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Fuller, A.K., and L.M. Lai. 2021. Systematic review of patient decision aids for breast cancer surgery decision: how do patients evaluate tradeoffs among objectives? 2021 Annual Meeting Official Proceedings. Annals of Surgical Oncology.


Many breast cancer patients are faced with making a decision among several surgical treatment options. Making an informed decision necessitates that patients receive information on the risks and benefits of their surgical options so they can evaluate tradeoffs among their objectives. However, women frequently report not being completely informed about their treatment options prior to making a decision. There is a recent emphasis on shared decision making; use of decision aiding tools can result in increased dialog between physician and patient and can help inform patients about the costs and benefits of viable treatments that meet their objectives. Decision aids have demonstrated reduced decisional conflict and improved patient knowledge and satisfaction with their surgery decision. The purpose of this study was to review and synthesize existing breast cancer surgical decision aids with a focus on describing how tradeoffs among objectives are evaluated to arrive at a decision among viable surgical options.