Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Units Program: all
Education, Research and Technical Assistance for Managing Our Natural Resources

Maldonado, M.L., Mahmood, T.H., Coulter, D.P., Coulter, A.A., Chipps, S.R., Siller, M.K., Neal, M.L., Saha, A. and Kaemingk, M.A. (2024). Water-level changes impact angler effort in a large lake: Implications for climate change. Fisheries Research, 279, pp.107156–107156. doi:


Climate change is predicted to influence aquatic habitats and associated fish populations, yet we know little about the impact on anglers. We used remotely sensed and creel survey data for Devils Lake, ND, USA, from 1992-2019 to develop a waterbody size-angler effort model to understand how future changes in waterbody surface area will impact angler effort. Waterbody surface area reliably predicted changes in angler effort (r2 = 0.60). Waterbody size-angler effort models could provide managers the ability to predict changes in angler effort via climate-related hydrological cycles that affect the size and distribution of waterbodies on the landscape.