistate Occupancy Model to Assess Seabird and Shorebird Status in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Wildlife Society Bulletin October 2020
Whitlock, S.L, J.N. Womble, and J.T. Peterson. Modelling Pinniped Abundance and Distribution Using Counts at Terrestrial Sites and In-Water Sightings. Ecological Modelling March 2020
Whitesell, M., Hunter, E., Rostal, D. and Carroll, J. (2022). Direct and indirect pathways for environmental drivers of hatching success in the loggerhead sea turtle. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 701, pp.119–132. doi: November 2022
White, S.L., M.S. Eackles, T. Wagner, M. Schall, G. Smith, J. Avery, and D.C. Kazyak. 2021. Optimization of a suite of flathead catfish (Pylodictis olivaris) microsatellite markers for understanding the population genetics of introduced populations in the northeast United States. BMC Research Notes 14:314. August 2021
White, S.L., J. Keagy, S. Batchelor, J. Langlois, N. Thomas, and T. Wagner. 2024. Movement beyond the mean: decoupling sources of individual variation in brook trout movement across seasons.Environmental Biology of Fishes 106:2205-2218. January 2024
White, S.L., E.M. Hanks, and T. Wagner. 2020. A novel quantitative framework for riverscape genetics. Ecological Applications. May 2020
White, S.L. and T. Wagner. 2020. Behavior at short temporal scales drives dispersal dynamics and survival in a metapopulation of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis). Freshwater Biology. November 2020

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January 2024
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January 2024
White, K.M., A.M. Cheeseman, J.D. Stafford, and R.C. Lonsinger. 2025. Fine-scale farming features drive resource selection of a small carnivore of conservation concern. Canadian Journal of Zoology 103:1–12. DOI: | Abstract February 2025
White, K. M., J. D. Stafford, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2023 The first documented interaction between a long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata) and a plains spotted skunk (Spilogale interrupta) carcass. Ecology and Evolution 13(1):e9758. | Abstract | Download January 2023
White, K. M., A. M. Cheeseman, J. D. Stafford, and R. C. Lonsinger. 2024. Pasture and diurnal temperature are key predictors of regional Plains Spotted Skunk (Spilogale interrupta) distribution. Journal of Mammalogy 105(6): 1278–1288. | Abstract June 2024
White, J.S., Peterson, J.T., Stratton Garvin, L.E., Kock, T.J., and Wallick, J.R., 2022, Assessment of habitat availability for juvenile Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) and steelhead (O. mykiss) in the Willamette River, Oregon: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2022–5034, 44 p., | Abstract March 2022
Whitby, M. D., T. J. Kieran, T. C. Glenn, and C. Allen. 2020. Agricultural pests consumed by common bat species in the United States corn belt: The importance of DNA primer choice. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 303:107105. August 2020
Whelan, G.E., D.M. Day, J. Casselman, L. Gephart, C.J. Hall, J. Lichatowich, M. Matylewich, L.E. Miranda, L. Roulson, P.D. Shirey, N. Mercado-Silva, J. Waldman, and D. Winters. 2020. Tracking fisheries through time: The American Fisheries Society as an historical lens. Fisheries 45:392-426. | Abstract May 2020
Wheeler, M.E., J.A. Barzen, S.M. Crimmins, and T.R. Van Deelen. 2021. Population responses to harvest depend on harvest intensity, demographics, and mate replacement in sandhill cranes. Global Ecology and Conservation 30: e01778 August 2021
Wheeler, K., Kuhn, E., Bruckerhoff, L., Udall, B., Wang, J., Gilbert, L., Goeking, S., Kasprak, A., Mihalevich, B., Neilson, B. and Salehabadi, H., 2021. Alternative Management Paradigms for the Future of the Colorado and Green Rivers. Center for Colorado River Studies, White Paper, (6), pp.1-85. January 2021
Weyand, L. K., B. L. Felts, E. F. Cassirer, J. A. Jenks, D. P. Walsh, and T. E. Besser. 2025. Fatal interactions: Pneumonia in bighorn lambs following experimental exposure to carriers of Mycoplasma ovipneumoniae. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 0:e01328-24. | Abstract January 2025
Westhoff, J.T., Berkman ,L.K., Klymus, K.E., Thompson, N.L. and Richter, C.A. 2022. A comparison of eDNA and visual survey methods for detection of Longnose Darter Percina nasuta in Missouri. Fishes 2022, 7, 70. | Abstract March 2022
Westhoff, J. T., H. A. Abdelrahman, and J. A. Stoeckel. 2023. Upper thermal tolerance of two native and one invasive crayfish in Missouri, USA. Freshwater Crayfish 28:27-36. | Abstract December 2023
West L, K Rafiq, SJ Converse, AM Wilson, NR Jordan, KA Golabek, JW McNutt, and B Abrahms. 2024. Droughts reshape apex predator space use and intraguild overlap. Journal of Animal Ecology 93:1785-1798. October 2024
Werdel, T. J., C. W. Piper, A. M. Ricketts, M. S. Peek, D. S. Sullins, and A. A. Ahlers. 2023. Strategic grassland conservation for swift foxes in multi-use landscapes. Biological Conservation 277:109864. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.109864. October 2023
Wenger, S.J., E.S. Stowe, K.B. Gido, M.C. Freeman, Y. Kanno, N.R. Franssen, J.D. Olden, N.L. Poff, A.W. Walters, P.M. Bumpers, M.C. Mims, M.B. Hooten, and L. Lu. Accepted. Simple statistical models can be useful for testing hypotheses with population time series data. Ecology and Evolution September 2022
Wenger, A.S., E. Gómez Juárez, J. Thomas, T. Amaya, C. Corbin, J. Edmond, K. Falinski, J. Hill, A. Jenkins, S.D. Jupiter, C.D. Kuempel, J.B. Lamb, E.M. Nalley, S. Omwenga, T. Oza, E.N. Perez, L.J. Tuttle Raz, S. Sarkozy-Banoczy, A. Wakwella. 2023. A guide for integrated conservation and sanitation programs and approaches. Wildlife Conservation Society. Pp. 1-143. | Abstract | Publisher Website October 2023
Welsh, S., Cincotta, D., Owens, N., and Stauffer, J.R. (2025). Endemic and Invasive species: a history of distributional trends in the fish fauna of the lower New River drainage. Water, 17, 221, January 2025
Welsh, S. (2024). Paddlefish movement and dam passage in the Ohio and Kanawha Rivers, West Virginia. Proceedings of the West Virginia Academy of Science, 96(2). doi:
October 2024
Weller, F.W., W.S. Beatty, E.B. Webb, D.C. Kesler, D.G. Krementz, K. Asante, L.W. Naylor. Environmental drivers of autumn migration departure decisions in midcontinental mallards. Movement Ecology | Abstract January 2022
Weller, F.G., E.B. Webb, W.S. Beatty and D.C. Kesler. Agent-based modeling of movements and habitat selection of mid-continent mallards. Final report September 2022
Weller, F.G., E.B. Webb, S. Fogenburg, W. S. Beatty, D. Kesler, R.H. Blenk, K.M. Ringelman, M.L. Miller and J.M. Eadie. An agent-based model to quantify energetics, movements and habitat selection of mid-continent mallards in the Mississippi Alluvial Valley. Ecological Modeling | Abstract September 2023
Wegleitner, E., J. Raabe, D. Dembkowski, N. Legler, and D. Isermann. In Press. Wild juvenile salmonid abundance in Wisconsin tributaries indicates limited contributions to Lake Michigan fisheries. Journal of Great Lakes Research. December 2021
Wedgeworth, M.,R. Mollenhauer, and S. K. Brewer. 2023. Spatial and temporal dynamics of successful Prairie Chub spawning in the upper Red River basin. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 43: 1246-1259, August 2023
Webster AJ, Douglas TA, Regier P, Scheuerell MD, Harms TK. Multi-scale temporal patterns in stream biogeochemistry indicate linked permafrost and ecological dynamics of boreal catchments. Ecosystems 25: 1189–1206 | Abstract October 2021
Webb, M. A. H., C. S. Guy, H. B. Treanor, K. W. Wilson, C. D. Mellon, P. Abate, H. J. Crockett, J. Hofmeier, C. Pasbrig, P. Isakson. 2023. Prioritizing imperiled native aquatic species for conservation propagation. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management. October 2023
Webb, E.B., E.B. Hill, K.M. Malone and D. Mengel. Use of a dynamic occupancy model to evaluate secretive marsh bird habitat associations at spring migration stopover sites. Journal of Wildlife Management | Abstract March 2022
Webb, E. B. and M. Brasher. 2021. Changing Distributions of Migrating and Wintering Waterfowl? Studies contribute to a growing understanding of changes in waterfowl patterns during fall and winter. Ducks Unlimited Magazine December 2021
Weaver, D.M., Sigourney, D.B., Delucia, M. and Zydlewski, J.D. (2021). Characterizing Downstream Migration Timing of American Eels Using Commercial Catch Data in the Penobscot and Delaware Rivers. Marine and Coastal Fisheries, 13(5), pp.534–547. doi:
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August 2021
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Roland Kays1,2, Michael V. Cove2, Jose Diaz3, Kimberly Todd3, Claire Bresnan3, Matt Snider1,Thomas E. Lee, Jr.4, Seth C. Crockett4 , Anthony P. Crupi5, Katherine C.B. Weiss6,7, Helen Rowe8, Tiffany Sprague8, Jan Schipper7, Christopher A. Lepczyk9, Jean E. Fantle-Lepczyk9, Jon Davenport10, Zach Farris10, Jacque Williamson11, M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid12, Drew Rezendes12, Alexandra J. Bebko12, Petros Chrysafis13, Alex J. Jensen14, David S. Jachowski14, Katherine C. King15, Brandon McDonald15, Daniel J. Herrera16, Marius van der Merwe17, Robert V. Horan III19, Michael S. Rentz20, LaRoy S.E. Brandt21, Christopher Nagy22, Sean P. Maher24, Andrea K. Darracq25, George Hess3, Matthew E. Gompper26, Stephen L. Webb27, John P. Vanek28, Diana J. R. Lafferty29, Tru Hubbard29, Jorie Favreau31, Jack Fogarty31, Steven Hammerich33, Michelle Halbur33, Morgan Gray33, Christine C. Rega-Brodsky34, Caleb Durbin34, Elizabeth A. Flaherty35, Jarred Brooke35, Stephanie S. Coster36, Richard G. Lathrop37, Katarina Russell37, Daniel A. Bogan38, Hila Shamon1, Robert C. Lonsinger42, M. Teague O'Mara43, Justin A. Compton44, Melinda Fowler44, Erika L. Barthelmess45, Katherine E. Andy45, Jerrold L. Belant46, Dean E. Beyer, Jr.47, Daniel G. Scognamillo48, Chris Schalk48, Caroline N. Ellison50, Chip Ruthven50, Sarah Fritts51, Jaquelyn Tleimat51, Mandy Gay51, Christopher A. Whittier52, Sean A. Neiswenter53, Robert Pelletier53, Brett A. DeGregorio54, Erin K. Kuprewicz55, Miranda L. Davis55, Carolina Baruzzi57, Marcus A. Lashley56, David Mason56, Derek R. Risch58, Maximilian L. Allen59,60, Laura S. Whipple60, Jinelle H. Sperry61, Patrick Wolff61, Robert H. Hagen62, Alessio Mortelliti63, Amay Bolinjcar63, Marketa Zimova68, Sean T. Giery70, Summer D. Higdon72, Ronald S. Revord72, Christopher P. Hansen73, Joshua J. Millspaugh73, Adam Zorn74, Nathaniel H. Wehr75, Brian D. Gerber77, Kylie Rezendes77, Jessie Adley77, Jennifer Sevin78, Austin M. Green79, Çağan H. Şekercioğlu79,80, Mary E. Pendergast81, Kayleigh Mullen81, Tori Bird81b, Andrew J. Edelman82, Tim Hawig82, Joanne R. Wasdin82, Andrea Romero83, Brian J. O'Neill83b[KR1] , Noel Schmitz83b, Rebecca A Vandermus83, Jesse M. Alston84, Kellie M. Kuhn85, Damon B. Lesmeister86, Cara L. Appel87, Christopher Rota88, Jennifer L. Stenglein89, Christine Anhalt-Depies89, Carrie Nelson90, Robert A. Long91, Paula MacKay91, Kathryn R. Remine91, Mark J. Jordan92, Mark Elbroch93, Dylan Bergman94, Sara Cendejas-Zarelli95, Kim Sager95, Haydée Hernández-Yáñez3, William J. McShea3

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April 2022
SNAPSHOT USA 2020: A second coordinated national camera trap survey of the United States during the COVID-19 Pandemic. 2022. Ecology. DOI: 10.1002/ecy.3775

Roland Kays1,2, Michael V. Cove2, Jose Diaz3, Kimberly Todd3, Claire Bresnan3, Matt Snider1,Thomas E. Lee, Jr.4, Seth C. Crockett4 , Anthony P. Crupi5, Katherine C.B. Weiss6,7, Helen Rowe8, Tiffany Sprague8, Jan Schipper7, Christopher A. Lepczyk9, Jean E. Fantle-Lepczyk9, Jon Davenport10, Zach Farris10, Jacque Williamson11, M. Caitlin Fisher-Reid12, Drew Rezendes12, Alexandra J. Bebko12, Petros Chrysafis13, Alex J. Jensen14, David S. Jachowski14, Katherine C. King15, Brandon McDonald15, Daniel J. Herrera16, Marius van der Merwe17, Robert V. Horan III19, Michael S. Rentz20, LaRoy S.E. Brandt21, Christopher Nagy22, Sean P. Maher24, Andrea K. Darracq25, George Hess3, Matthew E. Gompper26, Stephen L. Webb27, John P. Vanek28, Diana J. R. Lafferty29, Tru Hubbard29, Jorie Favreau31, Jack Fogarty31, Steven Hammerich33, Michelle Halbur33, Morgan Gray33, Christine C. Rega-Brodsky34, Caleb Durbin34, Elizabeth A. Flaherty35, Jarred Brooke35, Stephanie S. Coster36, Richard G. Lathrop37, Katarina Russell37, Daniel A. Bogan38, Hila Shamon1, Robert C. Lonsinger42, M. Teague O'Mara43, Justin A. Compton44, Melinda Fowler44, Erika L. Barthelmess45, Katherine E. Andy45, Jerrold L. Belant46, Dean E. Beyer, Jr.47, Daniel G. Scognamillo48, Chris Schalk48, Caroline N. Ellison50, Chip Ruthven50, Sarah Fritts51, Jaquelyn Tleimat51, Mandy Gay51, Christopher A. Whittier52, Sean A. Neiswenter53, Robert Pelletier53, Brett A. DeGregorio54, Erin K. Kuprewicz55, Miranda L. Davis55, Carolina Baruzzi57, Marcus A. Lashley56, David Mason56, Derek R. Risch58, Maximilian L. Allen59,60, Laura S. Whipple60, Jinelle H. Sperry61, Patrick Wolff61, Robert H. Hagen62, Alessio Mortelliti63, Amay Bolinjcar63, Marketa Zimova68, Sean T. Giery70, Summer D. Higdon72, Ronald S. Revord72, Christopher P. Hansen73, Joshua J. Millspaugh73, Adam Zorn74, Nathaniel H. Wehr75, Brian D. Gerber77, Kylie Rezendes77, Jessie Adley77, Jennifer Sevin78, Austin M. Green79, Çağan H. Şekercioğlu79,80, Mary E. Pendergast81, Kayleigh Mullen81, Tori Bird81b, Andrew J. Edelman82, Tim Hawig82, Joanne R. Wasdin82, Andrea Romero83, Brian J. O'Neill83b[KR1] , Noel Schmitz83b, Rebecca A Vandermus83, Jesse M. Alston84, Kellie M. Kuhn85, Damon B. Lesmeister86, Cara L. Appel87, Christopher Rota88, Jennifer L. Stenglein89, Christine Anhalt-Depies89, Carrie Nelson90, Robert A. Long91, Paula MacKay91, Kathryn R. Remine91, Mark J. Jordan92, Mark Elbroch93, Dylan Bergman94, Sara Cendejas-Zarelli95, Kim Sager95, Haydée Hernández-Yáñez3, William J. McShea3 | Abstract | Download
April 2022
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January 2023
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Rooney, B., Kays, R., Cove, M.V., Jensen, A., Goldstein, B.R., Pate, C., Castiblanco, P., Abell, M.E., Adley, J., Agenbroad, B., Ahlers, A.A., Alexander, P.D., Allen, D., Allen, M.L., Alston, J.M., Alyetama, M., Anderson, T.L., Andrade, R., Anhalt-Depies, C., Appel, C.L., Armendariz, L., Ayers, C.R., Baird, A.B., Bak, C., Bandler, G., Barding, E.E., Barr, E.G., Baruzzi, C., Bashaw, K., Beers, S.C., Belant, J.L., Bell, E., Benson, J.F., Berg, A., Bergman, D.L., Bernhardt, B.M., Bethel, M.A., Bird, T., Bishop, A.B., Bogan, D.A., Brandt, L., Brandt, L.C., Branney, A.B., Bratton, C., Bresnan, C.E., Brooke, J.M., Buchholtz, E.K., Buderman, F., Burnett, A.D., Burns, E.E., Byrd, D.A., Cannella, S.A., Carey, K.A., Carlile, W.A., Carter, K.L., Cassidy, B.J., Castro-Arellano, I., Cendejas-Zarelli, S., Chatterjee, N., Cheeseman, A.E., Chevalier, C., Chitwood, M.C., Chrysafis, P., Collier, B.A., Collins, D.P., Compton, J.A., Cone, R., Conner, L.M., Cook, B.L., Cosby, O.G., Coster, S.S., Crupi, A.P., Darracq, A.K., Davenport, J.M., Davis, D., Davis, D.R., Davis, M.L., Davis, R.J., DeGregorio, B.A., Deshwal, A., Dougherty, K.D., Drauglis, A., Durbin, C.J., Edelman, A.J., Elder, V., Eller, B., Ellington, E.H., Ellis-Felege, S.N., Ellison, C.N., Fantle-Lepczyk, J.E., Farr, J.J., Farris, Z.J., Finnegan, S.P., Fisher-Reid, M.C., Flaherty, E.A., Franzoi Dri, G., Fritts, S., Fuller, J., Gallo, T., Ganoe, L.S., Ganong, C.N., Garibay, R., Gerber, B.D., Gerraty, F.D., Giery, S.T., Gilyot, S.M., Glasscock, J.L., Goldfarb, B., Good, L.E., Granados, G., Green, A.M., Grewal, J.K., Grusenmeyer, A., Guthrie, J.M., Hallett, M.T., Hansen, C., Hansen, L.P., Hanson, C., Harrity, E.J., Hasstedt, S.C.M., Hebblewhite, M., Herrera, D.J., Holland, A., Humphreys, B.R., Island, H.D., Jack, A.R., Johansson, E.P., Johnson, A.M., Johnson, L., Johnstone-Yellin, T.L., Jorge, M.L.S.P., Kahano, W., Kinsey, M.A., Klossing, B.E., Knowles, T.W., Koeck, M.M., Koprowski, J.L., Kuhn, K.M., Kuprewicz, E.K., Lafferty, D.J.R., Lamberton-Moreno, J.A., Land, T.J., Langston, A.M., LaPoint, S., Largent, E.N., Lashley, M.A., Lathrop, R.G., Lee, T.E., Jr, Lepczyk, C.A., Lesmeister, D.B., Leung, C., Lombardi, J.V., Long, R., Lonsinger, R.C., Lord, I., Madere, S.S., Maher, S.P., Mallinoff, J.A., Martinez, A., Mason, D.S., Mathewson, H.A., Mayer, A.E., McCarthy, K.P., McCracken, S.F., McDonald, B., McGarry, B., McMurry, S.T., McTigue, L.E., Mena, B.M., Mercer, M., Merz, M.R., Millar, S., Miller, G.D., Millspaugh, J.J., Moll, R.J., Mong, T.W., Monzón, J.D., Moore, J.C., Mortelliti, A., Mote, K.W., Mullen, K., Mychajliw, A., Nagy, C., Neiswenter, S.A., Neyland, D.R., Nicholson, L.P., O'Mara, M.T., O'Neill, B.J., Olson, E.A., Orgill, M.J., Palomo-Munoz, G., Parsons, S.M., Patrick, L.E., Patterson, J.R., Pearce, D.L., Pendergast, M.E., Perla, B.S., Petroelje, T.R., Pliske, H., Poisson, M.K.P., Price, M.R., Proctor, M.D., Proudman, N.J., Rachlow, J.L., Ramos, R.E., Reabold, M., Redinger, J., Reed, A.E., Rega-Brodsky, C.C., Rehm, E., Remine, K.R., Rentz, M.S., Ridder, E., Risch, D.R., Robbins, L.L., Roemer, J.P., Romero, A., Rota, C., Schalk, C.M., Scholten, B.D., Scott, C.L., Scurlock, B.M., Sergeyev, M., Severud, W.J., Sevin, J., Shamon, H., Sharp, C., Shaw, M., Siverls-Dunham, V., Smith, A.B., Smith, D.S., Snider, M.H., Sossover, D.A., Sovie, A.R., Sparks, J.A., Speiser, J., Springer, M.T., Spurlin, J.L., Steinkamp, E.A., Stenglein, J.L., Stewart Kloker, J., Stitzman, C.M., Stokes, M., Stringer, K., Stutzman, J., Sullins, D.S., Sullivan, C., Sullivan, N.B., Tanner, E.P., Tanner, A.M., Thornock, E.B., Titus, J., Tleimat, J.M., Toomey, K., Toussaint, L.T., Uribe, M., Van der Merwe, M., Van Parys, D.J., Vanek, J.P., Varner, J., Walker, B.V., Wallace, C., Ward, D., Warner, B.H., Warren, D.T., Wasdin, J.R., Webb, S.L., Wehr, K.L., Wehr, N.H., Weigel, E.G., Werdel, T.J., Whipple, L.S., Whittier, C.A., Wiersema, C., Wilson, A.M., Wilson, M.F.H., Wolf, A.J., Wolford, J.P., Wolfson, D.W., Woolsey, D.J., Wuensch, M.A., Xu, G., Yurewicz, K.L., Zancho, V., Zimova, M., Zorn, A. and McShea, W.J. (2025), SNAPSHOT USA 2019–2023: The First Five Years of Data From a Coordinated Camera Trap Survey of the United States. Global Ecol Biogeogr, 34: e13941. | Download February 2025
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Dugger, Katie M., Alan B. Franklin, Damon B. Lesmeister, Raymond J. Davis, J. David Wiens, Gary C. White, James D. Nichols, James E. Hines, Charles B. Yackulic, Carl J. Schwarz, Steven H. Ackers, L. Steven Andrews, Larissa L. Bailey, Robin Bown, Jesse Burgher, Kenneth P. Burnham, Peter C. Carlson, Tara Chestnut, Mary M. Conner, Krista E. Dilione, Eric D. Forsman, Scott A. Gremel, Keith A. Hamm, Dale R. Herter, J. Mark Higley, Rob B. Horn, Julianna M. Jenkins, William L. Kendall, David W. Lamphear, Christopher McCafferty, Trent L. McDonald, Janice A. Reid, Jeremy T. Rockweit, David C. Simon, Stan G. Sovern, James K. Swingle, and Heather Wise. 2021. Estimating northern spotted owl pair detection probabilities based on call-back surveys associated with long-term mark-recapture studies. USGS Open Source Report. July 2023
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February 2025
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July 2022
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May 2022
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November 2020
Diggins, C.A., G.G. Turner, L.M. Gilley, and W.M. Ford. 2020. Ultrasonic acoustic surveys of state endangered northern flying squirrels in the Pocono Mountains, Pennsylvania. Journal of Fish and Wildlife Management 11(2):644-653. November 2020
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March 2022
Diggins, C.A., De, J.L. and Silvis, A. (2022). Distribution Probability of the Virginia Northern Flying Squirrel in the High Allegheny Mountains. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [online] 9, pp.168–175. Available at: March 2022
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Diggins, C.A. L.M. Gilley, C.A. Kelly and W.M. Ford. 2020. Using Ultrasonic Acoustics to Detect Cryptic Flying Squirrels: Seasonality and Survey Length. Wildlife Society Bulletin 44:300-308. June 2020
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DiRenzo, G.V., Longo, A.V., Muletz-Wolz, C.R. et al. 2021. Plethodontid salamanders show variable disease dynamics in response to Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans chytridiomycosis. Biological Invasions 23: 2797-2815.. | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website December 2021
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DiRenzo G. V., D. A. W. Miller, B. R. Hossack, B. H. Sigafus, P. E. Howell, E. Muths, and E. H. C. Grant. 2021. Accommodating the role of site memory in dynamic species distribution models. Ecology 102(5):e03315. | Abstract | Publisher Website February 2021
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Deshwal, A., R. Kannan, S. L. Stephenson, J. D Willson, B. DeGregorio, and P. Panwar. 2022 Importance of Microhabitat Guilds for Conservation of Scrubland Birds in the Eastern Ghats of India. Ecology and Evolution: 1-12: | Download July 2022
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Dembkowski, D.J., J.A. Kerns, E.G Easterly, D.A. Isermann. Submitted. Electrofishing encounter probability, survival, and dispersal of stocked age-0 Muskellunge in Wisconsin lakes. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 40:383-393. March 2020
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Delaune, K.D., Pease, A.A., Patiño, R., Barnes, M.A. 2024. Gulf Killifish (Fundulus grandis) in the Pecos River: unique ecological traits in a nonnative, inland population. The Southwestern Naturalist, 68:1-12. March 2024
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Deeley, S.M., N.J. Kalen, S.R. Freeze, E.L. Barr and W.M. Ford. 2021. Post-white-nose syndrome passive acoustic sampling effort for determining bat species occupancy within the mid-Atlantic region. Ecological Indicators 125 (2021) 107489 February 2021
Deeley, S., Kang, L., Michalak, P., Hallerman, E. and Ford, W.M. (2023). DNA Metabarcoding-Based Evaluation of the Diet of Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Northeastern Naturalist, 29(4). doi:

December 2022
Deeley, S., Kang, L., Michalak, P., Hallerman, E. and Ford, W.M. (2023). DNA Metabarcoding-Based Evaluation of the Diet of Big Brown Bats (Eptesicus fuscus) in the Mid-Atlantic Region. Northeastern Naturalist, 29(4). doi:
December 2022
Deeley, S., J.B. Johnson, W.M. Ford and J.E. Gates. 2021. White-nose syndrome-related changes to Mid-Atlantic bat communities across an urban-to-rural gradient. BMC Zoology (2021) 6:12 May 2021
Deeley, S., Ford, W.M., Kalen, N.J., Freeze, S.R., Germain, M.S., Muthersbaugh, M., Barr, E., Kniowski, A., Silvis, A. and De, J. (2022). Mid-Atlantic Big Brown and Eastern Red Bats: Relationships between Acoustic Activity and Reproductive Phenology. Diversity, [online] 14(5), pp.319–319. doi:

April 2022
Deeley, S., Ford, W.M., Kalen, N.J., Freeze, S.R., Germain, M.S., Muthersbaugh, M., Barr, E., Kniowski, A., Silvis, A. and De, J. (2022). Mid-Atlantic Big Brown and Eastern Red Bats: Relationships between Acoustic Activity and Reproductive Phenology. Diversity, [online] 14(5), pp.319–319. doi:
April 2022
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DeGregorio, B.A., M. McElroy, and E.P. Johansson. 2023. Occupancy and Activity Patterns of Nine-Banded Armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus) in a Suburban Environment. Diversity 15: | Download July 2023
DeGregorio, B.A., J.H. Sperry, and P.J. Weatherhead. 2021. Factors influencing the use of water-filled tree cavities by Eastern Ratsnakes (Pantherophis alleghaniensis). Herpetological Conservation and Biology 16(1): 173-182. | Download April 2021
DeGregorio, B.A., J.D. Willson, and A. Massey. Assessing the density, demography, and resilience to commercial harvest of aquatic turtles in the Mississippi Delta region of Arkansas. Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Final Report | Abstract March 2022
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DeBow, J., J. Blouin, E. Rosenblatt, K. Gieder, W. Cottrell, J. Murdoch, and T. Donovan. 2021. Effects of winter ticks and internal parasites on moose survival in Vermont, USA. Journal of Wildlife Management. DOI: 10.1002/jwmg.22101 | Abstract | Download | Publisher Website August 2021
DeBow, J., Blouin, J., Rosenblatt, E., Alexander, C., Fortin, N., Gieder, K., Murdoch, J. and Donovan, T. (2022). BIRTH RATES AND NEONATE SURVIVAL IN A PARASITE RICH MOOSE POPULATION IN VERMONT, USA. Alces: A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose, [online] 58, pp.51–73. Available at:

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February 2023
DeBow, J., Blouin, J., Rosenblatt, E., Alexander, C., Fortin, N., Gieder, K., Murdoch, J. and Donovan, T. (2022). BIRTH RATES AND NEONATE SURVIVAL IN A PARASITE RICH MOOSE POPULATION IN VERMONT, USA. Alces: A Journal Devoted to the Biology and Management of Moose, [online] 58, pp.51–73. Available at:
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February 2023
De, L., Cruz, De, J., Cruz, L., Ford, W., Jones, S., Johnson, J. and Silvis, A. (n.d.). Indiana Bat Habitat Distribution Distribution of Summer Habitat for the Indiana Bat on the Monongahela National Forest, West Virginia. Journal of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, [online] 10, pp.125–134. Available at:

March 2023
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Alexej P. K. Sirén, Hallworth, M.T., Kilborn, J.R., Bernier, C.A., Fortin, N.L., Geider, K.D., Patry, R.K., Cliché, R.M., Prout, L.S., Gifford, S.J., Wixsom, S., Morelli, T.L. and Wilson, T.L. (2024). Monitoring animal populations with cameras using open, multistate, N mixture models. Ecology and Evolution, 14(12):e70583. doi: | Abstract December 2024
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Abrahms, Briana, Neil H. Carter, T.J. Clark-Wolf, Kaitlyn M. Gaynor, Erik Johansson, Alex McInturff, Anna Nisi, Kasim Rafiq, Leigh West. "Climate change as a global amplifier of human-wildlife conflict." Nature Climate Change. In review | Abstract December 2023
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Abbott, K., Roy, A., Magilligan, F., Nislow, K. and Quiñones, R. (2024). Incorporating climate change into restoration decisions: perspectives from dam removal practitioners. Ecology and Society, 29(3). doi: | Download | Publisher Website September 2024
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B Folt, M Marshall, JA Emmanuel, M Dziadzio, J Cooke, L Mena, M Hinderlichter, S Hoffman, N Rankin, J Tupy, CP McGowan. 2022. Using predictions from multiple anthropogenic threats to estimate future population persistence of an imperiled species. Global Ecology and Conservation 36: e02143. May 2022
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